WHS Cheerleading 2014-2015

WHS Cheerleading
Dear Parent(s):
We are very excited about working with your son/daughter throughout the tryout process. The
purpose of this packet is to inform you about the tryout process and expectations for next year’s
cheerleading squads. You should find the following information:
Season length
Tryout process
Camp and Summer events
Squad size and expectations
Financial responsibilities
Please note that there are several forms to be filled out and signed by the candidate and the
parent. All forms must have a signature in order for your son/daughter to be eligible for tryouts.
Understand that tryouts are a closed event. Conditioning, rehearsals, the tryout clinic, and the
final audition are closed to family members, friends, faculty, etc. If you have any questions,
comments, or concerns, please address via email at [email protected] or
[email protected] . It is important that you and your daughter/son fully understand
the tryout process and squad expectations prior to auditioning for the team. The attached forms
should be read completely. The packet should be signed and on the first day of auditions. I will
be available on the first day of auditions to answer questions. However, please email me in
advance if you know have any pressing concerns.
We are establishing a lasting tradition of excellence at Woodmont. Our goals are to be positive
role models and ambassadors for Wildcat Nation. We also plan to enter the South Carolina
competitive arena as strong as possible and set the precedent that we are a STATE CONTENDER.
Please talk with your daughter/son about the team goals, expectations, time commitment, and
regulations. If they feel it is too much to ask of them, please encourage them not to try out.
However, if they feel they can make such a commitment and you feel you can support them in
this, please encourage them in every way! We look forward to meeting you and your
daughter/son and will be more than happy to assist you with further needs.
Best Regards,
Lauren Carter
Head Cheer Coach
Woodmont High School
[email protected]
[email protected]
Anna Barnes
Assistant Cheer Coach
Woodmont High School
[email protected]
WHS Cheerleading
Rules and Squad Expectations
Spring/Summer Calendar of Events
Available upon selection to the team
Team Commitment (In-season)
During football/competition season (August – November), the Varsity team will practice 3-4 days per
week. This may include Saturday and Sunday practices if needed. We cheer games every Thursday
or Friday nights (home and away) and compete on most Saturdays between mid-September and
mid-November. All Varsity members are required to attend ALL games and competitions. Missing a
competition will result in a team member permanently losing her spot on the competitive team.
Absences from practices, games, and competitions are not allowed (illness & death are the only
exceptions). Excessive absences, even those that are excused, could result in one losing her spot on
the competitive team. The JV team will practice 3 days a week with games primarily on Thursdays. JV
cheerleaders will also have some Saturday practices and will compete on Saturdays in September
thru October. All squads will also cheer during basketball season; however, the varsity squad will
rotate between home games.
The JV and Varsity teams will be competing this year. Membership on the cheerleading squad
requires both game and competition participation. The Varsity team will compete approximately 8
times and JV will compete in 4-6 events. A successful competition team requires much practice and
preparation. This is a huge aspect of cheerleading and candidates must take this into careful
consideration when trying out.
Participation in Outside Activities
We believe and support a team member’s right to participate in other activities during cheerleading
season (i.e. clubs, club sports, all-star teams, and work). However, while in-season, WHS Cheerleading
MUST come FIRST! If the team member chooses to put another activity over cheerleading, she will
likely lose her spot on the competitive team. All practices are mandatory and team members are
expected to be there for the ENTIRE practice. We will not make exceptions for girls leaving early or
arriving late to practice. This punishes the ENTIRE team. Each team has a day off during the week to
take care of personal responsibilities (doctor appointments, tutoring, other classes, etc.) The TEAM
must come before the individual if we are to reach our goal of a qualifying for STATE!
Material and Preparation
Cheerleaders are expected to know all field material (cheers, dances, stunts). If it appears that you
do not know the material or are behaving in an irresponsible manner, you will be benched for the
remainder of the game.
Your first priority as a student at Woodmont is to maintain a positive academic standing in all classes.
If you are not capable of keeping up your grades and participating in extra-curricular activities, you
must chose academics first! Understand that we must follow all SCHSL eligibility requirements. If you
are not maintaining a C or above in all classes, the coach reserves the right to place you on
academic probation or dismiss you from the team.
While we do not have a weight requirement, cheerleading is a very strenuous sport. You must work to
be in great physical conditioning. Doing at least thirty minutes of cardiovascular activity 4-5 days a
week is a must! In order to achieve peak physical fitness, you need to do cardio workouts and weight
train. We will do this partially as a squad, but you must also work on this individually. You will be
required to complete workouts throughout the summer and fall. Not making your best effort to be in
peak physical condition will result in suspension/dismissal from the team. Cheerleaders will be
required to run a timed mile throughout season. Failure to make time weekly will result in disciplinary
action. We are looking for girls who are physically fit and ready to accept the rigor of our sport.
Financial Obligation/ Fundraising
Unfortunately there is a financial responsibility involved with WHS Cheerleading. Team members are
responsible for purchasing practice clothes, warm-ups, poms, bloomers, shoes, and bows. There is
also an additional fee for training during the season at Carolina Cheerleading Training Center
(CCTC). The cheerleaders are responsible for participating in several fundraisers throughout the year.
These will be used to defray the cost of choreography, clothing, etc. We also ask that parents be
actively involved in the fundraising process.
All costs are approximate. Those items with an asterisks** are kept and can be reused year to year.
Cost paid by cheerleaders:
 Blue Game Uniform- $100**
 Nfinity Shoes- $70**
 Cheer Wear (Practice, Camp, Spirit, Bows, Bloomers, etc.)- $200
 Warm-Ups- $50**
 Bag- $25**
 Choreography - $165
 Team Transportation Fee- $15
 Insurance- $54
 Monthly Fee at Carolina- $45 per month
Cheerleaders do have the opportunity to fundraise the above costs. This will be discussed upon
making the team. Extended payment plans are available upon request; however, you will be
required to pay a deposit of $200 at the first parent meeting!
Items provided by the Athletic Department:
 Uniforms (Rental Fee)
 Body-suits
 Cold weather gear
 Transportation
 Competition Entry fees
 Competition Mats
 Game Items (signs, mascot)
Each cheerleader will receive an individualized financial statement after selections have been
made. You will receive payment options at the cheer reception, but all accounts will be cleared by
last day of June. The final amount owed might change due to fundraising.
The below are the dates and payment example amounts that will need to be paid if no fundraising
took place.
1st PAYMENT – DUE First Parent Meeting- $200
Failure to make scheduled payments may result in cheerleader suspension from activities until
payment is made. Please contact Coach Carter @ [email protected] for the possibility of
other financial arrangements or assistance. All accounts must be cleared by August 1st. If any
additional costs come about throughout the year, they will be presented to the parents and put up
for a vote. Cheerleaders will fundraise upfront to cover the extra costs.
Uniforms are property of WHS. Each cheerleader will pay a uniform rental/cleaning fee. This is a one
time fee that all cheerleaders will have to pay as long as they are a cheerleader at WHS. The uniform
rental fees will go into the Cheer Account to pay for various cheer needs, uniform replacement
deposits, etc. The uniform rentals are as follows:
Senior - $20
Freshman - $50
Junior - $30
Eighth - $60
Sophomore - $40
Seventh - $70
The fee provides each cheerleader with a clean uniform, free from defect. If a uniform, free from
defect, is not available, a new uniform will be specially ordered for the cheerleader. The fee is prorated for each grade level. The idea behind this is, if a seventh grader comes in and makes one of
the WHS squads, then she/he will pay the one time uniform rental fee of $70 that year and never
have to pay a rental fee as long as he/she is a cheerleader for WHS. If a junior girl/boy makes a WHS
squad for the first time, he/she will pay the one time uniform rental fee of $30. Refunds for the Uniform
Rental Fee will ONLY be issued for the following situation:
1.) A physical situation/condition that prohibits the cheerleader from participating in the sport.
(Documentation will be required for refund.)
Each cheerleader will be responsible for his/her uniform during the season. The uniform must be clean
for every event. Each cheerleader is responsible for any lost, stolen or damaged item. Uniforms
should never be worn unless the coach tells you to wear them. You cannot lend your uniform to
anyone. It is the responsibility of each cheerleader to pay for the cleaning of the uniforms throughout
the season. No altering of any cheer clothing is allowed without the permission of the coach. At the
end of each season, the uniforms are to be cleaned and returned to the coach by the specified
date on the agreement. If a uniform is stained, altered, or damaged, it is the cheerleader’s
responsibility to reimburse WHS for the cost of a new one, deducting the uniform rental fee that has
already been paid.
Each cheerleader will be required to wear a complete uniform to each game or activity. When one
girl is in uniform, all are in uniform. This shall include matching shoes, no-show socks, hair accessories,
pants, jacket, poms, and/or rain gear when necessary. NO JEWELRY WILL BE ALLOWED DURING
Outside Training and Gym
Our Competition Squads will have additional weekly outside training from a gym this year. This will be
an additional monthly expense of $45 per month. It is required that each competition cheerleader
attend the weekly training classes. Competition cheerleaders must keep their gym accounts paid
and if they fail to pay gym fee, they will be in violation of team rules and appropriate consequences
will follow with possible dismissal from the team. We will attend Carolina Cheer and Dance on
Thursdays from 5-7pm. JV and Varsity will practice during the same time. When JV has home games,
their Carolina practices will be moved to Wednesdays from 5-7pm.
Parent/Coach Role
It is our belief that having parental support is vital to a successful program. We work very hard to keep
all parents informed of the schedule, upcoming events, costs, responsibilities, etc. We also believe in
maintaining an open line of communication between the coaching staff and parents. However, as
coaches, we make all team decisions and those decisions are final. Decisions involving benching
team members, replacing competitive members with alternates or younger members, or disciplining
members in any way will come directly from the coaching staff. We welcome parent support and
believe that it is imperative to our program. Parents will be asked to volunteer their time making
meals, working events, donating items, etc. We also believe that it is the CHEERLEADER’S responsibility
to communicate with the coaches and his/her parents. All concerns should be voiced by the
cheerleader first. Ultimately it is our hope to keep all problems in house and deal with them directly.
We do not tolerate team members or parents bad-mouthing other team members, parents, or the
coaching staff. We have to work as a team.
Additional Rules of Conduct
Upon making the team, you will be required to sign a complete list of rules and expectations. You
must remember that being a Woodmont Cheerleader is a privilege that you must EARN and
Skills needed to demonstrate at tryouts
These skills are highly recommended for those wishing to be considered for the Varsity competitive
squad: standing BHS, standing BHS-tuck, running pass ending in a BHS (layouts and fulls will earn
additional points), jumps with proper technique and superior flexibility (toe touch, double toe touch,
pike, hurdler), tight motions with proper placement, genuine performance skills, strong voice, superior
dance skills, confidence, poise, and athleticism. Please note that all skills demonstrated at auditions
will be REQUIRED of team members throughout the season.
Rules of Conduct for Tryouts
All forms must be included with this packet. Make sure parent signature is included at all locations on
the forms.
The candidate must have a CURRENT physical on file in order to participate in conditioning and/or
tryouts. If the candidate participated in a school sport this school year, they should have a physical
on file. If no physical is on file, you must get one AFTER April 1 in order for it to be valid for the
upcoming season.
The final evaluation is MANDATORY unless you are involved in spring sports. Please see me ASAP if this
applies to you. You must clear any absence from tryouts with Coach Carter with a written excuse
from a parent, coach, or teacher.
School Cheerleading clothes are NOT to be worn at tryouts. You may wear WHS colors and other
cheerleading apparel. You should wear athletic shoes, shirt (must be tucked in), and shorts to all
practices. Hair must be in a ponytail secured tightly.
NO JEWELRY!!! This includes, but is not limited to: earrings, belly rings, watches, bracelets, rings,
necklaces, or any other piercing you may have. This is considered a safety violation in cheerleading.
Fingernails need to be short enough that when looking at your palm, one would see NO part of your
No chewing gum!
Be on time. Make sure you check in and receive your number. Your number should be worn at ALL
times throughout the tryout process.
Excessive talking will not be permitted.
Remember, you are being evaluated at ALL times!
Dress for SATURDAY: White shirt/tank, black shorts, and athletic shoes. Remember to look the part.
Your hair should be in a ponytail and your overall appearance should be neat.
2014-2015 Rosters will be posted at the school on the door as well as online at the WHS Cheerleading
Website. The web address for this website is:
http://www.greenvillecountyathletics.com/page/show/874645-woodmont. The decision of the
coaches is FINAL! All 2014-2015 team members MUST report to the WHS Cheer Reception on Tuesday,
May 20th and the first practice will be Wednesday, May 21 st from 4:30-6:30 at WHS Gym.
 Stretch EVERYDAY
 Improve motions and jumps
 Enroll in a tumbling class or private lessons
 Work with a current cheerleader
 Increase cardiovascular health by running or exercising at least 3-4 days per week for a
minimum of 30 minutes
 Strengthen your core by doing abdominal exercises, push-ups, leg lifts, wall-sits, etc.
 Prepare to complete a timed mile run
WHS Cheerleading
Candidate Name: _________________________________________________
Current School: _____________________________ Current Grade: _______
Please make sure the following sheets are attached when turning in your packet.
Incomplete packets will NOT be accepted and you will not be eligible for tryouts. Make sure
you have this entire packet when you arrive for tryouts. This is your registration packet!
_____ Information Sheet with picture attached (see note below)
_____ Parent Permission form, Statement of Intent, Financial Obligation Form
_____ Tryout Information Form
_____ Current Physical (either on file or included in this packet) School: ____________
_____ A copy of your birth Certificate (Front and Back)
_____ Two sealed Teacher Recommendations (forms included)
_____ $10 Non-refundable Clinic Fee (Covers Judges, Cheer Sheets, etc.)
Please list the two teachers that received your recommendation forms:
Teacher: ___________________________
Course: ____________________________
Email: _____________________________
Teacher: __________________________
Course: ___________________________
Email: ____________________________
*It is your responsibility to give the forms to your teachers. You must return them in
sealed envelopes along with your tryout packet. Pick 2 of your 4 core classes from this
academic year (English, Math, Science, Social Studies). You may NOT give them to
teachers you have had in previous years*
*Your picture can be a candid shot or a school picture. Please make sure that
no other people are shown in the picture. If it is a candid group shot, just cut
yourself out and attach it. It does not need to be a full-body picture, a
headshot is fine.*
WHS Cheerleading
Candidate Information Sheet
Name: _________________________________________________
Home Address: __________________________________________ Current Grade: ________
Cheerleader birthday: _______________________________________ Cell #: ________________
Parent(s): _____________________________________________ Cell #: ________________
Parent Email: ____________________________________________ Home #:_______________
Do you want to be considered for the Varsity Team? YES
Do you wish to be considered for the JV Team? YES
Indicate which position you would best fill:
Are you willing to be a competitive ALTERNATE on a team: YES
Would you prefer to be considered for a Game-Only position: YES
Tumbling Skills (check ONLY those skills you have MASTERED without a spot):
Standing & Running Skills:
___ BHS
___ Series BHS
___ Tuck
___ BHS Layout
___ BHS-Tuck
___ BHS Full
___ Other Advanced
What tumbling skills are you CURRENTLY working on?
Describe your prior cheerleading/dance experience:
Other Extra-Curricular Activities:
List 3 Adjectives that describe a successful TEAM:
Describe characteristics of a GREAT cheerleader:
Why do you want to be a Woodmont Cheerleader?
WHS Cheerleading
Permission Form
We have read and understand the expectations, time commitment, and regulations required for the
cheerleaders at Woodmont. We also understand the decision of the coaches is final, and that if we
would like the speak to the coaches about tryouts we will contact them no earlier than the Monday
following tryouts. The coaches agree to talk to you about areas of weakness and strength, and will
give you your highest score. We will not release the scores of other individuals. Candidates will be
chosen based on position, teacher recommendations, and evaluation scores, attitude during tryouts,
physical fitness, and work ethic. We understand that membership on WHS Cheer Squads is a privilege
that is earned and must be maintained. The coach reserves the right to dismiss a team member at
any time if grades are not maintained, behavior is irresponsible, or not representation of the team, or
if a team member is not pulling his/her weight and putting for his/her best effort. The coach will not
tolerate poor attitudes or unwillingness to work for the success of the squad.
Parent Signature
Candidate Signature
Statement of Intent
I, ____________________________, wish to submit my name as a candidate for the 2014-2015
Woodmont Cheerleading Program. I realize that I must return this form along with the application
packet by May 14th to be eligible for tryouts. I agree to attend all scheduled practices and
accept the decision of the coaches is final. I am willing to abide by the rules set for this tryout
and those set for the team(s). I will be on time to all practices and will have transportation to and
from all practices, events, games, etc. I understand that by trying out for the WHS cheerleading
program, I am obligated to become part of the team if chose. If I am selected and choose not
to participate or quit the team, I understand that I will forfeit my opportunity to participate in the
Woodmont Cheer program for the next 2 seasons.
Candidate Signature
Financial Obligation
I have read the “Financial Obligation” portion of this packet and have discussed it with my
daughter/son. I understand that the costs are an estimate and there may be some changes.
Should my child be selected to be a cheerleaders, a payment schedule will be given to me and
I will ensure that payment deadlines are met. In the event that my child is selected and is unable
to fulfill her obligations as a cheerleader, I understand that the money paid cannot be refunded.
Parent Signature
WHS Cheerleading
Tryout Procedure
1. Candidates will tryout in random groups. All ages will qualify for Varsity unless otherwise noted
on your information form. We are looking to take 24-28 on Varsity and 20-26 on the JV team.
Should we not have enough girls to fill all teams, will only have a JV (Spirit) and Varsity (Spirit
and Competition) team. We may also take competitive alternates that will cheer football and
be an alternate for competition. Game-only cheerleaders may also be selected.
2. The top scores regardless of age for each position will be selected for the Varsity team (up to 6
flyers, 6 backspots, and 12 bases). Previous competitive experience, while important, will not
be a factor in where candidates are placed.
3. Tumbling is HIGHLY recommended for the Varsity team and the JV team. More advanced
tumbling skills (standing series, tucks, layouts, fulls) will earn higher points. Skills shown at tryouts
must be thrown throughout the season and progress must be made.
4. Stunting (for flyers) may be judged during the tryout practices. Those that master more elite
skills will be given greater consideration when choosing teams. In order to earn recognition for
a skill, it must be mastered using correct technique with no errors. The stunt must be solid and
in safe form.
5. During the evaluations, candidates will introduce themselves; perform tumbling skills, a cheer,
a chant, jumps, and a dance. Candidates will be judged on their technique, memory, voice,
motions, facial expressions, crowd appeal, physical fitness, and athleticism. These scores,
combined with evaluated stunt progressions, jump and tumbling evaluations, mile-run time,
teacher and coach recommendations, attitude, and work ethic throughout the week will be
used to determine the final teams. The coaching staff will judge the final audition.
6. Candidates may also be required to complete fitness and endurance activities such as
running, sit-ups, push-ups, stretching, jump conditioning, etc. Every candidate should
remember that cheerleading is a sport that requires strength, flexibility, and endurance.
Running and continued conditioning is just one aspect of cheerleading.
A candidate wishing to be selected for the varsity team should demonstrate:
 Standing back handspring
 Standing tuck
 Standing BHS to a tuck
 Minimum of a Round off BHS
 Toe Touch, Double Toe Touch, and Pike of high level of skill
 Motions with correct placement, strong voice in cheer and chant, good rhythm in dance
 Flyers: heel-stretch, scorpion, scale, bow-and-arrow, arabesque of good flexibility and stability
 EXCELLENT performance skills and confidence.
 Standing back handspring
 Round-off BHS
 Jumps listed above
 Strong dance and cheer skills
 EXCELLENT performance skills and confidence
If you have any further questions regarding the tryout process, please feel free to contact Coach
Lauren Carter via email at [email protected]. Once the tryout process is complete, all
scores are final and the teams are set. It is important that you understand the process before
committing to trying out.
Candidate Signature _______________________________________________ Date ____________
Parent Signature __________________________________________________ Date ____________
WHS Cheerleading
Teacher Recommendation Form
Candidate: __________________________________________ Grade: ________
Teacher: ____________________________________ Course: _________________
Teacher email: _______________________________________________________
The above student is trying out for cheerleading at Woodmont for the upcoming school year.
Each candidate must acquire TWO teacher recommendations as part of the audition process.
These forms are confidential and will at NO time be seen or discussed with the candidate. Please
complete the form below and return it to the candidate in a sealed envelope. These will be
turned in at tryouts. Should you choose to allow the candidate to see the recommendation,
there is no need to seal it. Please feel free to add any additional comments below, in an
attachment, or via email ([email protected]). We truly value your input as we evaluate
each candidate. It is important to our coaching staff that our cheerleaders be positive role
models within our school and community. I appreciate your time and effort in helping us build a
strong cheerleading program at Woodmont High School.
Cheers and Go Wildcats!
Lauren Carter
[email protected]
WHS Head Cheerleading Coach
Please use the following rating system:
0- very poor 1- poor
2- fair 3- good
4- very good
5- outstanding
____ Gets along with classmates
____ Punctuality/attendance
____ Completes tasks without complaint
____ Work ethic
____ Follows directions
____ Conduct in classroom/attitude
____ Dependability and honesty
____ Respects authority
Did this student earn a D or below for a 9-weeks in your class? Yes
Has this student received any referrals, ISS, or OSS? (if so, explain below) Yes
Additional Comments:
WHS Cheerleading
Teacher Recommendation Form
Candidate: __________________________________________ Grade: ________
Teacher: ____________________________________ Course: _________________
Teacher email: _______________________________________________________
The above student is trying out for cheerleading at Woodmont for the upcoming school year.
Each candidate must acquire TWO teacher recommendations as part of the audition process.
These forms are confidential and will at NO time be seen or discussed with the candidate. Please
complete the form below and return it to the candidate in a sealed envelope. These will be
turned in at tryouts. Should you choose to allow the candidate to see the recommendation,
there is no need to seal it. Please feel free to add any additional comments below, in an
attachment, or via email ([email protected]). We truly value your input as we evaluate
each candidate. It is important to our coaching staff that our cheerleaders be positive role
models within our school and community. I appreciate your time and effort in helping us build a
strong cheerleading program at Woodmont High School.
Cheers and Go Wildcats!
Lauren Carter
[email protected]
WHS Varsity Cheerleading Coach
Please use the following rating system:
0- very poor 1- poor
2- fair 3- good
4- very good
5- outstanding
____ Gets along with classmates
____ Punctuality/attendance
____ Completes tasks without complaint
____ Work ethic
____ Follows directions
____ Conduct in classroom/attitude
____ Dependability and honesty
____ Respects authority
Did this student earn a D or below for a 9-weeks in your class? Yes
Has this student received any referrals, ISS, or OSS? (if so, explain below) Yes
Additional Comments: