
Mosaic Annual Report FY 2014
a meaningful
a caring
giving a voice
to needs.
From the Chief
Executive Officer
Chairperson of
the Mosaic Board
of Directors
Mosaic is working to transform how people with disabilities live and participate
in the life of their communities. After celebrating our centennial in 2013, we
began building our second century of service in 2014 with a deep desire to
build upon our legacy of faith-filled service. The foundation is Forward in
Faith, our guiding vision, which reflects our commitment to our mission:
“Mosaic is the recognized leader in making a positive difference in people’s
lives. We are passionate about services and partnerships that create meaningful
lives in caring communities. Inspired by faith, we give voice to issues that
affect people’s lives.”
To support that vision, we introduced a three-year strategic plan, called Mosaic 2.0.
It focuses on five priorities: personalized services, our employees, advocacy,
advancing our mission and building partnerships, and expanding our mission.
These five areas of focus are inter-related; strengthening one strengthens
them all. We know that by creating a work environment where people bring
their head and their heart to work every day, we ensure high quality, personalized
services for the people we serve. By creating and strengthening partnerships,
will build our capacity to serve more people, raise more voices in support of
the issues that matter to the people we serve, and expand our base of donors.
In our first steps toward this vision, we have many successes to celebrate:
• In 2014, through growth in locations across the country, we now serve
more than 3,900 people and are exploring new service models that use
technology to bolster independence for people and lower staff time.
• More than 3,400 people attended Discover the Possibilities events at
our agencies. During these one-hour virtual tours, people learn about
the work Mosaic does in their community.
• Thousands of people were drawn to our mission, bringing more than
3,700 first-time donors and more volunteers than ever before.
• Our Partners in Possibilities Giving Society grew to include more than
300 members who have made multi-year financial commitments to
support Mosaic.
We believe that the key to our future success will be the partnerships we build.
Our employees, donors, volunteers, churches and community organizations
must all stand together to create a bridge that spans the gap between funding
people’s basic needs and providing lives of possibilities. Mosaic will be at
the forefront, leading change so people are able to lead the lives they deserve,
the lives they choose.
Thank you for being a part of this worthwhile mission.
Linda Timmons
President and Chief Executive Officer – Mosaic
Max Miller
Chairperson – the Mosaic Board of Directors
FY 2014 Mosaic
Board of Directors
Kathleen Benton
West Hartford, Conn.
Douglas Hillman
West Des Moines, Iowa
the Rev.
Keith Hohly
the Rev.
Danette Johns
Kansas City, Kan.
Omaha, Neb.
Carol Miller
Max Miller
Lisa Negstad
Kathy Patrick
Pamela Spadaro
Conrad T.
James Zils
Omaha, Neb.
Coppell, Tex.
Geneva, Neb.
Wellington, Colo.
Minneapolis, Minn.
Houston, Tex.
Libertyville, Ill.
Lawrenceville, NJ
FY 2014
The Mosaic Foundation
Board of Directors
Chester J.
Kent Cattarello
Loveland, Colo.
Iowa City, Iowa
Ramona Edwards
Omaha, Neb.
Dallas, Tex.
West Hartford, Conn.
the Rev.
Kathryn K.
Thomas L.
Devin B.Gorman
Pittsburg, Kan.
Jonna L. Holland
Omaha, Neb.
Max Miller
Geneva, Neb.
The Mosaic Foundation was established
as a supporting foundation for Mosaic, its
sole purpose to raise money in support of
the mission of Mosaic. Engaging donors
to support Mosaic’s work through current
gifts, planned gifts (wills and bequests),
and annuities, The Mosaic Foundation
also maintains and invests endowment
and annuity funds for the long-term
security of Mosaic.
All money received from estate/ bequest
gifts is saved in The Mosaic Foundation.
Each year, 5 percent is given to Mosaic to
support its work for people with intellectual
disabilities. Additionally, it is Mosaic’s
responsibility to manage its resources to
ensure we operate within the funds received
from The Mosaic Foundation, Medicaid
and other operating resources.
We love to tell the story of Mosaic.
People enjoy hearing it, too. In 2014,
more than 3,400 people attended
Discover the Possibilities events to
learn about Mosaic. At those events,
they heard stories of success in the
lives of the people we serve and
stories of the difference Mosaic
has made for their families.
Mosaic becomes personal when
people hear Saretta tell the story of
how she and her mother were
evicted, but now Saretta has a home
and a job, thanks to Mosaic. Or
they hear how, working with Mosaic,
Monnie and his roommates were
able to get a new, accessible home
that gives them more independence
than they’ve ever known. These are
just pieces of the hundreds of
stories we share.
Many people are moved to help.
In 2014, we had a record number
of volunteers and first-time donors.
We are working to create a sustainable
funding stream for the future
because the mission of Mosaic is
too vital to rely only on dwindling
public resources. The people we
serve deserve to have full lives.
So, we tell stories. But it really is
only one story: the work of caring
communities that help build
meaningful lives and give a voice
to the needs of people. That’s the
story of Mosaic.
Partnerships are the backbone of
Mosaic’s outreach and key to our
advocacy work. Across the United
States and in Tanzania, Romania
and other countries, we have
partnered with churches, nongovernmental organizations and
individuals who share our vision of
a life of possibilities for people.
In Tanzania, the Building a Caring
Community program offers hope
to more than 200 families whose
children have a disability. Together
with our local church partner, the
Evangelical Lutheran Church in
Tanzania, we’ve built integrated
learning sites for children,
provided basic health and respite
care, created work cooperatives
and provided microloans to stir
economic stability, and more.
In the U.S., our Rejoicing Spirits
ministry provides congregations
an uplifting worship model where
people with disabilities can be
prayer leaders and ministers.
The ‘no shush’ rule means that
everyone is welcome and allowed
to be themselves.
We also work with hundreds of
volunteers who are invaluable,
providing everything from
maintenance work on Mosaic
homes (like the men from Preston
Meadows Lutheran Church in
Texas) to fundraising activities and
helping hands-on with our
international programs.
Strategically partnering in multiple
ways enables Mosaic to leverage
influence and advocate for better
lives for all people with disabilities,
not just the people we serve directly.
Lose weight and get healthy.
Graduate from high school.
Secure a job and a paycheck.
Pursue the big and small things
that bring meaning and happiness
(maybe that’s a Scooby Doo
tattoo). Those are among the
things that are important to the
people we serve at Mosaic, so
those are the things that are
important to us.
The focus of everything we do is
the person we serve, providing
personalized services that stem
from their desires, wants, needs
and goals. Forming a life around
our choices is something most of
us take for granted, but historically,
this has not been the norm for
people with disabilities. We are
working to change that, more than
3,900 times over.
We respect people’s choices and
decisions. Maybe not everything
they want is possible. But everything they want is worth trying for.
That’s what “personalized
services” means: they come from
the person, not from someone
else’s goals for that person.
Nothing is more satisfying than
knowing you’ve helped someone
achieve a dream – achieve their
dream. Success for the people we
serve is success for Mosaic. It
looks different for each person.
But it is beautiful on everyone.
From the Chief Financial Officer
Mosaic and Affiliates’ total net
assets increased by $4,586,499 (a
4% increase) in compared to a
decrease last year of $(30,854).
Total net assets as of June 30,
2014 were $121,057,268. The
increase is a result of improvement
in the stock market and in
operations. Total investment
returns for the year produced a
gain of $5,285,550 (including
$1,475,542 realized gain and
$3,810,008 unrealized gain as
of June 30, 2014.
In June 2011, The Mosaic Foundation
and Mosaic Boards of Directors
approved a multi-year investment
for technology, strategies and
wage investments to reduce
employee turnover, and training
and capacity for building a
sustainable funding program for
Mosaic. Rather than selling
investments, The Mosaic Foundation
Board of Directors borrowed
money for The Mosaic Foundation
to provide a grant to Mosaic,
expecting the investment returns to
exceed the rate paid to borrow.
The investments made by the
Mosaic Foundation were
$5,398,000 in FY 2012, $5,202,000
in FY 2013 and $2,322,000 in
FY 2014.
Current year giving declined slightly
with a total of $4,639,044 from gifts
and pledges received compared to
prior year of $5,073,591. Last year
reflected a substantial increase
related to Mosaic’s Centennial.
The $1,914,340 new pledges made
reflect the sustainable funding
initiative. We received $2,238,281
from estates and $3,310,000 of
new planned gifts were written.
The results described above would
not have been possible without
the gifts and donations from
many people. We appreciate the
many friends and partners who
supported Mosaic’s mission
during this past year.
Mosaic and Affiliates
condensed statement of financial position
June 30, 2014
Cash and cash equivalents
$ 19,510,000
Property, plant and equipment
Other assets
Total assets
Current liabilities
$ 49,798,000
Long-term liabilities
Annuity obligations
Net assets 121,057,000
Total liabilities and net assets
Net program service revenue 207,354,000
Investment income
Gifts, grants, bequests and estates
Other operating income
Total income
Personnel expenses 152,376,000
Supplies, services and other expenses
Interest expense
Depreciation expense
Total expenses
Operating income $604,000
Unrealized gains (losses)
Effect of recognition of FASB 158
Change in net assets
The Mosaic Foundation
condensed statement of financial position
June 30, 2014
Cash and cash equivalents
Endowment assets
Annuity fund assets
Other assets
Total assets
Current liabilities
$ 12,830,000
Long-term liabilities
Annuity obligations
Net assets
Total liabilities and net assets
Gifts, grants and bequests
Investment income
Total income
Supplies, services and other expenses
Change in net assets
The Mosaic Board of Directors
monitors the financial management of Mosaic through its
Finance and Audit Committee.
The Finance and Audit Committee
received a report on Oct. 23, 2014
from independent auditors on the
financial results for Mosaic &
Affiliates and for The Mosaic
Foundation for the fiscal year
ending June 30, 2014. The auditors
included an unqualified opinion
that the financial state-ments
present fairly, in all material
respects, the financial positions of
Mosaic & Affiliates and The
Mosaic Foundation.
The Mosaic & Affiliates audit
report and the summary results of
the Mosaic & Affiliates audited
financial statements in this Annual
Report include Mosaic and all
related entities. A complete copy of
the audit report for Mosaic &
Affiliates and The Mosaic Foundation or the IRS Form 990 tax return
for any of its related entities may
be obtained by contacting:
Scott Hoffman
Chief Financial Officer, Mosaic
4980 S. 118th St.,
Total expenses
Omaha,NE 68137-2200
877.366.7242 x31177
Operating income (losses) $5,738,000
[email protected]
Unrealized gains losses $
Grants and transfers to Mosaic support services
$ (6,567,000)
Through the gift support of generous donors, Mosaic is able to help more
than 3,900 people with intellectual disabilities pursue lives of possibilities.
The 2014 Donor Roll is presented to honor our many donor-friends and
share our sincere and heartfelt gratitude to each person whose name is
listed and to the thousands of others who made gifts in 2014. Together,
we are embracing God’s call to serve in the world.
Accompanying the donor roll are stories of several donors who have shown
thier support of Mosaic through their gifts. We share these stories as a
thanks to them, and every donor, for helping us provide a life of possibilities
for people with intellectual disabilities.
Lifetime Giving
Named the Founders’ Society, these categories recognize exemplary
stewardship by levels of cumulative lifetime giving.
$1,000,000 +
Armstrong McDonald Foundation
Tucson, AZ
$500,000 – $999,999
Deryl & Ramona Hamann
J.E. & L.E. Mabee Foundation
Tulsa, OK
David & Jacque Jacox
Clifford Johnson
Jim & Mary Livingston
Perry* & Edna Moore
Nebraska Synod, ELCA
Omaha, NE
David & Mary Nielsen
Mildred Nienaber
Max & Elayne Palmer
Bruce* & Graciela Redwine
San Angelo Health Foundation
San Angelo, TX
William & Ruth Scott
Thrivent Financial for Lutherans
Appleton, WI
Barney & Carolyn Visser
John J. & Carol J. Zillmer
$250,000 – $499,999
Bargain Box
Beatrice, NE
Bergstrom, Inc.
Rockford, IL
Phillip* & Violette Carlson
Jerry & Patty Davis
The Fred Maytag Family Foundation
Newton, IA
James* & Helen Hanson
John & Agnete Lind
Lozier Foundation
Omaha, NE
Lutheran Church of the Master
Omaha, NE
Meadows Foundation, Inc.
Dallas, TX
Larry & Jan Novicki
Omaha Community Foundation
Omaha, NE
George & Cindy Schroeder
Suzanne and
Walter Scott Foundation
Omaha, NE
The Swanson Family Foundation
Wellington, CO
West Bay, Inc. &
HearthStone Homes
Omaha, NE
Harmon* & Thelma Wolfe
$100,000 – $249,999
Dick Vinecore* & Martha
Vinecore Andeen
Ascension Lutheran Church
Garland, TX
Myrtle L. Atkinson Foundation
Menlo Park, CA
Marjorie Babcock
Raymond & June Benson
Robert & Barbara Berner
Howard & Ruth Braren
Richard & Barb Carman
Charlie & Susan Cooper
Dennis & Connie Dailey
Warren Dampf & Geraldine Scott
Carl* & Dolly Darigo
Durham Foundation
Omaha, NE
Ann Dworak
El Pomar Foundation
Colorado Springs, CO
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
Cincinnati, OH
First Lutheran Church
Kearney, NE
David* & Diederike Fulkerson
Glasmann Family
Endowment Fund
Montrose, CO
Eldrick* & Elsie Grummert
Hillcrest Foundation
Dallas, TX
Pat & Maureen Hobart
Paul & Lori Hogan
Omaha, NE
InFaith Community Foundation
Minneapolis, MN
Iowa West Foundation
Council Bluffs, IA
James Goode Construction
San Angelo, TX
Kansas Dept. of Health &
Topeka, KS
Kiewit Companies Foundation
Omaha, NE
James & Patricia Kimrey
Lane Building Corp.
Omaha, NE
Luther Home of Mercy
Williston, OH
Metrocrest Medical Foundation
Carrollton, TX
Midlands Community Foundation
Papillion, NE
Kent & Patricia Mills
Arthur Murphy & Kathy Patrick
Nannie Hogan Boyd Trust
Dallas, TX
Nebraska Department of
Environmental Quality
Lincoln, NE
Lloyd & Dorothy Olund
Peter Kiewit Foundation
Omaha, NE
Phelps County
Community Foundation
Holdrege, NE
Henriette Pierson*
Polk County
Board of Supervisors
Des Moines, IA
Prairie Meadows
Altoona, IA
Sage Foundation
Detroit, MI
Raul & Ellen Saldivar
Roy W Schubert
St. Paul Lutheran Church
Davenport, IA
Darlene M. and Reuben T.
Swanson Foundation, Inc.
Fort Collins, CO
Wilber & Dorothy* Thigpen
Thrivent Financial for
Lutherans Foundation
Appleton, WI
Timken Foundation of Canton
Canton, OH
Randy & Linda Timmons
Arland & Arlene Vander Leest
Kenneth & Janet Volker
Ben & Lila Wacker
John & Donna Werner
West Valley Lutheran Thrift Shop
Sun City, AZ
Wayne & Joan White
$50,000 – $99,999
Agrimax, Inc.
Geneva, NE
Brad & Beth Allmand
Roger & Beverly Anderson
Aon Corporation
Omaha, NE
Clarence Aronson
Kathryn Bailey
Bob Barcell Kenneth & Ruth
Bell-Carman Family Foundation
Hartford, CT
Berea Lutheran Church
Chappell, NE
Bethany Lutheran Church
Cherry Hills Village, CO
Bethel Lutheran Church
Windsor, CO
Thomas & Ruth Brown
Ellen Jane Cates
Mike & Janet Cavanaugh
CH Foundation
Lubbock, TX
Christ Lutheran Church
Dallas, TX
Commercial Federal Bank
Omaha, NE
John & Debbie Conn
Criss Memorial Foundation
Omaha, NE
Nancy Dahlgren
Tom & Dolores* Danielsen
William and Rose Marie Davis
Marvin & Myrtle* Deist
Lewis & Evelyn Driewer
Thomas* & Carolyn Ehlers
James* & Catherine Ekerberg
Emanuel Lutheran Church
Hutchinson, KS
Enterprise Rent-A-Car Foundation
Saint Louis, MO
First Lutheran Church
Colorado Springs, CO
First Lutheran Church
Fremont, NE
First National Bank of Omaha
Omaha, NE
Susan Flack & Kent Cattarello
Fridhem Lutheran Church
Funk, NE
Art & Helen* Fuhr
Fullenkamp, Doyle & Jobeun
Omaha, NE
John & Cathie Fullenkamp
Gloria Dei Lutheran Church
Wichita, KS
Joan Gottesfeld-Zapiler
Grace Lutheran Church
La Grange, IL
Dick & Myrtle* Halloran
LeRoy* & Carol Hasemann
John* & Mary Hein
David & Nancy Helwig
Edwin & Helen Heusinkveld
Rose Marie Hinde
Hoblitzelle Foundation
Dallas, TX
Harold & Helen Hunt
Immanuel Lutheran Church
Glenvil, NE
Lawrence & Jeannette James
Charles* & Lucille* Johnson
Virgil & Ruth Johnson
King of Glory Lutheran Church
Dallas, TX
Dr. H Richard* & Martha Klann
Knights of Columbus Foundation
Atkinson, NE
John & Wende Kotouc
Kountze Memorial
Lutheran Church
Omaha, NE
Harold & Joyce* Kreski
Hal & Elizabeth* Lankford
Laverdiere Construction, Inc.
Macomb, IL
Lutheran Church of the Cross
Altoona, IA
Marshall & Estelene* Mathias
MCL Construction
Omaha, NE
Janet Meyer
Mosaic Parent Association
Lincoln, NE
Harold & Norma Mosman
John Nelson
Wilmington, IL
Northeastern Iowa Synod - ELCA
Waverly, IA
William R. Patrick Foundation
Omaha, NE
PHH Vehicle Management Services
Sparks, MD
Margaret Powers
Price Waterhouse Coopers
Tampa, FL
Duane & Christine Quaini
Rasmussen Group
Des Moines, IA
Redwine Foundation, Inc.
San Angelo, TX
Carol Reed
Reformation Lutheran Church
Wichita, KS
Randy & Julie Richardson
Floyd J.* & Grace S. Sager
Paul & Martha Schmidt
Keith & Mary Lou Schmode
Scoular Foundation
Omaha, NE
Monte & Ruth Sheffield
Jeanne Snell
St. John Lutheran Church
Beatrice, NE
St. John’s Lutheran Church
Eustis, NE
St. Matthew Lutheran Church
Itasca, IL
St. Paul Evangelical Lutheran Church
Cole Camp, MO
St. Paul Lutheran Church
(Hickory Grove)
Auburn, NE
St. Paul Lutheran Church
Dallas, TX
St. Paul Lutheran Church
Grand Island, NE
St. Peter Lutheran Church
Arenzville, IL
Jack & Shirley Stark
Leonard & Marcellina Streff
Gilbert C. Swanson Foundation Inc.
Omaha, NE
Paul & Judy Tamisiea
Richard Toftness
Helen Trapp
Trinity Lutheran Church
Columbus, NE
Walmart Foundation
Bentonville, AR
Wells Fargo Bank, NA
Minneapolis, MN
Wells Fargo Foundation
Minneapolis, MN
Wells Fargo
Lincoln, NE
Westchester Capital Management
Omaha, NE
James & Donna* Willard
Chester* & Clara Wittig
Wolslager Foundation
San Angelo, TX
Ted & Marion Youngquist
Jim & Kathy Zils
Second Century Founders
Celebrating Mosaic’s Centennial, Second
Century Founders have made gifts or pledges
of at least $50,000 to the ongoing support
of Mosaic.
Brad and Beth Allmand
Armstrong McDonald Foundation
Tucson, AZ
Bob Barcell
Bergstrom Inc./David Rydell
Rockford, IL
Vi Carlson
Mike & Jan Cavanaugh
Patty & Jerry Davis
Deryl & Ramona Hamann
Paul & Lori Hogan
Immanuel Communities
Omaha, NE
Peter & Joyce Jobson
Harold & Joyce Kreski
Hal Lankford
Max & Sharon Miller
Arthur Murphy & Kathy Patrick
Mildred Nienaber
PHH Vehicle Management Services
Sparks, MD
Duane & Christine Quaini
E. G. Roesener Estate
George & Cindy Schroeder
Monte & Ruth Sheffield
Jack & Shirley Stark
Ted & Cheryl Swanson
Randy & Linda Timmons
West Valley Lutheran Thrift Shop
Sun City, AZ
John & Carol Zillmer
Jim & Kathy Zils
Legacy Society
The Legacy Society recognizes those who
embrace the mission of Mosaic by naming
the organization as a beneficiary in their
personal financial and estate plans. Legacy
gifts include:
Bequest in a Will or Living Trust
Charitable Gift Annuity
Charitable Remainder Trust
Life Insurance
Home or Farm with Life Estate Reserved
IRAs and Retirement Plan Assets
These gifts ensure that Mosaic can
provide possibilities in the lives of people
with disabilities for generations to come.
Dorothy Abbott
Lee & Belinda Abrahamzon
H. Petra Aden
Sheryl Aksamit
Bernard & Bess Alberg
Larry & Dee Albers
Vivian Allison
Doris G. Almond
Martha Vinecore Andeen
Roger Andersen
Roger & Beverly Anderson
Dennis & Barbara Anderson
Dorothy Anderson
Gail Anderson & Don Reitz
Richard & Mary Anderson
Russell & Frances Anderson
Sidney Anderson
Zelda Anderson
Anita Andrews
Betty Arnold
Clara Arnold
Betty Aronson
Clarence Aronson
Margaret Arp
Frances Aspengren
Marjorie Babcock
Evelyn Backhaus
Leo & Janice Baden
Matt & Rebecca Bahnfleth
David & Charlene Bailey
Jerry & Eileen Baker
Robert Barcell
Lulu Barnes
Bill & Elsie Barrett
George & Verna Barry
Kenneth & Ruth Bartling
Richard & Marelyn Baugher
Meri Sue Beard
Carol Becker & Paul Milner
Robert & Gayle Behm
Ellen Behrens
John & Kay Bengston
Marilyn Benzon
Betty Berggren
Robert & Barbara Berner
Anne Bidne
Eric & Carolyn Biedermann
Peter & Christina Bina
Pete & Pam Bina
William & Myrtle Bina
Sharon Bittner
Sherron Black
Eleanor Blomberg
Grace Bock
Elizabeth Bockstahler
Mark & Lois Bohling
Eldon & Judith Bohrofen
Ilse Bolster
Norman & Ramona Boone
Rodney & Robin Braun
Konny Brest
Joyce Breunig
Glenn Briggs
Kathleen Brown
Michal Brunell
Robert & Audrey Bryan
John & Susie Buller
Rodney & Susan Bunde
Peter & Annie Bundock
Dennis & Janet Byars
Barbara Campbell
Ardess Cappel
Carol Carlson
Earl Carlson
Evelyn Carlson
Neil & Carol Carlson
Norman & Betty Carlson
Phyllis Carlson
Thelma Carlson
Velma Carlson
Vi Carlson
Richard & Barb Carman
Roy & Betty Carstensen
Kent Cattarello & Susan Flack
Mike & Janet Cavanaugh
Robert & LaDonna Chalstrom
Yadira Chavarria
Deborah Chesonis
Rebecca Choate
Alice Christe
Margaret Christensen
Mary Ann Christensen
John & Aileen Christenson
Helen Churchill
Warren & Julie Clausen
Robert Cohn
Charlie & Susan Cooper
Robert & Toby Corn
Keith & Patricia Courier
Dianna Cox
Anita Crisp & Joseph Anderson
Glen & Rochelle Cummings
Nancy Dahlgren
Kenneth & Eloise Dale
John & Marcia Dampf
Warren Dampf & Geraldine Scott
Delvin Dane
Tom Danielsen
Dolly Darigo
David & Anita deFreese
Elva Dicke
Werner & Ingeborg Diebel
Doris Dieckhoff
Arnold & Adeline Dige
Dan & Katie Dittman
Daniel & Carolyn Dittman
Maxine Dougherty
Lewis & Evelyn Driewer
Thomas & Phyllis Dumpert
Harold & Dolores Dunker
Ann Dworak
Edward Dworak
Elizabeth Dworak
Gloria G. Ebb-Petersen
& Gary Petersen
Norma Ebb
George Edwards
Carolyn Ehlers
Carlyle & Eva Eisenberg
Mildred Emanuel
Robert & Esther Endres
Mildred Engberg
Fred & Marilyn England
Irene Ensign
Larry & Laurel Erickson
David & Diana Ewing
Delores Fahrenbruch
Lucille Ferguson
Ken & Judie Firchow
Lillian Fish
Charlotte Fisher
Modena Flesner
Bob & Eileen Fogarty
Wana Fort
Myron & Iola Fougeron
Robert Franco, Jr.
Leona Fredricks
Betty Fridlund
JoAnn Fruehling
Art Fuhr
John & Cathie Fullenkamp
Eugene & Joyce Funk
Willard & Mary Galloway
Francis & Beth Garrison
Hilma Gartner
Helen Geick
Betty Geis
Terry & Jane Gerdes
Jim & Deanne Gerking
Allen & Dorine Gilmore
Samuel & Hilda Gimbel
Steve & Kathleen Glasmann
John & Judy Gosswein
Richard & Roselea Grassman
Philip & Cheryl Gray
Rhonda Gray
Margaret Grefe
Frank & Ruth Grill
Elsie Grummert
Betty Gulzow
Melvin & Mary Jo Haack
George & Joann Hagen
Edith Hagge
Elaine Hake
Weslyn Hallock
Mel & Hattie Hammer
Jeff Haney
David & Laura Hannam
Mae Hansel
Mark & Connie Hanson
Donald Hanson
Helen Hanson
James & Bonnie Harmon
Suderth & Lawanda Harms
Inez Harris
Edward & Phyllis Hassebrook
Sonja Hathaway
Runa Hawkins
Loretta Hedstrom
Elroy & Carol Hefner
Rogene Hegberg
Eric Helmer
Lester Helmich
Willis & Donna Henrickson
Isla Herdahl
William & Sharon Herrington
Leola Heuke
Edwin & Helen Heusinkveld
David & Margaret High
Garry & Barbara Hillman
Frank Himphill
Rose Marie Hinde
Alice Hintzsche
Pat & Maureen Hobart
Rebecca Hoffman
Robert & Nancy Holmberg
Jeanne Holmes
Barry & Sandy Hoover
Kent & Linda Hoover
Leta Hoover
Mollyanne Hubbard
Bob & Sheirran Hughes
Harold & Helen Hunt
David & Kathleen Hurty
Betty Hyde
William & DeLois Jacobson
David & Jacque Jacox
Duke Jaeger
Gerald & Carolyn Jaggers
Jeanette Jenkins
Jolene Jensen
Jonathan & Patti Jensen
Vergale & Marguerite Jensen
Edna Jobman
Robert & Donna Johnsen
Marky Johnshoy
Adelyn Johnson
Alan & Natalie Johnson
Clifford Johnson
Curtis & Joanne Johnson
Darrel & Barbara Johnson
Floyd & Beverly Johnson
Gerald & Arlene Johnson
Harold & Carol Johnson
Marion J. Johnson
Martha Johnson
Sheila Johnson
Carole Martin
Elda Jones
Lavern Mausolf
Liz Jones
Karen McAfee
Ronald & Kelli Jorgensen
Raymond & Diana McCalment
John & Mary Kelley
Adrianna McClymont
Kris Kendall
Dorothy McCormack
Lovelle & Elzene Kirchhoff
Fred & Dorothy McCoy
Martha Klann
Jack & Joyce McFadyen
Kenneth & Janice Knaus
Joan McGinley
Dewayne & Mary Knoshaug
Thomas & Pam McMahon
William & Marge Koester
Billie McMiller
Laina Koljonen
Michael Medley
Patrick & Brenda Kostal
Grace Mehl
Betty Kragthorpe
Alice Meints
David & Cynthia Krause
Rose Melville & Al Sheley
Larry & Linda Kujawski
George & Sandra Meslow
Gerald & Hazel Kumm
Gene & Susie Meyer
Clarence & Emily Laaker
Robert & Lorene Meyer
Darrell & Sharon Lafler
Steve Meysing
Joseph & Sally Landry
Bill & Marsha Miller
David & Bernice Larsen
Kay Miller
Peter & Inetta Larsen
M. Annette Minderman
Carol Larson
Mary Monson
David & Elsa Larson
Edna Moore
Lillian Larson
Joyce Moore
Mildred Larson
Merlin Mortinson
Robert Larson
Harold & Norma Mosman
Kenneth Law
Larry & Linda Mowrey
Max & Faye Leonard
Milton Myer
Jean Leontios
Cynthia Lilleoien
Fred & Angie Naumann
John & Agnete Lind
Dorothy Nearing
Steven & Nancy Lind-Olson
William & Sharon Neid
Miriam Lindgren
Herman H. Neitzel, Jr.
Keith & Susan Lingwall
Andrew Nelson
Jim & Mary Livingston
John Nelson
James & Shirley Lobb
Keith & Ann Nelson
Steve & Carolyn Logan
Theodore Nelson
Oliver Loken
Wilma Nelson
Florence Ludeman
Gertrude Ness
Greg & Diane Lukens
Beverly Nichols
Richard Lund
Ivan & Dorothy Nicholson
Eugene & Susan Lutz
Becky Nickelson
Raymond & Judith Maestrelli
David & Mary Nielsen
Lenora Markmann
* Mosaic donor(s) who has passed away
Alvina Martin
Now in their 90s, with a marriage that has
lasted more than 70 years, Bill and Myrtle
Bina’s passion for Mosaic has not diminished
and the couple say they are blessed to be a part
of the organization, first as parents of someone
served, later as employees and donors.
Bina family members, from left to right: Bill III, Myrtle,
Tommy, Bill and Peter.
The family’s connection to Mosaic began when
they brought their son, Tommy, to live at
Bethphage (now part of Mosaic) at age six, 600
miles away from the family home in Chicago.
Five years later, so pleased with how Tommy
was progressing, the Binas followed Tommy
to Nebraska, where they worked for the
organization for 10 years.
The couple said that for more than 40 years,
Tommy received “the most loving care any
parent could wish for their child.” The added
that they could not think of a better place or
one that cared as much for someone they
loved “in the entire world.”
Dolores Pederson’s love for Mosaic began
when she was a teenager, working in 1944 at
the original Axtell campus of Bethphage (which
is now part of Mosaic). She worked there for
seven summers and credited the experience
with setting the direction for her life’s career in
healthcare. She passed away in 2014, after
being a faithful, lifelong donor to Mosaic.
“Dolores had Mosaic and Bethphage near to
her heart,” said good friend Lorraine Andreen.
She felt “mentored and loved” by the sisters
whom she worked with as a young person,
Lorraine said.
After her death, Mosaic continued to benefit
from Dolores’s generosity. She made Mosaic
the beneficiary of a number of charitable
gift annuities.
James & Gwen Nielsen
Ruby Nielsen
James & Sandra Nienaber
Mildred Nienaber
Fred & Donna Northup
Jon & Carol Novak
Larry & Jan Novicki
Lillian Nyman
Lynda Ogden
Anna Olson
Della Olson
Marie Olson
Janet Olson-Harms
Joyce Oltman
Doris Orabka
Joyce Palmer
Max & Elayne Palmer
Doniver & Arlene Peterson
James Peterson & Beth Hagedorn
Ruth M. Peterson
Frances Petteys
Margaret Powers
Ramon Prange
Ruth Previte
Carol Reed
Vernon & Beverly Reinertson
Clifford & Anna Remmenga
Bruce & Connie Renberger
Ella Riege
Dorothea Rindt
Delores Robertson
Mark Rohlfs
Karen Rolph
Pamela Rondorf
Harold & Judy Rosenkotter
Alan & Anita Ruderman
Arlyn Saathoff
Grace S. Sager
Raul & Ellen Saldivar
Della Sandahl
Pearl Sandahl
Greta Sandberg
Roger & Jan Sasse
Douglas & Nancy Schaefer
Wilma Schardt
Anna Scheel
James Scherer
Clarence & Shirley Schlueter
David & Peggie Schmidt
Paul & Martha Schmidt
George & Cindy Schroeder
Roy W Schubert
Gorden & Myra Schwartz
Hugh Severns
Monte & Ruth Sheffield
Miriam Showalter
Margaret Sidebottom
Lorraine Sieckmann
Byron & Kathleen Simmons
Don & Jona Simonson
Jane Simpson
Verne Simson
Don Sjogren
Thure Sjoquist
Mike & Lana Smith
Ronald & Carolyn Smith
Jeanne Snell
Norman & Naomi Snyder
Ray Sodergren
Joe & Brenda Solomon
Stanley & Shirley Spitler
Shirley Splittgerber
William & Dolly Stedman
Lloyd & Dottie Stehl
Mona Steiner
Charles & Betty Steinke
Frank & Pat Stermitz
David & Eileen Stirtz
Genevieve Stolleis
Richard & Margaret Strecker
Leonard & Marcellina Streff
Dean & Barbara Sudman
Lucile Sumerwell
Eva Swanson
Miriam Sward
Paul & Judy Tamisiea
Glen Thamert
Iva Thelander
Joe & Margaret Thompson
Lori Thompson
Dale Thuman
Randy & Linda Timmons
Billy & Donna Tittler
Arlyn & Jeanne Tolzmann
Marjorie Townsend
Henry Trauernicht
Jack & Olga Trembath
Jack & Donna Trethewey
Randy & Dixie Trost
David & Brenda Tuttle
Georgette Vater
Robert Vernier
Gary & Dorothy Wall
Floretta Ward
Agnes Wasinger
Gene & Billie Jo Waugh
Charles & Roxanne Wegner
Knight Wells
John & Donna Werner
Wayne & Joan White
Don & Pat Wilkie
Clark & Kathleen Will
James Willard
Angeline Williams
Charles Williams & Sangeeta Singg
Linda Williams
Dolores Wimmer
Helen Wipplinger
Carolyn Wisely
Alyce Wittig
Clara Wittig
Philip & Karan Wittig
Gene & Fern Wittke
Delores Wobig
Lawrence & Nancy Wogman
Thelma Wolfe
Donald Wood
Wren & Virginia Worley
James & Roma Youngquist
Rozella Youngquist
Ted & Marion Youngquist
Hilda Yung
Esther Zabel
Delores Ziemer
Dennis & Julie Zittergruen
Mary Bacon
Ruth Boring
Rachel Donohoe
Gust K. Newberg
Margaret A. Fenton
Merlin E. Flesner
Alton & Anne Laurel Gibbs
Pearl Goldenstein
James Hall
Harold E. Hamilton
Marvin & Dorothy Hartung
Esther Herlein
Alice D. Hillstrom
Ronald W. Jaeger
Oscar B. Jensen
Kenneth & Lorene Jensen
Clair N Jensen
Maxine E. Johnson
Clarence W. Kettelhut
Leroy C. Klema
Bill J. Lawson
Edna B. Mack
William March
Frederick & Jean Massa
Joan McAleer
Elda F. Miller
Annual Giving
San Angelo Health Foundation
San Angelo, TX
$50,000 – $99,999
Armstrong McDonald Foundation
Tucson, AZ
Neil & Carol Carlson
Vi Carlson
Katherine C Carmody
Charitable Trust
Dallas, TX
Omaha Community Foundation
Omaha, NE
John J. & Carol J. Zillmer
$25,000 – $49,999
Robert Barcell
Deryl & Ramona Hamann
Omaha, NE
John & Agnete Lind
Mildred Nienaber
Rasmussen Group
Des Moines, IA
Rupert Dunklau Foundation, Inc.
Lincoln, NE
Thrivent Financial for Lutherans
Appleton, WI
Arland & Arlene Vander Leest
James & Roma Youngquist
$10,000 – $24,999
Agrimax, Inc.
Geneva, NE
Becker Family Foundation
Ames, IA
Bell-Carman Family Foundation
Hartford, CT
Bergstrom, Inc.
Rockford, IL
Michael & Jaynell Bodine
Ronald & Rebecca Brakke
Dolly Darigo
Jerry & Patty Davis
Paul & Lori Hogan
InFaith Community Foundation
Minneapolis, MN
King of Glory Lutheran Church
Dallas, TX
Harold & Joyce* Kreski
Hal Lankford
Lord of Life Lutheran Church
Sun City West, AZ
Mary Ellen Kent Bunyard
Family Foundation
San Angelo, TX
W.P. & Bulah Luse Foundation
Dallas, TX
The Fred Maytag Family Foundation
Newton, IA
MCL Construction
Omaha, NE
Gail Metcalfe
Janet Meyer
Kent & Patricia Mills
Viola Mitchell
LaVerne Montgomery
Sara B. Mullaney
Howard E. Norain
Charles R. & Marie N. Ostergren
Evelyn G. Price
E. G. Roesener
Eleanore Roesler
Rialto Roesler
Daniel C & Barbara Schroeder
Ray & Elnora Soderquist
Elaine P. Wagner
Arnold & Olive Wallander
Wayne Weyers
William and Marie Zimmerman
Lyle D. Zimmerman
For gifts given during 2014
North Dallas Woman’s Club
Dallas, TX
Randy & Judy Paulson
Phelps County
Community Foundation
Holdrege, NE
PHH Vehicle Management Services
Sparks, MD
Prairie Meadows
Altoona, IA
Preston Meadow Lutheran Church
Plano, TX
Duane & Christine Quaini
Raul & Ellen Saldivar
George & Cindy Schroeder
Nils-Henrick Stokke
Randy & Linda Timmons
Tom Thorp Transports, Inc.
Mertzon, TX
Kenneth & Janet Volker
West Valley Lutheran Thrift Shop
Sun City, AZ
Barbara Pickett
Virginia G. Piper Charitable Trust
Phoenix, AZ
PJW Nursing Consultants LLC
West Hartford, CT
PPW Holdings LLC
Omaha, NE
The Professional
Roughstock Series, Inc.
Belle Fourche, SD
Carol Reed
Keith & Mary Lou Schmode
Donald Sjogren
Mike & Lana Smith
Joe & Brenda Solomon
Pamela Spadaro & Scott Asplund
Jack & Shirley Stark
Eva Swanson
Thanksgiving Lutheran Church
Bellevue, NE
Scott Thompson
Richard Toftness
Tom & Jane Tonniges
James & Holly Trester
United Way of the Concho Valley
San Angelo, TX
Brent & Sheila Vander Leest
Waco Conference ELCA
Temple, TX
Wellmark Foundation Blue Cross
& Blue Shield
Des Moines, IA
John & Donna Werner
Western Ketchum Carriers, Inc.
Mertzon, TX
John & Terrie Young
Jim & Kathy Zils
$5,000 – $9,999
Paul & LaNeta Abler
Brad & Beth Allmand
Martha Vinecore Andeen
Kenneth & Lorraine Andreen
Astrup Drug, Inc.
Austin, MN
James & Michelle Bowen
Casey’s General Stores, Inc.
Ankeny, IA
Mike & Janet Cavanaugh
Bill & Glenda Colson
Communities Foundation
of Texas
Dallas, TX
$2,500 – $4,999
Concordia Lutheran Church
Manchester, CT
American National Bank
The Cooper Clark Foundation
Omaha, NE
Liberal, KS
Marlys Anderson
Angelo Solutions, LLC
Ann Dworak
San Angelo, TX
Tom & Madeline Earnshaw
Jim & Cindy Ernst
Aon Corporation
Delores Fahrenbruch
Omaha, NE
Farmers National Company
Archdiocese of Omaha
Omaha, NE
Omaha, NE
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
Zane & Cherie Arrott
Auto Wrangler, Inc
Cincinnati, OH
San Angelo, TX
Lewis & Linda Fillmore
Terry & Jane Gerdes
Bank of America Matching Gifts
Paul & Mary Gerwels
– Charitable Foundation
Charlotte, NC
Mary Hein
Baylor Health Care System
Scott Hoffman & Angie Rystrom
Hub City Roofing LLC
Dallas, TX
Berea Lutheran Church
dba Hartman Roofing
Chappell, NE
Lubbock, TX
Robert* & Betty Hyde
William & Gayle Bina
Delores Kepl
Elizabeth Bockstahler
Dan & Cheryl Kinsinger
Randal & Pamela Korth
Blair, NE
Mary Ann Christensen
John & Wende Kotouc
Helen Little
City of Liberal
Liberal, KS
Gary & Sandy Mashigian
Marshall & Estelene* Mathias
The Civic League Foundation
Farmers Branch, TX
Max & Sharon Miller
James Olmsted &
Robert Clelland
Denise Stange
Cline Williams Wright Johnson
& Oldfather LLC
Paul & Rosanne Pankonin
William R. Patrick Foundation
Lincoln, NE
Omaha, NE
* Mosaic donor(s) who has passed away
Charlie & Susan Cooper
Marvin Deist
William & Kathleen Doner
Donna Dwyer
Peg Ezell
Faith Lutheran Church
Colorado Springs, CO
First Lutheran Church
Colorado Springs, CO
Susan Flack & Kent Cattarello
Fridhem Lutheran Church
Funk, NE
Fullenkamp, Doyle & Jobeun
Omaha, NE
John & Cathie Fullenkamp
Gay Gomez
Joern Hagenguth
Leon & JoAnn Halfmann
Hancock Pharmacy
and Surgical, Inc.
Meriden, CT
Suderth & Lawanda Harms
Marit Haugland
Heartland Homecare
Services, Inc.
Lawrence, KS
Rose Marie Hinde
Bessie I. Hofstetter Trust
Henderson, TX
Fred & Judie Hosey
Richard & Kathleen Hranac
Keith & Marilyn Hultquist
Dean & Christine Jarecki
Gordon & Bonnie Johnston
Liz Jones
Richard & Frances Juro
Kevin & Billye Jean Kanouse
Rod & June Kelm
Knights of Columbus #15603
Ankeny, IA
Lanz-Boggio Architechs, P.C.
Greenwood Village, CO
Richard & Deborah Lemon
Loomis International Ltd
MacHesney Park, IL
Lutheran Church of the Cross
Altoona, IA
Phil Maloley
Penelope Massa
Jeff & Carol Mau
Brandon & Angela Moore
Morgan Stanley Foundation
New York, NY
Holly Morrison & Larry Johnson
National Header Die Corp.
MacHesney Park, IL
Charles Nelson
David & Mary Nielsen
Hisashi & Lynn Nikaidoh
Gretchen Noelke
Northeastern Iowa Synod - ELCA
Waverly, IA
Northern Texas / Northern
Louisiana Mission Area Office
Argyle, TX
Max & Elayne Palmer
Francis and Carolyn Mason have been
making monthly gifts to Mosaic for 32 years,
since their son Jeff first began living in a
group home run by Martin Luther Homes
(which is now part of Mosaic).
Now 50 years old, Jeff Mason is deaf and
legally blind. When he was a child, he
attended a school for people who are deaf
and blind. But planning for his future at that
time was difficult, since community services
for people with disabilities were not yet
common. Then Martin Luther Homes started
providing residential services in their
hometown of Colorado Springs, Colo.
“We just started contributing from the very
beginning because we were so happy to have
him have a nice place to be,” Carolyn said.
“He was so close to us that we could spend
time with him.”
Over the years, they’ve seen Jeff make great
progress, Carolyn said. The regular contact
with staff members made the couple feel like
they were “part of the team” but also
provided a family support system, she said.
“We will continue giving as long as we are
able to do that,” Carolyn said. “We know how
important it is. There are so many people and
so many families that need this.”
PDC Pharmacy
Pittsburgh, PA
Pitcock Properties, LLC
San Angelo, TX
Polk County Board of Supervisors
Des Moines, IA
Michelle Pospisil
Q’s Printing & Design
San Angelo, TX
Randol Mill Pharmacy
Arlington, TX
Bennett & Beccy Ratliff
Rejoice Lutheran Church
Frisco, TX
Randy & Julie Richardson
David & Peggie Schmidt
Roy W Schubert
Cynthia Scott Baize
Bret Seligman
Sierra Vista United
Methodist Church
San Angelo, TX
St. Paul Lutheran Church
Davenport, IA
St. Paul Lutheran Church
Grand Island, NE
St. Peter Lutheran Church
Arenzville, IL
Jerry & Sandra Straight
Harlan Syring*
Colorado Springs, CO
Union Church of La Harpe
La Harpe, IL
Sandra Waldemar
Walmart Foundation
Bentonville, AR
Marva Weaver
Wells Fargo North Dallas
Commercial Banking
Plano, TX
Tammy Westfall
Julie Wright
Ted & Marion Youngquist
$1,000 – $2,499
Linda Aaker &
Robert Armstrong
Ron & Linda Abels
John & Deanna Abraham
Active Family
Chiropractic & Acupuncture
Grand Island, NE
Aetna Foundation, Inc
Andover, MA
Alick’s Home Medical Inc.
South Bend, IN
Christine Allison
The Allstate Foundation
Northbrook, IL
Roger & Beverly Anderson
Rebecca Anderson &
William Minier
Robert & Janet Anderson
Arthur Murray Dance Studio
Dallas, TX
Ascension Lutheran Church
Colorado Springs, CO
Cheyenne, WY
Atmos Energy Corp.
Dallas, TX
Alfred* & Rose August
Austin Community Foundation
Austin, TX
Walt & Kena Bader
David & Charlene Bailey
Dolores Bangert &
Carlos Barrientos
Bank of America
United Way Campaign
Princeton, NJ
Bankers Trust
Omaha, NE
Douglas & Megan Barlow
Skip & Lori Barr
Barrett Quaglia LLC
Manchester, CT
Brad & Linda Bartlett
Rodney & Jane Behrhorst
Vivan Benson
David & Wrenda Benson
Leslie Bent
Robert & Barbara Berner
Bethlehem Lutheran Church
Joliet, IL
Ann Bigger
Blackeagle Energy Services
Berthoud, CO
Blair’s Western Wear
San Angelo, TX
Fred & Kathy Bloom
BlueCross BlueShield of Nebraska
Omaha, NE
Jeffrey & Elise Boeckman
Eldon & Judith Bohrofen
Duane & Diana Borntrager
Inez Boyd
Jerald & Peggy Brekke
Gerald & Madonna Brink
Bruce Furniture
Hastings, NE
Joshua & Sammie Brueggemann
Michal Brunell
Harold & Berdine Brunssen
Patricia Bush
Earl Carlson
Velma Carlson
Barry & Stephanie Carter
Cash-Wa Distributing Company
Kearney, NE
Celebrity Homes
Omaha, NE
Christ Lutheran Church
Dallas, TX
Christensen Lumber, Inc.
Fremont, NE
Paul & Carol Christoffersen
Patrick & Sara Church
Peter Cicatelli &
Stephanie Stevenson
Patricia Clark
Warren & Julie Clausen
Cline Williams Wright Johnson
& Oldfather, LLP
Lincoln, NE
Coast Health Services, Inc.
Cimarron, KS
Marjory Cohen
Larry & Dianne Cole
Matthew & Evelyn Cole
Colorado Springs School District #11
Colorado Springs, CO
Community Foundation of
Northern Colorado
Fort Collins, CO
Concho Valley Radiator
San Angelo, TX
Congregational United
Church of Christ
Little River, KS
Pat Conklin
Country Inn & Suites
Council Bluffs, IA
Creighton University Center
for Service & Justice
Omaha, NE
Lois Cross
Jeff Curry
D.A. Davidson & Co.
Omaha, NE
Dennis & Connie Dailey
Joe & Linda Daniel
Zach Daub
Debra Davidson
Wally & Judy Davies
Beverly Davis
Kelly Davis
Nancy Davis
Deco Products Company, LLLP
Decorah, IA
David & Anita deFreese
James Derienzo
Arnold & Adeline Dige
Louise Doherty
Hal & Lois Downs
Steve & Barb Dreher
Marietta Dreiling
Diane Duarte
Thomas & Phyllis Dumpert
Charles & Katherine Dutton
Gregory & Melissa Dvorocsik
E & A Consulting Group
Omaha, NE
Steve & Carolyn Eby
Ed & Barbara Eckelmeyer
Ramona Edwards
& Dan Friedlund
Raymond & Veronica Eid
Sherry Elkins
Catherine Ellis
Robert & Barbra Ely
Emanuel Lutheran Church
Hartford, CT
Emeritus at Liberal Springs
Liberal, KS
Ener-Tel Services, Inc.
San Angelo, TX
Fred & Marilyn England
Dale & Nancy Engskov
T.J. Ermoian
John & Mary Lynn Espenmiller
Kenneth & Polly Evans
Kellion & Lorelei Faglier
Faith Lutheran Church
Talmage, NE
Patrick & Rosetta Falchier
Brian & Fran Falco
Farm Credit Services of America
Omaha, NE
Lola Fastenau
Mike & Andrea Faucett
Finke’s Retail Liquor Store
Ellsworth, KS
First Lutheran Church
Avoca, NE
First National Bank
Omaha, NE
First Presbyterian Church
San Angelo, TX
First State Bank
Belmond, IA
Five Points Bank
Grand Island, NE
Gary & Virginia Flack
Andrew Flynn
FM Global Foundation
Johnston, RI
Kim Ford
Criss Forshay
Michael & Deborah Fraysier
Nancy Frazier
Bill French
Gloria Froelich
Frost Bank
Addison, TX
Jim Fruehling
Dale & Janis Frum
Don & Melinda Furman
David & Carolyn Gage
Gallagher Benefit Services
Omaha, NE
Angela Garrett
Joyce Gastler
Helen Geick
Mike & Ginny Geis
General Motors LLC
Phoenix, AZ
Ed & Erin Gerwels
Michael Gerwels
GKN Foundation
Woodridge, IL
Ronald & Catherine Goddard
Goldman Sachs
Philanthropy Fund
Albany, NY
Daniel Gonzales
Grace Lutheran Church
La Grange, IL
Rhonda Gray
Great Western Bank
Omaha, NE
Greater Salina
Community Foundation
Salina, KS
Pat & Elaine Gregory
Joan Griggs
Linda Groub
Hagie Manufacturing Company
Clarion, IA
Elaine Hake
Steven & Cathy Hamlin
Mel & Hattie Hammer
Gary & Marcia Hammers
Lynn & Marilyn Hammonds
Mark & Connie Hanson
Helen Hanson
Diane Harder
Terry & Lucille Hardy
Mark Harrel
Patrick & Cindy Harris
Heart of Texas Electric Cooperative
Mc Gregor, TX
Heartland Homecare Services
Wichita, KS
Ken & Becky* Heideman
Joey & Lezlye Henderson
Mark & Donna Herbener
Lois Heyer
Hillcrest Foundation
Dallas, TX
Doug Hillman
Frank Himphill
Don & Marjorie Holloway
The Home Company LLC
La Vista, NE
Jerry & Sonya Honea
Mark & Anne Honeyman
Brady & Patty Hood
Lanny Houillion
Larry & Patricia Housley
John & Shelley Hudson
Patrick & Kathleen Hunt
Alan & Jeanne Hurlebaus
Immanuel Lutheran Church
Bellevue, NE
The J.P. Morgan
Chase Foundation
Andover, MA
Chad & Carol Jackson
Duke Jaeger
James Goode Construction
San Angelo, TX
Jantzen Harvesting LLC
Plymouth, NE
Eugene & Lucille Jarus
Peter & Joyce Jobson
Ted & Marietta Johns
Dave & Colette Johnson
Rick & Debra Johnson
Joel & Jill Johnson
Martha Johnson
Paul & Mary Joiner
Steven Jones
John & Ruth Jordan
Joy Lutheran Church
Rockwall, TX
Jubilee Investment Corp.
Osceola, IN
George & Gay Kapplinger
Nancy Karlson
Tammi Keller
Brian & Carol Kelley
Julie Kempker
Jeremy & Molly Kennis
C. A. Ozzie Kerste
Fred Key
Lovelle & Elzene Kirchhoff
Helen Kittler Trust
Lexington, IL
Scott Kludt
Kness Manufacturing Co., Inc.
Albia, IA
Knights of Columbus #13160
Ames, IA
Knights of Columbus #1723
Beatrice, NE
Knights of Columbus,
Council #4151
Chariton, IA
Knights of Columbus #1282
Dwight, IL
Knights Of Columbus #7896
Forest City, IA
Knights of Columbus Intellectual
Disabilities Foundation
Wayne, NE
Grand Rapids, MI
Patrick Kooker
Sally Korshak
Kevin & Julie Kramp
Thomas & Kristine Krueger
Kuehl Capital Corp.
Omaha, NE
Terry Kuhlers
David & Teri Kuhlmann
Randall & Lynn Kurtz
Patrick & Leslie Lackamp
Martin & Amanda Lambrecht
Lammel Plumbing
Beatrice, NE
James & Jacqueline Lange
Peter Lankford & Alyna Chien
Carol Larson
Laufer Group International LTD
New York, NY
Mark & Mary Lazzo
Jon & Stefani Lee
Liberal Gasket Mfg Co., Inc
Liberal, KS
Allen & Sheila Lindemoen
Denise & William Lindquist
James & Sue Loerts
Loftus Heating, Inc.
Logan, IA
Logan Magnolia
Community Schools
Logan, IA
Steve & Carolyn Logan
Chuck Nelson gives to Mosaic because,
at a young age, he saw first-hand what a
difference this ministry can make for
families and individuals.
“When I was sixteen years old, in the
summer of 1940, I hitchhiked from
Muskegon, Michigan to Axtell, Nebraska
to visit with my 14-year-old sister, Edna,
who was a guest at Bethphage Mission,”
Chuck said. “I was very impressed with
the Bethphage facilities and the excellent
care that my sister was receiving.
Charles Nelson with two of his greatgrandchildren, “representatives of the
next generation of Mosaic supporters,”
he said.
“Ever since that visit I have been greatly
appreciative of the wonderful services that Bethphage, now Mosaic,
provides for children and adults with disabilities, and the comfort and
relief afforded their families who otherwise would have difficulty providing
care. In the case of my family, our father passed away in 1927, and
our mother worked during the depression to raise three children by
herself. It was a special blessing for mother to have Bethphage provide
care for Edna.”
Lynn & Kathy Loken
Randal Loomis
Charles Lundquist
Lutz & Company
Omaha, NE
Eugene & Susan Lutz
Mike & Molly Lyons
M & A Enterprises, Inc
Omaha, NE
Martin Malley
Virginia Malone
Dan & Jane Mar
Larry & Mary Ann Marik
David & Barbra Marshall
Kathy Martin
Michael & Marietta Massey
Sheryl Massey
Jay & Stacie Matz
William & Sandra Maxfield
Mike & Angela McCloskey
Adrianna McClymont
Steven McClymont
Joe & Carol McGrane
Randall & Sally McKimmey
Kay McKinzie
Michael & Margaret McMeekin
Patrick & Barbara McNeal
Gary& Karen McVicker
Bill & Bonnie Meeder
Duane & Jolene Mennenga
Midwest LTC Pharmacy
Grand Island, NE
Miller Pharmacy
Forest City, IA
Bill & Marsha Miller
Carol Miller
Kay Miller
Miller’s Professional Imaging
Pittsburg, KS
Tim Molak
Brad & Michelle Moore
Kenneth & Lois Moore
Kyra Moore
Tonya Mund
Clarence & Donna Myerscough
Marilyn Neer
Dudley & Margie Nelson
John Nelson
Keith & Glenda Nelson
Stephen & Linda Nelson
Marlys Nelson
David & Patricia Nelson
Wincel & Shirley Nelson
Donny & Jane Newcomb
James & Myrna Newland
Ivan & Dorothy Nicholson
Clayton & Lila Nietfeld
Chester Nordling
Greta Nordstrom
Northern Illinois
Real Estate Services, Inc
Rockford, IL
Larry & Jan Novicki
Kansas City, MO
O’Dwyer Electric Service
Grand Junction, CO
Lynda Ogden
OmniCare, Inc
Cincinnati, OH
Greg & Connie O’Neill
Bob Osgood
Jonelle Oswalt
Our Father Lutheran Church
Centennial, CO
Roger & Ann Overleese
Tom & Sue Ann Pagan
Raymond Papenfuss
Ray & Ramona Parker
Delores Pederson*
Pediatric Dentistry
of San Angelo
San Angelo, TX
Robert Pellman
Permatron Corporation
Elk Grove Village, IL
Michael Pick
Pikes Peak
Community Foundation
Colorado Springs, CO
Jim & Christine Poehlman
Raymond &
Marjorie* Pohlmann
John & Sue Prange
Ramon Prange
Premier Land Title Company
La Vista, NE
Peggy Price
Dared & Renee Price
R.W. Sorensen
Construction Company
Kearney, NE
Monte Rasmussen
Redeemer Lutheran Church
Bettendorf, IA
Resurrection Lutheran Church
Plano, TX
Joe & Becky Rice
Ken Rice
Wayne & Suzanne Richard
Ramon & Renee Rico
Tom & Gwen Riederer
Risen Glory Church
Liberal, KS
Thomas Roberts
Dorothy Roesener
Paul & Anna Roisen
Kristin Rossow
Rotary Club of Shawnee
Shawnee, KS
Ruskin Heights Lutheran Church
Kansas City, MO
Marybeth Russell
Tom & Aimee Rust
Rutt’s Heating & A/C, Inc.
Hastings, NE
Dorothy Ryan
Ormal & Margaret Saathoff
Charles & Katherine Safris
Salem Lutheran Church
Ponca, NE
James & Leslie Samaha
San Angelo Taphouse LLC
San Angelo, TX
Ralph & Marcia Sandall
Paul & Kathleen Sandquist
Harry & Kathy Sandstrom
Bob & Gayle Scharf
Tracey Schlegel
Robert & Elizabeth Schultz
Kris Schuster
Curtiss Scott
Seim Johnson, LLP
Omaha, NE
Rick & Georganne Senecaut
Andy Shaffer & Clara
Bal K Sharma
Steve & Jane Shedd
Matt & Wendy Sheffield
David & Lucy Shinabarger
Richard & Carolyn Sieling
Boyd & Amy Sinclair
Chuck & Katherine Sipe
Ronald & Mary Ellis Smith
Ronald & Carolyn Smith
Jeanne Snell
Robert & Susan Sondag
Dennis & Karen South
Duane & Susan Spidle
Stanley & Shirley Spitler
Edgar* & Shirley Splittgerber
Tyler Sprouse
St. John Lutheran Church
Athol, KS
St. John Lutheran Church
Cullom, IL
St. John Lutheran Church
Royal, IL
St. John Lutheran Church
San Antonio, TX
St. John’s Evangelical
Lutheran Church
Wilmette, IL
St. John’s Lutheran Church
Bennington, NE
St. Luke Lutheran Church
Colorado Springs, CO
St. Mark’s Lutheran Church
Valley, NE
St. Paul Evangelical
Lutheran Church
Cole Camp, MO
St. Paul Lutheran Church
(Hickory Grove)
Auburn, NE
St. Paul Lutheran Church
Palmer, KS
St. Paul’s Lutheran Church
Glenvil, NE
St. Peters Evangelical
Luthern Church
Syracuse, IN
St. Philip Lutheran Church
Littleton, CO
John Stafford
Sherry Staggs & Dandy Blagg
Standard Sales Company, Inc.
Odessa, TX
Frank Stander*
Karin Stapleton
Helen Stauffer
William & Dolly Stedman
Mark & Pam Stein
Roger & Joan Stenerson
Frank & Pat Stermitz
Amy Stevens
David & Nancy Stonebraker
Horace Storey
Cynthia Streeter
Evelyn Streng
Stephen Stroud
Lois Struve
Jay & Rebecca Sturm
Susan Wilson Marketing LLC
Scottsdale, AZ
Vern Sutter
Ted & Cheryl Swanson
Medical Foundation
Rockford, IL
Mertzon, TX
Barbara Tate
Jim Tausz
Taylor Drug
Arkansas City, KS
Stella Taylor
Mike Teplansky
Larry & Connie Theisen
Ruth Ann Dolde Thompson
Thompson’s Home
Improvement, Inc.
Elkhorn, NE
Allan & Iris Thoreson
Thrifty White Pharmacy
Clarion, IA
Thrivent Financial for
Lutherans-West Maricopa Cty
Glendale, AZ
Thrivent Financial For Lutherans
- Dallas County Chapter
Plano, TX
Thrivent Financial - Central
Johnson County Chapter
Prairie Village, KS
Thrivent Financial for Lutherans
Hartford County Chapter
Simsbury, CT
Thrivent Financial for Lutherans
- St. Joseph County Chapter
South Bend, IN
James & Janet Totsch
William & Sheila Tringe
Trinity Lutheran Church
Bruning, NE
Randy & Dixie Trost
Nicole Tussey
Union Pharmacy
Council Bluffs, IA
United Commercial Travelers Beatrice Council No. 79
Beatrice, NE
United Supermarkets, Inc.
Lubbock, TX
United Way Belmond Area
Belmond, IA
United Way of Lincoln &
Lancaster County
Lincoln, NE
United Way of Delaware, Inc.
Wilmington, DE
Jennifer Unruh
C. F. & Susan Uridil
Bob & Toby VanDenBosch
Vanguard Charitable
Boston, MA
The Vetter Foundation
Elkhorn, NE
Michael Vetter
Elin Vinblad
Horace & Virginia Wallace
Kerry Waller
Gary & Karen Warden
Larry Watkins & Sharon Hill
Lanier & Marlene Watson
Richard & Lynne Weber
* Mosaic donor(s) who has passed away
Larry Wedel
Charles & Roxanne Wegner
Michael & Dori Weir
Wells Fargo Community
Support Campaign
Princeton, NJ
Jacque Wells
Steve & Sandi Wendell
West Central Wireless
San Angelo, TX
Wichita Business Coalition on
Health Care Inc
Wichita, KS
Lawrence & Sherrill Wick
Dale & Sharon Wight
Marlin & Karen Wilkerson
John & Victoria Wilson
Windsor Heights
Lutheran Church
Windsor Heights, IA
James & Marsha Wirt
James & Julie Wise
Mike & Beth Wiskirchen
Jeff & Jennifer Wittenauer
Lawrence & Nancy Wogman
Lee & Courtenay Wolf
Ward Wolfram
Wren & Virginia Worley
Jill Wright
John & Melanie Wright
Terry Wright
John & Christine Wykes
Gregory & Colleen Wyss
Bud & Bonnie Young
Joel & Shirley Youngquist
Jennifer Zajicek
Zion Lutheran Church
Gowrie, IA
Zion Lutheran Church
Kewanee, IL
Zion Lutheran Church
Pickrell, NE
Steve & Cathy Zwernemann
$500 – $999
461 Grand Ave., LLC
Grand Junction, CO
AAA Building Components, Inc.
Ralston, NE
Brent & Robin Aberg
Advent Lutheran Church
Arlington, TX
Tom & Joyce Aiken
Sam & Joy Allen
Andy & Patty Alverson
American Lutheran Church
Sun City, AZ
Anderson Ford-Lincoln-Mercury
Grand Island, NE
Bret Anderson
Dennis & Barbara Anderson
James & Ruth Anderson
Jenny Anderson
Karen Anderson
Kevin & Emily Anderson
Joe & Janet Andrews
Carl & Sandra Antholz
Kevin Anthony
Aon Foundation
Omaha, NE
Aschoff Construction, Inc
Osmond, NE
Automatic Fire Protection, Inc
San Angelo, TX
Peter & Melissa Awad
Ray & Martha Bailey
Jerry & Eileen Baker
Ray & Joyce Baker
Michael & Monica Balters
Deanna Bartles
Baylor University Assoc. Athletics
Waco, TX
Helen Beaujour
Beth Beaver
Dick Bechtholdt
Bob Beckman
Beitel Memorial
Lutheran Church
San Antonio, TX
John & Meitty Bells
The Benevity Community
Impact Fund
Hudson, OH
James & Vanessa Berg
Emerson & Jean Besch
Black Forest Lutheran Church
Colorado Springs, CO
Susan Blackburn
Donald & Claire Blancher
James & Ruth Blomquist
Jan Blosser
Lori Bolejack
Tony & Doris Borino
Rod & Gayle Bortz
Vivian Bovenmyer
David & Lois Bowers
Juanita Bowersox
BP Fabric of America Fund
Princeton, NJ
Tracy Brekke
Joy Brennan
Amanda Brewer
Chet & Glenna Brodnicki
Randy Broesder
Steve & Kathy Brownmiller
Mike & Sandy Bruckner
Harriett Brust
Jan Bryson-Epp
Raymond & Carol Burnham
Paula Burton
Paula Busse-Barnett
Ejay Bustamante
James & Tamara Byrd
Stephen & Patti Byrne
Calvary Lutheran Church
Brookfield, WI
Bernice Campbell
Brandi Campbell
Curry & Bonnie Lou Campbell
Lorraine Carlson
Debi Carter
Vee Ann Cartwright
Charles Casselman
Justina Cavaliere
Keith Cavallini
Brian Chamness
Verlene Childers
Lee & Cecilia Childress
Robert & Barbara Chilton
Christ the King
Lutheran Church
Iowa City, IA
Ed Christopherson
City of Carrollton
Carrollton, TX
Tammy Coffey
David & Belen Coker
Coldwell Banker Advantage
Stevensville, MI
Jo Beth Collier
Sheila Colton
Communications Solutions
of South Iowa
Weldon, IA
Susan Connally
Kim Cota
Matt & Renee Coughlin
Nick Covey
Cox Communications
Wichita, KS
Shannon Crawford
Cross of Glory Lutheran Church
Derby, KS
Bob & Cristy Crovella
Cultural Affairs Council
San Angelo, TX
Cupcake Island
Omaha, NE
D.K. Arndt, P.C.
Forest City, IA
Don & Linda Dale
Dallas Johnson Greenhouses
Council Bluffs, IA
Eugene & Kris Davies
William & Rose Marie Davis
Suzanne Deimerly
Deines Pharmacy, Inc.
Beatrice, NE
Dell Employee Giving Program
Princeton, NJ
Marie DeWolf
Curtiss & Laura Dill
Todd Dinges
Wayne & Peggy Dodson
Robert & Patricia Donahue
Randall Donner
Katie Dorland
Tony & Kristy Douglas
Don & Janice Douglas
Charles & Judith Downey
Melinda Downs
Frank & Boo Dragoun
Janelle Dugan
Mike & Rose Dunham
Mary-Anne Dworak
Stanley Earnshaw
Jim & Paula Eccleston
Arlan & Gwen Ecklund
Ecovate, Inc
Denver, CO
Edward Jones
Maryland Heights, MO
James* & Catherine Ekerberg
Jane Ekerberg
John & Lisa Elias
Elkhorn West Construction
Omaha, NE
Bill Elliott
Emmanuel Lutheran Church
Stuttgart, KS
Don & Carolyn Evans
Loyd & Teresa Evers
David & Diana Ewing
Eyman Plumbing, Inc.
Lavista, NE
Family Rural Health
of LaHarpe
La Harpe, IL
Jim & Jean Farrell
Ty & Stacy Fawley
Johnny Fender
Adella Fermstad
Joyce Finnell
First Lutheran Church
Blair, NE
First Lutheran Church
Dorrance, KS
First Lutheran Church
Lincoln, NE
First Lutheran Church
Temple, TX
First United Methodist Church
San Angelo, TX
First Westroads Bank
Omaha, NE
Bob & Eileen Fogarty
Janet Follstaedt
Dan & Kim Forehand
Wayland & Melissa Starr Foster
Freemount Lutheran Church
Lindsborg, KS
Kurt & Ann Friederich
John & Barbara Fulenwider
Randall & Marcia Gansebom
Craig & Vicki Ganzel
Doris Garner
Pamela Gately
Gates Chevy World
Mishawaka, IN
Greg Gayler
Philip & Anna Geleske
General Mills Box Tops
For Education
Highland Park, MI
Jason & Leslie Gerdes
Kathy Gerking & Andy Johnson
GIPH Restaurants, LLC
aka Pizza Hutt
Grand Island, NE
Glazer’s Wholesale Drug Co., Inc.
Dallas, TX
Richard & Lea Ann Glenn
Lorelei Glenn
Ronald & Rita Gochanour
Clint & Marilyn Godkin
Alexandria, VA
Gregg & Debra Gordon
Ernie & Jackie Goss
Stephen & Cheryl Gottula
Kevern & Debra Grant
Philip & Cheryl Gray
Great Western Bank
Sioux Falls, SD
Yvette Green
Gayle Gross
Tiffany Grummitt
John & Janet Guinn
Carl & Delores Gustafson
Sue Gustafson
Randy & Ginger Hagens
David & Mary Hahn
Charles & Ellen Halbur
John Hall & Cindy Morris
Nate & Barbara Hanna
Melinda Hanrahan
Mae Hansel
Keith & Helen Hansen
Edgar & Shelley Harris
Sheila Harris
Rick & Eloise Hatchel
Michael Haugen
Jeremy Havekost
Judy Haven
Raymond & Patricia Hayden
Elroy & Carol Hefner
Heidemann Family Trust
Jansen, NE
Lucille Helmbrecht
Danny Hereim
Larry & Jenelle Herman
Cheryl Herreid
Richard & Sharon Herzberg
Don & Barbara Hilbert
Charles & Leslie Hilmer
HL Snyder Medical Foundation
Winfield, KS
Gary & Kathy Hodges
Tommy & Karla Hoelscher
James & Jeanne Hoffmann
Rusty Hogan
Lisa Hogancamp
Bob & Elaine Holmes
Denise Holt
Kelly & Virginia Holthus
Holy Cross Lutheran Church
Beatrice, NE
Curt & Katy Hoskins
HP Company Foundation
Washington, DC
Louis & Marilyn Hurwitz
Scott Husby
Polly Ann Hyatt
Immanuel Lutheran Church
Titonka, IA
Richard & Sandra Indergard
Allen & Mary Ingram
Valerie Ipsen
Adrian Jackson
Don & Theola Jackson
Will & Mary Jacob
James Avery Craftsman
Kerrville, TX
Theodore & Cheryl Janish
Milton & Pauline Jellum
Glenn & Michele Jensen
Jimmy Boyd Maintenance Services
Roscoe, IL
Elijah Jock
Marcus Johns
Alice Johnson
Carol Johnson
Jeffrey Johnson
Paul & Liz Johnson
Sheila Johnson
Lanny Jones
James & Darleen Kautz
Betty Kennaugh
Thomas & Joan Keown
Lindsey Kepka
Cathy Kerr
Patrick Kerr
Ki Corp
Lubbock, TX
Bob & Mary Klein
Mark Klever & Karen Parker
Knights Of Columbus #8110
Belmond, IA
Knights of Columbus #1579
Clarion, IA
Knights of Columbus,
Council #14338
Colorado Springs, CO
Knights of Columbus #2074
Denison, IA
Knights of Columbus #11643 St.
Mary of Nazareth
Des Moines, IA
Knights of Columbus, #1249
Dunlap, IA
Knights of Columbus #3400
Ellsworth, KS
Knights of Columbus #11823 St.
Cecilia Council
Hastings, NE
Greg and Kathy Stephen knew nothing about Mosaic when she applied
for a job with the ministry nearly 13 years ago. Now, Kathy sees her work
as “a calling” from God and knows it is where she is meant to be. Her
passion also drew her husband to get involved as a volunteer.
“Coming from a non-profit, I know
how hard it is,” said Greg, who works
for a local non-profit that helps
businesses get started. “I decided
that whatever we could give would
help, knowing what a struggle it is.
That more or less kept us wanting to
give more.”
The couple, active in their local Catholic
parish, believe that their involvement with Mosaic has strengthened
their faith. Kathy routinely prays for the needs of the people she serves
and, Greg said, is not surprised when someone shows up with just what
is needed.
To help others understand how important their gifts can be to people
served, Greg now serves on Mosaic’s local sustainable funding team.
“The people are so deserving to have more than they have,” he said.
Knights of Columbus #10160
St. Stephen the Martyr
Omaha, NE
Knights of Columbus
Adel-Waukee #9574
Waukee, IA
Knights of Columbus #1570
Waukon, IA
Knights of Columbus
Council #1708
Wayne, NE
Knights Columbus #991
Wellington, KS
Burke Knoll
Olin & Carolyn Knudsen
John & Sandra Knutson
Marvin Koester
Kohll’s Pharmacy & Homecare
Omaha, NE
Robert & Stacey Kollman
Kountze Memorial Lutheran Church
Omaha, NE
Peter & Cheryl Kowalczik
Bonnie Kralik
Carol Kratzer
Ronald & Gloria Krob
Sheila Krolikowski
Paul & Linda Kruger
Paul & JoAnn Krupicka
Ryan & Blaire Kuhlman
Judy Lacy
Juris & Carolyn Laivins
Lakeridge United
Methodist Church
Lubbock, TX
Jane Lally
Richard & Alice Lambert
Walt & JoAnn Landers
Lane Building Corp.
Omaha, NE
E.W. Lechtenberg
Lee, Lee & Puckett Associates, Inc.
San Angelo, TX
Daryl Leffler
Larry & Judy Leinen
Wendy Lemke
Muriel Lensch
Mike & Susie Lister
Rogert Loots & Ann Hultquist
Debra Loudin-McCann
William & Sandy Ludwig
William & Sally Lundell
Kelly Lytle
Pete & Sandi Mackie
Chad Magner
Russell & Mary Ann Manners
Marni Mannon
Tom Markel
John & Cathleen Marta
Martin Luther Home Quilters
Beatrice, NE
Bernadette Martin
Ronald & Donna Mau
Anne McAlister
Steven McCain
Robert & Michelle McCormick
Michael & Paula McDonald
J. Paul & Eleanor McIntosh
Derek & Brett McIntyre
Adam & Carol McLaughlin
Billie McMiller
Richard D. McNaught
Garner & Louise McNett
George & Marilyn Mechem
James & Betsy Mercado
Brent Mertz
Messiah Lutheran Church
Grand Island, NE
Cory & Joanne Mether
Ron & Sylvia Meyer
Blake Michalski
Millard Days, Inc.
Omaha, NE
Derek & Erin Miller
Rhonda Miller
Sarah Miller
Eva Mitchell
Robert & Susan Molina
Erica Montefusco
Sheila Moore
Dennis & Mary Morgan
Stacy Morton
Janice Murphy
Richard & Barb Mussman
Phyllis Muyskens
Neapco, Inc. - Industrial Park
Beatrice, NE
Scott & Rebecca Near
Betty Bockstahler
has continued her
husband Tony’s
mission of supporting
Mosaic. Prior to his
death nearly 25 years
ago, he spent a lot of
time volunteering for
the organization.
“He was a real expert with wood and was
able to make things for people,” Betty said.
“He had been exposed to a lot of the
problems people can have and I think that
was one of the things that gave him a special
interest in Martin Luther Home.”
“I try to help a few charity groups when I can
and Mosaic just seems like an especially
good one. I know where the money goes and
how it is used. I feel very comfortable when I
give a little. I am not a major donor, but I
know every bit helps.
“We all go through periods when we do need
help, no matter what. I was blessed with all
the people who helped me in life. The least I
can do is try to repay a little along the way.”
Leonard & Elaine Neatherlin
Nebraska United
Methodist Foundation
Lincoln, NE
Nedrow, Inc.
Norfolk, NE
Lisa Negstad
Theodore Nelson
Alvin & Patricia New
Ronald Niday
Juanita Nielsen
James & Sandra Nienaber
Amanda Nolen
Donna Norman
Northwest Bank
La Vista, NE
Odessa Packer Service
Odessa, TX
Oliver, Rainey & Wojtek, LLP
San Angelo, TX
Greg & Kathryn Olson
Laura Olund
Omaha World Herald
Omaha, NE
Osceola United Methodist Church
Osceola, IN
Overhead Door Co. of Omaha
Papillion, NE
Ronald & Diane Panowicz
Rancho Santa Margarita, CA
Ed & Patricia Patton
Jerry & Joy Payne
Peak Sports Club
Loves Park, IL
Ronald & Rachel Pechauer
Paul & Lois Peel
Leslie Peltz
Israel & Rosamaria Perez
Inez Petrie
Frances Petteys
C.V. & Marguerite Pickett
Homer & Margaret Pierce
Charles Pike
Moe & Carla Pirestani
Brooke Player
Barbara Post-Althaus
Randy & Pam Potts
Vicki Powell-Maguire
Pyrmont Trinity Lutheran Church
Stover, MO
Racers Christmas For Kids, Inc.
Terre Haute, IN
Razoo Foundation
Washington, DC
Bob & Glenda Reasoner
Redeemer Lutheran Church
Arkansas City, KS
Redeemer Lutheran Church
Hooper, NE
Jim & Johanna Reed
Brianna Rehrs
Rejoice Lutheran Church
Coppell, TX
Bruce & Connie Renberger
Robert & Janelle Reppert
Russ & Mary Jo Richards
John & Sharon Riley
Loretta Rivers
Leslie & Melanie Robbins
Del & LaRue Roberts
Betty Roenfanz
Amy Root
Gordon Rostvold
Robert & Elizabeth Sabella
Alfred Saenz
Bobbi Sahm
Salem Lutheran Church
Saint Francis, KS
Greta Sandberg
Wayne & Michele Sanner
Elena Schadle
Julie Schatz
John Schmidt
Sandra Schmoker
Mark & Barb Scholz
Wilma Schubert
Diane Schutt
Schwab Charitable Fund
Orlando, FL
Roland Schwanke
Security National Bank
Omaha, NE
Loran & Donna Seely
Peri & Gnana Segaran
Akash Sethi
Sherwood Homes
Omaha, NE
Shop on State
Osage, IA
Jeff & Tracy Schreeves
Charles & Vernell Shuey
Michael & Martha Sigler
Don & Jona Simonson
Rex Sindt
Sisters of Charity of Leavenworth
Mead Convent
Leavenworth, KS
Derrel Sjogren
Don & Lynn Skadeland
Jimmie & Donna Slater
Bart & Karen Smith
Terry & Elizabeth Smith
Louis & Margaret Smith
Russell & Louann Smith
St. John’s Lutheran Church
Eustis, NE
St. John’s Lutheran
Church Foundation
Anchor, IL
St. Joseph Catholic Church
Richardson, TX
St. Mark Lutheran Church
Pender, NE
St. Mark’s Lutheran Church
Washington, IL
St. Matthew Lutheran Church
Waco, TX
St. Olaf Lutheran Church
Cranfills Gap, TX
St. Paul Lutheran Church
Galatia, KS
St. Paul Lutheran Church
Gilead, NE
St. Paul Lutheran Church
Treynor, IA
Rod Stambaugh
State Employee Charitable Campaign
Lubbock, TX
State of Iowa Iowa One Gift Donation
Des Moines, IA
Leon Stefan
Chadwick & Christina Stelzl
Greg & Kathryn Stephen
Steven Stephens
Paul & Cecelia Stevenson
Scott & Kritika Storer
Suburban Stationers, Inc.
Middletown, CT
Doug & Becky Sutton
Swedish American Hospital
Rockford, IL
Andy & Rebecca Tait
William & Becky Taylor
Michael & Sue Thomas
Phillip & Brandy Thomas
Michael & Kelly Thompson
Thrivent Financial
Minneapolis, MN
Thrivent Financial Northeastern
CT Chapter
Danielson, CT
Thrivent Financial for Lutherans
- Homestead Chapter
Fairbury, NE
Thrivent Financial Western
Connecticut #31001
Norwalk, CT
Thrivent Financial New London
Chapter #31018
Preston, CT
Thrivent Financial
New Haven Chapter
Wallingford, CT
Bobbie Tillman
Transmission Clinic of Colorado
Colorado Springs, CO
Lori Treaster
Vince & Demetria Tricomi
Trinity Lutheran Church
Axtell, NE
Trinity Lutheran Church
Loveland, CO
Trinity Lutheran Church
Rockford, IL
Reston, VA
Troy & Amy Trumm
Jill Tueth
Peter Tummino
& Kim Quandt-Tummino
Tim & Shelly Tyler
Jeff & Connie Uhri
Kathy Ullrich
United Methodist Church Women
Ulysses, KS
United Way of Central Iowa
Des Moines, IA
United Way of Larimer County
Fort Collins, CO
Jodie Uptergrove
US Bancorp Foundation
Matching Gift Program
Princeton, NJ
Erlinda Valles
Heather Van Gorp
Mike & Rhonda Vanicek
Shirley Vipond
Vision Care Clinic P.C. Optometrists
Denison, IA
David & Kathleen Volkman
Volunteer Center of Lubbock
Lubbock, TX
Bill Vrettos
William Wachter
John & Miranda Walichowski
Les & Nancy Walker
Bill Walljasper
Wal-Mart Store #1386
Pontiac, IL
Bernadine Walsten
Evelyn Weaver
Danny Webb
Allie Welch
James & Karen Weld
Joyce Wellendorf
Wells Fargo Bank, NA
Minneapolis, MN
Wells Fargo Commercial Banking
Dallas, TX
Robert & Jean Wells
Kenneth & Linda Wendling
Philip & Carol Wentzel
Mark & Kathleen Werrell
Brian & Dawn Wessels
Westside Lions Club
San Angelo, TX
Brady & Staci Wetz
Charles Hilmer has been
aware of Mosaic’s ministry
since he was a child. He
grew up in the Lutheran
church and remembers
memorial gift requests for
Bethphage when older
relatives passed.
“When I got older and became aware of
exactly what they did, I realized it is a
wonderful ministry,” Charles said.
Not living near any Mosaic services, he has
never witnessed first-hand the work of the
ministry. But that has not stopped him from
building a decades-long, loyal history of
giving to the organization.
“Mosaic reaches out to people of all faiths,”
he said. “The fact that it is faith-based is
exceedingly important.”
Stacey Whipple
Patricia White
Tracy White
Wayne & Joan White
Elaine Wiant
Terry & Sandy Wilkerson
Theresa Williams-Dennis
Wes & Janet Willimon
Windsor Park Conference Center
Mishawaka, IN
Gail Wingerd
Gail Womble
Fred & Mandy Woodward
T. E. & Marie Yaghmour
Dan & Mary Zier
Bert & Michelle Zimmerman
Zion Lutheran Church
Clay Center, NE
Partners in Possibilities Giving Society
Those who have pledged to support Mosaic over a five-year period with
an annual gift of $1,000 or more.
Brent & Robin Aberg
Alick’s Home Medical Inc.
South Bend, IN
Jon Altschuler
Roger & Beverly Anderson
Dennis & Barbara Anderson
Robert & Janet Anderson
Mark & Jaimie Hoyt
Tami Arnold
Alfred* & Rose August
Eric Baertels
David & Charlene Bailey
Ray & Martha Bailey
Robert Barcell
Douglas & Megan Barlow
Thomas & Virginia Barnard
Beth Beaver
Rodney & Jane Behrhorst
John & Meitty Bells
Leslie Bent
Ann Bigger
Fred & Kathy Bloom
Jan Blosser
Elizabeth Bockstahler
James & Michelle Bowen
Wes & Staci Bowen
Jerald & Peggy Brekke
Broadway Dental
Denison, IA
Chet & Glenna Brodnicki
Randy Broesder
Bruce Furniture
Hastings, NE
Joshua &
Sammie Brueggemann
Harriett Brust
Raymond & Carol Burnham
Patricia Bush
Ejay Bustamante
Dawn Carlson
Richard & Barb Carman
Sharon Carr
Casey’s General Stores, Inc.
Ankeny, IA
Cash-Wa Distributing Company
Kearney, NE
Mike & Janet Cavanaugh
Peter Cicatelli &
Stephanie Stevenson
Warren & Julie Clausen
Bill & Lori Cochrane
Matthew & Evelyn Cole
Kevin & Tanya Colvin
Pat Conklin
Norman Cook
Kim Cota
Jeff Curry
Ken Dahlberg
Dennis & Connie Dailey
Zach Daub
Beverly Davis
Nancy Davis
David & Anita deFreese
Marvin Deist
Catherine Delnat
Connie Donahue
Melinda Downs
Steve & Barb Dreher
Thomas & Phyllis Dumpert
Gregory & Melissa Dvorocsik
Steve & Carolyn Eby
Ed & Barbara Eckelmeyer
Raymond & Veronica Eid
Sherry Elkins
Catherine Ellis
Emanuel Lutheran Church
Hartford, CT
Ener-Tel Services, Inc.
San Angelo, TX
Todd & Vickie Engel
T.J. Ermoian
John & Mary Lynn Espenmiller
Kellion & Lorelei Faglier
Delores Fahrenbruch
Patrick & Rosetta Falchier
Mike & Andrea Faucett
Lewis & Linda Fillmore
First Lutheran Church
Colorado Springs, CO
Susan Flack & Kent Cattarello
Lee & Mary Foster
Michael & Deborah Fraysier
Nancy Frazier
Bill French
Gloria Froelich
David & Carolyn Gage
Terry & Jane Gerdes
Ed & Erin Gerwels
Paul & Mary Gerwels
Ronald & Rita Gochanour
Ronald & Catherine Goddard
Golding Enterprises, Inc.
San Saba, TX
Ernie & Jackie Goss
Gary & Janice Grandgeorge
Kevern & Debra Grant
Rhonda Gray
Pat & Elaine Gregory
Joan Griggs
Gayle Gross
Linda Groub
Hagie Manufacturing Company
Clarion, IA
David & Mary Hahn
Elaine Hake
Mel & Hattie Hammer
Heartland Homecare Services, Inc.
Lawrence, KS
Ken & Becky* Heideman
Doug Hillman
Charles & Leslie Hilmer
Frank Himphill
Rose Marie Hinde
Paul & Lori Hogan
Timothy & Jonna Holland
Mark & Anne Honeyman
Brady & Patty Hood
Fred & Judie Hosey
Curt & Katy Hoskins
Larry & Patricia Housley
Richard & Kathleen Hranac
John & Shelley Hudson
Patrick & Kathleen Hunt
Robert* & Betty Hyde
Eugene & Lucille Jarus
Peter & Joyce Jobson
Bruce & Victoria Johnson
Christine Johnson
Joel & Jill Johnson
Paul & Mary Joiner
Fred Key
Lovelle & Elzene Kirchhoff
John & Sandra Knutson
Kevin & Julie Kramp
Harold & Joyce* Kreski
Paul & JoAnn Krupicka
Ryan & Blaire Kuhlman
David & Teri Kuhlmann
John & Sharon Kuti
Patrick & Leslie Lackamp
Martin & Amanda Lambrecht
Lammel Plumbing
Beatrice, NE
Carol Larson
Helen Little
Loftus Heating, Inc.
Logan, IA
Lynn & Kathy Loken
Randal Loomis
Debra Loudin-McCann
Eugene & Susan Lutz
Martin Malley
Marni Mannon
Dan & Jane Mar
Larry & Mary Ann Marik
David & Barbra Marshall
Marshall & Estelene* Mathias
Jeff & Carol Mau
William & Sandra Maxfield
Mike & Angela McCloskey
Theresa McFall
Joe & Carol McGrane
J. Paul & Eleanor McIntosh
Randall & Sally McKimmey
MCL Construction
Omaha, NE
Scott McLin
Patrick & Barbara McNeal
Gary & Karen McVicker
Duane & Jolene Mennenga
Cory & Joanne Mether
Janet Meyer
Midstate Appliance, Inc.
Southington, CT
Midwest LTC Pharmacy
Grand Island, NE
Miller Pharmacy
Forest City, IA
Bill & Marsha Miller
Kay Miller
Max & Sharon Miller
Kent & Patricia Mills
Nicole Montenegro
Brandon & Angela Moore
Kenneth & Lois Moore
Clarence & Donna Myerscough
Anne Marie Negri-Budzinski
John Nelson
Keith & Glenda Nelson
David & Patricia Nelson
James & Myrna Newland
Larry & Jan Novicki
Suzanne Offe
James Olmsted & Denise Stange
Bob Osgood
Roger & Ann Overleese
Max & Elayne Palmer
Ronald & Diane Panowicz
Randy & Judy Paulson
Jerry & Joy Payne
Pediatric Dentistry of San Angelo
San Angelo, TX
Robert Pellman
Kristi Perrigo
Peterson Mfg. Co.
Denison, IA
PJW Nursing Consultants LLC
West Hartford, CT
Jim & Christine Poehlman
Randy & Pam Potts
Dared & Renee Price
Bill Pruett
Q’s Printing & Design
San Angelo, TX
Duane & Christine Quaini
R.W. Sorensen Construction
Kearney, NE
Randol Mill Pharmacy
Arlington, TX
Monte Rasmussen
Rejoice Lutheran Church
Frisco, TX
Bruce & Connie Renberger
Robert & Janelle Reppert
Joe & Becky Rice
John & Patty Richards
Randy & Julie Richardson
Ramon & Renee Rico
RN Plus Medical Supplies
San Antonio, TX
Thomas Roberts
Dorothy Roesener
Estate of E. G. Roesener
Dodge City, KS
Paul & Anna Roisen
Rutt’s Heating & A/C, Inc.
Hastings, NE
Charles & Katherine Safris
Raul & Ellen Saldivar
Ralph & Marcia Sandall
Bettye Sanders
Harry & Kathy Sandstrom
Tracey Schlegel
Tim & Teri Schmeeckle
David & Peggie Schmidt
Bryan Schmode
& Veronica Wilson
Keith & Mary Lou Schmode
Mark Segebart
Rick & Georganne Senecaut
Brad & Marla Sexson
Andy Shaffer
& Clara Brown-Shaffer
Bal K Sharma
Stephen Shaughnessy
& Jason McIntire
Monte & Ruth Sheffield
Dallas & Shelly Shepard
David & Lucy Shinabarger
Sigma Sigma Sigma
Pittsburg, KS
Chuck & Katherine Sipe
Terry & Elizabeth Smith
Mike & Lana Smith
Ronald & Mary Ellis Smith
Jeanne Snell
Joe & Brenda Solomon
Dennis & Karen South
Pamela Spadaro & Scott Asplund
Jason Spangler
Edgar* & Shirley Splittgerber
John Stafford
Sherry Staggs & Dandy Blagg
Frank & Pat Stermitz
Theresa Stevenson
David & Nancy Stonebraker
Jerry & Sandra Straight
Cynthia Streeter
Evelyn Streng
Jay & Rebecca Sturm
Ted & Cheryl Swanson
Eva Swanson
Don & Sandy Tait
Pat Takats
Vernon & Sue Tapper
Onias & Loice Taruwinga
Barbara Tate
Taylor Drug
Arkansas City, KS
Mike Teplansky
Larry & Connie Theisen
Richard Toftness
Tom & Jane Tonniges
James & Janet Totsch
Lori Treaster
Union Pharmacy
Council Bluffs, IA
Jennifer Unruh
C. F. & Susan Uridil
Arland & Arlene Vander Leest
Brent & Sheila Vander Leest
Michael Vetter
David & Kathleen Volkman
Sandra Waldemar
Gary & Dorothy Wall
Gary & Karen Warden
Charles & Roxanne Wegner
John & Donna Werner
West Valley Lutheran Thrift Shop
Sun City, AZ
Sandra West
Stacey Whipple
Dale & Sharon Wight
Mark & Rhonda Willcox
Ashley Winblad
Winfield Pharmacy
Winfield, KS
James & Marsha Wirt
Mike & Beth Wiskirchen
Jeff & Jennifer Wittenauer
Clara Wittig
Terry Wright
Bud & Bonnie Young
Jennifer Zajicek
Donald & Kathleen Ziegler
Dan & Mary Zier
Steve & Cathy Zwernemann
* Mosaic donor(s) who has passed away
Dedicated Mosaic staff members are
one of the reasons Jerry and Patty
Davis give to the organization.
“The staff that work for Mosaic are very
impressive,” Patty said. “I love giving to
Mosaic because they have so many
people who care so much about it.”
Patty served for eight years on the
Mosaic Board of Directors. She
remembers how “thrilled” she was to
be chosen for that role and she
developed a close relationship with
many staff members during that time. She also visited several Mosaic
program locations and made trips to Romania and Tanzania to learn of
the ministry’s international partnerships and outreach.
“My husband and I have felt honored and blessed to give to Mosaic,”
she said. “I wish more people would do more.”
A life of possibilities for people with intellectual disabilities.
Mosaic serves more than 3,900 people through locations in 10 states. Our
primary mission is to serve people with intellectual disabilities. Mosaic
provides supports that include day
activities, job coaching, medical and
residential services. People live in
their own homes, in homes owned
or leased by Mosaic, or on one of
our campuses in Axtell or Beatrice,
Neb. The services we provide are
guided by an individual plan of
support for each person.
Internationally, Mosaic works in
partnership with two nongovernmental organizations,
Motivation Romania in Romania and the Northern Diocese of the Evangelical
Lutheran Church in Tanzania. Together, we promote human rights,
recognition and social inclusion of people with disabilities, providing
services for more than 250 children and youth with intellectual and
developmental disabilities each year.
4980 S. 118th St. | Omaha, NE 68137-2220 | [email protected] | 877.366.7242
Mosaic is an affiliated social ministry organization of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
and a member of Lutheran Services in America.
Mosaic will not discriminate in matters of employment or service delivery on the basis of
race, creed, age, color, sex, religion, national origin, ancestry, physical or mental disability,
marital status or veteran status.
2014 Donor Roll: Every effort has been made to identify each donor correctly in the listings of this book.
We apologize for any omissions or errors. If your name is not listed in the style or manner that you wish,
please let us know at 1.877.366.7242 x31035.