Collectible Plates – Add to Your Collection!

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5 America the Beautiful
Brenot, Pierre-Laurent
Boulme, Laude
Guidou, Jean-Claude
Guidou, Jean-Claude
Brenot, Pierre-Laurent
Brenot, Pierre-Laurent
Brenot, Pierre-Laurent
Cambier, Guy
Ard, Kurt
Ard, Kurt
Ard, Kurt
Ard, Kurt
Johnson, Harry
“L’Arc de Triomphe” FS689 Porcelaine de Imoges, France
“Michele et Sylvie”, 1983, AH347 Porcelaine de Limoges, France
“Sarah Bernhardt Incarne Marguerite dans La Dame aux Camelias – 1899” 1986, LR656 par Pierre-Laurent Brenot
“Josephine et. Napoleon de Boulme”, AQ588 Premiere assiette la serie, by laude Boulme
“Marie-Ange”, BQ349 en veritable Porcelaine Grand Feu de Limoges, France
“Marianne et Therese” 1986, CA094 Guy Cambier la Fete des Meres
“Noel Vitrail 2eme:Dans La Creche BX939 ”Porcelaine de Limoges”, France
“Le Moulin Rouge”, B9072 Porcelaine de Limoges, France
“La Fete du Retour Triomphal” 886 Porcelaine de Limoges, France
“La Vitrine Magique” 1986, NA425 Porcelaine de Limoges, France par Jean-Claude Guidou
“La Petite Chaperon Rouge” 1984, AE458 Porcelaines Limoges-Turgot Les Moralites de Perrault par Quellier
“Guignol au Luxembourg” 1985, AB138 “Les Enfants de la Fin du Siecle”
“L’ Hotel de Ville de Paris”, AWS71 Porcelaine de Limoges, France
“La Palace de la Concorde”, BH928 Porcelaine de Limoges, France
“Marie et Jacqueline” 1984, AO071 Porcelaine de Limoges, France, Guy Cambier la Fete Des Meres
“Noel Vitrail 3eme:Refus D’Hebergement BN401 Porcelaine de Limoges, France
“L’ Eglise Saint-Pierre et Le Sacre-Coeur de Montmartre” 1981, BN498 Porelaine de Limoges, France
“Le Marche Aux Fleurs et la Conciergerie” 1981, BT848 Porcelaine de Limoges, France
“La Petit Poucet” 1984, Les Moralites de Perrault par Quellier
“Gigi” 1985, LJ 900 Jean-Claude Guidou, Pordelaine de Limoges, France
“Emilie et Philippe”, BC755 Limoges-Turgot, France
“Manege aux Champs-Elysees” 1986, LD 398 “Les Enfants de la Fin du Siecle”, Porcelaines Limoges-Turgot, France
“Le Pont Alexandre III, BJ802 Porcelaine de Limoges, France
“Anna Pavlova Reçoit un Admirateur lors des Ballets Russes – 1909” LC 8.15 par Pierre-Laurent Brenot
“La Pointe du Vert Galant et le Pont Neuf”, BS703 Porcelaine de Limoges, France
“Caroline Otero Devant L’Opera de Monte Carlo – 1904” 1987, par Pierre-Laurent Brenot
“Petitss Voiliers au Bassin des Tuileries” 1985, LA641 “Les Enfants de la Fin du Siecle”
“Cecile et Raoul”, AX932 “Les Enfants de Partout
“Le Cathedrale Notre Dame”, DB864 Porcelaine de Limoges, France
“L’Opera”, BC 868 Porcelaine de Limoges , France
“Monique et. Francois” 1985, AB313 Guy Cambier la Fete Des Meres
“Hjemme er bedst”by Kurt Ard
“Unfair Konkurrence” by Kurt Ard
“Ikke lutter lagkage” 1985, 3224D af Kurt Ard
“Det forste swærmeri” 1986, 894A af Kurt Ard
“Grossvater erzahlt eine Geschichte” 1986, 31758 Ville de Neuchatel Musee Dart et D’Histoire
“Russian and Ludmilla” 1988, 8609
“Vassilissa The Fair” 22-H-18-1.5 The Russian Fairy Tales
“Yosemite Falls” 1988, 6131D 1st issue in America the Beautiful by Harry Johnson
“Betsy Ross” 1985, 5987A 3rd issue in American Folk Heroes Series
5 American Folk Heroes
Barker, Cicely Mary
“The Lord is My Shepherd” 1988, 3011B 1st issue in the Beloved Hymns of Childhood
11 Birds of Your Garcen
Daniel, Devin
“The Baltimore Oriole” 1985, #2826G 3rd in Encyclopedia Britannica Birds of Your Garden Collection
11 Birds of Your Garcen
Daniel, Devin
“The Cedar Waxowing” 1987, #19510E 10th issue in Encycl Britannica Birds of Your Garden Collection
8 Birds of Your Garcen
8 Birds of Your Garcen
Daniel, Devin
Daniel, Devin
“The Goldfinch” 1987, Plate #15850F 8th issue in Encycl Britannica Birds of Your Garden Collection
“The Blue Jay” 1985, Plate #10636I 2nd issue in Encycl Britannica Birds of Your Garden Collection
8 Birds of Your Garcen
Daniel, Devin
“The Gadwall” 1988, Plate #7835D 7th issue in Encycl Britannica Birds of Your Garden Collection
5 Beloved Hymns of Childhood
8 Birds of Your Garcen
Daniel, Devin
“The Downy Woodpecker” 1987, Plate #2432A 9th issue in EncyclBritannica Birds of Your Garden Coll
4 Canterbury Tales Collection
Hoover, G. A.
“The Franklin’s Tale”, 26-L46-I.2 2nd issue in The Canterbury Tales Collection by G.A. Hoover
4 Canterbury Tales Collection
Hoover, G. A.
“The Man of Law’s Tale”, 26-L46-11 1st issue in The Canterbury Tales Collection by G.A. Hoover
10 Children and Pets
Zolan, Donald
“Tender Moments” 1984, #13665 1st in Children and Pets Collection by Donald Zolan
11 Children's Circus
McClelland, John
“Maggie the Animal Trainer” 1983, #C1247 4th in McClelland Children’s Circus Collection
11 Children's Circus
McClelland, John
“Tommy the Clown” 1982, #15376F 1st in McClelland Children’s Circus Collection
11 Children's Circus
McClelland, John
“Katie the Tightrope Walker” 1982, #A19593 2nd in McClelland Children’s Circus Collection
5 Children's Circus
McClelland, John
“Johnny the Strong Man” 1983, 3280B 3rd issue in McClelland Children’s Circus Collection
9 Child's Play
Hook, Frances
“First Snow” 1984, #2515 3rd issue in A Child’s Play by Frances Hook
10 Csatari Grandparent Series
Csatari, Joseph
“The Bedtime Story” 1980, #15181G 1st issue of Csatari Grandparent Series by Joseph Csatari
Csatari, Joseph
Bornholt, Karen Jean
Bornholt, Karen Jean
Bornholt, Karen Jean
Bornholt, Karen Jean
Bornholt, Karen Jean
Bornholt, Karen Jean
Bedal, Gemalt von Karl
Bedal, Gemalt von Karl
Bedal, Gemalt von Karl
Bedal, Gemalt von Karl
“Skating Lessons”, #4158C 2nd issue in Csatari Grandparent Series by Joseph Csatari
“Den smukkeste af dem alle” 1987, #6282A in Den Grimme Aelling by Karen Jean Bornholt
“Hvilke kongelige fugle” 1986, #7342A Den Grimme Aelling by Karen Jean Bornholt
“Han vok ser sig kon” 1985, Plate #5639A in Den Grimme Aelling by Karen Jean Bornholt
“I forstar mig ikke” 1986, Plate #7092A in Den Grimme Aelling by Karen Jean Bornholt
“I forstar mig ikke” 1986, Plate #7092A in Den Grimme Aelling by Karen Jean Bornholt
“Kom med os” 1986, Plate #1439A in Den Grimme Aelling by Karen Jean Bornholt
“Muselhaus in Nissbach” 1985, #8447 in Deutsches Fachwerk, ein werivolles Erbe
“Bauernhaus in Fronhausen” 1984, #1162A in Deutsches Fachwerk, ein wertvolles Erbe
“Westfalenhas aus Delbriick” 1985, #7328B in Deutsches Fachwerk, ein wertvolles Erbe
“Niedersachsenhaus bei Thedinghausen” 1985, #7444A in Deutsches Fachwerk
“Mittwoch” 1985, #A4516 in Die Ferienwoche der Familie Kappelmann von Detlev Nitschke
“Dienstag”, A3978 Die Ferienwoche der Familie Kappelmann von Detlev Nitschke, Berlin Design
“Samstag” 1986, A800 Die Ferienwoche der Familie Kappelmann von Detlev Nitschke, Berlin Design
“Freitag” 1985, A4562 Die Ferienwoche der Familie Kappelmann von Detlev Nitschke, Berlin Design
“Montag”, C2069 Die Ferienwoche der Familie Kappelmann von Detlev Nitschke, Berlin Design
11 Field Puppies
Kaatz, Lynn
“Dog Tired-The Springer Spaniel” 1987, #7696C 1st issue in Field Puppies by Lynn Kaatz
11 Field Puppies
9 Fields and Flowers
5 Great Romances of History
Kaatz, Lynn
Barker, Cicely Mary
Romanelli, Carl
“Missing the Point-The Irish Setter” 1988, #3339D 3rd in Field Puppies by Lynn Kaatz
“Ragged Robin”, #833B Fairies of the Fields and Flowers by Cicely Mary Barker
“Lancelot an Guinevere” 1981, 09786 Great Romances of History Collection by Carl Romanelli
9 Great Romances of History
Romanelli, Carl
“Antony and Cleopatra” 1979, #11742 1st in Great Romances of History by Carl Romanelli
9 Great Romances of History
Romanelli, Carl
“The Taj Mahal Lovers” 1980, #06727 2nd in Great Romances of History by Carl Romanelli
8 Jewels of the Flowers
3 la Femme independante
5 Le Donne di Puccini
Chiu, Tan Chun
“Sapphire Wings”, Plate #5277A 1st issue in Jewels of the Flowers by Tan Chun Chiu
“Les Femmes du Siecle” 1865, BG965 Scarlet in Crinoline
“Manon Lescaut” 1986, 3492A Terza edizione della serie di piatti “Le Donne di Puccini”
7 Le Donne di Puccini
“Tosca” 1987, 684-1A 5th edition della serie di piatti “Le Donne di Puccini”
7 Le Donne di Puccini
“Madama Butterfly” 1987, 1603A 4th edition della serie di piatta “Le Donne di Puccini”
7 Le Donne di Puccini
“Mimi” 1986, 1596A 2nd edition della serie di piatta “Le Donne di Puccini”
7 Le Donne di Puccini
“Musetta” 1986, 6552A 1st edition della serie di piatti “Le Donne di Puccini”
Csatari Grandparent Series
Den Grimme Aelling
Den Grimme Aelling
Den Grimme Aelling
Den Grimme Aelling
Den Grimme Aelling
Den Grimme Aelling
Deuteshes Fachwerk
Deuteshes Fachwerk
Deuteshes Fachwerk
Der Familier Kappelmann
Der Familier Kappelmann
Der Familier Kappelmann
Der Familier Kappelmann
Der Familier Kappelmann
Der Familier Kappelmann
7 Legend of King Arthur
“Arthur Draws the Sword”, 1114B 1st issue in The Legend of King Arthur, Wedgewood
“Arthur Crowned King” 1986, 2nd issue in The Legend of King Arthur, Wedgewood
“Tutankhamun and His Princess” 1991, The Legend of Tutankhamun series from Egypt
“Janvier”, AK051 Premiere assiette de la collection Les Cres Riches Heures
“Fevrier” 1987, BM76 Septieme assiette de la collection Les Cres Riches Heures
“Avril”, AF478 Duexieme assiette de la collection Les Cres Riches Heures
Legend of King Arthur
Legend of Tutankhamun
Les Cres Riches Heures
Les Cres Riches Heures
Les Cres Riches Heures
Les Cres Riches Heures
Les Cres Riches Heures
Les Cres Riches Heures
Les Cres Riches Heures
Les Enfants de la Fin du Siecle
Les Enfants de la Fin du Siecle
Les Femme du Siecle
Les Femme du Siecle
Les Femme du Siecle
Les Femme du Siecle
Les Femme du Siecle
Les Femme du Siecle
Les Moralites de Perrault
“Octobre” 1985, AF 150 Lixieme assiette de la collection Les Cres Riches Heures
“Mai”, AE320 Linguiome assiette de la collection Les Cres Riches Heures
“Juin”, AH021 Zwuatrieme assiette de la collection Les Cres Riches Heures
“Novembre” 1987, AC656 Neuvieme assiette de la collection Les Cres Riches Heures
“Les Femmes du Siecle” 1960, BA525 la Femme independante
“Le Jardin des Tuileries et L’Arc de Tiomphe du Carrousel”, AK083 Porcelaine de Limoges
“Les Femmes du Siecle” 1875, BJ 619 Sarah en Tournure
“Les Femmes du Siecle” 1890, AL 976 Colette
“Les Femmes du Siecle” 1910, AP 568 Albertine la Femme-Liane
“Les Femmes du Siecle” 1947, BD 198 Sohpie, la Mode New Look
“Liane de Pougy fiat son Entrée Chez Maxims 1900” 1986, AD 085 par Pierre-Laurent Brenot
“Les Femmes Du Siecle” 1965, AP818 Brigitte en Mini-Juxe
“Cendrillon” par Andre Quellier 1983, AU577 Les Moralites de Perrault par Quellier
11 Living with Nature
Jerner, Bart
“The Northern Shoveler” 1987, #14264C 5th in Living with Nature: Jerner’s Ducks
11 Living with Nature
Jerner, Bart
“The Mallard” 1986, #8646 2nd in Living with Nature: Jerner’s Ducks
11 Living with Nature
Jerner, Bart
“The Amerian Wigeon” 1988, #9885C 6th in Living with Nature: Jerner’s Ducks
11 Living with Nature
Jerner, Bart
“The Green-Winged Teal” 1987, #9081E 4th in Living With Nature: Jerner’s Ducks
8 Living with Nature
Jerner, Bart
“The Wood Duck” 1987, Plate #9961C 3rd issue in Living with Nature: Jerner’s Ducks
8 Living with Nature
Jerner, Bart
“The Blue-Winged Teal” 1988, Plate #6446 8th issue in Living with Nature: Jerner’s Ducks
8 Living with Nature
Jerner, Bart
“The Pin Tail” 1986, Plate #13433C 1st issue in Living with Nature: Jerner’s Ducks
1 Mother Goose
McClelland, John
“Mary Had a Little Lamb” 1985, 7377E7th issue in Mother Goose
1 Mother Goose
McClelland, John
“Mary Mary” 1979, 17919A 1st issue in Mother Goose
1 Mother Goose
1 Mother Goose
McClelland, John
McClelland, John
“Little Miss Muffet” 1981, 4212H 3rd issue in Mother Goose
“Little Boy Blue” 1980, 1644H 2nd issue in Mother Goose
1 Mother Goose
McClelland, John
“A Tisket A Tasket” 1988, 8264A 2nd issue in The Treasured Songs of Childhood
1 Mother Goose
McClelland, John
“Diddle Diddle Dumpling” 1984, 7128i 6th issue in Mother Goose
1 Mother Goose
McClelland, John
“Little Jack Horner” 1981, 9272L 4th issue in Mother Goose
1 Mother Goose
McClelland, John
“Jack and Jill” 1986, 6451i 8th issue in Mother Goose
1 Mother Goose
Chambers, William
“Getting to Know You” 1985, 1717G 3rd plate in The King and I series
7 My Memories
Vickers, Mary
“Our Garden” 1983, 654119 3rd issue My Memories by Mary Vickers, Wedgewood
7 My Memories
Vickers, Mary
“Be My Friend” 1981, 3472D 1st issue My Memories by Mary Vickers, Wedgewood
7 My Memories
Vickers, Mary
“The Recital” 1984, 1714B 4th issue My Memories by Mary Vickers, Wedgewood
7 My Memories
Vickers, Mary
“Playtime” 1982, 3064G 2nd issue My Memories by Mary Vickers, Wedgewood
7 My Memories
Vickers, Mary
“Mother’s Treasures” 1985, 2990B 5th issue My Memories by Mary Vickers, Wedgewood
7 My Memories
Vickers, Mary
“Riding High” 1986, 4173B 6th issue My Memories by Mary Vickers, Wedgewood
8 Nature's Poetry
Liu, Lena
“Morning Serenade” 1989, Plate E16105H 1st issue in Nature’s Poetry by Lena Liu
Kuntsler, Mort
“I Cain’t Say No” 1986, #14010C 3rd issue in Oklahoma! By Mort Kunstler
5 Most Beautiful Women of all Time
Casinni, Oleg
“Marie Antoinette” 1982, 2587 2nd issue Oleg Cassini’s The Most Beautiful Women of All Time
5 Most Beautiful Women of all Time
Casinni, Oleg
“Salome” 1984, 2379 4th issue Oleg Cassini’s The Most Beautiful Women of All Time
5 Most Beautiful Women of all Time
Casinni, Oleg
“Helen of Troy” 1981, 28.363 1st issue Oleg Cassini’s The Most Beautiful Women of All Time
6 Most Beautiful Women of all Time
Casinni, Oleg
“Lillie Langtry” 1983, 2477 3rd issue Oleg Cassini’s The Most Beautiful Women of All Time
10 Oklahoma
“Monarch Butterflies” 1988, 11915C 1st issue in On Gossamer Wings, The Xerces Society
5 On Gossamer Wings
9 Petal Pals
Chang, Lily
“Garden of Discovery” 1992, #8440A 1st issue in Petal Pals by Lily Chang
9 Rediscovered Women
Russian Fairy Tales
Russian Fairy Tales
Russian Fairy Tales
Russian Fairy Tales
Russian Fairy Tales
Russian Fairy Tales
Russian Fairy Tales
Russian Fairy Tales
Russian Fairy Tales
Russian Fairy Tales
Rockwell, Norman
“Dreaming in the Attic”, #6018AF 1st issue in Rockwell’s Rediscovered Women
Rockwell, Norman
Trechslin, Anne Marie
“Somebody’s Up There” 1979, #14,912F 6th in series by Norman Rockwell
“Mother’s Day 1980”, Commemorative Edition by Anne Marie Trechslin
“Patubage ay Tracadero” 1985, AF 831 “Les Enfants de la Fin du Siecle”
“The Search of the Firebird” of “The Firebird”, The Russian Fairy Tales
“Vassilissa is presented to the Tsar” of “Vassilissa The Fair”, The Russian Fairy Tales
“The Red Knight” of “Vassilissa the Fair”, The Russian Fairy Tales, Heinrich
“Snegurochka and Lel the Shepherd Boy” of “The Snow Maiden”, The Russian Fairy Tales
“Snegurochka” of “The Snow Maiden”, The Russian Fairy Tales, Heinrich
“Koshchey Carries off Maria Morevna” of “Maria Morevna”, The Russian Tales
“Tsarevich Ivan and the beautiful Castle” of “Maria Morevna”, The Russian Tales
“Ivan and Tsarevna on the Grey Wolf” of “The Firebird”, The Russian Tales
“Snegurochka at the Court of Tsar Berendei” of “The Snow Maiden”, The Russian Tales
“Princess Elena and Ivan” 1990, #121 2nd issue in the Russian legend of the quest for a bird
9 Russian Fairy Tales
8 Sarah Seilwell Weber Calendar
8 Sarah Seilwell Weber Calendar
Weber, Sarah Seilwell
Weber, Sarah Seilwell
“August” 1984, Plate #526A 3rd issue in Sarah Seilwell Weber Calendar Series
“March” 1986, Plate #4187A 10th issue in Sarah Seilwell Weber Calendar Series
8 Sarah Seilwell Weber Calendar
Weber, Sarah Seilwell
“January” 1986, Plate #4217A 8th issue in Sarah Seilwell Weber Calendar Series
8 Sarah Seilwell Weber Calendar
Weber, Sarah Seilwell
“June” 1984, Plate #9309B 1st issue in Sarah Seilwell Weber Calendar Series
8 Sarah Seilwell Weber Calendar
Weber, Sarah Seilwell
“September” 1985, Plate #3397A 4th issue in Sarah Seilwell Weber Calendar Series
8 Sarah Seilwell Weber Calendar
Weber, Sarah Seilwell
“February” 1986, Plate #1567A 9th issue in Sarah Seilwell Weber Calendar Series
8 Sarah Seilwell Weber Calendar
Weber, Sarah Seilwell
“December” 1986, Plate #955A 7th issue in Sarah Seilwell Weber Calendar Series
8 Sarah Seilwell Weber Calendar
Weber, Sarah Seilwell
“November” 1985, Plate #8751A 6th issue in Sarah Seilwell Weber Calendar Series
5 Secret World of the Panda
Bridgett, Joyce
“A Mother’s Care” 1990, 7212C 1st issue in The Secret World of the Panda
10 Signs of Love
Hicks, Yin-Rei
“A Gentle Persuasian”, #8634A 3rd in Signs of Love series
10 Signs of Love
Hicks, Yin-Rei
“A Watchful Eye” 1981, #10663A 2nd in Signs of Love series
11 Signs of Love
Hicks, Yin-Rei
“A Protective Embrace” 1982, #A16497 #4th in Signs of Love
11 Signs of Love
Hicks, Yin-Rei
“A Tender Coaxing” 1982, #A12879 5th in Signs of Love
11 Signs of Love
Hicks, Yin-Rei
“A Loving Guidance” 1986, #4116A 8th in Signs of Love
11 Signs of Love
Hicks, Yin-Rei
“A Trusting Hug” 1985, #8747B 7th in Signs of Love
9 Signs of Love
1 Silent Journey
Hicks, Yin-Rei
Casey, Diane
“A Kiss for Mother” 1981, 1st issue in Signs of Love
“Where Paths Cross”, 10564Hj1st issue in Silent Journey
1 Songs of Childhood
McClelland, John
“Little Bo Peep” 983, H14088 5th issue in Mother Goose
1 South Pacific
Gignilliat, Elaine
“Dites moi” 1987, 5371B 3rd plate in South Pacific
1 South Pacific
Gignilliat, Elaine
“Some Enchanted Evening” 1987, 12638C 1st plate in South Pacific
Gignilliat, Elaine
“Happy Talk” 1987, 739B 2nd plate in South Pacific by Elaine Giginilliat
“Die Musik” 1982, #67151 in der Sammlung “Sulamith’s Liebeslied”
“Das Gelobnis” 1983, #1450M in der Sammlung “Sulamith’s Liebeslied”
“Die Vision” 1983, #723C in der Sammlung “Sulamith’s Liebeslied”
“Der Kreis” 1984, #493A in der Sammlung “Sulamith’s Liebeslied”
“Der Vollendung” 1984, #404FB in der Sammlung “Sulamith’s Liebeslied”
“Die Gabe” 1983, #7883A in der Sammlung Sulamith’s Liebeslied
Rockwell, Norman
“The Shadow Artist” 1987, #14741D 11th in the Rockwell Heritage Collection
1 The King and I
Gignilliat, Elaine
“Honey Bun” 1988, 4959A 4th plate in South Pacific
1 The King and I
Chambers, William
“Shall We Dance” 1985, 9873B 2nd plate in The King and I series
South Pacific
Sulamith's Liebeslied
Sulamith's Liebeslied
Sulamith's Liebeslied
Sulamith's Liebeslied
Sulamith's Liebeslied
Sulamith's Liebeslied
10 Sulamith's Liebeslied
1 The King and I
Chambers, William
“A Puzzlement” 1985, 2291i 1st issue in The King and I series
1 The King and I
5 The Palace Museum
Chambers, William
“We Kiss in a Shadow” 1985, 9383A 4th plate in The King and I series
The Forbidden City 1990, The Palace Museum, Imperial Jingdezhen Porcelain
9 Treasury of Classic Children's Verses
Worrall, Linda
“All Things Bright and Beautiful” 1986, #2422A 1st issue in The Poetry Society of London’s
Brunettin, Alan
“The Isle of Circle” 1894, #4509C 1st issue in The Voyage of Ulysses
5 Wings Upon the Wind
Pentz, Donald
“Winter Home” 1987, 18085B 6th and final plate in “Wings Upon the Wind” Dominion China Ltd.
5 Wings Upon the Wind
Pentz, Donald
“Courtship” 1986, 11915D, 3rd plate in “Wings Upon the Wind” Dominion China Ltd.
5 Wings Upon the Wind
Pentz, Donald
“Nesting” 1986, 12656E 2nd plate in “Wings Upon the Wind” Dominion China Ltd.
5 Wings Upon the Wind
Pentz, Donald
“The Landing” 1986, 541G 1st plate in “Wings Upon the Wind” Dominion China Ltd.
7 Wonder of Children
Zolan, Donald
“Day Dreamer” 1987, 1173G 6th plate in Wonder of Children Collection
7 Wonder of Children
Zolan, Donald
“Winter Angel” 1984, 9517F 3rd plate in Wonder of Children Collection
Zolan, Donald
McClelland, John
McClelland, John
McClelland, John
McClelland, John
McClelland, John
McClelland, John
Bradford, Betty
Bradford, Betty
Attwell, Mabel Lucie
‘Touching the Sky” 1982, #7734L 1st issue in the Wonder of Childhood
“Rainy Day Fun” 1977, 4730 The World of Children by John McClelland
“When I Grow Up” 1978, 10,564 The World of Children by John McClelland
“Kittens for Sale” 1980, #3275 in The World of Children by John McClelland
“Your’re Invited” 1979, #13594 in The World of Children by John McClelland
“Breezy Day” 1982, #2993 in The World of Children by John McClelland
“Bathtub Sailor” 1984, #2254 in The World of Children by John McClelland
“Open Wide” 1984, B8766 by Betty Bradford
“Batter Up” 1984, 8866A by Betty Bradford”
“Thank God for Fido” Davenport Pottery by Mabel Lucie Attwell
1986 Imperial Jingdezhen Porcelain
‘Nostalgia Station”, #711
10 Voyage of Ulysses
Wonder of Children
World of Children
World of Children
World of Children
World of Children
World of Children
World of Children