Counting On

U n t er r i ch t spl a n
Co unt ing On
Altersgruppe: 1st Gr ade , 2nd Gr ade
Virginia - Mathematics Standards of Learning (2009): 2.5 , K .2a
Virginia - Mathematics Standards of Learning (2016): 1.7 .b, 2.5 .a,
2.5 .b
Fairfax County Public Schools Program of Studies: 2.5 .a.1, K .2.a.1,
K .2.a.2, K .2.a.3
Online-Ressourcen: F l yi ng F l o c ks
T eacher
present s
St udent s
pract ice
M at h Obj e c t i v e s
E x pe r i e nc e counting through addition.
P r ac t i c e counting by twos and threes.
L e ar n that counting can be done in different ways.
De v e l o p counting strategies.
Ope ni ng | 8 min
Copyright 2015
Raise a hand.
A sk: How many hands do you see?
Ask a student to join you and raise both her/his hands.
A sk: How many hands do you see?
S ay: 1 - mi ne (pointing to your hand) and 2- he r s/hi s (pointing
to the student’s hand). 1 + 2 = 3 .
S ay: Did you notice we did not count the hands individually. We
grouped it as 1 (mine) and 2 (student’s) and then added them
together to reach 3.
Ask another student to join you and let him/her raise both their hands.
A sk: How many hands do you see?
S ay: Remember, we already counted up to 3 (pointing to your hand
and the first student’s hand) and now we have to c o unt 2 mo r e
(point to the second student’s hands). 3 + 2 = 5 .
S ay: Again, we did not count the hands separately, but added 2
(second student’s hands) as a group to the previous number “3”.
Ask yet another student to join you and ask her/him to raise just one hand.
A sk: How many hands do you see?
S ay: We already had already counted up to 5 (point to your hand,
first student’s and the second student’s hand) and now, we need to
Copyright 2015
c o unt 1 (pointing to the third student’s hand). 5 + 1 = 6.
S ay: Here, each time while counting on, we added the next group
instead of individual numbers. We count in one's or in two's
depending on the group.
T e ac he r pr e se nt s M at h game : F l yi ng F l o c ks - A dd up t o
10 | 8 min
Present Matific’s episode F ly in g F lo c k s - A d d u p t o 1 0 to the class,
using the projector or interactive whiteboard.
The goal of the episode is to learn and practice counting in relation to
addition ranging from 1 - 10. The birds fly, one by one or in pairs, in short
intervals. The task is to count the passing birds.
The student is required to adjust his or her counting to the number of birds
crossing: count in one's when one bird crosses, and two's when 2 birds cross.
That trains the student to relate counting to addition of quantities, and
understand how addition questions can be solved by forward counting.
Copyright 2015
S ay : In this game we have to count the number of birds flying. They
may fly in Ones,Twos, or even Threes. We need to count on in Ones,
when one bird flies, and in Twos if two birds fly together. As soon
as I press the button, the birds will begin to fly across the screen.
Are you ready to count with me?
Press the button.
Count the birds along with the students, aloud.
A sk: How many birds did you see?
2 birds. 1 bird flew first and another one followed. One plus one is
two (1+1=2).
Click on box “2”.
A new screen will open up. Press the button when ready to count.
Copyright 2015
Twice, the birds fly in two’s.
Count them aloud along with the students. “Two plus two four” (2+2=4)
A sk: How many birds did you see?
4 birds. 2 birds flew together at first and another pair followed.
S ay: Notice that we counted in two’s this time.
Click on box “4”.
A new screen will appear.
S ay : Another way to count is when the birds fly, put up equal
numbers of fingers and later count the fingers. Use this to check
your own answer. Let us use it in the next set.
Press the eye button.
Count 1 when the first bird flies and at the same time put 1 finger
up. Two birds fly next. Put 2 more fingers up and count 3. Two more
birds fly next so put 2 more fingers up and count 5. One bird flies
next. Count 6 and put up 1 more finger.
A sk : How many birds did we count?
6 birds.
Say: Let us count the fingers.
Click on box “6”
The next screen shows that when a wrong answer is given, Matific counts
the birds explicitly and displays the number on the screen during the counting
Copyright 2015
S ay : Let us count the birds silently and try not to use the fingers.
A sk : How many birds did you see?
You will get various answers.
S ay : Let us check our answer. My answer is 9 (incorrect answer).
Please count out aloud, along with the screen.
Input 9. The screen will show counting sequence while displaying correct
S ay : The correct answer is 10.
Complete all sets so that students will get to know the process better.
Encourage students to count mentally, without using their fingers.
Note: The birds start flying on screen almost immediately when you hit the
“ready” button, so prepare students to be prepared to begin counting before
hitting the button.
S t ude nt s pr ac t i c e M at h game : F l yi ng F l o c ks - A dd up t o
10 | 15 min
Have the students play Matific’s episode F ly in g F lo c k s - A d d u p t o 1 0
on their personal devices. Circulate, answering questions as necessary.
In the event that some students finish playing the Matific’s episode F ly in g
F lo c k s - A d d u p t o 1 0 , encourage students to play Matific’s episode
F ly in g F lo c k s - A d d u p t o 2 0 helping them with their difficulties, if any.
Copyright 2015
C l ass di sc ussi o n | 10 min
A sk : In the game, why do you think, we counted the birds in 1s and in
2s depending on the number of birds flying together?
While counting a large number of objects, it is faster to count in
groups. So, while counting the birds which flew in pairs we
counted in 2s instead of counting them individually.
Counting becomes easier this way. When two birds are flying
together, we count them visually as a picture and not count them
separately. We “know” by looking at the picture that there are 2
birds and we do not have to count each one.
Display the following on board.
A sk : How many cherries can you see?
1 + 2 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 2 or 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9
S ay : Another way would be to count all the cherries in pairs first
and then add all the individual cherries.
2 + 2 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 1.
or 2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9
A sk : What other method can you use to count these?
Counting all the cherries individually.
Copyright 2015
C l o si ng | 4 min
A sk : What did we learn today?
We learned to count by addition in 2s or 1s, depending on the
Present Matific’s episode F ly in g F lo c k s - A d d u p t o 2 0 to the class,
using the projector or interactive whiteboard in a preset mode. Play the first
game and encourage students to give you the answer.
Ask students to play this game as homework.
Copyright 2015