IMO MARITIME SAFETY COMMITTEE 83rd session Agenda items 6

83rd session
Agenda items 6 and 13
MSC 83/13
19 March 2007
Original: ENGLISH
Report of the eleventh session of the Sub-Committee
Note by the Secretariat
Executive summary:
The Committee is invited to take action on matters emanating from
Action to be taken:
Paragraphs 2 and 3
Related document:
COMSAR 11/18
The Sub-Committee on Radiocommunications and Search and Rescue (COMSAR) held
its eleventh session from 19 to 23 February 2007 and its report on that session has been
circulated under the symbol COMSAR 11/18.
The Committee at its eighty-third session is invited to consider the following matters
emanating from COMSAR 11 and, in particular, to:
approve the establishment
(paragraph 3.17*);
endorse the action of the Secretariat in circulating COMSAR circular on the list of
NAVAREA Co-ordinators (paragraph 3.21);
approve the draft COMSAR circular on analysis of maritime safety information
promulgated via the EGC SafetyNET system and recommendations on improving
its quality (paragraph 3.22 and annex 1);
approve the draft Assembly resolution on Criteria for the Provision of Mobile
Satellite Communication Systems in the Global Maritime Distress and Safety
System (GMDSS), revoking resolution A.888(21) and MSC/Circ.1077, with a
view to adoption by the Assembly at its twenty-fifth session (paragraph 5.16.1 and
annex 3);
All references are to paragraphs of, and annexes to, the report of COMSAR 11 (COMSAR 11/18)
For reasons of economy, this document is printed in a limited number. Delegates are
kindly asked to bring their copies to meetings and not to request additional copies.
MSC 83/13
adopt the corresponding draft amendments to SOLAS chapter IV, as amended
(paragraph 5.16.2 and annex 4);
approve the draft MSC circular on minimizing delays in Search and Rescue
response to distress alerts (paragraph 6.18 and annex 5);
note that Member Governments were invited to inform WMU about the
competent national point of contact to allow for proper considerations of whether
and how to carry out an intermediate phase on gathering information on SAR
research and relevant development programmes allowing it to establish this
information platform (paragraph 6.24);
endorse the decision of the Sub-Committee for the convening of the 14th meeting
of the ICAO/IMO JWG on Harmonization of Aeronautical and Maritime SAR
intersessionally (paragraph 6.26 and annex 6);
approve the draft MSC circular on Adoption of amendments to the IAMSAR
Manual (paragraph 8.3 and annex 8);
adopt the draft performance standard for survival craft AIS Search and Rescue
Transmitter (AIS-SART) for use in SAR operations (paragraph 9.11 and annex 9);
approve the draft amendments to SOLAS regulations III/6.2.2, III/26.2.5
and IV/7.1.3, with a view to adoption at its eighty-fourth session (paragraph 9.12
and annex 10);
approve the draft amendments to the Protocol of 1988 relating to the International
Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, with a view to adoption at its
eighty-fourth session (paragraph 9.13 and annex 11);
approve the draft consequential amendments to the 1994 HSC Code, with a view
to adoption at its eighty-fourth session (paragraph 9.14 and annex 12);
approve the draft consequential amendments to the 2000 HSC Code, with a view
to adoption at its eighty-fourth session (paragraph 9.14 and annex 13);
instruct the DE Sub-Committee to review the consequential amendments to the
MODU Code and incorporate them when revising the MODU Code
(paragraph 9.15 and annex 14);
adopt the draft amendment to the performance standards for Search and Rescue
Transponder (SART) (resolution A.802(19) ) (paragraph 9.16 and annex 15);
endorse the action of the Sub-Committee inviting the NAV Sub-Committee to
consider the need for a presentation symbol for AIS-SART (paragraph 9.19);
endorse the recommendation of the Sub-Committee that with respect to
COLREGs Annex IV relating to distress signals, the Sub-Committee agreed that
the term “Recognized Mobile Satellite Service Providers (RMSSP)” should be
reverted back to “Inmarsat”, since there was currently no proposal to include that
new term into SOLAS chapter IV and adopt the suggested amendment for
subsequent submission to the twenty fifth session of the Assembly
(paragraphs 10.3 and 10.6);
MSC 83/13
endorse the action of the Sub-Committee in conveying the revised draft guidelines
on the control of ships in an emergency to the NAV Sub-Committee
(paragraph 11.8 and annex 16);
note that with respect to the Development of an E-Navigation strategy, issues
connected with search and rescue, data communication links, and operation of the
GMDSS were within the Sub-Committee’s remit (paragraph 14.10);
note the outcome of the discussions with respect to the establishment of the LRIT
system, especially in the context of matters pertaining to draft agreements and
billing and costing issues (paragraphs 14.25 to 14.42 and annexes 18 and 19); and
approve the report in general.
The Committee is also invited to review the proposed work programme of the
Sub-Committee and the draft provisional agenda for COMSAR 12 (annex 20) under agenda
item 25 (Work programme).