World’s Largest
Ferris Wheel
Cable Spoke Winches
A pair of Thern air winches were used to aide in the
construction of the ferris wheel in Las Vegas. Thern
air winches were used during construction to lift,
position and hold the wire cables (spokes of the ferris
wheel) until the cables were fastened in place - much
like a bicycle wheel.
A Thern davit crane is also permanetly attached
to the center hub and is used for lifting equipment
and tools up to the center hub platform for routine
Located right on the strip, the 550’ high ferris wheel
takes up to 1,120 people per half-hour high above
the city in twenty-eight 40-passenger pods for
spectacular views of Las Vegas day or night. The
ferris wheel has been validated by Guinness as the
tallest observation wheel in the world.