Cape Town`s Urban Ghettos

Tom Koenig
Will McMahan
President Elect
Andy Hall
President’s Assistant
Bill Dobler
Rich Toyer
Judi Edwards
2011-2012 Official Publication of the Rotary Club of Everett (Charter No. 272)
P.O. Box 1225 Everett, WA 98206
Volume 95, Issue 39
April 10, 2012
Vast Staff
 Tom Koenig, Presiding
 Clay Browse, Publisher
 Clay Browse, Photos
 Pat Sievers, Ace Reporter
Cape Town’s Urban Ghettos
Members were greeted at the door by
Jon Ellis and Chuck Nelson
President Tom called the 4,952nd
meeting of the Rotary Club of Everett
to order at 12:07pm with an obligatory standing Pledge of Allegiance. He
then asked Pastor Paul Stoot to lead
us in prayer. Our many blessings and
our abilities to make a difference in
our world were highlighted.
Pastor Stoot gives Thanks
Our opening song was a violin performance by Kathryn Goforth appropriately named
“Might as well be Spring”. If only the weather gods were listening on this rainy Tuesday.
Guest Speaker,
Yashar Keramati
with Deb Wright
Next Week’s Program:
State of the Navy
Mark Roe grabbed the microphone with his good arm for our Introductions and recognized Dr. Gary Kohn who welcomed Joan Fabian, Kelly Sheppard and Sally Lancaster of Sequoia and Everett High Schools.
Announcements pertained to Rotary Park Cleanup (Jerry Tucker), Fellowship Social
(Judi Edwards), and Attendance (Mark Baker) – who gently welcomed Joe Wilson &
Mark Duffy and put other <60% ‘ers on notice.
Save the Date
Board Meeting, April 20th, 7:30am, Bethany at Pacific, 3rd Floor Chapel
Scholarship Interviews, April 28th-contact Connie Wittren or John Mohr
Park Clean Up, May 5th, 8:30am-Noon, Jerry Tucker is contact
Wheeler’s Meeting, May 8th, Tremors, 11:00am
Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner, June 8th, Judi Edwards contact
Jeff Cornish – happy about the Dolan Family and a recent event for youth at Everett Golf and Country Club
Mark Duffy - $100 Bell Ringer for Release of Fed Regulatory Order for Mountain Pacific Bank
Gail Larson – Recognized Elizabeth Johnson for receiving a Wells Fargo Award
Eileen Simmons – Take Note its “National Library Week” stop by to get a photo taken with your favorite book
Kim Bedier – “You’ve got hate mail” off Broadway Theatre coming to Comcast Events Center on Saturday April
28th. Get your tickets soon!
Mark Roe – Announced presences of two Seattle NE visiting Rotarians (John Claus, Tom Hyde)
Paul Stoot – Thanked Union Bank for generous donation of $5000 to assist Greater Trinity Learning Academy with
computer lab and literacy programs
Bob Dobler - $100 Bell Ringer to second Mark Duffy’s happiness about Mountain Pacific and toward make up dues
for Mark who has been working so hard.
Rich Haldi – Snohomish County Sports Hall of Fame extension announcement
Ed Peterson – Noted exposure of Housing Hope on Evening Magazine TV program
Jerry Tucker – Reported on “Fallen Heroes Banner Project” he is involved in as a coordinated effort between various service clubs honoring deceased service men/women from our county.
Merlot, Toffee, Candy to George Bowden
Lemon Tart and Blueberries (courtesy Janice Ellis) plus tickets to “You’ve got hate mail” went to Chuck Nelson
Wine and Candy went to Joe Wilson
“Cape Town’s Urban Ghettos : How Rotarians & Foundation Alumnus are Changing Them”
Deborah Wright introduced our speaker today Yashar Kermati a 2009 Ambassadorial Scholar and Rotary Foundation
Alumnus. Yashar has visited 25 of the world’s poorest countries in the last 5 years doing research for his thesis and
living amongst the people he is trying to help. We were all fortunate he brought photos and riveting stories of his
travel adventures. He clearly has been in some very dangerous situations as he has chosen to place himself in a world
rampant with Alcohol, Drugs and Violence in search of a
better understanding of what opportunities there are to
make these environments better for the most vulnerable…..children. After learning that Music really speaks to
kids and can be used as a tool to help foster positive behavior he told us of a project converting shipping containers in
to music labs where he can teach music, life skills and dance
to some of our world’s poorest kids. Through this project
he believes he can help children in fostering a positive self
image and provide a different outlet in their world of gangs
drugs and violence. Yashar’s presentation, compelling stories
and sincere delivery of content left us all more enlightened
to some of the problems associated with these heavily populated but little talked about corners of our world. Clearly a
Yashar Keramati discusses the state
reminder of what one individual can do to affect change in
of the Ghettos of Cape Town
our world. Thank you Yashar !