ImpoRtant SJR DateS - St. John`s

Submission Deadline: April 8, 2014
Next Edition Published: April 11, 2014
St. John’s-Ravenscourt School Vol. 12 • Issue 13• March 14, 2014
SJR Mission: To provide a respectful learning community for our students that inspires academic excellence, creative
expression, active healthy living, and social responsibility in order to develop compassionate and confident individuals.
Congratulations to...
the Varsity Girls indoor soccer team for defeating
Vincent Massey Winnipeg 2-0 to win the B-Side
Championship of the WYSA High School League!
Amanda Wong scored both goals and Sadie
McTavish got the shut-out.
the Junior Varsity Girls Basketball team for winning
South Central Athletic Conference zone championship
after beating St. Norbert Collegiate 43 -15. The girls
were undefeated in league play this season.
• Avery Cadogan who won the senior boys high jump
event at the High School Indoor Track and Field
the Varsity Boys’ Basketball team for finishing as zone
finalists and receiving the automatic wildcard in the
AAA Provincials from March 20-22 in Swan River. They
are currently ranked 2nd in the province. Good luck!
Important SJR Dates:
March 22 - April 6 - School Closed, Spring Break
April 7 - Classes Resume
April 18 - School Closed, Good Friday
April 21 - School Closed, PD Day
May 2 - SJRPA Lobsterfest Event
May 9 - 2 PM Dismissal - All School
The Varsity Girls Indoor Soccer Team after their win.
There is a new face
to the SJR kitchen.
Mrs. Jodi Candaele
has joined the
School as the new
Services Director. Jodi
brings experience,
knowledge and skills
that will enhance our
capabilities and take
the food service to a
new level.
Re-enrolment for 2014-2015
Just a reminder that re-enrolment contracts are due by:
Tuesday, March 18, 2014
If you have not accessed EagleNet in the past year, you will be receiving a letter containing your
EagleNet login information. If you have not received this letter by Thursday, March 6, 2014, please
call the SJR Information Systems Service Desk at: 204.477.2479.
400 SOUTH DRIVE | WINNIPEG | R3T 3K5 | TEL: 477.2485 | FAX: 477.2429 | WWW.SJR.MB.CA
Vol. 12 • Issue 13• March 14, 2014
News From the Senior School
Poetry In Voice
Mr. Mark Duncan, Senior School Teacher
Poetry in Voice is a national organization that promotes the memorization and recitation of great poems. Every
year, students from across Canada participate in local contests with the hope of being invited to the National
Championships, this year held in Vancouver. There are substantial prizes, with $5,000 going to the first place finisher
and $1,000 going to the second place finisher.
This year, SJR students participated in this contest for the second time. First, grade level contests were held, with
eight students from Grades 10-12 chosen to compete in the school contest. Five of these students – Hannah Zhang,
Peirce Dickson, Kasra Khadem, Michael Silk and Elizabeth Roberts – competed in the English stream, while
three students – Yu Qi Wu, Austin Amy and Stephanie Fennell – competed in the Bilingual stream.
On February 18, we held the School contest with the Grade 11 class as our audience. Our three judges were Mr.
Frederick Carsted, former SJR Chemistry teacher, Ms. Nicky Mehta’90, SJR alumnus and member of the Wailin’
Jennys, and Mr. Roger Leveille, a well-known local Francophone writer.
We were all treated to a remarkable display of expertise, as each of the students recited two poems from memory.
Our winner of the English stream was Peirce Dickson (Grade 11), and our winner of the Bilingual stream was
Stephanie Fennell (Grade 12). They have now videotaped their performances for the national adjudicators and await
a decision on whether they will be participating in the National Championships in May.
Thanks to all who made this such a memorable occasion, including the judges, the English accuracy judge, Ms. Esmé
Keith, the French accuracy judge, Mme. Yovana Renghen, the prompter, Mrs. Barb Cahoon, and the tabulator,
Mr. Ray Grynol.
McCracken Scholarship
Ms. Pam Lockman, Senior School Teacher
All Grade 11 creative writers are urged to consider applying for the McCracken Scholarship
this Spring. Students must submit a portfolio of their original, creative work (poems, short
stories, creative nonfiction) in the following format: Title page followed by 10 - 20 pages,
typed, double-spaced, 12 point font, one side only. The deadline is Tuesday, May 20, 2014
right after we return to school from the Victoria Day weekend. Submissions are to be given to
Ms. Lockman or Mr. Bredin, and students may address questions to either one of them.
News from Boarding
SJR’s First Humanities Club
Ms. Stephanie Jean-Paul, Assistant Director of Residence
For many of our international English as an Additional
Language (EAL) boarding students, watching an in-class
movie and answering questions isn’t such a straightforward
assignment. It often involves finding an online version of
the movie to re-watch with Mandarin subtitles or using a
translator program to translate an English word into Korean
and then using a Korean dictionary to understand the
definition, only to discover the concept doesn’t exist in the
Korean language. Sometimes students end up researching
a current topic to write a reflection in your own words…
in your second or third language. Oh and did we mention
this all needs to happen after badminton club, bedtime,
and between studying for the science test the next day! It’s
a process that takes dedication and patience. That’s why
it’s exciting that a brand new Humanities Club has begun!
It is designed to give EAL students the space to catch up,
investigate and inquire in directions that are meaningful,
and/or to simply to help make sense of what they are learning. The club met for the first time on March 11 with Mr.
Jeffrey Peeling, Mrs.Heather Ragot, and Mr. Matt Henderson available to provide help with History, Geography,
Law, Global Issues and English.
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400 SOUTH DRIVE | WINNIPEG | R3T 3K5 | TEL: 477.2485 | FAX: 477.2429 |
Vol. 12 • Issue 13• March 14, 2014
News From the Middle School
SJR Olympics in Middle and Senior School
The MS and SS Physical Education Department
The Physical Education department hosted the 2014 SJR Olympics this past month. Grade 6 -10 students were
members of a country and competed for medals. Students competed in events such as flag and chant creation, luge,
figure skating, biathlon, floor hockey, and curling. The stakes were high! Sportsmanship surfaced, and students
embraced the Olympic spirit! The atmosphere throughout Reimer gymnasium was incredible!
Congratulations to Canada who finished first, Russia who claimed second and Sweden proudly captured third.
Based on enthusiasm, spirit and competitive energy, these students are the Olympics All-world Team:
Neel Soni, Germany
Jacob Cundill, Russia
Evan Grierson, Canada
Katie Dodgson, Russia
Hannah Steiman De Visser, China
Mara Bohm, China
Alfred Zhai, South Korea
Hannah Gibb, Russia
Nathan Gooi, Finland
Daniela Auriti, Canada
Ryan Kuhn, Finland
Two years and counting until the SJR Summer Olympics……
Grade 7 & 8 Band Trip
Ms. Nan Lonis, Middle School Teacher
The Grade 7 and Grade 8 Jazz Bands
travelled to the Northwest Missouri State
University Jazz Festival March 6-9. Eighteen
middle school, junior high school, and high
school jazz bands and jazz combos competed
in two performance venues at the university
located in Maryville, Missouri. Our Grade
8 Jazz Band earned a 2nd place trophy for
middle school/ junior high division and had
the 2nd highest score overall and our Grade
7 Band won a 3rd place trophy for the middle
school junior high division and had the fourth
highest score overall.
All three adjudicators were very impressed
with the musicality, style, and overall
interpretation of our jazz band performances.
They found the large number of talented
soloist within each band particularly
impressive; and were blown away by
the solid groove provided by such young
rhythm sections. The students are to be
congratulated for their hard work and mature
approach as we prepared for the festival in Missouri, clinics in South Dakota, and for the trip as a whole. Along with
their band performances the students toured Sioux Falls and went roller skating.
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400 SOUTH DRIVE | WINNIPEG | R3T 3K5 | TEL: 477.2485 | FAX: 477.2429 |
Vol. 12 • Issue 13• March 14, 2014
News From the Junior School
Winnipeg Harvest
Mrs. Joanne McLeod and Ms. Lauren Menzo, Junior School Teachers
Recently both Grade 1 classes went for a visit to Winnipeg Harvest. They brought in over 140lbs of donated food and helped sort and
pack over 16 boxes of potatoes that will go to families in need. It was a wonderful experience for the students to take part in this
philanthropic field trip.
Philanthropy Project
Mrs. Vernice Shust, Junior School Teacher
MacKenzie Forsythe, in 5VS, started her own philanthropy project earlier this school
year. After her uncle was diagnosed with a brain tumor, MacKenzie was devastated. She
wanted to raise funds for brain cancer research. MacKenzie wanted to help doctors learn
more about brain tumours so that others would not have to experience this terrible
disease, and so she began making and selling rainbow loom bracelets.
It was just six weeks after she started “Bracelets for Brain Tumor Research” that
MacKenzie had already raised $1,000 by collecting donations for the rubber band
bracelets she made. Hospital staff, doctors, patients, family and friends, and even
strangers were encouraged by this ten year old’s efforts to make a difference. By the
end of 2013 the donations had reached over $1,600 for the Brain Tumour Foundation
of Canada - specifically to provide funding to “Bracelets for Brain Tumour Research”.
Congratulations, MacKenzie!
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400 SOUTH DRIVE | WINNIPEG | R3T 3K5 | TEL: 477.2485 | FAX: 477.2429 |
Vol. 12 • Issue 13• March 14, 2014
News from the Rosenberg Library
Mrs. Joyce Riddell, Junior School Teacher Librarian
I Love to Read month wrapped up with exciting events last week. There was birthday cake in the library for the
Birthday Book Club members, prizes for the Poster Contest and the Writing Contest that the Library Pages ran, and
the Grand Prizes for the reading ballots were drawn.
On Tuesday we learned the results of the reading ballot count. Waudby blasted furthest into the future with the
greatest number of reading ballots submitted. Congratulations Waudby House, you will earn the most for House Points
for your reading time.
We also celebrated the launch of the Rosenberg Library website. Check it out on Eagle Net under the Academics tab.
Explore the Rosenberg Library website to learn how the students use it to help with research.
The Grade 4’s Will be Published Authors!
Mrs. Miriam Stoller and Ms. Mary Bertram, Junior School Teachers
This fall, many of the Grade 4 students entered Polar Expressions, a national writing contest. There were thousands
of entries from more than a thousand classrooms. Students could submit either a piece of writing, a poem, or both.
We are so proud of all the students who submitted pieces and are pleased to acknowledge the following students who
have made it through the first round of judging and will now have their piece published in a compilation book. These
students are also now eligible for more bonus and merit awards to be announced in June! We are all keeping our
fingers crossed!
Rhea Gupta
Aliya Kabani
Tommy Stefanson
Kianna Bovell
Jack Carswell
Serafina Cianflone
Karm Grewal
Cassy Joaquin
Nikhil Lockman
Danae Pepelassis
Jackson Sousa
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400 SOUTH DRIVE | WINNIPEG | R3T 3K5 | TEL: 477.2485 | FAX: 477.2429 |
Vol. 12 • Issue 13• March 14, 2014
From the Heart...
As part of philanthropy projects for the 2013-14 school year, the Kindergarten to Grade 2 classes were involved
in some heart healthy activities, keeping a record of all that they did to keep their heart and minds healthy. These
activities were recorded on a graph with their parents and through discussion at home, they decided how much
they could earn for each of these activities. The money they raised was once again donated to the Heart and Stroke
Foundation in honour of Mr. Gerry Briggs. The donation was made at our now annual Jump Rope for Heart event
held in Reimer Gym on Friday, February 21,2014. We are so proud to have raised over $3,000.00 towards the cause.
It was an afternoon of jumping rope and making a difference.
On a personal note, our family would like extend our appreciation for how generous you all were and how we are
humbled by the support that the SJR community has shown us throughout this journey that has changed our lives.
Since this project was started in 2010, over $15,000.00 has been raised in Gerry’s name. We are so fortunate to have
all of you in our lives. Thank you once again. XOXO The Briggs Family - Cheryl, Gerry, Sarah and Kaitlin
Goodbye to Peter Domaradzki
Ms. Cheryl Chaban, Junior School Principal
On Peter Domaradzki’s last day at SJR, the Junior School staff and
students presented him with an apron they all signed. We wish him
continued success in Ontario and will miss him dearly. Peter served as
Food Services Manager (Aramark) at SJR for almost six years.
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400 SOUTH DRIVE | WINNIPEG | R3T 3K5 | TEL: 477.2485 | FAX: 477.2429 |
Vol. 12 • Issue 13• March 14, 2014
Grade 2 Open House
Ms. Carla Brown and Ms. Allison Thomas, Junior School Teachers
“Grade 2 students recently hosted an Open House for their families to celebrate their learning. Students’ written
and artistic work was inspired by author, Richard Van Camp and aboriginal artist, George Littlechild. Students were
excited to share the stories they wrote and published with their families. Parents were thrilled with the final product.
They recognized how hard their children worked to create the book. Many were impressed with all the details in their
written and artistic work. It was an afternoon that was enjoyed by all.” Ms. Carla Brown - Grade 2 teacher
“Since I have come to SJR, I have been blown away by our community of parents. Our book share Open House
was a terrific opportunity to give back to parents by allowing them the opportunity to participate as listeners in
students’ authorship of a published book. I was a first-hand witness to many tender moments and an abundance of
encouragement and support of our great kids.” Ms. Allison Thomas – Grade 2 teacher
Grade 2 Guest Reader: CTV Weather Reporter, Colleen Bready
Ms. Carla Brown, Junior SchoolTeacher
Ms. Bready braved a very brisk, -39 degrees celcius Thursday morning to
read a couple of stories to students in 2CB and 2AT. Students attentively
listened to the stories: “A Fine, Fine School” and “Cloudy with a Chance of
Meatballs.” They were also given the opportunity to ask Ms. Bready a few
questions. Unfortunately, Ms. Bready could not tell us for certain when
we will be out of this deep freeze. She wishes that she could call Mother
Nature directly to tell her that it’s time for things to warm up in Manitoba!
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400 SOUTH DRIVE | WINNIPEG | R3T 3K5 | TEL: 477.2485 | FAX: 477.2429 |
significant number. We still to raise another $3 milllion and every gift matters. Vol. 12 • Issue 13• March 14, 2014
Our Tomorrow Campaign Update
If you have not yet made a gift to the campaign, your support Dr. Stephen Johnson, Co-Head of School and Ms. Christina Barwinsky ’86, Director of Advancement
is needed, and if you feel your gift will not make a difference, We have surpassed the $12 million mark and are now at 80% of our $15 million goal. This sounds fantastic,
and itplease know it will. We have received donations of all sizes is, and we are sincerely grateful to all our alumni and families who have helped us reach this
significant number.
and are grateful for every gift. A complete list of donors can We still have to raise another $3 million and every gift matters.
If be viewed at you have not yet made a gift to the campaign, your support is needed, and
if you feel your gift will not make a difference, please know it will.We have
received donations of all sizes and are grateful for every gift.
Your donation can be made over five‐years and you receive a tax A complete list of donors can be viewed at:
receipt for the full portion of your gift. Please review these examples of giving and find the bracket that works for your family. We need your support. Your donation can be made over five-years and you receive a tax receipt for the full portion of your gift.
Please review these examples of giving and find the bracket that works for your family. We need your
Donation Amount $1,000 $3,000 $5,000 $10,000 $20,000 $25,000 After tax cost of one‐time gift $540
After tax cost if paid annually over 5‐years $108
After tax cost if paid monthly over 5‐years $9
To make your pledge, contact Christina Barwinsky ’86, Director of Advancement To make
your pledge, contact Christina Barwinsky ’86, Director of Advancement at: 204.477.2497. You can
send at 204.477.2497. You can send in a cheque, charge your School Account, use a in a cheque, charge your School Account, use a credit card or transfer stock.
credit card or transfer stock. You can also make your gift online with a credit card by visiting our secure website,
You can also make you gift online with a credit card by visiting our secure website, Page 8 of 17
400 SOUTH DRIVE | WINNIPEG | R3T 3K5 | TEL: 477.2485 | FAX: 477.2429 |
CApitAl cAMpAign UpdAte
we want to provide you with a snapshot of the support we have received to date
As of MArch 13, 2014
...received in pledges from current
▪ Goal: $15 million
▪ Pledged: $12,092,950 = 80% of goal
parents since our last publication.
overAll pArent pArticipAtion: 27.6%
hAve yoU MAde yoUr gift?
how is yoUr grAde doing?
congrAtUlAtions to grAde 1 for reAching 50% pArticipAtion! thAnk yoU!
of families
of donors
*Increased participation since last publication
 Improved ranking since last publication
Advancement Office | Phone 204.477.2497 | Fax 204.477.2466 | [email protected]
Vol. 12 • Issue 13• March 14, 2014
All School News
Up to 75% towards tuition!
Through the Red River Scholars Fund,
students entering the School in Grade
9 - 12 for the first time may be eligible
to receive a tuition reduction of up to
75% annually until graduation.
Click here to learn more about the
Red River Scholars Fund.
400 South Drive | Winnipeg MB | r3t 3K5 | tel: (204) 477-2400 | toll-Free: (800) 437-0040 | [email protected]
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400 SOUTH DRIVE | WINNIPEG | R3T 3K5 | TEL: 477.2485 | FAX: 477.2429 |
Vol. 12 • Issue 13• March 14, 2014
Save the Date
Tuesday, May 13, 2014 | 2:00 p.m.
St. John’s-Ravenscourt School
400 South Drive
The 24th edition of the SJR Rock Show presents...
Featuring the music of Queen, Journey, Pat Benatar, Cyndi Lauper, ELO, Foreigner, Styx, Bad Company, The
Who, Joan Jett, Kansas, Led Zeppelin, Bonnie Tyler, B-52s and more!
Monday, April 21 | Tuesday April 22 | Wednesday, April 23
7:00 p.m. | Reimer Gymnasium, SJR
Tickets: $15 all reserved seats
Available in the SJR front foyer beginning Tuesday, April 8, 2014 or at the door
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400 SOUTH DRIVE | WINNIPEG | R3T 3K5 | TEL: 477.2485 | FAX: 477.2429 |
Vol. 12 • Issue 13• March 14, 2014
News from the SJR Parents’ Association
Three volunteers are needed per night the following dates for a night of bingo at Club Regent Casino:
Tuesday, March 18, 2014 from 6:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
Two volunteers are needed per night the following dates for a night of bingo at McPhillips Station Casino:
Monday, April 7, 2014 from 6:00 p.m. – 9:15 p.m.
Wednesday, April 23, 2014 from 6:00 p.m. - 9:15 p.m.
Monday, May 5, 2014 from 6:00 p.m. - 9:15 p.m.
Thursday, May 22, 2014 from 6:00 p.m. – 9:15 p.m.
Wednesday, May 28, 2014 from 6:00 p.m. – 9:15 p.m.
Monday, June 9, 2014 from 6:00 p.m. – 9:15 p.m.
Please contact Bill Ladyman at [email protected] or 204.475.1696 for more information.
Please note that all volunteers must be at least 21 years of age.
Thank you to the volunteers who have helped out.
Bob Fisher
Yali Bai
Terry Kozak
Fashion Show Update
On Sunday, March 2 at 6:30pm, a dedicated group of volunteers, including students, parents, faculty and staff,
brought the 2014 fashion show, Strut, to the stage in Reimer Gym.
With over 350 people in attendance, 60 student models, and clothes from 20 stores, Strut was one of the largest
fashion shows ever hosted at SJR.
The show began with a personal video message from well-known CNN correspondent, Ashleigh Banfield. What
followed was a remarkable array of cocktail dresses, gowns, skinny suits and tuxes as well as the latest in street wear.
There was even a bathing suit run!
Parent and Student fashion show co-chairs, Karen Banfield, Lesley Lee, Ingrid Blydt-Hansen, Ally Banfield,
Alexia Ruiz and Mollie Quinton, worked tirelessly for many months to oversee and coordinate the myriad details of
the show. The results were truly wonderful. Bravo!
There were numerous other people who worked alongside the co-chairs and who deserve thanks for their efforts.
Faculty: Nancy Gillies, Barb Cahoon, Kathy MacRae, Christy Donald, Barry Panas, Tina Gordon and David
Staff: Russell Britton, Lisa Klassen, Kevin Landry, Ron Driskoll, Grant Worrell, Cole Longstreet, Mark Zubin,
Andrew Robertson, Liz Watson, Robert Fairbairn, Peter Domaradski, Chris Struc and Celina Pena.
Parents: Deb Harker, Kim Wolter, Deb Pryhitko, Gillian Barnes, Shari Dressler, Shona Connely, Karen
Dunlop, Bruce Klassen, Rob Lee, Mia Dunn, Tom Dunn, Jo-Ann Borger, Polly Craik, Dave Rattray, Tanya
Benoit, Tom Strike, Ryan Dixon, Lisa MacAulay, Mervat Shenouda, David Quinton, Shelagh Quinton, Barb
King, Aynsley Cockshott, Grant Cockshott, Hong Yu, Catherine Carlson and George Derwin. Thank you to all
the parents who brought delicious baking and also to those who stayed behind to help clean up after the show.
Students: Qasim Warraich, Jon Lee, Brennan Agar and Will Rattray. Thank you to all of the student models.
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400 SOUTH DRIVE | WINNIPEG | R3T 3K5 | TEL: 477.2485 | FAX: 477.2429 |
Vol. 12 • Issue 13• March 14, 2014
Snapshots from the
Fashion Show
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400 SOUTH DRIVE | WINNIPEG | R3T 3K5 | TEL: 477.2485 | FAX: 477.2429 |
Vol. 12 • Issue 13• March 14, 2014
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400 SOUTH DRIVE | WINNIPEG | R3T 3K5 | TEL: 477.2485 | FAX: 477.2429 |
Vol. 12 • Issue 13• March 14, 2014
Community Requests
Request for Remembrances
Ms. Calla Grabish, School Archivist
Two long time Faculty members, Ms. Nancy Gillies and Mme. Carolyn Berthelet, will be retiring this coming June,
2014 and at the annual Homecoming event in fall 2014, former Headmaster, Mr. John Messenger (1977-1990) will be
honoured. Please forward any remembrances of these individuals to Ms. Calla Grabish, School Archivist. Please send
as an attachment to [email protected] by August 29, 2014.
We Need Your Help!!!
Please remember that parking is not allowed in the middle of the front parking lot any time between 9:00 a.m. and
4:00 p.m. on school days. This remains a bus loading/staging area and, this year, a construction-supply unloading
area. We know that parking is limited this year. We know that it’s cold. But we also want you and your children and
your vehicle to be safe. Our construction partners are struggling to keep their deliveries moving efficiently and your
vehicles are getting in the way. Fire lanes are getting blocked as drivers create parking spots where none exist.
Please park well, even if it means walking from the street. Always. Even if it’s for “just a minute”. Please and thank
you for your cooperation.
A Reminder to All Students...
In our efforts to control rodent activity within the School we ask that you do not leave any food in your locker or you
may have some unwanted guests enjoying the snacks you leave behind for them.
2012-2013 Annual Report
The 2012-2013 SJR Annual Report is now
for viewing on the SJR website.
To access a copy, please click on the above image or
the click on the below link.
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400 SOUTH DRIVE | WINNIPEG | R3T 3K5 | TEL: 477.2485 | FAX: 477.2429 |
Vol. 12 • Issue 13• March 14, 2014
School Calendar
Friday, Mar. 14 - Friday, Apr. 11
Friday, March 14, 2014 - Day 5
Saturday, March 22, 2014
ƒƒ No listed events
ƒƒ AAA Varsity Basketball Provincials
Saturday, March 15, 2014
ƒƒ Durham Debating Tournament
ƒƒ Nepal Trip
ƒƒ No listed events
ƒƒ Ecuador Trip (Grade 12 Leadership Students)
Sunday, March 16, 2014
Sunday, March 23, 2014
ƒƒ Senior Provincial Debating Championships
(12:00 PM - 6:00 PM)
ƒƒ Spring Break - School Closed
Monday, March 17, 2014 - Day 6
Sunday, April 6, 2014
ƒƒ No listed events
ƒƒ Residences Re-Open - Noon
Tuesday, March 18, 2014 - Day 7
Monday, April 7, 2014 - Day 3
ƒƒ No listed events
ƒƒ Classes Resume
Wednesday, March 19, 2014 - Day 8
Tuesday, April 8, 2014 - Day 4
ƒƒ No listed events
ƒƒ No listed events
Thursday, March 20, 2014 - Day 1
Wednesday, April 9, 2014 - Day 5
ƒƒ 2:00 p.m. Dismissal - Junior School Only
ƒƒ SJRPA Meeting (9:00 AM - 11:00 AM)
ƒƒ AAA Varsity Basketball Provincials
ƒƒ SJRAA Board Meeting (5:30 PM - 7:30 PM)
ƒƒ Durham Debating Tournament
Thursday, April 10, 2014 - Day 6
ƒƒ Nepal Trip
ƒƒ No listed events
ƒƒ Junior School Parent-Teacher Conferences
(2:00 PM - 8:00 PM)
Friday, Arpil 11, 2014 - Day 7
Friday, March 21, 2014 - Day 2
ƒƒ AAA Varsity Basketball Provincials
ƒƒ Durham Debating Tournament
ƒƒ Nepal Trip
ƒƒ Last Day of Classes - Term Ends - 3:45 p.m.
ƒƒ Residences Close - 6:00 p.m.
ƒƒ No Classes - Junior School Only
ƒƒ Junior School Parent-Teacher Conferences
(9:00 AM - 4:00 PM)
ƒƒ No listed events
Have a fun and safe
Spring Break!
Classes resume on
Monday, April 7, 2014
(Day 3)
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400 SOUTH DRIVE | WINNIPEG | R3T 3K5 | TEL: 477.2485 | FAX: 477.2429 |
Vol. 12 • Issue 13• March 14, 2014
Upcoming Deadlines
for EagleEye Submissions
Vol. 12, Issue:
Copy Deadline:
Issue 14
Tuesday, April 8
Friday, April 11
Issue 15
Tuesday, April 22
Friday, April 25
Issue 16
Monday, May 5
Friday, May 9
Issue 17
Tuesday, May 20
Friday, May 23
Issue 18
Monday, June 2
Friday, June 6
Issue 19
Monday, June 16
Friday, June 20
Thank you to all the behind-the-scenes contributors to this project,
including Mrs. Cheryl Chaban, Dr. Christine Churchill, Ms. Nancy Gillies, Mr. Ryan
Johanneson, Mr. Paul Prieur, Ms. Karen Rohr and Ms. Liz Watson and each contributing
Editors: Ms. Christina Barwinsky ‘86, Ms. Jillian Lamothe and Mr. Paul Prieur
Coordinator: Mrs. Suzanne Johansson
To view past issues of the EagleEye, point your web browser to
and follow all on-screen instructions.
Help us keep
you informed...
If you have recently changed your email address
or other contact information, please advise us.
We value our connection to you!
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400 SOUTH DRIVE | WINNIPEG | R3T 3K5 | TEL: 477.2485 | FAX: 477.2429 |