The Thoughtful Classroom Teacher Effectiveness Framework

The Thoughtful Classroom Teacher Effectiveness Framework
The Thoughtful Classroom Teacher Effectiveness Framework is a comprehensive system for observing, evaluating, and refining classroom practice.
The ultimate goal of the framework is to create a common language for talking about high-quality teaching and how classroom practice can be improved.
The Four Cornerstones of Effective Teaching
Represent the universal elements of quality instruction
Organization, Rules, and Procedures
Positive Relationships
Engagement and Enjoyment
A Culture of Thinking and Learning
Organization, Rules, and Procedures
Preparing Students for New Learning
Positive Relationships
How does the teacher organize the
classroom to enhance learning and
establish rules and procedures that
clarify expectations?
How does the teacher establish
purpose, activate student’s prior
knowledge, and prepare students for
How does the teacher build meaningful
relationships with the students and
among students to promote learning?
Deeping and Reinforcing Learning
Presenting New Learning
Reflecting on and Celebrating Learning
How does the teacher help students
solidify their understanding and practice
new skills?
How does the teacher present new
information and provide opportunities
for students to actively engage with
How does the teacher help students look
back on their learning and refine their
learning process?
A Culture of Thinking and Learning
Applying Learning
Engagement and Enjoyment
How does the teacher develop a
classroom culture that promotes serious
learning and sophisticated forms of
How does the teacher help students
demonstrate their learning and what
kinds of evidence does the teacher
collect to assess student progress?
How does the teacher motivate students
to do their best work and inspire the love
of learning?
The Five Episodes of Effective Instruction
Represent distinct instructional purposes to increase deep learning
Preparing Students for New Learning
Presenting and Acquiring New Learning
Deepening and Reinforcing Learning
Applying Learning
Reflecting on and Celebrating Learning
Professional Practice
How committed is the teacher to professional learning and contributing to the school community?
SMART Goal #1
By May 2015, 100% of administrative and teaching staff will be able to communicate the dimensions of The Thoughtful Teacher Effectiveness Framework and use the framework to improve
instructional practices as demonstrated by reflection on instructional rounds, teacher reflections, lesson plans, formal and informal observations.
SMART Goal #2
By May 2015, 100% of teaching staff will implement strategies from the Reading for Meaning teacher guide. Evidence of implementation will be documented in scored samples of student
work, teacher lesson plans, TBT minutes, and documentation on instructional round forms.
SMART Goal #3
By May 2015, 100% of classrooms will implement a variety of tools from the “Tools for Thoughtful Assessment” text with an emphasis on aligning selected tools to the five episodes of
instruction as demonstrated by reflection on instructional rounds, teacher reflections, lesson plans, formal and informal observations.