Il mondo degli animali Acknowledgements Education materials in Italian prepared by Rosaria Zarro, Co.As.It Education Officer Line drawings by Andrew Plant, photographs by R. Zarro, Source: Museum Victoria These materials can be reproduced for educational purposes. © Museum Victoria 2010 Il mondo degli animali Contents Page Teacher notes 3 Main exhibits and exhibition map 4-5 Curriculum links 6-7 Learning in museums 8 Le attività a scuola e le attività al museo 9-10 Resources in Italian and English 11-15 Le attività a scuola Attività 1: Rompicapo (Principianti e Intermedio) 16 Attività 2: Un collage degli animali usando ICT (Principianti e Intermedio) 17 Attività 3: Le poesie degli animali (Principianti e Intermedio) 18 Attività 4: La musica e gli animali (Principianti e Intermedio) 19 Vocabulary- Principianti 20 Vocabulary- Intermedio 21 Le attività al museo- Principianti Scheda 1: I rettili 22 Scheda 2: I mammiferi 23 Scheda 3: Gli uccelli 24 Scheda 4: Gli animali d’ Australia 25 Scheda 5: Fai da te 26 Vocabulary- Principianti 27 Le attività al museo- Intermedio Scheda 1: Gli animali nativi dell’Australia 28 Scheda 2: Gli animali nativi dell’Africa 29 Scheda 3: Gli animali nativi del Sud America 30 Scheda 4: Gli animali nativi del Nord America 31 Scheda 5: Gli animali nativi dell’Asia 32 Scheda 6: Fai da te 33 Vocabulary- Intermedio 34 Web quests Il lupo selvatico in Italia (Intermediate) 35 L’orso bruno d’Italia (Advanced) 36-37 2 Il mondo degli animali Teacher notes This education kit provides teachers and students of Italian with the opportunity to engage in the Italian language with the Wild: Amazing Animals in a Changing World exhibition at Melbourne Museum. The Wild: Amazing Animals in a Changing World exhibition is an exciting teaching resource featuring a wonderful diversity of mammals, birds and reptiles from around the world. Students can discover which animals are thriving and which are merely surviving. Part of the exhibition is dedicated to Victorian environments. Here students can observe different Victorian habitats like the Alps, grasslands and wetlands. Students can discover why biodiversity is under threat and obtain clues about how we can create a more hopeful future. Students can view hundreds of animals from around the world through an immersive experience. Multimedia exhibits allow students to explore the successes and failures of these species in their changing environments. The exhibition, together with this education kit, il mondo degli animali, will enhance student learning in LOTE-Italian and Science and support other domains of the Victorian Essential Learning Standards (VELS), particularly Geography, Maths, ICT and Thinking Processes. Please note: • Wild: Amazing Animals in a Changing World is a long term exhibition at Melbourne Museum. The museum is open from 10am to 5pm each day. • Bookings are essential for all school groups. Bookings: 1300 130 152 Free entry Subscribe to MVteachers – the only way to get free teacher entry to Melbourne Museum. Join at: 3 Il mondo degli animali Main exhibits For information about the exhibits in Wild: Amazing animals in a changing world, visit the exhibition web pages at: The following animals are a few of the 650 mammals, birds and reptiles exhibited. Worldwide Africa: Blue Crane, Secretary Bird, Mandrill, Wild Dog, Okapi South America: Toco Toucan, Gorgeted Woodstar (Hummingbird), Jaguar, Cottontop Tamarin, Nine banded Armadillo North America: Wood Duck, Rattlesnake, American Black Bear, Greater Horned Owl, American Beaver, Wolverine Eurasia: Giant Panda, Yak, Snow Leopard, Lady Amherst’s Pheasant, Common Eider (Duck) Arctic: Polar Bear Indomalay: Indian Rhinoceros, Javan Rhinoceros, Palm Civet, Luzon BleedingHeart Pigeon, Indian Peafowl Antarctica: Emperor Penguin, Snow Petrel, Elephant Seal Australasia: Southern Brown Kiwi, Thylacine, Banded Hare Wallaby, Bennett’s Tree Kangaroo, Platypus, Southern Cassowary, Saltwater Crocodile Oceania: Ultramarine Kingfisher, Many-Coloured Fruit Dove Victorian Environments Mallee: Mallee Fowl, Fox, Carpet Python, Red Kangaroo Dry Forest: Regent Honeyeater, Little Forest Bat, Squirrel Glider, Tree Goanna, Murray Cod Wetlands: Red-Necked Stint, Eastern Curlew, Bar-tailed Godwit Alps: Burramys, Gang-Gang Cockatoo, Baw Baw Frog, Bogong Moth Grasslands: Plains Wanderer, Golden Sun Moth, Striped Legless Lizard, Southern Brown Bandicoot 4 Il mondo degli animali Exhibition map 5 Il mondo degli animali Curriculum links Activities in this education kit cover the following areas of the Victorian Essential Learning Standards (VELS). Level 4 VELS Domain Science Discipline-based Learning Geography Maths Dimension & Standard Science knowledge and understanding • explain change in terms of cause and effect • identify and explain the relationships that exist within and between food chains in the environment • analyse a range of science-related local issues and describe the relevance of science to your own and other people’s lives • explain how sustainable practices have been developed and/or are applied in your local environment • practise framing and investigating questions that interest you and are drawn from locally based issues Humanities knowledge and understanding • describe the reaction of people to natural processes including the management of natural disasters • compare the various ways humans have used and affected the Australian environment • recommend ways of protecting environmentally sensitive areas in a sustainable way Number • use place value to determine the size and order of whole numbers to the millions, and decimals to thousandths. • round numbers up and down to the nearest unit, ten, hundred, or thousand. • use decimals, ratios and percentages Measurement, chance and data • use metric units to estimate and measure length • recognise and use different units of measurement. • present data in appropriate displays (for example, a pie chart) Writing • write simple sentences based on modelled examples Listening • listen to short, simple texts and show understanding LOTEItalian Reading • use a dictionary in guided situations to find the meaning of simple words and to expand their vocabulary resources • use substitution strategies to generate changed meaning • understand new words introduced into familiar written texts, predicting from clues Speaking • use basic structures in response to simple questions • construct questions themselves using information from the answers they receive in structured situations • appropriately integrate many culturally-specific gestures into their oral communication • use simple software applications to demonstrate understanding of known vocabulary and structures 6 Il mondo degli animali Interdisciplinary Learning The Arts ICT Physical, Personal & Social Learning Thinking Processes Civics and Citizenship Interpersonal Development Creating and making • create and present performing and visual arts works that show emerging arts knowledge and an ability to plan arts works that communicate ideas, concepts, observations feelings and/or experiences ICT for Communicating • use ICT tools and techniques that support the organisation and analysis of concepts, issues and ideas and that allow relationships to be identified and inferences drawn from them • use email, websites and frequently asked question facilities to acquire information from peers and known and unknown experts Reasoning, processing and enquiry • distinguish between fact and opinion • use the information you collect to inform decision making Community engagement • present a point of view on a significant current issue and include recommendations about the actions that individuals and governments can take to resolve this issue • demonstrate understanding that there are different viewpoints on an issue Working in teams • work effectively in different teams and take on a variety of roles to complete tasks of varying length and complexity 7 Il mondo degli animali Learning in museums Making the most of a museum visit Research suggests that school students learn more in a museum when: • Pre-visit preparation takes place, for example pre-visit lessons, and orientations and assessment of students’ prior knowledge. • Planning and preparation of concepts to be investigated with students takes place. • Curiosity is encouraged and some student choice and control over their learning experiences is taken into account. The experience should be learnercentred. • Teachers are familiar with the museum site. • Co-operative small groups are used. • The social aspects of learning are taken into account. Teachers should encourage students to talk and share ideas about what they are seeing/hearing/touching; they should be asking lots of questions. • The visit to the museum is integrated into a broader body of student learning at the school level and is strongly linked to the curriculum. Follow-up and reflective sessions are essential. • Both physical and mental rests are available during the visit. • Students share their findings in some sort of report or presentation. What to bring on the excursion Any materials you would like students to complete while at the Museum should be copied prior to your visit. Museum activities in Italian (Le attività al museo) from this education kit, il mondo degli animali, can be downloaded from the LOTE page at: A wide variety of educational materials for teachers and students is also available in English from the website: It may be appropriate for students to bring clipboards, pens/pencils, etc. They may also bring cameras for use in certain areas. Student bags should be left on the bus, where possible. Alternatively, bags will need to be left with the Schools Entrance in purpose-built trolleys. These can be accessed throughout the visit if necessary. To reduce congestion in the Museum Café we recommend students bring their own food and drink. Consumption of food and drink is not permitted outside the designated café areas. School groups generally have lunch out on the plaza in front of the museum. 8 Il mondo degli animali Le attività a scuola – Pre-visit activities Teachers are encouraged to carefully plan their visit to Melbourne Museum and to ensure that students are given adequate linguistic preparation to understand the activities they will be expected to complete in the Wild exhibition. Pre-visit activities to provide students with background knowledge about animals of the world are also useful preparation. Le attività a scuola have been prepared to stimulate students’ curiosity about their visit to the museum and to assist them to interpret and understand what they will experience. Teachers should look at all activities and decide which would suit their students’ abilities. As a guide, Principianti (Beginners level) are for the beginning of Level 4 VELS LOTE, whilst Intermedio (Intermediate level) are for the end of Level 4 VELS LOTE and the beginning of Level 5 VELS LOTE. Principianti Suggested pre-visit activities: • Le attività a scuola 1-5. Teachers should include a couple of these activities, e.g. Rompicapo e Un collage • Compare and contrast the size, shape and physical features of animals. See Vocabulary- Principianti for essential vocabulary. • List relevant verbs relating to animal movements, for example camminare, correre, volare, strisciare, saltare and adjectives veloce, lento. See Vocabulary- Principianti for essential vocabulary. • Students explore the Wild website and familiarise themselves with the exhibition at: There are some matching games in the section ‘Wild Fun’. Intermedio Suggested pre-visit activities: • Le attività a scuola 1-5. Teachers should include a couple of these activities, e.g. Rompicapo e Un collage • Explore on the map of the world where particular animals live. The website will assist with this information. • Discuss animals’ diets and habitats and classify various animals as carnivori, erbivori and onnivori. • Research the animals that are now extinct or endangered and explore the reasons why this has occurred. • Students explore the Wild website and familiarise themselves with the animals in the exhibition at: 9 Il mondo degli animali Le attività a scuola – Post-visit activities After visiting the Wild exhibition, students should do several post-visit activities. Teachers should consider the suggestions and ideas given in le attività a scuola, Principianti and Intermedio (above) that were not done before the visit. Students should also be encouraged to report on their experience at the museum to the class through multimedia. Depending on the ICT available to them, they should consider using the images from the Wild website: Students could use PowerPoint or Movie Maker to produce a digital story of their experience at the museum. Le attività al museo- During the visit Le attività al museo have been designed for individual or pair work. Le schede 1-5 should be used as a way of orientating students around the exhibition. Students should not be expected to complete all of the worksheets, rather the teacher should give different activities to pairs of students and then students can share their findings with their classmates back at school. Students should be encouraged to complete one or two activities well and then be given time to explore the interactive activities within the exhibition. They could also prepare a report about what they learnt in the exhibition. To assist teachers to select worksheets appropriate to their students’ age and linguistic skills, each worksheet is indicated as suitable for Principianti (Beginners level) or Intermedio (Intermediate level). As a guide Principianti (Beginners level) is for the beginning of Level 4 VELS LOTE, while Intermedio (Intermediate level) is for the end of Level 4 VELS LOTE and the beginning of Level 5 VELS LOTE. 10 Il mondo degli animali Italian resources The following publications are available for loan from Co.As.It Resource Centre, Level 1, 189 Faraday St, Carlton VIC 3053. Membership and other details are available under the Education section at Reference books L’habitat La natura e i fenomeni straordinari La natura d’Italia Un mondo di animali Il grande dizionario illustrato degli animali I mammiferi Story books Piccoli racconti di animali in Australia Ti racconto…..gli animali La natura nelle poesie di adulti e bambini La magia dell’opossum DVDs/Films Il Re Leone Il Re Leone II: il regno di Simba Tommy a spasso nella guingla Il paese degli animali I racconti della natura Kits Animals: theme cards Mondo Vivo Immagini e parole: gli animali Posters Gli animali selvatici Animali a rischio Poems/Songs Cantiamo in italiano, dei Cantori Italiani © 2009 Il coccodrillo come fa? 11 Il mondo degli animali Websites Exhibition The Wild: Amazing animals in a changing world exhibition at Melbourne Museum (permanent exhibition) Biodiversity Museum Victoria’s Bioinformatics site (Victoria’s butterflies, mammals, snakes, lizards and frogs) Federal Government - Biodiversity Guide Victorian Department of Sustainability and Environment CSIRO Biodiversity Globio - Global biodiversity education Endangered Species Currently Endangered Species list - Dept. of the Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts Earth’s Endangered Creatures Animals Animal Fact Sheets - ARAZPA Africam: A virtual safari of Africa Frogs Victorian Frog Group 12 Il mondo degli animali Birds The Life of Birds - Sir David Attenborough Bird Identifier - ABC Science Conservation Conservation Action Programs - Healesville Sanctuary National Parks Victorian National Parks Association Environmental Education Our Cool School - Victorian environmental education The Gould League The World Wildlife Federation Australian Sustainable Schools Initiative Evolution Darwin’s Evolution Game: Who wants to live for a million years? 13 Il mondo degli animali Books in English Nonfiction How Do Animals Adapt? The Science of Living Things Series, by Bobbie Kalman (Crabtree, 2000) True Green Kids … 100 Things You Can Do to Save the Planet, by Kim McKay and Jenny Bonnin (ABC Books, 2008) Tuart Dwellers, by Jan Ramage (Department of Environment & Conservation, 2008) Going Bush, by Nadia Wheatley, Ken Searle (Allen & Unwin, 2007) Endangered Animals of Australia's Forests, by Greg Pyers (Echidna Books, 2001) Endangered Animals of Australia's Wetlands and Grasslands, by Greg Pyers (Echidna Books, 2001) 30 Amazing Australian Animals, by Christopher Cheng and Gregory Rogers (Random House, 2007) Fiction Are We There yet? by Alison Lester (Viking, 2004) The Other Side, by Sally Morgan (National Museum of Australia, 2008) Picture Books Uno’s Garden, Graeme Base (Penguin, 2006) The Last Tree, by Mark Wilson (Lothian Books, 2007) Scoot, Scoot Bandicoot, by Karen Treanor (Quenda, 2003) Miss Lily’s Fabulous Pink Feather Boa, by Margaret Wild (Puffin, 1999) Koala Lou, by Mem Fox (Puffin, 1991) Green Air, by Jill Morris (Greater Glider Books, 1996) What am I? by Kim Dale (Lothian, 1999) Wetlands, by Tricia Oktober (Hodder Children's Books, 2000) 14 Il mondo degli animali Finders Keepers Everything you need to keep bugs in the classroom or at home. Bugs are the most successful animals on the planet. Find out exactly what a bug is, how their bodies work and why they have outlived the dinosaurs! Finders Keepers is a one-stop-box that includes a terrarium, hydro-thermometer, drink bowl, sponge, magnifying glass, tweezers, cuttlefish, spray bottle and substrate. The kit also features laminated A3 bug images, a manual with general information about bugs and bug keeping, bug activities, VELS links and a copy of Museum Victoria’s Bugs Alive! A Guide to Keeping Australian Invertebrates. Cost $75.00 including postage and handling. To purchase, telephone Museum Victoria’s Discovery Program: 03 8341 7289 Or fax the order form below to Museum Victoria’s Discovery Program: 03 8341 7210 Name: ______ School: Address: Suburb: ______ Postcode: State:_______ Contact telephone number: 15 Il mondo degli animali Le attività a scuola Attività 1: Rompicapo Objective and VELS links The objective of this activity is to assess students’ prior knowledge of the topic of animals in Italian, and to begin compiling essential vocabulary around the theme of gli animali nel mondo. This activity links to the Thinking Processes domain of VELS. What you need Textas Post-it notes whiteboard What to do 1. Brainstorm with the students what they already know about animals of the world. You can do this in a class discussion, with you writing their comments on pieces of paper and sticking them to a board. If the students are able to write their own sentences, have the students write what they know on Post-it notes. This discussion could happen in Italian using images for stimulus. As students begin to write, they can use a dictionary or word list to translate the words into Italian. 2. The teacher can then arrange the words into sub headings such as: Dove vivono nel mondo, l’aspetto fisico, come si muove, nomi degli animali in italiano ecc. The vocabulary lists on pages 19 and 20 of this kit can be a good starting point. 3. The Post-it notes form part of a ‘graffiti wall’. During the unit, students add extra pieces of information about animals in Italian. 4. The students think of questions, or things they would like to know about certain animals of the world. These questions are added to the graffiti wall. When the questions are answered during the unit, they are replaced with the information that the students have discovered. 16 Il mondo degli animali Attività 2: Un collage degli animali usando ICT Objective and VELS links To create a poster on an African animal, using information provided by the teacher. VELS Thinking Processes using Bloom Taxonomy - Remembering and De Bono Hats: White hat, facts - Information Gap Activity VELS Humanities (geography), Science, Design, creativity and technology This activity can be used with all the levels, provided that the pieces of information are targeted to the audience. What to do Nella classe ci sono 5 contenitori. In ogni contenitore c’e’ un insieme di cose. Questo insieme di cose includono: figure di animali, cassette con suoni di animali, testi con informazioni su animali, riproduzioni di impronte di animali, carte geografiche di habitat. Sono provvisti: carta per i poster, registratori, colla, forbici, ecc L’attività consiste nel fare un po’ di ordine in questo chaos e nell’organizzare un poster su un determinato animale, che poi verra’ presentato alla classe in italiano. Questa attività puo’ essere adattata a qualsiasi livello sempre che si adattino i testi e le informazioni al livello targato. Bibliografia : African crocodile 17 Il mondo degli animali Attività 3: Le poesie degli animali Objective and VELS links In this activity students are encouraged to share their knowledge and thoughts about animals by completing various poems in Italian. This activity can be adapted for both beginners and intermediate level. It links to VELS LOTE and Literacy. What to do Depending on the level of language, students can be encouraged to write poetry using different structures. Here are some examples: La poesia piramide e’ fatta di una frase in forma di un piramide cominciando con un silibe e aggiungendo piu’ silibi. Un Gatto Piccolo Ha mangiato Un topo rosso (1 syllable) (2 syllables) (3 syllables) (4 syllables) (5 syllables) (Poem by R.Zarro) Haiku poems A haiku is a traditional Japanese poem about nature. It has a very special pattern made up of seventeen syllables: line 1-five syllables, line 2-seven syllables and line 3-five syllables. Examples in English can be found at An example in Italian: Nel bush lontano i canguri saltano, velocissimi. (Line 1-five syllables) (Line 2-seven syllables) (Line 3-five syllables) (Poem by R.Zarro) Scioglilingua There are many tongue twisters in Italian that relate to the theme of animals that students can practise eg: Tre tigri contro tre tigri. Students should also be encouraged to write their own. Here is an example: Un serpente seccante saccheggia una salumeria. (Poem by R.Zarro) 18 Il mondo degli animali Attività 4: La musica e gli animali Objective and VELS links The following is an example of how to present a song in the LOTE classroom. Adjustments can be made according to the year level and language competency. Links to VELS LOTE: Communicating in a LOTE, and The Arts: Creating and making. What to do Choose a song that has the theme of animals as the main focus. For this example the song chosen is Gli animali della foresta e della giungla, from CDROM Cantiamo in italiano, dei Cantori Italiani © 2009 The words have been reproduced with permission of the author, V. Golding. Non ho paura del leone No, no, no, no Non ho paura della tigre, No, no, no, no Non temo l’elefante, non temo il coccodrillo ma…… Ma … vedo un topolino, Cosi’ piccolo e carino, Che gioca a nascondino, Pulendosi il musino, Mi viene mal di testa, Mi viene mal di pancia, Io corro come un matto, Finche’ non viene il gatto…… Non ho paura del serpente. No, no, no, no Non ho paura del giaguaro, No, no, no, no Non temo l’orso bruno, non temo l’orso bianco ma…… Ma … vedo un topolino…………… Students then use the structure ‘Non ho paura…….’ to make up their own song using animals from different parts of the word. They could use Australian animals and add the name of the animal, reptile or insect that they may not like instead of ‘il topolino’. They could use the same tune or change the tune to a form they like, such as a rap. 19 Il mondo degli animali il vocabolario - Principianti le parti del corpo la coda gli occhi gli artigli il naso le zampe i piedi le squame le penne la gamba/le gambe i denti le ali il becco the body parts the tail the eyes claws the nose the paws the feet the scales the feathers the leg/the legs the teeth wings the beak parole scientifiche un rettile un mammifero un uccello bipede quadrupede carnivoro erbivoro onnivoro scientific words a reptile a mammal a bird bipedal (walks on two legs) quadruped (walks on four legs) carnivore (eats meat) herbivore (eats plants) omnivore (eats herbs, seeds and insects) animali un canguro un cervo una tigre un rinoceronte un lupo selvatico un orango un ippopotamo un panda una lucertola la rana il camaleonte Il cocodrillo africano animals a kangaroo a deer a tiger a rhino a wild dog a orang-utan a hippopotamus a panda a lizard the frog the chameleon the African crocodile domande e istruzioni Dove vive nel mondo? Cosa mangia? Nome in inglese Disegna Colora questions and instructions Where do they live in the world? What do they eat? Name in English Draw Colour 20 Il mondo degli animali il vocabolario - Intermedio le parti del corpo la coda gli occhi gli artigli il naso le zampe i piedi le squame le penne la gamba/le gambe i denti le ali il becco the body parts the tail the eyes claws the nose the paws the feet the scales the feathers the leg/the legs the teeth wings the beak parole scientifiche un rettile un mammifero un uccello bipede quadrupede carnivoro erbivoro onnivoro estinto in pericolo al sicuro vulnerabile scientific words a reptile a mammal a bird bipedal (walks on two legs) quadruped (walks on four legs) carnivore (eats meat) herbivore (eats plants) omnivore (eats herbs, seeds and insects) extinct endangered secure vulnerable Perchè certi animali sono in pericolo? Why are some animals endangered? Sono preda di altri animali. They are prey for other animals. Sono vittime del cambiamento del clima. They are victim to climate change. L’ambiente in cui vivono viene distrutto. The habitat in which they live is being destroyed. Sono cacciati per le loro caratteristiche particolari. They are hunted for their particular characteristics. Sono vittime dell’inquinamento They are victim to pollution. Mangiano lo stesso cibo di altri animali. They eat the same food as other animals. 21
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