The Grand Originals - Cumbria Freemasons | Royal Arch

Provincial Grand Chapter of
Cumberland & Westmorland
Masonic Hall, Station Road, Kendal, Cumbria LA9 6BT
The Grand Originals
Those of you who use the 'Aldersgate' Ritual, or variations of it, will be familiar with the
rather strange and sadly unexplained dialogue between the 1st Principal and the Principal
Sojourner read at the Festive Board and ending: “Let us drink to the pious memory of those
Grand Originals.”
The Grand Originals, of course, refer to the 3 Original Grand Lodges - the first, held by
Moses, Aholiab and Bezaleel in the portable Tabernacle in the wilderness of Sinai after the
Exodus. The second, in Solomon's Temple on the Holy Mount Moriah where Solomon,
Hiram of Tyre and Hiram Abiff presided and the third, in Zerubbabel's Temple, at
Jerusalem, after the Hebrews return from their captivity in Babylon, when Zerubbabel,
Haggai and Joshua the son of Josedech, the High Priest presided.
But where does all this come from and why is it delivered at the Festive Board ?
Having recently attended Cana Chapter in Colne, constituted in May 1769, the oldest
surviving warranted Chapter under the English Constitution. The exaltation ceremony was
conducted similarly to other Chapters, having been subjected to the mandatory changes by
the introduction of the 'new' ritual after the 1834 revision but, the opening and closing are
quite different to the norm and claim to be as the 'original' workings.
After the opening, which before 1834 would have been carried out in private by the 3
Principals, there continues a dialog between Z and each of the Officers, who give an
explanation of their position and duties similar to the opening of a Craft Lodge. Incidentally,
the 2nd Assistant Sojourner acts as 'Inner Guard' !
Surprisingly, the dialogue for the closing, after establishing, via the Sojourners, that the
Chapter is properly guarded, proceeds as follows:
Z: Companion 2nd AS - Where was the first or Holy Lodge held ? the questions which follow
are directed to and answered by the Sojourners in turn using exactly the same words as
the 'Aldersgate' dialog but, ending with Z stating: "Let us return thanks to the Great 'I
Am' in prayer." A prayer is given by Joshua, which is followed by further questions and
Z - Comp Scribe E - What is the last care of all RA Masons ?
S.E.: To close the VSL after renewing our obligations as to the ineffable word of this Supreme
Degree, Most E.
Z - Then let that sacred duty be done in the Antient and prescribed form.
Z, H & J and all the Companions present form separate groups of 3 and share the word, after
which, the S.E. states: M.E. the Companions have shared the word and saluted the VSL (it
being previously held by the S.E. for all to kiss in turn). The Sacred Volume is now closed.
Note: As all present form 3's to close the Chapter - The words "We ALL do meet and agree"
are appropriate, as opposed to "We 3 do meet and agree" at the Opening.
The Closing is then completed in a similar manner as current practice. 2
Provincial Grand Chapter of
Cumberland & Westmorland
Masonic Hall, Station Road, Kendal, Cumbria LA9 6BT
Therefore, the mysterious explanation of "The Grand Originals" at the Festive Board, was
once a normal part of the ritual used at the closing of the Chapter. It must have been
removed from the actual working by the 1834 (mandatory) revision ! However, it has been
retained by those who follow the 'Aldersgate' procedure, by its delivery outside the Chapter
workings in the Festive Board as a reminder of how it used to be.
Cana Chapter can, of course, claim to have used it from 'time immemorial'.
For those who are not familiar with the "Aldersgate" version, read at the Festive Board
(without ANY explanation other than - We've always done it that way !!!!) BUT WHY ?
MEZ: Comp. PS, how many original Grand Lodges do we commemorate ?
PS: Three M.E.
MEZ: Name them.
PS: The First or Holy Lodge; the Second or Sacred Lodge; and the Third or Grand and Royal
MEZ: Where was the First or Holy Lodge holden ?
PS: At the foot of Mount Horeb, in the Wilderness of Siniai.
MEZ: Who presided ?
PS: Moses, Aholiab, and Bezaleel.
MEZ: Where was the Second or Sacred Lodge holden ?
PS: In the bosom of the Holy Mount Moriah.
MEZ - Who presided ?
PS: S.K. of Israel, H.K. of Tyre, and H.A.B.
MEZ: Where was the Third or Grand and Royal Lodge holden ?
PS: At Jerusalem.
MEZ: Who presided ?
PS: Zerubbabel, prince of the people; Haggai the prophet; and Joshua, the son of Josedech
the High Priest.
MEZ: Companions, let us drink to the pious memory of those Grand Originals.
In the Cana Closing - The questions and answers are exactly the same as those above except
that the 2nd AS answers the questions about the First Lodge, the 1st AS, about the Second
Lodge and the PS, about the Third Lodge (see above).
The use of 18th century words like 'holden' instead of the modern 'held' should be a clue that
the text is from an earlier time.
It would appear that reference to the Grand Originals was removed from the ritual at the
time of the 1834 (drastic) revision but is preserved by those who use the Aldersgate version
(in particular) and is delivered (without any explanation) at the Festive Board, whilst Cana
Chapter still retain it in their original closing ritual.
Peter Mason