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Available at:
St. Peter’s Leisure Centre
01282 664444
Padiham Leisure Centre
01282 477222
Welcome to Burnley Leisure Swim Academy. Our aim is to help
people learn to swim through innovative and enjoyable classes
that combine teaching with fun. We have a flexible and friendly
approach to lessons and strive to ensure that each swimmer
reaches their full potential.
We will help your child develop
confidence in the water whilst
developing skills for life.
We recognise that all children
develop at different speeds and at
different ages and our teachers will
ensure that the programme is right
for them.
Our highly qualified teachers will
deliver our swimming programme
to the standard that we believe you
deserve. Our teachers are energetic
and passionate about swimming and
are Amateur Swimming Association
(ASA) qualified. All swim teachers
have an enhanced DBS check.
Swimmers in our lessons are always
in safe hands. First and foremost we
constantly stress the need for safety,
so not only will your child learn to
feel safe in the water but, will also be
taught appropriate behaviour when
at the pool.
Duckling GRADE 1
e entry
1. Make a supervised saf
with adult support
2. Kick two metres on the
with adult support
3. Float on the back with
support behin
4. Blow bubbles at the wa
5. Wet the head without
ce two
6. Travel without assistan
metres to a floating jec
Duckling GRADE 2
1. Make a sitting entry with adult support
2. Blow an object for a distance of 2 metres
3. Using a baby seat or other buoyancy aid,
rotate through 180º without assistance
4. Move five metres along the rail or wall
without assistance
5. Travel three metres using arms and/or
legs without assistance
6. Submerge the face with confidence
Duckling GRADE 4
1. Jump unaided, but supervised, into
the water
2. Submerge completely
3. Rotate through 360º either
horizontally or vertically
4. Show a mushroom OR a star floa
5. Travel without assistance 10 met
on the front or back
6. Climb out of the water with
assistance if required
Duckling juGmRp toAanDadEult with
1.Make a supervise
or withou
lding a
s on the front ho
2. Kick five metre
r end of
ay hold the othe
float (the adult m
the float)‚
with the mouth un
3. Blow bubbles
OR back without
4. Float on front
the side
res on the front to
5. Travel five met
of the pool
or back
o shape on front
6. Show a torped
a partner
when pushed to
The Duckling Aw
ards are design
ed to
help young child
ren explore and
the fun of learni
ng to swim. They
provide a founda
tion level for th
Learn to Swim Fr
Each grade of th
e Ducklings Aw
contains six com
ponents that m
t be
passed before th
e award is given.
Duckling GRADE 5
1. Show the sequence - to jump in the water,
turn around, swim back to the point of entry
and hold the rail or side
2. Submerge completely and blow bubbles
under the water
3. Push and glide achieving a distance of two
metres on the front or back
4. Float on the front or back and regain
standing/vertical position
5. Swim five metres on the front or back using
an over water arm recovery
6. Exit safely showing correct
use of the ladder
Learn To Swim
Stages 1-7
1. Enter the water safely
2. Move forwards for a distance of 5 metres
3. Move backwards for a distance of 5 metres
4. Move sideways for distance of 5 metres
5. Scoop the water and wash face
6. Be at ease with water showered from
7. Move into a stretched floating position using
aids, equipment or support
8. Regain an upright position from on the back,
with support
9. Regain an upright position from on the front
with support
10. Push & glide in a horizontal position to or
from a wall
11. Take part in a teacher led partner orientated
12. Demonstrate an understanding of pool
13. Exit the water safely
1. Jump in from poolside safely
1. Demonstrate an understanding of buoyancy
2. Blow bubbles a minimum of 3 times
rhythmically with nose and mouth
2. Perform a tuck float for 5 seconds
1. Demonstrate an understanding of
preparation for exercise
3. Regain upright position from the back
without support
4. Regain an upright position from the front
without support
5. Push from wall & glide on the back
6. Push from wall & glide on the front
7. Travel on the back for 5 metres, aids or
equipment may be used
8. Travel on the front for 5 metres, aids or
equipment may be used
9. Perform a rotation from the front to the back
to gain an upright position
10. Perform a rotation from the back to the
front to gain an upright position
3. Perform a sequence of changing shapes
(minimum of 3) whilst floating at the surface
4. Push & glide from the wall to the pool floor
5. Kick 10 metres Backstroke
6. Kick 10 metres Front Crawl
7. Kick 10 metres Butterfly on the front or on
the back
8. Kick 10 metres Breaststroke on the back
9. Kick 10 metres Breaststroke on the front
10. Perform on the back a head first sculling
action for 5 metres in a horizontal position
11. Travel on the back and roll in one
continuous movement onto front
12. Travel on the front and roll in one
continuous movement onto back
2. Sink, push away from wall on side and
maintain a streamlined position
3. Push & glide on the front with arms
extended and log roll onto the back
4. Push & glide on the back with arms extended
and log roll onto the front
4. Swim 10 metres with clothes on
5. Swim Front Crawl to include at least six
rhythmical breaths
6. Swim Breaststroke to include at least six
rhythmical breaths
7. Swim Butterfly to include at least three
rhythmical breaths
8. Swim 25 metres, choice of stroke is optional
9. Perform a ‘shout & signal’ rescue
10. Perform a surface dive
11. Exit the water without using steps
1. Swim 25 metres Backstroke
1. Perform a horizontal stationary scull on the
2. Swim 25 metres Front Crawl
3. Swim 25 metres Breaststroke
2. Perform a feet first sculling action for 5
metres whilst horizontal on the back
4. Swim 25 metres Butterfly
3. Perform a sculling sequence with a partner
for 30-45 seconds to include a rotation
4. Tread water for 30 seconds
5. Travel on the front, tuck to rotate around the
horizontal axis to return on the back
5. Perform 3 different shaped jumps into deep
6. Fully submerge to pick up an object
6. Swim 10 metres Backstroke
7. Answer correctly 3 questions on the Water
Safety Code
7. Swim 10 metres Front Crawl face in the water
8. Travel 10 metres on the back
9. Swim 10 metres Butterfly
9. Travel 10 metres on the front
3. Sink, push off on side from the wall, glide,
kick and rotate into Front Crawl
13. Swim 10 metres, choice of stroke is optional
1. Jump in from poolside and submerge (min
depth. 0.9)
2. Sink, push off on side from the wall, glide,
kick and rotate into Backstroke
8. Swim 10 metres Breaststroke
10. Perform a handstand and hold for a
minimum of 3 seconds
11. Perform a forward somersault, tucked, in
the water
12. Demonstrate an action for getting help
5. Perform a movement sequence of 1
minute duration, in a group of 3 or more,
incorporating a number of the following
skills: Sculling, Rotation, Floating, Eggbeater
6. Perform a sitting dive
7. Swim 50 metres continuously using one
8. Swim 100 metres, using a minimum three
different strokes
9. Tread water using egg beater action for
30 seconds
10. Complete an obstacle course
(using minimum of 4 objects) with feet
off the bottom throughout
e bath
...at home in th
g as a family.
me swimmin
or when you co
The rainbow distance awards are a range of
bright, cheerful badges and certificates to help
keep your child motivated whilst working through
the individual learn to swim stages.
Swimming ability and stamina are a focus of the
awards. Children and Adults can work there way
from five metres through to 5000m.
Throw out the face cloth
and encourage children to
get their face wet! Blowing
bubbles into the water is also
lots of fun!
Have fun in the shower!
Have lots of fun and splash
If your child gets splashed or
they duck under by accident
try not to fuss, just laugh
and turn it into a game, give
praise, clap; say how clever
they were to get their face
Smile and show you are
enjoying it too!
Have lots of underwater fun
with them
Practice jumping in to
parents, allow children to
sink under before you catch
for GOLD
For the following grades Sections A and B may
be completed on two separate occasions, but
each section must be completed without pause
and in the order listed.
Section A
1. To jump into water of at least full reach depth.
2. To swim 10 metres, followed by a surfacedive into water of at least full reach depth
and under water swim for a distance of five
3. To tread water in a vertical position for three
4. To scull head-first on the back for 15
metres with the feet at, or near, the surface
Section B
5. To swim 400 metres using two strokes.
Changes of stroke can only occur at the
completion of a length of the pool. A
minimum of 100 metres is to be swum on
each stroke.
6. To climb out at the deep end without
1. To plunge dive into water of at least full
reach depth.
2. To swim 100 metres in less than three minutes
using any stroke. A change of stroke may only
occur at the completion of a length of the
3. To tread water for two minutes with one hand
behind the back.
4. To swim 10 metres, followed immediately
by two surface-dives into water of full reach
depth, one head first and one feet first,
bringing an object to the surface on each
5. To scull head first on the back for 10 metres
and return by sculling 10 metres feet first.
A horizontal position must be maintained
Section B
6. To swim 800 metres: 400 metres on the front
and 400 metres on the back. A change of
stroke may only occur every 50 metres.
7. To climb out at the deep end without
Section A
1. To plunge dive into water of at least full reach
depth and swim 100 metres in two minutes,
30 seconds or less, using two different
strokes, 50 metres of each.
2. To tread water for three minutes with one
hand remaining above the head throughout.
The arm raised may be changed no more
than five times.
3. To scull head-first on the back for 10 metres,
move into a tucked position and turn through
360° keeping the head above water. Return
to the starting point by sculling feet first with
the feet at or near the surface throughout
and the hands close to the hips.
4. To swim 10 metres, perform a forward
somersault without touching the pool
bottom and continue to swim in the same
direction for a further 10 metres.
Section B
5. To swim 800 metres using three of the
following strokes- front crawl, backstroke,
breaststroke, butterfly, English backstroke
or sidestroke for a minimum distance of 200
metres per stroke. A change of stroke may
only occur every 100 metres. This swim to be
completed in 25 minutes.
6. To climb out at the deep end without
Section A
1. To make a straddle entry into water of at least
full reach depth, swim five metres into a piked
surface dive to retrieve an object weighing
approximately 2kg from water of full reach
depth; carry the object using a backstroke or
sidestroke for a distance of 20 metres, to land
it on the poolside.
2. To scull 10 metres head first on the back;
complete a back somersault finishing in
a back layout position; perform a roll to
take up a front layout in a fully extended
prone position; carry out a front somersault
finishing in a front layout position; tuck and
rotate backwards into a back layout position
and continue to scull feet first for 15 metres.
Throughout all sculling and layout positions,
the hands must remain close to the hips and
the feet must be kept together on or near the
surface of the water.
Section B
Tests three and four are to be completed in a
total time of 20 minutes without a pause.
3. To swim 200 metres front crawl, 200 metres
backstroke and either 100metres breaststroke
or 50metres butterfly. A change of stroke
may only occur every 100 metres (except for
4. To swim 500 metres freestyle during which
surface-dive twice head first and twice feet
first; on each surface-dive, swim through two
hoops four metres apart without surfacing.
The tops of the hoops are to be at least one
metre below the surface of the water.
If your children are budding Lifeguards, then the Rookie
Lifeguard award is just what you are looking for.
Each stage is divided into three levels and runs in
conjunction with the learn to swim scheme. The rookie
lifeguard also comes with the Water Safety award,
the life support award and the achievement awards.
Children and Adults progress
at different paces and for some,
1-2-1 swim lessons can be a good
alternative to class swim lessons.
These sessions work well for:
Even those who have a fear of water,
or who panic thinking about getting
out of their depth can overcome
these issues by learning to swim in
the right environment, overseen by
friendly, highly professionally and
qualified instructors, who help build
confidence and skills, meaning that
everyone can have fun in the water
with friends and family, young and
old alike.
If your child is unable to attend our
mainstream lessons or if you feel
they just need to improve their
swimming ability, why not enroll
them onto one of our intensive
week-long courses in the school
Nervous swimmers who lack
water confidence
Older children new to
swimming who feel
embarrassed in group sessions
with younger members
Children who are easily
distracted in group lessons
Children who are struggling
with one stroke or skill
We aim to take people from nonswimmers, to having basic water
confidence and develop the basic
movement patterns to be able to
Once you’ve grasped the basics,
why not continue to develop your
swimming strokes to become a
fully fledged lane swimmer, or
work towards your next sporting
challenge. In this class we would look
to introduce the different strokes,
and work on stroke technique.
It is a proven theory that children
learn faster and more efficiently
when they practice on an intensive
basis - with 5 consecutive days of
lessons, just watch as your child
improves right before your eyes!
Q. My child is ill, can I have a refund?
A. We assess each case on individual merit, but for
instances such as a cold or other general illnesses
we do not offer refunds. We cannot offer refunds
because we cannot re-sell this space to another
Q. How do I pay for lessons?
A. Lessons are in 10 week blocks and customers
can choose to pay by cheque, debit/credit
cards or by cash. All lessons must be paid for in
Q. What age can my child start swimming?
A. It is always good to start children swimming as
soon as possible, but we take children from three
years old.
Q. Do parents get in the pool during
the lessons?
A. No, we provide qualified lifeguards so that
customers can relax whilst they are in the water.
Q. How long should it take my child to
learn to swim?
A. There is no definite timeline, different children
take different amounts of time and find some
skills easier to learn than others. If you take your
child swimming between lessons there is a high
probability that they will progress more quickly.
Q. When do you have swimming lessons?
A. We have swimming lessons on every weekday
and on Saturday mornings. Each last 30 minutes.
Q. What is likely to happen in lessons?
A. Your child will be involved in games-based
activities to help them learn core swimming skills
such as breathing, submerging and moving in
the water. Swimming strokes will be introduced
gradually once your child has acquired the basic
core aquatic skills.
Q. What can I do to help my child?
A. The earlier that a child becomes familiar with
being in and around water the better. Even if you
are not a strong swimmer just taking your child to
the pool and playing and having fun in the water
will help them develop their confidence.
At home, encourage your child to have a bath and
play in the water. Encourage them to get their hair
wet and introduce them to putting their face in
the water.
Q.Can my child wear goggles?
A. Goggles should not be worn until stage 3
as children need to be confident and relaxed
underwater with their eyes open. If your child
needs goggles for a medical reason please let the
swimming teacher know.
& conditions
Swimming Lesson Dress
Code & Hygiene
All children should wear appropriate
fitting costumes/trunks and shorts
specifically designed for swimming. Baggy
costumes/trunks can hamper movement.
No jewellery should be worn during a
swimming lesson. Religious or medical
bracelets are allowed but should not
distract the swimmer from their lesson.
Teaching Policies,
Procedures and Parental
Swimming Lesson
All Burnley Leisure Swimming Teachers are
ASA or STA qualified and have a current
enhanced DBS check before they are
allowed to teach.
50 weeks. There is a two week break over
the Christmas period. There will be no
lessons on Bank Holidays.
Swimming Teachers will take responsibility
for pupils during their swimming lessons.
Parents /guardians are required to remain
in the designated viewing gallery (located
on the first floor), so that if required the
parent / guardian can deal with toilet
breaks or any behavioural issues.
Parents/guardians must remain on the
premises whilst the pupil is attending
their swimming lessons. This is imperative
in case of the unlikely event of a medical
emergency, building evacuation or other
emergency situation.
Pupils must be collected promptly at the
end of the lesson.
Parents/guardians must never distract
the teacher during a lesson and should
direct all communication through the
reception staff. Parents/guardians should
not to speak with a teacher during the
period that lessons are in progress as it is
dangerous and will distract the teacher
from the supervision of the pupils in their
The use of camera or video photography
or mobile phones is strictly prohibited at
all times within the leisure centre, unless
prior approval has been sought.
Burnley Leisure reserves the right to
cancel a course and refuse to re-book a
swimmer onto a course if the swimmer
or their parent displays unacceptable
or inappropriate behaviour, including
failure to comply with these terms and
The Swim Academy programme runs for
Pupil to Teacher ratios developed in line
with ASA Guidelines.
There will be occasions when it is
necessary to initiate physical contact
with a pupil in order to support them
so that they can perform a task safely,
to demonstrate the use of particular
piece equipment or to assist them with
an exercise. Burnley Leisure will ensure
that all contact is provided openly and in
accordance with the guidelines provided
by the Swimming Teachers Association
and the Amateur Swimming Association.
(The National Governing Body).
The Swim Academy offers an award
system to participants in the swimming
programme. The award is gained through
continual assessment and a decision on
pupil’s attainment level will be made
by the swimming teacher. Parents will
be provided with the opportunity to
purchase the badge/s. The cost of the
award will be in addition to any fees
already paid for swimming instruction. The purchase of the award is optional.
Courses of lessons are not transferable
from one swimmer to another.
Burnley Leisure will use reasonable
endeavours to provide the same instructor
for each lesson within a 10 week course.
However, relief instructors may be used
without prior notification.
For health and safety reasons swimming
caps must be worn by all swimmers. Only
Burnley Leisure Swim Academy caps
should be worn during lessons. First swim
cap provided free of charge on sign up.
Subsequent caps can be purchased from
The use of goggles is permitted but
pupils will be asked to remove them if
they providing a distraction and when
performing certain skills (unless there
is a medical reason for goggles to be
worn). We recommend the use of dioptre
corrective goggles for anyone with a
visual impairment.
We recommend that all swimmers shower
before their lesson. Please ensure that all
hair gel/body lotions etc are removed. This
will help to keep the water clean. Make
sure your child uses the toilet before the
lesson commences.
If your child is unwell, we recommend that
you do not bring them to their swimming
If your child has been ill with diarrhoea
they should not attend their lesson.
Swimming Lesson Payment
All fees for swimming lessons must be
paid in advance of the lessons.
In the event that a lesson has to
be cancelled due to unforeseen
circumstances (e.g. staff sickness or
essential pool maintenance), your refund
for the lesson will be issued in the form
of a credit.
If you wish to change the day and/or
time of the lesson please speak with the
Should long term illness or hospitalisation
prevent you or your child from attending
the programme, a doctor’s letter giving
details of the reason for absence should
be written to Burnley Leisure.
Payment for the next block of lessons
needs to be made on or before the last
date of the current course. If failing to do
so then your place will be cancelled and
offered to customers on the waiting list.
Terms and conditions may be subject to review and change. Burnley Leisure reserves the right to change these conditions when appropriate.
Any changes will be displayed at the leisure centres and displayed on the website.
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In partnership with Burnley Council