Differentiation and Entrenchment:An Overview of "X嘛?" Construction

Journal of Business Management and Economics 3: 9 September (2015).
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Differentiation and Entrenchment:An Overview of "X 嘛?" Construction
Shi Yong
Foreign Language School, Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing, China
E- Mail: [email protected]
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15520/jbme.2015.vol3.iss9.143.pp01-05
Abstract: This paper applies corpus-based method to the investigation of the expedient origin and evolution of "嘛", which serves as modal
particle and pronoun in Chinese. The differentiation of "嘛"and "吗" is rethought, which corrects the mistaken interpretations of "嘛" by Chinese
linguists Lv Shuxiang, Shi Yuzhi and Huang Borong.
Key Words: Modal Particle; Differentiation; Entrenchment
there are a large number of “X 嘛?” sentences in modern
Chinese articles that express interrogative mood. Meanwhile,
There is a sentence in a Ci Poetry Cou Nuer, composed by
“嘛” in “X(干)嘛?” Construction and the final model
Huang Tingjian, a Ci poetry composer of Song Dynasty:
particle “嘛” are two completely separate things. In Chinese
linguistic community, studies on modal particles have been
mainly focused on such prototypical modal particles as “啊”,
“吗”, “吧”, “呢” ect. (Liu, 2004, p. 411), while “嘛” has
been considered as a non-prototypical modal particle at all
(Ci Poetry Cou Nuer by Huang Tingjian)
times, so it has been overshadowed and mentioned only
“得过口儿嘛?” which means that “Do I really have a need
casually without comprehensive interpretation and data
to open my mouth?”. The sentence delivers itself of a mood
analysis. In European linguistic community, studies on
of rhetorical question (Zong, 1997; Luo, 1998, p. 1287),
modal particles are rare. This thesis is, however, greatly
namely, the sentence can be actually interpreted as “ I have
influenced by Robert S. Kirsner & Vincent J. Van Heuven’s
no need to open my mouth.” At first glance, the sentence is
pragmatic analysis of Dutch final particle zeg, joh, hoor, he.
out of question, however, a problem arises when we refer to
an annotation of the definition of “嘛” in Modern Chinese
Dictionary (Fifth Edition, 2005) that “ Interrogative mood is
represented by ‘吗’ only, instead of ‘嘛’.” According to the
Divergence on the Definitions of “嘛”:
research of Chinese Mood System conducted by He(1991)
and Qi (2002, p. 21), the category of interrogative mood
In terms of definitions of “嘛”, all the dictionaries available
consists of strong interrogative mood and rhetorical question
accept the definition that “嘛” is a modal particle. The major
mood. This divergence becomes the direct motivation of this
divergence lies in whether “ 嘛 ” carries a function of
pronoun or not. Modern Chinese Dictionary (Fifth edition),
A Handbook on Everyday Expressions of Modern Chinese,
Totally 516 “X 嘛?” examples are collected from Center for
800 Words of Modern Chinese, Standard Usage Dictionary
Chinese Linguistics (CCL), headlines of Xinhua Website
of Modern Chinese, Concise Chinese Dictionary, ect.,
(2009) and on-line searching engine of Guangming
annotate that “嘛” carries only one meaning as a modal
Daily(2004-2009). Preliminary analysis indicates that the
particle with a pronunciation [ma]. However, in Modern and
usages of “嘛” in ancient Chinese and the specification of
Ancient Chinese Dictionary, Great Dictionary of Modern
“嘛” in modern Chinese are widely divergent, furthermore,
Chinese, Chinese Dialects Dictionary, Contrast Dictionary
Shi Yong al, Journal of Business Management and Economics, 3 (9), September, 2015,
of Simplex and Complex Regular Chinese Words, “嘛” is
Rethinking the Differentiation of “嘛” and “吗” as Modal
defined, in addition to its identity as a modal particle, to
serve as a pronoun with a pronunciation [má], meaning
The origin, evolution and the differentiation of “嘛” and
“what”. Our research is based upon the latter kind of
“吗” are illustrated in Figure 1:
On the Differentiation of “ 嘛 ” and “ 吗 ” as Modal
Lv(1982, p. 260) has expounded the differentiation of “嘛”
and “吗” as modal particles in the following statement:
么、吗、嚜、末、嘛:this modal particle plays the functions
of interrogation and non-interrogation, with its phonological
form [me], and its written form “么(麼)”. When serving as
an interrogative particle, it reads [ma] as an integration of
[me] and [a], and is written as “ 吗 ”. Synchronically
speaking, the interrogative [me] is almost entirely reading
[ma], while the non-interrogative [me], in addition to its
previous written form “麼”, is written as “嚜” or “末” in
some books. In recent years, the non-interrogative [me] has
gone through a sound transition into [ma] with its written
form “嘛” in general, as a distinction from “吗”, yet, there
During North Song Dynasty and South Song Dynasty, “麽”
are cases where it is written as “吗”.
was very popular as a final interrogative mood particle, with
(Lv, 1982, p. 260)
its pronunciation [ma], such as example (1). In the meantime,
“麽” also reads [me], such as example (2). From the analysis
This school of thought, actually, takes a position that both
of data from CCL, “ 麽 ” has gradually lost its [ma]
“ 嘛 ” and “ 吗 ” derives from “ 麼 ”, and they are
as a
phonological form of [me] in most situations from Ming
distinguishing between interrogative and non-interrogative
Dynasty and Qing Dynasty onward. In the period of the
Republic of China and modern period, we could rarely find
any data that indicate that “麽” remains a final interrogative
Shi (2006, p. 231) argues that exclamation “嘛” derives
modal particle, except in some dialects or newspapers and
from interrogative marker “吗”.
magazines published by Taiwanese and Hongkongnese.
Phonologically speaking, the pronunciation of “嘛” is a
(1) 僧问:“学人初心,请师示个入路。”师遂侧掌示之曰:
product of two modal particles “嚜” and “啊” by conjoining
two syllables [me] and a single vowel [a] into a single
syllable and a single word (Huang et al. 2002, p. 47).
( Quotations of Buddha )
“ 嘛 ”
has long
as a
主礼底是甚麽?” 师曰:“是佛。”
non-prototypical modal particle (Yi, 2007), instead of a
( Quotations of Buddha )
interrogative modal particle. This statement can be verified
Another graphemical form of [ma]: “嘛” has all along
by the definitions of “嘛” in the dictionaries like 800 Words
appeared as a final interrogative modal particle. From this
of Modern Chinese, Practical Modern Chinese Grammar,
perspective, the statement argued by Lv is partly
Instances of Modern Chinese Functional Words as well as
inconsistent with linguistic facts.
Modern Chinese Dictionary. However, this statement is still
(3)“.....那回得句闲言语, 傍人尽道,你管又还鬼那人。
a matter for argument according to our investigation.
口儿嘛? 直勾得、风了自家.....”
Shi Yong al, Journal of Business Management and Economics, 3 (9), September, 2015,
(Song Dynasty Huang Tingjian Chounuer Quoted from
Zong, 2007)
( Sword and Knight-errant Novel of the Republic of China)
Given question mark can hardly appear in ancient Chinese
For the purpose of standardization of Chinese, Modern
prose, the question mark in the above-mentioned Song
Chinese Dictionary designates “ 吗” as an interrogative
Dynasty Ci poetry must be added by Professor Zong in
modal particle, while the function of interrogative mood of
accordance with the semantic effect it conveys. Professor
“嘛” is abolished. In Modern Chinese Dictionary, there is a
Zong’s appropriate and reasonable addition of question mark
special note that it is “吗” , instead of “嘛”, that is
here indicates that “嘛”, with its usage as a modal particle in
designated to express interrogative mood. However, this
Question Construction, is of ancient origin. This statement is
official differentiation of “ 嘛 ” and “ 吗 ” has not
a departure from the viewpoints proposed by Lv, Shi and
implemented thoroughly, which led to a chaos period of the
Huang et al. In Concise Chinese Dictionary compiled by
usages of “嘛”. Three types of interpretations have been
Luo, the above-mentioned Song Dynasty Ci poetry is also
proposed, namely, Error type, Interchangeability type,
quoted, yet, without a question mark after “嘛”, but “嘛” is
Acceptance type.
definitely annotated as an interrogative modal particle.
Error type:
According to Professor Zong’s textual research(1997), the
Xu(2005)and Xu(2002)think that it is a mistake to use “嘛”
interrogative modal particle, with its phonological form
as a final interrogative mood particle; Zhang(2006, p. 218)
[ma], was rising to notice in the North Song Dynasty, and its
and Li(1995, p. 802) enumerate several “X 嘛?” sentences
written form “麽” was a product of the initial consonant of
and point out that they are erroneous.
“麻” rhyming with the simple vowel of “家”. Another two
written forms “ 麻 ” and “ 嘛 ” appeared almost
Interchangeability type:
simultaneously. In South Song Dynasty, another written
Fu(1997) emphasizes that although the interchange of “嘛”
form “吗” came forth, as a result, four written forms,
and “吗” in many articles is not uncommon, the readers can
namely “麽”,
“嘛” , “吗” co-existed to represent
by and large identify with them, yet no linguist has ever
a single interrogative mood with the phonological form
come out to take the problem seriously; Shi(2006, p. 231)
also mentions that the “嘛” and “吗” interchange frequently
in language uses; Liu(2001, p. 428) says that “嘛” can
The subsequent literary works in Jing and Yuan Period,
interchange with “吗” .
Ming Dynasty, Qing Dynasty, principally selected “麽” and
Acceptance Type:
“吗” in the interrogative situation, however, “嘛”, as a
interrogative modal particle, was never off stage. After Song
Yang(2004, p. 943), Luo(1998, p. 1287) explicitly point out
Dynasty, “X 嘛? ” sentential form appeared in many literary
that “嘛” is an interrogative modal particle which indicates
works (4-7), in which, “嘛” served as nothing but a final
question or interrogation; Xu(2007, p. 181) thinks that “嘛”
interrogative modal particle.
can appear in the interrogative sentence in the authentic
Rethinking the Differentiation of “ 嘛 ” and “ 吗 ” as
(Dong Jieyuan Xixiang Record VolumeI,Work of Jing and
Actually, the phonological form [má] derives from dialects.
Yuan Period)
It is a variant of [ma]. Dialect Record of Taigu, Shanxi
Province points out the origin of the phonological form [má]:
the strong interrogative mood is not represented by “吗” at
(Tortoise of Nine Tails Novel of Qing Dynasty)
all, instead, by the addition of an intricate rising tone at the
end of the sentence. The statement seems to sketch the
outline of the origin of phonological form [má] that
(Prehistorical Secret History Novel of the Republic of
represents strong interrogative mood in Taigu Dialect. In
addition to word-of-mouth communication, the visual
Shi Yong al, Journal of Business Management and Economics, 3 (9), September, 2015,
requirement demands graphemical form to represent this
phonological image and several graphemical forms must
Judging from the above analysis, “嘛”, as an interrogative
have been conventionalized. Judging from the analysis of
modal particle and final pronoun, has a long history and
data from CCL of ancient Chinese, “吗” is very popular in
abundant regional colors. However, for the purpose of
the novels of Qing Dynasty, while in the period of the
standardization of Chinese language, these two functions of
Republic of China, the co-existence of “嘛” and “吗” comes
“嘛” are abolished by Modern Chinese Dictionary and other
forth, and the situation has remained so up to now (Example
five official dictionaries. This official regulation is
8 and 9).
consistent with The Principle of No Synonymy:
If two constructions are syntactically distinct, they must be
( Sword and Knight-errant of Yongzheng Period
semantically or pragmatically distinct.
Novel of
(Goldberg, 1995, p. 67)
the Republic of China)
(9)又问道:“宝剑是银饰件吗?” 杨香五说道:“是银的。
In reality, such an authoritative differentiation of “嘛” and
“吗” has never obstructed the high frequent usage of “X
嘛 ? ” Construction in many regular articles and wide
(Three Knight-errants and Sword
prevalence of “X(干)嘛?” Construction in many dialects.
Novel of Qing Dynasty)
Furthermore, owing to the entrenchment of the features of
In modern times, the problem arises upon the correctness
“嘛” in exclamatory sentences and declarative sentences, “X
and acceptability of “ 干 嘛? ”. This is an inextricable
嘛?” and “X(干)嘛?” Constructions embody diversity
problem in Chinese linguistic community. One school of
and variety in terms of syntax, semantics and pragmatics. In
thought argues that “嘛” and “吗” share the same meaning
the consideration of the fundamental principle of “respecting
“what”, and the same pronunciation [má], so “干吗?” is
linguistic facts”, we will conduct a research on “X 嘛?”
equivalent to “ 干 嘛 ? ” (Xu, 2002). Zhu(1982, p. 90)
Construction. Since there has never been a comprehensive
believes that “干嘛?” is correct, which means “what”.
and reasonable interpretation of “X 嘛?” Construction
He(2005, p. 218) mentions that “干嘛?” means “ what?” or
before, our research will be pioneering in this field.
“why?”, and in some works, “干吗?” is equivalent to “干
嘛?”. In Beijing Dialect, “嘛” is equal to “ what?” (Gao,
2001). Shi(2006, p. 231) suggests that they should be
graphemically distinct from each other to distinguish their
My great gratitude for my doctoral advisor, prof. Liu
different divisions of work.
Yuhong for his help in conducting this paper.
Modern Chinese Dictionary selects “干吗?” as a legitimate
one and abolishes “干嘛?”. However, “嘛” as a pronoun in
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