Between the Lines 12

Between the Lines 12
A multi-genre, thematically organized anthology that explores
popular themes and provides opportunities for students
to discover the world around them.
Before you read, as a
class, define “eulogy” and
discuss what purpose
eulogies serve.
As you read, imagine
Literature selections were
extensively researched and selected
the emotion felt by the
mourners, by the millions
of Canadians watching on
television, and by Justin
Trudeau himself as he gave
his speech.
We knew we were the luckiest kids in the world.
A Son’s Eulogy
for His Father
by Justin Trudeau
by grade 12 English teachers.
Selections are appealing, topical,
real-life, and reflect relationships
among family and friends.
Pierre Elliott Trudeau (1919–2000) was born in
Montreal and was Prime Minister of Canada from
1968 to 1979, and 1980 to 1984. He is perhaps
best remembered for the Official Languages Act
(1969), the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, and
the Constitution Act (1982), which gave Canada
its independence from Great Britain.
Justin Trudeau is the eldest son of Pierre Elliott
Trudeau and Margaret Sinclair.
Complete text of the eulogy given by Justin Trudeau
at his father’s funeral in Montreal.
Friends, Romans, countrymen …
I was about six years old when I went on my
first official trip. I was going with my father and
my grandpa Sinclair to the North Pole.
It was a very glamorous destination. But the
best thing about it is that I was going to be
spending lots of time with my dad because in
Ottawa he just worked so hard.
One day, we were in Alert, Canada’s
northernmost point, a scientific military
Table of Contents
UNIT 1: Future Considerations
Shape of Things to Come—from miscellaneous
sources (list)
The Fun They Had—Isaac Asimov (short story)
Supertoys Last All Summer Long—Brian Aldiss
(short story)
Which One is Yours?—Ben Wicks (cartoon)
A Clone of Our Own—Gunjan Sinha (interview)
Stem Cells Q & A—Amina Ali and Owen Wood
(Web site article)
Smart Shirt—Priya Giri (magazine article)
Risk—Joanna Ross (short story)
When Cars Drive You—Keith Naughton
(magazine article)
Logged On to the Guy Next Door—Scott
McKeen (newspaper article)
Memorable Moments and Influences
There Will Come Soft Rains—Ray Bradbury
(short story)
Fire and Ice—Robert Frost (poem)
Simple Ways You Can Help Save the Earth—
Earthworks Group (magazine feature)
Zoo—Edward D. Hoch (short short story)
Reflecting On the Unit
Unit 2: The World of Work
Zits (I Like to Do My homework)—Jerry Scott
and Jim Borgman (cartoon)
Deportation at Breakfast—Larry Fondation
(short short story)
Sporting That Strangely Piercing Look—
Sharon Lindores (newspaper article)
Four Minutes That Get You Hired—Connie
Brown Glasser and Barbara Steinberg Smalley
(book excerpt)
Justin Trudeau delivers a eulogy for his late father
during the state funeral at the Notre-Dame
Basilica in Montreal on October 3, 2000.
installation that seemed to consist entirely of
low shed-like buildings and warehouses.
Let’s be honest. I was six. There were no
brothers around to play with and I was getting a
little bored because dad still somehow had a lot
of work to do.
The Far Side (OK, Mr. Hook)—Gary Larson
Warren Pryor—Alden Nowlan (poem)
The Hidden Songs of a Secret Soul—Bob
Greene (essay)
Assembly Line—Shu Ting (poem)
For Laurie, Truck Driving Paved Her Road to
Freedom—Danielle Bochove (profile)
The World of the Stay-at-Home Dad—Andrew
Olscher (essay)
Weird, Odd, and Unusual Jobs and the
People Who Love Them—Charlene Rooke
(Internet article)
Cold Missouri Waters—James Keelaghan (lyrics)
When Choosing Your Path, Follow Your
Heart—Elizabeth Newton (newspaper article)
The Dignity of Work—Charles Finn (essay)
Reflecting On the Unit
Technology evolves so much
faster than wisdom.
– Jennifer Stone
Each theme unit opener begins
Other than life experience,
nothing left a deeper imprint on
my formative self [than media].
– Letty Cottin Pogrebin
with a collage to draw the
student into the readings.
You can tell the ideals of a
nation by its advertisements.
– Norman Douglas
Questions help students focus on
the reading and literary quotes
complement the topic.
We l i v e i n a t e c h n o l o g y - c e n t r e d w o r l d , c o n s t a n t l y
responding to new innovations and media images.
The quotation by journalist Jennifer Stone suggests that
there may be a time lag between the introduction of new
technologies and our adjustment to them; it may take time for
us to understand how they affect us.
Columnist Letty Cottin Pogrebin suggests that media, such
as movies and television, affect us significantly and change our
values and the way we see ourselves, others, and the world.
As you look at the advertisements in this unit, think about
British writer Norman Douglas’s words and the influence of
advertising on Canadians’ ideals and personal values.
As you read the selections
and examine the visuals
in this unit, think about
the following:
1) How do media,
technology, and
advertising affect
our values and quality
of life?
2) What are some of the
issues and concerns
raised about our “brave
new world”?
3) What are some of the
benefits brought about
by media and
Out of this World—Chris Hadfield (memoir)
Four Who Make a Difference—Jennifer Burke
Crump (profiles)
Coyote’s Morning Cry—Sharon Butala (memoir)
Reflecting On the Unit
UNIT 4: Media & Technology
Dilbert (Press “One”)—Scott Adams (cartoon)
Cellphones—Rex Murphy (TV editorial)
Not Like the Movies: Hollywood and
Tragedy—Fred Topel (Web page article)
The Far Side (Don’t Worry, Jimmy)—Gary
Larson (cartoon)
Finding Forrester—Sebastien Pharand (online
movie review)
Pearl Harbor, Al, Apollo 13 Movie Posters—
various agencies (movie posters)
Sony Clie, Forest Stewardship Council, Lycos
Advertisements—various agencies (print ads)
Yonge Street, Willowdale, #4, 1995—Robin
Collyer (colour photograph)
Buy Nothing Day Provokes Pause for
Thought—Liane Faulder (newspaper column)
Television’s Child—Glen Kirkland (poem)
Calvin and Hobbes (It Says Here)—Bill
Watterson (cartoon)
What Colour Is a Rose?—Drew Hayden Taylor
Zits (My Dad is Low-Tech)—Jerry Scott and Jim
Borgman (cartoon)
Turning the Generations Upside Down—Ellen
Goodman (newspaper column)
Be Specific When Searching the Web—Andy
Walker (technology column)
Reflecting On the Unit
Table of Contents
UNIT 3: Leisure, Dreams, and Happiness
Slam, Dunk, & Hook—Yusef Komunyakaa (poem)
Runyan’s Vision? To Inspire the Best in
Others—Tom Barrett (profile)
The Hockey Song—Stompin’ Tom Connors (lyrics)
Herman (Are They Playing Overtime?)—Jim
Unger (cartoon)
Just Once—Thomas J. Dygard (short story)
Pow Wow—Vickie Sears (poem)
On the Right Track—Dorothy Chisholm (short
Field of Dreams a Real-Life Gem—Wayne
Coffey (newspaper article)
Dreams—Langston Hughes (poem)
Why Don’t You Carve Other Animals?—
Yvonne Vera (short story)
Triumph on Mount Everest—Stacy Allison