years of - AIDS Services Foundation

years of
a n n u a l r e p o r t 0 9 / 10
Table of Contents
Our Mission, Vision and Values
From the Board President and Executive Director, p. 3
The AIDS Services Foundation Orange County’s mission
is to prevent the spread of HIV and improve the lives
ASF Client Services
of men, women and children affected by HIV/AIDS in
Orange County.
Wilbur May Family & Children’s Program, p. 4
Case Management, p.5
Food Pantry & Nutritional Program, p.5
Housing, p.5
Transportation, p.6
Our organization is committed to
Mental Health, p.6
Providing client-centered services
Community Outreach, p.6
Encouraging client self-sufficiency
Health Education & Prevention, p.7
Ensuring accessibility
ASF HIV Testing Services, p.7
Respecting our clients as individuals
Volunteers, p.7
Respecting the dignity and privacy of all people
Embracing cultural diversity
Promoting and respecting volunteer activism
Working collaboratively with community partners
Advocating on behalf of the HIV-affected community
Operating with sound financial management
Maintaining the trust of those who support our mission
Encouraging the wellness and professional
development of our staff
ASF Support Services
Development, p.8
The Final Big Splash 2009, p.8
The Final Big Splash 2009 Donors, p.9
OC AIDS Walk 2009, p.10
Friends of Dorothy, p.10
Patron’s Council, p.11
Partners for Life, p.11
Our vision is to promote health and hope until
there is a cure.
Our Story
A small group of volunteers founded AIDS Services
Financial Statement, p.12
Statement of Activities, p.13
Foundation Orange County (ASF) in the late summer
of 1985 because people were dying, had nowhere
to turn, and desperately needed help. ASF is now
Operating Expenses, p.13
the largest and most comprehensive nonprofit HIV/
Donor Acknowledgements, p.14
committed and caring individuals, a Board of Directors
Officers and Board List, p.19
Advisory Committee, p.19
Friends of Dorothy, p.19
AIDS service provider in Orange County with a staff of
and an Advisory Council of highly respected community
leaders and hundreds of dedicated volunteers.
From the President and
the Executive Director/CEO
When the first cases of HIV/AIDS were diagnosed in Orange County, the
fear and panic were palpable. Where did the disease come from? How
did it spread? How easy was it to get? If you got sick, how long did you
have to live? While the questions were endless, the answers were scarce
and often wrong.
In 1985 a handful of volunteers decided to do something to help those
getting sick from HIV and educate the public to prevent the spread of
the disease. On a shoestring budget and with plenty of determination,
volunteers, donors and a few staff established AIDS Services Foundation
Orange County (ASF). Twenty-five years later ASF remains a beacon of
hope for thousands of men, women and children in this community
affected by the disease.
From that modest beginning, the agency has grown to be the largest
nonprofit organization in Orange County that serves people affected by
HIV/AIDS. And we are extremely efficient. For every dollar donated to
ASF about 80 percent goes to help our clients.
Like many organizations, ASF has seen its share of challenges over the
years. The past year has been especially difficult given the economic
climate. But careful stewardship of our resources and the steadfast
support of individual and institutional donors have helped ASF survive
the recent downturn with its programs relatively intact. Much of
the impact this past fiscal year came as a result of cuts in the State of
California budget for AIDS services. However, the additional generosity
of companies, foundations and individuals helped to shore up the gaps
caused by state cuts. We are grateful for all of you who found ways to give
more so that others could continue to depend on us.
As we prepare to commemorate our 25th anniversary we are thankful
for all of those that have helped make ASF a force for good in this
community. Thank you for the hope you make possible through the help
you give.
Maria I Marquez, MFT
Philip Yaeger
Executive Director/CEO
25 Years of Help and Hope
None of the work described in this or any of ASF’s previous annual reports
would be possible without the help and support of institutions and
individuals. ASF’s story began 25 years ago when a small group of people
held a fundraising event around a backyard pool in Laguna Beach to launch
this agency. That tradition of donor engagement and a commitment to the
careful stewardship of contributions continues today. It is what makes the
help ASF provides possible.
Programs and Services for Clients
Wilbur May Family and Children’s Programs
Last year 102 families were served through Family Programs and 27 children
participated in Kids Club during the 2009-2010 school year. ASF staff and
volunteers provide a wide range of activities through this program. But it is
safe to say that without the generosity of Anita May Rosenstein and the
Wilbur May Foundation, few of the services would have been possible.
Ms. Rosenstein, and through her the Wilbur May Foundation became
involved with the Family and Children’s Program in 1994 and has donated
more than $1.6 million to support its activities in the years since. Here are
just a few of the activities that took place this past fiscal year, much of it
again made possible through Ms. Rosenstein:
83 participants attended ASF’s annual Family Camp designed to give parents and their kids a respite from dealing with HIV/AIDS. 36 volunteers
staffed the weekend experience.
95 clients and their kids were treated to free passes at Wild Rivers, a
welcome and very popular family activity.
113 children were provided with supplies, backpacks and gift cards to
purchase new clothes and shoes for their return to school last fall.
ASF’s Kids Club added a teen support group that was integrated into the Kids Club Program. 11 additional children were able to access this
unique program and benefit from the consistent, supportive atmosphere.
163 children received new toys, clothing, electronics and gift cards
during the holidays.
There are two other very important components offered to clients through this
service. The Enrichment Program allows children to participate in community
education, sports or academic enrichment courses in their neighborhood.
During the 2009-2010 fiscal year, 35 classes were supported. The other service,
the Emergency Infant Fund, provides funds for basic infant needs like car seats,
diapers and formula for clients that need assistance making ends meet as they
struggle with the impact of HIV/AIDS on their families.
Case Management
For most clients, ASF case managers are their first point of contact with the
agency. These highly trained individuals work closely with clients to ensure
they are provided with the help they need. This includes many of the services
such as food, housing, mental health and transportation assistance described
throughout this report.
Beyond accessing ASF services, case managers also help clients secure public
and private benefits, get advice on back to work concerns and a range of other
services. This may even include connecting clients with medical care.
ASF case managers were responsible for helping approximately 1,600 men,
women and children receive needed services during the 2009-2010 fiscal year.
Food Pantry and Nutritional Program
Maintaining a healthy weight is essential when living with HIV/AIDS. Thanks
to ASF’s Food Pantry and Nutritional Program, last year 1,876 orders (each
consisting of a 30-day supply) of supplements were provided to 214 clients.
Five hundred and fifteen clients were provided 5,918 food orders at ASF’s
Pantry, located in its Irvine office. This important ASF program has received
generous support from a number of institutional and employee-directed
charities over the years including the MAC AIDS Fund, Broadway Cares/
Equity Fights AIDS, Wells Fargo Foundation and the Employees
Community Fund of Boeing California.
ASF has continually adapted its housing program in order to meet changing
needs. Fortunately the agency has had partners such as Hoag Hospital
Foundation that have understood client needs for longer term assistance
such as housing.
Thanks to funding from Hoag and others ASF is able to provide financial
assistance for rent and mortgage payments, help with utilities, rental deposits
and emergency and transitional housing. The STAR program (Short-Term
Assistance for Rent) makes available direct rental subsidies to landlords on
behalf of qualified persons with HIV/AIDS and their families.
The following is a statistical snapshot of ASF’s housing services during the
2009-2010 fiscal year.
214 clients were provided emergency financial assistance.
40 clients were given 141 payments through the STAR program.
75 clients were provided 2,643 bed nights and 232 clients were provided
housing coordination services by ASF.
180 clients attended 91 Life Skills Training Workshops.
The Pacific Life Foundation has stood by ASF from the very beginning.
Among the many areas the Foundation has funded is ASF’s Transportation
Program. The rising cost of gasoline and the expense of maintaining a car
have caused many clients to seek out more affordable transportation to
medical and social service appointments. As a result, ASF has seen a steady
increase in requests for transportation assistance. This past year 349 clients
received help from the program which was originally budgeted to provide
assistance to 223 people. Other statistics of note include the following:
1,983 one-way van trips were provided to appointments.
1,678 ACCESS coupons for use on Orange County Public Transportation
buses were provided.
ASF provided money for 451 taxi rides (one-way).
Mental Health
About 250 clients were served by ASF’s Mental Health program during
the fiscal year. This included individual and group counseling sessions, as
appropriate for each client. The Mental Health program has received funding
from the Orange County Community Foundation and, for a number of
years, the Sisters of St. Joseph Healthcare Foundation. Both of these
organizations and many others that support ASF client services understand
people affected by HIV/AIDS often have limited resources and few places to
turn to for programs such as mental health counseling.
All services are provided free and made available by licensed therapists and psychologists.
Community Outreach
The Weingart Foundation provided the money for ASF to establish its
Latino Outreach program which has now expanded to include programs for
religious communities and youth.
In February 2009, the agency hosted over 30 faith-based groups providing
specialized HIV/AIDS intervention training. Working in partnership with other
Orange County agencies, ASF helped to produce the Community Alliances
Conference at Cal State University, Fullerton which drew 450 participants in
July 2009.
To call attention to the growing incidence of HIV/AIDS among Latinos,
ASF helped to organize a community health fair in October 2009 as part
of National Latino AIDS Awareness Day at the Fiesta Marketplace in Santa
Ana which attracted about 1,000 persons. In addition to free health care
screenings the event also offered free HIV/testing and prevention
education information.
Health Education and Prevention
The best way to slow the spread of HIV/AIDS continues to be through
education programs that help people avoid the disease in the first place. That
is why ASF established its Health Education and Prevention Program. It is also
why Chapman & Associates funds ASF’s Positively Speaking program that
sends speakers into the community to talk about HIV/AIDS. The goal is to
provide information that helps people understand how to avoid the disease.
ASF educators work with those already infected to show them how to not
spread HIV. Educators also work with clients to advise them on how to make
smart treatment choices with their doctors.
Last fiscal year ASF provided thousands of people with straight forward
information about the disease:
9,839 students and community members participated in Positively Speaking events.
182 people attended HIV 101 Seminars at the Chemical Dependency Unit at Newport Hoag Hospital.
81 persons participated in individualized HIV Prevention and Counseling sessions or HIV Prevention and Education seminars/events.
ASF HIV Testing Services
HIV infections continue to grow in Orange County. The Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that there is a new infection every
nine and a half minutes in the US. In Orange County the rate of new infections
is estimated at 350 a year or just about one new case every day. Equally
alarming, approximately a third of people with HIV may not even know it. This
is why the funding the Allergan Foundation made available for ASF’s testing
services is so important.
ASF opened its testing program in 2007. Last fiscal year the agency provided
1,695 free, anonymous HIV tests. Along with receiving results, clients are
provided with prevention counseling.
From its earliest days, volunteers have played an essential role in ASF’s
operations. In fact the agency was started by a group of volunteers who were
alarmed at the lack of help available for people with HIV/AIDS. But rather than
talk about the problem, they decided to do something. ASF is the result of their
determination. That tradition continues.
Last year 1,121 people volunteered 26,885 hours for ASF. Based on the most
recent estimated dollar value of $22.79 an hour for volunteer time in California
as established by Independent Sector, volunteers donated $612,709 in service
to ASF during the 2009-2010 fiscal year.
Many of these volunteers are associated with employer supported volunteer
programs from companies such as Disneyland, PIMCO, Wells Fargo, Pacific
Life, Time Warner Cable, MAC Cosmetics, and Kohl’s among many others.
Support Services
The goal of ASF’s Development Department is to identify and secure the
resources necessary to make the agency’s work possible. This includes working
with Board leaders and others to produce special events such as OC AIDS Walk,
the Big Splash and supporting the efforts of Friends of Dorothy, ASF’s fund
raising guild. ASF also produced Bells, Bows & Balls, the agency’s holiday party
as well as assisted Dance 4 the Cure, a New Year’s Eve fund raiser, held for the
second year in Anaheim and organized by Dr. David Petreccia and a team
of volunteers.
The Patron’s Council and Partners for Life legacy program provide essential
funding that makes ASF’s work possible. Securing grants from foundations,
corporations and government agencies as well as designated major gifts are
key responsibilities of ASF’s Development team.
The Final Big Splash 2009
The Festival of Arts in Laguna Beach was host to the September 25 and 26
performances of the Final Big Splash. Before this legendary special ASF event
concluded it produced a number of milestones. More than $10 million was
raised over the 24 year history of the event – the most for ASF through any
single special event. More than 20,000 people saw Splash over the years.
Begun as a backyard party to raise money to launch ASF, Splash was created by
ASF founder Al Roberts and Ken Jillson who wrote, produced and directed
every Splash production.
Splashin’ Under the Big Top was the title of the final performance.
It’s 1955 and the once-great WONDER CIRCUS is on its last leg
and sadly forced to close due to a lack of money. But ELMER
LITTLE, a young boy who runs away from home to join the circus,
miraculously shows up the next day and brings the circus back to
life with hope for everyone including its owner — WILL WONDER
— whose life-long motto has always been … ”Will Wonders
never cease!”
Like every Splash production, the show was filled with toe-tapping tunes and
spectacular dance numbers. In 2009 Splash also featured the magic and sparkle
of a classic three-ring circus.
Through the years many people and organizations donated money and in-kind
services to ASF through this event. In gratitude, following are the major donors
of the Final Big Splash:
The Big Splash 2009 Major Donors
William J. Gillespie
Craig Benedetti and Alex Acosta
Mark Porterfield and Steve Chadima
Gerry Bodamer, D.D.S. and Mike Lewis
Al Roberts and Ken Jillson
Dominic L. Bosco and Jack Reising
Anita May Rosenstein /
Wilbur May Foundation
Kevin Broadwater and James Vaughn
Nicholas J. Labedz
Mike and Nancy Brown
Joseph Carberry, M.D. and Tim Turner
David Canzoneri and Eric Cortina
Ron Dier and Jock Stalker
Hung Fan, Ph.D. and Michael Feldman
The Flor Stor
Marc Glasser
Marilyn C. Brewer
Kris Hansemann
Howard Gleicher and Damon Chen
Randy Harmat and Dr. Eugenio Vazquez
Allan D. Simon
Robert G. Haskell
Dick and Britney Weil
John Holcombe / Kent Rhodes
Dave Kiff
David Koontz / Jim Brophy
Jeffrey Benedick and Duane Vajgrt, M.D.
Tom Lochner, M.D.
Judy Fluor Runels, Psy.D. and Dick Runels
Shereen Loth
Blake Franklin and Tom Getgood
Maria I. Marquez, M.F.T.
Mark Guillod, C.P.A. and Alan Miller, D.D.S.
Judith A. Morr
Rick Silver
Glen Morse and Douglas Coe /
Elliott Kornhauser, M.D. and
Joe Baker, D.M.D.
Jim Doria and John Wilson /
Richard and Paola Bisson
Link Newcomb and Micah Leslie
Bob Evans and Steve Mitchell
Hoot and Leslie Gibson
Steven Saucer /
Bank of America Foundation
Mark Gonzales / Megan Gorman
Ernie Schmider and Omar Rodriguez
Janice M. Johnson
Frank Schools /
Dr. Max Schneider and Ron Smelt
Jorge Rodriguez, M.D. and Ed Olen / Frank Bianchini
John O’Neill and Ed Smith
Shanti Orange County
Hugh Rouse and Leonard Olds
Jose Tellez and Joe Wilkins
David W. Schaar
David Thomas and Kevin Mundt
Fred Siegel
Barbara Venezia Tkaczyk and
Stan Tkaczyk
Dennis C. Sieting
T & T Development Co.
Ed Todeschini and John Ferrante
Greg Weaver /
Sheldon Harte and John Combs /
Karen Ellis and Sandra Hartness
EJ Tracy
Larry Tracy and Ted Dietlin
Allan Weiss
OC AIDS Walk 2009
More than 5,000 people converged on Angel Stadium of Anaheim Saturday,
May 16, for Orange County’s largest annual rally against HIV/AIDS organized
by ASF.
Once again ASF was able to count on the generosity of many of its corporate
and community partners with financial and in-kind donations coming from
a variety of sponsors. Among those aiding the fund raiser were Pacific Life,
Disneyland, NBC Channel 4, Nordstrom, Time Warner Cable, ASICS, Wells
Fargo, the City of Anaheim, and the PIMCO Foundation.
Donations from OC AIDS Walk 2009 reached nearly $500,000 and were
distributed to ten agencies serving people affected by HIV/AIDS in
Orange County.
OC AIDS Walk included individual walkers and teams from area companies;
schools; civic organizations; and churches, synagogues, temples and mosques.
Vikki Vargas, Orange County bureau chief for NBC-TV LA emceed the kickoff program and KROQ radio personality Doc on the Roq cut the starting line
ribbon as he has done for just about every other Walk.
Friends of Dorothy
The 3rd year of fund raising was amazing for the Friends of Dorothy Guild. Not
only did the Guild raise the level of fun, but they also raised over $100,000 for
ASF client services.
In May 2009 the Dorothy’s held their Second Annual Fashion Show at Macy’s
South Coast Plaza with more than 300 supporters packing the seats along the
runway. The voices of Men Alive were back again and Orange County Sherriff
Sandra Hutchens served as event Honorary Chairwoman.
In mid-summer the Dorothy’s held Laugh Out Loud aboard the party boat
Endeavor in Newport Harbor. Comedian Jason Dudey had attendees in stitches
with his comedy and a good time was had by all.
The highlight of the Dorothy’s year was their 3rd Annual Haunted Halloween
costume party at the Village Crean. Participants partied like rock stars in what
has become a signature event for the Dorothy Guild. More Red Shoe Awards
were presented to donors than at the same event the year before.
The Dorothy Guild is “Green” with tickets to events and donations only available
through the Dorothy’s website The Guild continues
to grow and thrive for ASF thanks to wonderful supporters and friends.
Donor Groups
ASF has two distinct donor
groups that allow supporters
to have significant positive
influence in the lives of people
living with HIV/AIDS. Both
groups are essential in ensuring
ASF has the operating resources
to help and offer hope. For its
part, ASF encourages active
engagement by donors with
the agency.
The Patron’s Council is
comprised of donors who
annually make major gifts to ASF
not related to underwriting of
fundraising events. Donations
are made at six different levels,
beginning at $1,200.
Partners for Life allows donors
the opportunity to provide
ASF with a substantial monetary
gift through a bequest, life
insurance or retirement plan
benefit. As the epidemic
grows – and the need for ASF’s
services continues – long-term
financial support is critical.
Partners for Life helps ASF
ensure its future service to
people living with HIV/AIDS.
ASF Financial Statements
Statement of Financial Position
current assets
Cash & cash equivalents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $602,495
Grants receivable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 467,476
Pledges receivable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13,776
Other receivables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14,769
Inventory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,815
Prepaid expenses & other current assets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56,200
total current assets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,160,531
Furniture, fixtures & equipment,
less accumulated depreciation
of $717,066 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158,086
other assets
Deposits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20,192
Investments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,587,925
total assets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2,926,734
liabilities & net assets
current liabilities
Accounts payable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $90,731
Accrued payroll & taxes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108,755
Accrued compensated absences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155,230
Deferred revenue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 301,075
total current liabilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 655,791
net assets
Unrestricted . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,038,175
Temporarily restricted . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 232,768
total net assets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2,270,943
total liabilities & net assets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2,926,734
Fiscal Year Ending February 28, 2010
Statement of activities
revenues & support
Public grants & contracts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3,368,756
Private grants & contracts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 480,557
Contributions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 196,538
Fund raising . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,016,271
Investment income . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18,350
Net assets released from restrictions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0
operating expenses
ASF is dedicated to allocating as
much of our donor’s gifts as possible
to providing quality care, education
and prevention services for people
affected by HIV/AIDS in Orange County.
Programs 80%
total revenues & support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5,080,472
Interdisciplinary case management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,724,948
Housing services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 567,403
Mental health . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 222,040
Health education . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 680,656
Nutrition services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 259,350
Transportation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 285,686
Communications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93,501
Public policy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23,055
Volunteer services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47,737
Community outreach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94,568
Family programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96,036
AIDS Walk distribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64,853
Management & general . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171,319
Fundraising . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 638,723
total expenses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $4,946,820
changes in net assets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 133,652
net assets at beginning of year . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2,137,291
net assets at end of year . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2,270,943
The auditor’s report for the fiscal year ending February 28, 2010 indicates that this financial statement
accurately represents ASF’s operations and cash flow in all material aspects. An audited financial
statement prepared by the firm Diehl, Evans & Co., LLP, Certified Public Accountants, is available at
the ASF main office during regular business hours.
Fundraising 15%
Administrative 5%
During the 2009-2010 fiscal year,
80 percent of the money ASF
received went to programs
that help people.
Fifteen percent went toward
fundraising efforts necessary to
supporting the agency’s work.
Five percent of the money was
used for administrative purposes.
ASF Donors
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
County of Orange Health Care Agency
Orange County Funders Roundtable
Pacific Life Foundation
State of California – State Office of AIDS
United Way of Orange County
Weingart Foundation
Wilbur May Foundation
Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian
Sisters of St. Joseph Healthcare Foundation
City of Anaheim
Robert M. Crowder Estate
Mark B. Eskander
William J. Gillespie
Kaiser Permanente Foundation
Nicholas J. Labedz
Paul A. Morabito and Edward W. Bayuk
Nordstrom, Inc.
The PIMCO Foundation
Mark J. Porterfield and Steven P. Chadima
Al Roberts and Kenneth Jillson
Anita May Rosenstein
City of Santa Ana
City of Irvine
Macy’s Foundation
Wells Fargo Foundation
Marilyn C. Brewer
Michael H. and Nancy I. Brown, TTEE
Howard Gleicher and Damon Chen
David A. Lee and Sandra Lee-Hammond
Macy’s West, Inc.
Orange County Community Foundation
Allan D. and Stefani R. Simon
Richard M. and Britney Weil
Allergan Foundation
Leslie A. Barry and Ray McElroy
Jeffrey L. Benedick and Duane Vajgrt, M.D.
Club Lucky / HOB Entertainment, Inc.
The Crean Foundation
Jamie El-Erian
Employees Community Fund of Boeing California
Blake T. Franklin and Thomas Getgood
Garden Grove Pharmacy
Mark Guillod, C.P.A. and Alan H. Miller, D.D.S.
IBM Employee Services Center
Irvine Health Foundation
Pacific Sunwear of California, Inc.
Dr. Judy Fluor Runels and Dick Runels
Dennis C. Sieting
Richard W. Silver
Toni & Guy Salons
Union Bank of California, N.A.
Barbara Venezia Tkaczyk and Stanley F. Tkaczyk
A-Med Health Care
Angels Baseball LP
Bank of America Charitable Foundation
Frank G. Bianchini and Joseph Ramondetta
BNY Mellon Wealth Management
Phillip M. Brandt and Peter Boro
Chapman & Associates, Inc.
Clark and Greg Collins
James P. Doria
DPR Construction, Inc.
Jeffrey D. Elder and Karla Kjellin-Elder
Karen A. Ellis and Sandra J. Hartness
Robert J. Evans and Steven Mitchell
Gerry Giannini and Skip Wilson, Jr. / The Gerral Group
Hoot and Leslie Gibson
Mark A. Gonzales
The Hershey Company
Debora S. Hintz
Robert R. Hodges, Ph.D. and Charles S. Hensley, Ph.D.
Janice M. Johnson
JR Universal Construction, Inc.
Heather A. and Craig Knotts
Thomas Lochner, M.D. and David A. Kiff
McMaster-Carr Supply Co.
Jean R. Moriarty
Robert M. Oster
Thomas Panno and Tony Maquet
Mary L. and Carl Raymond
Jorge E. Rodriguez, M.D. and Ed Olen
Hugh Rouse and Leonard R. Olds
Scott Sackin and Philip Talbert
Pol and Andy Sandro-Yepes
David W. Schaar
Ernest L. Schmider and Omar Rodriguez
Jean E. Schwalbe
Fred Siegel
Ed Todeschini and John Ferrante
United Way of Metropolitan Dallas
Lawrence W. Will, D.D.S. and Michael Shapiro
Philip Yaeger
Abigail W. Lloyd
ACRA, Inc Aerospace
Aon Foundation
AT&T United Way Employee Giving Campaign
Storm Bartling
Craig B. Benedetti and F. Alex Acosta
Jay C. Blahnik
Bonnie V. Bock
Gerald K. Bodamer, D.D.S. and Mike Lewis
Dominic L. Bosco, M.D. and John F. Reising
James J. Brophy and David H. Koontz
Erik Buzzard
California Spring Classic
Callahan & Blaine, APC
Jacques P. Camus
David A. Canzoneri and Eric Cortina
Joseph N. Carberry, M.D. and Tim Turner
Care Health, Inc.
Cars 4 Causes
Chamade Foundation
The Charitable Foundation
Mark L. Clymer and Marc A. Mullendore
Michael W. Cole
Delicate Illusions
Ronald Dier and Jock Stalker
Disney Worldwide Services, Inc.
Bradford J. Engelland and Jon Stordahl
Hung Y. Fan, Ph.D. and Michael D. Feldman
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
Michael J. Fitzpatrick
The Flor Stor
John and Gloria Fluor
Marc S. Glasser
Richard and Karen Goddard
Megan Gorman
Kris M. Hansemann
David L. Hanson and Franz Van Overeem
Randy Harmat and Eugenio Vazquez, M.D.
Sheldon M. Harte and John G. Combs
Carl O. Harvey
Robert G. Haskell
Arnold Henson, M.D. and Teresa Siaca-Henson
Anthony F. Hewes
Daniel R. Hovenstine, M.D. and John Weber
IPW Experience
Dale E. Jenkins
Jeffrey S. Johnston and Jim M. Urbina
John A. and Susie Kenefick
John King
Elliott Kornhauser, M.D. and Joe C. Baker, D.M.D.
Brian H. Kraft and Keith E. Coplen
William A. Lawrence and Jeffrey L. Stuckhardt
Casey A. Lesher
Mark Loeffler
Tiberio and Leslie Lindgren
Hilda Lord
Macy’s Passport
Madison Square Corporation
Michael Marino
Maria I. Marquez, M.F.T.
The Robin Masters Trust
Henry R. McCanless and Mark Coolidge
Mike J. McConnell and Michael A. Baum
Christie L. McDaniel
Charles W. Mills
Montage Laguna Beach
Mary Lou Mooney
Morgan Stanley Foundation
Judith A. Morr
Steven H. Morris
Glen L. Morse and Douglas O. Coe
Link Newcomb and Micah J. Leslie
Nifty After Fifty Foundation
John O’Neill
Orange County Imperial Court, Inc.
Donald R. and Bessie D. Owens
Kathryn May Paben Family Charitable Trust
Geniavon Pickett
Pioneer/Walgreens Pharmacy
Patricia Powers
The Prudential Foundation
Charles P. Rainey
Tom Ray and David Charles
Frank N. Ricchiazzi and Borden T. Moller
Room & Board
Charles R. Rusky and James W. Thompson
Steven R. Saucer and Charles Brickell
Dr. Max A. Schneider and Ronald F. Smelt
Frank J. Schools
Edward and Helen Shanbrom
Calvin L. Smith
Patrick M. Stanton
St. Mark Presbyterian Church
Systems Source & Knoll
David J. Taborelli
Jose Tellez and Joe Wilkins
David Thomas and Kevin Mundt
Pauline Thomas
Tibotec Therapeutics
Time Warner Cable
Erma Jean and Thomas J. Tracy
Lawrence J. Tracy and Ted Dietlin
United Way of Greater Los Angeles
James W. Vaughn and Kevin M. Broadwater
Greg H. Weaver
James B. Weil
Allan Weiss
Judith Werkstell
Western Allied Corporation
Russell W. Wilson
Richard M. Young
Ronald M. Young
Lisa Zech
The Alexander S. Alacche Foundation
Martha T. Anderson
Guy Babusek
Baja Sharkeez
Bank of America United Way Campaign
Dale S. Beldin
David W. and Heidi Bennett
Michael L. and Lois Bergman
Jeffrey S. and Cynthia Bodwin
Steven C. Bond
Peter and Andra Broekelschen
Kim A. Perry Brown
Thad E. Brown
Michelle Burton
Butler Family Foundation / Dorene and Lee Butler
C J Segerstrom & Sons
Cable Manufacturing Business, Inc.
California Rehabilitation and Pain Management
Karen E. Cera
City of Laguna Beach
Jeffrey Clark and Michael D. Thorstensen
Jeffrey E. Donnelly
William M. Elsbury
Ernst & Young LLP
First California Bank
William J. Fogarty and Catherine E. Bowyer
Phillip E. Forrest
Chrysty B. Fortner
Charles Gambetta
Mark C. and Anne Garcia
Get Marketing, Inc.
David K. Gibson and Anthony Higginbottom
John M. and Christina Gilbert
Gilead Sciences
Lester L. Hall
Robert H. Harrington
Andrew Hartzell
John W. Holcombe
Home Depot Foundation
John and Theresa Jachtschitz
Mark G. and Rhonda Janis
Dale R. Johnson
Deidre C. Katz
Alex J. Kochnuk and Billy Spratlin
Eve Kornyei and Stanley E. Hanson
Lalla-Reddy Medical Corporation
Ronald Lenox
Steve Lewallen
Live Nation Music Group, Inc.
Long Beach Lesbian & Gay Pride, Inc.
Kevin S. Lukomski
Merck & Co. Inc.
Merlin Bail Bonds
Steven Mitchell and Robert J. Evans
National Coalition of 100 Black Women, Inc.
Lesley L. Nolen
Ellen-Mary and John J. Nora
No Square Theatre
Roger V. and Eileen S. Ohanesian
Orange Coast Unitarian Universalist Church
Dr. David C. and Maryl Petreccia
Rita M. Phillips
PRP Wine International
Quest Diagnostics Matching Gifts Program
Christopher M. Quilter
Fernando Quinde / Navarro Entertainment Group, Inc.
Rainbow Disposal Company Inc.
Dan A. and Emily A. Real
Nancy Reardon
Douglas C. Reilly
Andrew Reynolds
Kent B. Rhodes
Roche Laboratories
Goldie C. Roe
Ty Rose
James E. Rust
Safeco Insurance Foundation
Thomas S. and Lynda Salinger
Carl S. Scott
Robert C. Shekell
Albert F. Soto
Darrell E. Spaulding
Steve Julius Construction, Inc.
St. Mary’s Episcopal Church
Amy M. Stoody
Straight Talk/Gerry House
St. Vincent De Paul of St. Catherine of Sienna
SVC-West, L.P.
Emily M. Thompson
Robert C. Tucker
United Way of Tri-State
Adrian C. Van Deudekom
Robert and Maureen V. Vince
Geoffrey H. Weiss
Wood River Properties, LLC
Vince D. Workman
Varooge Yerganian
John M. Zinsmeyer
Patron’s Council
President’s Circle $50,000+
Anita May Rosenstein**
Ambassador’s Circle $10,000+
Marilyn C. Brewer**
David A. Lee and Sandra Lee-Hammond
Director’s Circle $5,000+
Michael H. and Nancy I. Brown, T.T.E.E.
Bill Gillespie**
Janice M. Johnson**
Delegate’s Circle $2,500+
Kevin M. Broadwater and James W. Vaughn
Jeffrey D. Elder and Karla Kjellin-Elder
Gerald Giannini and Skip Wilson
Robert M. Oster
Patricia Powers
Advocate’s Circle $1,200+
Wylie and Bette Aitken
Craig B. Benedetti* and F. Alex Acosta
Jeffrey L. Benedick and Duane Vajgrt, M.D.*
James E. Burba and Bob Hayes
Erik Buzzard* / Palumbo Bergstrom LLP
David A. Canzoneri and Eric Cortina
Mark L. Clymer and Marc A. Mullendore
Jeffrey Dunlap and Layne Rackley
Karen A. Ellis and Sandra J. Hartness
Bradford J. Engelland and Jon Stordahl
Hung Y. Fan, Ph.D.* and Michael Feldman
Mark Guillod, C.P.A.* and Alan H. Miller, D.D.S.
Carl O. Harvey
Robert Haskell**
Arnold Henson, M.D.* and Teresa Siaca-Henson
Robert R. Hodges, Ph.D. and Charles S. Hensley, Ph.D.
Daniel R. Hovenstine, M.D. and John Weber
Dale E. Jenkins
Michael Johnson and Taka Oiwa
Elliott Kornhauser, M.D. and Joe C. Baker, D.M.D.
Baruch and Jan Kupperman
Francois Leclair / Casa Laguna Inn
Abigail W. Lloyd*
Mark Loeffler
Hilda Lord
Veda Mabry
Maria I. Marquez, M.F.T.*
Henry R. McCanless and Mark Coolidge
Glen L. Morse and Douglas O. Coe
Christopher M. Quilter
Charles P. Rainey III
Frank N. Ricchiazzi and Borden T. Moller
Al Roberts** and Ken Jillson*
Jorge E. Rodriguez, M.D.* and Ed Olen
Scott Sackin and Philip Talbert
Steven R. Saucer and Charles Brickell /
Bank of America Charitable Foundation
Frank J. Schools
Dr. Max A. Schneider and Ronald F. Smelt
Jean E. Schwalbe
Dr. Edward and Mrs. Helen Shanbrom
Dennis C. Sieting
Calvin L. Smith
Jeffrey Stuckhardt** and Bill Lawrence
Ed Todeschini* and John Ferrante
Vern Underwood and Carol Schiebel
Philip Yaeger*
* ASF Board Member
** ASF Advisory Committee Member
Friends of Dorothy Guild
Glinda the Good Witch Members
Mark Eskander
J&R Universal Construction
Jeannie Moriarty
Flying Monkey Members
The Crean Foundation
Anne Hirschman
Eve Kornyei
Mary and Carl Raymond
Emerald City Members
Phil Brandt and Peter Baro
Charles Mills
Allen Moznett / Newport Lexus
Al Roberts and Kenneth Jillson
Dave Seastrom / DPR Construction, Inc
Ruby Slipper Members
Storm Bartling
Heidi and David Bennett
Marilyn Brewer
Carol Brown / Liebke Architects
Maureen and Dan Callahan / Callahan & Blaine
Kevin A Coleman
Tim Dunn
Karla Kjellin and Jeffrey Elder
Brian Kraft and Keith Coplen
Casey Lesher
Jill Lloyd / Jill Lloyd & Associates
Dr. Tom Lochner and Dave Kiff
Michael Miner / Classic Party Rentals
Joe O’Brien / Shelly Motors Mercedes Benz
Tom Ray / The Flor Stor
Jessica Ridge / Barefoot Winery
Mark Roberts
James Rust
Lynda and Tom Salinger
Pol and Andy Sandro-Yepes
Carl Stevens and Duffy Lucas
Duane Vajgrt, M.D. and Jeff Benedick
Barbara Venezia and Stan Tkaczyk
Yellow Brick Road Members
Todd Bentjen
Loren Blackwood and Richard Moriarty
Rosemarie Correia / System Source
Leonardo Flores
Charlie Gambetta
Jo-E Immel / Snyder Langston Real Estate
Toby Lent
Shonna Lindo
Kevin Lukomski
Jon Madison / Madison Square and Garden Café
Zach Moonitz / CHOC Foundation
Maureen and Jeff Olsen
Frank Patti, M.D.
Rita Phillips
Jorge E. Rodriguez, M.D. and Ed Olen
Dr. Scott and Jackie Stoney / California Rehabilitation, Inc.
Amy Stoody
Jeff Teller / OC Marketplace
Greg Weaver
Toto Members
Donna Anderson
Lisa Bartlett
Kenya and Matt Beckman
Frank Bianchini and Joe Ramondetta / Metro Car Wash
Kim and Perry Brown
Michael Brown
Michelle Burton
Shirley Chaffers
Janet Curci
Michael Donahoe
Kevin Farrell (aka Dee W. leye) and Geoff Laing
Mark Guillod, C.P.A. and Alan Miller, D.D.S.
Mindy and David Gullen
Steve King
Linda Knoll
Cynthia Koller
Barbara Lohman
Maria I. Marquez, M.F.T.
Laura McCarthy
Betsy McCormick
Barbara Moore
Dr. Katherine Nitta
Marsha Orlin
Marla and Russ Patterson
Rene Rodarte
Ty Rose
Carol Rudat
Scott Sackin
Mary Slouka
Jeff Stuckhardt and Bill Lawrence
Shelly Virkstis
Matthew Vujovich
Andrea Waite
Cynthia Wallace
Lee Wilkins / Western Allied Corp.
Phil Yaeger
Vicki Zimmerman
John Zinsmeyer
Munchkin Members
Jeannette Alden
Barbara Amstadter
Kyle Barnes
Desi Barroga
Judy and Bill Barry
Linda Beck
Lorna Berle
Julie Bower
Charles Brickell
Meg Britton
Michael Brophy
Suzanne Bukema
Richard Burnley
Diana Canty
Carolyn Carr / Island Flooring
Susan and Mike Christiansen
Nancy Clark
Chuck Clift
Katrina Cobrin
Danielle K Craig
Jane E Cramer
Jessica Crovetto
Theresa Daugherty
Kristie and Stephen Day / Knoll/System Source
Wiley Foults and Walter Robinson
Todd Franklin
Nancy Gardner
Gerilyn Jelonick
Dave Gibson and Anthony Higginbottom
Karen and Doug Gifford / Doug Gifford Photography
Richard Gillette
Lisa Gordon
Megan Gorman, Esq.
Charles Groux
Steve Harper
Gary Hensley
John Holcombe
Tiffany Israel
Dale Jenkins
Dean Jones
Rossy Jones
Kevin Kamm
Donald Kelsey
Lindsey Kutzke
Richard Layna
Ron Lenox and Kiko Rodriguez
Judy Lindsay
Abigail Lloyd
Scott Loly and Fred Yeries
Bill Long
Richard Lusk
Marc Marger and Mark Allison
Kelly McCann, M.D.
Jeanne McCormack
Kelly McKeone
Barbara McMurray
Chris Merritt
Alyson Michie
Frank Mickadeit
Annemarie Miller-Jones
Terry Moore-Pfeiger
Lori Morris
Justin Myers
Claire and Nima Namdar
Susan and Tom Neas / Thomas Printers
Adam Neeley
Karen Nilausen
Lesley Nolen
Cathy and Tim O’Neal
Deniece Orduna
Shauna and John Oyler
Deann Page
Michael Paige
Jean Pasco
Marcia Pendjer
Rev. Mara Pennell
Leah Petersen
Jane Petree
Philip Poggi
Ann Quilter
Kenneth Raaf
Phil Rhiner
Chele Rubendall
Steve Saucer
Cindy Schein
Dennis Seiting
Sally Sherman
Jennifer and Dennis Silva / Quattro Caffe
Julie Smith and Karen Cera
Johnathan Stelmach
Joan Stevens
Emily Thompson
Murray Todd
Jacqueline Tzen
Doreen W Vail
Julianna Van Den Berg
Linda Vandercook
Alison Vinzant
Howard Weinthal
Joe Willis and James Forchilli
Tony Woltman and Sergio Flores
In-Kind Partners
ASICS America Corporation
Disneyland Resort
American Airlines
Anaheim Public Utilities
Beaulieu Vineyards
Bradford Renaissance Portraits
California Stage and Lighting
Mark’s Restaurant
Ralph Brennan’s Jazz Kitchen
Tiffany & Co.
Bill Atkins Design
Leslie Berry
Bright Ideas Lighting by Greg Christy
Mike Carter
Heidi Cortese
ID Lube/Westridge Laboratories
Ray McElroy
Pacific Wine and Spirits
Bill Park
RCC, Inc.
Sean Patrick Small, D.Min.
Ellye Wall
Accurate Staging
The Blade
Fairmont Hotels & Resorts
Gillian Kirkpatrick / kingdesign+marketing
Lucky Strike Lanes
Peter Blake Gallery
Dr. David C. Petreccia
Donald A. Pierce
Al Roberts
St. Regis Hotel
Sundried Tomato
Total Woman Gym and Atmosphere Day Spa
A la Carte
American Yacht Charters
Anaheim White House Restaurant
Aqua VI
Areo Inc.
At Home Cat Care
The Attic Door
Guy Babusek
John G. Bain
Stuart Baron
Barry Brinker Fine Jewelry
Mike Belknap
Belle Amie Studios
Jeffrey L. Benedick
Berkley BBQ
Frank G. Bianchini
Blackman Ltd. Jewelers
Blackmarket Bakery
Loren E. Blackwood
Bob Burrud Pet Services
Bob Johnson Studio
Boeing Community Relations
Steven C. Bond
Kevin M. Broadwater
Louis Bucello
Burtec Disposal
Bushard’s Pharmacy
CA Dance/Laguna Dance Festival
Anthony Carro
Casa Laguna Inn & Spa
Charles J. Groux Business Holdings, Inc.
Ronald Chee
City Salon
Classic Party Rentals
Rocky J. Coglietti
Mario Cortes
Couture Flowers, Inc
Joey K. Crabtree
Crevier BMW
Stephanie Cunningham
Curtain Call Dinner Theater
D & D Productions
Dave & Buster’s
The David Salon
Robert Dean
Dearly Departed
Delicate Illusions
Gregory M. Dickinson
Ronald Dier
Donna B’s Gourmet Cookies
Dry Clean Club
Monica Dunham
Kristen Ekman
Engraving Honors
Eric Cortina Collection
Fairmont Newport Beach
Fashion Island
Fitness Evolution
Manuel M. Figueroa
Fleur De Lys
Vivianna L. Foust
Fullerton Dancesport Center
Genevieve Wigs
Doug Gifford
Golden Truffle
Hansen’s Beverages
Health 2 U
Hi-Time Wine Cellars
Joseph Hodulik
Hush Restaurant
In Essence Day Spa
Indulgence Day Spa
The Irvine Company Apartment Communities
Irvine Ranch Market
Island Style
Jill Lloyd & Associates, Inc.
Dean R. Jones
Joshua Christopher Salon
Neil Kaplan
Katherine Aileen’s Boutique
Michael C. Kane
Dean Kaneshiro
Jack Kenefick
Philip Kiluk
Kimpton Hotels Seattle
Karla Kjellin-Elder
Carol A. Lachey
La Jolla Playhouse
LA Mart #1048
La Mirada Performing Arts Center
Dennis Lautzenheiser
Leatherby’s Cafe Rouge
ASF Donors, continued
ASF Donors, continued
Leslie Davis Glass Studio
Lexus Newport Beach
Jay Lin
Long Beach Christian Fellowship
Hilda Lord
Lorraine Passero Prints
Raul Lozano
Lucky Strike Lanes
The Lucy House
Madison Square Corporation
Madison’s Day Spa & Boutique
Manchester Grand Hyatt
Mark Roberts
Marlo Bartels Studio
Fred Marr
Masterpiece Publishing
MCC Church of Santa Ana
Lynn McCalister
Men Alive
Tracey Moloney
Mondrian Hotel
Mozambique Restaurant & Coastal Lounge
Richard J. Nelson
Newport Beach Film Festival
Newport Beach Marriott Hotel & Tennis Club
Newport Signs & Graphics
Dr. Katharine C. Nitta
Lesley L. Nolen
Ed Olen
Pacific Chorale
Patricia Kennedy, Inc.
Peet’s Coffee
Personal HealthCare Clinic
Sharon Petrillo
Stephanie H. Petris
Marcos Prolo
PRP Wine International
Quattro Caffe
Richard Burnley Salon
Jorge E. Rodriguez, M.D.
Jim Rountree
Rowley Portraiture
Judy Fluor Runels, Psy.D.
Science Center OC/Krawitz Ent
Scott Moore Art
Shampoo Salon
Shu Uemura
Dennis Silva
Skosh Monahans
Carol Sneddon
Soul at Home
Spirit of Life Community Church
Carolyn Spivak
Stalker’s Fine Foods
Nancy A. Stapish
Starbuck’s Coffee
Carolyn Stoaks
St. Regis Monarch Beach Resort & Spa
Nicholas R. St. Royal
Studio Arts Gallery
Susan’s Healthy Gourmet
Sweet Life
Sweetwater Hand Car Wash
Swimm Artworks
Tastebud’s Cafe
Susie Thomas
The Tides Laguna Beach
Tommy’s Burgers
Tracey Moscaritolo Studio Gallery
Kelly Tran
Duane Vajgrt, M.D.
The Vault
Barbara Venezia Tkaczyk
Vincent Bennett H.H.P.
Shelly A. Virkstis
The Westin Gaslamp Quarter
Wet International
Barbara L. White
Windward Sailing Club
Wyndham Hotel
Kevin E. Young
Partners For Life
Doug Arneson
Craig Benedetti
Jeff L. Benedick
Andrew J. Berner, Ph. D.
Gerald Bodamer, D.D.S.
Karen Ellis
Michael Feddersen
Bruce N. Fox
Georgia Garrett-Norris
Robert F. Gentry
Mark Igoe
Ken Jillson
Nicholas J. Labedz
Mel Lewis, M. D.
James C. Loomis
Bob Metcalf
Ed Mitchell
David Newman-Treat
Mark J. Porterfield Trust
Al Roberts
Jorge Rodriguez, M. D.
Ty Rose
Judith Rosenthal
Richard Sneed
Gunter B. Weissenberg
Alexander W. Wentzel
Thomas Worthy
In Memoriam
Connie Acord
Jack S. Agcaoili
Carl Allsup
James E. Armstrong Trust
David A. Arnold Trust
Herbert Benton Trust
Estate of Tim Blake
Jon Bowes
Estate of John C. Butler
Michael W. Cole
Robert Crowder
Pat Feeney
Don G. Hagan
Greg Haskell
Howle Family Trust
Addison G. “Bud” Kerr
Lawrence Kuzela
Ira Charles “Chip” Levine
Robin Masters
Thomas E. McCarragher Trust
Martha Raye
Richard M. Reinsch
Thomas A. Rose
Richard Sartini
William Scannell
Eugene Scott
Estate of Harry Smith
Don Stratton
Howard Trepp Trust
Arlie Wood
OC AIDS Walk 2009
Top Corporate/Small Businesses
Hearts of Montage
SchoolsFirst FCU
Morgan Stanley Newport Beach Office
Disney VoluntEARS
Pacific Sunwear
Quest Diagnostics Incorporated
AT&T Team 2009
Metro Q
MAC Cosmetics
Human Rights Campaign Orange County
Starbucks Coffee
Team Toshiba
Ernst & Young Team
American Red Cross, Orange County
Mercury Insurance Group
Pacific View
Team Tommy’s
Gilead Abbott
Doubletree Guest Suites
US Bank Orange County
Top High Schools
Rancho Alamitos ASB
WHS Pioneers
Fairmont Huskies
Woodbridge High Cool Kids Club
Ralston Honor Society
Century High School Key Club
Friends and Family
Men Alive Hot Dogs
Theatre Out
Bynx’s Boys and Babes
PFLAG Orange County
Altrusa Club
Baker’s Gift
Paul Hastings
Center for Spiritual Discovery
Stella Lives!
Shelley’s Dream Team
FCCO Walkers
Delta Sigma Pi
Dana’s Dragonflies
Team Janine Scalleat
Top Faith-Based Teams
IUCC Walk Team
Fairview Community Church
First Presbyterian Church
MHCC Walkabouts
Team UU: Unitarian Universalists of OC
Progressive Christians Uniting
YLT-Disciples of Christ
Covenant of the Goddess /
Orange County Local Council (Brigid’s Heart)
Christ Church by the Sea
Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Laguna Beach
Saddleback Church HIV/AIDS Initiative
St. Mark Presbyterian Church
St. Jude A Team
Saddleback Church HIV/AIDS High School Ministry
Top Individual Walkers
Deborah Reed
Rossy Jones
Duane Vajgrt, M.D.
Frank Bianchini
Paul Cook-Giles
Zach Moos
Pearl Jemison-Smith
Bruce Michaels
Jeff Stuckhardt
Roya Cole
Top Recipient Agencies
Team ASF
Shanti Strutters
ACTION Community All-stars
Mercy House
Cornerstone Outreach
Public Law Center
Straight Talking Walkers / Thom Siket
Team UCI
New Life Serenity House
ASF Board of Directors
Maria I. Marquez, M.F.T., President
Barbara Venezia, Vice President
Mark Gonzales, Secretary
Mark Guillod, C.P.A., Treasurer
Craig Bennedetti
David Bennett
Frank Bianchini
Erik Buzzard
Terry Delonas
Timothy Dunn
Hung Fan, Ph.D.
Megan Gorman
Arnold Henson, M.D.
Ken Jillson
Abigail Lloyd
Judith A. Morr
Todd Rachal
Jorge Rodriguez, M.D.
Arash Samadani
Patrick Stanton
Tim Stoaks
Ed Todeschini
Duane Vajgrt, M.D.
Shelly Virkstis
Philip Yaeger
Al Roberts
Founding President
ASF Advisory Council
Marilyn Brewer, Committee Chair
Tammie Arnold
Senator Barbara Boxer
Peggy Clay
Dean Corey
Ron Davies
Senator Dianne Feinstein
Bill Gillespie
Howard Gleicher
Robert Haskell
Janice Johnson
Arnold Klein, M.D.
Marica Pendjer
Al Roberts
Anita Rosenstein
The Hon. Loretta Sanchez
Rick Silver
Jeffrey Stuckhardt
Stan Tkacyzk
Richard Weil
Friends of Dorothy
Barbara Venezia, Chairman
Patti Gordon, Vice Chair
James Rust, Membership Chair
Tim Dunn, PR Chair
Tim Stoaks, Underwriting Chair
Steering Committee Members
Jeannette Alden
Peter Baro Jr.
Vincent Bennett
Frank Bianchini
Shannon Bishop
Phil Brandt
Richard Burnley
Maureen Callahan
Bunny Clark
Keith Coplen
Joey Crabtree
Mark Eskander
Karen & Doug Gifford
Mindy Gullen
Dean Jones
Pat Kennedy
Brian Kraft
Geoffrey Laing
Ron Lenox
Casey Lesher
Jill Lloyd
Duffy Lucas
Monica Mazur
Annemarie Miller-Jones
Zach Moonitz
Justin Myers
Lesley Nolen
Joe O’Brien
John & Shauna Oyler
Christine Petersen
Ervin Page
Joe Ramondetta
Ty Rose
Scott Sackin
John Schoffield
Carl Stevens
Dr. Scott Stoney
Nick St. Royal
Jeff Teller
Jeff Thomas
Stan Tkaczyk
Kevin Young
Mike Vaillancourt
Andrea Waite
Vince Workman
Dee W.IEye
Founding Members at Large
Loren Blackwood
Marilyn Brewer
Carolyn Carr
Eve Kornyei
Annual Report Staff
Barbara Lohman, Director, Communications & Marketing
Gillian Kirkpatrick, kingdesign+marketing
Brad Siedschlag, Printing Division
Every effort was made to ensure these donor lists
are complete and accurate. If there are any errors
however we apologize. Please contact Ty Rose at
949-809-8762 for clarification about these lists.
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