Lesson 2, Scenario 3: Infant CPR

Lesson 2, Scenario 3:
Infant CPR
You are in the grocery store. You notice that another customer’s baby has suddenly
become very still. The baby’s skin is starting to turn an odd bluish color.
Latex-free disposable gloves
CPR breathing barriers
Infant manikin
Instructor’s Note: Properly clean (or replace) the manikin before another
participant assumes the role of responder.
Manikin is propped upright (to simulate sitting in a carrier); responder is standing
Sizes up the scene and forms an initial impression. Pauses and looks at
the scene and the infant before responding. Answers the following questions
(instructor prompts as necessary):
{ Is the scene safe to enter?
{ What happened?
{ How many people are involved?
{ What is my initial impression about the nature of the person’s illness or
injury? Does the person have any life-threatening conditions, such as
severe, life-threatening bleeding?
{ Is anyone else available to help?
Instructor: “The scene is safe and there is no life-threatening bleeding, but the
infant appears to be unresponsive.”
■ Obtains consent. Tells parent name, describes type and level of training,
states what he or she thinks is wrong and what he or she plans to do, and
asks permission to provide care.
Instructor: “The parent gives consent.”
■ Uses appropriate PPE. Puts on gloves.
■ Checks infant for responsiveness and breathing. Shouts to get infant’s
attention, using infant’s name if known. If infant does not respond, taps bottom
of infant’s foot and shouts again while checking for normal breathing.
Instructor: “There is no response and the infant is not breathing.”
■ Tells bystander to call 9-1-1 and to get the AED and first aid kit. Points
and speaks out loud.
■ Positions infant properly for CPR. Places infant face-up on hard, flat surface.
■ Gives 30 compressions. Places one hand on the infant’s forehead and
the pads of two fingers on the center of the infant’s chest, just below the
nipple line. Compresses the chest about 1½ inches at a rate of 100–120
compressions per minute. Lets the chest return to its normal position before
pushing down again.
■ Gives 2 rescue breaths. Places CPR breathing barrier over the infant’s nose
and mouth. Opens airway to neutral position using head-tilt/chin-lift technique.
Forms a seal over infant’s nose and mouth. Takes a normal breath and blows
into the infant’s nose and mouth for about 1 second, causing the chest to rise.
Takes a breath, makes a seal, then gives second rescue breath.
Instructor (after first rescue breath): “The chest rises.”
Instructor (after second rescue breath): “The chest rises.”
■ Repeats cycle of 30 compressions and 2 rescue breaths.
Instructor: “EMS personnel have arrived and taken over.”
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