Press Release March 2015 - Steroids in School

Press Release
April 2015
Steroids and your teen
On the eve of schools’ annual Easter rugby festivals, the SA Institute for Drug-Free Sport (SAIDS) has warned schools that it will be testing
players for anabolic steroids.
Tests conducted in South African high schools indicate that 10% of all high school boys are using steroids. Steroid use is very much a part of
school sports in South Africa so parents need to keep their eyes and ears open to find out if steroid use is happening at their son’s school.
According to Fedhealth, anabolic steroids are used by doctors for certain conditions but they are never used on healthy teen athletes for
any reason.
What are the side effects of anabolic steroids?
Mood swings, aggression, also known as “roid rage” are common symptoms.
Fedhealth say most of the short-term side-effects are cosmetic and include: severe acne, excessive body and facial hair, shrinking of the
testicles and reduced sperm count, abnormal breast development as well as baldness. The long term side-effects on the other hand can be
potentially life-threatening.
Steroids act to increase blood pressure, which can lead to strokes. They also reduce the production of cholesterol, leading to the furring of
the blood vessels as well as coronary heart disease, increasing the possibility of a heart attack. These effects can occur within just a few
weeks of taking steroids. Male infertility is also linked to steroids. But, it is the liver that is particularly vulnerable. Increased liver function
caused by steroids could cause inflammation and in some cases, hepatitis.
What do steroids look like?
Anabolic steroids are pretty easy to get hold of, particularly at gyms. It is available in tablet, liquid, gel and cream form. The appearance of
these products varies depending on the type and manufacturer. Users typically ingest steroids orally, inject them intramuscularly, or rub
[email protected].
them on the skin. They are also known as Gym candy, Juice, Pumpers, Stackers, Weight trainers and Arnolds.
Are steroids illegal in South Africa?
Anabolic steroids are basically synthetic versions of the male hormone testosterone, and work by increasing muscle tissue. It is illegal to use
steroids without a valid prescription. Steroids are Schedule 111 substances under the Controlled Substances Act. Schedule 111 drugs which
have a legitimate medical function, may lead to moderate or low physical dependence or high psychological dependence.
Fedhealth say those taking steroids are playing Russian roulette with their health. Excelling in sports is achievable and done by millions of
athletes without relying on steroids. To really bulk up, all you need is to have a disciplined exercise routine, a healthy diet and plenty of sleep.
Steroids should NOT be used by teenagers.
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