Designing a KNX System ETS – Engineering Tool Software

Ambient Intelligence
Designing a KNX System
ETS – Engineering Tool Software
Prof. Renato Nunes
renato.nunes @
Prof. Renato Nunes
Designing a KNX System
• Identify the user requirements
This is a difficult process
Common users do not known what they want
Users talk a different language than engineers
Listen to users, filter, and propose a solution
Consider the users’ budget
Plan for adjustments and changes that will occur in a
short time after users start using the system
– If users are satisfied they will spread the word and,
probably, they will want new devices and functions
Prof. Renato Nunes
• Document everything . . .
• Make a list of all devices
– Physical address, device type, manufacturer, location, channel(*), group
address to which it transmits or group addresses from which it receives,
• Make a list of all functions
– Group address, physical address of the sender device, channel(*), physical
addresses of the receiver devices, channel(*), description/comments
Some devices may have more than one “channel”
– e.g.: A timer may have channel A and channel B allowing two different commands
• It is useful to represent all devices in a plan of the house/building
• During physical installation, identify all devices, cables, etc.
Prof. Renato Nunes
Engineering Tool Software
• Supports the design and configuration of a
• Supports commissioning (putting to work) and
testing of an installation
• ETS is a complex tool and requires adequate
2016: ETS 5.5
Prof. Renato Nunes
Main Steps of a Project
• Selection of Devices
– Detectors
– Actuators
– Other components (power supplies, line couplers, etc)
• Definition of the network topology (number of
lines, etc)
• Addressing
– Area . Line . Device
(Follow simple rules, that are easy to explain and to remember)
• Definition of functions (and group addresses)
Prof. Renato Nunes
Before starting
• Obtain the databases for each device/module
you want to use
(search the manufacturers’ sites; databases are free).
• Import databases into the ETS program
(Menu File, Import…)
It takes a long time
Prof. Renato Nunes
Starting a new project
• Menu File, New Project
Specify the communication
medium (TP = Twisted Pair)
Area 1, Line 1
Devices will start at address 1
and increment automatically
(addresses can be changed)
(Alternative: PL = Power Line)
Prof. Renato Nunes
Initial Screen
Prof. Renato Nunes
Building View
Building View
Allow definition of the physical
structure of the house/building:
building, floor, room.
It is possible to have more than
one building.
Prof. Renato Nunes
Topology View
Topology View
Physical structure of the
system: Areas, Lines and
Prof. Renato Nunes
Group Addresses View
Group Addresses
Functional connections
between devices.
Prof. Renato Nunes
Definition of the physical
structure of a home/building
• Example
– Right click over “Buildings/Functions” and choose
“Add New Building”; indicate house name
– Right click over house name and choose “Add room”;
indicate room name
– Right click over room name and choose “Add
devices”; click in button “Find”
Prof. Renato Nunes
Adding Devices
• Select device
• Specify quantity
• Click button “Insert”
Prof. Renato Nunes
Adding Devices
• Follow a specific order
• Addresses are incremented
• Addresses can be changed
but it saves much time
doing it right at first time
Prof. Renato Nunes
Notes and Tips
• The window that allows inserting new devices has no
Cancel button; if the window is closed the device
selected will be inserted
• The “Edit Device” window can be accessed right clicking
over a device; it allows:
– Changing Description, Comments, etc, about the device
– Selecting the device’s program (“Change Application Program”)
• A given device can perform different operations accordingly with its
Application Program
– Tab General: button Parameters allows changing different
device’s parameters (e.g., button: on/off, toggle, long press, …)
– Flags (allows changes in the system “guts”; p.43)
Prof. Renato Nunes
Topology View
• The physical structure of the network is created
automatically as new devices are added to the
• But it is possible to create new areas and lines
Prof. Renato Nunes
Group Addresses
• They establish functional connections between devices
• All combinations of source/destination are possible: one/one,
one/many, many/one, many/many
• Group Addresses are created by right clicking in “Maingroup” and
selecting “Add Group Addresses…”
• To associate a device’s object with a group address drag the object
over the address
Prof. Renato Nunes
Code Download to Devices
• In the Building view area, select one or more
devices, right click and choose “Download…”
Prof. Renato Nunes
Testing an Installation
• It is possible to send a command directly to a device
– Menu Diagnostics, Individual Addresses…
• Specify the physical address and … …
• To command a group address, in the Group Addresses view, right
click over an address, choose Read/Write and specify a value
• To monitor messages:
– Menu Diagnostics, Bus Monitor, click in the red round button (record),
after a while click the black square button (stop)
Prof. Renato Nunes
ETS is a powerful tool
It is required to design, configure, put to work and test an installation
Requires access to manufacturers devices databases
Devices are able to perform different functions, accordingly with the
Application Program selected (a device database may include various
application programs)
• Definition of a system involves some complexity and previous
knowledge of the functionalities offered by the devices that will be
• Each device’s application program has different parameters that
need to be defined
• The functional interconnection between device’s control objects are
done using group addresses
• Setting a system can be a complex task and prone to error
• Suggestion: Document very well all the installation or you will be in
trouble whenever a change is required
Prof. Renato Nunes
Prof. Renato Nunes