WW9 gm?

March ~10, 1964
Filed Nov
2 Sheets-Sheet 1
na- I
Fig 2
Leo 5L- Gus’
WW9 gm?
March 10, 1964
Filed Nov. 22, 1961
2 Sheets-Sheet 2
Leo L. Gust
BY @4013“
United States Patent 0
Patented Mar. 10, 1964
is adapted to rest on the top 11 of the well 10 and which
the lower edge of the dome l2 abuts.
Leo L. Gust, 6253 S. Broadway, Littleton, Colo.
Filed Nov. 22, 1961, Ser. No. 154,169
13 Claims. (Cl. 20—40)
This invention relates to new and useful improvements
in basement window well covers and has for one of its
important objects to provide, in a manner as hereinafter
Mounted circumferentially in the rear portion of the
dome 1-2 is a generally inverted U-shaped or semi-circular
bar ‘16 which supports the back portion of said dome.
The bar 16 is of angle iron, said bar including a radial
vertical flange 17‘ which the vertical edge of the dome 12
abuts. The flange 17 is ‘also adapted to abut the face of
the building '8. Rivets 1'8 secure the bar 16 in the back
set forth, unique means for excluding the elements from 10 portion of the dome 12. The ?ange 17 is radially slit,
such wells while admitting light thereto, the device be
‘as indicated at '19, and the ?ange 15 is provided with sim
ing transparent.
ilar slits 29'.
Another highly important object of the present inven
It is thought that the use of the cover will be readily
tion is to provide an improved transparent cover of the
understood from a consideration of the foregoing. Brief
aforementioned character comprising novel means for 15 ly, to install the cover the substantially semi-circular
?rmly but removably retaining the device in position on
base bar 13 is contracted, inserted downwardly in the
a window well.
upper portion of the well lit and released, said bar expand
Still another important object of the invention is to
ing and engaging the interior ‘of the well under tension.
provide a cover of thecharacter described which is adapt~
When the bar 13‘ is thus contracted, the bar 16 is also
ed to be expeditiously installed on a conventional window 20 contracted, being secured at 21 to said bar 13. The slits
well without the necessity of modifying or altering said
‘19 ‘and ‘29 facilitate contraction and expansion of the
well structurally.
bars 16 and 113. The ?ange l5 rests on the top 11 of the
Another object ‘of this invention is to provide a cover
well lit and provides a ?rm, positive support for the
of the character set forth which is readily adjustable to
cover on said well. The construction and arrangement
conform to variations in the curvature and sizes of 'win
is such ‘as to be substantially leakproof. As herein
dow wells.
before stated, the ?ange l7 abuts the building wall 8.
Other objects of the invention are to provide an im
The resiliency of the members 13 and 16, also of the
proved window well cover which will be comparatively
dome 12, permits the device to readily adjust for slight
simple in construction, strong, durable, compact, of light
weight, attractive in appearance and which may be manu
factured at low cost.
These together with other objects and advantages which
will ‘become "subsequently apparent reside in the details of
variations in the dimensions or size and curvature of vari
ous well on which the cover may be installed. Of course,
the device may be of different sizes ‘for installation on
wells of various dimensions. Also, the dome ~12 may be,
if desired, translucent or opaque. Still further, the cover
may be of any suitable shape to conform with various
shapes of window wells. Further, the dome 12 may be
panying drawings forming a part hereof, wherein like
of any desired segmental shape.
numerals refer to like parts throughout, and in which:
The foregoing is considered as illustrative only of the
FIGURE 1 is a perspective view, showing an improved
principles of the invention. Further, since numerous
window we-ll cover constructed in accordance with the
40 modi?cations and changes will readily occur to those
present invention installed;
skilled in the art, it is not desired to limit the invention
FIGURE 2 is ‘a vertical sectional view on an enlarged
to the exact construction and operation shown and de
scale, taken substantially on the line 2—2 of FIGURE 1;
scribed, and accordingly all suitable modi?cations and
FIGURE 3 is an exploded perspective view of the de
equivalents may be resorted to, falling within the scope
of the invention as claimed.
FIGURE 4 is a fragmentary View in vertical section
What is claimed as new is as follows:
through the lower portion of the device, showing the
1. A window well cover comprising a substantially seg
upper portion of the well; and
mental resilient transparent dome, and a resilient base
FIGURE 5 is a fragmentary view in vertical section
bar mounted on the lower portion of the dome and de
through an upper portion of the device.
50 pending therefrom and engageable under tension, upon a
Referring now to the drawing in detail, it will be seen
?exing 10f the dome and bar, in the upper portion of a
that reference numeral 6 designates a conventional window
window well for frictiona-lly securing said dome thereon,
mounted in a basement wall '7 of a building 8. The win
said bar including an outwardly projecting ?ange adapted
dow 6 is ‘located below the level of the surface of the
to rest on the well for supporting the dome thereon.
ground, ‘as indicated at 9‘, and, therefore, a conventional 55
2. A window well cover comprising a substantially seg
well 10 is associated with said window. The window
mental transparent dome, and a base bar mounted on the
well lit, ‘as usual, is substantially ‘semi-circular and of
lower portion of the dome and depending therefrom and
corrugated metal, said well including a top bead 11.
engageable under tension in the upper portion of a win—
The embodiment of the present invention which has
dow well for positioning said dome thereon, said bar be
been illustrated comprises a substantially quarter-spherical 60 ing generally T-shaped in cross-section and including an
hood or dome 12 of a suitable molded transparent plastic.
outwardly projecting ?ange adapted to rest on the well for
construction and operation as more fully hereinafter de
scribed and claimed, reference being had to the accom
The window well 10“ being substantially semicircular, the
horizontal ‘or bottom edge of the quarter-spherical dome
supporting the dome thereon.
3. A window well cover in accordance with claim 2,
said bar being arcuate and resilient and adapted to be
Mounted circumferentially in the lower portion of the 65 sprung into the well.
dome 12 ‘and depending therefrom for engagement in the
4. A window well cover in accordance with claim 3, said
upper portion of the well It} is a substantially U-shaped
?ange having radial slits extending thereinto from the free
or semicircular base bar 13 of suitable metal. The bar
edge thereof to ‘facilitate ?exing the bar.
13 is rigidly secured to the lower marginal portion of
5. A window well cover comprising a substantially
the dome 12 by rivets 14. The bar 13 is substantially T 70 quarter-spherical resilient dome, and resilient, arcuate
shaped in cross-section, said bar including on its outer
bars mounted circumferentially on the marginal portions
periphery a circumferentially extending ?ange 15 which
of said dome, one of said bars being compressible and
12 substantially conforms to the curvature thereof.
circumferentially engageable under tension in the upper
portion of a- window well for positioning the dome there
6. A window Well cover comprising a substantially
quarter-spherical resilient dome, and resilient, arcuate bars
mounted circumferentially on the marginal portions of
said dome, one of said bars being circumferentially en
gageable under tension in the upper portion of a window
Well for positioning the dome thereon, the other of said
bars including a right angularly extending ?ange abuttabie
with a buildingr wall over the well.
7. A window well cover in accordance with claim 5, said
their end portions connected for ?exing in unison, one of
said bars being circumferentially engageable under ten
sion in the upper portion of a substantially semi-circular
window well for positioning the dome thereon.
11. A window well in accordance with claim 10, said
one bar being substantially T-shaped in cross-section and
including a radial ?ange engageable on the well for sup
porting the dome thereon.
v12. A window well cover in accordance with claim 11,
10 the other of said bars being of angular cross-section and
including a circumferential ?ange for abutting engage
one bar including a circumferential ?ange adapted to
rest on the window Well for positively supporting the
dome thereon.
8. A window ~well cover in accordance with claim 7,
said other of said bars including a circumferential ?ange
engageable with a building wall adjacent the well, both
1611i ‘with a building wall over the well.
'13. A window well cover in accordance with claim 12,
both of ‘said ?anges having circumferentially spaced slits
extending radially thereinto from the free edges thereof
to facilitate ?exing the bars.
References Cited in the ?le of this patent
of the ?anges having radial slits therein for facilitating
?exing the bars.
9. A window well cover in accordance with claim 8,
Creamer ______________ __ Jan. 14, 1936
the end portions of said bars being secured together
whereby said ‘bars will ?ex in unison.
Robey _______________ __ May 28, 1957
Nelson et a1 ____________ __ Dec. 8, 1958
Slade _______________ __ Aug. 14, 1962
Canada ______________ __ Apr. 11, 1950
10. A window Well cover comprising a quarter-spherical
transparent dome and a pair of resilient, arcuate metallic 25
bars secured circumferentialiy in the marginal portions of
said dome and protruding therefrom, said bars having