Alternative Energy Fortune Teller

Alternative Energy
Earth and Space
Alternative Energy Fortune Teller
Create an origami fortune
teller to show off what you
have learned about
alternative energy!
- Colored Pencils
- 11 x 14 Printer Paper
- Scissors
1.  Brainstorm: Consider the different kinds of alternative energy that you learned
about in this lesson, and then make a list of the specific forms and uses of
alternative energy that fall under these five categories: Biofuels, Geothermal,
Hydroelectric, Solar and Wind. Select the four categories that you find most
interesting and get ready to make your fortune teller!
2. Construct:
A.  Take a sheet of paper and fold one corner over to the
adjacent side.
B. Cut off the small rectangle from the top of the piece of paper.
C. Fold the the triangle in half to form a smaller triangle.
Alternative Energy
Earth and Space
Instructions (continued):
D. Unfold everything so that you have a diamond with an ‘X’ crease.
E. Fold each corner into the center to create a smaller square.
F. Flip the paper over and fold each corner to the center.
G. Fold the square in half. Unfold it, and then fold it in half on the other side.
H. Test Your Creation: Unfold your fortune teller to a square and pull the four ends
together to make a pointed diamond shape. Pick up each of the four tabs and put
your fingers inside like this:
3. Add Detail: Return to your alternative energy list and select the four categories of
alternative energy that interest you the most. Unfold your fortune teller into a
square and write the names of these four categories, one on each tab.
Alternative Energy
Earth and Space
Instructions (continued):
Then flip over your fortune teller and draw a picture of one specific form of alternative
energy on each of the eight flaps. Make sure to include at least one from each
Next open your fortune teller even further to its square form and write down one
benefit for each form of alternative energy for which you drew a picture. Make sure
the benefits fall under the right tabs.
4. Use: Your alternative energy fortune teller is ready! Share it with your friends and
family. Show them what kinds of alternative energy are out there and describe how
these different forms will help us in the future.