Mol. Cells , Vol. 10, No. I, pp. 108-112 Molecules and Communication Cells © Springer-Verlag 2000 Isolation and Characterization of Polymorphic cDNAs Partially Encoding ADP-glucose Pyrophosphorylase (AGPase) Large Subunit from Sweet Potato Sang Sook Lee, Jung Myung Bae, Mi Sook Oh, Jang Ryol Liu, and Chee Hark Harn t ,"" Plant Cell and Molecular Biology Research Unit, Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology, Taejon 305-600, Korea. (Received on October 23, 1999) cDNA clones encoding sweet potato AGPase large subunit (iAGPLI) from the cDNA library constructed from the tuberous root were isolated. Two clones were characterized and named iAGPLI-a and iAGPLI-b. They were 1,661 bp and 1,277 bp in length and contained partial open reading frames of 450 and 306 amino acids, respectively. Both nucleic acid and amino acid se quence identities between iAGPLI-a and iAGPLI-b were 83.8 % and 97.3 %, respectively. Based on the amino acid sequence analysis, iAGPLI-a and iAGPLI-b share the highest sequence identity (81%) with potato AGPase large subunit. The iAGPLJ-a and iAGPLI-b genes were expressed predominantly in the stem and weakly in the tuberous root, and no transcript was expressed in other tissues. The sweet potato genome contains several copies of the iAGPLI gene. Keywords: ADP-Glu cose Pyrophosphorylase Large Subunit; Starch Biosynthesis; Sweet Potato. Introduction Biosynthesis of starch in all plants and glycogen in bacteria requi ~e ADP-glucose as a main substrate for elongati ng the polymers. ADP-glucose is generated by the catalytic reaction of ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase (AGPase) which converts glucose I-phosphate and ATP to ADPglu cose and pyropho sphate . AGPa se in plants is a heterotetramer composed of two large subunits and two small subunits encoded by different genes (Preiss, 1991 ). t Present address: Biotechnology Center Nongwoo Seed Research Institute, Kyonggi-do 442-372, Korea. * To whom correspondence should be addressed. Tel: 82-337-883-7055 ; Fax: 82-337-883-1193 E-mai l: chharn kr Several isoforms exist in plants with the sizes of the small subunits ranging between 50- 56 kDa, and the sizes of the large subunits range between 51-60 kDa (Lin et at., 1988 ; Morell et at., 1987; Sowokinos and Preiss, 1982). By contrast, bacterial AGPase is expressed by a single gene forming a homotetramer with a subunit mass of 48 kDa. As an allosteric enzyme in enteric bacteria, AGPase is activated by fructo se- I,6-bi sphosphate and inhibited by AMP. The plant enzyme is activated by 3-PGA and inhibited by Pi (Preiss, 1978), although the AGPase, in a few plants such as barley, showed in sensitivity to the all osteric regul ation by 3-PGA/Pi (Kleczkowski et at., 1993). cDNA clones encoding the large subunit (LS) have been isolated from many pl ants (corn LS : Bhave et at., 1990, Giroux et ai., 1995; potato LS : La Cognata et ai. , 1995 , MUller-Rober et ai., 1990, Nakata et ai. , 1991 ; sugar beet LS : MUller-Rober et ai., 1995 ; wheat LS: Olive et at., 1989; barley LS : Villand et ai. , 1992a, 1992b, Elimert et ai., 1997; Arabidopsis LS : Villand et ai., 1993; tomato LS : Park and Chung, 1998; oriental melon LS : Park et at. , 1998) . Analysis of the deduced am ino acid sequence identity among cDNA clones revealed that small subunits are highly conserved (Bae and Liu, 1997) while the large subunits are relatively divergent. Sweet potato is an important agricu ltural crop used both for food and for its derivaties. In order to investigate the biochemical and molecular mechanisms of the biosynthetic machinery of starch formation in sweet potato tubers, we have cloned and characterized cDNA clones encoding a large subunit of AGPase from sweet potato. Abbreviations: AGPase, ADP-glucose pyropho sphoryl ase; AGPL, ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase large subunit; AGPS , ADP-glu cose pyrophosphorylase small subuni t; LS , large subunit; PGA, phosphoglycerate; SS, small subunit. Sung Sook Lee et al. 109 Materials and Methods Results Plant materials Sweet potatoes (Ipomoea balatas cv. White Star) were grown in a green house for one year. Leaves, stems, roots and tuberou roots were harves ted at the same time from mature plants. Characterization of large subunit AGPase eDNA clones Approximately 300,000 recombinant phages were screened and two positive clones were isolated (iAGPLl-a, 1661 bp and iAGPLI-b , 1277 bp) as shown in Figs. 1A and lB . The respective open readin g frames ended with the TAG termination codon at position 1,353 bp and 920 bp, flanked by 3' untranslated regions of 308 and 357 bp. The polyadenylation regions were located at 1652 (iAGPLI-a) and 1267 bp (iAGPLl-b ). The deduc ed amino ac id sequence of both forms contained highly conserved Lys residues, which are allosteric activator binding sites for the large subunit of spinach AGPase (Morell et aI., 1988). iAGPLI-a exhibited Lys residues at 113 , 403 and 441 amino acids and iAGPLl-b exhibited two residues at 259 and 297 amino aci ds. The first Lys residue at 113 amino acid of iAGPLI-a was not present in iAGPLl-b because the iAGPLI-b is 144 amino acids shorter than iAGPLI-a. Both 4I3 clones also contained Aspartic acid 413 (D ) , a putative Isolation of eDNA clones and sequencing A cDNA library constructed from poly (A)+ RNA of tuberous root was screened by using a 32P-labeled (1 X 106 dpm/ml ) hetero logous probe from potato AGPase large cDNA (sA GPLl , co urtesy of Dr. Bernd MUller-Rober). Approx imately 3.0 X 105 reco mbinant phages were screened. Plaque fil ters were hybridi zed in a solution co ntaining 6 X SSC, 5 X Denhart's solu tio n, 0. 1% SDS and SO j..lg/rnJ calf thymus DNA for 16 h at 60°C and washed with 1X SSC-O.l % SDS several times. T he filters were exposed to X-ray film at -70°C prior to autoradiograph y. Two positive clones (iAGPLl-a and iAGPLl-b) were subcloned into the KpnI site of Bluescript vector and sequenced by the dideoxy nucleotide chain termin ation method using Seq uenase II (USB , Cleveland, OH). A ll sequ e nc in g rea c tion s we re pe rfo rm e d wi th c us tom sy nth es ized o li go nu c leo ti de prim ers . To co nfirm co rrec t seq uences, overlapp ing subc lones were sequen ced on both strand s a nd s ubjected to a uto mated sequ e nc in g. Sequence homologies were analyzed with MacDNASIS (Hitachi Software Engineerin g America) and th e BLAST network servi ce (Nation al Center for Biotechnology Information). 1 N ACA T CCA 30 Q L F P L T N R A A T P A V P 135 CTT GGA GGA TGC TAT AGG TTG ATA GAC ATT CCG ATG AGe MC TGC 45 RNA gel blot analysis Total RNA was isolated from leaf, stem, root, a nd tub e r ti ss ues of sweet potato as desc rib ed by Chomczynski and Sacchi ( 1987) with modificati on. Thi rty j..lg of tota l RNA was loaded on 1% agarose gel co ntaining 1 X MOPS buffer and 0.66 M formaldehyde. After e lectrophoresis at 80 V for 2 h, the gel was transferred to a nylon membrane in blotting buffer ( lOX SSC). The membranes were hybridized by 32 Plabe led (l X 10 6 dpm/ ml ) probes of tota l cDNA frag ments generated by KpnI restri ction di gestion of iAGPLl-a and iAGPLlb. Hybridizati on was performed in a solu tion contai ning 5 X Den.hardt's soluti on, 0.1 % SDS, 100 mg/ml salmon sperm DNA, and 5 X SSC for 20 h at 60°C. After hybridization, the blots were was hed three times in I X SSC-O.l % SDS at 60°C pri or to exposure to X-ray film at - 70°C. Genomic DNA blot ana lysis Thirty j..lg of ge nomic DNA isolated from sweet potato tub er by CsC I gradient ultracentriguation (Sambrook et aI. , 1989) was digested with XbaI and EcoRI. Neither of the restricti on enzy mes are present within the cloned cDNA sequence. Restriction fragments were separated on 0.8% agarose gel at 80 V for 6 h. The gel was soaked for 20 min in a denaturation soluti on ( 1.5 M NaCI and 0.5 M NaOH) and neutralized for 40 min in a neutrali zation solution (l .S M NaCI and 0.5 M Tris-HCl, pH 8.0). DNA was then blotted o nto nylon membranes in lO X SSC and th e membranes were hybridi zed by the same co nditi ons used for RNA gel blot analysis (above). The primers used for generating PCR fragment s for hyb ridi zatio n probe s are 5 ' CGATTCGTGGGATGTTAT-3' (sense) and 5 ' -ACCATAGCCAAATGGCCA-3' (antisense) for 280 bp of AGPLl-a at 3' terminus, and 5 '-AGTTTAC-CTGGACTIGTG-3 , (sense) and S'-AACCATAGCCAA-ATGGCC-3' (a nti sense) for 177 bp of AGPLl-b at 3' terminus. CT TTG ACT GTA GAA GCA eCG ATA T TG GAG AGG CGT eGG GCA Me 44 1" L T V E A P ! L ERR R A · 45 CCT AAG MT GTG GCT GeA ATC ATA CTG GGA GGG GGT GCA GGG 15 P K N V A A I I L G G GAG 90 CM CTA TTC CCT CTC ACC AAC CGA GeT GCA ACC CCT GCT GTT L G G C Y R LI D I P M S N C 14 89 29 134 44 179 59 180 ATC Me AGe GGG GTT Me AAG ATC T TT GTG erG Ace GAG TTC AAT 22 4 60 I N S G V N KIF V L T Q F N 74 225 TCT GCT TCT CTT MC CGT CAC ATT TCC CGT ACC TAC TTT GGC MT 269 75 S A S L N R HIS R T Y F G N 89 270 GGT GTG AGC TTC GGA GAT GGA TTT GTT GAG GTG CTG GCT GCA ACC 3 14 90 G v S F GOG F V E V L A A T 10 4 315 CM ACA CAA GGG GM ACG GGG ATG ~G TGG TTT CAG GGA ACT GCA. 359 105 Q T Q GET G M ~ W F Q G T A 119 360 GAT GeT GTT AGA CAG TTT ACA TGG GTT T TT GAG GAG GCG MG Me 40 4 120 0 A V R Q F T W V FED A K N 13 4 405 MG GAC ATT GA.T M T ATA GTT ATT CTG TCA GGA GAT CM CTT TAT 449 135 K 0 I ON I V I L S G 0 Q L Y 14 9 450 eGC ATG GAT TAG ATG GAe TTA GTG CAG AAT CAe ATC GAA eGC AAT 49 4 R M 0 Y M O L V Q N HIE R N 164 150 495 TeT GAT ATT ACT CTT TCA TGT Gee ACA GTT GGG GAT AGe eGA GCA 539 1 65 S D I T L S CA T v G 0 S R A 179 540 TCG GAC TTT GGG CTG GTG AM ATT GAC CGT AGA GGC CGA GTT GTC 584 180 S 0 F G L V KID R R G R v V 194 5 85 CAG TTT TGC GAG AM CC T AM GGC ACT GAT CTA MA GCA ATG CM 629 195 Q F C E K P K G T 0 L K A M Q 209 630 GTA GAT ACT ACT eTC TTG GGA TTG eGA . eCG CM GAT Gee AGA TTA 674 210 V 0 TT L L G L P P Q 0 A R L 224 675 M1' CCT TAT ATT GCT TCG ATG GGG GTT TAT GTC TTT AAG ACG GAT 719 225 N P Y I A 5 N G V Y V F K T 0 239 720 GTC CTT TTG CGG eTC CTG AGG TGG AGA TAT CCC ACA TCC MC GAC 764 240 v L L R L L R WRY ? T S N D 254 765 TTT GGA Tec GAG ATT CTT CCT GeT GCT GTG ATG GAG CAC AAT GTT 809 255 r G S ElL P A A V f.f E H N V 269 810 CM GCT TAC ATT TTC AGA GAC TAC TGG GAG GAC ATC GGG ACA ATA 854 270 Q A Y I FRO Y WE D I G T r 284 . 855 AM TCT TTC TAC GAC GeT MC TTG GCC CTA ACT GM GAG TTC CCG 899 285 K S F Y D 1\ N L A L TEE F P 900 MG TTT GAG TTC TAT GAT CCA MG ACA CCT TTC TAC ACG TCC CCA 300 K F E F 'i D P K T P F Y T S P 945 AGA TTC CTA CCG CCA ACC AM ATT GAT MC T GC MG ATC MG GAT 315 R F L P P T KID N C K I K 0 990 GCA ATA ATC TCC CAC GGG TGT TTC TTA CGA GAG TGC AGT GTG GM 330 A I I SH G C F L R E C S V E 1035 CAC TCC ATC ATT GGT GAA AGG TCA CGG CTA GAT TGT GGT GTT GM 345 H S I I G E R S R L D C G v E 299 9 44 3 14 989 329 1034 344 1079 359 1080 CTG AAG GAT ACT 'l'TA ATG ATG GGA GCA GAT ACC TAT GM ACA GM 1124 360 L K D T L H M GAD T YET E 374 1125 TCT GM ATT GCC TCG CTT CTG GeA GAT GGA AM GTC CCG ATT GGG 1169 375 S E I A S L 1 A D G K v PIG 389 1170 GTT GGA GAA MC ACA AAA ATT AGG AAT GCT ATC ATC GAC P;A..G AAT 1214 390 v G E N T K I RNA I I Oil W N 404 1215 GTA AGG ATT GGG AM GAC GTT GTC ATC ATG AAT AAA GA.T GGT GTT 1259 405 v R I G K D V V I M N K D G v 419 1260 CM GAC TCA GAC CGC CCC GAT GM GGT TTC TAC AT C AGA TCA GGG 1304 420 Q D S 0 R P OE G FYI R S G 4 34 1305 ATT ACT ATT AT A ATG GAG ~ GCA Ace ATT ceT GAT GGA ACC GTe 1349 435 I T I I MEW A TIP D G T v 449 1350 ATA TAA TAT CAA eGA AGA ACG ATT CGT GGG ATG TTA TGT TTC GGT 1394 450 I • CTAGGATGAATGCGGTTTTCCTTCTCCCGGAGAAACAAAAGTGGCAACCCAA.CCAAGAT GTTTTGTTGAAGTTTACCTGGACTTGTGAMAGAGGMGCGGAGGGCAGTTGMGCAGA GGGMTATGAATAAAACTG.~GGGATGCAT CCA T ATCTGGTGeATTC TTGCTATTGT ACA ATATCATP.TCATATCATATGTAAGATATAGTTATMTTTCGATGATMTMTGTMGGT TGGCCATTTGGCTATGGT'rGTAMAAAAAM 1661 Fig. lA. Nucleotide sequ ence a nd its derived a mino ac id sequence of iAGPL/-a (accession number: AJ2S2316). Cloning of cDNAs Encoding AGPase Large Subuni t from Sweet Potato 110 1 1 44 15 89 30 13 4 45 179 60 224 75 269 90 3 14 1 05 359 1 20 4 04 1 35 4 49 1 50 494 165 539 lBO 5B4 1 95 629 210 674 225 719 240 764 255 809 270 854 2B 5 899 30 0 A GGA GAT CAA CTT TAT CGC ATG GAT TAC ATG GAC T TA GTG CAG 43 GOQLYRMOYMOLVQ14 MT CAC ATC GM CGC MT TCT GAT ATT ACT CTT TC A TGT GCC ACA BB N H IE R N SOL T L S C A T 29 GTT GGG GAT AGe CGA GCA TCG GAC TTT GGG CTG GTG AAA ATT GAC 133 v G 0 S R A S 0 F G L v KID 44 CGA AGA GGC CGA GTT GTC CAG TTT TGC GAG AAA CCT MA GGC ACT 178 R R G R V V Q F C E K P K G T 59 GAT CTA AAA GCA ATG CAA GTA GAT ACT ACT CTC TT G GGA TTG CCA 223 E H K A M Q v 0 TTL L G L P 74 CCG CM GAT GCC AGA TTA MT CCT TAT ATT GCT TCG ATG GGG GTT 26B P Q 0 A R L N P Y I A S 14 G V 89 TAT GTC TTT MG ACG GAT GTC CTT TTC CGG CTC CTG AGG TGG AGA 313 Y V F K T 0 V L F R L L R Ii R 10 4 TAT CCC ACA TCC MC GAC TTT GGA TCC GAG ATT CTT CCT GCT GCT 358 Y P T S N 0 F G S ELL P A A 119 GTG AT G GAG CAC MT GTT CAA GCT TAC ATT TTC AGA GAC TAC TGG 4 03 v M E H N V Q II Y I FRO Y w 13 4 GAG GAC ATC GGG ACA ATA AAA TCT TTC TAC GAC GCT MC TTG GCC 4 4 8 E 0 I G T I K S F Y DA N L A 149 CTA ACT GM GAG TTC CCG AIIG TTT GAG TTC T AT GAT CCA MG ACA 493 L TEE F P K F E F .Y 0 P K T 16 4 CCT TTC TAC ACA TCC CCC AGA TTC CTC CCG CCA ACC AAA ATT GAT 538 P F Y T S P R F L P P T KID 1 79 MC TGC MG ATC MG GAT GCA ATT ATC TCC CAC GGG TGT TTC TTA 5B3 N C K I K D A I IS H G C F L 194 CGA GAG T GC ACT GTG GM CAC TCC ATC ATT GGT GAA AGG TC~. CGG 62B R E C T V E H S I I G E R S R 209 CTA GAC TGT GGT GTT GAIl CTG AAG GAT ACT TTA AT G AT G GGA GCA 673 L 0 C G V EL K 0 T L M ~1 G A 224 GAT MC TAT GIlA ACA GAA TCT GAA ATT GeC TCG CT T CT G GCA GAT 718 0 N YET ESE I A S L L A D 239 GGA AAA GTC CCG ATT GGG GTT GGA GAA MC ACA AAA AT'!' AGG MT 763 G K V PIG V G E N T K I R N 25 4 GeT ATC ATT ~ FJI!!f MC GTA AGG ATT GGG AAA GAC GT T GTC ATC 808 A I I l.JlJ ~ N V R I G K 0 v V I 269 ACG AAT AAA GAT GGT GTT CAA GM TCA GAC CGC CCC GAT G~.A GGC 853 T N K 0 G V Q E S 0 R PO E G 2B4 TTC TAC ATC AGA TCA GGG ATT ACT ATT ATA ATG GAG W GCA ACC 898 FYI R S G I T I I M E (J$) A T 299 ATT CGT GAT GGA ACC GTC ATA TAG TAT CM CGG AGC AGG CIIC CGG 943 I R D G T V I NKTKPGVl\YSVT 'T'j'F',NOTQTVFVDl-1 PRLF,RRRAN PKDVAAVrI.GGGEGTK -------------- -- - --- LT. EA . I . . . •. .. . . N . . • I ..••• A .• Q 50 30 LFPLTSRTATPAVPVGGCYRLIDI PMSNCINSAINKIFVLTQYNSAPLNR . . . .• N . A ....•• L •.• . .•. . . ... . .. . . GV • . .•. . .. F ... S . .. 100 3:' sAGPLl iAGPLI-a iAGPLI -b sAGPLl iAGPLI - a iAGPLI-b 51 80 10:' HIA..~TYFGNGVSFGDGFVEVLAATQT PGEAGKKW FQGTADAVRKFlWVrS 150 iAGPLI - a iAGPLI - b B: .. 5 .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... Q . . T . M.. . . . .. . . . • Q .T... . 130 sAGPLl iAGPLI - a iAGPLI - b 15: 13: OAKNKNIENIVVLSGOHLYRMOYHELVQNHIORNAOITLSCAPAEOSRAS . • . .. 0 . 0 . . . 1. ... Q ••.• . • . 0 . . .... E . . S . •.. . .. TVG . . . . . --------- - -- -- .• Q .• . . . . . 0 . . . .. . E . . S . •.•• . . TVG . . . . . 200 180 36 20 1 L)i-'GLVKl OSHGKvvQrAF:x P K GfDr~KAMQ v n1'T:'VGLSPQDAKKSPY J AS .... R .•. . • . . C . . .•. T . .•...••... I •. • P • .•. I{LN . . • . . ••••••. • R .••.•. • C • •.• • T • . . .. . L . • P .•.. RLN ..•. 250 18: 37 25: 231 87 MGVYVFK':'D'ILLKLLKWSY PTSNDFGSE I I PMI DDYNVQAYl FK DY~"EC .. . . . R . . R. R . . . . . . . . . . . L ... VMEH . . . . .. . R . . . . . .. . .. FR •. R.R. . • . . . . L • . . VMP..H ..•.•.• R ..•.. 300 280 iAGPLI-b sAGPL1 iAGPLI - a iAGPLI - b 30: 28: 137 IGT I KS FYNASLALTQE FPE FQFYOPKTPFYTS PRFLPPTK: DNCKIKOA . . . . . D.N . . . . f. .. . K.F: . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . .. . ..• O.N .... E . . . K.E . . . . . ...... . .... . . . . . . . . . . . 350 330 s AGPLl 352 1 I SHGCFLRDC SVEHSIVGERSRLDCGVELKDT:MMGADYYOTESEIASL 400 iAGPLI - a iAGPLI - b 33: 187 .... . .... E ....... r. . .. . ... . . . .. . . L . .... T . E. ... .... . ... . E.T .. . .. 1. . .. . . . . .. . .. . . L . . . . . N. E . .. .. . . . 3BO 236 sAGPLl ~O: LAEGKV PI G I GENTK I RKCI I DKNAK I GKNVS I IN;{DGVQE.ADRPEEG FY 450 iAGPLI-n iAGPLI - b 38 : 237 .. 0 .... .. V . . • . . .. Kl\ . •. .. VR . • . D.V.M . . . . DS ••. D ••.. . . D .. . .•. V .. • ... . NA . . . .. VR ... D . V.T . ...• . . S •.• D ...• 430 286 sAGPLl iAGPLI -a iAGPLI - b 45:" 01 2B7 sAGPLl .sAGPLl iA[';PLI"- a iAGPLI - b sAGPLl iAGPLJ - a ~30 86 136 J 86 ;. TGGGATCACAGGAGAACGATT CATGGACGTTATGTTTCAGTCTAGGATGATCGCGGTTT TGMGAAACAAAAGT GGCAGGCCMGATGTTTTGTTGAAGTTTACCTGGACTTGTGAAA MGAGGAAGAGGGCAGTTGAAGCAGAGGGAATAAAACTGAGGGATGCATCCATATCTGG TGCATTCTTGCTATTGTACAATATCATATCA T ATCATATGTAAGAT ATAGTATAATTTC GATGATAATMTGTMGGTTGGCCATTTGGCTATGGT TGTAAAAAGTTCTTGATGCTTA MAGT TAAAAACATGTTTCTTATT CATTCMAAAAAAAA 1277 Fig. lB. Nucleotid e seq uence and its derived amino ac id seq uence of iAGPLI- b (accession number: AJ245392). The asterisk indicates the stop codon. Circles indicate amino acids corresponding to allosteric activator binding sites, and the box is a putative binding site of 3-PGA. binding site of 3-PGA fo und in potato AGPase (Greene et ai., 1996), at 402 (iAGPLI-a) and 258 (iAGPLI-b) amino acid. iAGPLI-a and iAGPLI-b share a DNA base pair identity of 83 .8% (data not shown). The nucleotide di vergency lies on only noncoding region at 3' terminus after stop codo n. B oth clo nes co ntained partial ope n reading fra mes of 450 and 306 amino acid, respectively (Fig. 2). iAGPLI-a and -b share 81 % amino acid sequence identity with potato AGPase large subuni t whil e the amino acid sequence identity between a and b is 97.3% due to a d iffe rence of 6 amino ac ids. T hey also contained an allosteric acti vator site of SGITIIMEKATI at position 433 and 289 amino aci ds, respecti vely. Amin o acid sequen ce a lignmen t of AGPase la r ge subu nits The deduced amino acid sequences fro m cDNA clones encoding AGPase large subunits were aligned and sequence identities were calculated. Several distinct groups of AGPase large subuni t were classified (Fig. 3). Barley (hAGPL) and maize (zAGPLE) represent a group (I) of monocot pl ants with 75 % homology. Most AGPLs in dicot plants can be grouped into three large subunits fro m potato and tomato AGPLs, designated by the numbers of 1 (group II), 2 (III) and 3 (IV). Bean AGPase large subunit (vAGPL, group V) is a di stinct isoform showing the least identity 470 450 306 Fig. 2. Amino acid sequence alignment of AGPase large subunits fro m sweet potato (iAGPLI-a and b) and potato (sAGPLl). Dashes (-) and dots (.) indicate gaps and identity, respectively. The allosteric activator site at the C-terminal end of the protei ns is marked by a box. hAGPL 7 .4 zAGPL lAGPLJ 92 . 5% sAGPL3 lAGPL 1 sAGPLl 52.6% iAGPLI-a iAGPLI -b 33.5% cAGPL l lAGPL2 62.0 sAGPL2 bAGPL cAGPL2 v AGPL Fig. 3. Dendrogram was generated by the MacDNASIS software program . h, barley; z, maize; I, tomato; s, potato; i, sweet potato; b, sugar beet; v, bean; c, oriental melon. compa red to all AGPases. Th e amin o acid sequ e nce identiti es of tomato and potato iAGPL in each group share 92-98% homology. Thi s degree of homology is due to their belonging in the same family. By contrast, isoforms in the same species (for example, sAGPL1 , 2, and 3) are grouped di fferently and exhibit lower identities. Sweet potato large subunits (iAGPLI-a and -b) belong to group II. Sung Soak Lee et at. Northern and Southern blot analysis RNA gel blot analysis was performed using total RNA extracted from leaf, stem, root and tuberous root. The iAGPLl-a transcript of 1.9 kb was detected predominantly in the stem but also weakly in the tuberou s root (Fig. 4). Northern blot hybridized with the probe from iAGPLl-b generated the same results (data not shown). For Southern blot analysis, genomic DNA was digested with EcoRl and KbaI which did not cleave the internal area of coding region. For hybridizaton , PCR probes obtai ned at 3' terminus from iAGPLJ-a was used. The same results were generated by PCR probes at iAGPLl-b and/or a total size of iAGPLl-a and -b (data not shown) . EcoRI digestion yielded 1.0 kb, (a doublet), 2.5 kb, 4.0 kb and 9.0 kb bands (Fig. 5). KbaI digestion generated 2.7, 3.4 and 10.0 kb (more than two bands) bands indicating that the sweet potato genome contained several copies of the iAGPLI gene. T S L R f- 1.9 kb 25S rDNA Fig. 4. Northern analysis of iAGPLI-a gene expression in various tissues. Total 30 Ilg was loaded in 1% agarose gel and blotted in nylon membrane. The membranes were hybridized by 32 Plabeled (1 x 106 dpm/mJ) probes of total cDNA from iAGPLJ-a. L, leaf; S, stem; R, root; T, tuberous root. E 9.0~ 4.0~ 2.5 ~ X f- 10.0 ff- 3.0 2.7 1.0 ~ Fig. S. Southern blot analysis of genomic DNA from sweet potato. Thirty Ilg of genomic DNA was digested with X, XbaI and E, EcoRI . A PCR fragment (1359-1648 bp) of iAGPLI-a was used as a probe for Southern hybridi zation. Hybridization with the PCR frag ment (104 1-1217 bp) of iAGPLI-b generated the same results (data not shown). 11 1 Discussion We have isolated two cDNA clon es (iAG PLl- a a nd iAGPLl-b) which encode the AGPase large subunit fro m swee t pot ato. Based on the amino ac id sequ e nc e comparison with the full length clone of potato AGPase large subunit (sAGPLl), these two clones contained partial seq uences of the sweet potato AGPase large subunit. Attempts to find the 5' terminus for the full length of each clone were not successful (data not shown). The seq uence identities among potato AGPL isoform 1, 2 and 3 are approximately 50-62%. This indi cates that potato has at least three distinct isoforms of the AGPase large subunit and each isoform would playa unique role in generating ADP glucose. Sweet potato may have several distinct isoforms like other plants thus far characterized. In contrast with the distinct isoforms, the seq uence identity between iAGPLI-a and iAGPLI-b is 97.3%. Besides, the nucleotide sequences are almost identical along the DNA sequence except for the 3' UTR region. A single gene of iAGPLI may have been di verged into iAGPLI-a and iAGPLI-b in the same manner that tomato and potato AGPase large subunits have been differentiated fro m the same gene through evolution. The heterogeneity of the orig in al ge ne (iAGPLl) may have occurred during evolution especiall y in sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas) plant, which is hexaploidy (6x; 2n = 90). The cDNAs encoding small subunits of AGPase fro m sweet potato, which were previously isolated, also showed heterogeneity of 1% difference in amino aci d sequences (Bae and Liu , 1996), indicating that sweet potato genome contains the extra gene copi es for eac h AGP small subunit gene. Therefore, each gene encoding AGPase large and small subunit isoform seem polymorphic in sweet potato genome because of the pol yploidy nature. The presence of several copies of each gene shown in Southern bl ots (Fig. 5 as well as in the data of Bae and Liu , 1996) support this idea. Taken together, our data suggest that each AGPase large and small subunit gene of polyploid plants such as potato (4x; 2n = 48) would also be polymorphic, although no evidence has been reported yet. Potential binding sites fo r sub strates and allosteric effectors in the AGPase has been revealed by chemical modification studies (Ball and Preiss, 1994; Greene et al. , 1996a; 1996b). Aspartic acid 4 13 (D41 3) is a putative binding site of 3-PGA, an allosteric activator of AGPase. This res idue is pre se nt in a ll AGPase thu s far characterized, as well as in iAGPLI-a and iAGPLI-b (Figs. 1A and IB ). Pyridoxal phosphate, an analog of 3-PGA, interacts with three highly conserved Lys residues in large subunits. These are cons idered as allosteric activator binding site of spinach AGPase (Morell et al., 1988). Both clo nes contain th e Lys resi du es K II3, K403, K 44 1 for iAGPLI-a and K 263 and K 30 1 for iAGPLI-b. These clones also contain an allosteric acti vator site of SGITIIMEKATI 112 Cloning of cDNAs Encoding AGPase Large Subunit from Sweet Potato which is also present in the AGPase small subunit as SGIVTVIKDAL where the sequence identity is moderate (MUller-Rober et a l., 1990). A further study of structurefunction analysis will help to understand the regulation mechanism of AGPase with two distinct large and small subunits . The expression levels of iAGPLI-a and iAGPLI-b were predominant in stems, whereas the potato sAGPLl were mainly expressed in tubers (La Cognata et al., 1995). Since the eDNA library was constructed with the mRNA isolated from the tuberous root, the predominant expression in stems is unusual. However, minute levels of transcripts, representing a stem iAGPLI, must have been expressed in the tuberous root and picked up when the cDNAs were synthesized. 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