Sly Park Handbook

Environmental Education Center
We are very pleased to welcome your child
to an exciting experience at the Sly Park
Environmental Education Center. Sly Park
is an accredited outdoor school operated by
the Sacramento County Office of Education.
We are located near Pollock Pines, in the
Eldorado National Forest, 50 miles east of
Sacramento County Office of Education
Sly Park Environmental Education Center
P.O. Box 269003
5600 Sly Park Road
Sacramento, CA 95826
Pollock Pines, CA 95726
(916) 228-2485
(530) 644-2071
Important Information About Visiting
In order to maintain the safety and security of your children, visitors are
not allowed at the Sly Park Environmental Education Center while program
is in session.
Environmental Education Center
From Sacramento take Hwy 50 east.
Exit #60 Sly Park Road. Turn right.
Follow Sly Park Road 6.1 miles.
The Sly Park facility is also available for weekend and summer conferences & retreats.
Educational Program
Sly Park has provided a quality environmental education program for over
35 years. The educational program is thematically presented and effectively
connects science, history, social science, math, language arts, visual and
performing arts, and physical education. California State Science Standards
for grades 5 and 6 are a focus of all instruction. In addition to curriculum,
we weave the following three themes into all Sly Park instruction:
The natural environment is a valuable resource to be
enjoyed and protected.
All living things are interrelated and dependent on
the natural environment.
Each student will build strategies for getting along
with others, develop personal and social
responsibility, and maintain a positive self concept.
Each student will recognize that personal choice and
wise decision-making affect environmental quality
now and for future generations.
Sly Park Environmental Education Center is an
accredited California residential learning program that
combines outdoor activities with lessons in science and
ecology. Recent studies show that not only does
outdoor environmental education build critical life skills and teach young
people about the natural world, it actually enhances performance in ALL
academic subjects, including reading, math and science.
There are eight student cabins, four for girls and four
for boys, each housing 18-24 children and 1-3 cabin
leaders or adult chaperones. The heated cabins have bathroom facilities with
sinks, toilets and private showers. The campus also has a gym, classroom
buildings, cafeteria and specialized learning centers: weather station,
science lab, observatory, Native American Interpretive Center, wildlife center,
art center, planetarium, climbing wall, and bird blind.
The cafeteria staff provides excellent, well-balanced meals and snacks for the
students. If your child has special nutritional needs, i.e. food allergies,
please contact our Head Cook at least two weeks in advance at
(530) 644-2072.
The teachers from the participating schools, including teachers from your
child’s school, will be in residence at Sly Park. Each student cabin will have
adult chaperones and often a mature high school cabin leader. All cabin
leaders and chaperones are under the direct supervision of the teachers and
Sly Park principal. In addition to the Sly Park
principal, Sly Park teachers, and teachers from the
students’ schools, other Sly Park staff members on
campus are cooks, cafeteria assistants, secretaries,
maintenance workers, and custodians. All Sly Park
staff are fingerprinted and are trained in first aid and
CPR. Several of the Sly Park teachers have an
additional certification in Wilderness First Aid.
All medication, non-prescriptive and prescriptive must have both parent and
physician authorization for anyone to administer. If your child is taking any
medication, send it with his/her school teacher and record this information on
the medication section of the health form with the necessary signatures and
detailed instructions. All medicine must be in the original
container. Your child’s teacher from his/her school is
responsible for dispensing this medication, so be sure that you
provide that teacher with the information needed. If your
child becomes ill, he/she will be moved to the “sick bay,” a
special area in the teachers’ cabin, and the parents will be
called. If a child is mildly “under the weather” (headache, scratchy throat) he/
she can return to the program after a short time. If a child has something more
severe (flu, fever, etc.) arrangements will be made for a return home. Mild
injuries are treated in our first aid station. In the case of a medical
emergency, arrangements will be made to transport the child to Marshall
Hospital in Placerville. If necessary, an ambulance/paramedic located at the
fire station in Pollock Pines, 6 miles from campus, can be called. Parents will
be notified at all phases of illness or injury.
A plastic or rubberized (impermeable) raincoat is
required year-round. Well-worn clothing is appropriate for
Sly Park. The students are outdoors much of the time.
Rubber boots or snow boots are good insurance for potential
snow activity from October through May. Students should not bring anything
valuable, such as jewelry, digital cameras, etc. All items should be marked
with your child’s name. The weather during the spring and fall is warm
during the day with cool evenings. Summer daily temperatures average in the
80’s with cool nights. Winter temperatures range from 20 to 55 degrees with
occasional snow. The Sly Park Campus is situated at approximately 3500’
elevation and the climate is generally much cooler and wetter than in the
Sacramento Valley.
We expect each child to act responsibly and considerately to ensure the safety
and well-being of all students. When students arrive at Sly Park, behavior
expectations and consequences for inappropriate behaviors are clarified by the
Sly Park principal. If a child does not behave responsibly or safely, it could
become necessary to send him/her home. If this situation occurs, the parent
will be notified to pick up their child and take him/her home from Sly Park.
Please go over the behavior contract (on the enclosed emergency card)
with your child. If a student is sent home for behavior issues or homesickness, no refund is available.
Frequently asked questions about Sly Park
How long are the hikes?
The longest hike is about five miles; most are about 1 mile.
Is there any place to swim?
The children hike to the lake, but we do not allow swimming.
There is some wading and water play at the lake and streams
near Sly Park during teaching sessions, if weather permits.
Is there any poison oak?
Yes, mostly near the creeks. We teach the children to identify and avoid
it. The best way to avoid poison oaks is to stay on the trails.
Can special students be accommodated?
The Sly Park facility is accessible for students with disabilities and we
regularly have students with many special needs. Accommodations are
made when needed throughout the program. Please call if you need more
specific information.
What is the “challenge course?”
During 4 & 5-day programs, Sly Park has an activity for individual and
team challenges, consisting of a climbing wall and team problem-solving
challenges. All instructional activities are led by qualified teachers.
Required items
Sleeping bag and 1 sheet
or 2 blankets & 2 sheets
2-4 pairs of long pants
4 shirts*
4 sets underwear*
5 pairs socks (extra in winter)*
2 pairs of shoes suitable for hiking
1 jacket or coat
1-2 sweaters or sweatshirts
Rain poncho or raincoat (durable plastic or rubberized material)
A t-shirt to silkscreen in arts & crafts
Bath towel, hand towel, & washcloth
Toothbrush & toothpaste
Additional Items to
Soap & shampoo
Bring in Winter:
Comb or brush
(October - May)
Pillow / pillowcase
1 pair of gloves
Book to read during quiet times
1 warm ski cap
Water bottle (for hiking)
Rainboots / Snowboots
2 large plastic garbage bags
Insect repellent (non-aerosol), during fall & spring
Watch the weather reports & pack accordingly. Rain, snow and low
temperatures can occur any month of the year.
*If your child is participating in the 3-day program, fewer of these items are needed.
These items are convenient; bring if available:
Hand lotion
Laundry bag
Disposable camera,* marked with your name
Rubber flip-flops for showering
Stamps, envelopes, paper, and pencil for writing home
Things to do during quiet time: deck of cards, journal, non-electric board
games, books or magazines to read.
*If you do not bring a camera, please note there will be a camper slideshow on-line available for
purchase at the end of the week for $4 at:
DO NOT bring any of the following:
Knives or dangerous objects of any kind
Any inappropriate item of clothing/style
Any kind of item for pranks
Aerosol sprays of any kind, including hairspray & insect repellant (pump
sprays are OK)
CD player / iPod
Jewelry, makeup
Hair dryer
Candy, snacks, gum
Felt pens
Chemical hand warmers
Cell phone or pager
Digital camera
Valuable items of any kind
Hair dryers, straighteners, etc.
SLY PARK. We are not liable for lost, misplaced or stolen personal items.
If any item should be lost at Sly Park, call us at (916) 228-2485 or (530) 644-2071.
Six brief reminders
1. Make your check payable to your child’s school for his/her registration.
2. Payment for any medical care in the event of an emergency while at Sly
Park is the parent’s responsibility.
3. Children may not bring snacks or gum to Sly Park.
4. Children should not bring valuable items, including money. Any money
for souvenirs (T-shirts, etc.) must be turned in to their teacher before
5. Don’t forget to sign the health form and the
behavior contract. Also sign the medication
section if your child will be taking medication at
Sly Park.
6. In order to maintain the safety and security of
your children, visitors are not allowed at the Sly
Park Environmental Education Center while
program is in session.
We look forward to having your child at Sly Park for this
memorable educational experience.
For School Use Only:
Parent chaperone or other relative attending with child?
□Yes □No
□Full Week □Partial Week
Child’s Name___________________________________________________________
City_____________________ Zip____________ Home Phone__________________
Date of Birth_________________________ Age_____________ Sex_____________
School ________________________ Teacher’s name______________________
Parent/Guardian Name______________ Parent/Guardian Name__________________
Place of Work____________________ Place of Work_________________________
Work Phone______________________ Work Phone__________________________
Cell Phone________________________ Cell Phone__________________________
Health Insurance Co._________________________ Policy #____________________
If parent(s)/guardian cannot be reached, contact:
Name________________________ Phone______________ Phone______________
Name________________________ Phone______________ Phone______________
Is there any reason for limiting or accommodating your child’s activities? (e.g. Asthma,
Please list any dietary needs, food allergies, or health issues:
If a serious emergency arises, it might be necessary for a physician to attend to your child
before the staff can contact you. Such care can be provided only if you sign the
In the event of illness or injury, I do hereby consent to whatever x-ray, examination,
anesthetic, medical, surgical or dental diagnosis or treatment and hospital care are considered
necessary in the best judgment of the attending physician, surgeon, or dentist and performed by
or under supervision of a member of the medical staff of the hospital or facility furnishing
medical or dental services. Further, as a parent or guardian of a student who will be attending Sly
Park Environmental Education Center (Sly Park), I understand that Sly Park, being an outdoor
school, is not the same physical environment as a traditional school. There are certain inherent
hazards associated with attending Sly Park, including natural and man-made conditions at the site
which may result in physical injury, harm, damage or death. I understand that Sacramento
County Office of Education makes no warranty or guarantee of my/my child's safety or security.
I hold Sacramento County Office of Education, its officers, agents and employees, harmless
from any and all liability or claim which may arise out of or in connection with my/my child’s
participation in Sly Park and I waive all claims against Sacramento County Office of Education
for injury, accident, illness or death occurring during or by reason of my/my child's participation
at Sly Park. I fully understand that participants are to abide by all rules and regulations governing
conduct during all activities. Any violation of these rules and regulations may result in that
individual being sent home at the expense of his/her parent/guardian.
Parent/Guardian Signature_______________________________ Date_____________
If you are sending prescriptive or non-prescriptive medication for your child to take
while at Sly Park: 1) indicate the type of medication(s) below; 2) sign where indicated;
3) obtain your doctor’s signature; and 4) attach an additional sheet with detailed
instructions. All medications must be in original containers.
Type of medication___________________ Date of last tetanus shot________________
Parent/Guardian Signature_________________ Doctor Signature_________________
If your child becomes in need of non-prescriptive medication while at Sly Park, we
will contact you prior to administering it in accordance with our doctor’s standing
orders. You may initial here if you give prior approval for your child to have the
following non-prescriptive medications:
Tylenol________ Ibuprofen ________ Benadryl________
1% Hydrocortisone Cream________ Cough Syrup_______ Cough Drops_______
Calamine Lotion________ Antacid________ 7-up/Sprite________
Promotional photos/videos are sometimes taken. If you do not wish to have your
child included in such photos/videos, please inform the Sly Park Principal at least two
weeks prior to your visit. (Sly Park cannot be responsible for photos/videos taken by
teachers, students, or any other private individuals.)
Student Behavior Contract
There are rules and standards of behavior I must follow at Sly Park in order to have
a safe and enjoyable stay. These include, but are not limited to, the following rules:
1. I will stay within the boundaries unless accompanied by a teacher.
2. I will not enter any other cabins other than my own.
3. I will respect the property and belongings of others.
4. I will listen to and follow the directions of my cabin leader and teachers.
5. I will be polite and friendly to everyone.
6. I will not use offensive language.
7. I will not bring snacks or gum to Sly Park.
If I choose not to follow the rules, my parent/guardian will need to take me home
from Sly Park.
Student Signature_________________________________ Date_______________
I have reviewed the behavior contract with my child. He/she understands the rules
and the consequences. As a final consequence, I am willing to pick up my child at Sly
Parent/Guardian Signature____________________________ Date______________
Chapter 480/AFL-CIO