Christmas 2016 - St Kentigern`s Academy

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Christmas Newsletter
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St. Kentigern’s Russian Ballet Performance
St Kentigern’s dancers were given the opportunity to
perform extracts from the magical story of the
‘Nutcracker’ with the Russian State Ballet on Friday
11th November at Howden Park Centre.
Set to the beautiful music of Tchaikovsky the ballet
tells the story of a magic Nutcracker doll and her
wondrous adventure’s the night before Christmas.
The dancers gave up their own time to attend
rehearsals and really enjoyed the experience and
opportunity to perform with one of the World’s
leading Dance Companies which was formed by a
member of Bolshoi Ballet.
Robyn Mitchell, Niamh Gilfether, Chelsea Bishop,
Emma Linford, Sarah-Louise Goldie and Charlene
Flynn brought the Nutcracker alive with their
beautiful dancing and performed brilliantly to a
packed out theatre.
Thank you to West Lothian Council, Community Arts,
Active Schools and our PE teachers who worked
together to make this happen. And a big WELL DONE
to our St Kentigern’s Ballet dancers, you did us proud.
As Christmas Approaches...
The saying goes ‘time flies when you’re having fun’ and this term seems to have flown past. We have had fun at St Kent’s
since August but we’ve also worked very hard and our young people should be rightly proud of their achievements. Our
newsletter is packed with stories of our students’ trips, workshops, learning experiences, successes and accolades.
Students have visited Stratford-upon-Avon, danced with the Russian State Ballet, won writing competitions, welcomed
and worked with French teachers and students, and raised record breaking amounts for charity. And all the time strived
to do their best academically, personally and spiritually.
Politically there have been some interesting decisions in the wider world and it shows us all that we can never rest on our
laurels or accept things as the status quo; indeed the school has been selected by the Scottish Government as a Scottish
Attainment Challenge School and this will bring many opportunities for our students, but more about that in 2017.
However, we do hope that the experiences we provide for your child will give them the best start in life and help them
make sensible and appropriate choices for themselves in the future. Thank you for your continued support of our School;
it is very much appreciated.
May the holiday period be a restful one for you all and the New Year bring good health and happiness for you and your
families. On behalf of all the staff and students of St Kentigern’s Academy, I wish you all a wonderful Christmas.
Andrew Sharkey
Head Teacher
Les Miserables 2017
Prelim Exams
St. Kentigern’s is proud to announce that a school edition
of Les Miserables will be happening in October 2017.
Many of our young people are preparing for their prelim
exams in January and should have started revising a little
every night already.
Due to the ambitious nature of the musical, auditions
have already been held to cast most of the parts.
Well done to all of those who participated in the audition
process and congratulations to those who secured parts
in the musical.
We cannot wait!
We wish to ask for your support in encouraging your
children to study for half an hour each evening after
school. During the Christmas break we recommend that
students make up a study timetable, which should allow
regular revision over the holiday period.
We appreciate everyone needs a rest, so ensure they
factor in time for physical activity, regular breaks and a few
days off for spending time with family and friends.
Burns Supper
The annual Burns Supper will be held at St Kent’s on Friday
20th January. The event is put on by the Skills for Work
class and is assessed; they are ably supported by Miss
Grant in HFT and Mrs Kane in CDT.
The event is an opportunity for students showcase their
talents and to celebrate Rabbie Burns.
Tickets are £15.
Read the news as it happens on the school website
A Time to be Inspired!
Karen Bennet, Silver Medallist for the
Women’s 8 came along to present a
motivational talk to students at St
Kentigern’s on Tuesday 4thOctober.
Karen spoke about the fierce
competition she endured to get onto
the team and what it felt like
winning at the Olympics.
One student said, ‘She gave us some
inspiration to continue with sport
and follow our dreams.’
Pastures New
We said goodbye to Mrs. McGurl who left St Kentigern's Academy this month after being a Maths and Computing teacher
in the school since August 1999. During that time Mrs. McGurl has fully embraced in the whole school ethos as well as
her departments, organising and helping out in events like Enterprising Maths Competition, P7 Primary Maths challenge,
and Trips...the list is endless. We would like to take this opportunity to wish her all the best in her new role as a lecturer
at West Lothian College.
We would also like to welcome some new members of staff to the school this academic year:
Mrs. McKeon
Ms. Watson
Ms. Conway
Ms. McGuigan
Ms. Southern
Mr. Williams
Mr. Burrows
Mr. Gallagher
Mrs. Kabur
Mr. Rajcoomar
Ms. Taylor
Mrs. Gill
Ms. McGachy
Mr. Hayes
Business Department
Computing Department
English Department
English Department
English Department
Health and Food Technology Department
Learning Support
Maths Department
Maths Department
Science Department
Science Department
Social Subjects Department
Social Subjects Department
Social Subjects Department
West Lothian Council has set up a special webpage to keep Parents informed about
school closures over the winter. This can be viewed at
Student Success
Our S2 Nurture students have just completed first aid training which ran for 6 sessions over three
Friday mornings. The Nurture students were absolutely delighted when they received their certificates
of achievement from Mr. Yeardly who delivered the course. They are now planning to
organise a fundraising activity so that they can donate some money to the
British Heart Foundation.
‘I enjoyed the first aid training. It was an experience that normally costs
about £70 and we got to enjoy it for free. Thanks to Mr. Yeardly. He
knew we could do it and so he showed us how to do it. I am over the
moon that I passed and I am now trained to do CPR. I feel so happy.’
‘I was relieved when I passed my assessment and was so excited about
getting my certificate.’
UK MATHS Challenge
The mathematics department would like to congratulate the following individuals who achieved certificates in this year's
United Kingdom Mathematics Trust (UKMT) Senior Challenge.
S5: Raiden Anderson, Abigail Gornall, Hope Greenshields, Conal Rodgers, Michael Olori
and Anna Kelly.
S6: Beth McDermid, Jack Wilson and Sam Craig.
We would also like to offer our congratulations to Jack Wilson, Sam Craig, Michael
Olori and Andrew Jackson who competed in the Senior UKMT group challenge on the
14th of November. The team faced three extremely tough mathematical challenges
competing against many Scottish schools. The competition from other teams was
tough so the boys were very pleased to place an impressive 12th out of 26. Well done!
Repeat Success in Young Writer’s Competition
Massive congratulations to Erin Campbell in S2 who has won this year’s prestigious Linlithgow Rotary Young
Writer’s Competition! Erin submitted an entry amongst hundreds of other keen wordsmiths but her literary
skills clearly came out on top as she confidently took first place with her piece entitled, ‘The Curse of Society’.
Students from across West Lothian were asked to write a short creative piece based on the theme ‘reflections’
and could interpret this theme however their hearts desired. Erin’s piece stood out due to its maturity and
confidence yet the judges remarked they were impressed by many of the entries from our students here at St
Kent’s. Erin has not only done herself a great service but has kept the winning streak alive for the school as we
have now managed to achieve a ‘threepeat’ - that’s right, this is the third time in a row St Kent’s has won the
literary accolade and the silverware will find its place once again back in the loving home of a St Kent’s student.
Erin will receive the engraved trophy after the New Year and managed to bag £50 worth of book tokens in
addition to the coveted silverware. Be proud of your fantastic work Erin and a massive congratulations from
everyone here at the English department and from across the school, well done!
The Learning Brain —
Celebrating Success
WIDA Logo Competition Runners Up
Five talented St Kent's students were selected as runners up of the WIDA logo competition.
Students were asked to design a logo for the World Irish Dance Association world championship finals to be held in Killarney, Ireland in 2017. The logo had to include images from Killarney as well as images associated with Irish Dancing. The competition was optional and open to
all year groups and the response from students who were keen to enter was phenomenal! Students showcased their drawing abilities as well as their expertise in Photoshop and other editing software.
The winner received 150 euros as well as having
their design featured on all publications, advertisements, merchandise, medals and awards.
The 5 runners up were Wiktoria Lampart 1E
Ciara Fitzsimons 1E
Martyna Potiopa 2H
Megan Anderson S3
Aimee Rodgers S5
WIDA judges were highly impressed with the skill
and attention to detail in all of the entries and have sent medals for each runner up. The winner is from a dance group in Sri Lanka, which shows how far the competition went!
to all students who gave up their own time to create amazing designs for the competition.
Closing the Gap
Miss Grant and Mrs. Winton attended the annual West Lothian Chamber of
Commerce Dinner to collect our Business Excellence Award for being an
Enterprising School. The students and staff were commended for
demonstrating a commitment to building an enterprise culture.
Congratulations to everyone on achieving this award.
Read, Write, Count Bag Launch
On Friday 25th November, a number of our students took part in the Blackburn launch of the Governments Read,
Write, Count bag launch. This was a very successful event with over 120 parents and children attending. During the
launch our students worked alongside parents, teachers and others to showcase to parents how to use the materials
to develop their children’s numeracy, and literacy skills in a fun way.
Key Dates p.20
Modern Languages
In October this term, a delegation from L’institut Robin, our French partners, came to visit the school for 3 days.
Four teachers took part in observation around the school and
we are aiming to link various departments with their
counterparts in France. They visited the PE department,
Computing, History, English and Languages during the 3 days
they were in school. The French school system is being
reformed and they were very interested in the way we assess
students in the BGE. Overall they were very impressed by the
equipment the students have access to on a daily basis from
the music department to the PE facilities. Teachers in their
schools do not have their own classroom and move from class
to class each period; they complimented us on the way we
made our environment welcoming for the students. Finally, they were very impressed by the young people and
how smart they looked in uniform.
Alongside to the group of teachers, 13 senior students
came with their teachers. We welcomed them with the
‘Ceilidh de Bienvenue’ on the Halloween weekend. It
was extremely well attended by our seniors and the
French students were amazed by the reception they
got and the dancing skills of our young people.
Friendships were established there and then and 3 of
our students accompanied them on the Saturday to
visit Edinburgh. They visited Scotland over the course of
the week and came for two full days in St Kent’s where
they shadowed the Higher French candidates.
What is Next?
In February 20 senior students from St Kentigern’s
will visit l’Institut Robin for a week and they will be
immersed in the lifestyle of young French people.
Their teacher, Madame Maillefaud, has also
established a first contact with a S3 class to trial a
pen pal exchange with our younger students.
Visit the school website for regular news updates and stories from around the
Trips and Excursions
Geobus Geography
Geobus recently visited S3 Geography to give them the chance to participate in a range of group
activities involving problem solving and lots of teamwork.
Students got the chance to learn about Volcanoes, Earthquakes
and Tsunami’s which they will go onto learn about next year at
National 4 and 5 Geography. Students got the chance to
recreate their own volcanic eruptions and they learned how to
predict volcanoes as well as investigating the impact of the
Boxing Day Tsunami. Most students said their favourite activity
was popping the party poppers in an activity relating to volcanic
explosions. Students enjoyed their experience and found it
interesting learning about the different disasters.
Theatrical Events
A short time ago, the Advanced Higher English class took a trip to
Stratford upon Avon; a quaint village in the middle of England and
the birth place of the man who changed the written word. The
trip was to further enhance our study of William Shakespeare’s
dramatic play “The Tempest” through a great workshop provided
by the Royal Shakespeare Company, as well as their rendition of
“The Tempest.” We learned and developed many new key ideas
during the workshop, most especially learning how to look at the
play from an actor’s point of view. In addition, we learned to
consider how characters move as this can show the power play between characters and their social status.
That evening, “The Tempest” was performed in the Royal
Shakespeare Theatre, which is positioned against the banks of the
River Avon, providing a very peaceful atmosphere. The rendition of
the play was simply breath-taking, most notably the “live-motion”
character Ariel, where the company used a mix of technology and
actors to make it look as if it was actual magic. The actors put a lot
of feeling into their performance, and this helped us to sympathise
with, and understand, the characters on a deeper level than we had
before. The trip to Stratford upon Avon, was a complete success for
our Advanced Higher English class and we enjoyed it very much.
Written by Sophie Bryce
Parent Council - If you are interested in joining the school’s parent council,
please email Mr Moore at [email protected]
Trips and Excursions cont...
Scottish Parliament with Modern Studies
On Thursday the 22nd of September a number of our S4, S5 and S6 students were given the
opportunity to visit the Scottish Parliament in Edinburgh. This tour was to complement the
Democracy units that are explored in National 5 and Higher Modern Studies. Here they were
given a talk about the different voting systems used in
Scotland and how this compares to the rest of the
United Kingdom and a guided tour of the parliament
chamber along with the rest of the parliament
buildings. Students were able to understand where
decisions that affect Scotland are made and the impact
of such can have. We are sure to have some future
representatives in parliament from St Kentigern’s in the near future.
London Calling
After an early start (which we coped with well), we journeyed to Marylebone station, then instantly descended into the
chaotic world of the London underground. The first stop gave us a picturesque viewing of London, with the awe inspiring
St. Paul’s Cathedral to our right. First of all we visited the Tate Modern Gallery on the banks of the Thames and it’s fair to
say that we were immersed by it’s natural beauty along with the spectacular views of the top of the building.
We then went to Shakespeare’s famous globe theatre and were
guided around the inside of the theatre and we spoke of the
conditions people would have experience in order to understand
London during his time and just how large the gap in class used to
Next stop was the Youth Hostel in the typically upper class looking
London area of Paddington. We got settled into our rooms, then
quickly set off for the underground—which we were becoming
very familiar with by now—however, due to the main
underground line being closed for maintenance, our plans for
dinner were disrupted. And after an eventful meal, brisk
McDonalds, we arrived at the Fortune Theatre to watch an admittedly very scary production of “The Woman in Black”.
We then returned to the Hostel all completely shattered.
The next day saw us travel to the London Eye in which our views were impaired by the horrendous fog! Then after a
delicious meal at the Hard Rock Café, we unfortunately had to head to King’s Cross Station for the journey home. This trip
was both beneficial and enjoyable for everyone.
Written by Joseph Hutchison and James Fitzsimons
Parent Council - If you are interested in joining the school’s parent council,
please email Mr Moore at [email protected]
Scottish Medieval Conference
Advanced Higher History students attended a Scottish Medieval
History Conference at Stewart’s Melville College, Edinburgh. Students
are studying the Scottish Wars of
Independence as part of their Advanced
Higher Course. They were given the
opportunity to listen to leading Scottish
Historians. Dr Fiona Watson talked to
the students about William Wallace,
Professor Matthew Strickland discussed Robert Bruce’s Military Skills and Bill
Glennie talked about King John Balliol. Our students actively engaged with these leading academics and did a
great job in representing our school. This was a valuable experience which enhanced their understanding of this
period of History. Thanks go to these Historians for taking time to engage with our students and also to
Stewart’s Melville College for inviting us to this event.
Higher History Trip to Bannockburn
On Thursday December 15th 2016 the Higher
History classes took a trip to the Battle of
Bannockburn Visitor Centre. The day started with a
discussion our previous knowledge of the Battle of
Bannockburn, with our guides in two groups. We
then made our way into a 3D experience and
watched different tactical strategies of the battle used by both sides including the
cavalry, archers and infantry. During this time we got to listen to virtual members of
both English and Scottish armies. We had the opportunity to research battle tactics and
come up with our own battle strategy given the Bannockburn landscape. We then entered the battle room in
which we were faced with a virtual battlefield. We split into two sides one controlling Edward II’s English Army
and the other commanding King Robert’s Scottish troops. In the first battle game, unlike the real battle of
Bannockburn, the English were triumphant. While in the second game, History repeated itself with a victory for
Scotland. Once we left the virtual battlefield experience we watched 3D videos
of the aftermath of the battle, one being from a Scottish perspective and
another from an English perspective. This provided a good balanced
perspective on the Battle of Bannockburn. Later we went outside to see where
the Scots had camped before the battle. On that same historic spot, we all
participated in Schiltron training before visiting the site monument to Robert
the Bruce. In the afternoon we tried on replica outfits used in battle, for
example, chainmail armour (which is really heavy!) and the basic padding of a
peasant soldier. Then we were educated about what weapons different types
of soldiers used and got to hold swords, crossbows and a mace. It was great!
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Successful Learners
S1 Numeracy Week
Numeracy week was a chance for S1, through a series of mathematical challenges, to explore the importance of
numbers in everyday life while having some fun. Over the week all of 1st year, while working in groups, took part in a
maths treasure hunt. This involved answering a series of questions then going on to find the answer. There was also
problem solving which meant working in a group to answer a series of challenging questions. The class then took part
in specific activities of a maths reply and cross number. The week also involved the support of many staff outside
maths through the wearing of numbers to complete a number quiz which created a greater sense of numbers outside
maths. All in all the week was a great success.
Mr. Gallagher
S1 and 2 U-Choose
I would just like to congratulate all S1 and S2 students for taking part in their UChoose programmes this term. U-Choose is an inter-disciplinary learning
project whereby students get the chance to participate in a range of elective
programmes. This allows students to take part in new experiences in a fun and
challenging environment. Students will get the chance to develop a new skill set
which will become valuable across a range of different subjects, ensuring their
progression in developing greater knowledge and understanding of different
subject areas. Students will develop thinking skills, numeracy, literacy, employability and their physical and emotional
well-being. Miss McGuigan’s U-Choose class successfully raised a lot of money for charity over a 4 week period, which
included events such as ‘Beat The Goalie’ and selling home made produce. I would also like to say a HUGE thank you to
staff for being supportive in terms of developing exciting and engaging elective programmes that the students enjoy.
Their efforts have not gone unnoticed. I hope both staff and students have a wonderful holiday.
Miss Quigley
In November, Miss McGuigan, Miss Conway and Mrs. Pawlak took a
group of second years to an ‘Into Film’ Cinema trip. Students got to see
the new 3D release of ‘Alice through the Looking Glass’. This enhanced
the understanding of the media topic covered in class and students
had a fabulous time!
In November, Miss McGuigan's National 4 Media class attended a special
effects workshop hosted by ‘Into Film’. Artem is one of the leading physical
effects companies in the UK. The class were able to learn about creative design and understand the skilled
technicians approach to working in the industry.
The next stage of the development of Media is St. Kent's will be our S1 students who are linking to with a
professional film company to make our own film!
MacMillan Coffee Morning
The skills for work class 2016/2017 recently took part in the organisation of the Macmillan cancer coffee
morning, as well as advertising, collecting raffle prizes, selling raffle tickets and preparing/ cooking all the
food for all the teachers in the school. The class contacted businesses to gather high end raffle prizes, which
included a tour for 4 people At Celtic park, an overnight stay at the Hilcroft hotel, beauty vouchers, vouchers
for restaurants etc. The class was divided into two groups, Front of House and Kitchen. We had our roles and
responsibilities, which included ordering, preparing and serving a “Big Breakfast” to all staff at morning
interval. We also had to set up the library, collect money, organised the raffle and tombola. As a class we are
very proud and privileged to support this cause, our teacher Miss Grant was also a great help in making sure
that we stuck to a tight schedule and had everything ready. In total, we raised a record total of £682.78. The
Skills for Work Class would like to thank everyone involved from local businesses to all staff at St Kentigern’s
Academy for their help and support.
Written by Morgan Corrigan S6
Bioinformatics Workshop
On December 7th and 14th Dr. Daniel Barker and Dr. Heleen Plaisier of the Institute of Evolutionary Biology at the
University of Edinburgh delivered a workshop on Bioinformatics to S5 and S6 students studying Higher Biology
or Higher Human Biology.
Some of the students explained the purpose and benefits of the day by saying:
“Bioinformatics is the fusion of the fields of biology, statistics and informatics. This workshop allowed us as
students to transfer what we had learned in the classroom about bioinformatics to a practical setting where we
were given the opportunity to compare DNA sequences of different organisms to each other. This enriched our
knowledge of the subject area which is helpful for revision for our upcoming prelim”.
“This workshop was useful because it brought the subjects of biology and computing together. Furthermore it
allowed me to have an insight into a career in bioinformatics and helped me to see that the things we are
learning now all tie in”.
“I enjoyed the workshop very much as I learned the importance of biology and bioinformatics in a fun way. Also
the skills that we learned could possibly help us in the future, for example at university”.
Budding Entrepreneurs
Mrs. McKeon’s Informatics and Business classes are currently preparing for the ‘Tenner Challenge’ which will
commence early 2017. Groups will work together using the skills they have learned in business to make as
much profit from an initial investment of £10 which will be pledged by the Tenner Challenge team. It’s an
exciting time and we can’t wait to get started. Some amazing ideas have already been suggested and we’re
looking forward to celebrating our young people’s ideas and financial success!
Read the news as it happens on the school website
More Excursions
Kelvingrove Senior Art Trip
Having never been to Kelvingrove Art Gallery I wasn’t sure what to expect, however after our walk around the gallery I
soon realised it was a great place to observe artwork from a large variety of artists. I was amazed by the sheer size of the
place and all the artwork within the building. From sculptures, to taxidermy, to oil paintings and even floating heads from
a ceiling, it had it all.
We took part in a workshop to examine the life and works of Alphonse Mucha, a designer a few of us will have to study
for our upcoming exam. When I first walked around the Mucha exhibition I was fascinated by the intricate details of
Mucha’s work, his commitment to his work and to the people he supplied the work for. Our tour guide was able to tell us
extra facts about Mucha and his work that we can now use in our final essays as preparation for our exam. Overall, I feel
this has benefitted me a lot and I have gained much more information and understanding to help in my exam.
Written by Erin Millar
Mathletics Time Capsule Trip
All S1 students are set targets by their teacher to complete each week on Mathletics.
They are assigned tasks and have to reach a certain amount of points each week. The
highest points is the classes Mathlete of the week. We monitored this over a 5 week
period and students who met the criteria of completing their Mathletics and giving
their best in class were invited to join us on maths reward trip to the time capsule.
This will start again in the New Year in preparation for the next rewards trip at Easter
Peru Expedition
In the summer of 2016, students from St. Kentigern’s
Academy travelled to Peru. Not only did the
students enjoy a bit of sight seeing, including visiting the
Presidential Palace in the Plaza de Armas and the Inca ruins
in Cusco, but the students engaged in making a difference
to some of the most vulnerable children in Peru. Students
helped lead activities, crafts and sport session to help
maintain the children’s orphanages. Students returned
home having developed their leadership skills and
contributed to global citizenship.
In 2018, students will have the opportunity to attend the trip. The new cohort is for the current S4 and S5.
There will be a meeting about the trip on 23rd January for parents of students who may be interested in
taking part.
The coming trip will focus on the building of a new children's home, with a bigger focus on building relations
with one house. There will also be the opportunity to visit Machu Picchu, Cusco, and Lima.
Parent Council - If you are interested in joining the school’s parent council, please email
Mr Moore at [email protected]
At Home
Home School Partnerships – Building Successful Learners
“When schools, families and communities groups work together to support learning, children do better at school, stay in
school longer and like more school more” (TESS - Think, Educate, Share, Scotland, Sept 2015)
Establishing and valuing learning routines within the home.
Habits and routines are central to success. It is crucial that young people are supported in managing their time
effectively as we move towards the prelims in January. Use the grid below. Sit down with them and help them
plan their time to ensure that they have a good balance between study time and other commitments.
Christmas Message p.17
Christmas Concert
Parents and teachers were treated to a spectacular night of entertainment at the
St. Kentigern’s Christmas concert. Various ensembles and soloists were in fine form
throughout the evening, which featured a variety of classical, contemporary and
festive tunes. Star performers included Hannah Stewart, whose piano skills were
evident as she played part of her own composition.
Michael Boyle and Anna Kelly vowed with a duet of “Blue Christmas”, on trombone
and trumpet respectively. And Steph Coulter, whose comedic take on the “PostHorn Gallop” had the crowd in stitches. It was both Hannah and Steph’s last
Christmas concert, as well as James Fitzsimons,
Stephen Buchanan, Natalie Orr, Robbie Coulter, Kieran Ritchie and Niamh Doyle.
We wish them all the best in their future musical endeavours.
Written by Steph Coulter and Ricky Coulter
Social Bite
Miss Southern, Aqsa Ramzin and Gillian McTavish had the privilege of attending a
dinner in the company of Leonardo DiCaprio whilst being entertained by Simple
Minds. This was due to fundraising efforts to help the homeless in partnership with
Social Bite, an independent business that donates all profits to social issues.
Also at the event were Chris Evans, Sir Tom Hunter and member of the Scottish business community. The St Kentigern’s contingent were a credit to the school and we
will be looking to do more work in the future with Social Bite, and its founder Josh
Sports League
St Kentigern’s Academy - 5th In West Lothian Sports League
The following sports events this year so far have been S1 Rugby, S1/S3 Girls Rugby, Girls
football, S5/6 Basketball, West Lothian Golf Championships, West Lothian Cross Country, S1/
S2 Rugby, S3/4 Rugby, West Lothian dance Competition, Schools Heptathlon, West Lothian
Schools Swimming and S1/S3 Girls Basketball. All our athletes have represented St
Kentigern’s Academy and we are very proud of their commitment and efforts. Highlights
have been:Cross Country – 2nd Position Overall
S1 Boys Team came in 3rd with Ciaran Flanagan, Geosyl Okocha, Matthew Toner, Harry
Heron, Lewis Smith, Ricky Coulter, Kyle Hall-Boyd, Ayden Rintol and Sonny McKee
S1 Girls Team came in 3rd with – Kara Moffat, Faith Lyanda, Anna Cornea, Cara Mowbray,
Erin Cameron, Louisa Greenhorn, Jessica Service, Niamh Watson, Sinead Boyle, Abbie Russell
and Brooke Galbraith.
S2 Girls came in 2nd with – Elise Petrie, Charlie Nolan, Sasha Borisenko, Toni Mackenzie, Holly
Smail, Caitlin Hadley and Niamh Millar.
Senior Boys Team came in 2nd – Jack Mowbray, Kyle Williamson, Rian Feeney, Aideen Meek
Robbie Coulter, Jack Wornin and Kieran Sweeney.
Swimming – 1st Position Overall
Our fantastic Swimming Team came in first with Chanel Sneddon being awarded TOP GIRL.
Our swim team – Chanel Sneddon, Sasha Borisenko, Sinead Boyle, Joseph Brownlie, Jessica
Grimley, Nathan Grimley, Eilidh MacNeill, Stuart MacNeill, Kara Moffat, Cara Mowbray,
Conan Mowbray, Jack Mowbray, Elise Petrie, Jessica service, Matthew Spence and Rachel
Our Excellence in school Sport Athletes are:
Matthew Boules – Athletics
Eve Allison – Athletics
Ross Flanagan – Golf
Joseph Brownlie - Swimming
Parent Council - If you are interested in joining the school’s parent council, please
email Mr Moore at [email protected]
Caritas Award-2016-17
’Love-caritas-is an extraordinary force...’
This quote from Pope Benedict XVI perfectly sums up the purpose and inspiration of the ‘Caritas’ award. The award
was launched in 2010 by the Bishop’s Conference of Scotland following Pope Benedict’s visit in Scotland. The award
requires participants to complete 20 hours of volunteer work within their school and 20 hours of volunteer work within
their local parish. The purpose of the award is to encourage young people to become more involved within their local
faith community and to reflect on the main principles of Christianity , especially one of the most basic ones; Love.
Having almost completed the award myself, I have embarked on different types of volunteer work within my school
and my local parish.
In school, I took part in the organisation of the annual S1 Family Mass, where the school welcomes the new year of
children and invites their parents and guardians to a special Mass specifically for them. I helped in the making of the
bidding prayers and the presentation that was made for the Mass. My other classmates organised the offertory and the
welcome prayer at the start of the Mass. I also helped in the preparations for the S1 Halloween Disco and I attended
the event, helping at the tuck table and pouring juice for the students. It was a great experience and it really helped
build close relationships between the sixth years and the first years, and brought our Caritas class closer together as a
Within my church, I took on the responsibility of helping with the garden work in preparation for the Annual Summer
Festival. I helped trim the grass, then mow it and rake it all up to be put in bags and taken to a local recycling centre. A
job that I have done since before joining Caritas was the counting of the collection money after Mass which provides
for the priest’s living accommodation. Without this money, the church literally wouldn’t function, with the money
going towards electricity, heating and general utility bills, along with food costs and many charity’s we fundraise for,
such as SCIAF and Mary’s Meals.
An event that I am currently participating in which is having the biggest impact on me is the ‘Food-bank Appeal’ where
we are collecting urgently needed items for the West Lothian Food-bank. It really resonated with me that people who
can’t even buy a week’s worth of groceries could be next door to me, or in the same street as me. I see myself as a very
privileged person, and the fact that a simple can or jar can make such a difference is really eye-opening.
This event in particular is very relevant in the run up to Christmas. Christmas is the time for giving and it is all too easy
to get caught up in the materialistic side of this time of year, instead of focusing on giving to those less fortunate than
ourselves and also giving back to our own local community. It is vital that, as Christians, we remind ourselves of what
Christmas is all about and to take time to reflect on the spiritual side of Advent.
When I was first informed of the Caritas award, I was immediately drawn to it due to my strong Catholic upbringing and
my firm faith in the Lord. However, I could not have predicted how much of an impact this award has had on me as a
person and on my Catholic faith. Taking part in this award has not only deepened my faith in the religion but has also
let me look on my faith with new eyes and I now look forward to Mass on a Sunday, as I see it as a time to further
educate myself, not just a place I have to go to every week to feel like I have done my part as a Christian.
Finally, participating in the Caritas award is a rewarding and worthwhile experience which has had a vast impact on me
as a person, and on many others around me.
Abbie Meehan S6
Festive Reflection
Already this academic year we have been very busy in school. With the Holy year of mercy recently ending we
now move through the season of Advent towards Christmas we prepare ourselves, our homes, school and
various communities to celebrate the birth of Christ. The impact that the birth and subsequent life of Christ
has had on the world is significant, momentous and truly without any real comparison.
During this season of Advent as we prepare for the arrival of the Christ child and are encourage partaking in a
kind gesture; visiting a friend or loved one, giving someone a helping hand, reading the story of Jesus’ birth as
a family, these are experiences that are far more valuable than anything purchased in a store and memories
which will be cherished in the future.
In preparation for Christmas during this time of waiting we pay particular attention on The Nativity. The
Nativity scene found in churches and homes around the world bid us to make room for Jesus both in our lives.
The Pope encourages that the Nativity scenes found in churches, in homes and in many public places are an
invitation to make room in our lives and society for God, hidden in the face of so many people who are in
conditions of hardship, poverty and tribulation. The Nativity scene and the tree thus form a message of hope
and love, and help to create a favourable Christmas spirit to live with faith the mystery of the birth of the
God “came to earth in simplicity and meekness. Let us be drawn, with the intention of children, in front of the
manger, because that is where we understand the goodness of God and contemplate his mercy, which was
made human flesh in order to soften our gaze.”
There is no greater gift bestowed on us by God than the gift of life. That is the beautiful message of Christmas.
God gave us His only son, so that we can have eternal life. At St Kentigern’s we will keep God’s love at the
forefront of the Christmas preparations.
My hope for all associated with St Kentigern’s is that when we get to the Christmas break we will be able to
relax and reflect on the true meaning of Christmas and appreciate the selfless giving of a loving God who wants
our love and who wants us to live life to the full (John10 v10). If we are able to do this it might just change our
St. Kentigern’s Academy would like to wish a blessed Christmas and New Year to all of our school families,
parish members, pastors, faculty, staff, administrators, supporters and friends!
Merry Christmas [Dec 25]
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart;
and don’t lean on your own understanding.
In all things acknowledge Him,
and he shall direct your way.”
[Proverbs 3:5, 6]
Quick Updates
Scottish Cup
Congratulations to the S4/S5/S6 boy’s football team on making it into the last 16 of the Scottish Cup
following a penalty shoot-out win over Portobello High School on Wednesday 14 th December. Next
up for the team is a hard tie against Stewarts Melville College. Good luck!!
St Kentigern’s Academy Parent Council
Our Parent Council meets on a Thursday night from 5.30 till 7.00pm in the School Conference
Room. The list of meeting dates for the rest of this school year is as follows:
12th January
23rd February
30th March
1st June
The purpose of the council is:
to support the work of the school in taking forward the School Improvement Plan.
to promote partnership between the school, its students and all parents and
to develop and engage in activities that support the education and welfare of all
to identify and represent the views of parents on the education provided by
the school and other matters affecting the education and welfare of the students.
The school team appreciates your continued support for this session and welcomes new
members to join us. All parents/carers are welcome to attend and we look forward to
welcoming you to one of our meetings.
Did you Know?
All students and staff in Scottish Schools can download a fully licenced copy of Microsoft Office 365
onto their home PC via Glow.
All you need to do is log into Glow and, from the school page (found on the left hand side of the
site) there is a download Office 365 tile. Click on this and the software will download and install for
no cost onto your home PC.
Parent Council - If you are interested in joining the school’s parent council, please
email Mr Moore at [email protected]
Senior Phase Tracking and Monitoring
Hopefully by now you are familiar with our new monthly S4/S5/S6 tracking and monitoring system. Every
student in the Senior Phase receives a letter at the start of each month outlining their progress in the
previous month using a Red/Amber/Green scale with the various colours equating to:
G (Green)
Student is on track with their learning within the subject and is likely to achieve a
pass at this level if they continue as currently performing.
A (Amber)
Student is making some progress, however they are not working to their full
potential and concerns exist in regards to them achieving the final outcome. Steps
to improve are required.
R (Red)
Student is not on track to pass within this subject and steps to improve are
In addition, the letter gives the students attendance for the
preceding month and the person to contact to discuss any issues
with the student’s progress. The December letters also included the
schools Study Support programme and the February letter will
include the students prelim results, where appropriate.
It is worth noting that students should be trying to achieve as many
passes at as high a level as possible, and the national threshold
levels still remain 5 qualifications at National 4 (Level 4) or
National 5 (Level 5) in S4 and 3 or 5 qualifications at Higher / Level
6 in S5/S6.
Since we started issuing these letters we have had a massive increase in student learning conversations with
staff as they work together to maximise our students chances. We have also seen a large increase in
parental meetings to discuss student’s next steps in learning and we are keen to further develop this level of
engagement for the benefit of our students.
Study Support
In St Kentigern’s Academy we offer an extensive range of study support, most of which is offered at
lunchtime to avoid issues with transport. The current programme of classes was issued with the December
tracking letter and the study support will continue to be added to as the year progresses. Please encourage
your child to utilise this support to help them fulfil their potential in S4,S5 and S6.
Parent Council - If you are interested in joining the school’s parent council, please
email Mr Moore at [email protected]
January Key Dates/Events
All return
Wed 4th
S4/5/6 Prelims
Wed 4th - Fri 20th
Burns Supper
Fri 20th
February Key Dates/Events
S5/6 Parent’s Evening
Thurs 2nd
HPV Immunisations
Mon 7th
February Holiday
Fri 10th
Students Resume
Wed 15th
Student Voice Week
Mon 20th-Fri 24th
Parent Information
Emergency Contact Details
To ensure that we are able to contact parents and
guardians when required, it is essential that we have
correct contact details for yourself and your
emergency contacts.
If you wish to update any details, or simply check
existing information, please contact the school office
on 01506 656404
Mr Moore, School Office
Responsible Citizens
Mrs. Diamond would like to thank the parent
who handed her mobile into the school office on
Wednesday 7th December.
March Key Dates/Events
S2 Parents’ Evening
Thurs 2nd
S4 Full Report
Mon 6th
HPV Teenage Booster
Tues 7th
S4/5 Options
Mon 20th
S3 Full Report
Mon 27th
Last day of term
Fri 31st
All Resume
18th April
Consent Form Reminder
Anne, our School nurse, would like to remind all
parents to ensure consent forms for
immunisations are handed in by the end of
Prelims - Study Advice
Many of our young people are preparing for their prelim
exams in January and should have started revising a little
every night already.
We wish to ask for your support in encouraging your
children to study for half an hour each evening after
school. During the Christmas break we recommend that
students make up a study timetable, which should allow
regular revision over the holiday period.
We appreciate everyone needs a rest, so ensure they
factor in time for physical activity, regular breaks and a
few days off for spending time with family and friends.
On behalf of the teaching and support staff, may I take
this opportunity to wish you all a Holy and Happy
Christmas. Best wishes for 2017.
Mr Sharkey
Students return on Wednesday 4th January