Two Kinds by Amy Tan

Two Kinds by Amy Tan
by Barry Wright
Essay: Two Kinds by Amy Tan
Pages: 10
Rating: 3 stars
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• Two Kinds by Amy Tan.pdf
• Two Kinds by Amy Tan.doc
Two Kinds is a story about mother-daughter relationship – Suyuan and Jing-mei. Suyuan believed that America is
where her dreams will be fulfilled. She thought that her daughter, Jing-mei, would be the one to realize them.
Jing-mei, on the other hand, was a confused child at first. She was led to believe that she can be someone. At first,
she followed her mother, but when she felt that her mother was already forcing her and stealing her youth, she
told herself that it was the end. The story is a clash between two individuals from two different generations and
beliefs (Suyuan who basically grew up in China, and Jing-mei who was born and raised in United States).
The theme of the story has so much to do with Amy Tan's own experience – particularly her relationship with her
mother. It tells the struggles of mother and daughter to understand each other. Though the incidents in the story
never really occurred in her life, they were very close to reality. And she said in her interview that it was the closest
thing of describing her life. Also, we see not only the cultural differences but the immigrants' need to prove that
they certainly have a place in the United States and that they were as talented or as more talented than
I. Literary Approach
Biographical and Marxist/Sociological Approaches are the most appropriate tools to better understand the story.
As aforementioned, Amy Tan's life is very similar with that of Jing-mei's. Tan was born in Oakland, California to
parents who immigrated to the United States from China. Thus, this made Tan...
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