U.S. Base Camp At Da Nang Is Renamed For Jay Books, Cleona

Patents Rtcftiv* Tributes
iLodge Predicts
U.S. Base Camp At Da Nang Downturn In
Is Renamed For Jay Books, War Casualties
Cleona Marine Killed There Says Wiping Oui Of
What happens when * man
dies fighting for hit country?
Does h» become Just another
name on th« long list of war
casualties, remembered only by
x few at thos* closest to him?
Some, yes, but others leave
behind more than jiwt * name.
They leava the memory of a
man, warm, friendly and courageoiu. A man admired and
respected by hii comrades,
Such * man was Lance CpL
Jay Karl Books, a 16-year-old
Cleona Marine who died November 18 fighting in Vietnam.
la Ms honor, the officer*
UN! men <rf Us company,
.Force L o g i s t i c Command
Group A, Headquarters and
Supply Co., Combined Action
Co., have decided to rename
one •( $be main camps at the
command, Camp Books.
In a letter to CpL Books' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Theodore B.
Books, 104 Center St., Cleona,
Brigadier Gen. J. E. Herbold
Jr., commanding officer of the
Fore* Logistic: Command, said:
A» you hav« gathered
Democrats Name
Hard-Core Terrorists
Would Shorten War
one of the main camps of ouri
Command, now Camp B e d !
Beach, to be named Camp
Books in bonor and memory of
(EDITOR'S NOTE — Amyour son."
bassador Henry -Cabot lodge
To Place Plaque
The letter also notes that! is a boat to return to bis post
plans have been made to erect in Saigon, la Sai& exclusive
a permanent entrance way to interview, he gives his views
the camp, and to place a com- on the outlook lor 1967, in*
memoratirtg plaque in the Gen-i impact of the bombing o!
eral's headquarters at t h e ] North Vietnamese targets, the
results of the American milicamp,
! tary action in terms of world
In Ms letter Gen. HertoJd re- peace.)
quested t h a t Mr, and Mrs.
Books forward a picture of Jay By JOHN W. HIQHTOWER
to be framed and placed in the
lobby of the command post.
Ambassador Henry Cabot)
Cpl. Books worked as a car- Lodge predicted today a
penter, rebuilding native vil- downturn ia the pereentlages that, had been destroyed ag-e of American casualties Goveraor-e
by aliied action. His assignment
in Vietnam this year.
jShafer anaov
also included patrol duty.
"The war would be pretty He will retail
He was killed when his anil nearly over," Lodge added, South Park
Jay Kart Books
was attacked near the demili"once success is achieved in!E!rs2nnel,se<
Jay was liked and respected by tarized zone in Vietnam.
wiping out the threat from W, Scranton
alt his comrades. Because of In a hand-written letter to hardcore terrorists to Viet- in his admin
this and the brave way he, per- th« elder Books, Sgt W. D. namese villagers," But he , Bellinger,'
formed in the face of the ene- Schmauss, the officer in charge
to the $17,83!
my wa have decided to rename i (Continued »n Page 19—Col. 1) gave no date on when he Scrantott fou
thought this slower, paciA veteran
fication task might be com- BoEinger
I Crowd Numbers 200,000
Shaf er'
and Tin Ltbonon Daily Tim«»
tttt YMT _ N«. 107
U. S. Jets Blast Foe From Tree Tops
Pomih Rtc«iv« Tribute*
Bottle In Iron TrlgngU
tie D
Lodge Predicts
U.S. Base Camp At Da Nang Downtura ,„
Is Renamed For Jay Books, ^Casualties
Cleona Marine Killed There Says Wiping Oul Of
What happens when • man
ai«f fllhtln; for M« country?
DOM h*> becoir.* JusC another
name on tho Jonjr Hit of war
casualties, remembered only by
• faw ei ilose Closest to him?
Some. Ft-;, but others leave
behind more *hai> fast > same.
They I«v* the Memory of a
•MB, warm. Mart? BD* wungeae*. A von admired and
respected by hii comrades.
Such » man was Lince Dpi.
Jay Karl Books, > 18-ywr-old
Cieana Marine \*bo ftirf Moverai*r 19 fiebtug In Vietnam,
b hU honor, the offlcera
lad m« of bis cotagmy.
Son* i x g l i t l e romwaad
Gntp A, Hra&purfen *od
la * teller to Cpl. Bunks' p
enu, Mr. nd Mr*. Theodore
Books, 104 Centex St. deaia.
tn tlis letter Oeb. Rerbold t
quested t h a t Mr. and Mi
Book! forward a picture of Jay
(6 be framed and placed In the
iobby of me command post.
CpL Book* worked » a i
penter. rebAitldlng r.itive vflisses tiist had teen destroyed
by al'ie<J action. IDs assignment
also included patrol ditty.
He was killed wtea bis unit
ai attacked near tl;e demiUstna EOB* In Vletnaa.
In a eand-wriaen letter to
» elder Book*. Set
Schmautt. the officer In charge
Democrats Name
MrUillberryTo Lebanon Co. Shorthorn
Committee Office Wins Grand Champion
Ttn Ix-bdcon County
Honors At Farm
tie ComtalttM elecUd Mrs, Pern
TOKieny vice chai ras an Wedns) •
day Blgfct at a xK*Ung IB the
Hard-Core Terrorists
Would Shorten War
«ne of the main camps of our
Command, now Camp
Beach, to be named Cam;:
Books in honor snd memory of
your Kin."
T» Pfaee ptaqn*
The tetter also notea that
plan) Have been made to erect
a you fen* fathered
' N«wsj Farms Editor
SAIGOM (EJPU -A flight ofjfarward the tooops uncovered loday that the Viet Cong ac4
Hiree U.S. Aa F
Supersabre vast qmarJtie* of Viet
North Vietnam no longer have a
jet* screamed to at tt» .—I——-hanw of winning trie war.
tart today and Wasted Coi
„ ___
Ky Has Narrow Escaw
nut snipers Mt of the («** j had ruled unehaaeneed sisee
whew their intenae fin had B» dajs <rf Freaeh
—South Vietnamese Prime
blocked Tj.S. armored columns These
Minister Nguyen Cw> Ky
moving deeper iota tit* Iron were w
irrowly escaped mlou* Injury
when a mortar shea Misfired a
—Five persons were
The supersonic jets laid (town
few feet away from Mm white
deadly Epray of 30 miOimetar
be was visiting '
America plane
cannon fire just GOO pints "
I province 356 mflea north- troopi at Nui Dat
1-eaalta W the American miltof Hie two
west of Saigon. Air America U
A U.S. Marine court martial
tary action U tarn* of wwU
by tanks, jungle-chewing bull- a private company reported by
Dieted two other Leatherpeace.)
coiws and infantrymen deter- some to be a Central Imt neck* in the deaths *f two
neutraliie the Cotnm
Vietiame.se vLiagers shot down
BghoW 32 mi>s aort
hamlet last September.
east of Saigon.
of the U.S. Join! CpL StanJey J. LKW
A U.S. military cpokeau; Chief* of Staff, »ald in Saigon
o« raff 3i-^
Lodge predicted today
laid tbe operatwo which bep
downturn in the ftercent-j
Sunday—the, bicees! of trie war
Age at American casualties Governor-elect Baymond P.
. . —«o far had killed 1SS fBerrillts.Hold CloMd Session
in Vietnam thia year.
|Shafer announced TIM ~ that captored 40 tod detained 256
iger, suspects fcu- questiwiig.
"The war would be pretty a* will retain H»y M.
nearly over," Lodge added,pnab " .._
"' "Street. Rk*l»od.!M»d an earfiiaE Bnoounceme
secretary ft* Wiiiiam'iW Viet Cong kilted —
"fotPK success is achieved*- ™*«
port'tawrrecL _
Shaier To Retain
Soilinger In
Mayor, DA And Council
Discuss Police Dept,
gree On Some Points
y B53 bombera which
Tite two arcwred coiiimr*
But he Bollioger, IS, wai first named
gave no date on when he > th* B7.839-a-year posttfoe by
thought this slower, p&ci- Scrznton (our years ego.
(button task might be com- A veteran of World Wtr D,
Bellinger served (2 mtmtbt Wftlt
District Attorney Alvia B. Lewis Jr., Mayor John
Lodge spofce In an interne the U.S. Army in me 3ouQi Pa<rf tons of bombs I*. Wowilow and City Council spent more than two
with The Atiaciated Press prh.. ific.
wile ahead of thelhpora ^Wednesday afternoon discussing- '
AFIer his dischane, BnUineto his departure for Saigoa Satclosest Rippert tfras Lewi recently made to Council.
raaixurday after a montli in the Unitfaeturing bnsiaea. Be «be
ed State* an borne le.vi
served u executive sreretary
consul! at!«.
was eortalnly a free exchange of thought*
le fbe Lebanon CwSty Repnb.
| He met Wednesday with
and w« agreed in a number of areas,"
saM after
, Lewis sa
Johnson. Afterward, he Ucaa ComnirfaK.
the meetirv. whfcfe was doaed to the press,
_ forta may He was « Eichlasd Boraush
Aa. be emerged fr«n the meeting after
. _ .. or«r organ- aditor for lour years until 19581 civilians wbo.ir* -betae t
ized Red troops this yeai ' md served on tne Borougblported ta - - — ----- '
thta would not
Council until IKS.
end tte war.
>i FlfW
interim rioa chalrtoan
interview, ttnre ar*
nalgBrttt Dee. • «l
Aimu&l State tour kinds of war being rough
R. Matleraeai.
in South Vietnam — the c
Mra. TB&erry, trtw w» farm Show it was * ahorthorn bull owned by A, F.
J military operation i
Bucks £ Sons, Palmyra RD 2. that walked out of
tb« ring with the Grand Championship banner,
1st*, dertdDpraent of a eonatitu
The Grand Charopion aiorthoni, A. F. Ranger, is ttoaal political ustom wh&h b
twfieved to be the first connty shorthorn in history under way, and the economic
to win the top honor at a State. Farm
_ battle In which inflation bas
that Lebanon beef cattle aa. We!J as dairy animala {c*athmed on Paje 1 — Cot S)
Tto «8lr otter DomiOM
».ij_Li at'future
•bare "~"
the spotlight
tha oBlce, Prank Gabriel, d*
Another SMI for the Pewsyldined is ran, itatlng that "
pnfemd to w e r k with
*artU Fanr. Sbow Wedhesdaj
was an all-Br
Young DeBOcratt dub of
Be«-r Flow s
or «y
be to pr~W*r.i.
Its of
The comslttM tiM hes
4 every floor of the im-i
report (r«« Janei Xi-aue*
Ddwicratfe-Member o* the
. toppiOf the oid record
ty audlton.
single day of IW.HM set
n 1953. Last year's 50lh
gultnllw in in investigation
Tsst? ifiow marked tbirdd «a PifB n-ttil. i!
day attendance of only J85,M€.
Beside* tte most ebfiMs
factor ef Hie show's ever (ncreastoK popularity. Die weather was clear and line (or the
third daf in i tow. It »«
- flven
Co. Court Denies
For Injunction
Ifea iwtoett *f Democratic,
Party nmifck Nofte J. Cat*,;
lana for * preliminary irjuoctlon agaitut the party hu beea
denied oy 3uAf» G- Tba
Th» injunttlon would have
klbhed the party fram ttoiov»E Catalans from hU post u
a commltieeinan from Uw Hiddl* Dlrtrirt of Ubanon'f Firs1.
lodge flak* rtfcd la tffec
Oat tte Injiaettwi pttitfoi
Oied by Catalan* ea Jaa. :
Deadly Cannon Fire Poured
Into Snipers Attempting To
Block US Armored Columns
:hoeh cios»
«a trawyort
to tee tb»*
Brown Swtef InA
Bnry Broun Swi^s entered
in the vocation dairy lodging
*raa a winner. The Lebanon
County erflry, Kola's Magtc IH
y, ihown by Geotee E. Ungelon of Ur. and M:
E. Uneemach, Xnnvi
RD 1, vtn the Hesrr-,-6 Gra
shiimpiar,»r.ip In the FTA ell
^tfaeresEiOBn 30^0 C. Kunkd,
Ine of Gty COUBCS1 to Deo. W
Lewtf mibmftted fin r
datiooi (or C
don tor imp
irtration of law e
the operation of the pnile* department.
They embrace Ifce iibjecli
MBT YMCA MembendJp
Drive Launched
apjninbBd'Uni to "bis current po-| RAHRISBURG (AP) — A
ition, Ra aba served u a rtate I two-year-old bay periAxd WedAt Dinner For 50
Be attended ike Kehlae.4 j ron JBU section. His five - yearpublic icboolt and McCana oM brother warn «erlously inBusineia CoQefle in Rewflog. Jjured,
His wife is the former LtajaOi Police wld tho o>ad boy,
George Stanley WWialt*r. wiu
found underneath a bed oa
third floor. Flrenwn found
brother, Janes in. and carried
Urn out a window. James wia
listed in serious condition at
Poiyclioic Hospital.
The father, James Whiiaker
WATER WORKS, Jin. U - A Jr.. Banafisd (a i«a hi* o._.,_
* of undetermined origin dam- two children, two cfaddren of
_ a d the bedroom of a bouse at Ms sisler, Shirley WhltaWr. nod
tbe Water Works iround 9 this two other youngsters who were
expanded attd madevisiting, safely nut of the burnHoming,
Ttw eampaiga haf been ^: mandatory
The iira was extioguisiied bj Ing window, polica laid.
"3. Periodic
—'"' physical examlnatbc BeUegrove 2nd W a t e r Authorities said tte fire aj ay with tour diiirioni seeWug Ions
for all officer* should be
Ffre Companies, with pareolly jtzrted on Ita fit the (11,900 goal. The btuine mado KiBp.daiory at city *xmd profesijonat group Is aUated
recpoodiex. Buil floor and spread ta two i
Jecent homes on Kegina Stree
U*i* said the dapartroent'i
sereteiy damagtnfi them. Sore
"rcscffi were called to the the Cumity diyisMa. (l.SSC, Hie
couaty dirJwc it braiceq ja:a
Itaree ana CTOUIM with the
ComwfiU, Mt Grelaa and Quen- afflined by etty (
part of this evaluation lb« deparlmen; will sand Detective MiWASHINGTON OJPI)-Army
chael J. DeLeo to Kodak'* phoSpec. A John V. Dabr, aon of
' - "- achool for a week'i
Mr. and MM. Paul E, Dabr
The Jtey. Jack ff, F
ST., niQsburfi JlFDl, York Cbut oa, pastor rf its, First A
.,,c „,„„„
supjea „
of ^^^.^^
Inaugurating „a
ly, was listed by the D*fea» blr -f God Charcb,, Cleoaa,, is program to slimuiate interest
toe genertl eknlr- , among high school rfndcnU i
<4-CoL 4)|(Contbi>ed on Pago M-CoI. 4
House At Water Works
Scene Of fire Today
Salvation Army
Names Kirby To
lead Drive Again (Cotinoed on Pige M-Cd. 1> complete reorjawntiati of (he
Eshtemm To Be Here
For 1st lime Saturday
. ^?.B
Killed In Hre At Hwne
Thank Area Women
YORK, Fa. <AP) — John
Chinese arny, Pektaig radlalaenry BraWam. M. <J York,
reported today. Tne anwua«- was convicted WEiloealay
Santa With Pennsylvania
Dutch Accent Took Gifts
To Soldiers In Vietnam
siwo'-me of a
Calaiaw h«t wVrf for I
Sept 9.
•natty nut action on grounds tioo Army financial eanprifn.
Judge George Atkins deferred
that on Sec. H be had Ws
sentencing, BrabhaaTs counsel
allied by » party official to i
Edwin O. Eshleman, the Leb-i *-••
•nd W. Keller, divisional ten- anon Couoiy repreaenutive itiMd U|E decaioc to recrgaoue
B»,' will be al the Mb- tfte amy wa* taken by Mao
Catalan* te at «Aoit wKh «
Post Office Saturday to I with approval of tha Communiat The victim, Jeanett* Johnson,
i, of York, was shot in
Keller <aid We drive will,
TT-.e Sacta Ciaua Who landed ing
ba.ve iafcea • long «»«," wrota
irnitomi tavern during i
1 e
61jth aai M
th» tejtttctien feat Iher* an ebanoa Count).
S«- Rliodes.
rguraent and died Nov. 21
etrcoBuiincM when a contrailgrounds of Vietnam.
LeUer CantecU
;, Vietnam, had a Pemuyltwwaa can be, tegaUy remova the feverish power straggle.
overHis letter, written Dee. is at
ed ftwm W« office. An Illegal
broadcast . said tin
ieamed WedneEdi? in a l«Ucr
removal, it WM pointed wit, —
being underfriends,
only be determined after tha
'strength ea the
The letter, signed by S of the of SIB Raldeman'j in Pine
fates nUc« and then th« m
the proletarian
170 men assigned to that crftai- "rove acid the Wolf* in Lebawiiwi wittt
support for time ol us ft-ho
iltkm praised Mrs. Adstn BsJ.
were nnablo to spend Ctristraa*
Pros Grove RD 3; Mrs. Between the two won
Clsir.a eiperts said the purge
with our families this year.
Deris Wolf, liK WalEot St, lipped 40 boxes of U
of the- army was apparently
,rad tfc* Ubanoa D,il!y _o*P, razor bUde* aad ibavisg "Vietnam is a very bag way
invaded to keep oppotw-nts of CtMinbH- Member*
needs, insect spray ind (Jy pa- from the circulation area of thla
Mao from tiling the military to
couBtry into chil
f other needed jerosity
for the mm of
the «ina be{» to take *bape
• hearts of people such as you
formed a bridge of UQIearty la Norember wica *
i »n iMWbin t* H1t tklwt* f
letter fr»m Tagt, Rnald E, _.
>a wHh the tniB apirit of
Rhodes, a former Lebanon Ksmpsttr* w California and one p« American people.
"cvEtnial rem'.Litlo-,-,,'
Man, appeared to tae public Whose home « In Hilo, Hawsil. "Vcur glfta have «rmly pro.
by MM laft nmrna
" ' * hid iHsn«t!i(« of PlaJm«d ymir «i-rjwTt far what
Pftrwa of (be Lebanon D»Uy
in earlier this week. He reolww. ««h *e heto Of fanateal Red
i. however, became w« m doinx; your estaaiigbig
Jorm C. Kunkei, wh» retlrad. ItCwUnBefl <m Pm > - CeL 7)
The letter told of bmu«keepa « l>*i* U-OL »
* St *"