Unit 3—Jeffersonian Era Review Guide

Jeffersonian Era
Revolution of 1800
Albert Gallatin
Midnight Appointments
Judiciary Act of 1801
Naturalization Act of 1801
Land Act of 1801
John Marshall
Marbury v. Madison
Judicial Review
Louisiana Purchase
Strict v. Loose Constructionism
Lewis and Clark
12th Amendment
Essex Junto
Burr-Hamilton Duel
Burr Conspiracy
Cumberland Road
Berlin Decree
British Orders in Council
Milan Decree
Chesapeake Affair
Peaceable Coercion
Non-Intercourse Act
Macon’s Bill No. 2
War of 1812
William Henry Harrison
Tecumseh and the Prophet
War Hawks
Henry Clay
Andrew Jackson
Francis Scott Key
Unit 3—Jeffersonian Era Review Guide
Fort McHenry
Battle of New Orleans
Hartford Convention
Treaty of Ghent
“American System”
Bank of the US
Protective Tariff
Internal Improvements
Era of Good Feelings
James Monroe
Rush Bagot Agreement of 1817
Convention of 1818
Andrew Jackson and Florida
Adams-Onis Treat of 1819
Transcontinental Treaty
Panic of 1819
Missouri Compromise
Tallmadge Amendment
Market economy
DeWitt Clinton
Fletcher v. Peck
Dartmouth v. Woodward
Cohens v. Virginia
McCulloch v. Maryland
Gibbons v. Ogden
Charles River Bridge v. Warren Bridge
Monroe Doctrine
“New two party system”
Alexis de Tocqueville
Democracy in America
Eli Whitney
Essay Questions
1. To what extent was the Jeffersonian Era 1800-1828 consistent with the vision of Thomas Jefferson?
2. Discuss the factors that led to the Louisiana Purchase. Why was Jefferson reluctant to agree to the purchase?
Why did he ultimately agree to it? Why was the purchase significant?
3. Discuss the characteristics of American political factions and of political campaigns during the early nineteenth
century. Why can these factions not truly be labeled political parties in the modern sense?
4. Analyze the ways in which TWO of the following influenced the development of American Society;
Puritanism during the seventeenth century
The Great Awakening during the eighteenth century
Second Great Awakening during the nineteenth century
5. How could Sectionalism and Nationalism exist at the same time and at the same place?
6. Why were the years following the War of 1812 termed the Era of Good Feelings? What events ended this era?
7. Discuss the role of the Supreme Court under the direction of John Marshall in the use of Federalist nationalism
to protect the interests of commerce and capital.