A. WARM-UP: Answer the following questions.

Today’s Objectives: To learn about the classic story of Black Beauty and about loyalty
A. WARM-UP: Answer the following questions.
1. Have you visited a zoo?
2. What is your favorite animal?
3. Is that a tall animal?
Black Beauty.
My first master was a kind man. My mother and I had a happy life.
One day, my master sold me to Squire Gordon. "You're a beautiful horse," he said.
"You have a beautiful black coat." "I shall call you Black Beauty."
I learned to carry my master on my back and pull a cart.
The coachman's name was John. One night, John had to take a letter to a doctor.
The squire's wife was very ill. "Wake up, Beauty!" he said to me.
He jumped onto my back.
"Run as fast as you can," he said.
"Mrs. Gordon is very sick."
"She needs a doctor."
I ran as fast as I could.
We soon came to town. John woke up the doctor. He gave him the letter.
"Ride Black Beauty," John said. "He is tired, but he will run as fast as he can."
The doctor was heavier than John, but I did my best. I carried the doctor to the house.
Then I lay down. I could not breathe. I was in pain. I was very sick for a long time.
Mr. Gordon often came to see me.
"My beautiful horse," he said to me. "You saved Mrs. Gordon's life."
Black Beauty lived with his mom. They lived on Farmer’s Grey farm. His mom told him to, “Always be good,
always work hard.” He always followed his mom. His first owner was Mr. Gordon. Their family was very
good. One day, Mrs. Gordon got sick. Black Beauty saved Mrs. Gordon’s life.
The Gordon family moved. Black Beauty was sold to Lord Westland. . Lady Westland was unkind. One day,
Black beauty had an accident. A drunken man rode him. Black Beauty fell. The man died.
His third owner was Jerry Barker. Jerry’s family treated Black Beauty well. He had to work very hard.
Jerry got sick. Black Beauty was sold to a farmer. He met his old groom from Mr. Gordon’s. Black Beauty was
happy again.
1. Who was Black Beauty’s first owner?
2. What did Black Beauty do when Mrs. Gordon got sick?
3. What bad thing happened to Black Beauty with his second owner?
4. How many owners did Black Beauty have?
5. Why did Black Beauty become happy again?
C. LET’S DEBATE! Choose one side and defend your opinion by giving reasons.
1. Do you think that Black Beauty is a good or a bad horse?
2. Do you think animals should live in a zoo or not?
1. Is having a good family important for us?