Homework Packet

Section Quiz
The Jefferson Era
Section 1
FILL IN THE BLANK For each of the following statements, fill in the
blank with the appropriate word, phrase, or name.
1. In the presidential election of 1800, Republicans Thomas Jefferson and
each received the same number of electoral votes.
2. The
broke the tie in the election of 1800 when
Jefferson won on the thirty-sixth vote.
3. Jefferson wanted to limit the powers of the national
4. The election of 1800 was important because it was the first time that one
had replaced another in power in the United States.
5. Under Jefferson, Congress allowed the
to expire.
6. Even though he had originally opposed it, Jefferson agreed to support the
which the Federalists had created.
7. Chief Justice
wrote the Supreme Court opinion that
established the Court’s power to check the power of the other branches of
was an important Supreme Court ruling because it
confirmed the Court’s power to declare acts of Congress illegal.
9. The principle of
made the judiciary a much stronger
part of the national government.
10. As president, Jefferson believed that the national government should be
Copyright © by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. All rights reserved.
Progress Assessment
Section Quiz
The Jefferson Era
Section 2
TRUE/FALSE Mark each statement T if it is true or F if it is false. If false
explain why.
______ 1. The Louisiana Purchase nearly tripled the size of the United States.
______ 2. King Louis XVI of France offered to sell the Louisiana Territory to the
United States because he needed money for his war with Great Britain.
______ 3. Expeditions into western territories greatly increased American knowledge
of the West.
______ 4. President Jefferson sent Meriwether Lewis and Zebulon Pike to explore the
Louisiana Territory and to look for a river route to the Pacific Ocean.
______ 5. New Orleans was very important because many American goods passed
through its port at the mouth of the Mississippi River.
Copyright © by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. All rights reserved.
Progress Assessment
Section Quiz
The Jefferson Era
Section 3
MATCHING In the space provided, write the letter of the term, place, or
person that matches each description. Some answers will not be used.
______ 1. Many Americans believed that this coun-
try was behind efforts to provide military
aid to Native Americans in the western
______ 2. Americans were angered by this British
practice of forcing people to serve in their
army or navy.
______ 3. He asked Congress to declare war against
Great Britain in 1812.
______ 4. This law passed in 1807 greatly dam-
aged Native Americans trade and hurt
President Jefferson’s popularity.
______ 5. This Shawnee chief hoped to unite
American Indians in the Northwest
Territory against the United States.
______ 6. He was the governor of Indiana Territory
who defeated a union of Native Americans
at the Battle of Tippecanoe.
a. Embargo Act
b. France
c. Geronimo
d. Great Britain
e. impressment
f. James Madison
g. Non-Intercourse Act
h. Spain
i. Tecumseh
j. Thomas Jefferson
k. USS Constitution
l. War Hawks
m. William Henry Harrison
______ 7. Members of Congress who called for war
against Britain were known as this.
______ 8. This U.S. warship was built to protect
American merchant ships from attack.
______ 9. War between Great Britain and this coun-
try led to many problems for the United
______ 10. This law, which replaced a previous ban
on trade, outlawed trade with Britain,
France, and their colonies.
Copyright © by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. All rights reserved.
Progress Assessment
Section Quiz
The Jefferson Era
Section 4
FILL IN THE BLANK For each of the following statements, fill in the
blank with the appropriate word, phrase, or name.
1. In 1812, the United States and
went to war.
2. As a result of the decline in trade during the war,
the United States was forced to grow.
3. Captain
was given the task of breaking Britain’s con-
trol of Lake Erie.
4. The Battle of
was the last major conflict of the War of
5. As commander of the Tennessee militia,
defeated the
Creek Indians at the Battle of Horseshoe Bend.
6. President Madison was forced to flee when the British attacked
and set fire to many government buildings.
7. A disadvantage the United States faced in the war was that it’s
was not as large or as powerful as that of
Great Britain.
8. The
was a gathering of New England Federalists who
opposed the war.
9. Signed in Belgium on December 24, 1814, the
the War of 1812.
10. One of the positive effects of the war was that it increased a feeling of
among Americans.
Copyright © by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. All rights reserved.
Progress Assessment