COUNTERPOINT Palestrina Style

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Palestrina Style
Young-Chul Choi
Young-Chul Choi
Palestrina Style
Vol. I & II
Dvorak Academy Press
15th edition, 2012, 1315 pages
EUR 180.00 (excl. postage)*
ISBN: 978-89-967266-0-9
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Dvorak Academy Press, 15th edition, 2012
EUR 180.00
Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina
Maestro Young-Chul Choi
The Palestrina style is the style of polyphonic
vocal music as written by the 16th-century
Italian Renaissance composer Giovanni
Pierluigi da Palestrina (1525-1594). One of
the most prolific composers of the late 16th
century, Palestrina wrote 104 settings of the
Mass, over 250 motets, Magnificats, other
sacred music, and some secular madrigals,
and his ultra-refined, carefully controlled and
well-ordered musical language style made
him a model for other composers from his own
time to the present day.
Young-Chul Choi majored in orchestration
at Hanyang University in Seoul, Korea and
musicology at graduate school. After studying
Choral Music in America under the guidance
of Robert Shaw, he went on to study Opera
and orchestra conducting at the Hochschule
für Musik und Darstellende Kunst in Vienna,
Austria. He then went on to study as an
apprentice under Milteades Caridis. Since
then he has been instrumental in establishing
the Seouloratorio Choir in 1991, followed by
the Seouloratorio Orchestra and the Dvorak
Palestrina’s music is still regarded as the apotheosis of the polyphonic vocal
ideal of that era, a music that seeks to obtain a balance between melodic
independence and harmonic cooperation of individual voices.
COUNTERPOINT - Palestrina Style Vol. I & II, Young-Chul Choi
Based on more than 160,000 model examples and extracts from
the works of Palestrina and on pieces from his contemporaries, scientific
methods and statistics have been applied in the analysis of the compositions,
through repeated verifications and revisions to finally arrive at this 15th edition.
The books (Vol. I & II) consist of 48 chapters, 1315 pages, with the aim of
enabling self-educators and researchers to easily learn all the species of
counterpoint, based on cantus
firmus and imitative counterpoint,
homophonia, style transition,
coda and other counterpoint
styles. In addition to having
all this material, the books
clues about how homophony
developed into polyphony.
Dvorak Academy Press, 15th edition
EUR 180.00
ISBN: 978-89-967266-0-9
Currently he is the director of the Seouloratorio (Choir, Orchestra), the
Dvorak Academy, and is a judge and steering committee member of the
internationally acclaimed “International Antonín Dvořák Vocal Competition”.
He is active as the Director of the “International Antonín Dvořák Composition
Competition”, seeking to discover and develop young and talented
composers. Many performers now active on the world stage have studied
directly under the tutelage of Young-Chul Choi.
Over the past 32 years, Young-Chul Choi has tirelessly worked to discover
the principles and rules governing music. This research has led to the
publication of two academically recognized textbooks, COUNTERPOINT Palestrina Style (Vol. I & II) and Traditional Harmony. Young-Chul Choi stands
recognized as a scholar who has invested tremendous effort in order to
accurately and coherently describe Palestrina’s style of counterpoint.
Young-Chul Choi has stood at the forefront of cultural and performance
exchanges with Europe and the Czech Republic and was awarded a medal in
2005 from the Czech government for those contributions, in 2009 he received
the Gratias Agit Award.
Young-Chul Choi has performed internationally with numerous performers
and orchestras, spurring the development of cultural exchanges between
East and West. His main focus consists of oratorio music and in particular to
convey the works of Antonín Dvořák to a global audience. In addition his
repertoire includes opera and symphony among many other musical styles.