“The Landlady” Brochure Rubric

“The Landlady” Brochure Rubric
Exceeds Expectations
Meets Expectations
Below Expectations
Below Basic
Fails to Meet Expectations
Foreshadowing: Student had
full understanding of
foreshadowing. Found more
than 4 examples and was able
to connect all of them to an
event that happens later in the
Foreshadowing: Student
shows some understanding of
foreshadowing and was able
to find several (3) examples
in the text and connect it to
the event that it foreshadows.
Foreshadowing: Student
shows some understanding of
foreshadowing and was able
to find one example in the
text and connect it to the
event that it foreshadows.
Setting: Descriptive details
create a vivid picture.
Descriptive words, and
comparisons are well chosen
to help maintain the
brochure’s assigned tone.
Character: The characters’
traits of Billy and the landlady
are accurately described and
consistent with the original
Setting: Descriptive details
are used. Simple comparisons
may be present.
Setting: Descriptive details
are somewhat lacking, and no
comparisons are used.
Foreshadowing: The student
doesn't have a full
understanding what
foreshadowing means and
doesn't understand how to
find it in a text. Student was
unable to connect the
foreshadowing to an event in
the story.
Setting: No descriptive details
are included; story events are
talked about instead of being
Character: Characters are
described, but may not always
be consistent with the original
Character: Generic character
descriptions and may not
always be consistent with the
original story.
Look of brochure: The
brochure has colorful/creative
formatting and well-organized
information and pictures.
Look of brochure: The
brochure has attractive
formatting and well-organized
information including
Look of brochure: The
brochure has well-organized
Character: The characters of
Billy and the landlady are
undeveloped. Any details
included show a
misunderstanding of the
characters from the
Look of brochure: The
brochure's organization of
material is confusing to the