Review Package

Shipwrecked at the Bottom of the World - Review Guide
Vocabulary: putrefying, obstinate, stoked, moored, monotony, unperturbed (70), sodden, awash, calve,
demoralized (63), gangrene (120), hostile, impenetrable (18), foundered (104), crestfallen (84), incessantly
(98), forlorn (67)
1. Shackleton's goal on Endurance's expedition was to be the first to: (Chapter 1)
2. What does Shackleton's confrontation with the stowaway show us about his character? (Chapter 2)
3. On the first page, the author gives away the ending! She tells readers that all the men survived.
What do you think was her purpose in telling us this in the beginning? Is this purpose effective?
4. Shackleton never let the men "forget their strength lay in unity." Explain what is meant by this
statement. (Chapter 2)
5. Pick a crew member and write a diary entry - for any point in the story. It must be at least 10
6. What was the biggest problem that came with the "broken and fractured plain"? (Chapter 5)
7. Why do you feel that Shackleton felt that the banjo would be needed? (Chapter 5)
8. Page 51 says " What they would do once they reached this destination (Paulet Island) was not
specified: it was enough to have a goal." Why was having a goal enough? (Chapter 6)
9. How did the crew feel when Endurance finally sank? Explain why they felt this way. (Chapter 7)
10. Why were routines important to follow? (Chapter 9)
11. Why were the men able to eat the last of the sled dog's without feeling regret? (Chapter 10)
12. Hurley wrote: "Hunger brings us all to the level of other beasts." What did he mean by that? Do you
agree or disagree that man can sink to the level of beasts when faces with extreme hardship?
(Chapter 10)
13. Why do you think Shackleton chose Blackborrow to be the first man on Elephant Island? Why did
Shackleton tell Blackborrow in advance that he would be the first? What does this say about
Shackleton as a leader? (Chapter 12)
14. Shackleton chose his crew for a variety of reasons. Why did he choose Worsley, Crean, McNeish,
McCarthy, and Vincent to crew the James Caird? (Chapter 13)
15. If you were in a similar situation, who would you choose to be on your team? Choose five
teammates. Explain your reasons for choosing these five people to accompany you on a difficult
16. List at least three challenges the men on the James Caird faced as they travelled from Elephant
Island to South Georgia Island. (Chapter 14)
17. Several times the experiences of the men were described as "the worst" Which of their experiences
do you think was the worst? Why?
18. Would you rather have been on the crew of the James Caird or one of the men waiting on Elephant
Island? Why?
19. Shackleton was the protagonist, or hero, of this story? Who or what was the antagonist - the source
of conflict with the hero - in the story?
20. Was Shackleton a respected leader? Give an example from the text to support your argument.