Annals of Botany 77: 623-628, 1996 Respiratory Behaviour of Young Hinoki Cypress {Chamaecyparis obtusa) Trees under Field Conditions STEPHEN ADU-BREDU, TAKETO YOKOTA* and AKIO HAGIHARA Forest Ecophysiology Laboratory, Forest Sciences Division, School of Agricultural Sciences, Nagoya University, Nagoya 464-01, Japan Received: 28 July 1995 Accepted: 4 December 1995 Night-time respiration rates of aerial parts of six sample trees in a 9-year-old hinoki cypress [Chamaecyparis obtusa (Sieb. et Zucc.) Endl.] stand were measured at monthly intervals over a 1-year period, by an enclosed whole-tree method. When the relationships between annual respiration rate and mean phytomass, and between annual respiration rate and annual phytomass increment were examined, one sample tree, which was under stress, did not follow the trend of the rest, indicating that its lower respiration rate did not correspond to its size because of its negligible phytomass increment. Respiration was partitioned into maintenance and growth respiration to explain this phenomenon. The maintenance coefficients were 0-0345,0-0373, 00352,0-0211, 0-0316 and 00200 g CO 2 g"1 month" 1 , in decreasing order of tree size. The maintenance coefficients of the stressed (i.e. 00211 g CO 2 g"1 month" 1 ) and suppressed (i.e. 0-0200 g CO 2 g"1 month" 1 ) trees were similar and smaller than those of the rest which were larger and alike, indicating that stress and suppression reduced the coefficient. The growth coefficients were 1-45, 1-51, 1-28, 1-80, 1-45 and 1-64 g CO 2 g"1, in decreasing order of tree size. The growth coefficient of the stressed tree (i.e. 1-80 g CO 2 g"1) was the largest followed by that of the smallest and suppressed tree (i.e. 1-64 g CO 2 g"1), suggesting that stress and suppression reduced the efficiency of conversion of substrate into new structural phytomass. The stressed tree respired mainly to maintain itself. The respiratory behaviour of the sample trees, including the stressed tree, was compatible with the concept of growth and maintenance respiration. © 1996 Annals of Botany Company Key words: Chamaecyparis obtusa, growth respiration, hinoki cypress, maintenance respiration, phytomass, phytomass increment, size dependence, stressed tree, suppressed tree. Hagihara and Hozumi, 1991, 1992; Yokota, Ogawa and Hagihara, 1994; Yokota and Hagihara, 1995), has rarely The two-component functional model considers respiration received much attention because of the inherent large in broad terms as being composed of growth and main- phytomass of trees (e.g. Jarvis and Leverenz, 1983; Hagihara tenance components (e.g. Hesketh, Baker and Duncan, and Hozumi, 1991; Sprugel and Benecke, 1991). 1971). According to the model, growth respiration is coupled In the present study, night-time respiration rate of the to growth rate, that is, an increase in growth rate is aerial parts of six sample trees was measured nonassociated with an increase in growth respiration and vice destructively at monthly intervals by an enclosed whole-tree versa, whereas maintenance respiration is coupled to plant method (Ninomiya and Hozumi, 1981, 1983; Yokota et al., size, such that an increase in phytomass is associated with 1994). Estimated annual respiration rate of the sample trees an increase in maintenance respiration. A major effect of was related to the annual mean aerial phytomass and stress is the promotion of senescence, accompanied by low phytomass increment, and partitioned into growth and rates of growth (Waisel, 1991), which in turn result in a maintenance respiration to clarify the respiratory behaviour decrease in growth respiration. When growth is arrested, of the trees. respiration will be dominated by metabolism associated with survival (Amthor, 1989). Respiration of trees under stress has received little M A T E R I A L S AND M E T H O D S attention compared with that of crop plants (Amthor, Plant materials 1989). Although there have been studies of the respiration of excised or small parts of trees over short periods, The study was carried out in a 9-year-old (as of 1992) stand respiration at the whole-tree scale, particularly under field of hinoki cypress [Chamaecyparis obtusa (Sieb. et Zucc.) conditions (with a few exceptions, e.g. Butler and Landsberg, Endl.] in an experimental field of the School of Agricultural 1981; Ninomiya and Hozumi, 1981, 1983; Paembonan, Sciences, Nagoya University, Japan, from Jul. 1992 to Jun. 1993. Tree population density, mean tree height, mean stem volume and mean stem cross-sectional area at the crown * Present address: Global Environment Research Division, base of all trees in the stand in Jun. 1992 were 10148 trees National Institute for Environmental Studies, Onogawa 16-2, ha"1, 3-59 m, 4-16 dm3 and 20-4 cm2, respectively. General Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305, Japan. INTRODUCTION 0305-7364/96/060623 + 06 $18.00/0 1996 Annals of Botany Company 624 Adu-Bredu et al.—Respiratory Behaviour of Hinoki Cypress Trees features of the sample trees, which were chosen to reflect the size class distribution of individual trees in the stand, are given in Table 1. Monthly measurements were made of tree height, stem girth at the crown base and stem girth at 50-cm intervals of all trees in the stand. From the measurements, stem volume was calculated by Smalian's formula (e.g. Avery and Burkhart, 1994). Aerial phytomass, uT (kg per tree), was estimated from stem volume, vs (dm3 per tree), by the formula of Hagihara, Yokota and Ogawa (1993) as H> = 0-626 y.0954. Night-time respiration measurement An enclosed whole-tree method (Ninomiya and Hozumi, 1981, 1983; Yokota et al., 1994) was used for the respiration measurements. The aerial parts of each sample tree were enclosed in a transparent cylindrical assimilation chamber made of 0-2 mm thick polyvinyl chloride film (Takafuji Chem. & Syn. Co., Ltd., Japan). In order to avoid air leakage, potter's clay was applied to the base of the stem before tying the skirt of the chamber firmly to the stem base. A fan was installed to stir the air inside the chamber to maintain uniform CO2 concentration. A temperature sensor installed at 1-0 m above the ground monitored air temperature inside the chamber. For gas sampling, a pump circulated the air through vinyl pipes inserted into the chamber through three different intakes (top, middle and bottom of the chamber) and a gas sampling nozzle outside the chamber at a rate of 8 dm3 min"1. Microsyringes of volume 20 cm3 were used to collect five gas samples at a time from each sample tree chamber at 2-h intervals. The gas samples were analysed immediately using an infrared gas analyser (URA-2S Shimadzu Seisakusho Ltd., Japan). The measurements were made from dusk to dawn. respiration rate of white clover in the dark during the day time responded to air temperature in the same manner as the rate during the night time. The respiration rate, r, observed at a particular air temperature, 6, can be used to estimate monthly mean respiration rate, rmo (mg CO2 per tree lr 1 ), which corresponds to a monthly mean air temperature, 6m (°C), as (Yokota et al., 1994) o = r-exp[k(6m-0)], (2) where coefficient k is the reaction rate for respiration. Paembonan et al. (1991) found that the reaction rate for night-time respiration of the aerial parts of a 12-year-old hinoki cypress tree was inversely related to air temperature, and that the value was not affected by tree size. The coefficient k was calculated from = 0-130-0-00311 (3) The estimated monthly mean value of k was inserted into eqn (2) to give the corresponding monthly respiration rate. Annual respiration rate was calculated by summing the monthly respiration rates. Relative growth rate, RGR, was calculated by the formula RGR = AwT (4) where Awr is the phytomass increment between the beginning and end of the sampling period and vvT is the mean phytomass during the period. A two-component model developed by Hesketh et al. (1971) was used to partition respiration into growth and maintenance respiration. This model was expressed by the relationship = g- AwT/wT (5) where rmo/wT is specific respiration rate (g CO2 g 1 month J), AwT/wT is relative growth rate (g g^month"1), g is growth coefficient and m is maintenance coefficient. Data analysis From the volume of the assimilation chamber, V (m3), RESULTS mean air temperature, 6 (°C), and mean rate of CO2 increment, dC/dt (/tmol mol * per tree h"1), in the chamber Tree growth during the experimental period, night-time respiration rate, Tree height and stem volume increments, and relative r (mg CO2 per tree lr 1 ), was calculated as growth rate of the sample trees are given in Table 1. The height increment of tree 4 was only 0-020 m year"1, whereas 273-2 44-0 dC that of the remaining trees ranged between 0-38 and 0-60 m r= V(1) year \ This indicates that the apical meristem of tree 4 had 273-2 + 0 224 ~d7' virtually ceased functioning. Similarly, the stem volume It was assumed that the night-time respiration was measured increment of tree 4 was only 0-037 dm3 year"1 compared under standard barometric pressure and the volume of the with the range 0-20-2-6 dm3 year"1. As a result, the relative trees was negligible compared to the volume of the chambers. growth rate of tree 4 showed a low value of 0-012 kg kg"1 Air temperature recorded at 3-min intervals in the year x compared with values of between 0-18 and neighbourhood of the stand was used in the calculation of 0-30 kg kg"1 year"1. monthly mean air temperature. The night-time respiration The cause of stress was not investigated directly but tree rate observed at a particular air temperature was used to 4 was close to five other trees which had died recently. On estimate monthly mean respiration rate from monthly mean uprooting one of these trees soon after death, it was air temperature. This extrapolation is supported by the observed that fine roots were absent, possibly caused by work of McCree and Amthor (1982) who found that the flooding stress during the rainy season when water accumu- Adu-Bredu et al.—Respiratory Behaviour of Hinoki Cypress Trees TABLE 625 1. General features of the sample trees in June 1992 Tree number 1 Features Tree height (m) Stem cross-sectional area at the crown base (cm2) Stem volume (dm3) Tree height increment* (m year"1) Stem volume increment* (dm3 year"1) Relative growth rate* (kg kg" 1 year"1) 4-2 44 2 3 3-8 20 3-3 12 7-8 0-57 2-6 0-27 5-1 0-60 1-2 0-22 2-9 0-59 1-1 0-30 4 5 6 31 8-8 2-9 8-0 2-6 6-9 30 0-02 0-037 0-012 1-6 0-17 0-39 0-21 0-94 0-38 0-20 018 * From Jun. 1992 to Jun. 1993. Mar. May Month FIG. 1. Seasonal variations in monthly mean temperature (A) and monthly respiration rate (B). O, Tree I: • . tree 2; • , tree 3; A, tree 4; • , tree 5; A, tree 6. lates in these shallow soils. Since hinoki cypress trees are known to be flood-intolerant, it is likely that root damage was responsible for the stress experienced by tree 4. Seasonal variations in temperature and respiration Seasonal variations in the respiration rate of the sample trees, and monthly mean air temperature, are shown in Fig. 1. The seasonal trend in respiration largely followed that of air temperature except in August, when the atmosphere was warm and dry. In general, the respiration rate decreased from July (mid-summer) reaching a minimum value in January (mid-winter), and then increased towards summer. The seasonal trend was evident in all the sample trees, with the exception of tree 4, and there was a distinct tree size dependence in the respiratory consumption every month. The respiration rate of tree 4 was intermediate between those of trees 5 and 6 in Jul. 1992, and it dropped to below that of tree 6 in Jun. 1993. Phytomass (kg per tree) FIG. 2. Relationship between annual respiration rate and mean phytomass. # , Tree 4. Relationships between annual respiration rate and phytomass, and phytomass increment Figure 2 shows the relationship between annual respiration rate of the individual sample trees and their corresponding phytomass plotted on logarithmic coor- dinates, which shows that tree 4 (the tree under stress) is out of trend with the rest, indicating that its respiratory consumption does not correspond to its size. The annual respiration rate of each tree was also plotted against its Adu-Bredu et al.—Respiratory Behaviour of Hinoki Cypress Trees 626 annual phytomass increment as shown in Fig. 3. Again, tree 4 was out of trend with the rest, suggesting that its lower respiratory consumption could be attributed to its negligible phytomass increment. Regression of specific respiration rate on relative growth rate 0.01 0.1 Phytomass increment (kg per tree year"1) FIG. 3. Relationship between annual respiration rate and phytomass increment. The legend as in Fig. 2. o V 0.15 A 0.10 — 0.05 0.00 -0.01 0.15 B 0.10 — _ 0.05 0.00 -0.01 0.15 -C 0.10 _ 0.05 1 0.00 -0.01 0.10 - D u o o o _—•—--"•"" 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 Y#° i 1 1 I — _ — • — 0 0.00 -0.001 0 - - — - • 1 1 , 0.04 1 I 0.05 1 I 1 0.06 o o ___——-o— o o 1 ~~&o 1 ° 1 I I 0.03 o °o o o 0.01 0.02 0 ______-T) _—-—" —-— -0.001 1 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 o -0.05 o ° o o 0.05 0.00 - -0.01 0 _______— 1 1 1 1 1 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 O o yi 0 u 1 DISCUSSION Ninomiya and Hozumi (1981) found, in a young Pinus densi-thunbergii stand, that the annual respiration rate was almost proportional to aerial phytomass, and Yokota et al. (1994) also found in a young hinoki cypress stand that the annual respiration rate increased with both increasing aerial phytomass and phytomass increment. Ogawa, Hagihara and Hozumi (1985) also demonstrated, in a seedling population of hinoki cypress, that the respiration rate was approximately proportional to the phytomass. On the basis of these findings (Ninomiya and Hozumi, 1981; Ogawa et al, 1985), Hagihara and Hozumi (1991) concluded that respiration rate of individual trees in younger stands may be directly proportional to their phytomass. However, from this study, it can be said that these findings can hold only when all the trees are under similar physiological • and environmental conditions. o b o 1 0.001 0.002 1 0.003 0.005 , 1 0.005 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.01 A plot of specific respiration rate as a function of relative growth rate for the sample trees presented in Fig. 4 shows a close correlation between the two variables. The regression was based on eqn (5). The maintenance coefficients, m, for trees 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 were 0-0345, 0-0373, 0-0352, 0-0211, 0-0316 and 0-0200 g CO2 g 1 month 1 , respectively. The growth coefficients, g, for trees 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 were 1-45, 1-51, 1-28, 1-80, 1-45 and 1-64 g CO2 g \ respectively. 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 ' ( g g 1 month *) FIG. 4. Plot of specific respiration rate, rm0/wT, as a function of relative growth rate, AwT/wT. The regression lines are based on eqn (5): A, Tree 1, rmo/wT = 1 -45 AwT/wT + 0-0345; B, Tree 2, rmo/wT = 1-51 AwT/wT + 0-0373; C, Tree 3, rmo/wT = l-28zlvvT/irT + 0-0352; D, Tree 4, rmo/vvT = 1 -80 AwT/wT + 0-0211; E, Tree 5, r mo /w T = 1-45 AwT/wT + 0-0316; F, Tree 6, r mo /u' T = 1 -64AwT/\vT + 0-0200. Maintenance and growth respiration The maintenance coefficient values, m, for trees 1,2, 3 and 5 were similar and larger than those for trees 4 and 6 which were also similar (Fig. 4). McCree (1986) and Amthor and McCree (1990) pointed out that stress which results primarily in a decrease in carbon gain and utilization will cause a reduction in the general level of metabolism, and, in turn, a decrease in the value of m. Wilson, van Bavel and McCree (1980) found that the value of m for whole plants decreased under increasing levels of water stress when the stress developed slowly, as is the case in the field. It can, therefore be concluded that it was the stress and suppression which reduced the value of m in the present study. The m values given are low compared with values given by Ledig, Drew and Clark (1976), Wullschleger and Norby (1992) and Wullschleger, Norby and Gunderson (1992) for the leaves and shoots of seedlings which range between 1-11 and 411 g CO2 g"1 month"1, but Hole and Barnes (1980) pointed out that in bulky tissues m decreases with increasing size. Such a decline in m may result from a progressive increase in the Adu-Bredu et al.—Respiratory Behaviour of Hinoki Cypress Trees TABLE 2. Comparison between annual growth respiration rg, 10 c and maintenance respiration, rm r Tree 1 1 tt number 1 2 3 4 5 6 g rm g ' 627 ; r m = 0.295 wT 1243 m 1 (kg CO 2 per tree year" ) 2-03 (49-5 %) 1-12 (43-5 %) 0-781 (48-2%) 0-0551 (10-9%) 0-331 (45-0%) 0196 (56-2%) 2-07 (50-5 %) 1-45 (56-5 %) 0-838 (51-8%) 0-450 (89-1%) 0-404 (55-0%) 0-153 (43-8 %) 410 (100%) 2-57 (100%) 1-62 (100%) 0-505 (100%) 0-735 (100%) 0-349 (100%) O O bp O . l h 0.01 proportion of woody tissues with very low maintenance costs, which is a characteristic of woody plants. The growth coefficient value, g, for tree 4 (i.e. 180 g CO 2 g" 1 ), the tree under stress, was the largest followed by tree 6 (i.e. 1-64 g CO 2 g" 1 ), the smallest and suppressed tree, suggesting that stress and suppression reduced the efficiency of conversion of substrate into new structural phytomass. Shone and Gale (1983) reported increases in the value of g owing to salinity. According to Amthor and McCree (1990), the value of g can be changed by stress if the composition of the substrate used in growth, or the composition of the products of growth are changed. The g values given are large compared with values given for leaves and shoots of seedling by Ledig et al. (1976), Wullschleger and Norby (1992) and Wullschleger et al. (1992), which vary between 0-470 and 0-964 g CO 2 g"1. However, Havranek (1985) calculated g to be 1-60 g CO 2 g x for the direct cost of wood production by Larix decidua, a value which is similar to those in this study. Jarvis and Leverenz (1983) pointed out that, in view of the substantial amounts of wood produced in trees, the g value is likely to be high. Equation (5) can be rewritten as rmo = (6) where the first term on the right-hand side (g • AwT) represents monthly growth respiration rate and the second term (m • n'T) denotes monthly maintenance respiration rate. Since the coefficients g and m of the individual sample trees were constant over the year (Fig. 4), growth respiration predominated over maintenance respiration in the months with a great deal of growth (from Apr. to Aug.), whereas maintenance respiration predominated in the months with little or no growth. However, with tree 4, maintenance respiration predominated throughout the season. Annual maintenance and growth respiration rates were calculated by the summation of the respective monthly rates. Contributions of the annual maintenance and growth respiration towards total respiration are given in Table 2. The proportion of annual maintenance respiration for trees 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 was respectively 50-5, 56-5, 51-8, 89-1, 55-0 0.1 1 wT (kg per tree) 10 FIG. 5. Dependence of maintenance respiration, rm on mean phytomass, wT. # . Tree 4. and 43-8 %, whereas that for annual growth respiration was 49-5, 43-5, 48-2, 10-9, 450 and 56-2 %, respectively. Only tree 6 had a higher growth respiration than maintenance respiration, whereas for the other trees the proportion of the maintenance respiration was slightly greater than that of growth respiration. However, with tree 4, the tree under stress, pattern of the contribution was different. The contribution from maintenance respiration was very high (891%) compared with growth respiration (10-9%). Wanner and Tinnin (1986) found that dark respiration rates of twigs with mistletoe were significantly lower than uninfected twigs. In that case the respiration rate was presumably mostly maintenance. Ryan (1990) also found that lodgepole pine trees infected with mistletoe had very low respiration rates. It can therefore be concluded that trees under stress respire largely to maintain the existing phytomass. Dependence of maintenance and growth respiration on phytomass and phytomass increment The relationships between maintenance respiration and mean phytomass, and between growth respiration and phytomass increment were examined on logarithmic coordinates as shown in Figs 5 and 6, respectively (Adu-Bredu, Yokota and Hagihara, 1996). Unlike Figs 2 and 3, the relationships could be described by the power function. In Fig. 5, tree 4 fell between trees 3 and 5, its expected position, whereas in Fig. 6 it was behind tree 6. In conclusion, it can be said that stress and suppression are associated with decreases and increases in the maintenance and growth coefficients, respectively, and under field conditions, variability among trees may be high as a result of variation of environmental and physiological factors. It can be concluded that under such conditions the respiratory behaviour of trees is compatible with the concept of maintenance and growth respiration. Adu-Bredu et al.—Respiratory Behaviour of Hinoki Cypress Trees 628 0.01 AwT (kg per tree year ~1) FIG. 6. Dependence of growth respiration, r , on aerial phytomass increment, u T . # , Tree 4. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We thank our colleagues for their valuable assistance during the field work. This study was supported in part by a Grantin-Aid for Scientific Research (Nos. 05556023, 07456071) from the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture, Japan. LITERATURE CITED Adu-Bredu S, Yokota T, Hagihara A. 1996. Carbon balance of the aerial parts of a young hinoki cypress (Chamaecyparis obtusa) stand. Tree Physiology 16: 239-245. Amthor JS. 1989. Respiration and crop productivity. New York: Springer-Verlag. Amthor JS, McCree KJ. 1990. Carbon balance of stressed plants: A conceptual model for integrating research results. In: Ascher RG, Cumming JR, eds. Stress responses in plants: adaptation and acclimation mechanisms. Wiley-Liss, Inc., 1-15. Avery TE, Burkhart HE. 1994. 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