Using Online Search Tools to Locate Information

Lesson Plan
Course Title: Web Technologies
Session Title: Using Online Search Tools to Locate and
Evaluate Information.
Lesson Duration:
2 hours
Performance Objective:
Upon completion of the lesson, students will be able to use online search tools to research and
evaluate acquired information on careers and ethical responsibilities in the field of information
Specific Objectives:
 Students will understand the difference between a search engine and a search directory.
 Students will understand the various search techniques such as keyword, Boolean, and
 Students will be able to explain the importance of computer ethics and proper netiquette,
both in the workplace and socially.
 Students will be able to describe various job opportunities, and the role information
technologies plays in these fields.
 Students will be able to show knowledge of the education level, certification, and skills
related to careers they are interested in.
TEKS Correlations:
1C: Examine the role of certifications, resumes, and portfolios in the Web
Technologies profession.
1E: Solve problems and think critically.
1H: Demonstrate an understanding of legal and ethical responsibilities in relation to
the field of information technology.
2A: Identify job opportunities and accompanying job duties and tasks.
2B: Research careers of personal interest along with the education, job skills, and
experience required to achieve personal career goals.
4B: Model ethical and legal acquisition of digital information, including the correct
citing of sources through the use of established methods.
4C: Demonstrate proper netiquette and acceptable use policies when using networks.
5D: Synthesize information from data acquired from electronic and
telecommunications resources.
IT: Web Technologies: Search Engine Lesson Plan
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Instructor / Trainer
• Content Developer Knowledge
Instructional Aids:
• Online Search Tools Presentation
• Search Engine Activity
• Search Engine Lesson Quiz
Materials Needed:
Search Engine Activity Worksheet
Search Engine Presentation
Search Engine Quiz
Search Engine Quiz key
Equipment Needed:
Each student will need a computer with Internet access.
Introduction (LSI Quadrant I):
Have students open a search engine and type in the word “Cars” in the search field
and look at the number of results. Discuss with students the importance of limiting
the results to only those relevant to what they are looking for. Tell them they will be
learning some techniques to make their internet searches more efficient.
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Outline (LSI Quadrant II):
Instructor Notes:
How Search Engines Work
a. Search Engine
b. Indexed
c. Spiders
d. Search Query
e. Search Field
II. Search Strategies
a. Phrase Searching
b. Keyword Searches
i. Boolean Searches
ii. File type Searches
iii. Quick Information
Students should have a
two search engines
opened on their
computer, and follow
along with the
III. Evaluating Information
a. The Author
b. Type of Website
i. Personal Sites
ii. Special Interest Sites
iii. Professional Sites
iv. Commercial Sites
v. News Sites
Students should complete the Search
Engine activity and Quiz on their own.
Guided Practice (LSI Quadrant III):
During the presentation the students should have two search engines loaded. As
search topics are shown, the students should enter the information to see the
Independent Practice (LSI Quadrant III):
Following the activity, the students should complete the Search Engine Activity.
Much of the information students will be searching for will be related to their personal
interests, so each students will be finding different results.
IT: Web Technologies: Search Engine Lesson Plan
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Review (LSI Quadrants I and IV):
Following the activities the teacher should ask students how much faster it was for
them to use some of the search techniques in locating their information. Explain that
each search engine uses different filtering methods, so they should stick with search
engines they are familiar for most of their searches, or when using a different search
tool, look to see which filter methods it uses.
Informal Assessment (LSI Quadrant III):
The teacher should observe the students’ search techniques while they complete the
Search Activity. Make sure they are properly filtering their searches.
Formal Assessment (LSI Quadrant III, IV):
1. The teacher should review the student’s completed Search Engine Activities.
The teacher should verify the information provided by the student.
2. The students should complete the Search Engine Quiz.
Extension/Enrichment (LSI Quadrant IV):
Following the lesson, the students can continue to search career options, including
degree requirements, and salary expectations. For additional challenges have the
students also search for advancement opportunities for their selected jobs.
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Teaching Strategies
Personal Development
Lecture, discussion, journal
writing, cooperative learning,
word origins
Reading, highlighting, outlining,
teaching others, reciting information
Problem solving, number
games, critical thinking,
classifying and organizing,
Socratic questioning
Mind-mapping, reflective
time, graphic organizers,
color-coding systems,
drawings, designs, video,
DVD, charts, maps
Use music, compose songs
or raps, use musical
language or metaphors
Organizing material logically, explaining
things sequentially, finding patterns,
developing systems, outlining, charting,
graphing, analyzing information
Developing graphic organizers, mindmapping, charting, graphing, organizing
with color, mental imagery (drawing in
the mind’s eye)
Use manipulatives, hand
signals, pantomime, real life
situations, puzzles and board
games, activities, roleplaying, action problems
Reflective teaching,
interviews, reflective listening,
KW L charts
Cooperative learning, roleplaying, group brainstorming,
cross-cultural interactions
Natural objects as
manipulatives and as
background for learning
Socratic questions, real life
situations, global
Creating rhythms out of words, creating
rhythms with instruments, playing an
instrument, putting words to existing
Moving while learning, pacing while
reciting, acting out scripts of material,
designing games, moving fingers under
words while reading
Reflecting on personal meaning of
information, studying in quiet settings,
imagining experiments, visualizing
information, journaling
Studying in a group, discussing
information, using flash cards with
other, teaching others
Connecting with nature, forming study
groups with like-minded people
Considering personal relationship to
larger context
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Search Engine Activity
1. Look up the definition of “career” on two different search engines. Be sure to use the define keyword
in your search query. In the spaces below, write each search engine’s definition of the term. If
multiple definitions are returned, use the first.
Search Engine #1
Search Engine #2
2. Why do you think the definitions might not be the same?
3. In a search engine, use the filetype operator to locate a Web Master Job Description in pdf format.
All the returns should be pdf files. Print your search results from your browser and attach to the back
of this page.
4. Click on one of the job descriptions that you found in your search. List 5 duties of the position:
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Web Technologies
5. Using either search engine, search for available certifications for web design professionals. List three
that you find.
6. Now consider your own career interest. Think of three career fields you would be interested in
For each career field you listed above, use your favorite search engine to find the following information.
7. Career Field A
Entry Level Job:
Starting Salary:
Training or Degree Requirements:
Describe the duties of the job:
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Web Technologies
8. Career Field B
Entry Level Job:
Starting Salary:
Training or Degree Requirements:
Describe the duties of the job:
9. Career Field C
Entry Level Job:
Starting Salary:
Training or Degree Requirements:
Describe the duties of the job:
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Web Technologies
Search Engine Activity – Instructor’s Guide
Instructor Note: Many of the student responses on this activity will vary due to the continuous updates the
search engines make to their databases and because students will be looking up information that is of interest
to them.
1. Look up the definition of “career” using two different search engines. Be sure to use the define
keyword in your search query. In the spaces below, write each search engine’s definition of the term.
If multiple definitions are returned, use the first.
Search Engine #1
An occupation undertaken for a significant period of
a person's life and with opportunities for progress.
long-term or lifelong job: a job or occupation
regarded as a long-term or lifelong activity
2. Why do you think the definitions might not be the same?
Answers will differ but should include something about each search engine using a different
source of data.
3. In the search engine of your choice, use the filetype operator to locate a Web Master Job Description
in pdf format. All the returns should be pdf files. Print your search results from your browser and
attach to the back of this page.
4. Click on one of the job descriptions that you found in your search. List 5 duties of the position:
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013. All rights reserved.
Web Technologies
5. Using either search engine, search for available certifications for web design
professionals. List three that you find.
6. Now consider your own career interest. Think of three career fields you would be interested in
For each career field you listed above, use your favorite search engine to find the following information.
7. Career Field A
Entry Level Job:
Starting Salary:
Training or Degree Requirements:
Describe the duties of the job:
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Web Technologies
8. Career Field B
Entry Level Job:
Starting Salary:
Training or Degree Requirements:
Describe the duties of the job:
9. Career Field C
Entry Level Job:
Starting Salary:
Training or Degree Requirements:
Describe the duties of the job:
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Web Technologies
Using Online Search Tools to Locate Information - Quiz
1. Which best describes an online search engine?
a. A tool that goes out onto the Internet and finds what you are looking for.
b. A database of different information websites.
c. A collection of websites.
d. A program that crawls the Internet looking for and gathering information from websites.
2. What is meant when a web page has been indexed?
a. Information on the website has been stored by the search engine.
b. The website has been deleted.
c. The site is scheduled to be crawled.
d. The site has been modified.
3. The programs that collect information on web pages to be stored by the search engine are called
a. Seekers
b. Ants
c. Spiders
d. Beatles
4. The information provided to a search engine so it can locate your web pages is called the…
a. search field
b. search query
c. keyword
d. results
5. The keyword search method will return what?
a. Web pages that have the exact words in the search query in the exact order.
b. Only web pages that contain all the words in the search query.
c. Web pages that contain any of the works in the search query.
d. Nothing will be returned.
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Web Technologies
6. When looking up web pages with specific wording, which type of phrase would be most appropriate?
a. Phrase search
b. Directory search
c. Keyword search
d. File type search
7. What does the Boolean search filter do?
a. Allows you to save your searches.
b. Return web pages with specific phrases in them.
c. Stores information about websites to the search engine.
d. Specifies specific words to include or exclude.
8. Which search query would return ONLY web pages that include the term “webmaster” as well as the
term “certification”?
a. webmaster OR certification
b. webmaster certification
c. webmaster AND certification
d. webmaster NOT certification
9. Which search query would return web pages that include the term, “web” as well as the term
“degree,” but eliminate the pages that have the term “programming”?
a. web AND degree OR programming
b. web degree NOT programming
c. web AND degree NOT programming
d. web or degree
10. Which search query would return PDF files of a webmaster job description?
a. filetype: pdf webmaster job description
b. pdf webmaster job description
c. file: webmaster job description
d. webmaster job description pdf
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013. All rights reserved.
Web Technologies
Using Online Search Tools to Locate Information - Quiz
1. Which best describes an online search engine?
a. A tool that goes out onto the Internet and finds what you are looking for.
b. A database of different information websites.
c. A collection of websites.
d. A program that crawls the Internet looking for and gathering information from websites.
2. What is meant when a web page has been indexed?
a. Information on the website has been stored by the search engine.
b. The website has been deleted.
c. The site is scheduled to be crawled.
d. The site has been modified.
3. The programs that collect information on web pages to be stored by the search engine are called
a. Seekers
b. Ants
c. Spiders
d. Beatles
4. The information provided to a search engine so it can locate your web pages is called the…
a. search field
b. search query
c. keyword
d. results
5. The keyword search method will return what?
a. Web pages that have the exact words in the search query in the exact order.
b. Only web pages that contain all the words in the search query.
c. Web pages that contain any of the works in the search query.
d. Nothing will be returned.
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Web Technologies
6. When looking up web pages with specific wording, which type of phrase would be most appropriate?
a. Phrase search
b. Directory search
c. Keyword search
d. File type search
7. What does the Boolean search filter do?
a. Allows you to save your searches.
b. Return web pages with specific phrases in them.
c. Stores information about websites to the search engine.
d. Specifies specific words to include or exclude.
8. Which search query would return ONLY web pages that include the term “webmaster” as well as the
term “certification”?
a. webmaster OR certification
b. webmaster certification
c. webmaster AND certification
d. webmaster NOT certification
9. Which search query would return web pages that include the term, “web” as well as the term
“degree,” but eliminate the pages that have the term “programming”?
a. web AND degree OR programming
b. web degree NOT programming
c. web AND degree NOT programming
d. web or degree
10. Which search query would return PDF files of a webmaster job description?
a. filetype: pdf webmaster job description
b. pdf webmaster job description
c. file: webmaster job description
d. webmaster job description pdf
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Web Technologies