The Emancipation Proclamation of Divine Balance

The Emancipation Proclamation of Divine Balance
We welcome you on this auspicious day of 8:1:8, receiving the Cosmic Ray of
Emancipation for All of Humanity. Speaking on this topic of great importance are the
Ascended Lady Masters under the Guidance of Lord Malkuth, the Divine Feminine
Counterpart of the Lord Melchizedek. We join together today in celebration of Divine
Balance and the Emancipation of All from the authoritative tyrant archetype.
We first express our gratitude and thanks to Rapheim Blue for bringing this to your
conscious attention. It is our intention to provide additional information to All on the
great gift of this UV Ray Now accelerating Many one million fold. We are pleased to
affirm that critical mass has been achieved and surpassed by you Lightworkers in Service
to the Divine Heart and Mind of the Creator. Yes, indeed, a spiral of Light has come to
you Servers of the Way, and you are ampli-flying and sending it back in an infinite spiral
of Love in Service to Divine Balance. You may recall♥♥ that the new symbol of balance
for humanity is the white dove, present as the crown of Malkuth.
We show you the WE ARE Presence of Lords Melchizedek and Malkuth:
Please refer to the archive of 6-10-05 on the Return of the Holy Grail to Humanity, on my website: The Holy Grail is held by Malkuth. The above image of Malkuth, the Great
Mother Goddess is from, a free Goddess Art Cards website.
The Divine Feminine has been Emancipated and Restored to her rightful place in the
Order of Cosmic Balance. As well, the Divine Masculine has been Emancipated and
Restored to his rightful place in the Order of Cosmic Balance Many have you have
worked very long and very diligently at karmic release. We, the Ascension Masters of
Balance, are here to suggest to you that it is time to redefine your mission and your
purpose with respect to clearing your earthly karma. We ask you to consider this: when
you release something, you are re-leasing it, signing up for the pattern to come back to
Release means literally, to lease it again. The origins of lease come from the Latin laxare,
which means to loosen, open and make wide. This is what many of you have done. You
have loosened your energies of karmic patterns, you have made more room for the light
and love of your divine soul to expand back to Truth, but also, you have re-leased aspects
of karma into your reality streams. Ask yourself: Have I experienced karmic return
through karmic re-lease? Yes or no. Only you may ascertain your own Truth on this
Those who wish to remain in control of humanity’s imprisonment, have very much
encouraged to you to “release your karma”, to “release your ego”, and to “release your
past”. We are asking the Divine you of the Light, to redefine your conceptual, and then
energetic pathway to Ascension.
All words have meaning. All words vibrate to sacred numerology and creation
geometries. We are asking you to Emancipate your sacred self from your karmic bonds
and entanglements. This is very different from releasing them. The 818 UV Ray allows
this to manifest today, on 10-17-2006. And for those of you reading this discourse after
this date, do not enter into despair that you have “missed” something. For nothing is lost
in the Heart of the Divine. This UV Ray and the energies of “8” (the spiraling into
infinite infinities of Love), are forever entered into the timelines of Earth.
Our dear ones, Emancipation vibrates to “12” – the trinity number of Ascension (3x4). 12
is the number of spiraling movement of consciousness, from 1+2 = 3 into the trinities.
Four trinities equal 12. 1+2=3 is the dynamic of manifestation, which we will discuss
below. 3x4 moves you onto the Ascension Pathway, out of limitation, confusion and
susceptibility to manipulation. Do you understand the simplicity of this Ascension Key?
An encoded Ascension Date for All in the 3-4th dimensions who Open to
Receive Divine Love
Release vibrates to “11 - 2”, a word of potential duality and imbalanced stasis. Release
can be a gateway (11) to higher energetic frequencies, but it often falls back to duality of
the 2.
Proclamation also vibrates to “11-2”. The difference, you see, is that this Proclamation is
made by the Balanced Orders of Melchizedek and Malkuth, and cannot be devolved into
In verb forms, to “emancipate” vibrates to a “6” and to “proclaim” vibrates to a “6”. Six
is the number of the Lovers, and is the first unification of trinities of 3+3. To proclaim, to
emancipate, combined equal the 12 again, of Ascension. While we do not wish to bore
you with grammar, we will explain that word usage is as important as the word vibration.
For you see, a noun “Is” while a verb “Creates”. This is true and is seen in the very
numerology of these parts of speech: noun =1, verb =2. One IS; Two creates from the
sacred vesica pisces.
In the form of nouns, Emancipation Proclamation vibrates to “23” – an 11 + 12,
combining the Master Number of 11, the Master Intuitive, with 12, the trinity number of
Ascension. This creates the energetic vibration for Love and Light. (note from Ronna, AuraSoma bottle #23 is called “love and light” and it contains the keynote energy of “Wisdom and
understanding to find the love within.” )
To emancipate, our dear ones, means to “free from bondage, to free from influence and to
terminate paternal control over”. Lest you assume that we are denigrating the role of the
male gender, please be informed and emancipated from that “less than” attitude also. The
male gender is restored to Right Balance in the Cosmos also on this day. The energies
being emancipated are Both male and female, Both the tyrannical repression of the
authoritative tyrant and the helpless victim of the female martyr. Both genders are
responsible for the creation of the energies of imbalance present on your planet. Both
genders are emancipated to Balance, right relationship and right action. This is a day of
great celebration as this Balance is Created through your willingness to serve, and your
thoughts which are based on love, and your actions, which are creating more Light than
ever before seen on this planet and in this sector of your galaxy. We are En-lightened by
your efforts and we are en-joying your success.
Emancipation stems from the Latin word, emancipatus: to declare someone free. It
further stems from ex (away) and mancipare (deliver or transfer). Mancipare stems from
manus (hand) and capere (capable).
Thus, let us give you the Ascended Master Definition of Emancipation:
To BE Emancipated means to free your sacred self and soul from the control of the
authoritative tyranny.
Emancipation means to deliver your sacred self and soul, by your own hand, through
your own capabilities as sacrosanct souls, to Divine Light and Love.
What does “by your own hand” mean? It means Free Will Choice, that which each of
your are gifted with as a sacrosanct soul. It is by your free will choice, that you are
emancipated from tyranny. It is not through the act or action of any other being directed
at you. You must make the choice by your hand, (manus), that you are capable of making
(capere) on this day of transformation.
We ask you to cease from releasing your karma and to emancipate your sacred self and
soul to the Path of Dharma, Service to the Divine, Awakening to Balance between the
masculine and feminine genders, and the full spiral of Christ-Nada Consciousness on
This is an aspect of the gift of the 818 gateway on 10-17-2006. When you emancipate
your sacred self and soul, you open this gateway to many, not only on Earth, but many in
the Cosmos in the Law of As Above, So Below.
Another aspect of Emancipation is Manifestation. You see, manifestation is from the very
same root word of manus. Manifestation is based on the root words manus (hand) and
festus (to strike).
The Ascended Master Definition of Manifestation is this:
To Manifest is to strike (or create) from your own hand, that which you choose to
make plainly visible in reality.
How do you Lightworkers manifest a new and different reality, the One you Know is
yours by Divine Right Order? You Emancipate your sacred self and soul through this
Emancipation Proclamation:
The White Dove, sign of Aquarian Balance
The Emancipation Proclamation of Divine Balance
We Are One with the Divine.
We Are Instruments of Peace.
We emancipate our sacred selves and souls tyranny and martyrdom
Now and forevermore.
We Serve the Way, the Truth and the Light
In the first trinity of Love-Wisdom-Power
In the second trinity of Love-Sanctity-Purpose
And in the Trinity of Creation: Father-Mother-God.
We hereby and forever after declare:
We are free from manipulation
We are free from deception.
We emancipate our karmic bondage by our Divine Right
Of Free Will Choice.
We declare with this Proclamation:
We love, honor and respect the Divine Feminine.
We love, honor and respect the Divine Masculine.
We are One with the Divine.
We are Entering Divine Balance:
The place of peace that we know is Our Promised Land.
We are One with the Divine
Blessed Be the One.
The Balanced Orders of the Lords Melchizedek and Malkuth thank you for your fixity of
purpose in following this pathway to Ascension. What you create for One, you create for
All. This is Truth.
Blessed Be the One
© Ronna Prince 2006