Unit Two

Unit Two
Q1) A- Choose the correct answer:
1……………………….. . is located between stratosphere and mesosphere.
a. Tropopause b. Strat pause
c, Menopause
d. Stratosphere
2. Charged cosmic radiations reflect in …………….. layer.
a troposphere
b. Stratosphere
c.. Mesosphere
d. ionosphere
3. Ionosphere surrounds by two ……………….belts.
a. magnetic
c. electric
d. heat
4. Meteors are formed in …………….... layer.
a. mesosphere b, ionosphere
c. exosphere
d. stratosphere
5. The height of atmospheric envelope is about ,......... above the sea level.
a. 1000 km. b. 1000 m.
c. 1000 mb.
d. 13 km.
6. As the density of air increases, the atmospheric pressure .................
a. increases. b. decreases.
c. doesn’t change. d, (a) or (b).
7 ………........ is an instrument used by pilots in aeroplanes to measure their elevation from sea
level based on atmospheric pressure.
a. Altimeter
b. Barograph
c. Aneroid
d. Metallic barometer
8.The decrease in temperature at any height in troposphere is given by…………. .......
a. height in meters x 6.5
b . height in km + 6.5
c. height in km x6.5
d. height in km ÷ 6.5
9.All the atmospheric phenomena on the Earth like rains, Winds, clouds take place in layer.
a. mesosphere
b. stratosphere
c. thermosphere
d. troposphere
10. Water vapour in troposphere .......... the temperature on the Earth.
a. organizes
b. decreases
c. increases
d. has no effect on
11.Ozone layer is found in ……………….layer
a. mesosphere
b. stratosphere
c. thermosphere
d. troposphere
12. Pilots prefer to fly their planes in the lower part of stratosphere because:
a. No cloud exist
b. No weather disturbance
c. air moves horizontally
13. The planes fly in ………………… layer.
a. troposphere b. Stratosphere c. mesosphere
d thermosphere
14. ……………….. layer extends from tropopause to stratopause.
a. Troposphere b._ Stratosphere c. Mesosphere d. Thermosphere
d. all the previous
Q2) Problems:
1-lf the temp. at the foot of Everest mountain is 22.5°C. Find the temp. at its top of height 8574 m. above
Earth’s surface.
2. Calculate the height of a mountain if temperature at its foot is 21°C and at its top is 7°C.
Q3)-Give reasons for:
l .All weather conditions take place in troposphere layer..
2. The atmospheric pressure in troposphere layer decreases by increasing the height above sea level.
3. Ionosphere plays an important role in communication..
4. The upper part of thermosphere is called ionosphere.
5. The atmospheric pressure decreases by increasing the altitude above sea level..
6. Winds blowing.
7. The troposphere layer is called by this name.
8. The stratosphere layer is called by ozonic atmospheric envelope.
9. Temperature is high in the upper part of stratosphere layer.
10. Stratosphere layer is important for man’s life.
11. Pilots prefer to fly their planes in stratosphere.
12. Mesosphere layer is called by this name.
13. Mesosphere is the coldest layer.
14.The last layer of atmospheric envelope is called thermal layer.
Q3)What's the importance of :
1. Barometers. .
2. lsobar.
3. The lower part of stratosphere.
Q4)Write the scientific term of each of the following:
1.The gaseous envelope which surrounds the Earth and is rotating with it around its axis.
2.The weight of air column of an atmosphere height above a unit area.
3.The measuring unit of atmospheric pressure.
4.The atmospheric pressure at sea level.
5. A barometer used to determine the possible day weather.
6. An instrument used by pilots in aeroplanes to measure their elevations from sea level.
7. The curved lines that join the points of equal pressure in atmospheric pressure maps.
8. The region between troposphere and stratosphere layers.
9. The second layer of atmospheric envelope. ° The ozonic atmospheric envelope
10.A layer that protects man’s life from harmful radiations.
11.The coldest atmospheric layer.
° The third layer of atmospheric envelope.
12. The hottest atmospheric layer.
13. The atmospheric layer at which pilots prefer to fly.
.14.The phenomenon that appears due to scattering of harmful charged radiations by Van-Allen belts.
Q5)Look to this figure and answer the following:
-The symbol H reprsents…………………..
- The wind moves from the …………………….to the…………………….
- The lines that are present on the map represent………………
Q6)Look to this figure and answer the following:
- What is the scientific name?
- Where are they located?
- What is the phenomenon that takes place as a result of their
Q7) The opposite figure exhibits the temperature changes in the layers of atmospheric envelope:
1- Which of the atmospheric layers?
a. of highest pressure.
b. the atmospheric pressure its end is 1 millibar.
2. Mention the highest and lowest temperature in
a. Stratosphere layer.
b. Mesosphere layer.
Q8) Put (\/) or ( X), then correct what is wrong :
l . There is about 50% of the mass of atmospheric air in the
area between sea level and 3 km. height
2. The standard atmospheric pressure at sea level equals 76 mb.
3. Troposphere layer contains most of atmospheric envelope.
4. Satellites orbit around the Earth in exosphere region
5. Troposphere is important for Wireless communication.
6. Ozone layer is found in thermosphere layer
7. Atmospheric envelope rotates with the Earth around its axis,
8, Atmospheric pressure is the mass of air column above unit area.
9. Wind moves from regions of high atmospheric pressure to that of low atmospheric pressure.
10.The thickness of troposphere layer is 37 kilometers
11. Mesosphere layer contains 99% of atmospheric water vapour which organizes the Earth’s temperature,
12. The atmospheric pressure in stratosphere layer increases as we go up until it becomes 0.001 bar.
13. The temperature of the fourth layer increases at a high rate as we go up until it reaches l200°C at its top.
14.. Ozone layer is found in thermosphere layer.
15. The atmospheric envelope is inserted in outer space in a region known as ionosphere
Thickness km
Temperature at bits end
Atmospheric pressure at its top
Q9) What is the importance of :
l. Ozone layer
2. Satellites
3. Thermosphere
Q10)A- Choose from column (B) what suits it in column (A) :
1. Barometer
2. Altimeter
3. Troposphere
4. Mesosphere
5. Stratosphere
6. Thermosphere
2. Tropopause
3. Ozone layer
4. Van»Allen belts
5, Ionosphere
6. Stratopause
a. The coldest layer in atmospheric envelope.
b. The layer that is suitable for planes flying,
c. An instrument used to measure atmospheric pressure.
d. The layer that contains all weather conditions.
e. An instrument used to determine the altitudes of
f. The hottest layer in atmospheric envelope
a. protects man’s life from ultraviolet rays.
b. protect man’s life from cosmic radiations.
c. is the region between mesosphere and thermosphere
d. is the region between mesosphere and stratosphere.
e, is the region between stratosphere and troposphere.
a. protects man’s life from ultraviolet rays.
Lesson 2
Q1)Put ( )or(X) and correct the wrong:
1 Ozone layer is located at a height 20 - 30 km above sea level.
2 UVC penetrate the ozone layer with ratio l00%.
3 Erosion of ozone layer and global warming phenomenon are from the dangerous phenomena that face
Earth planet atmosphere
4 Methane gas and nitrous oxide are considered from greenhouse gases
5 Halogens are produced from ultrasound airplanes
6 Ozone molecule consists of two oxygen atoms
. Q2) Choose the correct:
1 …………………… is/are used as an insecticide to preserve stored agricultural crops.
a. Methyl bromide gas b. Halons c. Nitrogen oxides
d. Freon
2 The ratio of CO2 in the atmosphere in 2005 reached ……………………
a. 0.31%
b. 0.032% c. 0.037%
d. 0.038%
3 Oxygen molecule splits into two active atoms in the stratosphere layer under the effect of ..........
a. heat.
b. infrared radiations c. ultraviolet radiations. d. cooling down
4 Scientist .......... proposed that the thickness of ozone layer is about 3 mm under the standard
pressure and temperature
a. Newton
b. Edeson
c. Dobson
d . Watson
5 Degree of ozone under STP condition is .,........ Dobson
a. 100
b, 200
c. 300
d. 400
6 One Dobson unit (DU) is defined as ..........
a. 3mm
b. 0,1mm
c. 0.01mm
d. no correct answer
7 Ozone layer absorbs .......... % of the medium ultraviolet rays (UV-B).
a. 100
b. 95
c. 90
d. 20
8 Ozone layer allows 100% of the.,........ UV rays to penetrate the Earth’s atmosphere.
a. far
b. medium
c. near
d. (b) , (c)
9 Nanometer equals .......... meter.
c.1X 10
10 Increasing the ratio of ultraviolet radiations could cause ..........
a. immunity system weakness.
b. plankton death.
c. upset of photosynthesis process.
d. all the previous answers
11 . ....,..... compounds are known commercially as freon.
a. Halons
b. Nitrogen oxides
c. Hydrocarbons d. Chlorofluorocarbon
12 Chlorofluorocarbon compounds are used as ._......,.
a. solvent substance. b. cooling substance. c. propellant substance. d. all the previous..
13 All of the following cause erosion of ozone layer except ...,......
a. freon.
b. aerosols. c. nitrogen oxides. d. iron oxide
14 When chlorine monoxide reacts with ozozne molecules , .......... atoms liberate
a. chlorine
b. fluorine
c. carbon
d. oxygen
15 Among the recommendations of Montreal Protocol is(are) ........,.
a. reducing the use of CFC5 compounds. b. stopping manufacturing of Concorde aeroplanes
c. cutting trees.
d (a) and (b) together.
16 Greenhouse effect explains........
a. erosion of ozone layer.
b. global warming phenomenon.
c. a new way of agriculture.
d. water evaporation.
17 All of the following gases are greenhouse gases except..........
Q3) Write the scientific term:
l. A type of ultraviolet radiations that is absorbed completely (l00%) by the ozone layer.
2. Thinning or losing parts of ozone layer
3. A gas used as an insecticide and causes the increase in ozone hole.
4. Compounds used in extinguishing fires and considered from the most dangerous pollutants of ozone layer.
5. Oxides that cause ozone hole and result from burning of the fuel of Concorde planes.
6. Gases when their ratios increase, the temperature of planet Earth increases.
Q4) Give reasons for:
1. Increasing the size of ozone hole in September every year.
2. Formation of ozone layer in the Stratosphere layer.
3. All nations must ban producing or handling CFCS compounds.
4. Write one main point about the bad effects of ozone hole.
5 Infrared radiation cannot penetrate the Ea1’th’s atmosphere.
6. Burning of fossil fuel should be reduced.
7. Increasing CO2 gas ratio in the atmosphere.
8. Chlorofluorocarbon compounds are dangerous to the environment.
9. Factories and shops should store their goods in cartoon boxes instead of foam boats;
10. Scientists ban using freon as a cooling material.
11. Increasing the average temperature of the Earth’s near-surface air during the last years.
l2. Infrared radiation cannot penetrate the Earth’s atmosphere.
13. Most countries are attempting to reduce the use of fossil fuel.
14. Efforts must be done to look for alternative energy resources
Q5) Match between the suitable in these columns
Q6) what is meant by?
l. Non-CFCS
3. Ozone hole.
5. Global warming phenomenon.
2. IPCC: 3. Greenhouse effect
4. Montreal Protocol.
6. Greenhouse effect.
Q7) Mention:
l. The most dangerous pollutants of ozone layer.
2. The reasons for increasing CO2 gas ratio in the atmosphere.
3. The use of halons
4. Explain with equations the role of ultraviolet radiations in the formation of ozone gas