Comma Rules 1-7 Assignment

Comma Rules 1-7 Assignment
Ollie and Fletcher McGee from Spoon River Anthology
Read the poems Ollie McGee and Fletcher McGee. Write a paragraph about what
you think was the situation between the two. Use an example of each comma
rule (1-7) in explaining your analysis. Of course, the poems do not tell the reader
exactly, so it is up to you to decide; there are no right or wrong answers. After
you have created the sentence, label which rule you used in parenthesis at the
end of the sentence. The sentence rules do not have to be in order.
Example: Ollie was young and beautiful when she met Fletcher McGee, but
marriage changed both of them. (1) Ollie says she turned into a wrinkled, broken,
tormented, yellow-toothed, humbled person. (2) Her words make the reader
wonder why she stayed and endured him. Fletcher, on the other hand, seemed to
enjoy tormenting Ollie in subtle ways. (3) Fletcher said that Ollie drained his days,
hours, minutes, and strength. (4) To complete my paragraph I would need to use
comma rules 5,6,and 7, but this is just a brief example to get you started!