Learning to Direct The person who directs a bout is called the referee. Referees must know the arcane rules of fencing and must apply them with strict impartiality. To become a complete fencer, this skill must be mastered— if only at the level of directing recreational fencing. The referee may be assisted by two or four judges who watch the action of one fencer and signal the referee when a touch lands or when some other action occurs that should stop the bout. (Judges are rarely used when electric scoring apparatus is available.) Learning to direct will improve your fencing even if you never direct a competition bout. For the new fencer, learning to direct is a daunting task. Taking your turn as a judge in the salle is usually the first step. Once you are comfortable in that role, volunteer to referee. Studying the rules and talking with more experienced referees will help. Attending a seminar conducted by a certified referee instructor is required if you seek a rating as a referee, and good to do periodically no matter how skilled you become. The Fencing Officials Commission (FOC) maintains a Website . Here , a fencer can find several key resources for understanding the current rules and current philosophy of directing a bout: HU • • • • UH H H Referee’s Manual (found under the Domestic list box as “Referee Handbook”) HU UH Points of Emphasis by George Kolombatovich (found near the bottom of the FOC home page) HU UH Fencing Rules 2008 (found under the Rules list box) HU UH Referee Code of Ethics (found under the Documents/Forms list box) HU UH • National Referee Examination Study Guide (found under the Ratings list box) The website also provides links to a Website for the International Fencing Federation (Federation Internationale D’Escrime, known as the FIE). USFA rules are based on those of the FIE. If you can read French, some of your questions about the rules may be resolved by reading the source text. In any case, the gestures that referees are supposed to use are presented much more clearly here . (Note that the graphics in the USFA rules are very poor, and that there are discrepancies between the figures in the Referee’s Manual, the USFA Rules, and the FIE Rules.) The first of these resources to consult should be the Referee’s Manual . It is relatively clear. Its description of the factors that make a particular movement an attack clarifies many of the most difficult issues. Fencers who read it will better understand why referees make their calls. The Athlete Handbook summarizes what a competitor needs to know about the organization of competitions. Answers to a few of the questions on the referee’s exam are covered there, too. The FOC strongly recommends that referee candidates study the USFA Fencing Rules prior to taking the examination. Unfortunately, merely reading the rules is not adequate preparation for the written test, let alone the practicum. Here is a recommended study sequence: 1. Become familiar with the organization of the rules. 2. Skim the entire rulebook. 3. Study the rules that address right of way, penalties, and failure of electrical equipment. 4. Answer the questions in the study guide. (This is the “question bank” for the general and weapon-specific tests.) 5. Find the rules that support your answer. 1 HU UH HU HU UH UH HU UH F 1 Ostensibly, the questions in the study guide are presented in the order of the relevant rules. If this were true, it would be possible to use a printed question bank as a study guide to the printed rules, which was the original intent. (Those who lack a computer can buy a copy from the FOC.) For whatever reason, it is demonstrably not true today. Therefore it is very helpful to download the Rules and save them in electronic form (pdf), taking advantage of the Find and Search functions of Adobe Reader (which is a free program available for all major operating systems). HU UH 1 of 1 Learning to Direct 6. Then, and only then, compare your answers with those that follow. 7. Discuss your questions with rated referees and fencers that are more experienced. 2 of 1 General Section Question Rule Discussion Page A reprise of the attack is: 1. a. b. c. a seizing of the attacker’s blade an immediate new attack after return to guard a reply to the attack in an indirect line t.8(d)3. 9 t.8(d)4 10 t.13 10 A counter time is defined as: 2. a. b. c. an attack on the opponent’s preparation a stop thrust into the final action of an attack an action made by the attacker against a stop hit made by the opponent Before going off the end of the strip with both feet, fencers must be able to retreat from their on guard lines a total distance of: 3. a. b. c. 7 meters 5 meters 2 meters 1 of 1 General Section Question The distance required at the ends of a fencing strip in order to provide a safe and level surface upon which a fencer may retreat when crossing the rear limit is: 4. a. b. c. Rule m.57.4 none 1.5 to 2 meters 1 meter Discussion This answer must be inferred from the Rules’ description of the conducting strip. Page 61 The protective plastron must be checked at the beginning of each: 5. a. b. c. bout pool, team match and direct elimination bout tournament Other than giving a penalty card, what should be done with electrical equipment that, when presented to the Referee, fails inspection? 6. a. b. c. t.43 17 t.45 17 return it to the fencer for repair confiscate it there is no other requirement 2 of 1 General Section Question Rule A fencer reports to the strip with no protective plastron (underarm protector) and a weapon that fails inspection. The fencer receives a: 7. a. b. c. YELLOW CARD for the missing protective plastron and a YELLOW CARD for the defective weapon RED CARD (award a touch for opponent) Yellow Card for defective weapon; require fencer to get a plastron Discussion Page Inferred from instruction to “apply penalties according to Articles t.114, t.116, and t.120 (first group).” t.43 t.45.1 Note that t.45 refers to t.44, which allows the referee to re-check (and refers to t.35, which summarizes the referee’s duties) but the plastron requirements are in t.43 and are amended by the USFA note on p. 18. Fencer X has no previous penalties. During a halt, X’s weapon is found not to conform to the Rules with a fault that could have been caused by the fencing. 8. a. b. c. X receives a YELLOW CARD; confiscate X’s weapon X receives a RED CARD; confiscate X’s weapon no penalty; confiscate X’s weapon t.45.2 17 3 of 1 General Section Question Rule Discussion Page Fencer X has a YELLOW CARD. During a halt, Fencer X’s weapon is found not to conform to the Rules with a fault that could have been caused by the fencing. 9. a. b. c. confiscate X’s weapon; X receives a YELLOW CARD confiscate X’s weapon; X receives a RED CARD confiscate X’s weapon; no additional penalty required t.45.2 17 During a halt, a fault is found in Fencer X’s equipment; the equipment appears fraudulent. 10. a. b. c. confiscate X’s weapon; X receives a YELLOW CARD confiscate X’s weapon; X receives a RED CARD confiscate X’s weapon; before deciding on any penalty, consult technical expert t.45.3 If the technical expert determines that the equipment is fraudulent, X receives a BLACK CARD. 4 of 1 18 General Section Question Rule Discussion Page During a halt, a fault is found in Fencer X’s equipment where manifest fraud could exist. 11. a. b. c. confiscate X’s weapon; X receives a YELLOW CARD confiscate X’s weapon; X receives a RED CARD confiscate X’s weapon; before deciding on any penalty, consult technical expert t.45.3 Note that the question refers to equipment while the answers all focus on the weapon. It could be the body cord, mask, or uniform that is fraudulent. With no penalties given, Fencer X is certified by the technical expert to have equipment that bears the marks of the preliminary check which have been imitated. t.45.3(d) a. X receives a YELLOW CARD b. X receives a RED CARD c. X receives a BLACK CARD 18 12. With no penalties given, Fencer X is certified by the technical expert to have equipment that is fraudulent. 13. a. b. c. X receives a YELLOW CARD X receives a RED CARD X receives a BLACK CARD 18 t.45.3(c) 18 5 of 1 General Section Question With no penalties given, Fencer X is certified by the technical expert to have equipment that has been altered to allow the registering of touches. 14. a. b. c. a. b. c. a. b. c. t.45.3(c) t.28 t.45.1 X receives a YELLOW CARD X receives a RED CARD no penalty With no penalties yet given, Fencer X reports to the strip with a mask that does not bear the marks of the preliminary inspection. 16. Discussion Page 18 X receives a YELLOW CARD X receives a RED CARD X receives a BLACK CARD With no other penalties given, Fencer X is penalized for crossing the lateral boundary to avoid a touch. X subsequently replaces a weapon with one that does not conform to the Rules. 15. Rule X receives a YELLOW CARD X receives a RED CARD X receives a BLACK CARD Warning for leaving the strip to avoid being touched. Penalty for nonconforming weapon. Inferred from instruction to “apply penalties according to Articles t.114, t.116, and t.120 (first group).” t.45.3 13, 17 18 6 of 1 General Section Question Fencer X receives a RED CARD for a vindictive act. X subsequently replaces a broken weapon. The weapon, which has been confiscated, is verified by the technical expert to have a falsified inspection mark. 17. a. b. c. Rule Discussion Page t.45.3(d) bears the marks of the preliminary check which have been imitated or transferred 18 m.4.5 “a cross bar or electric socket which extends beyond the edge of the guard is 47 m.5.2 “The padding on the inside of the guard must be less than 2 cm thick.” X receives a YELLOW CARD X receives a RED CARD X receives a BLACK CARD May a weapon have any extensions beyond the guard? 18. a. b. c. no yes, but only the electrical connectors for foil and épée yes, provided the extensions pass through the measuring frame for testing weapons expressly forbidden.” Specifications concerning the padding inside the guard include: 19. a. b. c. none it must be less than 2 centimeters thick it must be at least 2 centimeters thick 7 of 1 47 General Section Question Rule Discussion Page May the jacket or its collar be in any position other than closed? 20. a. b. c. no yes, the collar may be undone if covered by the mask’s bib yes, any part of the jacket covered by the mask’s bib may be open m.25.2 Safety. “…The jacket and its collar must be completely buttoned or done up.” 54 What feature should the Referee check about the fencer’s jacket and breeches? 21. a. b. c. that the jacket covers the entire torso and the breeches cover the entire leg that the jacket must overlap the breeches by at least 3 centimeters when the fencer is in the on guard position that the jacket must overlap the breeches by at least 10 centimeters when the fencer is in the on guard position m.25.4 Jacket. At all weapons, for men and women, the lower edge of the jacket must overlap the knickers by at least 10 cm when the fencer is in the on-guard position. The additional requirement that the jacket “must cover the whole of the surface of the trunk” applies only to épée. 8 of 1 55 General Section Question Rule Discussion Fencer X arrives at the strip wearing shorts or sweat pants instead of fencing breeches. 22. a. b. c. allow X to fence if X is a beginner, as we don’t want to discourage beginners allow X to fence if it is not a major competition; X probably won’t get hurt anyway X receives a YELLOW CARD; allow a reasonable amount of time for X to obtain fencing breeches Fencing trousers are no longer mentioned in the rules but according to Certified Referee Instructor Brad Baker, they are allowed. What action should a Referee take when a fencer’s long socks fall down? 23. a. b. c. allow the fencer to continue if the socks are up at the beginning of the bout call Halt!; Have the fencer fasten the socks so that they stay up call Halt!; allow the socks to be pulled up each time 9 of 1 Page General Section Question Rule Discussion Page What action should a Referee take if a fencer reports to the strip with a torn sleeve? 24. a. b. c. allow a reasonable amount of time for the replacement or repair; fencer receives a YELLOW CARD allow a reasonable amount of time for the replacement or repair; fencer receives a RED CARD allow a reasonable amount of time for the replacement or repair; no penalty t.45.1 Specifications for the cuff of the glove are: 25. a. b. c. none cuff must be 8 centimeters long cuff must cover approximately the lower half of the forearm m.25.6 55 m.25.7 55 What test must a mask be subjected to before use in a competition? 26. a. b. c. visual inspection punch test and visual inspection check that the bib is less than 2 centimeters long 10 of 1 General Section Question Rule No penalties have been given. While retreating, Fencer X parries Fencer Y’s attack and ripostes, touching Y on the valid surface. X then falls; Y’s remise arrives on the valid surface. 27. a. b. c. Discussion Halt is called when the riposte arrives. Both the fall and the remise are after the halt and of no effect. Moreover, note that the penalty associated with falling is assigned only when the touch (valid or not, presumably not floor) is made during or after a fall (cf. t.87 & t.120). award a touch for X; award a touch for Y; X receives a YELLOW CARD annul all touches; X receives a YELLOW CARD With no penalties yet given, Fencer X falls during an attack. X’s attack lands on the opponent’s valid surface. 28. a. b. c. allow X’s touch allow X’s touch; caution X to be more careful annul X’s touch; X receives a YELLOW CARD In a pool bout, Fencer X has received a YELLOW CARD for nonconforming equipment and is losing 3-2. Fencer Y attacks and scores a valid touch. In attempting to avoid the attack, X falls. 29. a. b. c. X is now losing 4-1 X is now losing 4-2 X has lost the bout 5-2 t.87 t.87 Falling is not penalized unless the falling fencer’s touch arrives during or after the fall. Even if a halt were called when Fencer X falls, Fencer Y’s action had already started and therefore scores. 11 of 1 Page General Section Question Having already received a YELLOW CARD for raising the mask before the Referee called Halt, X parries while turning the back and then makes a riposte that arrives on the opponent’s valid surface. 30. a. b. c. annul X’s touch; X receives a RED CARD allow X’s touch; X receives a RED CARD annul X’s touch; X receives a YELLOW CARD Rule t.21 t.120 a. b. c. X has won 5-2 X is now winning 4-3 X has won 5-3 Page Turning the back is an offence of the first group, requiring the referee to call “Halt!” and to assign the penalty. The halt occurs on the parry. The touch is annulled because the 12 action began after the halt. (If the back were turned on the riposte, the touch would be annulled because of the card.) The touch is valid; the offence is a subsequent action. On the table in t.120, there is no asterisk next to this offense, meaning that the touch is not annulled. In a pool bout, Fencer X has received a YELLOW CARD for non-conforming equipment and is winning 4-2. X attacks, sees the machine register a valid touch and, in excitement, removes the mask before the Referee calls Halt! 31. Discussion The bout is not over, since the fencers have not saluted and shaken hands. The penalty should be awarded. t.120 In practice, referees often fail to call “Halt” and they are not required to signal when there is an audible signal and a light showing that a touch has arrived and both fencers stop fencing. In such a situation, a penalty seems unfair. We do not know how this question is graded. 12 of 1 General Section Question Rule Discussion Page No penalties have been given. With the back hand, Fencer X pushes Fencer Y’s blade aside. X then touches Y on the valid surface. 32. a. b. c. allow X’s touch; X receives a YELLOW CARD annul X’s touch; X receives a RED CARD annul X’s touch; X receives a YELLOW CARD t.22 12 t.17 11 The lateral position for fencers when they are placed on guard must be: 33. a. b. c. the middle of the width of the strip the side opposite the Referee if one fencer is left-handed wherever the fencers wish to be This question should be rewritten. No other penalties have been given. At the referee’s command “Ready,” Fencer X comes on guard with his or her weapon curved beyond the maximum allowed by the rules for the weapon. 34. a. b. c. YELLOW CARD for X the Referee instructs X to straighten the blade. the Referee issues X a verbal warning, and instructs X to straighten the blade. Competitors come on guard when the Referee gives the order ‘On guard‘, after which the Referee asks, ‘Are you ready?‘. On receiving an affirmative reply, or in the absence of a negative reply, he gives the command for fencing to commence with the word ‘Fence‘. t.17 The Rules do not describe “Ready” as a “command.” If the proper sequence is followed, the fencer has an opportunity to answer in the negative after having been on guard already, with an opportunity to inspect the blade. We know that “a” is the correct answer when the test is graded. 13 of 1 11 General Section Question Fencer X attacks before the command Fence! is given. Fencer Y parries successfully and scores a valid touch on the immediate riposte. 35. a. b. c. award a touch for X award a touch for Y no touch awarded Rule Discussion t.18.1 t.53.1 The start of the bout is signaled by the word ‘Fence‘. No movement made or initiated before the word ‘Fence’ is counted. t.18.2 If a competitor stops before the word ‘Halt‘, and is touched, the touch is valid. Fencer X stops for any reason other than the Referee’s Halt! during a phrase and is hit valid by Fencer Y. 36. a. b. c. award a touch for Y annul touch by Y annul touch by Y only if there were loud and confusing noises Fencer X executes an attack. After scoring a valid touch, X then leaves the side of the strip with both feet. 37. a. b. c. award a touch for X annul the touch; Y advances one meter annul the touch; Y remains in place and X assumes normal distance t.55 14 of 1 Page General Section Question Fencer X drops the weapon after Fencer Y executes a parry. Y’s immediate riposte scores a valid touch. 38. a. b. c. touch annulled award a touch for Y award a touch for X As Fencer X makes a straight attack, the Referee notices that Fencer Y is in danger of tripping over the reel. The Referee calls Halt! At the moment of the Halt! Fencer Y makes a parry and then an immediate riposte that lands valid on X. 39. a. b. c. award a touch for Y do not award the touch, as the action started after the Halt! do not award the touch; caution Y for continuing to fence after the Halt! Rule Discussion “Halt!” is called by the referee on observing the problem. An immediate riposte would have been initiated before the halt and is therefore valid. The riposte cannot start until the parry is completed, so it could not have been initiated prior to the halt. If the fencer goes off the strip with both feet, the referee must annul everything that has occurred after the boundary has been crossed, except a touch received by the competitor who has crossed the boundary even after he has crossed it, provided that this touch results from a simple and immediate action. We do not know how this question is graded. Fencer X makes an attack, which is parried. X is off the side of the strip in front of Y with both feet before Fencer Y’s riposte starts. Y’s riposte lands valid. 40. a. b. c. award a touch for Y do not award a touch; place the fencers on guard where they were, but in the lateral center of the strip do not award a touch; have Y advance one meter, and then place them in the lateral center of the strip Halt on going off-strip before riposte, no touch. Ground penalty for leaving the strip. 15 of 1 Page General Section Question Fencer X abandons the strip after being penalized twice for the same fault in an earlier bout in the same pool. 41. a. b. c. X receives a YELLOW CARD X receives a RED CARD X receives a BLACK CARD Rule t.86 Discussion Page Cards don’t carry over from previous bouts, even bouts in the same pool Fencing at close quarters is allowed so long as the competitors can: 42. a. b. c. possibly score a touch wield their weapons correctly and the Referee can, in foil and sabre, follow t.19 the phrase continue fencing without a part of one fencer’s body blocking the opponent’s body from the view of the Referee 12 16 of 1 General Section Question Rule Discussion Page No other penalties have been given. During the action, the fencers come into body contact (corps à corps). 43. a. b. c. for sabre and foil, call Halt!; fencer(s) who caused the corps à corps receive a YELLOW CARD for all three weapons, call Halt!; for t.20 foil and sabre, fencer(s) who caused the corps à corps receive a YELLOW CARD for sabre and foil, call Halt!; fencer(s) who caused the corps à corps receive a YELLOW CARD; for épée, only call Halt! if the action is dangerous 12 17 of 1 General Section Question Rule Discussion No other penalties have been given. The fencers come into body contact (corps à corps). Fencer X immediately remises. 44. a. b. c. touch for X. In foil and sabre, YELLOW CARD for the fencer(s) who caused the corps à corps no touch is awarded. In foil and sabre, YELLOW CARD for the fencer(s) who caused the corps à corps if the Referee was coughing during the action and was unable to say Halt! before the remise started, touch for Fencer X, because the action started before Halt! In foil and sabre, YELLOW CARD for the fencer(s) who caused the corps à corps t.25 In a pool bout, having already received a YELLOW CARD, Fencer X causes corps à corps with jostling. Fencer Y is winning 4-2. 45. a. b. c. call Halt! and penalize X only in foil and sabre call Halt!; X receives a RED CARD; bout ends with score of 5-2 call Halt!; remove touch from X’s score; Y is now winning 4-1 t.20 18 of 1 Page General Section Question Rule Discussion No other penalties have been given. During an action, Fencer X causes corps à corps to avoid a touch. No touch is scored. For the replacement on guard: 46. a. b. c. Y holds position; X assumes proper distance but may not be placed behind X’s end line; in foil and sabre, X receives a YELLOW CARD t.20 Y holds position; X assumes proper distance but may not be placed behind X’s end line; in all three weapons, X receives a YELLOW CARD both give ground with the contact point as center; in foil and sabre, X receives a YELLOW CARD “In all three weapons it is forbidden for a fencer to cause corps à corps intentionally to avoid being touched, or to jostle the opponent. Should such an offence occur, the Referee will penalize the fencer at fault….” 19 of 1 Page General Section Question Rule Discussion No other penalties have been given. During an action, Fencer X causes corps à corps with Fencer Y. Both fencers are one meter in front of X’s end line. 47. a. b. c. X places the rear foot on the end line; Y assumes normal distance; in foil and sabre, X receives a YELLOW CARD Fencer Y holds position; Fencer X assumes normal distance or, if normal distance would cause X to go off the strip, place X’s front foot on the end line; in foil and sabre, X receives a YELLOW CARD award a touch for Fencer Y; in foil and sabre, X receives a YELLOW CARD t. 17 t.17 t.24 t.25 The competitors may not be replaced on guard, at their correct distance, in such a way as to place behind the rear line of the strip a fencer who was in front of that line when the bout was halted. If he already had one foot behind the rear line, he remains in that position. If a fencer has crossed the lateral boundaries of the strip, he may be put back on guard at the correct distance even if this places him behind the rear line and thereby causes a touch to be awarded against him. No penalties have been given. After causing incidental corps à corps with Fencer Y, Fencer X leaves the side of the strip with both feet. 48. a. b. c. Y advances one meter; X receives a YELLOW CARD in foil and sabre Y holds ground except if it would cause X to be placed behind X’s end line; X receives a YELLOW CARD in foil and sabre X loses one meter; X receives a YELLOW CARD in foil and sabre t.17 Halt for corps à corps—leaving the strip after the halt incurs no penalty. 20 of 1 Page General Section Question Rule No penalties have been given. While fencing at close quarters, Fencer X is not moving. Fencer Y’s elbow gently touches X’s mask as Y makes a parry. Y’s immediate riposte lands valid. 49. a. b. c. a. b. c. a. b. c. t.21 Fencer X does not begin his reprise until after Fencer Y’s action. award a touch for X award a touch for Y no touch awarded Fencer X makes a simple attack that misses because Fencer Y displaces the valid surface by ducking. Y’s counter attack lands valid. 51. “Gently” means no jostling occurred and the blow was not brutal. no touch; in foil and sabre, Y receives a YELLOW CARD no touch; in all weapons, Y receives a YELLOW CARD award a touch for Y Fencer X makes a simple attack. Fencer Y ducks to avoid being hit and touches the strip with the unarmed hand. While still touching the strip, Y lands a valid touch on X and then X begins a reprise that lands valid on Y. 50. Discussion award a touch for X award a touch for Y no touch awarded t.21 21 of 1 Page General Section Question Rule Fencer X makes an attack that fails, and then continues past Fencer Y. After passing, X makes an immediate replacement that misses and Y starts an action that lands valid. 52. a. b. c. Discussion “After passing” implies that Y’s action is not in time. We do not know how this question is graded. award a touch for X award a touch for Y no touch awarded During the second bout of a team match, both fencers are not actively attempting to score. The Referee should: 53. a. b. c. Call "Halt!" and warn the fencers. Call "Halt!" Award each fencer with a YELLOW CARD. Continue the bout Call "Halt!" Award each team a YELLOW CARD. Proceed to the next bout. Having already received a YELLOW CARD, Fencer X turns the back in an action. X has yet to score a touch. 54. a. b. c. allow fencing to continue annul the first valid touch made by X X receives a RED CARD t.87 t.21 22 of 1 Page General Section Question With no other penalties given, a fencer receives a RED CARD for absence of inspection marks. The fencer subsequently turns the back. The fencer receives a: 55. a. b. c. Rule Discussion Page t.120 YELLOW CARD RED CARD BLACK CARD Fencer X arrives at the strip for a direct elimination bout and receives a YELLOW CARD for faulty equipment. With no other penalties given, X is losing during the second period by a score of 14-6 and turns the back. 56. a. b. c. X receives a YELLOW CARD X receives a RED CARD; score is now 15-6; X loses annul the next touch, if any, scored by X The correct distance between fencers when they come on guard (other than at the on guard lines) is: 57. a. b. c. four meters for sabre and Referee’s discretion for foil and épée four meters for all weapons when both fencers are in a proper on guard position with the weapons in line, the points should not overlap t.17 11 23 of 1 General Section Question Rule Discussion Page Replacement on guard at the beginning of each round of a direct elimination bout is: 58. a. b. c. at the position occupied by the fencers at the end of the previous round at the on guard lines if the score is tied, the fencers take up the positions occupied at the end of the previous round; if one fencer is leading, that fencer holds position and the opponent retreats to proper fencing distance t.17 11 t.17 11 If time expires with a tied score in either a pool or direct elimination bout, the fencers are replaced on guard: 59. a. b. c. at the position occupied by the fencers at the end of the previous round at the on guard lines if the score is tied, the fencers take up the positions occupied at the end of the previous round; if one fencer is leading, that fencer holds position and the opponent retreats to proper fencing distance 24 of 1 General Section Question Rule Discussion Page When a Halt! is called, Fencer X and Fencer Y are very close but not in body contact and X is straddling X’s end line. 60. a. b. c. place X on guard one meter from X’s end line; Y assumes correct distance X remains in place; Y assumes correct distance award a touch for Y In an advance-lunge, Fencer X steps off the side of the strip with both feet during the advance, but recovers the strip and then scores a valid touch on Fencer Y. 61. a. b. c. no touch; place the fencers on guard where they are no touch; Y advances one meter award a touch for X In an advance-lunge, Fencer X steps off the side of the strip with one foot during the advance, but recovers the strip and then scores a valid touch on Fencer Y. 62. a. b. c. no touch; place the fencers on guard where they are no touch; Y advances one meter award a touch for X t.17 11 t.26 t.26 25 of 1 General Section Question In an advance-lunge, Fencer X scores a valid touch on Fencer Y, stepping off the strip with the front foot at the completion of the lunge. 63. a. b. c. no touch; place the fencers on guard where they are no touch; Y advances one meter award a touch for X Rule Discussion t.26 Fencer X retreats over the rear limit of the strip with both feet. 64. a. b. c. award a touch for Fencer Y replace X on guard at the warning line replace X on guard at the rear limit A Halt! is called when Fencer X retreats so that both feet are behind the end line before Fencer Y’s simple attack lands valid. The attack was started while X was still in front of the end line. 65. a. b. c. t.27 t.27 The first touch halts the action. award one touch for Y award two touches for Y no touch awarded 26 of 1 Page General Section Question Fencer X has retreated behind the end line while parrying Fencer Y’s attack. X makes an immediate valid riposte. 66. a. b. c. award a touch for X award a touch for Y no touch awarded Fencer X retreats with both feet behind the end line while parrying Fencer Y’s attack. Y then makes a replacement, which X parries, and X then scores an immediate valid riposte. 67. a. b. c. Rule t.27 t.27 Discussion t.27 Should a competitor cross the rear limit of the strip completely—i.e. with both feet—a touch will be scored against him/her. The halt—and the earning of the point—occurs as soon as both feet leave the volume of the strip. Nothing after that matters, t.27 Should a competitor cross the rear limit of the strip completely—i.e. with both feet—a touch will be scored against him/her. The halt—and the earning of the point—occurs as soon as both feet leave the volume of the strip. Nothing after that matters, award a touch for X award a touch for Y no touch awarded A fencer steps off the side of the strip with one foot. The Rules direct the Referee to: 68. a. b. c. allow the action to continue call Halt! and penalize with the ground penalty call Halt! and place the fencers back on guard in the lateral center of the strip t.26 27 of 1 Page General Section Question Rule Discussion During an action, Fencer X crosses the lateral boundary of the strip with both feet (not in order to avoid being hit). 69. a. b. c. call Halt! and replace X on guard where X left the strip; Fencer Y takes proper distance call Halt! and place the fencers on guard with the point where X left the strip as center call Halt! and advance Y one meter from where Y was on the strip when X went off the strip; X takes proper distance Fencer X goes off the side of the strip with one foot between Fencer Y and the end line. Y was standing 2.25 meters from X’s end line when X went off the side of the strip. The end result is: 70. a. b. c. place X on guard with X’s rear foot at the end line place X on guard one meter back from where X left the strip award a touch for Y t.26 t.26 At the start of a five-touch bout, the clock is set for: 71. a. b. c. 6 minutes 5 minutes 3 minutes o.17 28 of 1 Page General Section Question Rule Discussion Page In which of the below circumstances is a touch awarded after time has expired? 72. a. b. c. never if it is an immediate riposte if the action began before the Halt! t.32 13 t.32 13 t.31 13 If the clock fails, the Referee should: 73. a. b. c. retain the touch score and restart the clock retain the touch score and restart the clock with one minute remaining retain the touch score, estimate the time expired, and restart the bout from that point Fencer X causes interruptions early in a bout after a penalty for the same fault in a previous bout in the pool. 74. a. b. c. X receives a YELLOW CARD X receives a RED CARD X receives a BLACK CARD 29 of 1 General Section Question Rule Discussion For recovery from a verified accident (once for the same injury in one day), a fencer is allowed: 75. a. b. c. no ti m e 10 minutes from the time the injury occurs 10 minutes from the time the injury is verified t.33 Fencer X has already had a verified sprained ankle occur in the current bout and has taken a ten minute break. During a subsequent action, X sprains a finger. 76. a. b. c. require X to continue as one injury time out has already been granted if requested, allow X another ten minute break award a touch for X’s opponent Fencer X had a verified sprained ankle and took a ten minute break during the round of pools. During the third round of direct elimination, X receives a touch to the hand that sprains X’s finger. 77. a. b. c. require X to continue as one injury time out has already occurred if requested, allow X another ten minute break award a touch for X’s opponent t.33 Time is allowed for a different injury or cramp. In épée, “c” is also a correct answer. The question should be reworded: “receives a touch to the hand” should be replaced with “is struck on the hand in a way….” 30 of 1 Page General Section Question Rule Discussion t.33 Fencer X has a sprained ankle. X states that the ankle was sprained the day before while playing basketball and that, as it still hurts, an injury time out is officially requested. 78. a. b. c. require X to continue if requested, allow X a ten minute break require X to continue; RED CARD for X t.33 For an injury or cramp which occurs in the course of a bout and which is properly attested by the delegate of the FIE Medical Committee or by the doctor on duty, the Referee will allow a break in the bout lasting no longer than 10 minutes…. I think any sane fencer would claim to have re-injured the ankle by fencing, and the time would be allowed. The wording of the question seems designed to rule out this possibility. I think the original intent of “officially requested” was to remove any doubt that the fencer was responsible for an unjustified claim (cf. t.120, Group 2, therefore “c”). Now the interpretation is that “officially requested” means “requested by the Medical Committee” and therefore to be allowed due to the deference they are owed.. Fencer X appears physically incapable of continuing the bout. 79. a. b. c. require X to withdraw require X to withdraw after consultation with medical personnel request X to withdraw as all competitors fence at their own risk t.33 …If the doctor considers, before or at the end of the 10minute break, that the fencer is incapable of continuing the bout, the fencer must withdraw (individual events) and/or be replaced, if possible (team events)…. 31 of 1 Page General Section Question Rule At the end of a pool, the Referee should: 80. a. b. c. Discussion The last paragraph of this rule should be rewritten immediately return the scoresheet to the Bout Committee immediately total all indicators, announce the results, have all fencers sign the scoresheet, and then return the scoresheet to the Bout Committee t.87 immediately total all indicators, announce the results, and then return the scoresheet to the Bout Committee Immediately after the end of a pool or a direct elimination bout … [f]encers must then sign the pool or bout score sheet, under the responsibility of the Referee who must check the accuracy of the results on this score sheet. Before the score sheet is returned to the Technical Directory, the Referee must indicate in writing if a fencer refuses to sign it. No subsequent appeal relating to the results will be allowed. In practice, this occurs at the end of the pool, not each pool bout. The correct answer must be “b” because it is the only one that requires a signature. The FIE no longer requires a signature at all, because they require the referee to announce the victory and score. The score in a bout is not tied and time expires before the maximum number of touches has been scored. 81. a. b. c. the score is recorded as that at the expiration of time the touches for each fencer are raised by one simultaneously until one fencer’s score reaches the maximum number of touches the score of the fencer who has made more touches is raised to the maximum number of touches o.17(b) o.24 32 of 1 Page General Section Question Rule Discussion A fencer in a six-fencer pool who wins three bouts has a victory indicator of: 82. a. b. c. 0.300 0.500 0.600 A fencer in an elimination pool who receives ten touches and scores twenty touches has a touch indicator of: 83. a. b. c. -10 0.5 +10 In a pool two fencers have a 0.600 victory indicator. Fencer X has scored 23 touches and received 17. Fencer Y has scored 21 touches and received 15. For placing: 84. a. b. c. fence a 5-touch bout to determine their relative places X is placed above Y Y is placed above X o.19 o.19 o.19 33 of 1 Page General Section Question Rule Discussion In a pool, two fencers who have qualified to the next round have a victory indicator of 0.600, a touch indicator of +4, and the same number of touches scored. In seeding the table: 85. a. b. c. they are classified as equal; placement in the table is determined by the drawing of lots a barrage is fenced to determine their relative placement in the table the winner of the pool bout between these two fencers is seeded higher o.19(f) How much time is a fencer allowed between consecutive bouts? 86. a. b. c. 2 minutes for a pool bout; 5 minutes for a o.16 direct elimination bout 2 minutes for a pool bout; 10 minutes for a o.26 direct elimination bout 3 minutes for a pool bout; 10 minutes for a direct elimination bout 34 of 1 Page General Section Question Rule Discussion o.44.11 11. If a member of a team is obliged to retire during a match as the result of an accident which has been duly recognized by a medical representative of the FIE, the captain of his team may ask to put in a reserve to continue the match at the point where the competitor who was obliged to retire withdrew, even during a bout in progress. Fencer X is in a team match and sustains (verified) a twisted ankle while fencing and cannot continue. The score in the bout at the time of the injury is 0-3 in favor of Fencer Y. 87. a. b. c. this bout and the rest of X’s bouts in this match are forfeited this bout is forfeited and a substitute may take the place of X in subsequent bouts with Bout Committee approval, X may be replaced by a substitute for the rest of the match, starting at 0-3 in the current bout; X may not fence again in the same team match 35 of 1 Page General Section Question Spectators at the competition (including coaches, trainers, and an official not presently presiding) are interfering with the smooth running of the competition. 88. a. b. c. the spectators, coaches, trainers, and officials receive a warning that is registered with the Bout Committee (or all may be expelled) and noted on the scoresheet the spectators, coaches, and trainers receive a warning that is registered with the Bout Committee and noted on the scoresheet, but the officials receive a warning only after consultation with the Bout Committee the fencer these people are supporting receives a RED CARD Rule Discussion t.94 lets us know that the Bout Committee is the same thing as the Technical Directory (AKA Directoire technique or DT). t.115 The offences and their penalties which appear in different articles of the Rules are summarized in the list that follows in Article t.120; they are divided into four groups (cf. t.116–t.119). All these penalties are within the competence of the Referee, although the Technical Directory still retains the right to intervene on its own initiative (cf. t.97). We do not know how this question is graded. 36 of 1 Page General Section Question Rule After receiving a warning duly registered with the Bout Committee and noted on the scoresheet, spectators at the competition (including coaches, trainers, and an official not presently presiding) are interfering with the smooth running of the competition. 89. a. b. c. t.115 The offences and their penalties which appear in different articles of the Rules are summarized in the list that follows in Article t.120; they are divided into four groups (cf. t.116–t.119). All these penalties are within the competence of the Referee, although the Technical Directory still retains the right to intervene on its own initiative (cf. t.97). the spectators, coaches, trainers, and officials receive a BLACK CARD the spectators, coaches, and trainers receive a BLACK CARD, but the officials receive a BLACK CARD only after consultation with the Bout Committee the fencer these people are supporting receives a RED CARD We do not know how this question is graded. Fencer X has received a RED CARD for disturbing order on the strip. X repeats the offense and receives a BLACK CARD. X protests the issuance of the BLACK CARD because the RED CARD was not noted on the scoresheet. 90. a. b. c. award a penalty touch for X’s opponent because of X’s unjustified appeal; the exclusion of X stands no additional touch for X’s opponent; the exclusion of X stands X’s protest is valid; X receives a RED CARD (noted on the scoresheet) for disturbing order Discussion t.114 t.118 t.114 All warnings (Yellow Cards), penalty touches (Red Cards) and exclusions (Black Cards) must be noted on the score sheet of the bout, the pool or the match, together with the group to which they belong. 37 of 1 Page General Section Question Rule Fencer X is so excessively verbally abusive that the Referee cannot maintain order. 91. a. b. c. X receives a YELLOW CARD X receives a RED CARD X receives a BLACK CARD Fencer X refuses to obey the orders of the Referee after a penalty for the same fault in the current bout. 92. a. b. c. X receives a YELLOW CARD X receives a RED CARD X receives a BLACK CARD t.83 Discussion t.83 The Referee and/or the Technical Directory, on their own authority or at the request of an official delegate of the FIE or of the Organizing Committee, can decide to expel from the competition venue, with or without a warning, any person who by his gestures, attitude or language disturbs the good order or smooth running of the event. t.82 In the fourteenth bout of the pool, Fencer X is not present when first called to the strip and was penalized for the same fault in a previous bout in the pool. Fencer X arrives at the strip to fence five minutes after first being called. 93. a. b. c. X starts the bout with the score being 0-4 having received a YELLOW CARD and 4 RED CARDS. X starts the bout with the score being 0-1 receiving a 2nd group RED CARD exclude X from competition, after 3 calls at one minute intervals t.86 38 of 1 Page General Section Question Fencer X is not present when called to the strip after the first and second required calls at the start of a pool, but arrives, ready to fence before the third call. 94. a. b. c. X receives a YELLOW CARD award a penalty touch for X’s first opponent allow X to fence without penalty Rule Discussion t.86 Team Z has only two of their members present when called to the strip after all the required calls at the start of a pool. 95. a. b. c. every fencer on team Z receives a RED CARD award a penalty touch for team Z’s first opponent exclude team Z from the competition t.86 39 of 1 Page General Section Question Rule Discussion During a pool bout, the fencers are not actively attempting to score, the Referee should: 96. a. b. c. do nothing and allow fencing to continue call “Halt!” and warn the fencers t.87 call “Halt!” If the score is not tied, the bout ends at the current score. If the score is tied, determine priority and fence either to 5 touches for one fencer or one full minute. If the score is still tied at the end of that minute, the fencer with priority wins the bout. The rules for non-combativity apply to individual direct elimination bouts of 10 or 15 touches and team events. During the first period of a 15 touch direct elimination bout with no previous warnings having been given, the fencers are not actively attempting to score, the Referee should: 97. a. b. c. call “Halt!” and warn the fencers call “Halt!” The fencers will go straight into the next period of fencing, without the minute break and without t.87 the possibility of consulting with their coaches call “Halt!” Award each fencer with a YELLOW CARD. The fencers will go straight into the next period of fencing, without the minute break and without the possibility of consulting with their coaches 40 of 1 Page General Section Question Rule Discussion During the first encounter of a Youth 10 or Youth 12 direct elimination bout, the fencers are not actively attempting to score, the Referee should: 98. a. b. c. do nothing and allow fencing to continue call “Halt!” and warn the fencers call “Halt!” If the score is not tied, the bout ends at the current score. If the score is tied, determine priority and fence either to 5 touches for one fencer or one full minute. If the score is still tied at the end of that minute, the fencer with priority wins the bout. The rules for non-combativity apply to individual direct elimination bouts of 10 or 15 touches and team events. We do not know how this question is graded. 41 of 1 Page General Section Question Rule Discussion During the second period of a 15 touch direct elimination bout, with no previous warnings given, the fencers are not actively attempting to score, the Referee should: 99. a. b. c. call “Halt!” and warn the fencers call “Halt!” The fencers will go straight into the next period of fencing, without the minute break and without the possibility of consulting with their coaches call “Halt!” Award each fencer with a YELLOW CARD. The fencers will go straight into the next period of fencing, without the minute break and without the possibility of consulting with their coaches t.87 42 of 1 Page General Section Question Rule Discussion During the second period of a 10 touch (i.e. Veteran) direct elimination bout, having been warned in the first period that they were not actively attempting to score, the fencers continue to not actively attempt to score. The Referee should: 100. a. b. c. give each fencer a YELLOW CARD. call “Halt!” Award each fencer with a RED CARD. The fencers will go straight into the next period of fencing, without the minute break and without the possibility of consulting with their coaches. call “Halt!” Award each fencer with a RED CARD. Determine priority. The fencers will fence 1 final minute in its entirety (or to 10 touches), immediately after priority is determined, with no break. If the score is tied at the end of this period, whoever has priority wins. t.87 43 of 1 Page General Section Question Rule Discussion During the third period of a 15 touch direct elimination bout with 2 minutes left to fence, having been warned in the first two periods that they were not actively attempting to score, the fencers continue to not actively attempt to score. The Referee should: 101. a. b. c. give each fencer a BLACK CARD. call “Halt!” Give each fencer a RED CARD. Determine priority and fence either to 15 touches for one fencer or one full minute. If the score is still tied at the end of that minute, the fencer with priority wins the bout. call “Halt!” Award each fencer with a RED CARD. If the score is not tied, the bout ends at the current score. If the score is tied, determine priority and fence either to 15 touches for one fencer or one full minute. If the score is still tied at the end of that minute, the fencer with priority wins the bout. With no penalties yet given, Fencer X allows Fencer Y to score a touch without attempting to defend. 102. a. b. c. X receives a YELLOW CARD X receives a RED CARD X receives a BLACK CARD t.88 t.105 44 of 1 Page General Section Question Rule Discussion A YELLOW CARD indicates: 103. a. b. c. a warning valid for the bout a warning valid for the pool a touch for the opponent Having already received a YELLOW CARD in the current bout, Fencer X commits a different offense from the same group. 104. a. b. c. a previous touch scored by X is removed X receives a RED CARD X receives another YELLOW CARD A RED CARD issued to a competitor indicates: 105. a. b. c. a penalty valid for the bout a touch for the opponent both a and b A BLACK CARD indicates: 106. a. b. c. a warning valid for the pool loss of the bout exclusion/expulsion from the competition or from the tournament 45 of 1 Page General Section Question Rule Discussion In a previous bout in the same pool, Fencer X committed an offense requiring an immediate Group 2 RED CARD. With no other penalties given in the current bout, X commits the same offense. 107. a. b. c. X receives a RED CARD exclude X from the competition consult the Bout Committee A warning for any person disturbing order off the strip is valid for: 108. a. b. c. t he bout the pool or team match the competition When may a Referee’s reconstruction of a phrase be protested? 109. a. b. c. when the Referee abstains when the Referee is incompetent never t.122 When may a Referee’s awarding of a touch be protested? 110. a. b. c. when a rule is misapplied when a fencer disagrees with the reconstruction of the phrase never t.122 46 of 1 Page General Section Question In an individual competition, Fencer X unjustifiably complains about an analysis of a phrase after a penalty for body contact earlier in the bout. 111. a. b. c. a. b. c. t.122 X receives a YELLOW CARD X receives a RED CARD X receives a BLACK CARD In a team competition, Fencer X’s Captain unjustifiably complains about an analysis of a phrase after X was penalized for leaving the strip without permission earlier in the bout. 112. Rule Discussion The key word is “penalty.” This means that a red card has already been awarded; another Group 1 offense (unjustified challenge) results in a second RED CARD. t.122 award a touch for Fencer Y remove a previous touch of X’s exclude the Captain from the competition 47 of 1 Page General Section Question Rule Discussion The bout score is 3-3 in a 5 touch pool bout; three minutes have elapsed. 113. a. b. c. the score remains 3-3; the referee selects one fencer by lot; the clock is reset to one minute; fencing continues until a single touch is scored or time expires the score is advanced to 5-5; the referee selects one fencer by lot; the clock is reset to one minute; fencing continues until a single touch is scored or time expires the score is advanced to 4-4; the referee selects one fencer by lot; fencing continues until a single touch is scored or time expires When one minute of fencing time remains, the timekeeper should: 114. a. b. c. stand, call One minute; Referee calls Halt! stand, call Halt!; one minute continue timing o.17(b) Old rule: there used to be penalties that applied in the final minute of fencing. There are no longer any such rules, so the timekeeper does nothing at this point. 48 of 1 Page General Section Question Rule Discussion In the third bout of a team match, the score is 12-12 when time expires. 115. a. b. c. the score is advanced to 14-14; the referee randomly determines priority; fencing continues for one additional minute or until a single touch is scored; the fencer with priority wins o.44 15-14 if no single touch is scored in the additional minute the bout is over; the score is advanced to 15-15 the bout is over; the score remains 12-12; the next pair fence until one or both teams have 20 touches or time expires for that bout A direct elimination bout consists of three rounds of three minutes each. A one minute warning is given: 116. a. b. c. in each round in only the last round never Old rule. 49 of 1 Page General Section Question Rule Discussion The score has reached 15-9 in favor of Fencer X during the first round of a direct elimination bout. 117. a. b. c. the bout is over; X wins the current round continues until time has expired; whoever is leading at that time wins the bout fencing continues until the end of all three rounds; whoever is leading at that time wins the bout t.30 Fencer X, seeded #27 into the direct elimination table, is leading 13-11 over Fencer Y, seeded #6, when time expires at the end of the third round. 118. a. b. c. X wins as neither fencer reached 15, fencing continues until one fencer scores 15 touches Y wins t.30 50 of 1 Page General Section Question Rule Discussion Fencer X, seeded #27 into the direct elimination table, and Fencer Y, seeded #6, are tied at 12-12 when time expires at the end of the third round of a bout in the table of 32. 119. a. b. c. the referee randomly determines priority; fencing continues for one minute or until a single touch is scored; if no single touch is scored in the additional minute, the fencer with priority wins the bout 12-12 o.24 the referee randomly determines priority; fencing continues for one minute or until a single touch is scored; if no single touch is scored in the additional minute, the fencer with priority wins the bout 13-12 priority goes to fencer Y; fencing continues for one minute or until a single touch is scored; if no single touch is scored in the additional minute, fencer Y wins the bout 12-12 51 of 1 Page General Section Question Rule Discussion Page Fencer X, seeded #16 into the direct elimination table, and Fencer Y, seeded #6, are tied at 12-12 when time expires at the end of the third round in the bout for first place. 120. a. b. c. the referee randomly determines priority; fencing continues for one minute or until a single touch is scored; if no single touch is scored in o.24 the additional minute, the fencer with priority wins the bout 15-15 the referee randomly determines priority; fencing continues for one minute or until a single touch is scored; if no single touch is scored in the additional minute, the fencer with priority wins the bout 12-12 Y wins 15-14 A fencer reports to the strip without the name on the back of the uniform between the shoulders. 121. a. b. c. fencer receives a YELLOW CARD unless the name appears on the fencer’s rear leg; allow the fencer to fence. fencer receives a RED CARD unless the name appears on the fencer’s rear leg; allow the fencer to fence. no penalty if the fencer is wearing an armband bearing the national colors t.45 18 52 of 1 General Section Question Rule During the action, a spectator is giving verbal instructions to Fencer X. 122. a. b. c. According to some experienced referees, advice that can be heard by both competitors is not considered “instructions.” Call Halt! only if the verbal instruction is excessively disruptive Call Halt! Give spectator a YELLOW CARD for disturbing order. Only allow such instruction if Fencer Y is also getting instruction. We know that “a” is the correct answer when the test is graded. After the referee calls Halt! awarding a touch to make the score 14-12, a spectator approaches the Referee and offers comments about the Referee’s calls. 123. a. b. c. Only listen to the spectator if he or she doesn’t have a student in the bout. Give the spectator a WARNING, note it on the score sheet, and inform the Bout Committee. Give the spectator a BLACK CARD. Discussion t.82 t.82 …Everybody taking part in or present at a fencing competition must remain orderly and must not disturb the smooth running of the competition.… At no time is one allowed to criticize the Officials or thier descisions [sic], to insult them or to attempt to influence them in any way. After a Direct Elimination bout has ended, a spectator becomes excessively verbally abusive towards the Referee. 124. a. b. c. The bout’s over, ignore the abuse since no penalty can be given Give the spectator a WARNING, note it on the score sheet, and inform the Bout Committee. Give the spectator a BLACK CARD t.82 53 of 1 Page General Section Question Fencer X has been given a RED CARD for disturbing order on the strip. In the same bout, Fencer X uses his non-weapon hand to parry his opponent’s attack. 125. a. b. c. Rule Discussion t.22 X receives a YELLOW CARD X receives a RED CARD X receives a BLACK CARD 54 of 1 Page General Section Question Rule Discussion At a national competition, a direct elimination bout ends with the score at 1412. Proper procedure for the end is: 126. a. b. c. have the fencers salute each other, the referee, and any spectators, record the final score and the victor on the scoresheet, have the fencers sign, and have the winning fencer return the bout slip to the bout committee table. have the fencers return to the guard lines, salute each other, the referee, and any spectators, then shake hands. The referee will announce the winner of the bout and the score, will record the score and the victor on the scoresheet, and have the fencers sign. The winning fencer returns the bout slip to the bout committee table. have the fencers return to the guard lines, salute each other, the referee, and any spectators. The referee will announce the winner of the bout and the score, will record the score and the victor on the scoresheet. The winning fencer returns the bout slip to the bout committee table. t.87 Key points: • guard line • salutes • shake hands • announce winner and score • sign • deliver results The rules do not specify how the slip is to be delivered to the bout committee; the referee is responsible for making it happen. 55 of 1 Page General Section Question Rule Discussion Fencer X reports for his bout with a mask with a valid inspection mark: With no other penalties given, the Referee notes that there is no safety strap on the back of the mask. 127. a. b. c. Start the bout since the mask passed inspection. Fencer X receives a YELLOW CARD, and is allowed to fence with the mask as is. Fencer X receives a YELLOW CARD, and must either obtain a safety strap or use another mask. t.45 The strap could have been removed after inspection; the referee is still responsible for ensuring conformance. Fencer X reports for his bout with a mask with a valid inspection mark. With no other penalties given, and prior to the start of the bout, the Referee notes that one side of Fencer X’s mask strap will not stay attached. 128. a. b. c. Fencer X receives a YELLOW CARD, and must fix the mask so the strap stays attached. Fencer X receives a YELLOW CARD, and is allowed to fence with the mask as is. Start the bout, since the mask has passed inspection. m.25.7 56 of 1 Page General Section Question No other penalties have been given. Fencer X attacks. Fencer Y makes a prime parry, and scores a riposte to the valid target of Fencer X. During the parry, Fencer Y’s bell guard hits Fencer X’s mask. 129. a. b. c. Award a touch for Fencer Y Annul the touch; Fencer Y receives a RED CARD. Annul the touch; Fencer Y receives a YELLOW CARD. In a team match, Team X properly substitutes for fencer #3 with their reserve fencer for the fifth bout of the relay match. In the seventh bout, Team X is winning by a score of 33-16, when the Team X fencer sustains an injury, verified by the medical personnel, because of which he is forced to retire. 130. a. b. c. Rule Discussion This answer is based on the interpretation that the activity described is a blow delivered with the bell guard. t.87 t.103 If it is considered corps à corps without jostling, “c” would be correct. I suspect this is not intended, because another question characterizes such contact as “gentle.” We do not know how this question is graded. o.44.12 Team X replaces the injured fencer with fencer #3, and continues the match. Team X loses the match. Team X wins the match, by the score of 33-16. 57 of 1 Page General Section Question Rule Discussion Page In a team match, Team X’s fencer #1 has a YELLOW CARD for non-conforming equipment. During the course of the match, and with Team X winning 32-30, Team X’s fencer #1 exhibits unsportsmanlike behavior. 131. a. b. c. Award a RED CARD to Team X’s fencer #1, the score is now 32-31. Award a BLACK CARD to Team X’s fencer #1, allow the reserve to substitute for the excluded fencer. Award a BLACK CARD to Team X’s fencer #1, Team X loses the match. t.109 The format of a Youth 10 Direct Elimination Bout is: 132. a. b. c. Best 2 out of 3, 5 touch bouts. 1 minute rest between bouts. 10 touch bouts, with two 3 minute periods. 1 minute rest between periods. 15 touch bouts, with three 3 minute periods. 1 minute rest between periods. App. D 2.a) also 5) 80 also 81 58 of 1 General Section Question Rule Discussion The format of a Youth 14 Direct Elimination Bout is: 133. a. b. c. Best 2 out of 3, 5 touch bouts. 1 minute rest between bouts. 10 touch bouts, with two 3 minute periods. 1 minute rest between periods. 15 touch bouts, with three 3 minute periods. 1 minute rest between periods. From Regional Youth Circuit Guidelines, Rules of Competition The format of a Veteran Direct Elimination Bout is: 134. a. b. c. Best 2 out of 3, 5 touch bouts. 1 minute rest between bouts. 10 touch bouts, with two 3 minute periods. 1 minute rest between periods. 15 touch bouts, with three 3 minute periods. 1 minute rest between periods. From the Athlete’s Handbook. The following competitions must be fenced with blades that are less than 32 inches long. 135. a. b. c. Youth 10. Youth 12. Both a and b. From Regional Youth Circuit Guidelines. 59 of 1 Page General Section Question Rule During a team match, the captain of Team X leaves the team box and approaches the referee to question the referee’s interpretation of an action. In a subsequent bout Fencer #1 on Team X leaves the strip to avoid a touch. 136. a. b. c. Fencer X receives a YELLOW CARD. Fencer X receives a RED CARD. Fencer X receives a BLACK CARD. t.90 Discussion t.90 In team events, only the team captain has the right to be placed with his fencers in the Strip Enclosure and to approach the President of the Technical Directory, the referees, etc., in order to decide technical matters, or to register protests. t.92 …During team matches, the team members not actually fencing must remain within their Team Enclosure…. The captain may approach the referee and question the interpretation of an action. It’s not clear that he is allowed to leave the team box to do so. YELLOW CARD? Leaving the strip to avoid a touch is a Group 1 infraction. We do not know how this question is graded. During a team match, in the first bout of the match, Fencer #2 for Team X receives a red card for a vindictive hit. In a subsequent bout Fencer #1 on Team X turns the back during a riposte. 137. a. b. c. Fencer X receives a YELLOW CARD. Fencer X receives a RED CARD. Fencer X receives a BLACK CARD. The point is that warnings and penalties are assigned to the team, not the fencer. 60 of 1 Page General Section Question Rule Discussion During a team match, in the second bout of the match Fencer #1 for Team X should have fenced, but Fencer #2 for Team X actually did fence. The error is caught at the beginning of the third bout. 138. a. b. c. Since the error happened early in the match, change the order of the fencers on the scoresheet and continue to fence as though Fencer #1 and Fencer #2 were in the changed slots. Go back and fence the second bout over with the proper fencers. The bout never happened and the score should be reset to what it was at the end of the first bout. Team X forfeits the match. Team Y wins. o.44.3 61 of 1 Page Question Foil Section Rule Fencer X makes a simple attack with advance-lunge while Fencer Y, who has been waiting to time X’s action, immediately extends the arm before the start of X’s lunge. Both fencers hit valid, within the same tempo. t.8 t.10 a. award a touch for X t.56.5 b. award a touch for Y c. no touch awarded 1. Discussion t.8 Offensive actions (a) The attack The action is simple when it is executed in one movement and is - either direct (in the same line) - or indirect (in another line). The action is compound when it is executed in several movements. Fencer X is not making a simple attack—it entails more than one movement. However, the right of way has been established (given that it is an attack: extending the arm and threatening target). “Extends” is understood to mean the position of “point in line”—but in this case, it was initiated before the position could be established: Fencer X is at double advance plus lunge distance and makes a double advance plus lunge attack while Fencer Y, who has been waiting to time X’s action, immediately extends the arm before the start of X’s advance-lunge. Both fencers hit valid. 2. a. b. c. An advance out of distance cannot be an attack because it does not threaten valid target. Point in line is established before the advance-lunge. award a touch for X award a touch for Y no touch awarded 1 of 1 Page Question Foil Section Rule There has been no official weapons check. Fencer X reports to the strip wearing a metallic vest with a small patch sewn on it. During the check it is found that the patch registers non-valid. 3. a. b. c. no penalty; confiscate the metallic vest; X gets another metallic vest X receives a YELLOW CARD; confiscate the metallic vest; X gets another metallic vest X receives a RED CARD; confiscate the metallic vest; X gets another metallic vest m.28 What feature(s) should be checked about the foil handle? 4. a. b. c. none other than that for orthopedic grips, the hand must be fixed in only one position and the thumb must be 2 centimeters or less from the guard the handle must not be longer than 10 m.4 centimeters and the extremities of the m.13 handle must be electrically insulated for all handles, the extremities of the handle must be electrically insulated; for orthopedic grips, the hand must be fixed in only one position and the thumb must be 2 centimeters or less from the guard 2 of 1 Discussion Page Question Foil Section Rule Discussion The jacket, in foil 5. a. b. c. may be cut horizontally at the waist, but must overlap the breeches by at least 10 centimeters must cover the entire trunk and overlap the breeches by at least 10 centimeters may be cut horizontally at the waist, and must barely overlap the breeches by 1 centimeter Only the epee jacket is required to cover the whole trunk. The foil lame must, of course, cover valid target. May a fencer hold a French foil by the pommel? 6. a. b. c. no yes yes, but only if the entire handle is insulated t.16 t.16 If the handle has no special device or attachment or special shape (e.g. orthopaedic), a fencer may hold it in any way he wishes and he may also alter the position of his hand on the handle during a bout. After a penalty for corps à corps in the current bout, Fencer X parries with the unarmed hand and then lands a valid riposte. 7. a. b. c. annul X’s touch annul X’s touch; X receives a RED CARD exclude X from the competition t.22 3 of 1 Page Question Foil Section Rule Before the command Fence! is given, Fencer X establishes the line. 8. a. b. c. give the command Fence! give the command Fence!, but do not award any touch scored by X’s existing line instruct X to remove the line t.17 Discussion t.17 … The fencers must come on guard correctly and remain completely still until the command ‘Fence’ is given by the Referee. In foil and saber fencers may not come on guard in the ‘in line’ position. Fencer Y has received a YELLOW CARD for covering target in the current bout. Fencers X and Y come together, both causing corps à corps. 9. a. b. c. X receives a YELLOW CARD; Y receives a RED CARD no penalty but caution both no penalty No penalties have been issued. Fencer X parries Fencer Y’s attack and makes a riposte to Y’s valid surface, during which X’s shoulder of the unarmed arm comes forward of the shoulder of the armed arm. Y then remises to X’s valid surface. 10. a. b. c. Old rule t.46 (still in the index), no longer applies. award a touch for X award a touch for Y annul all touches; X receives a YELLOW CARD 4 of 1 Page Question Foil Section Rule Fencer X is losing the bout 4-2 and has been penalized for turning the back. X’s attack lands valid. During the attack, the shoulder of X’s non-weapon arm was forward of the shoulder of the weapon arm. 11. a. b. c. Old rule t.46 (still in the index), no longer applies. the bout is over; Y wins 5-2 award a touch for X the score remains the same What is the maximum bend allowed in the foil blade? 12. a. b. c. none less than 1 centimeter, located near the center of the blade less than 2 centimeters, located near the center of the blade m.8 How may the foil blade be bent? 13. a. b. c. no bend is allowed up or down down only m.8 The foil spring must push back a test weight of how many grams? 14. a. b. c. 500 750 1000 Discussion m.6 5 of 1 Page Question Foil Section Rule Discussion What feature should be checked about the foible of the foil? 15. a. b. c. none it must be insulated for a distance of 10 centimeters from the tip it must be insulated for a distance of 15 centimeters from the tip m.13 The body of the barrel and the foil blade for a length of 15 cm from the barrel, as well as the pommel or the rear extremity of the handle, must be entirely covered with insulating material (insulating tape, gummed paper, Sellotape, plastic material or varnish). Fencer X drags the point on the strip after receiving a YELLOW CARD in the current bout. 16. a. b. c. annul any touch that might be scored after the dragging of the point, as it would be after the Halt! call Halt!, then resume fencing X receives a RED CARD; annul any touch that might be scored after the dragging of the point, as it would be after the Halt! Fencer X parries Y’s attack and makes an immediate compound riposte (with the arm extending during the feint), while Y makes a simple, direct remise. Both touches arrive on the valid surface within the same tempo. 17. a. b. c. t.46 t.60 2. Only the fencer who attacks is counted as touched: …(c) If, during a compound attack, his opponent finds the blade, but he continues the attack and his opponent ripostes immediately. award a touch for X award a touch for Y no touch awarded 6 of 1 Page Question Foil Section Rule Discussion Page The metallic vest must be made so that when it is laid flat there is a straight line between the junction of the lines of the groin and the: 18. a. b. c. two points corresponding to the tops of the hip bones juncture of the torso with the legs, measured from the side of the fencer two points corresponding to the bottom of the ileum t.47 m.48 What should the Referee check about the wire that joins the rear connection of the body cord to the metallic vest? 19. a. b. c. that it has a visible soldered (or other FIE-approved) connection and is at least 40 centimeters long that it has an insulated screw connection and is less than 40 centimeters long that it has an insulated screw and clamp connection and is at least 40 centimeters long m.29 56 7 of 1 Question Foil Section Rule Discussion Page What should the Referee check about the inside of the foil guard? 20. a. b. c. that the handle of the foil is in electrical contact with the guard that the foil wire is insulated and covered by a cushion that the foil wire is firmly soldered to the connector m.29 Where must the body cord be attached to the fencer’s metallic vest? 21. a. b. c. any place on the back of the metallic vest so as to be visible to the Referee when the fencer assumes the on guard position on the weapon arm side of the back of the metallic vest m.28 56 8 of 1 Question Foil Section Rule Discussion No penalties have been given. During a halt following an action, the side judge observing Fencer X announces the non-valid touch occurred on X’s hand while it was covering the valid surface. The Referee believes that covering did not occur. 22. a. b. c. only the side judge’s opinion is counted: award a touch for X’s opponent; X receives a YELLOW CARD due to disagreement, no penalty nor touch may be given only the Referee’s opinion is counted: no touch and no penalty in this case If the fencer on the left is attacking, and the white and colored lights on the right side of a machine meeting the current FIE specifications both light up, the Referee should: 23. a. b. c. award the touch declare the attack to be non-valid call for the technical expert t.49 The correct answer cannot be “b” because it is the materiality of the touch that is in question, not the validity of the attack. 9 of 1 Page Question Foil Section Rule Discussion No penalties have been given. With no other fencing actions occurring, Fencer X intentionally touches the ground outside the metallic strip to cause a halt. 24. a. b. c. call Halt! X receives a YELLOW CARD. call Halt!; X receives a YELLOW CARD or, if it occurred during the last minute, a RED CARD call Halt!; X receives a RED CARD t.53 Fencer X makes a direct attack that lands valid. Before the attack arrives, Fencer Y hits the floor and registers non-valid while trying to parry the attack. 25. a. b. c. award a touch for X no touch awarded, Y receives a RED CARD no touch awarded; Y receives a YELLOW CARD t.53 Fencer X executes a beat attack that registers valid. On the beat, Fencer Y’s foil registers non-valid. 26. a. b. c. award a touch for X annul X’s touch award a touch for X only if Y has previously received an equipment penalty t.54(b) Disregard touches… made on any object other than the opponent or his equipment… On the other hand, when the Referee has decided that a touch made by a competitor has priority, this touch shall not be annulled if subsequently it is found that a valid touch made by the opponent is registered as non-valid or that the weapon of the fencer against whom the touch was awarded is permanently registering a non-valid touch. 10 of 1 Page Question Foil Section Rule Fencer X scores on Fencer Y with a direct attack. During the halt it is found that touches scored on X by Y do not remain fixed on the machine. 27. a. b. c. award a touch for X annul X’s touch, call for the technician annul X’s touch only if the machine holds touches scored against X for less than one half a second t.54(a) He must annul a touch which he has just awarded as a result of a touch signalled [sic] as on the valid target (coloured [sic] lamp) if he establishes, by tests made under his personal supervision, before the bout has effectively recommenced (the command ‘Fence’)… that the registration of touches made by the competitor against whom the touch was awarded does not remain recorded on the apparatus. Fencer X scores on Fencer Y with a direct attack. During the halt it is found that valid touches scored on X by Y are registered as non-valid. 28. a. b. c. award a touch for X annul X’s touch annul X’s touch only if some fencing action occurred prior to the direct attack Discussion t.54(b) 11 of 1 Page Question Foil Section Rule Fencer X attacks and scores a valid touch. While attempting to parry, Fencer Y's blade breaks and registers off target. 29. a. b. c. award a touch for X no touch awarded, Y’s broken blade stops action award a touch against Y unless X clearly arrived prior to the breaking of Y’s blade. t.54.3(f) When a competitor against whom a touch has been registered has broken his blade, the touch must be annulled unless the breaking of the blade has occurred clearly after the touch has been registered. We do not know how this question is graded. Fencer X attacks with a beat and thrust and scores a valid touch. The beat breaks Fencer Y's blade and it registers off target. 30. a. b. c. award a touch for X no touch awarded, Y’s broken blade stops action award a touch against Y unless Y’s blade breaks before X’s attack lands Fencer X scores a valid touch with an attack. Fencer Y attempts to parry and ripostes, but the blade breaks on the riposte and registers off target. 31. a. b. c. Discussion award a touch for X no touch awarded, Y’s broken blade stops action award a touch against Y unless Y’s blade breaks before X’s attack lands 12 of 1 Page Question Fencer X begins an attack even though Y has a point in line. To have the right of way, X must: 32. a. b. c. have Y retreat or deflect Y’s blade have Y advance or deflect Y’s blade deflect Y’s blade Fencer X begins an attack with a feint. Fencer Y momentarily follows the feint and then counter attacks and hits valid into X’s attack, which also lands valid. 33. a. b. c. a. b. c. award a touch for X award a touch for Y no touch awarded Discussion t.60 t.60.1(d) 1. Only the fencer who is attacked is counted as touched:… (d) If, during a compound attack, he makes a stop hit without being in time. t.60.2(c) 2. Only the fencer who attacks is counted as touched…(c) If, during a compound attack, his opponent finds the blade, but he continues the attack and his opponent ripostes immediately. award a touch for X award a touch for Y no touch awarded Fencer X makes an attack that is parried and an immediate remise that lands valid before Fencer Y’s immediate riposte lands valid. 34. Foil Section Rule 13 of 1 Page Question Fencer X starts a multiple feint attack. Fencer Y follows the feints. After X’s first feint, X’s arm is pulled back so that X’s elbow is touching X’s side. X finishes the action with the arm extending and Y counter attacks into the extension. Both land valid. 35. a. b. c. Foil Section Rule Discussion t.60.1(d) award a touch for X award a touch for Y no touch awarded Fencer X falls to avoid Y’s attack. X’s counter-attack arrives, Y’s attack fails. 36. a. b. c. Touch for X No touch No touch. X receives a Yellow Card t.87 During or after a fall… Fencer X falls to avoid Y’s attack. Y’s attack arrives on valid surface. 37. a. b. c. Touch for Y No touch awarded. X’s fall stops the action. Touch for Y. X receives a Yellow Card 14 of 1 Page Question Foil Section Rule Fencer X trips and falls while retreating from Y’s attack. Y’s attack arrives. 38. a. b. c. Touch for Y No touch awarded. X’s fall stops the action. Touch for Y. X receives a Yellow Card Fencer X makes an attack which is parried. Fencer Y makes an immediate riposte, while Fencer X makes an immediate remise while dropping his head so that the top of his mask is facing Y. X’s remise arrives, Y’s riposte fails, glancing off X’s mask. 39. a. b. c. t.22 Touch for X No touch. Call halt and place fencers on guard. No touch, Yellow Card for X. Fencer X makes an attack which is parried. Fencer Y makes an immediate riposte, while Fencer X makes an immediate remise while leaning forward. X’s remise arrives, Y’s riposte fails sliding down the front of X’s lamé. 40. a. b. c. Touch for X No touch. Call halt and place fencers on guard. No touch, Yellow Card for X. 15 of 1 Discussion Page Question Foil Section Rule Fencers X & Y beat the blades at the same time. X makes lunge, Y makes thrust. Both fencers hit valid. 41. a. b. c. Touch for X Touch for Y No touch X makes attack, Y makes counter attack. X’s attack arrives as he’s falling and Y’s counter attack arrives. 42. a. b. c. Touch for X Touch for Y No touch, X receives a Yellow Card. Discussion t.7 The offensive actions are the attack, the riposte and the counterriposte. — The attack is the initial offensive action made by extending the arm and continuously threatening the opponent‘s target, preceding the launching of the lunge or flèche (cf. t.56ss, t.75ss). [emphasis added] An argument could be made that Y anticipates the lunge, but I think that’s still attempting to establish point in line (too late). We do not know how this question is graded. t.22 16 of 1 Page Question Foil Section Rule Fencer X makes attack, Fencer Y makes counterattack while twisting away from X, so that when the action is finished, Y’s back is turned to X. X’s attack fails, Y’s counter attack lands valid. 43. a. b. c. Touch for X Touch for Y No touch, Y receives a yellow card. Discussion t.21 … It is forbidden to turn one‘s back on one‘s opponent during the bout. Should such an offence occur, the Referee will penalize the fencer at fault as specified in Articles t.114, t.116, t.120 and any touch scored by the fencer at fault is annulled…. t.21 However, the sequence intended here is (1) Y starts counterattack, (2) twists the body, (3) makes a touch, and (4) the back is turned "when the action is finished." If that’s what’s intended the statement that Y’s counterattack lands valid should at least precede “when the action is finished,” which should instead be “after the action is finished.” I think the answer “b” is clearly wrong and “c” clearly correct. I think that “c” describes how it has been called against me in competition. The action is finished with a touch and if Y has the back turned at that point, it must have been turned by the time the attack arrived. We do not know how this question is graded. Fencer X makes an attack that is short. With no pause, X immediately continues and arrives valid, while simultaneously Fencer Y counterattacks. Both actions land valid. 44. a. b. c. no touch awarded award a touch for X award a touch for Y Interpret as “Attack from X—No! Attack from Y— Arrives. Remise out of time. Instructor wants the flip-flop of right of way; IMHO “counterattack” is not a correct expression of the idea. 17 of 1 Page Question Fencer X makes an attack against Fencer Y’s point in line. At the final moment of X’s attack, Y advances. Both fencers hit. 45. a. b. c. no touch award a touch for Y award a touch for X Foil Section Rule t.60.2(a) Fencer Y makes a direct attack with advance-lunge against Fencer X’s point in line. Expecting the beat, X makes two disengages. Both fencers hit. 46. a. b. c. “Expecting the beat” is not intended to imply that there was an attempt to beat. Consequently, the point was no longer in line. award a touch for X no touch award a touch for Y A male fencer may wear a rigid chest protector: 47. a. b. c. as long as it is next to the skin. over the t-shirt (if worn), but under the under-arm protector and jacket. as long as it is under the jacket Discussion m.25.4 18 of 1 Page Question Foil Section Rule A male fencer appears at the beginning of the first round pool without an under-arm protector, but wearing a rigid chest protector. 48. a. b. c. Instruct the fencer to get an underarm protector. Instruct the fencer to get an underarm protector. YELLOW CARD for the fencer’s first bout. Allow the fencer to fence. The rigid chest protector replaces the under-arm protector. 19 of 1 Discussion Page Épée Section Question Rule Discussion How are the shim gauges used to test the épée point? 1. a. b. c. insert the 1.5 millimeter gauge, making sure it will fit; insert the 0.5 millimeter gauge and depress the point, making sure it registers a touch make sure the 1.5 millimeter gauge does not fit; insert the 0.5 millimeter gauge and depress the point, making sure it will not allow the registering of a touch insert the 1.5 millimeter gauge, making sure it will fit; insert the 0.5 millimeter gauge and depress the point, making sure it will not allow the registering of a touch t.44 m.19.4 1 of 1 Page Épée Section Question Rule Discussion Fencer X just received a YELLOW CARD and had the weapon confiscated for having a weapon that did not support the weight. The second weapon at the strip is missing one of the screws to hold the point in. 2. a. b. c. allow X to fence with the weapon, but advise X that a touch cannot be annulled if the point is missing allow X to fence with the weapon if X’s opponent agrees; X receives another YELLOW CARD X receives a RED CARD; confiscate the second weapon; X gets another weapon t.44 t.116 With no penalties given, Fencer X appears at the strip without a retainer to secure the body cord in the guard. 3. a. b. c. allow X to fence with the weapon, but advise X that a touch cannot be annulled if the body cord comes out allow X to fence with the weapon if X’s opponent agrees X receives a YELLOW CARD; confiscate the weapon; X gets a second weapon m.5.3 2 of 1 Page Épée Section Question Rule Discussion What feature(s) should be checked about the épée handle? 4. a. b. c. for orthopedic grips, there is no covering (e.g., tape) allowed on the handle that could hide wires or switches; the hand may be fixed in only one position, with the thumb 2 centimeters or less from the guard the handle must be longer than 20 centimeters; the extremities of the handle must be electrically insulated for all handles, the extremities of the handle must be electrically insulated; for orthopedic grips, the hand may be fixed in only one position, with the thumb 2 centimeters or less from the guard m.4.3 Not b: the handle must not be more than 20 cm. Not c: The épée need not be insulated. 3 of 1 Page Épée Section Question Rule Discussion What should be checked about the inside of an épée guard? 5. a. b. c. the épée wires must be soldered to the connector; there must be a retaining device for the body cord the épée wires must be contained in a single piece of insulated sheath and covered by a thumb pad; there must be a retaining device for the body cord the épée wires must be individually covered with insulated sheaths and covered by a thumb pad; there may be no covering (e.g., tape) on an orthopedic handle that could hide wires or switches; there must be a retaining device for the body cord In a pool bout, Fencer X has received a YELLOW CARD for non-conforming equipment and is losing 3-2. Fencer Y attacks and X counter attacks; both hit on valid surface, with the machine indicating a double touch. In the course of the action, X falls. 6. a. b. c. m.5 m.31 t.87 t.116 X is now losing 4-3 X has lost the bout 5-2 X has lost the bout 5-3 4 of 1 Page Épée Section Question Rule Discussion May the épée be held by the pommel? 7. a. b. c. yes, always no yes, but only if it does not have an orthopedic grip. t.16 No penalties have been given. Fencer X has systematically caused corps à corps, but without jostling. 8. a. b. c. X receives a YELLOW CARD no penalty, but call Halt! on contact; t.63 any touch scored with an action started after the corps à corps will not be awarded, as it will automatically be after the Halt! no penalty, but call Halt! only if both fencers cease offensive action Fencer X attacks with a flèche. Fencer Y parries and makes an immediate riposte on X, who is now behind Y. After passing Y, X starts an action that hits Y. The machine indicates a double touch. 9. b. c. t.63 a. award a touch for Y award a double touch no touch awarded 5 of 1 Page Épée Section Question Rule Discussion Fencer X attacks with a flèche and is off the strip with both feet just before the attack lands. Fencer Y had started a counter attack before X left the strip. The machine indicates t.26 a double touch. 10. b. c. a. award a touch for Y award a double touch no touch awarded Fencer Y makes a flèche attack and Fencer X attempts a stop hit while retreating over the rear limit, which lands when X has both feet off the strip. The machine indicates a double touch. 11. a. b. c. t.27 The reason for preferring b to c is that only one touch is awarded, therefore the valid touch by Y must be annulled. award a double touch annul the double touch, touch for Y award a touch for Y What is the maximum bend allowed in the épée blade? 12. a. b. c. none less than 1 centimeter, located near the center of the blade less than 2 centimeters, located near the center of the blade m.16 6 of 1 Page Épée Section Question Rule Discussion How may the épée blade be bent? 13. a. b. c. no bend is allowed up or down down only m.16 The épée spring must push back a test weight of how many grams? 14. a. b. c. 500 750 1000 m.19.2 Fencer X reports to the strip with a mask that has the upper portion taped with a vinyl tape to reduce glare. Fencer Y objects that the tape might cause a point to glance off. 15. a. b. c. ignore the objection Y’s objection is correct only if the mask is completely covered by the material; Y receives a YELLOW CARD have the tape removed if the technical expert states that the tape is illegal; X receives a YELLOW CARD m.25.3 m.30 7 of 1 Page Épée Section Question Rule Discussion With no previous penalties, Fencer X appears on the strip wearing a waist-length jacket. 16. a. b. c. X receives a YELLOW CARD; X must change jacket X receives a YELLOW CARD unless the jacket overlaps the breeches by 10 centimeters no penalty m.25.4 Épée jacket must cover the entire trunk. No penalties have been given. Fencer X drags the point of the épée along the strip while retreating. 17. a. b. c. call Halt!; X receives a YELLOW CARD call Halt!; X receives a RED CARD allow fencing to continue because the point is being dragged, not pushed Fencer X attacks, and the Referee clearly sees the machine indicate a good touch when X’s point is on the blade in front of Fencer Y’s guard. Subsequent tests reveal no rust, glue or other foreign substance on the blade. 18. a. b. c. t.46 t.61 t.66 award a touch for X annul the touch if the Referee can recreate the situation annul the touch 8 of 1 Page Épée Section Question Rule Discussion With no other penalties having been given, Fencer X intentionally touches the ground outside the metallic strip to cause a halt. 19. a. b. c. X receives a YELLOW CARD X receives a YELLOW CARD or, if it occurred during the last minute, a RED CARD X receives a RED CARD Just after the second of two touches have been scored against Fencer X, it is found that the floor cable connected to X’s reel has become unplugged. 20. a. b. c. t.53 t.66 Source not found. annul both touches do not annul any touches annul the last touch 9 of 1 Page Épée Section Question Rule Discussion The proper procedure for testing the weapon at the request of a fencer is: 21. a. b. c. simply press the point down; if it does not work, check all the connections to see where the problem lies check that the fencer is plugged in at the back; check that the fencer is plugged in at the front; check that the wires are attached to the connector; check that the barrel is not loose; then (and only then), if everything is correct, press the point down press the point down five times to find out if the weapon does not work on any of the five tries Fencer X is hit and presents the épée for testing. On the first test the épée fails to register a touch, but all subsequent tests properly register a touch. 22. a. b. c. annul the touch award a touch for X’s opponent call the technical expert; if the technical expert certifies that all equipment is working correctly, award a touch for X’s opponent t.68(e) 10 of 1 Page Épée Section Question Rule The Referee awards a touch for Fencer X. After the touch is awarded, the Referee sees Fencer Y simply press the tip of the épée; it does not work. Y then submits it to the Referee for testing. 23. a. b. c. test the weapon; annul the touch if it does not work test the weapon; annul the touch even if it does work, because Y found it defective touch cannot be annulled, because the Referee did not make the initial test Fencer Y scores a touch on Fencer X. Fencer X then shows the Referee that the body cord became unplugged from the connector inside the guard. 24. a. b. c. award a touch for Y annul Y’s touch annul Y’s touch only if there is a retaining device on X’s connector t.68(b) t.68(f) Discussion t.68 (b) The failure must be determined by tests made immediately after the bout was stopped, under the supervision of the Referee and without changing anything whatever of the equipment in use. This appears to be in conflict with the rules, but on the exam, “a” was graded as the correct answer. Assumed to be X’s fault. 11 of 1 Page Épée Section Question A valid touch is registered by Fencer Y. The Referee believes the touch may have been on Fencer X’s hand. X claims the touch occurred on the guard. In testing, a small area of oxidation is found that will cause a valid touch to be registered. 25. a. b. c. award a touch for Y, X replaces the epee annul Y’s touch call the technical expert; if the oxidation area has less than 50 ohms resistance, annul Y’s touch Rule Discussion t.68(g) Even though Fencer X is hit on the chest, nothing registers on the machine. It is found that X’s jacket has become saturated with perspiration, electrically grounding out touches by Fencer Y. 26. a. b. c. award a touch for Y if the Referee clearly sees it arrive on the valid surface have X change jackets; do not award a touch have X tape the weapon’s handle; do not award a touch t.40 Materiality must be established by the apparatus. 12 of 1 Page Épée Section Question Rule Discussion The Referee observes a small hole in the metallic strip while the bout is in progress. 27. a. b. c. call Halt! and have the hole repaired wait until a normal halt and then have the hole repaired wait until the bout is complete and then have the hole repaired t.69 During the action, Fencer X and Fencer Y attack simultaneously. Their tips obviously touch, causing both valid lights to illuminate. 28. a. b. c. a. Call Halt! Award a touch for both fencers t.66 Call Halt! Give both fencers a RED CARD for touch not on the valid target. Call Halt! Disallow both touches and place fencers on guard at the point where the action started. Double touches are registered. Fencer Y has clearly hit Fencer X, but X’s touch is doubtful. 29. a. b. c. annul the double touch X may decide to have the double touch awarded or annulled Y may decide to have the double touch awarded or annulled t.67(e) 13 of 1 Page Épée Section Question Rule Discussion Double touches are registered. Fencer X is clearly hit, but X’s point clearly hits the ground outside the metallic strip. 30. a. b. c. annul the double touch award a touch for Y Y may decide to have the double touch awarded or annulled t.67(e) In a pool bout before the expiration of time, the score is 4-4. A double touch occurs. 31. a. b. c. award a touch for each fencer; score is 5-5; return the fencers to their on guard lines; continue fencing until a single touch is scored or time expires award a touch for each fencer; score is 5-5; bout is over; previous determination of advantage decides the winner annul the double touch; do not return the fencers to their on guard lines; continue fencing until a single touch is scored or time expires o.17(a) 14 of 1 Page Épée Section Question Rule Discussion Time expires when the score is 3-3 in a pool bout. 32. a. b. c. the score remains 3-3; the Referee randomly determines priority; the bout continues for one additional minute; if a single touch is scored in this additional minute, the bout ends 4-3; if no single touch is scored, the fencer with priority wins 3-3 the score goes to 5-5; ; the Referee randomly determines priority; the bout continues for one additional minute; if a single touch is scored in this additional minute, the bout ends 5-4; if no single touch is scored, the fencer with priority wins 5-5 the score goes to 4-4 with fencing continuing until there is a single valid touch o.17(b) 15 of 1 Page Épée Section Question Rule Discussion Time expires when the score is 5-5 in a pool bout. 33. a. b. c. the score goes back to 4-4; the Referee randomly determines priority; the bout continues for one additional minute; if a single touch is scored in this additional minute, the bout ends 5-4; if no single touch is scored, the fencer with priority wins 5-5 the score cannot reach 5-5 in a pool bout the score remains at 5-5; the Referee randomly determines priority; the bout continues for one additional minute; if a single touch is scored in this additional minute, the bout ends 5-5; if no single touch is scored, the fencer with priority wins 5-5 At the start of the bout, with no penalties given, the Referee notices that the edge of the point of Fencer X’s weapon has no chamfer, resulting in a 90 degree angle. 34. a. b. c. Award a RED CARD, confiscate the weapon. Award a YELLOW CARD, confiscate the weapon. If the weapon passes all other tests, allow its use. o.17(a) t.45 m.19 16 of 1 Page Épée Section Question Rule In a team match, in the fifth bout of the relay match, the score is 24-24 when a double touch is scored. There is 1 minute remaining in that bout. 35. a. b. c. Award the double touches, the score is now 25-25. Proceed to the next bout. Annul the double touches. The fencers must fence for a single touch. Award a single touch to the higher seeded team. Discussion The first two opponents fence until one of them has scored five touches, within the time limit of 3 minutes. o.44.6 The next two opponents fence until one of their scores has reached ten touches, within the time limit of 3 minutes, and so on with successive bouts, cumulatively, of five touches. Despite this wording (which is parallel to the wording for pools, the correct answer for the test (and practice at NACs) is “a” and not “b.” With no penalties given, Fencer X has been hit, without a touch registering for Fencer X. Fencer X immediately presents the weapon for testing by the referee. While performing the tests, the referee notes that the epee is missing one tip screw. 36. a. b. c. Stop the test, confiscate the weapon. Do not annul the touch. Continue the test and annul the touch if the weapon is not functional. Confiscate the weapon. Stop the test, give fencer X a YELLOW CARD. Confiscate the weapon. t.67(b) 17 of 1 Page Épée Section Question Fencer X attacks with an advance-lunge. Fencer Y counter-attacks with a retreat, stepping off the side of the strip with one foot during the retreat. Double touches are registered. 37. a. b. c. a. b. c. Discussion t.26 Award the touch for Fencer X. Award both touches. Annul both touches. Fencer X has been hit by Fencer Y, without a touch registering for Fencer X. Fencer X immediately presents the weapon for testing by the referee. While performing the test, the referee notes that Fencer X’s body cord is unplugged in the back, and the safety device is missing. 38. Rule t.68(f) Annul Fencer Y’s touch. Award Fencer Y’s touch. Plug the body cord back into the reel and continue the test. 18 of 1 Page Épée Section Question Fencer X has been hit by Fencer Y, without a touch registering for Fencer X. Fencer X immediately presents the weapon for testing by the referee. While performing the test, the referee notes that Fencer X’s body cord is unplugged in the back, and the safety device is present and functioning. 39. a. b. c. Rule Discussion t.68(f) Annul Fencer Y’s touch. Award Fencer Y’s touch. Plug the body cord back into the reel and continue the test. Fencer X makes a beat-attack on Fencer Y. Fencer Y’s weapon breaks on the beat. Fencer X’s touch arrives valid. 40. a. b. c. Award a YELLOW CARD to Fencer Y for t.54.3(f) nonconforming equipment. Allow the touch made by Fencer X. Annul the touch made by Fencer X. Fencer X makes an attack on Fencer Y, with the touch landing valid. Fencer Y then makes a late counterattack on X, with Fencer Y’s blade breaking on the counter-attack. Only Fencer X’s touch shows as valid on the scoring equipment. 41. a. b. c. t.54.3(f) Award a YELLOW CARD to Fencer Y for nonconforming equipment. Allow the touch made by Fencer X. Annul the touch made by Fencer X. 19 of 1 Page Épée Section Question Fencer X makes an attack on Fencer Y. Fencer Y makes an immediate counterattack. Only Fencer Y’s touch registers on the scoring equipment. With the referee watching, Fencer X gently tests the weapon on the floor. No touch registers. Fencer X then presents the weapon for testing by the referee, but before the referee can begin the tests, the scoring apparatus starts to continuously register valid touches for Fencer X. 42. a. b. c. Rule Discussion “Gently” is the clue that nothing was altered by the t.68.3(a) fencer. A literal interpretation of the rules would suggest that “b” is a better answer. Annul Fencer Y’s touch, because the test made by Fencer X showed the weapon was not functional. Allow Fencer Y’s touch, as Fencer X tested the weapon prior to presenting it to the referee. Annul Fencer Y’s touch, as the touch is doubtful 20 of 1 Page Saber Section Question Rule Discussion t.75(a) t.75(b)1 t.75 (a) Any attack properly executed (cf. t.7) must be parried, or completely avoided, and the phrase must be followed through. (b) The attack is correctly carried out when the extending of the arm, with the point or the cutting edge continuously threatening the valid target, precedes the initiation of the lunge. 1. An attack with a lunge is correctly carried out: — in a simple attack (cf. t.8) when the beginning of the extending of the arm precedes the launching of the lunge and the touch arrives at the latest when the front foot touches the strip;… *** 3. If the attack is commenced when the opponent‘s blade is not ‘in line’, the attack may be completed either direct, or by a disengagement or by a cutover, or else be preceded by feints (cf. t.77) which oblige the opponent to parry. Fencer X makes a flank cut that is short. With no pause, X immediately cuts to the head, while simultaneously Fencer Y cuts to the head. Both actions land valid. 1. a. b. c. no touch awarded award a touch for X award a touch for Y Fencer X makes a direct attack with advance-lunge while Fencer Y, who has been waiting to time X’s action, immediately establishes a line before X completes the advance. Both fencers hit valid. 2. a. b. c. no touch awarded award a touch for X award a touch for Y The implication is that the flank cut is made correctly (with a lunge), and that the front foot has landed, ending the first attack. It has been “completely avoided.” Since this attack failed, right-of-way shifts to Fencer Y, whose attack is “commenced when the opponent’s point is not in line.” This has priority over the redoublement by Fencer X. Where is this made explicit in the rules? t.75(b)2. An attack with a step-forward-lunge is correctly carried out: — in t.75(b)2 t.80.2 a simple attack (cf. t.8) when the beginning of the extending of the arm precedes the step-forward and when the touch arrives at the latest when the front foot touches the strip; t.80.2. The fencer who attacks is alone counted as touched: (a) If he initiated his attack when his opponent had his point ‘in line’ and without deflecting the opponent‘s weapon. When Fencer X initiated his attack, Fencer Y was not yet in the position of point-in-line. 1 of 1 Page Saber Section Question Fencer X is at double advance plus lunge distance and makes a double advance plus lunge attack while Fencer Y, who has been waiting to time X’s action, immediately establishes a line before the start of X’s advance-lunge. Both fencers hit valid. 3. a. b. c. Rule t.80.2 a. b. c. t.75(b)2. An attack with a step-forward-lunge is correctly carried out: — in a simple attack (cf. t.8) when the beginning of the extending of the arm precedes the step-forward and when the touch arrives at the latest when the front foot touches the strip; t.80.2. The fencer who attacks is alone counted as touched: (a) If he initiated his attack when his opponent had his point ‘in line’ and without deflecting the opponent‘s weapon. The attack by Fencer X did not start until his final advance. Fencer Y had established the point in line and Fencer X did not deflect it. no touch awarded award a touch for X award a touch for Y Fencer X starts a multiple feint attack. Fencer Y follows the feints. After X’s first feint, X’s arm is pulled back so that X’s elbow is touching X’s side. X finishes the action with the arm extending and Y counter attacks into the extension. Both land t.80(d) valid. 4. Discussion (d) If, during a compound attack, he makes a stop hit without being in time. The attack by Fencer X started with the extension. award a touch for X award a touch for Y no touch awarded The correct distance between sabre fencers when they come on guard (other than at the on guard lines) is: 5. a. b. c. four meters at the discretion of the Referee when both fencers are in a proper on guard position with the weapons in line, the points should not overlap t.17 2 of 1 Page Saber Section Question Fencer X makes a beat attack that arrives on the valid surface. On the beat, Fencer Y’s weapon drops to the strip. 6. a. b. c. award a touch for X penalize Y for incorrect fencing no touch awarded Rule t.18 Discussion 2. Stopping the bout The bout stops on the word ‘Halt’…. As soon as the order ‘Halt’ has been given, a competitor may not start a new action; only the movement which has been begun before the order was given remains valid. The order ‘Halt’ is also given if…one of the competitors is disarmed Halt! will not be called until the weapon leaves Fencer Y’s hand, by which time the final thrust has begun. Before the command Fence! is given, Fencer X establishes the line. 7. a. b. c. give the command Fence! give the command Fence!, but do not award any touch scored by X’s existing line instruct X to remove the line t.17 In foil and saber fencers may not come on guard in the ‘in line’ position. t.27 t.27 Should a competitor cross the rear limit of the strip completely — i.e. with both feet — a touch will be scored against him/her. Fencer X retreats over the rear limit for the first time. 8. a. b. c. call Halt!; replace X at the on guard line and warn X: Once off call Halt!; replace X two meters from the end line and warn X: Two meters call Halt!; award a touch for X’s opponent 3 of 1 Page Saber Section Question A sabre blade may not curve or hook in the direction of the cutting edge, but what is the maximum allowable curvature of the blade in the lateral plane? 9. a. b. c. Rule Discussion m23 If the blade has a curve, it must be a distinct curve which must be continuous, and the deflection must be less than 4 cm. Blades with sharply bent extremities or which curve in the direction of the cutting edge are forbidden. m.24 The guard must be full in shape, made in one piece and externally smooth. It must have a convex form which is continuous, without rim or holes. m.34 The sleeves of the conductive jacket must be fixed at the wrist by means of an elastic band. There must be a strap passing between the fencer‘s legs to keep the jacket in place (see Figure 15, above). less than 2 centimeters less than 3 centimeters less than 4 centimeters What feature should the Referee check about the guard of the sabre? 10. a. b. c. that it is circular in cross-section that it is solid, smooth, without rims or holes that the pommel does not have a rectangular cross-section What feature should the Referee check about the sabre fencer’s conductive jacket? 11. a. b. c. that the conductive jacket covers the complete torso that the conductive jacket must overlap the breeches by at least 5 centimeters when in the on guard position that the jacket must cover the valid surface and the sleeves must be fixed at the wrist by an elastic band 4 of 1 Page Saber Section Question Rule Discussion Fencer X cuts (not a point action) and clearly lands with the flat of the blade on Fencer Y’s valid surface. Y’s counter-attack lands with the point. 12. a. b. c. no touch awarded award a touch for X award a touch for Y Fencer X’s attack arrives on Fencer Y’s leg. Y’s counter attack arrives simultaneously on X’s valid surface. 13. a. b. c. award a touch for X award a touch for Y no touch awarded t.72 Both fencers attack simultaneously. Fencer Y makes an attack that lands valid, while Fencer X’s attack lands off the valid surface. 14. a. b. c. award a touch for X award a touch for Y no touch is awarded 5 of 1 Page Saber Section Question Rule Discussion Fencer X makes an attack and Fencer Y makes a counter-attack. The lights indicate that only Y was hit. X’s cord from the metallic jacket to the mask had become disconnected prior to the attack. 15. a. b. c. award a touch for X award a touch for Y a. no touch Fencer X makes an attack against Fencer Y’s point in line. At the final moment of X’s attack, Y lunges. Both fencers hit. 16. a. b. c. no touch award a touch for X award a touch for Y With no penalties given in the bout, Fencer X makes a flèche-attack. While retreating, Fencer Y makes a stop-cut. Neither of these actions lands. Both fencers immediately remise their actions; the remises land at the same time. 17. a. b. c. t.70.a t.75.b.3 award a touch for X award a touch for Y no touch; X receives a YELLOW CARD 6 of 1 Page Saber Section Question Rule Fencer X makes an attack in which the back foot crosses in front of the forward foot; Fencer Y makes an immediate counterattack. Both land valid. 18. a. b. c. award a touch for X; X receives a YELLOW CARD award a touch for Y; X receives a YELLOW CARD no touch; X receives a YELLOW CARD t.75(b)3 a. b. c. a. b. c. t.76 (c) In order to judge the correctness of an attack, the following points must be considered: 1. If the attack is initiated when the opponent has his point ‘in line’ (cf. t.10) the attacker must first deflect his opponent‘s weapon. no touch award a touch for Y award a touch for X Fencer X begins an attack with a feint. Fencer Y momentarily follows the feint and then counter attacks and hits valid into X’s continuation, which also lands valid. 20. award a touch for X award a touch for Y no touch awarded 3. The flèche and any forward movement in which the rear foot completely passes the front foot is forbidden. Any offence will be penalized as specified in the 1st group (cf. t.114, t.116, t.120. Any touch scored by the fencer at fault will be annulled. However, any touch correctly executed by his opponent is valid. What does “immediate” mean? Answer assumes that it means that Y’s action is initiated before the “Halt!” Fencer X makes an attack against Fencer Y’s point in line. At the final moment of X’s attack, Y advances. Both fencers hit. 19. Discussion t.77 (e) If during a compound attack the opponent finds the blade during one of the feints, he has the right to riposte. (f) In a compound attack the opponent has the right to stop-hit; but, in order to be valid, the stop hit must precede the last movement of the attack by one period of fencing time, i.e. the stop hit must arrive before the attacker has started the last movement of the attack itself. Having failed to find the blade during the feint, Fencer Y does not earn right of way. 7 of 1 Page Saber Section Question Fencer X makes a compound attack, but the blade is less than 135 degrees; Fencer Y immediately cuts into X’s action. 21. a. b. c. award a touch for X award a touch for Y no touch Rule Discussion t.77(d)2 t.80(e) t.77 (d) In compound attacks the feint must be correctly carried out, i.e.: 1. A feint with the point, with the arm extended and the point threatening the target continuously. 2. A feint with a cut, the arm extended, the blade and the arm forming an obtuse angle of about 135°, with the cutting edge threatening a valid part of the target. t.80 (e) If, during a compound attack, he is stop-hit one period of fencing time (temps d‘escrime) before he makes his final movement. Both fencers start attacks simultaneously. While attacking, Fencer X makes a feint, with the blade and arm forming an angle of about 35 degrees. Fencer Y makes a direct attack. Both hit at the same time. 22. a. b. c. award a touch for X award a touch for Y no touch Both fencers start attacks simultaneously. During Fencer Y’s attack, Y attempts to find Fencer X’s blade with a forward and sideways sweep, but fails. Both fencers hit at the same time. 23. a. b. c. Is 35 a typo? Was 135 intended? If 035 is intended, the attack is not correct; it is preparation. If 135, no priority, no touch. t.80.2(b) award a touch for X no touch award a touch for Y 8 of 1 Page Saber Section Question Fencer X advances with a slow feint and then completes the attack with a head cut. On the feint, Fencer Y finds X’s blade and makes a head cut. Both actions land valid. 24. a. b. c. Rule Discussion t.80.2(c) no touch awarded award a touch for X award a touch for Y Fencer X makes an attack that is parried and an immediate remise that lands valid before Fencer Y’s immediate direct riposte lands valid. t.80.2(f) a. award a touch for X b. award a touch for Y c. no touch awarded 25. Fencer X makes an advance-lunge with a head cut, but X’s arm is in the guard position on the advance. As X starts the advance, Fencer Y hits X before the start of X’s lunge. Both actions land valid. 26. a. b. c. no touch awarded award a touch for X award a touch for Y t.80.2(d) If, during a compound attack, he bends his arm or makes a ? momentary pause, during which time the opponent makes a stop hit or an attack while the attacker continues his own attack (e) If, during a compound attack, he is stop-hit one period of fencing time (temps d‘escrime) before he makes his final movement. 9 of 1 Page Saber Section Question Fencer X attacks and is parried. X quickly recovers, simultaneously placing the point in line. After X recovers, Fencer Y makes an attack. Both actions land valid. 27. a. b. c. no touch awarded award a touch for X award a touch for Y Fencer X makes an attack with advancelunge. Fencer Y counterattacks with a lunge. Neither of these actions lands. Both fencers remise simultaneously; the remises land at the same time. 28. a. b. c. Rule Discussion (a) If he initiated his attack when his opponent had his point ‘in line‘ and without deflecting the opponent‘s weapon. Referees must ensure that a mere grazing of the blades is not considered as sufficient to deflect the opponent‘s blade. Handbook? Transfer of right of way? award a touch for X award a touch for Y no touch Fencer X reports to the strip with a lamé over-glove that has no provision, such as elastic, to ensure good contact with the sleeve of the metallic jacket. 29. a. b. c. allow Fencer X to fence ask Fencer X to change the overglove confiscate the illegal over-glove; X receives a YELLOW CARD; require X to get a legal over-glove 10 of 1 Page Saber Section Question Rule Discussion The metallic fabric covering the glove must be folded to the inside of the cuff to a depth of at least: 30. a. b. c. 5 centimeters 2 centimeters 3 centimeters Fencer Y makes a direct attack with advance-lunge against Fencer X’s point in line. Expecting the beat, X makes two disengages. Both fencers hit. 31. a. b. c. Expecting doesn’t mean that there was an attempt. award a touch for X no touch award a touch for Y In direct elimination bouts, in saber only, the first period will end when: 32. a. b. c. no time is kept in saber only when three minutes have elapsed when either three minutes have elapsed or when the score of one of the fencers has reached eight. 11 of 1 Page Saber Section Question Fencer X makes an attack which clearly registers a valid touch as X’s cut arrives on the guard of Fencer Y. Upon examination it is found that Y has a non-insulated pommel nut. 33. a. b. c. Award a touch for X. Confiscate the illegal weapon; Y receives a yellow card; require Y to get a legal weapon. Annul the touch. During the preliminary check-in of fencers prior to a pool it is discovered that Fencer X is wearing a waist-length jacket (without croissard). 34. a. b. c. No penalty, but require X to get a legal jacket prior to fencing the first bout. Require X to get a legal jacket prior to fencing; X receives a yellow card in the first bout. Allow X to fence with the jacket as long as long as there is at least a 10 centimeter overlap with the breeches when in the on guard position. Rule Discussion By inference: the weapon is not conforming and therefore must be confiscated. However, it was not identified at the weapon check. If the method of insulation could have been affected by fencing, no penalty. Still, it seems that both a and b are correct. t.73 If the saber of the fencer judged to have been touched does not conform with Article m.24/4 and 24/6 (insulation of the interior and exterior of the guard, of the handle and of the pommel), there will be no annulment, even if a touch on the weapon causes a signal to register. m.34 There must be a strap passing between the fencer‘s legs to keep the jacket in place What is a “croissard”? If it’s the part of a jacket between waste and groin, it’s required in épée (The épée jacket must cover the whole trunk.) If it’s the strap passing between the legs, it’s required in all three weapons. 12 of 1 Page Saber Section Question Rule Discussion May an orthopaedic grip be used in sabre? 35. a. b. c. Yes, provided that the hand may be fixed in only one position, with the thumb 2 centimeters or less from the guard, and the upper surface of the thumb is perpendicular to the plane of flexibility of the blade. No. Yes, provided documented medical necessity for such a handle. Fencer X makes a direct attack to head with advance lunge. During the course of the action, Fencer Y blocks the attack with the elbow of his weapon arm and makes a riposte which arrives valid. 36. a. b. c. Award a touch for X. Y receives a yellow card for substitution of target. X’s touch is allowed. Annul the touch. Y receives a yellow card. Both fencers attack simultaneously. The lights indicate that only Fencer Y was hit. Y’s cord from the metallic jacket to the mask had become disconnected prior to the attacks. 37. a. b. c. Never seen, but legal. — The parry is the defensive action made with the weapon to prevent an offensive action arriving.. The light goes off when the elbow of Fencer Y is hit. “Blocking” is ineffective; the elbow is valid target, hence there was no “substitution.” There is no riposte because there was no parry . The hit was on other valid target. There is no reason to annul it. Annul the touch. Award a touch for X. Y receives a yellow card. 13 of 1 Page Saber Section Question Fencer X makes an attack which Fencer Y successfully parries. After the parry, X’s blade whips over and hits Y, registering a touch. Y’s immediate and direct riposte, which arrives on valid target is timed out and does not register on the machine. 38. a. b. c. a. b. c. a. b. c. t.70(c) How is the parry “successful”? “After the parry” suggests remise, over which the riposte has right of way. t.70(b) Point touches which slip over the valid target, or cuts which merely brush the opponent‘s target (passé touches) do not count. t.80.1(e) If, having his point ‘in line‘ (cf. t.10) and being subjected to a beat or a taking of the blade (prise de fer) which deflects his blade, he attacks or places his point in line again instead of parrying a direct touch made by his opponent. No touch. Award a touch for X. Award a touch for Y. Fencer X makes an attack against Fencer Y’s point in line. During the course of the attack X searches for and finds Y’s blade. Y places his point in line again while X continues his attack directly. Both fencers hit. 40. Discussion (c) Touches through the blade, that is to say those which touch the valid target and the saber of the opponent at the same time, are valid whenever they arrive clearly on the target. Award a touch for X. Award a touch for Y. Annul all touches. Fencer X makes an attack against Fencer Y’s point in line. At the final moment of X’s attack, Y hits with the cutting edge. Both fencers hit. 39. Rule No touch. Award a touch for X. Award a touch for Y. 14 of 1 Page Saber Section Question Fencer X makes an attack which is successfully parried. Fencer Y makes an immediate riposte while simultaneously X makes a remise of the attack. Both fencers hit. Prior to the referee making his call, Fencer Y acknowledges a touch against himself. 41. a. b. c. Rule Discussion t.80.2(f) If he makes a touch by a remise, redoublement or reprise following a parry by his opponent which has been followed by a riposte which is immediate, simple and executed in one period of fencing time without withdrawing the arm Award a touch for X. Award a touch for Y. Penalize Y for attempting to influence the referee 15 of 1 Page
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