Signals from Sailability Manly

Signals from Sailability Manly
March 2012 Edition 77
Edited by Jude Cole. Please send articles to
[email protected]
Web content to Alan Bimson:
[email protected]
Diary Dates: don’t miss these
15th Anniversary Celebration
Manly Yacht Club - Wednesday 2nd May 2012
6.30 p.m. for 7.00 p.m.
Eat drink and have fun catching up. Nibbles served on the deck, followed by dinner.
drinks available from the bar – dress smart casual
$40 each - RSVP: [email protected] or call 9976 2747 before 25th April
Access World Titles 8th – 13th April
Due to the above, please check Sailing Day dates in April below
All our boats are leased for the event
and Th-ING (orange) will be crewed by Manly member Andy Jager
A good vantage point to view the races will be Dobroyd Point
Sailing Schedule (Race Practice in blue)
07 – 13.04
April – July 2012
Access World Titles MHYC
Booked Groups / General
Booked Groups / General / RP
Autumn Regatta
Booked Groups / General
Booked Groups / General
April – August 2012
Access World Titles MHYC
Booked Groups
Booked Groups
Booked Groups
Booked Groups
Booked Groups
Venue: Manly Yacht Club, East Esplanade (end of Wood St) downstairs dockside via accessible ramp
Visitors are always welcome to try us out for $5. Annual membership includes unlimited sailing for $30.
Please call Eli: 9976 2747 a day ahead to ensure you get a sail. Sailing starts from 9.30am
Volunteers: Please be at the Manly Yacht Club pontoon by 9am – approx 1pm or as long as you can
If your name appears on the roster, and you are not available, please contact Eli on 9976 2747
or [email protected]
Parking: We have parking permits for your car if you don't already have a disability parking permit, and special arrangements
for mini-buses and wheelchair lift vans
Extras to bring: All sailors and volunteers must bring a hat that stays on, bottled water and apply a good sunscreen. Sailability
provides life-jackets.
If in doubt due to the weather
call 9976 2747 for a recorded message
Signals from Sailability Manly
Sailing report Sat 3rd March
This morning’s decision to go ahead with sailing despite threatening rain was an easy one. There
had been so many days of constant rain that waking up to very light showers seemed like a
good time to get the boats on the water.
Our loyal helpers Ralph, Barry, Denis, Jim,
Mia, Helen rigged early with Judy at the
helm, and Megan hard at work as registrar.
By the time Ivan, new helper Deo (below
right, we’ll soon make a sailor of him) Britta
and Tony arrived, four boats were ready for
sailing in the light showers that were
prevailing. Ralph and Patrick A alternated
as Charlie’s Chariot drivers, with a
succession of observers, Eli, Patrick S,
Helen while our sailors this morning Ivan,
Jim, John, Denis, took Megan, Denis F,
Tony, Alan, Jonathon, Vanessa and most of
the volunteers for a sail.
Jackie and Denis
Helen busily made tea and coffee
for the helpers who did not want
to go out on the water. Then Luke
arrived with Dad, Ben, but found
the going quite rough and cold
with the showers, so only had a
short sail. One of the groups
arrived but decided that sailing
was not advisable for their
participants, opting for a ferry ride
and Mc Donald’s instead. John’s
grandchildren arrived so he took
Sam out for a leisurely spin.
It didn’t take long to pack away
with so many willing helpers, and
the arrival of Vin to help. The
decision to sail was a good one, as
Alan never misses the chance for a sail, even with Jim!
it gave people a different set of
conditions, and showed us that sailing can be enjoyable, even with light rain falling. Eli
Sailing report – Wed 14th March
From the moment we woke up, I couldn’t help feeling this particular morning would be pleasant.
Clear blue skies, a nice breeze that picked up later, willing helpers, delightful children and other
participants, as well as dedicated carers, the perfect recipe.
Ray was the Sailing Coordinator, calmly managing the helpers, early birds Barry, Denis, Brian,
and David who managed to get 5 boats out and rigged before 9.00 a.m. Barry went over to pick
up Charlie’s Chariot, our first customers arrived, and we were off and sailing. Tony, Ivan, Denis,
Brian, David were our sailors today, with John arriving a little later to take over if necessary. In
the meantime, we put the tents up for shade, so that our participants would be comfortable
while they waited their turn.
Signals from Sailability Manly
On the pontoon, Norman the Pontoon Manager kept things moving, helped by Michael, and
Phillip. Helen stayed up on deck registering people as they arrived, Corey became the observer
in Charlie’s Chariot, and the day just flowed from there.
Children from Royal Far West,
most of whom have seen far too
much water lately coming from
the sky and ruining their crops,
discovered the gentler side of
nature going for a sail.
Michael, Tyler, Jessica, Jack and
Sarah loved the sailing, as well as
a quick go in the Safety Boat
before they were on their way.
Then the group from Verne
Barnett arrived, (pictured left) so
we were kept busy with Amelia, 2
Alexes, David, Fergus, Gemma,
Janet, Leo, Max, Nicholas, Peter,
Ryan, who took turns in sailing
and watching their friends from
ashore, or the Safety Boat.
Most of these little ones have
sailed before, and we were
enormously impressed by James,
adjusting the sails to best catch
the breeze, while his helper
Peter took over on Charlie’s Chariot so that
Barry could get started on boat maintenance,
Norman took over as observer, and Corey came
down to help on the pontoon with the
participants who needed the hoist.
Sarah steers into the pontoon
Luckily, we were just about finished with these
when our group from Sunshine Pymble arrived
with their most dedicated helpers, Brently,
Mohammed, Ellen, Toby, Allan, Brad, Robbie and
Greg, it is lovely to see you out there on the
water, enjoying the freedom and fresh air. Some
of these participants also experienced the
Charlie’s Chariot, enjoying the motion and the
wind through their hair and on their faces.
It didn’t take long to put everything away with
such helpful volunteers. Today we were left with
a very pleasant feeling about what Sailability is
all about. Eli.
Signals from Sailability Manly
Sailing report – Wed 28th March
It was a tough call to make this morning. With rain forecast, but no sign of it, we decided to
push ahead with sailing, as today’s groups, Arranounbai, Forestville CAPS and Centacare
Waitara missed out last time because of bad weather.
Helpers arrived early so they could familiarise themselves with the outhaul modification which
makes it easier for sailors to adjust the tension in the foot of the mainsail. Volunteers were sent
out for a trial sail before Arranounbai arrived.
Hugh and John
With Eli in charge, David W on the pontoon and
Barry in Charlie’s Chariot, the day was bound to go
smoothly. Sue, Phil and Michael gave a great deal
of help on the pontoon, Corey hopped into Charlie’s
Chariot as observer. Sailors Ivan, Brian, Max, John
M, John G and Pam each took a child from
Arranounbai. Sheila, Denis, Samantha and David
G helped on the deck, and Tony ran from the deck
to the pontoon, helping wherever he was needed.
Hugh, Gwynie, Archie, Riley, Sarah and
Rachel all had the ride of their lives, sailing
into the wide blue yonder. Riley was lucky
enough to sail with his Grandad, Archie and
Rachel used the seat that holds them
comfortably and all had a lovely time.
Ivan & Maddie
From Centacare Sarah, Penny, Jonathon, Maddie,
Sascha, Hans, Elisabeth, Claire and Laura could
choose whether to sail or go on Charlie’s Chariot
and some did both, thanks to their dedicated
Later, Gavin, Yvette, Anna, Amanda, Danny,
Hannah and Brodie from Forestville CAPS had
their turn. Amanda chose to go on Charlie’s Chariot with her helper, while the others waited
very patiently for a sail. We had to wait between showers for some clear sailing weather.
However, by lunch-time, everyone had had a sail, and we were able to pack up.
Thanks very much to the helpers today, you all did a wonderful job keeping your guys dry, fed
and in life-jackets, making the day a whole lot easier for the Sailability volunteers. Eli
Signals from Sailability Manly
Training Day Sat 25th February
Twenty volunteer skippers from Manly
and Pittwater Sailability had the rare
opportunity to pick the brains of coach
Michael Leydon, when he ran an
intensive one day training session at
MYC on Sat 25th Feb.
Sponsored in part by Yachting NSW and
NSW Sailability, the aim is to develop a
course that will enable Sailability clubs
to raise the level of coaching skills their
skippers pass on to people with
disabilities who want to learn to sail.
Michael’s was able to share his
experiences with “Special Olympics”
sailors, and give insights into teaching our members’ with special needs.
The day comprised a morning in the classroom, followed by on the water practice scrutinized by
Michael from Charlie’s Chariot, and a debrief.
Feedback from participants with varying degrees of experience and expectation was that the day
was extremely useful, and they learnt a lot. They especially found the session on the water to
practice whiteboard drills discussed in class very rewarding.
Participant and renowned sailing photographer, Crosbie Lorimer, who’s never without his
camera, teamed with new member Carl, to produce these shots, which make us feel we were in
“Sunrise” with them. We are so fortunate to have Crosbie to capture our sailing experiences so
As this was the first course of it’s type, Eli and Jude were asked to submit a report for the
training sub-committee of Sailability NSW who will consider this course becoming the format for
other clubs in future. With such varying levels of expertise it’s difficult to pitch it just right, but
we believe that Michael did a great job, and that others will benefit from the experience and
improve the level of training we’re able to give at club level. Jude
Signals from Sailability Manly
2011/12 Committee
President / Chairman
Vol/ Sec/SNSW Rep
PR / Signals / Fergo
MYC representative
Race organizer
Webmaster/SNSW Rep
Evelyn Shervington
Patrick Alexander
Eli Demeny
Ralph Newman (temp)
Jude Cole
Helen Hendry
Jackie Morgan
Peter Singer
Alan Bimson
Peter Hamilton
Ray Rampton
Denis Linney
9976 2134
9913 9848
9976 2747
9451 9462
9977 1867
9949 6667
9949 7847
9416 8749
0400 328 268
9975 1434
9948 8180
9939 0320
Next meeting
Wed 4th April
MYC upstairs
all Welcome
current sponsors/donors
Patron : Jean Hay, Mayor of Manly –
PAUL NEWMAN'S OWN safety boat
TREHARNES MANLY BOATSHED, Fairlight use of slip and pressure washer
PETER LONG – BLUE PETER RIGGING : Mast makeover and rigging ALAN SIM – shipwright – invaluable advice
MANLY Council (Accessible Walkway) ($1000 towards running safety boat)
Lifestyle Working - $1666 for special projects and operating costs
BUNNINGS – Prizes for Regatta valued at $180
HEMPEL Marine Paints – antifoul for Fergo
: Fgi – Fibreglass & Resin
Riley Fittings – Rig fittings for Fergo
Ronstan – Rig fittings for Fergo
Vale Plastics – Perspex for windows - Fergo
Shear Magic: mainsail for Fergo
SUZUKI – NORTHERN BEACHES MARINE- $500 discount on outboard
BENDIGO BANK FRESHWATER – Shirts to the value of $800
CERNO INSURANCE - $2500 from Charity Golf Day, running costs and new sail for Fergo
SPARKS CARPETS – Brookvale – carpet worth $350
JIM BROWN FOUNDATION – Winches for Fergo - $200