Word Magic and the Power of Words

By Pao Chang
Author of EsotericKnowledge.me
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Welcome to My Fourth Seminar
The topics I will be presenting in this seminar are:
The art of magic
The power of words and sound
The birthing process
The commerce process
The legal name process
The school process
The court and banking process
Sacred geometry and word play
Currency and how it is used to steal your energy
After reading and viewing the content in this seminar, check out my
empowering book titled Word Magic: The Powers & Occult
Definitions of Words to learn more about the magic powers of words.
What Is Word Magic?
A word is defined as “a sound or a combination of sounds, or
its representation in writing or printing, that symbolizes and
communicates a meaning and may consist of a single
morpheme or of a combination of morphemes.” As for magic, it
is the art of directing and controlling energy using natural forces
to produce a desired effect. When you put these two words
together, you get the term “word magic,” which means the art
of communicating using sacred sounds and symbols to direct
and control energy to produce a desired effect.
In simple terms, word magic is the art of using word play,
phonics, anagram, sacred sounds, symbols, and metaphors to
strengthen the intent of a word.
Word magic is often used to hide the deeper meaning of a word
to deceive us. However, if it is used in a positive way, it can
empower us.
The Power of Words and Magic
Words are not just elements of speech or writing, because they
can be used to strengthen the effects of magic. When spoken
out loud, words transform into frequencies and vibrations that
can be used to direct energy. This is one of the first steps to
creating real magic.
Most people will laugh at the idea of magic being real, but if only
they knew what magic really is and how magic is being used to
control them, they would not be laughing. Remember, magic is
the art of directing and controlling energy using natural
forces (i.e., sound, thought) to produce a desired effect. In other
words, magic is the art of directing and controlling energy.
What most of us do not understand about the reality of Earth is
that we live in a world dominated by magic. Until you learn how
magic works and how it is being used to control you, you will
never know how the world really works.
The most powerful thing in the Universe is energy. If you
learn how to control and direct this energy, you will
become one of the most powerful people on Earth. This is
why the Controllers (the Dark Magicians) are so obsessed
with magic and energy?
The word magic comes from Old French magique, Latin
magicus, and Greek magikos. Magic has a strong
relationship with magnetic and electrical energy. Did you
notice that the word magnetic has the word magic in it?
Take out “net” in “mag-net-ic” and you are left with the
word magic.
The art of magic is often practiced along with certain words
and sacred geometries. The types of words that are used
in magic rituals are the words that produce powerful sound
tones. When these words are spoken out loud, they
produce sound tones with powerful vibrational patterns
that can be used to direct energy and harness its power.
Sound is able to direct
energy because it contains
certain frequency patterns
that attract energy to flow in
a controllable manner.
Furthermore, sound is one
of the natural forces used
by Nature to create sacred
geometries, which are
some of the building blocks
of matter.
If you have studied cymatics, you should know that sound
and vibration can organize matter into sacred geometries.
“Cymatics is the study of sound and vibration made
visible, typically on the surface of a plate, diaphragm or
Cymatics: Sacred Geometries
Formed by Sound
Visit the link below to watch a short video on cymatics. This short video
will show you visual evidence of the power of sound and how sound
organizes matter into sacred geometries.
Cymatics Experiment: Mozart's
"Una Donna a Quindici Anni"
Cymatics experiment using a home made tonoscope.
Click here to watch this fascinating short video.
The two videos about cymatics that you just watched,
showed how the power of sound and frequency could be
used to direct and control energy to produce sacred
geometries. Like cymatics, words that are spoken out loud
can direct and control energy, because they carry sound
and frequency.
Once you realize how powerful words are, you may agree
with me that words can be as powerful or even more
powerful than swords. When you move the letter “s” in the
term words to the front, you get sword. This did not
happen by accident.
Nearly all words in the English language are carefully
designed and put together in a way that produces magic
effects, so that the creators of these words, which are the
Dark Forces and their minions, can trick you to play their
con game. By the end of this presentation, you will know
exactly what that means.
The Birthing and Commerce
The words that are used to describe the birthing process
are strongly related to commerce. Because of this, you
need to know some information about merchants and the
sea business or you will have a hard time seeing the
connection. If you have studied the information in my
second seminar, you should have little problem
understanding the birthing and commerce process.
Before there were airplanes, automobiles, and trains,
when one country wanted to send products to another
country, they would often send them on a ship. Using ships
to send goods to other countries became so important that
many laws were created to protect merchants and their
The two laws that dominated the sea business were
Admiralty Law (the Law of the Sea) and Maritime Law
(Law-Merchant). Both of these laws originally heard
cases involving commerce on the high seas. Today,
nearly every courthouse in the United States, Canada,
the United Kingdom, and certain Western and Eastern
countries are operating under Admiralty/Maritime Law.
This means that the courts in these countries are
operating under military law and commercial law,
and therefore when people go to court, they are
treated as properties and war criminals. This is why
when you mention your common law or constitutional
rights in a U.S. courtroom, the judge may tell you to sit
down and shut up! There is no justice in a court that
operates under Admiralty/Maritime Law.
Let us turn our attention back to ships and merchants. When
a ship reaches its destination, the captain orders his crew to
prepare the ship to be docked. After the ship docks, the crew
can start to unload the cargoes and products off the ship. A
ship is also a vessel so after a ship docks onto the shore, it
is considered a berthed vessel. The word berthed is
phonetically similar to the word birthed.
Before the crew can unload all the cargoes and products off
the ship and onto the dock, they have to first show a
certificate of manifest. This manifest is a record that has
information about the products (i.e., the registration number,
the country of origin, the manufacturer, etc.). The certificate
of manifest is basically your birth certificate. On your birth
certificate, there is a registration number, country of origin,
and manufacturer. Metaphorically speaking, the
manufacturers that created you (the product) are your
Unloading Products From Docked
The process of using ships to deliver products is where the
word shipping comes from. Did you notice that the word
shipping has the word ship in it?
When a ship is in the process of being docked, it is being
guided to come to berth. The word berth is defined as “a
space for a vessel to dock or anchor.” Based on this
information, when a product is unloaded to the dock, it just
went through the berthing process, which is the process of
delivering the product from the vessel (ship) to the dock.
The word berth phonetically sounds like birth. This is why
when a woman is in the process of giving birth, she is said to
be delivering a baby. Every woman has a body. Another
word for body is vessel. A vessel can also be called a ship.
The words body, vessel, and ship can all mean the same
thing and be used to represent a woman's body. This is why
a ship is often referred to as “she” and the main ship is often
referred to as the “mother ship.”
When you transfer all the information that you have just
learned about commerce and the sea business into the
process of birthing a baby, you will see a strong connection
between the berthing process of a ship and the birthing
process of a baby.
When you were in your mother's womb, you were surrounded
in amniotic fluid, which was made of mostly water. In other
words, you were living in a sea of water. Because you were
living in water, according to Admiralty Law (the Law of the
Sea), you could be ruled under this law.
While living in your mother's womb, the thing that connected
you to your mother was the umbilical cord, which was
connected to your navel. Metaphorically speaking, you were
connected to the “mother ship.” The word navel sounds
similar to the word navy. The navy is the military of the sea.
They did not name that area of your body the navel by
accident. By now you should start to see how these words
are all somehow related to the sea.
On average, after conception a fetus lives in the womb of its
mother for a little more than 9 months before the fetus is ready to
be birthed. When you were a fetus, you were living in water
(amniotic fluid). Shortly after 9 months, you were born from your
mother's body (vessel or ship) through her birth canal. The
phrase birth canal sounds a lot like the phrase berth canal. A
canal is an artificial waterway that is used by the captain of a
ship or boat to berth his vessel. Hence, berth/birth canal.
After you came out of your mother's birth canal, you were
grabbed by the doctor. The word doctor is pronounced similar to
“dock-ore.” The word dock is defined as “a platform extending
from a shore over water, used to secure, protect, and provide
access to a boat or ship.” The word ore is defined as “a metalbearing mineral or rock, or a native metal, that can be mined at
a profit.” The word ore also sounds similar to the word oar,
which is “a long shaft with a broad blade at one end, used as a
lever for rowing or otherwise propelling or steering a boat.” What
you need to know about these words is that they all somehow
relate to a ship, the sea, and the process of giving birth.
To connect the dots, you (the baby) represents the ore
because you are the “battery” that is being used as energy to
power the matrix of the Dark Forces. So, when you were
delivered from the “mother ship” onto the dock, you (the ore)
was delivered onto the dock. Hence, the word doctor (dockore). This is why the person who delivers babies at a hospital is
called a doctor. The doctor's or doc's (“dock”) role is to deliver
the baby/ore or dock the ore onto the shore, so that it can be
sold and used as energy.
The word ore also sounds similar to the first syllable of the word
aura. Aura is an energy field that is part of the bioelectromagnetic field of a natural person. When you split the
word aura into two words, you get “au-ra.” The word au comes
from the Latin word aurum, meaning “gold.” This is why in
chemistry the symbol for gold is Au. The word ra is the name of
an ancient god called Ra (pronounced “ray”). In Egyptian
mythology, Ra was the sun-god who was often shown as a
hawk. When you put the words sun and ra together, you get
“sun-ra” or “sun-ray,” which is connected to the sun-god Ra.
The Human Aura (Au-Ra) and the
Egyptian Sun-God Ra
Every ship or “body-ship” is brought into port and
docked, so that the doctor can deliver (de-liver) the bodyship, because it is a new “liver” being produced or a new
baby being “de-livered” by the doctor as “docked ore,”
the ore that is now docked and ready to be sold and used
as energy.
The Dark Forces view each of us like an ore, because we
are the “ore” that is being mined for gold (Au) through the
process of “mind control.” The word mind is phonetically
mined, giving us a clue as to why the Annunaki came to
Earth. One of the main reasons why they came to Earth
was not to “mined” for gold but to “mined” for the “gold” in
our minds, because to control our minds is to control the
“golden blood plasma” in our bodies and the golden
energy in our auras, which then can be used to extend
their lifespans or charge their sun-god Ra. Hence, the
word aura (Au-Ra).
In Greek mythology, the golden blood plasma is called
ichor, a gold-colored fluid that is believed to be found in
the blood of the alien gods, allowing them to live for
thousands of years. It is my understanding that this golden
plasma is found in very small amounts in the human body.
However, during an ascension cycle, the human body can
produce more of it.
The special element that is found in the golden blood
plasma is organic monoatomic gold (white powder gold).
Organic monoatomic gold can only be created by our
bodies and nature. It is not the same as the synthetic
monoatomic gold that is being sold as a dietary
It is important for you to know that at the deepest level the
Earth Drama is a spiritual war for your soul and energy.
By the end of this presentation, you will know why the Dark
Forces need your energy to survive.
Let us turn our attention back to the birthing process. In the
United States, shortly after you are born, a certificate of
manifest is created with certain information about you recorded
on it. This manifest is known as your certificate of live birth,
which is not the same as your birth certificate.
After your parents sign the certificate of live birth, the certificate
is sent to the U.S. federal government. After the U.S. federal
government is done doing whatever they need to do with your
certificate of live birth, they send you a new version of your
certificate of live birth, which is known as your birth certificate.
Your new birth certificate is not the original certificate of live
birth, because it is actually a death certificate.
The term birth certificate sounds similar to berth certificate.
This was deliberately done to trick you using the art of phonics,
which is “a method of teaching people to read and pronounce
words by learning the sounds of letters, letter groups, and
syllables.” Phonetically, there is no difference between the
terms birth certificate and berth certificate because they
sound exactly the same.
When they created the birth certificate, their intention was to trick
your parents to sign your natural rights away and turn you into a
product of a ship or vessel to be sold in commerce. Therefore, a
birth/berth certificate is a certificate of manifest for a product that
has been berthed from a ship. In other words, mailing a copy of
your birth certificate to your parents is the U.S. government's way
of telling your parents that you are a product of the United States of
America, Incorporated. This is why they trade your birth certificate
on the stock market.
Why do you think they use the word parents to describe your
mother and father. The word parents sound similar to pair-rents,
which means the “pair that rents.” When your parents/pair-rents,
sign your birth/berth certificate, they unknowingly agree to allow
the U.S. federal government to partially own you and make you a
“product” of the USA, Incorporated. This means that your body and
everything that you buy or produce are legally the properties of the
U.S. federal government. However, your parents/pair-rents are
allowed to keep or rent you as long as they pay taxes and take
decent care of the new product/baby/you.
If you have studied my seminar about Natural Law, you should
know that when the U.S. government refers to the United States
of America, most of the time they are talking about the
corporation called the United States of America, Inc. (also doing
business as the United States, Inc.) or the United States of
America (Minor). The Continental United States (the landmass)
is often called the United States of America (Major). It is not a
part of the United States of America, Incorporated.
From the perspective of “Americans”, the United States of
America, Inc. is actually a foreign corporation that resides in
Washington D.C., which is also a foreign corporation. Why do
you think the United States has a president and a vice
president? Corporate Law requires a corporation to have a
president and a vice president.
The acronym D.C. stands for the District of Columbia, which
is a 10 mile radius district. So, when they talk about the United
States, Inc., they are referring to the District of Columbia and
not the landmass. This district was founded by a powerful
masonic secret society called the Colombians.
The Colombians also founded
Columbia Broadcasting System
(CBS), Columbia Pictures, and
Columbia University. Did you
notice how similar the words
Colombians and Columbia
are? One thing you should
know about Columbia
University is that it is located in
New York. New York was
founded by the York Rite,
Columbia University
which is also another powerful
masonic secret society. This is why it is called New York, which
means the new city of the York Rite.
Since you know now that there are two main versions of the USA
and that the corporate version is the one they like to use the most,
let us dig deeper into the birthing process, so that you can learn
how they used word play and word magic to trick you to give up
your natural rights.
Before the invention of computers, when people were
born, they would publish their birth information in the
newspaper. Nowadays, because of computers and the
Internet, they rarely publish birth information in newspaper.
Instead, they publish it on certain government sponsored
Shortly after you were born, the doctor extracted blood
from the bottom of your foot, which is known as the sole of
your foot. Keep in mind that the word sole sounds similar
to the word soul. Most doctors do not know the real
reason behind this procedure, so if your parents were to
ask them why they do this, they would most likely tell your
parents that they extracted your blood to test it for genetic
conditions and diseases.
Besides extracting your blood, they also took tissue
samples and blood from your mother's placenta. The
purpose of taking your blood is to extract your DNA from it.
Your blood has DNA in it and therefore it allows the
government to sequence your DNA to determine your
genetic blueprint. Your genetic blueprint is like your
fingerprint because no one else has that same genetic
blueprint. Because of this, your DNA is the physical proof
of evidence that the government can use to identify you.
Once the government is done sequencing your DNA and
creating your personal file, they often announce your birth
information on some of the websites that they sponsored.
What they are basically doing is telling the public that they
found parts of you and someone needs to claim them. It is
like a lost and found service. If no one claims them after a
certain amount of time (usually 7 years), then the
government has the legal right to pronounce you as
legally dead. The problem with this process is that the
government did not tell your parents that they need to
claim those parts of you, and therefore the government is
basically committing fraud.
Be aware that when the government announces you as being
legally dead, it does not always mean that you (the living
person) are really dead. You can be alive and still be named
legally dead.
Under Admiralty Law, if you are missing for 7 years, you can
be declared legally dead. This is why people lost at sea are
declared legally dead after 7 years. In the USA, the political
and court system are operating under Admiralty/Maritime
Law. Both of these laws deal with commerce on the sea. So,
when the U.S. government announces you as being legally
dead, what they are really saying is that you are dead at sea.
They say this because you are mostly made of water and
you were born from a sack of water (the amniotic sac).
Because you are legally dead and the government owns your
legal name, the government can legally claim your estate.
This process is similar to when people die and their estates
are transferred to the people listed on their wills.
The Legal Name Process
Your legal name is the corporate
name that the government uses
to identify you. Most of us have
been conditioned to think that our
legal names are actually who we
are. In reality, our legal names
are not who we are, because
each of us is a man or a woman
with a body made of flesh and
Names are not real, breathing people but instead are symbols of
things (non-beings). In legal term, names are artificial persons
which are corporations. Because corporations are artificial
persons, they can be pretty much anything. For example, religious
institutions, banks, names, and the government are all
corporations because they are fictitious entities.
Shortly after you were born, your parents/pair-rents
gave you a name. They gave you or “ewe” a name
because you are going to be a good little sheep for the
Controllers. Did you know that the word ewe is defined
as a female sheep and is pronounced similar to the
word you? The Controllers like to call you a sheep or
sheeple because sheep are some of the dumbest
animals on the planet and they are great at following
Why did your parents/pair-rents give you/ewe a name?
Because a name is a “neighhhm,” which is a sound
that a horse likes to make. Besides calling you a
sheep, the Controllers (the Dark Magicians) also like
to call you a horse, because a horse is phonetically
whores. If you think this is just a coincidence, you
have no idea how deep the horse connection goes.
When a couple have relationship problems and are
constantly arguing, they are sometimes describe as
nagging each other. A nag is “an old, inferior, or worthless
horse.” If they argue and nag at each other for too long, their
voices may eventually sound hoarse. The word hoarse
sounds similar to the word horse.
Maybe the relationship is not stable because the groom did
not pony up enough courage to get a good job; or maybe
they could not afford a baby crib. The word crib is simply an
English synonym for pony. As for the word groom, it is
defined as “a man or boy in charge of horses or the stable.”
One of the major reasons why a couple argues is because
they do not know how to manage their time. Etymologically,
the word manage is derived from the Italian word
maneggiare, which means “to handle,” especially “to control
a horse.”
What about a pony-tail?
Sometimes a man does
not like it when his woman
puts her hair in a pony-tail;
or maybe his woman does
not have nice bangs.
Bangs usually do not
cause too many
relationship issues, so her
bangs should not be the
main problem.
Oh, I know! Maybe the man does not like to bang his
woman anymore. When the English word bangs is
translated into German, it means “pony, fringe, bangs.” Do
you still think the horse/whores connection is just a
coincidence? We have barely scratch the surface of the
horse connection.
In commerce, when you see a name written in all capital
letters, it is a corporate name or a legal name, which is a
corporation. The legal name plays a significant role in your
life, because it is used by the government to identify the
corporate you. Whenever you receive a government
document issued to you, 99 percent of the time your legal
name on the document is written in all caps. This is why
your legal name on your driver's license, social security
card, and birth certificate is written in all caps.
The process that allows the government to legally claim
you as a corporation involves the creation of a fictional
you, which is the name written in all CAPITAL LETTERS,
and then tricking you to agree to be that artificial person or
legal name. This legal name was created shortly after you
were born and was recorded on a bond. This bond that
represents the date of your birth is known as your birth
The birth certificate is actually a certificate of debt slavery which
is why it is recorded on a bond. TheLawDictionary.org defines
bond as, “a contract by specialty to pay a certain sum of money;
being a deed or instrument under seal, by which the maker or
obligor promises, and thereto binds himself, his heirs,
executors, and administrators, to pay a designated sum of
money to another.”
Your legal name, which is used to identify you (the body of
water or liquid), is written in all capital letters because it is a
piece of liquidated capital or “cap-it-all.” In other words, it has
been securitized and turned into a financial instrument. Hence,
the term “liquidated capital.”
To liquidate something is to sell it off entirely, or sell it to pay off
a debt. It is called liquidated capital because you, the person
who has been securitized, were born in the womb of your
mother, which was mostly made of water (liquid). You are also
mostly made of water. Because you are mostly made of liquid
and have been securitized, you are considered liquidated
The purpose of liquidating you is to turn you into “capital
money.” The word capital comes from the Latin word
capitalis, which means “of the head,” hence “capital, chief,
first.” It also comes from another Latin word caput, which
translates to English as “head.”
When you really think about this process, you should know that
the process of turning you into capital money or liquidated
capital is their way of saying that you have a “bounty on your
head.” Your birth certificate is the bond with your all caps legal
name written on it, and therefore it is the financial document
that has the value of the bounty on your head. This is why your
birth certificate is traded on the stock market.
In the Western world and many Eastern countries, each of us
were born into the world with a bounty on our heads. This is
because the federal government considers us as enemies of
the state. According to Judge Dale, author of The Great
American Adventure: The Secrets of America, if you live in the
USA, the act that makes you an enemy of the U.S. federal
government is “The Trading with the Enemy Act.”
Even though you are considered an enemy of the corporate
government, it actually has no jurisdiction over you as a living
man or woman. However, if you agree to be a citizen of your
corporate government, then it has jurisdiction over you.
The reason why the U.S. government has jurisdiction over you
when you become a United States Citizen is because a United
States Citizen is an “employee” of the United States, which is
actually a corporation. If you want proof of this, look at line
15(A) in title 28 U.S. Code § 3002 and you should see this
sentence, ““United States” means— (A) a Federal corporation.”
The act that legally turned the USA into a corporation was the
District of Columbia Organic Act of 1871. This act also changed
the USA from a republic to a democracy. Democracy is one of
the worst types of government. The word democracy comes
from the word demos, which means “common people.” A group
of common people can also be called a mob. The word cracy
comes from the Latin word cratia, meaning “power, might,
rule.” Based on these definitions, democracy means “mob
rule” or “people power.”
By now you should know that your legal name is a
name of a corporation, which is why 99 percent of the
time it is written in all caps. It is important to know that
even when your name is not written in all caps, it could
still represent a corporation. Once you understand this
process, you should know that your legal name is
often written in all caps because it has been
incorporated and securitized, so that it can be used
in commerce.
Another reason why your legal name is often written in
all capital letters on a government contract, such as
your birth certificate, is because capital letters are
more effective for creating magic spells! Your birth
certificate is not just a record of birth, it is also a
spiritual contract that is sealed with dark magic. This is
why there are sigils (seals) on your birth certificate.
U.S. Birth Certificate (California)
The School Process
In USA, most of us start kindergarten around the age of 5.
The word kindergarten originated from two German words
kinder, meaning “children” and Garten, which translates to
English as “garden.” Kindergarten literally means a “garden
of children.” Now, why would they, the Controllers of the
New World Order (NWO), named the first official school class
kindergarten? To understand why they did this, we need to
turn our attention to the story of Adam and Eve and the
Garden of Eden.
According to the Bible, shortly after God created the Heavens
and the Earth, He also created a garden and a man named
Adam. This man was given dominion over the plants and
animals in this garden, which was called the Garden of Eden.
Shortly after creating Adam, God used one of Adam's rib to
create a woman named Eve to be Adam's companion.
Before I reveal some very controversial information about
Adam and Eve and the Garden of Eden, we need to look at
the bible verse Genesis 1:26 from the King Jame's Bible.
Then God said, “Let Us make man in Our image,
according to Our likeness; let them have dominion over
the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over the
cattle, over all the earth and over every creeping thing
that creeps on the earth.”
Did you notice that the first seven words that God said was
“Let Us make man in Our image?” In this verse, the Bible is
talking about more than one god. This is why the verse has
the word “Us” and “Our” in it. When the Bible talks about
God, it is not always talking about the Supreme Creator. In
Genesis 1:26, the Bible is talking about the planetary gods
or the alien gods that came from the void called outer
It has been mentioned by some
biblical scholars that the early
version of the bible verse
Genesis 1:26 was changed from
“Then Elohim said, “Let Us
make man in Our image”” to
“Then God said, “Let Us make
man in Our image.”” The word
Elohim is a plural noun and is a
Hebrew word that when translate
to English, it means gods.
According to Bill Donahue,
Annunaki Ancient God
Elohim means the divine male
and female.
● According to ancient records, these alien gods came to visit Earth
thousands of years ago. One of the alien races was called the
Annunaki. During the ancient times, some of these alien races
were worshiped as gods. Even today, many secret societies still
worship these alien gods.
The aliens god was said to come from the stars. One of the
stars is called Sirius. The word Sirius is related to the Latin
word siri, which translates to English as “Sirius, greater dogstar.” Some ufologists believed that the Grays came from the
Sirius star system, while others believed they came from Zeta
The Latin word for gray is canus. Phonetically, the Latin word
canus is canis, meaning “dog” or “dog star.” The word canis
is related to the constellation Canis Major, which means “the
greater dog” in Latin. It represents the bigger dog following the
constellation Orion, which is known as the mythical hunter.
Certain ancient civilizations believed that the stars were the
physical manifestation of the different states of God. Hence, the
term “star god” or “sun god.” When you spell the word god
backwards, you get the word dog. Put the word dog in front of
the word star and you get “dog star.”
The information in the paragraph above tells us that the word
god has a strong connection to the word dog and Sirius, the
star system where many of the ancient alien gods came from.
If you have studied the information in my third seminar, you
should know that the Bible is a religious book filled with
metaphors, allegories, codes, symbols, esoteric anagram,
and parables. Because of these things, if you do not know
how to decipher the codes in the Bible, you are not reading
mostly truthful information but are reading mostly deceptive
information. This is why the sentences in the Bible are called
verses. A verse is defined as “a single metrical line in a
poetic composition; one line of poetry.” One of the things
about a poem is that it often has metaphors in it.
If you read the bible verse Matthew 13:34-35, you will find
evidence that the Bible contains parables.
All these things Jesus spoke to the multitude in parables;
and without a parable He did not speak to them, that it
might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophet,
saying: “I will open My mouth in parables; I will utter things
kept secret from the foundation of the world.” - Matthew
Since you know now that the Bible is a religious book filled
with parables, let us turn our attention back to Adam and Eve
and the Garden of Eden. When the Bible refers to Adam, it
sometimes refers to the first atom (atomic particle). Adam
is phonetically atom. Adam/atom represents the Divine
Masculine Energy. As for Eve, she represents the Divine
Feminine Energy. When the Divine Masculine Energy is out
of balance, it often manifests the obsession to create
destructive things to Nature, such as genetic engineering.
The Garden of Eden is the garden where the alien gods
created life using genetic engineering. According to the book
titled The Cosmic Code by Zecharia Sitchin, one of the alien
races came to Earth roughly 445,000 years ago. This alien
race was the Annunaki. It was believed by Zecharia Sitchin
that the Annunaki was one of the first alien races to tinker
with the early human beings' DNA.
Certain researchers of Zecharia Sitchin's work believed
that the Annunaki combined some of their DNA with some
of the human test subjects and were able to successfully
create a new human hybrid race, which eventually evolved
to the humans of today.
The idea that alien gods creating modern humans may
sound crazy. However, in the last few decades, geneticists
discovered that the human DNA contained foreign DNA
that may not be from Earth. This could explain the famous
"missing link" in human evolution.
Some researchers of these alien gods suggested that
human beings were also used as a food source. This
makes me wonder if the Garden of Eden is actually the
Garden of Eatin'. Besides, what else would they use a
garden for? To grow food to eat, right? If this were the
case, then Earth would be the Garden of Eatin'.
Is there evidence that human beings are being used as food? I
have not found irrefutable proof that human beings are being
used as food, so I do not know if it is true. However, I have found
some evidence that points toward that direction and I do know
that we are being used as “batteries.” Once we get to the court
process, you will know what I mean when I say that we are being
used as batteries.
One of the things you need to know about the Dark Forces
(groups of demonic thought forms) and the Controllers is that
they like to tell you what they are doing to you or are planning to
do to you in movies and TV shows. In the movie Jupiter
Ascending (2015), there is a scene where Titus shows Jupiter a
room filled with thousands of vials that contain youth serums.
By drinking the youth serums, it allows Titus and his race to live
for thousands of years. What was shocking about the serums
was that they were made from harvesting hundreds of dead
humans. Could this be the ichor or the “golden blood plasma”
that the Greeks used to talk about?
The golden blood plasma, which is believed to have organic
monoatomic gold in it, could be one of the main reasons why the
Dark Forces and the Controllers have been promoting the idea
that alien gods will come save us or that the Rapture event will
take certain people back to God. Keep in mind that when a
religion refers to God, it is not always talking about the Supreme
Creator. A lot of the time, it is referring to the alien gods of good
or evil.
The word Rapture is connected to the Latin word raptus, which
means “a carrying off, abduction, snatching away; rape.”
Therefore, the deeper meaning of the word Rapture is
snatching or abduction. Christians who believe that they will be
raptured to heaven have been deceived by the Dark Forces.
If the alien gods are after our golden blood plasma, then the
ascension process that we are currently going through would be
the best time to trick us to agree to be harvested from the
Garden of Eden/Eatin'. They need to trick us because they
need our CONSENT. If they were to take us by force, they would
violate the Law of Free Will.
To overcome the problem of violating our free will, the Dark Forces
like to use spiritual contracts to trick us to give up some of our
free will. If you had signed a spiritual contract or agreed to
participate in a religious contract (i.e., baptism), you can void it at
the spiritual level by saying that the contract is now null and void
and the Supreme Creator is your witness. You also need to void it
at the physical level. To do this, you need to learn how to nullify
legal contracts. UnderstandContractLawAndYouWin.com is a
great website that can help you do this. Keep in mind that the birth
certificate is also a spiritual contract.
If it is true that the human body can produce more organic
monoatomic gold during ascension cycles, then it would make
sense that the alien gods would want to use the ascension
process to trick human beings to agree to go with them. Maybe
this is why ascension is sometimes called the harvest, as stated
in the book titled The Ra Material.
A word that gives us a clue to back up the harvesting of humans is
the word fetus. Phonetically, the word fetus sounds like the term
feed us.
After the fetus/feed-us is born, he or she is called a
baby. The word baby is phonetically “bay-bee.” The
word bay is defined as “a body of water partially
enclosed by land but with a wide mouth, affording
access to the sea.” Because you are made of water, you
are like the bay. As for the word bee, it is a name used
to identify flying insects that are known for producing
Based on the two definitions above, the word baby (baybee) means a body of water that produces honey.
Combine water and honey and you get the “golden
blood plasma” that the alien gods need for longevity.
More babies mean more golden blood plasma or “honey”
for the alien gods. Why do you think a couple in a
relationship called each other honey or baby? Because
every human or baby/fetus/feed-us has “golden blood
plasma” or “honey” inside him or her.
To connect the dots, when you are
old enough to go to kindergarten
(garden of children), you the
baby/bay-bee are put into a shelter
constructed for housing a colony,
also known as a hive. This shelter
is used to school you to be a good
little slave, so that when you grow
up to be an adult, you are ready to work like a honey bee and
produce golden plasma for the alien gods of the Dark Forces.
In kindergarten, one of the first things they teach you is the
alphabet, which is made of letters designed using sacred
geometry. These letters are ideograms which are written
symbols that represent ideas. One important thing you need to
know about all written symbols is that they are created into
existence from the egg (the dot) and the serpent (the line). The
egg and the serpent are important symbols in the religion of
secret society.
After learning the alphabet, you are taught how to spell
using the letters of the alphabet. This is to prepare you for
the day you can cast magic spells through the use of
spelling! Did you notice the term magic spell and the
word spelling have the word spell in them? This is not an
accident. It is right in your face! The hidden intent of
spelling is to cast magic spells.
Besides teaching you how to spell, you are also taught
how to say the alphabet. This process is important for
creating the right sound for each alphabet, which is
essential for casting magic spells.
When you speak, you are not just uttering words but are
also casting your thoughts and vibrations into Earth’s
magnetic field or magic field, which is the energy field that
creates the reality of Earth. If you are not careful and say
certain words together, you can actually cast a spell
without even knowing it.
Most of us do not know how magic works because we lack
the knowledge to understand energy mechanics and sacred
geometry. Because of this, we have no idea what we are
actually doing when we yell harsh words at one another
using swear words or curse words. They did not call them
curse words for no reason. Are you starting to see the
connection here?
Why do you think most parents tell their kids to stop cursing
when they swear too much? Even at a subconscious level,
we intuitively know that it is not good to use curse words too
much. When you utter curse words at people, you are casting
dark magic spells on them. This is why you should be careful
what you wish for.
The main reason why you are taught how to spell words
correctly in kindergarten is to make sure that each letter or
geometry is arranged the same way every time you write
something. This will help strengthen the magic effects of
certain words.
After learning how to spell words correctly, you are taught
to cast those spellings/spell-ings into sentences and
phrases without teaching you about the magic effects of
spelling. The purpose of this is to prevent you from
knowing the true intention of language, so that the
Controllers (the Dark Magicians) can control your mind
using magic spells. Their magic spells can not control 100
percent of your mind, but they do affect your mind more
than you may realize, just like how subliminal messages
can affect your subconscious to a large degree.
By now you should know what I mean when I said earlier
that nearly every word in the English language are
carefully designed and put together by the minions of the
Dark Magicians to trick you to play their con game. Most
other languages are also created for this purpose. The
magic effect of words is the main reason why words are so
effective for deceiving and enslaving you.
Even though words can be used to create magic spells to
control your mind, if you become aware of their powers and
how they are being used to control you, they can not affect your
mind as much.
For example, when a magician does a magic trick, the magician
can fool you into believing that the trick is real. But if you figure
out how the trick is done, you can no longer be fooled because
you know it is an illusion. In other words, you have become
aware of how the trick works and therefore it can not deceive
you anymore. Other ways to protect your mind from magic
spells are by overcoming your fears and increasing your
The magic trick example that I just told you about is similar to
how the Dark Magicians are using magic spells to control your
mind. Once you become aware of how the Dark Magicians are
using magic spells to control you, their magic spells lose their
effects. Your awareness is one of the most powerful spiritual
powers that you have. Learn how to use it wisely and the Dark
Magicians will not be able to control and deceive you.
The Court and Banking Process
When you go to court for a trial in the USA, you are not really
going to court but are going to a game arena where they are
planning to con you using legal words and trickery. Where do
you go when you want to play basketball, volleyball, or tennis?
You go to a basketball, volleyball, or tennis court. Therefore, a
court is where you go to when you want to play a game. They
did not name the place where you go to trial a court-room by
One of the words that they like to use to trick you to give
up your natural rights in court is contract. The word
contract comes from Old French contract and Latin
contractus. Contract is a very powerful thing because it
can be used to trick you to give up some of the power of
your free will. It can also be used to bind you to certain
terms and conditions, and therefore limiting your choices
and demanding you to do something to satisfy those terms
and conditions.
Most of us know that a contract is an agreement between
at least two parties. This definition of the word contract
only shows you the overt meaning. To find the covert
meaning of the word contract, you need to look below its
surface, dissect its layers, find its origins, and look at it
from many different angles. This means that you may need
to use an etymology dictionary to find the origins of the
word, and split and rearrange the word using the art of
One of the first steps to finding the deeper meaning of the
word contract is to separate it into two words. When you
separate contract in half, you get “con-tract.” As a verb,
the word con is defined as “to swindle or trick.” As a noun,
the word tract is defined as “a brief treatise or pamphlet
for general distribution.” Based on the two definitions,
when you put con and tract together, you get a “deceptive
treatise” or a “treatise of trickery.”
When you sign a contract with a corporation (i.e. bank,
government agency), you are agreeing to a fraudulent and
deceptive treatise. The good news is that pretty much all
contracts you made with corporations and government
agencies are fraudulent since they do not come with full
disclosure. For a contract to be valid, it needs to have an
agreement with mutual understanding, competent parties,
and full disclosure of material facts.
Another word they like to use to deceive you in court is the word
understand. When you go to court and the judge asks you the
question, “do you understand the charges?” You should think twice
before answering the question. If you answer yes, you are basically
admitting to the court that it has jurisdiction over you. When you split
the word understand into two words, you get “under-stand.” To
find the hidden meaning of “under-stand” you need to flip the two
words around. When you do this, the two words in the phrase under
stand become stand under. This means that you basically just told
the judge that you “stand under” the charges.
One of the most common words they like to use to trick you in court
is the word person. The word person is a general word for the
reason that it can mean a legal person, a natural person, a
corporation, a name, or any fictitious entity. Most of the time when
the judge asks you for your legal name, he is asking for the legal
person that represents you, which is a corporation. A corporation is
a “corp-o-ration” or “corpse-o-ration.” You are considered a corpse
to be used as a ration to feed the systems of the Dark Forces.
Remember what I said earlier that the federal government sees you
as a legally dead person because you are considered lost at sea?
The courts in the USA and the courts in countries that are
operating under Admiralty/Maritime Law are fictional courts.
This is why the laws of these courts are called acts and
statutes. As a verb, the word act is defined as “to perform as an
actor.” The so-called “authorities” in a courtroom are actors who
are acting in a play. Whether they realize it or not, they are still
just actors playing a game to con you. Even though it is just a
game, it is a very serious game because you could end up going
to jail.
The court has to operate as a game, because it is dealing with
fictional things. When you get a summon to appear in court, the
court is NOT summoning you, the body made of flesh and blood.
Instead, it is summoning the legal person or the legal name that
is used by the government to identify you. This legal person is a
fictitious entity, just like the government. However, if you agree to
act in the capacity of the legal person, you are basically telling
the court that you want to be in the play called the legal system.
This is why the court system is all based on presumption when it
is dealing with the government and the legal person.
At the deepest level, this con game created by the Dark Forces
is a very sick and evil game to trick you to give up your energy
and natural rights. This is why before they can summon you to
go to court, you need to be charged first. When it comes to the
legal and commerce system, the words charge, battery, and
currency play a very big role in keeping the con game of the
Dark Forces going.
In legal term, when someone gets beaten up, that person is
often referred to as a “victim of battery.” If the victim knows who
committed the crime and press charges, the person who
committed the battery will be summoned to go to court to face
the charges.
In business, when a company outsells or outperforms its
competitors, one of the common words used to describe this
process is beat. When the suffix “ing” is added to the word beat
it becomes the word beating. Hence, company A is beating
company B in sales. The game of business or commerce is a
“game of battery,” and therefore one business team or many
business teams will eventually get beaten by the winner.
Sports are also games of battery. In baseball, the
combination of the pitcher and the catcher is called the
battery. One of Dictionary.com’s definitions of the word
battery is “the pitcher and catcher considered as a unit.”
Have you ever heard someone said “batter up” in
baseball? Add the letter “y” to the word batter in the term
“batter up” and you get “battery up!”
The word battery is an important word in commerce and
law, because it has to do with the process of harnessing
the energy of humanity. In other words, this is one of the
many methods that they used to drain your energy.
This energy is then used by the Controllers to charge their
corporations (“corpses” or “dead entities”), banks, and
other commerce systems, so that they can keep their
game of conning humanity going. Without our energy to
charge their corporations and commerce systems, their
con game will not have enough power to stay in business.
As human beings, we are being used as batteries. This is
why before we go to court, we have to be charged first. At
the court hearing, the judge will read the charges and then
charge them off after a verdict or judgment is made. This
process is called a hearing because when you are
charged with something and summoned to go to court, you
are called the defendant or “deaf-end-ant,” which is the
“deaf” person who is “a ward of the court” and is about
to meet his “end” by the judge.
The phrase “a ward of the court” is a incompetent person
or a person who is unable to care for himself, so the court
must assume responsibility for his well-being. This is how
the court sees you as, a deaf and ignorant child who does
not know the definition of words. This is why a short
meeting in a courtroom is called a hearing. The court
hearing is done to test your hearing and understanding of
If you (the defendant/deaf-end-ant) agree to the charges,
you are basically swearing an oath to give up some of your
energy to the judge, because the word ant means “oath,
vow, pledge” in Turkish. The judge has also swore an oath,
but his oath is to the god Saturn. During the ancient times,
Saturn was associated with the god of law and justice.
Today, many secret societies still worship Saturn as the
god of law and justice.
According to Jordan Maxwell, the symbol that was used in
the religious context for Saturn was the square and its
symbolic color was black. This is why judges wear a black
robe. Saturn was also known as the Lord of the Ring.
When people get married today, they use the ring as a
symbol for their marriage. What they do not realize is that
the ring symbolizes the god Saturn.
Another symbol for Saturn is a black cube. The sacred
black cube that Muslims pilgrimage to at Mecca represents
the god Saturn. The black mortarboard (graduation hat)
that high school and college students wear when they
graduate also symbolizes the god Saturn. Saturn was such
an important god that today we dedicated a day for Saturn
which is known as Saturn-day or Saturday. It is right in
your face!
Let us go back to the court hearing process. After the
judgment is made, if there is a fine or fee included in the
judgment, the defendant will be ordered to pay the fine
with currency. The covert meaning of the word currency
has to do with the flow of energy. This is why the stored
energy in a battery is called electric current or the
currency of electricity.
The word currency originated from the Latin word
currens, the present participle of currere, which means
“to run.” Now, why would they based the word currency
on a Latin word that does not have much to do with paper
money or coin? Because it is not really about the paper
money or coin. Instead, it is about energy!
To find out why currency is related to energy, you need to
find the deeper meanings of the word currency. To do this,
you need to use phonetics and separate the word
currency into two words.
When spoken out loud, the word currency sounds similar
to “current-sea.” What does a current do in a river? It
flows to the sea! What are the things that cause the
current to flow? The forces of nature (i.e., gravity) and the
elevation of the land. Dictionary.com defines current as
“something that flows, as a stream.” The flowing
movement of currents is what causes the freshwater in the
river to flow to the sea. Once the freshwater is in the sea, it
is now part of the “current-sea,” or the “current of the
The word currency also sounds similar to “current-chi.”
In Chinese, the word chi means “natural energy,” “life
force,” or “energy flow.” Based on these definitions,
currency means the “flow of energy.” When you really
think about it, currency is a medium for exchanging
When you go to work at a company, the company often
pays you hourly. Every hour is recorded to make sure that
you are paid for investing your time and energy into the
company. After you have worked for a certain amount of
time, you are given a weekly or biweekly paycheck, usually
on Friday. Once you take your paycheck to the bank to
cash it for currency, the currency now represents your
time and energy.
One important thing you need to know about the words
bank and currency is that they are related to the word
river. What does a river have on its two sides to prevent
water from flowing out of it? Riverbanks! Banks are like
rivers because they regulate currency. In other words,
they regulate the flow of energy, just like how riverbanks
regulate the flow of the energy of water. They did not
combine the word river and the word banks to make the
word riverbanks by accident.
Currency is what the Controllers of the New World Order
(NWO) like to use to secretly steal your time and energy. Some
of their favorite methods to use to steal your energy using
currency are the tax system, the legal system, and inflation (a
hidden tax on the public).
The purpose for tricking you to give up your energy is so that
they can give it to their demonic masters (the Dark Forces).
Their demonic masters have been cut off from the Eternal Life
Current of the Supreme Creator, and therefore they need to
feed on the energy of humanity to survive. This is why the Dark
Forces like to order their minions (the Controllers) to engineer
wars. Wars create a lot of fear energy for the Dark Forces to
feed on.
When you really think about it, the demons of the Dark Forces
are “energy vampires.” This is where the idea of vampires
comes from. The demons of the Dark Forces are “energy
vampires,” because they feed on the energy of humanity to
survive, and they need your permission before they can do
anything to you.
Most of us are not aware of
the information in this
presentation, because we
have relied to much on TV
for information. The
acronym TV stands for
television or “tell-avision.” They are telling
you a vision to brainwash
you. This is why TV shows
are called programs. They
are using TV programs to condition your mind, so that they
can control how you think. It is right in your face!!! The
solution: Turn off the TV/tell-a-vision and remove your
The Earth Drama Is All About the
Battle for Your Soul and Energy!
The movie The Matrix does a great job of analogizing how human
beings are being used as batteries. Visit this link to watch a very
short video clip that shows evidence of this.
Great Sources for Learning More About
Word Magic and the Power of Words
Word Magic: The Powers & Occult Definitions of Words
This empowering book explores how words and magic
shape and create your reality. It also teaches you how to
free yourself from the Earth Drama and the legal system.
A good portion of the information in this seminar was made
possible by studying the works of these brave people:
Jordan Maxwell
Kate of Gaia
Santos Bonacci
Chiron Last
Dean Clifford
Chris A.K.A Barnone11970