From by guest on June 18, 2017. For personal use only. Platelet Storage at 22#{176}C:Effect of of Agitation on Morphology, Viability, and Function In Vitro Type By Stein Recovery let in vivo morphology, Holme, after 51Cr and platelet Kalpana labeling, Vaidja, was 1 012 in between platelets/liter. bags (PVC) 72 kept The constructed bags tal shaker during or HERE nique No were at placed a ferris 1 .6 thrombin stored 22#{176}Cfor on wheel a horizon- for significant agitation to changes Murphy but had the same viability and morphology as PC in bags constructed of PVC. Maintenance of normal platelet morphology as determined by phase-contrast microscopy, extent of shape change response, and the size distribution according x polyvinylchloride (PE) were storage. and PC of or polyethylene hr. The T 0.8 Scott pH or platelet count were observed during storage. PC stored on the wheel showed moderate loss of viability and a marked deterioration of platelet morphology and aggregation compared to the shaker. PC stored on the shaker in bags made of PE showed better aggregation with ADP and plate- aggregation were studied with platelet concentrates (PC) stored for transfusion under carefully controlled conditions. PC were prepared to a final volume of 50 ml from whole blood anticoagulated with citratephosphate-dextrose (CPD). The platelet count and in the Coulter recovery Counter correlated with in vivo. IS at present considerable controversy for storing platelet concentrates (PC) concerning the for transfusion.’ optimal Some techof the disappointing results obtained with storage at 22#{176}C(room temperature) may result from inadequate attention to technical detail. For example, some form ofgentle agitation is required. In addition, we have emphasized the importance of extreme preventing changes changes in result from unfavorable the PC and the surrounding tween volume and platelet count of the constructed of materials study we will show that is itself an important if storage pH conditions air and PC and variable in the may is to be successful.2 exchange be prevented by agitating with increased with maintenance in vitro. Previous studies have phology during storage for the permeability of constant maintenance of These CO2 and 02 by controlling PC within bethe containers for gas exchange. In this pH the type of agitation of platelet viability and func- tion falls below 6.0 lets takes place, PC prepared From the Center, for Supported A ddress 1015 © Blood, for 1-lematologic 28, t’3 NIH Grants WalnutSt., 1978 by Grune & Stratton. Vol. 52, No. 2 (August), Thomas accepted HL 11047 requests: Dr. Presbyterian- University Research, 1977, Philadelphia. normal discoid of viability. April and Stein CA of Jefferson 14, morpH of the platetransfusion.2 upon of Medical University, Pennsylvania School. Philadelphia, and Medical the Carde:a Pa. 1978. 12397 Holme. University Pennsylvania and Carde:a Pa. 19107. Inc. 0006-4971/78/5202-0418$02.00/0 1978 If or stored at 4#{176}C show only spherical in vivo.39 In this study we examined the Laboratory, of Medicine. October reprint maintenance of for maintenance above 7.6 a disc-to-sphere transformation in marked loss of recovery in vivo Research Department Submitted that essential EDTA as anticoagulant have reduced survival Hematology the Foundation or rises resulting with also and platelets indicated may be b.t’ NIH Contract Foundation NHL for 1-70-2212. Hematologic Research, 425 From by guest on June 18, 2017. For personal use only. 426 HOLME relationship after between maintenance under infusion temperature was anticoagulant. To do this phologic we as measured size distribution maintenance methods platelets. by of normal morphology pH did not citrate-phosphate-dextrose developed of the discoid where of storage 22#{176}C,and integrity response platelet of normal conditions that We discoid quantitatively shape that as judged extent of and the Counter by with viability. Marked decrease in function in vitro age.8”#{176}’4In this study we will show that the gregating agents during storage at 22#{176}C varies was used reflected the studies Coulter a viability significantly, (CPD) found light transmission according to and vary ET AL. as the mor- shape change dispersion correlated phase-contrast of the with microscopy and MATERIALS PC were prepared to a final used as primary anticoagulant. (Hemoflex from and bags (2) l0 in air,2 The allow from gas the is identical (Model F).16 switch, D = 64. morphology mated platelets in as counting the probability window 51Cr into (Fig. at The recovery the original Previous when the of discoid was perature I). in A straight and shape and with from shown shape aggregation autologous the 30, was size frequency divided of slope day all response after by phlebotomy) storage, plasma to a were number Viability was were labeled (PPP) platelet some to count of 0.3 it rep- particles on with log-normal that window the 84. 1 3,, as with and SICr x 10I2/liter. as cumulative percentage reinfused may be maximal reversed recovery taken. at at defined measured were dis- number was undisturbed by windows. because plotted precautions (stored were obtained of of platelets allow for a platelets l00 at as ob- chosen deviation) window classified were the esti- appearance indicating as platelet forms consecutive the be cases, that disc-to-sphere transformation change is removed.19’20 In order platelet-poor of 60 determined line. disc percentages standard the current was to and in was Counter ellipsoid arbitrarily 50, Coulter aperture platelet seven The gensystem : Otherwise, considered a rack heat (this hundred or on of One than (geometric the A (2) of Counter obtained platelet studies. described ferris wheel a platform by percentage PRP. 40, of of storage, Coulter and t survival. PC stored for 3 days volunteer as previously described.2 studies have factor inducing diluted line the edge-on. fresh 20, as cycles/mm the 6 was Ill.), atmosphere placed completion circular greater normal 13, 90 and spherical. with dispersion reflects or window for Median dispersion vivo normal above absorption the viability viewed size prevent attenuation, and thick, Grove, controlled were was At generally when 10, cumulative 50’,, a with numbers used. was (PE) inches an containers to were: discoid in were microscopy15 distributions plateau frequency, number frequency.’ sizes the log-normal.17”8 cumulative 50(o with window paper were platelets agitation and as appearance size of CPD in air only. the and microscopy 0.003 Morton used: (I) a motor-driven 5 cycles/mm), and air was presenting of of tube that polyethylene cm, stored atmosphere Counter classified Platelet of particles than tnibutions were readily, percentage Coulter aggregometer, over a rodlike Hanker9). were out (shaker): and (I) 9 x 22 bags phase-contrast oil-phase fields PE CO2 speed except Laboratories, carried the aperture Counter, midpoint and the in was the described2 containers: measuring Fenwal surrounding by of kept Mich.) by Slichter by and greater shaker, observed spherical. the the SO-Mm rolled number resented with determined Coulter face-on Arbor, standard A random it classified size settings to when served The Ill.), of of agitators were (rate of agitation, Ann described was was prior disc one count types from 22#{176}C,and of the previously containers two types studies2 exchange motor to the platelet storage, storage previous as in two PL-l46 PC been reported after storof responses in vitro to agthe conditions of storage. METHODS Chicago, thick. in PVC (Eberbach, more crated PC of shaker inches ml stored (plastic storage During used in horizontal 0.015 while of 50 were Carbide, (PVC) temperature previously.2 (wheel) as The Union 12 x 15 cm, CO2 to PC polyvinylchlonide measuring volume AND has loss with The room This PC temsus- From by guest on June 18, 2017. For personal use only. PLATELET STORAGE AT 22#{176}C 427 >- 0 0 z Ui 20 Ui 40 L1 60’ _I C parentheses. Standard ‘ and little PC For was pH pH were by were albumin was gel (Sigma ranged with with with 7.4 storage on and all The pH buffer to PC 2B buffer 30 NUMBER prior to were column of the light-transmission all in platelets was 7.6. because PPP. were by dextrose platelet studies autologous described 0.l’ buffer a diluted as 5060 the in Mich.) containing obtain 40 comparable Detroit, a Sepharose Mo.). the hr was Davis, Tyrode I and 20 Lages and The et 0.35 gel suspension separated filtered with al.21 bovine platelets a count of x 1&2/liter. Shape change response Payton Dual scnibed previously. Platelet added and Channel change (diluting a maximal were quantitated (SC) given by b/a. independent Complete extent a. ratio, of the settings response of response in was (Fig. sec ml later, a by PCS, in A tracing the time using as de- ) was 10 in a the trans- was shape the added, change is platelets, of tracing reflected light MM) transmission light-transmission oscillations of of light 5 mM increase Extent t. inherent the without an transformation and studies Canada) concentration concentration the disc-to-sphere observing (final producing (final b, Scarborough, 0. 1 ml ADP aggregometer light-transmission 2): EDTA , transmission, assured reached. ). of 0.9 reflects of the the until presence was PCS. maximal of spherical only.22 Platelet aggregation (Fig. 2B). respectively. The increase in aggregating agent was measured. various platelet donors count of respective the among various various PCS flects IS which was 2A by Associates, as follows (Fig. light measured (Payton suspension Then, decrease This SC platelets stirred effect), were Module response to a continuously mission aggregation Aggregation They shape giving the response samples the PC 13 WINDOW 37#{176}Cfor to (Parke, St. Louis, diluted at 7.2 thrombin calcium-free Chemical, and kept during of SHAKER . #{176} 10 from observed filtration eluted collected 0.3 aerated PCS studies plasma Platelets the change aggregation from well of PC 4.3Mm3 Latex particle pension (PCS) WHEEL ‘#{176} at The (I.81) PC PE 90 with volume of 4.3 pm3 peaks window number marked by arrow. studies. -0 6--- Fig. 1. Size analysis, Coulter Counter (see Materials and Methods). Typical results for fresh PC and for PC stored 3 days on wheel and shaker. Calculated dispersions in FRESH (1.74) (2.20) S 0- 80 PPP platelet differ same control values platelet dilution In also to it is questionable “degree PCS those of of serial (in dilutions (PCS mV) (Fig. equivalent to count, 2C). the differences in Thus or As adjusted sec after had scattering when not the was in and PCS then converted into light transmission D produced ‘, a properties of light transmission re- evaluation the the from transmissions of of in autologous against of PCS light transmission plotted 20 mV, standardized to light transmission adsorbance in for 2 and addition that were in increase light to the observed inherent standard compare were the a given nonaggregated percent) D were 75 we light a primary to of the increase PPP the studies themselves. chose and even when all of them due not only to variations whether instead PCS D during preliminary aggregation.” we from transmission This was populations suspensions mission but signals transmission differed in light of 0.3 x l0’2/liter. of various with The light the PPP. respective giving by aggregation aggregated Dilutions light-trans- the the percentage aggregation. of From by guest on June 18, 2017. For personal use only. HOLME 428 A ET Al. C EDTA z 0 U) b 0’ -C,) (I) z 4 At 4 C a- B Pcs1 2( D COUNT 0! Ifl ,o 100 2mV 80 z 60 0 U) v) w D’ 4O -U) 4 I.- 20 I8mV ADP UM log Fig. 2. Determination of extent of platelet shape change response and rate of aggregation (see Materials and Methods). (A) Platelet shape change response. Extent of shape change given by b/a, where a is diluting effect of 0.1-mI EDTA addition. (B) Platelet aggregation. Increase in light transmission during 75 5cc, D, was measured. (C) Light transmission (in mV) measured for serial dilutions of PCS in autologous PPP. D is then converted to D’ , giving percentage of platelet dilution equivalent to increase in light transmission produced by aggregation. (D) Rate of aggregation, D’, measured at four to six different ADP concentrations versus log concentration of ADP, giving a logarithmic dose-response curve. ED50 estimated as concentration of ADP ( .iM ) producing 50% of maximal response. This additional donor to mean SD of 44 get during give an Maximal response increase in centration the of ADP, concentration Osmotic Informed local response of Human Department was giving reversal response consent was Investigation of Health, units), the was obtained Rate was of character mean of a fivefold the of aggregation freshly D ‘ results made was PC, 6 1, 50 D ‘ Committees normal in accord and Welfare. was curve ofa maximal as described all deteriorating four with from D had a with an six different in ADP plotted a smaller (Fig. concentration against 2D). response ADP concenfailed logarithmic ED was to con- estimated as response. by Valeni donors aggregation to increase dose-response from the with aggregation measured Education, of With the determined producing obtained while when a logarithmic zM) variability standardization. measured. aggregation was the this about response. ofADP(in by chart information rate because reduced (arbitrary maximal additional justified greatly 13 (SD) ± storage, trations. seemed was of 7, when To the effort donor and et al.23 participants assurance filed after with approval and approved of the by From by guest on June 18, 2017. For personal use only. PLATELET STORAGE AT 429 22#{176}C RESULTS The freshly of 7.0-7.2. made We PC did had not a platelet observe storage. The pH ofthe PC after were no significant differences conditions of 0.8-1.6 count any significant 3 days in the ofstorage final pH lO’2/liter x change and in platelet ranged for PC count from stored a pH during 6.8 to 7.4. There under the four studied. Table I shows percentage PC stored for 72 hr under in percentage crease recovery varying recovery in vivo conditions. in vivo was and A survival t statistically observed after of fresh PC significant and de- PC stored on storage. the shaker yielded recovery results superior to the wheel when the results for PE and PVC on the same agitator were combined. When PE was compared with PVC either on the shaker or on the wheel, no significant differences were seen. For no significant differences were observed in PE on the shaker versus the wheel, in the same donor so that comparison survival could be analysis nificant in vivo (p within the (p relation and made showed differences the (p the recovery for the platelets from others. The percentage shape change periment, on vivo some the and shaker survival individuals of platelets found it was Table volunteer (Fig. that 1 . Recovery are that the In Vivo, and Recovery i, better storage type than disc-to-sphere of and that those of transformation could Maximal 0.86 = and by the extent In a preliminary change ADP for Fresh and (%) for microscopy aggregometer. of shape Survival, EDyj With suited Rate Stored be used of ex- to reflect of Aggregation PC 0 t (days) EDy, ± 3 (10) 4.1 ± 0.1 (10) 61 ± 2 (15) PE 44 ± 3 (7) 3.7 32 ± 4 (22) PVC 44±4(5) 3-day This the result on the wheel: r respectively. This suggests underwent oil-phase with the extent t and 53 Fresh 3). of was estimated by response as observed storage during < result in between 0.94 individual the shaker most clearly. Statistically sigwith the paired i test: percentage recovery survival (p < 0.05), maximal rate of aggregation 0.01). For individual donors, there was a high cor- t ED50 same superiority were obtained 0.01), < 0.005), < using an unpaired six pairs of studies of the two methods t test. For storage were carried out 1 2.8 ± 0.3 (15) storage Shaker PE 44 PVC + ± ± 0.3 (7) 3.9±0.1 2 (12) 3.8 ± 0.2 (12) 6.7 30 2.1 (22) ± 11.2±2.5(10) 25±3(10) (5) ± 2 (32) 8.9 1.6 (32) ± Wheel PE 37 ± 6 (7) 3.5 ± 0.3 (7) 8 ± 3 (1 1) - PVC 33 ± 4 (12) 4.3 ± 0.3 (9) 7 ± 2 (9) - 34 ± 3 (19) 3.9 ± 0.2 (16) 7 ± 2 (20) - of studies in parentheses. PE Mean 1 SEM; ± recovery wheel PVC + in viva, (p < number Fresh 0.025). PC vs 3-day-stored Maximal 0.005); PE + PVC, shaker Fresh PC vs 3-day-stored for ED could be obtained rate vs PE + PE + PVC, with of PE + Statistically PVC, aggregation, (p PVC, wheel shaker 0 (p PC on the wheel, < ‘ , significant (p shaker Fresh < 0.05); differences PE PC vs 3-day-stored + PVC, (Student’s shaker PE + PVC, 0.005); PE, shaker vs PVC, shaker 0.005); PE, shaker vs PVC, shaker (p < since many of the PC showed vs PE shaker t test), + PVC, (p < ( p < 0.05). ED50: < 0.05). No results no aggregation. From by guest on June 18, 2017. For personal use only. 430 HOIME RECOVERY Tl/2 D’ Fig. 3. Recovery in vivo, t survival, maximal for PC stored for 3 days in PE bags. Lines connect and wheel. In two studies with PE on the wheel, PC showed no aggregation. the (Fig. of percentage 4). This was between percentage the extent of shape in the size distribution probability paper. discoid platelets confirmed in in a given penior (Fig. The 5A). for the results shaker as for opposed all to EDso sample when we of platelet-rich found a high PC as estimated by phase (Fig. 5B). Figure 1 shows PC stored for 72 hr when days showed an increase Again, there was a good correlation between scopic estimate of percentage of discs (Fig. correlation was better. The osmotic reversal tion four the Al. rate of aggregation with ADP, and ED50 for ADP studies carried out on same individual on shaker no ED50 results could be obtained because the practice of discs in stored change response of platelets in PC stored for 3 ET this measurement 5C), although reaction showed measurements microscopy and typical changes plotted on login dispersion. and the microthe shape change the least correla- were ( percentage wheel plasma correlation significantly of discs, p su< 0.05; z 100 0 Fig. change 60 i 4. Extent of shape with ADP and percent. age of discoid platelets. PC that 4 I V .- I 2 ;i V I 2 sic S 20 showed only Stored spherical platelets was mixed fresh PRP in various with ratios. Platelet count was 0.3 x 10’2/Iiter. Extent of shape change response measured as described in Fig. 2A. From by guest on June 18, 2017. For personal use only. PLATELET STORAGE AT I80 0 22#{176}C 431 r #{176}O.5l r 0.82 :: u:;: #{163} 20 0 0 O.67 r #{176} : .: 00 -, A B , 0 25 50 OSMOTIC 75 0.25 EXT 0.50 0.75 SHAPE 2 2 SHAKER WHEEL #{163}PVC, SHAKER CHANGE 2.0 1.8 DISPERSION, COULTER fO Fig. 5. Platelet morphologic integrity as determined by observations quantitatively reflected by osmotic reversal reaction, extent of shape with Coulter Counter. All three of the latter measurements correlated centage of discs by phase microscopy as reflected by correlation coefficients osmotic OPE, #{149} PE, C 00 REVERSAL 0 ‘ reversal, p 0.05; < shape of extent change, by phase microscopy and change, and dispersion significantly with perr. p 0.01; < dispersion, 0.01). p < There was a good found between in vivo. Median creased during 2% PC for of shape change (Fig. 6). The the three and highest osmotic tests the l7 shaker. ± The 2 (± 1 SEM) differences in vitro, reversal correlation the Coulter Counter dispersion and the platelet size as reflected by the median storage: on between correlation Counter dispersion, extent the viability in vivo results for were PC percentage window on Coulter reaction, (r = 0.83) the recovery number de- wheel, statistically and was 1l significant ± (p < 80 t#{176}038 0 PE, r#{176}06I 0 >- 60 PE. A 0 0 A SHAKER PVC,SHAKER #{149} #{149}: #{149} 40 #{163}* 00 #{149} 0 #{149}. a S. 0 #{149} #{149} O 0 0 #{149} #{163} #{149}#{149} 0 0 0 #{176} , . #{149} Ui (.5 r’0.83 WHEEL 0 0 0 0 20 ,4:1 0 I I 25 50 OSMOTIC I 75 REVERSAL ,B 100 . 0.25 EXT. 0.5 SHAPE 0.75 CHANGE . 2.2 DISPERSION, 2.0 1.8 COULTER 0/0 Fig. 6. Correlation between three tests in vitro: osmotic reversal, and dispersion with Coulter Counter, and percentage recovery in vivo. viability, with dispersion having highest correlation coefficient r. extent of shape change All tests correlated with From by guest on June 18, 2017. For personal use only. 432 HOIME Table 2. Rate of Aggregation With bin Aft er Gel Throm Filtration 3-day Thrambin . with 35±12 19±11 61±9 59±3 52±6 62±9 number Significant median size were and correlated in 59±4 of studies superior PVC was recovery the also survival. t wheel conditions p 0.01 < 4±4 container found and, 48, had significantly the wheel The obtained container. marked on the rate Even the percentage None = there to found recovery to by the ED results, when in data the decrease the of studies in tests vitro in vivo institution in for PC reported of the for studies on platelet aggregation shaker showed the best rate ofaggregation was a 2.3-fold greater concentra- needed to obtain 5O of maximal PC stored in PVC on the shaker compared with PE, while storage on effect on the aggregation response in either optimal and identical conditions of storage, there was a the aggregation results. For example, PC stored in PE a mean of 32 ± l6 (SD) (22 studies) for maximal under compared to 6l) 7 ± (15 studies) for At present, we have no explanation for such variation. Aggregation studies with thrombin showed results similar (Table 2). Aggregation responses were superior after storage opposed to the wheel. During storage of platelets in PE bags sensitivity obtained was deleterious variability of shaker showed of aggregation, results difference 0.57). prior in log dose) was with fresh platelets. aggregation a marked 22±5 aggregation (r comparative done. were as shown poorer had 18±8 significant Marked influence of the various conditions of storage was observed (Table 1, Fig. 3). PC stored in PE on the maintenance ofaggregation response to ADP. Maximal reduced 18±11 between in vivo No were tion of ADP (0.40 increase response when compared (5) 5±5 17±8 the No statistically . PVC agitator. percentage on these storage in vitro. In either to the wheel, correlation with PE (5) 55±5 in parentheses. in PE or PVC with either 0.05). stored (6) 70±8 storage vitro PVC 0.5 PC on the shaker between Wheel PE (6) 0.1 1 SEM; ± PC . PC (8) 1.0 Mean Stored Storage Shaker No Storage, (U/mi) of Fres h and ET Al. was thrombin was no significant decreased change when in maximal compared rate with freshly made PC. to those for ADP on the shaker as on the shaker the fresh platelets, but of aggregation. DISCUSSION In this equivalent storage stored study we and that in vitro quality microscopically and to show technique attempted not may be all methods an important to a horizontal shaker. We storage to the morphologic to quantitate changes may well documented PC that transfusion at 22#{176}C.Specifically, had moderate loss of viability compared during These morphologic First, it has been When able agitation of platelets for on a ferris wheel function of platelet surfaces.24 were are agitated these changes of agitation variable we showed and a marked related the changes storage, the that PC loss of deterioration we observed objectively. have been induced in two different that platelets are activated by during are in the platelets are ways. foreign likely to From by guest on June 18, 2017. For personal use only. PLATELET STORAGE AT 22#{176}C with disc-to-sphere the and constituents collide platelet that the fluid platelet-surface 433 walls of the transformation plastic container. of the platelets may be dynamics within interactions.25’26 released. This with interaction extension Various platelets from the direction of the container. in greater loss platelets are interacting of flow of agitation. On the shaker Takano et al.27 showed that the plastic continuously wall. to greater that platelet to aggregating As a practical consideration, lets than the horizontal shaker forms of agitation used by Slichter and shear stress during the from the tube on the shaker, on to storage on the and high walls. keep- the wheel, the walls resulting is that the wheel. It has development shear forces.28 be devices better for agitating it. Our study does show that there may as we used may be worse. Since Harker9 in obtaining shown the flow of the PC for oscillatory flow wall collisions, explanation shape change, lysis, release, agents may take place under method excellent a on observed of the PC are With PC with respect This may lead to more platelet-plastic of shape and function. Another possible subjected been shown refractoriness with changes have influence patterns in a tube there are forces present that drive particles away Similar mechanisms may be present in PC with agitation ing the however, may lead to pseudopods, investigators a system exert a strong In our study the flow clearly different in the two types is to and fro in a linear fashion. of we used is identical results with storage of plateother to that at 22#{176}C, it would seem unwise to use other methods until they have been proven to be of efficacy. Considerable variability was found from donor to donor in recovery in vivo even under the same conditions of storage (Fig. 3). However, there was a very good correlation between results obtained on the shaker and on the wheel in each individual with the PE containers. Therefore differences equivalent between donors play a significant role in studies of this type. Paired studies be necessary to detect small differences between storage techniques. It has been reported that the uptake of serotonin and the osmotic response are useful tests in vitro to predict viability in vivo.’4’23 It has subjective normal viability may reversal been our impression,2 and Kunicki et al.29 have shown, that maintenance discoid morphology, as judged by phase microscopy, correlated in vivo. Our studies add further confirmation for this concept. of with We showed that the degree of maintenance of discoid shape could be quantitated the shape change response to ADP and that shape change response correlated with viability. Recently, we have developed a more sensitive and standardized test for measuring on the is based spherical platelets the disc/sphere ratio in a platelet difference in optical properties of when stirred. It does not depend by suspension.#{176} This method suspensions of discoid and on the capacity to respond to ADP, as does the shape change response. The dispersion of platelet size distribution appeared to be the best measure for predicting viability (Fig. 6). The observed increase in dispersion after storage suggests an increased proportion of small and large platelets, actually voltage pulses, registered by the Coulter Counter as the platelets pass through the orifice. The height of the pulse is not only a function of the size of the platelet but also of its shape and specific resistance.3’ Disc-to-sphere transformation of an entire population with no change in the of platelets dispersion.’7 causes an increase in the height A possible explanation for our of all pulses results is that From by guest on June 18, 2017. For personal use only. HOLME 434 during injurious from while release other pulses storage a certain of constituents, platelets become recorded by the proportion resulting spherical Coulter of the platelets in an increased only, resulting become number in an ET Al. smaller of small pulses, increase in large Counter. No test in vitro adequately documents the viability of stored platelets. However, in serial studies of the multiple variables that might affect the outcome of storage it is costly and time-consuming to perform studies in vivo each step of the way. We propose this battery of studies in vitro for developmental work. Major conclusions It is clear that varies markedly storage on can then be verified the degree to which with the conditions the wheel was very by study in vivo. platelet aggregation in vitro deteriorates of storage at 22#{176}C.Aggregation after poor. PC stored on the shaker in structed of PE showed superior aggregation The relevance of function studies in vitro response to PC stored to hemostatic function been study,9 appropriately questioned. In a recent Slichter that the bleeding time of thrombocytopenic recipients fresh PC and PC stored for 3 days at 22#{176}C.If this may seem firmed irrelevant. by Aster However, the Slichter et al.32 Furthermore, and let functions in vivo. Finally, there may which the defects in vitro are corrected. con- and Harker showed was corrected equally by is correct, studies in vitro Harker the bleeding bags in PVC bags. in vivo has time studies may not not were reflect con- all plate- be a time interval after infusion In bleeding patients, hemostasis during during this interval may be critical. Until the nature of the refractory state that develops after storage and the mechanisms of recovery in vivo are better understood, it seems wisest to maintain the function of stored platelets, as measured in vitro, These previous as close to fresh platelets as possible. studies were carried out with blood anticoagulated experience had been with acid-citrate-dextrose with CPD, whereas (ACD).2 The major problem with storage in PVC, rapidly falling pH in PC with high platelet isjust as significant a problem with PC from CPD blood as it is for ACD The use of plastics such as PE that are permeable to gases eliminates storage whether during know in PC from both it will be possible equipment will continue or such as the the platelet shaker. count external gas CPD and ACD to incorporate blood. However, such plastic into whether the requirement for an external lO when these plastics are used with less traumatic In any in PC, event, it is clear that the type of agitator, interact atmosphere-all to we do not plateletpheresis CO2 forms the yet atmosphere of agitation for a given PC four the type of container, determine count, blood. pH fall success variablesand the failure of or storage. REFERENCES I. TH Murphy (ed): bosis, 5: Platelet Progress vol 3. in New transfusion, Haemostasis York, in and Grune & Spaet ThromStratton, 1976, p 289 2. at Murphy 46:209, 5, in Gardner of gas FH: Platelet transport maintenance of across viability. 4. plastic ACD Blood Ill. Comparison of platelet EDTA storage 1975 3. Cohen yields J Med 22#{176}C:Role containers let preservation. ity and ACD 273:845, labelled derived anticoagulated from blood. N EngI 1965 Abrahamsen on of radioactiv- concentrates AF: The effect the recovery and blood platelets. Scand of EDTA survival of J. 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Sci 27:253, to JL: 1975 of platelets 30. and HL, functional Kunicki Aster 1964 Platelet MB, and platelets 86:462, Trans through Hellums and Brash to reconstituted of particles chemical, Med JM, Goldsmith CH, CP, surface 1975 suspensions Brown Transfusion ML: 1975 in platelet coagulants MA, Coulter distribution 19:549, platelets. 1965 Jordan size Paulus blood M, adheof flow, and surfaces. 2:427, Interface Alfrey Morphology artificial migration 29. the 44:678, Sci 18. tions human interpretation Interface Brophy adhesion of 1971 Platelet 1971 IA, Takano in blood- condition and flow preserved Consequences transport Organs of EF: Feuenstein and 1966 LD: 30: 1503, Leonard blood agthe hypotonic of platelets Proc 30:1641, Intern 19:148, to Proc surfaces: of on 1974 26. 1950 with JE, particle EP: Schneiderman counts J Clin for of 3:365, Bull Platelet Cronkite LI, time, Radial 405, 1974 Role Clin Marchionni in vivo Fed to artificial J Colloid 32: H, 14:331, Friedman 27. uptake in Pathol recovery EW: Lab Effects response interactions. The Storage J Clin 51Cr containing inhibitors Feingold H: Isolation J JB: their Platelet stored shock Thromb the Holmsen K. Heywood Transfusion Salzman Antif Haematol platelets. hypotonic viability Heynens gel- 18:267, medium or between nature. Fed Metabolic storage. in on platelets: a and CR, exposure 1976 14. and sion 1971 Prost-Dvojahovic at 20-22#{176}C without 56:160, stress collagen Vainer F, Letchic relation 24. storage and studies MC, in shape. Valeri surface 16:571, 1976 13. platelet 25. Platelet Holmsen platelets Haematol human agents The The aggregation 50:370, platelet gregating 1970 Figuenedo during func- DS: and J Mg’, platelets. morphologic, studies. changes and Deiongh 18:204, 22#{176}C.Metabolic, tional viability of ultra Scrutton Med 85:81 1, 1975 22. O’Brien JR. 23. Storage B, on gelfiltered added and 1976 adhesion Lages mean concentrates. influencing T: 22#{176}C 1973 Preparation J, state Scand characterization no Kunicki LA: Br J Haematol effect at Hanker Wester and platelets. 21. Studies at ii, refractory Functional filtered main- 280:1094, stored 13:61, Si, of M, concentrates II. Sixma 1977 1969 Studies 5, vitro. Deleterious N EngI Holme storage preserva- temperature storage. 20. H: ADP-induced 1964 4:251, FH: and 1967 transfusion Transfusion of platelet fresh 12:90, Effect response storage of refrigerated of Sang EJ: 5, Gardner Effect 435 viability Vox plasma. Murphy tion: the Freireich hours rich 7. on platelets. Levin up AT 22#{176}C short 16:4, F, Riecell 3:58, Filip Di: term 1976 mem- l976 Studies platelet From by guest on June 18, 2017. For personal use only. 1978 52: 425-435 Platelet storage at 22 degrees C: effect of type of agitation on morphology, viability, and function in vitro S Holme, K Vaidja and S Murphy Updated information and services can be found at: Articles on similar topics can be found in the following Blood collections Information about reproducing this article in parts or in its entirety may be found online at: Information about ordering reprints may be found online at: Information about subscriptions and ASH membership may be found online at: Blood (print ISSN 0006-4971, online ISSN 1528-0020), is published weekly by the American Society of Hematology, 2021 L St, NW, Suite 900, Washington DC 20036. Copyright 2011 by The American Society of Hematology; all rights reserved.
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