Hope-Edwardes Genealogy

~opt~(fb\llatbeS of
Atoms on record at the College
J and 4,
Gules, a chevron engrailed between
three boars' heads erased at the
neck argent, EDWARDES; 2 and 3,
Azure, two chevronels engrailed or,
between three bezants in chief and
one in base, HOPE.
Crest.-A broken terrestrial globe
between two palm branches, surmounted by a rainbow proper, and
charged WIth three arrows, two in
saltire and one in pale, or, HOPE.
Motto.-A fyno duw derfid (God's
will be done), HOPE·EDWARDIlS.
Motto.-Yet I have hope, HOPE.
0/ Arms.-Quarterly:
John Thom~s Ho.pe of Upper Sey.,-EI~en Hester Mary, only
mour Street, tn parIsh of St. MaryIe- chtld and beir of Sir Thobone, and of Netley, in parish of mas Edwardes of Upper
Stapleton, co. Salop, born in Loth- Seymour Street, parish
bury, in the City of london, 28 Au- or" St. Marylebone co.
gust 1761, bapt. at St. Margaret's, Middlesex,andofN~tley
Lothbury; died at NetIey 13 March, and Greete, Bart., by
bur. at Darrington, co. Salop, 21 Anne his wife, only dau.
March 1854. Will dated 20 Dec. and heir of John Barrett
ISSI, with a codicil of same date, of Ealing, co. Middleproved 28 April 1854 by James sex; born in Cecil Street.
Loxdale, an Ex'or, power reserved Strand, IS Feb. 1761;
to John Loxdale the other Ex'or. marr. at St. George's.
Hanover Square, 3 April
(P.C.C., fo. 292, 1854.)
1794; died 4 June, aged
76, bur. at Ealing, co.
Middx., 10 June 1837.
.. '
Thomas Henry Hope, afterwards Thomas Henry Hope.Edwardes of-Louisa Charlotte, eldest
NetIey, J.P. and D.L. for county of Salop, eldest son and heir, born 13 dau. of Lieut.-Colonel
December 1794 at Southend, co. Essex, bapt. privately in Upper Sey- Francis Knyvett Leighmour Street; High Sheriff for county of Salop in 1837; by Royal ton of Shrewsbury and
Licence, dated 7 November J854, he and his issue were authorized to Bausley, co. Salop, by
take the surname of Edwardes in addition to and after that of Hope, Louisa Ann his wife.
and bear the arms of Edwardes quarterly with those of Hope; died at dau. of St. Leger. 1st
Doneraile ;
Netley 6 Ap'ril, bur. at Darrington 12 April 1871. Will dated I April Viscount
1870. codicd 18 January 187 I, proved 30 June 187 I by Edward Cor· born 14 Septemberx807;
bett and Uvedale Corbett, and Rev. St. Leger Frederick Hope.Ed. marr. at St. Chad's 23
wardes, Clerk. and Leighton Hope-Edwardes the sons, Ex'ors. April 1833, .
(Prine. Reg., fo. 396, 187 I.)
Henry Knyvett Edwardes Hope-Edwardes, born 3 I
October, bapt. at St.
Chad's 27 November 1834; died unmarr. IS December, bur. at Dorrington 22 December 1854'
WilIiamJohn Hope-Edwardes=Emily, dau. of Col. John-Robert Crawfurd
of Netley, born 23 August IrelandBlackbume,M.P., Antrobus,
183 6, privately bapt. at Net- of Hale Hall, co. Lan- SOl1 of Sir Edley; died there s.p. 30 Septem- caster, Capt.5th Dragoon mund Antrobus,
ber, bur. at Dorrington 4 Oc. Guards; born 24 May, 2nd Baronet, by
tober 1867. Adm'on to Tho- bapt. at Oakamoor, co. Anne his wife,
mas Henry Hope-Edwardes of Stafford, I August 184~; only dau. of Hon.
Netley, guardian of Emily marr. Ist,at St. George s, Hugh Lindsay;
Hope-Edwardes, widow, relict Hanover Square, co. born 21 March
July 1867; 1830. 2nd husof deceased, and a minor, S Middx.,
March 1868.
(Shrewsbury marr. 2udly, 2 August band.
District Registry.) 1St husb. 1873.
MarffSir Henry Edwardes
Anne, only dau., of Frodesley, co. Salop,
born 9 Nov. and late of Ryton, in
1801; marr. 1St, parish of Condover,
at St. Mary's, co. Salop, Bart., CapBryanston Sq., tain in the Shrop19 June 1828; shire Militia, born 8
marr. 2ndly, at July, hapt. at Ford,
Christ Church, co. Salop, 14 August
Regent's Park, 1787; succeeded to
20 Feb. 1846, the dignity of a BaroJames Murray net on the death of his
Martin, Major father in 1816; died
H.E.I.e. Ser- 26 August, aged 54,
vice; he died 19 bur. at Frodesley 1
April, bur. at Septemberx8+I. M.I.
Great Ness, co. Adm'on to Dame
Salop, 26 April Louisa Mary Anne
1870; she died Edwardes, the relict,
7 Sept. 18 76, 7.I January 1842 •
Charles Rowcroft Hope, born and privately bapt. in Upper bur. at Frodes- (P.C.C.)
Seymour Street in 1798; bur. at Paddington, co. Middx., ley.
IS April r798.
Rev. FreJer!ck William Hope of Upper Seymour Street,
Portman Square, some time of Christ Church, Oxford,
matriculated 17 October 1816, aged 19, B.A. I8zo, M.A.
1823, and Hon. D.C.L. zo June 1855, F.R..S., F.L.S.,
F.Z.S., President of the Entomological Society t83S,
2nd son, born in Upper Seymour Street 3 January 1797 ;
marr. at St. Marylebone, 6 June 1835, Ellen, youngest
dau. and coheir of George Meredith of Nottingham Place,
St. Marylebone, co. Middx., and of Borrington Court,
co. Worcester; hom November 1801; she died November, bur. at Dorrington 4 December 1879; he died s.p.
in Upper Seymour Street IS April, aged 65, hurt at Dorrington, co. Salop, 24 April 1862. Will dated 28 November 1860, proved 21 May 186z by relict and Ex'trix.
(Princ. Reg., fo. 28r, 1862.) Her ~ill dated 24 March
I8n, proved.2o Dec. 1879 by Charles Cecil Trevor, power
reserved, etc., to Georgiana Esther Higgins (wife of Rev.
Edward Higgins) the sister and other Ex'or. (Prine.
Reg., fo. Ioor, 1879,)
Ellen Charlotte, born
18 September, privately bapt. at
Stapleton 12
Oct. 1837.
Rev. St. Leger-AlIce Mary, dau. of Rev.
Frederick Hope- Joseph Christopher Brad~
Edwardes, M.A. ney, M.A., Rector of Greete,
(twin with Tho- co. Salop, by Sarah Decima
mas Francis), his wife, 7th dau. of the
Rectorof Greete, Rev. David Jones, Rector of
co. Salop, 3rd but Hope Bagot, co. Salop;
eldest surviving born 16 July, hapt. at Greete
SOil, born 4 Oct., U Sept. r862; marr. at St.
privately bapt. at Mary's, Bryanston Square,
Stapleton 31 Oc London, 17 Nov. 1886.
tober r839.
Rev. Leighton Hope-Edwardes of
Lincoln's Inn, Barrister-at-Law,
afterwards in Holy Orders, some
time Vicar of Ash, co. Salop, 6th
son, born 12 February, bapt. at
Parish Church, 1R.amington, 13
March r843; died April, bur. at
Dorrington 20 April 1889.
Julia Caroline Hester,
born 18 April, bapt. at
Parish Church, Leamington, 13 May 1846.
Herbert James HopeEdwardes, Lieut.-Col.
60th King's Royal Rifle
Corps, 7th but ard surLouisa Clare, born 12 September viving son, born 26 Feb.,
1844, bapt. at Seaforth, near hapt. at Parish Church,
Leamington, 2.) March
I I FrancIs
. H ope (tWlD
. WIt
St. Leger Frederick), born 4 October, privately bapt. at Stapleton
31 October r839; died t6 February, bur. at Stapleton, co. Salop,
19 February r842.
Robert Michael Hope, born 29
September 1841, privately hapt. at
Netley; died 220 December, bur.
at Stapleton 24 December J8,p.
Anne Riversdale, born 29 May,
bapt. at Berwick, Shrewsbury, 21
June 1849.
Clare Victoria, born 12 August,
bapt. at Berwick 7 Sept. 1851;
marr. at Dorrington, co. Salop, Z 1
Oct. r875. Robert Hanson Coldwell, Major in the Army, of Kingsland Grove, Shrewsbury, born 208
February 1827, and privately bapt.