Descendants of Josiah Clawson

Descendants of Josiah Clawson
Generation 1
JOSIAH1 CLAWSON was born before 1745 in Scotland. He died before 1781 in Tyrone Township,
Cumberland County, Pennsylvania. He married ? ?.
Notes for Josiah Clawson:
Presently, I can only trace the Clawson branch to about the middle of the eighteenth century. The
earliest Clawson I can trace is a Josiah Clawson who was on the tax list in 1763 for Tyrone
Township, Cumberland County, Pennsylvania. From several different sources, there were 5
Clawson brothers. Two of them, Richard and Peter Clawson fought for the colonists in the
Revolutionary War as members of the Cumberland County militia. Also in the early 1780's, Peter
and Richard can be found in the tax records for Tyrone Township, Cumberland County,
Pennsylvania as well as a widow Clawson. Tyrone Township is now a part of Perry County,
Pennsylvania. This, I assume. means that Josiah Clawson has died. After this time, some or all of
the five brothers moved to Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania. About this time according to family
lore, these brothers got into some type of argument and the 5 brothers went to four different areas
of the state. When this argument occurred, it was also told from family lore that the brothers
changed the spellings of the last name as a final statement in this disagreement. This is probably
how the different spellings of the last name occurred. The spellings that have existed were
Clawson (supposedly the original spelling), Closson (still exists today), Clossin, and a few other
Richard and Josiah Clawson moved to Indiana County, Pennsylvania in the Blacklick Township
area. These two brothers were in the same area according to the tax and census records, their
farms were near to each other. From tax records, they must have moved into Indiana County
before 1807. Peter remained in Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania and it is believed he was poor
from the legal records that exist for him. The members of this branch largely spelled their last
name Closson. There is a Peter who had lived in Washington Township, Westmoreland County,
Pennsylvania around 1800 and it is now determined that he is not directly related to the Clawsons
mentioned above even though some of his descendants appeared in other parts of my family tree.
Daniel may be a brother to Peter, Richard, and Josiah but may also be a nephew to another
brother not yet found. There is also a John Clawson married to Elizabeth Wincher who I have a
similar problem. Is he a brother or a nephew to Peter, Richard, and Josiah? I have them listed as
brothers since this is what most researchers believe. Daniel and John eventually made their way
to Indiana County where Daniel went to Blacklick Township and John went to Conemaugh
Another interesting item is there was a Josiah Clawson who married Margaret Buckalew in New
Jersey and they were both born and grew up in New Jersey. According to the Buckalew
Association website, they had at least two children named Peter and Richard. Also from some
research done by others on the Clawsons as well as on the LDS website, they also have Josiah
marrying Margaret Buckalew. Josiah's parents were Thomas and Anne Clawson. Thomas'
parents were William and Mary Clawson. These families can be traced to a Claus Cornelius Van
Schouw who came to America in the mid-1600's from the Netherlands. In 2009, I submitted a DNA
sample for genealogical purposes. The results were compared to several members from the Van
Schouw line and there is no connection between my Clawson line and the Van Schouw line. In
comparing my DNA to different databases, my ancestors were Eastern European and/or
Scandinavian. My DNA is similar to the populations in Latvia, Russia, Poland, and Norway. This
fits into a Haplogroup of R1a1.
If my Clawson ancestors were of Scottish heritage and with the DNA results mentioned previously
along with some general genealogical data of the Clawson name in Scotland, the Clawson family is
of Viking descent. They may have come from the Orkneys (Islands). If one looks at the spelling
variation of Closson, this is a further variation of the surname Clouston. The Clouston family is an
old family that settled in the Orkneys around 1000 AD from Norway and had ties into the
Norwegian monarchy. Around 1400, the Orkneys were given by Norway to Scotland and these
people from the Orkneys intermixed with the native Scots. As of now, I haven't found anyone from
the Clouston family who has submitted to a DNA test.
Generation 1 (con't)
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Something that may pan out is I have been talking a little bit with David Keswick, a member of the
Clawson tree. He is a college professor in Michigan. He thinks that the Clawsons are from the
Pitlochry and Perthshire region of Scotland. The Donaheys and the Fergusons are from around
this area. He thinks that the Clawsons settled in Indiana County with other people from the area in
Scotland that they lived. David has some friends in that area of Scotland who are trying to confirm
this. The Clawsons in that area are orginally from Scandanavia (possibly Viking or maybe
Norwegian) and they moved to Scotland near or before 1000 AD. Also, the Clawsons in Scotland
were not affiliated with any of the clans, according to David.
Also, I came across a website that would sell you your family history to you for $20 (A 1700 word
write-up.). They had two listings for Clawson from the British Isles. The Clawsons from Scotland
that they would supply were from Norway and originally landed in the Orkney Islands at the
northern tip of Scotland around 1000 AD. I haven't bought it so I don't know what else it has. But
maybe there could be something here.
The website is:
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Tyrone Township is now part of Perry County, Pennsylvania.
His name could be Josiah or John. There is a tax record for Josiah Clawson that is from 1763 for
Tyrone Township, Cumberland County, Pennsylvania.
At this time, I am not sure that Daniel and John are sons of this person. They are probably related
to him some way.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This is from the Quarter Session Docket 4, 1768-1772 for Cumberland County, Pennsylvania.
Page 155 July Sessions 1771
Petition of divers of the inhabitants of Shermans Valley to July Sessions 1770, persons appointed;
Daniel Evans and John Byers to view and lay out a road beginning at Groghans Gap the best an
nearest way to Hadiah Garwoods Mill or to Thomas Rofes Fording, from thence upwards the
nearest and best way to the great road leading upwards in case they conceived the same road
necessary and of public utility and have reported to the Court to wit July Sessions 1771 that they
viewed the premises as aforesaid, find the road to be necessary and of public utility, have laid out
the same, beginning at a chestnut post South 86 degrees west 140 perches Benjamin Brooks,
North 76 W. 130 perches to a chestnut oak south _ W 332 perches White oak south _ W 230 Black
Oak North _ 2 W 60 gum James Sharons north 25 W 142 white oak south 76 W 44 white oak west
164 perches to a hickory north 20 W 60 Black oak, west 440 perches hickory North 85 west 126
black oak Josiah Classon north 75 W 203 white oak north 53 W 100 black oak and Hance
Ferguson north '0 W 35 to white oak N 44 perches white oak north 7 east 46 white oak north 7
west 106 white oak John Johnson north 15 W 220 white oak Daniel Evans north 45 west 505
perches to the great road leading up the valley.
Notes for ? ?:
There is a widow Clawson on the tax records for 1781, 1782, and 1785, in Tyrone Township,
Generation 1 (con't)
There is a widow Clawson on the tax records for 1781, 1782, and 1785, in Tyrone Township,
Cumberland County (now Perry County), Pennsylvania. She has 20 acres, 1 horse, and 2 heads
of cattle except in 1785 she only has one head of cattle.
Josiah Clawson and ? ? had the following children:
PETER2 CLOSSON1 (son of Josiah Clawson and ? ?) was born between 1755-1775 in
Scotland2. He died on April 01, 18371. He married ELIZABETH ?. She was born
between 1755-1775.
RICHARD CLAWSON3-4 (son of Josiah Clawson and ? ?) was born in 1760 in
Scotland. He died on January 31, 1826 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania4. He married Sarah Mitchell (daughter of John Mitchell) in 1778. She
was born about 1760 in Bucks County, Pennsylvania4-5. She died on April 19, 1827
in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania4-5.
JOSIAH CLAWSON (son of Josiah Clawson and ? ?) was born about 1770 in
Pennsylvania6. He died on March 09, 1854 in Pennsylvania7. He married Jane
Miller in 1788 in Pennsylvania8. She was born about 1772 in Huntingdon County,
Pennsylvania6. She died on July 25, 1859 in Pennsylvania1.
ELSIE CLAWSON9 (daughter of Josiah Clawson and ? ?) was born in Pennsylvania10.
She married Archibald Kelly (son of Robert Kelly and Elizabeth ?) on May 10, 1793
in Carlisle, Cumberland County, Pennsylvania11. He was born in Pennsylvania10.
He died about 182211.
DANIEL CLAWSON12 (son of Josiah Clawson and ? ?) was born in 1777 in
Hollidaysburg, Blair County, Pennsylvania13. He died in 1854 in Black Lick
Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He married Margaret Catherine Hollis in
1799 in Blair County, Pennsylvania14. She was born after 1774 in Blair County,
JOHN CLAWSON3, 15-16 (son of Josiah Clawson and ? ?) was born in 1781 in Burrell
Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania17. He died after 1830. He married
Elizabeth Wincher in 1803 in Pennsylvania18. She was born between 1775-1784 in
Generation 2
was born between 1755-1775 in Scotland2. He died on April
01, 1837 . He married ELIZABETH ?. She was born between 1755-1775.
Notes for Peter Closson:
Peter was a member of the Fifth Company, Fifth Battalion of Cumberland County Militia.
For the Tax Records of Tyrone Township, Cumberland County, Pennsylvania for 1781, 1782, and
1785, there are records of Peter. He is listed as a Freeman.
According to the 1790 Census for Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania, Peter was married and had 1
male over 16 years old and 4 under 16 years old. There are also 2 females listed.
According to the 1800 census, Peter was in Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania.
According to the 1810 census, Peter was in Frankstown, Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania.
According to the 1820 census, Peter was in Frankstown, Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania.
Peter was in the Cumberland County Militia in 1782 in Capt. John Buchanan's Company.
Peter doesn't appear in the 1830 census, probably died before this.
Peter was probably very poor since there are records that there were financial judgements brought
against him.
The date of death (April 1, 1837) is based on the buying of a coffin by his son (James) at the
McFarland Funeral Home.
Generation 2 (con't)
Peter came from Scotland and settled in the Scotch Valley, east of the Allegheny Mountains in the
Peter Closson and Elizabeth ? had the following children:
ALEXANDER3 CLOSSON19-20 (son of Peter Closson and Elizabeth ?) was born on April
19, 1780 in Pennsylvania21. He died on May 23, 1835 in Allegheny Township,
Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania20-21. He married Elizabeth Sleppy (daughter of
Daniel Sleppy and Margaret Elizabeth Dewalt) about 1816. She was born in 1790.
JAMES S. CLOSSON SR.12 (son of Peter Closson and Elizabeth ?) was born about
1782 in Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania. He died on May 21, 1840 in
Hollidaysburg, Blair County, Pennsylvania1. He married (1) ELIZABETH MARY
LINDSEY (daughter of David Lindsay and Mary Shawgessey) in 18101. She was
born about 1783. She died about 1834 in Pennsylvania. He married (2) LYDIA
ELIZABETH ?. She was born about 1790. She died in October 1880.
WILLIAM CLOSSON1 (son of Peter Closson and Elizabeth ?) was born in 1783 in
Pennsylvania. He died about 1860. He married MARY ?. She was born between
PETER CLOSSON JR.1, 22 (son of Peter Closson and Elizabeth ?) was born in 1784 in
Pennsylvania. He died on December 18, 1873 in Portage, Cambria County,
Pennsylvania. He married MARY ?. She was born about 1787 in Pennsylvania22-23.
DAVID CLOSSON1, 24 (son of Peter Closson and Elizabeth ?) was born in 1785 in
JOSIAH CLOSSON1 (son of Peter Closson and Elizabeth ?) was born in 1790. He
married Margaret Scott on February 04, 1813 in Presbyterian Church, Huntington,
Blair County, Pennsylvania25. She was born in 1793 in Pennsylvania8. She died in
RACHEL CLOSSON1 (daughter of Peter Closson and Elizabeth ?) was born in 1792 in
Pennsylvania. She died on October 15, 184426. She married JAMES LINDSAY (son of
David Lindsay and Mary Shawgessey).
viii. ELIZABETH CLOSSON1 (daughter of Peter Closson and Elizabeth ?) was born on
October 13, 1798 in Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania. She died on May 15, 1866
in Cromwell Township, Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania. She married DANIEL
YOUNG HILEMAN (son of John Michael Hileman and Anna Maria Young). He was
born on September 24, 1799. He died on December 03, 1874.
JANE CLOSSON1 (daughter of Peter Closson and Elizabeth ?) was born in 1801 in
Pennsylvania. She married (1) ? ROSE. She married (2) JOE JONES.
RICHARD2 CLAWSON (Josiah1)3-4 was born in 1760 in Scotland. He died on January 31, 1826 in
Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania4. He married Sarah Mitchell (daughter of John
Mitchell) in 1778. She was born about 1760 in Bucks County, Pennsylvania4-5. She died on April
19, 1827 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania4-5.
Notes for Richard Clawson:
Richard was a member of the Fifth Company, Fifth Battalion of Cumberland County Militia,
returned July 31, 1780.
According to the tax records of Tyrone Township, Cumberland County (now Perry County),
Pennsylvania, Richard paid taxes in 1781, 1782, and 1785. He is listed as a Freeman in 1781, and
is listed in 1782 as having one horse.
In 1788, Richard was on the tax records for Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania.
According to the 1790 census for Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania, there was one male over 16
years old, 4 males under 16 years old, and 3 females.
In 1798, Richard was on the tax records for Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania.
Generation 2 (con't)
For the 1807 tax record for Blacklick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania, Richard is listed as
a farmer.
According to the 1810 and 1820 censuses, Richard was living in Blacklick Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania.
According to Clawson folklore, 5 brothers came to the U.S. and it was believed they came from
England. In the last 10 to 15 years, it is now believed that they came from Scotland. Anyway, after
they came here, there was a big argument and the 4 of the brothers went different ways and
moved to different parts of the Pennsylvania. When they did, each one changed the spelling of
their last name. Supposedly, Richard kept the original spelling. It appears that Richard and Josiah
stayed together and moved to Indiana County. It appears that Peter, James, and Alexander
appeared to stay in the Blair and Huntingdon Counties of Pennsylvania. Similar stories are told in
other distant portions of the Clawson tree.
The name Clawson was probably not the name of the ancestors who lived in Scotland. The name
might have been changed since there was a war going on in England at the time they migrated and
they wanted to protect themselves in case someone would try to track them. There was a program
on the History Channel about Scottish clans. At the time that Richard Clawson would have come
to America, the English were doing an ethnic cleansing of the Highland Scottish Clans since they
were loyal to the Stuarts (Stewarts) who were trying to take back the throne of England from King
George I. The Clawson ancestors maybe were part of these clans who were being eradicated by
the English. Many thousands of Scots fled to U.S., Canada, and Australia during this time. The
clans who were being eradicated were in allegiance to the McDonalds.
The Clawson brothers originally were living in the Tyrone Township, Cumberland County (now
Perry County) area of Pennsylvania at the time of the Revolutionary War. Later they moved to the
Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania where the supposed argument occurred. Records are available
that Richard and Peter fought for the colonists in the Revolutionary War.
Richard Clawson and Sarah Mitchell had the following children:
BENJAMIN RICHARD3 CLAWSON3-4, 16 (son of Richard Clawson and Sarah Mitchell)
was born on August 27, 1781 in Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania. He died on
March 28, 1865 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania4, 27. He
married (1) MARY DONAHEY (daughter of William Donahey and Mary Caldwell) on
February 21, 1811 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She was born on August 18,
1786 in Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania. She died on July 02, 1838 in Black
Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania27. He married (2) MARY HUFFMAN on
December 01, 1838 in Pennsylvania. She was born about 177927. She died on
August 24, 184127.
REBECCA CLAWSON6 (daughter of Richard Clawson and Sarah Mitchell) was born in
1783 in Pennsylvania6. She died in 18711. She married Joseph B. Repine in 1817.
He was born in 1783 in Pennsylvania6. He died about September 1864 in Black Lick
Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania1.
RICHARD MILTON CLAWSON JR.15 (son of Richard Clawson and Sarah Mitchell) was
born in 1788 in Frankstown Township, Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania. He died
in July 1858 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania12. He married (1) NANCY DONAHEY
(daughter of William Donahey and Mary Caldwell) in 18171. She was born about
1795 in Pennsylvania. She died in October 1859 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania1.
He married (2) THANKFUL GEER.
RACHEL CLAWSON28 (daughter of Richard Clawson and Sarah Mitchell) was born in
1790 in Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania. She died on August 13, 1871 in Indiana
County, Pennsylvania29. She married (1) DANIEL REPINE about 182012. He was born
about 1790 in Pennsylvania12. He died after 1870. She married (2) DANIEL REPINE.
He was born about 1775 in Pennsylvania28. He died before 1860 in Indiana County,
RUTH ANN CLAWSON (daughter of Richard Clawson and Sarah Mitchell) was born in
Generation 2 (con't)
RUTH ANN CLAWSON (daughter of Richard Clawson and Sarah Mitchell) was born in
1792 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She died after 1870. She married John
Repine about 182012. He was born about 1795 in White Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania12. He died about February 19, 1846 in Black Lick Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania30.
ANDREW CLAWSON6 (son of Richard Clawson and Sarah Mitchell) was born in 1795
in Pennsylvania6. He died on April 01, 1869 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
Notes for Andrew Clawson:
Andrew was never married.
According to the 1850 census, Andrew was living with his brother Richard in
Blacklick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
According to the 1860 Census, Andrew was living on the Nancy McIntosh farm in
Blacklick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
viii. ROSS CLAWSON (son of Richard Clawson and Sarah Mitchell) was born in 1798 in
Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He died on December 29,
1828 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He married Laura
Davis (daughter of Silas Davis and Eunice Geer) about 1820 in Black Lick
Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She was born on January 17, 1806 in
Warrensburg, Warren, New York.
JANE CLAWSON (daughter of Richard Clawson and Sarah Mitchell) was born in
18007. She died before 1831. She married JOHN MCNEIL. He was born about 1796
in Indiana County, Pennsylvania32.
SARAH CLAWSON15 (daughter of Richard Clawson and Sarah Mitchell) was born on
April 15, 1800 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania27. She died on
May 17, 187627. She married William B. Donahey (son of William Donahey and
Mary Caldwell) about 1821 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania12.
He was born on July 20, 1797 in Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania27. He died on
July 30, 1878 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania27.
HANNAH CLAWSON15 (daughter of Richard Clawson and Sarah Mitchell) was born
about 1805 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She died about
1831 in Blairsville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She married James D. Donahey
(son of William Donahey and biological son of Mary Caldwell) in 1822 in
Pennsylvania18. He was born on September 20, 1802 in Indiana County,
Pennsylvania27. He died on December 27, 1881 in Burrell Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania27.
SAMUEL C. CLAWSON (son of Richard Clawson and Sarah Mitchell) was born in 1797
in Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He died in October 1851 in Black Lick Township,
Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He married (1) SARAH BENNETT about 1830. She
was born in 1789 in Pennsylvania6. He married (2) SARAH ANN DONAHEY (daughter
of William Donahey and Mary Caldwell) about 1823 in Black Lick Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania. She was born about 1800 in Indiana County,
Pennsylvania12. She died in October 1846 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania1. He
married (3) SARAH MOOREHEAD about 1830. She was born on March 15, 178931.
She died on December 04, 1871 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania31.
JOSIAH2 CLAWSON (Josiah1) was born about 1770 in Pennsylvania6. He died on March 09, 1854 in
Pennsylvania7. He married Jane Miller in 1788 in Pennsylvania8. She was born about 1772 in
Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania6. She died on July 25, 1859 in Pennsylvania1.
Notes for Josiah Clawson:
According to the 1790 census for Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania, Josiah was by himself.
In 1798, Josiah was in Frankstown Township, Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania according to the
'Direct Tax List'.
According to the 1800 census, Josiah was living in Frankstown Township, Huntingdon County,
Generation 2 (con't)
According to the 1800 census, Josiah was living in Frankstown Township, Huntingdon County,
For the 1807 tax record for Blacklick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania, Josiah is listed as a
According to the 1820 census, Josiah was living in Blacklick Township, Indiana County,
According to the 1830 census, Josiah was living in Blacklick Township, Indiana County,
According to the 1850 census, Josiah and Jane were living in Blacklick Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania. In the 1850 census, he as living in among the other Clawson families in Blacklick
Josiah Clawson and Jane Miller had the following children:
JONATHAN3 CLAWSON7 (son of Josiah Clawson and Jane Miller) was born between
1790-1795 in Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania1. He died between 1820-1830 in
Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He married Sarah Moorehead in 1805 in
Pennsylvania18. She was born on March 15, 178931. She died on December 04,
1871 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania31.
ROBERT C. CLAWSON15 (son of Josiah Clawson and Jane Miller) was born about
1795 in Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania33. He died in 1860. He married Jane
Donahey (daughter of William Donahey and Mary Caldwell) in 1816 in Indiana
County, Pennsylvania8. She was born about 1798 in Pennsylvania33. She died after
MARGARET CLAWSON6 (daughter of Josiah Clawson and Jane Miller) was born in
1798 in Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania. She married Jerome Harrison after
RICHARD C. CLAWSON SR.12 (son of Josiah Clawson and Jane Miller) was born in
1806 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He died on July 11, 1875 in Indiana County,
Pennsylvania. He married (1) EUNICE DAVIS (daughter of Silas Davis and Eunice
Geer) in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania12. She was born on
November 14, 1811 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She died between 1850-1860
in Indiana County, Pennsylvania1. He married (2) LETITIA ANN MOON after 1847. She
was born in 1823 in Pennsylvania34. She died on July 24, 1892 in Georgeville,
Indiana County, Pennsylvania35.
ADAM CLAWSON6 (son of Josiah Clawson and Jane Miller) was born about 1810 in
Pennsylvania6. He married (1) SARAH CLAWSON (daughter of Richard Milton
Clawson Jr. and Nancy Donahey). She was born about 1811 in Pennsylvania6. She
died between 1860-1870. He married (2) ELLEN ?. She was born about 1827 in
Pennsylvania36. She died about January 1876 in Black Lick Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania37.
THOMAS CLAWSON38 (son of Josiah Clawson and Jane Miller) was born about 1810
in Pennsylvania39. He married MARY ?. She was born about 1821 in Pennsylvania39.
REBECCA JANE CLAWSON7 (daughter of Josiah Clawson and Jane Miller) was born in
1810 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She died on
November 16, 1901 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania40. She
married JAMES HUSTON (son of James Houston and Mary Reed). He was born in
1802 in Center Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He died in 1852 in Black
Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
viii. JOHN CLAWSON7, 41 (son of Josiah Clawson and Jane Miller) was born in 1810 in
Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He married JANE ?. She was born about 1810 in
SARAH CLAWSON6 (daughter of Josiah Clawson and Jane Miller) was born about
1813 in Pennsylvania42. She died in Pennsylvania. She married ? MCCLAREN.
Generation 2 (con't)
(son of Josiah Clawson and Jane Miller) was born in 1820 in
Indiana County, Pennsylvania7. He died on May 09, 1877 in Black Lick Township,
Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
Notes for Miller Clawson:
According to the 1850 census, Miller was living with his parents.
Miller was never married.
According to the 1860 census, Miller was living in Blacklick Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania. His niece Margaret McClaren and a Margaret Clawson
(relationship unknown, age 50, born in Pennsylvania) were living him.
According to the 1870 Census, Miller was living in Blacklick Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania. There was a Elizabeth Clawson (relationship unknown, age
72, born in Pennsylvania) living with him.
ELSIE2 CLAWSON (Josiah1)9 was born in Pennsylvania10. She married Archibald Kelly (son of
Robert Kelly and Elizabeth ?) on May 10, 1793 in Carlisle, Cumberland County, Pennsylvania11.
He was born in Pennsylvania10. He died about 182211.
Notes for Elsie Clawson:
At this time, it is conjecture that Elsie is a daughter of Josiah. This is based that they were both in
Perry/Cumberland County at the same time and that Elsie eventually moved in the same are as
other Clawsons (her brothers if she is truly related) in the Indiana County, Pennsylvania area.
Notes for Archibald Kelly:
In the 1807 tax list for Blacklick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania, Archibald is listed as a
Archibald Kelly and Elsie Clawson had the following children:
MARY3 KELLY15 (daughter of Archibald Kelly and Elsie Clawson) was born in 1789 in
Indiana County, Pennsylvania17. She married John Donahey (son of William
Donahey and Mary Caldwell) in 1809 in Pennsylvania17. He was born on February
16, 1788 in Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania12. He died before 188015.
SARAH KELLY9 (daughter of Archibald Kelly and Elsie Clawson) was born in 1795.
She died in 1863.
Notes for Sarah Kelly:
Sarah never was married.
JONATHAN KELLY SR.9 (son of Archibald Kelly and Elsie Clawson) was born about
1798 in Pennsylvania6. He died in 18659. He married ELIZABETH HOLLIS. She was
born in 1808 in Pennsylvania6. She died after 18809.
ARCHIBALD KELLY36, 43 (step son of Archibald Kelly and Elsie Clawson) was born in
July 1809 in Pennsylvania44. He died on March 06, 19019. He married Mary
Clawson (daughter of Richard Milton Clawson Jr. and Nancy Donahey) in 18369.
She was born in 1813 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania12. She
died on November 28, 1885 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
DAVID KELLY9 (son of Archibald Kelly and Elsie Clawson) was born in 1812. He died
in 1848.
REBECCA KELLY9 (daughter of Archibald Kelly and Elsie Clawson) was born about
1817 in Pennsylvania11.
DANIEL2 CLAWSON (Josiah1)12 was born in 1777 in Hollidaysburg, Blair County, Pennsylvania13. He
died in 1854 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He married Margaret
Catherine Hollis in 1799 in Blair County, Pennsylvania14. She was born after 1774 in Blair County,
Notes for Daniel Clawson:
Generation 2 (con't)
Notes for Daniel Clawson:
According to the 1800 census, Daniel was living in Allegheny Township, Huntingdon County,
Pennsylvania. He was married at the time with one child under 10 years old. Allegheny Township
is now a part of Cambria County.
According to the 1810 census, Daniel was living in Greenfield Township, Bedford County,
According to the 1820 census, Daniel was living in Blacklick Township, Indiana County,
According to the 1830 census, Daniel was living in Blacklick Township, Indiana County,
According to the 1840 census, Daniel was living in Blacklick Township, Indiana County,
According to the 1850 census, Daniel was living with his son David in Blacklick Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania.
Daniel Clawson and Margaret Catherine Hollis had the following children:
JOHN3 CLAWSON14, 45 (son of Daniel Clawson and Margaret Catherine Hollis) was
born on December 04, 1800 in Hollidaysburg, Blair County, Pennsylvania46-48. He
died on December 22, 1881 in Center Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania46-48.
He married (1) PERMELIA MOORHEAD (daughter of Fergus Moorhead Sr. and Esther
McElhoes) in 1822 in Pennsylvania8. She was born in 1800 in Indiana County,
Pennsylvania13. She died before February 1839 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania49.
He married (2) LUCINDA HARROLD (daughter of Christoph Columbus Harrold and
Elizabeth Painter) on February 16, 183947. She was born on October 04, 1804 in
Indiana County, Pennsylvania19. She died on January 31, 188847.
DAVID CLAWSON SR.42 (son of Daniel Clawson and Margaret Catherine Hollis) was
born in 1805 in Hollidaysburg, Blair County, Pennsylvania1. He died on March 31,
1881 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania50-51. He married
REBECCA ROSS (daughter of John Ross). She was born in 1808 in Black Lick
Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania1. She died on January 09, 18821.
EPHRIAM CLAWSON52 (son of Daniel Clawson and Margaret Catherine Hollis) was
born in 1810 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He died in 1887 in Indiana County,
Pennsylvania53. He married MARY ELIZABETH DONOVAN (daughter of ? Donovan and
Mary Brown). She was born in 1822 in Ohio1. She died on December 25, 1889 in
White Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania52.
SALLY CLAWSON52 (daughter of Daniel Clawson and Margaret Catherine Hollis) was
born in 1820. She married JOHN CLAWSON.
Notes for John Clawson:
John was from Center Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
WILLIAM CLAWSON (son of Daniel Clawson and Margaret Catherine Hollis)52.
Notes for William Clawson:
William died young.
JOHN2 CLAWSON (Josiah1)3, 15-16 was born in 1781 in Burrell Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania17. He died after 1830. He married Elizabeth Wincher in 1803 in Pennsylvania18. She
was born between 1775-1784 in Pennsylvania.
Notes for John Clawson:
Accoding to the 1800 census, John and his family were living in Frankstown, Blair County,
According to the 1820 census, John was living in Conemaugh Township, Indiana County,
Generation 2 (con't)
According to the 1830 census, John was living in Conemaugh Township, Indiana County,
In the 1850 census for Blacklick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania, there is a John Clawson
(age 70) and Catherine Clawson (age 70) living with Daniel Hollis. Could this be the same John
Clawson and was Catherine his second wife? Also was Catherine first married to a Hollis?
John Clawson and Elizabeth Wincher had the following children:
ELIZABETH3 CLAWSON3, 15 (daughter of John Clawson and Elizabeth Wincher) was
born in 1809 in Burrell Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania15. She married
James McCurdy (son of James McCurdy and Sarah Graham) in 183017. He was
born about 1807 in Wheatfield Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He died in
1857 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
JOHN B. CLAWSON3, 16, 54 (son of John Clawson and Elizabeth Wincher) was born in
1811 in Pennsylvania54. He died on March 23, 1868 in West Wheatfield Township,
Indiana County, Pennsylvania55. He married (1) MARY WILLIAMS. She was born in
Pennsylvania56. She died before 1844. He married (2) SARAH CLAWSON (daughter
of Benjamin Richard Clawson and Mary Donahey) on January 10, 1853 in Young
Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania16. She was born on September 10, 1816
in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania54. She died on February 26,
WILLIAM J. CLAWSON57 (son of John Clawson and Elizabeth Wincher) was born in
1815 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania6. He died on May 06,
1888. He married Mary Jane Johnson between 1838-18391. She was born in 1820
in Pennsylvania58. She died in 190858.
JESSE CLAWSON38 (son of John Clawson and Elizabeth Wincher) was born on
November 17, 1817 in Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania. He died on March 17,
1900 in Promise City, Iowa. He married (1) ELIZABETH COURSON (daughter of
William Courson and Mary ?) on August 03, 1837 in Westmoreland County,
Pennsylvania38, 59. She was born about 1817 in Laughlintown, Westmoreland
County, Pennsylvania. She died about 1865 in Lexington, McLean County, Illinois.
He married (2) BARBARA GUNDERSTAFF on August 26, 186659. She was born on
November 01, 1837 in Virginia60. She died in 1908 in Des Moines, Iowa60.
MARY CLAWSON61 (daughter of John Clawson and Elizabeth Wincher) was born
about 1818 in Pennsylvania61. She married JOHN VANATT (son of John Vannatta).
He was born about 1809 in Pennsylvania61. He died about 1873.
JAMES CLAWSON38 (son of John Clawson and Elizabeth Wincher) was born about
1827 in Pennsylvania62. He died in 1890 in Tunnelton, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania63. He married MARY A. KELLY. She was born in September 1827 in
Generation 3
ALEXANDER3 CLOSSON (Peter2, Josiah1 Clawson)19-20 was born on April 19, 1780 in Pennsylvania21.
He died on May 23, 1835 in Allegheny Township, Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania20-21. He
married Elizabeth Sleppy (daughter of Daniel Sleppy and Margaret Elizabeth Dewalt) about 1816.
She was born in 1790.
Notes for Alexander Closson:
The information for Alexander came from a will dated May 20, 1835, probated June 4, 1835.
Alexander was living in Allegheny Township, Huntingdon Township, Pennsylvania at the time of his
death. Source, Huntingdon County Wills, pages 480 and 481.
In 1814, 1815, 1816, 1817, and 1818, Alexander was a tax records in Frankstown Township, Blair
County, Pennsylvania.
In 1820 and 1821, Alexander was on the tax records in Woodberry Township, Huntingdon County,
Generation 3 (con't)
From 1828 to 1833, Alexander was on the tax records in Allegheny Township, Huntingdon County,
Alexander Closson and Elizabeth Sleppy had the following children:
JONATHON4 CLOSSON19 (son of Alexander Closson and Elizabeth Sleppy) was born
about 1816 in Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania1.
ELIZABETH CLOSSON19 (daughter of Alexander Closson and Elizabeth Sleppy) was
born about 1818 in Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania1.
MARGARETTA CLOSSON19 (daughter of Alexander Closson and Elizabeth Sleppy)
was born about 1820 in Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania1.
ALEXANDER CLOSSIN19, 64-65 (son of Alexander Closson and Elizabeth Sleppy) was
born in 1821 in Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania1, 64-65. He died on April 15, 1901
in Crawfordsville, Indiana65. He married MARY A. ?. She was born about 1820 in
MARY JANE CLOSSON19 (daughter of Alexander Closson and Elizabeth Sleppy) was
born about 1814 in Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania.
SUSAN CLOSSON19 (daughter of Alexander Closson and Elizabeth Sleppy) was born
about 1822 in Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania1.
JOSEPH CLOSSON19 (son of Alexander Closson and Elizabeth Sleppy) was born
about 1824 in Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania1.
viii. MALINDA CLOSSON19 (daughter of Alexander Closson and Elizabeth Sleppy) was
born about 1828 in Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania1.
CATHARINE CLOSSON19 (daughter of Alexander Closson and Elizabeth Sleppy) was
born on September 06, 1831 in Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania1. She died on
January 02, 1861 in Indiana, United States66.
ROBERT MONROE CLOSSIN19, 67-70 (son of Alexander Closson and Elizabeth Sleppy)
was born on November 05, 1833 in Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania1, 68. He died
on February 05, 1910 in Frankfort, Clinton County, Indiana68, 71. He married (1)
SARAH REBECCA SIMMS on January 25, 1854 in Indiana72. She was born about 1834
in Pennsylvania69. He married (2) ELIZABETH JANE OSBORNE on October 12, 1865 in
Tippecanoe County, Indiana71. She was born on May 26, 1836 in Pisgah, Butler
County, Ohio71. She died on January 15, 1920 in Frankfort, Clinton County,
JAMES S.3 CLOSSON SR. (Peter2, Josiah1 Clawson)12 was born about 1782 in Huntingdon County,
Pennsylvania. He died on May 21, 1840 in Hollidaysburg, Blair County, Pennsylvania1. He married
(1) ELIZABETH MARY LINDSEY (daughter of David Lindsay and Mary Shawgessey) in 18101. She
was born about 1783. She died about 1834 in Pennsylvania. He married (2) LYDIA ELIZABETH ?.
She was born about 1790. She died in October 1880.
James S. Closson Sr. and Elizabeth Mary Lindsey had the following children:
MARIAH4 CLOSSON1 (daughter of James S. Closson Sr. and Elizabeth Mary Lindsey)
was born in 1817 in Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania. She died in 1885. She
married Zachariah Boocks on June 14, 18451.
MOSES L. CLOSSON1 (son of James S. Closson Sr. and Elizabeth Mary Lindsey) was
born in 1819 in Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania.
DAVID L. CLOSSON (son of James S. Closson Sr. and Elizabeth Mary Lindsey)1.
LOUISA S. CLOSSON1 (daughter of James S. Closson Sr. and Elizabeth Mary
Lindsey) was born on August 10, 1818 in Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania. She
died in 1884. She married (1) ? JENNINGS on August 23, 18381. She married (2)
MARTIN BOOCKS on April 27, 18421. He was born in 1819. He died in 1874. She
married (3) GEORGE DEAL after 1845.
JAMES SMITH CLOSSIN JR.52, 73 (son of James S. Closson Sr. and Elizabeth Mary
Lindsey) was born on April 21, 1821 in Hollidaysburg, Blair County, Pennsylvania1.
Generation 3 (con't)
Lindsey) was born on April 21, 1821 in Hollidaysburg, Blair County, Pennsylvania1.
He died on June 22, 1916 in Johnstown, Cambria County, Pennsylvania1. He
married Charlotte Amelia Slick (daughter of Jacob Slick and Esther Vickroy) on
December 03, 1847 in Wilmore, Croyle Township, Cambria County, Pennsylvania1.
She was born on September 05, 1827 in Bedford County, Pennsylvania1. She died
on August 29, 1906.
ALEXANDER N. CLOSSON (son of James S. Closson Sr. and Elizabeth Mary Lindsey)
was born in 1825 in Pennsylvania.
James S. Closson Sr. and Lydia Elizabeth ? had the following children:
SARAH MCKEE CLOSSON1 (daughter of James S. Closson Sr. and Lydia Elizabeth ?)
was born in 1837 in Pennsylvania. She married ROBERT MESSIMER.
viii. CHURCH COFFEE CLOSSON1 (son of James S. Closson Sr. and Lydia Elizabeth ?)
was born in 1839 in Pennsylvania.
WILLIAM3 CLOSSON (Peter2, Josiah1 Clawson)1 was born in 1783 in Pennsylvania. He died about
1860. He married MARY ?. She was born between 1775-1794.
Notes for William Closson:
In 1820, William was on the tax records and in the censys of Frankstown Township, Huntingdon
County, Pennsylvania.
From 1824 to 1833, William was on the tax records in Allegheny Township, Huntingdon County,
In 1846, William was on the tax records of Allegheny Township, Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania.
William Closson and Mary ? had the following children:
?4 CLOSSON1 (son of William Closson and Mary ?) was born between 1794-1802 in
Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania.
? CLOSSON1 (daughter of William Closson and Mary ?) was born between
1794-1804 in Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania.
? CLOSSON1 (son of William Closson and Mary ?) was born between 1802-1804 in
Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania.
? CLOSSON1 (daughter of William Closson and Mary ?) was born between
1804-1810 in Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania.
MARY ANN CLOSSON1 (daughter of William Closson and Mary ?) was born between
1804-1810 in Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania. She died about 1848. She married
Jesse Hulhollen in December 18371.
JOHN CLOSSON1, 74-75 (son of William Closson and Mary ?) was born in 1812 in
Bennington, Blair County, Pennsylvania76. He married (1) RACHEL BRUBAKER
(daughter of Jacob Brubaker and Catherine Duncan). She was born in 1810 in Blair
County, Pennsylvania. She died in August 1850 in Blair County, Pennsylvania. He
married (2) SUSAN PENROSE (daughter of Solomon Penrose and Catherine ?) after
1850. She was born on March 11, 1817 in Pennsylvania. She died on February 27,
1910 in Beryl, Blair County, Pennsylvania.
ELLEN CLOSSON1 (daughter of William Closson and Mary ?) was born in 1815 in
Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania. She married Henry Gibboney on December 28,
viii. JANE CLOSSON1 (daughter of William Closson and Mary ?) was born between
1811-1819. She married James Crowell on February 13, 18491.
ELIZABETH CLOSSON77 (daughter of William Closson and Mary ?) was born about
1827 in Altoona, Blair County, Pennsylvania77. She died on October 21, 1897 in
Beaver Falls, Beaver County, Pennsylvania77. She married David Dunkel about
1847 in Blair County, Pennsylvania77. He was born on November 02, 1824 in
Lancaster County, Pennsylvania77. He died on January 25, 1891 in Beaver Falls,
Beaver County, Pennsylvania77.
PETER3 CLOSSON JR. (Peter2, Josiah1 Clawson)1, 22 was born in 1784 in Pennsylvania. He died on
Generation 3 (con't)
PETER3 CLOSSON JR. (Peter2, Josiah1 Clawson)1, 22 was born in 1784 in Pennsylvania. He died on
December 18, 1873 in Portage, Cambria County, Pennsylvania. He married MARY ?. She was born
about 1787 in Pennsylvania22-23.
Notes for Peter Closson Jr.:
According to 1820 census, Peter was living in Frankstown Township, Huntingdon County,
According to 1830 and the censuses, Peter was on the tax records of Allegheny Township,
Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania.
In 1832 and 1833, Peter was living in Allegheny Township, Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania.
According to 1850 census, Peter was living in Summerhill Township, Cambria County,
According to 1860 census, Peter and his family were living in Wilmore, Croyle Township, Cambria
County, Pennsylvania.
Peter Closson Jr. and Mary ? had the following children:
ELIZABETH4 CLOSSON1 (daughter of Peter Closson Jr. and Mary ?) was born in 1812
in Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania. She died on September 27, 1879 in
Hollidaysburg, Blair County, Pennsylvania. She married FRANCIS SLICK. He was
born in 1810. He died on May 02, 1850.
MARGARET CLOSSON1 (daughter of Peter Closson Jr. and Mary ?) was born in 1818
in Cambria County, Pennsylvania78. She married PATRICK CULLEN. He was born in
1809 in Ireland1. He died on September 26, 18511.
MARY CLOSSON1, 79 (daughter of Peter Closson Jr. and Mary ?) was born in 1819 in
Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania. She married CAROLO DAVIS. He died about
CATHERINE CLOSSON1 (daughter of Peter Closson Jr. and Mary ?) was born in 1821
in Frankstown Township, Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania. She died on February
13, 1910 in Hollidaysburg, Blair County, Pennsylvania. She married Thomas
O'Brien in 18381. He was born in 1814 in Ireland. He died on December 01, 1860 in
Hollidaysburg, Blair County, Pennsylvania.
PETER CLOSSON23, 79 (son of Peter Closson Jr. and Mary ?) was born about 1823 in
Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania22. He died on December 12, 1905. He married
ELIZABETH WILLIAMS (daughter of James Pringle and Mary ?). She was born in
1837. She died about February 18, 1865.
ISABELLA CLOSSON22 (daughter of Peter Closson Jr. and Mary ?) was born in 1826 in
Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania22.
WILLIAM W. CLOSSON23 (son of Peter Closson Jr. and Mary ?) was born about 1829
in Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania22.
viii. JANE CLOSSON1 (daughter of Peter Closson Jr. and Mary ?) was born in 1831. She
married J. H. BENSON.
JAMES CLOSSON23 (son of Peter Closson Jr. and Mary ?) was born on March 31,
1840 in Pennsylvania80-81. He died before 1900. He married CELIA A KIEL (daughter
of Henry G. Kiel and Sarah Kern). She was born on April 06, 1844 in
? CLOSSON1 (daughter of Peter Closson Jr. and Mary ?) was born in Pennsylvania.
She married ? MITCHELL.
DAVID3 CLOSSON (Peter2, Josiah1 Clawson)1, 24 was born in 1785 in Pennsylvania24.
Notes for David Closson:
According to the 1850 Census, David was living in Allegheny Township, Blair County,
Pennsylvania. His son David and his family were living with him.
David Closson had the following children:
Generation 3 (con't)
ELIZA J. CLOSSON1 (daughter of David Closson) was born in 1818 in Pennsylvania.
She married SAMUEL BRUBAKER (son of Jacob Brubaker and Catherine Duncan). He
was born about 1817 in Pennsylvania82.
DAVID CLOSSON24, 83-84 (son of David Closson) was born on August 08, 1824 in
Pennsylvania. He died on April 18, 190385-86. He married Elizabeth Olinger about
18441. She was born on September 06, 1829 in Pennsylvania83, 86. She died in
1886 in Carson Valley, Blair County, Pennsylvania86.
(son of David Closson) was born between 1808-1812 in Pennsylvania.
JOSIAH3 CLOSSON (Peter2, Josiah1 Clawson)1 was born in 1790. He married Margaret Scott on
February 04, 1813 in Presbyterian Church, Huntington, Blair County, Pennsylvania25. She was
born in 1793 in Pennsylvania8. She died in 18728.
Notes for Josiah Closson:
In 1821, Josiah was on the census records for Tyrone Township, Huntingdon County,
Pennsylvania. He was listed as a farmer.
Josiah Closson and Margaret Scott had the following children:
CHARLOTTE4 CLOSSON (daughter of Josiah Closson and Margaret Scott)1. She
Notes for Charlotte Closson:
Charlotte died young.
MILLER CLOSSON1 (son of Josiah Closson and Margaret Scott) was born on
November 17, 1815. He died on April 17, 1848 in Charlottesville, Albemarle County,
Virginia. He married RACHAEL MCCAMANT.
THOMAS SCOTT CLOSSON1, 81, 87 (son of Josiah Closson and Margaret Scott) was
born on May 02, 1818 in Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania. He died on September
11, 1881. He married TEMPERANCE MEADVILLE (daughter of ? Meadville and ? ?).
She was born about 1820 in Virginia88.
MARGARET CLOSSON1 (daughter of Josiah Closson and Margaret Scott) was born in
1823. She married (1) MICHAEL D. REIDY. She married (2) JEROME HARRISON. He
was born in 1812 in Philadelphia, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania89.
ELIZABETH CLOSSON1 (daughter of Josiah Closson and Margaret Scott) was born in
182690. She married JAMES HAZLETT. He was born in Pennsylvania90.
MARTIN CLOSSON1, 24, 91 (son of Josiah Closson and Margaret Scott) was born in
1827 in Pennsylvania24. He died on September 02, 1865 in Victoria, Texas91. He
married ELIZABETH ?. She was born about 1825 in Pennsylvania24.
Notes for Martin Closson:
According to the 1850 Census, Martin and Elizabeth were living in Snyder
Township, Blair County, Pennsylvania.
ELIZABETH3 CLOSSON (Peter2, Josiah1 Clawson)1 was born on October 13, 1798 in Huntingdon
County, Pennsylvania. She died on May 15, 1866 in Cromwell Township, Huntingdon County,
Pennsylvania. She married DANIEL YOUNG HILEMAN (son of John Michael Hileman and Anna Maria
Young). He was born on September 24, 1799. He died on December 03, 1874.
Daniel Young Hileman and Elizabeth Closson had the following children:
MARY A.4 HILEMAN1 (daughter of Daniel Young Hileman and Elizabeth Closson) was
born in 1824 in Pennsylvania.
JOHN C. HILEMAN1 (son of Daniel Young Hileman and Elizabeth Closson) was born
in 1827 in Pennsylvania.
ELIZABETH HILEMAN1 (daughter of Daniel Young Hileman and Elizabeth Closson)
was born on October 05, 1829 in Pennsylvania.
JAMES HILEMAN1 (son of Daniel Young Hileman and Elizabeth Closson) was born on
February 04, 1832 in Frankstown Township, Blair County, Pennsylvania. He died on
Generation 3 (con't)
February 04, 1832 in Frankstown Township, Blair County, Pennsylvania. He died on
August 04, 1895 in Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania. He married (1) CAROLINE
MCCLURE (daughter of Andrew McClure). She was born in Alexandria, Huntingdon
County, Pennsylvania. She died in 186192. He married (2) MARTHA JANE MCCOY in
LUTHER HILEMAN1 (son of Daniel Young Hileman and Elizabeth Closson) was born
on January 29, 1834 in Pennsylvania.
BENJAMIN RICHARD3 CLAWSON (Richard2, Josiah1)3-4, 16 was born on August 27, 1781 in Huntingdon
County, Pennsylvania. He died on March 28, 1865 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania4, 27. He married (1) MARY DONAHEY (daughter of William Donahey and Mary
Caldwell) on February 21, 1811 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She was born on August 18,
1786 in Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania. She died on July 02, 1838 in Black Lick Township,
Indiana County, Pennsylvania27. He married (2) MARY HUFFMAN on December 01, 1838 in
Pennsylvania. She was born about 177927. She died on August 24, 184127.
Notes for Benjamin Richard Clawson:
For the 1807 tax record for Blacklick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania, Banjamin is listed
as a constable.
According to the 1820 census, Benjamin was living in Blacklick Township, Indiana County,
According to the 1830 census, Benjamin was living in Blacklick Township, Indiana County,
According to the 1840 census, Benjamin was living in Blacklick Township, Indiana County,
According to the 1850 census, Benjamin was living in Blacklick Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania. It appears that his wife has already died.
According to the 1860 Census, Benjamin was living in Blacklick Township, Indiana County,
Benjamin and Mary Huffman had no children.
Benjamin was a constable for Blacklick Township. He was appointed in 1806 and won the election
for that position on March 20, 1807.
This excerpt is from the book, "Indiana County, Her People, Past and Present"
CLAWSON. The Clawson Family of Indiana county has been settled here for over a century, and
its members in every generation have been respected and useful citizens, a credit to the
community and to the honored name they bear.
Benjamin Clawson, the first of the family in this part of the State, was born Aug. 27, 1781, in
Huntingdon county, Pa., son Richard and Sarah (Mitchell) Clawson. He grew to manhood there,
and came to western Pennsylvania when a young man, about the close of the eighteenth century,
crossing the Alleghenies and making a settlement in what is now Blacklick township, Indiana
county, then, however, a part of Westmoreland county. He became the owner of a large tract of
land in what was a that time a wilderness, and experienced the various phases of pioneer life. He
engaged in general farming and made what improvements he could upon his land, residing there
until his death, which occurred when he was past eighty years of age. He is buried in Hopewell
Church cemetery in Blacklick township. Mr. Clawson was twice married, the first time Feb. 21,
1811, to Mrs. Mary (Donahey) Lowers, widow of Robert Lowers, by which union there were six
children, born as follows: Richard B., Dec. 15, 1811; Mary, Nov. 16, 1814 (married Samuel
Bennett); Sarah, Sept. 10, 1816 (married John Clawson); William, Sept. 1, 1818 (died in infancy);
William (2), Oct. 6, 1819 (also died young); Benjamin, Oct. 10, 1824. After the death of his first
wife Mr. Clawson married, Dec. 1, 1838, Mary Huffman. There were no children by this marriage.
Generation 3 (con't)
Richard B. Clawson, eldest son of Benjamin and Mary Clawson, was born Dec. 15,1811. What
education he received was obtained in the subscription schools then conducted, but for only a few
months in the year. He grew to manhood I the township of his birth, and like his father made
farming his occupation, his industrious and frugal habits enabling him to add to his possessions
until he was on e of the largest land owners in this part of the county, having upward of a thousand
acres, part of which was in Green township. There his daughters and sons-in-laws settled. He
spent all his life in Blacklick township, dying there in June, 1896, and was buried in the family plot
in Hopewell cemetery. He was a member of the Hopewell M. E. Church, and in political belief a
Democrat. On Dec. 15, 1831, Mr. Clawson was married to Rachel Davis, whose ancestors were
natives of New England. She died in July, 1897, in Blacklick township, and is buried in Hopewell
cemetery. Seven children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Clawson: Benjamin, born July 11, 1833, is
mentioned below; Eunice, born Aug. 16, 1835, died Feb. 27, 1838; Mary Ann, born March 31,
1838, married John Donahey and settled in Green township, where she died; Silas, born July 22,
1840, died March 2, 1858, Gere, born July 31, 1847, is mentioned below; Rebecca, born March
8,1852, married Benjamin Donahey and resided in Green township; Cynthia, born March 25,1860,
died aged seventeen years.
Benjamin Clawson was born on the old Clawson homestead in Blacklick township and attended the
local public schools. Working with his father, who owned and operated over six hundred acres at
that time, he became thoroughly familiar with farm work and management, and after starting out for
himself became the owner of a tract of ? acres. He followed stock raising as well as general
farming, and made extensive improvements upon his property during hi active years, working hard
and prospering deservedly. His well-directed labors and intelligent attention to all the details of his
work placed him among the foremost farmers of his township, and few of its citizens have been
more thoroughly respected for substantial worth and useful lives. In the last few years he ahs
given up arduous work, enjoying the fruits of his early industry in comfortable retirement. He has
never taken any part in the public affairs of his locality, supporting the Democratic party but not
associating himself with any of its activities. However, he has been a leading member and worker
of the Hopewell M. E. Church, at present serving as trustee and superintendent of the Sunday
On Oct. 12, 1897, Mr. Clawson was united in marriage with Caroline Ferguson, a native of
Blacklick township, daughter of Elliott and Hulda (Clawson) Ferguson. They have had one child,
Anna Mary, born July 16, 1898, who graduated from the township school in 1912, and is now,
attending high school at Blairsville. Mrs. Clawson is also a member of the Hopewell M. E. Church.
She is noted in the neighborhood for her generous disposition and whole-souled nature, her good
deeds and kindliness making her generally beloved. Besides looking after her own family she
cares for two children of her deceased sister.
Gere Clawson, younger brother of Benjamin Clawson, was born July 31, 1847 on the Clawson
homestead, and received a public school education. He worked with his father until he reached
manhood. And when he commenced farming on his who account settled on a 300-acre tract near
Hopewell Church. Though he died in his early prime, Nov. 22. 1885, he had made remarkable
progress and was a prosperous farmer and stock raiser. Besides the place already mentioned, he
owned a second place of 150 acres on Steward's run, known as the Sutton farm, which he bought,
and which is now owned and operated his son Boyd. Mr. Clawson is interred in Hopewell
cemetery. He took no part in politics, though an interested member of the Democratic party, but he
was an earnest member of the Hopewell M. E. Church and a leader in all its activities, serving as
class leader and steward. He was a man of the highest moral character and strict integrity,
temperate in all his habits, and noted for his fidelity to every obligation. He married Feb. 26, 1874
at Livermore, Pa., Margaret Ellen Long, daughter of Jesse M. and Sarah (Smith) Long, and they
became the parents of six children, namely: Boyd is mentioned below; Benjamin Milton, born Nov.
14, 1876, is a farmer of Blacklick township; Jesse Knox, born Jan 10, 1879, is a farmer of Blacklick
township; George, born March 3, 1881, is a farmer in that township; Cynthia Augusta, born Nov. 4,
1882, married Wesley Cover; Rachel, born Aug. 14, 1884, is the wife of David Creamer. After the
death of Mr. Clawson his widow married Charles Creamer, son of Thompson Creamer, and by that
marriage had four children, born as follows: Zora, Nov. 13, 1890; William Kebler, Feb. 5, 1892,
Sarah Ann, April 16,1894: Mabel, Nov. 5, 1895.
Generation 3 (con't)
Boyd Clawson, son of Gere and Margaret Ellen (long) Clawson, was born on the homestead Dec.
3, 1874, and attended public school in the home locality. When his father died he was but eleven
years old, and he continued to live on the farm with his other until he reached the age of
seventeen, when he went to the home of his uncle Benjamin Clawson, on Steward's tun in
Blacklick township, passing the next three years there. Then married and settled on the Sutton
farm, tract of 10 acres which his father had bought and there he has had his home for the last
eighteen years. In addition to general farming he has engaged in stock raiding to some extent, and
since 1904 has been extensively interested in dairying, shipping his milk to Pittsburg. He built a
silo and has other modern arrangements for giving his stock proper care, having a fine herd of
Holstein which have proved very profitable. Mr. Clawson is up to date in his work, as the
successful dairyman of today must be, and his thrift and careful detail of his surroundings. He is a
good citizen, interesting himself in the general welfare, has served his township as school director
for five years, and is a valued member of the Presbyterian Church in which he has served as
trustee for fifteen years. In politics he is a Republican, present favoring Progressive principles.
On Dec. 20, 1894, Mr. Clawson married Mary Alice Fritz, a native of Blacklick township, daughter
of Conrad Fritz, and they have two children, Blair Fritz and Will Gere. Mrs. Clawson is a woman of
high accomplishments, a talented musician and successful music teacher.
Benjamin Richard Clawson and Mary Donahey had the following children:
RICHARD BENJAMIN4 CLAWSON6 (son of Benjamin Richard Clawson and Mary
Donahey) was born on December 15, 1811 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania. He died on June 22, 1897 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania50. He married Rachel Davis (daughter of Silas Davis and Eunice
Geer) on December 31, 1831 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania. She was born on April 01, 1813 in Connecticut3. She died on July 09,
1897 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania93.
MARY CLAWSON42 (daughter of Benjamin Richard Clawson and Mary Donahey) was
born on October 17, 1814 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania27.
She died on September 05, 1884 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania1. She married
Samuel Bennett (son of Nathan Bennett and Huldah Nichols) about 1840 in Black
Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania12. He was born on March 19, 1814 in
New York or Massachusetts. He died on August 05, 1881 in Black Lick Township,
Indiana County, Pennsylvania94.
SARAH CLAWSON16, 54, 95 (daughter of Benjamin Richard Clawson and Mary
Donahey) was born on September 10, 1816 in Black Lick Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania54. She died on February 26, 1892. She married John B.
Clawson (son of John Clawson and Elizabeth Wincher) on January 10, 1853 in
Young Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania16. He was born in 1811 in
Pennsylvania54. He died on March 23, 1868 in West Wheatfield Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania55.
WILLIAM CLAWSON (son of Benjamin Richard Clawson and Mary Donahey) was born
on September 01, 1818 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He
died in 1818 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
Notes for William Clawson:
William died in infancy.
WILLIAM CLAWSON (son of Benjamin Richard Clawson and Mary Donahey) was born
on October 06, 1819. He died between 1819-1820.
Notes for William Clawson:
William died young.
BENJAMIN CLAWSON (son of Benjamin Richard Clawson and Mary Donahey) was
born on October 10, 1824 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
He died on March 28, 1865.
Generation 3 (con't)
Notes for Benjamin Clawson:
Benjamin could also have been born on 10/10/1824.
REBECCA3 CLAWSON (Richard2, Josiah1)6 was born in 1783 in Pennsylvania6. She died in 18711.
She married Joseph B. Repine in 1817. He was born in 1783 in Pennsylvania6. He died about
September 1864 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania1.
Notes for Rebecca Clawson:
According to the 1850 census, Rebecca and Joseph were living in Blacklick Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania.
Notes for Joseph B. Repine:
According to the 1850 census, Joseph and his family were living in Blacklick Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania. Eveline Clawson was also living them. Her parents were John B. Clawson
and Mary Williams.
According to the 1860 Census, Joseph and his family were living in Blacklick Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania.
Joseph B. Repine and Rebecca Clawson had the following children:
DANIEL4 REPINE49 (son of Joseph B. Repine and Rebecca Clawson) was born on
June 10, 1812 in Burrell Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He died on April
24, 1892 in Burrell Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He married Abigail
Davis (daughter of Silas Davis and Eunice Geer) on August 29, 1833 in Black Lick
Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania49. She was born on July 02, 1817 in Black
Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She died on February 12, 1884 in
Burrell Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
JOSEPH CLAUSSEN REPINE96-97 (son of Joseph B. Repine and Rebecca Clawson)
was born on June 17, 1817 in Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania97. He died on
March 16, 1864 in Rock Island County, Illinois97. He married MARY JANE CARNES.
She was born in 1822 in Pennsylvania97. She died after 190997.
RICHARD REPINE1, 3 (son of Joseph B. Repine and Rebecca Clawson) was born in
1821. He died in September 1857. He married Rachael Ann Weir (daughter of John
Weir and Elizabeth Thompson) in 18461. She was born in March 1824 in
Pennsylvania93. She died on November 10, 1905 in Johnstown, Cambria County,
ELLIS REPINE6 (son of Joseph B. Repine and Rebecca Clawson) was born about
1822 in Pennsylvania6.
REBECCA JANE REPINE8 (daughter of Joseph B. Repine and Rebecca Clawson) was
born in 1825 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania12.
RICHARD MILTON3 CLAWSON JR. (Richard2, Josiah1)15 was born in 1788 in Frankstown Township,
Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania. He died in July 1858 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania12. He
married (1) NANCY DONAHEY (daughter of William Donahey and Mary Caldwell) in 18171. She was
born about 1795 in Pennsylvania. She died in October 1859 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania1. He
married (2) THANKFUL GEER.
Notes for Richard Milton Clawson Jr.:
According to the 1820 census, Richard was living in Blacklick Township, Indiana County,
According to the 1830 census, Richard was living in Blacklick Township, Indiana County,
According to the 1850 census, Richard and his family were living in Blacklick Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania.
According to the 1850 census, there was a Robert Clawson (age 10) and Nancy Clawson (age 12)
staying with them. Do not know who their parents were.
Richard Milton Clawson Jr. and Nancy Donahey had the following children:
Generation 3 (con't)
MARY CLAWSON36, 43 (daughter of Richard Milton Clawson Jr. and Nancy Donahey)
was born in 1813 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania12. She died
on November 28, 1885 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She married Archibald
Kelly (step son of Archibald Kelly and Elsie Clawson) in 18369. He was born in July
1809 in Pennsylvania44. He died on March 06, 19019.
JANE CLAWSON (daughter of Richard Milton Clawson Jr. and Nancy Donahey) was
born in Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She married JOHN MCCLARIN.
CHARLOTTE CLAWSON52 (daughter of Richard Milton Clawson Jr. and Nancy
Donahey) was born in 1820 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania98. She died on August
21, 1853 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania1. She married (1) T.
MCNEAL. He was born about 181099. She married (2) JOHN HOLLIS about 1846. He
was born in 1820 in Pennsylvania100-101.
BENJAMIN FRANKLIN CLAWSON102 (son of Richard Milton Clawson Jr. and Nancy
Donahey) was born on February 02, 1820 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania52. He died on July 13, 1889 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania12. He married (1) THANKFULL HARRIS DAVIS (daughter of Silas Davis
and Eunice Geer) on March 31, 1841 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania. She was born on December 20, 1825 in Black Lick Township,
Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She died on January 28, 1859 in Black Lick
Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania12. He married (2) MARGARET HELEN
FERGUSON (daughter of David Ferguson and Mary Ann Davis) on July 28, 1859 in
Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania52. She was born on April 29,
1825 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania52. She died on January
31, 1894 in Near Dixonville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania52, 103.
RICHARD R. CLAWSON12 (son of Richard Milton Clawson Jr. and Nancy Donahey)
was born on May 01, 1822 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania27.
He died on October 15, 1885 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania. He married (1) MALINDA BENNETT (daughter of Nathan Bennett and
Huldah Nichols) about 1850 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania12. She was born on August 05, 1830 in Black Lick Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania. She died on December 15, 1859 in Black Lick Township,
Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He married (2) ELIZA J. KINTER (daughter of John
Kinter and Margaret Riddle) after 1859 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania12. She was born on January 21, 1839 in Pennsylvania1. She died on
September 27, 1902 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania27.
ANNA CLAWSON12, 42 (daughter of Richard Milton Clawson Jr. and Nancy Donahey)
was born on June 09, 1825 in Dixonville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania52. She died
on January 16, 1895 in Dixonville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania12. She married
Jacob R. Cribbs (son of John M. Cribbs and Sarah Jane Cribbs) on June 12, 1845
in Dixonville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania104. He was born on January 15, 1820 in
Livermore, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania52. He died on April 25, 1903 in
Reynoldsville, Jefferson County, Pennsylvania52.
viii. ELLIS CLAWSON (son of Richard Milton Clawson Jr. and Nancy Donahey) was born
in 1827 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania6. He died before 1880105. He married
NANCY MCINTOSH (daughter of ? McIntosh and Nancy ?). She was born in 1831 in
Ohio6. She died in 18961.
CLAWSON (daughter of Richard Milton Clawson Jr. and Nancy Donahey)
was born about 1811 in Pennsylvania6. She died between 1860-1870. She married
ADAM CLAWSON (son of Josiah Clawson and Jane Miller). He was born about 1810
in Pennsylvania6.
ROSS CLAWSON6 (son of Richard Milton Clawson Jr. and Nancy Donahey) was born
in 1832 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania6. He died on September 06, 1898 in
Johnstown, Cambria County, Pennsylvania12. He married (1) LAURA ?. He married
(2) RACHAEL ANN WEIR (daughter of John Weir and Elizabeth Thompson) after
1855. She was born in March 1824 in Pennsylvania93. She died on November 10,
1905 in Johnstown, Cambria County, Pennsylvania93.
Generation 3 (con't)
Josiah1)28 was born in 1790 in Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania.
She died on August 13, 1871 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania29. She married (1) DANIEL REPINE
about 182012. He was born about 1790 in Pennsylvania12. He died after 1870. She married (2)
DANIEL REPINE. He was born about 1775 in Pennsylvania28. He died before 1860 in Indiana
County, Pennsylvania28.
Notes for Rachel Clawson:
According to the 1850 census, Rachel and Daniel were living in White Township, Indiana County,
Daniel Repine and Rachel Clawson had the following children:
JAMES S.4 REPINE1, 28 (son of Daniel Repine and Rachel Clawson) was born in 1815
in Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He died before 190028. He married Margaret Kerr
on April 16, 1845 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania28. She was born on October 23,
1825 in Pennsylvania28. She died on June 23, 1900 in Pittsburgh, Allegheny
County, Pennsylvania28.
RACHEL REPINE1, 28 (daughter of Daniel Repine and Rachel Clawson) was born in
1827 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania28. She died on March 17, 1885 in Indiana,
Indiana County, Pennsylvania106. She married Foster Davis on November 24, 1857
in Indiana County, Pennsylvania28, 107. He was born about 182528.
Notes for Rachel Repine:
According to the 1850 Census, Rachel was living with her parents.
JOHN REPINE12 (son of Daniel Repine and Rachel Clawson) was born in 1830 in
Indiana County, Pennsylvania1. He died after 1870. He married MARGARET ?.
CORDELIA REPINE1 (daughter of Daniel Repine and Rachel Clawson) was born in
1834 in Pennsylvania.
Daniel Repine and Rachel Clawson had the following children:
RICHARD4 REPINE28 (son of Daniel Repine and Rachel Clawson) was born in 1819 in
Indiana County, Pennsylvania28. He died in 1899 in Indiana County,
Pennsylvania28. He married (1) AMELIA MARIAH KIMPLE. She was born about 1825 in
Pennsylvania28. He married (2) SARAH C. MCCOMBS. She was born in 1834 in
JOHN REPINE28, 108-109 (son of Daniel Repine and Rachel Clawson) was born in 1828
in Indiana County, Pennsylvania28. He died on January 20, 1904 in Burrell
Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania28. He married MARGARET MCCOMBS. She
was born in 1844 in Pennsylvania28.
CORDELIA REPINE28 (daughter of Daniel Repine and Rachel Clawson) was born in
January 1835 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania28. She died on March 16, 1907 in
Indiana County, Pennsylvania28. She married (1) ? MCNEAL in 185328. He was born
in 1828 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania28. He died before 186028. She married (2)
DANIEL CAMERON on November 17, 186428. He was born on December 05, 1825 in
Indiana County, Pennsylvania28. He died on February 15, 1885 in Uniontown,
Indiana County, Pennsylvania28.
JAMES S. REPINE1, 28 (son of Daniel Repine and Rachel Clawson) was born in 1815
in Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He died before 190028. He married Margaret Kerr
on April 16, 1845 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania28. She was born on October 23,
1825 in Pennsylvania28. She died on June 23, 1900 in Pittsburgh, Allegheny
County, Pennsylvania28.
RACHEL REPINE1, 28 (daughter of Daniel Repine and Rachel Clawson) was born in
1827 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania28. She died on March 17, 1885 in Indiana,
Indiana County, Pennsylvania106. She married Foster Davis on November 24, 1857
in Indiana County, Pennsylvania28, 107. He was born about 182528.
Notes for Rachel Repine:
According to the 1850 Census, Rachel was living with her parents.
RUTH ANN3 CLAWSON (Richard2, Josiah1) was born in 1792 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She
Generation 3 (con't)
RUTH ANN3 CLAWSON (Richard2, Josiah1) was born in 1792 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She
died after 1870. She married John Repine about 182012. He was born about 1795 in White
Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania12. He died about February 19, 1846 in Black Lick
Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania30.
Notes for Ruth Ann Clawson:
According to the 1850 census, Ruth and her family were living in Blacklick Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania.
John Repine and Ruth Ann Clawson had the following children:
BOWDEN4 REPINE30 (son of John Repine and Ruth Ann Clawson) was born about
1816 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania6. He married ELIZA ?.
She was born about 1820 in Pennsylvania.
MARY REPINE (daughter of John Repine and Ruth Ann Clawson)1. She married ?
MARIAH REPINE30 (daughter of John Repine and Ruth Ann Clawson) was born in
Pennsylvania. She married MATHEW CANEDAY.
MARGARET REPINE6 (daughter of John Repine and Ruth Ann Clawson) was born
about 1824 in Pennsylvania6. She married ? KELLY.
DANIEL REPINE30 (son of John Repine and Ruth Ann Clawson) was born about 1826
in Pennsylvania6. He died in September 18541.
THOMAS REPINE30 (son of John Repine and Ruth Ann Clawson) was born about
1830 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania6. He married Ann M. ?
about 18621.
SAMUEL C.3 CLAWSON (Richard2, Josiah1) was born in 1797 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He
died in October 1851 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He married (1) SARAH
BENNETT about 1830. She was born in 1789 in Pennsylvania6. He married (2) SARAH ANN
DONAHEY (daughter of William Donahey and Mary Caldwell) about 1823 in Black Lick Township,
Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She was born about 1800 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania12. She
died in October 1846 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania1. He married (3) SARAH MOOREHEAD about
1830. She was born on March 15, 178931. She died on December 04, 1871 in Indiana County,
Notes for Samuel C. Clawson:
According to the 1830 census, Samuel was living in Blacklick Township, Indiana County,
According to the 1850 census, David and his family were living in Blacklick Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania.
Notes for Sarah Bennett:
According to the 1850 census, Sarah was living in Blacklick Township, Indiana County,
Samuel C. Clawson and Sarah Bennett had the following children:
RUTH4 CLAWSON42 (daughter of Samuel C. Clawson and Sarah Bennett) was born
on January 16, 1830 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She died on February 12,
1903 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania27. She married George Thompson (son of
John Thompson and Eleanor Davis) about 1848. He was born on August 26, 1812
in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He died on January 30,
1873 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
MARY ELIZABETH CLAWSON12 (daughter of Samuel C. Clawson and Sarah Bennett)
was born in 1832 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania6. She died
in 1880 in Arlington, Kingsbury County, South Dakota. She married Nathan Geer
Bennett (son of John Bennett and Marie Davis) about 1852 in Pennsylvania12. He
was born in May 1828 in Pennsylvania. He died in 1904 in Cresswell Township,
Lane County, Oregon.
MARGARET CLAWSON6 (daughter of Samuel C. Clawson and Sarah Bennett) was
born on February 10, 1834 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania110-111. She died on May
Generation 3 (con't)
born on February 10, 1834 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania110-111. She died on May
10, 1912110-111. She married Joseph Ferguson (son of James Ferguson II and
Margaret Devinney) on October 13, 1853 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania112. He
was born on March 24, 1831 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania113. He died on March
04, 1904 in Jacksonville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania113.
RACHEL CLAWSON6 (daughter of Samuel C. Clawson and Sarah Bennett) was born
in 1838 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania6. She married ? TAYLOR.
HULDA CLAWSON6 (daughter of Samuel C. Clawson and Sarah Bennett) was born
on January 31, 1840 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania114. She died on January 21,
1900 in Lewisville, Pennsylvania114. She married Elliott Ferguson (son of David
Ferguson and Mary Ann Davis) in 1864 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania115. He was
born on March 24, 1830 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania114.
He died on September 02, 1896 in Lewisville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania114.
? CLAWSON (child of Samuel C. Clawson and Sarah Bennett) was born in 1841.
Samuel C. Clawson and Sarah Ann Donahey had the following children:
viii. RICHARD SAMUEL CLAWSON (son of Samuel C. Clawson and Sarah Ann Donahey)
was born in 1824 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He died on November 26, 1862
in Indiana County, Pennsylvania1. He married Eleanora Davis (daughter of David
Davis and Jane Hunter) in 184412. She was born on March 03, 1827 in
MARY CLAWSON42 (daughter of Samuel C. Clawson and Sarah Ann Donahey) was
born on August 07, 1825 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
She died on October 29, 1898 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania. She married James Davis (son of David Davis and Jane Hunter) in
April 1852. He was born on January 20, 1823 in Black Lick Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania. He died on June 27, 1900 in Black Lick Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania.
SARAH CLAWSON42 (daughter of Samuel C. Clawson and Sarah Ann Donahey) was
born on July 08, 1827 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She
died on May 25, 1895 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania117.
She married Samuel Thompson (son of John Thompson and Eleanor Davis) on
September 29, 1853 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania112. He was born on
November 28, 1818 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He died
in 1896 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
NANCY CLAWSON6 (daughter of Samuel C. Clawson and Sarah Ann Donahey) was
born on July 06, 1823 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She
died on April 20, 1905 in Blairsville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She married
David Thompson (son of John Thompson and Eleanor Davis) on June 23, 1842116.
He was born on January 24, 1815 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania27. He died on November 21, 1867 in Black Lick Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania.
Notes for Sarah Moorehead:
According to the 1870 Census, Sarah was living with her son, Joseph, in Blacklick Township,
Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
ROSS3 CLAWSON (Richard2, Josiah1) was born in 1798 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania. He died on December 29, 1828 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania. He married Laura Davis (daughter of Silas Davis and Eunice Geer) about 1820 in
Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She was born on January 17, 1806 in
Warrensburg, Warren, New York.
Ross Clawson and Laura Davis had the following children:
RICHARD4 CLAWSON118 (son of Ross Clawson and Laura Davis) was born about
1826 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania118. He died after 1880.
He married HANNAH KIER (daughter of David Kier and Jane Laughlin). She was born
in 1825119.
EUNICE CLAWSON (daughter of Ross Clawson and Laura Davis) was born in Black
Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She married SAMUEL DIXON.
Generation 3 (con't)
was born in 18007. She died before 1831. She married JOHN
MCNEIL. He was born about 1796 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania32.
Notes for John McNeil:
John last name is also spelled McNeal.
John McNeil and Jane Clawson had the following children:
ELISA4 MCNEEL (daughter of John McNeil and Jane Clawson)38. She married DAVID
SARAH MCNEEL38 (daughter of John McNeil and Jane Clawson) was born on June
28, 1821 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania1. She died on February 17, 18531. She
RICHARD MCNEEL38 (son of John McNeil and Jane Clawson) was born in 18241.
JANE MCNEEL38 (daughter of John McNeil and Jane Clawson) was born in 18261.
SARAH3 CLAWSON (Richard2, Josiah1)15 was born on April 15, 1800 in Black Lick Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania27. She died on May 17, 187627. She married William B. Donahey (son of
William Donahey and Mary Caldwell) about 1821 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania12. He was born on July 20, 1797 in Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania27. He died
on July 30, 1878 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania27.
Notes for William B. Donahey:
According to the 1850 census, William and his family were living in Blacklick Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania.
According to the 1860 Census, William and his family were living in Blacklick Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania. Rebecca, Sarah, and Ellis were still at home.
William B. Donahey and Sarah Clawson had the following children:
SAMUEL C.4 DONAHEY120-121 (son of William B. Donahey and Sarah Clawson) was
born on February 06, 1822 in Young Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania1. He
died on December 24, 19071. He married Lavinia Clawson on March 05, 1846 in
Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She was born on July 15, 1825. She died in 189727.
ANDREW DONAHEY120 (son of William B. Donahey and Sarah Clawson) was born
about 1825 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania6. He married
NANCY ?. She was born about 1830 in Pennsylvania6.
RICHARD DONAHEY120 (son of William B. Donahey and Sarah Clawson) was born in
WILLIAM P. DONAHEY6 (son of William B. Donahey and Sarah Clawson) was born in
1827 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania6. He died on June 02,
1862 in Battle of Fair Oaks, Virginia122. He married Mary Ann ? before 1850. She
was born on January 22, 1838 in Pennsylvania27. She died on May 27, 186727.
BENJAMIN DONAHEY42, 120 (son of William B. Donahey and Sarah Clawson) was born
about 1831 in Pennsylvania36. He married MATILDA ?. She was born about 1833 in
JANE DONAHEY6 (daughter of William B. Donahey and Sarah Clawson) was born
about 1832 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania6.
JOSEPH R. DONAHEY6 (son of William B. Donahey and Sarah Clawson) was born on
September 13, 1833 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania27. He
died on November 20, 187327. He married CHARLOTTE ?. She was born on April 30,
184227. She died on July 03, 187527.
viii. MARY ANN DONAHEY120 (daughter of William B. Donahey and Sarah Clawson) was
born on January 20, 183827. She died on May 25, 186727. She married ? DIXON.
ROSS DONAHEY6 (son of William B. Donahey and Sarah Clawson) was born about
1838 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania6.
REBECCA DONAHEY6 (daughter of William B. Donahey and Sarah Clawson) was
born about 1840 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania6. She
married Samuel D. Dixon on February 25, 1867 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania123.
Generation 3 (con't)
(daughter of William B. Donahey and Sarah Clawson) was born
about 1842 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania6.
ELLIS C. DONAHEY6, 42 (son of William B. Donahey and Sarah Clawson) was born
about 1845 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania6.
HANNAH3 CLAWSON (Richard2, Josiah1)15 was born about 1805 in Black Lick Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania. She died about 1831 in Blairsville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She
married James D. Donahey (son of William Donahey and biological son of Mary Caldwell) in 1822
in Pennsylvania18. He was born on September 20, 1802 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania27. He
died on December 27, 1881 in Burrell Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania27.
Notes for James D. Donahey:
According to the 1850 census, James and his family were living in Blacklick Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania.
James D. Donahey and Hannah Clawson had the following children:
ELIZABETH4 DONAHEY3, 42 (daughter of James D. Donahey and Hannah Clawson)
was born about 1820 in Pennsylvania42. She died before 188015.
Notes for Elizabeth Donahey:
According to the 1860 Census, Elizabeth was living with her brother William in
Blacklick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
MARY DONAHEY42 (daughter of James D. Donahey and Hannah Clawson) was born
on May 30, 1823 in Blairsville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania12. She died on July 24,
1898 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania27. She married Hugh Rager (son of John
Rager and Agnes Junkins) about 1844 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He was
born on January 18, 1821 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania12. He died on December
08, 1892 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania27.
RICHARD C. DONAHEY15, 124-125 (son of James D. Donahey and Hannah Clawson)
was born on September 15, 1823 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania19. He died on December 25, 1878 in Near Clarksburg, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania19. He married Nancy Ann Duffy in 1848120. She was born in
1830126. She died on January 29, 1873 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania126.
WILLIAM JAY DONAHEY15, 127-130 (son of James D. Donahey and Hannah Clawson)
was born on September 23, 1825 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania52. He died on September 22, 1889 in Green Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania131. He married Margaret Davis (daughter of David Davis and
Jane Hunter) on March 03, 184852. She was born on February 22, 1829 in Black
Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania3. She died on July 31, 1900 in Green
Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania131.
? DONAHEY (daughter of James D. Donahey and Hannah Clawson)3. She died
before 188015.
? DONAHEY (son of James D. Donahey and Hannah Clawson)3. He died before
? DONAHEY (child of James D. Donahey and Hannah Clawson)3. ? died before
JONATHAN3 CLAWSON (Josiah2, Josiah1)7 was born between 1790-1795 in Huntingdon County,
Pennsylvania1. He died between 1820-1830 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He married Sarah
Moorehead in 1805 in Pennsylvania18. She was born on March 15, 178931. She died on December
04, 1871 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania31.
Notes for Jonathan Clawson:
According to the 1820 census, Jonathan was living in Blacklick Township, Indiana County,
Notes for Sarah Moorehead:
According to the 1870 Census, Sarah was living with her son, Joseph, in Blacklick Township,
Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
Jonathan Clawson and Sarah Moorehead had the following children:
Generation 3 (con't)
CLAWSON7, 42 (son of Jonathan Clawson and Sarah Moorehead) was
born on July 28, 1813 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania31. He died on December 06,
1887 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania31. He married Leah M. Repine (daughter of
George Repine) on October 22, 183831. She was born on September 16, 1816 in
Indiana County, Pennsylvania31. She died on July 28, 1882 in Indiana County,
GEORGE WASHINGTON CLAWSON7 (son of Jonathan Clawson and Sarah Moorehead)
was born in 1815 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He died
on June 12, 1897 in West Wheatfield Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania50.
He married Lavina Jane Cribbs (daughter of John M. Cribbs and Sarah Jane
Cribbs) on December 22, 1842104. She was born on April 13, 1824 in West
Wheatfield Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania132. She died on September 07,
ELIZABETH JANE CLAWSON7 (daughter of Jonathan Clawson and Sarah Moorehead)
was born in 1816 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She died
on May 22, 1848 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania31. She
married George Thompson (son of John Thompson and Eleanor Davis) about 1839.
He was born on August 26, 1812 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania. He died on January 30, 1873 in Black Lick Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania.
JONATHAN CLAWSON7 (son of Jonathan Clawson and Sarah Moorehead) was born
on January 02, 1825 in Blairsville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania1. He died on April
04, 1892 in Burrell Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania133. He married (1)
REBECCA ANN REPINE (daughter of Daniel Repine and Abigail Davis) on September
29, 1853 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania49. She was born on May 20, 1834 in
Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She died on April 27, 1872 in
Burrell Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He married (2) MARY ?. She was
born about 1828 in Pennsylvania134.
SARAH CLAWSON7 (daughter of Jonathan Clawson and Sarah Moorehead) was born
in 1826 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She died in 184718. She married ADAM
L. 4
ROBERT C.3 CLAWSON (Josiah2, Josiah1)15 was born about 1795 in Huntingdon County,
Pennsylvania33. He died in 1860. He married Jane Donahey (daughter of William Donahey and
Mary Caldwell) in 1816 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania8. She was born about 1798 in
Pennsylvania33. She died after 1870.
Notes for Robert C. Clawson:
According to the 1850 and 1860 censuses, Robert was living in Center and Cherryhill Townships of
Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
Robert C. Clawson and Jane Donahey had the following children:
HIRAM4 CLAWSON33 (son of Robert C. Clawson and Jane Donahey) was born in
1820 in Blairsville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania8. He died on October 02, 1904 in
Lemonweir, Juneau County, Wisconsin135. He married Genevieve McLaughlin
(daughter of John McLaughlin and Mary McLaughlin) in July 1849 in Indiana
County, Pennsylvania. She was born in 1827 in County Tyrone, Ireland8. She died
in 1908 in Lemonweir, Juneau County, Wisconsin.
JOSIAH CLAWSON33, 136-137 (son of Robert C. Clawson and Jane Donahey) was born
about 1824 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania12. He died about 1889 in Jefferson
County, Pennsylvania1. He married Christiana A. McQuown (daughter of David
McQuown and ? ?) in July 1849 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She was born on
October 23, 1830 in Punxsutawney, Jefferson County, Pennsylvania8. She died
after 1908 in Pennsylvania.
JANE CLAWSON33 (daughter of Robert C. Clawson and Jane Donahey) was born
about 1827 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
ADAM C. CLAWSON8, 138 (son of Robert C. Clawson and Jane Donahey) was born in
April 1827 in Pennsylvania138. He died on July 22, 1909 in Mauston, Juneau
Generation 3 (con't)
April 1827 in Pennsylvania138. He died on July 22, 1909 in Mauston, Juneau
County, Wisconsin. He married MARY R. ?. She was born in October 1828 in
ROBERT CLAWSON33, 139-140 (son of Robert C. Clawson and Jane Donahey) was born
about 1829 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania140. He died on August 15, 1893 in
White Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania50. He married Hannah Catherine
Stahl (daughter of John Peter Stahl and Catherine Kratzer) about 1861 in Indiana
County, Pennsylvania. She was born on February 12, 1833 in Miles Township,
Centre County, Pennsylvania. She died on March 10, 1915 in Indiana County,
WILLIAM CALDWELL CLAWSON15, 33 (son of Robert C. Clawson and Jane Donahey)
was born about 1830 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania141. He died on September
08, 1906 in Pennsylvania142. He married Catherine Wike (daughter of David Wike
and biological daughter of Sarah Coulter) in Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She
was born on November 14, 1846 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania141. She died on
November 07, 1930 in Belsano, Cambria County, Pennsylvania141.
MARGARET CLAWSON33 (daughter of Robert C. Clawson and Jane Donahey) was
born about 1834 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
viii. JONATHAN CLAWSON33, 136 (son of Robert C. Clawson and Jane Donahey) was born
in March 1837 in Jacksonville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He died on June 14,
1902 in Clayville, Jefferson County, Pennsylvania. He married Mary McQuown
about 1857 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She was born on May 03, 1838 in
Punxsutawney, Jefferson County, Pennsylvania. She died on December 01, 1911 in
Punxsutawney, Jefferson County, Pennsylvania143.
SAMUEL CLAWSON33, 139 (son of Robert C. Clawson and Jane Donahey) was born in
1838 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania139. He died on December 29, 1924139. He
married JANE GIBSON. She was born about 1836 in Pennsylvania144. She died on
December 03, 1909 in Pine Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania139.
Notes for Samuel Clawson:
According to the 1880 Census, Samuel and Jane were living in Pine Township,
Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
ANDERSON CLAWSON138-139, 145 (son of Robert C. Clawson and Jane Donahey) was
born in December 1839 in Pennsylvania138. He died about 1919 in Mauston,
Juneau County, Wisconsin146. He married Phoebe McLaughlin (daughter of John
McLaughlin and Mary McLaughlin) about 1860 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania138.
She was born in June 1841 in Pennsylvania138.
PLEASANT CLAWSON15, 33, 147 (daughter of Robert C. Clawson and Jane Donahey)
was born in May 1841 in Cherryhill Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania1. She
died on November 12, 1912 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania139. She married
George Wike (son of David Wike and biological son of Sarah Coulter) on October
22, 1862 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania139, 148-149. He was born on April 22, 1841
in Indiana County, Pennsylvania1. He died on October 11, 1902 in Indiana County,
MARY A. CLAWSON33 (daughter of Robert C. Clawson and Jane Donahey) was born
about 1842 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She married Jonathan W. Gibson on
February 07, 1861151.
MARGARET3 CLAWSON (Josiah2, Josiah1)6 was born in 1798 in Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania.
She married Jerome Harrison after 1821.
Notes for Margaret Clawson:
According to the 1850 census, Margaret was living with her parents.
Margaret was never married.
Notes for Jerome Harrison:
Biographical and Portrait Cyclopedia of Blair Co, PA: Samuel T. Wiley, Philadelphia, 1892
Generation 3 (con't)
a resident of near Tipton, and one of the old and substantial farmers of
Blair county, is the sixth child and third son of George and Sabina (Devlin)
Ermine, and was born in Sinking valley, Blair county, Pennsylvania, February
22, 1820. George Ermine was a resident for many years of Sinking valley, in
which he died at the advanced age of eighty-one years in 1866. He learned,
in early life, the trade of blacksmith, which he followed to some extent, but
gave the most of his time to farming, in which he took considerable
interest. He was Jacksonian democrat in politics, and had been for many
years before his death a consistent and useful member of the Catholic
church. He married Sabina Devlin, a native of Sinking valley, and who died
in 1863, when in the seventy-fifth year of her age. To them were born ten
children, six sons and four daughters: John, Maria, Eleanor, Lucy A.,
Matthew, Sylvester, George, Aaron, Catherine A., and Martine D. These
children are all dead except Sylvester, the subject of this sketch, and
George, who is engaged in farming in Sinking valley.
Sylvester Ermine grew to manhood in Sinking valley, and was carefully
trained in all of the operations and details of farming. He received his
education in the last old subscription and the first of the common schools,
and commenced life for himself as a teamster at Allegheny furnace. In a
short time he left teaming to remove near Fostoria, where he was engaged in
farming until 1865, when he purchased his present farm near Tipton. His
farm, which lays well and is very productive, consists of one hundred and
thirty-three acres of well improved land.
Sylvester Ermine married Eleanor Harrison, and to their union were born
eight children, four sons and four daughters: John H., who married Nancy
McFarland, and is a butcher and stock speculator at Tyrone; Alice Emma,
deceased: Thomas F., a teamster at Tyrone, who married Mary Glasgow; Lulu
wife of William Fuoss, a miller of near Tyrone; Irene, now dead: W. Murray
of Bellwood, married Bertha B. Reilly, and is a trainmaster on the
Pennsylvania & Northwestern railroad; Florence E., and George S. Mrs.
Eleanor Ermine is a daughter of Jerome and a granddaughter of Capt. John
Harrison, the latter of whom was a native of Philadelphia, and became a
pioneer settler of Logan valley, where he owned several large tracts of
land. He was a whig and married and reared a family of eight children:
James, Jerome, John, Hamilton, Mary, Elizabeth, Rachel, and Lucy. Jerome
Harrison (father of Mrs. Ermine) was born in 1812 in Philadelphia, where he
was reared and educated. He came with his father to Blair county, but soon
returned Philadelphia, where he learned the trade of coachmaker, after which
he returned to Blair county and settled near Birmingham. He was an old-line
whig, followed coachmaking, and was for many years a deacon in the Methodist
Episcopal church. He was twice married. His first wife was Nancy Stephens,
by whom he had three children: Thomas, Eleanor, and Alice. By his second
wife, Margaret Clawson, daughter of Josiah Clawson, he had one child
Sylvester Ermine is a democrat in politics, and has cast his ballot for
all the democratic candidates for president from James K. Polk, in 1844, down
to Grover Cleveland, in 1888.
Thomas Harrison served in the Mexican war, and has for the past
twenty-eight years been located in Salt Lake City, Utah, and Alaska, in the
mining of gold and silver.
Jerome Harrison and Margaret Clawson had the following child:
SYLVESTER4 HARRISON (son of Jerome Harrison and Margaret Clawson)89.
RICHARD C.3 CLAWSON SR. (Josiah2, Josiah1)12 was born in 1806 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
He died on July 11, 1875 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He married (1) EUNICE DAVIS (daughter
of Silas Davis and Eunice Geer) in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania12. She was
born on November 14, 1811 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She died between 1850-1860 in
Generation 3 (con't)
born on November 14, 1811 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She died between 1850-1860 in
Indiana County, Pennsylvania1. He married (2) LETITIA ANN MOON after 1847. She was born in
1823 in Pennsylvania34. She died on July 24, 1892 in Georgeville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania35.
Notes for Richard C. Clawson Sr.:
His name has also been seen as Josiah Richard Clawson.
According to the 1850 census, Richard and his family were living in Green Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania.
Richard C. Clawson Sr. and Eunice Davis had the following children:
JOSIAH4 CLAWSON III152 (son of Richard C. Clawson Sr. and Eunice Davis) was born
on June 30, 1834 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania153. He died on October 02, 1906
in Taylorsville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania131. He married Phoebe Ann Black
(daughter of John Black and Ann ?) on October 28, 1858 in Green Township,
Indiana County, Pennsylvania148. She was born on December 01, 1832 in
Washington Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania131. She died on October 09,
1913 in Commodore, Indiana County, Pennsylvania131.
SILAS CLAWSON152 (son of Richard C. Clawson Sr. and Eunice Davis) was born in
1836 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania152. He died in 18621. He married MELINDA
BLACK (daughter of John Black and Ann ?). She was born about 1841152.
SUSAN CLAWSON46, 154 (daughter of Richard C. Clawson Sr. and Eunice Davis) was
born in 1838 in Green Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania152. She died on
November 28, 1900 in New Florence, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania1. She
married (1) MICHAEL O'KIEFE on October 28, 1858 in Green Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania155. He was born between 1831-1833 in Northumberland
County, Pennsylvania. He died on April 02, 1865 in Petersburg, Virginia. She
married (2) MELVIN A. SMITH after 18651. He was born about 1830 in Vermont1. He
died on December 13, 1901 in Hempfield Township, Westmoreland County,
SAMUEL CLAWSON152 (son of Richard C. Clawson Sr. and Eunice Davis) was born in
1842 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania131. He died in 1921 in Taylorsville, Green
Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania131. He married (1) CATHERINE PIPER after
1896. She was born in 1860131. She died after 1900. He married (2) SUSAN BROWN
in 18631. She was born in 18331. She died in 18641. He married (3) SUSAN LYDICK
after 1864. He married (4) NANCY WISE on April 30, 1896 in Indiana, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania1.
Notes for Samuel Clawson:
According to the 1910 census, Samuel was living with his nephew, Samuel
Clawson who was the son of Josiah Clawson.
Samuel and Nancy raised Clair C. and Everett Clawson when their mother died
until Clair was 11 years old.
ALBERT CLAWSON152 (son of Richard C. Clawson Sr. and Eunice Davis) was born in
1845 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania152. He died on August 07, 1915 in Indiana,
Indiana County, Pennsylvania137.
RICHARD J. CLAWSON JR.152 (son of Richard C. Clawson Sr. and Eunice Davis) was
born in 1847 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania152. He died in Dixonville, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania.
Richard C. Clawson Sr. and Letitia Ann Moon had the following children:
viii. MARGARET ANN CLAWSON1, 156 (daughter of Richard C. Clawson Sr. and Letitia Ann
Moon) was born on April 04, 1865 in Dixonville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She
died on February 05, 1951 in Dayton, Armstrong County, Pennsylvania. She
ELIZABETH CLAWSON1 (daughter of Richard C. Clawson Sr. and Letitia Ann Moon)
was born on August 15, 1860 in Georgeville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She
died on November 04, 1943. She married John L. Sloniger (son of Daniel Slonaker
and Ellen Porter) on March 05, 18791.
Generation 3 (con't)
died on February 05, 1951 in Dayton, Armstrong County, Pennsylvania. She
married William Lewis Sloniger (son of Daniel Slonaker and Ellen Porter) on June
20, 1885 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania156.
ADAM3 CLAWSON (Josiah2, Josiah1)6 was born about 1810 in Pennsylvania6. He married (1) SARAH
CLAWSON (daughter of Richard Milton Clawson Jr. and Nancy Donahey). She was born about 1811
in Pennsylvania6. She died between 1860-1870. He married (2) ELLEN ?. She was born about
1827 in Pennsylvania36. She died about January 1876 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County,
Notes for Adam Clawson:
According to the 1840 census, Adam and his family were living in Blacklick Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania.
According to the 1850 census, Adam and his family were living in Blacklick Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania.
According to the 1860 census, Adam and his family were living in Blacklick Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania.
According to the 1870 Census, Adam and his family were living in Blacklick Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania.
Adam Clawson and Sarah Clawson had the following children:
JANE4 CLAWSON6 (daughter of Adam Clawson and Sarah Clawson) was born about
1833 in Pennsylvania6. She died before 192593. She married NICHOLAS BENNETT.
RICHARD A. CLAWSON6 (son of Adam Clawson and Sarah Clawson) was born in
1837 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania6. He died in 1879 in
Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania93. He married HULDA BENNETT.
She was born in 1844 in Pennsylvania36. She died on September 22, 1937 in
Blairsville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
NANCY CLAWSON6 (daughter of Adam Clawson and Sarah Clawson) was born about
1840 in Pennsylvania6. She died before 192593.
Notes for Nancy Clawson:
Nancy never was married.
AMY C. CLAWSON6 (daughter of Adam Clawson and Sarah Clawson) was born in
1843 in Pennsylvania157. She died in 1913157. She married William Silas Greer (son
of William Greer and Abigail Collins) on September 05, 188252. He was born on
February 14, 1833. He died on July 17, 1913157.
ROSS CLAWSON42 (son of Adam Clawson and Sarah Clawson) was born about 1848
in Indiana County, Pennsylvania42. He died on October 17, 19071. He married
Barbara Ellen McGuire on February 18, 1875 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She
was born on August 22, 1857 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania1. She died in 193258.
JONATHAN CLAWSON36, 158 (son of Adam Clawson and Sarah Clawson) was born on
January 02, 1853 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania1. He died on May 02, 1925 in
Grafton, Indiana County, Pennsylvania93. He married Sarah Mae Greer (daughter of
William Silas Greer and Catherine Dibler) on October 16, 1884 in Indiana County,
Pennsylvania159. She was born on May 28, 1865 in Allegheny County,
Pennsylvania52. She died on April 10, 1950 in Burrell Township, Indiana County,
MARY MARGARET CLAWSON1, 42 (daughter of Adam Clawson and Sarah Clawson)
was born in 1857 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania42. She
married WILLIAM CLAWSON (son of Richard Samuel Clawson and Eleanora Davis).
He was born in 1852 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania1. He
died before 1900.
THOMAS3 CLAWSON (Josiah2, Josiah1)38 was born about 1810 in Pennsylvania39. He married MARY
?. She was born about 1821 in Pennsylvania39.
Thomas Clawson and Mary ? had the following children:
Generation 3 (con't)
CAROLINE CLAWSON39 (daughter of Thomas Clawson and Mary ?) was born about
1846 in Pennsylvania39.
KEZIAH CLAWSON39 (daughter of Thomas Clawson and Mary ?) was born about
1849 in Pennsylvania39.
CLAWSON39 (daughter of Thomas Clawson and Mary ?) was born about
1843 in Pennsylvania39.
REBECCA JANE3 CLAWSON (Josiah2, Josiah1)7 was born in 1810 in Black Lick Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania. She died on November 16, 1901 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania40. She married JAMES HUSTON (son of James Houston and Mary Reed). He was born
in 1802 in Center Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He died in 1852 in Black Lick
Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
Notes for Rebecca Jane Clawson:
According to the 1860 census, Jane and her family were living in Blacklick Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania. Josiah Houston, her father-in-law was living with her.
According to the 1870 Census, Jane and her children, William and Sarah, were living with her son,
John, in Blacklick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
According to the 1900 Census, Rebecca was living in Blacklick Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania with her son, William.
Notes for James Huston:
According to the 1850 census, James and his family were living in Blacklick Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania.
James Huston and Rebecca Jane Clawson had the following children:
JOHN W.4 HUSTON6 (son of James Huston and Rebecca Jane Clawson) was born in
August 1838 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania160. He died on January 06, 19071. He
married Mary Jane Palmer (daughter of John Palmer and Esther Kimmel) about
1860160. She was born on April 01, 1836 in Pennsylvania161. She died on August
22, 1902 (Age: 661, 161).
JOSIAH C. HUSTON6 (son of James Huston and Rebecca Jane Clawson) was born on
August 16, 1840 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania1. He died on April 07, 19261. He
married Eliza J. Thompson (daughter of George Thompson and Elizabeth Jane
Clawson) on March 09, 18721. She was born on March 25, 1848 in Black Lick
Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
MARY JANE HUSTON7, 42, 44 (daughter of James Huston and Rebecca Jane Clawson)
was born on April 17, 1842 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania1. She died on January
08, 19451. She married John Bennett (son of Nathan Bennett and Margaret
Clawson) about 186344. He was born in October 1841 in Pennsylvania44.
JAMES HUSTON3 (son of James Huston and Rebecca Jane Clawson) was born about
1845 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania6. He died before 190044.
Notes for James Huston:
James died young.
WILLIAM HOUSTON6, 44 (son of James Huston and Rebecca Jane Clawson) was born
on May 20, 1847 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania3. He died
on February 14, 1927 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania162. He
married Jane Ann Clawson (daughter of Richard Samuel Clawson and Eleanora
Davis) on August 15, 18701. She was born on March 19, 1851 in Black Lick
Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania1. She died on July 07, 1924 in Black Lick
Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania162.
SARAH MARGARET HUSTON7, 36, 42, 44 (daughter of James Huston and Rebecca Jane
Clawson) was born in October 1849 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania44. She
married Alexander Rankin (son of Alexander Rankin and Nancy ?) in 187244. He
was born in October 1833 in Pennsylvania44. He died on April 02, 19141.
JOHN3 CLAWSON (Josiah2, Josiah1)7, 41 was born in 1810 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He
Generation 3 (con't)
JOHN3 CLAWSON (Josiah2, Josiah1)7, 41 was born in 1810 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He
married JANE ?. She was born about 1810 in Pennsylvania.
Notes for John Clawson:
According to the 1850 census, John and his family were living in Conemaugh Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania.
John Clawson and Jane ? had the following children:
JOHN4 CLAWSON41 (son of John Clawson and Jane ?) was born about 1834 in
ROBERT CLAWSON41 (son of John Clawson and Jane ?) was born about 1836 in
DAVID CLAWSON41 (son of John Clawson and Jane ?) was born about 1838 in
JACOB CLAWSON41 (son of John Clawson and Jane ?) was born about 1840 in
JAMES CLAWSON41 (son of John Clawson and Jane ?) was born about 1842 in
SARAH3 CLAWSON (Josiah2, Josiah1)6 was born about 1813 in Pennsylvania42. She died in
Pennsylvania. She married ? MCCLAREN.
Notes for Sarah Clawson:
According to the 1850 census, Sarah and her family were living in Blacklick Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania.
According to the 1860 census, Sarah and her family were living in Blacklick Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania.
According to the 1870 Census, Sarah and her family were living in Blacklick Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania.
? McClaren and Sarah Clawson had the following children:
MARGARET JANE4 MCCLAREN7 (daughter of ? McClaren and Sarah Clawson) was
born in 1838 in Pennsylvania6.
Notes for Margaret Jane McClaren:
According to the 1850 census, Margaret was living with Josiah and Jane (Miller)
According to the 1860 census, Margaret was living with her uncle, Miller Clawson,
in Blacklick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
HANNAH MCCLAREN6 (daughter of ? McClaren and Sarah Clawson) was born about
1840 in Pennsylvania6.
Notes for Hannah McClaren:
According to the 1870 Census, Hannah was living with her mother in Blacklick
Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
EMILY MCCLAREN6 (daughter of ? McClaren and Sarah Clawson) was born about
1843 in Pennsylvania42.
MILTON MCCLAREN163 (son of ? McClaren and Sarah Clawson) was born about
Notes for Milton McClaren:
Milton may have been a grandson of Sarah. His father would have died many
years before he was born.
MARY3 KELLY (Elsie2 Clawson, Josiah1 Clawson)15 was born in 1789 in Indiana County,
Pennsylvania17. She married John Donahey (son of William Donahey and Mary Caldwell) in 1809
in Pennsylvania17. He was born on February 16, 1788 in Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania12.
Generation 3 (con't)
in Pennsylvania17. He was born on February 16, 1788 in Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania12.
He died before 188015.
John Donahey and Mary Kelly had the following child:
WILLIAM4 DONAHEY120 (son of John Donahey and Mary Kelly) was born in 1822. He
married (2) EMMA IZZIE WAGNER on April 29, 1886.
JONATHAN3 KELLY SR. (Elsie2 Clawson, Josiah1 Clawson)9 was born about 1798 in Pennsylvania6.
He died in 18659. He married ELIZABETH HOLLIS. She was born in 1808 in Pennsylvania6. She died
after 18809.
Jonathan Kelly Sr. and Elizabeth Hollis had the following children:
JANE4 KELLY164 (daughter of Jonathan Kelly Sr. and Elizabeth Hollis) was born in
JONATHAN KELLY164 (son of Jonathan Kelly Sr. and Elizabeth Hollis) was born in
September 1832164. He died on November 01, 1909 in Loyalhanna Township,
Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania164. He married Margaret Ann Johnston
(daughter of William Jaxkson Johnston and Sarah Bolen) in 1857164. She was born
in March 1835164. She died on December 08, 1918 in Bell Township, Westmoreland
County, Pennsylvania164.
DAVID KELLY164 (son of Jonathan Kelly Sr. and Elizabeth Hollis) was born in 1833164.
JOHN KELLY164 (son of Jonathan Kelly Sr. and Elizabeth Hollis) was born in 1837164.
WILLIAM KELLY164 (son of Jonathan Kelly Sr. and Elizabeth Hollis) was born in
ELIZABETH KELLY164 (daughter of Jonathan Kelly Sr. and Elizabeth Hollis) was born
about 1843164.
NANCY KELLY164 (daughter of Jonathan Kelly Sr. and Elizabeth Hollis) was born in
ARCHIBALD3 KELLY (Elsie2 Clawson, Josiah1 Clawson)36, 43 was born in July 1809 in
Pennsylvania44. He died on March 06, 19019. He married Mary Clawson (daughter of Richard
Milton Clawson Jr. and Nancy Donahey) in 18369. She was born in 1813 in Black Lick Township,
Indiana County, Pennsylvania12. She died on November 28, 1885 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
Notes for Archibald Kelly:
According to the 1850 census, Archibald and his family were living in Blacklick Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania.
According to the 1860 Census, Archibald and his family were living in Blacklick Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania.
According to the 1870 Census, Archibald and his family were living in Blacklick Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania.
According to the 1900 Census, Archibald was living in Blacklick, Indiana County, Pennsylvania with
his daughter, Sarah, and her family.
Archibald Kelly and Mary Clawson had the following children:
NANCY4 KELLY19, 36 (daughter of Archibald Kelly and Mary Clawson) was born on
December 10, 1836 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She died on June 09, 191427.
She married Jacob Hollis on November 29, 18551. He was born on July 09, 1826 in
Indiana County, Pennsylvania3. He died on February 18, 1896.
RICHARD KELLY6 (son of Archibald Kelly and Mary Clawson) was born on January
17, 1837 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania1. He married MARY ANN CREAMER
(daughter of Adam Creamer and Jane Thompson). She was born on February 01,
1844 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She died on April 14,
JANE KELLY9 (daughter of Archibald Kelly and Mary Clawson) was born on January
14, 1839 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania19. She died on January 26, 184819.
Generation 3 (con't)
(son of Archibald Kelly and Mary Clawson) was born on August 07,
1841 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania19. He died on July 01, 1863 in Gettysburg,
Adams County, Pennsylvania19.
SARAH ANN KELLY6, 43-44, 165-170 (daughter of Archibald Kelly and Mary Clawson) was
born on July 03, 1843 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania1, 43.
She died on January 15, 1921 in Black Lick, Indiana, Pennsylvania43. She married
Thompson Cramer (son of Adam Creamer and Jane Thompson) on September 25,
1861. He was born on July 04, 1839 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania. He died on February 17, 191427.
MARY ELLEN KELLY6 (daughter of Archibald Kelly and Mary Clawson) was born on
January 18, 1845 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania1. She married ? SPIRES.
MARGARET KELLY6 (daughter of Archibald Kelly and Mary Clawson) was born in
1846 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania6.
viii. ELIZABETH JANE KELLY9, 42 (daughter of Archibald Kelly and Mary Clawson) was born
on March 31, 1848 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania1. She died on January 24,
19321. She married WILLIAM CAUFIELD.
BENJAMIN KELLY6 (son of Archibald Kelly and Mary Clawson) was born on June 01,
1849 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania10.
ALBERT KELLY42 (son of Archibald Kelly and Mary Clawson) was born on May 25,
1852 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania1. He died on December 30, 19111. He
married ANNA J. S. GREER (daughter of William Silas Greer and Catherine Dibler).
She was born on October 10, 18581. She died on February 11, 1925 in Black Lick
Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania1.
Notes for Albert Kelly:
According to the 1870 Census, Albert was living with Elliott and Hulda (Clawson)
Ferguson in Blacklick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
SAMUEL KELLY27, 36, 42 (son of Archibald Kelly and Mary Clawson) was born on
October 26, 1854 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania1. He died on April 14, 188927.
Notes for Samuel Kelly:
Samuel was never married.
NANCY KELLY42 (daughter of Archibald Kelly and Mary Clawson) was born on
December 10, 1856 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania10.
xiii. HANCE KELLY36 (son of Archibald Kelly and Mary Clawson) was born on May 30,
1858 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania1. He died in 192727.
Notes for Hance Kelly:
Hance was never married.
JOHN3 CLAWSON (Daniel2, Josiah1)14, 45 was born on December 04, 1800 in Hollidaysburg, Blair
County, Pennsylvania46-48. He died on December 22, 1881 in Center Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania46-48. He married (1) PERMELIA MOORHEAD (daughter of Fergus Moorhead Sr. and
Esther McElhoes) in 1822 in Pennsylvania8. She was born in 1800 in Indiana County,
Pennsylvania13. She died before February 1839 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania49. He married (2)
LUCINDA HARROLD (daughter of Christoph Columbus Harrold and Elizabeth Painter) on February
16, 183947. She was born on October 04, 1804 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania19. She died on
January 31, 188847.
Notes for John Clawson:
Accoriding to the 1850 census, John and his family were living in Center Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania.
The Indiana Democrat (December 29, 1881)
John Clawson of Centre township, one of the oldest and best known citizens of this county,
familiarly known as "Uncle John Clawson" or "Cash John Clawson" died at his residence on the
22d inst., aged 81 years on the 4th of Dec. last. The deceased has been a sufferer for many years
Generation 3 (con't)
22d inst., aged 81 years on the 4th of Dec. last. The deceased has been a sufferer for many years
but was only confined to his room for a few weeks. He was always known as an upright, honest
man, exacting nothing but was right, and always prepared to fulfill his obligations as a business
man. By industry and economy he had acquired a handsome competence. His remains were laid
at rest in Oakland cemetery on Saturday last, the funeral being largely attended by his old
neighbors and friends.
John Clawson and Permelia Moorhead had the following children:
DANIEL JOHN4 CLAWSON1 (son of John Clawson and Permelia Moorhead) was born
in 1826 in Center Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania1. He died on June 23,
186415. He married MARY ANN KUNKLE (daughter of Adam Cunkle and Agnes
Miller). She was born about 1827 in Pennsylvania93. She died on March 01, 1905 in
New Florence, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania93.
JOHN CLAWSON49 (son of John Clawson and Permelia Moorhead) was born about
1828 in Center Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania1.
Notes for John Clawson:
Accoriding to the 1850 census, John was probably living in Blacklick Township,
Indiana County, Pennsylvania with his uncle David.
Accoriding to the 1860 census, John was probably living in Blacklick Township,
Indiana County, Pennsylvania with his uncle David.
FERGUS MOORHEAD CLAWSON14, 46 (son of John Clawson and Permelia Moorhead)
was born on August 27, 1828 in Center Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
He died on September 30, 1900 in Brush Valley Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania158. He married Sarah Devinney (daughter of Elisha Lawrence
Devinney and Elizabeth Kunkle) on January 10, 1848. She was born on March 12,
1829 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She died on January
15, 1895 in Center Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania171.
PERMELIA CLAWSON49 (daughter of John Clawson and Permelia Moorhead) was
born in 1829 in Center Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania45. She died on
October 10, 1872. She married DORSEY PEDDICORD (son of John Peddicord and
Mary ?). He was born about 1822172. He died on March 28, 1899 in Armstrong
Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania172.
DAVID CLAWSON49, 173 (son of John Clawson and Permelia Moorhead) was born in
1830 in Center Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania49. He died on February 12,
191849. He married MARY H. RANKIN. She was born about 1836 in Pennsylvania.
She died in October 1869 in Jefferson Township, Ringgold County, Iowa.
John Clawson and Lucinda Harrold had the following children:
WILLIAM H. CLAWSON93, 174 (son of John Clawson and Lucinda Harrold) was born on
September 08, 1841 in Center Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania47. He died
on February 13, 1920 in Indiana, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He married Sarah
Elizabeth Baker (daughter of Henry Baker and Susan Kough) on January 23,
186247. She was born on December 28, 1838 in Pennsylvania47. She died on May
26, 1932 in Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania.
MARTHA PERMELIA CLAWSON8 (daughter of John Clawson and Lucinda Harrold) was
born on October 21, 1844 in Center Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania47.
She died on July 21, 184547.
DAVID3 CLAWSON SR. (Daniel2, Josiah1)42 was born in 1805 in Hollidaysburg, Blair County,
Pennsylvania1. He died on March 31, 1881 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania50-51. He married REBECCA ROSS (daughter of John Ross). She was born in 1808 in
Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania1. She died on January 09, 18821.
Notes for David Clawson Sr.:
According to the 1850 census, David and his family were living in Blacklick Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania.
According to the 1860 census, David and his family were living in Blacklick Township, Indiana
Generation 3 (con't)
According to the 1860 census, David and his family were living in Blacklick Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania.
According to the 1870 census, David and his family were living in Blacklick Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania.
David Clawson Sr. and Rebecca Ross had the following children:
JOHN4 CLAWSON52 (son of David Clawson Sr. and Rebecca Ross) was born about
1828 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania101.
Notes for John Clawson:
John died young.
MARGARET CLAWSON6 (daughter of David Clawson Sr. and Rebecca Ross) was
born in June 1830 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania160. She
died on April 04, 1906 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania93.
Notes for Margaret Clawson:
According to the 1870 census, Margaret was living with her parents in Blacklick
Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
According to the 1900 census, Margaret was living with her brother, Porter, in Derry
Township, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania.
DANIEL CLAWSON6 (son of David Clawson Sr. and Rebecca Ross) was born in 1833
in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He died on October 03,
1863 in Harwood Hospital. He married Anna Elizabeth Moses (daughter of Jacob
Mofses and Hannah Blake) on February 20, 1853175. She was born on April 15,
1836 in Bedford County, Pennsylvania175. She died on February 16, 1921 in
Cokeville, Pennsylvania175.
NANCY MARY CLAWSON52 (daughter of David Clawson Sr. and Rebecca Ross) was
born in 1836 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania1.
Notes for Nancy Mary Clawson:
Nancy died young.
DAVID CLAWSON6 (son of David Clawson Sr. and Rebecca Ross) was born in 1839
in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania1. He died on February 12,
1918 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania93. He married (1) MARY ANN GEORGE. She
was born in 1849. He married (2) MARY H. RANKIN.
FERGUS CLAWSON6 (son of David Clawson Sr. and Rebecca Ross) was born about
1844 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania6.
Notes for Fergus Clawson:
Fergus died young.
PORTER THOMAS CLAWSON42, 52 (son of David Clawson Sr. and Rebecca Ross) was
born on March 09, 1844 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania175.
He died on April 16, 1919 in Cokeville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania175. He married
Anna Elizabeth Moses (daughter of Jacob Mofses and Hannah Blake) on June 26,
1872. She was born on April 15, 1836 in Bedford County, Pennsylvania175. She died
on February 16, 1921 in Cokeville, Pennsylvania175.
viii. LUCINDA CLAWSON6 (daughter of David Clawson Sr. and Rebecca Ross) was born in
1846 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania6. She married
EPHRIAM3 CLAWSON (Daniel2, Josiah1)52 was born in 1810 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He
died in 1887 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania53. He married MARY ELIZABETH DONOVAN (daughter
of ? Donovan and Mary Brown). She was born in 1822 in Ohio1. She died on December 25, 1889
in White Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania52.
Ephriam Clawson and Mary Elizabeth Donovan had the following children:
RICHARD4 CLAWSON49 (son of Ephriam Clawson and Mary Elizabeth Donovan) was
born between 1836-1839 in Pennsylvania1.
Generation 3 (con't)
(son of Ephriam Clawson and Mary Elizabeth Donovan) was
born in 1840 in Pennsylvania1.
DANIEL MARION CLAWSON49 (son of Ephriam Clawson and Mary Elizabeth Donovan)
was born on April 09, 1845 in White Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He
died on October 06, 1911 in Jacksonville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania93, 176. He
married Susannah Malinda Ingram (daughter of David Ingram and Barbara
Ashbaughey) on March 17, 1870 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania19. She was born
on November 19, 1849 in Washington Township, Westmoreland County,
Pennsylvania177. She died on January 24, 1922 in McGumphrey177.
EVELINE CLAWSON1 (daughter of Ephriam Clawson and Mary Elizabeth Donovan)
was born in 1848 in Pennsylvania1. She married FRANK HAMMERS.
CAROLINE CLAWSON1 (daughter of Ephriam Clawson and Mary Elizabeth Donovan)
was born in 1850 in Pennsylvania1.
MARGARET CLAWSON49 (daughter of Ephriam Clawson and Mary Elizabeth
Donovan) was born in 1852 in Pennsylvania1. She married James Rouck (son of
John Rouck and Mary ?) on July 18, 1887 in Indiana, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania1. He was born about 18421.
JOHN B. CLAWSON49 (son of Ephriam Clawson and Mary Elizabeth Donovan) was
born in 1854 in Pennsylvania162. He died in 1922162. He married CHRISTINA BOYER
(daughter of George Boyer and Elizabeth Fisher). She was born in 1858 in
Armstrong County, Pennsylvania162. She died on May 29, 1936 in Indiana, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania162.
viii. PHOEBE E. CLAWSON49 (daughter of Ephriam Clawson and Mary Elizabeth Donovan)
was born on October 28, 1856 in Jacksonville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania176.
She died on April 25, 1938 in Indiana, Indiana County, Pennsylvania176. She
married FERGUS S. MOORHEAD. He was born on February 22, 1845 in White
Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania176. He died on May 14, 1913 in Indiana
County, Pennsylvania176.
MARY ELLEN CLAWSON49, 178 (daughter of Ephriam Clawson and Mary Elizabeth
Donovan) was born in 1859 in Pennsylvania1. She married ? STEFFY.
MARTHA CLAWSON49 (daughter of Ephriam Clawson and Mary Elizabeth Donovan)
was born in 1863 in Pennsylvania1.
IDA BELL CLAWSON49 (daughter of Ephriam Clawson and Mary Elizabeth Donovan)
was born on April 22, 1865 in Grant Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania1. She
died on March 23, 1938 in Homer City, Indiana County, Pennsylvania162. She
married John C. Cochran on April 26, 1883 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He
was born in 1860162. He died on November 15, 1930162.
JURILLA CLAWSON49 (daughter of Ephriam Clawson and Mary Elizabeth Donovan)
was born in 1870 in Pennsylvania1. She married (1) JOHN G. CORR (son of James
Corr and Elizabeth ?) on April 07, 18881. He was born about 18431. She married (2)
xiii. LUCINDA CLAWSON49 (daughter of Ephriam Clawson and Mary Elizabeth Donovan)
was born in Pennsylvania1. She married TOM IMAN.
ELIZABETH3 CLAWSON (John2, Josiah1)3, 15 was born in 1809 in Burrell Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania15. She married James McCurdy (son of James McCurdy and Sarah Graham) in
183017. He was born about 1807 in Wheatfield Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He died
in 1857 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
Notes for James McCurdy:
James lived in Wheatfield Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
According to the 1850 census, James and his family were living in Blacklick Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania.
James McCurdy and Elizabeth Clawson had the following children:
JOHN M.4 MCCURDY15, 57 (son of James McCurdy and Elizabeth Clawson) was born
Generation 3 (con't)
JOHN M.4 MCCURDY15, 57 (son of James McCurdy and Elizabeth Clawson) was born
in 1831 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania17. He died in 1905179. He married
Catharine Reegor (daughter of David Rager and Elizabeth ?) in 1853 in
Pennsylvania17. She was born in 1833 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania17. She died
in 1908179.
JAMES MCCURDY3, 15 (son of James McCurdy and Elizabeth Clawson) was born in
1831 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania6. He died in 1864 in Libby Prison15, 17.
Notes for James McCurdy:
James died in the Civil War. He was a prisoner in Libby prison and died after 9
months captivity.
ARCHIBALD ROYLSON MCCURDY15, 17 (son of James McCurdy and Elizabeth Clawson)
was born in 1832 in Derry Township, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania. He died
in 1878. He married Malinda Alberta Cassidy in 1858 in Pennsylvania115. She was
born in 1841 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She died in 1885180.
ELIZABETH MCCURDY3, 15 (daughter of James McCurdy and Elizabeth Clawson) was
born on June 24, 1837 in Hillside, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania181. She died
on March 03, 1912 in Blairsville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania181. She married (1)
MATHEW HENRY FAILS (son of David Fails and Margaret Altman) on February 09,
1864 in Blairsville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania181. He was born on April 29, 1840
in Blairsville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania181. He died on March 31, 1902 in
Blairsville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania181. She married (2) ? ? in 1855115.
NANCY MCCURDY3, 15 (daughter of James McCurdy and Elizabeth Clawson) was
born in 1837 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania6.
JULIANN MCCURDY3 (daughter of James McCurdy and Elizabeth Clawson) was born
about 1839 in Derry Township, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania6. She married
Morgan Banks Altman (son of Jacob Altman and Jane Dowlin) in 1861 in
Pennsylvania182. He was born in 1837 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania183. He died
on August 03, 1875 in Chattanoogatown133.
WILLIAM MCCURDY3, 15 (son of James McCurdy and Elizabeth Clawson) was born in
1841 in Derry Township, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania6. He married Mary
Vellis Smith in 1866 in Pennsylvania115. She was born in 1845 in Indiana County,
viii. SARAH J. MCCURDY3, 15 (daughter of James McCurdy and Elizabeth Clawson) was
born in 1844 in Derry Township, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania6. She
married Abram Kaufman in 1864 in Pennsylvania115. He was born in 1826 in
Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania.
JESSE MCCURDY3, 15 (son of James McCurdy and Elizabeth Clawson) was born in
1846 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania6. He married Martha Ford in 1871 in
Pennsylvania115. She was born in 1850 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania183.
SAMUEL THOMPSON MCCURDY15, 57, 184 (son of James McCurdy and Elizabeth
Clawson) was born on March 23, 1848 in Black Lick, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania184. He died on May 27, 1928 in Blairsville, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania184. He married Sarah Jane Clawson (daughter of John B. Clawson
and Sarah Clawson) in 1871 in Pennsylvania183. She was born on May 07, 1850 in
Indiana County, Pennsylvania184. She died on July 30, 1920 in Blairsville, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania184.
GEORGE MCCURDY3, 15 (son of James McCurdy and Elizabeth Clawson) was born in
1851 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania17. He married ANN LLOYD.
JOHN B.3 CLAWSON (John2, Josiah1)3, 16, 54 was born in 1811 in Pennsylvania54. He died on March
23, 1868 in West Wheatfield Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania55. He married (1) MARY
WILLIAMS. She was born in Pennsylvania56. She died before 1844. He married (2) SARAH CLAWSON
(daughter of Benjamin Richard Clawson and Mary Donahey) on January 10, 1853 in Young
Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania16. She was born on September 10, 1816 in Black Lick
Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania54. She died on February 26, 1892.
Notes for John B. Clawson:
Generation 3 (con't)
Notes for John B. Clawson:
Accoriding to the 1850 census, John and his family were living in Young Township, Indiana County,
John was killed in Blairsville in 1868 when a train hit his buggy. He was coming home from Indiana
where he was just sworn in as a deputy sheriff. He was hit by the Emigrant Train on the
Pennsylvania Rail Road. John died of injuries within an half an hour after the accident.
According to the 1850 census, John and his family lived in Conemaugh Township, Indiana County,
According to the 1860 census, John and his family lived in Young Township, Indiana County,
Killed (Blairsville Press, March 27, 1868)
On Monday evening last, John Clawson, more familiarly know as 'Pepper John' of West Wheatfield
township, was killed by being struck by the engine of the emigrant train near Blairsville Intersection.
Mr. Clawson had been to Indiana during the day, and was sworn in as a constable for West
Wheatfield township. He was on his return home, and by some means missed the accommodation
train and undertook to walk from the Intersection, where he had eaten his supper and drank a glass
of ale - so said, if not worse and more of it, as it is sold in that vicinity in any quantity in violation of
the law - which was the last seen of him alive. We are told that the engineer of the train said, that
on turning a curve about a mile east of the Intersection, he saw a man sitting on a tie a short
distance ahead with his elbow on the rail. He pulled the whistle to put down the brakes, but the
distance was too short to stop the train. When the engine whistled, Clawson merely turned his
head, and appeared to be in too indifferent a condition to move. After the engine struck him the
train was stopped and the injured man taken up and brought to this place, but he died on the road.
The body was badly crushed. It was taken back to Westmoreland county for inquest. We have
had an unusual number of such cases during the past year, and yet nothing is done to bring to
punishment those men who violate the law every day by dealing out the poison which is the cause
of it all. Oh, no! they are respectable men, and have large sums of money invested in property,
and it must be protected, though for every brick, nail or foot of timber which their property contains,
a human being should be destroyed. We relish this kind of justice and protection. Protect a
number of men in idleness though a whole community suffers thereby. "Oh, shame, where is thy
Cambria Freeman, 4/2/1868, page 3, col., 1:
John Clawson of West Wheatfield Township, Indiana County., was run over by the Emigrant train
on the PRR on Monday week, near Packsaddle and received injuries from which he died the same
Indiana Register, Indiana, Pennsylvania, 25 March 1868
KILLED. On last Monday evening, MR. JOHN CLAWSON, constable of West Wheatfield township,
this county, was run over by the Emigrant train, westward, at Blairsville Intersection, P.R.R., and so
seriously injured that he survived only a short time. The deceased was at the Intersection awaiting
one of the trains, and incautiously seated himself upon one of the tracks, where he was run upon
by the above train, crushing in the back part of his head, causing his death in the course of half an
hour. He had just been sworn into office on Monday, and was enroute to perform some official
John B. Clawson and Mary Williams had the following children:
WASHINGTON4 CLAWSON (son of John B. Clawson and Mary Williams) was born in
1838 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He married MARY A. HILL (daughter of
Joshua Hill and Margaret Cunningham). She was born about 1829 in
Generation 3 (con't)
Joshua Hill and Margaret Cunningham). She was born about 1829 in
Pennsylvania6. She died on March 14, 1896 in Cokeville, Pennsylvania.
EVELINE EMMA CLAWSON56, 185-186 (daughter of John B. Clawson and Mary Williams)
was born in 1839 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania56. She died in 1898186. She
married JACOB SHAUL (son of George Shall and Catherine Lambing). He was born
on April 22, 1830 in Armstrong County, Pennsylvania187. He died in 1892 in West
Wheatfield Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania185.
JOHN CLAWSON II56 (son of John B. Clawson and Mary Williams) was born in March
1842 in Jacksonville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania188. He died on January 09,
1918 in West Wheatfield Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He married
Wilhemina Allenbaugh (daughter of Jacob Allenbaugh and Sara Ann Slick) about
August 18661. She was born in August 1845 in Bedford County, Pennsylvania188.
She died on September 09, 1916 in East Wheatfield Township, Indiana County,
WILLIAM CLAWSON (son of John B. Clawson and Mary Williams) was born in 1844 in
Notes for William Clawson:
William lived in Jacksonville, Pa.
SAMUEL CLAWSON (son of John B. Clawson and Mary Williams). He died before
Notes for Samuel Clawson:
Samuel died in the Civil War.
Notes for Sarah Clawson:
According to the 1870 census, Sarah was living in West Wheatfield Township, Indiana County,
According to the 1880 census, Sarah was living in West Wheatfield Township, Indiana County,
John B. Clawson and Sarah Clawson had the following children:
DAVIS BENJAMIN CLAWSON54, 188-191 (son of John B. Clawson and Sarah
Clawson) was born on September 07, 1846 in Conemaugh Township,
Indiana County, Pennsylvania54. He died on December 29, 1910 in
Robinson, West Wheatfield Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania54, 189.
He married Rebecca J. Burkett (daughter of Andrew Burkett and Jemima
Agnes Garland) in 1867188. She was born on January 28, 1845 in
Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania192-195. She died on October 12, 1915 in
Fairfield Township, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania192-195.
SARAH JANE CLAWSON15, 184 (daughter of John B. Clawson and Sarah Clawson) was
born on May 07, 1850 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania184. She died on July 30,
1920 in Blairsville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania184. She married Samuel
Thompson McCurdy (son of James McCurdy and Elizabeth Clawson) in 1871 in
Pennsylvania183. He was born on March 23, 1848 in Black Lick, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania184. He died on May 27, 1928 in Blairsville, Indiana County,
viii. MARY E. CLAWSON (daughter of John B. Clawson and Sarah Clawson) was born
about 1854 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania62. She died on March 05, 1894196. She
married CHARLES B. LITTLE. He was born about 1850 in Pennsylvania62.
WILLIAM J.3 CLAWSON (John2, Josiah1)57 was born in 1815 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania6. He died on May 06, 1888. He married Mary Jane Johnson between 1838-18391.
She was born in 1820 in Pennsylvania58. She died in 190858.
Notes for William J. Clawson:
According to the 1860 Census, William and his family were living in Blacklick Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania
Generation 3 (con't)
According to the 1870 Census, William and his family were living in Blacklick Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania.
According to the 1880 Census, William and his family were living in Burrell Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania.
William J. Clawson and Mary Jane Johnson had the following children:
JULIANN4 CLAWSON6 (daughter of William J. Clawson and Mary Jane Johnson) was
born about 1843 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania42.
NOAH CLAWSON6 (son of William J. Clawson and Mary Jane Johnson) was born in
June 1844 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He died on
September 23, 1865.
SAMUEL CLAWSON6 (son of William J. Clawson and Mary Jane Johnson) was born
about 1846 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania6.
HUMPHREY FULLERTON CLAWSON42, 57, 197 (son of William J. Clawson and Mary Jane
Johnson) was born on December 01, 1848 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania. He died on June 14, 1925 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He
married Carrie Adelia White on October 20, 1878. She was born in North Carolina1.
She died before 1910.
SARAH JANE CLAWSON42 (daughter of William J. Clawson and Mary Jane Johnson)
was born about 1852 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
WILLIAM CLAWSON42 (son of William J. Clawson and Mary Jane Johnson) was born
about 1854 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania42. He died on
July 22, 1879 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania50.
MARGARET HESTER CLAWSON42, 57 (daughter of William J. Clawson and Mary Jane
Johnson) was born in 1854 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
She died in 1940.
viii. MARY ELIZABETH CLAWSON42, 57 (daughter of William J. Clawson and Mary Jane
Johnson) was born about 1859 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County,
MARTHA MATILDA CLAWSON57, 134 (daughter of William J. Clawson and Mary Jane
Johnson) was born about 1864 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County,
GEORGE CLAWSON36 (son of William J. Clawson and Mary Jane Johnson) was born
in December 1865 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
JESSE3 CLAWSON (John2, Josiah1)38 was born on November 17, 1817 in Westmoreland County,
Pennsylvania. He died on March 17, 1900 in Promise City, Iowa. He married (1) ELIZABETH
COURSON (daughter of William Courson and Mary ?) on August 03, 1837 in Westmoreland County,
Pennsylvania38, 59. She was born about 1817 in Laughlintown, Westmoreland County,
Pennsylvania. She died about 1865 in Lexington, McLean County, Illinois. He married (2) BARBARA
GUNDERSTAFF on August 26, 186659. She was born on November 01, 1837 in Virginia60. She died
in 1908 in Des Moines, Iowa60.
Notes for Jesse Clawson:
Jesse went to California by himself in 1851 and returned to Iowa in 1853.
The 1880 census record, Wapello Co., IA ,Agency Twp, page 252, dwelling 63,
family 65, lists "Jesse Clawson, age 62, farmer, b. Pennsylvania, father b.
Scotland, mother b. Pennsylvania.
Jesse Clawson and Elizabeth Courson had the following children:
MARY LANCASTER4 CLAWSON1 (daughter of Jesse Clawson and Elizabeth Courson)
was born in 1840 in Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania. She died on June 09,
1907 in Topeka, Shawnee County, Kansas60. She married John M. Parr in 18571.
He was born in 1838 in Ohio60. He died on December 14, 1911 in Topeka,
Generation 3 (con't)
He was born in 1838 in Ohio60. He died on December 14, 1911 in Topeka,
Shawnee County, Kansas.
WILLIAM GILSON CLAWSON1 (son of Jesse Clawson and Elizabeth Courson) was
born on August 31, 1841 in Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania. He died on
May 26, 1928 in Allerton, Wayne County, Iowa60. He married Harriet Arminda Myers
(daughter of John Willoughby Jackson Myers and Martha Ann Maban) on
December 29, 1864 in Lexington, McLean County, Illinois. She was born on
October 06, 1846 in Lexington, McLean County, Illinois60. She died on June 29,
1931 in Allerton, Wayne County, Iowa60.
SAMUEL COOKING CLAWSON1 (son of Jesse Clawson and Elizabeth Courson) was
born in 1843 in Pennsylvania. He died on March 21, 1890 in St. Louis, Missouri. He
married Elizabeth Cox on March 09, 1875 in St. Louis, Missouri60. She was born in
185360. She died on July 06, 1920 in Oak Forest, Illinois60.
CLARA E. CLAWSON1 (daughter of Jesse Clawson and Elizabeth Courson) was born
on October 20, 1846 in Trumbull County, Ohio. She died on December 21, 1898 in
Minburn, Iowa. She married Thomas Boyd on November 29, 1865 in Lexington,
McLean County, Illinois60. He was born in 1838 in Scotland198. He died on
September 14, 1926 in Minburn, Iowa198.
COLOMA DELEX CLAWSON199 (son of Jesse Clawson and Elizabeth Courson) was
born in November 1854 in Lee County, Iowa199. He died before March 17, 1900. He
married Flora Jane Sponsler on October 14, 1886199. She was born about 1859199.
SARAH MARGARET CLAWSON1 (daughter of Jesse Clawson and Elizabeth Courson)
was born on February 28, 1850 in Pennsylvania. She died on November 13, 1902
in Minburn, Iowa. She married David W. Roush on October 22, 1876 in Minburn,
Iowa60. He was born on December 05, 1848 in Zanesville, Muskingum County,
Ohio60. He died on May 09, 1933 in Philip, South Dakota60.
JESSE B. CLAWSON200 (son of Jesse Clawson and Elizabeth Courson) was born on
March 02, 1852 in Agency, Wapello Township, Lee County, Iowa60. He died on
January 29, 1932 in Lexington, McLean County, Illinois60. He married Elizabeth Ann
Mason (daughter of Hiram Mason and Jane Semirah Hayes) on February 20, 1862
in Illinois1. She was born on May 06, 1848 in Pekin, Illinois60. She died on July 26,
1940 in Lincoln, Lancaster County, Nebraska60.
viii. ELDORADO CARLTON CLAWSON200 (son of Jesse Clawson and Elizabeth Courson)
was born on April 15, 1857 in Wayne County, Iowa. He died on April 11, 1899 in
Selma, Pike County, Illinois. He married Florence Victoria Ping (daughter of
Anderson Smith Ping and Elizabeth A. Barron) on March 04, 1880 in Lexington,
McLean County, Illinois. She was born on February 14, 1863 in Willow Hill, Jasper
County, Illinois201. She died on August 29, 1938 in Ohio, Herkimer County, New
Jesse Clawson and Barbara Gunderstaff had the following children:
FERRIS W. CLAWSON1 (son of Jesse Clawson and Barbara Gunderstaff) was born on
April 29, 1867 in Agency City, Illinois. He married Esther Alice Wood on May 30,
1890 in Aurora, Kansas60. She was born on May 28, 1866 in Chariton, Iowa60.
ERNESTINE ELIZABETH CLAWSON1 (daughter of Jesse Clawson and Barbara
Gunderstaff) was born on October 26, 1870 in Agency City, Illinois. She died in
Utah. She married (1) CHARLEY EALEY. She married (2) JAMES ROTHWELL.
MARY3 CLAWSON (John2, Josiah1)61 was born about 1818 in Pennsylvania61. She married JOHN
VANATT (son of John Vannatta). He was born about 1809 in Pennsylvania61. He died about 1873.
Notes for John Vanatt:
John's name could have also been Samuel.
According to the 1860 census, John and his family were living in West Wheatfield Township,
Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
John Vanatt and Mary Clawson had the following children:
WILLIAM4 VANATT61 (son of John Vanatt and Mary Clawson) was born in December
Generation 3 (con't)
WILLIAM4 VANATT61 (son of John Vanatt and Mary Clawson) was born in December
1838 in Pennsylvania. He died on January 26, 1918. He married (1) MARTHA JANE
SIMMS (daughter of John Simms and Julianna Yost). She was born in 1842 in
Pennsylvania. He married (2) ELIZABETH ? in 1877.
LEVINIA VANATT61 (daughter of John Vanatt and Mary Clawson) was born in 1846 in
SUSAN M. VANATT61 (daughter of John Vanatt and Mary Clawson) was born in 1849
in Pennsylvania61.
SAMUEL CLARK VANATT61, 202 (son of John Vanatt and Mary Clawson) was born on
June 25, 1855 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He died on January 08, 1931203.
He married Lois Parlor (daughter of John Parlor and Elizabeth Johnson) in 1877.
She was born on December 15, 1859 in Pennsylvania203. She died on August 11,
EMMA VANATT61 (daughter of John Vanatt and Mary Clawson) was born in 1860 in
Pennsylvania. She died in 1916. She married JOHN GRAHAM.
JAMES3 CLAWSON (John2, Josiah1)38 was born about 1827 in Pennsylvania62. He died in 1890 in
Tunnelton, Indiana County, Pennsylvania63. He married MARY A. KELLY. She was born in
September 1827 in Pennsylvania62.
Notes for James Clawson:
According to the 1850 census, James and Mary were living in Conemaugh Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania.
According to the 1860 Census, James and his family were living in Blacklick Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania.
According to the 1870 Census, James and his family were living in Blacklick Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania.
According to the 1880 census, James was living in Fairfield Township, Westmoreland County,
Pennsylvania. His wife, Mary, and three children were still living with him. The three children that
were still living with them was Wallace (age 17), Samuel (age 15), and Ida (age 9).
Notes for Mary A. Kelly:
According to the 1900 Census, Mary was living in New Florence, Westmoreland County,
Pennsylvania. She was living at the residence of Samuel McNutt.
James Clawson and Mary A. Kelly had the following children:
ANNA M.4 CLAWSON (daughter of James Clawson and Mary A. Kelly).
RACHEL ANN CLAWSON62 (daughter of James Clawson and Mary A. Kelly) was born
on October 11, 1847 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania204. She
married Samuel Burkett (son of Andrew Burkett and Jemima Agnes Garland) on
March 09, 1871 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania205. He was
born on September 24, 1847 in Lockport, Fairfield Township, Westmoreland
County, Pennsylvania204. He died on April 16, 1911204.
JOHN ALBERT CLAWSON206-207 (son of James Clawson and Mary A. Kelly) was born
on April 29, 1849 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania206. He died
on April 16, 1914206. He married Helen Maria McElhose (daughter of John
McElhose and Sarah Ballentine) on October 15, 1869 in Blairsville, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania206. She was born on March 20, 1855 in Zanesville, Muskingum
County, Ohio206. She died on June 29, 1940 in Ligonier, Westmoreland County,
EMANUEL ELMER CLAWSON42, 63, 208 (son of James Clawson and Mary A. Kelly) was
born on October 17, 1850 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania209.
He died on December 23, 1925209. He married Sarah Catherine Hollis (daughter of
John Hollis and Charlotte Clawson) on October 28, 1869 in Indiana County,
Pennsylvania63. She was born on August 07, 1847 in Pennsylvania209. She died on
July 19, 1924209.
Generation 3 (con't)
WEBSTER WILLIAM CLAWSON42, 210 (son of James Clawson and Mary A. Kelly) was
born in January 1852 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania63. He
married Margaret ? about 1883210. She was born about 1840 in Pennsylvania210.
Notes for Webster William Clawson:
According to the 1910 census, Webster and Margaret were living in West
Wheatfield Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. From the census, they had no
MARY E. CLAWSON42 (daughter of James Clawson and Mary A. Kelly) was born in
September 1857 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania1. She
married George Hess on March 30, 1880 in Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania1.
SAMUEL CLAWSON36 (son of James Clawson and Mary A. Kelly) was born in April
1863 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania1.
viii. JAMES WALLACE CLAWSON62 (son of James Clawson and Mary A. Kelly) was born in
1865 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania62. He married (1)
ELIZABETH SHEARER on June 22, 1889 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania63. She died
on June 16, 1891 in Conemaugh Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania1. He
married (2) JENNIE RAGER on May 25, 189263. She was born in Cambria County,
Notes for James Wallace Clawson:
According to the 1910 census, James was living in Johnstown, Cambria County,
According to the 1920 census, James was living in Johnstown, Cambria County,
IDA MAY CLAWSON36, 211 (daughter of James Clawson and Mary A. Kelly) was born in
1869 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania36. She married (1)
GEORGE J. HANCOCK on August 22, 1898 in Westmoreland County,
Pennsylvania212. She married (2) EMANUEL A. GEORGE.
Generation 4
ALEXANDER4 CLOSSIN (Alexander3 Closson, Peter2 Closson, Josiah1 Clawson)19, 64-65 was born in
1821 in Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania1, 64-65. He died on April 15, 1901 in Crawfordsville,
Indiana65. He married MARY A. ?. She was born about 1820 in Ohio64.
Notes for Alexander Clossin:
According to the 1850 Census, Alexander and his family were living in Union Township,
Montgomery County, Indiana.
Alexander Clossin and Mary A. ? had the following children:
SARAH5 CLOSSIN64 (daughter of Alexander Clossin and Mary A. ?) was born about
1845 in Indiana64.
CATHERINE CLOSSIN64 (daughter of Alexander Clossin and Mary A. ?) was born
about 1847 in Indiana64.
ROBERT MONROE4 CLOSSIN (Alexander3 Closson, Peter2 Closson, Josiah1 Clawson)19, 67-70 was
born on November 05, 1833 in Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania1, 68. He died on February 05,
1910 in Frankfort, Clinton County, Indiana68, 71. He married (1) SARAH REBECCA SIMMS on January
25, 1854 in Indiana72. She was born about 1834 in Pennsylvania69. He married (2) ELIZABETH JANE
OSBORNE on October 12, 1865 in Tippecanoe County, Indiana71. She was born on May 26, 1836 in
Pisgah, Butler County, Ohio71. She died on January 15, 1920 in Frankfort, Clinton County,
Notes for Robert Monroe Clossin:
According to the 1860 Census, Robert and his family were living in Richmond, Richland County,
Generation 4 (con't)
According to the 1870 Census, Robert and his family were living in Dayton, Tippecanoe County,
Robert Monroe Clossin and Sarah Rebecca Simms had the following children:
ALEXANDER5 CLOSSIN (son of Robert Monroe Clossin and Sarah Rebecca Simms)
was born about 1854 in Pennsylvania.
CHARITY D. CLOSSIN (daughter of Robert Monroe Clossin and Sarah Rebecca
Simms) was born about 1858 in Wisconsin69.
Robert Monroe Clossin and Elizabeth Jane Osborne had the following children:
IVA CLOSSIN70 (daughter of Robert Monroe Clossin and Elizabeth Jane Osborne)
was born about 1867 in Indiana70. She died on November 18, 1935 in Clinton,
ELVIN GILBERT CLOSSIN71, 213-214 (son of Robert Monroe Clossin and Elizabeth Jane
Osborne) was born on October 23, 1880 in Earl Park, Indiana213, 215. He married
Loey M. Huffer on October 14, 1900 in Clinton214. She was born on May 18, 1881 in
Indiana216. She died on July 31, 1937216.
ELMER RUDOLPH CLOSSIN71 (son of Robert Monroe Clossin and Elizabeth Jane
Osborne) was born on October 23, 1879 in Benton, Indiana71. He died in May 1958
in Marion, Grant County, Indiana71. He married Iva Bell Hoss on August 30,
1903217. She was born on November 26, 1885 in Boyleston, Clinton County,
Indiana217. She died on July 07, 1961 in Marion, Grant County, Indiana217.
HARRY LEE CLOSSIN71, 218 (son of Robert Monroe Clossin and Elizabeth Jane
Osborne) was born on October 07, 1877 in Frankfort, Clinton County, Indiana71. He
died on July 22, 1971 in Brazil, Clay County, Indiana218. He married AUTA MAE
REAGAN. She was born in 1881219. She died in 1959219.
JASPER R. CLOSSIN71 (son of Robert Monroe Clossin and Elizabeth Jane Osborne)
was born in July 1871 in Indiana71. He married (1) MILDRED MCINTYRE on June 09,
1920 in Clinton County, Indiana220. She was born on August 14, 1879 in
Missouri220. He married (2) ANNA L. MACY on March 11, 1890 in Boone County,
Indiana220. She was born on February 05, 1873 in Indiana220. She died on June 19,
1917 in Frankfort, Clinton County, Indiana220.
JAMES SMITH4 CLOSSIN JR. (James S.3 Closson Sr., Peter2 Closson, Josiah1 Clawson)52, 73 was
born on April 21, 1821 in Hollidaysburg, Blair County, Pennsylvania1. He died on June 22, 1916 in
Johnstown, Cambria County, Pennsylvania1. He married Charlotte Amelia Slick (daughter of Jacob
Slick and Esther Vickroy) on December 03, 1847 in Wilmore, Croyle Township, Cambria County,
Pennsylvania1. She was born on September 05, 1827 in Bedford County, Pennsylvania1. She died
on August 29, 1906.
Notes for James Smith Clossin Jr.:
According to the 1850 Census, James and his family were living in Summerhill Township, Cambria
County, Pennsylvania.
According to the 1880 Census, James and his family were living in Johnstown, Cambria County,
According to the 1900 Census, James and his family were living in Johnstown, Cambria County,
Pennsylvania. A grandson, Clyde Blackford (born: August 1883), was living with them.
James died at 11:20 P.M. on June 22, 1916. James was living with his grandson, Clyde Blackford
at the time of his death.
Notes for Charlotte Amelia Slick:
According to the 1860 Census, Charlotte and her family were living in Croyle Township, Cambria
County, Pennsylvania. They were living with her parents.
James Smith Clossin Jr. and Charlotte Amelia Slick had the following children:
CORNELIA HARLAN5 CLOSSIN1, 73 (daughter of James Smith Clossin Jr. and Charlotte
Amelia Slick) was born on September 05, 1849 in Cambria County, Pennsylvania1.
Generation 4 (con't)
Amelia Slick) was born on September 05, 1849 in Cambria County, Pennsylvania1.
She died between 1850-18601.
ESTHER AUGUSTA CLOSSIN1 (daughter of James Smith Clossin Jr. and Charlotte
Amelia Slick) was born on July 11, 1848. She died before 1900221.
Notes for Esther Augusta Clossin:
Esther died young.
DAVID LINDSAY CLOSSIN1, 222 (son of James Smith Clossin Jr. and Charlotte Amelia
Slick) was born on September 05, 1851 in Johnstown, Cambria County,
Pennsylvania1. He died on August 15, 19071. He married (1) MARY DIAMOND. She
was born in Pennsylvania223. He married (2) JANET PLENDER GEDDES (daughter of ?
Geddes and ? ?) about 1882221. She was born in March 1866 in Pennsylvania221.
SARAH A. CLAWSON222 (daughter of James Smith Clossin Jr. and Charlotte Amelia
Slick) was born on June 05, 1854 in Johnstown, Cambria County, Pennsylvania1.
She died on December 26, 1937. She married (1) BENJAMIN BENNETT (son of
Samuel Bennett and Mary Clawson). He was born on June 12, 1841 in Black Lick
Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania12. She married (2) JAMES ASHBRIDGE. He
was born about 1843 in New Jersey224. He died before 1937137.
IRENE M. CLOSSIN1, 225 (daughter of James Smith Clossin Jr. and Charlotte Amelia
Slick) was born about 1865 in Pennsylvania225. She died in 1932. She married (1)
SAM BLACKFORD on April 14, 1882 in Johnstown, Cambria County, Pennsylvania226.
She married (2) ? PARTRIDGE.
JOHN4 CLOSSON (William3, Peter2, Josiah1 Clawson)1, 74-75 was born in 1812 in Bennington, Blair
County, Pennsylvania76. He married (1) RACHEL BRUBAKER (daughter of Jacob Brubaker and
Catherine Duncan). She was born in 1810 in Blair County, Pennsylvania. She died in August 1850
in Blair County, Pennsylvania. He married (2) SUSAN PENROSE (daughter of Solomon Penrose and
Catherine ?) after 1850. She was born on March 11, 1817 in Pennsylvania. She died on February
27, 1910 in Beryl, Blair County, Pennsylvania.
Notes for John Closson:
According to the 1840 census, John was living in Allegheny Township, Blair County, Pennsylvania.
According to the 1850 Census, John and his family were living in Allegheny Township, Blair
County, Pennsylvania.
In 1859, John was on the property map for Allegheny Townshiip, Blair County, Pennsylvania.
According to the 1860 Census, John and his family were living in Allegheny Township, Blair
County, Pennsylvania.
According to the 1880 Census, John and Susan were living in Allegheny Township, Blair County,
Pennsylvania. Susan's daughter, Sarah, was living with them as well as the following
grandchildren, Matilda Fesner (born: abt. 1869), George Burris (born: abt. 1871), James Painter
(born: abt.1875), and Samuel Seymour (born: abt. 1878). All of the grandchildren were born in
John Closson and Rachel Brubaker had the following children:
?5 CLOSSON1 (son of John Closson and Rachel Brubaker) was born between
1830-1835 in Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania.
JANE CLOSSON1 (daughter of John Closson and Rachel Brubaker) was born in 1831
in Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania.
ELIZABETH CLOSSON1 (daughter of John Closson and Rachel Brubaker) was born in
1835 in Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania.
? CLOSSON (daughter of John Closson and Rachel Brubaker) was born between
1836-1840 in Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania.
SAMUEL CLOSSON1, 227-229 (son of John Closson and Rachel Brubaker) was born on
Generation 4 (con't)
SAMUEL CLOSSON1, 227-229 (son of John Closson and Rachel Brubaker) was born on
May 25, 1836 in Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania. He died on June 03, 1917 in
Gallitzin, Cambria County, Pennsylvania. He married Elizabeth Dickson (daughter
of James Dickson and Catherine Conrod) on January 24, 1860 in Blair County,
Pennsylvania1. She was born in 1842 in Pennsylvania. She died before 1900 in
Gallitzin, Cambria County, Pennsylvania.
DAVID C. CLOSSON1, 83, 230-231 (son of John Closson and Rachel Brubaker) was born
on October 26, 1843 in Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania. He died on November
14, 1915. He married Mary Melinda Plowman (daughter of William G. Plowman and
Frances Wilt) on January 25, 1870 in Newry, Blair County, Pennsylvania1. She was
born on November 07, 1845 in Blair County, Pennsylvania83, 230. She died on June
02, 1929 in Tunnelhill, Pennsylvania.
MARTHA CLOSSON1 (daughter of John Closson and Rachel Brubaker) was born in
1844 in Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania.
viii. JOHN R. CLOSSON1, 232 (son of John Closson and Rachel Brubaker) was born in
October 1848 in Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania232. He married Emma Jane
Plowman (daughter of William G. Plowman and Frances Wilt) on July 01, 1869 in
Bennington, Blair County, Pennsylvania1. She was born in July 1849 in
Pennsylvania232. She died on August 16, 1936230.
Notes for Susan Penrose:
Altoona Mirror (February 28, 1910)
Died suddenly at the home of her Granddaughter, Mrs. Aaron Brubaker of Beryl, Sunday morning
at 4:30, aged 93 years, 11 months, and 16 days. She was twice married, first to Aaron Berkey and
later in life to John Closson. For many years a resident in the same vicinity, she will be missed by
many of the older people. She was a member of the Lutheran church and died in that faith. The
senior of five generations, she is survived by a large number of grandchildren and
great-grandchildren. Her great-great-grandchildren number thirty-four. These children survive: Mrs.
Michael Zeigler of Beryl; Aaron Berkey of Pittsburgh; Mrs. Lydia Reep of Holsopple; Mrs. Samuel
Brubaker of Loop; (Miss?) Sarah Berkey of Youngwood; Silas Closson of Scalp Level; Mrs. Nellie
Sha-? of Oregon City, Oregon. The funeral will be held at 9:35 o'clock Tuesday morning at Carson
Valley church. Interment in Carson Valley Cemetery.
John Closson and Susan Penrose had the following children:
SILAS SAMUEL CLOSSON1, 75, 83, 233 (son of John Closson and Susan Penrose) was
born on February 09, 1854 in Allegheny Township, Blair County, Pennsylvania75.
He died on October 21, 1940 in Duncansville, Blair County, Pennsylvania75, 234. He
married Martha Jane Brubaker (daughter of Ephraim Brubaker and Lydia W
Brubaker) on June 16, 1874 in Blair County, Pennsylvania1, 83. She was born on
June 27, 1853234. She died on September 07, 1912 in Scalp Level, Cambria
County, Pennsylvania234.
JAMES CLOSSON74, 83, 233, 235-236 (son of John Closson and Susan Penrose) was born
in May 1856 in Blair County, Pennsylvania237. He died on March 22, 1906 in North
Versailles, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania74. He married Abigail Carroll (daughter
of ? Carroll and ? ?) in 1876237. She was born in January 1854 in Pennsylvania237.
AMELIA CLOSSON233 (daughter of John Closson and Susan Penrose) was born in
1858 in Blair County, Pennsylvania233. She married John Shadle on May 04, 18751.
He was born about 1846 in Pennsylvania83.
ELIZABETH4 CLOSSON (William3, Peter2, Josiah1 Clawson)77 was born about 1827 in Altoona, Blair
County, Pennsylvania77. She died on October 21, 1897 in Beaver Falls, Beaver County,
Pennsylvania77. She married David Dunkel about 1847 in Blair County, Pennsylvania77. He was
born on November 02, 1824 in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania77. He died on January 25, 1891 in
Beaver Falls, Beaver County, Pennsylvania77.
David Dunkel and Elizabeth Closson had the following child:
WILLIAM WORTHINGTON5 DUNKEL (son of David Dunkel and Elizabeth Closson)77.
ELIZABETH4 CLOSSON (Peter3 Jr., Peter2, Josiah1 Clawson)1 was born in 1812 in Huntingdon
Generation 4 (con't)
ELIZABETH4 CLOSSON (Peter3 Jr., Peter2, Josiah1 Clawson)1 was born in 1812 in Huntingdon
County, Pennsylvania. She died on September 27, 1879 in Hollidaysburg, Blair County,
Pennsylvania. She married FRANCIS SLICK. He was born in 1810. He died on May 02, 1850.
Francis Slick and Elizabeth Closson had the following children:
FREDERICK5 SLICK1 (son of Francis Slick and Elizabeth Closson) was born on July
04, 1848 in Blair County, Pennsylvania.
FRANCIS SLICK1 (son of Francis Slick and Elizabeth Closson) was born on May 27,
1850 in Blair County, Pennsylvania.
MARGARET4 CLOSSON (Peter3 Jr., Peter2, Josiah1 Clawson)1 was born in 1818 in Cambria County,
Pennsylvania78. She married PATRICK CULLEN. He was born in 1809 in Ireland1. He died on
September 26, 18511.
Patrick Cullen and Margaret Closson had the following children:
MARGARET5 CULLEN1 (daughter of Patrick Cullen and Margaret Closson) was born in
1837 in Pennsylvania78. She married MICHAEL MULVIHILL.
Notes for Margaret Cullen:
Margaret and Michael lived in Summerhill, Cambria County, Pennsylvania.
WILLIAM CULLEN1 (son of Patrick Cullen and Margaret Closson) was born in 1839 in
JOHN CULLEN1 (son of Patrick Cullen and Margaret Closson) was born in 1841 in
Pennsylvania78. He married Annie Darby on August 16, 188978.
CHARLES S. CULLEN78 (son of Patrick Cullen and Margaret Closson) was born on
April 06, 1841 in Wilmore, Croyle Township, Cambria County, Pennsylvania238. He
died on January 22, 1931238. He married Lucinda P. Hughes (daughter of John
Hughes) on September 19, 1866 in Wilmore, Croyle Township, Cambria County,
Pennsylvania1. She was born on December 25, 1845 in Ebensburg, Cambria
County, Pennsylvania238. She died on September 18, 1890238.
THOMAS PETER CULLEN1 (son of Patrick Cullen and Margaret Closson) was born on
March 10, 1843 in Cambria County, Pennsylvania1.
MALINDA CATHERINE CULLEN1 (daughter of Patrick Cullen and Margaret Closson)
was born on January 14, 1846 in Wilmore, Croyle Township, Cambria County,
Pennsylvania78. She married Charles A. Dimond on June 25, 1868 in Wilmore,
Croyle Township, Cambria County, Pennsylvania1. He was born in 1846 in Croyle
Township, Cambria County, Pennsylvania.
ANDREW D. CULLEN1 (son of Patrick Cullen and Margaret Closson) was born on April
01, 1846 in Cambria County, Pennsylvania1. He died on November 28, 1918 in
Portage, Cambria County, Pennsylvania78. He married CATHERINE A. ?. She was
born in March 184978. She died in 194178.
viii. ARTHUR HENRY CULLEN78 (son of Patrick Cullen and Margaret Closson) was born on
May 28, 1848 in Wilmore, Croyle Township, Cambria County, Pennsylvania1. He
married Mary Jane Litzinger on November 16, 18711.
MARY J. CULLEN1 (daughter of Patrick Cullen and Margaret Closson) was born on
October 11, 1850 in Cambria County, Pennsylvania1. She died in 191378. She
married (1) ? ?. She married (2) PETER SEYMOUR.
MARY4 CLOSSON (Peter3 Jr., Peter2, Josiah1 Clawson)1, 79 was born in 1819 in Huntingdon County,
Pennsylvania. She married CAROLO DAVIS. He died about 1849.
Notes for Mary Closson:
According to the 1880 Census, Mary was living with her family in Portage, Cambria County,
Pennsylvania. Her children, Isabelle and Thomas, were living with her. Her brother, Peter, and his
son, John, were living with her. Two granddaughters were living with her, Vergie (born: abt. 1873)
and Myra (born: abt 1879).
Carolo Davis and Mary Closson had the following children:
ALBERTUM5 DAVIS1 (son of Carolo Davis and Mary Closson) was born in 1841 in
Pennsylvania. He married Joannum O'Neill on October 22, 1867.
Generation 4 (con't)
(daughter of Carolo Davis and Mary Closson) was born in 1843
in Pennsylvania79.
THOMAS DAVIS79 (son of Carolo Davis and Mary Closson) was born about 1844 in
CAROLUM DAVIS (son of Carolo Davis and Mary Closson) was born on September
18, 1846 in Pennsylvania.
JACOB DAVIS1 (son of Carolo Davis and Mary Closson) was born on November 30,
1848 in Pennsylvania.
DAVIS1, 79
CATHERINE4 CLOSSON (Peter3 Jr., Peter2, Josiah1 Clawson)1 was born in 1821 in Frankstown
Township, Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania. She died on February 13, 1910 in Hollidaysburg,
Blair County, Pennsylvania. She married Thomas O'Brien in 18381. He was born in 1814 in Ireland.
He died on December 01, 1860 in Hollidaysburg, Blair County, Pennsylvania.
Thomas O'Brien and Catherine Closson had the following children:
WILLIAM JAMES5 O'BRIEN1 (son of Thomas O'Brien and Catherine Closson) was born
on February 25, 1843 in Hollidaysburg, Blair County, Pennsylvania. He died on
April 21, 1918 in Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania. He married FRANCES
?. She was born on November 01, 1845 in Summit, Cambria County,
Pennsylvania137. She died after 1938.
CAROLUM THOMAM O'BRIEN1 (son of Thomas O'Brien and Catherine Closson) was
born on February 19, 1845 in Hollidaysburg, Blair County, Pennsylvania.
PETER O'BRIEN1 (son of Thomas O'Brien and Catherine Closson) was born about
September 08, 1847 in Hollidaysburg, Blair County, Pennsylvania.
FRANCISCUM J. O'BRIEN1 (son of Thomas O'Brien and Catherine Closson) was born
between January 15-17 1850 in Hollidaysburg, Blair County, Pennsylvania. He died
on April 28, 1928 in Altoona, Blair County, Pennsylvania.
LAWRENCE O'BRIEN1 (son of Thomas O'Brien and Catherine Closson) was born in
1852 in Hollidaysburg, Blair County, Pennsylvania.
JOHN DAVID O'BRIEN239 (son of Thomas O'Brien and Catherine Closson) was born
on July 16, 1854 in Hollidaysburg, Blair County, Pennsylvania239. He died on July
21, 1927239. He married Elizabeth Jane Hart (daughter of Joseph Hart) on October
25, 1883239.
CATHARINAM O'BRIEN1 (daughter of Thomas O'Brien and Catherine Closson) was
born on July 01, 1857 in Hollidaysburg, Blair County, Pennsylvania. She died on
May 13, 1942. She married WILLIAM F. WOLF.
PETER4 CLOSSON (Peter3 Jr., Peter2, Josiah1 Clawson)23, 79 was born about 1823 in Huntingdon
County, Pennsylvania22. He died on December 12, 1905. He married ELIZABETH WILLIAMS
(daughter of James Pringle and Mary ?). She was born in 1837. She died about February 18, 1865.
Notes for Peter Closson:
According to the 1880 Census, Peter was living in Portage, Cambria County, with his sister, Mary.
His son, John, was also with him.
Peter Closson and Elizabeth Williams had the following children:
JOHN W.5 CLOSSON1, 79, 240 (son of Peter Closson and Elizabeth Williams) was born
on April 13, 1863.
JAMES CLOSSON240 (son of Peter Closson and Elizabeth Williams) was born in
January 1865. He died on October 29, 1937 in Roanoke, Virginia240. He married
Lela L. Witt on December 30, 1908 in Roanoke, Virginia241.
Notes for James Closson:
The Indiana Progress (November 10, 1937)
James Clossin
James Clossin, aged 71, who died October 29 at his home in Roanoke, Va., was a
native of the Armagh community, where he resided for many years. The deceased,
Generation 4 (con't)
native of the Armagh community, where he resided for many years. The deceased,
who was a foster son of Solomon and Lydia Cites, Is survived by his widow, and a
brother, John, and these foster brothers and sisters: Mrs. Jennie Hill, of Indiana;
Mrs. Emma Fry Rodgers, of Seward; Mrs. Annie Green, f Latrobe, and Charles, of
JAMES4 CLOSSON (Peter3 Jr., Peter2, Josiah1 Clawson)23 was born on March 31, 1840 in
Pennsylvania80-81. He died before 1900. He married CELIA A KIEL (daughter of Henry G. Kiel and
Sarah Kern). She was born on April 06, 1844 in Pennsylvania80.
Notes for James Closson:
According to the 1870 Census, James and his family were living in Altoona, Blair County,
According to the 1880 Census, James and his family were living in Altoona, Blair County,
Notes for Celia A Kiel:
According to the 1900 Census, Celia and her family were living in Pittsburgh, Allegheny County,
Pennsylvania. Her children Fannie and Arthur, were living with her.
According to the 1920 Census, Celia was living her daughter, Carrie, and her family in Pittsburgh,
Allegheny County, Pennsylvania.
James Closson and Celia A Kiel had the following children:
EMMA5 CLOSSIN81 (daughter of James Closson and Celia A Kiel) was born on
December 24, 1864 in Pennsylvania80.
WILLIAM CLOSSIN81 (son of James Closson and Celia A Kiel) was born about 1867 in
CARRIE CLOSSIN81 (daughter of James Closson and Celia A Kiel) was born on July
16, 1873 in Pennsylvania80. She married EDWARD W. GANTT. He was born about
1876 in Pennsylvania242.
FANNIE CLOSSIN81 (daughter of James Closson and Celia A Kiel) was born on July
16, 1873 in Pennsylvania80.
ARTHUR J. CLOSSIN243 (son of James Closson and Celia A Kiel) was born on April
07, 1882 in Pennsylvania80, 243.
ELIZA J.4 CLOSSON (David3, Peter2, Josiah1 Clawson)1 was born in 1818 in Pennsylvania. She
married SAMUEL BRUBAKER (son of Jacob Brubaker and Catherine Duncan). He was born about
1817 in Pennsylvania82.
Samuel Brubaker and Eliza J. Closson had the following children:
DAVID5 BRUBAKER82 (son of Samuel Brubaker and Eliza J. Closson) was born about
1842 in Pennsylvania.
JACOB BRUBAKER82 (son of Samuel Brubaker and Eliza J. Closson) was born about
1844 in Pennsylvania.
ELIZABETH BRUBAKER82 (daughter of Samuel Brubaker and Eliza J. Closson) was
born about 1846 in Pennsylvania.
MARY C. BRUBAKER82 (daughter of Samuel Brubaker and Eliza J. Closson) was born
about 1848 in Pennsylvania.
DAVID4 CLOSSON (David3, Peter2, Josiah1 Clawson)24, 83-84 was born on August 08, 1824 in
Pennsylvania. He died on April 18, 190385-86. He married Elizabeth Olinger about 18441. She was
born on September 06, 1829 in Pennsylvania83, 86. She died in 1886 in Carson Valley, Blair County,
Notes for David Closson:
Generation 4 (con't)
Notes for David Closson:
According to the 1850 Census, David and his family were living with his father in Allegheny
Township, Blair County, Pennsylvania.
According to the 1860 Census, David and his family were living in Allegheny Township, Blair
County, Pennsylvania.
According to the 1880 Census, David and his family were living in Allegheny Township, Blair
County, Pennsylvania.
David Closson and Elizabeth Olinger had the following children:
ELIZA J.5 CLOSSON244 (daughter of David Closson and Elizabeth Olinger) was born
on October 31, 1845 in Pennsylvania86. She died on April 05, 188986. She married
James Daniel Kemmerling about 1867 in Blair County, Pennsylvania230. He was
born in 1844 in Huntingdon, Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania230.
JOHN H. CLOSSON233 (son of David Closson and Elizabeth Olinger) was born on
November 29, 1843 in Carson Valley, Allegheny Township, Blair County,
Pennsylvania231. He died on December 24, 1925 in Cross Keys, Blair County,
Pennsylvania137. He married Jemima Shadle on May 15, 1870245. She was born on
February 13, 1849 in Blair County, Pennsylvania230. She died on August 16, 1936 in
Cross Keys, Blair County, Pennsylvania137.
SARAH CLOSSON233 (daughter of David Closson and Elizabeth Olinger) was born
about 1852 in Pennsylvania233.
ANNIE CLOSSON233 (daughter of David Closson and Elizabeth Olinger) was born
about 1855 in Pennsylvania233.
WILLIAM HARRISON CLOSSON231, 233, 246-250 (son of David Closson and Elizabeth
Olinger) was born on July 20, 1858 in Allegheny Township, Blair County,
Pennsylvania246, 248. He died on September 15, 1944 in Altoona Hospital, Altoona,
Blair County, Pennsylvania246, 249. He married (1) ELIZABETH AGNES PHEASANT on
February 22, 1877 in Canan Station, Blair, Pennsylvania246. She was born on May
12, 1860 in Trough Creek Valley, Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania246. She died on
May 27, 1921 in Altoona, Blair County, Pennsylvania246, 249. He married (2) ANNIE M.
THOMPSON on November 08, 1924 in Trinity Methodist Parsonage, Blair,
Pennsylvania246. She was born in February 1866245.
AMANDA CLOSSON230, 251 (daughter of David Closson and Elizabeth Olinger) was
born in January 1861 in Bennington, Blair County, Pennsylvania251. She married
John Hart about 1878251. He was born in June 1853 in Pennsylvania251.
Notes for John Hart:
According to the 1900 Census, John and Amanda were living in Logan Township,
Blair County, Pennsylvania. Amanda's brother, David was living with them.
EMMA CLOSSON83 (daughter of David Closson and Elizabeth Olinger) was born in
1863 in Bennington, Blair County, Pennsylvania83.
viii. MARYANN CLOSSON230 (daughter of David Closson and Elizabeth Olinger) was born
in 1864 in Bennington, Blair County, Pennsylvania230.
BENJAMIN FRANKLIN CLOSSON83-84, 231, 252 (son of David Closson and Elizabeth
Olinger) was born on March 25, 1866 in Blair County, Pennsylvania84. He died on
August 24, 1936 in Hollidaysburg, Blair County, Pennsylvania (Age: 7084). He
married Mary A. Van Scoyoc (daughter of John Van Scoyoc and Ann Eliza Adams)
on July 01, 1884 in Williamsburg, Blair, Pennsylvania252. She was born in 1863 in
Blair County, Pennsylvania252.
DAVID CLOSSON251 (son of David Closson and Elizabeth Olinger) was born in 1867
in Bennington, Blair County, Pennsylvania253.
Notes for David Closson:
According to the 1900 Census, David was living with his sister, Amanda, and her
family in Logan Township, Blair County, Pennsylvania.
Generation 4 (con't)
According to the 1910 Census, David was a boarder at Daniel Brown's residence in
Logan Township, Blair County, Pennsylvania.
? CLOSSON (child of David Closson and Elizabeth Olinger)86.
? CLOSSON (child of David Closson and Elizabeth Olinger)86.
xiii. ? CLOSSON (child of David Closson and Elizabeth Olinger)86.
THOMAS SCOTT4 CLOSSON (Josiah3, Peter2, Josiah1 Clawson)1, 81, 87 was born on May 02, 1818 in
Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania. He died on September 11, 1881. He married TEMPERANCE
MEADVILLE (daughter of ? Meadville and ? ?). She was born about 1820 in Virginia88.
Notes for Thomas Scott Closson:
According to the 1850 Census, Thomas and his family were living in Antis Township, Blair County,
According to the 1860 Census, Thomas and his family were living in Antis Township, Blair County,
According to the 1880 Census, Thomas and his family were living in Altoona, Blair County,
Pennsylvania. His children, Josiah and Martha, were living with them.
Thomas Scott Closson and Temperance Meadville had the following children:
JOSIAH S.5 CLOSSON1, 254-255 (son of Thomas Scott Closson and Temperance
Meadville) was born on August 14, 1842255. He died on March 01, 1901255. He
married MARTHA A. ?. She was born on December 07, 1843 in Blair County,
Pennsylvania256. She died on April 13, 1873 in Blair County, Pennsylvania256.
THOMAS SCOTT CLOSSON88, 257-259 (son of Thomas Scott Closson and Temperance
Meadville) was born in June 1847 in Tipton, Blair County, Pennsylvania257. He died
on April 18, 1910 in Bellwood, Blair County, Pennsylvania260. He married Louisa
Charlotte Newhouse about 1868259. She was born in March 1851 in
CALEB HORACE CLOSSON1, 81, 87, 254, 261-262 (son of Thomas Scott Closson and
Temperance Meadville) was born on June 05, 1848 in Tipton, Blair County,
Pennsylvania87. He died on February 24, 1911 in Altoona, Blair County,
Pennsylvania87, 261. He married Kate Christiana Clark about 1876263. She was born
in June 1851 in Pennsylvania263. She died on October 28, 1934 in Altoona, Blair
County, Pennsylvania264.
MARTHA CLOSSON81 (daughter of Thomas Scott Closson and Temperance
Meadville) was born about 1864 in Pennsylvania81.
MARGARET4 CLOSSON (Josiah3, Peter2, Josiah1 Clawson)1 was born in 1823. She married (1)
MICHAEL D. REIDY. She married (2) JEROME HARRISON. He was born in 1812 in Philadelphia,
Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania89.
Michael D. Reidy and Margaret Closson had the following child:
MICHAEL D5 REIDY265 (son of Michael D. Reidy and Margaret Closson) was born on
March 06, 1842 in Tipton, Berks County, Pennsylvania265. He died on September
02, 1915 in Wallaceton, Boggs Township, Clearfield County, Pennsylvania265. He
married ELLA LUCRETIA O'DELL (daughter of John Stone O'Dell and Sarah Ann
Ginter). She was born on January 02, 1846 in Grayhampton, Pennsylvania265. She
died on January 21, 1925 in Long Beach, Los Angeles County, California265.
Jerome Harrison and Margaret Closson had the following child:
SYLVESTER SCOTT5 HARRISON (son of Jerome Harrison and Margaret Closson)89.
RICHARD BENJAMIN4 CLAWSON (Benjamin Richard3, Richard2, Josiah1)6 was born on December 15,
1811 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He died on June 22, 1897 in Black
Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania50. He married Rachel Davis (daughter of Silas Davis
Generation 4 (con't)
Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania50. He married Rachel Davis (daughter of Silas Davis
and Eunice Geer) on December 31, 1831 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
She was born on April 01, 1813 in Connecticut3. She died on July 09, 1897 in Black Lick Township,
Indiana County, Pennsylvania93.
Notes for Richard Benjamin Clawson:
According to the 1850 census, Richard and his family lived in Blacklick Township, Indiana County,
According to the 1860 Census, Richard and his family were living in Blacklick Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania.
According to the 1870 Census, Richard and his family were living in Blacklick Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania. There was also a Sarah Donahey (age 40, born in Pennsylvania) living with
them as a domestic servant.
Indiana Progress (July 1, 1896)
Mr. Richard B. Clawson of Blacklick township, died on Monday, June 22, aged 81 years. A wife
and a number of children survive him. The remains were interred in Hopewell church graveyard on
Richard Benjamin Clawson and Rachel Davis had the following children:
BENJAMIN W.5 CLAWSON6, 266 (son of Richard Benjamin Clawson and Rachel Davis)
was born on July 11, 1833 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
He died on October 01, 1917 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania. He married Caroline Ferguson (daughter of Elliott Ferguson and
Hulda Clawson) on October 12, 1897 in Blairsville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
She was born on August 15, 1872 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania52. She died on August 08, 1938 in Indiana, Indiana County,
EUNICE CLAWSON267 (daughter of Richard Benjamin Clawson and Rachel Davis)
was born on August 16, 1834 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania27. She died on February 27, 1838 in Black Lick Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania27.
MARY ANN CLAWSON6 (daughter of Richard Benjamin Clawson and Rachel Davis)
was born on March 31, 1838 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania12. She died on February 15, 1879 in Green Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania1. She married JOHN DONAHEY.
Notes for Mary Ann Clawson:
In 1897, Mary was living in Cookport, Pennsylvania.
SILAS DAVIS CLAWSON6 (son of Richard Benjamin Clawson and Rachel Davis) was
born on July 22, 1840 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He
died on March 02, 1858 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
DWIGHT GERE CLAWSON267 (son of Richard Benjamin Clawson and Rachel Davis)
was born on July 31, 1847 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
He died on November 22, 1885 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania. He married Margaret Ellen Long (daughter of Jesse M. Long and
Sarah Smith) on February 26, 1874 in Livermore, Westmoreland County,
Pennsylvania12. She was born on August 21, 1854 in Black Lick Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania. She died on July 16, 1931.
REBECCA JANE CLAWSON3, 36, 268 (daughter of Richard Benjamin Clawson and
Rachel Davis) was born on March 08, 1852 in Black Lick, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania267-268. She died on March 21, 1926 in Clymer, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania268. She married Benjamin F. Donahey (son of William Jay Donahey
and Margaret Davis) on December 04, 1873 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania3. He
was born on February 07, 1849 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania3, 127. He died on January 10, 1913 in Green Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania127, 269.
Generation 4 (con't)
CYNTHIA AUGUSTA CLAWSON36, 267 (daughter of Richard Benjamin Clawson and
Rachel Davis) was born on March 23, 1860 in Pennsylvania27. She died on March
21, 187727.
MARY4 CLAWSON (Benjamin Richard3, Richard2, Josiah1)42 was born on October 17, 1814 in Black
Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania27. She died on September 05, 1884 in Indiana
County, Pennsylvania1. She married Samuel Bennett (son of Nathan Bennett and Huldah Nichols)
about 1840 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania12. He was born on March 19,
1814 in New York or Massachusetts. He died on August 05, 1881 in Black Lick Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania94.
Notes for Mary Clawson:
According to the 1850 census, Mary and her family were living in Blacklick Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania.
Notes for Samuel Bennett:
According to the 1850 census, Samuel and his family were living in Blacklick Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania.
According to the 1860 Census, Samuel and his family were living in Blacklick Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania.
According to the 1870 Census, Samuel and his family were living in Blacklick Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania.
Samuel Bennett and Mary Clawson had the following children:
BENJAMIN BENNETT6 (son of Samuel Bennett and Mary Clawson) was born on June
12, 1841 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania12. He married
SARAH A. CLAWSON (daughter of James Smith Clossin Jr. and Charlotte Amelia
Slick). She was born on June 05, 1854 in Johnstown, Cambria County,
Pennsylvania1. She died on December 26, 1937.
ELIZA J. BENNETT6, 42 (daughter of Samuel Bennett and Mary Clawson) was born in
1844 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania6. She married JOHN
MARY ANN BENNETT6 (daughter of Samuel Bennett and Mary Clawson) was born in
1846 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania6. She married James
Steffy after 1864.
REBECCA S. BENNETT6, 42 (daughter of Samuel Bennett and Mary Clawson) was born
in 1848 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania6. She married (1)
DAVID D. CLAWSON (son of Richard Samuel Clawson and Eleanora Davis). He was
born in 1847 in Pennsylvania6. He died on February 21, 1880 in Burrell Township,
Indiana County, Pennsylvania27. She married (2) JOHN LEAR.
JOSEPH REPINE BENNETT12, 42 (son of Samuel Bennett and Mary Clawson) was born
on March 29, 1849 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania12. He
died on October 23, 19391. He married ANNA BELL CAMPBELL.
JOHN BENNETT42, 181 (son of Samuel Bennett and Mary Clawson) was born in 1853
in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania42. He married Emma Jane
Cribbs (daughter of George Washington Cribbs and Keziah Ann Davis) in 1876.
She was born in 1855 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She
died on June 13, 1944.
Notes for Emma Jane Cribbs:
Emma had no children.
viii. SAMUEL BENNETT42 (son of Samuel Bennett and Mary Clawson) was born about
1858 in Pennsylvania42. He married Melinda E. Thompson (daughter of Samuel
HULDAH LOUISE BENNETT12, 42 (daughter of Samuel Bennett and Mary Clawson) was
born on October 27, 1854 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
She died on November 12, 1926. She married (1) ? JAMISON. She married (2) ?
Generation 4 (con't)
1858 in Pennsylvania42. He married Melinda E. Thompson (daughter of Samuel
Thompson and Sarah Clawson) in Black Lick Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania. She was born on February 14, 1868. She died on August 14, 1937.
SARAH4 CLAWSON (Benjamin Richard3, Richard2, Josiah1)16, 54, 95 was born on September 10, 1816
in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania54. She died on February 26, 1892. She
married John B. Clawson (son of John Clawson and Elizabeth Wincher) on January 10, 1853 in
Young Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania16. He was born in 1811 in Pennsylvania54. He died
on March 23, 1868 in West Wheatfield Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania55.
Notes for Sarah Clawson:
According to the 1870 census, Sarah was living in West Wheatfield Township, Indiana County,
According to the 1880 census, Sarah was living in West Wheatfield Township, Indiana County,
Notes for John B. Clawson:
Accoriding to the 1850 census, John and his family were living in Young Township, Indiana County,
John was killed in Blairsville in 1868 when a train hit his buggy. He was coming home from Indiana
where he was just sworn in as a deputy sheriff. He was hit by the Emigrant Train on the
Pennsylvania Rail Road. John died of injuries within an half an hour after the accident.
According to the 1850 census, John and his family lived in Conemaugh Township, Indiana County,
According to the 1860 census, John and his family lived in Young Township, Indiana County,
Killed (Blairsville Press, March 27, 1868)
On Monday evening last, John Clawson, more familiarly know as 'Pepper John' of West Wheatfield
township, was killed by being struck by the engine of the emigrant train near Blairsville Intersection.
Mr. Clawson had been to Indiana during the day, and was sworn in as a constable for West
Wheatfield township. He was on his return home, and by some means missed the accommodation
train and undertook to walk from the Intersection, where he had eaten his supper and drank a glass
of ale - so said, if not worse and more of it, as it is sold in that vicinity in any quantity in violation of
the law - which was the last seen of him alive. We are told that the engineer of the train said, that
on turning a curve about a mile east of the Intersection, he saw a man sitting on a tie a short
distance ahead with his elbow on the rail. He pulled the whistle to put down the brakes, but the
distance was too short to stop the train. When the engine whistled, Clawson merely turned his
head, and appeared to be in too indifferent a condition to move. After the engine struck him the
train was stopped and the injured man taken up and brought to this place, but he died on the road.
The body was badly crushed. It was taken back to Westmoreland county for inquest. We have
had an unusual number of such cases during the past year, and yet nothing is done to bring to
punishment those men who violate the law every day by dealing out the poison which is the cause
of it all. Oh, no! they are respectable men, and have large sums of money invested in property,
and it must be protected, though for every brick, nail or foot of timber which their property contains,
a human being should be destroyed. We relish this kind of justice and protection. Protect a
number of men in idleness though a whole community suffers thereby. "Oh, shame, where is thy
Cambria Freeman, 4/2/1868, page 3, col., 1:
John Clawson of West Wheatfield Township, Indiana County., was run over by the Emigrant train
on the PRR on Monday week, near Packsaddle and received injuries from which he died the same
Indiana Register, Indiana, Pennsylvania, 25 March 1868
KILLED. On last Monday evening, MR. JOHN CLAWSON, constable of West Wheatfield township,
this county, was run over by the Emigrant train, westward, at Blairsville Intersection, P.R.R., and so
seriously injured that he survived only a short time. The deceased was at the Intersection awaiting
Generation 4 (con't)
seriously injured that he survived only a short time. The deceased was at the Intersection awaiting
one of the trains, and incautiously seated himself upon one of the tracks, where he was run upon
by the above train, crushing in the back part of his head, causing his death in the course of half an
hour. He had just been sworn into office on Monday, and was enroute to perform some official
John B. Clawson and Sarah Clawson had the following children:
DAVIS BENJAMIN CLAWSON54, 188-191 (son of John B. Clawson and Sarah
Clawson) was born on September 07, 1846 in Conemaugh Township,
Indiana County, Pennsylvania54. He died on December 29, 1910 in
Robinson, West Wheatfield Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania54, 189.
He married Rebecca J. Burkett (daughter of Andrew Burkett and Jemima
Agnes Garland) in 1867188. She was born on January 28, 1845 in
Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania192-195. She died on October 12, 1915 in
Fairfield Township, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania192-195.
SARAH JANE CLAWSON15, 184 (daughter of John B. Clawson and Sarah Clawson) was
born on May 07, 1850 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania184. She died on July 30,
1920 in Blairsville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania184. She married Samuel
Thompson McCurdy (son of James McCurdy and Elizabeth Clawson) in 1871 in
Pennsylvania183. He was born on March 23, 1848 in Black Lick, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania184. He died on May 27, 1928 in Blairsville, Indiana County,
viii. MARY E. CLAWSON (daughter of John B. Clawson and Sarah Clawson) was born
about 1854 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania62. She died on March 05, 1894196. She
married CHARLES B. LITTLE. He was born about 1850 in Pennsylvania62.
DANIEL4 REPINE (Rebecca3 Clawson, Richard2 Clawson, Josiah1 Clawson)49 was born on June 10,
1812 in Burrell Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He died on April 24, 1892 in Burrell
Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He married Abigail Davis (daughter of Silas Davis and
Eunice Geer) on August 29, 1833 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania49. She
was born on July 02, 1817 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She died on
February 12, 1884 in Burrell Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
Notes for Daniel Repine:
According to the 1850 census, Daniel and his family were living in Blacklick Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania.
According to the 1880 census, Daniel and Abigail were living in Burrell Township, Indiana County,
Daniel Repine and Abigail Davis had the following children:
REBECCA ANN5 REPINE6 (daughter of Daniel Repine and Abigail Davis) was born on
May 20, 1834 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She died on
April 27, 1872 in Burrell Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She married
Jonathan Clawson (son of Jonathan Clawson and Sarah Moorehead) on
September 29, 1853 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania49. He was born on January
02, 1825 in Blairsville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania1. He died on April 04, 1892 in
Burrell Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania133.
JOSEPH REPINE6 (son of Daniel Repine and Abigail Davis) was born about 1837 in
Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania6. He married ELIZABETH ?. She
was born about 1838 in Pennsylvania134.
MARGARET REPINE6 (daughter of Daniel Repine and Abigail Davis) was born about
1847 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania6.
Generation 4 (con't)
REPINE (Rebecca3 Clawson, Richard2 Clawson, Josiah1 Clawson)96-97 was born
on June 17, 1817 in Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania97. He died on March 16, 1864 in Rock
Island County, Illinois97. He married MARY JANE CARNES. She was born in 1822 in Pennsylvania97.
She died after 190997.
Notes for Joseph Claussen Repine:
According to the 1860 Census, Joseph and his family were living in Rock Island, Rock Island
County, Illinois.
Notes for Mary Jane Carnes:
According to the 1870 Census, Mary and her family were living in Rock Island, Rock Island County,
According to the 1880 Census, Mary and her family were living in Seventh Avenue, Rock Island,
Rock Island County, Illinois.
Joseph Claussen Repine and Mary Jane Carnes had the following children:
MARGARET5 REPINE96 (daughter of Joseph Claussen Repine and Mary Jane Carnes)
was born in July 1845 in Illinois97. She died about 190997.
SARAH ANN REPINE96 (daughter of Joseph Claussen Repine and Mary Jane Carnes)
was born in 1848 in Illinois97. She died before 188097.
FLORA REPINE96 (daughter of Joseph Claussen Repine and Mary Jane Carnes) was
born on October 08, 1854 in Rock Island County, Illinois137. She died on June 18,
1929 in Rock Island County, Illinois97.
Notes for Flora Repine:
Flora Repine, Rural School Teacher, Dies.
Death Occurs at St. Anthony's Hospital Five Days Following Sister's Demise.
Within five days after the death of the sister, Miss Flora Repine, formerly a school
teacher in the rural districts of Rock Island county for a quarter of a century, died at
5:30 o'clock this morning, in St. Anthony's hospital, Rock Island. She had been ill
since June 8, and only a week ago she and her sister, Miss Minnie Repine, were
taken to the hospital. Miss Minnie Repine died Thursday of heart disease.
Miss Flora Repine, who was suffering from an eye infection, was 74 years old. She
and her sister had lived almost a half a century in the Repine home at 723 Fourth
avenue. She was born in Rock Island Oct. 8, 1854, and taught in the rural schools
of the county 25 years. She retired on pension 13 years ago.
A third teacher, Miss Margaret Repine, whose death occurred 20 years ago, also
was a teacher in the schools of the county. Following her death in Rock Island,
services were held in the Hawthorne public scool. Surviving Miss Flora is a nephew,
Harry E. Repine, 1111 Nineteenth-and-a-half avenue, Rock Island.
The body was removed to the Knox mortuary pending arrangements for the funeral,
which is expected to be later in the week in the Knox chapel.
JUDD REPINE96 (son of Joseph Claussen Repine and Mary Jane Carnes) was born
in March 1857 in Illinois97. He died between 1909-1929. He married Rosa Stroup on
May 20, 1876 in Rock Island County, Illinois97. She was born in 186097. She died in
MINNIE REPINE1 (daughter of Joseph Claussen Repine and Mary Jane Carnes) was
born in October 1859 in Illinois97. She died on June 13, 1929 in Rock Island County,
Notes for Minnie Repine:
Minnie Repine, Early School Teacher, Dies.
Generation 4 (con't)
Native of Rock Island Passes at Age 70; in Failing Health for a Year.
Miss Minnie Repine, formerly a school teacher for many years, a resident of Rock
Island at 723 Fourth avenue, died at 11 o'clock this morning in St. Anthony's
hospital. Although in failing health for almost a year, Miss Repine did not become
seriously ill until two days ago. Heart disease caused her death.
Miss Flora Repine, a sister, is also in the hospital, suffering from an eye infection.
The sisteers were taken there Tuesday from their home where they lived by
During the full span of her life, Miss Minnie Repine made her home in Rock Island.
She was 70 years old, and for practically a half century had resided in the present
Repine home on Fourth avenue. For about twenty-five years she had been retired.
Her sister, Miss Flora, is also a retired school teacher, while a third sister, Miss
Margaret Repine, followed the same profession prior to her death nearly 20 years
ago. Surviving Miss Minnie Repine is a nephew Harry E. Repine, 1111
Nineteenth-and-a-half avenue, Rock Island, in addition to her sister.
"The body was removed to the Knox mortuary, Rock Island, pending arrangements
for the funeral."
JOSEPH ELLSWORTH REPINE97 (son of Joseph Claussen Repine and Mary Jane
Carnes) was born on April 17, 1862 in Rock Island County, Illinois137. He died on
January 24, 1909 in Rock Island County, Illinois97. He married Matilda Kale
(daughter of Peter Kale and Mary Apelonia Oswald) on May 14, 1885 in Rock
Island County, Illinois97. She was born in April 1860 in Rock Island County, Illinois97.
She died before 194597.
RICHARD4 REPINE (Rebecca3 Clawson, Richard2 Clawson, Josiah1 Clawson)1, 3 was born in 1821.
He died in September 1857. He married Rachael Ann Weir (daughter of John Weir and Elizabeth
Thompson) in 18461. She was born in March 1824 in Pennsylvania93. She died on November 10,
1905 in Johnstown, Cambria County, Pennsylvania93.
Notes for Richard Repine:
The two daughters were named Rebecca Jane and Ann Augusta
There was another daughter Mary Elizabeth.
Notes for Rachael Ann Weir:
According to the 1860 Census, Racheal and her family were living with her father-in-law, Joseph B.
Repine, in Blacklick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
Richard Repine and Rachael Ann Weir had the following children:
REBECCA JANE5 REPINE42, 176 (daughter of Richard Repine and Rachael Ann Weir)
was born in 1847 in Pennsylvania176. She died in January 1914176. She married A.
S. CUNNINGHAM. He was born in 1844176. He died in December 1916176.
JOHN WEIR REPINE1, 42 (son of Richard Repine and Rachael Ann Weir) was born
about 1851 in Pennsylvania42.
Notes for John Weir Repine:
In 1905, John was living in Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania.
JOSEPH B. REPINE93 (son of Richard Repine and Rachael Ann Weir) was born on
February 24, 1853 in Indiana, Indiana County, Pennsylvania42, 211.
Notes for Joseph B. Repine:
In 1905, Joseph was living in Johnstown, Cambria County, Pennsylvania.
MARY E. REPINE42 (daughter of Richard Repine and Rachael Ann Weir) was born
about 1856 in Pennsylvania42. She married D. S. HARRIS.
Generation 4 (con't)
Notes for Mary E. Repine:
In 1905, they were living in Johnstown, Cambria County, Pennsylvania.
ANNA A. REPINE42 (daughter of Richard Repine and Rachael Ann Weir) was born
about 1858 in Pennsylvania42.
SARAH4 CLAWSON (Richard Milton3 Jr., Richard2, Josiah1) was born about 1811 in Pennsylvania6.
She died between 1860-1870. She married ADAM CLAWSON (son of Josiah Clawson and Jane
Miller). He was born about 1810 in Pennsylvania6.
Notes for Adam Clawson:
According to the 1840 census, Adam and his family were living in Blacklick Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania.
According to the 1850 census, Adam and his family were living in Blacklick Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania.
According to the 1860 census, Adam and his family were living in Blacklick Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania.
According to the 1870 Census, Adam and his family were living in Blacklick Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania.
Adam Clawson and Sarah Clawson had the following children:
JANE4 CLAWSON6 (daughter of Adam Clawson and Sarah Clawson) was born about
1833 in Pennsylvania6. She died before 192593. She married NICHOLAS BENNETT.
RICHARD A. CLAWSON6 (son of Adam Clawson and Sarah Clawson) was born in
1837 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania6. He died in 1879 in
Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania93. He married HULDA BENNETT.
She was born in 1844 in Pennsylvania36. She died on September 22, 1937 in
Blairsville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
NANCY CLAWSON6 (daughter of Adam Clawson and Sarah Clawson) was born about
1840 in Pennsylvania6. She died before 192593.
Notes for Nancy Clawson:
Nancy never was married.
AMY C. CLAWSON6 (daughter of Adam Clawson and Sarah Clawson) was born in
1843 in Pennsylvania157. She died in 1913157. She married William Silas Greer (son
of William Greer and Abigail Collins) on September 05, 188252. He was born on
February 14, 1833. He died on July 17, 1913157.
ROSS CLAWSON42 (son of Adam Clawson and Sarah Clawson) was born about 1848
in Indiana County, Pennsylvania42. He died on October 17, 19071. He married
Barbara Ellen McGuire on February 18, 1875 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She
was born on August 22, 1857 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania1. She died in 193258.
JONATHAN CLAWSON36, 158 (son of Adam Clawson and Sarah Clawson) was born on
January 02, 1853 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania1. He died on May 02, 1925 in
Grafton, Indiana County, Pennsylvania93. He married Sarah Mae Greer (daughter of
William Silas Greer and Catherine Dibler) on October 16, 1884 in Indiana County,
Pennsylvania159. She was born on May 28, 1865 in Allegheny County,
Pennsylvania52. She died on April 10, 1950 in Burrell Township, Indiana County,
MARY MARGARET CLAWSON1, 42 (daughter of Adam Clawson and Sarah Clawson)
was born in 1857 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania42. She
married WILLIAM CLAWSON (son of Richard Samuel Clawson and Eleanora Davis).
He was born in 1852 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania1. He
died before 1900.
MARY4 CLAWSON (Richard Milton3 Jr., Richard2, Josiah1)36, 43 was born in 1813 in Black Lick
Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania12. She died on November 28, 1885 in Indiana County,
Pennsylvania. She married Archibald Kelly (step son of Archibald Kelly and Elsie Clawson) in
Generation 4 (con't)
Pennsylvania. She married Archibald Kelly (step son of Archibald Kelly and Elsie Clawson) in
18369. He was born in July 1809 in Pennsylvania44. He died on March 06, 19019.
Notes for Archibald Kelly:
According to the 1850 census, Archibald and his family were living in Blacklick Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania.
According to the 1860 Census, Archibald and his family were living in Blacklick Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania.
According to the 1870 Census, Archibald and his family were living in Blacklick Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania.
According to the 1900 Census, Archibald was living in Blacklick, Indiana County, Pennsylvania with
his daughter, Sarah, and her family.
Archibald Kelly and Mary Clawson had the following children:
NANCY4 KELLY19, 36 (daughter of Archibald Kelly and Mary Clawson) was born on
December 10, 1836 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She died on June 09, 191427.
She married Jacob Hollis on November 29, 18551. He was born on July 09, 1826 in
Indiana County, Pennsylvania3. He died on February 18, 1896.
RICHARD KELLY6 (son of Archibald Kelly and Mary Clawson) was born on January
17, 1837 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania1. He married MARY ANN CREAMER
(daughter of Adam Creamer and Jane Thompson). She was born on February 01,
1844 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She died on April 14,
JANE KELLY9 (daughter of Archibald Kelly and Mary Clawson) was born on January
14, 1839 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania19. She died on January 26, 184819.
ROBERT KELLY9 (son of Archibald Kelly and Mary Clawson) was born on August 07,
1841 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania19. He died on July 01, 1863 in Gettysburg,
Adams County, Pennsylvania19.
SARAH ANN KELLY6, 43-44, 165-170 (daughter of Archibald Kelly and Mary Clawson) was
born on July 03, 1843 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania1, 43.
She died on January 15, 1921 in Black Lick, Indiana, Pennsylvania43. She married
Thompson Cramer (son of Adam Creamer and Jane Thompson) on September 25,
1861. He was born on July 04, 1839 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania. He died on February 17, 191427.
MARY ELLEN KELLY6 (daughter of Archibald Kelly and Mary Clawson) was born on
January 18, 1845 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania1. She married ? SPIRES.
MARGARET KELLY6 (daughter of Archibald Kelly and Mary Clawson) was born in
1846 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania6.
viii. ELIZABETH JANE KELLY9, 42 (daughter of Archibald Kelly and Mary Clawson) was born
on March 31, 1848 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania1. She died on January 24,
19321. She married WILLIAM CAUFIELD.
BENJAMIN KELLY6 (son of Archibald Kelly and Mary Clawson) was born on June 01,
1849 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania10.
ALBERT KELLY42 (son of Archibald Kelly and Mary Clawson) was born on May 25,
1852 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania1. He died on December 30, 19111. He
married ANNA J. S. GREER (daughter of William Silas Greer and Catherine Dibler).
She was born on October 10, 18581. She died on February 11, 1925 in Black Lick
Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania1.
Notes for Albert Kelly:
According to the 1870 Census, Albert was living with Elliott and Hulda (Clawson)
Ferguson in Blacklick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
SAMUEL KELLY27, 36, 42 (son of Archibald Kelly and Mary Clawson) was born on
October 26, 1854 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania1. He died on April 14, 188927.
Generation 4 (con't)
Notes for Samuel Kelly:
Samuel was never married.
NANCY KELLY42 (daughter of Archibald Kelly and Mary Clawson) was born on
December 10, 1856 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania10.
xiii. HANCE KELLY36 (son of Archibald Kelly and Mary Clawson) was born on May 30,
1858 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania1. He died in 192727.
Notes for Hance Kelly:
Hance was never married.
CHARLOTTE4 CLAWSON (Richard Milton3 Jr., Richard2, Josiah1)52 was born in 1820 in Indiana
County, Pennsylvania98. She died on August 21, 1853 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania1. She married (1) T. MCNEAL. He was born about 181099. She married (2) JOHN
HOLLIS about 1846. He was born in 1820 in Pennsylvania100-101.
Notes for Charlotte Clawson:
According to the 1850 census, Charlotte and John Hollis were living in Blacklick Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania.
Notes for T. McNeal:
His last name could be Neal.
T. McNeal and Charlotte Clawson had the following children:
RICHARD5 MCNEAL270 (son of T. McNeal and Charlotte Clawson) was born about
Notes for Richard McNeal:
According to the 1860 Census, Richard was living on the Richard R. Clawson farm
in Blacklick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. His name was listed as
Richard Neal.
NANCY JANE MCNEAL (daughter of T. McNeal and Charlotte Clawson)1.
John Hollis and Charlotte Clawson had the following children:
SARAH CATHERINE5 HOLLIS93, 163, 208 (daughter of John Hollis and Charlotte Clawson)
was born on August 07, 1847 in Pennsylvania209. She died on July 19, 1924209. She
married Emanuel Elmer Clawson (son of James Clawson and Mary A. Kelly) on
October 28, 1869 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania63. He was born on October 17,
1850 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania209. He died on
December 23, 1925209.
BENJAMIN HOLLIS SR.6 (son of John Hollis and Charlotte Clawson) was born in 1848
in Pennsylvania6. He died on October 11, 1926 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
He married (1) DELLA JANE GEORGE (daughter of Reuben D. George and Martha
Makin) in 1882. She was born on February 09, 1856 in Blair County,
Pennsylvania271. She died on January 21, 1933 in Blairsville, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania271. He married (2) JULIA ?. She was born on November 15, 1854. She
died on March 20, 1881.
ELIZABETH HOLLIS (daughter of John Hollis and Charlotte Clawson)1.
BENJAMIN FRANKLIN4 CLAWSON (Richard Milton3 Jr., Richard2, Josiah1)102 was born on February
02, 1820 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania52. He died on July 13, 1889 in
Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania12. He married (1) THANKFULL HARRIS DAVIS
(daughter of Silas Davis and Eunice Geer) on March 31, 1841 in Black Lick Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania. She was born on December 20, 1825 in Black Lick Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania. She died on January 28, 1859 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania12. He married (2) MARGARET HELEN FERGUSON (daughter of David Ferguson and
Mary Ann Davis) on July 28, 1859 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania52. She
was born on April 29, 1825 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania52. She died on
January 31, 1894 in Near Dixonville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania52, 103.
Notes for Benjamin Franklin Clawson:
According to the 1850 census, Benjamin and his family lived in Blacklick Township, Indiana
Generation 4 (con't)
According to the 1850 census, Benjamin and his family lived in Blacklick Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania.
According to the 1860 Census, Benjamin and his family were living in Blacklick Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania.
According to the 1870 Census, Benjamin and his family were living in Green Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania.
Benjamin served in the Civil War.
Benjamin Franklin Clawson and Thankfull Harris Davis had the following children:
NANCY JANE5 CLAWSON6 (daughter of Benjamin Franklin Clawson and Thankfull
Harris Davis) was born on February 17, 1844 in Black Lick Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania133. She died on February 15, 19121. She married Nicholas
Silas Bennett (son of Nathan Bennett and Huldah Nichols) on June 25, 186352. He
was born on June 26, 1832 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania12. He died on April 19, 1914133.
SILAS DAVIS CLAWSON6 (son of Benjamin Franklin Clawson and Thankfull Harris
Davis) was born on March 26, 1846 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania52. He died on September 10, 185152.
MINA CLAWSON6 (daughter of Benjamin Franklin Clawson and Thankfull Harris
Davis) was born about 1848 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County,
EUNICE DAVIS CLAWSON (daughter of Benjamin Franklin Clawson and Thankfull
Harris Davis) was born on June 07, 1849 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania12. She died on August 02, 1851.
EUNICE ANN CLAWSON42, 52 (daughter of Benjamin Franklin Clawson and Thankfull
Harris Davis) was born on September 24, 1851 in Black Lick Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania. She died on April 27, 1874.
ANDREW BINGHAM CLAWSON42 (son of Benjamin Franklin Clawson and Thankfull
Harris Davis) was born on December 10, 1853 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He
died on April 27, 1928 in Dixonville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He married
Martha Jane Bolvin (daughter of Joseph Bolvin and Elizabeth Westover) on
November 04, 18751. She was born on March 27, 1854 in Cambria County,
Pennsylvania. She died on November 02, 1933 in Dixonville, Indiana County,
JOSEPHINE CLAWSON42 (daughter of Benjamin Franklin Clawson and Thankfull
Harris Davis) was born on March 14, 1856 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania12. She died on September 17, 1927 in Black Lick Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania12. She married Peter Wilson Kinter (son of John Kinter and
Margaret Riddle) on September 25, 1873 in Dixonville, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania. He was born on April 23, 1850 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania181.
He died in December 1932 in Dixonville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania52.
viii. ELLIS TREECE CLAWSON42, 272 (son of Benjamin Franklin Clawson and Thankfull
Harris Davis) was born on April 01, 1858 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania52. He died in June 1927 in Rayne Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania. He married Martha L. Nickle on July 04, 1878 in Indiana County,
Pennsylvania1. She was born about 1861 in Pennsylvania273. She died on July 17,
Benjamin Franklin Clawson and Margaret Helen Ferguson had the following children:
DAVID FRANKLIN CLAWSON52, 102 (son of Benjamin Franklin Clawson and Margaret
Helen Ferguson) was born on November 20, 1860 in Black Lick Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania. He died in 1935 in Clarion County, Pennsylvania274. He
married Catherine Elizabeth Songer about 1884 in Clarion County, Pennsylvania275.
She was born in 1868 in Pennsylvania274. She died in 1936274.
RACHEL MARY CLAWSON52, 102 (daughter of Benjamin Franklin Clawson and
Generation 4 (con't)
RACHEL MARY CLAWSON52, 102 (daughter of Benjamin Franklin Clawson and
Margaret Helen Ferguson) was born on March 21, 1863 in Dixonville, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania. She died on January 03, 1920 in Washington Township,
Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She married Robert Franklin Hazlett (son of David
C. Hazlett and Elizabeth Jane George) on July 02, 1881 in Indiana County,
Pennsylvania52. He was born on May 24, 1858 in Chambersville, Rayne Township,
Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He died on November 07, 1938 in Indiana R. D. 3,
Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
MARGARET ELIZABETH CLAWSON52, 102, 176 (daughter of Benjamin Franklin Clawson
and Margaret Helen Ferguson) was born on April 06, 1865 in Black Lick Township,
Indiana County, Pennsylvania1. She died on August 19, 1924 in White Township,
Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She married Charles Leslie Hazlett (son of David C.
Hazlett and Elizabeth Jane George) on March 31, 1892 in Green Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania52. He was born on April 10, 1869 in Chambersville, Rayne
Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He died on February 19, 1952 in Home,
Washington Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania176.
RICHARD R.4 CLAWSON (Richard Milton3 Jr., Richard2, Josiah1)12 was born on May 01, 1822 in
Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania27. He died on October 15, 1885 in Black Lick
Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He married (1) MALINDA BENNETT (daughter of Nathan
Bennett and Huldah Nichols) about 1850 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania12.
She was born on August 05, 1830 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She died
on December 15, 1859 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He married (2)
ELIZA J. KINTER (daughter of John Kinter and Margaret Riddle) after 1859 in Black Lick Township,
Indiana County, Pennsylvania12. She was born on January 21, 1839 in Pennsylvania1. She died on
September 27, 1902 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania27.
Notes for Richard R. Clawson:
According to the 1850 census, Richard and his family were living in Blacklick Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania. They were living on the farm of his father.
According to the 1860 Census, Richard and his family were living in Blacklick Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania.
Richard R. Clawson and Malinda Bennett had the following children:
SAMUEL5 CLAWSON6, 208, 276 (son of Richard R. Clawson and Malinda Bennett) was
born about 1848 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania273. He died
before 1925158. He married Elizabeth Clossin about 18731. She was born in March
1850 in Pennsylvania208.
HULDAH CLAWSON42 (daughter of Richard R. Clawson and Malinda Bennett) was
born on July 26, 1851 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She
died on September 13, 1930. She married DAVID MCMILLEN. He was born on
September 24, 1845. He died on October 12, 1909.
NANCY ANN CLAWSON42, 52 (daughter of Richard R. Clawson and Malinda Bennett)
was born in 1853 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania1, 42. She
married N. A. BLAKELY.
Notes for Nancy Ann Clawson:
In 1926, Nancy was livining in DuBois, Pennsylvania.
ELLEN M. CLAWSON42 (daughter of Richard R. Clawson and Malinda Bennett) was
born in 1855 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania42. She died
before 1925158. She married AL WAGLE.
WILLIAM L. CLAWSON42 (son of Richard R. Clawson and Malinda Bennett) was born
in 1858 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania42. He died before
Notes for Eliza J. Kinter:
According to the 1900 Census, Eliza was living in Blacklick Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania. Her children, John and Linda, were living with her.
Richard R. Clawson and Eliza J. Kinter had the following children:
Generation 4 (con't)
CLAWSON27, 266
(daughter of Richard R. Clawson and Eliza J. Kinter) was
born on February 09, 1861 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania27.
She died on April 29, 192527.
Notes for Linda A. Clawson:
According to the 1900 Census, Linda was living in Blacklick Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania with her mother.
Linda never was married.
viii. ELLIS E. CLAWSON277 (son of Richard R. Clawson and Eliza J. Kinter) was born on
May 26, 1865 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania277. He died on
April 21, 1939 in Akron, Summit County, Ohio277. He married Margaret Ann Wallace
(daughter of Robert S. Wallace and Sarah Elizabeth Peters) in 1890116, 278. She was
born on June 26, 1871 in Pennsylvania279. She died on July 18, 1948 in Akron,
Summit County, Ohio279.
MARGARET JANE CLAWSON52 (daughter of Richard R. Clawson and Eliza J. Kinter)
was born in 1863 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania1. She died
before 1925158. She married JACOB JAMISON.
JOHN T. CLAWSON266 (son of Richard R. Clawson and Eliza J. Kinter) was born on
July 03, 1868 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania1. He died on
August 04, 1925 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania27, 158.
Notes for John T. Clawson:
According to the 1900 Census, John was living in Blacklick Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania with his mother.
According to the 1920 census, John was living in Blacklick Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania.
Indiana Weekly Messenger, Indiana, Pennsylvania (August 13, 1925)
John T. Clawson
John T. Clawson, aged 57 years, died suddenly while at work on a farm near his
home in Blacklick township, Teusday evening, August 4. Death was due to heart
failure. He was a lifelong resident of Blacklick township. Funeral services were
conducted by Rev. J. T. Davis, Friday afternoon, at the home of his sister, Mrs. E.
B. Williams, of Blairsville, and interment made in the Hopewell cemetery. He is
survived by the following sisters and brothers. Mrs. Hulda McMillen, of Dixonville;
Mrs. Nan Blakley, of DuBois; Mrs. H. S. Bennett and Mrs. E. B. Williams, of
Blairsville; Ellis Clawson, of Akron, o., and Richard Clawson, of DuBois.
MILLIE BELL CLAWSON12, 278 (daughter of Richard R. Clawson and Eliza J. Kinter)
was born on April 20, 1871 in Indiana, Indiana County, Pennsylvania133. She died
on July 15, 1940 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania133. She
married Harlan Silas Bennett (son of Nicholas Silas Bennett and Nancy Jane
Clawson) on December 15, 1891 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He was born on
October 13, 1867 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He died
on November 02, 1953 in Blairsville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania133.
MYRTLE CLAWSON278 (daughter of Richard R. Clawson and Eliza J. Kinter) was born
in April 1873 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania278. She died in
192527. She married John H. Romesburg on July 20, 19041. He was born in 186727.
He died in 192127.
MARTHA CLAWSON52 (daughter of Richard R. Clawson and Eliza J. Kinter) was born
on September 17, 1876 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania1.
She died on February 16, 19391. She married (1) W. HOWARD GRAHAM on May 14,
18951. She married (2) EDWARD B. WILLIAMS before 1925.
xiii. GEORGE RALPH CLAWSON1 (son of Richard R. Clawson and Eliza J. Kinter) was born
Generation 4 (con't)
xiii. GEORGE RALPH CLAWSON1 (son of Richard R. Clawson and Eliza J. Kinter) was born
on May 10, 1879 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania93. He died
on April 15, 1903 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania93.
Notes for George Ralph Clawson:
George was never married.
xiv. RICHARD WILSON CLAWSON JR.280 (son of Richard R. Clawson and Eliza J. Kinter)
was born on February 10, 1881 in Burrell Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania1.
He died on April 13, 1926 in Blairsville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
Notes for Richard Wilson Clawson Jr.:
Richard was never married.
Richard died at the home of his sister, Millie.
ANNA4 CLAWSON (Richard Milton3 Jr., Richard2, Josiah1)12, 42 was born on June 09, 1825 in
Dixonville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania52. She died on January 16, 1895 in Dixonville, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania12. She married Jacob R. Cribbs (son of John M. Cribbs and Sarah Jane
Cribbs) on June 12, 1845 in Dixonville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania104. He was born on January
15, 1820 in Livermore, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania52. He died on April 25, 1903 in
Reynoldsville, Jefferson County, Pennsylvania52.
Notes for Jacob R. Cribbs:
According to the 1850 census, Jacob and his family were living in Blacklick Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania.
According to the 1860 census, Jacob and his family were living in Blacklick Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania.
Jacob R. Cribbs and Anna Clawson had the following children:
SAMUEL A.5 CRIBBS6 (son of Jacob R. Cribbs and Anna Clawson) was born on May
08, 1845 in Dixonville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania104. He died in 1892115. He
married Mary M. Cole on June 26, 1866 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania104. She
was born in 1845104.
JOHN C. CRIBBS6 (son of Jacob R. Cribbs and Anna Clawson) was born on April 28,
1847 in Dixonville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania104. He died in 1896 in
Reynoldsville, Jefferson County, Pennsylvania115. He married JOANNA FETTERMAN.
She was born in May 1851104. She died on February 01, 1916 in Winslow
Township, Jefferson County, Pennsylvania104.
NANCY ANN CRIBBS6 (adopted daughter of Jacob R. Cribbs and Anna Clawson) was
born on April 05, 1850 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She
died on November 16, 1906. She married Andrew Kerney on September 20, 1866
in Indiana County, Pennsylvania104.
WILLIAM CRIBBS104 (son of Jacob R. Cribbs and Anna Clawson) was born on March
01, 1852 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He died on May
28, 186227.
DAVID F. CRIBBS52 (son of Jacob R. Cribbs and Anna Clawson) was born on August
27, 1854 in Dixonville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He married EMMA BLANCHE
SHIREY. She was born in June 1865.
SARAH JANE CRIBBS15 (daughter of Jacob R. Cribbs and Anna Clawson) was born
on March 19, 1858 in Dixonville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania104. She died on
December 13, 1898 in Chambersville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She married
Wilson Miller on January 08, 1880 in Dixonville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He
was born on April 23, 1846. He died in 1909 in Chambersville, Indiana County,
MARY EMMA CRIBBS52 (daughter of Jacob R. Cribbs and Anna Clawson) was born
on August 10, 1860 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania104. She
died in 1914 in Dixonville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She married Henry Bence
(son of George Bence and Fannie Stahl) on August 23, 188052. He was born on
August 21, 1860 in Rayne Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania52. He died on
Generation 4 (con't)
August 21, 1860 in Rayne Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania52. He died on
January 29, 1952 in Canton, Stark County, Ohio52.
viii. GEORGE ELSWORTH CRIBBS52 (son of Jacob R. Cribbs and Anna Clawson) was born
in December 1866 in Dixonville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania104. He died on
October 26, 1897 in Tanama, Pennsylvania104. He married (1) LOTTIE BELLE GREEN
after 1890. He married (2) CORA MYRTLE MAE RIDDLE in 1887 in Indiana County,
Pennsylvania115. She died in 1889.
RICHARD MILTON CRIBBS52 (son of Jacob R. Cribbs and Anna Clawson) was born on
June 23, 1867 in Dixonville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania104. He died in 1934 in
Houston, Harris County, Texas104. He married VERDA STERNER. She was born in
1874 in Pennsylvania. She died in Houston, Harris County, Texas.
ELLIS4 CLAWSON (Richard Milton3 Jr., Richard2, Josiah1) was born in 1827 in Indiana County,
Pennsylvania6. He died before 1880105. He married NANCY MCINTOSH (daughter of ? McIntosh and
Nancy ?). She was born in 1831 in Ohio6. She died in 18961.
Notes for Ellis Clawson:
According to the 1850 census, Ellia and his family were living in Blacklick Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania.
According to the 1860 Census, Ellis and his family were living in Blacklick Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania. They were living on his mother-in-law's, Nancy McIntosh's, farm.
Notes for Nancy McIntosh:
According to the 1880 Census, Nancy and her family were living in Reynoldsville, Jefferson
County, Pennsylvania. William and Henry were living with her.
Ellis Clawson and Nancy McIntosh had the following children:
NANCY JANE5 CLAWSON6 (daughter of Ellis Clawson and Nancy McIntosh) was born
in 1847 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania6. She married SAMUEL BRISON. He was
born in 1848.
DANIEL CLAWSON6 (son of Ellis Clawson and Nancy McIntosh) was born in 1849 in
BENJAMIN H. CLAWSON42 (son of Ellis Clawson and Nancy McIntosh) was born in
1850 in Pennsylvania.
NANCY T. CLAWSON42 (daughter of Ellis Clawson and Nancy McIntosh) was born in
1852 in Pennsylvania42. She married WILLIAM BRINSON.
ROSS ELDER CLAWSON SR.42, 105, 282-284 (son of Ellis Clawson and Nancy McIntosh)
was born in 1854 in Pennsylvania19, 285. He died in 193419, 285. He married LAURA
DEHART. She was born in 1856 in Pennsylvania285. She died in 1925285.
WILLIAM J. CLAWSON19, 42 (son of Ellis Clawson and Nancy McIntosh) was born in
1857 in Pennsylvania42. He died in 1926. He married BELINDA WOOD. She was born
in 1868. She died in 1935.
HOLLAND R. CLAWSON19, 42 (son of Ellis Clawson and Nancy McIntosh) was born on
March 25, 1859 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania1. He died on December 19, 1903
in Reynoldsville, Jefferson County, Pennsylvania1. He married Sarah Ellen Silvis
(daughter of S. D. Silvis) in 18791. She was born on March 14, 1861 in Fairmount
City, Clarion County, Pennsylvania1. She died on January 25, 1935 in
Punxsutawney, Jefferson County, Pennsylvania1.
viii. KATHERINE CLAWSON19, 105 (daughter of Ellis Clawson and Nancy McIntosh) was
born on April 30, 1862 in Blairsville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania286. She died on
May 11, 1935 in Tarentum, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania286. She married AARON
YOST RICHARDS. He was born about 1856 in Eddyville, Armstrong County,
Pennsylvania105. He died.
HENRY CLAWSON (son of Ellis Clawson and Nancy McIntosh) was born in 1868 in
ROSS4 CLAWSON (Richard Milton3 Jr., Richard2, Josiah1)6 was born in 1832 in Indiana County,
Pennsylvania6. He died on September 06, 1898 in Johnstown, Cambria County, Pennsylvania12.
Generation 4 (con't)
Pennsylvania6. He died on September 06, 1898 in Johnstown, Cambria County, Pennsylvania12.
He married (1) LAURA ?. He married (2) RACHAEL ANN WEIR (daughter of John Weir and Elizabeth
Thompson) after 1855. She was born in March 1824 in Pennsylvania93. She died on November 10,
1905 in Johnstown, Cambria County, Pennsylvania93.
Notes for Ross Clawson:
According to the 1860 Census, Ross was living with John B. Repine, in Blacklick Township,
Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
Ross Clawson and Laura ? had the following child:
RICHARD5 CLAWSON (son of Ross Clawson and Laura ?).
Notes for Rachael Ann Weir:
According to the 1860 Census, Racheal and her family were living with her father-in-law, Joseph B.
Repine, in Blacklick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
Ross Clawson and Rachael Ann Weir had the following children:
FRANCIS MILTON CLAWSON1, 93 (son of Ross Clawson and Rachael Ann Weir) was
born in 1861 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania1. He died on August 11, 1947 in
Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania137. He married (1) MARY KATHERINE
HENRY on January 11, 18831. She was born on March 09, 1861137. She died on
February 13, 1891137. He married (2) MARGARET M. HUMPHREYS (daughter of John
Humphreys and Elizabeth Ringler) on July 21, 1897 in Johnstown, Cambria County,
Pennsylvania1. She was born in 1868 in Johnstown, Cambria County,
Pennsylvania1. She died on February 27, 1939 in Westmont, Cambria County,
R. R. CLAWSON (son of Ross Clawson and Rachael Ann Weir)93.
Notes for R. R. Clawson:
In 1905, he was living in Columbus, Ohio.
J. C. CLAWSON (son of Ross Clawson and Rachael Ann Weir)93.
Notes for J. C. Clawson:
In 1905, he was living in Johnstown, Cambria County, Pennsylvania.
JAMES S.4 REPINE (Rachel3 Clawson, Richard2 Clawson, Josiah1 Clawson)1, 28 was born in 1815 in
Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He died before 190028. He married Margaret Kerr on April 16, 1845
in Indiana County, Pennsylvania28. She was born on October 23, 1825 in Pennsylvania28. She died
on June 23, 1900 in Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania28.
James S. Repine and Margaret Kerr had the following children:
MARGARET JANE5 REPINE28 (daughter of James S. Repine and Margaret Kerr) was
born about 1848 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania28.
Notes for Margaret Jane Repine:
According the 1860 Census, Margaret was with her parents.
RACHEL REPINE99 (daughter of James S. Repine and Margaret Kerr) was born about
1853 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania28. She married T. BAYLOR. He was born
about 185028. He died before 188028.
DANIEL REPINE28 (son of James S. Repine and Margaret Kerr) was born about 1856
in Indiana County, Pennsylvania28.
JAMES KERR REPINE28 (son of James S. Repine and Margaret Kerr) was born on
November 27, 1860 in White Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania28. He died
on February 08, 1948 in Coral, Indiana County, Pennsylvania176. He married
CARRIE B. SIMPSON. She was born on December 10, 1864 in White Township,
Indiana County, Pennsylvania28. She died on May 11, 1958 in Wadsworth, Ohio176.
RICHARD4 REPINE (Rachel3 Clawson, Richard2 Clawson, Josiah1 Clawson)28 was born in 1819 in
Indiana County, Pennsylvania28. He died in 1899 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania28. He married
(1) AMELIA MARIAH KIMPLE. She was born about 1825 in Pennsylvania28. He married (2) SARAH C.
MCCOMBS. She was born in 1834 in Pennsylvania28.
Richard Repine and Amelia Mariah Kimple had the following children:
Generation 4 (con't)
Richard Repine and Amelia Mariah Kimple had the following children:
RACHEL5 REPINE28 (daughter of Richard Repine and Amelia Mariah Kimple) was
born about 184528.
DANIEL REPINE28 (son of Richard Repine and Amelia Mariah Kimple) was born about
MARGARET REPINE28 (daughter of Richard Repine and Amelia Mariah Kimple) was
born about 1851 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania28.
MARTHA REPINE28 (daughter of Richard Repine and Amelia Mariah Kimple) was
born about 1856 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania28.
JOHN KIMPLE REPINE28 (son of Richard Repine and Amelia Mariah Kimple) was born
on December 04, 1861 in North Mahoning Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania28. He died on May 05, 1952 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania28. He married Annie Margaret Aul on October 24, 1900 in Indiana
County, Pennsylvania28. She was born about 186528.
CLARA REPINE28 (daughter of Richard Repine and Amelia Mariah Kimple) was born
about 1864 in Pennsylvania28. She married A.F. STIVISON. He was born about
Richard Repine and Sarah C. McCombs had the following children:
LYDIA S. REPINE28 (daughter of Richard Repine and Sarah C. McCombs) was born
about 187428. She married HARRY BARCLAY. He was born about 187028.
viii. CLEMSON A. REPINE28 (son of Richard Repine and Sarah C. McCombs) was born in
August 187928.
JOHN4 REPINE (Rachel3 Clawson, Richard2 Clawson, Josiah1 Clawson)28, 108-109 was born in 1828 in
Indiana County, Pennsylvania28. He died on January 20, 1904 in Burrell Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania28. He married MARGARET MCCOMBS. She was born in 1844 in Pennsylvania28.
Notes for John Repine:
According to the 1850 Census, John was living with his parents.
According to the 1860 Census, John was living with his mother and sister.
John died at the residence of his son-in-law, Albert Pahel, in Burrell Township, on Wed. Jan 20,
1904. John died at the age of 76 years.
John Repine and Margaret McCombs had the following children:
ALBERT B.5 REPINE28, 109 (son of John Repine and Margaret McCombs) was born in
September 1867 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania109. He died on December 28,
1931 in Salem Township, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania (Age: 64109).
RACHEL MAY REPINE28 (daughter of John Repine and Margaret McCombs) was born
in 1868 in Burrell Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania28. She married (1)
ALBERT C. PACHEL. He was born about 186528. She married (2) JOHN S. BOLLINGER.
He was born about 186528.
RICHARD L. REPINE28 (son of John Repine and Margaret McCombs) was born in
September 1869 in Burrell Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania28. He died on
December 28, 1931 in Delmont, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania28.
DANIEL W. REPINE28 (son of John Repine and Margaret McCombs) was born in 1872
in North Mahoning Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania28.
LYDIA J. REPINE28 (daughter of John Repine and Margaret McCombs) was born
about 1874 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania28.
MARGARET L. M. REPINE28 (daughter of John Repine and Margaret McCombs) was
born in 1876 in North Mahoning Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania28.
JOHN M. REPINE SR.28, 108 (son of John Repine and Margaret McCombs) was born in
1878 in North Mahoning Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania28. He married
BERTHA AIKENS. She was born about 188028.
CORDELIA4 REPINE (Rachel3 Clawson, Richard2 Clawson, Josiah1 Clawson)28 was born in January
Generation 4 (con't)
CORDELIA4 REPINE (Rachel3 Clawson, Richard2 Clawson, Josiah1 Clawson)28 was born in January
1835 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania28. She died on March 16, 1907 in Indiana County,
Pennsylvania28. She married (1) ? MCNEAL in 185328. He was born in 1828 in Indiana County,
Pennsylvania28. He died before 186028. She married (2) DANIEL CAMERON on November 17,
186428. He was born on December 05, 1825 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania28. He died on
February 15, 1885 in Uniontown, Indiana County, Pennsylvania28.
Notes for Cordelia Repine:
According to the 1860 Census, Cordelia was living with her mother and daughter.
? McNeal and Cordelia Repine had the following child:
RACHEL5 MCNEAL28 (daughter of ? McNeal and Cordelia Repine) was born about
Daniel Cameron and Cordelia Repine had the following children:
CORDELIA J.5 CAMERON28 (daughter of Daniel Cameron and Cordelia Repine) was
born on July 30, 186528.
DANIEL REPINE CAMERON28, 162 (son of Daniel Cameron and Cordelia Repine) was
born on November 01, 186728. He died on May 08, 1955162.
SHARP CAMERON28 (son of Daniel Cameron and Cordelia Repine) was born on
October 09, 186928.
HOWARD CAMERON28 (son of Daniel Cameron and Cordelia Repine) was born on
February 05, 187328.
BOWDEN4 REPINE (Ruth Ann3 Clawson, Richard2 Clawson, Josiah1 Clawson)30 was born about
1816 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania6. He married ELIZA ?. She was born
about 1820 in Pennsylvania.
Notes for Bowden Repine:
According to the 1850 census, Bowden and his family were living in Blacklick Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania.
Bowden Repine and Eliza ? had the following child:
JOHN5 REPINE6 (son of Bowden Repine and Eliza ?) was born about 1849.
RUTH4 CLAWSON (Samuel C.3, Richard2, Josiah1)42 was born on January 16, 1830 in Indiana
County, Pennsylvania. She died on February 12, 1903 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania27. She
married George Thompson (son of John Thompson and Eleanor Davis) about 1848. He was born
on August 26, 1812 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He died on January 30,
1873 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
Notes for George Thompson:
George Thompson owned a 100 acre farm in Black Lick Township. He was a democrat and served
as tax collector, school director, township supervisor.
According to the 1850 census, George and his family were living in Blacklick Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania.
According to the 1860 census, George and his family were living in Blacklick Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania.
According to the 1870 Census, George and his family were living in Blacklick Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania.
George Thompson and Ruth Clawson had the following children:
MARGARET ANN5 THOMPSON42 (daughter of George Thompson and Ruth Clawson)
was born in 1853 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania36. She died
in 1903. She married MILTON STUMPH.
RICHARD CLAWSON THOMPSON42 (son of George Thompson and Ruth Clawson) was
born on February 19, 1855 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
He died on December 13, 1910 in Monterey, Minnesota. He married (1) MARY
SMITH. He married (2) TILLIE BERRY.
Generation 4 (con't)
MARY ELIZABETH THOMPSON42 (daughter of George Thompson and Ruth Clawson)
was born on August 28, 1858 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania. She married OLLIE FRISLIE. He was born on June 14, 1853 in
Norway. He died on October 18, 1914 in Lake County, South Dakota.
DAVID W. THOMPSON36 (son of George Thompson and Ruth Clawson) was born on
August 24, 1860 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He died on
October 23, 1931 in Presbyterian University Hospital, Pittsburgh, Allegheny County,
Pennsylvania. He married LAVINA CATHERINE GASKILL. She was born on September
03, 1861 in New Alexandria, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania. She died on
October 13, 1949 in Indiana Hospital, Indiana, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
NANCY EMMA THOMPSON36 (daughter of George Thompson and Ruth Clawson) was
born on January 05, 1863 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
She died about 1880.
WILLIAM THOMPSON36 (son of George Thompson and Ruth Clawson) was born on
December 09, 1865 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He died
on May 21, 19231. He married (1) AGNES HOGUE on May 30, 1895287. He married
(2) CORA LONG. She died in 19397.
MARIA THOMPSON36 (daughter of George Thompson and Ruth Clawson) was born
on December 09, 1865 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She
viii. CHARLES BEST THOMPSON36 (son of George Thompson and Ruth Clawson) was
born on July 01, 1868 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He
died on May 21, 1923 in Blairsville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He married (1)
NETTIE AUGUSTA SPIRES (daughter of David Wellington Spires and Mary Ann
Thompson). She was born on November 09, 1867 in Black Lick Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania. She died on September 21, 1902 in Blairsville, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania. He married (2) HETTIE DUNCAN after 1891.
MALINDA THOMPSON (daughter of George Thompson and Ruth Clawson) was born
on March 31, 1871 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She died
in 193527. She married JAMES C. STARRY. He was born in 187027. He died in 194727.
MATILDA THOMPSON (daughter of George Thompson and Ruth Clawson) was born
on March 31, 1871 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
Notes for Matilda Thompson:
Matilda died young.
HULDA THOMPSON (daughter of George Thompson and Ruth Clawson) was born on
June 01, 1872 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She died on
September 17, 1873 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
RACHEL THOMPSON (daughter of George Thompson and Ruth Clawson) was born
on June 01, 1872 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She died
on October 07, 1873 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
MARY ELIZABETH4 CLAWSON (Samuel C.3, Richard2, Josiah1)12 was born in 1832 in Black Lick
Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania6. She died in 1880 in Arlington, Kingsbury County, South
Dakota. She married Nathan Geer Bennett (son of John Bennett and Marie Davis) about 1852 in
Pennsylvania12. He was born in May 1828 in Pennsylvania. He died in 1904 in Cresswell
Township, Lane County, Oregon.
Notes for Nathan Geer Bennett:
CENSUS: 1850 U.S. Census. Blacklick Twp.Indiana Co., PA;1850;p. 160; FHL microfilm # ;NOTE:
living with Eunice and Wm. Lawrence family.
CENSUS: 1860 U.S. Census, Township N 73?, Mercer Co., IL;1860; p. 1008; NOTE: Post Office,
CENSUS: 18?? WI Census; Maxville, Buffalo Co., WI; 1870;p.40. FHL Microfilm #1032689, item 5.
CENSUS: 1900 U.S. Census; Winsor Twp., Brookings Co.,SD;1900; E.D. 40, Sheet 1, line 46.
Generation 4 (con't)
From letter in file from Helen (Bennett) Houston: Silas Davis, Nathan Geer Jr. and Nathan Sr. &
second wife, Margaret went west about 1853, at least before 1856, because Nathan's son John
was born in Mercer Co., IL. The Nathan Geer and Silas Davis families went to Wisconsin about
1860 and John and Margaret were back in Erie,Pa by 1862 when their last child was born. Illinois
1853 - 1856. Wisconsin - after 1860. SD - 1880.
DEATH: Went to Oregon about 1902. Death not listed in Lane Co. Vital Records, 1884- 1915,
however very few records were for dates before 1908. FHL microfilm #882972,73).
Not listed in the Cresswell Cemetery or other nearby cemetery records. (fhl #80293), Lane Pioneer
Cemeteries, v.2. However letter from Barbara Behrend (8 Feb 1992) indicates that a N.G.
Bennett is buried in the Arlington Cemetery, Bl.3, Lot 25. Another record from G. Fish says that
he was buried at the Old Odd Fellows Cemetery, Eugene, OR. CONFLICT: Check for burial/
Arlington, SD or Eugene, OR.
Nathan Geer Bennett and Mary Elizabeth Clawson had the following children:
SAMUEL CLAWSON5 BENNETT12 (son of Nathan Geer Bennett and Mary Elizabeth
Clawson) was born on February 05, 1853 in Elk County, Clarion County,
Pennsylvania. He died on October 01, 1920 in Salem, Marion County, Oregon. He
married Mary Elizabeth King (daughter of George King and Ellen Jane Case) on
December 07, 1873 in Maxville, Buffalo County, Wisconsin. She was born on May
30, 1851 in Plynouth Township, Marshall County, Indiana. She died on August 19,
1908 in Dallas, Polk County, Oregon.
JOHN WESLEY BENNETT12 (son of Nathan Geer Bennett and Mary Elizabeth
Clawson) was born on February 01, 1856 in McLura Township, Mercer County,
Illinois. He died on November 08, 1926 in Arlington, Kingsbury County, South
Dakota. He married (1) MARY ISABEL AARON (daughter of D. Michael Aaron and
Anna King) on November 15, 1878 in Wisconsin. She was born on March 27, 1860
in Maxville, Buffalo County, Wisconsin. She died on March 31, 1933. He married (2)
SARAH FRANCIS NORRIS (daughter of Ranson Noovis and Cornelia ?) on March 18,
1877 in Maxville, Buffalo County, Wisconsin.
SILAS DAVIS BENNETT12 (son of Nathan Geer Bennett and Mary Elizabeth Clawson)
was born on September 08, 1859 in McLura Township, Mercer County, Illinois. He
died on February 14, 1928 in Independence Township, Polk County, Oregon. He
married Mary Elizabeth Budd (daughter of George Budd and Minerva Twombly)
about 1885. She was born on December 28, 1858 in Mt. Sterling, Brown County,
Illinois. She died on August 17, 1913 in Arlington, Kingsbury County, South Dakota.
MARY ELIZABETH BENNETT12 (daughter of Nathan Geer Bennett and Mary Elizabeth
Clawson) was born in 1860 in McLura Township, Mercer County, Illinois. She died
in 1880 in Arlington, Kingsbury County, South Dakota.
Notes for Mary Elizabeth Bennett:
Mary never was married.
MARGARET4 CLAWSON (Samuel C.3, Richard2, Josiah1)6 was born on February 10, 1834 in Indiana
County, Pennsylvania110-111. She died on May 10, 1912110-111. She married Joseph Ferguson (son
of James Ferguson II and Margaret Devinney) on October 13, 1853 in Indiana County,
Pennsylvania112. He was born on March 24, 1831 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania113. He died on
March 04, 1904 in Jacksonville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania113.
Notes for Joseph Ferguson:
[margaret Clawson-2.FTW]
Joseph was fair complextioned. Joseph like fox hunting. While on a hunt at age 73, he fell from his
horse across a log and broke several ribs ,contracted pneumonia and died.
Joseph Ferguson and Margaret Clawson had the following children:
JOHN STIFFY5 FERGUSON110, 288-289 (biological son of Joseph Ferguson and son of
Margaret Clawson) was born on February 01, 1855110, 289. He died on November
24, 1925 in Saltsburg, Indiana County, Pennsylvania110, 289. He married Ida E.
Generation 4 (con't)
24, 1925 in Saltsburg, Indiana County, Pennsylvania110, 289. He married Ida E.
Cunningham on October 04, 1882110, 289.
MARY FERGUSON110, 288-290 (biological daughter of Joseph Ferguson and daughter of
Margaret Clawson) was born on November 25, 1856110, 289. She died on September
06, 1933 in Greenwood Cemetery, Indiana, Indiana County, Pennsylvania110, 289.
She married William H. McKee about 1904110, 289. He was born in November 1848
in Pennsylvania290.
SYLVANIS SUTTON FERGUSON110, 288-289 (son of Joseph Ferguson and Margaret
Clawson) was born on December 15, 1858110, 289. He died on July 04, 1910110, 289.
NANCY JANE FERGUSON110-111, 288 (biological daughter of Joseph Ferguson and
daughter of Margaret Clawson) was born on September 01, 1860110-111. She died
on May 23, 1918 in Warren, Trumbull County, Ohio110-111. She married George
Washington Chrisman II (son of George Chrisman and Sidney McIntyre) on April
15, 1886110, 289. He was born on October 04, 1843 in Indiana County,
Pennsylvania110-111. He died on September 22, 1917 in Warren, Trumbull County,
DAVID FERGUSON110, 288-289 (biological son of Joseph Ferguson and son of Margaret
Clawson) was born on March 15, 1862110, 289. He died on February 01, 1936 in
Murrysville, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania110, 289. He married Rachel Eva
Millen on August 24, 1887110, 289. She was born on February 07, 1870113. She died
on May 06, 1905113.
SARAH ANN FERGUSON110-111, 288 (daughter of Joseph Ferguson and Margaret
Clawson) was born on March 09, 1864110-111. She died on February 16, 1937 in
Center Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania110-111. She married NEWTON J.
JAMES MILTON FERGUSON110-111, 288 (son of Joseph Ferguson and Margaret Clawson)
was born on April 04, 1866110-111. He died on September 25, 1922110-111. He married
Edith Cribbs on April 18, 1889110, 289.
viii. GEORGE SCOTT FERGUSON110-111, 288 (son of Joseph Ferguson and Margaret
Clawson) was born on August 23, 1868110-111. He died on February 08, 1922 in
Clarksburg, Indiana County, Pennsylvania110-111. He married (1) CORA M.
ROSBOROUGH. She was born on April 12, 1870291. She died on April 26, 1898291. He
married (2) NETTIE M. ROSBOROUGH. She was born on June 08, 1864291. She died
on March 22, 1920291.
MARGERY EMMA FERGUSON110-111, 288 (daughter of Joseph Ferguson and Margaret
Clawson) was born on May 09, 1870110-111. She died on June 10, 1905110-111. She
married Albert Pierce on October 09, 1899110, 289.
DOLLIE MAE FERGUSON110-111, 288 (biological daughter of Joseph Ferguson and
daughter of Margaret Clawson) was born on May 02, 1873110-111. She died on June
24, 1938110-111. She married Joseph Dale Morehead on March 18, 1909110, 289.
CHARLES RICHARD FERGUSON110-111, 288 (son of Joseph Ferguson and Margaret
Clawson) was born on January 28, 1875110-111. He died on December 01,
1930110-111. He married LYDIA BRYANT.
? FERGUSON110-111 (daughter of Joseph Ferguson and Margaret Clawson) was born
on May 17, 1877110-111.
xiii. JOSEPH BENJAMIN FERGUSON110-111, 288 (son of Joseph Ferguson and Margaret
Clawson) was born on August 19, 1878110-111. He died on February 06, 1945 in
Kansas City, Missouri110-111. He married Margaret Walton on July 12, 1904110, 289.
HULDA4 CLAWSON (Samuel C.3, Richard2, Josiah1)6 was born on January 31, 1840 in Indiana
County, Pennsylvania114. She died on January 21, 1900 in Lewisville, Pennsylvania114. She
married Elliott Ferguson (son of David Ferguson and Mary Ann Davis) in 1864 in Indiana County,
Pennsylvania115. He was born on March 24, 1830 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania114. He died on September 02, 1896 in Lewisville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania114.
Notes for Hulda Clawson:
According to the 1860 census, Huldah was living with James and Mary (Clawson) Davis in
Generation 4 (con't)
According to the 1860 census, Huldah was living with James and Mary (Clawson) Davis in
Blacklick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
Notes for Elliott Ferguson:
Elliott served in the Civil War for 3 years. He was with General Sherman during the march from
Atlanta to the sea.
According to the 1870 Census, Elliott and his family were living in Blacklick Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania.
Elliott Ferguson and Hulda Clawson had the following children:
WILLIAM SHERMAN5 FERGUSON36 (son of Elliott Ferguson and Hulda Clawson) was
born on December 31, 1865 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania52. He died before October 03, 1919 in Pittsburgh, Allegheny County,
Pennsylvania. He married ARABELLE MORTON (daughter of John Morton and Nancy
C. Wineman). She died before August 01, 1949133.
LARRY C. FERGUSON36 (son of Elliott Ferguson and Hulda Clawson) was born in
1867 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania114. He died in 1934114.
Notes for Larry C. Ferguson:
According to the 1930 census, Larry was living in Blacklick Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania.
WILHELMINA FERGUSON36 (daughter of Elliott Ferguson and Hulda Clawson) was
born in 1869 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania7.
HORACE FERGUSON (son of Elliott Ferguson and Hulda Clawson) was born on
March 09, 1871 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania114. He died
on March 19, 1887114.
CAROLINE FERGUSON266, 292 (daughter of Elliott Ferguson and Hulda Clawson) was
born on August 15, 1872 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania52.
She died on August 08, 1938 in Indiana, Indiana County, Pennsylvania1. She
married Benjamin W. Clawson (son of Richard Benjamin Clawson and Rachel
Davis) on October 12, 1897 in Blairsville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He was
born on July 11, 1833 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He
died on October 01, 1917 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
EMELINE FERGUSON (daughter of Elliott Ferguson and Hulda Clawson) was born in
1875 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She died in 1913115.
ROXANNA FERGUSON267 (daughter of Elliott Ferguson and Hulda Clawson) was born
on October 21, 1879 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania176. She
died on October 21, 1942 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania176.
She married George Smith Clawson (son of Dwight Gere Clawson and Margaret
Ellen Long) on November 12, 1902293. He was born on March 03, 1881 in Black
Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania176. He died on July 21, 1958 in Burrell
Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania176.
NANCY4 CLAWSON (Samuel C.3, Richard2, Josiah1)6 was born on July 06, 1823 in Black Lick
Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She died on April 20, 1905 in Blairsville, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania. She married David Thompson (son of John Thompson and Eleanor Davis) on June
23, 1842116. He was born on January 24, 1815 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania27. He died on November 21, 1867 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County,
Notes for David Thompson:
According to the 1850 census, David and his family were living in Blacklick Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania.
According to the 1860 Census, David and his family were living in Blacklick Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania.
According to the 1870 Census, David and his family were living in Blacklick Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania.
Generation 4 (con't)
David Thompson and Nancy Clawson had the following children:
MARY ANN5 THOMPSON6 (daughter of David Thompson and Nancy Clawson) was
born on June 01, 1843 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She
died on May 10, 1883 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She
married DAVID WELLINGTON SPIRES (son of Joseph Spires and Rebecca Morehead).
He was born about 1840 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He
died in 1903.
JOHN D. THOMPSON6, 44 (son of David Thompson and Nancy Clawson) was born on
February 02, 1844 in Pennsylvania. He died on November 10, 1922294. He married
Letticia F. Lawrence (daughter of William Lawrence and Eunice Bennett) in 1888 in
Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania12. She was born in August
1857 in Pennsylvania44. She died in 193327.
ELLEN THOMPSON6 (daughter of David Thompson and Nancy Clawson) was born in
1845 in Pennsylvania27. She died in 188127.
Notes for Ellen Thompson:
According to the 1870 Census, Ellen wa living with her parents in Blacklick
Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
SARAH JANE THOMPSON6 (daughter of David Thompson and Nancy Clawson) was
born on February 27, 1847 in Pennsylvania27. She died on September 19, 1892 in
Armstrong County, Pennsylvania27. She married William Albert Donahey (son of
Samuel C. Donahey and Lavinia Clawson) before 1890. He was born in May 1847
in Pennsylvania197.
Notes for William Albert Donahey:
According to the 1900 Census, William and Sarah were living in Conemaugh
Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. There was a Clark Clawson (born
January 1877) living with them as a servant.
MARGARET THOMPSON6 (daughter of David Thompson and Nancy Clawson) was
born on September 14, 1849 in Pennsylvania. She died on March 12, 191827. She
married Columbus C. Repine (son of ? Repine and Maria ?) on March 14, 1872. He
was born on January 27, 1848 in Pennsylvania27. He died on September 02, 189627,
295 .
RUTH THOMPSON42 (daughter of David Thompson and Nancy Clawson) was born
about 1853 in Pennsylvania42. She married MILTON L. CUNNINGHAM.
SAMUEL THOMPSON42 (son of David Thompson and Nancy Clawson) was born about
1855 in Pennsylvania42. He died in 1923. He married EMMA LOWRY. She was born
in 1860. She died in 1935.
viii. HULDA THOMPSON42 (daughter of David Thompson and Nancy Clawson) was born
about 1855 in Pennsylvania42. She married JAMES TAYLOR.
RACHAEL AMANDA THOMPSON42 (daughter of David Thompson and Nancy Clawson)
was born on June 05, 1859. She died on August 19, 1912. She married Robert
Repine on February 14, 1884. He was born on May 12, 1850. He died on
December 27, 1904.
MATILDA THOMPSON36 (daughter of David Thompson and Nancy Clawson) was born
in 1862 in Pennsylvania36. She married THOMAS G. SMITH.
ELIZABETH THOMPSON (daughter of David Thompson and Nancy Clawson) was born
in 1863 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania12. She died in 1863.
DAVID ELMER THOMPSON36 (son of David Thompson and Nancy Clawson) was born
about 1864 in Pennsylvania36. He died on January 17, 1931 in Blairsville, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania296. He married JULIA W. LIEKERT (daughter of Henry W.
Liekert). She was born in 1863296. She died on May 03, 1932296.
RICHARD SAMUEL4 CLAWSON (Samuel C.3, Richard2, Josiah1) was born in 1824 in Indiana County,
Pennsylvania. He died on November 26, 1862 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania1. He married
Eleanora Davis (daughter of David Davis and Jane Hunter) in 184412. She was born on March 03,
Generation 4 (con't)
Eleanora Davis (daughter of David Davis and Jane Hunter) in 184412. She was born on March 03,
1827 in Pennsylvania12.
Notes for Richard Samuel Clawson:
According to the 1850 census, Richard and his family were living in Blacklick Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania.
According to the 1860 census, Richard and his family were living in Blacklick Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania.
Richard Samuel Clawson and Eleanora Davis had the following children:
SAMUEL5 CLAWSON6 (son of Richard Samuel Clawson and Eleanora Davis) was
born in 1845 in Pennsylvania6. He died in 18807. He married Rebecca Harriett
Bricker (daughter of Tobias Bricker and Jane Latimer) in 1866115. She was born on
January 04, 1847 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania44, 115. She
died on June 04, 1900 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania115.
DAVID D. CLAWSON42 (son of Richard Samuel Clawson and Eleanora Davis) was
born in 1847 in Pennsylvania6. He died on February 21, 1880 in Burrell Township,
Indiana County, Pennsylvania27. He married REBECCA S. BENNETT (daughter of
Samuel Bennett and Mary Clawson). She was born in 1848 in Black Lick Township,
Indiana County, Pennsylvania6.
BENJAMIN CLAWSON6 (son of Richard Samuel Clawson and Eleanora Davis) was
born in 1849 in Pennsylvania6.
JANE ANN CLAWSON7, 42, 44 (daughter of Richard Samuel Clawson and Eleanora
Davis) was born on March 19, 1851 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania1. She died on July 07, 1924 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania162. She married William Houston (son of James Huston and Rebecca
Jane Clawson) on August 15, 18701. He was born on May 20, 1847 in Black Lick
Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania3. He died on February 14, 1927 in Black
Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania162.
WILLIAM CLAWSON42 (son of Richard Samuel Clawson and Eleanora Davis) was
born in 1852 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania1. He died
before 1900. He married MARY MARGARET CLAWSON (daughter of Adam Clawson
and Sarah Clawson). She was born in 1857 in Black Lick Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania42.
MARGARET E. CLAWSON42 (daughter of Richard Samuel Clawson and Eleanora
Davis) was born about 1859 in Pennsylvania42.
JOSEPH MILTON CLAWSON7 (son of Richard Samuel Clawson and Eleanora Davis)
was born on May 10, 1862. He died on January 01, 1869 in Indiana County,
MARY4 CLAWSON (Samuel C.3, Richard2, Josiah1)42 was born on August 07, 1825 in Black Lick
Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She died on October 29, 1898 in Black Lick Township,
Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She married James Davis (son of David Davis and Jane Hunter) in
April 1852. He was born on January 20, 1823 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania. He died on June 27, 1900 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
Notes for James Davis:
According to the 1860 census, James and his family were living in Blacklick Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania.
According to the 1870 Census, James and his family were living in Blacklick Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania.
According to the 1900 Census, James was living in Blacklick Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania. His son, James was living with him along with Margaret Clawson (born: 1860) and
her daughter Lottie B. Clawson (born: December 1895).
James Davis and Mary Clawson had the following children:
Generation 4 (con't)
DAVIS42 (son of James Davis and Mary Clawson) was born on
December 23, 1852 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He died
in January 1929.
NANCY ANN DAVIS42 (daughter of James Davis and Mary Clawson) was born on
June 19, 1854 in Pennsylvania. She died on February 23, 1930. She married
Charles Lively on October 03, 1889.
DAVID CLAWSON DAVIS42, 44 (son of James Davis and Mary Clawson) was born on
December 07, 1855 in Pennsylvania. He died on July 27, 1910. He married Savilla
M. Lawrence (daughter of William Lawrence and Eunice Bennett) on February 06,
1879. She was born in November 1860 in Pennsylvania44. She died on March 05,
SAMUEL BENTON DAVIS12, 42 (son of James Davis and Mary Clawson) was born on
April 25, 1860 in Pennsylvania. He died on March 08, 1929. He married MISSOURI
LAWRENCE (daughter of William Lawrence and Eunice Bennett). She was born in
1863. She died in 1926.
DOUGLAS HUNTER DAVIS (son of James Davis and Mary Clawson) was born on May
14, 1865 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He died on
September 28, 1865.
JAMES ELGAN DAVIS36, 44 (son of James Davis and Mary Clawson) was born on
August 20, 1866 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He died on
January 29, 1932137, 297.
Notes for James Elgan Davis:
According to the 1870 Census, James was living in Blacklick Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania with his father.
SARAH4 CLAWSON (Samuel C.3, Richard2, Josiah1)42 was born on July 08, 1827 in Black Lick
Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She died on May 25, 1895 in Black Lick Township,
Indiana County, Pennsylvania117. She married Samuel Thompson (son of John Thompson and
Eleanor Davis) on September 29, 1853 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania112. He was born on
November 28, 1818 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He died in 1896 in
Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
Notes for Samuel Thompson:
According to the 1860 census, Samuel and his family were living in Blacklick Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania.
Samuel Thompson and Sarah Clawson had the following children:
ALBERT5 THOMPSON42 (son of Samuel Thompson and Sarah Clawson) was born on
August 07, 1851 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
ELLEN JANE THOMPSON42 (daughter of Samuel Thompson and Sarah Clawson) was
born on September 29, 1854 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania. She married GEORGE M. RAGER (son of Hugh Rager and Mary
Donahey). He was born on January 28, 1863.
NANCY ANN THOMPSON42 (daughter of Samuel Thompson and Sarah Clawson) was
born on July 02, 1856 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She
married GEORGE W. PALMER (son of Jesse Palmer and Anna Marie Elliot). He was
born about 1853 in Pennsylvania298.
MARY M. THOMPSON42 (daughter of Samuel Thompson and Sarah Clawson) was
born on July 09, 1859 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
JAMES BIRD THOMPSON (son of Samuel Thompson and Sarah Clawson) was born
on December 09, 1861 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He
died on April 30, 1942. He married (1) ? ?. He married (2) ? GILMORE. He married
HULDA THOMPSON (daughter of Samuel Thompson and Sarah Clawson) was born
on October 09, 1863 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She
married ? LOCKHARD.
Generation 4 (con't)
LAVINA F. THOMPSON (daughter of Samuel Thompson and Sarah Clawson) was born
on December 24, 1865 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She
married P. J. CONWELL.
viii. MELINDA E. THOMPSON (daughter of Samuel Thompson and Sarah Clawson) was
born on February 14, 1868. She died on August 14, 1937. She married (1) SAMUEL
BENNETT (son of Samuel Bennett and Mary Clawson) in Black Lick Township,
Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He was born about 1858 in Pennsylvania42. She
married (2) JAMES MORRISON.
CHRISTOPHER THOMPSON (son of Samuel Thompson and Sarah Clawson) was born
on March 20, 1870 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
GEORGE THOMPSON (son of Samuel Thompson and Sarah Clawson) was born on
May 20, 1872 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
RICHARD4 CLAWSON (Ross3, Richard2, Josiah1)118 was born about 1826 in Black Lick Township,
Indiana County, Pennsylvania118. He died after 1880. He married HANNAH KIER (daughter of David
Kier and Jane Laughlin). She was born in 1825119.
Notes for Richard Clawson:
According to the 1860 Census, Richard and his family were living in Young Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania.
According to the 1880 Census, Richard and his family were living in East Huntingdon Township,
Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania.
Richard Clawson and Hannah Kier had the following children:
JAMES5 CLAWSON121 (son of Richard Clawson and Hannah Kier) was born about
1841 in Pennsylvania121.
JANE ELIZABETH CLAWSON118-119 (daughter of Richard Clawson and Hannah Kier)
was born on June 18, 1846. She married LINUS TOWNSEND PAINTER.
WILLIAM ROSS CLAWSON299 (son of Richard Clawson and Hannah Kier) was born on
September 27, 1851299. He died on February 16, 1853 in Young Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania299.
SAMUEL CLAWSON121 (son of Richard Clawson and Hannah Kier) was born about
1853 in Pennsylvania121.
ROBERT R. CLAWSON121 (son of Richard Clawson and Hannah Kier) was born about
1855 in Pennsylvania121.
BERNARD CLAWSON121 (son of Richard Clawson and Hannah Kier) was born about
1857 in Pennsylvania121.
ANNIE CLAWSON300 (daughter of Richard Clawson and Hannah Kier) was born about
1862 in Pennsylvania300.
viii. HARRY CLAWSON300 (son of Richard Clawson and Hannah Kier) was born about
1865 in Pennsylvania300.
SAMUEL C.4 DONAHEY (Sarah3 Clawson, Richard2 Clawson, Josiah1 Clawson)120-121 was born on
February 06, 1822 in Young Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania1. He died on December 24,
19071. He married Lavinia Clawson on March 05, 1846 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She was
born on July 15, 1825. She died in 189727.
Notes for Samuel C. Donahey:
Accoriding to the 1850 census, Samuel and his family were living in Young Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania.
Samuel C. Donahey and Lavinia Clawson had the following children:
WILLIAM ALBERT DONAHEY7, 197 (son of Samuel C. Donahey and Lavinia Clawson)
was born in May 1847 in Pennsylvania197. He married (1) SARAH JANE THOMPSON
(daughter of David Thompson and Nancy Clawson) before 1890. She was born on
February 27, 1847 in Pennsylvania27. She died on September 19, 1892 in
Generation 4 (con't)
February 27, 1847 in Pennsylvania27. She died on September 19, 1892 in
Armstrong County, Pennsylvania27. He married (2) SARAH ANN ROSENBERGER about
March 1896 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania197, 301. She was born in July 1856 in
Notes for William Albert Donahey:
According to the 1900 Census, William and Sarah were living in Conemaugh
Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. There was a Clark Clawson (born
January 1877) living with them as a servant.
SARAH JANE DONAHEY120-121 (daughter of Samuel C. Donahey and Lavinia Clawson)
was born in 1849 in Pennsylvania121. She died in 1911.
Notes for Sarah Jane Donahey:
In 1910, Sarah was living with her brother John C. Donahey.
RICHARD MILTON DONAHEY120-121 (son of Samuel C. Donahey and Lavinia Clawson)
was born on July 06, 1852 in Pennsylvania27. He died on September 11, 187027.
THEODORE M. DONAHEY120-121 (son of Samuel C. Donahey and Lavinia Clawson)
was born in 1856 in Pennsylvania121. He married Lavina Logan Gould in September
1895. She was born about 1871 in West Virginia273.
ANNA MARY DONAHEY120-121 (daughter of Samuel C. Donahey and Lavinia Clawson)
was born in 1858 in Pennsylvania. She married ROBERT MONTGOMERY SHEFFLER.
SAMUEL HENRY DONAHEY120, 176 (son of Samuel C. Donahey and Lavinia Clawson)
was born in 1861176. He died on May 22, 1942 in Leechburg, Armstrong County,
Pennsylvania176. He married Anna Belle Morton on March 13, 1895287. She was
born in 1871176. She died on January 13, 1955 in Indiana, Indiana County,
HOWARD M. DONAHEY27 (son of Samuel C. Donahey and Lavinia Clawson) was born
on July 07, 186227. He died on September 12, 188027.
viii. JOHN CLARK DONAHEY120 (son of Samuel C. Donahey and Lavinia Clawson) was
born in 1867 in Pennsylvania176. He died on September 28, 1957176. He married
Sarah Mabel Fulton on November 19, 1889. She was born in 1871 in
Pennsylvania176. She died in September 1936176.
B. F. DONAHEY (son of Samuel C. Donahey and Lavinia Clawson)120. He married
KATE DONAHEY (daughter of Samuel C. Donahey and Lavinia Clawson)120. She
died in 1911.
ANDREW4 DONAHEY (Sarah3 Clawson, Richard2 Clawson, Josiah1 Clawson)120 was born about
1825 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania6. He married NANCY ?. She was born
about 1830 in Pennsylvania6.
Notes for Andrew Donahey:
According to the 1850 census, Andrew and his family were living in Blacklick Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania.
According to the 1860 census, Andrew and his family were living in Montgomery Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania.
Andrew Donahey and Nancy ? had the following children:
ANNIS H.5 DONAHEY6 (daughter of Andrew Donahey and Nancy ?) was born in
August 1850 in Pennsylvania.
MARY S. DONAHEY302 (daughter of Andrew Donahey and Nancy ?) was born about
1852 in Pennsylvania302.
FRANKLIN N. DONAHEY302 (son of Andrew Donahey and Nancy ?) was born about
1857 in Pennsylvania302.
WALLACE DONAHEY302 (son of Andrew Donahey and Nancy ?) was born about May
1860 in Pennsylvania302.
Generation 4 (con't)
Clawson, Richard2 Clawson, Josiah1 Clawson)6 was born in 1827 in
Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania6. He died on June 02, 1862 in Battle of Fair
Oaks, Virginia122. He married Mary Ann ? before 1850. She was born on January 22, 1838 in
Pennsylvania27. She died on May 27, 186727.
Notes for William P. Donahey:
According to the 1860 Census, William and his family were living in Blacklick Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania.
William was wounded on May 31, 1862 at the Battle of Fair Oaks, Virginia and died June 2, 1862.
William P. Donahey and Mary Ann ? had the following children:
JOSEPH S.5 DONAHEY42 (son of William P. Donahey and Mary Ann ?) was born about
1855 in Pennsylvania42.
MARY E. DONAHEY42 (daughter of William P. Donahey and Mary Ann ?) was born
about 1858 in Pennsylvania42.
BENJAMIN4 DONAHEY (Sarah3 Clawson, Richard2 Clawson, Josiah1 Clawson)42, 120 was born about
1831 in Pennsylvania36. He married MATILDA ?. She was born about 1833 in Pennsylvania42.
Notes for Benjamin Donahey:
According to the 1860 Census, Benjamin and his family were living in Blacklick Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania.
According to the 1870 Census, Benjamin and his family were living in Blacklick Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania.
Benjamin Donahey and Matilda ? had the following children:
CHARLOTTE5 DONAHEY42 (daughter of Benjamin Donahey and Matilda ?) was born
about 1854 in Parker, Armstrong County, Pennsylvania42.
MARY M. DONAHEY42 (daughter of Benjamin Donahey and Matilda ?) was born about
1856 in Pennsylvania42.
LUCINDA J. DONAHEY42 (daughter of Benjamin Donahey and Matilda ?) was born
about 1858 in Pennsylvania42.
HARVEY C. DONAHEY36 (son of Benjamin Donahey and Matilda ?) was born about
1864 in Pennsylvania36.
JOSEPH R.4 DONAHEY (Sarah3 Clawson, Richard2 Clawson, Josiah1 Clawson)6 was born on
September 13, 1833 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania27. He died on
November 20, 187327. He married CHARLOTTE ?. She was born on April 30, 184227. She died on
July 03, 187527.
Joseph R. Donahey and Charlotte ? had the following children:
JOHNNY S.5 DONAHEY1 (son of Joseph R. Donahey and Charlotte ?) was born on
October 24, 186227. He died on March 12, 187019.
STEWARD M. DONAHEY1 (son of Joseph R. Donahey and Charlotte ?) was born on
January 22, 186727. He died on April 23, 186727.
MARY ANN4 DONAHEY (Sarah3 Clawson, Richard2 Clawson, Josiah1 Clawson)120 was born on
January 20, 183827. She died on May 25, 186727. She married ? DIXON.
? Dixon and Mary Ann Donahey had the following children:
SAMUEL5 DIXON (son of ? Dixon and Mary Ann Donahey)303.
WILLIAM DIXON (son of ? Dixon and Mary Ann Donahey)303.
JAMES DIXON (son of ? Dixon and Mary Ann Donahey)303.
MARY4 DONAHEY (Hannah3 Clawson, Richard2 Clawson, Josiah1 Clawson)42 was born on May 30,
1823 in Blairsville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania12. She died on July 24, 1898 in Indiana County,
Pennsylvania27. She married Hugh Rager (son of John Rager and Agnes Junkins) about 1844 in
Generation 4 (con't)
Pennsylvania27. She married Hugh Rager (son of John Rager and Agnes Junkins) about 1844 in
Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He was born on January 18, 1821 in Indiana County,
Pennsylvania12. He died on December 08, 1892 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County,
Notes for Hugh Rager:
According to the 1850 census, Hugh and his family were living in Blacklick Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania.
According to the 1860 census, Hugh and his family were living in Blacklick Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania.
Hugh Rager and Mary Donahey had the following children:
JOHN5 RAGER6 (son of Hugh Rager and Mary Donahey) was born on October 24,
1845 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania12.
PORTER RAGER (son of Hugh Rager and Mary Donahey) was born on June 13,
1847 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania12.
JAMES R. RAGER6 (son of Hugh Rager and Mary Donahey) was born on January 28,
1849 in Black Lick, Indiana County, Pennsylvania12. He died before 189812.
NANCY J. RAGER6 (daughter of Hugh Rager and Mary Donahey) was born in August
1850 in Black Lick, Indiana County, Pennsylvania12. She died before 189812.
GILLIS DOTY RAGER12, 42, 266 (son of Hugh Rager and Mary Donahey) was born on
November 18, 1852 in Pennsylvania. He died on October 16, 1928 in Black Lick
Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He married Margaret Marie Bennett
(daughter of Nathan Bennett and Margaret Clawson) on October 05, 1874 in Black
Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania1. She was born on January 01, 1855
in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
HARRIET JANE RAGER12, 42 (daughter of Hugh Rager and Mary Donahey) was born
on September 12, 1857 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She
died on March 18, 1931 in Jackson Township, Cambria County, Pennsylvania. She
married Alamander Carney on July 04, 1877 in Blairsville, Indiana County,
HUGH RAGER42 (son of Hugh Rager and Mary Donahey) was born on January 20,
1859 in Pennsylvania.
viii. MATILDA RAGER12, 42 (daughter of Hugh Rager and Mary Donahey) was born on
April 03, 1860 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She died on
November 21, 1886. She married WILLIAM APPLETON.
GEORGE M. RAGER12 (son of Hugh Rager and Mary Donahey) was born on January
28, 1863. He married ELLEN JANE THOMPSON (daughter of Samuel Thompson and
Sarah Clawson). She was born on September 29, 1854 in Black Lick Township,
Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
RICHARD C.4 DONAHEY (Hannah3 Clawson, Richard2 Clawson, Josiah1 Clawson)15, 124-125 was born
on September 15, 1823 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania19. He died on
December 25, 1878 in Near Clarksburg, Indiana County, Pennsylvania19. He married Nancy Ann
Duffy in 1848120. She was born in 1830126. She died on January 29, 1873 in Indiana County,
Notes for Richard C. Donahey:
According to the 1870 Census, Richard and his family were living in Mechanicsburg, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania.
According to the 1880 census, Richard and his family were living in Mechanicsburg, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania.
Richard C. Donahey and Nancy Ann Duffy had the following children:
JAMES THOMAS5 DONAHEY15, 124, 304-307 (son of Richard C. Donahey and Nancy Ann
Duffy) was born on April 02, 1849 in Armagh, Indiana County, Pennsylvania304. He
died on February 19, 1916 in Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania304. He
married Catherine Elizabeth Conrad (biological daughter of Daniel Conrad and
Generation 4 (con't)
married Catherine Elizabeth Conrad (biological daughter of Daniel Conrad and
daughter of Lydia Dias) about 1874308. She was born on May 29, 1851 in Brush
Valley Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania309-310. She died on September 15,
1930 in Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania309.
BENJAMIN FRANCIS DONAHEY15, 124 (son of Richard C. Donahey and Nancy Ann
Duffy) was born on April 03, 1851 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania311. He died on
August 08, 1926 in Indiana, Indiana County, Pennsylvania311. He married Margaret
Higgins on December 07, 1904. She was born in 1870.
STEWART DONAHEY (son of Richard C. Donahey and Nancy Ann Duffy)15.
AGNES DONAHEY15, 124-125 (daughter of Richard C. Donahey and Nancy Ann Duffy)
was born on February 27, 1855 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania125. She died on
December 14, 1927 in White Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania125. She
married Alexander Campbell about May 1897 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania312.
LETITIA DONAHEY15, 124 (daughter of Richard C. Donahey and Nancy Ann Duffy) was
born about 1859 in Pennsylvania124. She married Henry Myers on September 19,
WILLIAM JAY4 DONAHEY (Hannah3 Clawson, Richard2 Clawson, Josiah1 Clawson)15, 127-130 was born
on September 23, 1825 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania52. He died on
September 22, 1889 in Green Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania131. He married Margaret
Davis (daughter of David Davis and Jane Hunter) on March 03, 184852. She was born on February
22, 1829 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania3. She died on July 31, 1900 in
Green Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania131.
Notes for William Jay Donahey:
According to the 1850 census, William and his family were living in Blacklick Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania.
According to the 1860 Census, William and his family were living in Blacklick Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania
William Jay Donahey and Margaret Davis had the following children:
BENJAMIN F.5 DONAHEY6, 127 (son of William Jay Donahey and Margaret Davis) was
born on February 07, 1849 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania3,
127 . He died on January 10, 1913 in Green Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania127, 269. He married Rebecca Jane Clawson (daughter of Richard
Benjamin Clawson and Rachel Davis) on December 04, 1873 in Indiana County,
Pennsylvania3. She was born on March 08, 1852 in Black Lick, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania267-268. She died on March 21, 1926 in Clymer, Indiana County,
MARTHA JANE DONAHEY7 (daughter of William Jay Donahey and Margaret Davis)
was born on March 03, 1851 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania3. She died on March 16, 1902 in Pennsylvania3, 313. She married
William Houk on December 19, 18721. He was born on November 25, 1846 in
Pennsylvania313. He died on June 09, 1914 in Lovejoy, Indiana County,
SARAH ELLEN DONAHEY7 (daughter of William Jay Donahey and Margaret Davis)
was born on April 02, 1853 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania3.
She died on September 02, 1913 in Green Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania314. She married William Beck Rice (son of Samuel Rice and Eliza
Beck) on July 09, 1880 in Green Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania314. He
was born on August 19, 1853 in White Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania120.
He died on July 25, 1925 in Green Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
JAMES H. DONAHEY7 (son of William Jay Donahey and Margaret Davis) was born on
August 26, 1855 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania3. He died
on November 04, 1924 in Taylorsville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania19. He married
Elizabeth Jane Myers (daughter of John Myers and Sarua Pifer) on January 01,
1889 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania3. She was born on April 11, 1857 in Green
Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She died on December 08, 1924 in
Generation 4 (con't)
Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She died on December 08, 1924 in
Purchase Line, Indiana County, Pennsylvania315.
EDWARD DONAHEY120 (son of William Jay Donahey and Margaret Davis) was born
on November 25, 1857 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania3. He died in 1935316. He
married MARY MATILDA FYOCK. She was born in 1857316. She died in 1941316.
FRANK DAVIS DONAHEY120, 128, 131, 317 (son of William Jay Donahey and Margaret
Davis) was born on June 26, 1860 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania3, 128. He died on July 18, 1943 in Indiana, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania128. He married Mary Elizabeth Gibson about 1881317. She was born in
1862 in Pennsylvania131, 317. She died in 1943131.
ANNA MARY DONAHEY7 (daughter of William Jay Donahey and Margaret Davis) was
born on May 30, 1862 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania3. She died on February 26,
viii. RACHEL EMMA DONAHEY7, 129 (daughter of William Jay Donahey and Margaret Davis)
was born on December 06, 1864 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania3, 129. She died on
December 28, 1936 in Grant Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania (Age: 72129).
She married Wilbert Kidd on January 24, 1889120. He was born in 1864 in
Pennsylvania318. He died on September 17, 1944 in Indiana, Indiana County,
WILLIAM A. DONAHEY7, 130 (son of William Jay Donahey and Margaret Davis) was
born on March 04, 1867 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania3, 130. He died on January
16, 1945 in Wilkinsburg, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania130. He married Mary Duke
about 1897319. She was born about 1878 in Pennsylvania319. She died in 1953.
RICHARD MILTON DONAHEY3 (son of William Jay Donahey and Margaret Davis) was
born on October 07, 1869 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania3. He died in 1931 in
Taylorsville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
Notes for Richard Milton Donahey:
In 1913, Richard was living in Lovejoy, Pennsylvania.
According to the 1920 Census, Richard was living in Wilkinsburg, Allegheny
County, Pennsylvania with his brother, William.
JOSEPH L.4 CLAWSON (Jonathan3, Josiah2, Josiah1)7, 42 was born on July 28, 1813 in Indiana
County, Pennsylvania31. He died on December 06, 1887 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania31. He
married Leah M. Repine (daughter of George Repine) on October 22, 183831. She was born on
September 16, 1816 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania31. She died on July 28, 1882 in Indiana
County, Pennsylvania31.
Notes for Joseph L. Clawson:
According to the 1860 Census, Joseph and his family were living in Blacklick Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania.
According to the 1870 Census, Joseph and Leah were living in Blacklick Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania.
Joseph L. Clawson and Leah M. Repine had the following children:
GEORGE W.5 CLAWSON42, 278 (son of Joseph L. Clawson and Leah M. Repine) was
born on August 31, 1839 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania46.
He died on December 08, 1907 in Blairsville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania133. He
married Nancy Jane Manners (daughter of Joseph Manners and Nancy Couch) on
December 06, 1862 in Saltsburg, Indiana County, Pennsylvania46. She was born on
February 17, 1841 in Blairsville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She died on
February 02, 1917 in Blairsville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
SARA JANE CLAWSON7 (daughter of Joseph L. Clawson and Leah M. Repine) was
born on December 27, 1841 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania31. She died on
September 28, 187031, 320. She married Samuel L. Spires on October 06, 1859 in
Indiana County, Pennsylvania31. He died on April 12, 1911 in Ava, Douglas County,
Generation 4 (con't)
JONATHAN M. CLAWSON7, 42 (son of Joseph L. Clawson and Leah M. Repine) was
born on July 20, 1843 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania31. He died on February 21,
1906 in Washington, D. C.93. He married ? ?.
CHRISTOPHER C. CLAWSON7, 36, 42 (son of Joseph L. Clawson and Leah M. Repine)
was born on September 02, 1845 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania31. He died on September 30, 1908 in Near Campbell Mills, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania27. He married Rachel Neal (daughter of Eli Neal) on
December 06, 186631. She was born in 1841 in Pennsylvania44. She died on
January 16, 1931 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
GEORGE WASHINGTON4 CLAWSON (Jonathan3, Josiah2, Josiah1)7 was born in 1815 in Black Lick
Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He died on June 12, 1897 in West Wheatfield Township,
Indiana County, Pennsylvania50. He married Lavina Jane Cribbs (daughter of John M. Cribbs and
Sarah Jane Cribbs) on December 22, 1842104. She was born on April 13, 1824 in West Wheatfield
Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania132. She died on September 07, 1892132.
Notes for George Washington Clawson:
According to the 1850 census, Washington and Lavinia were living in Blacklick Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania.
George Washington Clawson and Lavina Jane Cribbs had the following children:
JONATHAN5 CLAWSON6, 321 (son of George Washington Clawson and Lavina Jane
Cribbs) was born on November 02, 1843 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania132. He
died on June 10, 1870 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania132, 321.
Notes for Jonathan Clawson:
The Indiana Democrat (June 16, 1870)
Man Drowned. - Jonathan Clawson, a son of Washington Clawson, who reseded
near Black Lick station, in this county, was drowned, shortly before noon, on Friday
last, in the pond a short distance below that station. He was engaged, with others,
in fishing with a seine, when getting into water beyond his depth he sank. Being
behind the seine, his companions were unable to render him immediate assistance,
and before they could come to his aid the unfortunate man had gone down the last
time. His body was recovered in abount ten minutes after he first sank, but life was
entirely extinct.
SARAH CLAWSON6 (daughter of George Washington Clawson and Lavina Jane
Cribbs) was born in 1845 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania6. She died before 1942.
She married George M. Boyle in October 1865 in Blairsville, Indiana County,
JOHN C. CLAWSON6 (son of George Washington Clawson and Lavina Jane Cribbs)
was born on October 05, 1847 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania132. He died on
March 28, 1873132. He married Margaret Elizabeth Palmer (daughter of Alexander
Palmer and Susannah Palmer) in October 18691. She was born on November 28,
1849 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She died on March 14,
1925 in Conemaugh, East Taylor Township, Cambria County, Pennsylvania323.
WILLIAM G. CLAWSON7, 158, 324 (son of George Washington Clawson and Lavina Jane
Cribbs) was born in November 1849 in Burrell Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania188. He died before March 07, 1934133. He married Susan E. Flowers
(daughter of John B. Flowers and Margaretta ?) about 18721. She was born in June
1847 in Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania188. She died on January 06, 1915 in
Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
GEORGE WASHINGTON CLAWSON1 (son of George Washington Clawson and Lavina
Jane Cribbs) was born in 1852 in Bolivar, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania. He
died before 1942. He married CHRISTINA MUIR (daughter of Walter Muir and Janet
Patterson). She was born in 1856 in Bolivar, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania.
MARY ELIZABETH CLAWSON7, 56, 115 (daughter of George Washington Clawson and
Lavina Jane Cribbs) was born on September 03, 1853 in Indiana County,
Pennsylvania325. She died on December 17, 1916325. She married Samuel Clawson
Generation 4 (con't)
Pennsylvania325. She died on December 17, 1916325. She married Samuel Clawson
Lichtenfels (son of Philip Lichtenfels and Susanna Brendlinger) in 1877210. He was
born on December 23, 1851 in Wheatfield Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania326. He died on February 21, 1928327.
REBECCA JANE CLAWSON7 (daughter of George Washington Clawson and Lavina
Jane Cribbs) was born in 18541. She died on November 05, 1857132.
viii. LAVINA JANE CLAWSON7, 188 (daughter of George Washington Clawson and Lavina
Jane Cribbs) was born on February 01, 1858 in West Wheatfield Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania137. She died on February 24, 1942 in West Wheatfield
Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania1. She married John Frederick Lichtenfels
Jr. (son of John Frederick Lichtenfels and Margaret Brendlinger) on October 26,
1876 in West Wheatfield Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania19. He was born
in December 1856 in Pennsylvania188. He died on December 05, 1931 in West
Wheatfield Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania137.
MARGARET CATHERINE CLAWSON7 (daughter of George Washington Clawson and
Lavina Jane Cribbs) was born on March 15, 1859 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
She died on September 29, 1865.
DELILAH MAUDE CLAWSON7 (daughter of George Washington Clawson and Lavina
Jane Cribbs) was born in 1863 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She married
Samuel J. Duncan (son of Joseph M. Duncan and Catherine Sides) on July 01,
1880 in Pennsylvania1. He was born on August 28, 1857 in West Wheatfield
Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania1. He died on March 31, 1938 in West
Wheatfield Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania1.
HANNAH CLAWSON (daughter of George Washington Clawson and Lavina Jane
Cribbs)328. She died before 1942.
ELIZABETH JANE4 CLAWSON (Jonathan3, Josiah2, Josiah1)7 was born in 1816 in Black Lick
Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She died on May 22, 1848 in Black Lick Township,
Indiana County, Pennsylvania31. She married George Thompson (son of John Thompson and
Eleanor Davis) about 1839. He was born on August 26, 1812 in Black Lick Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania. He died on January 30, 1873 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County,
Notes for George Thompson:
George Thompson owned a 100 acre farm in Black Lick Township. He was a democrat and served
as tax collector, school director, township supervisor.
According to the 1850 census, George and his family were living in Blacklick Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania.
According to the 1860 census, George and his family were living in Blacklick Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania.
According to the 1870 Census, George and his family were living in Blacklick Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania.
George Thompson and Elizabeth Jane Clawson had the following children:
SARAH5 THOMPSON6 (daughter of George Thompson and Elizabeth Jane Clawson)
was born on November 27, 1840 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania. She died in 1856.
JOHN GEORGE THOMPSON7, 44 (son of George Thompson and Elizabeth Jane
Clawson) was born on April 24, 1843 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania329. He died in Grafton, Pennsylvania. He married Emeline McCoy
(daughter of Church McCoy and Mary Jane McCardell) on October 06, 1866329.
She was born in August 1845 in Pennsylvania44.
JAMES THOMPSON6 (son of George Thompson and Elizabeth Jane Clawson) was
born on March 21, 1845 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He
died on August 27, 1917. He married HANNAH HOUSTON. She was born about 1847
in Pennsylvania36. She died in 1939.
Generation 4 (con't)
(daughter of George Thompson and Elizabeth Jane
Clawson) was born on March 25, 1848 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania. She married Josiah C. Huston (son of James Huston and Rebecca
Jane Clawson) on March 09, 18721. He was born on August 16, 1840 in Indiana
County, Pennsylvania1. He died on April 07, 19261.
ELEANOR THOMPSON6 (daughter of George Thompson and Elizabeth Jane Clawson)
was born on June 18, 1849 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
She died on April 09, 1911. She married John B. McIntyre about 187012. He was
born in 1845. He died in 191827.
JONATHAN4 CLAWSON (Jonathan3, Josiah2, Josiah1)7 was born on January 02, 1825 in Blairsville,
Indiana County, Pennsylvania1. He died on April 04, 1892 in Burrell Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania133. He married (1) REBECCA ANN REPINE (daughter of Daniel Repine and Abigail
Davis) on September 29, 1853 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania49. She was born on May 20, 1834
in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She died on April 27, 1872 in Burrell
Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He married (2) MARY ?. She was born about 1828 in
Notes for Jonathan Clawson:
According to the 1850 census, Jonathan was living with his brother, Washington, in Blacklick
Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
According to the 1880 census, Jonathan and his family were living in Burrell Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania.
Jonathan Clawson and Rebecca Ann Repine had the following children:
AMANDA5 CLAWSON1 (daughter of Jonathan Clawson and Rebecca Ann Repine) was
born in Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She married ALEX MUIR.
EMMA CLAWSON1 (daughter of Jonathan Clawson and Rebecca Ann Repine) was
born in Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She married COAD CURTIS.
CLARISSA CLAWSON1 (daughter of Jonathan Clawson and Rebecca Ann Repine)
was born in 1854 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
DANIEL R. CLAWSON1, 133-134 (son of Jonathan Clawson and Rebecca Ann Repine)
was born in November 1854 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania1. He died before
September 15, 1923133. He married REBECCA H. MORTON (daughter of Ruth ?). She
was born in February 1853 in Pennsylvania1. She died before March 21, 1927133.
Notes for Daniel R. Clawson:
According to the 1880 census, Daniel and his family were living in Burrell Township,
Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He was living with his in-laws.
SARAH CLAWSON1 (daughter of Jonathan Clawson and Rebecca Ann Repine) was
born in 1857 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
ALBERT CLAWSON1 (son of Jonathan Clawson and Rebecca Ann Repine) was born
in 1859 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He died before 1870.
REBECCA CLAWSON1 (daughter of Jonathan Clawson and Rebecca Ann Repine) was
born in 1863 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
viii. FRANCIS A. CLAWSON1 (son of Jonathan Clawson and Rebecca Ann Repine) was
born in February 1863 in Pennsylvania332.
Notes for Francis A. Clawson:
According to the 1900 Census, Frank was living with his brother John in New Derry
and Bradenville, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania.
JOSEPH CLAWSON1 (son of Jonathan Clawson and Rebecca Ann Repine) was born
in 1865 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
SAMANTHA CLAWSON1 (daughter of Jonathan Clawson and Rebecca Ann Repine)
was born in 1865 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She married REUBEN RAGER.
HARRY J. CLAWSON1, 134 (son of Jonathan Clawson and Rebecca Ann Repine) was
Generation 4 (con't)
HARRY J. CLAWSON1, 134 (son of Jonathan Clawson and Rebecca Ann Repine) was
born in January 1869 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He married Bertha Connor
(daughter of James Connor and Bell ?) on October 26, 18971. She was born in
September 18751.
JOHN ELMER CLAWSON49, 134 (son of Jonathan Clawson and Rebecca Ann Repine)
was born on January 22, 1870 in Burrell Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania333. He died on June 02, 1948 in Ligonier Township, Westmoreland
County, Pennsylvania333. He married Catherine Harvey (daughter of Bryon Wilson
Harvey and Mary Hoover) on March 05, 1894 in Morrellville, Johnstown, Cambria
County, Pennsylvania333. She was born on February 02, 1875 in Heshbon, West
Wheatfield Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania333. She died on May 08, 1948
in Ligonier Township, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania333.
Notes for John Elmer Clawson:
According to the 1900 Census, John and his family were living in New Derry and
Bradenville, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania. His brother Frank was also
living him.
According to the 1930 census, John and his family were living in Latrobe,
Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania.
HIRAM4 CLAWSON (Robert C.3, Josiah2, Josiah1)33 was born in 1820 in Blairsville, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania8. He died on October 02, 1904 in Lemonweir, Juneau County, Wisconsin135. He
married Genevieve McLaughlin (daughter of John McLaughlin and Mary McLaughlin) in July 1849
in Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She was born in 1827 in County Tyrone, Ireland8. She died in
1908 in Lemonweir, Juneau County, Wisconsin.
Notes for Hiram Clawson:
According to the 1850 census, Hiram was living in Rayne Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
According to the 1860 census, Hiram was living in White Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
According to the 1870 census, Hiram and his family were living in Summit Township, Juneau
County, Wisconsin.
According to the 1880 census, Hiram and his family were living in Summit Township, Juneau
County, Wisconsin.
According to the 1880 census, Hiram and Eva were living in Mauston, Juneau County, Wisconsin
with his son, John, and his family.
Hiram Clawson and Genevieve McLaughlin had the following children:
ROBERT HIRAM5 CLAWSON33, 138, 336 (son of Hiram Clawson and Genevieve
McLaughlin) was born on May 11, 1852 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He died in
1916 in Lisbon, Wisconsin8. He married Ludie Newkirk on April 17, 1881 in
Lemonweir, Juneau County, Wisconsin8. She was born in March 1862 in
Wisconsin138. She died in 1913 in Mauston, Juneau County, Wisconsin.
WILLIAM ANDERSON CLAWSON8, 336 (son of Hiram Clawson and Genevieve
McLaughlin) was born on August 28, 1854 in Indiana, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania. He died on March 13, 1938 in Plentywood, Sheridan County,
Montana. He married Katherine Madaline Larkins on February 12, 1882 in
Chatfield, Fillmore County, Minnesota. She was born on November 08, 1858 in
Winona, Winona County, Minnesota. She died on February 07, 1910 in Plentywood,
Sheridan County, Montana.
HIRAM CLAWSON JR.336 (son of Hiram Clawson and Genevieve McLaughlin) was
born on October 21, 1856 in Brush Valley, Indiana County, Pennsylvania8. He died
on March 14, 19398. He married (1) MARY O'DAY on February 19, 1879 in Union
Center, Juneau County, Wisconsin. He married (2) CYNTHIA ?. She was born about
Generation 4 (con't)
Center, Juneau County, Wisconsin. He married (2) CYNTHIA ?. She was born about
1871 in New Jersey337.
MARY J. CLAWSON336 (daughter of Hiram Clawson and Genevieve McLaughlin) was
born on March 08, 1860 in Indiana, Indiana County, Pennsylvania8. She died on
August 27, 1950 in Wisconsin8. She married Don Carlos Robinson (son of Henry
Robinson and Elizabeth Fluno) on November 10, 1878 in Wonewoc, Wisconsin338.
He was born on February 17, 1843 in Exeter, New York115. He died on January 09,
1920 in Lindina Township, Juneau County, Wisconsin115.
MICHAEL CLAWSON138, 336 (son of Hiram Clawson and Genevieve McLaughlin) was
born in February 1865 in Pennsylvania138. He married Villie Newkirk about 1892138.
She was born in November 1871 in Wisconsin138.
JOHN R. CLAWSON336 (son of Hiram Clawson and Genevieve McLaughlin) was born
in June 1865 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania138, 336. He married Eleanor Kennedy
on May 04, 1898 in Mauston, Juneau County, Wisconsin. She was born in May
1872 in Wisconsin138.
HARRY WHITE CLAWSON8, 336 (son of Hiram Clawson and Genevieve McLaughlin)
was born in 1865 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania336. He married Emma Josephine
Smith on January 17, 1894 in Lindina, Juneau County, Wisconsin.
JOSIAH4 CLAWSON (Robert C.3, Josiah2, Josiah1)33, 136-137 was born about 1824 in Indiana County,
Pennsylvania12. He died about 1889 in Jefferson County, Pennsylvania1. He married Christiana A.
McQuown (daughter of David McQuown and ? ?) in July 1849 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
She was born on October 23, 1830 in Punxsutawney, Jefferson County, Pennsylvania8. She died
after 1908 in Pennsylvania.
Notes for Josiah Clawson:
According to the 1850, 1860, 1870, and 1880 censuses, Josiah was living in Rayne Township,
Indiana County, Pennsylvania and then Young Township, Jefferson County, Pennsylvania.
Josiah Clawson and Christiana A. McQuown had the following children:
JOHN CALDWELL5 CLAWSON33 (son of Josiah Clawson and Christiana A. McQuown)
was born in July 1850 in Indiana, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He died on
September 01, 1908 in Punxsutawney, Jefferson County, Pennsylvania158. He
married Mary Margaret Evans in 1880 in Pennsylvania158. She was born about 1859
in Pennsylvania339-340. She died on July 10, 1918231.
JANE A. CLAWSON136 (daughter of Josiah Clawson and Christiana A. McQuown) was
born in 1852 in Rayne Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania136. She married (1)
ROBERT S. MILLER on August 25, 1886 in Young Township, Jefferson County,
Pennsylvania. She married (2) MARTIN H. DICK on February 19, 1907 in Indiana
County, Pennsylvania. He was born on December 01, 1861 in Cherryhill Township,
Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
Notes for Jane A. Clawson:
In 1908, Jane and Martin were living in Indiana, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
MARGARETTA CLAWSON136 (daughter of Josiah Clawson and Christiana A.
McQuown) was born on July 19, 1856 in Indiana, Indiana County, Pennsylvania137.
She died on February 09, 1935 in Punxsutawney, Jefferson County,
Pennsylvania137. She married Thomas Martin Williams (son of Stacy Williams and
Caroline Lewis) on July 31, 1875 in Jefferson County, Pennsylvania341. He was
born on March 28, 1847 in Young Township, Jefferson County, Pennsylvania341. He
died on February 06, 1912 in Punxsutawney, Jefferson County, Pennsylvania341.
MARY CLAWSON33 (daughter of Josiah Clawson and Christiana A. McQuown) was
born in 1857 in Indiana, Indiana County, Pennsylvania136. She died before 1909158.
ELLEN D. CLAWSON136 (daughter of Josiah Clawson and Christiana A. McQuown)
was born in 1859 in Indiana, Indiana County, Pennsylvania136. She died in 19321.
ARCHIBALD E. CLAWSON33, 158 (son of Josiah Clawson and Christiana A. McQuown)
was born on February 05, 1863 in Young Township, Jefferson County,
Pennsylvania33. He died on August 22, 1910 in Punxsutawney, Jefferson County,
Pennsylvania143. He married Anna Rishell (daughter of Daniel Walter Rishell and
Generation 4 (con't)
Pennsylvania143. He married Anna Rishell (daughter of Daniel Walter Rishell and
Christine Burkett) on December 08, 1886 in Punxsutawney, Jefferson County,
Pennsylvania1. She was born on June 14, 1865 in Punxsutawney, Jefferson
County, Pennsylvania8. She died on April 16, 1929 in Punxsutawney, Jefferson
County, Pennsylvania.
DAVID ROBERT CLAWSON33 (son of Josiah Clawson and Christiana A. McQuown)
was born in 1866 in Young Township, Jefferson County, Pennsylvania. He died in
viii. LULA MARIA CLAWSON33, 137 (daughter of Josiah Clawson and Christiana A.
McQuown) was born in 1869 in Young Township, Jefferson County,
Pennsylvania137. She died on August 11, 1952 in Punxsutawney, Jefferson County,
Pennsylvania137. She married (1) J. LEMON MOGLE. He was born in 1866 in Covode,
Indiana County, Pennsylvania33. He died on May 24, 1916 in Punxsutawney,
Jefferson County, Pennsylvania33. She married (2) DANIEL GOURLEY. He was born
on May 23, 188533. He died on November 14, 193833.
Notes for Lula Maria Clawson:
In 1908, Lula and Lemuel were living in Punxsutawney, Jefferson County,
Mrs. Lula M. Gourley, a resident of this city for many years, died in the Adrian
Hospital this morning at the age of 83. She was born in Indiana Co., the daughter
of Joseph and Anna Clawson. She was twice married, to J. Lemon Mogle and
following his death, to Daniel Gourley. Following her second husband's death, she
lived with Mrs. Nell Ley of this city, a niece. She is survived by three nieces and
one nephew: Mrs. Charles Miller of Wilkinsburg, Mrs. Nell Ley, Mrs. Jessie
Buterbaugh and Walter Clawson of this city.
ADAM C.4 CLAWSON (Robert C.3, Josiah2, Josiah1)8, 138 was born in April 1827 in Pennsylvania138.
He died on July 22, 1909 in Mauston, Juneau County, Wisconsin. He married MARY R. ?. She was
born in October 1828 in Pennsylvania138.
Notes for Adam C. Clawson:
Adam left and went to Wisconsin before 1860.
According to the 1870 census, Adam and his family were living in Summit Township, Juneau
County, Wisconsin.
According to the 1880 census, Adam and his family were living in Summit Township, Juneau
County, Wisconsin.
According to the 1900 census, Adam and his family were living in Mauston, Juneau County,
Adam C. Clawson and Mary R. ? had the following children:
RALSTON5 CLAWSON336 (son of Adam C. Clawson and Mary R. ?) was born about
1853 in Pennsylvania336.
SARAH J. CLAWSON336 (daughter of Adam C. Clawson and Mary R. ?) was born
about 1856 in Iowa336.
LOUISA CLAWSON336 (daughter of Adam C. Clawson and Mary R. ?) was born in
March 1860 in Wisconsin138.
JOSEPH ROBERT CLAWSON336, 342 (son of Adam C. Clawson and Mary R. ?) was born
about 1865 in Wisconsin336.
ROBERT4 CLAWSON (Robert C.3, Josiah2, Josiah1)33, 139-140 was born about 1829 in Indiana County,
Pennsylvania140. He died on August 15, 1893 in White Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania50.
He married Hannah Catherine Stahl (daughter of John Peter Stahl and Catherine Kratzer) about
1861 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She was born on February 12, 1833 in Miles Township,
Centre County, Pennsylvania. She died on March 10, 1915 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
Generation 4 (con't)
Notes for Robert Clawson:
According to the 1880 Census, Robert and his family were living in Cherryhill Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania.
Notes for Hannah Catherine Stahl:
According to the 1900 Census, Hannah was living with her son John in Cherryhill Township,
Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
Robert Clawson and Hannah Catherine Stahl had the following children:
WILLIAM C.5 CLAWSON33, 343 (son of Robert Clawson and Hannah Catherine Stahl)
was born in March 1852 in White Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He died
before 1952 in White Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania93. He married
Isabelle M. George (daughter of Reuben B. George and Emily M. McCombs) in
1876. She was born in May 1861 in Brush Valley Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania343. She died in White Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
PETER RICHARD CLAWSON208, 344 (son of Robert Clawson and Hannah Catherine
Stahl) was born in April 1855 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania208. He died in 192019.
He married Susanna Lane Fry (daughter of Abi Fry) on June 11, 1881 in Greenville,
Green Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania344. She was born in 1866 in
Pennsylvania19, 162. She died in 193519, 162.
ALMIRA CLAWSON140 (daughter of Robert Clawson and Hannah Catherine Stahl) was
born on June 29, 1858 in Cherryhill Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania33. She
died in 1941 in Penn Run, Indiana County, Pennsylvania1. She married (1) DANIEL
HOUCK (son of William Houck) on October 24, 1895 in Indiana County,
Pennsylvania287. He was born about 1852. She married (2) ? HADDEN.
SAMUEL CLAWSON (son of Robert Clawson and Hannah Catherine Stahl) was born
about 1863. He died before 195293.
FRANK ROBERT CLAWSON140 (son of Robert Clawson and Hannah Catherine Stahl)
was born in 1865 in Indiana, Indiana County, Pennsylvania140, 345. He died on
September 19, 193393. He married Arabelle Shank about August 1890346. She was
born on December 12, 1869 in Cherryhill Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
She died on October 17, 1941 in Indiana, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
NANCY CATHERINE CLAWSON33, 140 (daughter of Robert Clawson and Hannah
Catherine Stahl) was born on May 06, 1868 in Indiana, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania. She died on March 18, 1959 in Marchand, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania. She married (1) ABRAHAM L. BREWER (son of James Brewer and
Sarah Jane Varner) after 1894347. He was born on May 06, 1864 in Indiana County,
Pennsylvania. He died on October 17, 1949 in Marchand, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania. She married (2) JOSEPH MITCHELL (son of David Mitchell and Nancy
?) on January 04, 1894 in West Indiana, Indiana County, Pennsylvania1, 348. He was
born about 1853.
JOHN M. CLAWSON140, 349 (son of Robert Clawson and Hannah Catherine Stahl) was
born on July 04, 1872 in Cherryhill Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He
died on February 09, 1952 in Indiana, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He married (1)
BETTY FAITH after 1900. He married (2) KATE ? about 1896350. She was born about
1871 in Pennsylvania350. He married (3) ETTA BENCE after 1910.
viii. LUCY W. CLAWSON349 (daughter of Robert Clawson and Hannah Catherine Stahl)
was born in September 1879 in Pennsylvania349.
WILLIAM CALDWELL4 CLAWSON (Robert C.3, Josiah2, Josiah1)15, 33 was born about 1830 in Indiana
County, Pennsylvania141. He died on September 08, 1906 in Pennsylvania142. He married
Catherine Wike (daughter of David Wike and biological daughter of Sarah Coulter) in Indiana
County, Pennsylvania. She was born on November 14, 1846 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania141.
She died on November 07, 1930 in Belsano, Cambria County, Pennsylvania141.
Notes for William Caldwell Clawson:
According to the 1880 Census, William and his family were living in Cherryhill Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania. His nephew, James H. Clawson (born; abt 1857) was living with them.
Generation 4 (con't)
Notes for Catherine Wike:
According to the 1910 and 1930 censuses, Catherine was living with her son Harvey.
William Caldwell Clawson and Catherine Wike had the following children:
SARAH5 CLAWSON351 (daughter of William Caldwell Clawson and Catherine Wike)
was born in 1867 in Indiana, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She died in 190493.
HARVEY CLAWSON33, 139 (son of William Caldwell Clawson and Catherine Wike) was
born on February 11, 1868 in Penn Run, Indiana County, Pennsylvania141. He died
on July 07, 19421. He married (1) BERTHA E. BRACE (daughter of Albert Brace and
Josephine ?) on October 03, 1914 in Hollidaysburg, Blair County, Pennsylvania.
She was born about 1890 in New York352. He married (2) NELLIE MURDOCK
(daughter of Chambers Murdock and Rebecca Coup) on June 19, 1895 in Indiana,
Indiana County, Pennsylvania1. She was born about 1872. She died in 1900. He
married (3) NELLIE CATHERINE STRASBAUGH (daughter of William G. Strasbaugh and
Sara E. ?) on May 01, 1901 in Ebensburg, Cambria County, Pennsylvania. She was
born about 1884.
JONATHAN4 CLAWSON (Robert C.3, Josiah2, Josiah1)33, 136 was born in March 1837 in Jacksonville,
Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He died on June 14, 1902 in Clayville, Jefferson County,
Pennsylvania. He married Mary McQuown about 1857 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She was
born on May 03, 1838 in Punxsutawney, Jefferson County, Pennsylvania. She died on December
01, 1911 in Punxsutawney, Jefferson County, Pennsylvania143.
Notes for Jonathan Clawson:
According to the 1860 census, Jonathan and his family were living in Rayne Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania.
Jonathan Clawson and Mary McQuown had the following children:
ADAM DAVID5 CLAWSON33, 136 (son of Jonathan Clawson and Mary McQuown) was
born in 1858 in Rayne Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He died on July
23, 1934 in Punxsutawney, Jefferson County, Pennsylvania. He married Rachael
Ann Brown (daughter of David Brown and Anna White) on August 26, 1880 in
Jefferson County, Pennsylvania. She was born on August 06, 1864 in Clearfield
County, Pennsylvania. She died on March 15, 1951 in Punxsutawney, Jefferson
County, Pennsylvania.
ROBERT JOSEPH CLAWSON33 (son of Jonathan Clawson and Mary McQuown) was
born in November 1860 in Pennsylvania1. He married (1) LAURA ? about 1881 in
Jefferson County, Pennsylvania1. She was born in July 18631. He married (2) IDA A.
DRUMMOND (daughter of William Drummond and Mary ?) on September 03, 1907 in
Punxsutawney, Jefferson County, Pennsylvania1. She was born about 1868 in
ANNABEL CLAWSON33 (daughter of Jonathan Clawson and Mary McQuown) was
born in 1864 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She married William Grant McAllister
on October 13, 1887 in Punxsutawney, Jefferson County, Pennsylvania.
ARMINTA AGNES CLAWSON33 (daughter of Jonathan Clawson and Mary McQuown)
was born in 1867 in Pennsylvania. She married William Clawson Williams (son of
Charles Clawson Williams and Caroline Palmer) on July 13, 1887353. He was born
in 1863354.
ELIZABETH J. CLAWSON33 (daughter of Jonathan Clawson and Mary McQuown) was
born on December 21, 1869 in Jefferson County, Pennsylvania. She died on
September 23, 1959 in Niagara Falls, Niagara County, New York. She married
James Homer Williams (son of James John Williams and Elizabeth Fillmore) on
November 17, 1891 in Punxsutawney, Jefferson County, Pennsylvania. He was
born on October 21, 1870 in Bell Township, Jefferson County, Pennsylvania. He
died in October 1947 in Cloe, Jefferson County, Pennsylvania.
MARY ELLA CLAWSON33 (daughter of Jonathan Clawson and Mary McQuown) was
born in 1873 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She died on August 22, 1908 in
Jefferson County, Pennsylvania. She married John R. Bell in Jefferson County,
Generation 4 (con't)
Jefferson County, Pennsylvania. She married John R. Bell in Jefferson County,
Pennsylvania. He was born on December 24, 1869 in Bell Township, Jefferson
County, Pennsylvania. He died on July 23, 19331.
viii. CHARLES FOSTER CLAWSON33, 280 (son of Jonathan Clawson and Mary McQuown)
was born on January 03, 1879 in Punxsutawney, Jefferson County,
Pennsylvania355. He died on November 10, 1966 in Indiana, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania. He married Willette Campbell Work about 1903 in Jefferson County,
Pennsylvania317. She was born on September 21, 1875 in Rochester Mills, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania93. She died on February 16, 1966 in Indiana, Indiana County,
WILLIAM L. CLAWSON33 (son of Jonathan Clawson and Mary McQuown) was born in
April 1875 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
LULU CLAWSON1 (daughter of Jonathan Clawson and Mary McQuown) was born in
May 1888.
ANDERSON4 CLAWSON (Robert C.3, Josiah2, Josiah1)138-139, 145 was born in December 1839 in
Pennsylvania138. He died about 1919 in Mauston, Juneau County, Wisconsin146. He married
Phoebe McLaughlin (daughter of John McLaughlin and Mary McLaughlin) about 1860 in Indiana
County, Pennsylvania138. She was born in June 1841 in Pennsylvania138.
Notes for Anderson Clawson:
Anderson's first name is also seen as Andrew.
According to the 1860 Census, Anderson was living with his parents in Cherryhill Township,
Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
According to the 1870 Census, Anderson and his family were living in Summit, Juneau County,
According to the 1880 Census, Anderson and his family were living in Summit, Juneau County,
According to the 1900 Census, Anderson and Phoebe were living in Mauston, Juneau County,
According to the 1905 Census, Anderson and Phoebe were living in Mauston, Juneau County,
According to the 1910 Census, Anderson and Phoebe were living in Mauston, Juneau County,
Anderson Clawson and Phoebe McLaughlin had the following children:
JAMES GRIER5 CLAWSON336, 356 (son of Anderson Clawson and Phoebe McLaughlin)
was born about 1862 in Pennsylvania336.
ADA CLAWSON336 (daughter of Anderson Clawson and Phoebe McLaughlin) was
born about 1864 in Pennsylvania336.
PLEASANT4 CLAWSON (Robert C.3, Josiah2, Josiah1)15, 33, 147 was born in May 1841 in Cherryhill
Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania1. She died on November 12, 1912 in Indiana County,
Pennsylvania139. She married George Wike (son of David Wike and biological son of Sarah
Coulter) on October 22, 1862 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania139, 148-149. He was born on April 22,
1841 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania1. He died on October 11, 1902 in Indiana County,
Notes for George Wike:
According to the 1870 Census, George and his family were living in Cherryhill Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania.
According to the 1880 Census, George and his family were living in Cherryhill Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania.
Generation 4 (con't)
George lost left leg due to amputation near Chapin's Farm, Virginia, September 29, 1864. Duane
Wike (grandson of David) sad his dad talked about going squirrel hunting with one-legged Uncle
George. Amputation was about 4 inches below knee.
George Wike and Pleasant Clawson had the following children:
PHOEBE ELVIRA5 WIKE15, 147 (daughter of George Wike and Pleasant Clawson) was
born in 1862 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania1. She married Findley Stephens
about September 1896301. He was born in 1861139.
SARAH WIKE15, 147 (biological daughter of George Wike and daughter of Pleasant
Clawson) was born in April 1866 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania1. She married
DAVID C. WIKE15, 33, 147, 349 (son of George Wike and Pleasant Clawson) was born in
August 1867 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania349. He died on April 27, 1923 in
Indiana County, Pennsylvania139. He married FRANCES M. BOWERS. She was born in
September 1866 in Pennsylvania349. She died in 1951357.
LUCY ANN WIKE15, 147 (daughter of George Wike and Pleasant Clawson) was born
about September 1869 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania147. She died in 1930139.
She married William H. Coy about August 1897312. He was born in 1868139. He died
in 1956139.
MARY A. WIKE15 (daughter of George Wike and Pleasant Clawson) was born on
August 04, 1872 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania139. She died on September 14,
1935 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania139. She married John Sherman Sheridan
Grant Wolfe on January 08, 1896 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania139. He was born
on November 01, 1871 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania139. He died on April 01,
1943 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania139.
JAMES C. WIKE15 (son of George Wike and Pleasant Clawson) was born in 1875 in
Indiana County, Pennsylvania357. He died in 1945357. He married M. BERTHA
SLEPPY. She was born in 1872357. She died in 1944357.
WILLIAM GRANT WIKE8, 15 (son of George Wike and Pleasant Clawson) was born on
September 15, 1879 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He died on October 03, 1947
in Clymer, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He married Cynthia Augusta Donahey
(daughter of Benjamin F. Donahey and Rebecca Jane Clawson) about October
1896301. She was born in February 1875 in Black Lick, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania268. She died on June 20, 1939139.
JOSIAH4 CLAWSON III (Richard C.3 Sr., Josiah2, Josiah1)152 was born on June 30, 1834 in Indiana
County, Pennsylvania153. He died on October 02, 1906 in Taylorsville, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania131. He married Phoebe Ann Black (daughter of John Black and Ann ?) on October
28, 1858 in Green Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania148. She was born on December 01,
1832 in Washington Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania131. She died on October 09, 1913 in
Commodore, Indiana County, Pennsylvania131.
Notes for Josiah Clawson III:
Indiana Progress, Indiana, Pennsylvania (October 10, 1906)
Josiah Clawson, of Green township, died at his home near Utah, on October 2, of general debility
incident to old age, 72 years, 3 months and 2 days. He is survived by his wife and the following
children: Mrs. A. H. Spicher of Grant township; Mrs. J. E. Mumau and Harry Clawso,n of Lovejoy,
and Samuel Clawson, at home. He is also survived by these two brothers: Samuel of Utah and
Alber, of town. The funeral services were conducted on Thursday by Rev. J. W. Fyock, and
interment followed in the cemetery at Taylorsville.
Notes for Phoebe Ann Black:
In 1910, Phoebe was living with her son-in-law, John E. Mumau according to the 1910 census.
Josiah Clawson III and Phoebe Ann Black had the following children:
JANE5 CLAWSON52 (daughter of Josiah Clawson III and Phoebe Ann Black) was born
Generation 4 (con't)
JANE5 CLAWSON52 (daughter of Josiah Clawson III and Phoebe Ann Black) was born
on September 28, 1859 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania1. She died on May 28,
19261. She married ADAM HENRY SPICHER (son of John W. Spicher and Catherine
King). He was born on October 30, 1862 in Grant Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania137. He died on February 17, 1947 in White Township, Indiana County,
RACHEL CLAWSON52 (daughter of Josiah Clawson III and Phoebe Ann Black) was
born on May 23, 1861 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania131. She died on June 06,
1892 in Montgomery Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania131. She married John
Henry Wise (son of John Wise and Lavina Spicher) on August 26, 18911. He was
born in 1861131. He died in 1933131.
MARTHA BELLE CLAWSON52 (daughter of Josiah Clawson III and Phoebe Ann Black)
was born on October 06, 1863 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania1. She died on May
09, 19521. She married John Ellsworth Mumau (son of David Mumau and Catherine
Phillips) on October 06, 18831. He was born on July 02, 1862. He died on January
06, 1927 in Commodore, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
HARRY J. CLAWSON52 (son of Josiah Clawson III and Phoebe Ann Black) was born
on November 18, 1864 in Commodore, Indiana County, Pennsylvania1. He died on
June 04, 1934 in Commodore, Indiana County, Pennsylvania358. He met (1) LUCY
JANE NAGLE (daughter of Uriah Nagle and Sarah ?). She was born in June 1872 in
Pennsylvania359. He married (2) ELIZABETH HANNAH WISE (daughter of John Wise
and Lavina Spicher) on July 04, 1893 in Hillsdale, Pennsylvania. She was born on
June 17, 1869 in Hillsdale, Pennsylvania269. She died on December 22, 1896 in
Dixonville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania269. He married (3) NELLIE BERRINGER
(daughter of Alex Berringer and Melinda Buterbaugh) after 1896. She was born in
1872 in Green Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She died on February 27,
1967 in Roselle, New Jersey.
SAMUEL REUBEN CLAWSON1 (son of Josiah Clawson III and Phoebe Ann Black) was
born on November 12, 1866 in Green Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania360.
He died on June 09, 1950 in Green Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania360. He
married Henrietta Mumau (daughter of Jacob Numan and Ann Myers) on January
25, 1894361. She was born on November 16, 1873 in Dixonville, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania. She died on January 22, 1940 in Green Township, Indiana County,
SUSAN4 CLAWSON (Richard C.3 Sr., Josiah2, Josiah1)46, 154 was born in 1838 in Green Township,
Indiana County, Pennsylvania152. She died on November 28, 1900 in New Florence, Westmoreland
County, Pennsylvania1. She married (1) MICHAEL O'KIEFE on October 28, 1858 in Green Township,
Indiana County, Pennsylvania155. He was born between 1831-1833 in Northumberland County,
Pennsylvania. He died on April 02, 1865 in Petersburg, Virginia. She married (2) MELVIN A. SMITH
after 18651. He was born about 1830 in Vermont1. He died on December 13, 1901 in Hempfield
Township, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania1.
Notes for Michael O'Kiefe:
According to the 1860 census, Michael and his family were living in Brushvalley Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania.
Michael O'Kiefe and Susan Clawson had the following children:
JOHN Y.5 O'KIEFF154 (son of Michael O'Kiefe and Susan Clawson) was born on
August 11, 1859 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He died on October 06, 1919 in
Altoona, Blair County, Pennsylvania. He married Laura Matilda Reed (daughter of
John Reed and Elizabeth Buterbaugh) in 1881 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania1.
She was born on February 22, 1859 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She died on
October 29, 1938 in Altoona, Blair County, Pennsylvania.
JAMES SILAS O'KIEFF46 (son of Michael O'Kiefe and Susan Clawson) was born on
December 31, 1860 in Mechanicsburg, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He died on
December 21, 1938 in Altoona, Blair County, Pennsylvania. He married Mary
Catherine Barr (daughter of Smith Barr and Catherine Lydick) on July 28, 1881 in
Indiana, Indiana County, Pennsylvania1. She was born on January 05, 1861 in
Generation 4 (con't)
Indiana, Indiana County, Pennsylvania1. She was born on January 05, 1861 in
Commodore, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She died on May 02, 1952 in Arlington,
Arlington County, Virginia.
MARY O'KIEFE181 (daughter of Michael O'Kiefe and Susan Clawson) was born on
September 24, 1864 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She died between July 07,
1865-July 07, 1866.
Melvin A. Smith and Susan Clawson had the following children:
CHARLES D.5 SMITH1 (son of Melvin A. Smith and Susan Clawson) was born in 1873
in Harris Township, Centre County, Pennsylvania.
MARY L. SMITH1, 223 (daughter of Melvin A. Smith and Susan Clawson) was born on
May 01, 1876 in Harris Township, Centre County, Pennsylvania. She married
Charles Adolphus Clossin (son of David Lindsay Clossin and Mary Diamond) on
December 17, 18951. He was born in 1875 in Pennsylvania223, 225.
ALBERT4 CLAWSON (Richard C.3 Sr., Josiah2, Josiah1)152 was born in 1845 in Indiana County,
Pennsylvania152. He died on August 07, 1915 in Indiana, Indiana County, Pennsylvania137.
Albert Clawson had the following children:
GRACE V.5 CLAWSON (daughter of Albert Clawson)1. She married Richard Lydick on
November 23, 1910335.
? CLAWSON (daughter of Albert Clawson)1. She married WILLIAM OSTERMEYER.
ELIZABETH4 CLAWSON (Richard C.3 Sr., Josiah2, Josiah1)1 was born on August 15, 1860 in
Georgeville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She died on November 04, 1943. She married John L.
Sloniger (son of Daniel Slonaker and Ellen Porter) on March 05, 18791.
John L. Sloniger and Elizabeth Clawson had the following children:
WILLIAM L.5 SLONIGER34 (son of John L. Sloniger and Elizabeth Clawson) was born
in April 1880 in Pennsylvania1.
THOMAS DANIEL SLONIGER1 (son of John L. Sloniger and Elizabeth Clawson) was
born on June 19, 1882 in Georgeville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania362. He died in
June 1964 in Beacon, Dutchess County, New York362. He married (1) NELLIE
CHARLES A. SLONIGER1 (son of John L. Sloniger and Elizabeth Clawson) was born
on November 16, 1891 in Georgeville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania1. He died on
August 22, 1975 in Armstrong County Hospital, Armstrong County, Pennsylvania.
He married Doll Cornelia Bussard on November 25, 19141.
NELSON S. SLONIGER363 (son of John L. Sloniger and Elizabeth Clawson) was born
on April 10, 1897363. He died on December 28, 1948363. He married GWENDOLINE M.
SAMUEL A. SLONIGER1 (son of John L. Sloniger and Elizabeth Clawson) was born in
August 18971.
MAE SLONIGER1 (daughter of John L. Sloniger and Elizabeth Clawson) was born in
19001. She married MERLE STEVENS.
MARGARET ANN4 CLAWSON (Richard C.3 Sr., Josiah2, Josiah1)1, 156 was born on April 04, 1865 in
Dixonville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She died on February 05, 1951 in Dayton, Armstrong
County, Pennsylvania. She married William Lewis Sloniger (son of Daniel Slonaker and Ellen
Porter) on June 20, 1885 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania156.
William Lewis Sloniger and Margaret Ann Clawson had the following children:
JONAS5 SLONIGER1 (son of William Lewis Sloniger and Margaret Ann Clawson) was
born on April 15, 1883 in Georgeville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania1. He died on
September 20, 19361.
MINNIE BELLE SLONIGER1 (daughter of William Lewis Sloniger and Margaret Ann
Clawson) was born on June 05, 1888 in Georgeville, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania1, 362. She died on October 05, 1978 in Kittanning, Armstrong County,
Pennsylvania1. She married Marvin Spence Houser on January 28, 1908 in
Georgeville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania35.
Generation 4 (con't)
ANNIE BASIL SLONIGER35 (daughter of William Lewis Sloniger and Margaret Ann
Clawson) was born on November 19, 1891 in Georgeville, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania35. She died on May 27, 189235.
FANNIE MABEL SLONIGER (daughter of William Lewis Sloniger and Margaret Ann
Clawson) was born on November 19, 1891 in Georgeville, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania35. She died on March 11, 196035. She married Alfred H. Gilhousen on
May 18, 1910 in NuMine, Armstrong County, Pennsylvania364.
JOHN BERTON SLONIGER137 (son of William Lewis Sloniger and Margaret Ann
Clawson) was born on August 26, 1895 in Georgeville, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania137. He died on July 03, 1978 in Armstrong County Hospital, Armstrong
County, Pennsylvania137. He married Vernie Larue Lewis on February 12, 1920.
ALBERT MCKINLEY SLONIGER363 (son of William Lewis Sloniger and Margaret Ann
Clawson) was born on November 06, 1900 in Georgeville, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania363. He died on April 08, 1976 in DuBois Hospital, DuBois, Clearfield
County, Pennsylvania363.
RICHARD A.4 CLAWSON (Adam3, Josiah2, Josiah1)6 was born in 1837 in Black Lick Township,
Indiana County, Pennsylvania6. He died in 1879 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania93. He married HULDA BENNETT. She was born in 1844 in Pennsylvania36. She died on
September 22, 1937 in Blairsville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
Notes for Richard A. Clawson:
According to the 1870 Census, Richard and his family were living in Blacklick Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania.
Richard A. Clawson and Hulda Bennett had the following children:
ADAM5 CLAWSON36, 278 (son of Richard A. Clawson and Hulda Bennett) was born on
December 12, 1862 in Near Homer City, Indiana County, Pennsylvania365. He died
before July 11, 1952 in New Kensington, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania. He
married Jesse Mildred Moorehead (daughter of Joseph Moorehead and Rebecca ?)
on April 23, 1888 in Allegheny City, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania. She was born
on April 04, 1867 in Blairsville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania365. She died before
October 08, 1949 in New Kensington, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania.
Notes for Adam Clawson:
According to the 1900 Census, Adam and his family were living in Blairsville,
Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
According to the 1930 census, Adam and his family were living in Springdale,
Allegheny County, Pennsylvania.
JOHN CLAWSON36 (son of Richard A. Clawson and Hulda Bennett) was born in 1866
in Pennsylvania36.
Notes for John Clawson:
John died young.
MARGARET CLAWSON36 (daughter of Richard A. Clawson and Hulda Bennett) was
born in 1868 in Blairsville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania36. She died on June 14,
1914 in Blairsville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She married Watson Bracken
Swarts (son of Samuel Swartzwelder and Delia Jane Schrock) on July 04, 18871.
He was born on March 05, 1863371. He died on December 14, 1931 in Altoona, Blair
County, Pennsylvania371.
CHARLES WALTER CLAWSON52, 208 (son of Richard A. Clawson and Hulda Bennett)
was born on May 06, 1871 in Blairsville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania133. He died
before September 24, 1948 in Blairsville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He married
Nora Mae Helman (daughter of Jacob A. Helman and Ella McQuown) on October
27, 1896 in Blairsville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania1. She was born on March 20,
1878 in Blairsville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She died on June 04, 1943 in
Blairsville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
Generation 4 (con't)
Notes for Charles Walter Clawson:
According to the 1900 Census, Charles and his family were living in Blairsville,
Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
According to the 1930 census, Charles and Nora were living in Blacklick Township,
Indiana County, Pennsylvania. Their grandson, Richard A. Clawson was also living
with them.
GRAY CLAWSON52 (son of Richard A. Clawson and Hulda Bennett) was born in
Notes for Gray Clawson:
Gray died young.
ANNIE G. CLAWSON1 (daughter of Richard A. Clawson and Hulda Bennett) was born
in 1877.
NORA B. CLAWSON52 (daughter of Richard A. Clawson and Hulda Bennett) was born
about 1880 in Pennsylvania373. She married Oliver Thomas Mclaughlin on May 17,
1900 in Blairsville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania335. He was born on November 01,
1880 in Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania374.
Notes for Oliver Thomas Mclaughlin:
According to the 1930 census, Ollie and Nora were living in New Kensington,
Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania.
AMY C.4 CLAWSON (Adam3, Josiah2, Josiah1)6 was born in 1843 in Pennsylvania157. She died in
1913157. She married William Silas Greer (son of William Greer and Abigail Collins) on September
05, 188252. He was born on February 14, 1833. He died on July 17, 1913157.
Notes for William Silas Greer:
According to the 1900 census, William and his family were living in Blacklick Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania.
William Silas Greer and Amy C. Clawson had the following children:
ALONZO5 GREER266 (son of William Silas Greer and Amy C. Clawson) was born on
July 03, 1883 in Pennsylvania.
JONATHON GREER52 (son of William Silas Greer and Amy C. Clawson) was born on
December 21, 1885. He died on November 25, 1891.
ROSS4 CLAWSON (Adam3, Josiah2, Josiah1)42 was born about 1848 in Indiana County,
Pennsylvania42. He died on October 17, 19071. He married Barbara Ellen McGuire on February 18,
1875 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She was born on August 22, 1857 in Indiana County,
Pennsylvania1. She died in 193258.
Ross Clawson and Barbara Ellen McGuire had the following children:
SARAH ELVA5 CLAWSON52 (daughter of Ross Clawson and Barbara Ellen McGuire)
was born in February 1876 in Pennsylvania1. She died in 193858.
HARRY EDWARD CLAWSON52, 355, 376 (son of Ross Clawson and Barbara Ellen
McGuire) was born on June 18, 1877 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania355, 362. He
died in September 1964 in Pennsylvania362. He married Mary Elizabeth Rosborough
(daughter of James Rosborough and Rachel A. Hancock) on September 13, 1900
in Indiana County, Pennsylvania376. She was born on April 27, 1877 in Indiana
County, Pennsylvania. She died on November 20, 1959 in Blairsville R. D. 2,
Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
Notes for Harry Edward Clawson:
According to the 1930 census, Harry and Elizabeth were living in Livermore,
Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania.
MYRTLE CLAWSON52 (daughter of Ross Clawson and Barbara Ellen McGuire) was
born in September 18811.
JOHN R. CLAWSON52, 355 (son of Ross Clawson and Barbara Ellen McGuire) was
Generation 4 (con't)
JOHN R. CLAWSON52, 355 (son of Ross Clawson and Barbara Ellen McGuire) was
born on July 04, 1892 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania355. He married HARRIET ?.
JONATHAN4 CLAWSON (Adam3, Josiah2, Josiah1)36, 158 was born on January 02, 1853 in Indiana
County, Pennsylvania1. He died on May 02, 1925 in Grafton, Indiana County, Pennsylvania93. He
married Sarah Mae Greer (daughter of William Silas Greer and Catherine Dibler) on October 16,
1884 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania159. She was born on May 28, 1865 in Allegheny County,
Pennsylvania52. She died on April 10, 1950 in Burrell Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania52.
Notes for Jonathan Clawson:
According to the 1900 Census, Jonathan and his family were living in Blacklick Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania.
In 1918, Jonathon and Sadie were living in Blacklick, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
Notes for Sarah Mae Greer:
According to the 1930 census, Sarah and her son, Harry, were living in Burrell Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania.
Jonathan Clawson and Sarah Mae Greer had the following children:
LULU M.5 CLAWSON44, 93 (daughter of Jonathan Clawson and Sarah Mae Greer) was
born on November 02, 1883 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
She died on November 19, 1967. She married William Edward Freed (son of
William E. Freed and Martha Miller) on June 30, 190452. He was born on January
31, 1883 in Fayette County, Pennsylvania137. He died on November 23, 1946 in
Black Lick, Indiana County, Pennsylvania19.
Notes for Lulu M. Clawson:
In 1925 and 1950, Lula and William were living in Blacklick, Pennsylvania.
CATHERINE CLAWSON137 (daughter of Jonathan Clawson and Sarah Mae Greer) was
born on October 18, 1885 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania1.
She died on April 25, 1970 in Hillsdale, Pennsylvania. She married Jacob Miller
(son of Jonas Miller) on September 19, 1914 in Homer City, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania335. He was born about 1875 in Derry Township, Westmoreland
County, Pennsylvania1. He died in 1925.
Notes for Catherine Clawson:
In 1918, Katherine was living in Bradenville, Pennsylvania.
In 1925, Katherine was living in Blacklick, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
In 1950, Katherine was living in Blairsville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
Notes for Jacob Miller:
According to 1920 Census, Jacob and his family were living in Bradenville,
Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania.
AMY CAMPBELL CLAWSON1, 44, 137 (daughter of Jonathan Clawson and Sarah Mae
Greer) was born on November 18, 1888 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania. She died on September 05, 1943 in Cherryhill Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania. She married Philip Ross Zimmerman on April 04, 1917 in
Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania212. He was born on November 05, 188819. He
died on September 06, 196819.
Notes for Amy Campbell Clawson:
In 1918 and 1925, Amy and Philipp were living in Graceton, Indiana County,
ADAM SILAS CLAWSON44, 52 (son of Jonathan Clawson and Sarah Mae Greer) was
born on November 11, 1890 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania1. He died on November 22, 1918. He married Anna K. Roudebush
(daughter of Joseph Franklin Roudebush and Clara Estella Wilt) on November 21,
1912 in Coral, Indiana County, Pennsylvania1. She was born on February 12, 1895
Generation 4 (con't)
1912 in Coral, Indiana County, Pennsylvania1. She was born on February 12, 1895
in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She died on October 04,
1972 in Leavittsburg, Trumbull County, Ohio.
Notes for Anna K. Roudebush:
According to the 1930 census, Anna and her family were living in Burrell Township,
Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
ALEXANDER CLAWSON44, 93 (son of Jonathan Clawson and Sarah Mae Greer) was
born on April 07, 1893 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania280. He
died on June 16, 1975 in Black Lick, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He married
ESTHER IRENE MARSH. She died before 1975.
Notes for Alexander Clawson:
In 1918, Alex was living in Blacklick, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
In 1925, Alex was living in Smiths Station, Pennsylvania.
In 1950, Alex was living in Burrell Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
JOHN BENNETT CLAWSON44, 93 (son of Jonathan Clawson and Sarah Mae Greer) was
born on January 06, 1895 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania133.
He died on January 13, 1964 in Blairsville R. D. 3, Indiana County, Pennsylvania158.
He married Gladys I. Shank (daughter of Jacob Shank and Nancy Hunter) on
February 16, 1916 in Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania212. She was born on
May 28, 1896 in White Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She died on
February 06, 1995 in Derry Township, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania137.
Notes for John Bennett Clawson:
In 1918, John was living in Blacklick, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
In 1925, John was living in Smiths Station, Pennsylvania.
According to the 1930 census, John and his family were living in Burrell Township,
Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
In 1950, John was living in Blairsville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
Notes for Gladys I. Shank:
Gladys Clawson obit
Gladys I. Shank Clawson, 98, of Blairsville RD5 (Derry Township), on Monday, Feb.
6, 1995. Richard L. Shoemaker Funeral Home, Blairsville.
IDA GERTRUDE CLAWSON44, 93 (daughter of Jonathan Clawson and Sarah Mae Greer)
was born on May 08, 1897 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania52.
She died on November 13, 1984 in Blairsville R. D., Indiana County, Pennsylvania1.
She married (1) HERBERT W. BOHLENS after 196193. He was born on August 27,
189719. He died on February 06, 196519. She married (2) JAMES MARSH before
192593. He was born on June 20, 188519. He died on January 04, 195219. She
married (3) CLARENCE FRIEDLINE after 1952. He died in 1961137.
Notes for Ida Gertrude Clawson:
In 1918, Ida was living in Coral, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
In 1925, Ida was living in Smiths Station, Pennsylvania.
In 1950, Ida was living in Blairsville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
viii. MARGARET JANE CLAWSON44, 211 (daughter of Jonathan Clawson and Sarah Mae
Greer) was born on August 31, 1899 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania211. She died before 1910.
Generation 4 (con't)
(daughter of Jonathan Clawson and Sarah Mae Greer) was
born on January 18, 1903 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania211.
She died on September 04, 197052. She married Ernest W. Strong on May 21,
Notes for Goldie Clawson:
In 1964, Goldie and Ernest were living in Lucernemines, Indiana County,
FANNIE EDNA CLAWSON19 (daughter of Jonathan Clawson and Sarah Mae Greer)
was born on November 20, 1904 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania211. She died before 197593. She married WILLIAM D. MCCRACKEN. He
was born on September 05, 1901 in Glasgow, Scotland378. He died on March 25,
Notes for Fannie Edna Clawson:
In 1925, Fannie was living in Graceton, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
In 1950, Fannie was living in Burrell Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
HARRY E. CLAWSON93 (son of Jonathan Clawson and Sarah Mae Greer) was born
on March 03, 1907 in Black Lick, Indiana County, Pennsylvania52. He died on
November 23, 1996 in Burrell Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania137.
Notes for Harry E. Clawson:
In 1917 and 1925, Harry was living in Blacklick, Pennsylvania.
In 1950, Harry was living in Burrell Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
Harry was never married.
Harry Clawson obit
Harry E., 89, of Blairsville RD1 (Burrell Township) on Saturday, Nov. 23, 1996.
Richard L. Shoemaker Funeral Home.
MARY MARGARET4 CLAWSON (Adam3, Josiah2, Josiah1)1, 42 was born in 1857 in Black Lick
Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania42. She married WILLIAM CLAWSON (son of Richard
Samuel Clawson and Eleanora Davis). He was born in 1852 in Black Lick Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania1. He died before 1900.
Notes for Mary Margaret Clawson:
According to the 1900 census, Mary was living with her daughter, Lottie, in Blacklick Township,
Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She was a servant to James Davis.
According to the 1930 census, Mary was living with her daughter, Lottie, in Brushvalley Township,
Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
Notes for William Clawson:
According to the 1870 Census, William was living with his brother, Samuel, in Blacklick Township,
Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
William Clawson and Mary Margaret Clawson had the following children:
LULU5 CLAWSON1 (daughter of William Clawson and Mary Margaret Clawson) was
born in 1877 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
WILLIAM HERMAN CLAWSON93, 137 (son of William Clawson and Mary Margaret
Clawson) was born on April 28, 1879 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania362. He died on July 20, 1971 in Blairsville R. D. 2, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania. He married Jessie Olive Jones (daughter of John Jones) about
1902384. She was born on April 03, 1881 in Pennsylvania. She died on May 22,
1948 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
Generation 4 (con't)
Notes for William Herman Clawson:
According to the 1920 census, William and his family were living in Blacklick
Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
According to the 1930 census, William and his family were living in Blacklick
Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
CLARK CLAWSON52 (son of William Clawson and Mary Margaret Clawson) was born
on October 05, 1883 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania280, 386.
He died on March 16, 1952 in Indiana Hospital, Indiana, Indiana County,
LOTTIE B. CLAWSON44, 52 (daughter of William Clawson and Mary Margaret Clawson)
was born in December 1895 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania44. She died in 1942157. She married Harry M. Hockenberry (son of
John Alderson Hockenberry and Mary Ellen Moose) on December 23, 1915 in
Indiana, Indiana County, Pennsylvania1. He was born in 1894 in Pennsylvania157.
He died in 1949157.
Notes for Harry M. Hockenberry:
According to the 1930 census, Harry and his family were living in Brushvalley
Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
JOHN W.4 HUSTON (Rebecca Jane3 Clawson, Josiah2 Clawson, Josiah1 Clawson)6 was born in
August 1838 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania160. He died on January 06, 19071. He married Mary
Jane Palmer (daughter of John Palmer and Esther Kimmel) about 1860160. She was born on April
01, 1836 in Pennsylvania161. She died on August 22, 1902 (Age: 661, 161).
Notes for John W. Huston:
According to the 1870 Census, John and his family were living in Blacklick Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania. Also living with his family was his mother, his brother, William, and his
sister Sarah.
According to the 1900 census, John and his family were living in Derry Township, Westmoreland
County, Pennsylvania.
John W. Huston and Mary Jane Palmer had the following children:
MARGARET5 HUSTON1, 36 (daughter of John W. Huston and Mary Jane Palmer) was
born in 1861 in Pennsylvania36.
JOSIAH HUSTON36 (son of John W. Huston and Mary Jane Palmer) was born in 1863
in Pennsylvania36.
AMANDA HUSTON36 (daughter of John W. Huston and Mary Jane Palmer) was born
on December 26, 1864 in Pennsylvania27. She died on August 27, 188927.
MARIETTA HUSTON36 (daughter of John W. Huston and Mary Jane Palmer) was born
in 1867 in Pennsylvania36.
REUANNA HUSTON36 (daughter of John W. Huston and Mary Jane Palmer) was born
in December 1869 in Pennsylvania.
HUTTON HUSTON1 (son of John W. Huston and Mary Jane Palmer) was born on May
23, 1872 in Pennsylvania1. He died on December 21, 19421. He married Mary
Catherine Ray (daughter of John G. Ray and Sarah J. Gray) about 1895160. She
was born on September 16, 1868 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She died on
January 17, 1945 in Blairsville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
ELIZABETH E. HUSTON93 (daughter of John W. Huston and Mary Jane Palmer) was
born on July 16, 1875 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She died on June 01, 1949
in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She married Edward
Ellsworth Clawson (son of Porter Thomas Clawson and Anna Elizabeth Moses) on
January 18, 1899335. He was born in November 1874 in Black Lick Township,
Indiana County, Pennsylvania1. He died on February 27, 1924 in Black Lick
Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania1.
Generation 4 (con't)
(daughter of John W. Huston and Mary Jane Palmer) was born
in 1878. She married Robert McLaughlin about December 1896301.
? HUSTON (child of John W. Huston and Mary Jane Palmer)160. ? died before
JOSIAH C.4 HUSTON (Rebecca Jane3 Clawson, Josiah2 Clawson, Josiah1 Clawson)6 was born on
August 16, 1840 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania1. He died on April 07, 19261. He married Eliza J.
Thompson (daughter of George Thompson and Elizabeth Jane Clawson) on March 09, 18721. She
was born on March 25, 1848 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
Notes for Josiah C. Huston:
In 1913, Josiah was living in Johnstown, Cambria County, Pennsylvania.
Notes for Eliza J. Thompson:
According to the 1870 Census, Eliza was living with her father and stepmother in Blacklick
Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
Josiah C. Huston and Eliza J. Thompson had the following children:
KATHERINE5 HOUSTEN (daughter of Josiah C. Huston and Eliza J. Thompson)7. She
married SETH CLARKE.
GEORGE HOUSTEN (son of Josiah C. Huston and Eliza J. Thompson)7.
WALTER HOUSTEN (son of Josiah C. Huston and Eliza J. Thompson).
ELIZA HOUSTEN (daughter of Josiah C. Huston and Eliza J. Thompson)7. She
IRENE HOUSTEN (daughter of Josiah C. Huston and Eliza J. Thompson)7. She
married ? BELL.
MARY JANE4 HUSTON (Rebecca Jane3 Clawson, Josiah2 Clawson, Josiah1 Clawson)7, 42, 44 was
born on April 17, 1842 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania1. She died on January 08, 19451. She
married John Bennett (son of Nathan Bennett and Margaret Clawson) about 186344. He was born
in October 1841 in Pennsylvania44.
Notes for Mary Jane Huston:
In 1913, Mary Jane and John were living in Burrell Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
Notes for John Bennett:
According to the 1900 Census, John and his family were living in Blacklick Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania. Their children, James, Ord, Rhoda, and Margaret were living with them as
well as their grandson, Earl Morton.
John Bennett and Mary Jane Huston had the following children:
JAMES C.5 BENNETT44 (son of John Bennett and Mary Jane Huston) was born in May
1866 in Pennsylvania44.
N. ORD BENNETT44 (son of John Bennett and Mary Jane Huston) was born in March
1868 in Pennsylvania44.
RHODA E. BENNETT44 (daughter of John Bennett and Mary Jane Huston) was born in
April 1879 in Pennsylvania44. She married John R. Morton about July 1898 in
MARGARET J. BENNETT44 (daughter of John Bennett and Mary Jane Huston) was
born in July 1881 in Pennsylvania44.
WILLIAM4 HOUSTON (Rebecca Jane3 Clawson, Josiah2 Clawson, Josiah1 Clawson)6, 44 was born on
May 20, 1847 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania3. He died on February 14,
1927 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania162. He married Jane Ann Clawson
(daughter of Richard Samuel Clawson and Eleanora Davis) on August 15, 18701. She was born on
March 19, 1851 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania1. She died on July 07, 1924
in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania162.
Notes for William Houston:
According to the 1900 Census, William and his family were living in Blacklick Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania. His mother was also living with them.
Generation 4 (con't)
William Houston and Jane Ann Clawson had the following children:
WESLEY I.5 HOUSTON3 (son of William Houston and Jane Ann Clawson) was born in
1871 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania1. He died on January
14, 1928162.
Notes for Wesley I. Houston:
In 1913, Wesley was the minister at the Christian Church, Nezperce, Idaho.
EMORY M. HOUSTON1 (son of William Houston and Jane Ann Clawson) was born in
1872 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
JAMES RICHARD HOUSTON3 (son of William Houston and Jane Ann Clawson) was
born on September 04, 1873 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania1. He died on August 15, 19401. He married (1) GERTRUDE THOMPSON
on July 05, 19021. He married (2) BEULAH STEWART.
ALICE G. HOUSTON3 (daughter of William Houston and Jane Ann Clawson) was born
in 1876 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania1. She married (1) J.
DIXON AVERY. She married (2) ? RUGH.
Notes for Alice G. Houston:
In 1913, Alice and Dixon were living Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania.
CARRIE B. HOUSTON3, 44 (daughter of William Houston and Jane Ann Clawson) was
born in February 1879 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania1.
WILLIAM ROY HOUSTON3 (son of William Houston and Jane Ann Clawson) was born
in August 1885 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He died on
October 23, 1937162.
Notes for William Roy Houston:
In 1913, William was living in Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania.
HOOD ELDER HOUSTON3 (son of William Houston and Jane Ann Clawson) was born
in June 1887 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania44.
Notes for Hood Elder Houston:
In 1913, Hood was living in Detroit, Michigan.
viii. NELL T. HOUSTON3, 44 (daughter of William Houston and Jane Ann Clawson) was
born in January 1890 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania44.
HELEN D. HOUSTON3, 44 (daughter of William Houston and Jane Ann Clawson) was
born in January 1893 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania44.
Notes for Helen D. Houston:
In 1913, Helen was living in Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania.
RALPH HOUSTON (son of William Houston and Jane Ann Clawson)3. He died before
Notes for Ralph Houston:
Ralph died as a young man.
MARTHA HOUSTON (daughter of William Houston and Jane Ann Clawson)3.
Notes for Martha Houston:
Martha died young.
BERTHA A. HOUSTON3, 388 (daughter of William Houston and Jane Ann Clawson) was
born on March 25, 1877 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania1, 388.
She died on January 25, 1956 in Munhall, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania388. She
married GEORGE HOWARD STEWART (son of Louise E ?). He was born about 1881 in
Notes for Bertha A. Houston:
In 1913, Bertha and Howard were living in Avalon, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania.
Generation 4 (con't)
HUSTON (Rebecca Jane3 Clawson, Josiah2 Clawson, Josiah1 Clawson)7, 36, 42, 44
was born in October 1849 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania44. She married Alexander Rankin (son
of Alexander Rankin and Nancy ?) in 187244. He was born in October 1833 in Pennsylvania44. He
died on April 02, 19141.
Notes for Alexander Rankin:
According to the 1880 Census, Alexander and his family were living in Blacklick Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvannia.
According to the 1900 Census, Alexander and his family were living in Blacklick Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvannia. His daughters, Mary, Cora, and Fannie were living with them.
Alexander Rankin and Sarah Margaret Huston had the following children:
NANCY J.5 RANKIN163 (daughter of Alexander Rankin and Sarah Margaret Huston)
was born in 1874 in Pennsylvania163.
MARY G. RANKIN44 (daughter of Alexander Rankin and Sarah Margaret Huston) was
born in August 1878 in Pennsylvania44.
CORA E. RANKIN44 (daughter of Alexander Rankin and Sarah Margaret Huston) was
born in August 1879 in Pennsylvania163.
FANNIE E. RANKIN44 (daughter of Alexander Rankin and Sarah Margaret Huston)
was born on March 18, 1883 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
She died on May 11, 1982 in Burrell Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania1. She
married George Smith Clawson (son of Dwight Gere Clawson and Margaret Ellen
Long) on June 08, 1956. He was born on March 03, 1881 in Black Lick Township,
Indiana County, Pennsylvania176. He died on July 21, 1958 in Burrell Township,
Indiana County, Pennsylvania176.
Notes for George Smith Clawson:
According to the 1930 census, George and his family were living in Blacklick
Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
In 1957, George was living in Blairsville RD 2, Pennsylvania.
DONAHEY (Mary3 Kelly, Elsie2 Clawson, Josiah1 Clawson)120 was born in 1822. He
married (2) EMMA IZZIE WAGNER on April 29, 1886.
William Donahey had the following child:
ROBERT CLARK5 DONAHEY120 (son of William Donahey) was born in 1855. He
married Mary Amelia Huffman on July 26, 1892. She was born in 1870.
JONATHAN4 KELLY (Jonathan3 Sr., Elsie2 Clawson, Josiah1 Clawson)164 was born in September
1832164. He died on November 01, 1909 in Loyalhanna Township, Westmoreland County,
Pennsylvania164. He married Margaret Ann Johnston (daughter of William Jaxkson Johnston and
Sarah Bolen) in 1857164. She was born in March 1835164. She died on December 08, 1918 in Bell
Township, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania164.
Jonathan Kelly and Margaret Ann Johnston had the following child:
CATHARINE FLORENCE5 KELLY164 (daughter of Jonathan Kelly and Margaret Ann
Johnston) was born on October 21, 1879 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania164. She
died on September 24, 1958 in Connellsville, Fayette County, Pennsylvania164. She
married John Washington Newhouse (son of George W. Newhouse and Sarah M.
Hill) on February 02, 1899 in New Alexandria, Westmoreland County,
Pennsylvania164. He was born on September 16, 1880 in Salem Township,
Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania164. He died on December 20, 1972 in Latrobe,
Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania164.
NANCY4 KELLY (Archibald3, Elsie2 Clawson, Josiah1 Clawson)19, 36 was born on December 10, 1836
in Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She died on June 09, 191427. She married Jacob Hollis on
November 29, 18551. He was born on July 09, 1826 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania3. He died on
February 18, 1896.
Notes for Jacob Hollis:
According to the 1850 census, Jacob was living with John and Charlotte (Clawson) Hollis. Jacob
Generation 4 (con't)
According to the 1850 census, Jacob was living with John and Charlotte (Clawson) Hollis. Jacob
was probably a brother to John.
According to the 1860 Census, Jacob and his family were living in Blacklick Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania.
According to the 1870 Census, Jacob and his family were living in Blacklick Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania.
Jacob Hollis and Nancy Kelly had the following children:
WILLIAM JOHN5 HOLLIS19, 42 (son of Jacob Hollis and Nancy Kelly) was born on
November 01, 1856 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania1. He
died in September 19111.
JAMES HOLLIS19, 42 (son of Jacob Hollis and Nancy Kelly) was born on July 21, 1858
in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania27. He died on July 04, 1871.
DAVID MILTON HOLLIS19, 42 (son of Jacob Hollis and Nancy Kelly) was born on June
11, 1860 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He married NANCY
E. ?.
MCCLELLAND HOLLIS19 (son of Jacob Hollis and Nancy Kelly) was born on February
13, 1862 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He died in 194227.
He married Harriet Ferguson on December 04, 1892. She was born in 186927. She
died in 192827.
CLARA M. HOLLIS19, 36 (daughter of Jacob Hollis and Nancy Kelly) was born on
September 04, 1864 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She
married Charles Crawford on May 12, 18861.
MARY E. HOLLIS19, 36 (daughter of Jacob Hollis and Nancy Kelly) was born on July
03, 1866 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She married
HARRY W. HOLLIS1, 36 (son of Jacob Hollis and Nancy Kelly) was born on May 23,
1868 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
viii. ELIZABETH HOLLIS19 (daughter of Jacob Hollis and Nancy Kelly) was born on August
28, 1870 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania27. She died on
August 30, 189027.
RICHARD4 KELLY (Archibald3, Elsie2 Clawson, Josiah1 Clawson)6 was born on January 17, 1837 in
Indiana County, Pennsylvania1. He married MARY ANN CREAMER (daughter of Adam Creamer and
Jane Thompson). She was born on February 01, 1844 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania. She died on April 14, 1881.
Notes for Richard Kelly:
Richard was wounded at the Battle of Bushy Run and also fought at Gettysburg during the Civil
According to the 1870 Census, Richard and his family were living in Blacklick Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania.
Richard Kelly and Mary Ann Creamer had the following children:
LURETTA5 KELLY36 (daughter of Richard Kelly and Mary Ann Creamer) was born in
1863 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
MISSOURI KELLY36 (daughter of Richard Kelly and Mary Ann Creamer) was born in
1863 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania36.
LOUISA V. KELLY36 (daughter of Richard Kelly and Mary Ann Creamer) was born in
1868 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania36.
MINNIE KELLY (daughter of Richard Kelly and Mary Ann Creamer)9. She married ?
CARRIE E. KELLY (daughter of Richard Kelly and Mary Ann Creamer)9. She died in
Generation 4 (con't)
Notes for Carrie E. Kelly:
Carrie never was married.
SARAH ANN4 KELLY (Archibald3, Elsie2 Clawson, Josiah1 Clawson)6, 43-44, 165-170 was born on July
03, 1843 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania1, 43. She died on January 15, 1921
in Black Lick, Indiana, Pennsylvania43. She married Thompson Cramer (son of Adam Creamer and
Jane Thompson) on September 25, 1861. He was born on July 04, 1839 in Black Lick Township,
Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He died on February 17, 191427.
Notes for Thompson Cramer:
According to the 1860 Census, Thompson was living with Margaret (Devinney) Thompson in
Blacklick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
Thompson was a prisoner during the Civil War for 8 months from August 19, 1864 to May, 1865.
According to the 1870 Census, Thompson and his family were living in Blacklick Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania.
According to the 1900 Census, Thompson and his family were living in Blacklick, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania. Sarah's father and a granddaughter, Carrie Cramer (born: April 1890) were living
with them.
Thompson Cramer and Sarah Ann Kelly had the following children:
ADAM5 CREAMER36 (son of Thompson Cramer and Sarah Ann Kelly) was born on
June 27, 1862 in Pennsylvania. He died on September 30, 1891.
MARY JANE CREAMER36, 165 (daughter of Thompson Cramer and Sarah Ann Kelly)
was born on February 25, 1865 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania165. She died on September 12, 1925 in Wilkinsburg, Allegheny
County, Pennsylvania165. She married HIRAM WILBUR KABE.
Notes for Mary Jane Creamer:
In 1913, Mary Ann was living in Vandergrift, Pennsylvania.
ULYSSES S. GRANT CREAMER36, 166 (son of Thompson Cramer and Sarah Ann Kelly)
was born on February 19, 1867 in Pennsylvania166. He died on April 24, 1916 in
Vandergrift, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania166. He married ? ?. She died
before 1916166.
Notes for Ulysses S. Grant Creamer:
In 1913, U. S. Grant was living in Vandergrift, Pennsylvanaia.
CHARLES MILLIGAN CRAMER36, 44, 167 (son of Thompson Cramer and Sarah Ann Kelly)
was born on December 01, 1869 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania167. He died on November 23, 1948 in Indiana, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania167. He married Margaret Ellen Long (daughter of Jesse M. Long and
Sarah Smith) on June 13, 1889 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania1. She was born on
August 21, 1854 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She died
on July 16, 1931.
Notes for Charles Milligan Cramer:
According to the 1900 Census, Charles and his family were living in Blacklick,
Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
ELZORA CRAMER168, 391 (daughter of Thompson Cramer and Sarah Ann Kelly) was
born on February 14, 1871 in Pennsylvania168, 391. She died on May 27, 1914 in
Blairsville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania168, 391. She married FREDERICK BYRON
PENDER. He was born on July 21, 1863391. He died on January 02, 1951391.
Notes for Elzora Cramer:
In 1913, Elzora was living in Blairsville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
JAMES DAVIS CRAMER44, 57, 170, 392-394 (son of Thompson Cramer and Sarah Ann
Kelly) was born on April 29, 1873 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County,
Generation 4 (con't)
Kelly) was born on April 29, 1873 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania170. He died on April 29, 1923 in White Township, Cambria County,
Pennsylvania57, 170. He married Rachel Mae Clawson (daughter of Dwight Gere
Clawson and Margaret Ellen Long) on March 31, 1904 in Blairsville, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania57. She was born on August 14, 1884 in Black Lick Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania393, 395. She died on December 09, 1976395.
Notes for James Davis Cramer:
In 1913, James was living in Blacklick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
According to the 1920 census, James and his family were living in Blacklick
Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
Notes for Rachel Mae Clawson:
In 1957, Mae was living in Blairsville RD 2, Pennsylvania.
In 1963, Mae was living in Blacklick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
In 1970, Mae was living in Indiana, Pennsylvania.
MARGARET FLORENA CREAMER169 (daughter of Thompson Cramer and Sarah Ann
Kelly) was born on May 22, 1875 in Blairsville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania169.
She died on June 19, 1932 in Vandergrift, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania169.
She married WILLIAM KERLER. He died before 1932169.
Notes for Margaret Florena Creamer:
In 1913, Margaret was living in Apollo, Pennsylvania.
viii. GERTRUDE HANNAH CRAMER398 (daughter of Thompson Cramer and Sarah Ann
Kelly) was born on September 08, 1877 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania. She died on July 03, 1949 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania57. She married Benjamin Milton Clawson (son of Dwight Gere
Clawson and Margaret Ellen Long) on December 31, 1897 in Indiana County,
Pennsylvania1. He was born on November 14, 1875 in Blairsville, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania280. He died on August 14, 1957 in Blairsville R. D. 2, Indiana County,
Notes for Benjamin Milton Clawson:
According to the 1930 census, Benjamin and his family were living in Blacklick
Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
GEORGE WASHINGTON CREAMER44, 401 (son of Thompson Cramer and Sarah Ann
Kelly) was born on March 28, 1880 in Pennsylvania401.
Notes for George Washington Creamer:
In 1913, George was living in Los Angeles, California.
DANIEL JOHN4 CLAWSON (John3, Daniel2, Josiah1)1 was born in 1826 in Center Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania1. He died on June 23, 186415. He married MARY ANN KUNKLE (daughter of
Adam Cunkle and Agnes Miller). She was born about 1827 in Pennsylvania93. She died on March
01, 1905 in New Florence, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania93.
Notes for Daniel John Clawson:
Accoriding to the 1850 census, Daniel and his family were living in Center Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania.
Daniel John Clawson and Mary Ann Kunkle had the following children:
WILLIAM5 CLAWSON45 (son of Daniel John Clawson and Mary Ann Kunkle) was born
in 1847 in Center Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
JOHN A. CLAWSON45, 52, 402-403 (son of Daniel John Clawson and Mary Ann Kunkle)
was born in July 1849 in Center Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania1. He died
in 1911404. He married (1) MARGARET ? before 1873. She was born in
Pennsylvania405. She died on January 29, 1885. He married (2) PRISCILLA JENNIFER
GRUMBLING (daughter of John Grumbling and Maria Miller) on December 24, 1890
Generation 4 (con't)
GRUMBLING (daughter of John Grumbling and Maria Miller) on December 24, 1890
in New Florence, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania1. She was born on
September 21, 1857 in Pennsylvania404. She died on June 02, 1952404.
ALBERT C. CLAWSON93 (son of Daniel John Clawson and biological son of Mary Ann
Kunkle) was born on July 14, 1851 in White Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania. He died on September 25, 1925 in Indiana, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania. He married Katherine Barbara Frank (daughter of George Frank) on
February 26, 1873 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania406. She was born in May 1852
in Germany1. She died about June 27, 1933.
THOMAS MABON CLAWSON52 (son of Daniel John Clawson and Mary Ann Kunkle)
was born on April 17, 1854 in Center Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He
died on May 06, 1941 in White Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania176. He
married Alice Jane Smith (daughter of ? Smith and Margaret ?) on August 23, 1877
in Indiana County, Pennsylvania19. She was born on September 22, 1855 in
Allegheny County, Pennsylvania. She died on April 19, 1941 in Indiana, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania176.
LUCINDA H. CLAWSON1 (daughter of Daniel John Clawson and Mary Ann Kunkle)
was born in 1856 in Center Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She married
John Barnett in 18771.
MARGARET A. CLAWSON1 (daughter of Daniel John Clawson and Mary Ann Kunkle)
was born in 1859 in Center Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She married
Jackson Smith on August 30, 1877 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania1.
ELIZABETH CLAWSON1 (daughter of Daniel John Clawson and Mary Ann Kunkle) was
born in 1862. She died after 1939. She married ? LAIRD.
viii. ADAM CLAWSON52, 407 (son of Daniel John Clawson and Mary Ann Kunkle) was born
in 1864 in Center Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania1. He died after 1939. He
married Clara B. Risinger on July 20, 1887 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania407. She
was born about 18691.
Notes for Adam Clawson:
In 1905, Adam was living in Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania.
In 1941, Adam was living in Baltimore, Maryland.
NELLIE JESSIE CLAWSON1 (daughter of Daniel John Clawson and Mary Ann Kunkle)
was born on August 01, 1869 in Blairsville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She died
on August 03, 1939 in New Florence, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania. She
married Hugh M. Kells (son of Andrew J. Kells and Kate ?) on September 11,
18881. He was born in April 18641. He died in 19251.
FERGUS MOORHEAD4 CLAWSON (John3, Daniel2, Josiah1)14, 46 was born on August 27, 1828 in
Center Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He died on September 30, 1900 in Brush Valley
Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania158. He married Sarah Devinney (daughter of Elisha
Lawrence Devinney and Elizabeth Kunkle) on January 10, 1848. She was born on March 12, 1829
in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She died on January 15, 1895 in Center
Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania171.
Notes for Fergus Moorhead Clawson:
Accoriding to the 1850 census, Fergus and his family were living in Center Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania.
Indiana Weekly Messenger, Indiana, Pennsylvania (October 3, 1900)
Fergus Clawson died in Brushvalley township, September 30, 1900, aged seventy-two years. He
was a son of the late John Clawson, of Center township, and a half brother of Mr. W. H. Clawson,
of this place. His wife died some years ago, and he is survived by four sons and four daughters.
Interment was made at Bethel Monday afternoon.
The names of the surviving childrem are P. H., Mrs. G. Neil, of Indiana: F. M. and Mrs Jobe, of
Crete; Samuel and Mrs. Young, of Kent; G. T., of Blairsville; and Mrs H. B. Engle, of Nineveh.
Generation 4 (con't)
Notes for Sarah Devinney:
Indiana Democrat (January 17, 1895)
Mrs. Sarah Ferguson
The death of this estimable lady the wife of Fergus Clawson, of Center twp., occurred at her home
near Bethel church, on Tuesday, Jan. 15. Deceased was a daughter of John Devinney, of
Blacklick twp., and was aged 66 years. The interment will take place on Thursday at 10 o'clock, in
Bethel cemetery.
Fergus Moorhead Clawson and Sarah Devinney had the following children:
PETER H.5 CLAWSON45, 52 (son of Fergus Moorhead Clawson and Sarah Devinney)
was born on October 10, 1849 in Center Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
He died on October 07, 1933 in Indiana, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He married
Mary Isabelle Hunter on January 09, 1873 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania408. She
was born on March 07, 1853 in Armstong Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania52. She died on July 30, 1932 in Indiana, Indiana County,
FRANCIS MARION CLAWSON176 (son of Fergus Moorhead Clawson and Sarah
Devinney) was born on August 09, 1851 in Center Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania176. He died on January 11, 1917 in Center Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania176. He married Clarissa Melissa Spence (daughter of James Spence
and Sara Jane Getty) on July 14, 1883 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania409. She
was born on July 02, 1856 in White Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She
died on June 27, 1943 in Center Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania410.
SAMUEL FERGUS CLAWSON1, 14, 44 (son of Fergus Moorhead Clawson and Sarah
Devinney) was born on January 19, 1853 in Center Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania. He died on February 07, 1933 in Allison Park, Allegheny County,
Pennsylvania. He married Sarah Smith Pitt (daughter of Stewart Davis Pitt II and
Margaret Hoover) on November 27, 1873 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania49. She
was born on August 06, 1852 in Clarksburg, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She
died on September 19, 1940 in Norwalk, Ohio.
JOHN H. CLAWSON49 (son of Fergus Moorhead Clawson and Sarah Devinney) was
born on September 13, 1854 in Center Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania335.
He died on February 01, 1858335.
GEORGE LOWMAN CLAWSON49, 278 (son of Fergus Moorhead Clawson and Sarah
Devinney) was born on September 03, 1856 in Center Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania52. He died on November 15, 1935 in Blairsville, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania52. He married Ursula Carson (daughter of James Carson and Martha
?) on December 31, 1885 in Center Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She
was born on March 04, 1856 in Center Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania133.
She died on May 16, 1933 in Blairsville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania52.
REBECCA JANE CLAWSON52 (daughter of Fergus Moorhead Clawson and Sarah
Devinney) was born on June 17, 1858 in Center Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania. She died on May 02, 1917 in Edgewood, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania. She married (1) JOHN KELLY between 1890-1900. He was born in
185252. He died in 189052. She married (2) JAMES M. NEAL. He died on November
10, 191631.
SARAH LUCINDA CLAWSON49, 348 (daughter of Fergus Moorhead Clawson and Sarah
Devinney) was born on March 31, 1860 in Center Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania. She died on September 20, 1919113. She married Joseph Young
about June 14, 1894348. He was born on February 17, 1842113. He died on March
13, 1921113.
Notes for Sarah Lucinda Clawson:
In 1917, Sarah was living near Jacksonville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
viii. MARY E. CLAWSON49 (daughter of Fergus Moorhead Clawson and Sarah Devinney)
Generation 4 (con't)
viii. MARY E. CLAWSON49 (daughter of Fergus Moorhead Clawson and Sarah Devinney)
was born on September 23, 1862 in Center Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania335. She died on November 06, 1864335.
PERMELIA ANN CLAWSON52, 176 (daughter of Fergus Moorhead Clawson and Sarah
Devinney) was born on February 20, 1866 in Center Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania. She died on December 18, 1935 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
She married Savanis Eli "Van" Jobe (son of Robert Jobe and Elizabeth Kunkle) in
1887116, 231. He was born on January 23, 1861 in Center Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania176. He died on July 11, 1947 in Josephine, Burrell Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania176.
NANCY B. CLAWSON49 (daughter of Fergus Moorhead Clawson and Sarah Devinney)
was born on October 31, 1869 in Center Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania335. She died on December 18, 1870335.
ELLA MAE CLAWSON52 (daughter of Fergus Moorhead Clawson and Sarah Devinney)
was born on June 03, 1874 in Center Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She
died on September 19, 1946. She married Harvey Blair Engle on October 06, 1897
in Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He was born in 1874. He died in 1952.
PERMELIA4 CLAWSON (John3, Daniel2, Josiah1)49 was born in 1829 in Center Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania45. She died on October 10, 1872. She married DORSEY PEDDICORD (son of
John Peddicord and Mary ?). He was born about 1822172. He died on March 28, 1899 in Armstrong
Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania172.
Dorsey Peddicord and Permelia Clawson had the following children:
JOHN WILSON5 PEDDICORD52 (biological son of Dorsey Peddicord and step son of
Permelia Clawson) was born on September 21, 1855 in Center Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania177. He died on April 29, 1940 in Indiana County,
Notes for John Wilson Peddicord:
Wilson never married.
WILLIAM WASHINGTON PEDDICORD52, 411 (son of Dorsey Peddicord and Permelia
Clawson) was born in 1857411. He died before 1899172.
WILSON PEDDICORD411 (son of Dorsey Peddicord and Permelia Clawson) was born
in 1860411.
LUCINDA PEDDICORD52 (daughter of Dorsey Peddicord and Permelia Clawson) was
born on August 27, 1860 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She died on February
10, 1931 in Shelocta, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
JOSEPHINE PEDDICORD137 (daughter of Dorsey Peddicord and Permelia Clawson)
was born on March 13, 1862 in Brush Valley Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania137. She died in 1944 in Indiana, Indiana County, Pennsylvania137. She
married NOAH BOYER. He died before 1944137.
MINNIE V. PEDDICORD (daughter of Dorsey Peddicord and Permelia Clawson)411.
DAVID4 CLAWSON (John3, Daniel2, Josiah1)49, 173 was born in 1830 in Center Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania49. He died on February 12, 191849. He married MARY H. RANKIN. She was
born about 1836 in Pennsylvania. She died in October 1869 in Jefferson Township, Ringgold
County, Iowa.
Notes for David Clawson:
David married and went west after his wife's death taking his family of nine children. He came
back after his father's (Old Cash John) death in December, 1881or early 1882. He got no money
from his father's will and abandoned his children. Lizzie married first at about 16 years of age and
had two children. She married a second time to a Hineman and they also had two children. When
her father became ill in Indiana County he had no one to care for him. The county took care of him
until she came. She took him to her home in a western state.
Notes for Mary H. Rankin:
Mary could be the daughter of Alexander and Nancy Rankin.
David Clawson and Mary H. Rankin had the following children:
Generation 4 (con't)
JOHN R. CLAWSON173 (son of David Clawson and Mary H. Rankin) was born about
1854 in Pennsylvania. He died on December 25, 1925173.
MARGARET CLAWSON (daughter of David Clawson and Mary H. Rankin) was born
about 1855 in Iowa.
CLARA B. CLAWSON (daughter of David Clawson and Mary H. Rankin) was born
about 1856 in Iowa.
NANCY MARY CLAWSON (daughter of David Clawson and Mary H. Rankin) was born
on May 06, 1858 in Burlington, Des Moines County, Iowa. She died on July 23,
1934 in Nez Pierce County, Idaho. She married (1) OWEN M. BARTLETT on April 03,
1873 in Mount Ayr, Ringold County, Iowa. He was born about 1847. She married
(2) JAMES HARRISON HAMILTON on February 03, 1881 in Multnomah County,
Oregon. He was born on February 18, 1853 in Macon County, Missouri. He died on
March 22, 1907 in Spokane, Spokane County, Washington. She married (3) E. R.
WILLIAM E. CLAWSON (son of David Clawson and Mary H. Rankin) was born about
1860 in Iowa.
MARTHA CLAWSON (daughter of David Clawson and Mary H. Rankin) was born
about 1863 in Iowa.
(daughter of David Clawson and Mary H. Rankin) was born on
May 03, 1853 in Centre Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
viii. ELIZABETH CLAWSON52 (daughter of David Clawson and Mary H. Rankin) was born
about 1861. She married (1) ? ?. She married (2) ? HINEMAN.
AMANDA A. CLAWSON (daughter of David Clawson and Mary H. Rankin) was born
about 1865 in Iowa.
? CLAWSON (child of David Clawson and Mary H. Rankin) was born about 1868 in
WILLIAM H.4 CLAWSON (John3, Daniel2, Josiah1)93, 174 was born on September 08, 1841 in Center
Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania47. He died on February 13, 1920 in Indiana, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania. He married Sarah Elizabeth Baker (daughter of Henry Baker and Susan
Kough) on January 23, 186247. She was born on December 28, 1838 in Pennsylvania47. She died
on May 26, 1932 in Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania.
Notes for William H. Clawson:
William and his wife had no children.
William H. Clawson and Sarah Elizabeth Baker had the following child:
AUGUSTA B.5 CLAWSON (foster daughter of William H. Clawson and Sarah Elizabeth
Baker) was born in 1863176. She died on December 19, 1945 in Springdale,
Allegheny County, Pennsylvania176.
Notes for Augusta B. Clawson:
According to the 1930 census, Augusta was living in Springdale, Allegheny County,
In 1932, Augusta was living in Springdale, Pennsylvania.
Gustie never married.
CLAWSON (David3 Sr., Daniel2, Josiah1)6 was born in 1833 in Black Lick Township,
Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He died on October 03, 1863 in Harwood Hospital. He married
Anna Elizabeth Moses (daughter of Jacob Mofses and Hannah Blake) on February 20, 1853175.
She was born on April 15, 1836 in Bedford County, Pennsylvania175. She died on February 16,
1921 in Cokeville, Pennsylvania175.
Notes for Daniel Clawson:
According to the 1860 census, Daniel and his family were living in Blacklick Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania.
Generation 4 (con't)
Notes for Anna Elizabeth Moses:
According to the 1900 census, a granddaughter, Olive Blanch Clawson is staying with them. Do no
know Olive's parents.
According to the 1870 census, Anna and her family were living in Blacklick Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania.
Daniel Clawson and Anna Elizabeth Moses had the following children:
HANNAH JANE5 CLAWSON3, 36 (daughter of Daniel Clawson and Anna Elizabeth
Moses) was born in 1857 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania42. She married David
Swoger on January 06, 1876 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania19.
THOMAS PORTER CLAWSON3, 36, 412 (son of Daniel Clawson and Anna Elizabeth
Moses) was born on April 16, 1861 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania. He died on February 18, 19331. He married Sarah Ann Rhea
(daughter of Hugh Rhea and Nancy Elgin) in 18841. She was born on July 29, 1846
in Pennsylvania383. She died in April 1927.
AGNES REBECCA CLAWSON1, 36 (daughter of Daniel Clawson and Anna Elizabeth
Moses) was born on April 16, 1861 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania. She married George W. Moses on June 06, 1897 in Pennsylvania212.
Notes for Agnes Rebecca Clawson:
Agnes and George moved to Cleveland, Ohio.
In 1921, Agnes was living in Cokeville, Pennsylvania.
GEORGE E. CLAWSON36, 93, 278 (son of Daniel Clawson and Anna Elizabeth Moses)
was born on July 29, 1864 in Jacksonville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He died
on February 02, 1949 in Blairsville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He married Olive
Millen (daughter of Alex Millen and Susan ?) on August 24, 1887 in Indiana, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania335. She was born in October 1865 in Pennsylvania278.
Notes for George E. Clawson:
According to the 1900 census, George and Olive were living in Blairsville, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania.
According to the 1930 census, George and Olive were living in Blacklick Township,
Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
DAVID4 CLAWSON (David3 Sr., Daniel2, Josiah1)6 was born in 1839 in Black Lick Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania1. He died on February 12, 1918 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania93. He
married (1) MARY ANN GEORGE. She was born in 1849. He married (2) MARY H. RANKIN.
Notes for David Clawson:
According to the 1870 census, David was living with his parents in Blacklick Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania.
David Clawson and Mary Ann George had the following children:
WILLIAM NEWTON5 CLAWSON1, 280 (son of David Clawson and Mary Ann George) was
born on May 12, 1876 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He died on January 04,
1938137. He married Daisy Olive Kimmel (daughter of Solomon Kimmel and Mary
Clark) on November 20, 19051. She was born on February 05, 1883 in Elderton,
Armstrong County, Pennsylvania. She died on July 08, 1964 in Weinel's Crossroad,
Allegheny Township, ? County, Pennsylvania.
JOSEPH ELLSWORTH CLAWSON137 (son of David Clawson and Mary Ann George) was
born on June 05, 1878 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania280. He died in 1961370. He
married Amelia Armina Duff (daughter of Samuel Duff and Nancy Smith) on
December 23, 1902 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania413. She was born on April 23,
1878 in Bell Township, Clearfield County, Pennsylvania137. She died on September
28, 1958 in Clymer, Indiana County, Pennsylvania137.
PORTER THOMAS4 CLAWSON (David3 Sr., Daniel2, Josiah1)42, 52 was born on March 09, 1844 in
Generation 4 (con't)
PORTER THOMAS4 CLAWSON (David3 Sr., Daniel2, Josiah1)42, 52 was born on March 09, 1844 in
Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania175. He died on April 16, 1919 in Cokeville,
Indiana County, Pennsylvania175. He married Anna Elizabeth Moses (daughter of Jacob Mofses
and Hannah Blake) on June 26, 1872. She was born on April 15, 1836 in Bedford County,
Pennsylvania175. She died on February 16, 1921 in Cokeville, Pennsylvania175.
Notes for Porter Thomas Clawson:
According to the 1900 census, Porter and his family were living in Derry Township, Westmoreland
County, Pennsylvania. Their granddaughter, Olive Blanche Clawson, and Porter's sister, Margaret
were living with them.
In 1910, Porter and Annie were living in Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania according to the
1910 census.
Notes for Anna Elizabeth Moses:
According to the 1900 census, a granddaughter, Olive Blanch Clawson is staying with them. Do no
know Olive's parents.
According to the 1870 census, Anna and her family were living in Blacklick Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania.
Porter Thomas Clawson and Anna Elizabeth Moses had the following children:
NORA L.5 CLAWSON3 (daughter of Porter Thomas Clawson and Anna Elizabeth
Moses) was born about 18721. She married Stewart C. Wolford on September 14,
EDWARD ELLSWORTH CLAWSON3 (son of Porter Thomas Clawson and Anna
Elizabeth Moses) was born in November 1874 in Black Lick Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania1. He died on February 27, 1924 in Black Lick Township,
Indiana County, Pennsylvania1. He married Elizabeth E. Huston (daughter of John
W. Huston and Mary Jane Palmer) on January 18, 1899335. She was born on July
16, 1875 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She died on June 01, 1949 in Black Lick
Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
DANIEL MARION4 CLAWSON (Ephriam3, Daniel2, Josiah1)49 was born on April 09, 1845 in White
Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He died on October 06, 1911 in Jacksonville, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania93, 176. He married Susannah Malinda Ingram (daughter of David Ingram and
Barbara Ashbaughey) on March 17, 1870 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania19. She was born on
November 19, 1849 in Washington Township, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania177. She died
on January 24, 1922 in McGumphrey177.
Daniel Marion Clawson and Susannah Malinda Ingram had the following children:
DAVID MARION5 CLAWSON49 (son of Daniel Marion Clawson and Susannah Malinda
Ingram) was born in July 1873 in Pennsylvania1. He died on March 02, 1917 in
Blairsville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He married Alice Margaret Smith
(daughter of Thomas B. Smith and Jane Frederick) on August 28, 1895 in Indiana,
Indiana County, Pennsylvania1, 415. She was born on January 08, 1875 in Blairsville,
Indiana County, Pennsylvania93. She died on March 13, 1951 in Torrance,
Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania93.
MARY ETTA CLAWSON49 (daughter of Daniel Marion Clawson and Susannah Malinda
Ingram) was born on June 29, 1875 in Pennsylvania416. She died on September 26,
1952416. She married Harry Wallace Bergman (son of William C. Bergman and
Margaret Anna Lena Elrick) on October 11, 1899 in Young Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania1. He was born on March 01, 1868 in Pennsylvania416. He
died on February 01, 1946416.
BERTHA CLAWSON49 (daughter of Daniel Marion Clawson and Susannah Malinda
Ingram) was born on December 12, 1876 in Pennsylvania178. She died on October
27, 1963178. She married Byer Beamer McConnaughay (son of E. J.
McConnaughay and Ann ?) on July 23, 1913 in Homer City, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania1. He was born in 1856176. He died in 1920176.
VYANNA PEARL CLAWSON158, 324 (daughter of Daniel Marion Clawson and Susannah
Malinda Ingram) was born on October 08, 1878 in Young Township, Indiana
Generation 4 (con't)
Malinda Ingram) was born on October 08, 1878 in Young Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania. She died on October 27, 1963178. She married PATRICK
HENRY GREEN. He was born in 1876. He died on November 15, 1950178.
LUCINDA JANE CLAWSON49, 158 (daughter of Daniel Marion Clawson and Susannah
Malinda Ingram) was born on September 05, 1880 in Young Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania. She died on November 28, 1965 in Indiana, Indiana County,
Notes for Lucinda Jane Clawson:
According to the 1930 census, Lucinda was living in Indiana, Indiana County,
Lucy never married.
LAURA CLAWSON49 (daughter of Daniel Marion Clawson and Susannah Malinda
Ingram) was born on October 14, 1882 in Pennsylvania178. She died on March 05,
HARRISON BLAINE CLAWSON324 (son of Daniel Marion Clawson and Susannah
Malinda Ingram) was born on March 15, 1885 in Young Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania158. He died on January 11, 1964 in Hunkers R. D. 1, Westmoreland
County, Pennsylvania158. He married Eva Belle Patton about 1919417. She was born
on April 14, 1887178. She died on January 27, 1926178.
viii. BLANCHE MAY CLAWSON49, 158, 178 (daughter of Daniel Marion Clawson and
Susannah Malinda Ingram) was born on March 31, 1887 in Pennsylvania178. She
died on December 04, 1969178. She married John Whittaker in June 1912178. He
was born in 1886. He died in 1950.
CHARLES HERBERT CLAWSON49, 178, 231 (son of Daniel Marion Clawson and Susannah
Malinda Ingram) was born in August 1889 in Pennsylvania1. He died on January 05,
1936178. He married (1) RESSA MYRTLE PAULEY (daughter of James Pauley and
Sarah ?). She was born on June 12, 1885 in Illinois178, 231. She died on August 10,
1927. He married (2) NORA ELIZA BRIGGS after 1927.
JOHN GILBERT CLAWSON49, 178 (son of Daniel Marion Clawson and Susannah
Malinda Ingram) was born on August 14, 1891 in Jacksonville, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania. He died on January 18, 1919 in France93, 176.
Notes for John Gilbert Clawson:
In 1911, John was living at home in Jacksonville, Pennsylvania.
In 1912, John moved to New Boston, Illinois.
WILLIAM JAY CLAWSON211 (son of Daniel Marion Clawson and Susannah Malinda
Ingram) was born on November 07, 1893 in Young Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania355. He died on October 02, 196093. He married Jessie M. Watt
(daughter of Thomas M. Watts and Margaret Bish) on October 04, 1924178. She
was born on October 16, 1898 in Shelocta, Indiana County, Pennsylvania93. She
died on February 26, 1985 in Fairmount RD 1, Red Bank Township, Clarion County,
ARMOUR RUSSELL CLAWSON49, 158, 178 (son of Daniel Marion Clawson and Susannah
Malinda Ingram) was born on August 16, 1896 in Kent, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania1, 211. He died on December 17, 1966178. He married Millicent Arlene
Frye on June 25, 1919178. She was born on January 03, 1895178.
EVELINE4 CLAWSON (Ephriam3, Daniel2, Josiah1)1 was born in 1848 in Pennsylvania1. She married
Frank Hammers and Eveline Clawson had the following children:
WILLIAM5 HAMMERS (son of Frank Hammers and Eveline Clawson)174.
PEARL HAMMERS (daughter of Frank Hammers and Eveline Clawson)174. She
married EDWARD COST.
CHARLES HAMMERS (son of Frank Hammers and Eveline Clawson)174.
Generation 4 (con't)
MARY HAMMERS (daughter of Frank Hammers and Eveline Clawson)174. She
married ED LOWMAN.
CARRIE HAMMERS (daughter of Frank Hammers and Eveline Clawson)174. She
married B. W. CALDWELL.
MAY HAMMERS (daughter of Frank Hammers and Eveline Clawson)174. She married
JOHN F. HAMMERS (son of Frank Hammers and Eveline Clawson)174.
viii. GEORGE HAMMERS (son of Frank Hammers and Eveline Clawson)174.
JOHN B.4 CLAWSON (Ephriam3, Daniel2, Josiah1)49 was born in 1854 in Pennsylvania162. He died in
1922162. He married CHRISTINA BOYER (daughter of George Boyer and Elizabeth Fisher). She was
born in 1858 in Armstrong County, Pennsylvania162. She died on May 29, 1936 in Indiana, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania162.
Notes for John B. Clawson:
n 1911, John was living in Indiana, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
John B. Clawson and Christina Boyer had the following children:
EDWARD CONRAD5 CLAWSON93 (son of John B. Clawson and Christina Boyer) was
born on January 04, 1876 in Indiana, Indiana County, Pennsylvania280. He died on
July 12, 1965 in Coudersport, Potter County, Pennsylvania. He married (1) DORA
ROSE on March 14, 1924 in Jamestown, New Hampshire. She was born about 1891
in Canada418. He married (2) NANNIE BELLE SEIGER (daughter of Mary ?) on April 14,
1898 in Indiana, Indiana County, Pennsylvania1. She was born in 1882 in
OLIVER CLAWSON1 (son of John B. Clawson and Christina Boyer) was born in May
1883 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
DAVID BLAIR CLAWSON93, 280 (son of John B. Clawson and Christina Boyer) was born
on May 30, 1883 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania280. He died on February 18, 1946
in Anderson, Shasta County, California162. He married Valeria Gross (daughter of
Hebron Gross and Anna ?) on January 16, 1908 in Indiana County,
Pennsylvania419. She was born about 18931.
Notes for David Blair Clawson:
In 1921, Blair was living in Los Angeles, California.
In 1936, Blair was living in Bayles, California.
Indiana Evening Gazette, Indiana, Pennsylvania (February 20. 1946)
Blair Clawson of Anderson, California, former resident of Indiana, passed away in
the Redding Hospital, Redding, Calif., Monday, February 18th, at 12:40 o'clock at
night. He had been ill for several months.
The deceased was a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Clawson of Indiana County,
and was born May 30th, 1885.
Surviving are a sister, Mrs. John Runyan of Latrobe and a brother, Edward Clawson
of Sarasota, Fla.
The body is expected to arrive in Plumville Saturday or Sunday and friends will be
received in the Bowser Funeral Home. Service hour to be announced later.
MARY E. CLAWSON174 (daughter of John B. Clawson and Christina Boyer) was born
in March 1888 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She died before 1946. She married
(1) J. S. MOONEY. He died on November 17, 1962178. She married (2) ? HILL.
LUCILLE H. CLAWSON93 (daughter of John B. Clawson and Christina Boyer) was born
on September 26, 1889 in Indiana, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She died on May
29, 1977 in Blairsville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She married JOHN RUNYAN.
Generation 4 (con't)
29, 1977 in Blairsville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She married JOHN RUNYAN.
He died in October 1953137.
ERNEST A. CLAWSON93 (son of John B. Clawson and Christina Boyer) was born on
July 13, 1897 in White Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania211. He died on
August 19, 1918 in France.
VIRGINIA CLAWSON1 (daughter of John B. Clawson and Christina Boyer) was born on
August 27, 1899 in White Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania211.
PHOEBE E.4 CLAWSON (Ephriam3, Daniel2, Josiah1)49 was born on October 28, 1856 in Jacksonville,
Indiana County, Pennsylvania176. She died on April 25, 1938 in Indiana, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania176. She married FERGUS S. MOORHEAD. He was born on February 22, 1845 in White
Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania176. He died on May 14, 1913 in Indiana County,
Notes for Fergus S. Moorhead:
Indiana Progress (May 21, 1913)
Ferguson Moorhead
Ferguson Moorhead, of town, died at his home on West Water Stree, on Wednesday, aged 67
years. The deceased, who was born in White township, resided there until recent years, when he
located in Indiana. His wife and the following children survive: Bert, Merle, Everett, Chas., Harry,
Cora, Jessie and Elsie, all residing here. He is also survived by two sisters. Mrs. James Lewis
and Miss Clara Moorhead, of town. The funeral servicec were conducted at his late home on
Friday and interment followed in Greenwood cemetery.
Fergus S. Moorhead and Phoebe E. Clawson had the following children:
ALBERT E.5 MOREHEAD137 (son of Fergus S. Moorhead and Phoebe E. Clawson) was
born in 1879176. He died on June 11, 1960176.
CORA MOORHEAD (daughter of Fergus S. Moorhead and Phoebe E. Clawson)420.
JESSE FRANKLIN MOORHEAD174, 176, 420 (daughter of Fergus S. Moorhead and Phoebe
E. Clawson) was born on December 11, 1887176. She died on January 24, 1971 in
Indiana, Indiana County, Pennsylvania176. She married HARRY ERNEST STUCHELL.
He was born on January 24, 1888176. He died on February 11, 1958 in Indiana
County, Pennsylvania176.
EVERERTT MOORHEAD176, 420 (son of Fergus S. Moorhead and Phoebe E. Clawson)
was born on August 16, 1890176. He died on August 08, 1917176. He married ELSIE
KELLEY. She was born in 1892176. She died in 1936176.
MERL MOORHEAD (son of Fergus S. Moorhead and Phoebe E. Clawson)174, 420.
CHARLES W. MOORHEAD174, 176, 420 (son of Fergus S. Moorhead and Phoebe E.
Clawson) was born in 1895176. He died in 1969176.
ELSIE MOORHEAD (son of Fergus S. Moorhead and Phoebe E. Clawson)420.
viii. HARRY CLAIR MOORHEAD174, 176, 420 (son of Fergus S. Moorhead and Phoebe E.
Clawson) was born on October 11, 1900176. He died on July 28, 1918176.
IDA BELL4 CLAWSON (Ephriam3, Daniel2, Josiah1)49 was born on April 22, 1865 in Grant Township,
Indiana County, Pennsylvania1. She died on March 23, 1938 in Homer City, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania162. She married John C. Cochran on April 26, 1883 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
He was born in 1860162. He died on November 15, 1930162.
John C. Cochran and Ida Bell Clawson had the following children:
JAMES5 COCHRAN (son of John C. Cochran and Ida Bell Clawson)137. He died
before 1983137.
JOHN L. COCHRAN (son of John C. Cochran and Ida Bell Clawson)174. He died
before 1983137.
ELIZABETH COCHRAN (daughter of John C. Cochran and Ida Bell Clawson)137. She
died in 1962178. She married JEREMIAH CAMPBELL. He died in 1973178.
WILLIAM J. COCHRAN174 (son of John C. Cochran and Ida Bell Clawson) was born in
1884421. He died in 1961421. He married BERTHA MATTHEWS. She was born in
1904421. She died in 1981421.
Generation 4 (con't)
VIRGINIA COCHRAN (daughter of John C. Cochran and Ida Bell Clawson)174. She
died before 1983137. She married JOHN L. BARKLEY.
HELEN MARY COCHRAN (daughter of John C. Cochran and Ida Bell Clawson)137.
MARY MARGARET COCHRAN (daughter of John C. Cochran and Ida Bell Clawson)174.
She died in 1965178. She married ELLIS HOLBY. He died in 1973178.
viii. ARCHIE COCHRAN (son of John C. Cochran and Ida Bell Clawson)174. He died on
December 23, 1973162.
FRANK B. COCHRAN174 (son of John C. Cochran and Ida Bell Clawson) was born on
May 17, 1901 in Center Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania137. He died on
April 29, 1983 in Indiana, Indiana County, Pennsylvania137. He married BLANCHE
LUCINDA4 CLAWSON (Ephriam3, Daniel2, Josiah1)49 was born in Pennsylvania1. She married TOM
Tom Iman and Lucinda Clawson had the following children:
TED5 IMAN (son of Tom Iman and Lucinda Clawson)174.
DANIEL IMAN (son of Tom Iman and Lucinda Clawson)174.
WINNIE IMAN (daughter of Tom Iman and Lucinda Clawson)174.
GRACE IMAN (daughter of Tom Iman and Lucinda Clawson)174.
JOHN M.4 MCCURDY (Elizabeth3 Clawson, John2 Clawson, Josiah1 Clawson)15, 57 was born in 1831
in Indiana County, Pennsylvania17. He died in 1905179. He married Catharine Reegor (daughter of
David Rager and Elizabeth ?) in 1853 in Pennsylvania17. She was born in 1833 in Indiana County,
Pennsylvania17. She died in 1908179.
Notes for John M. McCurdy:
John fought in the Civil War.
John M. McCurdy and Catharine Reegor had the following child:
CYNTHIA EMALINE5 MCCURDY179 (daughter of John M. McCurdy and Catharine
Reegor) was born in 1854 in Pennsylvania179. She died in 1915 in Pennsylvania179.
She married WILLIAM A. MILLER. He was born in 1852 in Pennsylvania179. He died in
1891 in Cambria County, Pennsylvania179.
ARCHIBALD ROYLSON4 MCCURDY (Elizabeth3 Clawson, John2 Clawson, Josiah1 Clawson)15, 17 was
born in 1832 in Derry Township, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania. He died in 1878. He
married Malinda Alberta Cassidy in 1858 in Pennsylvania115. She was born in 1841 in Indiana
County, Pennsylvania. She died in 1885180.
Notes for Archibald Roylson McCurdy:
Archibald fought in the Civil War.
Archibald Roylson McCurdy and Malinda Alberta Cassidy had the following children:
JULIE5 MCCURDY180, 422 (daughter of Archibald Roylson McCurdy and Malinda
Alberta Cassidy) was born in April 1859 in New Alexandria, Westmoreland County,
JOHN GRAHAM MCCURDY180, 422 (son of Archibald Roylson McCurdy and Malinda
Alberta Cassidy) was born in 1860 in New Alexandria, Westmoreland County,
Pennsylvania180. He died in 1925180. He married Jeanette L. Fry on August 06,
1883. She was born about 1862 in New Alexandria, Westmoreland County,
LYDE MCCURDY180, 422 (daughter of Archibald Roylson McCurdy and Malinda Alberta
Cassidy) was born about 1862 in New Alexandria, Westmoreland County,
MALINDA MCCURDY180, 422 (daughter of Archibald Roylson McCurdy and Malinda
Alberta Cassidy) was born about 1864 in New Alexandria, Westmoreland County,
Generation 4 (con't)
Alberta Cassidy) was born about 1864 in New Alexandria, Westmoreland County,
ARCHIE MCCURDY180, 422 (son of Archibald Roylson McCurdy and Malinda Alberta
Cassidy) was born about 1866 in New Alexandria, Westmoreland County,
DAVID MCCURDY180, 422 (son of Archibald Roylson McCurdy and Malinda Alberta
Cassidy) was born in 1873 in New Alexandria, Westmoreland County,
Pennsylvania180. He married MARGARET A. GHRIST. She was born about 1877.
GEORGE MCCURDY180, 422 (son of Archibald Roylson McCurdy and Malinda Alberta
Cassidy) was born on March 12, 1873 in New Alexandria, Westmoreland County,
Pennsylvania180. He married MELISSA KEPPLE. She was born about 1877.
viii. MAGGIE MCCURDY180, 422 (daughter of Archibald Roylson McCurdy and Malinda
Alberta Cassidy) was born about 1875 in New Alexandria, Westmoreland County,
NORA MCCURDY180, 422 (daughter of Archibald Roylson McCurdy and Malinda Alberta
Cassidy) was born about 1877 in New Alexandria, Westmoreland County,
WILLIAM MCCURDY180, 422 (son of Archibald Roylson McCurdy and Malinda Alberta
Cassidy) was born about 1879 in New Alexandria, Westmoreland County,
JAMES MCCURDY180, 422 (son of Archibald Roylson McCurdy and Malinda Alberta
Cassidy) was born about 1881 in New Alexandria, Westmoreland County,
ELIZABETH4 MCCURDY (Elizabeth3 Clawson, John2 Clawson, Josiah1 Clawson)3, 15 was born on
June 24, 1837 in Hillside, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania181. She died on March 03, 1912 in
Blairsville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania181. She married (1) MATHEW HENRY FAILS (son of David
Fails and Margaret Altman) on February 09, 1864 in Blairsville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania181.
He was born on April 29, 1840 in Blairsville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania181. He died on March
31, 1902 in Blairsville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania181. She married (2) ? ? in 1855115.
Mathew Henry Fails and Elizabeth McCurdy had the following children:
EFFIE NORA5 FAILS133, 181 (daughter of Mathew Henry Fails and Elizabeth McCurdy)
was born on March 20, 1867 in Blairsville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She died
on April 01, 1922 in Blairsville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She married Frank
Christopher Libengood (son of Jacob Christopher Libengood and Mary Anderson)
on November 26, 1891 in Blairsville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He was born on
February 23, 1867 in Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania. He died on April 02,
1907 in Blairsville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
BERTHA PERMILLA FAILS181 (daughter of Mathew Henry Fails and Elizabeth
McCurdy) was born on June 14, 1868 in Blairsville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
She died on March 25, 1911. She married SAMUEL HARVEY MARSHALL.
CARRIE HUGHES FAILS181 (daughter of Mathew Henry Fails and Elizabeth McCurdy)
was born on August 18, 1869 in Blairsville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania181. She
died on September 07, 1870 in Blairsville Cemetery, Blairsville, Indiana County,
SHALLUS EARLY FAILS181 (son of Mathew Henry Fails and Elizabeth McCurdy) was
born on March 04, 1872 in Blairsville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He died on
May 19, 1940 in Blairsville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He married ELIZABETH
ANDERSON. She was born about 1877133. She died before August 15, 1928 in
Blairsville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
AUGUSTUS BABB FAILS181 (son of Mathew Henry Fails and Elizabeth McCurdy) was
born on February 11, 1874 in Blairsville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania181. He died
on May 31, 1932 in Blairsville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania181.
ARTHUR SPENCER FAILS181 (son of Mathew Henry Fails and Elizabeth McCurdy) was
born on March 11, 1877 in Blairsville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He died on
September 07, 1958. He married Emma Hopkins about October 1900423. She was
Generation 4 (con't)
September 07, 1958. He married Emma Hopkins about October 1900423. She was
born before January 15, 1877133. She died before February 09, 1927133.
JULIANN4 MCCURDY (Elizabeth3 Clawson, John2 Clawson, Josiah1 Clawson)3 was born about 1839
in Derry Township, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania6. She married Morgan Banks Altman (son
of Jacob Altman and Jane Dowlin) in 1861 in Pennsylvania182. He was born in 1837 in Indiana
County, Pennsylvania183. He died on August 03, 1875 in Chattanoogatown133.
Notes for Morgan Banks Altman:
Morgan served in the Pennsylvania militia late in the Civil War.
Morgan Banks Altman and Juliann McCurdy had the following children:
ELMER5 ALTMAN15 (son of Morgan Banks Altman and Juliann McCurdy) was born in
1862 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania424. He died before May 14, 1934133.
GERTRUDE ALTMAN15 (daughter of Morgan Banks Altman and Juliann McCurdy) was
born in 1864 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania424.
DOLLY ALTMAN15 (daughter of Morgan Banks Altman and Juliann McCurdy) was
born in 1866 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania424. She died before 188015.
Notes for Dolly Altman:
Dolly probably died young.
CORA ALTMAN15 (daughter of Morgan Banks Altman and Juliann McCurdy) was born
in 1868 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania424.
JESSE ALTMAN15 (son of Morgan Banks Altman and Juliann McCurdy) was born in
1870 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania424.
LAURA ALTMAN15 (daughter of Morgan Banks Altman and Juliann McCurdy) was
born in 1872 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania424.
SAMUEL THOMPSON4 MCCURDY (Elizabeth3 Clawson, John2 Clawson, Josiah1 Clawson)15, 57, 184 was
born on March 23, 1848 in Black Lick, Indiana County, Pennsylvania184. He died on May 27, 1928
in Blairsville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania184. He married Sarah Jane Clawson (daughter of John
B. Clawson and Sarah Clawson) in 1871 in Pennsylvania183. She was born on May 07, 1850 in
Indiana County, Pennsylvania184. She died on July 30, 1920 in Blairsville, Indiana County,
Notes for Samuel Thompson McCurdy:
According to the 1880 Census, Samuel and his family were living in Burrell Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania.
According to the 1920 Census, Samuel and Sarah were living in Blairsville, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania. Charles (their son) was also living with them.
Notes for Sarah Jane Clawson:
According to the 1860 census, Sarah was probably living in Blacklick Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania with Sarah (Bennett) Clawson.
Samuel Thompson McCurdy and Sarah Jane Clawson had the following children:
MATILDA5 MCCURDY134 (daughter of Samuel Thompson McCurdy and Sarah Jane
Clawson) was born about 1871 in Pennsylvania134.
CHARLES W. MCCURDY134, 425 (son of Samuel Thompson McCurdy and Sarah Jane
Clawson) was born in June 1874 in Pennsylvania278.
WILLIAM MCCURDY134 (son of Samuel Thompson McCurdy and Sarah Jane
Clawson) was born in June 1876 in Pennsylvania278.
? MCCURDY134 (daughter of Samuel Thompson McCurdy and Sarah Jane Clawson)
was born about 1879 in Pennsylvania134.
SAMUEL CLARK MCCURDY57, 137 (son of Samuel Thompson McCurdy and Sarah Jane
Clawson) was born on January 28, 1884 in Blairsville, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania1. He married Edith Elizabeth Clawson (daughter of Humphrey
Fullerton Clawson and Carrie Adelia White) on September 21, 1909 in
Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania. She was born on January 12, 1887 in
Livermore, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania. She died on September 17, 1966.
Generation 4 (con't)
HOMER SMITH MCCURDY184, 425 (son of Samuel Thompson McCurdy and Sarah Jane
Clawson) was born on March 15, 1884 in Blairsville, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania184. He died on December 12, 1955184.
ADAH MCCURDY278 (daughter of Samuel Thompson McCurdy and Sarah Jane
Clawson) was born in August 1888 in Pennsylvania278. She married JACOB HOLBY.
viii. ADAM H. MCCURDY57 (son of Samuel Thompson McCurdy and Sarah Jane Clawson)
was born on March 12, 1894 in Blairsville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania176. He died
on May 22, 1963 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania176. He married MARY ANNE
RENWICK (daughter of Geroge Renwick and Annabelle Jackson). She was born in
1896176. She died in 1967176.
? MCCURDY (child of Samuel Thompson McCurdy and Sarah Jane Clawson)278. ?
died before 1900278.
EVELINE EMMA4 CLAWSON (John B.3, John2, Josiah1)56, 185-186 was born in 1839 in Indiana County,
Pennsylvania56. She died in 1898186. She married JACOB SHAUL (son of George Shall and
Catherine Lambing). He was born on April 22, 1830 in Armstrong County, Pennsylvania187. He died
in 1892 in West Wheatfield Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania185.
Notes for Eveline Emma Clawson:
According to the 1850 census, Eveline was living with Joseph and Rebecca (Clawson) Repine in
Blacklick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
Jacob Shaul and Eveline Emma Clawson had the following children:
JOHN M.5 SHAUL56, 187 (son of Jacob Shaul and Eveline Emma Clawson) was born
on August 15, 1864 in Armstrong County, Pennsylvania187.
MARY ADDA SHAUL56, 186-187, 426 (daughter of Jacob Shaul and Eveline Emma
Clawson) was born on November 09, 1866 in Armstrong County,
Pennsylvania186-187. She died on February 08, 1947 in Indiana County,
Pennsylvania186. She married Jackson Clark Felton (son of Samuel Felton and
Mary Rebecca St. Clair) about February 1904427. He was born on March 29, 1877
in Pennsylvania186. He died on December 13, 1926 in West Wheatfield Township,
Indiana County, Pennsylvania186.
LOUISA B. SHAUL56 (daughter of Jacob Shaul and Eveline Emma Clawson) was born
on October 21, 1869 in Pennsylvania187. She married JOHN STEFFEY. He was born
about 1869 in Pennsylvania210.
JOHN4 CLAWSON II (John B.3, John2, Josiah1)56 was born in March 1842 in Jacksonville, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania188. He died on January 09, 1918 in West Wheatfield Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania. He married Wilhemina Allenbaugh (daughter of Jacob Allenbaugh and Sara
Ann Slick) about August 18661. She was born in August 1845 in Bedford County, Pennsylvania188.
She died on September 09, 1916 in East Wheatfield Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania93.
Notes for John Clawson II:
John fought in the Civil War.
According to the 1880 census, John and his family were living in West Wheatfield Township,
Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
According to the 1900 census, John and his family were living in West Wheatfield Township,
Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
According to the 1910 census, John and his family were living in West Wheatfield Township,
Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
Notes for Wilhemina Allenbaugh:
According to the 1860 Census, Wilhemina was living with Jacob Slick in Croyle Township, Cambria
County, Pennsylvania. Jacob's daughter, Charlotte, was married to James Smith Clossin.
John Clawson II and Wilhemina Allenbaugh had the following children:
JOHN R.5 CLAWSON56 (son of John Clawson II and Wilhemina Allenbaugh) was born
Generation 4 (con't)
JOHN R.5 CLAWSON56 (son of John Clawson II and Wilhemina Allenbaugh) was born
in 1867 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania428. He died in 1940429. He married Chrissie
M. Thompson (daughter of James Thompson and Nancy Catherine Boring) about
1895430. She was born in 1876429. She died in 1955429.
WILLIAM A. CLAWSON56, 431 (son of John Clawson II and Wilhemina Allenbaugh) was
born on September 28, 1871 in West Wheatfield Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania1. He died on November 13, 1947 in Huff, West Wheatfield Township,
Indiana County, Pennsylvania431.
Notes for William A. Clawson:
William was never married.
According to the 1910 census, William was living with his parents in West
Wheatfield Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
GEORGE WASHINGTON CLAWSON38, 56 (son of John Clawson II and Wilhemina
Allenbaugh) was born on May 31, 1873 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania280. He
married MARIE SMITH.
Notes for George Washington Clawson:
According to the 1900 census, George was living in West Wheatfield Township,
Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
According to the 1910 census, Geroge was living with his brother, Thomas, in West
Wheatfield Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
In 1916, George was living in Huff, Pennsylvania.
George and Marie were living in Johnstown, Pa. in 1950.
MARY M. CLAWSON56, 432 (daughter of John Clawson II and Wilhemina Allenbaugh)
was born in March 1876 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania188. She died on August
23, 1936432. She married Earl E. Ott (son of William F. Ott and Elizabeth Rhoads)
on March 15, 1917 in New Florence, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania433. He
was born on March 17, 1880 in Johnstown, Cambria County, Pennsylvania137. He
died on February 11, 1947 in New Florence R. D. 2, Indiana County,
Notes for Mary M. Clawson:
According to the 1910 census, Mary was living with her parents in West Wheatfield
Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
Notes for Earl E. Ott:
According to the 1930 Census, Mary and Ed were living in West Wheatfield
Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
EVALINE CLAWSON56 (daughter of John Clawson II and Wilhemina Allenbaugh) was
born in March 1878 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania1. She married John H. Warren
(son of Samuel Warren and Sarah ?) on December 22, 1898 in Cambria County,
Pennsylvania433. He was born about 1870.
Notes for Evaline Clawson:
In 1916, Eva and John were living in Johnstown, Pennsylvania.
THEODORE C. CLAWSON56 (son of John Clawson II and Wilhemina Allenbaugh) was
born in March 1880 in Huff, West Wheatfield Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania56. He died on March 13, 1916 in Cambridge Springs, Crawford
County, Pennsylvania137.
Notes for Theodore C. Clawson:
Henry was never married.
HARVEY C. CLAWSON38 (son of John Clawson II and Wilhemina Allenbaugh) was
born in October 1881 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania188. He married Jennie
Generation 4 (con't)
born in October 1881 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania188. He married Jennie
Hammill (daughter of Robert Hammill) on May 30, 1907 in North Huntingdon
Township, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania434. She was born about 1887 in
Larimer, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania3.
viii. THOMAS ALLENBAUGH CLAWSON188, 280 (son of John Clawson II and Wilhemina
Allenbaugh) was born on August 08, 1883 in West Wheatfield Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania1. He died on January 12, 1927 in New Florence,
Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania93. He married Daisy Weyant on August 29,
1906 in Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania435. She was born on September 01,
1882 in Pennsylvania435.
STEELE ADOLPHUS CLAWSON188 (son of John Clawson II and Wilhemina Allenbaugh)
was born on November 15, 1885 in West Wheatfield Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania362. He died on April 15, 1983 in Leesburg, Florida93. He married (1)
ELIZA M. DOMKA (daughter of Edward Domka and Matilda Caroline ?) in 1921 in
Indiana County, Pennsylvania19. She was born in July 1899 in Pennsylvania188. She
died before 1983. He married (2) GEORGIA OLDHAM after 1923. She died before
1983. He married (3) MARIE SMITH after 1924. She died before 1983.
FRANK RAYMOND CLAWSON273, 280 (son of John Clawson II and Wilhemina
Allenbaugh) was born on October 31, 1889 in West Wheatfield Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania280. He died on January 20, 1945 in New Florence,
Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania1. He married Lettie C. Liggett (daughter of
William Liggett and Arabella McKelvey) on June 14, 1919 in New Florence,
Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania. She was born on September 28, 1892 in
West Wheatfield Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She died on September
19, 1969 in East Wheatfield Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania19.
DAVIS BENJAMIN4 CLAWSON (John B.3, John2, Josiah1)54, 188-191 was born on September
07, 1846 in Conemaugh Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania54. He died on
December 29, 1910 in Robinson, West Wheatfield Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania54, 189. He married Rebecca J. Burkett (daughter of Andrew Burkett and
Jemima Agnes Garland) in 1867188. She was born on January 28, 1845 in
Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania192-195. She died on October 12, 1915 in Fairfield
Township, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania192-195.
Notes for Davis Benjamin Clawson:
According to the 1870 census, Davis and his family were living in West Wheatfield
Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. Emma Burkett (age 9) was also living with
According to the 1880 census, Davis and his family were living in West Wheatfield
Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
According to the 1910 census, David and Rebecca were living in West Wheatfield
Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
Davis reportedly held several patents. Checked through the patent registry but couldn't
find anything.
Davis also was very sucessful. There were many transactions of him buying and selling
After the death of William, who was killed by a train, Rebecca could see the spot where
he was hit from their homestead. This bothered her very much and this caused the
family to move into Bolivar.
Davis and his family moved from India, West Wheatfield Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania to Bolivar, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania in 1905.
Davis lived in Ohio for a while when he was a young man.
Generation 4 (con't)
Davis died at 5:05 P.M. on December 29, 1910.
Notes for Rebecca J. Burkett:
Later on life, Rebecca became blind.
Davis Benjamin Clawson and Rebecca J. Burkett had the following children:
HARRY ALFRED5 CLAWSON192, 231, 436-438 (son of Davis Benjamin Clawson and
Rebecca J. Burkett) was born on July 04, 1868 in Alliance, Stark County,
Ohio436. He died on December 21, 1924 in Bolivar, Westmoreland County,
Pennsylvania436. He married (1) JANE ANNA CLAWSON (daughter of John
Albert Clawson and Helen Maria McElhose) on March 04, 1891. She was
born on December 02, 1875439. She died on May 25, 1892 in Indiana County,
Pennsylvania439. He married (2) MINNIE JANE LUTE (daughter of David
Bradley Lute and Nancy Jane Palmer) on August 22, 1893 in Cumberland,
Allegany County, Maryland. She was born on March 20, 1874 in Fairfield
Township, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania231, 437. She died on March
10, 1963 in Bolivar, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania231, 437.
Notes for Harry Alfred Clawson:
Harry was the executor of his father's will.
According to the 1900 census, Harry and his family were living in New
Florence, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania.
According to the 1910 census, Harry and his family were living in Fairfield
Township, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania.
According to the 1920 census, Harry and his family were living in Fairfield
Township, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania.
Notes for Jane Anna Clawson:
Indiana County Gazette (June 8 , 1892)
Mrs. Jane Ann Clawson, wife of Harry Clawson and daughter of J. Albert and
Helen M. Clawson, of Lacolle, died at her home in Indiana County, May 25,
aged 16 years, 5 months and 23 days. She had been married a little over a
year. A babe of six weeks survives his mother. Funeral services were
conducted May 26, by Rev G. H. Huffman, of Bolivar, and the interment took
place at Bethel church. A large circle of friends mourn her early death.
Notes for Minnie Jane Lute:
According to the 1930 census, Minnie and Walter were living in Bolivar,
Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania.
Clawson: Bolivar. Mrs. Minnie Jane Clawson, 88, died at 8:05 a.m. March
10, 1963. Born Mar. 20, 1874 in St Clair Twp, d/o David B & Mary Jane
Palmer Lute. Preceded in death by husband, Harry A in 1924 and 2
children. Survived by these children: Mrs Esther Hughes of Bolivar RD1,
Ralph D., A. Bruce, Daniel T and Mrs. Mary Cristoff all of Bolivar and Paul of
Marsteller, 20 grandchildren and 57 great-grandchildren. Friends received
after 7 p.m. Monday at Kenneth A Stuart Funeral Home, New Florence,
where services will be held at 2 p.m. Wednesday. The Rev. R Kenneth
Keiper. Interment Isabelle Cemetery
LURIE JANE CLAWSON428, 450-451 (daughter of Davis Benjamin Clawson and Rebecca
J. Burkett) was born on January 19, 1869 in India, West Wheatfield Township,
Indiana County, Pennsylvania1. She died on June 23, 1947 in Lockport, Fairfield
Township, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania137. She married Joseph Hooker
Hysong (son of John Hysong and Mary Anne Shuman) on March 30, 1880452. He
was born on May 13, 1865 in Little Germany, Indiana County, Pennsylvania450-451.
He died on January 01, 1945 in Lockport, Fairfield Township, Westmoreland
Generation 4 (con't)
He died on January 01, 1945 in Lockport, Fairfield Township, Westmoreland
County, Pennsylvania450-451.
Notes for Lurie Jane Clawson:
In 1910, Lurie and Joseph were living in Lockport, Fairfield Township,
Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania.
Notes for Joseph Hooker Hysong:
According to 1900 census, Joseph and his family were living in Fairfield Township,
Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania.
According to the 1910 census, Joseph and his family were living in Fairfield
Township, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania.
According to the 1920 census, Joseph and his family were living in Fairfield
Township, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania.
MARY ADELINE CLAWSON56 (daughter of Davis Benjamin Clawson and Rebecca J.
Burkett) was born in February 1871 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania188. She died
on November 28, 1940 in Huff, West Wheatfield Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania1. She married Edward Hilton Seigler Sr. on April 25, 1889 in
Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania212. He was born in June 1866 in
Notes for Mary Adeline Clawson:
In 1910, Mary and Edward were living in Freeport, Pennsylvania.
Notes for Edward Hilton Seigler Sr.:
According to the 1900 census, Edward and his family were living in West
Wheatfield Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
According to the 1920 census, Edward and Mary were living in West Wheatfield
Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
ANGALINE CLAWSON56 (daughter of Davis Benjamin Clawson and Rebecca J.
Burkett) was born on June 15, 1873 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania137. She died
on June 10, 1931 in New Florence, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania463. She
married Nelson B. Haire (son of John Robert Hair and Margaret Elizabeth
McDowell) on November 06, 1890 in New Florence, Westmoreland County,
Pennsylvania212. He was born in November 1869 in Pennsylvania463. He died on
April 04, 1952 in New Florence, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania137.
Notes for Angaline Clawson:
In 1910, Mary and Nels were living in New Florence, Westmoreland County,
The Johnstown Tribune, (June 11, 1931)
Succumbs After Long Illness of Complications; Funeral on Saturday
NEW FLORENCE, June 11. - Mrs. Angie Haire, aged 58, wife of Nels B. Haire, died
yesterday afternoon at her home here, following an illness of several months of a
complication of diseases. She was born June 15, 1873. Surviving are her husband
and these children: Mrs. J. A. Cessna, of State College; L. J. Haire, of Pontiac,
Mich.; Carl Haire, of Hollidaysburg; Owen and Vernon Haire, both of New Florence.
She also leaves 14 grandchildren and one great-grandchild. Funeral services will
be conducted Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the Haire home, in charge of the
Rev. N.C. Clendenein, pastor of the New Florence Methodist Church. Interment will
be in the Laurel Hill Cemetery.
Generation 4 (con't)
Notes for Nelson B. Haire:
According to the 1900 Census, Nelson and his family were living in New Florence,
Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania.
According to the 1910 Census, Nelson and his family were living in New Florence,
Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania.
According to the 1930 Census, Nelson and Angie were living in New Florence,
Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Department of Health, Bureau of Vital Statistics
Certificate of Death
Place of Death: Cambria County, Johnstown, Conemaugh Valley Memorial Hospital
Usual Residence: Ligonier St., New Florence, Westmoreland Co. PA
Name of Deceased: NELSON B. HAIRE
Date of Death: April 4, 1952
Sex: Male
Color: White
Marital Status: Married
Date of Birth: Nov. 4, 1868
Age: 83
Usual Occupation: Signal Carpenter, Retired
Kind of Industry: Rail Road
Birthplace: St. Clair Twp. Westm'd Co. PA.
Citizen of What Country: U.S.A.
Father's Name: John Haire
Mother's Maiden Name: Margaret McDowell
Was Deceased Ever in U.S. Armed Forces: No
Social Security Number: None
Informant: Vernon S. Haire, 46 N. Sanford, Pontiac, Mich.
Cause of Death: Gunshot wound perforating hand, liver, stomach, l. kidney and
Accident, Suicide or Homicide: Suicide
Place of Injury: Home, New Florence, Westm. Co. PA
How did Injury Occur: Self-inflicted gunshot wound
Place and Date of Burial: Laurel Hill Cemetery, St. Clair Twp. Westm. Co. PA, Apr.
8, 1952
Signature of Funeral Director: R.S. Wagner, New Florence, PA.
Johnstown, PA "Tribune" issue of Friday, 4 April 1952, p. 40, cols. 6-7
Nelson B. Haire, Figure In Shooting Affray, Dies
New Florence Man, 83, Shot Neighbor, 62
Nelson B. Haire, 83, New Florence, died at Memorial Hospital shortly before 2
o'clock this afternoon. He had shot himself and slashed his wrists yesterday after he
fatally shot Clarence C. Brinker, 62, also of New Florence.
NEW FLORENCE--Receipt of a registered letter yesterday touched off a dispute of
several months' standing and resulted in the slaying of one New Florence man and
the critical wounding of another.
The dead man is Clarence C. (Red) Brinker, 62, retired employee of the
Generation 4 (con't)
The dead man is Clarence C. (Red) Brinker, 62, retired employee of the
Pennsylvania Railroad. His assailant, Nelson B. Haire, 83, is in critical condition at
Memorial Hospital, Johnstown. He is being treated for a self-inflicted gunshot
wound of the abdomen and slashes of the wrists.
Brinker was killed instantly when he was struck by three bullets from a .38-caliber
revolver. The shooting occurred at the double house here occupied by the Haire
and Brinker families.
Florence Brinker, 26, daughter of the dead man, may have saved the life of her
mother, Mrs. Bertha Brinker, 56, when she grappled with Haire when he turned
toward her mother after Mr. Brinker was shot.
Authorities said when she noted the move, she rushed between Haire and her
mother and forced the elderly man into a corner. She screamed to her mother to get
out of the house and when she had done so, Florence also fled to safety.
Went To Workshop
Officers said Haire then left the house and went to a combination workshop and
woodshed to the rear and at one side of the dwelling where he shot himself in the
Investigating the shooting yesterday afternoon were New Florence Police Chief
Frank J. Rehn, who lives nearby and was the first officer on the scene; Detective
Sgt. William Johnston of Troop A, Pennsylvania State Police, Greensburg, and
Merle Musick, chief detective of Westmoreland County.
Dispute Rent Agreement
In reconstructing the events leading to the shooting of Brinker, Sgt. Johnston said
he learned there had been a dispute between the families for some time over a rent
and light bill agreement. The Haires owned the house where the two families lived
and the Brinkers were their tenants.
The officer said the agreement called for the Brinker family to pay their rent plus the
light bill, less $1. Some time ago, it was reported, Brinker started to pay only half
the utility bill rather than the amount stipulated in the agreement.
Sgt. Johnson said he learned that on Tuesday Brinker slipped a check for the rent
under the door of the Haire home. It was said Brinker had paid half the light bill. The
rent check was refused by the Haires.
Sent Check In Mail
On Wednesday Brinker mailed the check to Haire by registered letter. After the
check was received in yesterday's mail, Mr. and Mrs. Haire went to the Brinker side
of the house.
Brinker was seated at a table in the living room playing solitaire. Mrs. Brinker and
Florence were in the adjoining kitchen. The officer said the two men exchanged
heated words, after which Haire shot Brinker through the left leg. The tenant stood
up and took a step whereupon two additional shots were fired. One bullet entered
Brinker's head near the corner of his right eye and the other struck his neck and
came out under the right shoulder blade.
Mrs. Brinker and her daughter went from the kitchen to the living room where
Florence tussled with Mr. Haire. After the two women fled, Haire went to the
Generation 4 (con't)
Chief of Police Rehn, who lives nearby, was attracted by Mrs. Brinker's screams.
He rushed to the house where he found Mr. Brinker dead. He said he then turned to
the Haire side of the house and found Mr. Haire lying on a couch. He reported that
the elderly man tried to reach for the gun lying nearby but the officer was able to
pick it up first.
Shot In Abdomen
Mr. Rehn said Haire showed him where he had shot himself in the abdomen. He
stated the wounded man kept repeating, "They forced me to do it."
The local police chief said that Mr. Haire had shot himself after he had gone to the
workshop, then made his way back to the house and lay down on the couch.
Mr. Rehn, realizing the need for assistance, went to look for help. He said while he
was out of the house the wounded man again went to the workshop where he
slashed his wrists and was about to hang himself from the rafters when Chief Rehn
returned. He said Haire was about to step off a footstool when he was rescued.
Sgt. Johnston said a safety razor blade was found in a pool of blood at the edge of
a workbench in the building. It is believed the elderly man used the blade to slash
his wrists. A hatchet nearby also was bloodstained.
Haire was removed to Memorial Hospital, Johnstown, where his condition is listed
as critical.
------------------------Johnstown, PA "Tribune" issue of Saturday, 5 April 1952, p. 20, col. 7
List Death Of 2 Men As Homicide And Suicide
No Inquest Planned In Fatal Shooting At New Florence
NEW FLORENCE -- The deaths of two New Florence men who were involved in a
shooting affray Thursday will be listed as homicide and suicide, according to
Joseph R. Check, Westmoreland County coroner. He stated that an inquest in the
case will not be necessary.
The coroner said his records will show that the death of Clarence C. Brinker, 62,
was homicide and that of Nelson B. Haire, 83, was suicide.
Mr. Brinker died instantly when he was shot during a quarrel with his landlord, Mr.
Haire. The latter died of self-inflicted wounds shortly before 2 o'clock yesterday
afternoon at Memorial Hospital, Johnstown.
The elderly man was admitted there about 24 hours earlier to be treated for a
gunshot wound of the abdomen and cuts of the wrists. According to police, his
injuries were sustained when he tried to take his own life after fatally shooting
Brinker, his tenant and neighbor.
Long-Standing Dispute
Authorities said the shooting occurred at a double house occupied by the Haire and
Brinker families. The Brinkers rented half the house from Mr. and Mrs. Haire. The
dispute between the two men had continued for some time over the paying of rent
and utility bills.
According to the investigating officers, Brinker originally had agreed to pay his rent
and the utility bills, less $1. Several months ago the tenant refused to pay more
than half the utility bills. Last Tuesday, Haire refused to accept a check which did
Generation 4 (con't)
than half the utility bills. Last Tuesday, Haire refused to accept a check which did
not fulfill the original agreement.
Brinker then sent the check to his landlord by registered letter. Haire and his wife
took the letter, after it was received Thursday, to the Brinker living room. The
shooting followed a brief argument between the two men. Police said Brinker was
killed instantly when Haire fired three charges from a .38 caliber revolver into his
The officers said Haire then left the Brinker home, shot himself in the abdomen,
slashed his wrists -- apparently with a safety razor blade -- and finally attempted to
hang himself.
Haire was taken to Memorial Hospital. Richard P. Wilkinson of Sidman, deputy
coroner of Cambria County, said death resulted from shock, loss of blood, and the
gunshot wound.
Johnstown Tribune (April 5, 1952)
HAIRE-Nelson B., 83, of New Florence, died about 2 p.m., Apr. 4, 1952, at
Memorial Hospital, Johnstown. Born in St. Clair Township, Westmoreland County.
Survived by widow, the former Martha Ulerich; two sons-Owen, Johnstown, and
Vernon, Pontiac, Mich. Friends received after 8 p.m. Saturday at the R.S. Wagner
Funeral Home, New Florence, where service will be held at 2 p.m. Tuesday.
Interment, Laurel Hill Cemetery.
MINNIE AGNES CLAWSON56 (daughter of Davis Benjamin Clawson and Rebecca J.
Burkett) was born in August 1878 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania466. She died in
May 1959 in Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania133. She married Robert Long
(son of James Long and Lizzie ?) on May 14, 1896435. He was born in May 1874 in
Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania466. He died in February 1954 in Bolivar,
Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania133.
Notes for Minnie Agnes Clawson:
In 1910, Minnie and Robert were living in Bolivar, Westmoreland County,
Notes for Robert Long:
According to the 1900 census, Robert and his family were living in Fairfield
Township, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania.
According to the 1910 census, Robert and his family were living in Bolivar,
Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania.
According to the 1920 census, Robert and his family were living in Bolivar,
Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania.
According to the 1930 census, Robert and Minnie were living in Bolivar,
Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania.
EMMA C. CLAWSON56, 190, 467 (daughter of Davis Benjamin Clawson and Rebecca J.
Burkett) was born on December 14, 1879 in Near India, Indiana County,
Pennyslvania468. She died on November 27, 1942 in Derry, Westmoreland County,
Pennsylvania (Age: 62190). She married William Lane McClellan (son of Samuel A.
McClellan and Jane Ann McDowell) on May 14, 1896 in Greensburg, Westmoreland
County, Pennsylvania19, 469. He was born on October 25, 1877 in Westmoreland
County, Pennsylvania470.
Notes for Emma C. Clawson:
According to the 1900 Census, William and his family were living in Fairfield
Township, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania.
Generation 4 (con't)
In 1910, Emma and William were living in Salina, Westmoreland County,
According to the 1920 Census, William and his family were living in Bell Township,
Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania.
Notes for William Lane McClellan:
According to the 1900 census, William and his family were living in Fairfield
Township, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania.
CORA ETTA CLAWSON137, 191, 478 (daughter of Davis Benjamin Clawson and Rebecca
J. Burkett) was born on September 29, 1883 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania191.
She died on May 29, 1918 in Derry, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania (Age:
34191). She married Dallas Park Shaffer (son of Jonathan Shaffer and Catherine
Ann Craig) on November 28, 1900 in Johnstown, Cambria County, Pennsylvania479.
He was born on September 16, 1881 in Pennsylvania188, 480. He died on February
10, 1940481.
Notes for Cora Etta Clawson:
In 1903, Etta and Dallas were living in Coopersdale, Cambria County,
In 1910, Etta and Dallas were living in Derry, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania.
Notes for Dallas Park Shaffer:
According to the 1920 Census, Dallas and his children were living in Derry,
Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania.
According to the 1930 Census, Dallas and his children were living in Derry,
Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania.
viii. WILLIAM T. CLAWSON188 (son of Davis Benjamin Clawson and Rebecca J. Burkett)
was born on June 26, 1885 in West Wheatfield Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania192. He died on February 19, 1902 in West Wheatfield Township,
Indiana County, Pennsylvania192.
Notes for William T. Clawson:
William was killed by a train at age 16.
Indiana Weekly Messenger, Indiana, Pennsylvania (February 26, 1902)
William Clawson, the 16-year-old son of Davis Clawson, of Lockport, attempted to
board a freight train at that place Tuesday of last week. He fell under the wheels,
receiving injuries which resulted in his death Wednesday.
? CLAWSON (child of Davis Benjamin Clawson and Rebecca J. Burkett)188. ? died
before 1900188.
? CLAWSON (child of Davis Benjamin Clawson and Rebecca J. Burkett)188. ? died
before 1900188.
SARAH JANE4 CLAWSON (John B.3, John2, Josiah1)15, 184 was born on May 07, 1850 in Indiana
County, Pennsylvania184. She died on July 30, 1920 in Blairsville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania184.
She married Samuel Thompson McCurdy (son of James McCurdy and Elizabeth Clawson) in 1871
in Pennsylvania183. He was born on March 23, 1848 in Black Lick, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania184. He died on May 27, 1928 in Blairsville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania184.
Notes for Sarah Jane Clawson:
According to the 1860 census, Sarah was probably living in Blacklick Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania with Sarah (Bennett) Clawson.
Notes for Samuel Thompson McCurdy:
According to the 1880 Census, Samuel and his family were living in Burrell Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania.
Generation 4 (con't)
According to the 1920 Census, Samuel and Sarah were living in Blairsville, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania. Charles (their son) was also living with them.
Samuel Thompson McCurdy and Sarah Jane Clawson had the following children:
MATILDA5 MCCURDY134 (daughter of Samuel Thompson McCurdy and Sarah Jane
Clawson) was born about 1871 in Pennsylvania134.
CHARLES W. MCCURDY134, 425 (son of Samuel Thompson McCurdy and Sarah Jane
Clawson) was born in June 1874 in Pennsylvania278.
WILLIAM MCCURDY134 (son of Samuel Thompson McCurdy and Sarah Jane
Clawson) was born in June 1876 in Pennsylvania278.
? MCCURDY134 (daughter of Samuel Thompson McCurdy and Sarah Jane Clawson)
was born about 1879 in Pennsylvania134.
SAMUEL CLARK MCCURDY57, 137 (son of Samuel Thompson McCurdy and Sarah Jane
Clawson) was born on January 28, 1884 in Blairsville, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania1. He married Edith Elizabeth Clawson (daughter of Humphrey
Fullerton Clawson and Carrie Adelia White) on September 21, 1909 in
Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania. She was born on January 12, 1887 in
Livermore, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania. She died on September 17, 1966.
HOMER SMITH MCCURDY184, 425 (son of Samuel Thompson McCurdy and Sarah Jane
Clawson) was born on March 15, 1884 in Blairsville, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania184. He died on December 12, 1955184.
ADAH MCCURDY278 (daughter of Samuel Thompson McCurdy and Sarah Jane
Clawson) was born in August 1888 in Pennsylvania278. She married JACOB HOLBY.
viii. ADAM H. MCCURDY57 (son of Samuel Thompson McCurdy and Sarah Jane Clawson)
was born on March 12, 1894 in Blairsville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania176. He died
on May 22, 1963 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania176. He married MARY ANNE
RENWICK (daughter of Geroge Renwick and Annabelle Jackson). She was born in
1896176. She died in 1967176.
? MCCURDY (child of Samuel Thompson McCurdy and Sarah Jane Clawson)278. ?
died before 1900278.
MARY E.4 CLAWSON (John B.3, John2, Josiah1) was born about 1854 in Indiana County,
Pennsylvania62. She died on March 05, 1894196. She married CHARLES B. LITTLE. He was born
about 1850 in Pennsylvania62.
Notes for Charles B. Little:
According to the 1880 census, Charles and his family were living in Lockport, Fairfield Township,
Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania.
Charles B. Little and Mary E. Clawson had the following children:
ANNA5 LITTLE62 (daughter of Charles B. Little and Mary E. Clawson) was born about
1870 in Pennsylvania62.
SARAH LITTLE62 (daughter of Charles B. Little and Mary E. Clawson) was born about
1872 in Pennsylvania62.
REBECCA LITTLE62 (daughter of Charles B. Little and Mary E. Clawson) was born
about 1874 in Pennsylvania62.
EMMA LITTLE62 (daughter of Charles B. Little and Mary E. Clawson) was born about
1876 in Pennsylvania62.
MAGGIE LITTLE62 (daughter of Charles B. Little and Mary E. Clawson) was born
about 1877 in Pennsylvania62.
DAVID LAWRENCE LITTLE62, 494 (son of Charles B. Little and Mary E. Clawson) was
born on September 12, 1879 in Lockport, Fairfield Township, Westmoreland
County, Pennsylvania494. He died on November 09, 1955 in Mechanicsburg,
Cumberland County, Pennsylvania495. He married ELIZABETH GERTRUDE KELLY
(daughter of Daniel Kelly and Mary Elizabeth McDowell). She was born in June
1878495. She died on August 19, 1917495.
Generation 4 (con't)
CLAWSON (William J.3, John2, Josiah1)42, 57, 197 was born on December 01,
1848 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He died on June 14, 1925 in Indiana
County, Pennsylvania. He married Carrie Adelia White on October 20, 1878. She was born in North
Carolina1. She died before 1910.
Notes for Humphrey Fullerton Clawson:
According to the 1870 Census, Humphrey was living with his parents in Blacklick Township,
Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
According to the 1900 Census, Humphrey and his family were living in Conemaugh Township,
Indiana County, Pennsylvania. His mother was living next to them.
Humphrey Fullerton Clawson and Carrie Adelia White had the following children:
DELLA GERTRUDE5 CLAWSON57 (daughter of Humphrey Fullerton Clawson and Carrie
Adelia White) was born on July 22, 1879.
LENNIE ALICE CLAWSON57 (daughter of Humphrey Fullerton Clawson and Carrie
Adelia White) was born on August 08, 1881. She died on June 19, 1901.
EMMA MAY CLAWSON57 (daughter of Humphrey Fullerton Clawson and Carrie Adelia
White) was born on May 10, 1885.
EDITH ELIZABETH CLAWSON1, 137, 197 (daughter of Humphrey Fullerton Clawson and
Carrie Adelia White) was born on January 12, 1887 in Livermore, Westmoreland
County, Pennsylvania. She died on September 17, 1966. She married Samuel
Clark McCurdy (son of Samuel Thompson McCurdy and Sarah Jane Clawson) on
September 21, 1909 in Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania. He was born on
January 28, 1884 in Blairsville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania1.
ROSELLA C. CLAWSON57 (daughter of Humphrey Fullerton Clawson and Carrie Adelia
White) was born in 1889. She married (1) WILLIAM M. CLARK. She married (2) ALVIN
WILLIAM BRANTLY CLAWSON57, 197 (son of Humphrey Fullerton Clawson and Carrie
Adelia White) was born on January 29, 1889 in Livermore, Westmoreland County,
Pennsylvania. He died on April 13, 1958 in Blairsville, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania. He married Mary Louella Suman (daughter of William Suman and
Sarah Weister) on December 01, 19151. She was born on November 28, 1891 in
New Alexandria, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania93. She died on April 30, 1989
in Hillside, Derry Township, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania93.
CLYDE ELI CLAWSON57 (son of Humphrey Fullerton Clawson and Carrie Adelia
White) was born on June 22, 1892. He died on January 22, 1893.
MARY LANCASTER4 CLAWSON (Jesse3, John2, Josiah1)1 was born in 1840 in Westmoreland County,
Pennsylvania. She died on June 09, 1907 in Topeka, Shawnee County, Kansas60. She married
John M. Parr in 18571. He was born in 1838 in Ohio60. He died on December 14, 1911 in Topeka,
Shawnee County, Kansas.
Notes for Mary Lancaster Clawson:
In 1887, Mary and John moved to Concordia, Kansas. Later they moved to Lincoln, Nebraska.
John M. Parr and Mary Lancaster Clawson had the following children:
FRED G.5 PARR60 (son of John M. Parr and Mary Lancaster Clawson) was born on
June 06, 1876 in Allerton, Wayne County, Iowa. He died in 1947 in Long Beach,
Los Angeles County, California. He married Grace Gertrude Allen in 1897.
ERNEST D. PARR (son of John M. Parr and Mary Lancaster Clawson)60. He married
Notes for Ernest D. Parr:
Ernest and Ula had no children.
Notes for Ula Ketching:
Ula was from Topeka, Kansas.
Generation 4 (con't)
CHARLES A. PARR (son of John M. Parr and Mary Lancaster Clawson)60. He
JESSIE PARR (daughter of John M. Parr and Mary Lancaster Clawson)60. She
married C. A. VANCIL.
HARRY PARR (son of John M. Parr and Mary Lancaster Clawson)60. He married
FANNIE PARR (daughter of John M. Parr and Mary Lancaster Clawson)60. She
LOTTIE PARR (daughter of John M. Parr and Mary Lancaster Clawson)60. She
married JOHN YOUNG.
viii. FLORA PARR (daughter of John M. Parr and Mary Lancaster Clawson)60. She
married ? YOUNG.
WILLIAM GILSON4 CLAWSON (Jesse3, John2, Josiah1)1 was born on August 31, 1841 in Pittsburgh,
Allegheny County, Pennsylvania. He died on May 26, 1928 in Allerton, Wayne County, Iowa60. He
married Harriet Arminda Myers (daughter of John Willoughby Jackson Myers and Martha Ann
Maban) on December 29, 1864 in Lexington, McLean County, Illinois. She was born on October
06, 1846 in Lexington, McLean County, Illinois60. She died on June 29, 1931 in Allerton, Wayne
County, Iowa60.
William Gilson Clawson and Harriet Arminda Myers had the following children:
EDWARD JACKSON5 CLAWSON60 (son of William Gilson Clawson and Harriet Arminda
Myers) was born on July 01, 1866 in Lexington, McLean County, Illinois60. He died
on December 24, 1944 in Brookfield, Missouri60. He married Ollie Mae Probasco on
July 12, 1891 in Unionville, Missouri60. She was born on July 01, 1867 in Mendota,
Putnam County, Missouri60.
CHARLES CLINTON CLAWSON60 (son of William Gilson Clawson and Harriet Arminda
Myers) was born on January 01, 1868 in Lexington, McLean County, Illinois326. He
died on February 27, 1940 in Mendota, Putnam County, Missouri60. He married
Mary Ann Smith (daughter of Charles E. Smith and Amanda Christal) on May 03,
1891 in Mendota, Putnam County, Missouri60. She was born on June 22, 1875 in
Bevier, Missouri. She died on June 01, 1951 in Lincoln Park, Wayne County,
ELIZABETH ANN CLAWSON60 (daughter of William Gilson Clawson and Harriet
Arminda Myers) was born on October 08, 1869 in Lexington, McLean County,
Illinois. She died on May 12, 1947 in Lexington, McLean County, Illinois. She
married William Calvin Hicks on August 03, 1898 in Lexington, McLean County,
Illinois60. He was born on February 02, 1871 in McCoupin County, Illinois.
PAULINA MAY CLAWSON200 (daughter of William Gilson Clawson and Harriet Arminda
Myers) was born on March 01, 1874 in Lexington, McLean County, Illinois60. She
died on May 11, 1932 in Allerton, Wayne County, Iowa60.
FLORA BELLE CLAWSON60 (daughter of William Gilson Clawson and Harriet Arminda
Myers) was born on March 04, 1875 in Lexington, McLean County, Illinois60. She
married GLENN KIDD. He died on June 27, 1942 in Oelwein, Iowa.
MYRTLE MARTHA CLAWSON60 (daughter of William Gilson Clawson and Harriet
Arminda Myers) was born on March 25, 1877 in Lexington, McLean County,
Illinois326. She married Frederick Z. Kidd in Allerton, Wayne County, Iowa60. He was
born in 1873 in Glenhaven, Wisconsin. He died on May 30, 1933 in Ottumwa,
Wapello County, Iowa.
CORA ETHEL CLAWSON60 (daughter of William Gilson Clawson and Harriet Arminda
Myers) was born on July 09, 1881 in Allerton, Wayne County, Iowa. She married
Charles Henry Shelton on October 14, 1904 in Allerton, Wayne County, Iowa60. He
was born on May 10, 1881 in Wayne County, Iowa.
viii. ALBERT CLAWSON200 (son of William Gilson Clawson and Harriet Arminda Myers)
was born on September 20, 1884 in Allerton, Wayne County, Iowa60. He died on
November 11, 1891 in Allerton, Wayne County, Iowa326.
Generation 4 (con't)
John2, Josiah1)1 was born on October 20, 1846 in Trumbull County,
Ohio. She died on December 21, 1898 in Minburn, Iowa. She married Thomas Boyd on November
29, 1865 in Lexington, McLean County, Illinois60. He was born in 1838 in Scotland198. He died on
September 14, 1926 in Minburn, Iowa198.
Notes for Thomas Boyd:
Thomas immigrated from Scotland to Canada when he was 18 years old. He was 21 years old
when he moved to McLean County, Illinois.
Thomas Boyd and Clara E. Clawson had the following children:
ARTHUR THOMAS5 BOYD60 (son of Thomas Boyd and Clara E. Clawson) was born on
March 03, 1867 in Lexington, McLean County, Illinois198. He died on July 08, 1931
in Iowa198. He married ELECTRA LEE HESTER (daughter of Samuel Hester and Sarah
?). She was born on September 18, 1871 in Indiana. She died on September 21,
1924 in Iowa City, Johnson County, Iowa.
HARRY EDGAR BOYD60 (son of Thomas Boyd and Clara E. Clawson) was born on
June 01, 1872 in Lexington, McLean County, Illinois. He died on November 01,
1912 in M. E. Hospital, Des Moines, Iowa. He married Iva J. Manning on January
01, 1893 in Bloomington, McLean County, Illinois. She was born on April 06, 1870.
She died on June 19, 1917 in Minburn, Iowa.
MARY MAE BOYD (daughter of Thomas Boyd and Clara E. Clawson)60. She died in
Floydada, Texas. She married Ward Belen in Minburn, Iowa60.
GRACE MAUD BOYD60 (daughter of Thomas Boyd and Clara E. Clawson) was born
on August 17, 1877 in Minburn, Iowa. She married I. Randolph Moore on October
09, 1895 in Minburn, Iowa60. He was born on April 26, 1870 in Perry, Iowa. He died
on July 22, 1951 in Wichita, Sedgwick County, Kansas.
ROSCO EARL BOYD (son of Thomas Boyd and Clara E. Clawson)60.
FRANK GAVIN BOYD (son of Thomas Boyd and Clara E. Clawson)60.
COLOMA DELEX4 CLAWSON (Jesse3, John2, Josiah1)199 was born in November 1854 in Lee County,
Iowa199. He died before March 17, 1900. He married Flora Jane Sponsler on October 14, 1886199.
She was born about 1859199.
Notes for Coloma Delex Clawson:
Coloma and Flora lived in Ottumwa, Iowa.
Coloma Delex Clawson and Flora Jane Sponsler had the following children:
JESSE JAMES5 CLAWSON60 (son of Coloma Delex Clawson and Flora Jane Sponsler)
was born on March 25, 1888 in Ottumwa, Wapello County, Iowa199. He died on
June 23, 1970 in Ottumwa, Wapello County, Iowa199. He married Marietta Young on
February 25, 1911199. She was born on August 05, 1886 in Beacon, Iowa199. She
died on March 29, 1955 in Ottumwa, Wapello County, Iowa.
HARRY ELLIS CLAWSON (son of Coloma Delex Clawson and Flora Jane Sponsler)60.
SARAH MARGARET4 CLAWSON (Jesse3, John2, Josiah1)1 was born on February 28, 1850 in
Pennsylvania. She died on November 13, 1902 in Minburn, Iowa. She married David W. Roush on
October 22, 1876 in Minburn, Iowa60. He was born on December 05, 1848 in Zanesville,
Muskingum County, Ohio60. He died on May 09, 1933 in Philip, South Dakota60.
David W. Roush and Sarah Margaret Clawson had the following children:
M. ESTELLA5 ROUSH60 (daughter of David W. Roush and Sarah Margaret Clawson)
was born on July 29, 1877 in Minburn, Iowa. She died on June 27, 1948 in Omaha,
Douglas County, Nebraska. She married Isaac Wright Moorman on October 17,
1944 in Fremont, Nebraska60. He was born on September 27, 1873 in Guthrie
County, Iowa.
ADA GLEN ROUSH60 (daughter of David W. Roush and Sarah Margaret Clawson)
was born on August 10, 1880 in Minburn, Iowa. She married Milo C. Tone on
August 10, 1910 in Philip, South Dakota60.
Generation 4 (con't)
OSCAR EARL ROUSH60 (son of David W. Roush and Sarah Margaret Clawson) was
born on April 23, 1886 in Minburn, Iowa. He married Bess Kennedy on November
25, 1908 in Philip, South Dakota60.
JESSE B.4 CLAWSON (Jesse3, John2, Josiah1)200 was born on March 02, 1852 in Agency, Wapello
Township, Lee County, Iowa60. He died on January 29, 1932 in Lexington, McLean County,
Illinois60. He married Elizabeth Ann Mason (daughter of Hiram Mason and Jane Semirah Hayes)
on February 20, 1862 in Illinois1. She was born on May 06, 1848 in Pekin, Illinois60. She died on
July 26, 1940 in Lincoln, Lancaster County, Nebraska60.
Jesse B. Clawson and Elizabeth Ann Mason had the following children:
?5 CLAWSON (son of Jesse B. Clawson and Elizabeth Ann Mason)200.
Notes for ? Clawson:
He died in infancy.
CHARLES CLAWSON (son of Jesse B. Clawson and Elizabeth Ann Mason)60. He died
in Agency, Wapello Township, Lee County, Iowa.
Notes for Charles Clawson:
Charles died when he was about 1 and a half years old.
FRANK CLAWSON (son of Jesse B. Clawson and Elizabeth Ann Mason)60.
SADIE JANE CLAWSON (daughter of Jesse B. Clawson and Elizabeth Ann Mason)60.
She died in Lincoln, Lancaster County, Nebraska. She married ARTHUR H. SMITH.
ELDORADO CARLTON4 CLAWSON (Jesse3, John2, Josiah1)200 was born on April 15, 1857 in Wayne
County, Iowa. He died on April 11, 1899 in Selma, Pike County, Illinois. He married Florence
Victoria Ping (daughter of Anderson Smith Ping and Elizabeth A. Barron) on March 04, 1880 in
Lexington, McLean County, Illinois. She was born on February 14, 1863 in Willow Hill, Jasper
County, Illinois201. She died on August 29, 1938 in Ohio, Herkimer County, New York201.
Eldorado Carlton Clawson and Florence Victoria Ping had the following children:
EVALYN ISABELLE5 CLAWSON201 (daughter of Eldorado Carlton Clawson and Florence
Victoria Ping) was born on January 05, 1881 in Lexington, McLean County, Illinois.
She died on November 19, 1899 in Lexington, McLean County, Illinois.
JESSE HERBERT CLAWSON200 (son of Eldorado Carlton Clawson and Florence
Victoria Ping) was born on January 31, 1882 in Lexington, McLean County,
Illinois201. He died on July 31, 1965 in Joppa, Maryland. He married SOPHIE ?.
MELVIN BOYD CLAWSON201 (son of Eldorado Carlton Clawson and Florence Victoria
Ping) was born on October 25, 1885 in Lexington, McLean County, Illinois201. He
died on February 24, 1961 in California201.
MARGUERITE PEARL CLAWSON200 (daughter of Eldorado Carlton Clawson and
Florence Victoria Ping) was born on July 02, 1887 in Lexington, McLean County,
Illinois. She died on February 02, 1912 in St. Paul, Minnesota.
RUSSELL GLEN CLAWSON201 (son of Eldorado Carlton Clawson and Florence Victoria
Ping) was born on April 30, 1889 in Lexington, McLean County, Illinois. He died on
March 15, 1973 in Austin, Mower County, Minnesota. He married LYDIA ?.
CLARENCE HAROLD CLAWSON201 (son of Eldorado Carlton Clawson and Florence
Victoria Ping) was born on December 20, 1891 in Selma, Pike County, Illinois. He
died on October 03, 1977 in Fond du Lac, Wisconsin. He married Myrtle Mae
Yorton on October 01, 1917201.
RALPH EUGENE CLAWSON201 (son of Eldorado Carlton Clawson and Florence
Victoria Ping) was born on April 12, 1893 in Selma, Pike County, Illinois. He died on
March 18, 1955 in Dawson Springs, Hopkins County, Kentucky. He married Ella
Smith on December 05, 1932201 in Hartford, Ohio County, Kentucky.
viii. CLARA RUTH CLAWSON201 (daughter of Eldorado Carlton Clawson and Florence
Victoria Ping) was born on September 05, 1894 in Lexington, McLean County,
Illinois. She died on November 04, 1937 in Lake City, Columbia County, Florida.
She married ? RAY.
She married ? RAY.
Generation 4 (con't)
Notes for Clara Ruth Clawson:
Clara was adopted out of the family, her name was changed to Ruth Myra
ALBERT LEON CLAWSON201 (son of Eldorado Carlton Clawson and Florence Victoria
Ping) was born on March 22, 1896 in Lexington, McLean County, Illinois201. He died
about 1918201.
Notes for Albert Leon Clawson:
Albert was adopted out of the family. His name was changed to Lee Joseph
JOHN ELLSWORTH CLAWSON201 (son of Eldorado Carlton Clawson and Florence
Victoria Ping) was born on December 07, 1897 in Lexington, McLean County,
Illinois201. He died on July 12, 1965201. He married ELIZABETH ?.
Notes for John Ellsworth Clawson:
John was adopted out of the family. His name was changed to Lloyd Leonard
ELDORADO CARLTON CLAWSON201 (son of Eldorado Carlton Clawson and Florence
Victoria Ping) was born on May 29, 1899 in Lexington, McLean County, Illinois500.
He died on February 17, 1983 in Oxford, Perry County, Indiana201. He married
Hazel Ramsey (daughter of Almon Ramsey and Effie Jarboe) on December 03,
1931 in Perry County, Indiana200. She was born on March 08, 1908. She died on
June 24, 1992.
FERRIS W.4 CLAWSON (Jesse3, John2, Josiah1)1 was born on April 29, 1867 in Agency City, Illinois.
He married Esther Alice Wood on May 30, 1890 in Aurora, Kansas60. She was born on May 28,
1866 in Chariton, Iowa60.
Ferris W. Clawson and Esther Alice Wood had the following children:
EVERETT LEIGH5 CLAWSON60 (son of Ferris W. Clawson and Esther Alice Wood) was
born on April 06, 1898 in Concordia, Cloud County, Kansas. He married HELEN
Notes for Everett Leigh Clawson:
Everett and Helen had no children.
Notes for Helen Davis:
Helen was from Kansas City, Kansas.
JOHN FERRIS CLAWSON60 (son of Ferris W. Clawson and Esther Alice Wood) was
born on April 27, 1901 in Concordia, Cloud County, Kansas. He married DEWAYNE
Notes for John Ferris Clawson:
John and DeWayne had no children.
Notes for DeWayne Jackson:
DeWayne was from Ardmore, Oklahoma.
MILLARD EDWARD CLAWSON60 (son of Ferris W. Clawson and Esther Alice Wood)
was born on March 21, 1902 in Concordia, Cloud County, Kansas. He married
ESTHER PEARL CLAWSON60 (daughter of Ferris W. Clawson and Esther Alice Wood)
was born on February 16, 1904 in Concordia, Cloud County, Kansas. She married
(1) ARTHUR SCHULTZ. He was born on July 20, 1906 in Beloit, Rock County,
Wisconsin. He died in 1943. She married (2) EDWARD REESE in 194360.
ADAH ERNESTINE CLAWSON60 (daughter of Ferris W. Clawson and Esther Alice
Wood) was born in July 1907 in Concordia, Cloud County, Kansas. She married
Albert J. Crowell on September 02, 192660. He was born on January 06, 1906. He
died on January 08, 1951.
Generation 4 (con't)
CLAWSON (Jesse3, John2, Josiah1)1 was born on October 26, 1870 in
Agency City, Illinois. She died in Utah. She married (1) CHARLEY EALEY. She married (2) JAMES
James Rothwell and Ernestine Elizabeth Clawson had the following child:
IRENE5 ROTHWELL (adopted daughter of James Rothwell and Ernestine Elizabeth
Clawson)60. She married ? GLENNY.
WILLIAM4 VANATT (Mary3 Clawson, John2 Clawson, Josiah1 Clawson)61 was born in December
1838 in Pennsylvania. He died on January 26, 1918. He married (1) MARTHA JANE SIMMS
(daughter of John Simms and Julianna Yost). She was born in 1842 in Pennsylvania. He married
(2) ELIZABETH ? in 1877.
Notes for William Vanatt:
William and Elizabeth were charged with bigamy and convicted. They were not divorced from their
first spouses. William spent 15 months in prison.
William Vanatt and Martha Jane Simms had the following children:
MARY5 VANATT203 (daughter of William Vanatt and Martha Jane Simms) was born on
November 20, 1862 in Blairsville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She married
James H. Wandless on April 20, 1893.
KATE VANATT203 (daughter of William Vanatt and Martha Jane Simms) was born
about 1865 in Pennsylvania.
ELLEN VANATT203 (daughter of William Vanatt and Martha Jane Simms) was born in
February 1867 in Pennsylvania. She married JOSEPH QUEER. He was born in
January 1865.
FLORA B. VANATT203 (daughter of William Vanatt and Martha Jane Simms) was born
about 1869 in Pennsylvania. She died in 1949 in Dunbar, Fayette County,
Pennsylvania. She married Henry J. Schachte on February 19, 1900 in Pittsburgh,
Allegheny County, Pennsylvania.
CECILIA VANATT203 (daughter of William Vanatt and Martha Jane Simms) was born in
1872. She married Thomas W. Black in 1890 in Westmoreland County,
ROSA VANATT (daughter of William Vanatt and Martha Jane Simms)203.
Notes for Rosa Vanatt:
Rosa died at a young age.
WILLIAM VANATT (daughter of William Vanatt and Martha Jane Simms)203.
Notes for William Vanatt:
William died at the age of 6 months.
viii. ? VANATT (child of William Vanatt and Martha Jane Simms)203.
William Vanatt and Elizabeth ? had the following children:
? VANATT (child of William Vanatt and Elizabeth ?)203.
? VANATT (child of William Vanatt and Elizabeth ?)203.
? VANATT (child of William Vanatt and Elizabeth ?)203.
? VANATT (child of William Vanatt and Elizabeth ?)203.
xiii. ? VANATT (child of William Vanatt and Elizabeth ?)203.
xiv. ? VANATT (child of William Vanatt and Elizabeth ?)203.
? VANATT (child of William Vanatt and Elizabeth ?)203.
SAMUEL CLARK4 VANATT (Mary3 Clawson, John2 Clawson, Josiah1 Clawson)61, 202 was born on
June 25, 1855 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He died on January 08, 1931203. He married Lois
Parlor (daughter of John Parlor and Elizabeth Johnson) in 1877. She was born on December 15,
1859 in Pennsylvania203. She died on August 11, 1921203.
Generation 4 (con't)
Notes for Samuel Clark Vanatt:
In 1889, Samuel and Lois were living in Lockport, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania.
Accoriding to the 1930 Census, Samuel and his children, Ella and Lester, were living in St. Clair
Township, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania.
Samuel Clark Vanatt and Lois Parlor had the following children:
MARY ALICE5 VANATT56 (daughter of Samuel Clark Vanatt and Lois Parlor) was born
on May 01, 1878203. She married ? ANDREWS.
ANNA ELIZABETH VANATT203 (daughter of Samuel Clark Vanatt and Lois Parlor) was
born on October 25, 1879203. She died on January 14, 1947203. She married ?
ELLA MAY VANATT202-203 (daughter of Samuel Clark Vanatt and Lois Parlor) was born
on December 04, 1881. She died on December 13, 1935.
CLARA BELL VANATT203 (daughter of Samuel Clark Vanatt and Lois Parlor) was born
on February 14, 1883. She married (1) ? RIFFLE. She married (2) ? CREIGHTON.
CHARLES ANDREW VANATT203 (son of Samuel Clark Vanatt and Lois Parlor) was born
on May 04, 1884. He died on December 24, 1948 in Sewickley Township,
Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania. He married MILDRED S. ?. She was born in
1886. She died in 1963.
JOHN FRANCES VANATT203 (son of Samuel Clark Vanatt and Lois Parlor) was born on
August 14, 1885280. He died on March 27, 1919.
? VANATT203 (daughter of Samuel Clark Vanatt and Lois Parlor) was born on
January 13, 1887. She died on January 13, 1887.
viii. NORA EDNA VANATT203 (daughter of Samuel Clark Vanatt and Lois Parlor) was born
on July 07, 1889. She died on April 18, 1949. She married ? RANKIN.
FANNIE BLANCHE VANATT (daughter of Samuel Clark Vanatt and Lois Parlor) was
born on April 06, 1892. She died on November 28, 1943. She married ? SCHRAG.
EVELYN REBECCA VANATT203 (daughter of Samuel Clark Vanatt and Lois Parlor) was
born on December 28, 1894. She died on February 03, 1965. She married ? MILKE.
WILLIAM VANATT203 (son of Samuel Clark Vanatt and Lois Parlor) was born on April
04, 1897. He died on December 22, 1918 in France.
SAMUEL LLOYD VANATT203 (son of Samuel Clark Vanatt and Lois Parlor) was born on
October 17, 1901.
xiii. LESTER E. VANATT202-203 (son of Samuel Clark Vanatt and Lois Parlor) was born on
May 27, 1906. He died on December 20, 1948 in New Florence, Westmoreland
County, Pennsylvania.
RACHEL ANN4 CLAWSON (James3, John2, Josiah1)62 was born on October 11, 1847 in Black Lick
Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania204. She married Samuel Burkett (son of Andrew Burkett
and Jemima Agnes Garland) on March 09, 1871 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania205. He was born on September 24, 1847 in Lockport, Fairfield Township,
Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania204. He died on April 16, 1911204.
Notes for Samuel Burkett:
According to the 1880 census, Samuel and his family were living in Lockport, Fairfield Township,
Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania.
According to 1900 census, Samuel and his family were living in Fairfield Township, Westmoreland
County, Pennsylvania.
Samuel Burkett and Rachel Ann Clawson had the following children:
BERTHA5 BURKETT (daughter of Samuel Burkett and Rachel Ann Clawson)63. She
married ? SMITH.
WILLIAM FREDERICK BURKETT62, 204 (son of Samuel Burkett and Rachel Ann
Clawson) was born on September 27, 1873 in West Wheatfield Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania63. He died on April 07, 1939204. He married HANNAH
Generation 4 (con't)
County, Pennsylvania63. He died on April 07, 1939204. He married HANNAH
ELIZABETH MCGRAW (daughter of James Riley McGraw and Barbara Ellen Shank).
She was born on December 03, 1873 in Blair County, Pennsylvania. She died on
April 12, 1955133.
JANE R. BURKETT62 (daughter of Samuel Burkett and Rachel Ann Clawson) was
born about 1878 in Pennsylvania62. She died before 1900350.
MARGARET BURKETT350 (daughter of Samuel Burkett and Rachel Ann Clawson) was
born in June 1880 in Pennsylvania350.
ANNIE BURKETT501 (daughter of Samuel Burkett and Rachel Ann Clawson) was born
on November 16, 1882501. She died on March 10, 1898 in Lockport, Fairfield
Township, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania501.
Notes for Annie Burkett:
Indiana Messenger (May 18, 1898)
In the Muddy Waters of the Conemaugh is Found the Gruesome Corpse of the
On the evening of the 10th of March last Annie Burkett, who, if she had lived until
the 16th of next November, would have arrived at the age 16 years, took her life.
The details of the story, if they were such as were proper to be made public, would
be simply a disclosure of life such as we read of frequently, but in this case with the
tragedy left out.
The dead girl had been "keeping company" with Robert Brendlinger, a man at least
five years her senior. The mother of the girl disapproved of this, and finally the
daughter confessed that improper relations had existed, and the mother sternly
insisted that the intimacy should cease. The girl was way-ward, the lover persistent
and the mother determined. On Thursday night Brendlinger accompanied the girl
home from a revival meeting going on at Lockport, Westmoreland county, where the
parties lived. He was not permitted to enter the house, and Annie was forbidden
further intercourse with him. Robert departed. The girl was enraged. The mother
locked the outer doors. Annie went to her room, changed her attire and then broke
into the room where her mother, her eldest sister, Maggie, and her youngest
brother, aged 7, were sitting, and sprang through a window, screaming as she fled;
"I will drown myself! "
The mother did not regard the threat seriously and it was not until the lapse of an
hour or two that the family became alarmed at the prolonged absence of the
favorite girl. Then a search began. The river was but a short distance away. There
were various ways of reaching the treacherous waters of the Conemaugh from the
Burkett homestead. Each one of these ways was carefully followed that night, but
not a foot track was discovered. Next day the alarm increased. The river was
dragged for a mile each way, up and down, but no bod}' was found. As the days
lengthened into weeks various rumors got abroad. It was reported that Annie had
been seen at Johnstown, Moxham, New Florence, Pittsburg and other places. The
developments of last Monday proved all these stories false. On the night she
sprang from the window of her home Annie flew to the river and threw herself into
its waters and was drowned. The rainfall of Sunday night had magnified the river
and the body of the girl was caught up by the current and carried on its surface. It
was first noticed at Cokeville, and the parties who saw it made pursuit and it was
finally brought to shore a mile below Blairsville on Monday morning. It presented a
shocking appearance after its nine-weeks' submergence in the river, but was still
recognizable. At the inquest held by Coroner M. M. Davis on Monday a brother and
mother and sister identified the remains, on which were found some cheap articles
of jewelry, a black skirt, waist and shoes and stockings. The mother and sister who,
for the past months, had lived in an agony of suspense and had used every means
of as-:ertaining the fate of the loved one, when brought to the place where the
remains were, manifested a grief hard to withstand by the little group of spectators.
The Coroner's jury, composed of F. M. Smith, J. M. Hadfield, Thomas Murray, Dr.
W. R. Miller, John Long and Robert Reed, returned a verdict of suicide, but
expressing no opinion, save that of family troubles, as to the causes leading to the
Generation 4 (con't)
expressing no opinion, save that of family troubles, as to the causes leading to the
unhappy and unfortunate ending of the young girl's life.
The remains were taken home by the mother yesterday morning and interred during
the afternoon.
The father, Mr. Samuel Burkett, has lived all his life at Lockport and for many years
has been an employe of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company. The mother's maiden
name was Clawson. She was born near Jacksonville, this county, and was a
daughter of the late James Clawson. The parents, two sisters and two brothers live
to mourn the sad end of Annie Burkett, of whom everyone who knew her had none
but kind words to speak.
SADIE BURKETT350 (daughter of Samuel Burkett and Rachel Ann Clawson) was born
on March 20, 1885 in West Wheatfield Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania63.
She died on May 04, 1957 in Johnstown, Cambria County, Pennsylvania. She
married (1) HERBERT UTECHT. She married (2) FRANK INSTONE.
JAMES BURKETT (son of Samuel Burkett and Rachel Ann Clawson)63. He died
before 1900350.
Notes for James Burkett:
James died in infancy.
viii. ANDREW BURKETT (son of Samuel Burkett and Rachel Ann Clawson)63. He died
before 1900350.
Notes for Andrew Burkett:
Andrew died in infancy.
EDWARD B. BURKETT350 (son of Samuel Burkett and Rachel Ann Clawson) was born
in May 1891 in Pennsylvania350.
JOHN ALBERT4 CLAWSON (James3, John2, Josiah1)206-207 was born on April 29, 1849 in Black Lick
Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania206. He died on April 16, 1914206. He married Helen Maria
McElhose (daughter of John McElhose and Sarah Ballentine) on October 15, 1869 in Blairsville,
Indiana County, Pennsylvania206. She was born on March 20, 1855 in Zanesville, Muskingum
County, Ohio206. She died on June 29, 1940 in Ligonier, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania206.
Notes for John Albert Clawson:
In 1892, John and Helen were living in Lacolle, Pennsylvania according to the 1910 census.
In 1910, John and Helen were living in Westmoreland County according to the 1910 census.
According to the 1900 Census, John and his family were living in St. Clair Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania.
Notes for Helen Maria McElhose:
According to the 1930 census, Helen and her daugher, Mary, were living in Ligonier,
Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania.
John Albert Clawson and Helen Maria McElhose had the following children:
FRANK MCWILLIAM5 CLAWSON206 (son of John Albert Clawson and Helen Maria
McElhose) was born on August 17, 1871206. He died on February 04, 1872206.
DORCAS EVALINA CLAWSON206, 502 (daughter of John Albert Clawson and Helen
Maria McElhose) was born on November 28, 1872 in Pennsylvania206. She died on
March 29, 1952206. She married Harry L. Bracken on November 09, 1895 in
Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania206. He was born in September 1871 in
JANE ANNA CLAWSON439 (daughter of John Albert Clawson and Helen Maria
McElhose) was born on December 02, 1875439. She died on May 25, 1892 in
Indiana County, Pennsylvania439. She married Harry Alfred Clawson (son of Davis
Benjamin Clawson and Rebecca J. Burkett) on March 04, 1891. He was born on
July 04, 1868 in Alliance, Stark County, Ohio436. He died on December 21, 1924 in
Bolivar, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania436.
Generation 4 (con't)
IRVIN HENRY CLAWSON503 (son of John Albert Clawson and Helen Maria McElhose)
was born on October 23, 1877. He died on January 25, 1907. He married Maude
Clark in February 1899.
ABRAHAM JEFFERSON CLAWSON206 (son of John Albert Clawson and Helen Maria
McElhose) was born on September 07, 1879 in Pennsylvania206. He died on June
13, 1957 in Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania206. He married (1) ANNA SHANNON
on May 01, 1899206. He married (2) SARAH PEARL JONES (daughter of James Jones
and Frances Deeds) on November 17, 1902 in Ligonier, Westmoreland County,
Pennsylvania. She was born on February 02, 1884 in Westmoreland County,
Pennsylvania362. She died in April 1966 in Ligonier, Westmoreland County,
SARAH MARGERY CLAWSON206-207 (daughter of John Albert Clawson and Helen Maria
McElhose) was born on April 20, 1881 in Pennsylvania206. She died on January 28,
1963 in Ligonier, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania206. She married Thomas S.
Graham on May 19, 1903206.
JOHN WILLIAM CLAWSON206-207 (son of John Albert Clawson and Helen Maria
McElhose) was born on May 02, 1883 in Fairfield Township, Westmoreland County,
Pennsylvania362. He died on December 08, 1963 in Pennsylvania206. He married
Maud V. Ambrose on December 19, 1903504. She was born in 1883 in
Pennsylvania505. She died in 1958505.
viii. HARRIS ALBERT CLAWSON206-207 (son of John Albert Clawson and Helen Maria
McElhose) was born on June 14, 1885 in Fairfield Township, Westmoreland
County, Pennsylvania355. He died on August 31, 1950 in Ligonier Township,
Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania206. He married Sarah Elizabeth Needham
(daughter of John Thomas Needham) on May 10, 1911 in Westmoreland County,
Pennsylvania206. She was born on August 28, 1892 in Longbridge, Ligonier
Township, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania206. She died on May 07, 1957 in
Latrobe, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania206.
LEE GILMORE CLAWSON206-207 (son of John Albert Clawson and Helen Maria
McElhose) was born on May 25, 1887 in New Florence, Westmoreland County,
Pennsylvania355, 362. He died on September 20, 1971 in Melbourne, Brevard County,
Florida206. He married Theodosia Benson on October 19, 1910503. She was born
about 1886 in Wisconsin506.
MARY KING CLAWSON206-207 (daughter of John Albert Clawson and Helen Maria
McElhose) was born on April 15, 1889 in Pennsylvania206. She died on March 17,
HELEN BLODWIN CLAWSON207, 503 (daughter of John Albert Clawson and Helen Maria
McElhose) was born on May 25, 1891 in Pennsylvania206. She died on February 17,
1975206. She married John Lenhart Bowser on June 27, 1916206.
VIRGINIA REBECCA MAUDE CLAWSON206-207 (daughter of John Albert Clawson and
Helen Maria McElhose) was born on October 17, 1893 in New Florence,
Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania206. She died on January 13, 1972 in South
Rockwood, Michigan206. She married Willis Boyd Winters (son of Daniel Winters
and Mary McClelland) on May 14, 1914206.
EMANUEL ELMER4 CLAWSON (James3, John2, Josiah1)42, 63, 208 was born on October 17, 1850 in
Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania209. He died on December 23, 1925209. He
married Sarah Catherine Hollis (daughter of John Hollis and Charlotte Clawson) on October 28,
1869 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania63. She was born on August 07, 1847 in Pennsylvania209.
She died on July 19, 1924209.
Notes for Emanuel Elmer Clawson:
In one source, the husband of Sarah C. Hollis is Samuel Clawson.
According to the 1880 Census, Emanuel and Catherine were living in Blacklick Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania.
Generation 4 (con't)
According to the 1900 Census, Emanuel and his family were living in Blairsville, Indiana County,
Emanuel Elmer Clawson and Sarah Catherine Hollis had the following children:
JAMES ALBERT5 CLAWSON93, 163 (son of Emanuel Elmer Clawson and Sarah
Catherine Hollis) was born on May 22, 1871 in Black Lick Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania. He died on June 28, 1955 in Saltsburg R. D. 1, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania. He married Anna Viola Heasley on April 12, 1900 in Indiana,
Indiana County, Pennsylvania507. She was born in September 1882 in
Notes for James Albert Clawson:
According to the 1900 Census, James and Annie were living in Blairsville, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania.
According to the 1930 census, James and his family were living in Loyalhanna
Township, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania.
In 1944, James was living in Saltsburg, Pennsylvania.
In 1954, James was living in Saltsburg, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
WALLACE ELMER CLAWSON93, 163, 231 (son of Emanuel Elmer Clawson and Sarah
Catherine Hollis) was born on October 01, 1872 in Black Lick Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania. He died on May 31, 1954 in Tunnelton, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania. He married Delilah Hullenbaugh (daughter of John P. Hullenbaugh
and Susan C. Patterson) on October 29, 1898 in Westmoreland County,
Pennsylvania212. She was born on August 15, 1879 in Bow Station, Conemaugh
Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She died on August 01, 1948 in
Tunnelton, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
Notes for Wallace Elmer Clawson:
According to 1900 Census, Wallace and his family were living in Blairsville, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania.
In 1944, Wallace was living in Livermore RD, Pennsylvania.
In 1952, Wallace was living in Tunnelton, Pennsylvania.
WILLIAM CLARK CLAWSON93, 163 (son of Emanuel Elmer Clawson and Sarah
Catherine Hollis) was born on October 16, 1874 in Pennsylvania209. He died on
September 01, 1956209.
Notes for William Clark Clawson:
In 1944, William was living in Livermore RD, Pennsylvania.
In 1952, William was living in Tunnelton, Pennsylvania.
In 1954, William was living in Clarksburg, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
In 1955, William was living in Clarksburg RD 1, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
HARRY AUGUSTUS CLAWSON163, 209 (son of Emanuel Elmer Clawson and Sarah
Catherine Hollis) was born on September 11, 1876 in Pennsylvania. He died on
December 29, 1963. He married Jennie Mae Rager (daughter of Andrew J. Rager
and Anna Frances Closson) on March 18, 1922 in Johnstown, Cambria County,
Pennsylvania. She was born on April 13, 1895 in Mineral Point, Cambria County,
Pennsylvania. She died on February 16, 1984.
Notes for Harry Augustus Clawson:
Generation 4 (con't)
Notes for Harry Augustus Clawson:
According to the 1930 census, Harry and his family were living in Derry,
Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania.
In 1944 and 1955, Harry was living in Derry, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania.
ANNIE M. CLAWSON163 (daughter of Emanuel Elmer Clawson and Sarah Catherine
Hollis) was born about 1879 in Pennsylvania163.
EDWARD SAMUEL CLAWSON93, 208 (son of Emanuel Elmer Clawson and Sarah
Catherine Hollis) was born on April 12, 1881 in Black Lick Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania280. He died on September 24, 1964 in Saltsburg R. D. 2,
Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
Notes for Edward Samuel Clawson:
According to the 1930 census, Edward was living with his brother, James, in
Loyalhanna Township, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania.
In 1944, Edward was living in Tunnelton, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
In 1955, Edward was living in Saltsburg RD 2, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
ROY ARTHUR CLAWSON355 (son of Emanuel Elmer Clawson and Sarah Catherine
Hollis) was born on August 11, 1883 in Tunnelton, Indiana County, Pennsylvania362.
He died on March 07, 1978 in Saltsburg, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He married
Rachel E. Rager (daughter of Andrew J. Rager and Anna Frances Closson) on
August 11, 1923 in Ebensburg, Cambria County, Pennsylvania433. She was born on
May 11, 1899 in East Taylor Township, Cambria County, Pennsylvania. She died
on October 13, 1989 in Johnstown, Cambria County, Pennsylvania.
Notes for Roy Arthur Clawson:
According to the 1930 census, Roy and Rachel were living in Saltsburg, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania.
In 1944 and 1955, Roy was living in Saltsburg, Pennsylvania.
Roy and Rachel had no children.
viii. CHARLES WILSON CLAWSON93, 208 (son of Emanuel Elmer Clawson and Sarah
Catherine Hollis) was born on September 23, 1885 in New Florence, Westmoreland
County, Pennsylvania. He died on January 30, 1944 in Livermore R. D. 1,
IDA W. CLAWSON93, 513-515 (daughter of Emanuel Elmer Clawson and Sarah
Catherine Hollis) was born on March 23, 1888 in Pennsylvania514. She died in
March 1979 in Derry, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania514. She married HARRY
A. WIBLE (son of Adam Wible and Florence Haulman). He was born on July 04,
1889 in McConnellsburg, Fulton County, Pennsylvania516-518. He died on March 29,
1948 in Derry, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania516-519.
Notes for Ida W. Clawson:
In 1944 and 1955, Ida was living in Derry, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania.
BENJAMIN FRANKLIN CLAWSON93, 208 (son of Emanuel Elmer Clawson and Sarah
Catherine Hollis) was born on July 04, 1890 in Tunnelton, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania355. He died on February 01, 1952 in Clarksburg, Indiana County,
GEORGE W. CLAWSON93, 208 (son of Emanuel Elmer Clawson and Sarah Catherine
Hollis) was born on July 09, 1897 in Pennsylvania280. He died before 1964.
Notes for George W. Clawson:
In 1944, George was living in Livermore RD, Pennsylvania.
In 1954, George was living in Derry, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania.
Generation 4 (con't)
Josiah1)36, 211 was born in 1869 in Black Lick Township,
Indiana County, Pennsylvania . She married (1) GEORGE J. HANCOCK on August 22, 1898 in
Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania212. She married (2) EMANUEL A. GEORGE.
Notes for Ida May Clawson:
According to the 1910 census, Ida was living with her nephew, Harris Albert Clawson, in
Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania.
Emanuel A. George and Ida May Clawson had the following child:
GEORGE5 CLAWSON (son of Emanuel A. George and Ida May Clawson) was born on
June 18, 1893 in New Florence, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania211.
Generation 5
ELVIN GILBERT5 CLOSSIN (Robert Monroe4, Alexander3 Closson, Peter2 Closson, Josiah1
Clawson)71, 213-214 was born on October 23, 1880 in Earl Park, Indiana213, 215. He married Loey M.
Huffer on October 14, 1900 in Clinton214. She was born on May 18, 1881 in Indiana216. She died on
July 31, 1937216.
Elvin Gilbert Clossin and Loey M. Huffer had the following children:
CLEO6 CLOSSIN216 (son of Elvin Gilbert Clossin and Loey M. Huffer) was born on
July 12, 1901 in Boone County, Indiana216. He died in August 1975 in Frankfort,
Clinton County, Indiana216.
OTIS CLOSSIN216 (son of Elvin Gilbert Clossin and Loey M. Huffer) was born about
1902 in Indiana216.
ROBERT CLOSSIN216 (son of Elvin Gilbert Clossin and Loey M. Huffer) was born
about 1910 in Indiana216.
ELVIN CLOSSIN JR216 (son of Elvin Gilbert Clossin and Loey M. Huffer) was born
about 1918 in Indiana216. He died on May 11, 1934216.
ELMER RUDOLPH5 CLOSSIN (Robert Monroe4, Alexander3 Closson, Peter2 Closson, Josiah1
Clawson)71 was born on October 23, 1879 in Benton, Indiana71. He died in May 1958 in Marion,
Grant County, Indiana71. He married Iva Bell Hoss on August 30, 1903217. She was born on
November 26, 1885 in Boyleston, Clinton County, Indiana217. She died on July 07, 1961 in Marion,
Grant County, Indiana217.
Elmer Rudolph Clossin and Iva Bell Hoss had the following children:
DOROTHY HELEN6 CLOSSIN217 (daughter of Elmer Rudolph Clossin and Iva Bell
Hoss) was born on March 12, 1912 in Marion, Grant County, Indiana217. She died
on April 17, 1984 in Marion, Grant County, Indiana217.
KENNETH MCKEE CLOSSIN217 (son of Elmer Rudolph Clossin and Iva Bell Hoss) was
born on July 11, 1906 in Spencer, Owen County, Indiana217. He died on February
08, 1908 in Clinton, Indiana, United States217.
MARY FRANCES CLOSSIN217 (daughter of Elmer Rudolph Clossin and Iva Bell Hoss)
was born on January 28, 1908 in Frankfort, Clinton County, Indiana217. She died on
December 16, 1995 in Marion, Grant County, Indiana217.
DOLLY MAE CLOSSIN217 (daughter of Elmer Rudolph Clossin and Iva Bell Hoss) was
born on October 21, 1903 in Kempton, Tipton County, Indinana217. She died in
September 1979 in Marion, Grant County, Indiana217.
ELMER VERNON CLOSSIN217 (son of Elmer Rudolph Clossin and Iva Bell Hoss) was
born on May 24, 1918 in Marion, Grant County, Indiana217. He died on December
26, 1972 in Marion, Grant County, Indiana217.
HARRY LEE5 CLOSSIN (Robert Monroe4, Alexander3 Closson, Peter2 Closson, Josiah1 Clawson)71,
218 was born on October 07, 1877 in Frankfort, Clinton County, Indiana71 . He died on July 22, 1971
in Brazil, Clay County, Indiana218. He married AUTA MAE REAGAN. She was born in 1881219. She
died in 1959219.
Harry Lee Clossin and Auta Mae Reagan had the following child:
HAROLD LEWIS6 CLOSSIN218 (son of Harry Lee Clossin and Auta Mae Reagan) was
Generation 5 (con't)
HAROLD LEWIS6 CLOSSIN218 (son of Harry Lee Clossin and Auta Mae Reagan) was
born on December 22, 1919 in Frankfort, Clinton County, Indiana218, 520. He died on
November 24, 1999 in Tucson, Pima County, Arizona218. He married CHERRY
MILDRED CLINCH. She was born on July 24, 1926 in Nacozari de García, Sonora,
Mexico218. She died on May 19, 1999 in Tucson, Pima County, Arizona218.
JASPER R.5 CLOSSIN (Robert Monroe4, Alexander3 Closson, Peter2 Closson, Josiah1 Clawson)71
was born in July 1871 in Indiana71. He married (1) MILDRED MCINTYRE on June 09, 1920 in Clinton
County, Indiana220. She was born on August 14, 1879 in Missouri220. He married (2) ANNA L. MACY
on March 11, 1890 in Boone County, Indiana220. She was born on February 05, 1873 in Indiana220.
She died on June 19, 1917 in Frankfort, Clinton County, Indiana220.
Jasper R. Clossin and Anna L. Macy had the following children:
OTHO6 CLOSSEN220 (son of Jasper R. Clossin and Anna L. Macy) was born in 1903
in Indiana220.
ERNEST CLOSSEN220 (son of Jasper R. Clossin and Anna L. Macy) was born in 1901
in Indiana220.
OLIE CLOSSEN220 (daughter of Jasper R. Clossin and Anna L. Macy) was born in
1893 in Indiana220.
OSIE R CLOSSIN220 (daughter of Jasper R. Clossin and Anna L. Macy) was born in
January 1895 in Indiana220.
EVERT M CLOSSIN220 (son of Jasper R. Clossin and Anna L. Macy) was born in
October 1890 in Indiana220.
DAVID LINDSAY5 CLOSSIN (James Smith4 Jr., James S.3 Closson Sr., Peter2 Closson, Josiah1
Clawson)1, 222 was born on September 05, 1851 in Johnstown, Cambria County, Pennsylvania1. He
died on August 15, 19071. He married (1) MARY DIAMOND. She was born in Pennsylvania223. He
married (2) JANET PLENDER GEDDES (daughter of ? Geddes and ? ?) about 1882221. She was born
in March 1866 in Pennsylvania221.
Notes for David Lindsay Clossin:
According to the 1880 Census, David and his 3 sons were living in Johnstown, Cambria County,
Pennsylvania. He was living next to his father.
According to the 1900 Census, David and his family were living in Johnstown, Cambria County,
David Lindsay Clossin and Mary Diamond had the following children:
CHARLES ADOLPHUS6 CLOSSIN1, 225 (son of David Lindsay Clossin and Mary
Diamond) was born in 1875 in Pennsylvania223, 225. He married Mary L. Smith
(daughter of Melvin A. Smith and Susan Clawson) on December 17, 18951. She
was born on May 01, 1876 in Harris Township, Centre County, Pennsylvania.
Notes for Charles Adolphus Clossin:
According to the 1930 census, Charles and Mary were living in Altoona, Blair
County, Pennsylvania.
JOHN CLOSSIN (son of David Lindsay Clossin and Mary Diamond)1.
IRA DWIGHT CLOSSIN1, 225, 231 (son of David Lindsay Clossin and Mary Diamond) was
born about 1878 in Pennsylvania225. He married RUTH STUTZMAN.
WALTER CLOSSIN (son of David Lindsay Clossin and Mary Diamond)521.
DAVID L. CLOSSIN225 (son of David Lindsay Clossin and Mary Diamond) was born
about 1879 in Pennsylvania225.
David Lindsay Clossin and Janet Plender Geddes had the following children:
EARL CLOSSIN221 (son of David Lindsay Clossin and Janet Plender Geddes) was
born in March 1883 in Pennsylvania221.
DAVID LINDSAY CLOSSIN JR.225, 522 (son of David Lindsay Clossin and Janet Plender
Geddes) was born on April 24, 1886 in Johnstown, Cambria County,
Pennsylvania523. He died on September 03, 1937 in Johnstown, Cambria County,
Generation 5 (con't)
Pennsylvania523. He died on September 03, 1937 in Johnstown, Cambria County,
Pennsylvania523. He married (1) MELISSA HETTY SHERBINE (daughter of Samuel
Lewis Sherbine and Rebecca J. Marsh) in 1905433. She was born on December 25,
1888 in Pennsylvania523. She died in 1918 in Johnstown, Cambria County,
Pennsylvania523. He married (2) EFFIE S. MARSH (daughter of Elijah Franklin Marsh
and Emma Jane Constable) after 1930.
Notes for David Lindsay Clossin Jr.:
According to the 1910 Census, David and his family were living in Johnstown,
Cambria County, Pennsylvania.
viii. SARA M. CLOSSIN221 (daughter of David Lindsay Clossin and Janet Plender Geddes)
was born in January 1888 in Pennsylvania221. She married ? POST.
JAMES SMITH CLAWSON137, 524 (son of David Lindsay Clossin and Janet Plender
Geddes) was born on November 16, 1890 in Johnstown, Cambria County,
Pennsylvania355. He married (2) MELVA FERN BARRON in 1917433. She was born in
1892 in Pennsylvania525.
Notes for James Smith Clawson:
According to the 1930 census, James and his family were living in Stonycreek
Township, Cambria County, Pennsylvania.
MAGGIE A. CLOSSIN221 (daughter of David Lindsay Clossin and Janet Plender
Geddes) was born in January 1894 in Pennsylvania.
IRENE M.5 CLOSSIN (James Smith4 Jr., James S.3 Closson Sr., Peter2 Closson, Josiah1 Clawson)1,
225 was born about 1865 in Pennsylvania225 . She died in 1932. She married (1) SAM BLACKFORD on
April 14, 1882 in Johnstown, Cambria County, Pennsylvania226. She married (2) ? PARTRIDGE.
Sam Blackford and Irene M. Clossin had the following child:
CLYDE6 BLACKFORD (son of Sam Blackford and Irene M. Clossin)1.
SAMUEL5 CLOSSON (John4, William3, Peter2, Josiah1 Clawson)1, 227-229 was born on May 25, 1836 in
Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania. He died on June 03, 1917 in Gallitzin, Cambria County,
Pennsylvania. He married Elizabeth Dickson (daughter of James Dickson and Catherine Conrod)
on January 24, 1860 in Blair County, Pennsylvania1. She was born in 1842 in Pennsylvania. She
died before 1900 in Gallitzin, Cambria County, Pennsylvania.
Notes for Samuel Closson:
According to the 1860 Census, Samuel and Elizabeth were living in Snyder Township, Blair
County, Pennsylvania.
According to the 1880 Census, Samuel and his family were living in Allegheny Township, Blair
County, Pennsylvania.
Samuel Closson and Elizabeth Dickson had the following children:
HARRY6 CLOSSIN402 (son of Samuel Closson and Elizabeth Dickson) was born in
June 1863 in Gallitzin, Cambria County, Pennsylvania526. He died in 1908 in
Gallitzin, Cambria County, Pennsylvania526. He married Anna Marie Nichols in 1893
in Gallitzin, Cambria County, Pennsylvania527. She was born on December 14, 1863
in Gallitzin, Cambria County, Pennsylvania527. She died on April 05, 1934 in
Gallitzin, Cambria County, Pennsylvania527.
ULYSSEUS GRANT CLOSSON1, 402 (son of Samuel Closson and Elizabeth Dickson)
was born in October 1864 in Gallitzin, Cambria County, Pennsylvania526, 528. He
married (1) ANNIE ? in 1898 in Gallitzin, Cambria County, Pennsylvania. She was
born in July 1873 in Pennsylvania526. He married (2) CLARISSA VIOLA COBAUGH
(daughter of James Cobough) on May 08, 1912 in Conemaugh, Cambria County,
Pennsylvania1. She was born in 1891 in Pennsylvania529.
Notes for Ulysseus Grant Closson:
According to the 1930 census, Grant and his family were living in Park Hill, Cambria
County, Pennsylvania.
CATHERINE CLOSSON402 (daughter of Samuel Closson and Elizabeth Dickson) was
Generation 5 (con't)
CATHERINE CLOSSON402 (daughter of Samuel Closson and Elizabeth Dickson) was
born about 1867 in Pennsylvania402, 530.
ANNA CLOSSON1 (daughter of Samuel Closson and Elizabeth Dickson) was born in
1869 in Gallitzin, Cambria County, Pennsylvania.
ROBERT CLOSSON83 (son of Samuel Closson and Elizabeth Dickson) was born in
July 1872 in Gallitzin, Cambria County, Pennsylvania531.
Notes for Robert Closson:
In 1900, Robert was living in Franklin Township, Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania
on the John Wigton's farm.
JOHN CLOSSON83 (son of Samuel Closson and Elizabeth Dickson) was born about
1876 in Pennsylvania83.
SAMUEL CLOSSON228, 402, 532 (son of Samuel Closson and Elizabeth Dickson) was
born about 1879 in Pennsylvania530. He married (1) MARY MYERS in 1898433. He
married (2) MARY C. HARTMAN in 1906433. She was born in August 1879 in Gallitzin,
Cambria County, Pennsylvania.
Notes for Samuel Closson:
According to the 1910 Census, Samuel and Mary were living in Gallitzin, Cambria
County, Pennsylvania.
In 1920, Samuel and Mary were living in Gallitzen, Cambria County, Pennsylvania.
viii. ELMER CLOSSON1, 228, 533 (son of Samuel Closson and Elizabeth Dickson) was born
in November 1881 in Gallitzin, Cambria County, Pennsylvania228, 532-533.
WILLIAM CLOSSON (son of Samuel Closson and Elizabeth Dickson)1.
DAVID C.5 CLOSSON (John4, William3, Peter2, Josiah1 Clawson)1, 83, 230-231 was born on October 26,
1843 in Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania. He died on November 14, 1915. He married Mary
Melinda Plowman (daughter of William G. Plowman and Frances Wilt) on January 25, 1870 in
Newry, Blair County, Pennsylvania1. She was born on November 07, 1845 in Blair County,
Pennsylvania83, 230. She died on June 02, 1929 in Tunnelhill, Pennsylvania.
Notes for David C. Closson:
According to the 1880 Census, David and his family were living in Allegheny Township, Blair
County, Pennsylvania.
According to the 1910 Census, David and Mary were living in Blair County, Pennsylvania.
David C. Closson and Mary Melinda Plowman had the following children:
SUSAN6 CLOSSON83, 231 (daughter of David C. Closson and Mary Melinda Plowman)
was born in 1873 in Allegheny Township, Blair County, Pennsylvania83. She died
after 1934230. She married (1) EDWARD MULHERN. He was born on August 12 in
Ireland230-231. He died on December 07, 1909230. She married (2) LAWSON ADAMS.
He was born about 1870230.
EMMA E. CLOSSON83, 230 (daughter of David C. Closson and Mary Melinda Plowman)
was born in 1874 in Allegheny Township, Blair County, Pennsylvania83. She
married James A. Wilt in 1904 in Blair County, Pennsylvania230.
PHILLIP FRANKLIN CLOSSON83, 137, 230 (son of David C. Closson and Mary Melinda
Plowman) was born on January 07, 1875 in Gallitzin, Cambria County,
Pennsylvania230. He died on April 24, 1961 in Mercy Hospital, Altoona, Blair County,
Pennsylvania230. He married Margaret Gailey (daughter of John Gailey Jr. and
Margaret Cornelius) in 1899433. She was born on January 09, 1882 in Foot of Six,
Blair County, Pennsylvania230. She died on May 17, 1937 in Mercy Hospital,
Altoona, Blair County, Pennsylvania230.
Notes for Phillip Franklin Closson:
According to the 1910 Census, Philip and Margaret were living in Blair County,
JOHN BLAIR CLOSSON83, 231 (son of David C. Closson and Mary Melinda Plowman)
Generation 5 (con't)
JOHN BLAIR CLOSSON83, 231 (son of David C. Closson and Mary Melinda Plowman)
was born on March 07, 1876 in Carson Valley, Allegheny Township, Blair County,
Pennsylvania231. He died on November 03, 1934230. He married Laverna May
Buchanan on June 22, 1905534. She was born in 1881230.
Notes for John Blair Closson:
Of 300 Wadsworth avenue, Llyswen, died at 7.15 o'clock this morning at his home.
He suffered from a complication of diseases, having been ill for ten months. He was
a miner by occupation. He was born in Carson valley on March 7, 1876, a son of
David and Mary (Plowman) Closson. Surviving are his wife, who was Miss Laverna
May Buchanan, and three sisters and three brothers, as follows: Mrs. Edward
Mulheron, Mrs. Alice Taylor, Mrs. William Gailey and Phil, Marshall and Albert
Closson, all of Gallitzin. He was a member of the Schum Memorial United Brethren
church. The funeral will be held on Tuesday from the Carson Valley Church of the
Brethren with services in charge of Rev. E. E. Dunkelberger. Interment will be made
in the Carson Valley cemetery. T remains can be viewed at the home of W. C. Stitt,
at 3721 Oak avenue.
MARSHALL MILLER CLOSSON83, 230 (son of David C. Closson and Mary Melinda
Plowman) was born on December 24, 1877 in Bennington, Blair County,
Pennsylvania230. He died on September 21, 1964 in Mercy Hospital, Altoona, Blair
County, Pennsylvania230. He married (1) MARY EVERHART. He married (2) SUAN ?
HANCUFF in 1901 in Blair County, Pennsylvania230. She was born in 1884230.
MARY ALICE CLOSSON231 (daughter of David C. Closson and Mary Melinda
Plowman) was born in August 1880 in Gallitzin, Cambria County, Pennsylvania230.
She died on August 14, 1963 in Gallitzin, Cambria County, Pennsylvania230. She
married David Benjamin Taylor on July 20, 1897 in Hollidaysburg, Blair County,
RACHEL RHODA CLOSSON230-231 (daughter of David C. Closson and Mary Melinda
Plowman) was born on June 06, 1882 in Allegheny Township, Cambria County,
Pennsylvania230. She died on January 13, 1958 in Gallitzin, Cambria County,
Pennsylvania230. She married William Henry Gailey (biological son of John Gailey
Jr. and step son of Margaret Cornelius) on December 12, 1899230. He was born on
August 08, 1877 in Allegheny Township, Cambria County, Pennsylvania230-231. He
died on September 12, 1957 in Gallitzin, Cambria County, Pennsylvania230.
viii. AMBER CLOSSON230 (daughter of David C. Closson and Mary Melinda Plowman) was
born after 1882 in Gallitzin, Cambria County, Pennsylvania230.
ALBERT SHERIDAN CLOSSON535 (son of David C. Closson and Mary Melinda
Plowman) was born about 1889 in Pennsylvania536. He died in 1934. He married
Agnes ? about 1912536. She was born about 1889 in Pennsylvania536.
Notes for Albert Sheridan Closson:
According to the 1930 Census, Albert and his family were living in Gallitzin,
Cambria County, Pennsylvania.
JOHN R.5 CLOSSON (John4, William3, Peter2, Josiah1 Clawson)1, 232 was born in October 1848 in
Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania232. He married Emma Jane Plowman (daughter of William G.
Plowman and Frances Wilt) on July 01, 1869 in Bennington, Blair County, Pennsylvania1. She was
born in July 1849 in Pennsylvania232. She died on August 16, 1936230.
Notes for John R. Closson:
According to the 1880 Census, John and his family were living in Allegheny Township, Blair
County, Pennsylvania.
According to the 1900 Census, John and his family were living in South Fork, Cambria County,
Pennsylvania. Catherine and Stella were living with them along with the younger children. A
grandson, William Mock (born: July 1894) was living with them.
John R. Closson and Emma Jane Plowman had the following children:
Generation 5 (con't)
WILLIAM CLOSSON83 (son of John R. Closson and Emma Jane Plowman) was born
in September 1871 in Pennsylvania83, 232.
CATHARINE MELINDA CLOSSON137, 232 (daughter of John R. Closson and Emma Jane
Plowman) was born in March 1875 in Pennsylvania232. She married ? BROWN.
ANNA FRANCES CLOSSON93 (daughter of John R. Closson and Emma Jane
Plowman) was born on July 15, 1874 in Gallitzin, Cambria County, Pennsylvania1.
She died on August 07, 1944 in Conemaugh R. D. 1, Cambria County,
Pennsylvania1. She married (1) ANDREW J. RAGER (son of Andrew Rager and Nancy
?) on October 18, 1894 in South Fork, Cambria County, Pennsylvania1. He was
born in 1860 in Pennsylvania1. He died on March 271. She married (2) THOMAS A.
(son of John R. Closson and Emma Jane Plowman) was born in
April 1870 in Pennsylvania83, 230. He married SUSAN HILENS. She was born in
September 1874 in Croyle Township, Cambria County, Pennsylvania230.
Notes for Anna Frances Closson:
According to the 1910 Census, Frances and her family were living in
JacksonTownship, Cambria County, Pennsylvania.
MILLARD FILLMORE CLOSSON83, 232 (son of John R. Closson and Emma Jane
Plowman) was born on August 07, 1877 in Bennington, Blair County,
CHARLES CLARENCE CLOSSON137, 232 (son of John R. Closson and Emma Jane
Plowman) was born on May 14, 1879 in Pennsylvania230. He died on October 10,
1956 in Nason Hospital, Roaring Spring, Blair County, Pennsylvania230. He married
OLIVE GERTRUDE OAKES (daughter of Frederick Oakes and Harriet Ritchey). She
was born on July 18, 1881 in Pennsylvania230. She died on April 26, 1970 in Valley
View Home, Blair County, Pennsylvania230.
Notes for Charles Clarence Closson:
According to the 1910 Census, Charles and Gertrude were living in Cambria
County, Pennsylvania.
CHRISTIAN CLOSSON232 (son of John R. Closson and Emma Jane Plowman) was
born in September 1881 in Bennington, Blair County, Pennsylvania232.
viii. STELLA ELIZAH CLOSSON232 (daughter of John R. Closson and Emma Jane
Plowman) was born in October 1882 in Bennington, Blair County, Pennsylvania232.
SILAS SAMUEL5 CLOSSON (John4, William3, Peter2, Josiah1 Clawson)1, 75, 83, 233 was born on
February 09, 1854 in Allegheny Township, Blair County, Pennsylvania75. He died on October 21,
1940 in Duncansville, Blair County, Pennsylvania75, 234. He married Martha Jane Brubaker
(daughter of Ephraim Brubaker and Lydia W Brubaker) on June 16, 1874 in Blair County,
Pennsylvania1, 83. She was born on June 27, 1853234. She died on September 07, 1912 in Scalp
Level, Cambria County, Pennsylvania234.
Notes for Silas Samuel Closson:
According to the 1880 Census, Silas and Jane were living in Allegheny Township, Blair County,
According to the 1880 Census, Silas and Martha were living in Adams Township, Cambria County,
Silas Samuel Closson and Martha Jane Brubaker had the following child:
ELLEN6 STINGLE83 (adopted daughter of Silas Samuel Closson and Martha Jane
Brubaker) was born about 1877 in Pennsylvania83. She married ? MYERS.
JAMES5 CLOSSON (John4, William3, Peter2, Josiah1 Clawson)74, 83, 233, 235-236 was born in May 1856
in Blair County, Pennsylvania237. He died on March 22, 1906 in North Versailles, Allegheny County,
Pennsylvania74. He married Abigail Carroll (daughter of ? Carroll and ? ?) in 1876237. She was born
in January 1854 in Pennsylvania237.
Generation 5 (con't)
in January 1854 in Pennsylvania237.
Notes for James Closson:
According to the 1880 Census, James and his family were living in Allegheny Township, Blair
County, Pennsylvania.
According to the 1900 Census, James and his family were living in Croyle Township, Cambria
County, Pennsylvania. Their children, James and Sarah were still living with them.
James Closson and Abigail Carroll had the following children:
JAMES W.6 CLOSSON83, 537 (son of James Closson and Abigail Carroll) was born on
March 01, 1875 in South Fork, Cambria County, Pennsylvania537. He died on
January 15, 1962 in Jeannette, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania537. He married
LAURA BELLE BURGER (daughter of Joseph Alpheus Burger and Catherine H.
Neleigh). She was born on September 17, 1881 in Penn Township, Westmoreland
County, Pennsylvania538. She died on May 04, 1937 in Pennsylvania538.
Notes for James W. Closson:
According to the 1920 Census, James and Laura were living in Penn Township,
Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania.
SARAH ELIZABETH CLOSSON83, 236 (daughter of James Closson and Abigail Carroll)
was born on February 26, 1878 in Gallitzin, Cambria County, Pennsylvania236. She
died on April 26, 1958 in Turtle Creek, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania236. She
ELIJAH BLAIR CLOSSON83, 453, 539 (son of James Closson and Abigail Carroll) was
born on December 03, 1880 in Bennington, Blair County, Pennsylvania539-540. He
died on May 18, 1969539. He married Emma Esther Penrose (daughter of Andrew
C. Penrose and Susan Jane Long) about January 1904541. She was born on August
28, 1882 in Pennsylvania539. She died on January 05, 1931539.
Notes for Elijah Blair Closson:
According to the 1920 census, Elijah and his family were living in West Wheatfield
Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
In 1941, Elijah was living in Turtle Creek, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania. His
daughter Anna was living with him. This was according to World War II Draft
GEORGE F. CLOSSON SR235, 237, 542 (son of James Closson and Abigail Carroll) was
born on December 21, 1884 in Blair County, Pennsylvania235, 542. He died on
October 20, 1956 in Monroeville, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania235. He married
AMANDA CLOSSON237, 543-544 (daughter of James Closson and Abigail Carroll) was
born in June 1888 in Pennsylvania237. She married Thomas Hummel (son of ?
Hummel and ? ?) about 1908545. He was born about 1881 in Pennsylvania545.
Notes for Amanda Closson:
According to the 1930 Census, Thomas and Amanda were living in Turtle Creek,
Allegheny County, Pennsylvania. Amanda's mother, Abigail, was living with them.
JOHN STEWART CLOSSON237, 546-547 (son of James Closson and Abigail Carroll) was
born on September 25, 1891 in South Fork, Cambria County, Pennsylvania546. He
died on September 18, 1936 in Patton Township, Allegheny Township,
Pennsylvania546. He married LEAH SMITH.
CLARA CLOSSON237 (daughter of James Closson and Abigail Carroll) was born in
December 1892 in Pennsylvania237.
viii. ALBURTIS CLOSSON237 (son of James Closson and Abigail Carroll) was born in April
1899 in Pennsylvania237.
? CLOSSON (child of James Closson and Abigail Carroll)237. ? died before 1900237.
Generation 5 (con't)
? CLOSSON (child of James Closson and Abigail Carroll)237. ? died before 1900237.
AMELIA5 CLOSSON (John4, William3, Peter2, Josiah1 Clawson)233 was born in 1858 in Blair County,
Pennsylvania233. She married John Shadle on May 04, 18751. He was born about 1846 in
Notes for John Shadle:
According to the 1880 Census, John and his family were living in Allegheny Township, Blair
County, Pennsylvania.
John Shadle and Amelia Closson had the following children:
SUSAN6 SHADLE83 (daughter of John Shadle and Amelia Closson) was born about
1875 in Pennsylvania83.
ALPHORETTA SHADLE83 (daughter of John Shadle and Amelia Closson) was born
about 1877 in Pennsylvania83.
CATHARINE SHADLE83 (daughter of John Shadle and Amelia Closson) was born in
April 1879 in Pennsylvania83.
WILLIAM WORTHINGTON5 DUNKEL (Elizabeth4 Closson, William3 Closson, Peter2 Closson, Josiah1
Clawson, David)77.
William Worthington Dunkel had the following child:
WALTER WORTHINGTON6 DUNKEL (son of William Worthington Dunkel)77.
CHARLES S.5 CULLEN (Margaret4 Closson, Peter3 Closson Jr., Peter2 Closson, Josiah1 Clawson)78
was born on April 06, 1841 in Wilmore, Croyle Township, Cambria County, Pennsylvania238. He
died on January 22, 1931238. He married Lucinda P. Hughes (daughter of John Hughes) on
September 19, 1866 in Wilmore, Croyle Township, Cambria County, Pennsylvania1. She was born
on December 25, 1845 in Ebensburg, Cambria County, Pennsylvania238. She died on September
18, 1890238.
Notes for Charles S. Cullen:
Charles and Lucinda lived in Portage, Cambria County, Pennsylvania.
Charles S. Cullen and Lucinda P. Hughes had the following children:
THOMAS P.6 CULLEN78 (son of Charles S. Cullen and Lucinda P. Hughes) was born
on July 10, 1867 in Pennsylvania78. He died on September 09, 194678. He married
Elizabeteh Beiter on July 04, 189178. She was born on June 29, 1870 in
Pennsylvania78. She died on October 01, 195778.
Notes for Thomas P. Cullen:
Thomas and Lizzie lived in Portage, Cambria County, Pennsylvania.
CHARLES W. CULLEN78 (son of Charles S. Cullen and Lucinda P. Hughes) was born
on April 10, 1870 in Portage, Cambria County, Pennsylvania78. He died on August
09, 194778. He married Theresa A. Riblett (daughter of Joshua Riblett and Mary ?
Spencer) on June 15, 190278. She was born in 1880 in Portage, Cambria County,
Pennsylvania78. She died in 197378.
Notes for Charles W. Cullen:
Charles and Theresa lived in Portage, Cambria County, Pennsylvania.
ALICE M. CULLEN78 (daughter of Charles S. Cullen and Lucinda P. Hughes) was
born on October 17, 1872 in Pennsylvania78.
MARGARET CULLEN78 (daughter of Charles S. Cullen and Lucinda P. Hughes) was
born on March 17, 1875 in Pennsylvania78. She died on October 10, 195078. She
married I. N. CLOUSER.
Notes for Margaret Cullen:
Margaret and her husband lived in Freeport, Armstrong County, Pennsylvania.
EDWARD J. CULLEN (son of Charles S. Cullen and Lucinda P. Hughes) was born on
January 14, 1877 in Pennsylvania78. He died on October 22, 195778. He married
FRANCES ?. She was born in December 1877 in Pennsylvania78.
Generation 5 (con't)
(son of Charles S. Cullen and Lucinda P. Hughes) was born on
September 09, 1879 in Pennsylvania78. He died on September 13, 187978.
MILLIE B. CULLEN78 (daughter of Charles S. Cullen and Lucinda P. Hughes) was
born in March 1882 in Pennsylvania78. She died on March 23, 194678. She married
viii. ARTHUR H. CULLEN78 (son of Charles S. Cullen and Lucinda P. Hughes) was born on
November 15, 1886 in Pennsylvania78. He died in 197778. He married Nellie E. ? in
190978. She was born in 1886 in Pennsylvania238. She died in 1961238.
MALINDA CATHERINE5 CULLEN (Margaret4 Closson, Peter3 Closson Jr., Peter2 Closson, Josiah1
Clawson)1 was born on January 14, 1846 in Wilmore, Croyle Township, Cambria County,
Pennsylvania78. She married Charles A. Dimond on June 25, 1868 in Wilmore, Croyle Township,
Cambria County, Pennsylvania1. He was born in 1846 in Croyle Township, Cambria County,
Charles A. Dimond and Malinda Catherine Cullen had the following children:
ARTHUR LOUISUM6 DIMOND548 (son of Charles A. Dimond and Malinda Catherine
Cullen) was born on November 01, 18691.
MINNIE DIMOND (daughter of Charles A. Dimond and Malinda Catherine Cullen)548.
ELMER DIMOND (son of Charles A. Dimond and Malinda Catherine Cullen)548.
CELIA DIMOND (daughter of Charles A. Dimond and Malinda Catherine Cullen)548.
CHARLES O. DIMOND (son of Charles A. Dimond and Malinda Catherine Cullen)548.
BLANCHE DIMOND (daughter of Charles A. Dimond and Malinda Catherine Cullen)548.
ZETA DIMOND (daughter of Charles A. Dimond and Malinda Catherine Cullen)548.
ANDREW D.5 CULLEN (Margaret4 Closson, Peter3 Closson Jr., Peter2 Closson, Josiah1 Clawson)1
was born on April 01, 1846 in Cambria County, Pennsylvania1. He died on November 28, 1918 in
Portage, Cambria County, Pennsylvania78. He married CATHERINE A. ?. She was born in March
184978. She died in 194178.
Notes for Andrew D. Cullen:
Andrew and Catherine lived in Portage, Cambria County, Pennsylvania.
Andrew D. Cullen and Catherine A. ? had the following children:
EMMA6 CULLEN78 (daughter of Andrew D. Cullen and Catherine A. ?) was born in
1867238. She died in 1882238.
SUE CULLEN78 (daughter of Andrew D. Cullen and Catherine A. ?) was born on
October 14, 1871 in Kittanning Point, Pennsylvania78. She died on July 11, 1935 in
Johnstown, Cambria County, Pennsylvania78. She married LEWIS HENRY HIMES.
FLORA CULLEN78 (daughter of Andrew D. Cullen and Catherine A. ?) was born in
1874238. She died in 1875238.
ANDREW CULLEN78 (son of Andrew D. Cullen and Catherine A. ?) was born in
1879238. He died in 188178.
EMILY M. CULLEN78 (daughter of Andrew D. Cullen and Catherine A. ?) was born in
1883238. She died in 1886238.
OSCAR CULLEN78 (son of Andrew D. Cullen and Catherine A. ?) was born in 1885238.
He died in 1991238.
CARRIE H. CULLEN78 (daughter of Andrew D. Cullen and Catherine A. ?) was born in
January 1888 in Pennsylvania78.
WILLIAM JAMES5 O'BRIEN (Catherine4 Closson, Peter3 Closson Jr., Peter2 Closson, Josiah1
Clawson)1 was born on February 25, 1843 in Hollidaysburg, Blair County, Pennsylvania. He died
on April 21, 1918 in Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania. He married FRANCES ?. She was
born on November 01, 1845 in Summit, Cambria County, Pennsylvania137. She died after 1938.
William James O'Brien and Frances ? had the following children:
ELIZABETH6 O'BRIEN (daughter of William James O'Brien and Frances ?)137. She
Generation 5 (con't)
ELIZABETH6 O'BRIEN (daughter of William James O'Brien and Frances ?)137. She
married B. J. HYLAND.
ANNIE O'BRIEN (daughter of William James O'Brien and Frances ?)137. She married
ANDREW GILBERT SELLERS (son of James Sellers and Annie ?). He was born on
June 24, 1867 in Altoona, Blair County, Pennsylvania. He died on December 29,
1937 in Altoona, Blair County, Pennsylvania.
DORA O'BRIEN (daughter of William James O'Brien and Frances ?)137. She married
JOHN T. O'BRIEN (son of William James O'Brien and Frances ?)137.
MYRTLE O'BRIEN (daughter of William James O'Brien and Frances ?)137. She
married ADAM DUVAL.
? O'BRIEN (daughter of William James O'Brien and Frances ?)137. She married
Notes for ? O'Brien:
In 1938, she and John lived in Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania.
MARY O'BRIEN137 (daughter of William James O'Brien and Frances ?) was born on
December 14, 1874 in Altoona, Blair County, Pennsylvania. She died on October
04, 1937 in Altoona, Blair County, Pennsylvania. She married GILBERT W. WEISS.
He died in 1926.
FRANCISCUM J.5 O'BRIEN (Catherine4 Closson, Peter3 Closson Jr., Peter2 Closson, Josiah1
Clawson)1 was born between January 15-17 1850 in Hollidaysburg, Blair County, Pennsylvania. He
died on April 28, 1928 in Altoona, Blair County, Pennsylvania.
Franciscum J. O'Brien had the following children:
CHARLES T.6 O'BRIEN (son of Franciscum J. O'Brien)137.
EDWARD F. O'BRIEN (son of Franciscum J. O'Brien)137.
LAURENCE J. O'BRIEN (son of Franciscum J. O'Brien)137.
WILLIAM H. O'BRIEN (son of Franciscum J. O'Brien)137.
? O'BRIEN (daughter of Franciscum J. O'Brien)137. She married THOMAS SCONNELL.
Notes for ? O'Brien:
In 1918, her and her husband were living in Altoona, Blair County, Pennsylvania.
JOHN DAVID5 O'BRIEN (Catherine4 Closson, Peter3 Closson Jr., Peter2 Closson, Josiah1 Clawson)239
was born on July 16, 1854 in Hollidaysburg, Blair County, Pennsylvania239. He died on July 21,
1927239. He married Elizabeth Jane Hart (daughter of Joseph Hart) on October 25, 1883239.
Notes for John David O'Brien:
JOHN DAVID O'BRIEN, late telegrapher for the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, completed
forty-six years of faithful service for that organization before his retirement in 1919. He was born in
Hollidaysburg, on Juniata Street, where members of his family still reside, on July 16, 1854. His
parents were Thomas O'Brien, one of Blair County's pioneer settlers, and Catharine Clawson
Mr. O'Brien attended the schools of Blair County and one of his teachers was Miss Martha Neville,
who later attained distinction in educational and literary circles as teacher and writer. Mr. O'Brien
became a telegrapher on March 1, 1873, when nineteen years of age and entered the service of
the Pennsylvania Railroad Company. For ten years he was stationed at Kittanning Point on the
famous Horseshoe Bend. Later he was almost continually employed at Hollidaysburg until he
retired at the age of sixty-five years. Mr. O'Brien won
Generation 5 (con't)
retired at the age of sixty-five years. Mr. O'Brien won
the regard of his friends and fellow employees among whom he was highly esteemed. He was
extraordinarily public spirited and fulfilled the responsible positions allotted him with courage. He
performed heroic work on many occasions and on two recorded instances prevented serious
wrecks on the railroad. It is a significant fact that Mr. O'Brien never had occasion to report a fellow
employee for insubordination. He was retired almost eight years before his death in Hollidaysburg
on July 21, 1927. Mr. O'Brien was a communicant of the Roman Catholic Church, adhered to the
political principles of the Republican Party, and was a member of the Brotherhood of American
Railway Telegraphers. Although his name was suggested for public offices on several occasions
but he never aspired to such positions.
On October 25, 1883, he married Miss Elizabeth Hart at Hollidaysburg. She was a daughter of
Joseph Hart who came to the United
States from Germany when six years of age. Her father was a pioneer settler in the town and
conducted an extensive brick manufacturing business. As such he was a dominant factor in the
early development of the community. Mrs. O'Brien's mother was Barbara Smith Hart, also a native
of Germany, who came to this country at the age of twelve. Mr. and Mrs. O'Brien had three
children: Mary, who married Richard R. Baker, of Laura Brush Mountain of Pennsylvania; Joseph
W., who married Edna Nivley, of Williamsburg, assistant general superintendent of A. & P. Tea
Co., and Howard, who died in infancy.
John David O'Brien and Elizabeth Jane Hart had the following children:
MARY6 O'BRIEN (daughter of John David O'Brien and Elizabeth Jane Hart)239. She
JOSEPH W. O'BRIEN (son of John David O'Brien and Elizabeth Jane Hart)239. He
married EDNA NIVELY.
HOWARD O'BRIEN (son of John David O'Brien and Elizabeth Jane Hart)239.
Notes for Howard O'Brien:
Howard died in infancy.
CATHARINAM5 O'BRIEN (Catherine4 Closson, Peter3 Closson Jr., Peter2 Closson, Josiah1 Clawson)1
was born on July 01, 1857 in Hollidaysburg, Blair County, Pennsylvania. She died on May 13,
1942. She married WILLIAM F. WOLF.
Notes for Catharinam O'Brien:
In 1910, Kate and William were living in Hollidaysburg, Blair County, Pennsylvania.
William F. Wolf and Catharinam O'Brien had the following children:
FRED J.6 WOLF137 (son of William F. Wolf and Catharinam O'Brien) was born on
September 05, 1889. He died on April 16, 1951.
HELEN C. WOLF (daughter of William F. Wolf and Catharinam O'Brien)137. She died
on July 30, 1954 in Hollidaysburg, Blair County, Pennsylvania.
CARRIE5 CLOSSIN (James4 Closson, Peter3 Closson Jr., Peter2 Closson, Josiah1 Clawson)81 was
born on July 16, 1873 in Pennsylvania80. She married EDWARD W. GANTT. He was born about 1876
in Pennsylvania242.
Edward W. Gantt and Carrie Clossin had the following children:
KENNETH6 GANTT242 (son of Edward W. Gantt and Carrie Clossin) was born about
1899 in Pennsylvania242.
HARRY GANTT242 (son of Edward W. Gantt and Carrie Clossin) was born about 1901
in Pennsylvania242.
HELEN GANTT242 (daughter of Edward W. Gantt and Carrie Clossin) was born about
1903 in Pennsylvania.
ELIZA J.5 CLOSSON (David4, David3, Peter2, Josiah1 Clawson)244 was born on October 31, 1845 in
Pennsylvania86. She died on April 05, 188986. She married James Daniel Kemmerling about 1867
in Blair County, Pennsylvania230. He was born in 1844 in Huntingdon, Huntingdon County,
James Daniel Kemmerling and Eliza J. Closson had the following children:
Generation 5 (con't)
MARY C. KEMMERLING230 (daughter of James Daniel Kemmerling and Eliza J.
Closson) was born in 1870 in Frankstown, Blair County, Pennsylvania230.
EFFIE KEMMERLING230 (daughter of James Daniel Kemmerling and Eliza J. Closson)
was born in 1875 in Lawrence, Douglas County, Kansas230.
ALLIE KEMMERLING230 (daughter of James Daniel Kemmerling and Eliza J. Closson)
was born in 1878 in Lawrence, Douglas County, Kansas230.
(daughter of James Daniel Kemmerling and Eliza J. Closson)
was born in 1868 in Frankstown, Blair County, Pennsylvania230.
JOHN H.5 CLOSSON (David4, David3, Peter2, Josiah1 Clawson)233 was born on November 29, 1843
in Carson Valley, Allegheny Township, Blair County, Pennsylvania231. He died on December 24,
1925 in Cross Keys, Blair County, Pennsylvania137. He married Jemima Shadle on May 15,
1870245. She was born on February 13, 1849 in Blair County, Pennsylvania230. She died on August
16, 1936 in Cross Keys, Blair County, Pennsylvania137.
Notes for John H. Closson:
According to the 1880 Census, John and his family were living in Frankstown Township, Blair
County, Pennsylvania.
According to the 1900 Census, John and his family were living in Allegheny Township, Blair
County, Pennsylvania. His father was also living with him.
John H. Closson, of Cross Keys died at 8:10 o'clock Thursday evening at his home following and
illness of two days. He was born November 29, 1843, at Carson Valley and spent his entire lie in
that section. He followed the occupation of woodsman. He was united in marriage to Miss Jemima
Shadle on May 15, 1870, who survives together with the following children: John William and
Charles H. of Cross Keys, Percy H. of Carson Valley, Mrs. Bertha Fleming of Altoona and Mrs. Ida
Buck, of Duncansville. He is also survived by three brothers and one sister, William H, of
Williamsburg Benjamin, of Altoona, and Mrs. Snowberger, of East Freedom. He was a member of
the Duncansville Lutheran church and a leader in the Sunday school. Funeral services were
conducted at 2:20 o'clock yesterday afternoon at the Carson Valley church of the Brethren in
charge of the Rev. Isaac Krider, of Duncansville Lutheran church. Interment was made in the
Carson Valley cemetery.
Notes for Jemima Shadle:
Widow of John Closson and well known resident of Cross Keys, died at her home at that place on
Sunday morning at 8.30 o'clock. Death was attributed to cancer of the stomach. She had been
seriously ill for the last two months. She was born at Sarah Furnace on Feb. 13, 1849. She was a
daughter of John and Apalona Shadle. Her husband, to whom she was wedded many years ago,
died on Dec. 24, 1925. Surviving are the following children: Ida Buck, Charles Closson, and Percy
Closson, all of Cross Keys, and William, who resided at home; also one sister, Mrs. Hannah Dell of
Duncansville, who is in her 92nd year, and eight grandchildren. Mrs. Closson was on of the oldest
members of the Duncansville Lutheran church. The funeral services will be conducted on Tuesday
afternoon at 2.30 o'clock in the Carson Valley Church of the Brethren, with her pastor, Rev. G. B.
Harman, in charge. Interment will be made in the Carson Valley cemetery.
John H. Closson and Jemima Shadle had the following children:
BERTHA6 CLOSSON231, 549 (daughter of John H. Closson and Jemima Shadle) was
born in 1870 in Frankstown Township, Blair County, Pennsylvania549. She married ?
JOHN WILLIAM CLOSSON231, 245, 549 (son of John H. Closson and Jemima Shadle) was
born in 1871 in Frankstown Township, Blair County, Pennsylvania549.
IDA MAY CLOSSON230-231, 549 (daughter of John H. Closson and Jemima Shadle) was
born in November 1876 in Frankstown, Blair County, Pennsylvania230. She married
James R. Buck in 1896 in Blair County, Pennsylvania230. He was born in December
ALICE CLOSSON549 (daughter of John H. Closson and Jemima Shadle) was born in
Generation 5 (con't)
ALICE CLOSSON549 (daughter of John H. Closson and Jemima Shadle) was born in
1877 in Frankstown Township, Blair County, Pennsylvania549.
EDWARD CLOSSON549 (son of John H. Closson and Jemima Shadle) was born in
1879 in Frankstown Township, Blair County, Pennsylvania549.
CHARLES HENRY CLOSSON230-231, 245 (son of John H. Closson and Jemima Shadle)
was born on May 15, 1886 in Blair County, Pennsylvania230, 245.
PERCY HARRISON CLOSSON231, 245 (son of John H. Closson and Jemima Shadle) was
born on October 19, 1888 in Allegheny Township, Blair County, Pennsylvania230.
He died on April 20, 1973 in Duncansville, Blair County, Pennsylvania230. He
married Grace Orr (daughter of Frank J. Orr and Jennie ?) in 1919 in Blair County,
Pennsylvania230. She was born in 1898230.
WILLIAM HARRISON5 CLOSSON (David4, David3, Peter2, Josiah1 Clawson)231, 233, 246-250 was born on
July 20, 1858 in Allegheny Township, Blair County, Pennsylvania246, 248. He died on September 15,
1944 in Altoona Hospital, Altoona, Blair County, Pennsylvania246, 249. He married (1) ELIZABETH
AGNES PHEASANT on February 22, 1877 in Canan Station, Blair, Pennsylvania246. She was born on
May 12, 1860 in Trough Creek Valley, Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania246. She died on May 27,
1921 in Altoona, Blair County, Pennsylvania246, 249. He married (2) ANNIE M. THOMPSON on
November 08, 1924 in Trinity Methodist Parsonage, Blair, Pennsylvania246. She was born in
February 1866245.
Notes for William Harrison Closson:
According to the 1880 Census, William and his family were living in Hollidaysburg, Blair County,
According to the 1900 Census, William and Annie were living in Allegneny Township, Blair County,
William Harrison Closson and Elizabeth Agnes Pheasant had the following children:
FRANK A6 CLOSSON247, 250, 550 (son of William Harrison Closson and Elizabeth Agnes
Pheasant) was born on March 27, 1877 in Altoona, Pennsylvania250. He died on
September 22, 1953 in Presbyterian Home, Philadelphia, Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania246, 250. He married Emma Elizabeth Stevens on July 19, 1896 in
Juniata Township, Blair County, Pennsylvania551. She was born on November 14,
1876 in Swindon, Wiltshire England551. She died on December 01, 1964551.
VIOLA MAUD CLOSSON246-247 (daughter of William Harrison Closson and Elizabeth
Agnes Pheasant) was born in January 1879 in Duncansville, Blair County,
Pennsylvania246. She died on June 21, 1913 in Altoona Hospital, Altoona, Blair
County, Pennsylvania246. She married Oscar L. Herrick (son of George Herrick and
Virginia Stroud) on October 16, 1896 in Altoona, Blair Pennsylvania552. He was born
on October 02, 1876 in Marshall, Harrison County, Texas552-554.
HARRY LEROY CLOSSON246, 555-556 (son of William Harrison Closson and Elizabeth
Agnes Pheasant) was born on April 17, 1881 in Hollidaysburg, Blair County,
Pennsylvania246. He died on December 11, 1944 in Hollywood City, Broward
County, Florida557. He married Helen LeNora Joyce (daughter of Randall Joyce and
Nora Joyce) in 1930 in Altoona, Blair County, Pennsylvania557. She was born on
October 28, 1901 in Altoona, Blair County, Pennsylvania557-558. She died on April
21, 1980 in Lake Wales City, Polk County, Florida557.
MABEL CLOSSON246, 559 (daughter of William Harrison Closson and Elizabeth Agnes
Pheasant) was born on April 28, 1883 in Carson Valley, Blair, Pennsylvania246. She
died on August 19, 1966 in Altoona Hospital, Altoona, Blair County,
Pennsylvania246. She married William. H. Baldwin on June 29, 1906 in Juniata,
Blair, Pennsylvania560. He was born about 1883 in Lewistown, Mifflin County,
GRACE CLOSSON246 (daughter of William Harrison Closson and Elizabeth Agnes
Pheasant) was born on April 25, 1885 in Altoona, Blair County, Pennsylvania246.
She died on March 30, 1967 in Altoona, Blair County, Pennsylvania246.
CRYTIE MYRTLE CLOSSON246 (daughter of William Harrison Closson and Elizabeth
Generation 5 (con't)
CRYTIE MYRTLE CLOSSON246 (daughter of William Harrison Closson and Elizabeth
Agnes Pheasant) was born on November 05, 1889 in Altoona, Blair County,
Pennsylvania246. She died on November 07, 1961 in Altoona, Blair County,
AMON DEWAYNE CLOSSON246, 561 (son of William Harrison Closson and Elizabeth
Agnes Pheasant) was born on May 28, 1898 in Lewistown, Mifflin County,
Pennsylvania246, 561. He died on February 10, 1972 in Philadelphia, Philadelphia
County, Pennsylvania246. He married Margaret Cassarly (daughter of Peter Joseph
Cassarly and Helena Shultz) in 1921 in Pennsylvania562. She was born on February
26, 1901 in Altoona, Blair County, Pennsylvania563-564. She died on August 20, 1990
in Philadelphia, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania563-564.
BENJAMIN FRANKLIN5 CLOSSON (David4, David3, Peter2, Josiah1 Clawson)83-84, 231, 252 was born on
March 25, 1866 in Blair County, Pennsylvania84. He died on August 24, 1936 in Hollidaysburg,
Blair County, Pennsylvania (Age: 7084). He married Mary A. Van Scoyoc (daughter of John Van
Scoyoc and Ann Eliza Adams) on July 01, 1884 in Williamsburg, Blair, Pennsylvania252. She was
born in 1863 in Blair County, Pennsylvania252.
Benjamin Franklin Closson and Mary A. Van Scoyoc had the following children:
JOHN VAN SCOYOC6 CLOSSON252 (son of Benjamin Franklin Closson and Mary A.
Van Scoyoc) was born on July 07, 1886 in Pennsylvania252. He died on January 09,
1888 in Pennsylvania252.
CHARLES CHESTER CLOSSON252 (son of Benjamin Franklin Closson and Mary A. Van
Scoyoc) was born on May 30, 1889 in Blair County, Pennsylvania252. He died on
January 12, 1890 in Blair County, Pennsylvania252.
JOSIAH S.5 CLOSSON (Thomas Scott4, Josiah3, Peter2, Josiah1 Clawson)1, 254-255 was born on
August 14, 1842255. He died on March 01, 1901255. He married MARTHA A. ?. She was born on
December 07, 1843 in Blair County, Pennsylvania256. She died on April 13, 1873 in Blair County,
Notes for Josiah S. Closson:
According to the 1880 Census, Josiah was living in Altoona, Blair County, Pennsylvania with his
Josiah S. Closson and Martha A. ? had the following child:
MATTIE LOYED6 CLOSSON256 (daughter of Josiah S. Closson and Martha A. ?) was
born in Blair County, Pennsylvania256. She died in Blair County, Pennsylvania256.
THOMAS SCOTT5 CLOSSON (Thomas Scott4, Josiah3, Peter2, Josiah1 Clawson)88, 257-259 was born in
June 1847 in Tipton, Blair County, Pennsylvania257. He died on April 18, 1910 in Bellwood, Blair
County, Pennsylvania260. He married Louisa Charlotte Newhouse about 1868259. She was born in
March 1851 in Pennsylvania259.
Notes for Thomas Scott Closson:
According to the 1870 Census, Thomas and his family were living in Antis Township, Blair County,
According to the 1880 Census, Thomas and his family were living in Logan Township, Blair
County, Pennsylvania.
According to the 1900 Census, Thomas and his family were living in Bellwood, Antis Township,
Blair County, Pennsylvania.
According to the 1910 Census, Thomas and Louisa were living in Blair County, Pennsylvania.
Thomas Scott Closson and Louisa Charlotte Newhouse had the following children:
MARY E.6 CLOSSON258, 535 (daughter of Thomas Scott Closson and Louisa Charlotte
Newhouse) was born in August 1868 in Pennsylvania565.
WILLIAM CLOSSON258 (son of Thomas Scott Closson and Louisa Charlotte
Newhouse) was born in August 1870 in Pennsylvania565. He married Amanda ?
about 1895565. She was born in February 1874 in Pennsylvania565.
Generation 5 (con't)
FLORENCE CLOSSON258 (daughter of Thomas Scott Closson and Louisa Charlotte
Newhouse) was born about 1872 in Pennsylvania258.
RACHEL ELIZABETH CLOSSON258, 565 (daughter of Thomas Scott Closson and Louisa
Charlotte Newhouse) was born on May 22, 1878 in Pennsylvania257. She died on
July 25, 1947 in Pennsylvania257. She married EDWARD IRVIN. He was born on
September 28, 1870 in Bellwood, Blair County, Pennsylvania257. He died in
February 1948 in Pecos, New Mexico, USA257.
JAMES B. CLOSSON565 (son of Thomas Scott Closson and Louisa Charlotte
Newhouse) was born in January 1881 in Pennsylvania565.
CALEB HORACE5 CLOSSON (Thomas Scott4, Josiah3, Peter2, Josiah1 Clawson)1, 81, 87, 254, 261-262 was
born on June 05, 1848 in Tipton, Blair County, Pennsylvania87. He died on February 24, 1911 in
Altoona, Blair County, Pennsylvania87, 261. He married Kate Christiana Clark about 1876263. She
was born in June 1851 in Pennsylvania263. She died on October 28, 1934 in Altoona, Blair County,
Notes for Caleb Horace Closson:
According to the 1880 Census, Caleb and his family were living in Altoona, Blair County,
According to the 1900 Census, Caleb and his family were living in Altoona, Blair County,
Caleb Horace Closson and Kate Christiana Clark had the following children:
BERTHA LLOYD6 CLOSSON1, 81, 566 (daughter of Caleb Horace Closson and Kate
Christiana Clark) was born about 1874 in Pennsylvania81. She married ALBERT
RUSSELL AUKERMAN. He was born about 1874 in Pennsylvania566.
MAUDE CECILIA CLOSSON1, 81, 262 (daughter of Caleb Horace Closson and Kate
Christiana Clark) was born on January 20, 1878 in Altoona, Blair County,
Pennsylvania262. She died on December 18, 1952 in Altoona, Blair County,
Pennsylvania (Age: 74262). She married Frank W. Talley (son of Joseph Talley and
Margaret Shelby) in 1906567. He was born on September 03, 1865 in Wilmington,
New Castle County, Delaware568. He died on February 16, 1907 in Philadelphia,
Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania568-569.
MICHAEL D5 REIDY (Margaret4 Closson, Josiah3 Closson, Peter2 Closson, Josiah1 Clawson)265 was
born on March 06, 1842 in Tipton, Berks County, Pennsylvania265. He died on September 02, 1915
in Wallaceton, Boggs Township, Clearfield County, Pennsylvania265. He married ELLA LUCRETIA
O'DELL (daughter of John Stone O'Dell and Sarah Ann Ginter). She was born on January 02, 1846
in Grayhampton, Pennsylvania265. She died on January 21, 1925 in Long Beach, Los Angeles
County, California265.
Michael D Reidy and Ella Lucretia O'Dell had the following child:
HARRY A.6 REIDY265 (son of Michael D Reidy and Ella Lucretia O'Dell) was born on
November 24, 1866 in Clearfield County, Pennsylvania265. He died on February 21,
1932 in Compton, Los Angeles County, California265.
BENJAMIN W.5 CLAWSON (Richard Benjamin4, Benjamin Richard3, Richard2, Josiah1)6, 266 was born
on July 11, 1833 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He died on October 01,
1917 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He married Caroline Ferguson
(daughter of Elliott Ferguson and Hulda Clawson) on October 12, 1897 in Blairsville, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania. She was born on August 15, 1872 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania52. She died on August 08, 1938 in Indiana, Indiana County, Pennsylvania1.
Notes for Benjamin W. Clawson:
Anna Mary Clawson was the only child of Benjamin and Caroline.
According to the 1860 Census, Benjamin was living with his grandfather, Benjamin R. Clawson, in
Blacklick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
Generation 5 (con't)
According to the 1870 Census, Benjamin was living with his parents in Blacklick Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania.
According to the 1900 Census, Benjamin and his family were living in Blacklick Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania.
Notes for Caroline Ferguson:
According to the 1930 census, Carrie was living with her brother, Larry, in Blacklick Township,
Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
Benjamin W. Clawson and Caroline Ferguson had the following children:
ANNA MARY6 CLAWSON137, 266-267 (daughter of Benjamin W. Clawson and Caroline
Ferguson) was born on July 16, 1898 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania211. She died on December 20, 1959 in Black Lick Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania1. She married Charles Otto Swasy (son of John Harrison
Swasy and Matilda Lyons) on December 24, 19141. He was born on October 31,
1891 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He died on March 02,
1971 in Blairsville R. D. 2, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
NAOMI CHARLOTTE CLAWSON137 (adopted daughter of Benjamin W. Clawson and
Caroline Ferguson) was born on July 19, 1916 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania137.
She died on June 21, 2005 in Grant Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania570.
She married Elmer D. Snyder (son of Andrew C. Snyder and Elizabeth Colgan) on
August 03, 1940137. He was born on July 04, 1904 in Grant Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania137. He died on September 02, 1986 in Rochester Mills R. D.
1, Indiana County, Pennsylvania137.
Notes for Naomi Charlotte Clawson:
In 1938, Naomi was living in Blacklick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
DWIGHT GERE5 CLAWSON (Richard Benjamin4, Benjamin Richard3, Richard2, Josiah1)267 was born
on July 31, 1847 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He died on November 22,
1885 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He married Margaret Ellen Long
(daughter of Jesse M. Long and Sarah Smith) on February 26, 1874 in Livermore, Westmoreland
County, Pennsylvania12. She was born on August 21, 1854 in Black Lick Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania. She died on July 16, 1931.
Notes for Dwight Gere Clawson:
According to the 1870 Census, Gere was living with his parents in Blacklick Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania.
Dwight Gere Clawson and Margaret Ellen Long had the following children:
BOYD W.6 CLAWSON267, 348 (son of Dwight Gere Clawson and Margaret Ellen Long)
was born on December 03, 1874 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania362. He died on March 06, 1963 in Black Lick Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania. He married Mary Alice Fritz (daughter of Conrad Fritz) on
December 27, 1894 in Livermore, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania452. She was
born in February 1879 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania1. She
died in 1935114.
Notes for Boyd W. Clawson:
In 1957, Boyd was living in Blairsville RD 2, Pennsylvania.
BENJAMIN MILTON CLAWSON267, 398 (son of Dwight Gere Clawson and Margaret Ellen
Long) was born on November 14, 1875 in Blairsville, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania280. He died on August 14, 1957 in Blairsville R. D. 2, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania12. He married Gertrude Hannah Cramer (daughter of Thompson
Cramer and Sarah Ann Kelly) on December 31, 1897 in Indiana County,
Pennsylvania1. She was born on September 08, 1877 in Black Lick Township,
Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She died on July 03, 1949 in Black Lick Township,
Indiana County, Pennsylvania57.
Generation 5 (con't)
Notes for Benjamin Milton Clawson:
According to the 1930 census, Benjamin and his family were living in Blacklick
Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
JESSE KNOX CLAWSON44, 267 (son of Dwight Gere Clawson and Margaret Ellen Long)
was born on January 10, 1879 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania280. He died on April
18, 1970 in Titusville, Brevard County, Florida12. He married Martha Jane Williams
(daughter of Charles Clawson Williams and Sophia Ann Heimer) on August 10,
1898 in Indiana, Indiana County, Pennsylvania19. She was born on April 28, 1881 in
Young Township, Jefferson County, Pennsylvania133. She died before October 07,
1953 in Vandergrift R. D. 1, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania133.
Notes for Jesse Knox Clawson:
According to the 1900 Census, Knox and his family were living in Blacklick
Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
In 1957, Jesse was living in Vandergrift, Pennsylvania.
Relationship Notes for Jesse Knox Clawson and Martha Jane Williams:
Martha and Jesse were married on a Wednesday.
GEORGE SMITH CLAWSON44, 176, 267 (son of Dwight Gere Clawson and Margaret Ellen
Long) was born on March 03, 1881 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania176. He died on July 21, 1958 in Burrell Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania176. He married (1) ROXANNA FERGUSON (daughter of Elliott Ferguson
and Hulda Clawson) on November 12, 1902293. She was born on October 21, 1879
in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania176. She died on October 21,
1942 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania176. He married (2)
FANNIE E. RANKIN (daughter of Alexander Rankin and Sarah Margaret Huston) on
June 08, 1956. She was born on March 18, 1883 in Black Lick Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania. She died on May 11, 1982 in Burrell Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania1.
Notes for George Smith Clawson:
According to the 1930 census, George and his family were living in Blacklick
Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
In 1957, George was living in Blairsville RD 2, Pennsylvania.
CYNTHIA AUGUSTA CLAWSON44, 267 (daughter of Dwight Gere Clawson and Margaret
Ellen Long) was born on November 04, 1882 in Black Lick Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania137. She died on April 09, 1973 in Homer City R. D. 2, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania137. She married LESLIE COVER. He died before 1970.
Notes for Cynthia Augusta Clawson:
In 1957,Cynthia and Wesley were living in Indiana, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
In 1963, Cynthia was living in Homer City, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
In 1970, Cynthia was living in Indiana, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
RACHEL MAE CLAWSON44, 267, 392-395 (daughter of Dwight Gere Clawson and Margaret
Ellen Long) was born on August 14, 1884 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania393, 395. She died on December 09, 1976395. She married James Davis
Cramer (son of Thompson Cramer and Sarah Ann Kelly) on March 31, 1904 in
Blairsville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania57. He was born on April 29, 1873 in Black
Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania170. He died on April 29, 1923 in White
Township, Cambria County, Pennsylvania57, 170.
Notes for Rachel Mae Clawson:
In 1957, Mae was living in Blairsville RD 2, Pennsylvania.
In 1963, Mae was living in Blacklick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
Generation 5 (con't)
In 1970, Mae was living in Indiana, Pennsylvania.
Notes for James Davis Cramer:
In 1913, James was living in Blacklick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
According to the 1920 census, James and his family were living in Blacklick
Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
REBECCA JANE5 CLAWSON (Richard Benjamin4, Benjamin Richard3, Richard2, Josiah1)3, 36, 268 was
born on March 08, 1852 in Black Lick, Indiana County, Pennsylvania267-268. She died on March 21,
1926 in Clymer, Indiana County, Pennsylvania268. She married Benjamin F. Donahey (son of
William Jay Donahey and Margaret Davis) on December 04, 1873 in Indiana County,
Pennsylvania3. He was born on February 07, 1849 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania3, 127. He died on January 10, 1913 in Green Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania127, 269.
Notes for Benjamin F. Donahey:
In 1913, Benjamin was living in Green Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
Benjamin F. Donahey and Rebecca Jane Clawson had the following children:
CYNTHIA AUGUSTA6 DONAHEY120, 301 (daughter of Benjamin F. Donahey and Rebecca
Jane Clawson) was born in February 1875 in Black Lick, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania268. She died on June 20, 1939139. She married William Grant Wike
(son of George Wike and Pleasant Clawson) about October 1896301. He was born
on September 15, 1879 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He died on October 03,
1947 in Clymer, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
GERE DWIGHT DONAHEY268 (son of Benjamin F. Donahey and Rebecca Jane
Clawson) was born on April 10, 1878 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania268. He died
on September 09, 1949 in Winter Garden, Orange County, Florida268. He married
Ella Mary McMillen (biological daughter of David McMillen and daughter of Huldah
Clawson) on January 25, 1905120. She died in 1949.
Notes for Gere Dwight Donahey:
In 1913, Gere was living in Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
Notes for Ella Mary McMillen:
Ella went by McMillen. Not sure which name was her maiden name.
ELIZA J.5 BENNETT (Mary4 Clawson, Benjamin Richard3 Clawson, Richard2 Clawson, Josiah1
Clawson)6, 42 was born in 1844 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania6. She
married JOHN TAYLOR.
John Taylor and Eliza J. Bennett had the following children:
SAMUEL6 TAYLOR (son of John Taylor and Eliza J. Bennett)12.
JAMES TAYLOR (son of John Taylor and Eliza J. Bennett)12.
ANNA TAYLOR (daughter of John Taylor and Eliza J. Bennett)12.
REBECCA S.5 BENNETT (Mary4 Clawson, Benjamin Richard3 Clawson, Richard2 Clawson, Josiah1
Clawson)6, 42 was born in 1848 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania6. She
married (1) DAVID D. CLAWSON (son of Richard Samuel Clawson and Eleanora Davis). He was
born in 1847 in Pennsylvania6. He died on February 21, 1880 in Burrell Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania27. She married (2) JOHN LEAR.
Notes for David D. Clawson:
According to the 1870 Census, David and his family were living in Blacklick Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania.
David D. Clawson and Rebecca S. Bennett had the following children:
IDA MAE6 CLAWSON1, 36 (daughter of David D. Clawson and Rebecca S. Bennett)
was born in 1867 in Pennsylvania36. She died on October 01, 187227.
MARGARET I. CLAWSON1, 36 (daughter of David D. Clawson and Rebecca S. Bennett)
Generation 5 (con't)
MARGARET I. CLAWSON1, 36 (daughter of David D. Clawson and Rebecca S. Bennett)
was born in 1869 in Pennsylvania36. She married Alonza B. Kelley (son of John E.
Kelley) on October 08, 18901. He was born about 18691.
SAMUEL SETH CLAWSON12 (son of David D. Clawson and Rebecca S. Bennett) was
born on June 14, 1874280.
ORA ADA CLAWSON12 (daughter of David D. Clawson and Rebecca S. Bennett) was
born in 18791.
HULDAH LOUISE5 BENNETT (Mary4 Clawson, Benjamin Richard3 Clawson, Richard2 Clawson,
Josiah1 Clawson)12, 42 was born on October 27, 1854 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania. She died on November 12, 1926. She married (1) ? JAMISON. She married (2) ?
? Jamison and Huldah Louise Bennett had the following children:
JOHN6 JAMISON (son of ? Jamison and Huldah Louise Bennett)12.
CATHERINE JAMISON (daughter of ? Jamison and Huldah Louise Bennett)12.
SAMUEL5 BENNETT (Mary4 Clawson, Benjamin Richard3 Clawson, Richard2 Clawson, Josiah1
Clawson)42 was born about 1858 in Pennsylvania42. He married Melinda E. Thompson (daughter of
Samuel Thompson and Sarah Clawson) in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
She was born on February 14, 1868. She died on August 14, 1937.
Samuel Bennett and Melinda E. Thompson had the following children:
HAZEL6 BENNETT (daughter of Samuel Bennett and Melinda E. Thompson).
SAMUEL BENNETT (son of Samuel Bennett and Melinda E. Thompson).
TELFORD BENNETT (son of Samuel Bennett and Melinda E. Thompson).
LEE BENNETT (daughter of Samuel Bennett and Melinda E. Thompson). She
REBECCA ANN5 REPINE (Daniel4, Rebecca3 Clawson, Richard2 Clawson, Josiah1 Clawson)6 was
born on May 20, 1834 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She died on April 27,
1872 in Burrell Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She married Jonathan Clawson (son of
Jonathan Clawson and Sarah Moorehead) on September 29, 1853 in Indiana County,
Pennsylvania49. He was born on January 02, 1825 in Blairsville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania1. He
died on April 04, 1892 in Burrell Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania133.
Notes for Jonathan Clawson:
According to the 1850 census, Jonathan was living with his brother, Washington, in Blacklick
Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
According to the 1880 census, Jonathan and his family were living in Burrell Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania.
Jonathan Clawson and Rebecca Ann Repine had the following children:
AMANDA5 CLAWSON1 (daughter of Jonathan Clawson and Rebecca Ann Repine) was
born in Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She married ALEX MUIR.
EMMA CLAWSON1 (daughter of Jonathan Clawson and Rebecca Ann Repine) was
born in Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She married COAD CURTIS.
CLARISSA CLAWSON1 (daughter of Jonathan Clawson and Rebecca Ann Repine)
was born in 1854 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
DANIEL R. CLAWSON1, 133-134 (son of Jonathan Clawson and Rebecca Ann Repine)
was born in November 1854 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania1. He died before
September 15, 1923133. He married REBECCA H. MORTON (daughter of Ruth ?). She
was born in February 1853 in Pennsylvania1. She died before March 21, 1927133.
Notes for Daniel R. Clawson:
According to the 1880 census, Daniel and his family were living in Burrell Township,
Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He was living with his in-laws.
SARAH CLAWSON1 (daughter of Jonathan Clawson and Rebecca Ann Repine) was
born in 1857 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
Generation 5 (con't)
(son of Jonathan Clawson and Rebecca Ann Repine) was born
in 1859 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He died before 1870.
REBECCA CLAWSON1 (daughter of Jonathan Clawson and Rebecca Ann Repine) was
born in 1863 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
viii. FRANCIS A. CLAWSON1 (son of Jonathan Clawson and Rebecca Ann Repine) was
born in February 1863 in Pennsylvania332.
Notes for Francis A. Clawson:
According to the 1900 Census, Frank was living with his brother John in New Derry
and Bradenville, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania.
JOSEPH CLAWSON1 (son of Jonathan Clawson and Rebecca Ann Repine) was born
in 1865 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
SAMANTHA CLAWSON1 (daughter of Jonathan Clawson and Rebecca Ann Repine)
was born in 1865 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She married REUBEN RAGER.
HARRY J. CLAWSON1, 134 (son of Jonathan Clawson and Rebecca Ann Repine) was
born in January 1869 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He married Bertha Connor
(daughter of James Connor and Bell ?) on October 26, 18971. She was born in
September 18751.
JOHN ELMER CLAWSON49, 134 (son of Jonathan Clawson and Rebecca Ann Repine)
was born on January 22, 1870 in Burrell Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania333. He died on June 02, 1948 in Ligonier Township, Westmoreland
County, Pennsylvania333. He married Catherine Harvey (daughter of Bryon Wilson
Harvey and Mary Hoover) on March 05, 1894 in Morrellville, Johnstown, Cambria
County, Pennsylvania333. She was born on February 02, 1875 in Heshbon, West
Wheatfield Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania333. She died on May 08, 1948
in Ligonier Township, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania333.
Notes for John Elmer Clawson:
According to the 1900 Census, John and his family were living in New Derry and
Bradenville, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania. His brother Frank was also
living him.
According to the 1930 census, John and his family were living in Latrobe,
Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania.
JOSEPH5 REPINE (Daniel4, Rebecca3 Clawson, Richard2 Clawson, Josiah1 Clawson)6 was born
about 1837 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania6. He married ELIZABETH ?. She
was born about 1838 in Pennsylvania134.
Notes for Joseph Repine:
According to the 1880 census, Joseph and his family were living in Burrell Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania.
Joseph Repine and Elizabeth ? had the following children:
DANIEL6 REPINE134 (son of Joseph Repine and Elizabeth ?) was born about 1863 in
THOMAS REPINE134 (son of Joseph Repine and Elizabeth ?) was born about 1865 in
JOSEPH REPINE134 (son of Joseph Repine and Elizabeth ?) was born about 1868 in
JOHN REPINE134 (son of Joseph Repine and Elizabeth ?) was born about 1869 in
SAMUEL REPINE134 (son of Joseph Repine and Elizabeth ?) was born about 1873 in
JUDD5 REPINE (Joseph Claussen4, Rebecca3 Clawson, Richard2 Clawson, Josiah1 Clawson)96 was
born in March 1857 in Illinois97. He died between 1909-1929. He married Rosa Stroup on May 20,
1876 in Rock Island County, Illinois97. She was born in 186097. She died in 189997.
Generation 5 (con't)
1876 in Rock Island County, Illinois97. She was born in 186097. She died in 189997.
Notes for Judd Repine:
According to the 1880 Census, Judd was living with his mother in Rock Island, Rock Island County,
Illinois. His wife and daughter are not listed with him.
Judd Repine and Rosa Stroup had the following child:
MARY6 REPINE (daughter of Judd Repine and Rosa Stroup) was born in 1877 in
JOSEPH ELLSWORTH5 REPINE (Joseph Claussen4, Rebecca3 Clawson, Richard2 Clawson, Josiah1
Clawson)97 was born on April 17, 1862 in Rock Island County, Illinois137. He died on January 24,
1909 in Rock Island County, Illinois97. He married Matilda Kale (daughter of Peter Kale and Mary
Apelonia Oswald) on May 14, 1885 in Rock Island County, Illinois97. She was born in April 1860 in
Rock Island County, Illinois97. She died before 194597.
Notes for Joseph Ellsworth Repine:
Joseph E. Repine, 314 Seventh street, died Sunday morning at 6:20 o'clock. The cause of his
death was inflammation of the brain which is attributed to sun stroke suffered by him some sixteen
years ago. He had been taken to St. Anthony's hospital where he died. He has been a resident of
Rock Island all his life and was born here April 17, 1862. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Matilda
Repine, a son Harry, his aged mother, a brother Judd and three sisters. Maragret, Minnie and Flora
Repine. The funeral services will be held Tuesday afternoon at 2:00 o'clock at St. Joseph's church.
Interment will be made in Calvary cemetery.
Notes for Matilda Kale:
1880 census listed Matilda (Tillie) as a servant in the home of James and Johannah Mahoney. Mr.
Mahoney was a RR Freight Agent.
1910 census listed Matilda living with her sister, Mary Ann Kale Murray and her family in
Wakeeney, Kansas.
1920 census listed Matilda as a servant in the home of William and Samuel Kelly. Living in
Wakeeney, Kansas.
1930 census listed Matlda as a servant in the home of Samuel Kelly. Living in Wakeeney, Kansas.
Joseph Ellsworth Repine and Matilda Kale had the following child:
HARRY EDWARD6 REPINE97 (son of Joseph Ellsworth Repine and Matilda Kale) was
born on September 18, 1885 in Rock Island, Rock Island County, Illinois137. He died
on August 06, 1948 in Rock Island, Rock Island County, Illinois97. He married Ada
Julia Lundberg (daughter of Charles Lundberg and Christine Rask) on November
25, 1908 in Rock Island, Rock Island County, Illinois137. She was born on December
15, 1886 in Geneseo, Henry County, Illinois137. She died on May 23, 1973 in Coal
Valley, Rock Island County, Illinois.
Notes for Harry Edward Repine:
According to the 1930 Census, Harry and his family were living in Rock Island,
Rock Island County, Illinois.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Harry Repine, Former Union Official, Dies.
Services Monday for Lifelong Rock Island Resident and Well-Known Plumber.
Harry E. Repine, 62, of 111 nineteenth - and - a - half avenue, Rock Island, died at
8 o'clock last evening in the Rock Island county tubercilosis sanatorium, where he
had been a patient for the past four years. He was a lifelong resident of this city and
was secretary of Rock Island plumbers local, No. 25 (AFL), for 25 years.
Born in Rock Island Sept. 18, 1885, a son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Repine, he was
educated in Rock Island schools and St. Bede's college. He married the former Ada
Lundberg in Rock Island Nov. 25, 1908.
Generation 5 (con't)
He was employed as a plumber by the Channon & Dufva company for 27 years. In
addition to being a member and secretary of the Rock Island plumbers union, he
was secretary of the state plumbers association for 25 years.
Survivors are the widow, a son, Joseph of Chicago, and a grandson.
Friends may visit the Wheelan funeral home after 5 o'clock this evening. Funeral
seervices will be held in the funeral home at 8:30 o'clock Monday morning and at 9
o'clock in St. Joseph's Catholic church. Burial will be in Calvary cemetery. The
rosary will be recited at 8 o'clock tomorrow evening in the funeral home.
Notes for Ada Julia Lundberg:
Rites are set for Mrs. Repine, past resident.
Funeral services for Mrs. Ada J. Repine, 86, formerly of 1111 19 1/2 Ave., Rock
Island, who died yesterday, will be held at 9 tomorrow morning at St. Joseph's
Roman Catholic Church. Burial will be in Calvary Cemetery. Friends may call at the
Wheelan Funeral Home, where a Rosary will be recited at 7 tonight.
The former Ada Lundberg was born Dec 15, 1886, in Geneseo, the daughter of
Charles and Christine Rask Lundberg.
She was married to Harry E. Repine Nov. 25, 1908, in Rock Island. He preceded
her in death in 1948.
Mrs. Repine had lived in Rock Island since her marriage.
Surviving are a son, Joseph C., Oshkosh, Wis., two grandchildren and two
great-grandchildren. She was also preceded in death by six brothers and six sisters.
REBECCA JANE5 REPINE (Richard4, Rebecca3 Clawson, Richard2 Clawson, Josiah1 Clawson)42, 176
was born in 1847 in Pennsylvania176. She died in January 1914176. She married A. S. CUNNINGHAM.
He was born in 1844176. He died in December 1916176.
Notes for Rebecca Jane Repine:
In 1905, they were living in Johnstown, Cambria County, Pennsylvania.
A. S. Cunningham and Rebecca Jane Repine had the following children:
GRACE6 CUNNINGHAM137, 572 (daughter of A. S. Cunningham and Rebecca Jane
Repine) was born on November 18, 1882 in Indiana, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania137. She died on October 17, 1985 in Indiana, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania137. She married John Marshall Miller (son of Robert N. Miller) on
January 21, 1924 in Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania572. He was born in
1882176. He died in 1971137.
REBECCA CUNNINGHAM (daughter of A. S. Cunningham and Rebecca Jane
Repine)137. She died before 1985137. She married ? IRWIN.
GERTRUDE CUNNINGHAM (daughter of A. S. Cunningham and Rebecca Jane
Repine)137. She died before 1985137. She married FRANCIS D. GLOVER.
Notes for Gertrude Cunningham:
In 1924, they were living in Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania.
IRMA CUNNINGHAM (daughter of A. S. Cunningham and Rebecca Jane Repine)137.
She died before 1985137.
RALPH CUNNINGHAM (son of A. S. Cunningham and Rebecca Jane Repine)137. He
died before 1985137.
SARAH CATHERINE5 HOLLIS (Charlotte4 Clawson, Richard Milton3 Clawson Jr., Richard2 Clawson,
Josiah1 Clawson)93, 163, 208 was born on August 07, 1847 in Pennsylvania209. She died on July 19,
1924209. She married Emanuel Elmer Clawson (son of James Clawson and Mary A. Kelly) on
Generation 5 (con't)
1924209. She married Emanuel Elmer Clawson (son of James Clawson and Mary A. Kelly) on
October 28, 1869 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania63. He was born on October 17, 1850 in Black
Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania209. He died on December 23, 1925209.
Notes for Emanuel Elmer Clawson:
In one source, the husband of Sarah C. Hollis is Samuel Clawson.
According to the 1880 Census, Emanuel and Catherine were living in Blacklick Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania.
According to the 1900 Census, Emanuel and his family were living in Blairsville, Indiana County,
Emanuel Elmer Clawson and Sarah Catherine Hollis had the following children:
JAMES ALBERT5 CLAWSON93, 163 (son of Emanuel Elmer Clawson and Sarah
Catherine Hollis) was born on May 22, 1871 in Black Lick Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania. He died on June 28, 1955 in Saltsburg R. D. 1, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania. He married Anna Viola Heasley on April 12, 1900 in Indiana,
Indiana County, Pennsylvania507. She was born in September 1882 in
Notes for James Albert Clawson:
According to the 1900 Census, James and Annie were living in Blairsville, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania.
According to the 1930 census, James and his family were living in Loyalhanna
Township, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania.
In 1944, James was living in Saltsburg, Pennsylvania.
In 1954, James was living in Saltsburg, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
WALLACE ELMER CLAWSON93, 163, 231 (son of Emanuel Elmer Clawson and Sarah
Catherine Hollis) was born on October 01, 1872 in Black Lick Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania. He died on May 31, 1954 in Tunnelton, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania. He married Delilah Hullenbaugh (daughter of John P. Hullenbaugh
and Susan C. Patterson) on October 29, 1898 in Westmoreland County,
Pennsylvania212. She was born on August 15, 1879 in Bow Station, Conemaugh
Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She died on August 01, 1948 in
Tunnelton, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
Notes for Wallace Elmer Clawson:
According to 1900 Census, Wallace and his family were living in Blairsville, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania.
In 1944, Wallace was living in Livermore RD, Pennsylvania.
In 1952, Wallace was living in Tunnelton, Pennsylvania.
WILLIAM CLARK CLAWSON93, 163 (son of Emanuel Elmer Clawson and Sarah
Catherine Hollis) was born on October 16, 1874 in Pennsylvania209. He died on
September 01, 1956209.
Notes for William Clark Clawson:
In 1944, William was living in Livermore RD, Pennsylvania.
In 1952, William was living in Tunnelton, Pennsylvania.
In 1954, William was living in Clarksburg, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
In 1955, William was living in Clarksburg RD 1, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
Generation 5 (con't)
HARRY AUGUSTUS CLAWSON163, 209 (son of Emanuel Elmer Clawson and Sarah
Catherine Hollis) was born on September 11, 1876 in Pennsylvania. He died on
December 29, 1963. He married Jennie Mae Rager (daughter of Andrew J. Rager
and Anna Frances Closson) on March 18, 1922 in Johnstown, Cambria County,
Pennsylvania. She was born on April 13, 1895 in Mineral Point, Cambria County,
Pennsylvania. She died on February 16, 1984.
Notes for Harry Augustus Clawson:
According to the 1930 census, Harry and his family were living in Derry,
Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania.
In 1944 and 1955, Harry was living in Derry, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania.
ANNIE M. CLAWSON163 (daughter of Emanuel Elmer Clawson and Sarah Catherine
Hollis) was born about 1879 in Pennsylvania163.
EDWARD SAMUEL CLAWSON93, 208 (son of Emanuel Elmer Clawson and Sarah
Catherine Hollis) was born on April 12, 1881 in Black Lick Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania280. He died on September 24, 1964 in Saltsburg R. D. 2,
Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
Notes for Edward Samuel Clawson:
According to the 1930 census, Edward was living with his brother, James, in
Loyalhanna Township, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania.
In 1944, Edward was living in Tunnelton, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
In 1955, Edward was living in Saltsburg RD 2, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
ROY ARTHUR CLAWSON355 (son of Emanuel Elmer Clawson and Sarah Catherine
Hollis) was born on August 11, 1883 in Tunnelton, Indiana County, Pennsylvania362.
He died on March 07, 1978 in Saltsburg, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He married
Rachel E. Rager (daughter of Andrew J. Rager and Anna Frances Closson) on
August 11, 1923 in Ebensburg, Cambria County, Pennsylvania433. She was born on
May 11, 1899 in East Taylor Township, Cambria County, Pennsylvania. She died
on October 13, 1989 in Johnstown, Cambria County, Pennsylvania.
Notes for Roy Arthur Clawson:
According to the 1930 census, Roy and Rachel were living in Saltsburg, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania.
In 1944 and 1955, Roy was living in Saltsburg, Pennsylvania.
Roy and Rachel had no children.
viii. CHARLES WILSON CLAWSON93, 208 (son of Emanuel Elmer Clawson and Sarah
Catherine Hollis) was born on September 23, 1885 in New Florence, Westmoreland
County, Pennsylvania. He died on January 30, 1944 in Livermore R. D. 1,
IDA W. CLAWSON93, 513-515 (daughter of Emanuel Elmer Clawson and Sarah
Catherine Hollis) was born on March 23, 1888 in Pennsylvania514. She died in
March 1979 in Derry, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania514. She married HARRY
A. WIBLE (son of Adam Wible and Florence Haulman). He was born on July 04,
1889 in McConnellsburg, Fulton County, Pennsylvania516-518. He died on March 29,
1948 in Derry, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania516-519.
Notes for Ida W. Clawson:
In 1944 and 1955, Ida was living in Derry, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania.
BENJAMIN FRANKLIN CLAWSON93, 208 (son of Emanuel Elmer Clawson and Sarah
Catherine Hollis) was born on July 04, 1890 in Tunnelton, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania355. He died on February 01, 1952 in Clarksburg, Indiana County,
Generation 5 (con't)
GEORGE W. CLAWSON93, 208 (son of Emanuel Elmer Clawson and Sarah Catherine
Hollis) was born on July 09, 1897 in Pennsylvania280. He died before 1964.
Notes for George W. Clawson:
In 1944, George was living in Livermore RD, Pennsylvania.
In 1954, George was living in Derry, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania.
HOLLIS SR. (Charlotte4 Clawson, Richard Milton3 Clawson Jr., Richard2 Clawson,
Clawson)6 was born in 1848 in Pennsylvania6. He died on October 11, 1926 in Indiana
County, Pennsylvania. He married (1) DELLA JANE GEORGE (daughter of Reuben D. George and
Martha Makin) in 1882. She was born on February 09, 1856 in Blair County, Pennsylvania271. She
died on January 21, 1933 in Blairsville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania271. He married (2) JULIA ?.
She was born on November 15, 1854. She died on March 20, 1881.
Notes for Benjamin Hollis Sr.:
Subject: Obituary for Benjamin Hollis
Source: Blairsville Dispatch, Tue., Oct. 12, 1926.
Benjamin Hollis Passes Away Monday Evening
Benjamin Hollis, a life-long resident of Blairsville, died at his home on South Liberty street, last
evening, following an illness extending over a period of almost three years, having suffered a
stroke of paralysis.
His widow and the following sons and daughters survive him: Silas, of Indiana; James, of
Cleveland; John of Sharpsburg; Reuben, of Morgantown, W.Va.; Dorsey, of Arnold; Mrs. M. R.
Rager, of near town; Mrs. H.E. Repine and Mrs. H.L. Reed, of town, and Benjamin, Jr. and
Charlotte, at home.
Notes for Della Jane George:
Delilah live in Blairsville, Pa.[hollis(anc.).ftw]
George (Welsh, French)
Descendent of George (farmer); dweller at the sign of St. George.
Subject: Obituary for Della Jane Hollis.
Source: The Blairsville Dispatch, Tue., Jan. 24, 1933.
Funeral Service for Mrs. D.J. Hollis this Afternoon
Mrs Della Jane Hollis, widow of the late Benjamin Hollis, died at her home, 252 South Liberty
street, Saturday at noon.... The daughter of the late Reuben and Martha (Makin) George, she was
born in Blair county in 1856 and had been a resident of Indiana Co. since her girlhood when her
father operated Campbell's Mill. She was married to Benjamin Hollis in 1884.
Also listed were children-- it would be wise to find and record these.
Benjamin Hollis Sr. and Della Jane George had the following children:
SILAS NICHOLAS6 HOLLIS (son of Benjamin Hollis Sr. and Della Jane George) was
born on August 12, 1871 in Blairsville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He died on
April 23, 1956 in Marshall Heights, Black Lick, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He
JOHN H. HOLLIS (son of Benjamin Hollis Sr. and Della Jane George) was born in
January 1877 in Blairsville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He died in Allison Park,
Allegheny County, Pennsylvania. He married Rose Fisher on September 14, 1904
in Indiana County, Pennsylvania573. She was born in 1882.
REUBEN HOLLIS (son of Benjamin Hollis Sr. and Della Jane George) was born in
March 1883 in Blairsville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He died in Morgantown,
Monongalia County, West Virginia. He married MARY B. RAGER. She was born
Generation 5 (con't)
Monongalia County, West Virginia. He married MARY B. RAGER. She was born
about 1884 in Kentucky574. She died in Blairsville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
BENJAMIN R. HOLLIS JR. (son of Benjamin Hollis Sr. and Della Jane George) was
born on April 08, 1885 in Blairsville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He died on May
08, 1957 in Blairsville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
DORSEY DELP HOLLIS (son of Benjamin Hollis Sr. and Della Jane George) was born
on November 11, 1886 in Blairsville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He died on
March 01, 1939 in Saginaw, Saginaw County, Michigan. He married Ellantine
Castin on August 16, 1905 in Blairsville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania575. She was
born on August 27, 1885 in Belgium576. She died on October 12, 1956 in Saginaw
County, Michigan.
Notes for Dorsey Delp Hollis:
According to the 1920 Census, Dorsey and his family were living in Westmoreland
County, Pennsylvania.
Dorsey Hollis was killed by a hit and run accident. Dad used to tell the story in such
a way that it happened during prohibition. By his version Dorsey had gone to a
neighbors to sample some bathtub gin that they were making. On the way back,
drunk as a skunk, he was struck by a hit and run driver who was also supposed to
be drunk. It was a good story that illustrates how the law was flaunted druing our
dry period, but it is far from the truth. In the two accounts from the Saginaw News
the first thing to note is that the year is 1939--Prohibition ended in 1933!
Saginaw News, Wed., March 1, 1939, page 1
Two Saginaw men were hurt critically early Wednesday in automobile
accidents, one apparently invovled a hit-run motorist, who is sought by Saginaw
sheriff's officers.
The victims are Dorsey D. Hollis, 55, of 2900 Williamson street, a Chevrolet
foundry foreman, and Edward W. Waterstradt, 28, of 2926 Thayer street. Both are
in grave condition at St. Mary's hospital, suffering possible skull fractures. Hollis,
believed to have lain unconscious in the road about 6 hours, suffered greatly from
exposure, his hands and feet being frozen.
Sheriff Muehlenbeck said Hollis left home shortly after midnight to visit a
neighbor. He was found Wenesday morning by a motorist. Although the victim's
body shows no marked bursises, the sheriff believed him the victim of a hit-runner
because of broken glass found nearby. Garages are being checked for the wanted
car. The accident occurred about half a mile from the Hollis residence, near the city
That article was followed by:
Saginaw News, Thursday, March 2, 1939, page 1
An autopsy Thursday indicated Dorsey H. (sic) Hollis, 55 of 2900
Williamson street, died of injuries inflicted by an automobile, Coroner William E.
Honey reported. Hollis, hands and feet frozen, was found laying in the road about
half a mile from his home Wednesday morning and died last night at St. Mary's
hospital, apparently of exposure and a skull fracture.
Sheriff Muehlenbeck said fragments of glass believed to be from an
automobile headlight, found near the scene, were sent via air mail to Washington
yesterday afternoon for identification by Federal Bureau of Investigation experts.
No trace has been found of the hit-run motorist believed responsible for
Hollis' death. Assistant Prosecutor Montgomery is investigating.
And the plott thickens:
Saginaw News, Saturday, March 4, 1939, page 1
Generation 5 (con't)
Saginaw News, Saturday, March 4, 1939, page 1
A three-day search for a hit-run motorist whose automobile early
Wednesday struck and fatally injured Dorsey H.(sic) Hollis, 55, of 2900 Williamson
street, was believed ended Friday night with the arrest of a Flint man, now held at
Saginaw county jail pending formal complaint, likely to be made Monday.
The suspect, Paul Higgins, 27 of 45515 Carlton street, Flint, was arrrested
by Sheriff Muehlenbeck and Supt. Dale Austin of the Saginaw county identification
bureau, after it was established that he had taken his vehicle to a Flint garage for
repair of a broken headlight and a dented fender. Authorities say there is other
incriminating evidence. Higgins has refused to make any statement.
Then came his obituary:
Saginaw News, Thursday, March 2, 1939
Dorsey H.(sic) Hollis, 52, Williamson road, died Wednesday at St. Mary's
hospital. Mr. Hollis was born Nov. 11, 1886, at Blairsville, Pa. In 1905 he married
Mill Leontine Casten at Blairsville. He came to Saginaw ten years ago and has
been employed as a foreman at the Chevrolet foundry. Mr. Hollis was a member of
the fMehodist Eposcopal church at New Kensington, Pa. He leaves his wife; three
sons and a daaughter, Paul, Arthemus, Robert Edward and Dorothy; a brother,
Benjamin Hollis of Blairsville and three sisters, Mrs. Ernest Ripence of Saginaw,
Mrs. H. L. Reid and Miss Charlotte Hollis of Blairsville. The funeral will take place
at 1 p.m. Saturday at the Wallace & Honey funeral home. Rev. Wilbur D. Grose will
officiate and burial will be in Forest Lawn.
Some words on the trial of Paul Higgins for hit-and-run
It was in front of the Joseph Swarty farm that Dorsey was struck. The call
came to the police on the morning of March 1, 1939 about 7am.
Dorsey was found lying on ice covered ground and was completely covered
with snow. He had lain there long enough that he had melted down one inch into
the ice. In his pocket was found an envelope with his address and no other
identification at all. I speculate at this time that the envelope was his notification of
divorce filed by his wife.
He was supposed to have left home around 2:15 am to see a neighbor
named Buckner(s), yet he was found about a mile from home.
As to the trial itself it was a joke. The lawyers were the real trial with their
objections, lack of interest at reaching truth, and not being serious about justice.
Many of the witnesses took the Fifth. The testimony was contradictory without
being challenged. It was interesting that the judge did find Higgins guilty of not
giving aid!
Notes for Ellantine Castin:
One of the stories dad related was that grandmother Ellantine's brothers were
glassblowers. Supposedly the partial set of cut glass shot glasses were made by
one of her brothers.
Obituary for Leontine Hollis
Saginaw News, Friday, October 12, 1956.
Passed away Friday morning at her residance after a lingering illness. Age
70 years, Leontine Castin was born Aug. 27, 1886(?) in Belgium, coming to
Saginaw in 1929 from Pennsylvania. She was married to Dorsey Hollis in 1905(?)
in Pennsylvania. He predeceased her in 1939. The deceased attended the
Methodist Church. Surviving are three sons and one daughter, Paul, Artemus, and
Robert Hollis, and Mrs. Dorothy Allore, all of Saginaw; five grandchildren [I question
this number]; two brothers, Louis Castin, Scotdale, Pa.; Alphonse Castin, New
Generation 5 (con't)
this number]; two brothers, Louis Castin, Scotdale, Pa.; Alphonse Castin, New
Orleans, La.; also Jerome Scharlaken, Sagianw. Funeral service will take place at
2p.m. Monday at the Frank R. Chilson Funeral Home. Rev. Carl Adams will
officiate, with burial in Forrest Lawn Cemetery. Friends may call at the funeral
home after Saturday noon.
Note: The several question marks are because of the poor quality of the microfilm
for that date.
There should have been more grandchildren alive on this date.
Last letter from Ellantine (Castin) Hollis to Nan Cunningham.
Dated Sept. 21, 1956. She died October 12, 1956.
Transcribed from voice recording.
September 21, 1956
Dear Niece and Family,
I received your lovely gift, you couldn't have gotten one anything I needed
or appreciated more. Thanks so very much.
I am very sick and have been very [sick] now for a year. I doubt if I weigh
75 lbs. I have been bedfast since June. I am almost helpless. I am with Jerry. He
takes very good care of me-my eyes [are] so bad I can hardly see so I have to have
someone to write for me.
Do you remember Jewels' wife? She has been to see me quite often.
They live in Detroit.
I hope all the family is fine and thanks again.
Aunt Ellantine
On the backside of the same letter:
Dear Madeline,
I am Jewels' wife Caroline. It's such a pity here. Aunt Ellantine has gone to
a shadow. She has cancer all through her. It started in the bladder. She has a big
lump the size of a small football between her legs. She can't eat. Uncle Jerry fixes
her breakfast early in the morning before he goes to work. She eats two slices of
French bread, cup of coffee, and that's all she eats 'till next day.
Don't mention cancer to her-she doesn't know it. I try to come up as often
as I can. I love her dearly, so if I could only do something to help her. Dr. keeps
her under dope most of the time the pain is so bad. I am having doctor out today. I
will be with her 'till Sunday.
Lots of Love to All,
Your Cousin Caroline
Relationship Notes for Dorsey Delp Hollis and Ellantine Castin:
Notice in the Blairsville Enterprise, Sat., August 19, 1905
Hollis-Castin- At the United Presbyterian parsonage at 3 o'clock Wed., Aug. 16,
1905, by Rev. R.E. McClure, Mr. Dorsey S. [sic] Hollis and Miss. Ellantine Castin.
JAMES HOLLIS (son of Benjamin Hollis Sr. and Della Jane George) was born in
Blairsville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
MARTHA PEARL HOLLIS (daughter of Benjamin Hollis Sr. and Della Jane George)
was born in April 1890 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She died in State College,
Centre County, Pennsylvania. She married H. L. REED.
Notes for Martha Pearl Hollis:
An internet source
Generation 5 (con't)
An internet source
lists her name as: Martha Pearl Hollis.
viii. BLAIR HOLLIS (son of Benjamin Hollis Sr. and Della Jane George) was born in June
1892 in Blairsville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He died in Blairsville, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania.
ADA G. HOLLIS (daughter of Benjamin Hollis Sr. and Della Jane George) was born
on May 19, 1894 in Blairsville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She died on April 27,
1984 in Frankenmuth, Michigan577. She married Harry Ernest Repine in 1929 in
Blairsville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania578. He was born on August 05, 1906 in
Blairsville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania579. He died on December 17, 1949 in
Saginaw County, Michigan.
CHAROLETTE E. HOLLIS (daughter of Benjamin Hollis Sr. and Della Jane George)
was born in May 1897 in Blairsville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She died in
Blairsville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
NANCY JANE5 CLAWSON (Benjamin Franklin4, Richard Milton3 Jr., Richard2, Josiah1)6 was born on
February 17, 1844 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania133. She died on February
15, 19121. She married Nicholas Silas Bennett (son of Nathan Bennett and Huldah Nichols) on
June 25, 186352. He was born on June 26, 1832 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania12. He died on April 19, 1914133.
Notes for Nicholas Silas Bennett:
According to the 1850 census, Nathan was living with his sister Eunice in Blacklick Township,
Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
According to the 1870 Census, Nathan and his family were living in Blacklick Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania.
Nicholas Silas Bennett and Nancy Jane Clawson had the following children:
FURLONG MATHIAS6 BENNETT1, 36 (son of Nicholas Silas Bennett and Nancy Jane
Clawson) was born in 1865 in Pennsylvania36.
HARLAN SILAS BENNETT12, 36, 158 (son of Nicholas Silas Bennett and Nancy Jane
Clawson) was born on October 13, 1867 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania. He died on November 02, 1953 in Blairsville, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania133. He married Millie Bell Clawson (daughter of Richard R. Clawson
and Eliza J. Kinter) on December 15, 1891 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She
was born on April 20, 1871 in Indiana, Indiana County, Pennsylvania133. She died
on July 15, 1940 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania133.
Notes for Harlan Silas Bennett:
According to the 1900 Census, Harlan and his family were living in Blairsville,
Indiana County, Pennsylvania. His sister-in-law, Myrtle Clawson, was living with
TIGER ELIJAH NICHOLS BENNETT12 (son of Nicholas Silas Bennett and Nancy Jane
Clawson) was born on July 27, 1872 in Blairsville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
He died on March 01, 1970 in Torrance, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania. He
married ANNA ELIZABETH COUSINS. She died in November 1934.
HARRIS OSWELL BENNETT12 (son of Nicholas Silas Bennett and Nancy Jane
Clawson) was born on June 04, 1880 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania. He died on April 29, 1950 in Blairsville, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania133. He married LENA MAY PIERCE. She was born on December 12,
1881133. She died before November 23, 1918133.
ANDREW BINGHAM5 CLAWSON (Benjamin Franklin4, Richard Milton3 Jr., Richard2, Josiah1)42 was
born on December 10, 1853 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He died on April 27, 1928 in
Dixonville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He married Martha Jane Bolvin (daughter of Joseph
Bolvin and Elizabeth Westover) on November 04, 18751. She was born on March 27, 1854 in
Cambria County, Pennsylvania. She died on November 02, 1933 in Dixonville, Indiana County,
Notes for Martha Jane Bolvin:
Generation 5 (con't)
Notes for Martha Jane Bolvin:
According to the 1930 census, Martha and her daughter Thankful were living in Green Township,
Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
Andrew Bingham Clawson and Martha Jane Bolvin had the following children:
ANNIE ELIZABETH6 CLAWSON52 (daughter of Andrew Bingham Clawson and Martha
Jane Bolvin) was born on February 11, 1876 in Dixonville, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania. She died after 1971 in Marion Center, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
She married Harry E. Bence (son of James Bence and Rosena Everwine) on May
16, 1907 in Dixonville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He was born on March 22,
1872 in Near Dixonville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania52. He died on February 13,
1956 in Dixonville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania52.
Notes for Annie Elizabeth Clawson:
In 1971, Annie was living in Marion Center, Pennsylvania.
JOSEPH BOLVIN CLAWSON52 (son of Andrew Bingham Clawson and Martha Jane
Bolvin) was born on February 17, 1878 in Dixonville, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania52. He died before 1971 in Baraboo, Wisconsin. He married (1) JANE
REID in Baraboo, Wisconsin. She was born in July 1877. He married (2) OTELLIA
Notes for Joseph Bolvin Clawson:
Joseph was a minister in the Methodist Church.
BENJAMIN JOSEPH CLAWSON (son of Andrew Bingham Clawson and Martha Jane
Bolvin) was born on January 09, 1881 in Dixonville, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania52. He died on July 25, 1977 in San Joaquin, Fresno County,
California366. He married Verra M. Jennings (daughter of Arthur T. Jennings and
Ella Halcome) on June 22, 1911 in Minneapolis, Minnesota52. She was born on
August 15, 1886 in Senta Falls, New York.
Notes for Benjamin Joseph Clawson:
In 1971, Benjamin was living in Burnsville, North Carolina.
Benjamin and Vera had no children.
Benjamin taught medicine in the Minneapolis, Minnesota Hospital for over 50 years.
He also lived in Minneapolis.
THANKFUL HARRIS CLAWSON580 (daughter of Andrew Bingham Clawson and Martha
Jane Bolvin) was born on December 27, 1883 in Dixonville, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania580. She died on March 06, 1971 in Marion Center, Indiana County,
Notes for Thankful Harris Clawson:
Thankful was never married.
Indiana Evening Gazette (July 7, 1953)
Gazette Staff Writer
When the 1953-54 school term opens at Green Township High this September, a
familiar personality will be missing from the institution's hallowed halls.
Miss Thankful Clawson, English and Latin teacher for 34 years at the district high
school, will be missing from the scene that has featured her guidance of more than
8,000 students in her career as an Indiana County school teacher.
The proverbial gimmick characteristic of high school teeners directing fun at their
tutor, "She (or he) has been here longer than the building," was seldom hurdled at
this affable Green Township educator simply because it was true.
When Miss Clawson launched her career at Green Township High School in the fall
of 1920, classes were held at Starford in a building now utilized as a grade school.
Construction on the new Green Township High School was completed a year later
and Thankful Clawson, then a veteran of 15 years of classroom calamity, moved
Generation 5 (con't)
and Thankful Clawson, then a veteran of 15 years of classroom calamity, moved
her texts to Commodore, site of the present building.
Her retirement this summer marked a termination, of 48 years of teaching, including
39 years in Green Township school systems. "Oh yes, I've taught quite a number of
sons and daughters of former students of mine, "jostled the amicable
silver-thatched Miss Clawson yester day, "But I don't think any grandchildren."
Closer scrutiny reveals that the retired teacher, long-time favorite as senior class
advisor at Commodore, probably taught a number of "grandchildren" during her
career which spans 53 years of County history.
When 17-year-old Thankful Clawson passed an examination at Cookport Academy
in the spring of 1900, receiving a teacher certificate as her reward, it was
undoubtedly beyond her fondest expectations of establishing some sort of record
for durability as an Indiana County school teacher.
"That first year at Grisemore (1900-01) paid $25 a month," reminisced Miss
Clawson in her Marion Center home yesterday, "But then, I only paid $50 that entire
school year.
'I was located in Dixonville the next four years and once had 119 students,
sometimes, three in one seat, in a one-room school." Miss Clawson added, "Of
course, that was when the Dixonville mines were starting."
Answering an inquiry relative to "law and order" in a one-room school house with
119 students, the friendly teacher replied, "I confess that if I kept order, I didn't do
much teaching."
Upon completion of four years at Dixonville and an additional term at Idamar,
Thankful Clawson went to Houghton Seminary, N. Y., to pursue her high school
education. She didn't receive her diploma until 1911 after leaving school for a
three-year period to teach in Rayne and Green Townships, Indiana County.
After graduating; from Houghton, Miss Clawson taught in Wisconsin four years,
attended Taylor University at Upland, Indiana, and taught at Clymer High School
before accepting a position on the Green Township High School, faculty in 1920.
The first two principals she served under at Green Township High, Donald
Patterson and Dean Siverd, were her former students. Other principals during her
34-year tenure included Mr. Fetterman, T. W. Fullerton and George Joiner.'
What about her best students at Green Township High School?
"I had so many of them," answered Miss. Clawson.
Edna Siverd, now Mrs. Jay Hiner, could read Latin as well as English. And then
were were Louise Lovick and Ed Leadbetter. Mrs. Hiner now teaches at Dixonville."
And what about her students who entered the teaching profession.
"To mention a few, there's Gertha McAnulty (Green Twp.), Mary Bagley (Green
Twp.), Evelyn Nichol, Dean Siverd (Meadville), Milton and Gaylon Walker and
Donald Patterson, former County Superintendent of Schools."
"I often wish I would have kept a record of my students," stated the soft-spoken
Miss Clawson.
It has been estimated that she taught, at a very minimum, about 8,000 students —
and this figure [wouldn't include her advisees.
Thankful Clawson, daughter of Andrew Bingham Clawson and Martha Jane Bolvin
Clawson, was born on a farm near Dixonville December 27, 1883.
Her family heritage reveals her forefathers originally settled near Black Lick before
moving to Green Township.
As for the name, Thankful, a "natural" for her students to toy with, she says:
"It's a family name. My ancestors from England, a family of Davis, handed the name
down, generation to generation. ... I believe there were seven of my ancestors with
that name. It's a Puritan name."
While teaching, she utilized the summer vacations to attend the University of
Pennsylvania and Chicago University where she received her bachelor's degree.
Three summers of study at Columbia University New York, were added to her
educational background.
Her memory is rich with experiences of 53 years of teaching, but she eyes the
transition of a one-room schoolhouse to the present, elaborate educational system
with a calculated scrutiny.
'It seems to me that everything has to be done in the school room today because of
Generation 5 (con't)
'It seems to me that everything has to be done in the school room today because of
television.' I don't mean to condemn television, entirely. I also saw the development
of radio lessen a youngster's desire to read."
In her retirement at Marion Center, Miss Clawson is going to attempt to satisfy her
affinity for reading, a life-long pleasure for her.
After 48 years in the classrooms of, Indiana County, Thankful Clawson's application
for retirement was accepted by the Purchase Line School jointure last month.
But retirement may not be easy for Miss Clawson as her love of the profession is
deep, best, told when she remarked, with a twinkle in her eye, "I liked seniors —but,
to think of it, I liked all of them."
NANCY ELLEN CLAWSON52 (daughter of Andrew Bingham Clawson and Martha Jane
Bolvin) was born on January 11, 1886 in Dixonville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
She died on June 10, 1980 in Dixonville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania581. She
married Clifford Jonas Oakes Sr. (son of William Earl Oakes and Emma Rinn
Devlin) on May 13, 1909 in Dixonville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He was born
on November 12, 1890 in Johnstown, Cambria County, Pennsylvania. He died on
July 15, 1955 in Indiana Hospital, Indiana, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
Notes for Nancy Ellen Clawson:
In 1971, Ellen was living in Marion Center, Pennsylvania.
Notes for Clifford Jonas Oakes Sr.:
According to the 1930 census, Clifford and his family were living in Green
Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
The Oakes owned and operated the Marion Center Lumber Company.
SYLVESTER IRVIN CLAWSON52 (son of Andrew Bingham Clawson and Martha Jane
Bolvin) was born on May 11, 1888 in Dixonville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He
died in Brainerd, Crow Wing County, Minnesota. He married Mayme Barber in
Brainerd, Crow Wing County, Minnesota52.
Notes for Sylvester Irvin Clawson:
In 1971, Irwin was living in Weaver, Minnesota.
ELLIS CAMPBELL CLAWSON (son of Andrew Bingham Clawson and Martha Jane
Bolvin) was born on July 21, 1890 in Dixonville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He
died on August 04, 1977 in Chicago, Cook County, Illinois. He married Hulda
Walters in Wisconsin52. She was born on October 26, 1891. She died on March 02,
1977 in Chicago, Cook County, Illinois.
Notes for Ellis Campbell Clawson:
In 1971, Ellis was living in Chicago, Illinois.
viii. DAVID MOORE CLAWSON52 (son of Andrew Bingham Clawson and Martha Jane
Bolvin) was born on December 17, 1893 in Green Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania211. He died before 1971 in Whitewater, Kansas. He married Mary
Swarts in Whitewater, Kansas52.
KENNETH BLAIR CLAWSON52, 137 (son of Andrew Bingham Clawson and Martha Jane
Bolvin) was born on September 11, 1896 in Dixonville, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania211. He died on January 24, 1980 in Stockton, San Joaquin County,
California582. He married Mildred Madge Rice (daughter of Levi Rice and Ella
Parrish) on March 17, 1917 in Alma, Wabaunsee County, Kansas582. She was born
on January 17, 1898 in Kansas. She died on September 16, 1975 in Stockton, San
Joaquin County, California.
Notes for Kenneth Blair Clawson:
In 1971, Kenneth was living in Stockton, California.
JOSEPHINE5 CLAWSON (Benjamin Franklin4, Richard Milton3 Jr., Richard2, Josiah1)42 was born on
March 14, 1856 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania12. She died on September
17, 1927 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania12. She married Peter Wilson Kinter
Generation 5 (con't)
17, 1927 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania12. She married Peter Wilson Kinter
(son of John Kinter and Margaret Riddle) on September 25, 1873 in Dixonville, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania. He was born on April 23, 1850 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania181. He died in
December 1932 in Dixonville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania52.
Peter Wilson Kinter and Josephine Clawson had the following children:
WILBERT M.6 KINTER (son of Peter Wilson Kinter and Josephine Clawson) was born
on July 19, 1874 in Dixonville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania52. He died on March
24, 1949 in Indiana, Indiana County, Pennsylvania52. He married CELIA M.
SALTSGIVER. She was born on January 25, 1885 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
She died on February 02, 1957 in Indiana, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
MARY KINTER (daughter of Peter Wilson Kinter and Josephine Clawson) was born
on July 13, 1875 in Dixonville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania52. She died on July 15,
1953 in Indiana, Indiana County, Pennsylvania52. She married JOHN BURNHEIMER.
He was born on May 08, 1872. He died on June 28, 1939 in Dixonville, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania.
VERNIE ZOE KINTER52 (daughter of Peter Wilson Kinter and Josephine Clawson) was
born on November 20, 1889 in Dixonville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She died
on May 14, 1964 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She married Clarence Little (son
of William Little and Catherine Holben) on October 10, 190852. He was born on
March 01, 1884 in Dixonville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He died on August 28,
1963 in Greenwood, Johnson County, Indiana.
? KINTER52 (child of Peter Wilson Kinter and Josephine Clawson) was born in
Dixonville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
Notes for ? Kinter:
Was a twin.
? KINTER52 (child of Peter Wilson Kinter and Josephine Clawson) was born in
Dixonville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
Notes for ? Kinter:
Was a twin.
? KINTER52 (child of Peter Wilson Kinter and Josephine Clawson) was born in
Dixonville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
ELLIS TREECE5 CLAWSON (Benjamin Franklin4, Richard Milton3 Jr., Richard2, Josiah1)42, 272 was
born on April 01, 1858 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania52. He died in June
1927 in Rayne Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He married Martha L. Nickle on July 04,
1878 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania1. She was born about 1861 in Pennsylvania273. She died on
July 17, 192419.
Notes for Ellis Treece Clawson:
According to the 1880 Census, Ellis and his family were living in Rayne Township, Indiana County,
According to the 1900 Census, Ellis and his family were living in Spangler, Cambria County,
Ellis Treece Clawson and Martha L. Nickle had the following children:
JAMES BENJAMIN6 CLAWSON52, 280 (son of Ellis Treece Clawson and Martha L. Nickle)
was born on April 27, 1880 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania280. He died in 1921. He
married Effie May Lutz (daughter of ? Lutz and Rebecca ?) on February 22, 1900 in
Indiana, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She was born in May 1881 in Indiana
County, Pennsylvania583.
Notes for James Benjamin Clawson:
According to the 1910 Census, James and his family were living in Spangler,
Cambria County, Pennsylvania.
MARY J. CLAWSON52, 583 (daughter of Ellis Treece Clawson and Martha L. Nickle)
was born in October 1881583. She died before 192793. She married Charlie L.
Generation 5 (con't)
was born in October 1881583. She died before 192793. She married Charlie L.
Sheesley on December 11, 1900 in Indiana, Indiana County, Pennsylvania1. He
was born about 18791.
Notes for Mary J. Clawson:
According to the 1900 Census, Mary was living in Ebensburgh, Cambria County,
Pennsylvania. She was living at the M. J. Stoltz residence who ran a hotel.
EDITH PEARL CLAWSON52, 583 (daughter of Ellis Treece Clawson and Martha L.
Nickle) was born on August 13, 1887 in Rayne Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania. She died on September 10, 19451. She married EDWIN CLAIR
GILHOUSEN (son of Thomas A. Gilhousen and Helen Ella Shields). He was born on
June 18, 1882584. He died on August 07, 1950 in Doxonville, Indiana County,
Notes for Edith Pearl Clawson:
In 1927, Edith was living in Dixonville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
WALTER LEROY CLAWSON211, 583 (son of Ellis Treece Clawson and Martha L. Nickle)
was born on June 12, 1898 in Marion Center, Indiana County, Pennsylvania280. He
died on August 30, 1967 in Dixonville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania93. He married
(1) HAZEL KNUPP. She was born about 1895 in Pennsylvania586. He married (2)
NELLIE WAVA BASH (daughter of Samuel James Bash and Irene Seinsen) about
1928587. She was born on June 09, 1903 in Deckers Point, Pennsylvania. She died
on June 09, 1998 in Dixonville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
Notes for Walter Leroy Clawson:
According to the 1920 census, Walter and Hazel were living in Green Township,
Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
According to the 1930 census, Walter and his family were living in Rayne Township,
Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
CORA CLAWSON273 (daughter of Ellis Treece Clawson and Martha L. Nickle) was
born in 1902 in Rayne Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania1.
DAVID FRANKLIN5 CLAWSON (Benjamin Franklin4, Richard Milton3 Jr., Richard2, Josiah1)52, 102 was
born on November 20, 1860 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He died in
1935 in Clarion County, Pennsylvania274. He married Catherine Elizabeth Songer about 1884 in
Clarion County, Pennsylvania275. She was born in 1868 in Pennsylvania274. She died in 1936274.
Notes for David Franklin Clawson:
According to the 1930 census, Clair and his family were living in Mill Creek Township, Clarion
County, Pennsylvania.
David Franklin Clawson and Catherine Elizabeth Songer had the following children:
NETTIE6 CLAWSON (daughter of David Franklin Clawson and Catherine Elizabeth
Songer)52. She married GEORGE CHADWICK.
ADDA MAY CLAWSON52 (daughter of David Franklin Clawson and Catherine
Elizabeth Songer) was born in 1887 in Pennsylvania588. She died on May 22, 1935
in Sigel, Jefferson County, Pennsylvania137.
Notes for Adda May Clawson:
Adda was never married.
LOUIS H. CLAWSON274 (son of David Franklin Clawson and Catherine Elizabeth
Songer) was born in 1890 in Pennsylvania3, 274. He died in 1963274. He married INEZ
M. BOYD. She was born on March 22, 1892362. She died in December 1976 in
Parker, Armstrong County, Pennsylvania362.
ALICE CLAWSON (daughter of David Franklin Clawson and Catherine Elizabeth
Songer)52. She married WILLIAM MAYS.
MABLE G. CLAWSON52 (daughter of David Franklin Clawson and Catherine Elizabeth
Songer) was born on August 31, 1895 in Clarion County, Pennsylvania. She died
on February 13, 1970. She married WILLIAM GIBSON.
Generation 5 (con't)
on February 13, 1970. She married WILLIAM GIBSON.
Notes for Mable G. Clawson:
Mable and William had no children.
FLORENCE MARGARET CLAWSON52 (daughter of David Franklin Clawson and
Catherine Elizabeth Songer) was born on October 06, 1897 in Fisher, Clarion
County, Pennsylvania. She died on February 16, 1965 in Brockville Hospital. She
Notes for Florence Margaret Clawson:
Florence and William had no children.
JOSEPHINE CLAWSON52 (daughter of David Franklin Clawson and Catherine
Elizabeth Songer) was born in 1905588. She died in 1917588.
Notes for Josephine Clawson:
Josephine never was married.
viii. ALBERT F. CLAWSON275 (son of David Franklin Clawson and Catherine Elizabeth
Songer) was born on June 15, 1909 in Fisher, Clarion County, Pennsylvania. He
died in June 1975 in Sigel, Jefferson County, Pennsylvania362. He married Leona
Beers (daughter of Ernest Beers and Alice Amanda Bowersox) on August 09, 1930
in Fisher, Clarion County, Pennsylvania. She was born on March 27, 1909 in
Fisher, Clarion County, Pennsylvania. She died on October 13, 2001 in Srattanville,
Clarion County, Pennsylvania.
? CLAWSON (son of David Franklin Clawson and Catherine Elizabeth Songer)52.
Notes for ? Clawson:
Died in infancy.
? CLAWSON (son of David Franklin Clawson and Catherine Elizabeth Songer)52.
Notes for ? Clawson:
Died in infancy.
? CLAWSON (son of David Franklin Clawson and Catherine Elizabeth Songer)52.
Notes for ? Clawson:
Died in infancy.
RACHEL MARY5 CLAWSON (Benjamin Franklin4, Richard Milton3 Jr., Richard2, Josiah1)52, 102 was
born on March 21, 1863 in Dixonville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She died on January 03,
1920 in Washington Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She married Robert Franklin Hazlett
(son of David C. Hazlett and Elizabeth Jane George) on July 02, 1881 in Indiana County,
Pennsylvania52. He was born on May 24, 1858 in Chambersville, Rayne Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania. He died on November 07, 1938 in Indiana R. D. 3, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
Robert Franklin Hazlett and Rachel Mary Clawson had the following children:
MINNIE MARILLA ELIZABETH6 HAZLETT52 (daughter of Robert Franklin Hazlett and
Rachel Mary Clawson) was born on April 05, 1886 in Green Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania. She died on January 15, 1891 in Dixonville, Indiana County,
RICHARD EARL HAZLETT52 (son of Robert Franklin Hazlett and Rachel Mary Clawson)
was born on August 17, 1888 in Green Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
He died on January 15, 1891 in Dixonville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
BENJAMIN EUGENE HAZLETT52 (son of Robert Franklin Hazlett and Rachel Mary
Clawson) was born on December 01, 1890 in Green Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania. He died on March 17, 1901 in Dixonville, Indiana County,
ELLIS FRANKLIN HAZLETT52, 176 (son of Robert Franklin Hazlett and Rachel Mary
Clawson) was born on November 23, 1893 in Clymer, Indiana County,
Generation 5 (con't)
Clawson) was born on November 23, 1893 in Clymer, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania589. He died on August 30, 1979589.
Notes for Ellis Franklin Hazlett:
Ellis never was married.
HARVEY SILAS HAZLETT52, 590-593 (son of Robert Franklin Hazlett and Rachel Mary
Clawson) was born on March 29, 1897 in Dixonville, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania162. He died on August 16, 1971 in Bay Village, Cuyahoga County,
Ohio162. He married Kernie Armintha Learn (daughter of Irwin Learn and Sarah
Learn) on August 24, 1915 in Home, Rayne Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania589. She was born on October 02, 1892 in Cookport, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania162. She died on September 27, 1936 in South Bend, Armstrong
County, Pennsylvania162.
EMMA GERTRUDE HAZLETT52 (daughter of Robert Franklin Hazlett and Rachel Mary
Clawson) was born on April 08, 1901 in Dixonville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
She died on January 09, 1980 in Armstrong Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania589. She married Jay McKinley Mock (son of Harry Melborne Mock and
Emma Mary Lydick) on September 07, 1922 in Indiana, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania. He was born on May 03, 1900 in Buck Run, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania. He died on August 18, 1989589.
MARGARET ELIZABETH5 CLAWSON (Benjamin Franklin4, Richard Milton3 Jr., Richard2, Josiah1)52, 102,
176 was born on April 06, 1865 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania1 . She died on
August 19, 1924 in White Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She married Charles Leslie
Hazlett (son of David C. Hazlett and Elizabeth Jane George) on March 31, 1892 in Green
Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania52. He was born on April 10, 1869 in Chambersville,
Rayne Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He died on February 19, 1952 in Home,
Washington Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania176.
Notes for Margaret Elizabeth Clawson:
Margaret's middle name could also be Ella.
Charles Leslie Hazlett and Margaret Elizabeth Clawson had the following children:
?6 HAZLETT52 (son of Charles Leslie Hazlett and Margaret Elizabeth Clawson) was
born on July 07, 1893 in Dixonville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He died on July
13, 1893.
MARY VIOLA HAZLETT52, 176 (daughter of Charles Leslie Hazlett and Margaret
Elizabeth Clawson) was born on July 28, 1894 in Dixonville, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania. She died on August 24, 1956176.
Notes for Mary Viola Hazlett:
Mary was never married.
ROBERT FRANKLIN HAZLETT52 (son of Charles Leslie Hazlett and Margaret Elizabeth
Clawson) was born on April 24, 1896 in Dixonville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
He died on February 28, 1971.
Notes for Robert Franklin Hazlett:
Robert was never married.
OSCAR LESLIE HAZLETT52 (son of Charles Leslie Hazlett and Margaret Elizabeth
Clawson) was born on September 01, 1900 in Grant Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania. He died on November 24, 1969 in Spangler Hospital, Spangler,
Cambria County, Pennsylvania. He married Russie Lane between 1940-1949 in
Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania.
Relationship Notes for Oscar Leslie Hazlett and Russie Lane:
Ted and Russie were married less than a year.
JOHN L. HAZLETT52 (son of Charles Leslie Hazlett and Margaret Elizabeth Clawson)
was born on September 12, 1903 in Young Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania. He died on September 24, 1903.
SARAH LOTTIE HAZLETT52 (daughter of Charles Leslie Hazlett and Margaret Elizabeth
Generation 5 (con't)
SARAH LOTTIE HAZLETT52 (daughter of Charles Leslie Hazlett and Margaret Elizabeth
Clawson) was born on August 22, 1908 in Young Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania. She died on November 06, 1908.
SAMUEL5 CLAWSON (Richard R.4, Richard Milton3 Jr., Richard2, Josiah1)6, 208, 276 was born about
1848 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania273. He died before 1925158. He married
Elizabeth Clossin about 18731. She was born in March 1850 in Pennsylvania208.
Notes for Samuel Clawson:
According to the 1900 Census, Samuel and his family were living in Blairsville, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania. Their grown sons, Frank and Charles were living with them.
Notes for Elizabeth Clossin:
Her name may have been Mary.
Samuel Clawson and Elizabeth Clossin had the following children:
MARY JANE6 CLAWSON594 (daughter of Samuel Clawson and Elizabeth Clossin) was
born in November 1870 in Pennsylvania221. She died in 1962 in Johnstown,
Cambria County, Pennsylvania. She married Charles Kintner George (son of
Reuben D. George and Martha Makin) on October 21, 1891 in Homer City, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania595. He was born in January 1871 in Homer City, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania221. He died on October 21, 1932 in Johnstown, Cambria
County, Pennsylvania596-597.
Notes for Charles Kintner George:
Charles and Mary lived at 721 Franklin Street, Johnstown, Pennsylvania.
According to the 1900 Census, Charles and his family were living in Johnstown,
Cambria County, Pennsylvania.
HARRY CLAWSON1 (son of Samuel Clawson and Elizabeth Clossin) was born in May
1876 in Pennsylvania221. He died on November 15, 1910 in Blairsville, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania. He married Anna Stumpf (daughter of Horace Stumpf and
Margaret ?) on November 02, 1898 in Pennsylvania1. She was born in October
1877 in Pennsylvania221.
Notes for Harry Clawson:
According to the 1900 Census, Harry and his family were living in Johnstown,
Cambria County, Pennsylvania.
FRANK BENTON CLAWSON208, 276, 355 (son of Samuel Clawson and Elizabeth Clossin)
was born on June 07, 1879 in Livermore, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania355.
He died before 1962276. He married (1) MAUDE B. GIBSON (daughter of Thomas
Gibson and Susanna ?) on November 16, 19031. She was born about 1880. He
married (2) MARGARET REAM after 1903.
Notes for Frank Benton Clawson:
Frank and Margaret had no children.
CHARLES CLARK CLAWSON208, 276, 598 (son of Samuel Clawson and Elizabeth Clossin)
was born on May 21, 1882 in Pennsylvania280. He died before 1962276. He married
Emma E. Turner (daughter of George Turner) in 1913433. She was born about 1889
in Pennsylvania599. She died before 2002137.
FRANCES CLAWSON208 (daughter of Samuel Clawson and Elizabeth Clossin) was
born in October 1887 in Blairsville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania208. She died
before 1962276. She married (1) ? WHITNEY after 1905. She married (2) HARRY H.
KAYS (son of B. F. Kays and Lillie ?) on March 24, 19051. He was born about 1882.
Notes for Frances Clawson:
They had no children.
DELLA VIOLA CLAWSON276, 600 (daughter of Samuel Clawson and Elizabeth Clossin)
was born on November 18, 1893 in Blairsville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania211, 600.
She married James Johnston in 1915600.
HULDAH5 CLAWSON (Richard R.4, Richard Milton3 Jr., Richard2, Josiah1)42 was born on July 26,
Generation 5 (con't)
HULDAH5 CLAWSON (Richard R.4, Richard Milton3 Jr., Richard2, Josiah1)42 was born on July 26,
1851 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She died on September 13, 1930.
She married DAVID MCMILLEN. He was born on September 24, 1845. He died on October 12, 1909.
Notes for Huldah Clawson:
In 1925 and 1926, Huldah was living in Dixonville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
David McMillen and Huldah Clawson had the following children:
MARY6 MCMILLEN (biological daughter of David McMillen and daughter of Huldah
NORAH MCMILLEN (biological daughter of David McMillen and daughter of Huldah
Clawson)52. She married JAMES WHEELER.
ELLA MARY MCMILLEN (biological daughter of David McMillen and daughter of
Huldah Clawson)120. She died in 1949. She married Gere Dwight Donahey (son of
Benjamin F. Donahey and Rebecca Jane Clawson) on January 25, 1905120. He was
born on April 10, 1878 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania268. He died on September
09, 1949 in Winter Garden, Orange County, Florida268.
Notes for Ella Mary McMillen:
Ella went by McMillen. Not sure which name was her maiden name.
Notes for Gere Dwight Donahey:
In 1913, Gere was living in Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
HARRY MCMILLEN (son of David McMillen and Huldah Clawson)52. He married SADIE
CLARA MCMILLEN (daughter of David McMillen and Huldah Clawson)52. She married
(1) MERLE LEASURE. She married (2) ? MITCHELL.
ADDA MCMILLEN52 (daughter of David McMillen and Huldah Clawson) was born on
May 03, 1872. She died on August 31, 1893 in Dixonville, Indiana County,
ELLEN M.5 CLAWSON (Richard R.4, Richard Milton3 Jr., Richard2, Josiah1)42 was born in 1855 in
Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania42. She died before 1925158. She married AL
Al Wagle and Ellen M. Clawson had the following child:
J. A.6 WAGLE (son of Al Wagle and Ellen M. Clawson). He died in Blairsville,
Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
MARGARET JANE5 CLAWSON (Richard R.4, Richard Milton3 Jr., Richard2, Josiah1)52 was born in
1863 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania1. She died before 1925158. She
Jacob Jamison and Margaret Jane Clawson had the following children:
ALEXANDER6 JAMISON (son of Jacob Jamison and Margaret Jane Clawson)52. He
married ELVA BAKER.
ALTA MARY JAMISON52 (daughter of Jacob Jamison and Margaret Jane Clawson)
was born on November 13, 1882. She died on February 26, 1934. She married
JAMES CLINTON FEE (son of Jesse Fee and Catherine J. Wakefield). He was born on
March 09, 1871 in Heshbon, West Wheatfield Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania162. He died on September 16, 1935 in Indiana, Indiana County,
JESSIE JAMISON (daughter of Jacob Jamison and Margaret Jane Clawson)52.
ARTHUR JAMISON (son of Jacob Jamison and Margaret Jane Clawson)52.
ELLIS E.5 CLAWSON (Richard R.4, Richard Milton3 Jr., Richard2, Josiah1)277 was born on May 26,
1865 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania277. He died on April 21, 1939 in Akron,
Summit County, Ohio277. He married Margaret Ann Wallace (daughter of Robert S. Wallace and
Sarah Elizabeth Peters) in 1890116, 278. She was born on June 26, 1871 in Pennsylvania279. She
died on July 18, 1948 in Akron, Summit County, Ohio279.
Generation 5 (con't)
Notes for Ellis E. Clawson:
According to the 1900 census, Ellis and his family were living in Brushvalley Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania.
According to the 1910 census, Ellis and his family were living in Blairsville, Indiana County,
In 1926 and 1937, Ellis was living in Akron, Ohio.
Notes for Margaret Ann Wallace:
According to the 1940 Census, Margaret was linving in Akron, Summit County, Ohio. Oren, Paul,
and Ellis were living with her.
Ellis E. Clawson and Margaret Ann Wallace had the following children:
OREN ROBERT6 CLAWSON601 (son of Ellis E. Clawson and Margaret Ann Wallace)
was born on May 19, 1889 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania601. He died on
September 30, 1968 in Akron, Summit County, Ohio279.
Notes for Oren Robert Clawson:
In 1942, Oren's mother was living with him.
? CLAWSON (child of Ellis E. Clawson and Margaret Ann Wallace)602. ? died before
CHARLES HENRY CLAWSON273, 279, 603-605 (son of Ellis E. Clawson and Margaret Ann
Wallace) was born on March 24, 1893 in Blairsville, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania279. He died on May 25, 1968 in Tallmadge, Summit County, Ohio605.
He married MYRTLE ?. She was born about 1895 in Ohio604.
Notes for Charles Henry Clawson:
According to the 1940 Census, Charles and his family were living in Akron,Summit
County, Ohio.
HOWARD H. CLAWSON273, 606-608 (son of Ellis E. Clawson and Margaret Ann Wallace)
was born on March 05, 1895 in Conemaugh Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania211, 607-608. He died on November 28, 1946 in Akron, Summit County,
Ohio609. He married (1) LUCY BELL PALMER (daughter of John Alexander Palmer and
Hannah J. Muffley). She was born in February 1897 in Pennsylvania610. He married
(2) LEORA B. BOHANNON (daughter of William Bohannon and Fannie Lee Wisehart)
in 1920 in Allegheny County, Pennsylvania611. She was born on August 12, 1902 in
Jefferson County, Kentucky609, 612. She died on October 17, 1979 in Akron, Summit
County, Ohio609, 613.
Notes for Howard H. Clawson:
According to the 1920 Census, Howard and Leora were living with her parents in
Braddock, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania.
According to the 1930 Census, Howard and his family were living with her parents
in Akron, Summit County, Ohio.
Notes for Lucy Bell Palmer:
She was probaly not married to Howard but had a daughter to him.
PAUL IRVIN CLAWSON273, 602 (son of Ellis E. Clawson and Margaret Ann Wallace) was
born on December 30, 1896 in Lewisville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania211.
ELIZABETH MARY CLAWSON1, 614 (daughter of Ellis E. Clawson and Margaret Ann
Wallace) was born on March 23, 1899 in Burrell Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania211. She died in April 1982 in Andover, Ashtabula County, Ohio279. She
married Elmer Edgar Swauger on October 03, 1920 in Somerset, Somerset County,
Pennsylvania615. He was born on December 14, 1891 in Pennsylvania616-617. He
died on February 14, 1953617.
Notes for Elmer Edgar Swauger:
Generation 5 (con't)
Notes for Elmer Edgar Swauger:
According to the 1930 Census, Elmer and his family were living in Tallmadge,
Summit County, Ohio.
ELLIS E. CLAWSON JR.273 (son of Ellis E. Clawson and Margaret Ann Wallace) was
born on May 17, 1904 in Burrell Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania211. He
died on November 23, 1965 in Akron, Summit County, Ohio279. He married CLARA
MILLIE BELL5 CLAWSON (Richard R.4, Richard Milton3 Jr., Richard2, Josiah1)12, 278 was born on April
20, 1871 in Indiana, Indiana County, Pennsylvania133. She died on July 15, 1940 in Black Lick
Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania133. She married Harlan Silas Bennett (son of Nicholas
Silas Bennett and Nancy Jane Clawson) on December 15, 1891 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
He was born on October 13, 1867 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He died
on November 02, 1953 in Blairsville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania133.
Notes for Harlan Silas Bennett:
According to the 1900 Census, Harlan and his family were living in Blairsville, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania. His sister-in-law, Myrtle Clawson, was living with them.
Harlan Silas Bennett and Millie Bell Clawson had the following children:
FRANK RAYMOND BENNETT278 (son of Harlan Silas Bennett and Millie Bell Clawson)
was born on October 02, 1892 in Blairsville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He died
on March 14, 1920. He married ETHEL MARIE HUSTON (daughter of Hutton Huston
and Mary Catherine Ray). She was born on December 23, 1895 in Blairsville,
Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She died on June 16, 1923 in Beaver Falls, Beaver
County, Pennsylvania.
CARSON H. BENNETT211 (son of Harlan Silas Bennett and Millie Bell Clawson) was
born on December 29, 1901 in Blairsville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania211. He died
before January 14, 1903133.
HESSIE BENNETT12 (daughter of Harlan Silas Bennett and Millie Bell Clawson) was
born on December 11, 1902 in Blairsville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She
married Taylor Fluke on May 13, 192212.
MYRTLE5 CLAWSON (Richard R.4, Richard Milton3 Jr., Richard2, Josiah1)278 was born in April 1873
in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania278. She died in 192527. She married John H.
Romesburg on July 20, 19041. He was born in 186727. He died in 192127.
Notes for Myrtle Clawson:
According to the 1900 Census, Myrtle was living her sister, Millie, and her family in Blairsville,
Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
John H. Romesburg and Myrtle Clawson had the following child:
MILLIE6 ROMESBURG (daughter of John H. Romesburg and Myrtle Clawson)52. She
MARTHA5 CLAWSON (Richard R.4, Richard Milton3 Jr., Richard2, Josiah1)52 was born on September
17, 1876 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania1. She died on February 16, 19391.
She married (1) W. HOWARD GRAHAM on May 14, 18951. She married (2) EDWARD B. WILLIAMS
before 1925.
Notes for Martha Clawson:
In 1925 and 1926, Martha and Edward were living in Blairsville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
W. Howard Graham and Martha Clawson had the following children:
MARTHA6 GRAHAM (daughter of W. Howard Graham and Martha Clawson)52.
GEORGE GRAHAM (son of W. Howard Graham and Martha Clawson)52.
ANN GRAHAM (daughter of W. Howard Graham and Martha Clawson)52.
RICHARD GRAHAM (son of W. Howard Graham and Martha Clawson)52.
SAMUEL A.5 CRIBBS (Anna4 Clawson, Richard Milton3 Clawson Jr., Richard2 Clawson, Josiah1
Clawson)6 was born on May 08, 1845 in Dixonville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania104. He died in
1892115. He married Mary M. Cole on June 26, 1866 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania104. She was
Generation 5 (con't)
1892115. He married Mary M. Cole on June 26, 1866 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania104. She was
born in 1845104.
Notes for Samuel A. Cribbs:
In 1880, Samuel was living in Vandergrift, Pennsylvania.
Samuel A. Cribbs and Mary M. Cole had the following children:
JAMES SHERIDAN6 CRIBBS104 (son of Samuel A. Cribbs and Mary M. Cole) was born
on April 11, 1867 in Dixonville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He married LAURA
MARGARET ANN CRIBBS52 (daughter of Samuel A. Cribbs and Mary M. Cole) was
born on July 11, 1868 in Dixonville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She died on
November 17, 1961. She married Archie Warden Strong (son of Daniel C. Strong
and Sarah Brown) in 1900 in Tanoma, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He was born
on May 13, 1871 in Cherryhill Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He died on
August 13, 1914 in Vandergrift, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania. She met (2) ?
ETTA JANE CRIBBS52 (daughter of Samuel A. Cribbs and Mary M. Cole) was born on
May 13, 1871 in Dixonville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She died on June 29,
1958. She married John Wesley Hare (son of Cladius Hare and Elizabeth Glasser)
in 1902 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania104. He was born on March 11, 1873 in
Rayne Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He died on May 31, 1960 in
Rayne Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
Notes for Etta Jane Cribbs:
Etta and John had no children.
AMANDA CRIBBS (daughter of Samuel A. Cribbs and Mary M. Cole)52. She married ?
Notes for Amanda Cribbs:
Amanda's name could also be Emma Jane (born 8/26/1874 in Dixonville).
CHARLES ROSS CRIBBS104 (son of Samuel A. Cribbs and Mary M. Cole) was born on
March 14, 1877 in Green Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
LAURA MAUDE CRIBBS52 (daughter of Samuel A. Cribbs and Mary M. Cole) was born
on July 29, 1879 in Dixonville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania104. She married ?
ALICE PEARL CRIBBS104 (daughter of Samuel A. Cribbs and Mary M. Cole) was born
on September 02, 1882 in Dixonville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She married ?
viii. FRANK D. CRIBBS104 (son of Samuel A. Cribbs and Mary M. Cole) was born on
November 06, 1889 in Dixonville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He married Effie
G. Kennedy in 1910 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She was born on August 01,
1902 in Apollo, Armstrong County, Pennsylvania. She died in November 1979 in
EVA CRIBBS104 (daughter of Samuel A. Cribbs and Mary M. Cole) was born in July
1892 in Allegheny Township, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania.
JOHN C.5 CRIBBS (Anna4 Clawson, Richard Milton3 Clawson Jr., Richard2 Clawson, Josiah1
Clawson)6 was born on April 28, 1847 in Dixonville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania104. He died in
1896 in Reynoldsville, Jefferson County, Pennsylvania115. He married JOANNA FETTERMAN. She
was born in May 1851104. She died on February 01, 1916 in Winslow Township, Jefferson County,
Notes for John C. Cribbs:
In 1903, John was living in Sandy Valley, Jefferson County, Pennsylvania. His father died at his
John C. Cribbs and Joanna Fetterman had the following children:
MATILDA6 CRIBBS (daughter of John C. Cribbs and Joanna Fetterman)52. She
Generation 5 (con't)
MATILDA6 CRIBBS (daughter of John C. Cribbs and Joanna Fetterman)52. She
Notes for Matilda Cribbs:
Matilda died shortly after giving birth to Frances.
SARAH ANN CRIBBS104 (daughter of John C. Cribbs and Joanna Fetterman) was born
in West Wheatfield Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She married ? HAYES.
WILLIAM JOHN CRIBBS104 (son of John C. Cribbs and Joanna Fetterman) was born in
October 1872 in Winslow Township, Jefferson County, Pennsylvania. He died in
1932 in Winslow Township, Jefferson County, Pennsylvania. He married Margaret
Jane Henry in 1895 in Winslow Township, Jefferson County, Pennsylvania. She
was born in December 1875104. She died in 1917 in Winslow Township, Jefferson
County, Pennsylvania104.
ELLA M. CRIBBS104 (daughter of John C. Cribbs and Joanna Fetterman) was born on
August 28, 1875 in Winslow Township, Jefferson County, Pennsylvania. She died
on October 24, 1876 in Winslow Township, Jefferson County, Pennsylvania.
ANDREW AUGUSTA CRIBBS104 (son of John C. Cribbs and Joanna Fetterman) was
born in May 1877 in Winslow Township, Jefferson County, Pennsylvania. He died in
1945 in Winslow Township, Jefferson County, Pennsylvania. He married ROSA MAE
COX. She was born in April 1883.
JAMES HARRY CRIBBS104 (son of John C. Cribbs and Joanna Fetterman) was born in
July 1879 in Winslow Township, Jefferson County, Pennsylvania. He died in 1962 in
Winslow Township, Jefferson County, Pennsylvania. He married Mary Eliza
Shindledecker on December 23, 1902 in Winslow Township, Jefferson County,
Pennsylvania. She was born on December 25, 1886. She died on June 24, 1954 in
Winslow Township, Jefferson County, Pennsylvania.
THOMAS FRANKLIN CRIBBS104 (son of John C. Cribbs and Joanna Fetterman) was
born on August 25, 1881 in Winslow Township, Jefferson County, Pennsylvania. He
died in 1945. He married ESTELLA LAWKI. She was born in 1882. She died in 1930 in
Winslow Township, Jefferson County, Pennsylvania.
viii. CLARA BELLE CRIBBS104 (daughter of John C. Cribbs and Joanna Fetterman) was
born in July 1883 in Winslow Township, Jefferson County, Pennsylvania. She
ELIZABETH JANE CRIBBS104 (daughter of John C. Cribbs and Joanna Fetterman) was
born in August 1885 in Winslow Township, Jefferson County, Pennsylvania. She
married ? YEOMANS.
IRA IRVIN CRIBBS104 (son of John C. Cribbs and Joanna Fetterman) was born on July
31, 1892 in Winslow Township, Jefferson County, Pennsylvania. He died in July
1967 in Niles, Ohio.
GEORGE C. CRIBBS104 (son of John C. Cribbs and Joanna Fetterman) was born on
May 22, 1896 in Winslow Township, Jefferson County, Pennsylvania. He died on
March 29, 1975 in Latrobe, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania. He married ? ?.
NANCY ANN5 CRIBBS (Anna4 Clawson, Richard Milton3 Clawson Jr., Richard2 Clawson, Josiah1
Clawson)6 was born on April 05, 1850 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She
died on November 16, 1906. She married Andrew Kerney on September 20, 1866 in Indiana
County, Pennsylvania104.
Notes for Andrew Kerney:
Andrew's last name could also be Carney.
Andrew Kerney and Nancy Ann Cribbs had the following child:
NETTIE6 CARNEY (daughter of Andrew Kerney and Nancy Ann Cribbs)178. She
married ? JOB.
DAVID F.5 CRIBBS (Anna4 Clawson, Richard Milton3 Clawson Jr., Richard2 Clawson, Josiah1
Clawson)52 was born on August 27, 1854 in Dixonville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He married
EMMA BLANCHE SHIREY. She was born in June 1865.
David F. Cribbs and Emma Blanche Shirey had the following children:
Generation 5 (con't)
CRIBBS104 (son of David F. Cribbs and Emma Blanche Shirey)
was born on June 03, 1883 in Verona, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania. He died in
GERALD CRIBBS104 (son of David F. Cribbs and Emma Blanche Shirey) was born in
October 1893 in Verona, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania. He died about 1905.
SARAH JANE5 CRIBBS (Anna4 Clawson, Richard Milton3 Clawson Jr., Richard2 Clawson, Josiah1
Clawson)15 was born on March 19, 1858 in Dixonville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania104. She died
on December 13, 1898 in Chambersville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She married Wilson Miller
on January 08, 1880 in Dixonville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He was born on April 23, 1846.
He died in 1909 in Chambersville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania281.
Wilson Miller and Sarah Jane Cribbs had the following children:
BESSIE MAE6 MILLER19, 52 (daughter of Wilson Miller and Sarah Jane Cribbs) was
born on March 10, 1884 in Chambersville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania52. She
died on May 02, 1966 in Youngstown, Ohio52. She married Charles A. Brady (son of
Levi Clover Brady and Laura Harrison) on November 20, 1902 in Indiana, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania19. He was born on July 06, 1876 in Chambersville,
Pennsylvania52. He died on April 16, 196652.
HARRY ALVERNA MILLER52 (son of Wilson Miller and Sarah Jane Cribbs) was born on
December 26, 1880 in Chambersville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He died in
1947 in Chambersville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania281. He married Emma Idella
Gray in October 1903. She was born in 1879281. She died in 1957281.
ANNA MARY MILLER52 (daughter of Wilson Miller and Sarah Jane Cribbs) was born
on December 26, 1885 in Chambersville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She died
in 1933 in Chambersville, Pennsylvania. She married Harry George Gray on April
07, 1904 in Indiana, Indiana County, Pennsylvania19.
JACOB CLEMENTS MILLER52 (son of Wilson Miller and Sarah Jane Cribbs) was born
on October 21, 1892 in Indiana, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He died on
December 24, 1928 in Blairsville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He married CLARA
NEAL. She was born in 1900133. She died in 1990133.
? MILLER52 (son of Wilson Miller and Sarah Jane Cribbs) was born in Chambersville,
Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He married CATHERINE A. WALTERS.
MARY EMMA5 CRIBBS (Anna4 Clawson, Richard Milton3 Clawson Jr., Richard2 Clawson, Josiah1
Clawson)52 was born on August 10, 1860 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania104.
She died in 1914 in Dixonville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She married Henry Bence (son of
George Bence and Fannie Stahl) on August 23, 188052. He was born on August 21, 1860 in Rayne
Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania52. He died on January 29, 1952 in Canton, Stark County,
Henry Bence and Mary Emma Cribbs had the following children:
WILLIAM EMERY6 BENCE52, 176 (son of Henry Bence and Mary Emma Cribbs) was
born on March 28, 1880 in Dixonville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He died on
November 10, 1975. He married Rebecca H. Baxter (daughter of Amos Baxter and
Harriet Milligan) on September 12, 1899. She was born on March 15, 1882 in
Allegheny County, Pennsylvania. She died on April 26, 1973 in Lower Burrell,
Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania.
HARRY H. BENCE52, 176 (son of Henry Bence and Mary Emma Cribbs) was born on
December 12, 1882 in Dixonville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He died on March
12, 1951176. He married Annie Belle Buchanan (daughter of James S. Buchanan
and Mary Jane Burnheimer) on February 23, 1903. She was born on March 27,
1884 in Rayne Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She died on May 13, 1960
in Clymer, Indiana County, Pennsylvania176.
CHARLES H. BENCE52 (son of Henry Bence and Mary Emma Cribbs) was born on
November 15, 1885 in Dixonville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He died on July
30, 1945176. He married Hulda V. Stiffy (daughter of Thomas Stiffy and Anna
Margaret Richardson) on September 29, 1903. She was born on December 25,
1878 in Marion Center, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She died on January 21,
Generation 5 (con't)
1878 in Marion Center, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She died on January 21,
1961 in Apollo, Pennsylvania176.
CORA BELL BENCE52 (daughter of Henry Bence and Mary Emma Cribbs) was born
on September 12, 1887 in Dixonville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She died on
June 01, 1925 in Indiana, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She married Park Jamison
Thomas (son of Wilson Curten Thomas and Mary Ann Donehay) in 1904. He was
born on March 20, 1884 in Pennsylvania618-619. He died on March 03, 1920618.
ORREN MILTON BENCE52 (son of Henry Bence and Mary Emma Cribbs) was born on
December 26, 1888 in Johnstown, Cambria County, Pennsylvania. He died on
November 12, 1943 in Great Falls, Cascade County, Montana. He married Mabel
Cleone Gaston on March 24, 1910.
FLORA BENCE (daughter of Henry Bence and Mary Emma Cribbs)52. She died in
CLAIR BENCE52 (son of Henry Bence and Mary Emma Cribbs) was born in 1892. He
died on October 13, 1895.
viii. EVA ELLEN BENCE211 (daughter of Henry Bence and Mary Emma Cribbs) was born
on December 22, 1894 in Rayne Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She
died on May 24, 1931. She married Jay Long on June 27, 1908.
CLARENCE BENCE (son of Henry Bence and Mary Emma Cribbs)52. He died in 1896.
HOMER BENCE (son of Henry Bence and Mary Emma Cribbs)52. He died in 1898.
EMMA BENCE12 (daughter of Henry Bence and Mary Emma Cribbs) was born on
September 01, 1898. She married (1) JON KEISER on September 26, 1933. She
married (2) CHARLES LEASURE after 1934. She married (3) BLAIR WIDDOW after
IVA BENCE52 (daughter of Henry Bence and Mary Emma Cribbs) was born on May
18, 1900. She married (1) MERLE WEST on June 18, 1925. She married (2) CHARLES
xiii. MARY REBECCA BENCE211 (daughter of Henry Bence and Mary Emma Cribbs) was
born on February 13, 1903 in Dixonville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania211. She
married (1) C. E. SPENCER on December 18, 1924. She married (2) DEWEY JAMES
after 1925.
xiv. CLARA BENCE52 (daughter of Henry Bence and Mary Emma Cribbs) was born on
August 10, 1907. She married (1) RALPH MORRISON on November 15, 1921. She
married (2) RAY KETO after 1922.
GEORGE ELSWORTH5 CRIBBS (Anna4 Clawson, Richard Milton3 Clawson Jr., Richard2 Clawson,
Josiah1 Clawson)52 was born in December 1866 in Dixonville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania104. He
died on October 26, 1897 in Tanama, Pennsylvania104. He married (1) LOTTIE BELLE GREEN after
1890. He married (2) CORA MYRTLE MAE RIDDLE in 1887 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania115. She
died in 1889.
George Elsworth Cribbs and Lottie Belle Green had the following children:
ROY JOSEPH6 CRIBBS104 (son of George Elsworth Cribbs and Lottie Belle Green)
was born on December 23, 1892 in Dixonville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He
died on March 26, 1975 in Needles, San Bernardino County, California. He married
(1) MABEL ?. She was born on October 13, 1892 in Pennsylvania. She died in
August 1971 in Homer City, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He married (2) ANNA
EVA A. CRIBBS104 (daughter of George Elsworth Cribbs and Lottie Belle Green) was
born in July 1895 in Dixonville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She married Harry K.
Miller on February 17, 1915 in Idamar, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He was born
about 1895.
George Elsworth Cribbs and Cora Myrtle Mae Riddle had the following child:
HATTIE LAVINA CRIBBS52 (daughter of George Elsworth Cribbs and Cora Myrtle Mae
Riddle) was born on January 28, 1889 in Dixonville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
She died on October 11, 1968 in Jeannette, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania.
Generation 5 (con't)
She died on October 11, 1968 in Jeannette, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania.
She married Alford Clark Gaston (son of William C. Gaston and Harriett Rose
Snyder) on January 10, 1910 in Dixonville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He was
born on August 06, 1887 in Rossiter, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He died on
August 25, 1967 in Jeannette, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania.
RICHARD MILTON5 CRIBBS (Anna4 Clawson, Richard Milton3 Clawson Jr., Richard2 Clawson, Josiah1
Clawson)52 was born on June 23, 1867 in Dixonville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania104. He died in
1934 in Houston, Harris County, Texas104. He married VERDA STERNER. She was born in 1874 in
Pennsylvania. She died in Houston, Harris County, Texas.
Notes for Verda Sterner:
Verda's name could also have been Elsierdora.
Richard Milton Cribbs and Verda Sterner had the following children:
LEONA E.6 CRIBBS104 (daughter of Richard Milton Cribbs and Verda Sterner) was
born in 1894 in Pennsylvania.
WALTER LEE CRIBBS104 (son of Richard Milton Cribbs and Verda Sterner) was born
on September 21, 1897 in Pennsylvania. He died in March 1967 in Houston, Harris
County, Texas. He married LADY L. ?.
RICHARD MILTON CRIBBS104 (son of Richard Milton Cribbs and Verda Sterner) was
born on September 21, 1900 in Pennsylvania. He died in March 1972 in Houston,
Harris County, Texas. He married IDA MAE ?.
ROSS ELDER5 CLAWSON SR. (Ellis4, Richard Milton3 Jr., Richard2, Josiah1)42, 105, 282-284 was born in
1854 in Pennsylvania19, 285. He died in 193419, 285. He married LAURA DEHART. She was born in
1856 in Pennsylvania285. She died in 1925285.
Notes for Ross Elder Clawson Sr.:
Found in the 1860 census.
According to the 1880 Census, Ross and his family were living in Reynoldsville, Jefferson County,
Ross Elder Clawson Sr. and Laura DeHart had the following children:
ARTHUR6 CLAWSON SR. (son of Ross Elder Clawson Sr. and Laura DeHart)285.
Notes for Arthur Clawson Sr.:
[clawson reese.FTW]
Possible brother to Grear.
WILLINA CLAWSON (daughter of Ross Elder Clawson Sr. and Laura DeHart)285. She
married SMITH MCKEE.
Notes for Willina Clawson:
[clawson reese.FTW]
Spelling of her first name is questionable.
Notes for Smith McKee:
[clawson reese.FTW]
Could it be McGee?
Known as Smitty.
GREAR ORR CLAWSON SR.282-283, 285 (son of Ross Elder Clawson Sr. and Laura
DeHart) was born on October 18, 1875 in New Bethlehem, Clarion County,
Pennsylvania285. He died on December 08, 1962 in Pennsylvania285. He married
Bertha May Hilliard on July 05, 1898 in Sykesville, Jefferson County, Pennsylvania1.
She was born on September 05, 1875 in Rochester Mills, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania285. She died in April 1968 in Pittsburgh, Allegheny County,
Generation 5 (con't)
Pennsylvania285. She died in April 1968 in Pittsburgh, Allegheny County,
Notes for Grear Orr Clawson Sr.:
[clawson reese.FTW]
Also worked for the American Sheet and Tin Plate company for 24 years.
States that he lived at 1319 Victoria Ave. New Kensington, PA. and worked for the
P.H. Murphy Company in New Kensington, PA.
According to the 1930 census, Greer and his family were living in New Kensington,
Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania.
Notes for Bertha May Hilliard:
[clawson reese.FTW]
Is related to Ozzie and Harriet and the Nelson's.
HARRY E. CLAWSON1 (son of Ross Elder Clawson Sr. and Laura DeHart) was born in
July 1880.
WALTER PAUL CLAWSON280, 285 (son of Ross Elder Clawson Sr. and Laura DeHart)
was born on July 05, 1886 in Reynoldsville, Jefferson County, Pennsylvania355. He
married (1) NAOMI ? after 1912. He married (2) EDNA MAY HOLMES on January 04,
19111. She was born on April 25, 1892 in DuBois, Clearfield County, Pennsylvania.
EDWARD JENNINGS CLAWSON285, 355, 620 (son of Ross Elder Clawson Sr. and Laura
DeHart) was born on March 26, 1893 in Reynoldsville, Jefferson County,
Pennsylvania1. He died on April 23, 1976 in New Kensington, Westmoreland
County, Pennsylvania1. He married (1) FAITH ?. He married (2) BEATRICE M. CROYLE
(daughter of Robert R. Croyle and Bessie I. Bowser).
Notes for Beatrice M. Croyle:
Clawson , Beatrice 93
New Kensington
Beatrice M. Clawson New Kensington Beatrice M. Croyle Clawson, 93, of New
Kensington, died Thursday, Aug. 16, 2012. Born in New Kensington, Dec. 9, 1918,
she was a daughter of the late Robert R. and Bessie I. Bowser Croyle. She was a
1937 graduate of New Kensington High School and also graduated from the New
Kensington Commercial School. Mrs. Clawson was employed by Alcoa in the
Wearever Building for six years, from 1939 until 1945. She was a member of the
former Maranatha Bible Church in New Kensington and was secretary of its
Gleaners Sunday School Class. Surviving are her sister, Mary Lou Spires, of New
Kensington; and several nieces and nephews. Besides her parents, she was
preceded in death by her husband, former New Kensington fire chief for 38 years,
Edward Jennings Clawson, who died in 1976; four brothers, Dr. Raymond Croyle,
James, Robert Jr. and Jack Croyle; and sister, Ola Tress. Viewing will be 2 to 4 and
7 to 9 p.m. Sunday in the ROSS G. WALKER FUNERAL HOME LTD., 217 Freeport
Road, New Kensington, (724-335-1234), where a service will be held at 10 a.m.
Monday. Officiating will be the Rev. David Hefferan, pastor of First Baptist Church
of Upper Burrell Township. Burial will follow in Union Cemetery, Arnold.
HOLLAND R.5 CLAWSON (Ellis4, Richard Milton3 Jr., Richard2, Josiah1)19, 42 was born on March 25,
1859 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania1. He died on December 19, 1903 in Reynoldsville, Jefferson
County, Pennsylvania1. He married Sarah Ellen Silvis (daughter of S. D. Silvis) in 18791. She was
born on March 14, 1861 in Fairmount City, Clarion County, Pennsylvania1. She died on January 25,
1935 in Punxsutawney, Jefferson County, Pennsylvania1.
Notes for Holland R. Clawson:
According to the 1880 Census, Holland and Sarah were living in Reynoldsville, Jefferson County,
Generation 5 (con't)
Holland R. Clawson and Sarah Ellen Silvis had the following children:
ARTHUR6 CLAWSON19 (son of Holland R. Clawson and Sarah Ellen Silvis) was born
in 1881 in Pennsylvania. He died in 1918. He married THEDA CARBERRY. She was
born in 1887 in Pennsylvania. She died in 1960.
GRACE EFFIE CLAWSON1 (daughter of Holland R. Clawson and Sarah Ellen Silvis)
was born on March 03, 1883 in Reynoldsville, Jefferson County, Pennsylvania1.
She died in 1943. She married Samuel Baldwin Abbott on August 26, 1920 in
Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania212. He was born on February 06, 18801. He
died in 1932.
EDGAR J. CLAWSON19, 621 (son of Holland R. Clawson and Sarah Ellen Silvis) was
born in 1888 in Pennsylvania1. He died in 1918. He married MARY WATSON
DONALDSON. She was born in 1890. She died in 1916.
FRANK CLAWSON19, 622 (son of Holland R. Clawson and Sarah Ellen Silvis) was born
in 1888. He died in 1962. He married ANNA LYNCH (daughter of John Lynch and
Mary Stubeck). She was born in 1890. She died in 1985.
LAURA CLAWSON19 (daughter of Holland R. Clawson and Sarah Ellen Silvis) was
born in 1890 in Pennsylvania. She died in 1946. She married HARRY BAUGHMAN
(son of William Baughman and Jane Shields). He was born in 188519. He died in
MILDRED CLAWSON19 (daughter of Holland R. Clawson and Sarah Ellen Silvis) was
born in 1898 in Pennsylvania. She died in 1976. She married ALEX MCKILLOP. He
was born in 1895. He died in 1982.
IDA CLAWSON273 (daughter of Holland R. Clawson and Sarah Ellen Silvis) was born
in 1901 in Pennsylvania. She died in 1981. She married CHARLES SMITH. He was
born in 1898. He died in 1976.
FRANCIS MILTON5 CLAWSON (Ross4, Richard Milton3 Jr., Richard2, Josiah1)1, 93 was born in 1861 in
Indiana County, Pennsylvania1. He died on August 11, 1947 in Pittsburgh, Allegheny County,
Pennsylvania137. He married (1) MARY KATHERINE HENRY on January 11, 18831. She was born on
March 09, 1861137. She died on February 13, 1891137. He married (2) MARGARET M. HUMPHREYS
(daughter of John Humphreys and Elizabeth Ringler) on July 21, 1897 in Johnstown, Cambria
County, Pennsylvania1. She was born in 1868 in Johnstown, Cambria County, Pennsylvania1. She
died on February 27, 1939 in Westmont, Cambria County, Pennsylvania137.
Notes for Francis Milton Clawson:
In 1905, he was living in St. Louis, Missouri.
In 1912, Francis and Margaret were living in Chicago, Illinois.
Francis Milton Clawson and Mary Katherine Henry had the following children:
WILLARD ROSS6 CLAWSON1, 280 (son of Francis Milton Clawson and Mary Katherine
Henry) was born on September 21, 1885 in Johnstown, Cambria County,
Pennsylvania137. He died on March 06, 1945 in Johnstown, Cambria County,
Pennsylvania137. He married Helen Florence Brehm (daughter of John F. Brehm
and Mahala Cardiff) on March 06, 1912 in Johnstown, Cambria County,
Pennsylvania1. She was born in June 1892 in Benshoff Hill, Pennsylvania137. She
died on March 06, 1932 in Middle Taylor Township, Cambria County,
Notes for Willard Ross Clawson:
According to the 1930 census, Willard and his family were living in Middle Taylor
Township, Cambria County, Pennsylvania.
? CLAWSON (daughter of Francis Milton Clawson and Mary Katherine Henry)137.
She married THOMAS J. LUCAS.
Francis Milton Clawson and Margaret M. Humphreys had the following child:
NORMAN J. CLAWSON137 (son of Francis Milton Clawson and Margaret M.
Humphreys) was born on March 27, 1904 in Pennsylvania362. He died in January
Generation 5 (con't)
Humphreys) was born on March 27, 1904 in Pennsylvania362. He died in January
1968 in Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania362. He married Harriett A. ?
about 1927405. She was born about 1908 in Pennsylvania405.
Notes for Norman J. Clawson:
According to the 1930 Census, Norman and Harriett were living in Pittsburgh,
Allegheny County, Pennsylvania.
RACHEL5 REPINE (James S.4, Rachel3 Clawson, Richard2 Clawson, Josiah1 Clawson)99 was born
about 1853 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania28. She married T. BAYLOR. He was born about 185028.
He died before 188028.
Notes for Rachel Repine:
According to the 1880 Census, Rachel was a widow living with her parents and her 2 children.
T. Baylor and Rachel Repine had the following children:
EDDIE6 BAYLOR28 (son of T. Baylor and Rachel Repine) was born about 187328.
MARY BAYLOR99 (daughter of T. Baylor and Rachel Repine) was born about 187728.
JAMES KERR5 REPINE (James S.4, Rachel3 Clawson, Richard2 Clawson, Josiah1 Clawson)28 was
born on November 27, 1860 in White Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania28. He died on
February 08, 1948 in Coral, Indiana County, Pennsylvania176. He married CARRIE B. SIMPSON. She
was born on December 10, 1864 in White Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania28. She died on
May 11, 1958 in Wadsworth, Ohio176.
Notes for Carrie B. Simpson:
Carrie died at the home of her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. W.J. Luther of Wadsworth,
Ohio, with whom she had been making her home for the past 10 years.
James Kerr Repine and Carrie B. Simpson had the following children:
HARRY MEREDITH6 REPINE28 (son of James Kerr Repine and Carrie B. Simpson) was
born on September 05, 1885 in White Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania28.
He died on November 07, 1944 in Indiana, Indiana County, Pennsylvania28. He
married (1) BLANCHE SMELTZER. She was born about 188828. He married (2) OLIE
MCGREGOR. She was born in 1888 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania28. She died in
1924 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania28.
BESSIE REPINE28 (daughter of James Kerr Repine and Carrie B. Simpson) was born
in 1887 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania28. She died on July 30, 1903 in Coral,
Indiana County, Pennsylvania28.
PAUL S. REPINE28 (son of James Kerr Repine and Carrie B. Simpson) was born on
March 15, 1896623. He died on May 14, 1966623. He married (1) LOLA STAHL. She
was born in 1894 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania28. She died on February 05,
1929 in Aspinwall, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania28. He married (2) MARTHA
UNGER. She was born on July 06, 1910 in Oberoppish, Germany623.
? REPINE28 (child of James Kerr Repine and Carrie B. Simpson) was born in 1897 in
Indiana County, Pennsylvania28. ? died on December 02, 1897 in Indiana County,
RUTH REPINE28 (daughter of James Kerr Repine and Carrie B. Simpson) was born
about 189928. She married WILLIAM J. LUTHER. He was born about 189528.
JAY THOMAS REPINE28, 386 (son of James Kerr Repine and Carrie B. Simpson) was
born on October 31, 1899 in Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania28. He died
on May 06, 1953 in Blairsville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania28.
JOHN KIMPLE5 REPINE (Richard4, Rachel3 Clawson, Richard2 Clawson, Josiah1 Clawson)28 was
born on December 04, 1861 in North Mahoning Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania28. He
died on May 05, 1952 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania28. He married Annie
Margaret Aul on October 24, 1900 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania28. She was born about 186528.
John Kimple Repine and Annie Margaret Aul had the following child:
THOMAS6 REPINE28 (son of John Kimple Repine and Annie Margaret Aul) was born
on April 22, 1905 in North Mahoning Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania28. He
died in December 1967 in Punxsutawney, Jefferson County, Pennsylvania28.
Generation 5 (con't)
Rachel3 Clawson, Richard2 Clawson, Josiah1 Clawson)28, 108 was born
in 1878 in North Mahoning Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania28. He married BERTHA AIKENS.
She was born about 188028.
John M. Repine Sr. and Bertha Aikens had the following children:
JOHN M.6 REPINE JR.28 (son of John M. Repine Sr. and Bertha Aikens) was born on
December 29, 1909 in Brenizer, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania28. He died on
February 15, 1965 in Blairsville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania28. He married LOUISE
IRENE SHIRLEY (daughter of Stewart Shirley and Bertha Lewis). She was born on
May 30, 1919 in Homer City, Indiana County, Pennsylvania137. She died on August
15, 2002 in Black Lick, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
ISABELLA REPINE28 (daughter of John M. Repine Sr. and Bertha Aikens) was born on
December 03, 1918 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania28. She died on May 18, 1998
in New Alexandria, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania28. She married ARTHUR
FENNELL. He was born on March 25, 1910 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania28. He
died in October 1967 in New Alexandria, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania28.
MARGARET ANN5 THOMPSON (Ruth4 Clawson, Samuel C.3 Clawson, Richard2 Clawson, Josiah1
Clawson)42 was born in 1853 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania36. She died in
1903. She married MILTON STUMPH.
Milton Stumph and Margaret Ann Thompson had the following children:
RICHARD6 STUMPH (son of Milton Stumph and Margaret Ann Thompson). He
JAMES STUMPH (son of Milton Stumph and Margaret Ann Thompson). He married
LAURA STUMPH (daughter of Milton Stumph and Margaret Ann Thompson). She
married THOMAS GESS.
RICHARD CLAWSON5 THOMPSON (Ruth4 Clawson, Samuel C.3 Clawson, Richard2 Clawson, Josiah1
Clawson)42 was born on February 19, 1855 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
He died on December 13, 1910 in Monterey, Minnesota. He married (1) MARY SMITH. He married
Richard Clawson Thompson and Mary Smith had the following children:
MELVA6 THOMPSON (daughter of Richard Clawson Thompson and Mary Smith). She
GEORGE THOMPSON (son of Richard Clawson Thompson and Mary Smith).
KATHERINE THOMPSON (daughter of Richard Clawson Thompson and Mary Smith).
She married ROBERT CARR.
Richard Clawson Thompson and Tillie Berry had the following children:
OLIVER BERRY THOMPSON (son of Richard Clawson Thompson and Tillie Berry) was
born on September 08, 1894 in Sheldon, Iowa. He died on December 19, 1948 in
Dallas, Texas. He married Virginia Smith in October 1931.
OMA FAYE THOMPSON (daughter of Richard Clawson Thompson and Tillie Berry)
was born on August 30, 1896 in Sheldon, Iowa. She died in Chicago, Cook County,
Illinois. She married Joel H. Graham on June 22, 1918 in Chicago, Cook County,
Illinois. He was born on January 29, 1896.
MAURINE CHRISTIAN THOMPSON (son of Richard Clawson Thompson and Tillie Berry)
was born on September 15, 1898 in Sheldon, Iowa. He married Margaret Aiken on
August 01, 1925 in Niagara Falls, Niagara County, New York.
RUTH HELEN THOMPSON (daughter of Richard Clawson Thompson and Tillie Berry)
was born on November 07, 1900 in Sibley, Osceola County, Iowa. She married
WALTER WOLLES (son of Adolf Ludwig Wolles and Emma Linden).
viii. RICHARD CHARLES THOMPSON (son of Richard Clawson Thompson and Tillie Berry)
was born on April 15, 1905 in Monterey, Minnesota.
MARY ELIZABETH5 THOMPSON (Ruth4 Clawson, Samuel C.3 Clawson, Richard2 Clawson, Josiah1
Generation 5 (con't)
MARY ELIZABETH5 THOMPSON (Ruth4 Clawson, Samuel C.3 Clawson, Richard2 Clawson, Josiah1
Clawson)42 was born on August 28, 1858 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
She married OLLIE FRISLIE. He was born on June 14, 1853 in Norway. He died on October 18,
1914 in Lake County, South Dakota.
Ollie Frislie and Mary Elizabeth Thompson had the following children:
CLARA MABEL6 FRISLIE (daughter of Ollie Frislie and Mary Elizabeth Thompson) was
born on November 26, 1883 in Brandon, South Dakota. She married CLAIR J.
GEORGE ALBERT FRISLIE (son of Ollie Frislie and Mary Elizabeth Thompson) was
born on March 26, 1886 in Lake County, South Dakota. He died on December 21,
1900 in Lake County, South Dakota.
VIRGIL EUGENE FRISLIE (son of Ollie Frislie and Mary Elizabeth Thompson) was born
on June 21, 1888 in Lake County, South Dakota. He died on September 23, 1914 in
Lake County, South Dakota.
EVA MYRTLE FRISLIE (daughter of Ollie Frislie and Mary Elizabeth Thompson) was
born on April 04, 1890 in Lake County, South Dakota. She married CLAUDE E.
MARIA BELLE FRISLIE (daughter of Ollie Frislie and Mary Elizabeth Thompson) was
born on December 29, 1891 in Lake County, South Dakota. She married JAMES
HEALY. He was born on January 10, 1881 in New York City, Bronx County, New
York. He died in 1953 in Madison, South Dakota.
CLIFFORD FRISLIE (son of Ollie Frislie and Mary Elizabeth Thompson) was born on
January 18, 1893 in Lake County, South Dakota. He died on April 24, 1909 in Lake
County, South Dakota.
JOHN FRISLIE (son of Ollie Frislie and Mary Elizabeth Thompson) was born on
February 13, 1895 in Lake County, South Dakota. He died in 1956 in Madison,
South Dakota.
viii. RUTH FRISLIE (daughter of Ollie Frislie and Mary Elizabeth Thompson) was born on
October 18, 1897 in Lake County, South Dakota. She married THEODORE KAHLER.
WILLIAM JENNINGS BRYAN FRISLIE (son of Ollie Frislie and Mary Elizabeth
Thompson) was born on June 22, 1900 in Lake County, South Dakota. He married
DAVID W.5 THOMPSON (Ruth4 Clawson, Samuel C.3 Clawson, Richard2 Clawson, Josiah1
Clawson)36 was born on August 24, 1860 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
He died on October 23, 1931 in Presbyterian University Hospital, Pittsburgh, Allegheny County,
Pennsylvania. He married LAVINA CATHERINE GASKILL. She was born on September 03, 1861 in
New Alexandria, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania. She died on October 13, 1949 in Indiana
Hospital, Indiana, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
David W. Thompson and Lavina Catherine Gaskill had the following children:
MABEL6 THOMPSON (daughter of David W. Thompson and Lavina Catherine Gaskill).
She married HARRY A. CORNELL.
MARY ELIZABETH THOMPSON120 (daughter of David W. Thompson and Lavina
Catherine Gaskill) was born about 1882133. She died before June 26, 1976 in
Indiana, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She married Bert Johnson Donahue about
July 1899624. He was born about 1879133. He died before November 10, 1964 in
Indiana, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
JOHN G. THOMPSON (son of David W. Thompson and Lavina Catherine Gaskill) was
born on August 10, 1884. He married GOLDIE DEVINNEY.
JAMES A. THOMPSON (son of David W. Thompson and Lavina Catherine Gaskill) was
born on April 11, 188727. He died on October 18, 188927.
WILLIAM HENRY THOMPSON (son of David W. Thompson and Lavina Catherine
Gaskill) was born on January 09, 1890. He died on June 27, 1972. He married (1)
MARY ELLEN COCHRAN in 1940. He married (2) EMMALINE ROSHON in 1963.
CHARLES BEST THOMPSON137 (son of David W. Thompson and Lavina Catherine
Generation 5 (con't)
CHARLES BEST THOMPSON137 (son of David W. Thompson and Lavina Catherine
Gaskill) was born on September 12, 1893 in Blairsville, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania. He died on July 18, 1978 in Blairsville, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania. He married (1) NELLIE VIOLA SMITH. She was born on June 25, 1891
in Burrell Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She died on January 02, 1947
in Burrell Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He married (2) BERTHA
RAMSDEN about 1955625. She was born on September 01, 1898 in Sandy Creek,
Allegheny County, Pennsylvania625. She died on May 27, 1992 in Blairsville, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania.
WILLIAM5 THOMPSON (Ruth4 Clawson, Samuel C.3 Clawson, Richard2 Clawson, Josiah1 Clawson)36
was born on December 09, 1865 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He died
on May 21, 19231. He married (1) AGNES HOGUE on May 30, 1895287. He married (2) CORA LONG.
She died in 19397.
Notes for Agnes Hogue:
Her maiden name also could be spelled Hoag.
William Thompson and Agnes Hogue had the following children:
ROY6 THOMPSON (son of William Thompson and Agnes Hogue). He married EDYTH
JAMES THOMPSON (son of William Thompson and Agnes Hogue).
ELSIE THOMPSON (daughter of William Thompson and Agnes Hogue). She married
RUTH THOMPSON (daughter of William Thompson and Agnes Hogue). She married
REED THOMPSON (son of William Thompson and Agnes Hogue). He married JOYCE
MARIA5 THOMPSON (Ruth4 Clawson, Samuel C.3 Clawson, Richard2 Clawson, Josiah1 Clawson)36
was born on December 09, 1865 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She
Harry Grant Boyle and Maria Thompson had the following children:
SALLY6 BOYLE (daughter of Harry Grant Boyle and Maria Thompson).
EDWARD BOYLE (son of Harry Grant Boyle and Maria Thompson). He married ANNA
GRANT BOYLE (son of Harry Grant Boyle and Maria Thompson).
HAZEL BOYLE (daughter of Harry Grant Boyle and Maria Thompson).
RUTH BOYLE (daughter of Harry Grant Boyle and Maria Thompson).
WILLIAM EARLE BOYLE (son of Harry Grant Boyle and Maria Thompson) was born on
January 22, 1891. He married (1) EVA CUMMINGS. He married (2) FRANCES
HOHEMANN. She was born on March 01, 1904.
CHARLES BEST5 THOMPSON (Ruth4 Clawson, Samuel C.3 Clawson, Richard2 Clawson, Josiah1
Clawson)36 was born on July 01, 1868 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He
died on May 21, 1923 in Blairsville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He married (1) NETTIE AUGUSTA
SPIRES (daughter of David Wellington Spires and Mary Ann Thompson). She was born on
November 09, 1867 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She died on
September 21, 1902 in Blairsville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He married (2) HETTIE DUNCAN
after 1891.
Charles Best Thompson and Nettie Augusta Spires had the following child:
FLORA BELLE6 THOMPSON (daughter of Charles Best Thompson and Nettie Augusta
Spires) was born on December 17, 1890 in Blairsville, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania. She died on August 28, 1962 in Blairsville, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania. She married Paul Waugaman (son of Miller Martin Waugaman and
Katherine Pleis) on January 21, 1909 in Cumberland, Allegany County, Maryland.
He was born on July 17, 1885 in Bairdstown, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania.
He died on October 17, 1953 in Blairsville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
Generation 5 (con't)
Clawson, Samuel C.3 Clawson, Richard2 Clawson, Josiah1 Clawson)
was born on March 31, 1871 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She died in
193527. She married JAMES C. STARRY. He was born in 187027. He died in 194727.
James C. Starry and Malinda Thompson had the following children:
KATHERINE6 STARRY (daughter of James C. Starry and Malinda Thompson). She
married (1) FRANK SILLS. She married (2) CURTIS GRIFFIN.
EARLE STARRY (son of James C. Starry and Malinda Thompson). He married HAZEL
JAMES STARRY (son of James C. Starry and Malinda Thompson). He married
JESSIE SMITH. She was born in 1901.
ELSIE STARRY (daughter of James C. Starry and Malinda Thompson). She married
SAMUEL CLAWSON5 BENNETT (Mary Elizabeth4 Clawson, Samuel C.3 Clawson, Richard2 Clawson,
Josiah1 Clawson)12 was born on February 05, 1853 in Elk County, Clarion County, Pennsylvania.
He died on October 01, 1920 in Salem, Marion County, Oregon. He married Mary Elizabeth King
(daughter of George King and Ellen Jane Case) on December 07, 1873 in Maxville, Buffalo
County, Wisconsin. She was born on May 30, 1851 in Plynouth Township, Marshall County,
Indiana. She died on August 19, 1908 in Dallas, Polk County, Oregon.
Samuel Clawson Bennett and Mary Elizabeth King had the following children:
EMMA JOSEPHINE6 BENNETT12 (daughter of Samuel Clawson Bennett and Mary
Elizabeth King) was born on September 23, 1874 in Alma Township, Buffalo
Township, Wisconsin. She died on April 06, 1884 in Iroquois Township, Kingsbury
County, South Dakota.
MARTHA ISABELLE BENNETT12 (daughter of Samuel Clawson Bennett and Mary
Elizabeth King) was born on June 19, 1876 in Alma Township, Buffalo Township,
Wisconsin. She died on January 19, 1947 in Dallas, Polk County, Oregon.
NATHAN GEER BENNETT12 (son of Samuel Clawson Bennett and Mary Elizabeth
King) was born on September 18, 1878 in Alma Township, Buffalo Township,
Wisconsin. He died on May 09, 1953 in Independence Township, Polk County,
Oregon. He married GLADYS E. BENNETT (daughter of Silas Davis Bennett and Mary
Elizabeth Budd). She was born on November 24, 1887. She died on November 25,
GEORGE MONROE BENNETT12 (son of Samuel Clawson Bennett and Mary Elizabeth
King) was born on December 30, 1881 in South Dakota. He died on July 30, 1934
in Salem, Marion County, Oregon.
MARY ELIZABETH BENNETT12 (daughter of Samuel Clawson Bennett and Mary
Elizabeth King) was born on November 04, 1883 in South Dakota. She died on
December 27, 1954 in St. Helens Township, Columbia County, Oregon.
ELLA BENNETT12 (daughter of Samuel Clawson Bennett and Mary Elizabeth King)
was born on April 12, 1885 in South Dakota. She died in 1890 in Arlington,
Kingsbury County, South Dakota.
JOHN WESLEY5 BENNETT (Mary Elizabeth4 Clawson, Samuel C.3 Clawson, Richard2 Clawson,
Josiah1 Clawson)12 was born on February 01, 1856 in McLura Township, Mercer County, Illinois.
He died on November 08, 1926 in Arlington, Kingsbury County, South Dakota. He married (1)
MARY ISABEL AARON (daughter of D. Michael Aaron and Anna King) on November 15, 1878 in
Wisconsin. She was born on March 27, 1860 in Maxville, Buffalo County, Wisconsin. She died on
March 31, 1933. He married (2) SARAH FRANCIS NORRIS (daughter of Ranson Noovis and Cornelia
?) on March 18, 1877 in Maxville, Buffalo County, Wisconsin.
John Wesley Bennett and Mary Isabel Aaron had the following children:
ANNIE MARIA6 BENNETT12 (daughter of John Wesley Bennett and Mary Isabel Aaron)
was born on July 07, 1880 in Winsor Township, Brookings County, South Dakota.
She died on December 11, 1882.
WILLIAM REUBEN BENNETT12 (son of John Wesley Bennett and Mary Isabel Aaron)
Generation 5 (con't)
WILLIAM REUBEN BENNETT12 (son of John Wesley Bennett and Mary Isabel Aaron)
was born on April 14, 1883 in Winsor Township, Brookings County, South Dakota.
He died in January 1957. He married LUELLA DENTON. She was born in 1884. She
died on April 09, 1976.
FRANCIS GERTRUDE BENNETT12 (daughter of John Wesley Bennett and Mary Isabel
Aaron) was born on July 08, 1884 in Winsor Township, Brookings County, South
Dakota. She died on November 26, 1977. She married William Rumple on April 08,
1908. He died on March 01, 1967.
LAURA ISABEL BENNETT12 (daughter of John Wesley Bennett and Mary Isabel Aaron)
was born on December 04, 1886 in Winsor Township, Brookings County, South
Dakota. She died in 1969.
MICHAEL AARON BENNETT12 (son of John Wesley Bennett and Mary Isabel Aaron)
was born on February 13, 1888 in Winsor Township, Brookings County, South
? BENNETT12 (daughter of John Wesley Bennett and Mary Isabel Aaron) was born
on December 06, 1891 in Winsor Township, Brookings County, South Dakota.
Notes for ? Bennett:
She probably died at birth.
ARTHUR RAYMOND BENNETT12 (son of John Wesley Bennett and Mary Isabel Aaron)
was born on January 12, 1893 in Winsor Township, Brookings County, South
viii. THEODORE BENNETT12 (son of John Wesley Bennett and Mary Isabel Aaron) was
born on April 01, 1900. He died on May 07, 1908.
SILAS DAVIS5 BENNETT (Mary Elizabeth4 Clawson, Samuel C.3 Clawson, Richard2 Clawson, Josiah1
Clawson)12 was born on September 08, 1859 in McLura Township, Mercer County, Illinois. He died
on February 14, 1928 in Independence Township, Polk County, Oregon. He married Mary
Elizabeth Budd (daughter of George Budd and Minerva Twombly) about 1885. She was born on
December 28, 1858 in Mt. Sterling, Brown County, Illinois. She died on August 17, 1913 in
Arlington, Kingsbury County, South Dakota.
Silas Davis Bennett and Mary Elizabeth Budd had the following child:
GLADYS E. BENNETT12 (daughter of Silas Davis Bennett and Mary Elizabeth Budd)
was born on November 24, 1887. She died on November 25, 1975. She married
NATHAN GEER BENNETT (son of Samuel Clawson Bennett and Mary Elizabeth King).
He was born on September 18, 1878 in Alma Township, Buffalo Township,
Wisconsin. He died on May 09, 1953 in Independence Township, Polk County,
JOHN STIFFY5 FERGUSON (Margaret4 Clawson, Samuel C.3 Clawson, Richard2 Clawson, Josiah1
Clawson)110, 288-289 was born on February 01, 1855110, 289. He died on November 24, 1925 in
Saltsburg, Indiana County, Pennsylvania110, 289. He married Ida E. Cunningham on October 04,
1882110, 289.
John Stiffy Ferguson and Ida E. Cunningham had the following children:
VERNIE E.6 FERGUSON (daughter of John Stiffy Ferguson and Ida E. Cunningham)110,
289 .
HARRY CLOUD FERGUSON110, 289 (son of John Stiffy Ferguson and Ida E.
Cunningham) was born in 1887114. He died in 1972114. He married MARY LUCETTA
MCGINNEY. She was born in 1889114. She died in 1978114.
MARY5 FERGUSON (Margaret4 Clawson, Samuel C.3 Clawson, Richard2 Clawson, Josiah1
Clawson)110, 288-290 was born on November 25, 1856110, 289. She died on September 06, 1933 in
Greenwood Cemetery, Indiana, Indiana County, Pennsylvania110, 289. She married William H.
McKee about 1904110, 289. He was born in November 1848 in Pennsylvania290.
William H. McKee and Mary Ferguson had the following children:
W. EDWARD6 MCKEE110, 176, 289 (son of William H. McKee and Mary Ferguson) was
born in 1878176. He died in 1927176. He married FANNIE B. ?. She was born in
1885176. She died in 1967176.
Generation 5 (con't)
(daughter of William H. McKee and Mary Ferguson) was born
in September 1881 in Pennsylvania290.
OLIVER MCKEE (son of William H. McKee and Mary Ferguson)110, 289. He married (1)
? ?. He married (2) BERTHA MCCRACKEN.
LOIS B. MCKEE110, 289-290 (daughter of William H. McKee and Mary Ferguson) was
born in September 1889 in Pennsylvania290.
MCKEE110, 289-290
NANCY JANE5 FERGUSON (Margaret4 Clawson, Samuel C.3 Clawson, Richard2 Clawson, Josiah1
Clawson)110-111, 288 was born on September 01, 1860110-111. She died on May 23, 1918 in Warren,
Trumbull County, Ohio110-111. She married George Washington Chrisman II (son of George
Chrisman and Sidney McIntyre) on April 15, 1886110, 289. He was born on October 04, 1843 in
Indiana County, Pennsylvania110-111. He died on September 22, 1917 in Warren, Trumbull County,
George Washington Chrisman II and Nancy Jane Ferguson had the following children:
GEORGE WASHINGTON6 CHRISMAN III110-111 (son of George Washington Chrisman II
and Nancy Jane Ferguson) was born on January 06, 1887110-111. He died on
February 01, 1939 in La Grange, Bond County, Illinois110-111. He married DELIA S.
NORA MAY CHRISMAN110-111 (daughter of George Washington Chrisman II and Nancy
Jane Ferguson) was born on June 16, 1891 in Warren, Trumbull County,
Ohio110-111. She died on June 18, 1958 in Canfield, Mahoning County, Ohio110-111.
She married Paul Bartlett Masters on October 21, 1920 in Warren, Trumbull County,
Ohio110, 289. He was born on September 08, 1879 in Warren, Trumbull County,
Ohio110-111. He died on February 21, 1965 in Canfield, Mahoning County,
Notes for Paul Bartlett Masters:
[margaret Clawson-2.FTW]
[Brøderbund WFT Vol. 1, Ed. 1, Tree #3445, Date of Import: Jul 24, 1999]
Baptized in Warren, OH May 1880, First M.E. Church
EDNA MARGARET CHRISMAN110-111 (daughter of George Washington Chrisman II and
Nancy Jane Ferguson) was born on August 14, 1893110-111. She died on June 15,
1924 in Pontiac, Oakland County, Michigan110-111. She married James J. Elliott on
September 13, 1919110, 289. He was born on October 22, 1892110-111. He died on
February 25, 1958110-111.
Notes for Edna Margaret Chrisman:
[margaret Clawson-2.FTW]
[Brøderbund WFT Vol. 1, Ed. 1, Tree #3445, Date of Import: Jul 24, 1999]
Edna's death bothered both Nora Chrisman Masters, and Josephine Chrisman
Biggers. Edna is buried at Oakwood Cemetary in Warren, Trumbull County, Ohio in
lot 121, section 11, grave 2.
Edna died shorthly after giving birth to Peter Webb Elliott.
Notes for James J. Elliott:
[margaret Clawson-2.FTW]
James was very dignified and reserved. He smoked cigars. A nice gentleman.
JOSEPHINE GRACE CHRISMAN110-111 (daughter of George Washington Chrisman II
and Nancy Jane Ferguson) was born on March 13, 1895 in Indiana, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania110-111. She died on November 11, 1964 in Logan, Hocking
County, Ohio110-111. She married William Clifford Biggers on April 24, 1915 in
Generation 5 (con't)
County, Ohio110-111. She married William Clifford Biggers on April 24, 1915 in
Warren, Trumbull County, Ohio110, 289. He was born on December 11, 1893 in
Warren, Trumbull County, Ohio110-111. He died on May 06, 1961 in Pontiac, Oakland
County, Michigan110-111.
DAVID5 FERGUSON (Margaret4 Clawson, Samuel C.3 Clawson, Richard2 Clawson, Josiah1
Clawson)110, 288-289 was born on March 15, 1862110, 289. He died on February 01, 1936 in
Murrysville, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania110, 289. He married Rachel Eva Millen on August
24, 1887110, 289. She was born on February 07, 1870113. She died on May 06, 1905113.
David Ferguson and Rachel Eva Millen had the following child:
J. A.6 FERGUSON113 (son of David Ferguson and Rachel Eva Millen) was born on
July 02, 1888113. He died on April 28, 1907113.
GEORGE SCOTT5 FERGUSON (Margaret4 Clawson, Samuel C.3 Clawson, Richard2 Clawson, Josiah1
Clawson)110-111, 288 was born on August 23, 1868110-111. He died on February 08, 1922 in
Clarksburg, Indiana County, Pennsylvania110-111. He married (1) CORA M. ROSBOROUGH. She was
born on April 12, 1870291. She died on April 26, 1898291. He married (2) NETTIE M. ROSBOROUGH.
She was born on June 08, 1864291. She died on March 22, 1920291.
Notes for George Scott Ferguson:
Indiana Messenger (February 16, 1922)
George S. Ferguson
George S. Ferguson, the blacksmith at Clarksburg for many years died in the Indiana hospital last
week with kidney trouble. The deceased was a son of Joseph and Margaret Ferguson, of
Jacksonville, and early in life learned the blacksmith business, becoming an expert at the work. He
was one of the esteemed citizens of Young township. His wife died several years ago. He leaves
one daughter, Margaret Ferguson, at home. These brothers and sisters are living: John S.
Ferguson, of Conemaugh township; J. M. Ferguson, of Jacksonville; Joseph B. Ferguson, of
Saltsburg; Mrs. Rumbaugh of Ben Avon, and Mrs. W. H. McKee, of Jacksonville.
George Scott Ferguson and Cora M. Rosborough had the following child:
MARGARET6 FERGUSON (daughter of George Scott Ferguson and Cora M.
WILLIAM SHERMAN5 FERGUSON (Hulda4 Clawson, Samuel C.3 Clawson, Richard2 Clawson, Josiah1
Clawson)36 was born on December 31, 1865 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania52. He died before October 03, 1919 in Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania.
He married ARABELLE MORTON (daughter of John Morton and Nancy C. Wineman). She died
before August 01, 1949133.
William Sherman Ferguson and Arabelle Morton had the following children:
OSCAR E.6 FERGUSON3 (son of William Sherman Ferguson and Arabelle Morton)
was born on March 30, 1891114. He died on December 13, 1893114.
EDNA L. FERGUSON (daughter of William Sherman Ferguson and Arabelle Morton)3.
ALMEDA I. FERGUSON (daughter of William Sherman Ferguson and Arabelle
HULDAH V. FERGUSON (daughter of William Sherman Ferguson and Arabelle
JOHN E. FERGUSON (son of William Sherman Ferguson and Arabelle Morton)3.
SUSANNA JANE FERGUSON (daughter of William Sherman Ferguson and Arabelle
Morton)3, 52.
CHARLOTTE FERGUSON (daughter of William Sherman Ferguson and Arabelle
viii. DOROTHY M. FERGUSON3 (daughter of William Sherman Ferguson and Arabelle
Morton) was born about 1900.
CAROLINE5 FERGUSON (Hulda4 Clawson, Samuel C.3 Clawson, Richard2 Clawson, Josiah1
Clawson)266, 292 was born on August 15, 1872 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania52. She died on August 08, 1938 in Indiana, Indiana County, Pennsylvania1. She
married Benjamin W. Clawson (son of Richard Benjamin Clawson and Rachel Davis) on October
Generation 5 (con't)
married Benjamin W. Clawson (son of Richard Benjamin Clawson and Rachel Davis) on October
12, 1897 in Blairsville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He was born on July 11, 1833 in Black Lick
Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He died on October 01, 1917 in Black Lick Township,
Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
Notes for Caroline Ferguson:
According to the 1930 census, Carrie was living with her brother, Larry, in Blacklick Township,
Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
Notes for Benjamin W. Clawson:
Anna Mary Clawson was the only child of Benjamin and Caroline.
According to the 1860 Census, Benjamin was living with his grandfather, Benjamin R. Clawson, in
Blacklick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
According to the 1870 Census, Benjamin was living with his parents in Blacklick Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania.
According to the 1900 Census, Benjamin and his family were living in Blacklick Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania.
Benjamin W. Clawson and Caroline Ferguson had the following children:
ANNA MARY6 CLAWSON137, 266-267 (daughter of Benjamin W. Clawson and Caroline
Ferguson) was born on July 16, 1898 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania211. She died on December 20, 1959 in Black Lick Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania1. She married Charles Otto Swasy (son of John Harrison
Swasy and Matilda Lyons) on December 24, 19141. He was born on October 31,
1891 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He died on March 02,
1971 in Blairsville R. D. 2, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
NAOMI CHARLOTTE CLAWSON137 (adopted daughter of Benjamin W. Clawson and
Caroline Ferguson) was born on July 19, 1916 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania137.
She died on June 21, 2005 in Grant Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania570.
She married Elmer D. Snyder (son of Andrew C. Snyder and Elizabeth Colgan) on
August 03, 1940137. He was born on July 04, 1904 in Grant Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania137. He died on September 02, 1986 in Rochester Mills R. D.
1, Indiana County, Pennsylvania137.
Notes for Naomi Charlotte Clawson:
In 1938, Naomi was living in Blacklick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
ROXANNA5 FERGUSON (Hulda4 Clawson, Samuel C.3 Clawson, Richard2 Clawson, Josiah1
Clawson)267 was born on October 21, 1879 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania176. She died on October 21, 1942 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania176. She married George Smith Clawson (son of Dwight Gere Clawson and Margaret
Ellen Long) on November 12, 1902293. He was born on March 03, 1881 in Black Lick Township,
Indiana County, Pennsylvania176. He died on July 21, 1958 in Burrell Township, Indiana County,
Notes for George Smith Clawson:
According to the 1930 census, George and his family were living in Blacklick Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania.
In 1957, George was living in Blairsville RD 2, Pennsylvania.
George Smith Clawson and Roxanna Ferguson had the following children:
? CLAWSON267 (son of George Smith Clawson and Roxanna Ferguson) was born in
1905. He died on May 05, 1905.
GERE BENJAMIN CLAWSON SR.267, 384 (son of George Smith Clawson and Roxanna
Ferguson) was born on October 10, 1907 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania. He died on August 24, 1985 in Ashtabula, Ashtabula County,
Ohio380. He married Maggie Belle Armstrong on March 17, 1932. She was born on
Generation 5 (con't)
Ohio380. He married Maggie Belle Armstrong on March 17, 1932. She was born on
December 17, 1906. She died on October 21, 1980.
CARRIE ELLEN CLAWSON267, 384 (daughter of George Smith Clawson and Roxanna
Ferguson) was born on December 01, 1910 in Black Lick Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania. She died on July 10, 1992. She married Walter McClain
Campbell on August 17, 1938. He was born on June 30, 1905. He died on
November 27, 1983.
Notes for Carrie Ellen Clawson:
In 1942, Carrie and Walter were living in Blacklick Township, Indiana County,
In 1969, Carrie and Walter were living in Blairsville RD 1, Indiana County,
In 1990, Carrie and Walter were living in Blairsville RD 2, Indiana County,
ALVIN GEORGE CLAWSON176, 267, 384 (son of George Smith Clawson and Roxanna
Ferguson) was born on December 10, 1917 in Black Lick Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania176. He died on November 26, 1969 in Black Lick, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania176. He married Blanche Belle Clawson (daughter of Wilmer
Atkinson Clawson and Anna Mary Robinson) in October 1939. She was born on
February 29, 1920 in Homer City, Indiana County, Pennsylvania137, 176. She died on
April 04, 2006 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania137.
Notes for Alvin George Clawson:
In 1942, Alvin was living in Blacklick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
Notes for Blanche Belle Clawson:
In 1975, Blanche and Alvin were living in Blairsville RD 2, Indiana County,
Indiana Gazette (April 5, 2006)
Blanche Belle Clawson Clawson, 86, of Blairsville, PA (Blacklick Twp.) passed
away on Tuesday April 4, 2006 at Beacon Ridge, Indiana, PA.
The daughter of Wilmer Atkinson and Anna Mary Robinson Clawson, she was born
February 29, 1920 in Yankeetown, PA (Homer City).
Mrs. Clawson lived most of her life in Blacklick Twp. and was a member of
Hopewell United Methodist Church and the Ladies Aide of the church.
She graduated from Indiana High School.
Prior to her retirement in 1980, she was employed by Syntron, Homer City, PA.
Surviving are two sons, George Wilmer Clawson and wife, Virginia of Blairsville and
Earl Larry Clawson and wife, Bonnie of Homer City; four grandchildren, Dennis,
Dena, Michael and Kristin Clawson; three great grandchildren, Zachary Clawson,
Michael J. Krejocic and Anna Clawson and a brother, Dory Clawson of Russell, PA.
She was preceded in death by her parents; her husband, Alvin George Clawson in
1969 and an infant sister, Dora Mabel Clawson.
The family will receive friends from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 P.M. Thursday at the
Shoemaker Funeral Home, Inc., 49 N. Walnut St., Blairsville, PA. Services will be
held at 11:00 A.M. Friday at the funeral home with Rev. Jason L. McQueen and
Rev. Robert W. Goossen co-officiating.
Interment will be in Oakland Cemetery, Indiana, PA.
ROY LARRY CLAWSON267, 384 (son of George Smith Clawson and Roxanna Ferguson)
was born on November 28, 1921 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania362. He died on June 16, 1990 in Indiana Hospital, Indiana, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania362. He married Dora LaRue Sharp (daughter of Francis Clyde
Sharp and Lottie E. Cary) on June 12, 1940. She was born on May 26, 1924 in
Center Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania137. She died on September 25,
Generation 5 (con't)
Center Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania137. She died on September 25,
2004 in Derry Township, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania137.
Notes for Roy Larry Clawson:
In 1942 and 1969, Roy was living in Blacklick Township, Indiana County,
Notes for Dora LaRue Sharp:
Blairsville Dispatch (October 1, 2004)
Dora LaRue Sharp Clawson
Dora LaRue Sharp Clawson, 80, of Blairsville (Derry Township) died Saturday,
Sept. 25, 2004, at her home.
A daughter of Francis Clyde and Lottie E. Cary Sharp, she was born May 26, 1924,
in Center Township.
Mrs. Clawson lived her entire life in the Blairsville area.
Surviving are four daughters: Betty Jean Riley, Blairsville; Alice Dombroske and her
husband, Joseph, Blairsville; Phyllis Miller and her husband, Larry, Bluefield, W.Va.;
and Beverly Clawson, Bonita Springs, Fla.; 11 grandchildren; one great-grandchild;
two brothers, Clair and Edward Sharp, and a sister, Ruby Kwisnek and her
husband, Steve, all of Clarksburg; and numerous nieces and nephews.
She was preceded in death by her parents; her husband of 50 years, Roy Larry
Clawson, in 1990; a grandson, Gregg Larry bailey; two brothers, Ralph and Norman
Sharp; and one sister, Hazel Cunningham.
The family received friends Tuesday at the Shoemaker Funeral Home, Blairsville,
where funeral services were held Wednesday, with Rev. Jason L. McQueen
officiating. Interment was in twin Valley memorial Park, Delmont.
Memorial contributions may be made to Family Hospice of Indiana County, 850
Hospital Road, Indiana, Pa. 15701.
HOMER EARL CLAWSON267, 384 (son of George Smith Clawson and Roxanna
Ferguson) was born on October 17, 1925 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania. He died on December 05, 1996 in Black Lick Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania137. He married Anna Mae Laughlin (daughter of Homer
Laughlin and Olive Ressler) on October 12, 1945. She was born on March 11, 1926
in Derry Township, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania158, 571. She died on July
02, 2010 in Blairsville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania571.
Notes for Homer Earl Clawson:
In 1990, Homer was living in Blairsville RD 2, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
Homer Clawson obit
Homer E. Clawson, 71, of Blairsville RD2 (Blacklick Township), on Thursday, Dec.
5. Richard L. Shoemaker Funeral Home, Blairsville
Notes for Anna Mae Laughlin:
Anna May (Laughlin) Clawson, 84, of Blairsville, PA passed away on Friday, July 2,
2010 at Scenery Hill Manor, Indiana, PA. A daughter of Homer and Olive (Ressler)
Laughlin, she was born March 11, 1926 in Derry Twp., PA. Mrs. Clawson lived in
the Blairsville area her entire life. She graduated from Derry Twp. High School in
1944 She was a member of Hopewell United Methodist Church and was an active
Girl Scout leader for 20 years. Surviving are five children, Larry E. Clawson and his
Generation 5 (con't)
Girl Scout leader for 20 years. Surviving are five children, Larry E. Clawson and his
wife, Karen of Greensburg; James H. Clawson and his wife, Velma of Blairsville;
John R. Clawson and his wife, Diane of Stephens City, VA; Shirley Boros and her
husband, George of Blairsville and Roxanna Brandel and her husband, Patrick of
Maui, HI; seven grandchildren; six great grandchildren and numerous nieces and
nephews. She was preceded in death by her parents; her husband, Homer E.
Clawson in 1996; a grandson, Scott Clawson and three brothers, Sherman, Homer
C. and Donald Laughlin. The family will receive friends from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 P.M.
Monday at the Shoemaker Funeral Home, Inc., 49 N. Walnut St., Blairsville, PA.
Funeral services will be held at 11:00 A.M. Tuesday at the funeral home with Rev.
Brett M. Dinger officiating. Interment will be in Blairsville Cemetery, Blairsville, PA.
MARY ANN5 THOMPSON (Nancy4 Clawson, Samuel C.3 Clawson, Richard2 Clawson, Josiah1
Clawson)6 was born on June 01, 1843 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She
died on May 10, 1883 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She married DAVID
WELLINGTON SPIRES (son of Joseph Spires and Rebecca Morehead). He was born about 1840 in
Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He died in 1903.
Notes for David Wellington Spires:
According to the 1870 Census, David and his family were living with his parents in Blacklick
Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
David Wellington Spires and Mary Ann Thompson had the following children:
NETTIE AUGUSTA SPIRES36 (daughter of David Wellington Spires and Mary Ann
Thompson) was born on November 09, 1867 in Black Lick Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania. She died on September 21, 1902 in Blairsville, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania. She married CHARLES BEST THOMPSON (son of George
Thompson and Ruth Clawson). He was born on July 01, 1868 in Black Lick
Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He died on May 21, 1923 in Blairsville,
Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
CHARLES LESLIE WAKEFIELD SPIRES7, 36 (son of David Wellington Spires and Mary
Ann Thompson) was born in 1869 in Pennsylvania36. He married ELIZABETH
MYRTLE SPIRES (daughter of David Wellington Spires and Mary Ann Thompson)
was born on November 28, 1871. She died on June 13, 1939133. She married
Joseph Thomas Baker on December 24, 1901. He was born in 1868. He died
before November 27, 1948133.
JOHN SCOTT SPIRES (son of David Wellington Spires and Mary Ann Thompson) was
born in 18757. He married AMELIA MCLAUGHLIN.
NANCY EVA SPIRES (daughter of David Wellington Spires and Mary Ann Thompson)
was born on October 28, 1880. She died on November 16, 1938. She married
RALPH E. MCGAUGHEY. He was born on September 30, 1878.
JOHN D.5 THOMPSON (Nancy4 Clawson, Samuel C.3 Clawson, Richard2 Clawson, Josiah1
Clawson)6, 44 was born on February 02, 1844 in Pennsylvania. He died on November 10, 1922294.
He married Letticia F. Lawrence (daughter of William Lawrence and Eunice Bennett) in 1888 in
Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania12. She was born in August 1857 in
Pennsylvania44. She died in 193327.
Notes for John D. Thompson:
According to the 1900 Census, John and his family were living in Black Lick, Indiana County,
John D. Thompson and Letticia F. Lawrence had the following child:
ALBERT JOHN6 THOMPSON44 (son of John D. Thompson and Letticia F. Lawrence)
was born on January 01, 1889 in Mason County, Illinois. He died on April 26, 1967.
He married Margaret Hill on November 08, 191112. She was born on December 25,
1889. She died on September 17, 1966.
MARGARET5 THOMPSON (Nancy4 Clawson, Samuel C.3 Clawson, Richard2 Clawson, Josiah1
Clawson)6 was born on September 14, 1849 in Pennsylvania. She died on March 12, 191827. She
married Columbus C. Repine (son of ? Repine and Maria ?) on March 14, 1872. He was born on
Generation 5 (con't)
married Columbus C. Repine (son of ? Repine and Maria ?) on March 14, 1872. He was born on
January 27, 1848 in Pennsylvania27. He died on September 02, 189627, 295.
Columbus C. Repine and Margaret Thompson had the following children:
FLODIE B.6 REPINE348 (daughter of Columbus C. Repine and Margaret Thompson)
was born on January 05, 1873. She died on March 13, 1926. She married Charles
B. Mabon about January 08, 1894348.
DAVID CLARK REPINE (son of Columbus C. Repine and Margaret Thompson) was
born on July 23, 1874.
ALICE MAY REPINE (daughter of Columbus C. Repine and Margaret Thompson) was
born on December 29, 1877. She married Charles S. Wainwright (son of George
Wainwright and Jane ?) on September 14, 1898. He was born on October 12, 1869
in Pennsylvania. He died on May 05, 1932.
MINNIE REPINE27 (daughter of Columbus C. Repine and Margaret Thompson) was
born on November 30, 187927. She died on December 03, 187927.
JENNIE REPINE27 (daughter of Columbus C. Repine and Margaret Thompson) was
born on January 01, 1880. She died on January 25, 1880.
RUTH5 THOMPSON (Nancy4 Clawson, Samuel C.3 Clawson, Richard2 Clawson, Josiah1 Clawson)42
was born about 1853 in Pennsylvania42. She married MILTON L. CUNNINGHAM.
Milton L. Cunningham and Ruth Thompson had the following children:
ROY6 CUNNINGHAM (son of Milton L. Cunningham and Ruth Thompson).
ARMOUR CUNNINGHAM (son of Milton L. Cunningham and Ruth Thompson). He
married DAISY ?.
NELLIE CUNNINGHAM (daughter of Milton L. Cunningham and Ruth Thompson) was
born on July 01, 1891. She married Mabon Harrold on June 20, 1916. He was born
on February 01, 1894.
SAMUEL5 THOMPSON (Nancy4 Clawson, Samuel C.3 Clawson, Richard2 Clawson, Josiah1
Clawson)42 was born about 1855 in Pennsylvania42. He died in 1923. He married EMMA LOWRY.
She was born in 1860. She died in 1935.
Samuel Thompson and Emma Lowry had the following child:
NORA V.6 THOMPSON (daughter of Samuel Thompson and Emma Lowry) was born
in 1889. She died in 1892.
HULDA5 THOMPSON (Nancy4 Clawson, Samuel C.3 Clawson, Richard2 Clawson, Josiah1 Clawson)42
was born about 1855 in Pennsylvania42. She married JAMES TAYLOR.
James Taylor and Hulda Thompson had the following children:
IVA6 TAYLOR (daughter of James Taylor and Hulda Thompson).
ELMER TAYLOR (son of James Taylor and Hulda Thompson). He married LAURA
PAUL TAYLOR (son of James Taylor and Hulda Thompson).
JAMES TAYLOR (son of James Taylor and Hulda Thompson). He married MARY
RACHAEL AMANDA5 THOMPSON (Nancy4 Clawson, Samuel C.3 Clawson, Richard2 Clawson, Josiah1
Clawson)42 was born on June 05, 1859. She died on August 19, 1912. She married Robert Repine
on February 14, 1884. He was born on May 12, 1850. He died on December 27, 1904.
Robert Repine and Rachael Amanda Thompson had the following children:
MABEL CLAIRE6 REPINE (daughter of Robert Repine and Rachael Amanda
Thompson) was born on April 16, 1885. She died on December 04, 1939.
FRANK HOMER REPINE (son of Robert Repine and Rachael Amanda Thompson) was
born on July 19, 1888. He died on May 03, 19671. He married Alta Gertrude Barr
(daughter of John P. Barr and Margaret E. McCracken) on November 23, 1910. She
was born on October 03, 1892 in Blairsville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She
died in January 19501.
Generation 5 (con't)
HELEN MARGARET REPINE (daughter of Robert Repine and Rachael Amanda
Thompson) was born on May 25, 1895.
CHARLES MELVIN REPINE (son of Robert Repine and Rachael Amanda Thompson)
was born on October 06, 1898. He married Ruth Elizabeth Berg on June 15, 1931.
She was born on December 26, 1901.
MATILDA5 THOMPSON (Nancy4 Clawson, Samuel C.3 Clawson, Richard2 Clawson, Josiah1
Clawson)36 was born in 1862 in Pennsylvania36. She married THOMAS G. SMITH.
Thomas G. Smith and Matilda Thompson had the following children:
MARGARET6 SMITH (daughter of Thomas G. Smith and Matilda Thompson). She
married FRANK CLARK.
MABEL SARAH SMITH137 (daughter of Thomas G. Smith and Matilda Thompson) was
born on July 22, 1887 in Conemaugh Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She
died on May 12, 1974 in Blairsville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She married
William Lloyd Clawson (son of James Young Clawson and Jennie C. Black) on
September 02, 1908 in Indiana, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He was born on
September 14, 1887 in Young Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania362. He died
on December 19, 1968 in Celia Cribbs Rest Home, Black Lick, Indiana County,
Notes for William Lloyd Clawson:
In 1937, William was living in Blairsville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
William's address was still listed at Blairsville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania at the
time of his death.
DAVID ELMER5 THOMPSON (Nancy4 Clawson, Samuel C.3 Clawson, Richard2 Clawson, Josiah1
Clawson)36 was born about 1864 in Pennsylvania36. He died on January 17, 1931 in Blairsville,
Indiana County, Pennsylvania296. He married JULIA W. LIEKERT (daughter of Henry W. Liekert).
She was born in 1863296. She died on May 03, 1932296.
David Elmer Thompson and Julia W. Liekert had the following children:
MILDRED6 THOMPSON294 (daughter of David Elmer Thompson and Julia W. Liekert)
was born about July 1901296. She died in January 1903296.
JOHN M. THOMPSON (son of David Elmer Thompson and Julia W. Liekert)296. He
EDNA THOMPSON (daughter of David Elmer Thompson and Julia W. Liekert). She
MARGARET THOMPSON (daughter of David Elmer Thompson and Julia W. Liekert).
She married HARRY W. CRUM.
SAMUEL5 CLAWSON (Richard Samuel4, Samuel C.3, Richard2, Josiah1)6 was born in 1845 in
Pennsylvania6. He died in 18807. He married Rebecca Harriett Bricker (daughter of Tobias Bricker
and Jane Latimer) in 1866115. She was born on January 04, 1847 in Black Lick Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania44, 115. She died on June 04, 1900 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County,
Notes for Samuel Clawson:
Accoriding to the 1870 census, Samuel and his family were living in Blacklick Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania.
Notes for Rebecca Harriett Bricker:
According to the 1900 Census, Harriett was living in Blacklick, Indiana County, Pennsylvania with
her daughter, Lottie, and her family.
Samuel Clawson and Rebecca Harriett Bricker had the following children:
EDWARD CHALMERS6 CLAWSON36, 348, 627 (son of Samuel Clawson and Rebecca
Harriett Bricker) was born about 1868 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania36. He married Emma Jane Long (daughter of William H. Long and
Margaret J. Loughery) on November 28, 1894348, 627. She was born on May 17,
Generation 5 (con't)
Margaret J. Loughery) on November 28, 1894348, 627. She was born on May 17,
1870 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania627. She died on
December 23, 1923 in Pitcairn, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania231.
LOTTIE B. CLAWSON44 (daughter of Samuel Clawson and Rebecca Harriett Bricker)
was born in January 1871 in Pennsylvania44. She married CHESTER BROWN. He was
born in March 1874 in Pennsylvania44.
Notes for Chester Brown:
According to the 1900 Census, Chester and his family were living in Blacklick,
Indiana County, Pennsylvania. His mother-in-law was also living with them.
DAVID D.5 CLAWSON (Richard Samuel4, Samuel C.3, Richard2, Josiah1)42 was born in 1847 in
Pennsylvania6. He died on February 21, 1880 in Burrell Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania27.
He married REBECCA S. BENNETT (daughter of Samuel Bennett and Mary Clawson). She was born
in 1848 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania6.
Notes for David D. Clawson:
According to the 1870 Census, David and his family were living in Blacklick Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania.
David D. Clawson and Rebecca S. Bennett had the following children:
IDA MAE6 CLAWSON1, 36 (daughter of David D. Clawson and Rebecca S. Bennett)
was born in 1867 in Pennsylvania36. She died on October 01, 187227.
MARGARET I. CLAWSON1, 36 (daughter of David D. Clawson and Rebecca S. Bennett)
was born in 1869 in Pennsylvania36. She married Alonza B. Kelley (son of John E.
Kelley) on October 08, 18901. He was born about 18691.
SAMUEL SETH CLAWSON12 (son of David D. Clawson and Rebecca S. Bennett) was
born on June 14, 1874280.
ORA ADA CLAWSON12 (daughter of David D. Clawson and Rebecca S. Bennett) was
born in 18791.
JANE ANN5 CLAWSON (Richard Samuel4, Samuel C.3, Richard2, Josiah1)7, 42, 44 was born on March
19, 1851 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania1. She died on July 07, 1924 in
Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania162. She married William Houston (son of
James Huston and Rebecca Jane Clawson) on August 15, 18701. He was born on May 20, 1847 in
Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania3. He died on February 14, 1927 in Black Lick
Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania162.
Notes for William Houston:
According to the 1900 Census, William and his family were living in Blacklick Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania. His mother was also living with them.
William Houston and Jane Ann Clawson had the following children:
WESLEY I.5 HOUSTON3 (son of William Houston and Jane Ann Clawson) was born in
1871 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania1. He died on January
14, 1928162.
Notes for Wesley I. Houston:
In 1913, Wesley was the minister at the Christian Church, Nezperce, Idaho.
EMORY M. HOUSTON1 (son of William Houston and Jane Ann Clawson) was born in
1872 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
JAMES RICHARD HOUSTON3 (son of William Houston and Jane Ann Clawson) was
born on September 04, 1873 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania1. He died on August 15, 19401. He married (1) GERTRUDE THOMPSON
on July 05, 19021. He married (2) BEULAH STEWART.
ALICE G. HOUSTON3 (daughter of William Houston and Jane Ann Clawson) was born
in 1876 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania1. She married (1) J.
DIXON AVERY. She married (2) ? RUGH.
Notes for Alice G. Houston:
In 1913, Alice and Dixon were living Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania.
Generation 5 (con't)
CARRIE B. HOUSTON3, 44 (daughter of William Houston and Jane Ann Clawson) was
born in February 1879 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania1.
WILLIAM ROY HOUSTON3 (son of William Houston and Jane Ann Clawson) was born
in August 1885 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He died on
October 23, 1937162.
Notes for William Roy Houston:
In 1913, William was living in Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania.
HOOD ELDER HOUSTON3 (son of William Houston and Jane Ann Clawson) was born
in June 1887 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania44.
Notes for Hood Elder Houston:
In 1913, Hood was living in Detroit, Michigan.
viii. NELL T. HOUSTON3, 44 (daughter of William Houston and Jane Ann Clawson) was
born in January 1890 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania44.
HELEN D. HOUSTON3, 44 (daughter of William Houston and Jane Ann Clawson) was
born in January 1893 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania44.
Notes for Helen D. Houston:
In 1913, Helen was living in Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania.
RALPH HOUSTON (son of William Houston and Jane Ann Clawson)3. He died before
Notes for Ralph Houston:
Ralph died as a young man.
MARTHA HOUSTON (daughter of William Houston and Jane Ann Clawson)3.
Notes for Martha Houston:
Martha died young.
BERTHA A. HOUSTON3, 388 (daughter of William Houston and Jane Ann Clawson) was
born on March 25, 1877 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania1, 388.
She died on January 25, 1956 in Munhall, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania388. She
married GEORGE HOWARD STEWART (son of Louise E ?). He was born about 1881 in
Notes for Bertha A. Houston:
In 1913, Bertha and Howard were living in Avalon, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania.
WILLIAM5 CLAWSON (Richard Samuel4, Samuel C.3, Richard2, Josiah1)42 was born in 1852 in Black
Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania1. He died before 1900. He married MARY MARGARET
CLAWSON (daughter of Adam Clawson and Sarah Clawson). She was born in 1857 in Black Lick
Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania42.
Notes for William Clawson:
According to the 1870 Census, William was living with his brother, Samuel, in Blacklick Township,
Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
Notes for Mary Margaret Clawson:
According to the 1900 census, Mary was living with her daughter, Lottie, in Blacklick Township,
Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She was a servant to James Davis.
According to the 1930 census, Mary was living with her daughter, Lottie, in Brushvalley Township,
Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
William Clawson and Mary Margaret Clawson had the following children:
LULU5 CLAWSON1 (daughter of William Clawson and Mary Margaret Clawson) was
born in 1877 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
WILLIAM HERMAN CLAWSON93, 137 (son of William Clawson and Mary Margaret
Clawson) was born on April 28, 1879 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County,
Generation 5 (con't)
Clawson) was born on April 28, 1879 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania362. He died on July 20, 1971 in Blairsville R. D. 2, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania. He married Jessie Olive Jones (daughter of John Jones) about
1902384. She was born on April 03, 1881 in Pennsylvania. She died on May 22,
1948 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
Notes for William Herman Clawson:
According to the 1920 census, William and his family were living in Blacklick
Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
According to the 1930 census, William and his family were living in Blacklick
Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
CLARK CLAWSON52 (son of William Clawson and Mary Margaret Clawson) was born
on October 05, 1883 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania280, 386.
He died on March 16, 1952 in Indiana Hospital, Indiana, Indiana County,
LOTTIE B. CLAWSON44, 52 (daughter of William Clawson and Mary Margaret Clawson)
was born in December 1895 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania44. She died in 1942157. She married Harry M. Hockenberry (son of
John Alderson Hockenberry and Mary Ellen Moose) on December 23, 1915 in
Indiana, Indiana County, Pennsylvania1. He was born in 1894 in Pennsylvania157.
He died in 1949157.
Notes for Harry M. Hockenberry:
According to the 1930 census, Harry and his family were living in Brushvalley
Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
NANCY ANN5 DAVIS (Mary4 Clawson, Samuel C.3 Clawson, Richard2 Clawson, Josiah1 Clawson)42
was born on June 19, 1854 in Pennsylvania. She died on February 23, 1930. She married Charles
Lively on October 03, 1889.
Charles Lively and Nancy Ann Davis had the following children:
WILLIAM THOMAS6 LIVELY (son of Charles Lively and Nancy Ann Davis) was born on
January 19, 1892. He married OLIVE DENNISON. She died in 19507.
MURRAY BENTON LIVELY (son of Charles Lively and Nancy Ann Davis) was born on
April 13, 1894.
DAVID CLAWSON5 DAVIS (Mary4 Clawson, Samuel C.3 Clawson, Richard2 Clawson, Josiah1
Clawson)42, 44 was born on December 07, 1855 in Pennsylvania. He died on July 27, 1910. He
married Savilla M. Lawrence (daughter of William Lawrence and Eunice Bennett) on February 06,
1879. She was born in November 1860 in Pennsylvania44. She died on March 05, 1916.
Notes for David Clawson Davis:
According to the 1900 Census, David and his family were living in Blacklick Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania.
David Clawson Davis and Savilla M. Lawrence had the following children:
JAMES6 DAVIS628 (son of David Clawson Davis and Savilla M. Lawrence) was born
on December 26, 1879 in Pennsylvania. He married CLARA ?.
MINNA ZO DAVIS (daughter of David Clawson Davis and Savilla M. Lawrence) was
born on November 16, 1881 in Pennsylvania. She married WILLIAM COVER.
WILLIAM L. DAVIS44 (son of David Clawson Davis and Savilla M. Lawrence) was born
in July 1885 in Pennsylvania44. He married ZINA WILLIAMS. She was born in 1885 in
Notes for William L. Davis:
According to the 1930 Cenus, William and his family were living in Blacklick
Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
PAUL S. DAVIS44 (son of David Clawson Davis and Savilla M. Lawrence) was born
on March 21, 1898 in Pennsylvania. He died on October 06, 1937. He married
LOTTIE NIXON. She was born on October 18, 1895.
Generation 5 (con't)
Clawson, Samuel C.3 Clawson, Richard2 Clawson, Josiah1
was born on April 25, 1860 in Pennsylvania. He died on March 08, 1929. He married
MISSOURI LAWRENCE (daughter of William Lawrence and Eunice Bennett). She was born in 1863.
She died in 1926.
Samuel Benton Davis and Missouri Lawrence had the following child:
MARY E.6 DAVIS (daughter of Samuel Benton Davis and Missouri Lawrence)27. She
died in 1888.
ELLEN JANE5 THOMPSON (Sarah4 Clawson, Samuel C.3 Clawson, Richard2 Clawson, Josiah1
Clawson)42 was born on September 29, 1854 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania. She married GEORGE M. RAGER (son of Hugh Rager and Mary Donahey). He was
born on January 28, 1863.
Notes for Ellen Jane Thompson:
Ellen also goes by Eleanora.
George M. Rager and Ellen Jane Thompson had the following children:
BERT6 RAGER (son of George M. Rager and Ellen Jane Thompson).
LILLIAN RAGER (daughter of George M. Rager and Ellen Jane Thompson).
PAUL RAGER (son of George M. Rager and Ellen Jane Thompson).
ROY RAGER (son of George M. Rager and Ellen Jane Thompson).
JOHN C. RAGER (son of George M. Rager and Ellen Jane Thompson) was born on
December 27, 1873. He married GRACE SNYDER.
MAYME RAGER (daughter of George M. Rager and Ellen Jane Thompson) was born
on February 12, 1877.
HARRY RAGER (son of George M. Rager and Ellen Jane Thompson) was born on
December 15, 1879.
viii. RALPH RAGER (son of George M. Rager and Ellen Jane Thompson) was born in
NANCY ANN5 THOMPSON (Sarah4 Clawson, Samuel C.3 Clawson, Richard2 Clawson, Josiah1
Clawson)42 was born on July 02, 1856 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She
married GEORGE W. PALMER (son of Jesse Palmer and Anna Marie Elliot). He was born about 1853
in Pennsylvania298.
Notes for George W. Palmer:
George lived in Blairsville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
George W. Palmer and Nancy Ann Thompson had the following children:
SAMUEL WILBUR6 PALMER630 (son of George W. Palmer and Nancy Ann Thompson)
was born on June 09, 1879 in Blairsville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania630. He died
on July 22, 1954 in Blairsville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania630. He married (1)
CHARLES PALMER (son of George W. Palmer and Nancy Ann Thompson). He
married Elizabeth Crusan about July 1897312.
JAMES BIRD5 THOMPSON (Sarah4 Clawson, Samuel C.3 Clawson, Richard2 Clawson, Josiah1
Clawson) was born on December 09, 1861 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
He died on April 30, 1942. He married (1) ? ?. He married (2) ? GILMORE. He married (3)
James Bird Thompson and ? ? had the following children:
GRACE6 THOMPSON (daughter of James Bird Thompson and ? ?).
? THOMPSON (son of James Bird Thompson and ? ?).
HULDA5 THOMPSON (Sarah4 Clawson, Samuel C.3 Clawson, Richard2 Clawson, Josiah1 Clawson)
was born on October 09, 1863 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She married
? Lockhard and Hulda Thompson had the following child:
Generation 5 (con't)
LOCKHARD (son of ? Lockhard and Hulda Thompson).
MELINDA E.5 THOMPSON (Sarah4 Clawson, Samuel C.3 Clawson, Richard2 Clawson, Josiah1
Clawson) was born on February 14, 1868. She died on August 14, 1937. She married (1) SAMUEL
BENNETT (son of Samuel Bennett and Mary Clawson) in Black Lick Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania. He was born about 1858 in Pennsylvania42. She married (2) JAMES MORRISON.
Samuel Bennett and Melinda E. Thompson had the following children:
HAZEL6 BENNETT (daughter of Samuel Bennett and Melinda E. Thompson).
SAMUEL BENNETT (son of Samuel Bennett and Melinda E. Thompson).
TELFORD BENNETT (son of Samuel Bennett and Melinda E. Thompson).
LEE BENNETT (daughter of Samuel Bennett and Melinda E. Thompson). She
JANE ELIZABETH5 CLAWSON (Richard4, Ross3, Richard2, Josiah1)118-119 was born on June 18, 1846.
Linus Townsend Painter and Jane Elizabeth Clawson had the following children:
MARY LAVINA6 PAINTER (daughter of Linus Townsend Painter and Jane Elizabeth
Clawson)631. She married HOMER LUTTNER.
RICHARD PAINTER (son of Linus Townsend Painter and Jane Elizabeth Clawson)119.
SAMUEL HENRY5 DONAHEY (Samuel C.4, Sarah3 Clawson, Richard2 Clawson, Josiah1 Clawson)120,
176 was born in 1861 176 . He died on May 22, 1942 in Leechburg, Armstrong County,
Pennsylvania176. He married Anna Belle Morton on March 13, 1895287. She was born in 1871176.
She died on January 13, 1955 in Indiana, Indiana County, Pennsylvania176.
Samuel Henry Donahey and Anna Belle Morton had the following children:
GRACE V.6 DONAHEY120 (daughter of Samuel Henry Donahey and Anna Belle
Morton) was born in 1895. She married Luther I. Tyger in 1916.
MAUDE NAOMI DONAHEY120 (daughter of Samuel Henry Donahey and Anna Belle
Morton) was born in 1897. She died in Latrobe, Westmoreland County,
Pennsylvania. She married George R. Bryan in 1916. He died in Latrobe,
Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania.
HAZEL MARIE DONAHEY120 (daughter of Samuel Henry Donahey and Anna Belle
Morton) was born in 1900. She married RAYMOND DONALD ST. CLAIR.
BESSIE MAY DONAHEY120 (daughter of Samuel Henry Donahey and Anna Belle
Morton) was born in 1902176. She died on January 14, 1956176.
JOHN CLARK5 DONAHEY (Samuel C.4, Sarah3 Clawson, Richard2 Clawson, Josiah1 Clawson)120 was
born in 1867 in Pennsylvania176. He died on September 28, 1957176. He married Sarah Mabel
Fulton on November 19, 1889. She was born in 1871 in Pennsylvania176. She died in September
John Clark Donahey and Sarah Mabel Fulton had the following child:
ARTHUR LEROY6 DONAHEY120, 176 (son of John Clark Donahey and Sarah Mabel
Fulton) was born in 1894 in Pennsylvania176. He died on July 07, 1955176. He
married Nancy Edith George in 1916. She was born in 1893176. She died in 1974176.
GILLIS DOTY5 RAGER (Mary4 Donahey, Hannah3 Clawson, Richard2 Clawson, Josiah1 Clawson)12,
42, 266 was born on November 18, 1852 in Pennsylvania. He died on October 16, 1928 in Black Lick
Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He married Margaret Marie Bennett (daughter of Nathan
Bennett and Margaret Clawson) on October 05, 1874 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania1. She was born on January 01, 1855 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County,
Notes for Gillis Doty Rager:
According to the 1900 Census, Gillis and his family were living in Blacklick Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania.
Gillis Doty Rager and Margaret Marie Bennett had the following children:
Generation 5 (con't)
? RAGER (child of Gillis Doty Rager and Margaret Marie Bennett)266.
EMMA RAGER266 (daughter of Gillis Doty Rager and Margaret Marie Bennett) was
born in September 1880 in Pennsylvania266.
MARY J. RAGER266 (daughter of Gillis Doty Rager and Margaret Marie Bennett) was
born in October 1882 in Pennsylvania266.
MARGARET E. RAGER266 (daughter of Gillis Doty Rager and Margaret Marie Bennett)
was born in November 1883 in Pennsylvania266.
GEORGE W. RAGER266 (son of Gillis Doty Rager and Margaret Marie Bennett) was
born in April 1890 in Pennsylvania266.
NATHAN B. RAGER266 (son of Gillis Doty Rager and Margaret Marie Bennett) was
born in June 1892 in Pennsylvania266.
RAGER (child of Gillis Doty Rager and Margaret Marie Bennett)266.
GEORGE M.5 RAGER (Mary4 Donahey, Hannah3 Clawson, Richard2 Clawson, Josiah1 Clawson)12
was born on January 28, 1863. He married ELLEN JANE THOMPSON (daughter of Samuel Thompson
and Sarah Clawson). She was born on September 29, 1854 in Black Lick Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania.
Notes for Ellen Jane Thompson:
Ellen also goes by Eleanora.
George M. Rager and Ellen Jane Thompson had the following children:
BERT6 RAGER (son of George M. Rager and Ellen Jane Thompson).
LILLIAN RAGER (daughter of George M. Rager and Ellen Jane Thompson).
PAUL RAGER (son of George M. Rager and Ellen Jane Thompson).
ROY RAGER (son of George M. Rager and Ellen Jane Thompson).
JOHN C. RAGER (son of George M. Rager and Ellen Jane Thompson) was born on
December 27, 1873. He married GRACE SNYDER.
MAYME RAGER (daughter of George M. Rager and Ellen Jane Thompson) was born
on February 12, 1877.
HARRY RAGER (son of George M. Rager and Ellen Jane Thompson) was born on
December 15, 1879.
viii. RALPH RAGER (son of George M. Rager and Ellen Jane Thompson) was born in
JAMES THOMAS5 DONAHEY (Richard C.4, Hannah3 Clawson, Richard2 Clawson, Josiah1 Clawson)15,
124, 304-307 was born on April 02, 1849 in Armagh, Indiana County, Pennsylvania304 . He died on
February 19, 1916 in Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania304. He married Catherine
Elizabeth Conrad (biological daughter of Daniel Conrad and daughter of Lydia Dias) about 1874308.
She was born on May 29, 1851 in Brush Valley Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania309-310.
She died on September 15, 1930 in Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania309.
Notes for James Thomas Donahey:
According to the 1880 Census, James and his family were living in Mechanicsburg, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania.
According to the 1900 Census, James and his family were living in Pittsburgh, Allegheny County,
According to the 1910 Census, James and his family were living in Pittsburgh, Allegheny County,
Notes for Catherine Elizabeth Conrad:
According to the 1920 Census, Catherine was living in Pittsburgh, Allegheny County,
Pennsylvania. Her sons, Terrence and Cela were living with her.
According to the 1930 Census, Catherine was living in Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania
Generation 5 (con't)
According to the 1930 Census, Catherine was living in Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania
with her daughter Genalia and her family.
James Thomas Donahey and Catherine Elizabeth Conrad had the following children:
DANIEL CONRAD6 DONAHEY632-634 (son of James Thomas Donahey and Catherine
Elizabeth Conrad) was born on August 02, 1874 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania243,
304, 632 . He died on October 28, 1934 in Homewood, Allegheny County,
Pennsylvania304. He married (1) GERTRUDE PITTMAN (daughter of Andrew Pittman
and Hannah L. Miller) about 1927. She was born in July 1877 in Brush Valley,
Indiana County, Pennsylvania350, 634. She died on June 06, 1930 in Homewood,
Allegheny County, Pennsylvania634. He married (2) MARGARET J. ? about 1905308.
She was born about 1886 in Pennsylvania242.
Notes for Daniel Conrad Donahey:
According to the 1910 Census, Daniel and his family were living in Pittsburgh,
Allegheny County, Pennsylvania.
According to the 1920 Census, Daniel and his family were living in Pittsburgh,
Allegheny County, Pennsylvania.
According to the 1930 Census, Daniel and Gertrude were living in Pittsburgh,
Allegheny County, Pennsylvania. Gertrude's daughter, Gladys, was living with
them. They were living on Hermitage Street.
Notes for Gertrude Pittman:
The Indiana Gazette, Indiana, Pennsylvania (September 2, 1898)
Mr. M. A. Miller, of Bolivar, and Miss Gertrude Pittman, of Brushvalley township,
were united in marriage last Thursday evening. The ceremony was performed at
the M. E. parsonage in Mechanicsburg by Rev. J. M. Cogley.
According to the 1920 Census, Gertrude and her family were living in Bolivar,
Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania.
This write-up was believed to be written by Ruth (Warfel) Robertson:
Andrew and Hannah Pittman were parents of three children, Alphorettam, a baby
girl who died at the age of four months and seventeen days. Harry contacted
pneumonia and died at the age of nineteen. The four of them are buried in a small
cemetary located on Cemetary Road, off route 259N, near the town of Brush Valley,
Gertrude Pittman, the surviving child of Andrew and Hannah (Pittman) Pittman,
Hannah no relation to Andrew, lived on a farm outside of Brush Valley with her
parents. The farm was large and today route 259N goes through the "cow pasture"
that belonged to the farm. The farm house is still standing with a few changes and
the barn is also there in fair condition, When Andrew and Hannah sold their farm
they moved into the town of Brush Valley. The house is located along the main
highway and directly across from a small gas station-grocery store. After Hannah
died in 1928, Andrew sold the house and went to Homewood, Pa. to live with his
daughter Gertrude.
Matthew Anderson Miller, son of Michael and Susan (Lapool) Miller, lived about two
miles past the Pittman's farm. Michael Miller ran a grist mill on his farm, his other
children were John Shields, Golden, Gladys, and Annie.
When Gertrude Pittman married Matthew Miller they moved to Bolivar, Pa., where
Matthew worked at Hammonds grist mill and lived in the house beside it. The grist
Generation 5 (con't)
Matthew worked at Hammonds grist mill and lived in the house beside it. The grist
mill was located across the creek from the old Bolivar ball field, near the railroad
arch, where the creek flows into the Conemaugh River. His brother John Shields
also worked with him. Florence (1899) and Cora (1902) Miller were born in this
house. From here the family moved to the corner of Second and Shaffer Street,
this house was later known as the Moose Lodge Home.
Andrew Pittman bought a parcel of land on Shaffer Street in Bolivar for his daughter
Gertrude, and Matthew built the family home and his own flour mill. Edna (1904)
and Gladys (1910) Miller were born here. The local farmers brought their corn and
other grains to the mill to be ground and Matthew also made flour and sold to other
customers in town.
At the beginning of every summer the Pittman Grandparent's would arrive at the
home of Gertrude and Matthew in their horse and buggy, which had a seat in back
of the driver's seat, and take Florence and Cora to the farm to spend the summer.
This was about a four hour trip which started after lunch. Edna was not well enough
to stay and Gladys was too young, but they did visit the farm with their mother at
other times. Florence and Cora did small house jobs for their grand mother and
would ride in the horse and buggy with their grandpap to take milk, butter and
cheese into Indiana (Pa.) to sell on Saturdays.
When work was slow at the grist mill Matthew started working for Ridgeview Coal
Company. While working outside doing heavy lifting he was injured and died within
two days at the age of 50. He is buried in West View Cemetary, Bolivar, Pa. One of
Cora's fond memories of her dad was his taking Florence and her on Sunday visits
to the Modesto (Mose) Bernabo farm, who sold milk to the local town people. The
farm was located half way up the ridge above the West Bolivar bridge. Also after the
girls grandmother Miller died, their grandfather Michael Miller came to live with them
until his death in 1912. He always sat in a chair beside the coal stove and slept a
lot. About eight years after Matthew died Gertrude married a former boyfriend who
had lived in Brush Valley, Daniel Donahey, and they moved to Homewood, Pa.
Daniel worked for the post office. Florence, Cora and Edna were married but
Gladys was not and was living with her mother and step-father. Gertrude had
asthma most of her life and was ill a lot of the time. She contacted pneumonia and
died in 1930. Against the girls wishes, she was buried in Homewood Cemetary. Her
daughter Edna Mae Miller Wunschell is also buried there. Four years after
Gertrude's death Daniel committed suicide using a small hand revolver and is
buried beside Gertrude in Homewood (Pa.) Cemetary.
The following is from a clipping found at the Historical Society files in Indiana, Pa.
Harry Pittman, a son of Andrew Pittman, of Brushvalley township died on Saturday
of pneumonia after an illness of a week. He was aged 19 yrs-6mo. The funeral was
held on Saturday. (4-14-1900)
From the 1850 census the following was recorded:
Benjamin Pittman, farmer age 30
Mary Pittman,
wife age 32
Jane Pittman
age 11
Miriam Pittman
age 10
Mary Pittman
age 5
Andrew Pittman
age 3
This Andrew Pittman should be the husband of Hannah Pittman and the father of
Gertrude Pittman.
OLIVIA GENALIA DONAHEY243, 305, 405, 633 (daughter of James Thomas Donahey and
Catherine Elizabeth Conrad) was born on November 05, 1879 in Pennsylvania305.
Generation 5 (con't)
Catherine Elizabeth Conrad) was born on November 05, 1879 in Pennsylvania305.
She died on August 26, 1954 in Rural Penn, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania305.
She married Frederick Hall about 1903405. He was born about 1883 in West
Notes for Olivia Genalia Donahey:
According to the 1930 Census, Genalia and her family were living in Pittsburgh,
Allegheny County, Pennsylvania.
SEBA GUY DONAHEY243, 306, 308 (son of James Thomas Donahey and Catherine
Elizabeth Conrad) was born on June 21, 1883 in Brush Valley Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania243, 306. He died on November 06, 1926 in Pittsburgh,
Allegheny County, Pennsylvania306. He married Louise Pauline Schmid (daughter of
Gottlieb Schmid) about 1908308. She was born about 1883 in Germany308.
Notes for Seba Guy Donahey:
According to the 1910 Census, Guy and Louise were living in Pittsburgh, Allegheny
County, Pennsylvania with his father-in-law.
TERRANCE R. DONAHEY243, 307 (son of James Thomas Donahey and Catherine
Elizabeth Conrad) was born on April 30, 1885 in Pennsylvania307. He died on March
18, 1921 in Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania307.
SELA QUAY DONAHEY243, 635 (son of James Thomas Donahey and Catherine
Elizabeth Conrad) was born on July 13, 1888 in Brush Valley Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania635. He died on June 28, 1924 in Pittsburgh, Allegheny
County, Pennsylvania636.
BENJAMIN F.5 DONAHEY (William Jay4, Hannah3 Clawson, Richard2 Clawson, Josiah1 Clawson)6, 127
was born on February 07, 1849 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania3, 127. He
died on January 10, 1913 in Green Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania127, 269. He married
Rebecca Jane Clawson (daughter of Richard Benjamin Clawson and Rachel Davis) on December
04, 1873 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania3. She was born on March 08, 1852 in Black Lick, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania267-268. She died on March 21, 1926 in Clymer, Indiana County,
Notes for Benjamin F. Donahey:
In 1913, Benjamin was living in Green Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
Benjamin F. Donahey and Rebecca Jane Clawson had the following children:
CYNTHIA AUGUSTA6 DONAHEY120, 301 (daughter of Benjamin F. Donahey and Rebecca
Jane Clawson) was born in February 1875 in Black Lick, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania268. She died on June 20, 1939139. She married William Grant Wike
(son of George Wike and Pleasant Clawson) about October 1896301. He was born
on September 15, 1879 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He died on October 03,
1947 in Clymer, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
GERE DWIGHT DONAHEY268 (son of Benjamin F. Donahey and Rebecca Jane
Clawson) was born on April 10, 1878 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania268. He died
on September 09, 1949 in Winter Garden, Orange County, Florida268. He married
Ella Mary McMillen (biological daughter of David McMillen and daughter of Huldah
Clawson) on January 25, 1905120. She died in 1949.
Notes for Gere Dwight Donahey:
In 1913, Gere was living in Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
Notes for Ella Mary McMillen:
Ella went by McMillen. Not sure which name was her maiden name.
MARTHA JANE5 DONAHEY (William Jay4, Hannah3 Clawson, Richard2 Clawson, Josiah1 Clawson)7
was born on March 03, 1851 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania3. She died on
March 16, 1902 in Pennsylvania3, 313. She married William Houk on December 19, 18721. He was
born on November 25, 1846 in Pennsylvania313. He died on June 09, 1914 in Lovejoy, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania313.
William Houk and Martha Jane Donahey had the following children:
Generation 5 (con't)
WILLIAM MERLIN HOUK313 (son of William Houk and Martha Jane Donahey) was born
in 1875 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania313.
ANNA M HOUK313 (daughter of William Houk and Martha Jane Donahey) was born in
July 1879 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania313.
(son of William Houk and Martha Jane Donahey) was born in 1872
in Indiana County, Pennsylvania313. He died before June 1900 in Green Township,
Indiana County, Pennsylvania313.
SARAH ELLEN5 DONAHEY (William Jay4, Hannah3 Clawson, Richard2 Clawson, Josiah1 Clawson)7
was born on April 02, 1853 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania3. She died on
September 02, 1913 in Green Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania314. She married William
Beck Rice (son of Samuel Rice and Eliza Beck) on July 09, 1880 in Green Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania314. He was born on August 19, 1853 in White Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania120. He died on July 25, 1925 in Green Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
Notes for Sarah Ellen Donahey:
In 1913, Sarah was living in Green Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
William Beck Rice and Sarah Ellen Donahey had the following children:
WILLIAM JAY6 RICE314 (son of William Beck Rice and Sarah Ellen Donahey) was
born on April 12, 1881 in Marion Center, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He died
after 1946.
ELMER GUY RICE120 (son of William Beck Rice and Sarah Ellen Donahey) was born
on February 22, 1883 in Green Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He died
on January 18, 1944 in Green Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He married
Sylvia L. Strickland on June 25, 1913 in Indiana, Indiana County, Pennsylvania314.
She was born on April 05, 1892.
MARTHA ELLEN RICE (daughter of William Beck Rice and Sarah Ellen Donahey) was
born about 1885.
Notes for Martha Ellen Rice:
Martha died as an infant.
EMMA RUTH RICE314 (daughter of William Beck Rice and Sarah Ellen Donahey) was
born about 1889.
Notes for Emma Ruth Rice:
Emma died as an infant.
ZELLA MAY RICE120 (daughter of William Beck Rice and Sarah Ellen Donahey) was
born on September 07, 1891 in Green Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
She died on June 17, 1944 in Commodore, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She
married David W. Murmau (son of Samuel Murmau and Sadie E. Fyock) on April
29, 1914 in Green Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania314. He was born on
April 07, 1891 in Green Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He died after
JAMES H.5 DONAHEY (William Jay4, Hannah3 Clawson, Richard2 Clawson, Josiah1 Clawson)7 was
born on August 26, 1855 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania3. He died on
November 04, 1924 in Taylorsville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania19. He married Elizabeth Jane
Myers (daughter of John Myers and Sarua Pifer) on January 01, 1889 in Indiana County,
Pennsylvania3. She was born on April 11, 1857 in Green Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
She died on December 08, 1924 in Purchase Line, Indiana County, Pennsylvania315.
Notes for Elizabeth Jane Myers:
Indiana Messenger (December 18, 1924)
Mrs. Elizabeth Donahey
Mrs. Elizabeth Donahey, aged 72 years, who died at ther home near Purchase Line on December
8, was the widow of the late James H. Donahue, who passed away in October last. The deceased,
whose maiden name was Elizabeth Myers, is survived by a brother, William Myers, of near DuBois,
and two sisters, Mrs. Barbara Rowley, of Montgomery township, and Mrs. John Wise, of
Commodore. Her death resulted from paralysis, following a long illness. She was a member of the
Generation 5 (con't)
Commodore. Her death resulted from paralysis, following a long illness. She was a member of the
Purchase Line Brethern church, and the funeral services, which were conducted by her pastor,
Rev. C. M. Wakeman, were held on Wednesday in the Taylorsville Presbyterian church, followed
by interment in the church cemetery.
James H. Donahey and Elizabeth Jane Myers had the following child:
MOLLIE MCALESTER6 DONAHEY7 (daughter of James H. Donahey and Elizabeth Jane
Myers) was born on December 22, 1883637. She died on November 22, 1962637.
She married Hervey Webster Mumau (son of Daniel Webster Mumau and Martha
Jane Kinter) on January 09, 1902637. He was born on July 30, 1877637. He died on
December 20, 1947 in Green Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania637.
Notes for Hervey Webster Mumau:
According to the 1910 Census, Hervey and his family were living in Green
Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
EDWARD5 DONAHEY (William Jay4, Hannah3 Clawson, Richard2 Clawson, Josiah1 Clawson)120 was
born on November 25, 1857 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania3. He died in 1935316. He married
MARY MATILDA FYOCK. She was born in 1857316. She died in 1941316.
Notes for Edward Donahey:
In 1913, Edmund was living in Grant Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
Edward Donahey and Mary Matilda Fyock had the following children:
DENNIS ROY6 DONAHEY120 (son of Edward Donahey and Mary Matilda Fyock) was
born on August 23, 1881 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania316. He died on October
03, 1948 in Indiana, Indiana County, Pennsylvania176, 316. He married GERTRUDE
LUCY WELLS. She was born in 1884176. She died on October 29, 1946176.
MAXINE ZOE WILLIAMS120, 162, 316 (daughter of Edward Donahey and Mary Matilda
Fyock) was born on August 30, 1883162. She died on February 22, 1962162. She
married HENRY CLAY WILLIAMS. He was born on July 25, 1876162. He died on March
19, 1956162.
NELLIE MABEL REITHMILLER120, 316 (daughter of Edward Donahey and Mary Matilda
Fyock) was born on June 04, 1886316. She died on December 08, 1915316. She
married Edgar Riethmiller on November 13, 1907.
WILLIAM RALPH DONAHEY120 (son of Edward Donahey and Mary Matilda Fyock) was
born in 1889 in Pennsylvania. He died in 1967. He married Dora Fetterman
(daughter of William S. Fetterman and Lizzie Rodkey) on May 18, 1911. She was
born on February 27, 1888 in Green Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania324.
She died in 1967.
DAISY D. DONAHEY120 (daughter of Edward Donahey and Mary Matilda Fyock) was
born in 1892 in Pennsylvania. She died in 1991. She married ELLIS WILLIAM
ARMSTRONG. He died in 1947.
WILBUR CLYDE DONAHEY120 (son of Edward Donahey and Mary Matilda Fyock) was
born in 1894 in Pennsylvania. He died in 1983. He married Isabella Paton on
August 15, 1919. She was born in 1898. She died in 1977.
LESTER H. DONAHEY120 (son of Edward Donahey and Mary Matilda Fyock) was born
in 1897 in Pennsylvania. He died in 1980. He married FLORENCE FRANCES FYOCK.
She was born in 1899. She died in 1965.
viii. MARY EDNA HADDEN KERR120, 316 (daughter of Edward Donahey and Mary Matilda
Fyock) was born on October 26, 1900316. She died on April 03, 1979316. She
married (1) ? HADDON. She married (2) ? KERR.
LEDA H. DONAHEY120 (daughter of Edward Donahey and Mary Matilda Fyock) was
born in 1903 in Pennsylvania. She married CARL GOODLIN.
FRANK DAVIS5 DONAHEY (William Jay4, Hannah3 Clawson, Richard2 Clawson, Josiah1 Clawson)120,
128, 131, 317 was born on June 26, 1860 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania3, 128 .
He died on July 18, 1943 in Indiana, Indiana County, Pennsylvania128. He married Mary Elizabeth
Gibson about 1881317. She was born in 1862 in Pennsylvania131, 317. She died in 1943131.
Generation 5 (con't)
Gibson about 1881317. She was born in 1862 in Pennsylvania131, 317. She died in 1943131.
Notes for Frank Davis Donahey:
In 1913, Frank was living in Starford, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
According to the 1930 Census, Frank and Mary were living in Indiana, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania. Their daughter, Rowena, was living with them.
Frank Davis Donahey and Mary Elizabeth Gibson had the following children:
?6 DONAHEY (daughter of Frank Davis Donahey and Mary Elizabeth Gibson)1. She
died on January 11, 1883.
MINNIE MAY DONAHEY131 (daughter of Frank Davis Donahey and Mary Elizabeth
Gibson) was born on July 15, 1886131. She died on August 04, 1889131.
JAMES LESLIE DONAHEY120 (son of Frank Davis Donahey and Mary Elizabeth
Gibson) was born about 1887 in Pennsylvania273.
HEBER B. DONAHEY120, 131 (son of Frank Davis Donahey and Mary Elizabeth Gibson)
was born on April 02, 1892131. He died on February 27, 1953131.
ALVERDA DONAHEY (daughter of Frank Davis Donahey and Mary Elizabeth
Gibson)120. She married Sutton B. Glassford on June 24, 1909.
ROWENA F. DONAHEY317 (daughter of Frank Davis Donahey and Mary Elizabeth
Gibson) was born about 1898 in Pennsylvania273, 317. She married DWIGHT
WILLIAM A.5 DONAHEY (William Jay4, Hannah3 Clawson, Richard2 Clawson, Josiah1 Clawson)7, 130
was born on March 04, 1867 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania3, 130. He died on January 16, 1945 in
Wilkinsburg, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania130. He married Mary Duke about 1897319. She was
born about 1878 in Pennsylvania319. She died in 1953.
Notes for William A. Donahey:
In 1910, William and Mary were living in Wilkinsburg, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania.
According to the 1920 Census, William and his family were living in Wilkinsburg, Allegheny County,
Pennsylvania. His brother, Richard, was also living with him.
According to the 1930 Census, William and his family were living in Wilkinsburg, Allegheny County,
William A. Donahey and Mary Duke had the following children:
CORA B.6 DONAHEY319 (daughter of William A. Donahey and Mary Duke) was born
about 1897 in Pennsylvania319.
MINNIE M. DONAHEY319 (daughter of William A. Donahey and Mary Duke) was born
about 1898 in Pennsylvania319.
MILTON S. DONAHEY319 (son of William A. Donahey and Mary Duke) was born about
1899 in Pennsylvania319.
RALPH D. DONAHEY319 (daughter of William A. Donahey and Mary Duke) was born
about 1901 in Pennsylvania319.
ELIZABETH DONAHEY319 (daughter of William A. Donahey and Mary Duke) was born
about 1909 in Pennsylvania319.
ALMA DONAHEY (daughter of William A. Donahey and Mary Duke)120. She married
WILLIAM DONAHEY638 (son of William A. Donahey and Mary Duke) was born about
1911 in Pennsylvania.
GEORGE W.5 CLAWSON (Joseph L.4, Jonathan3, Josiah2, Josiah1)42, 278 was born on August 31,
1839 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania46. He died on December 08, 1907 in
Blairsville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania133. He married Nancy Jane Manners (daughter of Joseph
Manners and Nancy Couch) on December 06, 1862 in Saltsburg, Indiana County, Pennsylvania46.
She was born on February 17, 1841 in Blairsville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She died on
February 02, 1917 in Blairsville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
Generation 5 (con't)
February 02, 1917 in Blairsville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
Notes for George W. Clawson:
According to the 1860 Census, George living on the Thomas Campbell farm in Blacklick Township,
Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He was also listed as living with his parents.
According to the 1900 Census, George and his family were living in Blairsville, Indiana County,
In 1906, Geroge was living in Blairsville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
George W. Clawson and Nancy Jane Manners had the following children:
ELMER E.6 CLAWSON93 (son of George W. Clawson and Nancy Jane Manners) was
born on October 05, 1861 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania335. He died on
September 10, 1919 in Blairsville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania335. He married
Mary A. Skinner (daughter of John Skinner and Anna J.. McKowen) on March 31,
1886 in Blairsville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania335. She was born in January 1868
in Pennsylvania278. She died on October 07, 1931 in Blairsville, Indiana County,
Notes for Elmer E. Clawson:
In 1907, Elmer was living in Blairsville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
In 1917, Elmer was living in Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania.
One of Elmer's 2 daughters was named Anna M. Clawson according to the 1910
census. Anna was 20 years old at the time of the census.
Notes for Mary A. Skinner:
According to the 1900 Census, Mary and her family were living in Blairsville,
Indiana County, Pennsylvania. Elmer was not listed.
WILLIAM H. CLAWSON93 (son of George W. Clawson and Nancy Jane Manners) was
born on April 22, 1870 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania1. He died on January 14,
1947639. He married Charlotte L. Murray (daughter of Albert Murray) on September
16, 1890 in Blairsville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania1. She was born about 1873 in
Pennsylvania. She died on August 22, 1950639.
Notes for William H. Clawson:
In 1907, William was living in Millvale, Pennsylvania.
In 1917, William was living in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
According to the 1930 census, William and his family were living in Verona,
Allegheny County, Pennsylvania.
FRANK HERMAM CLAWSON93, 278, 355 (son of George W. Clawson and Nancy Jane
Manners) was born on December 04, 1879 in Blairsville, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania355. He married Dottie Young (daughter of Charles Waddington) on
June 26, 1916 in Blairsville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania1. She was born about
1883 in Chicago, Cook County, Illinois1.
Notes for Frank Hermam Clawson:
In 1907, Frank was living in Blairsville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania
In 1917, Frank was living in New Castle, Lawrence, Pennsylvania.
NORVAL BURTON CLAWSON46, 278 (son of George W. Clawson and Nancy Jane
Manners) was born on August 17, 1881 in Blairsville, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania280. He died on November 18, 1923 in Pittsburgh, Allegheny County,
Pennsylvania. He married Ethel Darrell Hill (daughter of John Frye Hill and Isabella
Margaret Lockhart) on June 20, 1906 in Blairsville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania46.
She was born on July 22, 1886 in Leechburg, Armstrong County, Pennsylvania.
Generation 5 (con't)
She was born on July 22, 1886 in Leechburg, Armstrong County, Pennsylvania.
She died on September 13, 1954 in Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania.
Notes for Norval Burton Clawson:
In 1907, Norval was living in Blairsville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
In 1917, Norval was living in New Castle, Pennsylvania.
? CLAWSON (child of George W. Clawson and Nancy Jane Manners)278. ? died
before 1900278.
SARA JANE5 CLAWSON (Joseph L.4, Jonathan3, Josiah2, Josiah1)7 was born on December 27, 1841
in Indiana County, Pennsylvania31. She died on September 28, 187031, 320. She married Samuel L.
Spires on October 06, 1859 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania31. He died on April 12, 1911 in Ava,
Douglas County, Oklahoma320.
Notes for Sara Jane Clawson:
According to the 1860 census, Sara and her family were living in Irwin Township, Brown County,
Notes for Samuel L. Spires:
According to 1880 census, Samuel and his family were living in Lawrence County, Pennsylvania.
Samuel L. Spires and Sara Jane Clawson had the following children:
EDWARD H.6 SPIRES7 (son of Samuel L. Spires and Sara Jane Clawson) was born
on July 01, 186031. He died on September 04, 189931.
LOTTIE JANE SPIRES7 (daughter of Samuel L. Spires and Sara Jane Clawson) was
born on October 29, 186131. She died on December 28, 1919640. She married Oliver
Elswick on January 01, 1895 in Blairsville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania640.
MARY ANN SPIRES640 (daughter of Samuel L. Spires and Sara Jane Clawson) was
born on January 18, 186431. She died in 1951640. She married JOHN WESLEY
CHRISTOPHER C.5 CLAWSON (Joseph L.4, Jonathan3, Josiah2, Josiah1)7, 36, 42 was born on
September 02, 1845 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania31. He died on
September 30, 1908 in Near Campbell Mills, Indiana County, Pennsylvania27. He married Rachel
Neal (daughter of Eli Neal) on December 06, 186631. She was born in 1841 in Pennsylvania44. She
died on January 16, 1931 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
Notes for Christopher C. Clawson:
According to the 1870 Census, Christopher and his family were living in Blacklick Township,
Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
According to the 1900 Census, Christopher and his family were living in Blacklick Township,
Indiana County, Pennsylvania. Their children, Jessie, Joseph, Shallis, and Lillian were living with
In 1906, Christopher was living in Blacklick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
Notes for Rachel Neal:
According to the 1860 Census, Rachel was living on the David Ferguson farm in Blacklick
Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
Christopher C. Clawson and Rachel Neal had the following children:
ESTELLA EMMA6 CLAWSON7, 36, 641 (daughter of Christopher C. Clawson and Rachel
Neal) was born on October 20, 1867 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania641. She married William A. Bennett (son of John Bennett and Sarah
Jane White) on September 20, 1897 in Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania452. He
was born on January 28, 1871 in Grassmoor, Derbyshire County, England641.
Notes for Estella Emma Clawson:
In 1908 and 1914, Estella was living in Greensburg, Westmoreland County,
JESSE L. CLAWSON36, 44 (daughter of Christopher C. Clawson and Rachel Neal) was
Generation 5 (con't)
JESSE L. CLAWSON36, 44 (daughter of Christopher C. Clawson and Rachel Neal) was
born on September 01, 1869 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania31. She died on November 15, 1914 in Grafton, Indiana County,
Notes for Jesse L. Clawson:
In 1908, Jesse was living in near Campbell Mills, Pennsylvania.
Jesse was never married.
LUELLA M. CLAWSON7 (daughter of Christopher C. Clawson and Rachel Neal) was
born on March 18, 1871 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania31.
She married Charles H. McGaughey (son of Coleman McCaughey) on March 18,
1897 in Blairsville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania335. He was born about 18711.
Notes for Luella M. Clawson:
In 1908, Ella was living in Blacklick, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
In 1908, Ella and Charles were living in Grafton near Blacklick, Indiana County,
JOSEPH SUMMER CLAWSON7, 44 (son of Christopher C. Clawson and Rachel Neal)
was born on October 19, 1873 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania93. He died on February 05, 1946 in Grafton, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania137. He married Bessie M. Rager (daughter of F. R. Rager and Annie
?) on May 24, 19061. She was born in 18861. She died in 1961157.
Notes for Joseph Summer Clawson:
In 1908, Joseph was living in Blacklick, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
In 1914, Joseph was living in Grafton near Blacklick, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
SHALLIS E. CLAWSON44 (son of Christopher C. Clawson and Rachel Neal) was born
on May 12, 1875 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania31. He died
on April 15, 1939 in Saxton, Bedford County, Pennsylvania1. He married Elizabeth
Williams (daughter of Richard Williams and Mary Williams) on July 03, 19041. She
was born on March 31, 1886 in Saxton, Bedford County, Pennsylvania1. She died
on November 13, 1971 in Saxton R. D., Bedford County, Pennsylvania1.
Notes for Shallis E. Clawson:
In 1908 and 1914, Shallus was living in Saxon, Pennsylvania.
Notes for Elizabeth Williams:
When Elizabeth died, she was visiting her daughter in California and died at St.
Mary's Hospital, Apple Valley, California.
ANNA GETRUDE CLAWSON7 (daughter of Christopher C. Clawson and Rachel Neal)
was born on December 12, 1877 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania31. She died on January 14, 1896642.
Notes for Anna Getrude Clawson:
Anna died at 18 years, 1 month, and 2 days.
LILLIAN BLANCHE CLAWSON44, 93 (daughter of Christopher C. Clawson and Rachel
Neal) was born on November 24, 1879 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania31. She married Irwin Curtis Bracken (son of John N. Bracken and
Virginia ?) on May 28, 1903 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania335. He was born about 18761.
Notes for Lillian Blanche Clawson:
In 1908, Blanche was living in Homer City, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
In 1914, Blanche and Curtis were living in Homer City, Indiana County,
Generation 5 (con't)
C. 5
CLAWSON (George Washington4, Jonathan3, Josiah2, Josiah1)6 was born on October 05,
1847 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania132. He died on March 28, 1873132. He married Margaret
Elizabeth Palmer (daughter of Alexander Palmer and Susannah Palmer) in October 18691. She
was born on November 28, 1849 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She died
on March 14, 1925 in Conemaugh, East Taylor Township, Cambria County, Pennsylvania323.
Notes for Margaret Elizabeth Palmer:
In 1880, Margaret and Abraham were living in Taylor Township, Cambria County, Pennsylvania.
John C. Clawson and Margaret Elizabeth Palmer had the following child:
CARRIE IDELLA6 CLAWSON183 (daughter of John C. Clawson and Margaret Elizabeth
Palmer) was born on August 15, 1870 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania. She died on January 04, 1951. She married (1) HOWARD J. R. GOOD
(son of John J. Good and Louisa Cobaugh) on April 27, 1897. He was born about
18751. She married (2) CHRISTIAN FORD after 1900.
WILLIAM G.5 CLAWSON (George Washington4, Jonathan3, Josiah2, Josiah1)7, 158, 324 was born in
November 1849 in Burrell Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania188. He died before March 07,
1934133. He married Susan E. Flowers (daughter of John B. Flowers and Margaretta ?) about
18721. She was born in June 1847 in Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania188. She died on January
06, 1915 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
Notes for William G. Clawson:
According to the 1880 census, William and his family were living in West Wheatfield Township,
Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
According to the 1910 census, William and his family were living in West Wheatfield Township,
Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
William G. Clawson and Susan E. Flowers had the following children:
RICHARD VAN LAIRD6 CLAWSON56, 158, 324 (son of William G. Clawson and Susan E.
Flowers) was born on October 10, 1874 in West Wheatfield Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania158, 335, 362. He died on February 04, 1963 in Johnstown,
Cambria County, Pennsylvania158. He married (1) CLARA MAY COBES (daughter of
John Cobus and Kathryn Hancock) on April 27, 1904 in Latrobe, Westmoreland
County, Pennsylvania335. She was born on November 03, 1881 in Burrell Township,
Indiana County, Pennsylvania335. She died on October 08, 1962 in Heshbon, West
Wheatfield Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania137. He married (2) EMMA J.
COBES (daughter of John Cobus and Caroline ?) on January 20, 1896 in West
Wheatfield Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania643. She was born in 1879 in
West Wheatfield Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania1. She died on March 31,
1900 in West Wheatfield Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania644.
Notes for Richard Van Laird Clawson:
According to the 1910 census, Richard and his family were living in West
Wheatfield Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
According to the 1920 census, Richard and his family were living in West
Wheatfield Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
According to the 1930 census, Richard and his family were living in Brushvalley
Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
Richard and Emma lived in Heshbon, Indiana County, Pennsylvania from 1923 to
1954. Before that, they lived on a farm in West Wheatfield Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania.
BERTHA CLAWSON137, 188 (daughter of William G. Clawson and Susan E. Flowers)
was born in August 1882 in Pennsylvania188. She married Frederick T.
Shakespeare (son of George Shakespeare and Sarah ?) on June 05, 1900 in
Blairsville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania335. He was born about 18811.
Generation 5 (con't)
Notes for Bertha Clawson:
In 1967, Bertha and Fred were living in Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, Pittsburgh.
GEORGE WASHINGTON CLAWSON188, 453, 645 (son of William G. Clawson and Susan E.
Flowers) was born on May 03, 1887 in West Wheatfield Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania137. He died on June 23, 1967 in Blairsville R. D. 1, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania. He married Mina Jane Palmer (daughter of George Washington
Palmer and Martha Amanda Campbell) on January 14, 19151. She was born on
September 03, 1891 in Heshbon, West Wheatfield Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania. She died on December 14, 1982 in Blairsville R. D. 1, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania.
Notes for George Washington Clawson:
According to the 1920 census, George and Mina were living in West Wheatfield
Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
Notes for Mina Jane Palmer:
Mina was at the Indian Haven Home when she died.
GEORGE WASHINGTON5 CLAWSON (George Washington4, Jonathan3, Josiah2, Josiah1)1 was born in
1852 in Bolivar, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania. He died before 1942. He married CHRISTINA
MUIR (daughter of Walter Muir and Janet Patterson). She was born in 1856 in Bolivar,
Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania.
Notes for Christina Muir:
According to the 1930 census, Christina was living in Blairsville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
George Washington Clawson and Christina Muir had the following child:
JOHN W.6 CLAWSON1 (son of George Washington Clawson and Christina Muir) was
born in June 1877 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania1. He died before October 20,
1939133. He married (1) ANNA MAUDE MCCREERY (daughter of Samuel S. McCreery
and Elizabeth Keirn) on May 11, 1896 in Blairsville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania1.
She was born on August 22, 1876 in Marion Center, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
She died on January 09, 1974 in Blairsville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He
married (2) BESSIE FLOWERS (daughter of James Flowers and Catherine Tobin) on
July 25, 1916 in Indiana, Indiana County, Pennsylvania1.
Notes for John W. Clawson:
According to the 1930 census, John was living with his mother in Blairsville, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania.
MARY ELIZABETH5 CLAWSON (George Washington4, Jonathan3, Josiah2, Josiah1)7, 56, 115 was born
on September 03, 1853 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania325. She died on December 17, 1916325.
She married Samuel Clawson Lichtenfels (son of Philip Lichtenfels and Susanna Brendlinger) in
1877210. He was born on December 23, 1851 in Wheatfield Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania326. He died on February 21, 1928327.
Notes for Samuel Clawson Lichtenfels:
From the Indiana Weekly Messenger:
Samuel C. Lichtenfels, aged 76 years, a lifelong resident of West Wheatfield township, died
suddenly at the home of his son, Lester Lichtenfels, of Robinson, early Tuesday morning of last
week, following a short illness. He was a son of the late Paul Lichtenfels and was the last member
of the family to die. He was a successful farmer for many years, but some years ago sold his farm
to Garfield Smokeless Coal Company. Mr. Lichtenfels had a foot amputated in September and
never fully recovered his health. He was a member of the Robinson Lutheran Church and was
highly esteemed. He is survived by the following children: Charles E. Lichtenfels, Roy V.
Lichtenfels and Lester C. Lichtenfels, all of Robinson, and Mrs. Verna Fulcomer, of Lockport.
Several grandchildren and great-grandchildren are living. A son, George Lichtenfels, died in
October. Funeral services were held in the Robinson Lutheran Church on Thursday afternoon by
his pastor, Rev. Ruff, and interment was made in the Mount Tabor Cemetery.
According to the 1900 census, Samuel and his family were living in West Wheatfield Township,
Generation 5 (con't)
According to the 1900 census, Samuel and his family were living in West Wheatfield Township,
Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
According to the 1910 census, Samuel and his family were living in West Wheatfield Township,
Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
Samuel Clawson Lichtenfels and Mary Elizabeth Clawson had the following children:
CHARLES ENDSLEY6 LICHTENFELS137, 188, 646 (son of Samuel Clawson Lichtenfels and
Mary Elizabeth Clawson) was born on May 29, 1878 in Robinson, West Wheatfield
Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania646. He died in 1957645. He married Carrie
Lynette Montgomery in 1906327. She was born in 1888 in Pennsylvania645. She died
in 1961645.
Notes for Charles Endsley Lichtenfels:
According to the 1920 census, Charles and his family were living in West
Wheatfield Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. His nieces Grace, Myra, and
Ruth (from his borther Edward) were living with his family.
According to the 1930 census, Charles and his family were living in Robinson, West
Wheatfield Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
According to the 1940 census, Charles and his family were living in Robinson, West
Wheatfield Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
ROY VICTOR LICHTENFELS137, 188, 210, 325 (son of Samuel Clawson Lichtenfels and
Mary Elizabeth Clawson) was born on December 17, 1879 in Pennsylvania539. He
died on April 03, 1969539. He married Matilda E. Frain (daughter of ? Frain) on
February 04, 1904 in Huff, West Wheatfield Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania327. She was born on March 29, 1887 in Pennsylvania539. She died on
September 07, 1964539.
Notes for Roy Victor Lichtenfels:
According to the 1910 census, Roy and his family were living in West Wheatfield
Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
According to the 1920 Census, Roy and his family were living in West Wheatfield
Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
According to the 1940 Census, Roy and his family were living in Robinson, West
Wheatfield Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
GEORGE WASHINGTON LICHTENFELS188, 325 (son of Samuel Clawson Lichtenfels and
Mary Elizabeth Clawson) was born on November 27, 1889 in Pennsylvania325. He
died on December 26, 1927 in Robinson, West Wheatfield Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania325.
Notes for George Washington Lichtenfels:
According to the 1920 Census, George was living with his brother Lester in West
Wheatfield Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
VERNA OLIVE LICHTENFELS137 (daughter of Samuel Clawson Lichtenfels and Mary
Elizabeth Clawson) was born in January 1893 in Robinson, West Wheatfield
Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania188. She died on February 26, 1946 in West
Wheatfield Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She married William Gardner
Fulcomer (son of Samuel Alexander Fulcomer and Elizabeth Stormer) on May 13,
1914327. He was born on September 25, 1887 in West Wheatfield Township,
Indiana County, Pennsylvania63. He died on January 11, 1970647.
Notes for Verna Olive Lichtenfels:
Obit in the Johnstown Tribune, February 26, 1946:
Mrs. Vernie Fulcomer
Generation 5 (con't)
INDIANA - Mrs. Vernie Olive (LICHTENFELS) FULCOMER, 53, wife of William G.
FULCOMER of near Robinson, died at 6 o'clock this morning in West Penn
Hospital, Pittsburgh, after a brief illness. She was born in Robinson and spent her
entire life in that section.
Surviving are her husband, William, one son, Russell, at home; two daughters, Mrs.
Bruce McLEOD of Salamanca, N.Y. and Ethel, at home. Three brothers - Charles,
Roy and Lester LICHTENFELS, all of Robinson - and six grandchildren also
Funeral services will be held at 2 o'clock Thursday afternoon in the Robinson
Lutheran Church. Interment will follow in the Mt. Taber Cemetery under the direction
of the Wagner Funeral Home.
Notes for William Gardner Fulcomer:
According to the 1910 census, William was living with his parents in West
Wheatfield Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
According to the 1930 census, William and his family were living in Fairfield
Township, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania.
LESTER CLAWSON LICHTENFELS137, 188, 325 (son of Samuel Clawson Lichtenfels and
Mary Elizabeth Clawson) was born on June 16, 1894 in Robinson, West Wheatfield
Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He died on May 27, 1983 in Robinson,
West Wheatfield Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He married Ethel Nelson
about 1914648. She was born on April 13, 1896 in Pennsylvania327. She died in
September 1977327.
Notes for Lester Clawson Lichtenfels:
According to the 1920 Census, Lester and his family were living in West Wheatfield
Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. His brother George was living with them.
According to the 1930 census, Lester and his family were living in Robinson, West
Wheatfield Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
According to the 1940 Census, Lester and his family were living in Robinson, West
Wheatfield Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
EDWARD F. LICHTENFELS188 (son of Samuel Clawson Lichtenfels and Mary Elizabeth
Clawson) was born in March 1882 in Pennsylvania. He died in 1917 in Pittsburgh,
Allegheny County, Pennsylvania. He married (1) BESSIE MAY CABLE (daughter of
Benjamin Franklin Cable and Matilda Jane Winebrenner) on September 24, 1902 in
Cumberland, Allegany County, Maryland649. She was born on May 07, 1885 in
Pennsylvania650. She died on June 11, 1913 in Conemaugh, Cambria County,
Pennsylvania327, 650. He married (2) CLARA IVY FULCOMER (daughter of Samuel
Alexander Fulcomer and Elizabeth Stormer) in 1917433. She was born on February
05, 1885 in Pennsylvania. She died in 1981192.
Notes for Edward F. Lichtenfels:
According to the 1910 census, Edward and his family were living in East
Conemaugh, Cambria County, Pennsylvania.
LAVINA JANE5 CLAWSON (George Washington4, Jonathan3, Josiah2, Josiah1)7, 188 was born on
February 01, 1858 in West Wheatfield Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania137. She died on
February 24, 1942 in West Wheatfield Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania1. She married
John Frederick Lichtenfels Jr. (son of John Frederick Lichtenfels and Margaret Brendlinger) on
October 26, 1876 in West Wheatfield Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania19. He was born in
December 1856 in Pennsylvania188. He died on December 05, 1931 in West Wheatfield Township,
Indiana County, Pennsylvania137.
Notes for Lavina Jane Clawson:
Generation 5 (con't)
Notes for Lavina Jane Clawson:
Lavina died at her son's, Paul, house.
Notes for John Frederick Lichtenfels Jr.:
According to the 1880 census, John and his family were living in Bolivar, Westmoreland County,
According to the 1910 census, John and his family were living in West Wheatfield Township,
Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
According to the 1920 census, John and his family were living in West Wheatfield Township,
Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
From the Indiana Weekly Messenger:
Funeral services were conducted on Sunday afternoon in the Mt. Tabor church in West Wheatfield
township, followed by interment in the church cemetery for John F. Lichtenfels, aged 76 years, a
life-long resident of West Wheatfield township, who died at his home on Friday from paralysis. The
deceased, who was engaged in farming during his active years, was one of the substantial
residents of the community. He leaves his wife and the following children: Fred, of Johnstown;
William, of Blacklick; Mrs. William Dias, of Heshbon; Paul, of Blacklick, and Mrs. Leslie Penrose
and Mrs. Charles Penrose, of Bolivar. The deceased, who was a member of the Mt. Tabor church
for many years, and his former pastor, Rev. Timothy Saxton, conducted the funeral services. For
the past eleven years Mr. Lichtenfels was employed as a foreman of the William Penn highway
between Blairsville and the Cambria county line. Besides his six children he leaves 41
grandchildren and 33 great grandchildren, also a brother, Isaiah Lichtenfels, of West Wheatfield
township, and two sisters, Mrs. Kate Stucher, of Oklahoma and Malissa Lichtenfels, of Altoona.
From another Indiana Newspaper:
John F. Lichtenfels, 76, died of paralysis at 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon at his home at Mt. Tabor,
West Wheatfield township. He was a life-long resident of West Wheatfield township, where he was
engaged in farming for many years.
Mr. Lichtenfels is survived by his widow, Mrs. Jane Clawson Lichtenfels, and the following children:
Fred Lichtenfels, Johnstown; William Lichtenfels, Blacklick; Mrs. William Dias, Heshbon; Paul
Lichtenfels, Blacklick; and Mrs. Leslie Penrose and Mrs. Charles Penrose, both of Bolivar.
Funeral services will be conducted at 2:30 o'clock tomorrow afternoon in the Mt. Tabor church, of
which Mr. Lichtenfels was a member. Interment will be in the church cemetery.
John Frederick Lichtenfels Jr. and Lavina Jane Clawson had the following children:
CATHERINE6 LICHTENFELS188 (daughter of John Frederick Lichtenfels Jr. and Lavina
Jane Clawson) was born about 1877 in Pennsylvania62. She died before 1900188.
WILLIAM C. LICHTENFELS62, 137, 423 (son of John Frederick Lichtenfels Jr. and Lavina
Jane Clawson) was born on January 25, 1879 in West Wheatfield Township,
Indiana County, Pennsylvania137. He died on April 29, 1964 in New Florence,
Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania137. He married Mabel Elizabeth Campbell
(daughter of Archibald Campbell and Elizabeth Campbell) on April 10, 1900 in West
Wheatfield Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania507. She was born on March 31,
1881 in West Wheatfield Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She died on
September 19, 1944.
Notes for William C. Lichtenfels:
According to the 1900 census, William and Mabel were living in West Wheatfield
Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
According to the 1910 census, William and his family were living in West Wheatfield
Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
Generation 5 (con't)
According to the 1920 census, William and his family were living in West Wheatfield
Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
Latrobe Bulletin (April 29, 1964)
William C. Lichtenfels, 85, of New Florence, died this morning at the Raymond
Hospital in Johnstown.
Born Jan. 25, 1879 in West Wheatfield Township, son of the late John F. and Jane
(Clawson) Lichtenfels. Preceded in death by four sons and his wife Mabel C., who
died in 1944.
Survived by four daughters, Mrs. Collins Grace Mack of New Florence, Mrs. Lester
(Dorothy) Dies of Homer City, Mrs. Lester (Elsie) Kough of Steubenville, Ohio, Mrs.
John (Marjorie) Wilmes of New Castle; four sons, Russell C. of Irwin, Ernest R. of
Johnstown, Frank W. of Altoona, Dean R. of Johnstown, and Paul S. of Blairsville;
44 grandchildren and 62 great-grandchildren.
Friends will be received at the Ferguson and Sons Funeral Home, Blairsville, after 7
p.m. this evening where services be held 2 p.m. Friday with the Rev. T. F. Sexton
officiating. Interment in Mt. Tabor Cemetery.
CORA JANE LICHTENFELS188, 651 (daughter of John Frederick Lichtenfels Jr. and
Lavina Jane Clawson) was born in October 1882 in Westmoreland County,
Pennsylvania188. She died in 1951539. She married Charles Eursley Penrose (son of
Henry Penrose and Elizabeth Anna Cline) on October 23, 1900 in New Florence,
Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania652. He was born on March 12, 1879 in West
Wheatfield Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania651. He died in 1959539.
Notes for Charles Eursley Penrose:
According to the 1920 census, Charles and his family were living in West
Wheatfield Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
MARGARET LAVINA LICHTENFELS158, 188, 653 (daughter of John Frederick Lichtenfels Jr.
and Lavina Jane Clawson) was born on June 13, 1884 in West Wheatfield
Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania653. She died on June 12, 1945 in
Heshbon, West Wheatfield Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania653. She
married (1) CLARK R. MCELHOSE in 1908210. He was born in 1887645. He died in
1914645. She married (2) JOHN ROY CAMPBELL (son of Archibald Campbell and
Elizabeth Campbell) in 1901 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania115. He was born on
July 01, 1883654. He died before December 25, 1956133. She married (3) WILLIAM
EDWARD DIAS (son of Thomas C. Dias and Margaret A. Petticord) between
1915-1931. He was born on August 08, 1870 in West Wheatfield Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania310. He died on August 16, 1956 in West Wheatfield
Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania310, 653.
Notes for Clark R. McElhose:
According to the 1910 census, Clark and his family were living in West Wheatfield
Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
Notes for William Edward Dias:
According to the 1910 census, William was living with his father in West Wheatfield
Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
In 1918, William was living at home near Heshbon, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
According to the 1920 census, William and his family were living in West Wheatfield
Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
SUSAN E. LICHTENFELS137, 188 (daughter of John Frederick Lichtenfels Jr. and Lavina
Jane Clawson) was born in October 1889 in Pennsylvania188. She married Leslie
Earl Penrose (son of Henry Penrose and Elizabeth Anna Cline) about 1904210. He
was born on October 19, 1883 in Pennsylvania327. He died in October 1973327.
Generation 5 (con't)
Notes for Leslie Earl Penrose:
According to the 1910 census, Leslie and his family were living in West Wheatfield
Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
According to the 1920 census, Leslie and his family were living in West Wheatfield
Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
FREDERICK W. LICHTENFELS188 (son of John Frederick Lichtenfels Jr. and Lavina
Jane Clawson) was born on May 16, 1891 in West Wheatfield Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania188, 655. He died in January 1977327. He married Florence Edna
Mabon (daughter of John Milliken Mabon and Elizabeth Arminta Cline) on June 07,
1916327. She was born on April 12, 1890 in West Wheatfield Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania429. She died on March 30, 1967 in Johnstown, Cambria
County, Pennsylvania655.
PEARL LICHTENFELS211 (daughter of John Frederick Lichtenfels Jr. and Lavina Jane
Clawson) was born on May 21, 1897 in West Wheatfield Township, Indiana County,
viii. PAUL ST. CLAIR LICHTENFELS137, 188, 327 (son of John Frederick Lichtenfels Jr. and
Lavina Jane Clawson) was born on May 21, 1897 in West Wheatfield Township,
Indiana County, Pennsylvania327. He died on October 08, 1973 in Blairsville, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania656. He married Lillian Virginia Murphy in 1924327. She was
born on February 12, 1903 in Green Ridge, MD327, 656. She died on May 23, 1980 in
Latrobe Area Hospital, Latrobe, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania656.
DELILAH MAUDE5 CLAWSON (George Washington4, Jonathan3, Josiah2, Josiah1)7 was born in 1863
in Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She married Samuel J. Duncan (son of Joseph M. Duncan and
Catherine Sides) on July 01, 1880 in Pennsylvania1. He was born on August 28, 1857 in West
Wheatfield Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania1. He died on March 31, 1938 in West
Wheatfield Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania1.
Samuel J. Duncan and Delilah Maude Clawson had the following children:
CLARA6 DUNCAN (daughter of Samuel J. Duncan and Delilah Maude Clawson)1.
She died before 1983. She married ? PATTERSON.
RAY DUNCAN (son of Samuel J. Duncan and Delilah Maude Clawson)1. He died
before 1983.
BLANCHE DUNCAN (daughter of Samuel J. Duncan and Delilah Maude Clawson)1.
She died before 1983. She married (1) ? RUPERT. She married (2) ? DEWALT.
FLORA S. DUNCAN1 (daughter of Samuel J. Duncan and Delilah Maude Clawson)
was born on August 02, 1888 in Tunnelton, Indiana County, Pennsylvania137. She
died on March 13, 1988 in Derry, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania137. She
married J. CLYDE FERGUSON. He died on July 25, 1978137.
RUTH DUNCAN (daughter of Samuel J. Duncan and Delilah Maude Clawson)1. She
died before 1983. She married ? RUSH.
HELEN DUNCAN (daughter of Samuel J. Duncan and Delilah Maude Clawson)1. She
married ? ALLISON.
DONALD J. DUNCAN1 (son of Samuel J. Duncan and Delilah Maude Clawson) was
born on April 04, 1902 in Tunnelton, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He died on April
02, 1987 in Jeannette, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania.
JOHN GEORGE5 THOMPSON (Elizabeth Jane4 Clawson, Jonathan3 Clawson, Josiah2 Clawson,
Josiah1 Clawson)7, 44 was born on April 24, 1843 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania329. He died in Grafton, Pennsylvania. He married Emeline McCoy (daughter of
Church McCoy and Mary Jane McCardell) on October 06, 1866329. She was born in August 1845 in
Notes for John George Thompson:
According to the 1900 Census, John and his family were living in Blacklick Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania. Both of their children were living with them.
John George Thompson and Emeline McCoy had the following children:
Generation 5 (con't)
THOMPSON7, 44 (son of John George Thompson and Emeline
McCoy) was born on August 28, 1867 in Pennsylvania. He married ELIZABETH
JONES. She was born on December 11, 1882.
Notes for Harry Willet Thompson:
According to the 1900 Census, Harry was living in Blacklick Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania with her parents.
IOLA THOMPSON44 (daughter of John George Thompson and Emeline McCoy) was
born on September 30, 1873 in Pennsylvania. She died on June 05, 1949.
Notes for Iola Thompson:
According to the 1900 Census, Iola was living in Blacklick Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania with her parents.
JAMES5 THOMPSON (Elizabeth Jane4 Clawson, Jonathan3 Clawson, Josiah2 Clawson, Josiah1
Clawson)6 was born on March 21, 1845 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He
died on August 27, 1917. He married HANNAH HOUSTON. She was born about 1847 in
Pennsylvania36. She died in 1939.
Notes for James Thompson:
According to the 1870 Census, James and his family were living in Blacklick Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania.
James Thompson and Hannah Houston had the following children:
MARY ETTA6 THOMPSON36 (daughter of James Thompson and Hannah Houston) was
born about 1868 in Pennsylvania36. She married CHARLES WILLIAMS.
ELMER THOMPSON (son of James Thompson and Hannah Houston)7.
CARRIE THOMPSON (daughter of James Thompson and Hannah Houston)7.
ELIZA JEAN THOMPSON (daughter of James Thompson and Hannah Houston)7. She
married ? KUNKLE.
ELIZA J.5 THOMPSON (Elizabeth Jane4 Clawson, Jonathan3 Clawson, Josiah2 Clawson, Josiah1
Clawson)6, 42 was born on March 25, 1848 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
She married Josiah C. Huston (son of James Huston and Rebecca Jane Clawson) on March 09,
18721. He was born on August 16, 1840 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania1. He died on April 07,
Notes for Eliza J. Thompson:
According to the 1870 Census, Eliza was living with her father and stepmother in Blacklick
Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
Notes for Josiah C. Huston:
In 1913, Josiah was living in Johnstown, Cambria County, Pennsylvania.
Josiah C. Huston and Eliza J. Thompson had the following children:
KATHERINE5 HOUSTEN (daughter of Josiah C. Huston and Eliza J. Thompson)7. She
married SETH CLARKE.
GEORGE HOUSTEN (son of Josiah C. Huston and Eliza J. Thompson)7.
WALTER HOUSTEN (son of Josiah C. Huston and Eliza J. Thompson).
ELIZA HOUSTEN (daughter of Josiah C. Huston and Eliza J. Thompson)7. She
IRENE HOUSTEN (daughter of Josiah C. Huston and Eliza J. Thompson)7. She
married ? BELL.
ELEANOR5 THOMPSON (Elizabeth Jane4 Clawson, Jonathan3 Clawson, Josiah2 Clawson, Josiah1
Clawson)6 was born on June 18, 1849 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She
died on April 09, 1911. She married John B. McIntyre about 187012. He was born in 1845. He died
in 191827.
Notes for Eleanor Thompson:
Generation 5 (con't)
Notes for Eleanor Thompson:
According to the 1870 Census, Eleanor was living with her father and stepmother in Blacklick
Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
John B. McIntyre and Eleanor Thompson had the following children:
JENNIE6 MCINTYRE (daughter of John B. McIntyre and Eleanor Thompson). She
GEORGE MCINTYRE (son of John B. McIntyre and Eleanor Thompson).
MARGARET MCINTYRE (daughter of John B. McIntyre and Eleanor Thompson). She
married ED COBES.
JOHN B. MCINTYRE (son of John B. McIntyre and Eleanor Thompson). He married
JAMES A. MCINTYRE (son of John B. McIntyre and Eleanor Thompson) was born in
187727. He died in 188127.
DAVID E. MCINTYRE (son of John B. McIntyre and Eleanor Thompson) was born in
188227. He died in 189527.
RUTH MCINTYRE (daughter of John B. McIntyre and Eleanor Thompson) was born
on April 22, 1884. She married GEORGE B. WILKINSON.
DANIEL R.5 CLAWSON (Jonathan4, Jonathan3, Josiah2, Josiah1)1, 133-134 was born in November 1854
in Indiana County, Pennsylvania1. He died before September 15, 1923133. He married REBECCA H.
MORTON (daughter of Ruth ?). She was born in February 1853 in Pennsylvania1. She died before
March 21, 1927133.
Notes for Daniel R. Clawson:
According to the 1880 census, Daniel and his family were living in Burrell Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania. He was living with his in-laws.
Daniel R. Clawson and Rebecca H. Morton had the following children:
ELLIS RUPERT CLAWSON134, 137, 280 (son of Daniel R. Clawson and Rebecca H.
Morton) was born on February 15, 1880 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania330. He
died on March 27, 1953 in Apollo, Armstrong County, Pennsylvania330.
Notes for Ellis Rupert Clawson:
Indiana Evening Gazette (March 28, 1953)
ELLIS R. CLAWSON of Apollo, died at 11:30 a.m. March 27.
He was born in Indiana County, February 15, 1880, a son of Daniel R. and Rebecca
Morton Clawson. He was a Spanish-American War veteran; and a member of the
Freeport American Legion.
Surviving are two sisters and one brother: Mrs. Viola Knode and Mrs. Zella
Cornelia, both of Torrance, and Harry Clawson of Apollo.
Friends will be received at the Fergusioin Funerl Home, Blairsville, after 7:00 p.m.
today, where services will be held Monday afternoon at 2:00 o'clock, with interment
at Blairsville Cemetery.
VIOLA RUTH CLAWSON137 (daughter of Daniel R. Clawson and Rebecca H. Morton)
was born on March 26, 1884 in Derry, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania. She
married Ray Magee Knode on June 26, 1917 in Greensburg, Westmoreland
County, Pennsylvania1. He was born about 1885 in Huntingdon County,
HARRISON J. CLAWSON137, 331 (son of Daniel R. Clawson and Rebecca H. Morton)
was born in October 1885 in Kansas1.
ZELLA CLAWSON137 (daughter of Daniel R. Clawson and Rebecca H. Morton) was
born in December 18901. She married ? CORNELIA.
ARCHY CLAWSON1 (son of Daniel R. Clawson and Rebecca H. Morton) was born on
October 25, 1893 in Derry Township, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania. He died
Generation 5 (con't)
October 25, 1893 in Derry Township, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania. He died
on March 28, 1894.
HARRY J.5 CLAWSON (Jonathan4, Jonathan3, Josiah2, Josiah1)1, 134 was born in January 1869 in
Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He married Bertha Connor (daughter of James Connor and Bell ?)
on October 26, 18971. She was born in September 18751.
Harry J. Clawson and Bertha Connor had the following children:
CARRIE CLAWSON1 (daughter of Harry J. Clawson and Bertha Connor) was born in
January 1898 in Pennsylvania.
HARRY W. CLAWSON1 (son of Harry J. Clawson and Bertha Connor) was born in
1901 in Pennsylvania.
JAMES T. CLAWSON1 (son of Harry J. Clawson and Bertha Connor) was born in 1904
in Pennsylvania.
JOHN ELMER5 CLAWSON (Jonathan4, Jonathan3, Josiah2, Josiah1)49, 134 was born on January 22,
1870 in Burrell Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania333. He died on June 02, 1948 in Ligonier
Township, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania333. He married Catherine Harvey (daughter of
Bryon Wilson Harvey and Mary Hoover) on March 05, 1894 in Morrellville, Johnstown, Cambria
County, Pennsylvania333. She was born on February 02, 1875 in Heshbon, West Wheatfield
Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania333. She died on May 08, 1948 in Ligonier Township,
Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania333.
Notes for John Elmer Clawson:
According to the 1900 Census, John and his family were living in New Derry and Bradenville,
Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania. His brother Frank was also living him.
According to the 1930 census, John and his family were living in Latrobe, Westmoreland County,
John Elmer Clawson and Catherine Harvey had the following children:
FRANCIS HULIT CLAWSON93 (son of John Elmer Clawson and Catherine Harvey) was
born in August 1895 in New Derry, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania134. He died
before 1919 in Conde-en-Brie, France.
ELMER DAVID CLAWSON134, 280, 334 (son of John Elmer Clawson and Catherine
Harvey) was born on February 11, 1897 in West Derry, Westmoreland County,
Pennsylvania280. He died before 1986.
PAULINE MARIE CLAWSON134, 334 (daughter of John Elmer Clawson and Catherine
Harvey) was born on February 24, 1900 in Pennsylvania. She died in May 1981 in
Ligonier, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania. She married Orville David Frye on
August 22, 1948. He was born on April 09, 1883. He died on December 04, 1956.
JOHN HARVEY CLAWSON93 (son of John Elmer Clawson and Catherine Harvey) was
born on May 26, 1904 in Bradenville, Derry Township, Westmoreland County,
Pennsylvania. He died on September 23, 1986 in Robinson, West Wheatfield
Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania93. He married Ruth B. Betts (daughter of
James Norman Betts Sr. and Amanda Jane Brendlinger) on June 10, 1930 in
Hershey, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania335. She was born on June 07, 1906 in
Robinson, West Wheatfield Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania93. She died on
January 17, 1997 in Johnstown, Cambria County, Pennsylvania93.
Notes for John Harvey Clawson:
According to the 1940 Census, John and his family were living in Robinson, West
Wheatfield Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
Clawson, John Harvey.
An historical treatise of the Church of the Brethren / submitted by John
Harvey Clawson.
Published: 1931.
Description: 38 leaves ; 29 cm.
Local Call No: BV4070 .E292 1931.3
Thesis (B.D.)--Eastern Baptist Theological Seminary, Wynnewood, Pa.,
Generation 5 (con't)
1931. Includes bibliographical references.
Church of the Brethren -- History.
Control No.: ocm38979214
GARNET GRACE CLAWSON334 (daughter of John Elmer Clawson and Catherine
Harvey) was born on May 26, 1904 in Bradenville, Derry Township, Westmoreland
County, Pennsylvania. She died before 1995. She married ? MARTIN.
Notes for Garnet Grace Clawson:
In 1986, they were living in Ligonier, Westmoreland County, Pennsyvania.
MARY C. CLAWSON1 (daughter of John Elmer Clawson and Catherine Harvey) was
born in 19091. She died before 1986. She married ? SPRINGER.
ALMA GRUBE CLAWSON137 (daughter of John Elmer Clawson and Catherine Harvey)
was born on August 28, 1914 in Latrobe, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania137.
She died on June 07, 1995 in Waterford, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania137.
She married Arnold Barton Zimmerman on December 04, 1937333. He was born on
January 15, 1917 in Ligonier, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania. He died in
Notes for Alma Grube Clawson:
In 1986, they were living in Ligonier, Westmoreland County, Pennsyvania.
Alma Zimmerman obit
Alma Grube Clawson Zimmerman, 80, of Ligonier (Waterford), died Wednesday,
June 7, 1995, in Bethlen Home, Ligonier. She was born Aug. 28, 1914, in Latrobe, a
daughter of the late John E. and Catharine Harvey Clawson. She was a graduate of
the Indiana State Teachers College. Prior to her retirement, she had been
employed as a school teacher for the former Reed's School in Derry, and later for
the Derry Area School District. She was a member of the Waterford United
Methodist church where she had been the pianist for over 50 years. She was also a
member of the Fort Ligonier Chapter #349 Order of the Eastern Star, past noble
grand of the Lady St. Clair Rebekah Lodge #314 of Ligonier, the Conemaugh
Chapter and Fort Ligonier Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution,
and the Derry Area Retired Teachers Association. She was the last surviving
charter member of the Ladies Auxiliary of Ligonier Township Fire Company #1. In
addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by her husband, Arnold B.
Zimmerman in 1988; four sisters, Grace C. Martin, Marie C. Frye, Mary C. Springer,
and Rebecca Clawson; and three brothers, John ``Elmer''Clawson, and John
Harvey Clawson, and Eulet F. Clawson. Surviving are a daughter, Patricia Z., and
her husband, Judge Patrick Woodward of Rockville, Md.; a granddaughter, Carlotta
A. Woodward; and a niece Elaine C. Vessey of Vero Beach, Fla. Friends will be
received Saturday from 7 to 9 p.m., and Sunday from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. at the J.
PAUL MCCRACKEN FUNERAL HOME INC., 144 E. Main St., Ligonier. Funeral
service will be held Monday at 11 a.m. in Waterford United Methodist Church,
Ligonier, with the Rev. David A. Bell, officiating. Interment in Menoher Memorial
Park, Ligonier. Memorial gifts may be made in her memory to the Waterford United
Methodist Church or to Action for Animals. The Fort Ligonier Chapter O.E.S. #349
will hold their services in the funeral home Sunday at 7 p.m.
viii. REBECCA CLAWSON (daughter of John Elmer Clawson and Catherine Harvey)137.
She died before 1986.
HARRY JOHN CLAWSON93 (son of John Elmer Clawson and Catherine Harvey) was
born on August 28, 1923 in Johnstown, Cambria County, Pennsylvania137. He died
on February 01, 2008 in Johnstown, Cambria County, Pennsylvania137.
Notes for Harry John Clawson:
In 1986, Harry was living in Johnstown, Cambria County, Pennsylvania.
Johnstown Tribune-Democrat (February 5, 2007)
Generation 5 (con't)
Harry Clawson
CLAWSON — Harry, 84, Johnstown, died Feb. 1, 2008, at Memorial Medical
Center. Born Aug. 28, 1923, in Johnstown, son of the late John and Catherine
(Harvey) Clawson. He was also preceded in death by a daughter, Deidre; brothers,
Hewlitt, Elmer and John; and sisters, Marie Grayce and Mary Grube. He is survived
by sons, Tim, Tennessee, and Harry Jr., New York. Harry was employed at WJAC
as a technician and was a World War II Navy veteran. At his request, there will be
no visitation. A memorial service will be held at Picking-Treece-Bennett Mortuary
Inc., West Hills, 921 Menoher Blvd., at 10 a.m. Friday, the Rev. William Wenger
ROBERT HIRAM5 CLAWSON (Hiram4, Robert C.3, Josiah2, Josiah1)33, 138, 336 was born on May 11,
1852 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He died in 1916 in Lisbon, Wisconsin8. He married Ludie
Newkirk on April 17, 1881 in Lemonweir, Juneau County, Wisconsin8. She was born in March 1862
in Wisconsin138. She died in 1913 in Mauston, Juneau County, Wisconsin.
Notes for Robert Hiram Clawson:
According to the 1900 Census, Robert and his family were living in Mauston, Juneau County,
Robert Hiram Clawson and Ludie Newkirk had the following children:
HAZEL E.6 CLAWSON8, 138 (daughter of Robert Hiram Clawson and Ludie Newkirk)
was born in March 1882 in Juneau County, Wisconsin135, 138.
VERNE L. CLAWSON8, 138 (son of Robert Hiram Clawson and Ludie Newkirk) was
born in June 1883 in Wisconsin138. He married MILDRED MAY CURTIS. She was born
in 1887.
IVA CLAWSON135, 138 (daughter of Robert Hiram Clawson and Ludie Newkirk) was
born on August 05, 1886 in Juneau County, Wisconsin135.
HENRY G. CLAWSON8, 138 (son of Robert Hiram Clawson and Ludie Newkirk) was
born in October 1888 in Wisconsin138.
? CLAWSON8, 138 (son of Robert Hiram Clawson and Ludie Newkirk) was born on
June 05, 1891. He died on June 05, 1891.
GENEVIEVE ESTHER CLAWSON8, 138 (daughter of Robert Hiram Clawson and Ludie
Newkirk) was born on November 17, 1895 in Mauston, Juneau County, Wisconsin.
INEZ CLAWSON138 (child of Robert Hiram Clawson and Ludie Newkirk) was born in
December 1898 in Wisconsin138.
WILLIAM ANDERSON5 CLAWSON (Hiram4, Robert C.3, Josiah2, Josiah1)8, 336 was born on August 28,
1854 in Indiana, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He died on March 13, 1938 in Plentywood,
Sheridan County, Montana. He married Katherine Madaline Larkins on February 12, 1882 in
Chatfield, Fillmore County, Minnesota. She was born on November 08, 1858 in Winona, Winona
County, Minnesota. She died on February 07, 1910 in Plentywood, Sheridan County, Montana.
William Anderson Clawson and Katherine Madaline Larkins had the following children:
LUCETTA6 CLAWSON657 (daughter of William Anderson Clawson and Katherine
Madaline Larkins) was born on January 18, 1884 in Mauston, Juneau County,
Wisconsin. She died in 1965 in Bremerton, Kitsap County, Washington. She
married ADOLPH ANTON JOHNSON. He was born on April 28, 1883 in Toten, Norway.
He died on July 21, 1938 in Plentywood, Sheridan County, Montana.
BERNARD CEWELL CLAWSON8, 657 (son of William Anderson Clawson and Katherine
Madaline Larkins) was born on October 19, 1885 in Mauston, Juneau County,
Wisconsin. He died on May 29, 1958 in Vancouver, Clark County, Washington. He
married Nina Amelia Johnson on December 14, 1910 in Plentywood, Sheridan
County, Montana. She was born on September 30, 1892 in Iona Lake, Murray
County, Minnesota. She died on December 09, 1970 in Vancouver, Clark County,
MABEL ROSE CLAWSON8, 657 (daughter of William Anderson Clawson and Katherine
Madaline Larkins) was born on August 22, 1887 in Mauston, Juneau County,
Generation 5 (con't)
Madaline Larkins) was born on August 22, 1887 in Mauston, Juneau County,
Wisconsin. She died in February 1987 in Bremerton, Kitsap County, Washington.
She married (1) FREDERICK MORRIS TOOKE in December 1910 in Montana. He was
born on May 13, 1873 in Salterville, Manitoba, Canada. He died on December 24,
1946 in Warm Springs, Montana. She married (2) WILL D. SMITH about 1967.
THOMAS JAMES CLAWSON8, 657 (son of William Anderson Clawson and Katherine
Madaline Larkins) was born on December 06, 1889 in Iona Lake, Murray County,
Minnesota. He died on September 21, 1970 in Raymond, Sheridan County,
Montana. He married Montrose A. Shallbetter on November 16, 1914 in Outlook,
Sheridan County, Montana. She was born on April 08, 1896 in Minneapolis,
Minnesota. She died on September 22, 1996 in Spokane, Spokane County,
MARY ALICE CLAWSON8, 657 (daughter of William Anderson Clawson and Katherine
Madaline Larkins) was born on December 10, 1893 in Iona Lake, Murray County,
Minnesota. She died on August 15, 1970 in Big Sandy, Montana.
MARGARET WINNEFRED CLAWSON8, 657 (daughter of William Anderson Clawson and
Katherine Madaline Larkins) was born on July 02, 1897 in Iona Lake, Murray
County, Minnesota. She died in 1948 in Minot, North Dakota. She married George
Patterson in June 1914.
WILLIAM LEO CLAWSON8, 657 (son of William Anderson Clawson and Katherine
Madaline Larkins) was born on May 23, 1899 in Iona Lake, Murray County,
Minnesota. He died in 1945 in Harlem, Montana. He married Zelda ? in September
viii. ? CLAWSON8 (child of William Anderson Clawson and Katherine Madaline Larkins)
was born on June 24, 1901 in Iona Lake, Murray County, Minnesota. ? died on
June 24, 1901 in Iona Lake, Murray County, Minnesota.
Notes for ? Clawson:
Died as an infant.
GENEVIEVE CLAWSON657 (daughter of William Anderson Clawson and Katherine
Madaline Larkins) was born on October 17, 1902 in Iona Lake, Murray County,
Minnesota. She married (1) JOHN HANSON. He died after 1990. She married (2) ROY
HIRAM5 CLAWSON JR. (Hiram4, Robert C.3, Josiah2, Josiah1)336 was born on October 21, 1856 in
Brush Valley, Indiana County, Pennsylvania8. He died on March 14, 19398. He married (1) MARY
O'DAY on February 19, 1879 in Union Center, Juneau County, Wisconsin. He married (2) CYNTHIA
?. She was born about 1871 in New Jersey337.
Hiram Clawson Jr. and Mary O'Day had the following children:
?6 CLAWSON (son of Hiram Clawson Jr. and Mary O'Day)356.
? CLAWSON (son of Hiram Clawson Jr. and Mary O'Day)356.
LILLIAN F. CLAWSON337 (daughter of Hiram Clawson Jr. and Mary O'Day) was born
about 1893 in Wisconsin337.
LAURABELLE CLAWSON337 (daughter of Hiram Clawson Jr. and Mary O'Day) was
born about 1896 in Wisconsin337.
MARY J.5 CLAWSON (Hiram4, Robert C.3, Josiah2, Josiah1)336 was born on March 08, 1860 in
Indiana, Indiana County, Pennsylvania8. She died on August 27, 1950 in Wisconsin8. She married
Don Carlos Robinson (son of Henry Robinson and Elizabeth Fluno) on November 10, 1878 in
Wonewoc, Wisconsin338. He was born on February 17, 1843 in Exeter, New York115. He died on
January 09, 1920 in Lindina Township, Juneau County, Wisconsin115.
Don Carlos Robinson and Mary J. Clawson had the following children:
ALMA VIOLA6 ROBINSON338 (daughter of Don Carlos Robinson and Mary J. Clawson)
was born on June 22, 1880 in Lindina Township, Juneau County, Wisconsin115. She
died on September 21, 1941 in Mauston, Juneau County, Wisconsin115. She
married Tolsen Watkins on October 07, 1903 in Chicago, Cook County, Illinois115.
LELIA MAUDE ROBINSON338 (daughter of Don Carlos Robinson and Mary J. Clawson)
Generation 5 (con't)
LELIA MAUDE ROBINSON338 (daughter of Don Carlos Robinson and Mary J. Clawson)
was born on December 10, 1882 in Lindina Township, Juneau County, Wisconsin.
She died on July 16, 1947 in Mauston, Juneau County, Wisconsin. She married
James Samuel Hess on December 02, 1897 in Chicago, Cook County, Illinois. He
was born on April 07, 1865 in Hettick, Illinois. He died in 1937.
GOLDIE BELLE ROBINSON338 (daughter of Don Carlos Robinson and Mary J.
Clawson) was born on August 12, 1884 in Lindina Township, Juneau County,
Wisconsin. She died on May 02, 1956 in Madison, Dane County, Wisconsin. She
married Frank Seebaker on December 18, 1907 in Mauston, Juneau County,
Wisconsin. He was born on July 15, 1872 in Lindina Township, Juneau County,
Wisconsin. He died on July 28, 1937 in Madison, Dane County, Wisconsin.
SYLVINA MAE ROBINSON338 (daughter of Don Carlos Robinson and Mary J. Clawson)
was born on August 24, 1886 in Lindina Township, Juneau County, Wisconsin. She
died on March 03, 1887 in Lindina Township, Juneau County, Wisconsin.
HAZEL DELL ROBINSON338 (daughter of Don Carlos Robinson and Mary J. Clawson)
was born on April 07, 1888 in Lindina Township, Juneau County, Wisconsin. She
died on March 22, 1970 in Chicago, Cook County, Illinois.
ANN JEANETTE ROBINSON338 (daughter of Don Carlos Robinson and Mary J.
Clawson) was born on August 24, 1890 in Lindina Township, Juneau County,
Wisconsin. She died on September 27, 1969 in Wausau, Wisconsin. She married
Jay Rosiel Campbell on December 17, 1913 in Mauston, Juneau County,
Wisconsin. He was born on June 05, 1888 in Cumberland, Wisconsin. He died on
June 23, 1954 in Mauston, Juneau County, Wisconsin.
MAE JANE ROBINSON338 (daughter of Don Carlos Robinson and Mary J. Clawson)
was born on October 07, 1892 in Lindina Township, Juneau County, Wisconsin.
She died on July 18, 1975 in Niles, Berrien County, Michigan. She married (1) RUSS
MCDOWELL on February 23, 1924 in Chicago, Cook County, Illinois. She married (2)
viii. DON C. ROBINSON338 (son of Don Carlos Robinson and Mary J. Clawson) was born
on September 15, 1895 in Lindina Township, Juneau County, Wisconsin. He died
on May 23, 1964 in Mauston, Juneau County, Wisconsin. He married Alice Clark on
July 07, 1919 in Mauston, Juneau County, Wisconsin. She was born on August 07,
1888 in Lindina Township, Juneau County, Wisconsin. She died on August 07,
1970 in Mauston, Juneau County, Wisconsin.
HENRY LEE ROBINSON338 (son of Don Carlos Robinson and Mary J. Clawson) was
born on September 04, 1897 in Lindina Township, Juneau County, Wisconsin. He
died on December 08, 1950 in Wausau, Wisconsin. He married Eva Malone on
January 02, 1922 in Wausau, Wisconsin. She was born on August 21, 1895 in
PANSIE ROBINSON338 (daughter of Don Carlos Robinson and Mary J. Clawson) was
born in Lindina Township, Juneau County, Wisconsin. She died in Lindina
Township, Juneau County, Wisconsin.
IONE PEARL ROBINSON338 (daughter of Don Carlos Robinson and Mary J. Clawson)
was born on June 16, 1901 in Lindina Township, Juneau County, Wisconsin. She
died on March 17, 1979 in Niles, Berrien County, Michigan. She married (1) AUDEAN
MANUEL. She married (2) DAVID JOSEPH LOWE on June 09, 1927 in Elkart, Indiana.
He was born on February 12, 1900 in Oakdale, Massachusetts. He died on
November 02, 1957 in South Bend, St. Joseph County, Indiana.
MICHAEL5 CLAWSON (Hiram4, Robert C.3, Josiah2, Josiah1)138, 336 was born in February 1865 in
Pennsylvania138. He married Villie Newkirk about 1892138. She was born in November 1871 in
Notes for Michael Clawson:
In 1900, Michael and his family were living in Mauston, Juneau County, Wisconsin.
Michael Clawson and Villie Newkirk had the following child:
HAZEL6 CLAWSON138 (daughter of Michael Clawson and Villie Newkirk) was born in
Generation 5 (con't)
HAZEL6 CLAWSON138 (daughter of Michael Clawson and Villie Newkirk) was born in
April 1895 in Wisconsin138.
JOHN R.5 CLAWSON (Hiram4, Robert C.3, Josiah2, Josiah1)336 was born in June 1865 in Indiana
County, Pennsylvania138, 336. He married Eleanor Kennedy on May 04, 1898 in Mauston, Juneau
County, Wisconsin. She was born in May 1872 in Wisconsin138.
Notes for John R. Clawson:
According to the 1900 Census, Johnn and his family were living in Mauston, Juneau County,
Wisconsin. His parents were living with him.
John R. Clawson and Eleanor Kennedy had the following child:
JOHN H.6 CLAWSON138 (son of John R. Clawson and Eleanor Kennedy) was born in
July 1899 in Wisconsin138.
HARRY WHITE5 CLAWSON (Hiram4, Robert C.3, Josiah2, Josiah1)8, 336 was born in 1865 in Indiana
County, Pennsylvania336. He married Emma Josephine Smith on January 17, 1894 in Lindina,
Juneau County, Wisconsin.
Harry White Clawson and Emma Josephine Smith had the following child:
RUTH GENEVIEVE6 CLAWSON658 (daughter of Harry White Clawson and Emma
Josephine Smith) was born on April 09, 1898 in Brown County, South Dakota.
JOHN CALDWELL5 CLAWSON (Josiah4, Robert C.3, Josiah2, Josiah1)33 was born in July 1850 in
Indiana, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He died on September 01, 1908 in Punxsutawney,
Jefferson County, Pennsylvania158. He married Mary Margaret Evans in 1880 in Pennsylvania158.
She was born about 1859 in Pennsylvania339-340. She died on July 10, 1918231.
Notes for John Caldwell Clawson:
Indiana Weekly Messenger, Indiana, Pennsylvania (September 9, 1908)
John C. Clawson.
John Caldwell Clawson, of Punxsutawney, died September 1 after an illness of six months, of
anemia, aged 58 years. Mr. Clawson was a son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Clawson, of Cookport, this
county. Leaving the parental home at the age of 16 years he located at Punxsutawney and worked
at harness making. In 1880 he married Miss Mary M. Evans, who with one child surves him. He
was superintendent of the M. E. Sunday school an a member of the higher councils of the Masonic
Order, having been a Mason of the thirty-second degree. He was also a member, in good
standing, of the Knights of Pythias lodge. He is also survived by his mother, Mrs. Christina
Clawson, of South Side, three sisters and one brother - Mrs. T. M. Williams and Mrs. Lemuel
Mogle, both of Punxsutawney; Mrs. Marting Dick, of Indiana, and Archibald Clawson, of
John Caldwell Clawson and Mary Margaret Evans had the following child:
FRANK E.6 CLAWSON33, 231 (son of John Caldwell Clawson and Mary Margaret
Evans) was born in January 1883 in Jefferson County, Pennsylvania.
MARGARETTA5 CLAWSON (Josiah4, Robert C.3, Josiah2, Josiah1)136 was born on July 19, 1856 in
Indiana, Indiana County, Pennsylvania137. She died on February 09, 1935 in Punxsutawney,
Jefferson County, Pennsylvania137. She married Thomas Martin Williams (son of Stacy Williams
and Caroline Lewis) on July 31, 1875 in Jefferson County, Pennsylvania341. He was born on March
28, 1847 in Young Township, Jefferson County, Pennsylvania341. He died on February 06, 1912 in
Punxsutawney, Jefferson County, Pennsylvania341.
Notes for Margaretta Clawson:
In 1908, Margaret and Thomas were living in Punxsutawney, Jefferson County, Pennsylvania.
9 Feb, 1935
Esteemed Resident of this city died Saturday afternnon
Mrs. Margaret Williams succumbed in daughters home at age of 78
Mrs. Margaret A. Williams, a resident of Punxsutawney since childhood died in the home of her
daughter, Mrs. Howard Ley, on North Penn Street, Saturday afternoon at 12:20 o—clock at the age
Generation 5 (con't)
daughter, Mrs. Howard Ley, on North Penn Street, Saturday afternoon at 12:20 o—clock at the age
of 78 years following an illness of the past six months.
The deceased was born 19 July, 1856 in Indiana Co, a daughter of Joseph and Christain
McQuown Clawson. When a mere child, the deceased moved to this city, where, on 3 July, 1875,
she was united in marriage to Thomas M. Williams, who died in 1912. Mrs. Williams was a devout
member of the Presbyterian Church and belonged to the ladies aid society of that congregation.
She was a member of the Order of Eastern Star for years, and took an active part in the affairs of
that organization. Mrs. Williams was well known throughout Punxsutawney and vicinity, and her
death, although expected, ahs proven a great shock to her hundreds of frineds here. Kind, sincere,
intelligent, a loving mother and neighbor, her death is sincerely mourned by a multitude of friends
throughout this section.
Surviving are one sister, Mrs. Daniel Gourley, of this city, the last of the family and the following
son and daughters: Edgar A. Williams of Pittsburgh; Mrs. Howard Ley of this city, and Mrs. Charles
Miller of Wilkinsburg.
Funeral Services wil be held Tuesday afternoon beginning at 2 o—clock in the home of her
daughter, Mrs. Howard Ley, on North Penn Street. Rev George Miller of Butler, and Rev. Herman
Humke, pastor of the Presbyterian Church here, will be in charge. Burial will be in Circle Hill
Thomas Martin Williams and Margaretta Clawson had the following children:
CARRIE MITCHELL6 WILLIAMS341 (daughter of Thomas Martin Williams and Margaretta
Clawson) was born on March 11, 1876 in Oliveburg, Jefferson County,
Pennsylvania. She died on April 14, 1956 in Pittsburgh, Allegheny County,
Pennsylvania341. She married Charles McKee Miller (son of Eli Miller and Susannah
McKee) on June 28, 1905 in Punxsutawney, Jefferson County, Pennsylvania341. He
was born on October 18, 1875 in Frostburg, Jefferson County, Pennsylvania341. He
died on May 21, 1955 in Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania.
Notes for Carrie Mitchell Williams:
In 1935, Carrie and Charles were living in Wilkinsburg, Allegheny County,
NELL WILLIAMS341 (daughter of Thomas Martin Williams and Margaretta Clawson)
was born on July 25, 1878 in Oliveburg, Jefferson County, Pennsylvania341. She
died on May 07, 1963 in Punxsutawney, Jefferson County, Pennsylvania341. She
married Howard A. Ley (son of Augustus Ley and Harriet Powell) on December 19,
1906341. He was born on March 06, 1874 in Port Washington, Tuscarawas County,
Ohio341. He died on December 29, 1944341.
Notes for Nell Williams:
In 1935, Nell and Howard were living in Punxsutawney, Jefferson County,
EDGAR A. WILLIAMS137 (son of Thomas Martin Williams and Margaretta Clawson)
was born on September 09, 1882 in Oliveburg, Jefferson County, Pennsylvania341.
He died on August 05, 1958 in Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania341.
ARCHIBALD E.5 CLAWSON (Josiah4, Robert C.3, Josiah2, Josiah1)33, 158 was born on February 05,
1863 in Young Township, Jefferson County, Pennsylvania33. He died on August 22, 1910 in
Punxsutawney, Jefferson County, Pennsylvania143. He married Anna Rishell (daughter of Daniel
Walter Rishell and Christine Burkett) on December 08, 1886 in Punxsutawney, Jefferson County,
Pennsylvania1. She was born on June 14, 1865 in Punxsutawney, Jefferson County,
Pennsylvania8. She died on April 16, 1929 in Punxsutawney, Jefferson County, Pennsylvania.
Archibald E. Clawson and Anna Rishell had the following children:
JESSIE DEE6 CLAWSON33 (daughter of Archibald E. Clawson and Anna Rishell) was
born on April 16, 1887 in Punxsutawney, Jefferson County, Pennsylvania. She died
on April 19, 1965 in Albion, Jefferson County, Pennsylvania33. She married David
Lloyd Buterbaugh on April 16, 1906 in Punxsutawney, Jefferson County,
Pennsylvania. He was born on December 04, 1884 in Indiana County,
Pennsylvania33. He died on July 23, 193833.
? CLAWSON33 (child of Archibald E. Clawson and Anna Rishell) was born on August
05, 1891 in Punxsutawney, Jefferson County, Pennsylvania. ? died about 1891.
Generation 5 (con't)
05, 1891 in Punxsutawney, Jefferson County, Pennsylvania. ? died about 1891.
Notes for ? Clawson:
Died as an infant.
JOSEPH WALTER CLAWSON33 (son of Archibald E. Clawson and Anna Rishell) was
born on October 19, 1891 in Punxsutawney, Jefferson County, Pennsylvania355. He
died on November 01, 1971 in Punxsutawney, Jefferson County, Pennsylvania. He
married Marie Susannah Dunlap on December 26, 1915 in Punxsutawney,
Jefferson County, Pennsylvania. She died after 197193.
JAMES ARTHUR CLAWSON33 (son of Archibald E. Clawson and Anna Rishell) was
born on September 03, 1896 in Punxsutawney, Jefferson County, Pennsylvania. He
died on March 21, 18981.
? CLAWSON33 (child of Archibald E. Clawson and Anna Rishell) was born on October
12, 1897 in Punxsutawney, Jefferson County, Pennsylvania. ? died about 1897.
Notes for ? Clawson:
Died as an infant.
ARCH MCCONNELL CLAWSON33 (son of Archibald E. Clawson and Anna Rishell) was
born on December 15, 1902 in Punxsutawney, Jefferson County, Pennsylvania. He
died on June 15, 1906 in Punxsutawney, Jefferson County, Pennsylvania.
WILLIAM C.5 CLAWSON (Robert4, Robert C.3, Josiah2, Josiah1)33, 343 was born in March 1852 in
White Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He died before 1952 in White Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania93. He married Isabelle M. George (daughter of Reuben B. George and Emily
M. McCombs) in 1876. She was born in May 1861 in Brush Valley Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania343. She died in White Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
Notes for William C. Clawson:
From Blacklick Township, Indiana County, Pa.
According to the 1900 Census, William and his family were living in White Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania.
William C. Clawson and Isabelle M. George had the following children:
JOHN WESTLEY6 CLAWSON (son of William C. Clawson and Isabelle M. George) was
born on January 31, 1877 in White Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania280, 659.
He died on March 10, 1937 in Graceton, Indiana County, Pennsylvania659. He
married Josephine Donahue (daughter of John Donahue and Elizabeth Kaufman)
on September 12, 1900 in Indiana, Indiana County, Pennsylvania376. She was born
on January 03, 1879 in Marion Center, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She died on
February 20, 1947 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
Notes for John Westley Clawson:
According to the 1930 census, John and his family were living in Center Township,
Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
MARY ANN CLAWSON (daughter of William C. Clawson and Isabelle M. George) was
born on April 05, 1879 in White Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania162. She
died on September 28, 1898 in White Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania162.
She married Harvey J. Hoover (son of Harvey Hoover and Sarah Lydick) on May
17, 1898 in Pennsylvania1. He was born about 18791.
WILLIAM ERVIN CLAWSON137 (son of William C. Clawson and Isabelle M. George)
was born on May 10, 1882 in White Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania137. He
died on June 16, 1946 in Lucerne Mines, Indiana County, Pennsylvania1. He
married Edna May Kunkle (daughter of Edward W. Kunkle and Annie Rosetta
Billingslee) on May 23, 1905 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania335. She was born in
1881 in Pennsylvania1. She died on April 14, 1959162.
Notes for William Ervin Clawson:
Generation 5 (con't)
Notes for William Ervin Clawson:
According to the 1930 census, William and his family were living in Center
Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
NORA B. CLAWSON (daughter of William C. Clawson and Isabelle M. George) was
born in November 1885 in White Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
EMMA CATHERINE CLAWSON1 (daughter of William C. Clawson and Isabelle M.
George) was born on May 13, 1889 in White Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania1. She married George M. Shirley on January 14, 1909 in Blacklick,
Indiana County, Pennsylvania660.
Notes for Emma Catherine Clawson:
In 1937, Emma and George were living in Black Lick, Indiana County,
CHARLES OLIVER CLAWSON (son of William C. Clawson and Isabelle M. George) was
born on February 08, 1892 in White Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He
died on October 03, 1959 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
He married Emma E. Hill (daughter of Levi Hill and Carrie J. Griffith) about 1913661.
She was born on March 19, 1891 in Clearfield County, Pennsylvania93. She died on
March 20, 1982 in Indiana, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
Notes for Charles Oliver Clawson:
According to the 1930 census, Charles and his family were living in Center
Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
Notes for Emma E. Hill:
Emma lived in Blacklick Township before dying in Indian Haven.
PETER RICHARD5 CLAWSON (Robert4, Robert C.3, Josiah2, Josiah1)208, 344 was born in April 1855 in
Indiana County, Pennsylvania208. He died in 192019. He married Susanna Lane Fry (daughter of
Abi Fry) on June 11, 1881 in Greenville, Green Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania344. She
was born in 1866 in Pennsylvania19, 162. She died in 193519, 162.
Notes for Peter Richard Clawson:
According to the 1900 Census, Peter and his family were living in Center Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania.
Notes for Susanna Lane Fry:
According to the 1930 census, Susie was living with her son, Arthur, in Center Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania.
Peter Richard Clawson and Susanna Lane Fry had the following children:
SAMUEL WILLMORE6 CLAWSON1, 208 (son of Peter Richard Clawson and Susanna
Lane Fry) was born on November 02, 1883 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania280. He
died on March 05, 1933. He married Nancy Belle Kinter (daughter of Samuel Kinter
and Margaret ?) on December 24, 1903 in Indiana, Indiana County, Pennsylvania1.
She was born in 188619, 176. She died in 197919, 176.
ELLA FINETTA CLAWSON662 (daughter of Peter Richard Clawson and Susanna Lane
Fry) was born on October 28, 1884 in Cherryhill Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania663. She died on December 24, 1966 in Homer City, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania162. She married Samuel Thomas Duncan (son of Morgan
Montgomery Duncan and Margaret Gamble) on June 29, 1904 in Homer City,
Indiana County, Pennsylvania1. He was born on November 04, 1878 in Center
Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He died on February 08, 1945 in Homer
City, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
Notes for Ella Finetta Clawson:
Nettie and Samuel lived in Homer City, Indiana County, Pennsylvania
EDITH C. CLAWSON208 (daughter of Peter Richard Clawson and Susanna Lane Fry)
was born in December 1886 in Pennsylvania208. She died before 1960. She married
Harry S. Lockard (son of Morris Lockard and Annie ?) on July 12, 1905 in Homer
Generation 5 (con't)
Harry S. Lockard (son of Morris Lockard and Annie ?) on July 12, 1905 in Homer
City, Indiana County, Pennsylvania19. He was born about 187919.
ARTHUR BLAIR CLAWSON1, 208 (son of Peter Richard Clawson and Susanna Lane Fry)
was born on October 08, 1895 in Center Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania137. He died on June 01, 1960 in Homer City R. D. 2, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania137. He married Olive B. Fritz (daughter of Henry Fritz and Elizabeth
Gamble) on May 19, 1916 in Indiana, Indiana County, Pennsylvania1. She was born
on February 07, 1894 in Center Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania137. She
died on November 19, 1975 in Homer City, Indiana County, Pennsylvania137.
Notes for Arthur Blair Clawson:
According to the 1930 census, Arthur and his family were living in Center Township,
Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
ROYDEN RICHARD CLAWSON137, 208 (son of Peter Richard Clawson and Susanna
Lane Fry) was born on September 26, 1899 in Homer City, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania211. He died on October 07, 1958 in Finleyville, Washington County,
Pennsylvania. He married (1) MYRTLE M. ? about 1919664. She was born about
1904 in Pennsylvania664. He married (2) BEATRICE ?.
Notes for Royden Richard Clawson:
According to the 1930 Census, Royden and his family were living in Clairton,
Allegheny County, Pennsylvania.
ALMIRA5 CLAWSON (Robert4, Robert C.3, Josiah2, Josiah1)140 was born on June 29, 1858 in
Cherryhill Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania33. She died in 1941 in Penn Run, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania1. She married (1) DANIEL HOUCK (son of William Houck) on October 24,
1895 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania287. He was born about 1852. She married (2) ? HADDEN.
Daniel Houck and Almira Clawson had the following child:
WILLIAM6 HOUCK (son of Daniel Houck and Almira Clawson)33.
? Hadden and Almira Clawson had the following child:
LUCY ANNA6 CLAWSON33 (daughter of ? Hadden and Almira Clawson) was born on
September 28, 1879 in Indiana, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She died on April
07, 1964 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She married Ernest Cleveland Brewer
(son of Abraham L. Brewer and Jennie Miller) about 1905. He was born on March
12, 1885 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania355. He died on June 05, 1972 in Indiana,
Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
Notes for Lucy Anna Clawson:
According to the 1900 Census, Lucy was living with her uncle John Clawson in
Cherryhill Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
Notes for Ernest Cleveland Brewer:
According to the 1910 Census, Ernest and his family were living in Wshington
Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
FRANK ROBERT5 CLAWSON (Robert4, Robert C.3, Josiah2, Josiah1)140 was born in 1865 in Indiana,
Indiana County, Pennsylvania140, 345. He died on September 19, 193393. He married Arabelle
Shank about August 1890346. She was born on December 12, 1869 in Cherryhill Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania. She died on October 17, 1941 in Indiana, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
Notes for Frank Robert Clawson:
According to the 1930 census, Frank and his family were living in Indiana, Indiana County,
Frank Robert Clawson and Arabelle Shank had the following children:
STELLA MAY6 CLAWSON335 (daughter of Frank Robert Clawson and Arabelle Shank)
was born in October 1893 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania1. She died between
1956-1975. She married Joshua Earl Strong (son of Lowry F. Strong and Barbara
Ellen Shank) on May 18, 1921. He was born in 1887665. He died in 1953665.
Generation 5 (con't)
Notes for Stella May Clawson:
In 1941, Stella was living in Indiana, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
In 1956, Stella was living in Niles, Ohio.
NORMAN FRANKLIN CLAWSON19 (son of Frank Robert Clawson and Arabelle Shank)
was born on September 19, 1896 in Indiana, Indiana County, Pennsylvania176. He
died on September 04, 1956 in VA Hospital, Pittsburgh, Allegheny County,
Pennsylvania176. He married Minnie K. Luzier (daughter of Elmer Ellsworth Luzier
and Mary Frances Hickman) about 1921666. She was born on February 03, 1896 in
Irvona, Clearfield County, Pennsylvania176. She died on March 12, 1980 in Tampa,
Hillsborough County, Florida176.
Notes for Norman Franklin Clawson:
In 1941, Norman was living in Indiana, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
Notes for Minnie K. Luzier:
Minnie moved to Florida in 1959.
ELSIE VIOLA CLAWSON19 (daughter of Frank Robert Clawson and Arabelle Shank)
was born on July 01, 1899 in Indiana, Indiana County, Pennsylvania211. She died in
1933665. She married Blair Vincent Strong (son of Lowry F. Strong and Barbara
Ellen Shank) after 1913. He was born on July 05, 1890665. He died on October 21,
CLYDE E. CLAWSON93 (son of Frank Robert Clawson and Arabelle Shank) was born
on June 24, 1905 in Indiana, Indiana County, Pennsylvania362. He died on February
21, 1975 in Commodore, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He married WAHNETA
LEOTA KNUPP (daughter of Clair Knupp and Tweet Decker). She was born on June
04, 1911 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She died on March 01, 1973 in
Commodore, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
RALPH M. CLAWSON19 (son of Frank Robert Clawson and Arabelle Shank) was born
on July 19, 1907 in Indiana, Indiana County, Pennsylvania93. He died on March 26,
1982 in Indiana, Indiana County, Pennsylvania93. He married Hilda M. Brewis
(daughter of Joseph Brewis and Eleanor Dixon) about 1926317. She was born on
July 02, 1899 in Bedlington, Northumberland, England. She died on April 06, 1974
in Indiana, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
LAWRENCE CLAWSON19 (son of Frank Robert Clawson and Arabelle Shank) was born
in 1910 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania1. He died after 1941.
Notes for Lawrence Clawson:
In 1941 and 1956, Lawrence was living in Indiana, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
NANCY CATHERINE5 CLAWSON (Robert4, Robert C.3, Josiah2, Josiah1)33, 140 was born on May 06,
1868 in Indiana, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She died on March 18, 1959 in Marchand, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania. She married (1) ABRAHAM L. BREWER (son of James Brewer and Sarah
Jane Varner) after 1894347. He was born on May 06, 1864 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He
died on October 17, 1949 in Marchand, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She married (2) JOSEPH
MITCHELL (son of David Mitchell and Nancy ?) on January 04, 1894 in West Indiana, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania1, 348. He was born about 1853.
Abraham L. Brewer and Nancy Catherine Clawson had the following children:
JAMES6 BREWER347 (son of Abraham L. Brewer and Nancy Catherine Clawson) was
born about 1888. He died before October 17, 1949.
PAUL LUTHER BREWER347 (son of Abraham L. Brewer and Nancy Catherine
Clawson) was born on September 12, 1900 in Washington Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania1. He died on August 25, 1975 in Marchand, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania1. He married Anna M. Henry about 1922. She was born on
September 08, 1898 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She died on September 07,
1983 in Punxsutawney, Jefferson County, Pennsylvania.
Joseph Mitchell and Nancy Catherine Clawson had the following child:
Generation 5 (con't)
MITCHELL162, 347 (son of Joseph Mitchell and Nancy Catherine Clawson)
was born on December 11, 1894 in Washington Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania. He died on January 07, 1975 in Indiana, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania. He married GRACE P. ?. She was born in 1899162. She died in
JOHN M.5 CLAWSON (Robert4, Robert C.3, Josiah2, Josiah1)140, 349 was born on July 04, 1872 in
Cherryhill Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He died on February 09, 1952 in Indiana,
Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He married (1) BETTY FAITH after 1900. He married (2) KATE ?
about 1896350. She was born about 1871 in Pennsylvania350. He married (3) ETTA BENCE after
Notes for John M. Clawson:
John and Betty had no children.
According to the 1900 Census, John was living in Cherryhill Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania. His mother and his sister Lucy were living with him.
John M. Clawson and Kate ? had the following child:
HENRY6 CLAWSON350 (son of John M. Clawson and Kate ?) was born in July 1897 in
SARAH5 CLAWSON (William Caldwell4, Robert C.3, Josiah2, Josiah1)351 was born in 1867 in Indiana,
Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She died in 190493. She married WILLIAM FRANKLIN CRAFT.
William Franklin Craft and Sarah Clawson had the following children:
VIOLA BELL6 CRAFT115 (daughter of William Franklin Craft and Sarah Clawson) was
born on August 20, 1886 in Pine Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She died
on January 25, 1977 in Indiana, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She married George
Franklin Sawyer on December 16, 1908.
KATHRYN CRAFT115 (daughter of William Franklin Craft and Sarah Clawson) was
born in 1888 in Pine Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She married ?
MAYLON CRAFT115 (son of William Franklin Craft and Sarah Clawson) was born in
1894 in Nolo, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
MURRAY W. CRAFT115 (son of William Franklin Craft and Sarah Clawson) was born in
December 1899 in Nolo, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
HARVEY5 CLAWSON (William Caldwell4, Robert C.3, Josiah2, Josiah1)33, 139 was born on February
11, 1868 in Penn Run, Indiana County, Pennsylvania141. He died on July 07, 19421. He married (1)
BERTHA E. BRACE (daughter of Albert Brace and Josephine ?) on October 03, 1914 in
Hollidaysburg, Blair County, Pennsylvania. She was born about 1890 in New York352. He married
(2) NELLIE MURDOCK (daughter of Chambers Murdock and Rebecca Coup) on June 19, 1895 in
Indiana, Indiana County, Pennsylvania1. She was born about 1872. She died in 1900. He married
(3) NELLIE CATHERINE STRASBAUGH (daughter of William G. Strasbaugh and Sara E. ?) on May 01,
1901 in Ebensburg, Cambria County, Pennsylvania. She was born about 1884.
Notes for Harvey Clawson:
According to the 1930 census, Harvey and his family were living in Blacklick Township, Cambria
County, Pennsylvania.
In 1930, Harvey was living in Belsano, Cambria County, Pennsylvania.
Harvey Clawson is well known in Cambria County as the capable postmaster of Belsano. He was
born in Cherry Hill Township, Indiana County, Pa., Feb. 11, 1869, and is the son of William C. and
Catherine (Wike) Clawson.
William C. Clawson, deceased, was a veteran of the Civil War. He was born in Indiana County and
during his entire life was interested in farming and stock raising. He served during the Civil War as
a member of Company A, 55th Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry. Mr. Clawson was a
republican and member of the Methodist Church. He is buried at Belsano, and his widow resides at
Generation 5 (con't)
republican and member of the Methodist Church. He is buried at Belsano, and his widow resides at
that place. They had two children: Sally, deceased, was the wife of Frank Craft, who lives at
Indiana, Pa.; and Harvey, the subject of this sketch.
Harvey Clawson received his education in the district schools of Indiana County and at an early
age learned the blacksmith trade. He conducted a shop in Cherry Hill Township, Indiana County,
until 1899, when he removed to Belsano, where he followed the same trade. Mr. Clawson was
appointed postmaster in November 1925, and is also serving his second term as tax collector. He
is a member of the state highway department and had charge of the construction work between
Belsano and Nanty Glo.
In 1899 Mr. Clawson was married to Miss Nettie Murdock, the daughter of Chambers and Rebecca
(Coup) Murdock, natives of Indiana County, both now deceased. Mrs. Clawson died in 1900 and is
buried in Brush Valley Township, Indiana County. To this union was born, Olive. She married Ralph
Walters and lives at Harrisville, Pa.. They have two children, Elizabeth and Marlin. Mr. Clawson
was married the second time to Miss Nellie Strausbaugh, and to them were born three sons: Roy
Reed, a teacher; William Raymond, assistant postmaster, Belsano, and Robert Caldwell, a
teacher. In 1914 Mr. Clawson was married the third time to Miss Bertha Brace, the daughter of
Albert and Josephine Brace, natives of New York. Mr. Brace resides at Bradford, Pa. His wife is
deceased. To Harvey and Bertha (Brace) Clawson two children were born, Mary Catherine and
Harvey Lane, both students.
Mr. Clawson is a republican, a member of the Methodist Church and Independent Order of Odd
Harvey Clawson and Bertha E. Brace had the following children:
MARY CATHERINE6 CLAWSON351-352 (daughter of Harvey Clawson and Bertha E.
Brace) was born on May 10, 1915 in Belsano, Cambria County, Pennsylvania667.
She married (1) IRVIN GREEN. She married (2) FRANK CROFT.
HARVEY LANE CLAWSON JR.351-352 (son of Harvey Clawson and Bertha E. Brace) was
born on September 23, 1918 in Belsano, Cambria County, Pennsylvania667. He died
in June 1955 in Cleveland, Cuyahoga County, Ohio668. He married Margaret V.
Komara (daughter of Vincent Komara and Marcella Sakmar) in 19391. She was
born on July 20, 1921 in Johnstown, Cambria County, Pennsylvania137. She died on
March 16, 1996 in West End, Johnstown, Cambria County, Pennsylvania137.
GEORGIA RUTH CLAWSON669 (daughter of Harvey Clawson and Bertha E. Brace) was
born on January 11, 1922141. She died on April 13, 1922 in Belsano, Cambria
County, Pennsylvania141.
Notes for Nellie Murdock:
According to the 1910 census, Nellie was no longer living with Harvey. She could have died.
Harvey Clawson and Nellie Murdock had the following child:
OLIVE S. CLAWSON273, 433 (daughter of Harvey Clawson and Nellie Murdock) was
born on March 14, 1896 in Cherryhill Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania211.
She married J. Ralph Walters (son of J. G. Walters and Ida ?) on June 29, 19161.
Notes for Olive S. Clawson:
In 1926, Olive and Ralph were living in Harrisville, Butler County, Pennsylvania.
Harvey Clawson and Nellie Catherine Strasbaugh had the following children:
ROY REED CLAWSON351 (son of Harvey Clawson and Nellie Catherine Strasbaugh)
was born on August 26, 1901 in Belsano, Cambria County, Pennsylvania. He died
in February 1963 in Jersey Shore, Lycoming County, Pennsylvania668.
WILLIAM RAYMOND CLAWSON SR.137, 351 (son of Harvey Clawson and Nellie Catherine
Strasbaugh) was born on November 22, 1902 in Belsano, Cambria County,
Pennsylvania362. He died in September 1973 in Belsano, Cambria County,
Pennsylvania362. He married Pansy Marie Straw (daughter of James Harvey Straw
and Margaret Jane Lewis) on March 03, 1923 in Nanty Glo, Cambria County,
Pennsylvania1. She was born on July 14, 1904 in Irvona, Clearfield County,
Generation 5 (con't)
Pennsylvania1. She was born on July 14, 1904 in Irvona, Clearfield County,
Pennsylvania137. She died on September 26, 1993 in Belsano, Cambria County,
Notes for William Raymond Clawson Sr.:
According to the 1930 census, Ray and his family were living in Blacklick Township,
Cambria County, Pennsylvania.
ROBERT CALDWELL CLAWSON351 (son of Harvey Clawson and Nellie Catherine
Strasbaugh) was born on August 01, 1904 in Dilltown, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania352. He died on May 13, 1963 in Johnstown, Cambria County,
Pennsylvania141. He married Lillian P. Anderson (daughter of Andrew T. Anderson
and Amelia ?) on March 23, 1927 in Belsano, Cambria County, Pennsylvania1. She
was born about 1903 in Pennsylvania670.
Notes for Robert Caldwell Clawson:
According to the 1930 census, Robert and Lilly were living in Blacklick Township,
Cambria County, Pennsylvania.
ADAM DAVID5 CLAWSON (Jonathan4, Robert C.3, Josiah2, Josiah1)33, 136 was born in 1858 in Rayne
Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He died on July 23, 1934 in Punxsutawney, Jefferson
County, Pennsylvania. He married Rachael Ann Brown (daughter of David Brown and Anna White)
on August 26, 1880 in Jefferson County, Pennsylvania. She was born on August 06, 1864 in
Clearfield County, Pennsylvania. She died on March 15, 1951 in Punxsutawney, Jefferson County,
Adam David Clawson and Rachael Ann Brown had the following children:
IVA L.6 CLAWSON33 (daughter of Adam David Clawson and Rachael Ann Brown) was
born on September 20, 1882 in Jefferson County, Pennsylvania. She married John
Mitchell in Jefferson County, Pennsylvania. He was born in Jefferson County,
Notes for Iva L. Clawson:
In 1966, Iva was living in Brookville, Pennsylvania.
LINDSEY R. CLAWSON33 (son of Adam David Clawson and Rachael Ann Brown) was
born on October 10, 1884 in Jefferson County, Pennsylvania. He died on November
07, 1917 in Wilkinsburg, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania. He married Thyra
Nicholson in Jefferson County, Pennsylvania. She was born on April 15, 1882 in
Massachusetts362. She died in December 1976 in Pittsburgh, Allegheny County,
Notes for Thyra Nicholson:
According to the 1930 census, Thyra and her family were living in Wilkinsburg,
Allegheny County, Pennsylvania.
FREDERICK D. CLAWSON33 (son of Adam David Clawson and Rachael Ann Brown)
was born on February 16, 1888 in Jefferson County, Pennsylvania. He died on
October 18, 1903.
CHARLES D. CLAWSON33 (son of Adam David Clawson and Rachael Ann Brown) was
born on February 28, 1890 in Jefferson County, Pennsylvania. He died on
September 19, 1896 in Jefferson County, Pennsylvania.
SAMUEL BROWN CLAWSON33, 355 (son of Adam David Clawson and Rachael Ann
Brown) was born on May 30, 1893 in Punxsutawney, Jefferson County,
Pennsylvania355, 362. He died on October 08, 1966 in Punxsutawney R. D. 1,
Jefferson County, Pennsylvania93. He married Madeline Beezer on September 20,
1913 in Jefferson County, Pennsylvania93. She was born about 1896 in
Pennsylvania671. She died between 1966-199293.
Notes for Samuel Brown Clawson:
According to the 1930 census, Samuel and his family were living in Punxsutawney,
Generation 5 (con't)
According to the 1930 census, Samuel and his family were living in Punxsutawney,
Jefferson County, Pennsylvania.
TERZAH N. CLAWSON33 (daughter of Adam David Clawson and Rachael Ann Brown)
was born on August 22, 1895 in Jefferson County, Pennsylvania. She married
Laverne Charles in Jefferson County, Pennsylvania.
OAKLEY HARRY CLAWSON33, 158 (son of Adam David Clawson and Rachael Ann
Brown) was born on July 31, 1898 in Jefferson County, Pennsylvania. He died in
1961 in Lancaster, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. He married (1) WAVIA
ELEANOR BAUGHMAN (daughter of Jonathan Lawford Baughman and Ella Beers) in
1921 in Jefferson County, Pennsylvania. She was born on March 27, 1900 in West
Decatur, Blair County, Pennsylvania. She died in 1940 in Punxsutawney, Jefferson
County, Pennsylvania. He married (2) FLORENCE MAE WORK after 1940. She died
on January 22, 2001 in LaPlata, Maryland672.
Notes for Oakley Harry Clawson:
According to the 1930 census, Oakley and his family were living in Punxsutawney,
Jefferson County, Pennsylvania.
viii. GLEN ROBERT CLAWSON33 (son of Adam David Clawson and Rachael Ann Brown)
was born on November 03, 1901 in Jefferson County, Pennsylvania. He died on
July 19, 1978 in Jefferson County, Pennsylvania. He married Susan Olive Courtney
in Jefferson County, Pennsylvania.
Notes for Glen Robert Clawson:
In 1966, Glen was living in Charleston, West Virginia.
GLEAM E. CLAWSON33 (daughter of Adam David Clawson and Rachael Ann Brown)
was born on November 03, 1901 in Jefferson County, Pennsylvania. She married
Lucien J. Dangott in Jefferson County, Pennsylvania. He was born in Belgium673.
Notes for Gleam E. Clawson:
In 1966, Gleam and Lucien were living in Pittsburgh, Allegheny County,
ANNA BELLE CLAWSON33 (daughter of Adam David Clawson and Rachael Ann
Brown) was born on January 27, 1905. She died on July 03, 1982 in Pocatalico,
West Virginia. She married Emile J. Dangott in Jefferson County, Pennsylvania. He
was born in Belgium673.
Notes for Anna Belle Clawson:
In 1966, Anna and Emile were living in Charleston, West Virginia.
ROBERT JOSEPH5 CLAWSON (Jonathan4, Robert C.3, Josiah2, Josiah1)33 was born in November
1860 in Pennsylvania1. He married (1) LAURA ? about 1881 in Jefferson County, Pennsylvania1.
She was born in July 18631. He married (2) IDA A. DRUMMOND (daughter of William Drummond and
Mary ?) on September 03, 1907 in Punxsutawney, Jefferson County, Pennsylvania1. She was born
about 1868 in Pennsylvania273.
Notes for Robert Joseph Clawson:
According to the 1900 census, Robert was living in Claysville, Jefferson County, Pennsylvania.
According to the 1910 census, Robert and Ida were living in Punsutawney, Jefferson County,
There is a daughter, Hazel Miller, age 14, listed for the 1910 census. Could this be a
step-daughter to Robert and Ida's daughter from a previous marriage.
Robert Joseph Clawson and Laura ? had the following children:
GRACE L.6 CLAWSON33 (daughter of Robert Joseph Clawson and Laura ?) was born
in Jefferson County, Pennsylvania. She died on February 12, 1898 in Clayville,
Jefferson County, Pennsylvania.
Generation 5 (con't)
(daughter of Robert Joseph Clawson and Laura ?) was born in
November 1888 in Claysville, Jefferson County, Pennsylvania.
? CLAWSON1 (child of Robert Joseph Clawson and Laura ?) was born in Jefferson
County, Pennsylvania.
JOHN C. CLAWSON1 (son of Robert Joseph Clawson and Laura ?) was born in
August 1893 in Jefferson County, Pennsylvania1.
DAVID P. CLAWSON1 (son of Robert Joseph Clawson and Laura ?) was born in 1900
in Jefferson County, Pennsylvania1.
PHILIP L. CLAWSON1 (son of Robert Joseph Clawson and Laura ?) was born in 1904
in Peterson, Iowa1.
Robert Joseph Clawson and Ida A. Drummond had the following child:
DELLA V. CLAWSON143 (daughter of Robert Joseph Clawson and Ida A. Drummond)
was born on April 10, 1910. She died on April 10, 1910 in Horatio Station, Jefferson
County, Pennsylvania.
ELIZABETH J.5 CLAWSON (Jonathan4, Robert C.3, Josiah2, Josiah1)33 was born on December 21,
1869 in Jefferson County, Pennsylvania. She died on September 23, 1959 in Niagara Falls,
Niagara County, New York. She married James Homer Williams (son of James John Williams and
Elizabeth Fillmore) on November 17, 1891 in Punxsutawney, Jefferson County, Pennsylvania. He
was born on October 21, 1870 in Bell Township, Jefferson County, Pennsylvania. He died in
October 1947 in Cloe, Jefferson County, Pennsylvania.
James Homer Williams and Elizabeth J. Clawson had the following child:
LOIL6 WILLIAMS33 (son of James Homer Williams and Elizabeth J. Clawson) was
born on August 26, 1893 in Bells Mills, Bell Township, Jefferson County,
Pennsylvania. He died on May 03, 1972 in Ransomville, New York. He married
LOLA SHIELDS. She died in 1951 in Ransomville, New York.
MARY ELLA5 CLAWSON (Jonathan4, Robert C.3, Josiah2, Josiah1)33 was born in 1873 in Indiana
County, Pennsylvania. She died on August 22, 1908 in Jefferson County, Pennsylvania. She
married John R. Bell in Jefferson County, Pennsylvania. He was born on December 24, 1869 in
Bell Township, Jefferson County, Pennsylvania. He died on July 23, 19331.
John R. Bell and Mary Ella Clawson had the following children:
LILLIAN6 BELL (daughter of John R. Bell and Mary Ella Clawson)33.
? BELL (child of John R. Bell and Mary Ella Clawson)33.
? BELL (child of John R. Bell and Mary Ella Clawson)33.
? BELL (child of John R. Bell and Mary Ella Clawson)33.
? BELL (child of John R. Bell and Mary Ella Clawson)33.
CHARLES FOSTER5 CLAWSON (Jonathan4, Robert C.3, Josiah2, Josiah1)33, 280 was born on January
03, 1879 in Punxsutawney, Jefferson County, Pennsylvania355. He died on November 10, 1966 in
Indiana, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He married Willette Campbell Work about 1903 in
Jefferson County, Pennsylvania317. She was born on September 21, 1875 in Rochester Mills,
Indiana County, Pennsylvania93. She died on February 16, 1966 in Indiana, Indiana County,
Notes for Charles Foster Clawson:
According to the 1930 census, Charles and Willette were living in Indiana, Indiana County,
Charles Foster Clawson and Willette Campbell Work had the following child:
ELIZABETH6 CLAWSON33 (daughter of Charles Foster Clawson and Willette Campbell
Work) was born in 1904 in Punxsutawney, Jefferson County, Pennsylvania.
PHOEBE ELVIRA5 WIKE (Pleasant4 Clawson, Robert C.3 Clawson, Josiah2 Clawson, Josiah1
Clawson)15, 147 was born in 1862 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania1. She married Findley Stephens
about September 1896301. He was born in 1861139.
Findley Stephens and Phoebe Elvira Wike had the following children:
Generation 5 (con't)
Findley Stephens and Phoebe Elvira Wike had the following children:
MARTHA6 STEVENS (daughter of Findley Stephens and Phoebe Elvira Wike)139.
? STEVENS (daughter of Findley Stephens and Phoebe Elvira Wike)139. She married
WILLIAM STEVENS (son of Findley Stephens and Phoebe Elvira Wike)139.
SARAH5 WIKE (Pleasant4 Clawson, Robert C.3 Clawson, Josiah2 Clawson, Josiah1 Clawson)15, 147
was born in April 1866 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania1. She married CHARLES HAGELEY.
Notes for Sarah Wike:
Letters between Edna Hageley and Wynona Wolfe indicate thea Sarah apparently raised her sister
Mary's son Irwin The Hageley's were from Chillicothe, Ohio.
Charles Hageley and Sarah Wike had the following children:
EDNA6 HAGELEY (daughter of Charles Hageley and Sarah Wike)139.
HARRISSA HAGELEY (daughter of Charles Hageley and Sarah Wike)139.
MARY HAGELEY (daughter of Charles Hageley and Sarah Wike)139.
DAVID C.5 WIKE (Pleasant4 Clawson, Robert C.3 Clawson, Josiah2 Clawson, Josiah1 Clawson)15, 33,
147, 349 was born in August 1867 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania349 . He died on April 27, 1923 in
Indiana County, Pennsylvania139. He married FRANCES M. BOWERS. She was born in September
1866 in Pennsylvania349. She died in 1951357.
Notes for David C. Wike:
According to the 1900 Census, David and his[ClawsonWike.FTW]
Suicide In Brushvalley (April, 1923)
David Wike shoots self with gun on Friday. David Wike, aged 54 years, a farmer of Brushvalley
Township, committed suicide by shooting himself with a shotgun near his home on Friday evening,
resulting in his instant death. Recently Wike has been acting somewhat queerly. He has been
more or less quarrelsome and im many instances without apparent cause. On Friday afternoon he
attended a public sale on the the farm of Joseph Phillips in theat neighborhood. While there he
acted queerly, wanted to fight somebody, but did not succeed in his attempt. After the sale he
went to his home and got a shotgun and three loaded shells and going some distance from his
home, out along a public road he sat down on a stone, placed the gun against his breast and with a
forked stick pushed the trigger, the shot causing instant death. His body was found shortly
afterwards and Coroner Stewart notified ex-county Commissioner Johnston Moorhead was
deputized to investigate the cause of death. Moorhead found the facts as above stated and
decided an inquest was not necessary. Wike is survived by his wife but no children. (Indiana
"No children" is in error, as he named his wife and daughters in his will, which was made 6 weeks
before his death. According to Wayne Wolfe, he shot himself at the end of Conrad Sleppy's lane
after a fight with Sleppy.
David C. Wike and Frances M. Bowers had the following children:
GUSSIE MAE6 WIKE139, 349 (daughter of David C. Wike and Frances M. Bowers) was
born on January 26, 1894 in Pennsylvania139. She married ? REED.
ELMA J. WIKE349 (daughter of David C. Wike and Frances M. Bowers) was born in
July 1896 in Pennsylvania349. She married DOYLE KEIRN.
LUCY ANN5 WIKE (Pleasant4 Clawson, Robert C.3 Clawson, Josiah2 Clawson, Josiah1 Clawson)15,
147 was born about September 1869 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania147 . She died in 1930 139 . She
married William H. Coy about August 1897312. He was born in 1868139. He died in 1956139.
William H. Coy and Lucy Ann Wike had the following child:
GRACE6 COY (daughter of William H. Coy and Lucy Ann Wike)139.
Generation 5 (con't)
A. 5
Clawson, Robert C.3 Clawson, Josiah2 Clawson, Josiah1 Clawson)15
was born on August 04, 1872 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania139. She died on September 14,
1935 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania139. She married John Sherman Sheridan Grant Wolfe on
January 08, 1896 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania139. He was born on November 01, 1871 in
Indiana County, Pennsylvania139. He died on April 01, 1943 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania139.
John Sherman Sheridan Grant Wolfe and Mary A. Wike had the following children:
ALICE TABITHA6 WOLFE137, 139 (daughter of John Sherman Sheridan Grant Wolfe and
Mary A. Wike) was born on November 08, 1896 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania310.
She died on July 17, 1973 in Indiana, Indiana County, Pennsylvania310. She married
Alvah Clarence Marsh (son of William H. Marsh and Laura J. Stephens) on May 16,
1917 in Belsano, Cambria County, Pennsylvania310. He was born on May 18, 1894
in Ivison, Blacklick Township, Cambria County, Pennsylvania137. He died on
February 10, 1971 in Penn Run R. D. 2, Indiana County, Pennsylvania137.
Notes for Alvah Clarence Marsh:
Indiana Evening Gazette (February 16, 1971)
ALVAH C. MARSH, 76, husband of Alice P. Marsh, Penn Run RD 2, died at the
Indiana Hospital Wednesday, Feb. 10. 1971.
Born in Cambria County May 18, 1894, he was a son of William and Laura
Stephens Marsh.
He was a member of the Independent Clymer Gospel Mission.
Surviving are his wife, Alice Tabitha Wolfe Marsh, and the following children: Mrs.
Louis (Alice) Bash and Mrs. Robert (Twila) Buterbaugh, both of Penn Run RD 2;
Quay, Commodore RD 1; Robert, Penn Run RD 2; Mrs. Phillip (Dolores) Mack,
Clymer; 19 grand children; seven great-grand children; a brother, Elzie Marsh,
Nicktown RD.
He was preceded in death by a son, Clarence, in 1947, also by his parents, two
sisters and one brother: Miss Bertha, Mrs. Olive Crookshank and James.
Friends were received at the Bence Funeral Home, Clymer, where services were
held Mon day at 2 p.m. with the Rev. Logan Mack, assisted by the Rev. James
Fetterman, officiating. Interment was made in the Oakland Cemetery, Indiana.
MARGARET MISSOURI WOLFE139 (daughter of John Sherman Sheridan Grant Wolfe
and Mary A. Wike) was born on November 01, 1897139. She married JAMES M.
HENRY GRIM WOLFE139 (son of John Sherman Sheridan Grant Wolfe and Mary A.
Wike) was born on September 13, 1901139.
DANIEL WAY WOLFE (son of John Sherman Sheridan Grant Wolfe and Mary A.
Wike)139. He married LAURA PAHEL.
DAVID HARRY WOLFE (son of John Sherman Sheridan Grant Wolfe and Mary A.
MARY WYNONA WOLFE (daughter of John Sherman Sheridan Grant Wolfe and Mary
A. Wike)139.
RHODA ARIZONA WOLFE (daughter of John Sherman Sheridan Grant Wolfe and Mary
A. Wike)139. She married ALBERT JARVIE.
viii. WAYNE THOMAS WOLFE139 (son of John Sherman Sheridan Grant Wolfe and Mary A.
Wike) was born on November 14, 1914 in Indiana, Indiana County, Pennsylvania139.
He died on February 02, 1967 in Clymer, Indiana County, Pennsylvania139. He
married Helen Evans in June 1936139. She was born on September 24, 1908 in
Brush Valley Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania139. She died on November
Generation 5 (con't)
Brush Valley Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania139. She died on November
22, 1989 in Hartville, Ohio139.
JAMES C.5 WIKE (Pleasant4 Clawson, Robert C.3 Clawson, Josiah2 Clawson, Josiah1 Clawson)15
was born in 1875 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania357. He died in 1945357. He married M. BERTHA
SLEPPY. She was born in 1872357. She died in 1944357.
James C. Wike and M. Bertha Sleppy had the following child:
EFFA MAUDE6 WIKE (daughter of James C. Wike and M. Bertha Sleppy)139. She
married OTIS BRINEY.
WILLIAM GRANT5 WIKE (Pleasant4 Clawson, Robert C.3 Clawson, Josiah2 Clawson, Josiah1
Clawson)8, 15 was born on September 15, 1879 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He died on
October 03, 1947 in Clymer, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He married Cynthia Augusta Donahey
(daughter of Benjamin F. Donahey and Rebecca Jane Clawson) about October 1896301. She was
born in February 1875 in Black Lick, Indiana County, Pennsylvania268. She died on June 20,
William Grant Wike and Cynthia Augusta Donahey had the following children:
VEDA ELIZABETH7 WIKE (daughter of William Grant Wike and Cynthia Augusta
Donahey)3. She married ? GARDNER.
VIOLA REBECCA WIKE (daughter of William Grant Wike and Cynthia Augusta
Donahey)3. She married ? FLEMMING.
JANE5 CLAWSON (Josiah4 III, Richard C.3 Sr., Josiah2, Josiah1)52 was born on September 28, 1859
in Indiana County, Pennsylvania1. She died on May 28, 19261. She married ADAM HENRY SPICHER
(son of John W. Spicher and Catherine King). He was born on October 30, 1862 in Grant
Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania137. He died on February 17, 1947 in White Township,
Indiana County, Pennsylvania137.
Adam Henry Spicher and Jane Clawson had the following children:
ELSIE6 SPICHER (daughter of Adam Henry Spicher and Jane Clawson)137. She
married ? LEARN.
ANNIE SPICHER (daughter of Adam Henry Spicher and Jane Clawson)137. She
married ? TREESE.
RACHEL5 CLAWSON (Josiah4 III, Richard C.3 Sr., Josiah2, Josiah1)52 was born on May 23, 1861 in
Indiana County, Pennsylvania131. She died on June 06, 1892 in Montgomery Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania131. She married John Henry Wise (son of John Wise and Lavina Spicher) on
August 26, 18911. He was born in 1861131. He died in 1933131.
John Henry Wise and Rachel Clawson had the following children:
WILLIAM NORRIS6 WISE (son of John Henry Wise and Rachel Clawson)358.
CINTHY EMMERETTA JOY WISE (daughter of John Henry Wise and Rachel
MARTHA BELLE5 CLAWSON (Josiah4 III, Richard C.3 Sr., Josiah2, Josiah1)52 was born on October
06, 1863 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania1. She died on May 09, 19521. She married John
Ellsworth Mumau (son of David Mumau and Catherine Phillips) on October 06, 18831. He was born
on July 02, 1862. He died on January 06, 1927 in Commodore, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
Notes for Martha Belle Clawson:
In 1950, Martha was living in Commodore, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
John Ellsworth Mumau and Martha Belle Clawson had the following children:
DESSIE6 MUMAU (daughter of John Ellsworth Mumau and Martha Belle Clawson)137.
She died before 1992137. She married ROBERT BRUCE.
Notes for Dessie Mumau:
In 1957, Dessie and Robert were living in Commodore, Indiana County,
OLLIE BELLE MUMAU674 (daughter of John Ellsworth Mumau and Martha Belle
Clawson) was born on October 14, 1886 in Green Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania137. She died on February 15, 1957 in Commodore, Indiana County,
Generation 5 (con't)
Pennsylvania137. She died on February 15, 1957 in Commodore, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania137. She married Claude Irvin Ferrier (son of Daniel Andrew Ferrier
and Loretta Gilbert) about June 10, 1907 in Pennsylvania675. He was born on
February 21, 1878 in Homer City, Indiana County, Pennsylvania675. He died on
March 01, 1952 in Commodore, Indiana County, Pennsylvania137.
RALPH MUMAU (son of John Ellsworth Mumau and Martha Belle Clawson)52. He
died before 1992137. He married KATHRYN CRAMER.
GUY MUMAU52 (son of John Ellsworth Mumau and Martha Belle Clawson) was born
on May 16, 1892 in Purchase Line, Green Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania324. He died before 1992137. He married EDNA SHANK.
WILDA HARRIET MUMAU137 (daughter of John Ellsworth Mumau and Martha Belle
Clawson) was born on August 22, 1895 in Green Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania. She died on March 21, 1992 in Commodore, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania. She married BANKS BUTERBAUGH. He died on February 07, 1961137.
Notes for Wilda Harriet Mumau:
In 1957, Wilda and Banks were living in Commodore, Indiana County,
HARRY J.5 CLAWSON (Josiah4 III, Richard C.3 Sr., Josiah2, Josiah1)52 was born on November 18,
1864 in Commodore, Indiana County, Pennsylvania1. He died on June 04, 1934 in Commodore,
Indiana County, Pennsylvania358. He met (1) LUCY JANE NAGLE (daughter of Uriah Nagle and
Sarah ?). She was born in June 1872 in Pennsylvania359. He married (2) ELIZABETH HANNAH WISE
(daughter of John Wise and Lavina Spicher) on July 04, 1893 in Hillsdale, Pennsylvania. She was
born on June 17, 1869 in Hillsdale, Pennsylvania269. She died on December 22, 1896 in Dixonville,
Indiana County, Pennsylvania269. He married (3) NELLIE BERRINGER (daughter of Alex Berringer
and Melinda Buterbaugh) after 1896. She was born in 1872 in Green Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania. She died on February 27, 1967 in Roselle, New Jersey.
Notes for Harry J. Clawson:
According to the 1930 census, Harry was living in Green Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
Harry and Jane were never married. Jacob was born out of wedlock.
Harry J. Clawson and Lucy Jane Nagle had the following child:
JACOB MERLE6 CLAWSON1, 93 (son of Harry J. Clawson and Lucy Jane Nagle) was
born on August 24, 1891 in Cambria County, Pennsylvania355. He died on October
12, 1956676. He married Mary Lucy Ashcraft (daughter of Thomas Albert Ashcraft
and Amanda Viola Baum) on August 21, 1913 in Hastings, Cambria County,
Pennsylvania1. She was born on May 11, 1894 in Westover, Pennsylvania. She
died on August 12, 1973 in Cherry Tree RD 1, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
Notes for Jacob Merle Clawson:
According to the 1930 census, Jacob and his family were living in Elder Township,
Cambria County, Pennsylvania.
Notes for Elizabeth Hannah Wise:
Her name is also seen as Anna Elizabeth.
Harry J. Clawson and Elizabeth Hannah Wise had the following children:
CLAIR CLARENCE CLAWSON52, 677 (son of Harry J. Clawson and Elizabeth Hannah
Wise) was born on April 03, 1894 in Dixonville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania362. He
died on March 02, 1983 in Indiana, Indiana County, Pennsylvania93. He married
Orpha Drucilla Stumpf (daughter of William G. Stumpf and Hannah Ow) on June 24,
1915 in Cookport, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She was born on June 13, 1891 in
Cookport, Indiana County, Pennsylvania93. She died on May 03, 1982 in Indiana,
Indiana County, Pennsylvania93.
Notes for Clair Clarence Clawson:
According to the 1930 census, Clair and his family were living in Limestone, Clarion
County, Pennsylvania.
Generation 5 (con't)
EVERETT DEWITT CLAWSON52 (son of Harry J. Clawson and Elizabeth Hannah Wise)
was born on July 30, 1896 in Green Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania362. He
died on October 27, 1976 in Commodore R. D. 1, Indiana County, Pennsylvania93.
He married Mary Janella Stumpf (daughter of William G. Stumpf and Hannah Ow)
on April 17, 1917 in Lovejoy, Indiana County, Pennsylvania1. She was born on July
26, 1895 in Green Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She died on November
18, 1981 in Commodore R. D. 1, Indiana County, Pennsylvania93.
Notes for Nellie Berringer:
Nellie was a widow with 8 children when she married Harry.
Harry J. Clawson and Nellie Berringer had the following children:
GIFFORD PINCHOT CLAWSON1 (son of Harry J. Clawson and Nellie Berringer) was
born in 1917. He died in 1917.
Notes for Gifford Pinchot Clawson:
Gifford died at birth.
AUDREY CLAWSON52 (daughter of Harry J. Clawson and Nellie Berringer) was born
on January 18, 1918 in Commodore, Indiana County, Pennsylvania137. She died on
March 12, 1976 in Clark, New Jersey137. She married (1) FREDERICK POTTS. She
married (2) NICHOLAS JOHN PRIMIANO after 1930. He died in 1966137.
Notes for Audrey Clawson:
In 1967, Audrey and Nicholas were living in Roselle, New Jersey.
SAMUEL REUBEN5 CLAWSON (Josiah4 III, Richard C.3 Sr., Josiah2, Josiah1)1 was born on
November 12, 1866 in Green Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania360. He died on June 09,
1950 in Green Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania360. He married Henrietta Mumau (daughter
of Jacob Numan and Ann Myers) on January 25, 1894361. She was born on November 16, 1873 in
Dixonville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She died on January 22, 1940 in Green Township,
Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
Notes for Samuel Reuben Clawson:
According to the 1930 census, Samuel and his son, Charles, were living in Green Township,
Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
Indiana Evening Gazette (June 10, 1950)
Samuel Clawson, a life-time resident of Greene Townshiip, died yesterday, June 9, at the Adrian
Hospital, Punxsutawney, following a surgical operation.
A son of Josiah and Ann (Black) Clawson, he was born November 12, 1866.
Surviving are two sons, Walter and Blair Clawson of Starford; one daughter, Florence, wife of
Court Kitchen of Starford; one sister, Martha, of Commodore, wife of the late Alex Mumau; 14
grandchildren, and 11 great-grandchildren.
Friends will be received at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Court Kitchen, in Starford after 7 o'clock
this evening. Services will be held at the Taylorsville Church on Monday, June 12, at 2:00 p. m.
Samuel Reuben Clawson and Henrietta Mumau had the following children:
LEDA BELLE6 MUMAU (daughter of Samuel Reuben Clawson and Henrietta
Mumau)678. She married JAMES LAING.
CHARLES OTIS CLAWSON52 (son of Samuel Reuben Clawson and Henrietta Mumau)
was born on May 20, 1894 in Green Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania211.
He died on May 15, 1939 in Green Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He
married Hazel Stumpf (daughter of Sylvester S. Stump and Anna Stein Piper) in
1919 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania187. She was born on October 04, 1897 in
Indiana, Indiana County, Pennsylvania187. She died on August 30, 1975 in
Renenna, Ohio187.
Notes for Charles Otis Clawson:
According to the 1930 census, Charles was living with his father in Green
Generation 5 (con't)
According to the 1930 census, Charles was living with his father in Green
Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. There is no mention of his family living
wiht him.
WALTER KING CLAWSON52 (son of Samuel Reuben Clawson and Henrietta Mumau)
was born on December 13, 1895 in Green Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania355. He died on July 02, 1952 in Green Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania. He married Prudence Elmira Patterson (daughter of W. Henry
Patterson and Mildred Steen) about 1926679. She was born on May 02, 1909 in
Green Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She died on November 25, 1981 in
Clymer R. D. 1, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
Notes for Walter King Clawson:
According to the 1930 census, Walter and his family were living in Green Township,
Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
In 1940 and 1950, Walter was living in Starford, Pennsylvania.
WILLIS BLAIR CLAWSON52 (son of Samuel Reuben Clawson and Henrietta Mumau)
was born on September 28, 1897 in Green Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania. He died on July 04, 1959 in Green Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania137. He married Lulu Mae Patterson (daughter of W. Henry Patterson
and Mildred Steen) on June 08, 1921 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania137. She was
born on September 26, 1904 in Susquehanna Township, Cambria County,
Pennsylvania137. She died on September 04, 1993 in Centre Crest Nursing Home,
Bellefonte, Pennsylvania1.
Notes for Willis Blair Clawson:
According to the 1930 census, Blair and his family were living in Green Township,
Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
In 1940, Walter was living in Marion Center, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
In 1950, Walter was living in Starford, Pennsylvania.
FLORENCE HELEN CLAWSON52 (daughter of Samuel Reuben Clawson and Henrietta
Mumau) was born on December 01, 1907 in Green Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania. She died after 1950. She married COURT EARL KITCHEN SR.. He was
born on March 28, 1895 in Pennsylvania361. He died on February 29, 1952361.
Notes for Florence Helen Clawson:
In 1940 and 1950, Florence and Count were living in Starford, Pennsylvania.
Notes for Court Earl Kitchen Sr.:
According to the 1930 census, Court and his family were living in Green Township,
Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
JOHN Y.5 O'KIEFF (Susan4 Clawson, Richard C.3 Clawson Sr., Josiah2 Clawson, Josiah1
Clawson)154 was born on August 11, 1859 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He died on October
06, 1919 in Altoona, Blair County, Pennsylvania. He married Laura Matilda Reed (daughter of John
Reed and Elizabeth Buterbaugh) in 1881 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania1. She was born on
February 22, 1859 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She died on October 29, 1938 in Altoona,
Blair County, Pennsylvania.
John Y. O'Kieff and Laura Matilda Reed had the following children:
BERTHA L.6 O'KIEFF1 (daughter of John Y. O'Kieff and Laura Matilda Reed) was born
on April 21, 1882 in Altoona, Blair County, Pennsylvania. She died on April 24,
JAMES E. O'KIEFF1 (son of John Y. O'Kieff and Laura Matilda Reed) was born in
January 1884 in Altoona, Blair County, Pennsylvania. He married Mary May
Prunkard (daughter of William Prunkard and Elizabeth ?) on May 18, 1905 in
Altoona, Blair County, Pennsylvania1. She was born on July 01, 1884 in Altoona,
Blair County, Pennsylvania137. She died on January 26, 1922 in Altoona, Blair
Generation 5 (con't)
Blair County, Pennsylvania137. She died on January 26, 1922 in Altoona, Blair
County, Pennsylvania680.
CLARENCE RALPH O'KIEFF1 (son of John Y. O'Kieff and Laura Matilda Reed) was
born on March 29, 1886 in Altoona, Blair County, Pennsylvania. He died on April
02, 1886.
HOWARD S. O'KIEFF1 (son of John Y. O'Kieff and Laura Matilda Reed) was born on
February 14, 1888 in Altoona, Blair County, Pennsylvania. He died on January 25,
1942 in Altoona, Blair County, Pennsylvania. He married Grace McGough (daughter
of Frank McGough and Felicity Cole) on June 16, 1910 in Altoona, Blair County,
Pennsylvania1. She was born on June 03, 1886 in Altoona, Blair County,
Pennsylvania. She died on April 22, 1975 in Altoona Hospital, Altoona, Blair
County, Pennsylvania.
JAMES SILAS5 O'KIEFF (Susan4 Clawson, Richard C.3 Clawson Sr., Josiah2 Clawson, Josiah1
Clawson)46 was born on December 31, 1860 in Mechanicsburg, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He
died on December 21, 1938 in Altoona, Blair County, Pennsylvania. He married Mary Catherine
Barr (daughter of Smith Barr and Catherine Lydick) on July 28, 1881 in Indiana, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania1. She was born on January 05, 1861 in Commodore, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
She died on May 02, 1952 in Arlington, Arlington County, Virginia.
James Silas O'Kieff and Mary Catherine Barr had the following children:
MARY ETHEL6 O'KIEFF1 (daughter of James Silas O'Kieff and Mary Catherine Barr)
was born on June 24, 1882 in Altoona, Blair County, Pennsylvania. She died on
June 28, 1934 in Altoona, Blair County, Pennsylvania. She married Roy Allen Neff
(son of Thasseus Webster Neff and Clara Mae Johnson) on November 27, 19001.
He was born on June 18, 1880 in Plumville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He died
on August 03, 1961 in Altoona, Blair County, Pennsylvania.
JOHN WALTON O'KEEFE46 (son of James Silas O'Kieff and Mary Catherine Barr) was
born on April 20, 1885 in Altoona, Blair County, Pennsylvania. He died on October
21, 1953 in Altoona, Blair County, Pennsylvania. He married Adella Helen Klausek
(daughter of Adolph Klausek and Cecelia ?) in January 1906. She was born on
December 31, 1885 in Vienna, Austria46. She died on December 21, 1948 in
Altoona, Blair County, Pennsylvania46.
EDGAR O'KIEFF1 (son of James Silas O'Kieff and Mary Catherine Barr) was born on
May 09, 1887 in Altoona, Blair County, Pennsylvania. He died in 1889.
KATHRYN LEE O'KIEFF1 (daughter of James Silas O'Kieff and Mary Catherine Barr)
was born on July 14, 1896 in Altoona, Blair County, Pennsylvania. She died on
December 16, 1954 in Arlington, Arlington County, Virginia. She married George
Richard Vance (son of Samuel Council Vance and Jennie Downs) on April 16, 1919
in New York City, Bronx County, New York1. He was born on November 12, 1895 in
Altoona, Blair County, Pennsylvania. He died on March 21, 1935 in Altoona, Blair
County, Pennsylvania.
ROBERT EMMETT O'KIEFF1 (son of James Silas O'Kieff and Mary Catherine Barr) was
born on November 17, 1898 in Wilmerding, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania. He
died on November 22, 1967 in Altoona, Blair County, Pennsylvania. He married
Carrie May Claybaugh (daughter of Frank Claybaugh and Annie E. Wise) on
February 05, 1921 in Altoona, Blair County, Pennsylvania. She was born on
January 31, 1899 in Altoona, Blair County, Pennsylvania. She died on April 15,
1979 in Altoona, Blair County, Pennsylvania.
MARY L.5 SMITH (Susan4 Clawson, Richard C.3 Clawson Sr., Josiah2 Clawson, Josiah1 Clawson)1,
223 was born on May 01, 1876 in Harris Township, Centre County, Pennsylvania. She married
Charles Adolphus Clossin (son of David Lindsay Clossin and Mary Diamond) on December 17,
18951. He was born in 1875 in Pennsylvania223, 225.
Notes for Charles Adolphus Clossin:
According to the 1930 census, Charles and Mary were living in Altoona, Blair County,
Charles Adolphus Clossin and Mary L. Smith had the following child:
CHARLES MELVIN7 CLOSSIN (son of Charles Adolphus Clossin and Mary L. Smith)1.
Generation 5 (con't)
CLAWSON (Richard
Adam3, Josiah2, Josiah1)36, 278 was born on December 12, 1862 in
Near Homer City, Indiana County, Pennsylvania365. He died before July 11, 1952 in New
Kensington, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania. He married Jesse Mildred Moorehead (daughter
of Joseph Moorehead and Rebecca ?) on April 23, 1888 in Allegheny City, Allegheny County,
Pennsylvania. She was born on April 04, 1867 in Blairsville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania365. She
died before October 08, 1949 in New Kensington, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania.
Notes for Adam Clawson:
According to the 1900 Census, Adam and his family were living in Blairsville, Indiana County,
According to the 1930 census, Adam and his family were living in Springdale, Allegheny County,
Adam Clawson and Jesse Mildred Moorehead had the following children:
CLYDE ARMEL6 CLAWSON52, 278 (son of Adam Clawson and Jesse Mildred
Moorehead) was born on March 17, 1889 in Blairsville, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania362. He died between November 01-06 1969 in New Kensington,
Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania133. He married Hazel West Simpson on March
13, 1913 in Hancock County, West Virginia1. She was born on December 15, 1891
in West Virginia. She died on December 12, 19391.
Notes for Clyde Armel Clawson:
According to the 1930 census, Clyde and his family were living in New Kensington,
Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania.
WATSON SWARTZ CLAWSON52, 208 (son of Adam Clawson and Jesse Mildred
Moorehead) was born on December 24, 1890 in Blairsville, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania366. He died on December 07, 1981 in Tulare, Tulare County,
California366. He married Lefa Ray Crookshanks on May 17, 19131. She was born
about 1891 in California367.
Notes for Watson Swartz Clawson:
According to the 1920 Census, Watson and his family were living in Exeter, Tulare
County, California.
According to the 1930 Census, Watson and his family were living in Exeter, Tulare
County, California.
A reference for the LIbrary of Congress
TITLE: Pi on the floor.
AUTHOR(S): Clawson, Watson Swartz, 1890- (Main)
PUBLISHED: Exeter, Calif. [1967]
DESCRIPTION: 133 p. illus., ports. 24 cm.
NOTES: Memoirs. "Limited edition of 300 books."
SUBJECTS: Clawson family.
LC CALL NO.: CS71.C6151967
DEWEY CLASS NO.: 929.2/0973
LCCN: 68-1395
MILDRED IONA CLAWSON1, 211, 278 (daughter of Adam Clawson and Jesse Mildred
Moorehead) was born on August 05, 1893 in Burrell Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania211. She died on August 14, 1959 in New Kensington, Westmoreland
County, Pennsylvania1. She married Arthur David Morgan (son of ? Morgan) about
1915368. He was born about 1891 in Pennsylvania.
Notes for Arthur David Morgan:
According to the 1930 Census, Arthur and his family were living in New Kensington,
Allegheny County, Pennsylvania.
Generation 5 (con't)
JEAN ELIZABETH CLAWSON1 (daughter of Adam Clawson and Jesse Mildred
Moorehead) was born on September 05, 1895 in Blairsville, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania211. She died on July 10, 1896 in Blairsville, Indiana County,
EVANGELINE Y. CLAWSON52, 278 (daughter of Adam Clawson and Jesse Mildred
Moorehead) was born on May 29, 1897 in Blairsville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
She married Charles Gardner Bush in 19151.
JOSEPH MOORHEAD CLAWSON1, 278, 368 (son of Adam Clawson and Jesse Mildred
Moorehead) was born on February 06, 1900 in Blairsville, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania211. He died on June 06, 19381. He married Mary Cynthia C. Fries on
August 23, 19241. She was born about 1904 in Pennsylvania.
Notes for Joseph Moorhead Clawson:
According to the 1930 Census, Joseph and his family were living in Forward
Township, Butler County, Pennsylvania.
THEODORE EWING CLAWSON1 (son of Adam Clawson and Jesse Mildred Moorehead)
was born on April 16, 1902 in Blairsville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania211. He died
in October 1969 in Kansas City, Jackson County, Missouri. He married Alma
Laverne Bowman on February 11, 19261. She was born about 1906 in
Notes for Theodore Ewing Clawson:
According to the 1930 census, Theodore and his family were living in Cheswick,
Allegheny County, Pennsylvania.
viii. KENNETH CARL CLAWSON1 (son of Adam Clawson and Jesse Mildred Moorehead)
was born on July 07, 1905 in Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania362. He
died on January 22, 1979 in Springdale, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania362. He
married Alice Rachael McDonald on September 10, 19321. She died on December
24, 1995370.
BERNICE ELSA CLAWSON1 (daughter of Adam Clawson and Jesse Mildred
Moorehead) was born on October 02, 1907 in Parnasus, Pennsylvania. She
married Ralph Marion Moore on June 19, 19311.
MARGARET5 CLAWSON (Richard A.4, Adam3, Josiah2, Josiah1)36 was born in 1868 in Blairsville,
Indiana County, Pennsylvania36. She died on June 14, 1914 in Blairsville, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania. She married Watson Bracken Swarts (son of Samuel Swartzwelder and Delia Jane
Schrock) on July 04, 18871. He was born on March 05, 1863371. He died on December 14, 1931 in
Altoona, Blair County, Pennsylvania371.
Watson Bracken Swarts and Margaret Clawson had the following children:
LAURA SWARTS (daughter of Watson Bracken Swarts and Margaret Clawson)52.
She died in August 1953. She married HENRY FICK.
HERBERT SWARTS (son of Watson Bracken Swarts and Margaret Clawson)52. He
died in July 1957. He married WILDA HOVIS.
? SWARTS (child of Watson Bracken Swarts and Margaret Clawson)52.
Notes for ? Swarts:
Died as an infant.
CHARLES WALTER5 CLAWSON (Richard A.4, Adam3, Josiah2, Josiah1)52, 208 was born on May 06,
1871 in Blairsville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania133. He died before September 24, 1948 in
Blairsville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He married Nora Mae Helman (daughter of Jacob A.
Helman and Ella McQuown) on October 27, 1896 in Blairsville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania1.
She was born on March 20, 1878 in Blairsville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She died on June
04, 1943 in Blairsville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
Notes for Charles Walter Clawson:
According to the 1900 Census, Charles and his family were living in Blairsville, Indiana County,
Generation 5 (con't)
According to the 1930 census, Charles and Nora were living in Blacklick Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania. Their grandson, Richard A. Clawson was also living with them.
Charles Walter Clawson and Nora Mae Helman had the following children:
GERTRUDE D. CLAWSON208, 211 (daughter of Charles Walter Clawson and Nora Mae
Helman) was born on May 03, 1898 in Blairsville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania211.
She died after 1985. She married Charles Heber George (son of Robert Lewis
George and Nancy A. Devers) on September 25, 1920 in Blairsville, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania372. He was born about 1897133. He died before July 27, 1954
in West Lebanon, Pennsylvania133.
Notes for Gertrude D. Clawson:
In 1943 and 1975, Gertrude was living in West Lebanon, Pennsylvania.
Indiana Progress (September 29, 1920)
Miss Gertrude Clawson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Clawson of
Blairsville, became the bride of Heber George of Altoona, on Saturday, when the
couple were married at the M. E. church parsonage at Blairsville by the pastor, Rev.
Paul Weyand. The bride is a graduate of the Leech Business College and was
employed as bookkeeper in the Fletcher garage, Blairsville. Mr. George, who is a
son of R. L. George, the merchant at West Lebanon, is employed at Altoona, where
the couple will reside.
In 1920, Gertrude and Heber were living in Altoona, Blair County, Pennsylvania.
LULU AMANDA CLAWSON52, 208 (daughter of Charles Walter Clawson and Nora Mae
Helman) was born on January 16, 1900 in Pennsylvania. She died on January 29,
1951. She married Tom Baer on August 01, 1934.
Notes for Lulu Amanda Clawson:
According to the 1930 Census, Lulu may have been living in Uniontown, Fayette
County, Pennsylvania.
In 1946, Lulu was living in Masontown, Pennsylvania.
VIOLA BELLE CLAWSON52 (daughter of Charles Walter Clawson and Nora Mae
Helman) was born on November 04, 1901 in Cherryhill Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania211. She died on December 03, 1985 in Indiana, Indiana County,
Notes for Viola Belle Clawson:
According to the 1930 census, Viola was living with her aunt and uncle, Nora and
Ollie McLaughlin, in Arnold, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania.
In 1946 and 1975, Viola was living in Blairsville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
Viola never was married.
RICHARD A. CLAWSON52 (son of Charles Walter Clawson and Nora Mae Helman)
was born on February 20, 1907 in Brush Valley Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania362. He died on November 15, 1975 in Blairsville, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania. He married Bessie A. McIntire in September 1939. She was born on
November 07, 1904 in Blairsville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania362. She died on
January 23, 1984 in Blairsville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
Notes for Richard A. Clawson:
In 1943, Richard was in the U.S. Navy.
NORA B.5 CLAWSON (Richard A.4, Adam3, Josiah2, Josiah1)52 was born about 1880 in
Pennsylvania373. She married Oliver Thomas Mclaughlin on May 17, 1900 in Blairsville, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania335. He was born on November 01, 1880 in Westmoreland County,
Generation 5 (con't)
Notes for Oliver Thomas Mclaughlin:
According to the 1930 census, Ollie and Nora were living in New Kensington, Westmoreland
County, Pennsylvania.
Oliver Thomas Mclaughlin and Nora B. Clawson had the following child:
EVELYN MCLAUGHLIN52 (daughter of Oliver Thomas Mclaughlin and Nora B.
Clawson) was born about 1903 in Pennsylvania375.
LULU M.5 CLAWSON (Jonathan4, Adam3, Josiah2, Josiah1)44, 93 was born on November 02, 1883 in
Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She died on November 19, 1967. She married
William Edward Freed (son of William E. Freed and Martha Miller) on June 30, 190452. He was
born on January 31, 1883 in Fayette County, Pennsylvania137. He died on November 23, 1946 in
Black Lick, Indiana County, Pennsylvania19.
Notes for Lulu M. Clawson:
In 1925 and 1950, Lula and William were living in Blacklick, Pennsylvania.
William Edward Freed and Lulu M. Clawson had the following children:
ROYDEN C.6 FREED52 (son of William Edward Freed and Lulu M. Clawson) was born
on April 20, 1905 in Scottdale, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania19. He died on
November 15, 197519. He married Pansy Baughman on January 01, 192919. She
died on March 03, 1972.
BERNATHA IRENE FREED19 (daughter of William Edward Freed and Lulu M. Clawson)
was born on February 05, 1908. She died on August 30, 1908.
WILLIAM KENNETH FREED19 (son of William Edward Freed and Lulu M. Clawson) was
born on February 02, 1910. He married Francis Smith on January 16, 1932. She
was born on April 04, 1911.
SARAH ELIZABETH FREED52 (daughter of William Edward Freed and Lulu M.
Clawson) was born on September 11, 191219. She died on April 16, 196119. She
MARTHA GERTRUDE FREED19 (daughter of William Edward Freed and Lulu M.
Clawson) was born on January 11, 1914. She married Joseph Devaney on May 09,
MARY EMMA FREED52 (daughter of William Edward Freed and Lulu M. Clawson) was
born on May 15, 1915. She married Robert Towsey on May 14, 1938. He was born
on November 30, 1913.
LEONARD JONATHAN FREED19 (son of William Edward Freed and Lulu M. Clawson)
was born on December 04, 1917. He married Dorothy Cook on June 21, 1940.
viii. MYRTLE LOUISE FREED19, 137 (daughter of William Edward Freed and Lulu M.
Clawson) was born on January 22, 1921. She died on June 11, 2005 in Camp Hill,
Cumberland County, Pennsylvania137. She married Paul Walker Cribbs on
September 20, 194019. He died before 2005137.
Notes for Myrtle Louise Freed:
Blairsville Dispatch (June 17, 2005)
Myrtle L. Freed Cribbs
Camp Hill, Pa.
Formerly of Apollo and Black Lick
Myrtle L. Freed Cribbs, 84, of Camp Hill, Pa., formerly of Apollo and Black Lick,
passed away at Holy Spirit Hospital on Saturday, June 11, 2005.
She was a member of First United Methodist Church of Vandergrift and a former
member of the Women's Club and Garden Club of Apollo. A homemaker, she was
loved by all who knew her, for her gentle spirit, strength and devotion to God and
her family.
Generation 5 (con't)
She was preceded in death by her husband Paul Walker Cribbs, her parents
William and Lulu Clawson Freed and seven brothers and sisters.
Myrtle is survived by her children Karen Melvin, Gary Cribbs and Debbie Flickinger;
Also surviving are seven grandchildren and six great-grandchildren.
Services and interment were held Wednesday in North Apollo.
Memorial contributions can be made to her church.
BETTY LEE FREED19 (daughter of William Edward Freed and Lulu M. Clawson) was
born on March 28, 1924. She married Edwin McClarren on February 23, 194619.
Notes for Betty Lee Freed:
In 1946, Betty and Edward were living in Carmichaels, Pennsylvania.
CHARLES ROBERT FREED SR.19 (son of William Edward Freed and Lulu M. Clawson)
was born on September 01, 1927. He married Peggy Ruth Hill (daughter of Paul Hill
and Carrie Mae Clawson) on June 13, 1951.
CATHERINE5 CLAWSON (Jonathan4, Adam3, Josiah2, Josiah1)137 was born on October 18, 1885 in
Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania1. She died on April 25, 1970 in Hillsdale,
Pennsylvania. She married Jacob Miller (son of Jonas Miller) on September 19, 1914 in Homer
City, Indiana County, Pennsylvania335. He was born about 1875 in Derry Township, Westmoreland
County, Pennsylvania1. He died in 1925.
Notes for Catherine Clawson:
In 1918, Katherine was living in Bradenville, Pennsylvania.
In 1925, Katherine was living in Blacklick, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
In 1950, Katherine was living in Blairsville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
Notes for Jacob Miller:
According to 1920 Census, Jacob and his family were living in Bradenville, Westmoreland County,
Jacob Miller and Catherine Clawson had the following children:
BERNATHA MILLER52 (daughter of Jacob Miller and Catherine Clawson) was born on
June 05, 190219. She married HAROLD HARSH.
DENVER MILLER SR.137 (son of Jacob Miller and Catherine Clawson) was born on
June 05, 1903 in Black Lick, Indiana County, Pennsylvania19. He died on
September 10, 1982 in New Florence R. D. 1, Westmoreland County,
Pennsylvania137. He married MARTHA JANE BETTON (daughter of Emanuel Benton
and Mabel Fye). She was born on May 13, 1918 in DuBois, Clearfield County,
Pennsylvania137. She died on May 24, 2004 in New Florence, Westmoreland
County, Pennsylvania137.
Notes for Martha Jane Betton:
From the Blairsville Dispatch (May 28, 2004):
Martha Jane Miller
New Florence
Martha Jane Miller, 86, New Florence died May 24, 2004 at Select Specialty
Hospital, Johnstown.
Born May 13, 1918 in Dubois, she was the daughter of the late Emanuel and Mabel
(Fye) Benton.
She was preceded by husband Denver Miller and sisters Margaret Simko and Annie
Generation 5 (con't)
She was preceded by husband Denver Miller and sisters Margaret Simko and Annie
Survived by children Denver, married to Susan Carlson, Ligonier and Jane, New
Florence; grandchildren Jodi Sue and Alan Denver;
Also great-grandchildren Katie Jo, and twins Samuel David and Jonathan Michael
Miller; three sisters, Marie McAdams, Seward, and Mildred Foster, and Virginia
Moore, both of Indiana; two brothers Richard, New Florence and Franklin, Ligonier.
She was a member of New Florence United Methodist Church and Laurel Valley
Senior Center, New Florence, and was a retired custodian from New Florence Post
A funeral service was held Thursday at Stuart Funeral Home, New Florence with
Pastor Ruth A. Moore officiating. Interment was in Oakland Cemetery.
PERMILLA MILLER377 (daughter of Jacob Miller and Catherine Clawson) was born
about 1913 in Pennsylvania377.
JONAS MILLER137 (son of Jacob Miller and Catherine Clawson) was born on
February 17, 1921 in Bradenville, Derry Township, Westmoreland County,
Pennsylvania19, 137. He died on March 06, 2006 in Homer City, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania137. He married VIVIAN MARIE STIFFEY. She was born on January 07,
1926. She died before 2006137.
Notes for Jonas Miller:
Blairsville Dispatch (March 10, 2006)
Jonas Miller
Homer City
Jonas Miller, 85, of Homer City, died Monday, March 6, 2006, at his home. He was
born Feb. 17, 1921, to Jacob and Katherine Clawson Miller in Bradenville.
He was a member of the Victory Baptist Church in Homer City and was retired from
FMC Corp., Homer City.
He was a member of Homer City American Legion Post 493 and the Homer City
Volunteer Fire Company.
He was an Indiana County forest fire warden for 56 years and was a charter
member of the Red Barn Sportman's Club, Homer City. He enjoyed hunting and
He is survived by children, William W. and wife Linda, Homer City; Robert E. and
wife Virginia, Hartstown; Wanda, Homer City; seven grandchildren; and seven
great-grandchildren; a sister, Bernetha Harsh, Black Lick; and several nieces and
He was preceded in death by his parents, his wife, Vivian (Steffey); two brothers,
Denver and Valentine; and a sister, Sally Spaggi.
Funeral services were held Thursday at the C. Frederick Bowser Funeral Home,
Homer City, with Rev. Gary Alberding officiating. Interment followed in Greenwood
A graveside military service was conducted by Homer City American Legion Post
VALENTINE MILLER137 (son of Jacob Miller and Catherine Clawson) was born on
February 07, 1923 in Bradenville, Derry Township, Westmoreland County,
Generation 5 (con't)
February 07, 1923 in Bradenville, Derry Township, Westmoreland County,
Pennsylvania137. He died on January 25, 2005 in Derry Township, Westmoreland
County, Pennsylvania137. He married Mary Catherine Starry about 1949137. She
was born on May 13, 1924.
Notes for Valentine Miller:
Blairsville Dispatch
Valentine Miller
Valentine Miller, 81, of Blairsville (Derry Township), died Tuesday, Jan. 25, 2005, at
Beacon Ridge, Indiana.
He was born Feb. 7, 1923 in Bradenville, Derry Township, the son of Jake and
Catherine (Clawson) Miller. He was an Army veteran of World War II.
He retired from FMC Technology after 36 years of service.
He is survived by his wife of 56 years, Mary Catherine (Starry), Blairsville;
Also sons: Richard and wife Donna, Derry, and David and wife Lori, Blairsville;
daughters: Kath-erine Sulkosky and husband Mi-chael, and Judy Starry, Blairs-ville,
and Nancy Huskins, Derry;
Also nine grandchildren: Tricia Morris, Mike Sulkosky Jr., Wendy McKoskey, Mary
Robinson, Richard Miller Jr., Brandie Starry, Roxanne Miller, Ashley Miller, and
Sara Huskins;
Also seven great-grandchildren; a sister, Bernetha "Red" Harsh, Black Lick; a
brother, Jonas, Homer City.
He was preceded in death by his parents; a brother, Denver; a sister, Sarah
Spiaggi; and an infant son.
Visitation will be today from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. at the James F. Ferguson
Funeral Home, Blairsville.
Funeral services will be held Saturday at 11 a.m. in the funeral home, with Rev.
Karen Taylor officiating. Interment will follow in Blairsville Cemetery.
SARA MARGARET MILLER19, 137 (daughter of Jacob Miller and Catherine Clawson)
was born on January 11, 1925 in Bradenville, Derry Township, Westmoreland
County, Pennsylvania. She died on January 04, 1985 in Black Lick, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania. She married DAN SPIAGGI. He was born on January 24, 1922.
AMY CAMPBELL5 CLAWSON (Jonathan4, Adam3, Josiah2, Josiah1)1, 44, 137 was born on November 18,
1888 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She died on September 05, 1943 in
Cherryhill Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She married Philip Ross Zimmerman on April
04, 1917 in Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania212. He was born on November 05, 188819. He
died on September 06, 196819.
Notes for Amy Campbell Clawson:
In 1918 and 1925, Amy and Philipp were living in Graceton, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
Philip Ross Zimmerman and Amy Campbell Clawson had the following children:
LESLIE PAUL ZIMMERMAN137 (adopted son of Philip Ross Zimmerman and biological
son of Amy Campbell Clawson) was born about 1908378. He died before 1988.
ALBERTA CLAWSON ZIMMERMAN177 (adopted daughter of Philip Ross Zimmerman
and biological daughter of Amy Campbell Clawson) was born on June 25, 1912 in
Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She died on February 07, 1927 in Lucerne Mines,
Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
Generation 5 (con't)
JEAN ZIMMERMAN (daughter of Philip Ross Zimmerman and Amy Campbell
Clawson)19. She married ? KROMER.
PHILLIP ZIMMERMAN JR.137 (son of Philip Ross Zimmerman and Amy Campbell
Clawson) was born on June 08, 1926 in Lucerne Mines, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania137. He died on July 24, 2003 in Clymer, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania137. He married (1) CATHERINE ELLA FETTERMAN about 1967. He
married (2) BETTY JOHNS about 1944. She died before 2003137.
Notes for Phillip Zimmerman Jr.:
In 2002, Phillip and Catherine were living in Clymer, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
Philip Zimmerman Jr.
Philip Zimmerman Jr., 77, of Clymer, died Thursday, July 24, 2003, at Presbyterian
Hospital, Pittsburgh, as the result of injuries he received in an automobile accident.
He was born June 8, 1926, in Lucernemines, son of Philip and Amy Clawson
Mr. Zimmerman had been a coal miner and member of UMWA Local 1609. He
delivered meals for Aging Services of Indiana for the past 10 years.
He was also a member of the Clymer American Legion Post 222.
Surviving are his wife, Catherine "Ella" Fetterman Zimmerman, of Clymer;
Also surviving are seven daughters: Mrs. Kenny (Barbara) Helman, Home; Mrs. Pat
(Karen) Rideout and Mrs. Jim (Valerie) Fiechuk, Indiana; Janet Nichol, Clymer; Mrs.
Ted (Dianne) Deyarmin, Cherry Tree; Mrs. Jerry (Sharon) Guskiewicz, Myrtle
Beach, S.C.; Mrs. John (Vickie) Kanyan, Blairsville;
Also three sons: Philip "Sonny" III of North Carolina; Barry and his wife Becky, Penn
Run; James "Jimmy" and his wife Kristin, Clymer; three stepchildren: Harry Froum,
Linda Lown and Deborah Fiefield, all of Michigan; 27 grandchildren;
Also 11 great-grandchildren; one sister, Jean Kromer; many nieces and nephews.
He was preceded in death by his parents; his first wife, Betty Johns Zimmerman;
one granddaughter, Christine Valenti; five brothers: Lester, Clifford, Lewis, Kenneth
and Paul; and one sister, Betty.
Funeral services were held Tuesday in Clymer, with Rev. Charles Coyle officiating.
Interment was in Clover Run Cemetery, Clearfield County.
Memorial contributions may be made to his family at 1625 Dixon Rd., Clymer, Pa.
LEWIS MILTON ZIMMERMAN158, 379 (son of Philip Ross Zimmerman and Amy Campbell
Clawson) was born on October 01, 1927 in Lucerne Mines, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania19. He died on May 08, 1988 in Blairsville, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania19. He married Doris Louise Shaffer (daughter of Arley C. Shaffer and
Gladys Shoemaker) on April 18, 1952. She was born on October 26, 1927 in Rural
Valley, Armstrong County, Pennsylvania137. She died on September 29, 2005 in
Blairsville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania137.
Notes for Doris Louise Shaffer:
Blairsville Dispatch (October 7, 2005)
Generation 5 (con't)
Doris Louise Zimmerman
Doris Louise Shaffer Zimmerman, 77, of Blairsville, passed away Sept. 29 at home.
A daughter of Arley C. and Gladys Shoemaker Shaffer, she was born Oct. 26, 1927,
in Rural Valley.
Mrs. Zimmerman was a member of Hebron Lutheran Church, Blairsville, and
AFSCME. She worked for 23 years at Torrance State Hospital.
Surviving are two sons, Ronald and wife Jean of Vintondale, and Jeffrey A. of
Clarksburg; three daughters: Ruth Ann, Deborah, and Brenda Zufall and husband
John, all of Blairsville; four grandchildren; a great-grandchild; a brother, Harry of
Aultman; six sisters: Betty McKerricker of Aultman, Mary Jane Gordish of Blairsville,
Bessie Layton, Linda Dawson, Sara Marsh and Anna Mae Ward, all of Aultman.
She was preceded in death by her husband Lewis in 1988; four brothers, Jack,
Robert, Thomas and Charles Shaffer, and a sister, Lillian Markel.
Services were held Sunday in Shoemaker Funeral Home, Blairsville.
Rev. Wayne Gillespie officiating. Interment will be in Blairsville Cemetery.
KENNETH ZIMMERMAN (son of Philip Ross Zimmerman and Amy Campbell
Clawson)19. He died before 2002137.
BETTY ZIMMERMAN19 (daughter of Philip Ross Zimmerman and Amy Campbell
Clawson) was born on December 13, 1929 in Lucernemines, Center Township,
Indiana County, Pennsylvania137. She died on June 04, 2002 in Indiana, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania137. She married ? HAMMACK.
Notes for Betty Zimmerman:
Betty has 2 grandchildren: John Edward ? (born: August 13, 1967) and Amy Jo ?
(born: March 9, 1970).
viii. PAUL ELMER ZIMMERMAN19 (son of Philip Ross Zimmerman and Amy Campbell
Clawson) was born on February 02, 1931. He died before 2002 in Clymer, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania137. He married JOANN MARIE MOORE. She was born on June
07, 1940.
CLIFFORD H. ZIMMERMAN1 (son of Adam Silas Clawson and Anna K. Roudebush)
was born on November 14, 19171. He died on July 13, 19791.
Notes for Clifford H. Zimmerman:
In 1972, Clifford was living in Leavittsburg, Ohio.
In 1977, Clifford was living in Warren, Ohio.
Adoption information supplied by Kathy Zimmerman Petersen.
ADAM SILAS5 CLAWSON (Jonathan4, Adam3, Josiah2, Josiah1)44, 52 was born on November 11, 1890
in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania1. He died on November 22, 1918. He
married Anna K. Roudebush (daughter of Joseph Franklin Roudebush and Clara Estella Wilt) on
November 21, 1912 in Coral, Indiana County, Pennsylvania1. She was born on February 12, 1895
in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She died on October 04, 1972 in
Leavittsburg, Trumbull County, Ohio.
Notes for Anna K. Roudebush:
According to the 1930 census, Anna and her family were living in Burrell Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania.
Adam Silas Clawson and Anna K. Roudebush had the following children:
WILMA CLAWSON (daughter of Adam Silas Clawson and Anna K. Roudebush)93.
She died between 1977-1996. She married RONALD HEMMENWAY. He died after
Generation 5 (con't)
She died between 1977-1996. She married RONALD HEMMENWAY. He died after
Notes for Wilma Clawson:
In 1972, Wilma and Ronald were living in Clearwater, Nebraska.
In 1972, Wilma and Ronald were living in California.
ROY SELMON CLAWSON93, 380 (son of Adam Silas Clawson and Anna K. Roudebush)
was born on May 24, 1913 in Coral, Indiana County, Pennsylvania380. He died on
March 19, 1996 in Leavittsburg, Trumbull County, Ohio380. He married (1)
KATHERINE M. ROUDEBUSH (daughter of ? Roudebush and ? Barnett) in 1970. She
was born on March 10, 1923 in Pennsylvania380. She died on August 12, 2002 in
Youngstown, Trumbull County, Ohio380. He married (2) ANNA MARGARET RICK.
Notes for Roy Selmon Clawson:
In 1977, Roy was living in Leavittsburg, Ohio.
CHARLES THOMAS CLAWSON93 (son of Adam Silas Clawson and Anna K.
Roudebush) was born on November 24, 1914 in Center Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania. He died on July 28, 1977 in Warren, Trumbull County, Ohio. He
married Melrose Staley in 1935. She died in 1970.
Notes for Charles Thomas Clawson:
In 1972, Charles was living in Las Vegas, Nevada.
CLIFFORD H. ZIMMERMAN1 (son of Adam Silas Clawson and Anna K. Roudebush)
was born on November 14, 19171. He died on July 13, 19791.
Notes for Clifford H. Zimmerman:
In 1972, Clifford was living in Leavittsburg, Ohio.
In 1977, Clifford was living in Warren, Ohio.
Adoption information supplied by Kathy Zimmerman Petersen.
CLAWSON (Jonathan4, Adam3, Josiah2, Josiah1)44, 93 was born on April 07, 1893 in
Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania280. He died on June 16, 1975 in Black Lick,
Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He married ESTHER IRENE MARSH. She died before 1975.
Notes for Alexander Clawson:
In 1918, Alex was living in Blacklick, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
In 1925, Alex was living in Smiths Station, Pennsylvania.
In 1950, Alex was living in Burrell Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
Alexander Clawson and Esther Irene Marsh had the following children:
AMBROSE CLAWSON (son of Alexander Clawson and Esther Irene Marsh)93. He died
before 1975.
MAE CLAWSON (daughter of Alexander Clawson and Esther Irene Marsh)93. She
died before 1975.
JOHN BENNETT5 CLAWSON (Jonathan4, Adam3, Josiah2, Josiah1)44, 93 was born on January 06, 1895
in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania133. He died on January 13, 1964 in
Blairsville R. D. 3, Indiana County, Pennsylvania158. He married Gladys I. Shank (daughter of
Jacob Shank and Nancy Hunter) on February 16, 1916 in Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania212.
She was born on May 28, 1896 in White Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She died on
February 06, 1995 in Derry Township, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania137.
Notes for John Bennett Clawson:
In 1918, John was living in Blacklick, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
In 1925, John was living in Smiths Station, Pennsylvania.
Generation 5 (con't)
According to the 1930 census, John and his family were living in Burrell Township, Indiana County,
In 1950, John was living in Blairsville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
Notes for Gladys I. Shank:
Gladys Clawson obit
Gladys I. Shank Clawson, 98, of Blairsville RD5 (Derry Township), on Monday, Feb. 6, 1995.
Richard L. Shoemaker Funeral Home, Blairsville.
John Bennett Clawson and Gladys I. Shank had the following children:
CHARLES CLAWSON93, 381 (son of John Bennett Clawson and Gladys I. Shank) was
born about 1913 in Pennsylvania381. He died before 1976.
LULA ELIZABETH CLAWSON93 (daughter of John Bennett Clawson and Gladys I.
Shank) was born on October 15, 1916 in Black Lick, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania137. She died on November 10, 1993 in Derry, Westmoreland County,
Pennsylvania137. She married Elmer Palmer in 19371.
Notes for Lula Elizabeth Clawson:
In 1964, Lula and Elmer were living in Blairsville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
In 1976, Lula and Elmer were living in Export, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania.
WILLIAM JOHN CLAWSON93, 382 (son of John Bennett Clawson and Gladys I. Shank)
was born on April 04, 1919 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania362. He died on July 23, 1976 in Blairsville R. D. 4, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania382. He married OLA AGNES BUTTS (daughter of Jefferson Butts and
Ola Thomas). She was born on September 11, 1923 in Luverne, Crenshaw County,
Alabama137. She died on May 15, 2003 in Blairsville, Indiana County,
Notes for Ola Agnes Butts:
Ola Clawson
Ola "Aggie" Butts Clawson, 79, of Blairsville, died Thursday, May 15, 2003, at Oak
Hill Nursing Home in Greensburg.
She was born Sept. 11, 1923, in Luverne, Ala., a daughter of Jefferson and Ola
Thomas Butts.
Mrs. Clawson was a life member of Blairsville VFW Post 5821 Ladies Auxiliary.
She was a veteran of World War II, having served in the U.S. Navy. Mrs. Clawson is
survived by three daughters: Carol Clawson of Blairsville; Barbara McManigle and
her husband William, of Luverne, Ala.; and Kathy Senn and her husband Charles,
of Luverne, Ala.; five grandchildren: John McManigle, Jason McManigle, Lisa Smith,
Edward Billings and Anthony Senn; six great-grand children; and a brother, Ezra
Butts, of Luverne, Ala.
She was preceded in death by her parents; her husband, William Clawson, in 1976;
four brothers: Merwin, James, Joseph and Seth Butts; and her sister, Eunice Smith.
Friends will be received Sun day from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. at Shoemaker Funeral
Home in Blairsville, where a service will be held Monday at 11 a.m. The Rev. Paul
L. Carter will officiate.
Interment will follow the service in Blairsville Cemetery.
Military services will be ac corded by Blairsville VFW Post 5821 and the American
To view the online obituary sign the guest registry or send condolences, visit
HILDA BELL CLAWSON1, 158 (daughter of John Bennett Clawson and Gladys I. Shank)
Generation 5 (con't)
HILDA BELL CLAWSON1, 158 (daughter of John Bennett Clawson and Gladys I. Shank)
was born about 1921 in Pennsylvania381. She died before 1976. She married
William Kim in 19391.
Notes for Hilda Bell Clawson:
In 1964, Wilda and William were living in Pittsburgh, Allegheny County,
VIRGINIA CLAWSON93, 381 (daughter of John Bennett Clawson and Gladys I. Shank)
was born about 1924 in Pennsylvania381. She married JOHN SLOAN.
Notes for Virginia Clawson:
In 1964, Virginia and John were living in Cokeville Heights, Westmoreland County,
In 1976, Virginia and John were living in Blairsville RD 3, Indiana County,
In 1996, Virginia and John were living in Blairsville RD 5, Derry Township,
Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania.
WALTER BANKS CLAWSON93 (son of John Bennett Clawson and Gladys I. Shank) was
born on May 28, 1925 in Burrell Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania362. He
died on July 21, 1996 in Derry Township, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania93.
He married Florence Ardella Rhea (daughter of Laurence M. Rhea and Katherine
Lindsey) in 1968383. She was born in 1928383.
Notes for Walter Banks Clawson:
In 1976 and 1995, Walter was living in Blairsville RD 4, Indiana County,
Walter Clawson obit
Walter B. ``Shorty'' Clawson, 71, of Blairsville RD4, (Derry Township) on Sunday,
July 21, 1996. Richard L. Shoemaker Funeral Home, Blairsville.
IDA GERTRUDE5 CLAWSON (Jonathan4, Adam3, Josiah2, Josiah1)44, 93 was born on May 08, 1897 in
Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania52. She died on November 13, 1984 in
Blairsville R. D., Indiana County, Pennsylvania1. She married (1) HERBERT W. BOHLENS after
196193. He was born on August 27, 189719. He died on February 06, 196519. She married (2)
JAMES MARSH before 192593. He was born on June 20, 188519. He died on January 04, 195219.
She married (3) CLARENCE FRIEDLINE after 1952. He died in 1961137.
Notes for Ida Gertrude Clawson:
In 1918, Ida was living in Coral, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
In 1925, Ida was living in Smiths Station, Pennsylvania.
In 1950, Ida was living in Blairsville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
James Marsh and Ida Gertrude Clawson had the following children:
JESSIE WILLIARD MARSH19 (son of James Marsh and Ida Gertrude Clawson) was
born on April 07, 1915. He married Isabelle Saltheimer on October 21, 1948.
LAURA STELLA MARSH19 (daughter of James Marsh and Ida Gertrude Clawson) was
born on April 16, 1921. She died in May 1947. She married Charles Newhouse in
September 1946.
JAMES EMERSON MARSH19 (son of James Marsh and Ida Gertrude Clawson) was
born on January 11, 1924. He married Irene Maritz on July 08, 1948.
FLOYD CHARLES MARSH19 (son of James Marsh and Ida Gertrude Clawson) was
born on April 13, 1926. He married Charlotte Horrell on November 07, 1953. She
Generation 5 (con't)
born on April 13, 1926. He married Charlotte Horrell on November 07, 1953. She
was born on April 28, 1924.
ALBERTA BELLE MARSH19 (daughter of James Marsh and Ida Gertrude Clawson) was
born on September 12, 1931. She married (1) LLOYD HAUSER. He was born on
November 15, 1932. She married (2) LARRY HAWK.
Notes for Alberta Belle Marsh:
In 1984, Alberta and Larry were living in Reading, Pennsylvania.
TRUDY MARSH (daughter of James Marsh and Ida Gertrude Clawson)137. She
Notes for Trudy Marsh:
In 1984, Trudy and Richard were living in Coral, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
FANNIE EDNA5 CLAWSON (Jonathan4, Adam3, Josiah2, Josiah1)19 was born on November 20, 1904
in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania211. She died before 197593. She married
WILLIAM D. MCCRACKEN. He was born on September 05, 1901 in Glasgow, Scotland378. He died on
March 25, 1986378.
Notes for Fannie Edna Clawson:
In 1925, Fannie was living in Graceton, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
In 1950, Fannie was living in Burrell Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
William D. McCracken and Fannie Edna Clawson had the following child:
SALLIE MCCRACKEN378 (daughter of William D. McCracken and Fannie Edna
Clawson) was born on January 26, 1945378.
WILLIAM HERMAN6 CLAWSON (Mary Margaret4, Adam3, Josiah2, Josiah1)93, 137 was born on April 28,
1879 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania362. He died on July 20, 1971 in
Blairsville R. D. 2, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He married Jessie Olive Jones (daughter of John
Jones) about 1902384. She was born on April 03, 1881 in Pennsylvania. She died on May 22, 1948
in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
Notes for William Herman Clawson:
According to the 1920 census, William and his family were living in Blacklick Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania.
According to the 1930 census, William and his family were living in Blacklick Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania.
William Herman Clawson and Jessie Olive Jones had the following children:
MARGARET E. CLAWSON93 (daughter of William Herman Clawson and Jessie Olive
Jones) was born on October 04, 1902 in Pennsylvania1. She died before 1994. She
Notes for Margaret E. Clawson:
In 1948 and 1971, Margaret and Howard were living in Wapwallopen,
HARRY THOMAS CLAWSON93 (son of William Herman Clawson and Jessie Olive
Jones) was born on September 27, 1904 in Salem Township, Westmoreland
County, Pennsylvania1. He died on July 22, 1948 in Ashtabula, Ashtabula County,
Ohio. He married Alice Gertrude Milliken (daughter of Edward Porter Milliken and
Margaret Myrtle Hughes) on July 21, 1927 in Homer City, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania385. She was born on February 27, 1908 in Indiana County,
Pennsylvania. She died on February 21, 1973 in Brooklyn, Kings County, New
Notes for Harry Thomas Clawson:
According to the 1930 census, Harry and his family were living in Burrell Township,
Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
Generation 5 (con't)
In 1948, Harry was living in Youngstown, Ohio.
JOHN CLAWSON1, 137 (son of William Herman Clawson and Jessie Olive Jones) was
born on September 26, 1906 in Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania1. He died in
October 19641.
Notes for John Clawson:
In 1948, John was living in Nanticoke.
HENRY CLAWSON (son of William Herman Clawson and Jessie Olive Jones)137. He
died before 2010137.
JAMES CLARK CLAWSON137 (son of William Herman Clawson and Jessie Olive
Jones) was born on April 10, 1909 in Bovard, Hempfield Township, Westmoreland
Couny, Pennsylvania. He died on May 21, 1994 in New Derry R. D., Westmoreland
County, Pennsylvania. He married HANNAH M. BRISCOE (daughter of Alexander
Briscoe and Anna F. Dunn). She was born on October 22, 1908 in Wilkes Barre,
Luzerne County, Pennsylvania157. She died on June 21, 2004 in New Derry,
Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania137.
Notes for Hannah M. Briscoe:
Blairsville Dispatch (June 25, 2004)
Hannah M. Clawson
New Derry
Hannah M. Clawson, 95, of Atlantic #3, New Derry, died Monday, June 21, 2004 at
her daughter Barbara's home.
Mrs. Clawson was born Oct. 23, 1908 in Wilkes Barre, daughter of the late
Alexander and Anna F. Dunn Briscoe.
She formerly attended New Derry United Methodist Church.
Survivors include eight children: James C. "Lefty" Jr., Atlantic #3, William H.,
Riverside, Calif., Aneurin D. "Butch," Atlantic #3, Howard W., Atlantic #2, Dolores
Mae Kridle, Lloydsville, Barbara McKowen, Derry, Marilyn Randle, Tucson, Ariz.
and Sharon Cappo, Riverside;
Also surviving are a sister, Martha Ruch, Nazareth, Pa.; 22 grandchildren; 22
great-grandchildren; numerous nieces and nephews.
She was preceded in death by her husband James Clark on May 21, 1994; a son,
Gary L., on Aug. 2, 2001; three brothers, Howard William, Jones, John Weaver and
Aneurin D.
Services will be held at 11 a.m. today at McCabe Funeral Home, Derry, Rev. Dean
E. Byrom officiating. Interment will be in Lutheran Chapel Cemetery, Coral.
WILLIAM H. CLAWSON JR.93 (son of William Herman Clawson and Jessie Olive
Jones) was born in 1911 in Pennsylvania1. He died before 2010137.
Notes for William H. Clawson Jr.:
In 1948, William was living in Miami, Florida.
In 1971, William was living in Yumatila, Florida.
In 1971, William was living in Winter Park, Florida.
LAURA M. CLAWSON93, 137 (daughter of William Herman Clawson and Jessie Olive
Jones) was born in 1913 in Pennsylvania1. She married STEPHEN E. JENNINGS SR..
Notes for Laura M. Clawson:
Generation 5 (con't)
Notes for Laura M. Clawson:
In 1948, Laura and Stephen were living in Ligonier, Westmoreland County,
In 1971 and 1994, Laura and Stephen were living in Derry, Pennsylvania.
viii. RUTH CECELIA CLAWSON93, 137 (daughter of William Herman Clawson and Jessie
Olive Jones) was born on May 10, 1915 in Greensburg, Westmoreland County,
Pennsylvania384. She died on February 24, 2010 in Indiana, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania137. She married WILLIAM EDWARD GELETKA. He died in 2005137.
Notes for Ruth Cecelia Clawson:
In 1948, Ruth and William were living in Blairsville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
In 1971, Ruth and William were living in Blairsville RD 2, Indiana County,
In 1994, Ruth and William were living in Black Lick, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
In 1994, Ruth and William were living in Blairsville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
Ruth Cecelia (Clawson) Geletka, 94, Indiana, PA formerly of Blairsville, PA passed
away on Wednesday, February 24, 2010 in The Communities at Indian Haven,
Indiana, PA.
A daughter of William and Jessie (Jones) Clawson, she was born May 10, 1915 in
Greensburg, PA.
Mrs. Geletka lived most of her life in Black Lick Twp.
She was a member of Our Lady of the Assumption, Coral, and Jednota.
She worked 25 years for the Blairsville-Saltsburg Schools, retiring in 1984.
Surviving are a son, Mark Geletka and his wife, Phyllis of Indiana; two
daughters-in-law, Joyce Geletka of Bridgeton, NJ and Sylvia Geletka of Bentonville,
AR; seven
grandchildren; six great grandchildren and a sister, Laura Jennings of Florida.
She was preceded in death by her parents; her husband, William Edward Geletka in
2005; three sons, William E. Jr. in 1955, Anthony in 2003 and Robert Geletka in
2008; a grandson, Robert E. Geletka; five brothers, Harry, John, Henry, James and
William Clawson and a sister, Margaret Walck.
A funeral Mass will be celebrated at 10:00 A.M. Saturday in Our Lady of the
Assumption, Coral, with Fr. Terry Hercik as celebrant.
Interment will be in St. Francis Cemetery, Coral.
B. 6
CLAWSON (Mary Margaret4, Adam3, Josiah2, Josiah1)44, 52 was born in December 1895
in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania44. She died in 1942157. She married Harry
M. Hockenberry (son of John Alderson Hockenberry and Mary Ellen Moose) on December 23,
1915 in Indiana, Indiana County, Pennsylvania1. He was born in 1894 in Pennsylvania157. He died
in 1949157.
Notes for Harry M. Hockenberry:
According to the 1930 census, Harry and his family were living in Brushvalley Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania.
Harry M. Hockenberry and Lottie B. Clawson had the following children:
HARRY HOCKENBERRY JR.387 (son of Harry M. Hockenberry and Lottie B. Clawson)
was born about 1916 in Pennsylvania387.
Generation 5 (con't)
LORETTA M. HOCKENBERRY387 (daughter of Harry M. Hockenberry and Lottie B.
Clawson) was born about 1922 in Pennsylvania387.
HUTTON5 HUSTON (John W.4, Rebecca Jane3 Clawson, Josiah2 Clawson, Josiah1 Clawson)1 was
born on May 23, 1872 in Pennsylvania1. He died on December 21, 19421. He married Mary
Catherine Ray (daughter of John G. Ray and Sarah J. Gray) about 1895160. She was born on
September 16, 1868 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She died on January 17, 1945 in Blairsville,
Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
Notes for Hutton Huston:
According to the 1900 census, Hutton and his family were living with his parents in Derry
Township, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania.
Hutton Huston and Mary Catherine Ray had the following children:
ETHEL MARIE HUSTON160 (daughter of Hutton Huston and Mary Catherine Ray) was
born on December 23, 1895 in Blairsville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She died
on June 16, 1923 in Beaver Falls, Beaver County, Pennsylvania. She married
FRANK RAYMOND BENNETT (son of Harlan Silas Bennett and Millie Bell Clawson). He
was born on October 02, 1892 in Blairsville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He died
on March 14, 1920.
JOHN M. HUSTON160 (son of Hutton Huston and Mary Catherine Ray) was born in
April 1897 in Pennsylvania160.
RAYMOND HUSTON160 (son of Hutton Huston and Mary Catherine Ray) was born in
October 1898 in Pennsylvania160. He married VIOLET RAGER.
ELIZABETH E.5 HUSTON (John W.4, Rebecca Jane3 Clawson, Josiah2 Clawson, Josiah1 Clawson)93
was born on July 16, 1875 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She died on June 01, 1949 in Black
Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She married Edward Ellsworth Clawson (son of
Porter Thomas Clawson and Anna Elizabeth Moses) on January 18, 1899335. He was born in
November 1874 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania1. He died on February 27,
1924 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania1.
Notes for Elizabeth E. Huston:
According to the 1930 census, Elizabeth and her family were living in Blacklick Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania.
Notes for Edward Ellsworth Clawson:
According to the 1900 census, Edward and his family were living in Blacklick Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania.
In 1921, Edward was living in Blacklick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
Edward Ellsworth Clawson and Elizabeth E. Huston had the following children:
ANNA MARY6 CLAWSON1 (daughter of Edward Ellsworth Clawson and Elizabeth E.
Huston) was born on November 20, 1899 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania211. She died before 1969. She married Wilbur M. Bruner (son of J. C.
Bruner and Sarah Belle Griffith) on March 01, 1922 in Indiana County,
Pennsylvania19. He was born in 1901 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania19. He died before 1987.
Notes for Anna Mary Clawson:
In 1929, Mae and Wilbur were living in Blacklick, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
In 1949, Mae and Wilbur were living in Blairsville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
Notes for Wilbur M. Bruner:
According to the 1930 census, Wilbur and his family were living in Homer City,
Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
JOHN PORTER CLAWSON3, 158 (son of Edward Ellsworth Clawson and Elizabeth E.
Generation 5 (con't)
JOHN PORTER CLAWSON3, 158 (son of Edward Ellsworth Clawson and Elizabeth E.
Huston) was born on July 05, 1901 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania158. He died on May 07, 1969 in Blairsville R. D. 2, Indiana County,
Notes for John Porter Clawson:
In 1929 and 1949, John was living in Blacklick Township, Indiana County,
John was never married.
GEORGE E. CLAWSON273 (son of Edward Ellsworth Clawson and Elizabeth E.
Huston) was born on January 18, 1903 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania211. He died on December 08, 1921 in Black Lick Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania1.
PAUL EDWARD CLAWSON3 (son of Edward Ellsworth Clawson and Elizabeth E.
Huston) was born on October 10, 1905 in Pennsylvania. He died on August 09,
1929 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
NORA AGNUS CLAWSON3, 158 (daughter of Edward Ellsworth Clawson and Elizabeth
E. Huston) was born about 1908 in Pennsylvania273. She died between
1964-198593. She married JOSEPH MCDOWELL.
Notes for Nora Agnus Clawson:
In 1929, Nora and Joseph were living in Grafton, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
In 1949, Nora and Joseph were living in Indiana, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
In 1969, Nora and Joseph were living in Indiana, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
JAMES LINCOLN CLAWSON93 (son of Edward Ellsworth Clawson and Elizabeth E.
Huston) was born in 1910 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania137.
He died on November 24, 1964 in Buffalo, Erie County, New York137. He married
DOROTHY EMMA PHILLIPS (daughter of Charles Perciphal Phillips). She died in
ETHEL MAE CLAWSON93 (daughter of Edward Ellsworth Clawson and Elizabeth E.
Huston) was born on September 09, 1912 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania137. She died on March 04, 2006 in Indiana, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania137. She married KENNETH W. ISENBERG (son of William R. Isenberg
and Catherine E. Lichtenfels). He was born on March 28, 1908 in New Florence,
Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania. He died on August 19, 1987 in Indiana,
Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
Notes for Ethel Mae Clawson:
In 1929, Ethel and Kenneth were living in Pitcairn, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania.
In 1949, Ethel and Kenneth were living in Indiana, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
In 1969, Ethel and Kenneth were living in Indiana R. D. 3, Indiana County,
In 1988, Ethel was living in Indiana, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
Blairsville Dispatch (March 10, 2006)
Ethel M. Isenberg
Ethel Mae Isenberg, 93, of Indiana, died Saturday, March 4, 2006, in St. Andrews
The daughter of the late Edward and Elizabeth Houston Clawson, she was born in
Black Lick on Sept. 9, 1912.
Generation 5 (con't)
Mrs. Isenberg was a lifetime resident of Indiana County and a member of the
Pleasant Valley Church of Christ. She was a devoted Christian.
She was known as a generous woman who was an excellent cook and baker.
She is survived by a son, Robert E. and wife Marlene, Creekside; three daughters;
Janet L. Adams and husband Arthur, Eden, N.Y.; Marie Stadtmiller and husband
Bernard, Creekside; Shirley Visnick and husband Ron, Indiana;
Also surviving are a sister, Lula Belle Clawson, Indiana; 10 grandchildren; 13
great-grandchildren; four great-step grandchildren; one great-great-grandchild; and
three step grandchildren.
She was preceded in death by her parents; her husband, Kenneth W. Isenberg; a
son, Kenneth B.; grandchildren, Gary Stadtmiller and Terry Adams; brothers, John,
George, Paul, Albert, James and Melvin; and two sisters, Annie and Nora.
Funeral services were held Wednesday at the Lefdahl Chapel with Brother Eugene
Lockard officiating. Interment followed in Greenwood Cemetery.
viii. ALBERT EMERSON CLAWSON93 (son of Edward Ellsworth Clawson and Elizabeth E.
Huston) was born on July 18, 1914 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania137. He died on January 25, 1988 in Blairsville R. D. 2, Indiana County,
Notes for Albert Emerson Clawson:
In 1929, 1949, 1969, and 1985, Albert was living in Blacklick Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania.
Albert was never married.
LULA BELLE CLAWSON137 (daughter of Edward Ellsworth Clawson and Elizabeth E.
Huston) was born on August 13, 1916 in Pennsylvania681.
Notes for Lula Belle Clawson:
In 1929, 1949, 1969, and 1988, Lula living in Blacklick Township, Indiana County,
MELVIN THOMAS CLAWSON137 (son of Edward Ellsworth Clawson and Elizabeth E.
Huston) was born on September 05, 1918 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania137. He died on July 18, 1985 in Cortland, Trumbull County, Ohio137.
He married Charlotte Irene Harkins (daughter of Joseph Campbell Harkins and
Mary Olive Fairbanks) on August 12, 1936137. She was born on April 09, 1918 in
Black Lick, Indiana County, Pennsylvania137. She died on January 03, 2001 in
Cortland, Trumbull County, Ohio137.
Notes for Melvin Thomas Clawson:
In 1929, Melvin was living in Blacklick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
In 1949, 1964, 1969, and 1974, Melvin and Charlotte were living in Blacklick,
Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
Melvin moved to Ohio a year before his death.
Notes for Charlotte Irene Harkins:
Charlotte Clawson obit
Charlotte I. Harkins Clawson, 82, of Cortland, Ohio, on Wednesday, Jan. 3. Richard
L. Shoemaker Funeral Home, Blairsville.
GEORGE5 HOUSTEN (Josiah C.4 Huston, Rebecca Jane3 Clawson, Josiah2 Clawson, Josiah1
Clawson, Josiah C.4 Huston, James Huston, James Houston)7.
Generation 5 (con't)
George Housten had the following child:
WALTER HOUSTEN (son of George Housten)7.
ELIZA5 HOUSTEN (Josiah C.4 Huston, Rebecca Jane3 Clawson, Josiah2 Clawson, Josiah1 Clawson,
Josiah C.4 Huston, James Huston, James Houston)7. She married WILLIAM NEPTUNE.
William Neptune and Eliza Housten had the following children:
HUSTON NEPTUNE (son of William Neptune and Eliza Housten)7.
WILLIAM NEPTUNE (son of William Neptune and Eliza Housten)7.
RHODA E.5 BENNETT (Mary Jane4 Huston, Rebecca Jane3 Clawson, Josiah2 Clawson, Josiah1
Clawson)44 was born in April 1879 in Pennsylvania44. She married John R. Morton about July 1898
in Pennsylvania.
John R. Morton and Rhoda E. Bennett had the following child:
EARL6 MORTON44 (son of John R. Morton and Rhoda E. Bennett) was born in
January 1894 in Pennsylvania44.
JAMES RICHARD5 HOUSTON (William4, Rebecca Jane3 Clawson, Josiah2 Clawson, Josiah1
Clawson)3 was born on September 04, 1873 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania1. He died on August 15, 19401. He married (1) GERTRUDE THOMPSON on July 05,
19021. He married (2) BEULAH STEWART.
James Richard Houston and Gertrude Thompson had the following children:
RUTH HOUSTON (daughter of James Richard Houston and Gertrude Thompson)3.
CLAIR HOUSTON (son of James Richard Houston and Gertrude Thompson)3.
BERTHA A.5 HOUSTON (William4, Rebecca Jane3 Clawson, Josiah2 Clawson, Josiah1 Clawson)3, 388
was born on March 25, 1877 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania1, 388. She died
on January 25, 1956 in Munhall, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania388. She married GEORGE
HOWARD STEWART (son of Louise E ?). He was born about 1881 in Pennsylvania389.
Notes for Bertha A. Houston:
In 1913, Bertha and Howard were living in Avalon, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania.
George Howard Stewart and Bertha A. Houston had the following children:
GEORGE HOWARD STEWART (son of George Howard Stewart and Bertha A.
Houston)3. He died before 1913. He married ? ?. She was born about 1876. She
died on January 25, 1956 in Seward, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania.
WILLIAM HOUSTON STEWART3 (son of George Howard Stewart and Bertha A.
Houston) was born about 1906 in Pennsylvania389.
ROBERT COE STEWART3 (son of George Howard Stewart and Bertha A. Houston)
was born about 1908 in Pennsylvania389.
EMERY JACKSON STEWART3, 389 (son of George Howard Stewart and Bertha A.
Houston) was born about 1913 in Pennsylvania389.
JANE LOUISE STEWART390 (daughter of George Howard Stewart and Bertha A.
Houston) was born on April 27, 1917 in Allegheny County, Pennsylvania390. She
died on July 17, 1918 in Bellevue, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania390.
CATHARINE FLORENCE5 KELLY (Jonathan4, Jonathan3 Sr., Elsie2 Clawson, Josiah1 Clawson)164 was
born on October 21, 1879 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania164. She died on September 24, 1958 in
Connellsville, Fayette County, Pennsylvania164. She married John Washington Newhouse (son of
George W. Newhouse and Sarah M. Hill) on February 02, 1899 in New Alexandria, Westmoreland
County, Pennsylvania164. He was born on September 16, 1880 in Salem Township, Westmoreland
County, Pennsylvania164. He died on December 20, 1972 in Latrobe, Westmoreland County,
John Washington Newhouse and Catharine Florence Kelly had the following children:
THEODORE DEWEY6 NEWHOUSE164 (son of John Washington Newhouse and
Catharine Florence Kelly) was born on June 15, 1899 in New Alexandria,
Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania164. He died on October 16, 1971 in Latrobe
Generation 5 (con't)
Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania164. He died on October 16, 1971 in Latrobe
Area Hospital, Latrobe, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania164. He married
Eleanor Pearl Dowden (daughter of James M. Dowden and Anna Ruth Hysong) on
April 06, 1920 in New Alexandria, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania164. She was
born on August 25, 1902 in New Alexandria, Westmoreland County,
Pennsylvania164. She died on December 14, 1997 in Greensburg, Westmoreland
County, Pennsylvania164.
FLORENCE NEWHOUSE (daughter of John Washington Newhouse and Catharine
Florence Kelly).
GEORGE WASHINGTON NEWHOUSE (son of John Washington Newhouse and
Catharine Florence Kelly).
ESTELLE MAY NEWHOUSE (daughter of John Washington Newhouse and Catharine
Florence Kelly).
JOHN CARL NEWHOUSE (son of John Washington Newhouse and Catharine Florence
JOSEPHINE KELLY NEWHOUSE (daughter of John Washington Newhouse and
Catharine Florence Kelly).
MARGARET ELIZABETH NEWHOUSE164 (daughter of John Washington Newhouse and
Catharine Florence Kelly) was born on May 05, 1910 in New Alexandria,
Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania164. She died on August 17, 1994 in Mt.
Pleasant, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania164. She married (1) HOWARD LAYTON
about 1925164. He was born about 1898 in Pennsylvania164. She married (2)
RUSSELL CLAAR (son of Isaiah W. Claar and Ella Mae Yarnell) after 1926. He was
born on February 27, 1909 in Fishertown, Bedford County, Pennsylvania164. He
died on August 26, 1977 in Connellsville, Fayette County, Pennsylvania164. She
married (3) ARTHUR CLAIR WELSH (son of Glenn Lemoyne Welsh and Mame Wright)
on July 27, 1979 in Harrison City, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania164. He was
born on August 30, 1914 in Zelienople, Butler County, Pennsylvania164. He died in
March 1980 in Pennsylvania164.
DAVID MILTON5 HOLLIS (Nancy4 Kelly, Archibald3 Kelly, Elsie2 Clawson, Josiah1 Clawson)19, 42 was
born on June 11, 1860 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He married NANCY
E. ?.
David Milton Hollis and Nancy E. ? had the following children:
NORMAN W. HOLLIS1 (son of David Milton Hollis and Nancy E. ?) was born in 1886 in
Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
HARRY E. HOLLIS1 (son of David Milton Hollis and Nancy E. ?) was born in 1890 in
Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
LAURA B. HOLLIS1 (daughter of David Milton Hollis and Nancy E. ?) was born in 1894
in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
JOHN C. HOLLIS1 (son of David Milton Hollis and Nancy E. ?) was born in 1901 in
Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
JAMES C. HOLLIS1 (son of David Milton Hollis and Nancy E. ?) was born in 1902 in
Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
NELLIE E. HOLLIS1 (daughter of David Milton Hollis and Nancy E. ?) was born in
1904 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
ALBERT R. HOLLIS1 (son of David Milton Hollis and Nancy E. ?) was born in 1907 in
Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
CHARLES MILLIGAN5 CRAMER (Sarah Ann4 Kelly, Archibald3 Kelly, Elsie2 Clawson, Josiah1
Clawson)36, 44, 167 was born on December 01, 1869 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania167. He died on November 23, 1948 in Indiana, Indiana County, Pennsylvania167. He
married Margaret Ellen Long (daughter of Jesse M. Long and Sarah Smith) on June 13, 1889 in
Indiana County, Pennsylvania1. She was born on August 21, 1854 in Black Lick Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania. She died on July 16, 1931.
Notes for Charles Milligan Cramer:
Generation 5 (con't)
Notes for Charles Milligan Cramer:
According to the 1900 Census, Charles and his family were living in Blacklick, Indiana County,
Charles Milligan Cramer and Margaret Ellen Long had the following children:
ZORA MAUDE CRAMER44, 57, 231 (daughter of Charles Milligan Cramer and Margaret
Ellen Long) was born on November 13, 1889 in Black Lick Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania57. She died on October 02, 1946 in Indiana County,
Pennsylvania. She married JOHN M. DIXON (son of W. Dixon and Aurie Walker).
WILLIAM KEEBLER CRAMER44, 176 (son of Charles Milligan Cramer and Margaret Ellen
Long) was born on February 05, 1891 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania57. He died on December 02, 1968 in Indiana, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania. He married Anna Mary Compton (daughter of George Compton and
Margaret Bergman) on January 24, 1915. She was born in 1889176. She died in
Notes for William Keebler Cramer:
In 1957, Keebler was living in Indiana, Pennsylvania.
SARAH ANN CRAMER44, 57 (daughter of Charles Milligan Cramer and Margaret Ellen
Long) was born on April 16, 1894 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania. She died on September 03, 1966 in Hillsdale, Westmoreland County,
Pennsylvania. She married GEORGE C. HILL. He died before 1957.
Notes for Sarah Ann Cramer:
In 1957, Sarah was living in Blairsville RD 2, Pennsylvania.
MABEL G. CRAMER44 (daughter of Charles Milligan Cramer and Margaret Ellen Long)
was born on November 05, 1895. She died on July 19, 1989 in Indiana, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania57. She married GEORGE MABON CRIBBS. He died before 1957.
Notes for Mabel G. Cramer:
In 1957, Mabel was living in Blairsville RD 2, Pennsylvania.
JAMES DAVIS5 CRAMER (Sarah Ann4 Kelly, Archibald3 Kelly, Elsie2 Clawson, Josiah1 Clawson)44, 57,
170, 392-394 was born on April 29, 1873 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania170 . He
died on April 29, 1923 in White Township, Cambria County, Pennsylvania57, 170. He married Rachel
Mae Clawson (daughter of Dwight Gere Clawson and Margaret Ellen Long) on March 31, 1904 in
Blairsville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania57. She was born on August 14, 1884 in Black Lick
Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania393, 395. She died on December 09, 1976395.
Notes for James Davis Cramer:
In 1913, James was living in Blacklick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
According to the 1920 census, James and his family were living in Blacklick Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania.
Notes for Rachel Mae Clawson:
In 1957, Mae was living in Blairsville RD 2, Pennsylvania.
In 1963, Mae was living in Blacklick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
In 1970, Mae was living in Indiana, Pennsylvania.
James Davis Cramer and Rachel Mae Clawson had the following children:
HAZEL BELL CRAMER57 (daughter of James Davis Cramer and Rachel Mae Clawson)
was born on February 12, 1905 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania. She died in September 1905.
THOMPSON CRAMER1, 392-393 (son of James Davis Cramer and Rachel Mae Clawson)
was born on August 02, 1906 in Black Lick, Indiana County, Pennsylvania392-393. He
died on September 20, 1906 in Black Lick, Indiana County, Pennsylvania393.
GUY RAYMOND CRAMER57, 394 (son of James Davis Cramer and Rachel Mae
Clawson) was born on August 10, 1908 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County,
Generation 5 (con't)
Clawson) was born on August 10, 1908 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania394. He died on October 22, 1978 in Blairsville, Indiana County,
HARRY DAVIS CRAMER57, 396 (son of James Davis Cramer and Rachel Mae Clawson)
was born on November 12, 1912 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania396. He died on November 07, 1970396.
SAMUEL BENTON CRAMER57, 137 (son of James Davis Cramer and Rachel Mae
Clawson) was born on March 01, 1917 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania162. He died on July 19, 1997 in Blairsville R. D. 2, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania162. He married Anna Mary Frances Lavera Swasy (daughter of Ernest
Logan Swasy and Anna Lavera Bruner) on May 24, 1937. She was born on January
07, 1922 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania137. She died on
May 04, 2007 in Blairsville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania137.
WILLIAM CHARLES CRAMER267 (son of James Davis Cramer and Rachel Mae
Clawson) was born on March 15, 1919 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania. He died on January 06, 198157. He married Helen Virginia Swasy
(daughter of Ernest Logan Swasy and Anna Lavera Bruner) on September 28,
1940. She was born on July 14, 1924397. She died on March 28, 1958397.
GERTRUDE HANNAH5 CRAMER (Sarah Ann4 Kelly, Archibald3 Kelly, Elsie2 Clawson, Josiah1
Clawson)398 was born on September 08, 1877 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania. She died on July 03, 1949 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania57.
She married Benjamin Milton Clawson (son of Dwight Gere Clawson and Margaret Ellen Long) on
December 31, 1897 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania1. He was born on November 14, 1875 in
Blairsville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania280. He died on August 14, 1957 in Blairsville R. D. 2,
Indiana County, Pennsylvania12.
Notes for Benjamin Milton Clawson:
According to the 1930 census, Benjamin and his family were living in Blacklick Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania.
Benjamin Milton Clawson and Gertrude Hannah Cramer had the following children:
CHARLES EARL CLAWSON211 (son of Benjamin Milton Clawson and Gertrude Hannah
Cramer) was born on May 11, 1898 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania211. He died in June 192293. He married ? ?.
CARRIE MAE CLAWSON267 (daughter of Benjamin Milton Clawson and Gertrude
Hannah Cramer) was born on December 01, 1900 in Black Lick, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania1. She died on July 25, 1946 in Indiana, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania93. She married PAUL HILL. He was born in 190027. He died in 197127.
Notes for Paul Hill:
Paul's name could be George.
DEWEY CLAWSON267 (son of Benjamin Milton Clawson and Gertrude Hannah
Cramer) was born in Black Lick, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He died before
NELLIE JANE CLAWSON27 (daughter of Benjamin Milton Clawson and Gertrude
Hannah Cramer) was born in 1903 in Black Lick, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
She died on December 06, 1908158.
Notes for Nellie Jane Clawson:
Indiana Weekly Messenger, Indiana, Pennsylvania (December 16, 1908)
Nellie J. Clawson
Miss Nellie J. Clawson, the five-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin
Clawson, of Blacklick township, died on December 6 at the home of William Keller,
in Blairsville, after an illness of one day of membranous croup. The child was at the
home of her uncle and aunt on a visit and the attack came on so suddenly and
developed so rapidly that the parents arrived at her side but a few hours before she
Generation 5 (con't)
(son of Benjamin Milton Clawson and Gertrude Hannah Cramer)
was born on September 24, 1905 in Black Lick, Indiana County, Pennsylvania19. He
died on August 11, 1906.
SARAH ELIZABETH CLAWSON273, 398 (daughter of Benjamin Milton Clawson and
Gertrude Hannah Cramer) was born on June 08, 1907 in Blairsville, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania398. She died on November 12, 1991399. She married (1) ? TAYLOR.
She married (2) ALBERT T. SHADLE (son of Homer Shadle and Amanda Rosein). He
was born on February 14, 1914 in Wilkinsburg, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania400.
He died on April 25, 2000 in Indiana, Indiana County, Pennsylvania400.
Notes for Sarah Elizabeth Clawson:
In 1949, Sally and Albert were living in Morristown, New Jersey.
In 1957, Sally and Albert were living in Clarksburg, Pennsylvania.
In 1987, Sally and Albert were living in Indiana, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
GEORGE M. CLAWSON267 (son of Benjamin Milton Clawson and Gertrude Hannah
Cramer) was born on September 26, 1909 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania137. He died on February 15, 1987 in Blairsville, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania137. He married Mary Jane Lorenzik (daughter of Andrew Lorenzik and
Kathryn Krivonak) on June 02, 1933 in Indiana, Indiana County, Pennsylvania19.
She was born on November 21, 1910 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania. She died on June 08, 2001 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County,
Notes for George M. Clawson:
In 1949 and 1957, George was living in Blacklick Township (Blairsville RD 2),
viii. WILLIAM LARRY CLAWSON137 (son of Benjamin Milton Clawson and Gertrude Hannah
Cramer) was born on November 10, 1915 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania137. He died on May 02, 1987 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania137. He married Wilma E. Noel (daughter of William Noel and Nora
Marshall) in 1937231. She was born on July 19, 1912 in Tarentum, Allegheny
County, Pennsylvania231. She died on February 01, 2009 in Blairsville, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania231.
Notes for William Larry Clawson:
In 1949 and 1957, Larry was living in Blacklick Township (Blairsville RD 2),
Notes for Wilma E. Noel:
CLAWSON, WILMA E., 96, BLAIRSVILLE died Sunday, February 1, 2009 at St.
Andrew's Village, Indiana, PA. She was born July 19, 1912 in Tarentum, PA, the
daughter of the late William Noel and Nora (Marshall) Noel. She was a member of
the Hopewell United Methodist Church where she served as secretary, organist,
historian, custodian and grounds keeper. She was a 1931 graduate of Blairsville
High School. Wilma also was an avid gardener with a love of spring flowers
especially Narcissus. She is survived by her son, Larry Clawson & wife Jan of
Homer City, PA, grandchildren, Leisa (Clawson) Noel of Blairsville, PA, Curtis
Clawson of Huntingdon, PA and Darla (Clawson) Forsha of Huntingdon, PA,
step-grandchild, Michael Steele of Silver Springs, MD, 8 great grandchildren and 4
great great grandchildren. She is preceded in death by her husband of 50 years,
William Larry Clawson Sr. in 1987, sisters, Jeanne (Noel) Murray, Dorothy Noel and
Alice Noel, and brothers, W. Gail Noel and Donald Noel. The family will receive
friends on Tuesday, February 3, 2009 from 2-4 & 7-9 PM. A funeral service will be
held at the Hopewell United Methodist Church, Blacklick Twp., PA on Wednesday,
February 4, 2009 at 1:00 PM. Rev. Jason L. McQueen will officiate. Interment will
be in the Hopewell Cemetery, Blacklick Twp., Pa.
Generation 5 (con't)
TODD ROYDEN CLAWSON267 (son of Benjamin Milton Clawson and Gertrude Hannah
Cramer) was born on September 16, 1919 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania93. He died on November 15, 1993 in Black Lick Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania93. He married DORA CONCORDIA CALABRESE (daughter of
Thomas C. Calabrese and Josephine D'Amico). She was born on September 26,
1924 in Blairsville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania231. She died on April 13, 2009 in
Blairsville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania231.
Notes for Todd Royden Clawson:
In 1949, 1957, and 1987, Todd was living in Blacklick Township (Blairsville RD 2),
Notes for Dora Concordia Calabrese:
died Monday, April 13, 2009 at her home. She was born September 26, 1924 in
Blairsville, PA, the daughter of the late Thomas C. and Josephine (D'Amico)
Calabrese. Dolly was a member of the Hopewell United Methodist Church,
Blairsville, PA. She was a graduate of Blairsvile High School Class of 1942. She
was President of the Hopewell United Methodist Womenand also Chairman &
member of the Hopewell United Methodist Church Administration Board. She was
also a member of the Blairsville Italian Ladies Auxiliary. She served many years on
the Blacklick Twp. Board of Elections. Dora enjoyed spending time with her family &
and many friends. She is survived by her daughter, Karen D. Smith & hus. Donald
of Blairsville, PA, daughter, Nancy J. Clawson & hus. Ken Vaughan of Chicago, IL,
son, Todd R. Clawson & wife Kimberly of Blairsville,PA, sister-in-law, Josephine
Calabrese of Blairsville, PA and many Nieces & Nephews. She is preceded in
death by her husband, Todd R. Clawson, daughter, Linda A. Clawson and brothers,
Mario, Thomas, Emidio & Joseph Calabrese. The Family will receive friends on
Wednesday, April 15, 2009 from 2-9 PM. A funeral service will be held at the
Hopewell United Methdist Church on Thursday, April 16, 2009 at 11:00 AM. Rev.
Horace Derr will officate. Interment will be in the Blairsville Cemetery, Blairsville,
PA. Memorial donations may be made to VNA/Hospice, 850 Hospital Road, Suite
3000, Indiana, PA 15701.
JOHN A.5 CLAWSON (Daniel John4, John3, Daniel2, Josiah1)45, 52, 402-403 was born in July 1849 in
Center Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania1. He died in 1911404. He married (1) MARGARET ?
before 1873. She was born in Pennsylvania405. She died on January 29, 1885. He married (2)
PRISCILLA JENNIFER GRUMBLING (daughter of John Grumbling and Maria Miller) on December 24,
1890 in New Florence, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania1. She was born on September 21,
1857 in Pennsylvania404. She died on June 02, 1952404.
Notes for John A. Clawson:
According to the 1880 Census, John and his family were living in New Florence, Westmoreland
County, Pennsylvania,
According to the 1900 Census, John and his family were living in East Conemaugh, Cambria
County, Pennsylvania.
In 1905, John living in Conemaugh, Pennsylvania.
In 1910, John and Priscila were living in East Conemaugh, Cambria County, Pennsylvania.
John A. Clawson and Margaret ? had the following children:
JOHN6 CLAWSON402 (son of John A. Clawson and Margaret ?) was born about 1873
in Pennsylvania.
ADALINE CLAWSON402 (daughter of John A. Clawson and Margaret ?) was born on
March 11, 1872 in Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania. She died on April 02, 1947
in Johnstown, Cambria County, Pennsylvania. She married George Finley Gaston
(son of Robert Gaston and Elizabeth ?) on July 21, 1892 in Conemaugh, Cambria
Generation 5 (con't)
(son of Robert Gaston and Elizabeth ?) on July 21, 1892 in Conemaugh, Cambria
County, Pennsylvania1. He was born about 18711. He died in 1918137.
? CLAWSON (daughter of John A. Clawson and Margaret ?)52. She married WILSON
ROBERT CLAWSON402 (son of John A. Clawson and Margaret ?) was born about
1876 in Pennsylvania402.
SARAH CLAWSON273, 402 (daughter of John A. Clawson and Margaret ?) was born
about 1878 in Pennsylvania402. She married WILLIAM LEAR. He was born about 1875
in Pennsylvania273.
Notes for Sarah Clawson:
According to the 1910 census, Sarah and William were living in Westmoreland
County, Pennsylvania.
THOMAS CLAWSON402 (son of John A. Clawson and Margaret ?) was born in May
DANIEL CLAWSON52 (step son of John A. Clawson and Margaret ?) was born in
March 1880 in Pennsylvania402.
Notes for Daniel Clawson:
According to the 1910 census, Daniel was living with his sister Sarah and her
According to the 1930 census, Daniel was living with his sister Mabel. They were
living in PIttsburgh, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania.
viii. MARY E. CLAWSON403 (daughter of John A. Clawson and Margaret ?) was born in
October 1881 in New Florence, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania403. She
married Thomas A. Williams on October 19, 18991. He was born in March 1877 in
Notes for Thomas A. Williams:
According to the 1900 Census, Thomas and Mary were living in East Conemaugh,
Cambria County, Pennsylvania. They were living with Mary's parents.
HARRY W. CLAWSON403 (step son of John A. Clawson and Margaret ?) was born in
October 1883403.
MABEL CLAWSON1 (daughter of John A. Clawson and Margaret ?) was born about
1884 in Pennsylvania405. She married ? SHAFFER. He died before 1930405.
ULYSSES G. CLAWSON403 (son of John A. Clawson and Margaret ?) was born in
August 1885 in Pennsylvania403.
John A. Clawson and Priscilla Jennifer Grumbling had the following children:
MILLER S. A. CLAWSON403 (son of John A. Clawson and Priscilla Jennifer Grumbling)
was born in October 1892 in Pennsylvania403.
xiii. FLORA B. CLAWSON403 (daughter of John A. Clawson and Priscilla Jennifer
Grumbling) was born in March 1896 in Pennsylvania403. She died in March 1912 in
Conemaugh, Cambria County, Pennsylvania1.
xiv. MARGARET L. CLAWSON52, 403 (daughter of John A. Clawson and Priscilla Jennifer
Grumbling) was born in February 1899 in Johnstown, Cambria County,
Pennsylvania403. She married William Robert Langley (son of Edward Langley and
Jennie Jones) on May 29, 1920 in Johnstown, Cambria County, Pennsylvania1. He
was born on November 13, 1898 in Johnstown, Cambria County, Pennsylvania137.
He died on June 09, 1947 in Johnstown, Cambria County, Pennsylvania137.
ALBERT C.5 CLAWSON (Daniel John4, John3, Daniel2, Josiah1)93 was born on July 14, 1851 in White
Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He died on September 25, 1925 in Indiana, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania. He married Katherine Barbara Frank (daughter of George Frank) on
February 26, 1873 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania406. She was born in May 1852 in Germany1.
She died about June 27, 1933.
Notes for Katherine Barbara Frank:
Generation 5 (con't)
Notes for Katherine Barbara Frank:
According to the 1930 census, Catherine was living with her son, James, in Rayne Township,
Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
Albert C. Clawson and Katherine Barbara Frank had the following children:
LOTTIE S.6 CLAWSON93 (daughter of Albert C. Clawson and Katherine Barbara
Frank) was born in 18751. She married Silas Shank (son of Samuel R. Shank) on
July 29, 1897 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania682. He was born about 1874. He died
on October 30, 19181.
Notes for Lottie S. Clawson:
In 1925 and 1954, Lottie and Merle were living in Indiana, Indiana County,
FLORA BELLE CLAWSON93 (daughter of Albert C. Clawson and Katherine Barbara
Frank) was born on March 06, 1875 in White Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania176. She died on December 08, 1968 in Turtle Creek, Allegheny
County, Pennsylvania176. She married David H. George (son of Isaiah George and
Anna B. Steving) on May 05, 1903 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He was born
on October 19, 1875 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania176. He died on September 08,
1947 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania176.
Notes for David H. George:
David lived in Turtle Creek, Pennsylvania.
Indiana County Gazette (April 29, 1903)
Mr. David H. George of Turtle Creek, and Miss Belle Clawson, of town, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Clawson, will be married at noon, today at the Lutheran
parsonage by Rev. Lewis Hay. Miss Gertrude Clawson, a sister of the bride, and
Mr. Maurice Hile, of town, will be the attendants. After the ceremony they will go to
the bride's home, where dinner will be served. The couple will leave on the evening
train for Turtle Creek where they will go to housekeeping. Mr. George is a former
resident of this place and is employed in a furniture store in Turtle Creek.
MARY GERTRUDE CLAWSON137 (daughter of Albert C. Clawson and Katherine
Barbara Frank) was born on June 22, 1877 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania137. She
died on April 20, 1950 in Indiana, Indiana County, Pennsylvania137. She married
Maurice Hile on November 08, 190652. He was born in 187452. He died on May 10,
Notes for Mary Gertrude Clawson:
In 1922, they were living in Indiana, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
GEORGE FRANCIS CLAWSON93, 280 (son of Albert C. Clawson and Katherine Barbara
Frank) was born on May 25, 1879 in Indiana, Indiana County, Pennsylvania280. He
died on December 15, 1954 in Vandergrift, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania.
He married Lina J. Bailey about 1901683. She was born in 1880 in Pennsylvania683.
Notes for George Francis Clawson:
In 1925, George was living in Vandergrift, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania.
According to the 1930 census, George and his family were living in Vandergrift,
Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania.
THOMAS BENTON CLAWSON93 (son of Albert C. Clawson and Katherine Barbara
Frank) was born on September 25, 1884 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania355. He
married Mary Madlyn Schell on June 01, 1909 in Altoona, Blair County,
Pennsylvania335. She was born about 1888 in Pennsylvania273.
Notes for Thomas Benton Clawson:
In 1925 and 1954, Thomas was living in Butler, Pennsylvania.
HELEN ELIZABETH CLAWSON137 (daughter of Albert C. Clawson and Katherine
Generation 5 (con't)
HELEN ELIZABETH CLAWSON137 (daughter of Albert C. Clawson and Katherine
Barbara Frank) was born in December 1886 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania1. She
died on April 09, 19631. She married WILLIAM MERLE MCCARDLE (son of John
McCardle and Jane McQuown). He was born in 18871. He died on February 21,
FRED FRANK CLAWSON SR.93, 355 (son of Albert C. Clawson and Katherine Barbara
Frank) was born on June 03, 1889 in Indiana, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He
died on February 19, 1969 in Lucerne Mines, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He
married Jane Ann Cairns (daughter of Slater Cairns and Alice Smith) on August 09,
1914 in Indiana, Indiana County, Pennsylvania1. She was born on December 21,
1891 in England. She died on December 21, 1955 in Graceton, Indiana County,
Notes for Fred Frank Clawson Sr.:
According to the 1920 census, Fred and his family were living in Blacklick
Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
According to the 1930 census, Fred and his family were living in Center Township,
Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
Notes for Jane Ann Cairns:
Jane was married to Mr. Smith first.
viii. ALBERT HOWARD CLAWSON93 (son of Albert C. Clawson and Katherine Barbara
Frank) was born on November 03, 1892 in Indiana, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania280. He died on July 15, 1918 in France176.
Notes for Albert Howard Clawson:
Howard was the first person to be killed from Indiana County during World War I.
He was killed at the Battle of the Marne on July 15, 1918.
JAMES STEWART CLAWSON93, 684 (son of Albert C. Clawson and Katherine Barbara
Frank) was born on July 08, 1895 in White Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania. He died on October 18, 1979 in Indiana, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania. He married Agnes Catherine McCloskey (daughter of James
McCloskey and Bridgett O'Connell) about 1923684. She was born on April 29, 1904
in Reynoldsville, Jefferson County, Pennsylvania362. She died on March 14, 1988 in
Indiana, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
Notes for James Stewart Clawson:
According to the 1930 census, James and his family were living in White Township,
Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
THOMAS MABON5 CLAWSON (Daniel John4, John3, Daniel2, Josiah1)52 was born on April 17, 1854 in
Center Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He died on May 06, 1941 in White Township,
Indiana County, Pennsylvania176. He married Alice Jane Smith (daughter of ? Smith and Margaret
?) on August 23, 1877 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania19. She was born on September 22, 1855 in
Allegheny County, Pennsylvania. She died on April 19, 1941 in Indiana, Indiana County,
Notes for Thomas Mabon Clawson:
According to the 1930 census, Thomas and Alice were living in Indiana, Indiana County,
Thomas Mabon Clawson and Alice Jane Smith had the following children:
ANNIE L.6 CLAWSON52 (daughter of Thomas Mabon Clawson and Alice Jane Smith)
was born on October 16, 1879 in Rayne Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania1.
She died on July 14, 19191. She married David H. Repine (son of William H. Repine
and Mary E. Shirley) on February 01, 1899 in Indiana, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania1. He was born about 1879 in Pennsylvania685.
JAMES A. CLAWSON93 (son of Thomas Mabon Clawson and Alice Jane Smith) was
Generation 5 (con't)
JAMES A. CLAWSON93 (son of Thomas Mabon Clawson and Alice Jane Smith) was
born in September 1887 in Pennsylvania1. He married Hulda Marshall (daughter of
Jonathan M. Marshall and Martha ?) on February 10, 19061.
HARRY W. CLAWSON (son of Thomas Mabon Clawson and Alice Jane Smith)1. He
died in 1898.
GEORGE M. CLAWSON1 (son of Thomas Mabon Clawson and Alice Jane Smith) was
born about April 1893176. He died on December 21, 1893 in New Florence,
Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania686.
Notes for George M. Clawson:
Indiana Democrat (January 4, 1894)
CLAWSON - On Dec. 21st, at New Florence, Pa., George, infant son of Thomas
and Alice Clawson disease of the brain, aged 8 months.
The remains were brought to this place and interred in Oakland Cemetery on
WALTER CLARK CLAWSON1 (son of Thomas Mabon Clawson and Alice Jane Smith)
was born on August 24, 1896 in White Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He
died on December 17, 1896 in White Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania176.
NELLIE JESSIE5 CLAWSON (Daniel John4, John3, Daniel2, Josiah1)1 was born on August 01, 1869 in
Blairsville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She died on August 03, 1939 in New Florence,
Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania. She married Hugh M. Kells (son of Andrew J. Kells and Kate
?) on September 11, 18881. He was born in April 18641. He died in 19251.
Notes for Nellie Jessie Clawson:
In 1905, Nellie and Hugh were living in New Florence, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania.
Hugh M. Kells and Nellie Jessie Clawson had the following children:
JAMES D.6 KELLS137 (son of Hugh M. Kells and Nellie Jessie Clawson) was born in
August 1886 in Pennsylvania1.
JOHN J. KELLS137 (son of Hugh M. Kells and Nellie Jessie Clawson) was born in
December 1888 in Pennsylvania1.
LAURA B. KELLS137 (daughter of Hugh M. Kells and Nellie Jessie Clawson) was born
in June 1890 in Pennsylvania.
HENRY A. KELLS137 (son of Hugh M. Kells and Nellie Jessie Clawson) was born in
August 1892 in Pennsylvania. He married NORA ?.
HOMER M. KELLS137 (son of Hugh M. Kells and Nellie Jessie Clawson) was born in
October 1894 in Pennsylvania.
HELEN P. KELLS137 (daughter of Hugh M. Kells and Nellie Jessie Clawson) was born
in November 1898 in Pennsylvania. She married CHARLES SCHAEFER.
Notes for Helen P. Kells:
In 1939, Helen and Charles were living in Rahwah, New Jersey.
PETER H.5 CLAWSON (Fergus Moorhead4, John3, Daniel2, Josiah1)45, 52 was born on October 10,
1849 in Center Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He died on October 07, 1933 in Indiana,
Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He married Mary Isabelle Hunter on January 09, 1873 in Indiana
County, Pennsylvania408. She was born on March 07, 1853 in Armstong Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania52. She died on July 30, 1932 in Indiana, Indiana County, Pennsylvania52.
Peter H. Clawson and Mary Isabelle Hunter had the following children:
PEARL ELIZABETH6 CLAWSON212 (daughter of Peter H. Clawson and Mary Isabelle
Hunter) was born on September 13, 1878 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania1. She
married Robert Alexander West on October 30, 1902 in Greensburg, Westmoreland
County, Pennsylvania.
ANNA VIRGINIA CLAWSON1 (daughter of Peter H. Clawson and Mary Isabelle Hunter)
was born on November 04, 1884 in Armstong Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania. She died on April 07, 1936. She married Arthur Smith Birdsall on
November 21, 1908335. He was born in 1883. He died in 1951.
Generation 5 (con't)
CAROLINE C. CLAWSON52 (daughter of Peter H. Clawson and Mary Isabelle Hunter)
was born in August 1886 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania1. She died on March 24,
1964. She married CHARLES R. CRAWFORD. He was born in 1884. He died after
FRANCIS MARION5 CLAWSON (Fergus Moorhead4, John3, Daniel2, Josiah1)176 was born on August
09, 1851 in Center Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania176. He died on January 11, 1917 in
Center Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania176. He married Clarissa Melissa Spence (daughter
of James Spence and Sara Jane Getty) on July 14, 1883 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania409. She
was born on July 02, 1856 in White Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She died on June 27,
1943 in Center Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania410.
Notes for Francis Marion Clawson:
Not sure if this is a sibling or a spouse to Frank Clawson.
Notes for Clarissa Melissa Spence:
According to the 1930 census, Clara and her family were living in Center Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania.
Francis Marion Clawson and Clarissa Melissa Spence had the following children:
VERNIE VIOLA6 CLAWSON52 (daughter of Francis Marion Clawson and Clarissa
Melissa Spence) was born on October 26, 1883 in Indiana, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania410. She died on October 10, 1952. She married John Rittner Marshall
on January 13, 1905 in Homer City, Indiana County, Pennsylvania335. He was born
in 1876. He died in 194249.
Notes for Vernie Viola Clawson:
In 1917, Vernie was living in Graceton, Pennsylvania.
In 1941, Vernie was living in Indiana RD 5, Pennsylvania.
BERTHA MABEL CLAWSON52 (daughter of Francis Marion Clawson and Clarissa
Melissa Spence) was born on April 11, 1886 in Center Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania. She died on March 16, 1942 in Edgewood, Indiana County,
Notes for Bertha Mabel Clawson:
According to data from Debbie Gasparich, Bertha was married to John
According to Arlene Rainelli, Bertha was never married.
EDNA GRACE CLAWSON410, 687 (daughter of Francis Marion Clawson and Clarissa
Melissa Spence) was born on March 22, 1889 in Center Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania410. She died on January 07, 1979 in Brownsville, Fayette County,
Pennsylvania. She married John Clyde Hockenberry (son of John Alderson
Hockenberry and Mary Ellen Moose) on June 10, 1914 in Edgewood, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania. He was born on December 02, 1890 in Coral, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania. He died on August 18, 1967 in Uniontown, Fayette County,
Notes for Edna Grace Clawson:
In 1917, Grace and Clyde were living in Graceton, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
In 1941, Grace and Clyde were living in Nemacolin, Pennsylvania.
In 1957, Grace and Clyde were living in Nemacolin, Pennsylvania.
Since 1928, Grace and Clyde were living in Nemacolin, Pennsylvania.
JOHN MARION CLAWSON52 (son of Francis Marion Clawson and Clarissa Melissa
Spence) was born on August 14, 1891 in Center Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania. He died on January 29, 1957 in Indiana R. D. 1, Indiana County,
Generation 5 (con't)
Notes for John Marion Clawson:
In 1917, John was living in at home in Center Township, Indiana County,
According to the 1930 census, WJohn was living with his mother in Center
Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
It appears that John was never married.
BERT WILBERT CLAWSON52 (son of Francis Marion Clawson and Clarissa Melissa
Spence) was born on November 19, 1893 in Center Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania. He died on January 09, 1936 in White Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania410. He married Elizabeth George (daughter of Thomas Henry George
and Sarah Jane Davis) in 1925. She was born on March 21, 1908 in Center
Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania93. She died on July 04, 1925 in Crete,
Indiana County, Pennsylvanai93.
Notes for Bert Wilbert Clawson:
In 1917, Bert was living in at home in Center Township, Indiana County,
According to the 1930 census, Bert was living with his mother in Center Township,
Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
SAMUEL FERGUS5 CLAWSON (Fergus Moorhead4, John3, Daniel2, Josiah1)1, 14, 44 was born on
January 19, 1853 in Center Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He died on February 07,
1933 in Allison Park, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania. He married Sarah Smith Pitt (daughter of
Stewart Davis Pitt II and Margaret Hoover) on November 27, 1873 in Indiana County,
Pennsylvania49. She was born on August 06, 1852 in Clarksburg, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
She died on September 19, 1940 in Norwalk, Ohio.
Notes for Samuel Fergus Clawson:
According to the 1900 Census, Samuel and his family were living in Blacklick Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania.
According to the 1930 census, Samuel was living with his daughter, Blanche, in Shaler, Allegheny
County, Pennsylvania.
Samuel Fergus Clawson and Sarah Smith Pitt had the following children:
WILLIAM FERGUS6 CLAWSON1 (son of Samuel Fergus Clawson and Sarah Smith Pitt)
was born on October 05, 1874 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He died on June
17, 1916 in North Washington, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania. He married
Laura Mae Baker (daughter of Edward Lease Baker and Margaret Mikesell) on
September 13, 1899 in Indiana, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She was born on
October 15, 1880 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She died on March 25, 1948 in
Apollo R. D. 2, Pennsylvania.
Notes for Laura Mae Baker:
According to the 1930 census, Laura and her daughter, Dorothy, were living in New
Huntingdon Township, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania.
HARRY STEWART CLAWSON46 (son of Samuel Fergus Clawson and Sarah Smith Pitt)
was born on October 06, 1876 in Edgewood, Indiana County, Pennsylvania176. He
died on January 15, 1945 in White Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania176. He
married (1) MABEL LAURA HILEMAN (daughter of James Stephens Hileman and Mary
Evaline Campbell) on January 08, 1902 in Indiana, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
She was born on April 05, 1884 in White Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania335. She died on March 08, 1910 in White Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania93. He married (2) OLIVE MAY WINSHEIMER (daughter of John Michael
Winsheimer and Mary Malissa Emerick) on December 27, 1911. She was born on
June 14, 1875 in Onberg, Indiana County, Pennsylvania49. She died on July 23,
Generation 5 (con't)
June 14, 1875 in Onberg, Indiana County, Pennsylvania49. She died on July 23,
1925 in Montgomery County, Pennsylvania.
CHARLES HARVEY CLAWSON52 (son of Samuel Fergus Clawson and Sarah Smith
Pitt) was born on September 24, 1878 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He died on
April 16, 1961 in Washington, D. C.. He married BERTHA MCCAULEY (daughter of
Samuel McCauley). She was born on January 20, 1888 in Armstrong County,
Pennsylvania. She died in 1925.
Notes for Charles Harvey Clawson:
In 1916, Charles was living in Spring Church, Pennsylvania.
According to the 1930 census, Charles and his family were living in Kiskiminetas
Township, Armstrong County, Pennsylvania.
GEORGE LOWMAN CLAWSON137 (son of Samuel Fergus Clawson and Sarah Smith
Pitt) was born on March 25, 1880 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania137. He died on
May 20, 1964 in Glen Campbell R. D. 1, Indiana County, Pennsylvania137. He
married (1) LAURA ELIZABETH REPPLOGEL (daughter of Josiah Craig Repplogel and
Margaret Jane Layton) on February 19, 190352. She was born on May 31, 1883 in
Pennsylvania162. She died on August 18, 1912 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania162.
He married (2) ALICE MAYBEL FISHER (daughter of Joseph Fisher and Matilda ?)
about 1924. She was born on July 03, 1888 in Tarentum, Allegheny County,
Pennsylvania. She died on May 10, 1962 in Cherry Tree, Indiana County,
Notes for George Lowman Clawson:
In 1916, George was living in Brackenridge, Pennsylvania.
MATILDA BLANCHE CLAWSON44, 52 (daughter of Samuel Fergus Clawson and Sarah
Smith Pitt) was born on June 19, 1884 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She died
on April 21, 1970. She married (1) ARCHIE E. BOWERS on March 25, 1908 in
Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania. He was born on January 11, 18861. She
married (2) ABRAHAM JOHN DEABENDERFER (son of Lewis Deabenderfer and Mary
Ann Heckman) on March 05, 1915688. He was born in July 1870 in Pennsylvania688.
He died in 1948 in Pennsylvania688. She married (3) FREDERICK SCHEIBLER (son of
William Scheibler and Eleanor ?) on May 27, 192249. He was born about 1872 in
Pennsylvania689. She married (4) MIT AUSTIN after 192349.
Notes for Matilda Blanche Clawson:
In 1916, Blanche was living in Indiana, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
In 1917, Blanche and Abe were living in Indiana, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
According to the 1930 census, Blanche and Fredeick were living in Shaler,
Allegheny County, Pennsylvania.
In 1964, Blanche was living in Ohio.
HAZEL DESSIE CLAWSON44, 52 (daughter of Samuel Fergus Clawson and Sarah Smith
Pitt) was born on June 26, 1886 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She died on June
28, 1955 in Clearwater, Pinellas County, Florida. She married GILLIS C. OVERDORFF
(son of John S. Overdorff and Ellen Jane Hoover). He was born on November 08,
1880 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania137. He died on
February 24, 1941 in Blairsville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania137.
Notes for Hazel Dessie Clawson:
In 1917, they were was living in Blairsville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
EARL MONTGOMERY CLAWSON44, 49 (son of Samuel Fergus Clawson and Sarah
Smith Pitt) was born on June 22, 1890 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania49. He died
on March 07, 1963 in Florida49. He married Helena Elizabeth Miller on September
14, 19211. She was born in 1890 in Pennsylvania690.
Generation 5 (con't)
Notes for Earl Montgomery Clawson:
Earl and Helena had no children.
In 1916, Earl was living in Blairsville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
GEORGE LOWMAN5 CLAWSON (Fergus Moorhead4, John3, Daniel2, Josiah1)49, 278 was born on
September 03, 1856 in Center Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania52. He died on November
15, 1935 in Blairsville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania52. He married Ursula Carson (daughter of
James Carson and Martha ?) on December 31, 1885 in Center Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania. She was born on March 04, 1856 in Center Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania133. She died on May 16, 1933 in Blairsville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania52.
Notes for George Lowman Clawson:
According to the 1900 census, George and his family were living in Blairsville, Indiana County,
According to the 1930 census, George and Ursula were living in Blairsville, Indiana County,
George Lowman Clawson and Ursula Carson had the following children:
NELLIE M.6 CLAWSON278 (daughter of George Lowman Clawson and Ursula Carson)
was born in November 1886 in Pennsylvania278. She married Charles B. Coyle in
November 1907 in Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania335.
Notes for Nellie M. Clawson:
In 1955, Nellie and Charles were living in Parris, Tennesee.
ROBERT ARMSTRONG CLAWSON211, 278, 280 (son of George Lowman Clawson and
Ursula Carson) was born on May 20, 1893 in Blairsville, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania211. He died on August 25, 1955 in Blairsville, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania. He married Besse A. Taylor (daughter of Augustus Herman Taylor
and Agnes Lucas) on February 18, 1914 in Wellsburg, Brooke County, West
Virginia335. She was born on September 18, 1899 in Indiana County,
Pennsylvania93. She died on April 13, 1964 in Blairsville, Indiana County,
Notes for Robert Armstrong Clawson:
Robert and Bessie had no children.
According to the 1930 census, Robert and Bessie were living in Blairsville, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania.
REBECCA JANE5 CLAWSON (Fergus Moorhead4, John3, Daniel2, Josiah1)52 was born on June 17,
1858 in Center Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She died on May 02, 1917 in Edgewood,
Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She married (1) JOHN KELLY between 1890-1900. He was born in
185252. He died in 189052. She married (2) JAMES M. NEAL. He died on November 10, 191631.
John Kelly and Rebecca Jane Clawson had the following children:
LOUISE M.6 KELLY52 (daughter of John Kelly and Rebecca Jane Clawson) was born
on June 14, 1882 in Indiana, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She died on January
05, 1967. She married JOHN C. BISCHOFF. He was born in 188449. He died in
RACHEL A. MYRTLE KELLY52 (daughter of John Kelly and Rebecca Jane Clawson)
was born on May 22, 1885.
MARY KELLY52 (daughter of John Kelly and Rebecca Jane Clawson) was born on
August 28, 1887. She died on August 23, 1888.
ELIZABETH S. KELLY52 (daughter of John Kelly and Rebecca Jane Clawson) was
born on September 21, 1888. She died in 1890.
MAGGIE ESTHER KELLY52 (daughter of John Kelly and Rebecca Jane Clawson) was
born on June 20, 1890. She died on October 22, 1896.
PERMELIA ANN5 CLAWSON (Fergus Moorhead4, John3, Daniel2, Josiah1)52, 176 was born on February
Generation 5 (con't)
PERMELIA ANN5 CLAWSON (Fergus Moorhead4, John3, Daniel2, Josiah1)52, 176 was born on February
20, 1866 in Center Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She died on December 18, 1935 in
Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She married Savanis Eli "Van" Jobe (son of Robert Jobe and
Elizabeth Kunkle) in 1887116, 231. He was born on January 23, 1861 in Center Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania176. He died on July 11, 1947 in Josephine, Burrell Township, Indiana County,
Savanis Eli "Van" Jobe and Permelia Ann Clawson had the following children:
IRA IRVIN6 JOBE52, 176 (son of Savanis Eli "Van" Jobe and Permelia Ann Clawson)
was born on December 05, 1888 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He died on
February 22, 1970 in Ormond Beach, Volusia County, Florida. He married (1)
ALYCE TEMPERANCE SNYDER on December 07, 1915. She was born in 1889176. She
died on July 31, 1954176. He married (2) EMMA BROWN after 1916.
CLAIR GILBERT JOBE52, 176 (son of Savanis Eli "Van" Jobe and Permelia Ann
Clawson) was born on August 21, 1893176. He died on December 30, 1924176. He
married VIOLA IMOGENE CARNAHAN. She was born on January 24, 1897176. She died
on October 11, 1936176.
Notes for Viola Imogene Carnahan:
According to the 1930 census, Imogene and her family were living in Indiana,
Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
LISLE MOORHEAD JOBE162 (son of Savanis Eli "Van" Jobe and Permelia Ann
Clawson) was born in 1900. He died on February 13, 1930162. He married SARAH
GENEVIEVE MCHENRY. She was born on October 18, 189949. She died on April 12,
ELLA MAE5 CLAWSON (Fergus Moorhead4, John3, Daniel2, Josiah1)52 was born on June 03, 1874 in
Center Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She died on September 19, 1946. She married
Harvey Blair Engle on October 06, 1897 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He was born in 1874. He
died in 1952.
Notes for Ella Mae Clawson:
In 1917, Mae was living in at home in Johnstown, Cambria County, Pennsylvania.
Harvey Blair Engle and Ella Mae Clawson had the following children:
ESTHER L.6 ENGLE52 (daughter of Harvey Blair Engle and Ella Mae Clawson) was
born on January 13, 1899. She married John H. Kern on December 06, 1938335.
ROY AMBER ENGLE52 (son of Harvey Blair Engle and Ella Mae Clawson) was born
on January 23, 1901. He died on June 23, 1901.
CLETA ENGLE52 (daughter of Harvey Blair Engle and Ella Mae Clawson) was born on
August 01, 1911. She married ROBERT BOYLE.
STELLA M. ENGLE52 (daughter of Harvey Blair Engle and Ella Mae Clawson) was
born on January 26, 1913. She died in November 1934.
JOSEPHINE5 PEDDICORD (Permelia4 Clawson, John3 Clawson, Daniel2 Clawson, Josiah1
Clawson)137 was born on March 13, 1862 in Brush Valley Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania137. She died in 1944 in Indiana, Indiana County, Pennsylvania137. She married NOAH
BOYER. He died before 1944137.
Noah Boyer and Josephine Peddicord had the following children:
GUY AMBER6 BOYER (son of Noah Boyer and Josephine Peddicord)49. He married
CREA BOYER (daughter of Noah Boyer and Josephine Peddicord)137.
MERILDA BOYER (daughter of Noah Boyer and Josephine Peddicord)137.
NANCY MARY5 CLAWSON (David4, John3, Daniel2, Josiah1) was born on May 06, 1858 in Burlington,
Des Moines County, Iowa. She died on July 23, 1934 in Nez Pierce County, Idaho. She married (1)
OWEN M. BARTLETT on April 03, 1873 in Mount Ayr, Ringold County, Iowa. He was born about
1847. She married (2) JAMES HARRISON HAMILTON on February 03, 1881 in Multnomah County,
Oregon. He was born on February 18, 1853 in Macon County, Missouri. He died on March 22,
1907 in Spokane, Spokane County, Washington. She married (3) E. R. VAUGHN.
Generation 5 (con't)
1907 in Spokane, Spokane County, Washington. She married (3) E. R. VAUGHN.
Notes for Nancy Mary Clawson:
Treveled by covered wagon from Iowa to Oregon in the 1870's, bringing a rose of which 2 or more
of her great grandchildren have descendants called "Little Grandma's 90 Year Old Rose." Nancy
Mary was called "Little Grandma" because she was smaller than her daughter Lena Pearl Hamilton
Wilkinson. She and her first husband, Owen Bartlett, arrived in Oregon, June 25, 1875.
Owen M. Bartlett and Nancy Mary Clawson had the following children:
CORA ELLA6 BARTLETT (daughter of Owen M. Bartlett and Nancy Mary Clawson).
She married THOMAS HALLIBURTON. He was born on August 31, 1874 in Des
Moines, Polk County, Iowa. He died on December 03, 1969 in Lawndale, Los
Angeles County, California.
ALBERT CLINTON BARTLETT (son of Owen M. Bartlett and Nancy Mary Clawson) was
born on July 07, 1877 in Iowa. He died on January 19, 1970 in Greer, Clearwater
County, Idaho. He married Annie Hollutz in Sprague, Lincoln County, Washington.
Notes for Albert Clinton Bartlett:
Albert was former woodworker and independent logger at Weippe, Idaho. He first
came to the area with his mother. They homestead on the Joseph Plains. He had
one daughter, Grace Ellen, but had not seen her since she was a child.
James Harrison Hamilton and Nancy Mary Clawson had the following children:
MYRTLE WANETA6 HAMILTON (daughter of James Harrison Hamilton and Nancy Mary
Clawson) was born on December 07, 1881 in Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon.
She died on July 16, 1961 in Spokane, Spokane County, Washington. She married
(1) FRANK COEN. He died in 1948 in Moscow, Latah County, Idaho. She married (2)
LENA PEARL HAMILTON (daughter of James Harrison Hamilton and Nancy Mary
Clawson) was born on April 05, 1883 in Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon. She
died on January 22, 1949 in Lewiston, Nez Perce County, Idaho. She married Roy
Theo Wilkinson on April 25, 1900 in Moscow, Latah County, Idaho. He was born on
October 29, 1876 in Liberty Township, Clarke County, Iowa. He died on April 25,
1940 in Orofino, Clearwater County, Idaho.
Notes for Lena Pearl Hamilton:
When a girl, Lena moved with her parents from Portland Oregon to Moscow, Idaho,
where she married R. T. Wilkinson. She and her husband lived in Spokane,
Washington for 2 years after their marriage and then moved to Russell, Idaho.
Later, they lived at Brogan, Oregon and Greer, Idaho, moving to Orofino where they
resided until after her husband's death
HARRISON CLAY HAMILTON (son of James Harrison Hamilton and Nancy Mary
Clawson) was born on July 12, 1884 in Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon. He
died on July 23, 1951 in Lewiston, Nez Perce County, Idaho.
ETHEL LEE HAMILTON (daughter of James Harrison Hamilton and Nancy Mary
Clawson) was born on August 03, 1886 in Deer Creek, Washington. She died on
October 07, 1958 in Clearwater County, Idaho. She married ROY HAMMOND.
DAVID SAMUEL HAMILTON (son of James Harrison Hamilton and Nancy Mary
Clawson) was born on May 03, 1888 in Elberta, Washington. He died on July 05,
1961 in Valley, Stevens County, Washington. He married ARSTINE DODGE.
ARTHUR E. HAMILTON (son of James Harrison Hamilton and Nancy Mary Clawson)
was born on January 02, 1890 in Camach, Washington. He died on May 22, 1900.
SHANNON FRANKLIN HAMILTON (son of James Harrison Hamilton and Nancy Mary
Clawson) was born on January 31, 1892 in Moscow, Latah County, Idaho. He died
on November 25, 1957 in Alhambra, Los Angeles County, California. He married
Esther Kathryn Mayes on October 11, 1924.
viii. BERTHA BELL HAMILTON (daughter of James Harrison Hamilton and Nancy Mary
Clawson) was born on March 10, 1894 in Moscow, Latah County, Idaho. She died
on February 28, 1953 in Lewiston, Nez Perce County, Idaho. She married Henry
Generation 5 (con't)
on February 28, 1953 in Lewiston, Nez Perce County, Idaho. She married Henry
Peters on December 25, 1911.
WILLIAM EVERETT HAMILTON (son of James Harrison Hamilton and Nancy Mary
Clawson) was born on March 11, 1897. He died on February 18, 1962. He married
(1) LOUISE BIRD on October 04, 1952 in Reno, Washoe County, Nevada. He married
(2) MINNIE SMITH on April 19, 1924.
ELIZABETH5 CLAWSON (David4, John3, Daniel2, Josiah1)52 was born about 1861. She married (1) ?
?. She married (2) ? HINEMAN.
? ? and Elizabeth Clawson had the following children:
?6 ? (child of ? ? and Elizabeth Clawson)49.
? ? (child of ? ? and Elizabeth Clawson)49.
? Hineman and Elizabeth Clawson had the following child:
?6 HINEMAN (child of ? Hineman and Elizabeth Clawson)49.
THOMAS PORTER5 CLAWSON (Daniel4, David3 Sr., Daniel2, Josiah1)3, 36, 412 was born on April 16,
1861 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He died on February 18, 19331. He
married Sarah Ann Rhea (daughter of Hugh Rhea and Nancy Elgin) in 18841. She was born on
July 29, 1846 in Pennsylvania383. She died in April 1927.
Notes for Thomas Porter Clawson:
TThis is an excerpt from the book, 'HISTORY OF INDIANA COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA' by
JOSHUA T. STEWART, published in 1913.
THOMAS PORTER CLAWSON, an agriculturist of Center township, Indiana county, was born April
16, 1861, son of Daniel and Anna E. (Moses) Clawson. The first of the name in Indiana county
was Daniel Clawson, a native of Hollidaysburg, Blair Co., Pa., who settled in Blacklick township, on
a farm of 160 acres, being one of the pioneers of that region. On this property he erected buildings
and spent the remainder of his life in useful, peaceful pursuits, dying there; his remains were
interred in Bethel graveyard in Center township. He was a consistent member of the Presbyterian
Church. Daniel Clawson married Margaret Hollis, of Blair county, and their children were: John;
David; Ephraim, who located in Center township; Sally, who married John Clawson, of Center
township; and William, who was killed by a horse in childhood.
David Clawson, son of Daniel, was born in Hollidaysburg, Pa., and came to Blacklick township with
his parents. There he took up farming, and followed that calling all his life, spending his days upon
his farm, where he died, his remains being buried in the Jacksonville Presbyterian cemetery. In
politics he was a Republican. While residing in Blacklick he was married to Rebecca Ross,
daughter of John Ross, also of Blacklick township, and their children were: Daniel; Margaret,
Nancy and John, all three of whom died in childhood; David, who is still residing in Blacklick
township; Porter, who was in a Pennsylvania regiment during the Civil war, and now resides in
Cokeville, Pa.; Fergus; and Lucinda, who married Abraham Dingman.
Daniel Clawson, son of David, was born in Blacklick township, where he was educated, attending
public school. He remained on the homestead until the summer of 1863, when he enlisted, in
August, in Company K, 135th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, but was soon thereafter taken sick
and confined in Harwood hospital, where he died in October, 1863. He was buried at Washington,
D. C. Mr. Clawson was only thirty years old at the time of his untimely death. Politically he was a
Republican. The Methodist Church held his membership, and he was a faithful adherent to its
teachings. He married Annie E. Moses, of Bedford county, Pa., daughter of Jacob and Hannah
(Blake) Moses, and the following children were born of this marriage: Hannah Jane, deceased,
who married David Swoger; and Thomas Porter and Agnes, twins, the latter marrying George
Moses and residing in Cleveland, Ohio. On June 26, 1872, Mrs. Clawson married (second) Porter
Clawson, her brother-in-law, and they had two children: Nora, who married Stewart Wolford, of
Cokeville; and Edward, who resides in Blacklick township.
Thomas Porter Clawson, son of Daniel, continued under his mother's protection until be was
thirteen years old, when he went to live with his grandfather. There he learned farming from the
beginning, and after he married he bought thirty-two acres of land, a portion of the homestead, and
Generation 5 (con't)
beginning, and after he married he bought thirty-two acres of land, a portion of the homestead, and
began agricultural pursuits for himself. Later on he bought the Rhea farm of 138 acres, and there
spent eighteen years, in 1902 selling this property to the Rochester & Pittsburg Coal Company. He
now owns the Lucas farm located near his old place.
In 1884 Mr. Clawson was married to Sarah A. Rhea, a daughter of Hugh Rhea, of Center township.
They had one son, Arthur, who married Effie Kerr, by whom be has had two children: Miland and
Wilbur, and lives in Jacksonville.
Mr. Clawson has always given the Republican ticket his hearty support. As a member and trustee
of the Jacksonville Methodist Church he has been very useful, and for eleven years has been an
enthusiastic Sunday school teacher; for ten years he as been class leader and steward. A man of
abundant energy, Mr. Clawson has always carried through to successful completion anything he
set out to accomplish. Genial in disposition, he has won friends, and retained them through long
years because one of his sober, industrious habits deserves all confidence and respect.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------According to the 1900 Census, Thomas and his family were living in Center Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania.
In 1924, Thomas was living in Indiana, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
According to the 1930 census, Thomas was living in Indiana, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
Thomas Porter Clawson and Sarah Ann Rhea had the following child:
ARTHUR HARRY6 CLAWSON3, 412 (son of Thomas Porter Clawson and Sarah Ann
Rhea) was born on May 18, 1885 in Center Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania355, 362. He died on October 21, 1963 in Indiana R. D. 1, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania. He married Effie Nora Kerr (daughter of William James Kerr
and Elisabeth Coffman) on December 14, 1904 in Livermore, Westmoreland
County, Pennsylvania1. She was born on October 11, 1886 in Indiana County,
Pennsylvania362. She died in August 1970 in North East, Erie County,
Notes for Arthur Harry Clawson:
According to the 1930 census, Arthur and his family were living in Indiana, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania.
Notes for Effie Nora Kerr:
According to the 1930 census, Imogene and her family were living in Indiana,
Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
WILLIAM NEWTON5 CLAWSON (David4, David3 Sr., Daniel2, Josiah1)1, 280 was born on May 12, 1876
in Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He died on January 04, 1938137. He married Daisy Olive Kimmel
(daughter of Solomon Kimmel and Mary Clark) on November 20, 19051. She was born on February
05, 1883 in Elderton, Armstrong County, Pennsylvania. She died on July 08, 1964 in Weinel's
Crossroad, Allegheny Township, ? County, Pennsylvania.
Notes for Daisy Olive Kimmel:
Daisy died at the home of her daughter.
William Newton Clawson and Daisy Olive Kimmel had the following child:
RUTH6 CLAWSON1 (daughter of William Newton Clawson and Daisy Olive Kimmel)
was born in 19001. She married OLIVER MILLER.
Notes for Ruth Clawson:
In 1964, she and Oliver were living in Weinel's Crossroad, Pennsylvania.
JOSEPH ELLSWORTH5 CLAWSON (David4, David3 Sr., Daniel2, Josiah1)137 was born on June 05,
1878 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania280. He died in 1961370. He married Amelia Armina Duff
(daughter of Samuel Duff and Nancy Smith) on December 23, 1902 in Indiana County,
Pennsylvania413. She was born on April 23, 1878 in Bell Township, Clearfield County,
Pennsylvania137. She died on September 28, 1958 in Clymer, Indiana County, Pennsylvania137.
Generation 5 (con't)
Pennsylvania137. She died on September 28, 1958 in Clymer, Indiana County, Pennsylvania137.
Notes for Joseph Ellsworth Clawson:
According to the 1930 census, Joseph and his family were living in Clymer, Indiana County,
Joseph Ellsworth Clawson and Amelia Armina Duff had the following children:
CARL WILBER6 CLAWSON137 (son of Joseph Ellsworth Clawson and Amelia Armina
Duff) was born on September 12, 1903 in Banks Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania137. He died on March 12, 1983 in Clymer, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania137. He married Elsie White (daughter of Alvin White and Mary Brickell)
about 1923691. She was born on March 17, 1903 in Banks Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania137. She died on July 15, 1989 in Clymer, Indiana County,
Notes for Carl Wilber Clawson:
According to the 1930 census, Carl and his family were living in Clymer, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania.
CHESTER L. CLAWSON137 (son of Joseph Ellsworth Clawson and Amelia Armina Duff)
was born in 1906 in Banks Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania692. He died on
April 07, 1926 in Clymer, Indiana County, Pennsylvania137.
VIOLET CLAWSON137 (daughter of Joseph Ellsworth Clawson and Amelia Armina
Duff) was born in May 1909 in Banks Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania1.
She died before 2001. She married (1) H. M. FUNK after 1930. She married (2) ?
SPRANCE about 1924691. He was born in Italy691.
Notes for Violet Clawson:
According to the 1930 census, Violer was living with her parents and her two
children in Cherryhill Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
In 1958, Violet and her husband were living in Barnesboro, Cambria County,
DAVID CLAWSON137 (son of Joseph Ellsworth Clawson and Amelia Armina Duff) was
born on July 03, 1910692. He died on July 18, 1911692.
JOSEPH EUGENE CLAWSON137 (son of Joseph Ellsworth Clawson and Amelia Armina
Duff) was born on February 12, 1914 in Smithport, Pennsylvania693. He died on
February 12, 2001 in Clymer, Indiana County, Pennsylvania362, 693. He married
Laura Virginia Myers (daughter of Albert Myers and Martha Coy) on February 13,
1940 in Mahaffey, Clearfield County, Pennsylvania335. She was born on February
02, 1919 in Indiana, Indiana County, Pennsylvania457. She died on February 09,
2012 in Clymer, Indiana County, Pennsylvania457.
Notes for Laura Virginia Myers:
Virginia (Myers) Clawson, 93, of Clymer, passed away Thursday, Feb. 9, 2012, at
Indiana Regional Medical Center.
The daughter of Albert and Martha (Coy) Myers, she was born Feb. 2, 1919, in
Laura was a housewife and a member of the Clymer United Methodist Church. She
was a wonderful mother and a very loving grandmother who enjoyed spending time
with her family.
She is survived by six children: Nancy Orr and husband Bob, of Five Points; Judy
Campbell, of Indiana; Dennis and wife Toni, of Clymer; Richard and wife Linda, of
Clymer; Linda Webb, of Indiana; and David and wife Sharon, of Clymer, and 15
grandchildren: Mike Orr, Mary Beth Lazeration and husband Matthew, Renee
Lazeration, Melissa Paris, Alanna Clabaugh and husband Terry, Suzanne Jeffries
and husband Scott, Nadine Carney and husband Ken, Rhonda Hill and husband
Rick, Kimberly Weaver and husband Dave, Jill Bugal and husband Michael, Lori
Generation 5 (con't)
Rick, Kimberly Weaver and husband Dave, Jill Bugal and husband Michael, Lori
Clifford and husband Patrick, Amy Lucas and husband Mike, Amanda Lorelli and
husband Ron, D.J. Clawson and Taylor Clawson.
Also surviving are 22 great-grandchildren: Alonzo, Vaughn and Annissa Orr;
Matthew Lazeration; Laken and Madison Lazeration; Colt and Garth Clabaugh;
Cory and Evan Jefferies; Brayden, Maycie and Kiylar Lorelli; Madeline and Samuel
Weaver; Jordan, Reilly and Maggie Hill; and Elise, Marisa, Owen and Laila Clifford;
two stepgreat-grandchildren; David and Abigail Weaver; and one
great-great-granddaughter, Aviana Clabaugh.
Laura was preceded in death by her parents; her husband, Joseph Eugene
Clawson; one sister, Mary Jane; and five brothers, Harold, Carl, Eugene, John and
Friends will be received from 7 to 9 p.m. today and from 3 to 5 and 7 to 9 p.m.
Monday at Harry J. Bence Funeral Home, Clymer. Her funeral service will be held
at 11 a.m. Tuesday at the Clymer United Methodist Church, with visitation from 10
a.m. until the time of service, with the Rev. Brian Keller officiating.
Memorial contributions may be made to the Clymer United Methodist Church, 495
Hancock St., Clymer, PA 15728.
MARGARET CLAWSON137 (daughter of Joseph Ellsworth Clawson and Amelia Armina
Duff) was born in 1916692. She died in 1918692.
EDWARD ELLSWORTH5 CLAWSON (Porter Thomas4, David3 Sr., Daniel2, Josiah1)3 was born in
November 1874 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania1. He died on February 27,
1924 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania1. He married Elizabeth E. Huston
(daughter of John W. Huston and Mary Jane Palmer) on January 18, 1899335. She was born on
July 16, 1875 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She died on June 01, 1949 in Black Lick Township,
Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
Notes for Edward Ellsworth Clawson:
According to the 1900 census, Edward and his family were living in Blacklick Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania.
In 1921, Edward was living in Blacklick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
Notes for Elizabeth E. Huston:
According to the 1930 census, Elizabeth and her family were living in Blacklick Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania.
Edward Ellsworth Clawson and Elizabeth E. Huston had the following children:
ANNA MARY6 CLAWSON1 (daughter of Edward Ellsworth Clawson and Elizabeth E.
Huston) was born on November 20, 1899 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania211. She died before 1969. She married Wilbur M. Bruner (son of J. C.
Bruner and Sarah Belle Griffith) on March 01, 1922 in Indiana County,
Pennsylvania19. He was born in 1901 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania19. He died before 1987.
Notes for Anna Mary Clawson:
In 1929, Mae and Wilbur were living in Blacklick, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
In 1949, Mae and Wilbur were living in Blairsville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
Notes for Wilbur M. Bruner:
According to the 1930 census, Wilbur and his family were living in Homer City,
Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
Generation 5 (con't)
JOHN PORTER CLAWSON3, 158 (son of Edward Ellsworth Clawson and Elizabeth E.
Huston) was born on July 05, 1901 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania158. He died on May 07, 1969 in Blairsville R. D. 2, Indiana County,
Notes for John Porter Clawson:
In 1929 and 1949, John was living in Blacklick Township, Indiana County,
John was never married.
GEORGE E. CLAWSON273 (son of Edward Ellsworth Clawson and Elizabeth E.
Huston) was born on January 18, 1903 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania211. He died on December 08, 1921 in Black Lick Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania1.
PAUL EDWARD CLAWSON3 (son of Edward Ellsworth Clawson and Elizabeth E.
Huston) was born on October 10, 1905 in Pennsylvania. He died on August 09,
1929 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
NORA AGNUS CLAWSON3, 158 (daughter of Edward Ellsworth Clawson and Elizabeth
E. Huston) was born about 1908 in Pennsylvania273. She died between
1964-198593. She married JOSEPH MCDOWELL.
Notes for Nora Agnus Clawson:
In 1929, Nora and Joseph were living in Grafton, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
In 1949, Nora and Joseph were living in Indiana, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
In 1969, Nora and Joseph were living in Indiana, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
JAMES LINCOLN CLAWSON93 (son of Edward Ellsworth Clawson and Elizabeth E.
Huston) was born in 1910 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania137.
He died on November 24, 1964 in Buffalo, Erie County, New York137. He married
DOROTHY EMMA PHILLIPS (daughter of Charles Perciphal Phillips). She died in
ETHEL MAE CLAWSON93 (daughter of Edward Ellsworth Clawson and Elizabeth E.
Huston) was born on September 09, 1912 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania137. She died on March 04, 2006 in Indiana, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania137. She married KENNETH W. ISENBERG (son of William R. Isenberg
and Catherine E. Lichtenfels). He was born on March 28, 1908 in New Florence,
Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania. He died on August 19, 1987 in Indiana,
Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
Notes for Ethel Mae Clawson:
In 1929, Ethel and Kenneth were living in Pitcairn, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania.
In 1949, Ethel and Kenneth were living in Indiana, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
In 1969, Ethel and Kenneth were living in Indiana R. D. 3, Indiana County,
In 1988, Ethel was living in Indiana, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
Blairsville Dispatch (March 10, 2006)
Ethel M. Isenberg
Ethel Mae Isenberg, 93, of Indiana, died Saturday, March 4, 2006, in St. Andrews
The daughter of the late Edward and Elizabeth Houston Clawson, she was born in
Generation 5 (con't)
The daughter of the late Edward and Elizabeth Houston Clawson, she was born in
Black Lick on Sept. 9, 1912.
Mrs. Isenberg was a lifetime resident of Indiana County and a member of the
Pleasant Valley Church of Christ. She was a devoted Christian.
She was known as a generous woman who was an excellent cook and baker.
She is survived by a son, Robert E. and wife Marlene, Creekside; three daughters;
Janet L. Adams and husband Arthur, Eden, N.Y.; Marie Stadtmiller and husband
Bernard, Creekside; Shirley Visnick and husband Ron, Indiana;
Also surviving are a sister, Lula Belle Clawson, Indiana; 10 grandchildren; 13
great-grandchildren; four great-step grandchildren; one great-great-grandchild; and
three step grandchildren.
She was preceded in death by her parents; her husband, Kenneth W. Isenberg; a
son, Kenneth B.; grandchildren, Gary Stadtmiller and Terry Adams; brothers, John,
George, Paul, Albert, James and Melvin; and two sisters, Annie and Nora.
Funeral services were held Wednesday at the Lefdahl Chapel with Brother Eugene
Lockard officiating. Interment followed in Greenwood Cemetery.
viii. ALBERT EMERSON CLAWSON93 (son of Edward Ellsworth Clawson and Elizabeth E.
Huston) was born on July 18, 1914 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania137. He died on January 25, 1988 in Blairsville R. D. 2, Indiana County,
Notes for Albert Emerson Clawson:
In 1929, 1949, 1969, and 1985, Albert was living in Blacklick Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania.
Albert was never married.
LULA BELLE CLAWSON137 (daughter of Edward Ellsworth Clawson and Elizabeth E.
Huston) was born on August 13, 1916 in Pennsylvania681.
Notes for Lula Belle Clawson:
In 1929, 1949, 1969, and 1988, Lula living in Blacklick Township, Indiana County,
MELVIN THOMAS CLAWSON137 (son of Edward Ellsworth Clawson and Elizabeth E.
Huston) was born on September 05, 1918 in Black Lick Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania137. He died on July 18, 1985 in Cortland, Trumbull County, Ohio137.
He married Charlotte Irene Harkins (daughter of Joseph Campbell Harkins and
Mary Olive Fairbanks) on August 12, 1936137. She was born on April 09, 1918 in
Black Lick, Indiana County, Pennsylvania137. She died on January 03, 2001 in
Cortland, Trumbull County, Ohio137.
Notes for Melvin Thomas Clawson:
In 1929, Melvin was living in Blacklick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
In 1949, 1964, 1969, and 1974, Melvin and Charlotte were living in Blacklick,
Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
Melvin moved to Ohio a year before his death.
Notes for Charlotte Irene Harkins:
Charlotte Clawson obit
Charlotte I. Harkins Clawson, 82, of Cortland, Ohio, on Wednesday, Jan. 3. Richard
L. Shoemaker Funeral Home, Blairsville.
Generation 5 (con't)
CLAWSON (Daniel Marion4, Ephriam3, Daniel2, Josiah1)49 was born in July 1873 in
Pennsylvania . He died on March 02, 1917 in Blairsville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He married
Alice Margaret Smith (daughter of Thomas B. Smith and Jane Frederick) on August 28, 1895 in
Indiana, Indiana County, Pennsylvania1, 415. She was born on January 08, 1875 in Blairsville,
Indiana County, Pennsylvania93. She died on March 13, 1951 in Torrance, Westmoreland County,
Notes for David Marion Clawson:
In 1911, Marion was living in Blairsville or Strangford, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
Notes for Alice Margaret Smith:
According to the 1930 census, Alice was living with her daughter, Nellie, in Derry, Westmoreland
County, Pennsylvania.
David Marion Clawson and Alice Margaret Smith had the following children:
GEORGE WILLIAM6 CLAWSON174 (son of David Marion Clawson and Alice Margaret
Smith) was born on April 15, 1896 in Jacksonville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania93.
He died on April 21, 1984 in Vandergrift, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania93. He
married MAUDE E. RETENOUR. She was born on October 30, 1897178. She died on
September 08, 1972.
NELLIE MAY CLAWSON93 (daughter of David Marion Clawson and Alice Margaret
Smith) was born on August 08, 1897 in Indiana, Indiana County, Pennsylvania137.
She died on May 19, 1985 in Torrance, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania137.
She married Clyde William Graham (son of Daniel Wesley Graham and Nettie Belle
Jones) about 1924484. He was born on January 14, 1893 in Pennsylvania694. He
died on April 22, 1979178.
Notes for Nellie May Clawson:
In 1952 and 1984, Nellie was living in Torrance, Pennsylvania.
Notes for Clyde William Graham:
According to the 1930 census, Clyde and his family were living in Derry,
Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania.
MALINDA JANE CLAWSON211 (daughter of David Marion Clawson and Alice Margaret
Smith) was born on October 11, 1898 in Kent, Indiana County, Pennsylvania211.
She died before 1984. She married ARCH HOUSEHOLDER. He was born in 1888.
Notes for Malinda Jane Clawson:
In 1952, Melinda was living in Coral, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
ELMER MARTIN CLAWSON93, 280 (son of David Marion Clawson and Alice Margaret
Smith) was born on April 21, 1900 in Kent, Indiana County, Pennsylvania211. He
died on September 09, 1952 in Detroit, Wayne County, Michigan. He married
Notes for Elmer Martin Clawson:
In 1951, Elmer was living in Detroit, Michigan.
JOHN M. CLAWSON93 (son of David Marion Clawson and Alice Margaret Smith) was
born on November 01, 1901 in Conemaugh Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania211. He died on November 16, 1964178. He married LENA I. BAUSERMAN
(daughter of William Bauserman and Lucy Sale). She was born on February 08,
1902 in McGaheysville, Virginia137, 362. She died on May 18, 1997 in Murrysville,
Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania137, 362.
Notes for John M. Clawson:
In 1952, John was living in Marysville, Pennsylvania.
Notes for Lena I. Bauserman:
Lena Clawson obit
Lena I. Clawson, 95, of Murrysville, died Sunday, May 18, 1997, in Forbes Hospice,
Generation 5 (con't)
Lena I. Clawson, 95, of Murrysville, died Sunday, May 18, 1997, in Forbes Hospice,
Pittsburgh. She was born Feb. 8, 1902, in McGaheysville, Va., daughter of the late
William and Lucy Sale Bauserman. She was a member of the Order of the Eastern
Star. She was preceded in death by her husband, John M. Clawson in 1964. She is
survived by two daughters, Billie Latshaw and her husband, Carl and Bonnie Miller,
all of Murrysville; a son, John M. Jr. and his wife, Dolores, of Ft. Lauderdale, Fla.;
three grandchildren, Gary and Jeffrey Clawson and Gail Edwards; four
great-grandchildren, Jennifer Lynn Clawson, Rachael Elizabeth Clawson, Amber
Lynn Edwards and Jessica Allan. Visitation Monday from 7 to 9 p.m. and Tuesday
from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. at the JOHN T. HART FUNERAL HOME, Murrysville. A
service will be held in the funeral home Wednesday at 11 a.m. with Dr. T. Ewen
Holmes officiating. Interment will follow in Twin Valley Memorial Park, Delmont. If
desire, memorials may be made to the Forbes Hospice, Pittsburgh.
MARY AGNES CLAWSON231 (daughter of David Marion Clawson and Alice Margaret
Smith) was born on December 01, 1903 in Saltsburg, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania137. She died on September 02, 1986 in Torrance, Westmoreland
County, Pennsylvania137. She married HARRY SAMUEL MCKEE. He was born in 1901.
Notes for Mary Agnes Clawson:
In 1952 and 1984, Agnes and Harry were living in Torrance, Pennsylvania.
MARGARET CLAWSON93 (daughter of David Marion Clawson and Alice Margaret
Smith) was born on April 22, 1905 in Saltsburg, Indiana County, Pennsylvania174,
211 . She died on September 29, 1905 in Saltsburg, Indiana County, Pennsylvania50 .
viii. FREDERICK MARION CLAWSON52, 695 (son of David Marion Clawson and Alice
Margaret Smith) was born on March 13, 1908 in Strangford, Burrell Township,
Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He died in December 1983 in Oakmont, Allegheny
County, Pennsylvania362. He married Jenibe Frances Miller (daughter of Luther
David Miller and Norma Lee Crites) on September 06, 1930. She was born on
September 30, 1911 in Buchannon, Upshur County, West Virginia362. She died on
October 08, 2001 in Penn Hills, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania137.
Notes for Frederick Marion Clawson:
In 1952, Frederick was living in Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania.
Notes for Jenibe Frances Miller:
Jean died in the Jane Holmes Residence, Wilkinsburg, Allegheny County,
MARY ETTA5 CLAWSON (Daniel Marion4, Ephriam3, Daniel2, Josiah1)49 was born on June 29, 1875
in Pennsylvania416. She died on September 26, 1952416. She married Harry Wallace Bergman (son
of William C. Bergman and Margaret Anna Lena Elrick) on October 11, 1899 in Young Township,
Indiana County, Pennsylvania1. He was born on March 01, 1868 in Pennsylvania416. He died on
February 01, 1946416.
Notes for Mary Etta Clawson:
In 1911, Mary and Harry were was living near Livermore, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
Harry Wallace Bergman and Mary Etta Clawson had the following children:
GRACE VIOLA6 BERGMAN137, 178 (daughter of Harry Wallace Bergman and Mary Etta
Clawson) was born on March 05, 1901178. She died before 1986. She married PAUL
FLORENCE MALINDA BERGMAN137, 178 (daughter of Harry Wallace Bergman and Mary
Etta Clawson) was born on June 29, 1905 in Conemaugh Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania137. She died on July 25, 1986 in Saltsburg, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania137. She married JOHN A. KELLY. He died on May 16, 1966137.
LENA MARIE BERGMAN137, 178 (daughter of Harry Wallace Bergman and Mary Etta
Clawson) was born on February 19, 1911 in Conemaugh Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania137. She died on February 19, 1996 in Conemaugh Township,
Indiana County, Pennsylvania137. She married John Robert Shirley (son of Willurias
Shirley and Sarah Anne Bowman) about 1933137. He was born in 1912178.
Generation 5 (con't)
Shirley and Sarah Anne Bowman) about 1933137. He was born in 1912178.
Notes for Lena Marie Bergman:
Lena Shirley obit
Lena M. Shirley, 84, of Conemaugh Township, Indiana County, died Monday, Feb.
19, 1996, in Latrobe Area Hospital. She was born Dec. 19, 1911, in Conemaugh
Township, a daughter of the late Harry and Mary Etta Clawson Bergman. She was
a graduate of the Indiana Normal School and taught elementary school for a
number of years in Conemaugh Township. She was a member of the Clarksburg
Presbyterian Church and Clarksburg Homemakers. In addition to her parents, she
was preceded in death by two sisters, Grace Kennedy and Florence Kelly. She is
survived by her husband of 63 years, John R. Shirley; three sons, William R. Shirley
of Conemaugh Township, Frank W. Shirley of Warren, Ohio, and J. Paul Shirley of
Bell Township; eight grandchildren; and four great-grandchildren. Friends will be
received Wednesday from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. in the CURRAN FUNERAL HOME
INC., 701 Salt St., Saltsburg. Services will be held Thursday at 11 a.m. in the
funeral home with the Rev. Tom Jones officiating. Interment in Edgewood
Cemetery, Saltsburg.
BERTHA5 CLAWSON (Daniel Marion4, Ephriam3, Daniel2, Josiah1)49 was born on December 12, 1876
in Pennsylvania178. She died on October 27, 1963178. She married Byer Beamer McConnaughay
(son of E. J. McConnaughay and Ann ?) on July 23, 1913 in Homer City, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania1. He was born in 1856176. He died in 1920176.
Notes for Bertha Clawson:
In 1911, Bertha was living in Indiana, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
In 1919, Bertha and her husband were living in Indiana, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
Notes for Byer Beamer McConnaughay:
According to the 1900 Census, Beamer and his family were living in Center Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania.
Byer Beamer McConnaughay and Bertha Clawson had the following child:
DANIEL M.6 MCCONNAUGHAY176 (son of Byer Beamer McConnaughay and Bertha
Clawson) was born in 1917. He died on May 22, 1917176.
VYANNA PEARL5 CLAWSON (Daniel Marion4, Ephriam3, Daniel2, Josiah1)158, 324 was born on October
08, 1878 in Young Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She died on October 27, 1963178. She
married PATRICK HENRY GREEN. He was born in 1876. He died on November 15, 1950178.
Notes for Vyanna Pearl Clawson:
In 1911, Pearl was living in Indiana, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
In 1965, Pearl was living in New Boston, Illinois.
Patrick Henry Green and Vyanna Pearl Clawson had the following children:
DOROTHY6 GREEN19 (daughter of Patrick Henry Green and Vyanna Pearl Clawson)
was born on May 29, 1916178. She married WARREN SLOAN. He was born in 1907.
He died in 1979178.
JOHN GILBERT GREEN19, 178 (son of Patrick Henry Green and Vyanna Pearl Clawson)
was born on February 29, 1920178. He married MILDRED SMITH. She was born in
HARRISON BLAINE5 CLAWSON (Daniel Marion4, Ephriam3, Daniel2, Josiah1)324 was born on March
15, 1885 in Young Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania158. He died on January 11, 1964 in
Hunkers R. D. 1, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania158. He married Eva Belle Patton about
1919417. She was born on April 14, 1887178. She died on January 27, 1926178.
Notes for Harrison Blaine Clawson:
In 1911, Harry was living in Falls Creek, Pennsylvania.
According to the 1930 census, Harry and his family were living in Mt. Pleasant, Westmoreland
Generation 5 (con't)
According to the 1930 census, Harry and his family were living in Mt. Pleasant, Westmoreland
County, Pennsylvania.
Harry could have been born on 3/15/1885 and died 1/1964. This is from the Social Security Death
Harrison Blaine Clawson and Eva Belle Patton had the following children:
MARY P.6 CLAWSON158 (daughter of Harrison Blaine Clawson and Eva Belle Patton)
was born in 1920 in Pennsylvania417. She died in 1964178.
HARRY CLAWSON174 (son of Harrison Blaine Clawson and Eva Belle Patton) was
born in 1922. He died in 1922.
MABEL CLAWSON158, 417 (daughter of Harrison Blaine Clawson and Eva Belle Patton)
was born in 1923 in Pennsylvania417. She died before 2007137. She married WILLIAM
LON HIPKISS. He was born in 1920.
LUCY JANE CLAWSON158, 417 (daughter of Harrison Blaine Clawson and Eva Belle
Patton) was born in 1924 in Pennsylvania417. She died before 2007137. She married
ALBERT A. DELL. He was born in 1914.
DOROTHY I. CLAWSON19 (daughter of Harrison Blaine Clawson and Eva Belle Patton)
was born on January 18, 1926 in Mt. Pleasant Township, Westmoreland County,
Pennsylvania137. She died on July 22, 2007 in Pleasant Hills, Allegheny County,
Notes for Dorothy I. Clawson:
Pittsburgh Post Gazette (July 24, 2007)
On Sunday morning, July 22, 2007, Dorothy Clawson went to be with the Lord she
loved and served so faithfully. Dorothy was born at home in Mt. Pleasant Township
on January 18, 1926 to Rev. Harry B. Clawson and Eva Belle Patton Clawson. She
was the youngest of four daughters. In 1947 she graduated from the Frick Memorial
School of Nursing and for 38 years she served MaGee and St. Francis Hospitals.
She spent her retirement years traveling, entertaining friends, gardening, and
enjoying life. She was an active member of First Presbyterian Church, Pittsburgh for
54 years. Dorothy is preceded in death by her mother and father, her three sisters,
Mary, Lucy Jane, and Mabel and by her good friend Dr. Irene Shank. She will be
greatly missed by many nieces, nephews, and friends. Viewing and visitation will
take place Wednesday, July 25, 2007 from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. and 7:00 to 9:00 p.m.
at JEFFERSON MEMORIAL FUNERAL HOME, 301 Curry Hollow Road. Service
will be held Thursday, July 26, 2007 at 10:30 a.m. also at Jefferson Memorial
Funeral Home. Rev. David Brown, Dr. Leslie Holmes, and Rev. Paul Votaw will be
BLANCHE MAY5 CLAWSON (Daniel Marion4, Ephriam3, Daniel2, Josiah1)49, 158, 178 was born on March
31, 1887 in Pennsylvania178. She died on December 04, 1969178. She married John Whittaker in
June 1912178. He was born in 1886. He died in 1950.
Notes for Blanche May Clawson:
In 1911, Blanche was living in Indiana, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
In 1965, Blanche was living in Cabot, Pennsylvania.
John Whittaker and Blanche May Clawson had the following children:
DOROTHY6 WHITTAKER174 (daughter of John Whittaker and Blanche May Clawson)
was born on June 10, 1912 in Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania696. She
died on October 18, 1978 in Butler, Butler County, Pennsylvania696. She married (1)
CLARENCE ALTMIRE (son of Theodore E. Altmire and Julia Elizabeth Kelly) on May
10, 1934696. He was born on March 25, 1909696. He died in 1964178. She married (2)
HARRY BOYER after 1940. He died in 1975178.
JANE WHITTAKER174 (daughter of John Whittaker and Blanche May Clawson) was
born in 1913. She married TOM BRISON. He was born in 1911.
Generation 5 (con't)
(son of John Whittaker and Blanche May Clawson) was born in
1916. He married DOROTHY MOHNEY. She was born in 1918.
MARGARETTE WHITTAKER174 (daughter of John Whittaker and Blanche May Clawson)
was born in 1927. She married (1) NOBLE TARRANT. She married (2) ? BAKER.
CHARLES HERBERT5 CLAWSON (Daniel Marion4, Ephriam3, Daniel2, Josiah1)49, 178, 231 was born in
August 1889 in Pennsylvania1. He died on January 05, 1936178. He married (1) RESSA MYRTLE
PAULEY (daughter of James Pauley and Sarah ?). She was born on June 12, 1885 in Illinois178, 231.
She died on August 10, 1927. He married (2) NORA ELIZA BRIGGS after 1927.
Notes for Charles Herbert Clawson:
According to the 1920 census, Charles and his family were living in New Boston Township, Mercer
County, Illinois.
In 1922, Charles was living in New Boston, Illinois.
Charles Herbert Clawson and Ressa Myrtle Pauley had the following children:
EARNEST GILBERT6 CLAWSON174, 178, 697 (son of Charles Herbert Clawson and Ressa
Myrtle Pauley) was born on November 23, 1912 in Illinois178. He died on October
03, 1934178.
BESSIE MAE CLAWSON231, 697 (daughter of Charles Herbert Clawson and Ressa
Myrtle Pauley) was born on July 17, 1915 in Illinois178. She died on May 11,
1971178. She married HARROLD VANHOOK. He was born on December 07, 1908178.
He died on October 01, 1981178.
HARRISON BLAINE CLAWSON178, 697 (son of Charles Herbert Clawson and Ressa
Myrtle Pauley) was born on January 01, 1917 in Illinois366. He died on May 26, 1989
in San Bernardino, San Bernardino County, California366. He married Dorothy Dean
Davenport on October 26, 1957178. She was born on December 11, 1925178.
FREDERICK COURTNEY CLAWSON174, 178, 697 (son of Charles Herbert Clawson and
Ressa Myrtle Pauley) was born on September 27, 1918 in Illinois178. He died on
May 19, 1980178. He married Dorothy Lucille McCreight on October 12, 1940178.
She was born on November 04, 1922178.
GLADYS IRENE CLAWSON174, 178, 231 (daughter of Charles Herbert Clawson and Ressa
Myrtle Pauley) was born on March 16, 1922 in New Boston, Mercer County,
Illinois231. She died on December 13, 1999 in New Ulm, Brown County,
Minnesota231. She married (1) CECIL JAMES NORTHROP JR. on November 28,
1940178. She married (2) WILLARD BROWN. She married (3) DALE MELVIN BROWN on
September 07, 1946 in Little York, Illinois231. He was born on September 25,
1923178. He died on December 04, 1985178.
Notes for Gladys Irene Clawson:
Gladys Brown, 77, of 1404 S. German St., in New Ulm died Dec. 13, 1999 at her
home. Services are 10:30 a.m. Thursday at First United Methodist Church in New
Ulm with burial in the City Cemetery. Visitation is 4-7 p.m. today and continues
7:30-8:30 a.m. Thursday at Minnesota Valley Funeral Home in New Ulm and one
hour before the service at the church on Thursday.
She is survived by daughters and sons-in-law, Carol Douglas of Mankato and her
special friend, Charles Pizel, Linda and Gary Freeman, Debra and Gary Hjermstad,
all of Hanska; son and daughter-in- law, James and Kris Northrup of Las Vegas,
Nevada; 23 grandchildren; 15 great grandchildren; sisters and brother-in-law, Helen
Melton of Little York, Ill., and Doris and Clayton Saunders, of New Boston, Ill.;
brother and sister-in-law, Charles and Arlene Clawson of New Boston, Ill.; and
nieces and nephews.
She was preceded in death by her parents; her husband, Dale Brown; daughter,
Patricia Brown; grandson, Dani Douglas; brothers, Fred, Blaine, Ernest and Jim
Clawson, and Robert Pomeroy; and a sister, Bessa Mae Van Hook. She was born
March 16, 1922, in New Boston, Ill., to Charles and Ressa (Pauley) Clawson. She
Generation 5 (con't)
March 16, 1922, in New Boston, Ill., to Charles and Ressa (Pauley) Clawson. She
attended country school near Boston, Ill. She married Dale Brown on Sept. 7, 1946,
in Little York, Ill. They lived in Minneapolis before purchasing Brown's Cafe in
Hanska in 1971 and operated the cafe until 1981. She retired and moved into New
Ulm in 1991. She was a member of the Hanska Businessmen's Association and a
member of the First United Methodist Church in New Ulm.
Charles Herbert Clawson and Nora Eliza Briggs had the following children:
DORIS ELAINE CLAWSON178, 231 (daughter of Charles Herbert Clawson and Nora Eliza
Briggs) was born on December 21, 1929178. She married CLAYTON EARL SAUNDERS.
Notes for Doris Elaine Clawson:
In 1999, Doris and Clayton were living in New Boston, Mercer County, Illinois.
CHARLES JUNIOR CLAWSON178, 231 (son of Charles Herbert Clawson and Nora Eliza
Briggs) was born on December 14, 1931178. He married PHYLLIS ARLENE WILLITS.
Notes for Charles Junior Clawson:
In 1999, Charles and Phyllis were living in New Boston, Mercer County, Illinois.
viii. JAMES EDWARD CLAWSON178 (son of Charles Herbert Clawson and Nora Eliza
Briggs) was born on March 22178. He married GLADYS ?.
WILLIAM JAY5 CLAWSON (Daniel Marion4, Ephriam3, Daniel2, Josiah1)211 was born on November 07,
1893 in Young Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania355. He died on October 02, 196093. He
married Jessie M. Watt (daughter of Thomas M. Watts and Margaret Bish) on October 04, 1924178.
She was born on October 16, 1898 in Shelocta, Indiana County, Pennsylvania93. She died on
February 26, 1985 in Fairmount RD 1, Red Bank Township, Clarion County, Pennsylvania93.
Notes for William Jay Clawson:
n 1911, William was living at home in Jacksonville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
According to the 1930 census, William and his family were living in Redbank Township, Clarion
County, Pennsylvania.
William Jay Clawson and Jessie M. Watt had the following children:
LEONE6 CLAWSON19, 698 (daughter of William Jay Clawson and Jessie M. Watt) was
born in 1919 in Pennsylvania698. She married WARREN GAREIS. He was born in
Notes for Leone Clawson:
In 1985, Leone and Gary were living in Fairmount City RD1, Red Bank Township,
Clarion County, Pennsylvania.
BERTHA LORRAINE CLAWSON19, 698 (daughter of William Jay Clawson and Jessie M.
Watt) was born in 1925 in Pennsylvania698. She married WAYNE LAUGHLIN.
Notes for Bertha Lorraine Clawson:
In 1985, Lorraine and Wayne were living in Tervose, Pennsylvania.
ARMOUR RUSSELL5 CLAWSON (Daniel Marion4, Ephriam3, Daniel2, Josiah1)49, 158, 178 was born on
August 16, 1896 in Kent, Indiana County, Pennsylvania1, 211. He died on December 17, 1966178. He
married Millicent Arlene Frye on June 25, 1919178. She was born on January 03, 1895178.
Notes for Armour Russell Clawson:
In 1911, Armour was living at home in Jacksonville, Pennsylvania.
In 1965, Armour was living in Keithsburg, Illinois.
Armour Russell Clawson and Millicent Arlene Frye had the following child:
MARJORIE MILLICENT6 CLAWSON19, 178 (daughter of Armour Russell Clawson and
Millicent Arlene Frye) was born on July 11, 1920178. She married GEORGE EDWARD
LEIBENGOOD. He was born on May 17, 1920178.
Generation 5 (con't)
Clawson, Ephriam3 Clawson, Daniel2 Clawson, Josiah1 Clawson,
She married EDWARD COST.
Edward Cost and Pearl Hammers had the following children:
MARIE6 COST (daughter of Edward Cost and Pearl Hammers)174. She married ?
JOHN COST (son of Edward Cost and Pearl Hammers)174.
HELEN COST (daughter of Edward Cost and Pearl Hammers)174. She married JAMES
LILLIAN COST (daughter of Edward Cost and Pearl Hammers)174. She married (1)
MARY5 HAMMERS (Eveline4 Clawson, Ephriam3 Clawson, Daniel2 Clawson, Josiah1 Clawson,
Frank)174. She married ED LOWMAN.
Ed Lowman and Mary Hammers had the following child:
EDWARD6 LOWMAN (son of Ed Lowman and Mary Hammers)174.
CARRIE5 HAMMERS (Eveline4 Clawson, Ephriam3 Clawson, Daniel2 Clawson, Josiah1 Clawson,
Frank)174. She married B. W. CALDWELL.
B. W. Caldwell and Carrie Hammers had the following child:
JOHN6 CALDWELL (son of B. W. Caldwell and Carrie Hammers)174.
MAY5 HAMMERS (Eveline4 Clawson, Ephriam3 Clawson, Daniel2 Clawson, Josiah1 Clawson,
Frank)174. She married JOHN COLLIGAN.
John Colligan and May Hammers had the following children:
JOHN6 COLLIGAN (son of John Colligan and May Hammers)174.
FRANCES COLLIGAN (daughter of John Colligan and May Hammers)174. She married
? TOY.
EDWARD CONRAD5 CLAWSON (John B.4, Ephriam3, Daniel2, Josiah1)93 was born on January 04,
1876 in Indiana, Indiana County, Pennsylvania280. He died on July 12, 1965 in Coudersport, Potter
County, Pennsylvania. He married (1) DORA ROSE on March 14, 1924 in Jamestown, New
Hampshire. She was born about 1891 in Canada418. He married (2) NANNIE BELLE SEIGER
(daughter of Mary ?) on April 14, 1898 in Indiana, Indiana County, Pennsylvania1. She was born in
1882 in Pennsylvania1.
Notes for Edward Conrad Clawson:
In 1921, he was living in Jamestown, New York.
According to the 1930 census, Edward and Dora were living in Coudersport, Potter County,
Edward Conrad Clawson and Dora Rose had the following children:
HELEN6 CLAWSON (daughter of Edward Conrad Clawson and Dora Rose)178. She
DORIS CLAWSON (daughter of Edward Conrad Clawson and Dora Rose)178. She
Edward Conrad Clawson and Nannie Belle Seiger had the following children:
HELEN CLAWSON (daughter of Edward Conrad Clawson and Nannie Belle Seiger)93.
She married (1) WILLIAM KELLEY. She married (2) HUNTER MEEK (son of Emery
Meek) in January 1917 in Cumberland, Allegany County, Maryland335.
Notes for Helen Clawson:
Helen's marriage to Hunter Meek may have been annulled.
In 1965, Helen was living in Washington, D.C.
DORIS CLAWSON93 (daughter of Edward Conrad Clawson and Nannie Belle Seiger)
Generation 5 (con't)
DORIS CLAWSON93 (daughter of Edward Conrad Clawson and Nannie Belle Seiger)
was born in 19121. She married RUSSELL BRUMMIT.
Notes for Doris Clawson:
In 1965, Doris was living in Indiana, Indiana Couny, Pennsylvania.
MARY E.5 CLAWSON (John B.4, Ephriam3, Daniel2, Josiah1)174 was born in March 1888 in Indiana
County, Pennsylvania. She died before 1946. She married (1) J. S. MOONEY. He died on November
17, 1962178. She married (2) ? HILL.
Notes for Mary E. Clawson:
In 1921, they living in Vandergrift, Pennsylvania.
J. S. Mooney and Mary E. Clawson had the following children:
DOROTHY6 MOONEY (daughter of J. S. Mooney and Mary E. Clawson)178.
RAYMOND MOONEY (son of J. S. Mooney and Mary E. Clawson)178.
CLYDE MOONEY (son of J. S. Mooney and Mary E. Clawson)178.
LUCILLE H.5 CLAWSON (John B.4, Ephriam3, Daniel2, Josiah1)93 was born on September 26, 1889 in
Indiana, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She died on May 29, 1977 in Blairsville, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania. She married JOHN RUNYAN. He died in October 1953137.
Notes for Lucille H. Clawson:
In 1936, Lucille and John were living in Indiana, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
In 1946, Lucille and John were living in Latrobe, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania.
In 1965, Lucille was living in Blairsville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
John Runyan and Lucille H. Clawson had the following children:
CHRISTINA Y.6 RUNYAN137 (daughter of John Runyan and Lucille H. Clawson) was
born on March 15, 1921 in Indiana, Indiana County, Pennsylvania137. She died on
August 09, 2004 in Blairsville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania137. She married ?
Notes for Christina Y. Runyan:
Blairsville Dispatch (August 13, 2004)
Christina Y. Negley
Christina Y. Negley, 83, died Monday, August 9, 2004, at Indian Haven Nursing
Home, Indiana, Pa.
She was born on March 15, 1921 in Indiana, a daughter of John and Lucille
(Clawson) Runyan. She was a member of the Christian and Missionary Alliance
Church, Blairsville. Prior to retirement, she was an assistant manager at G.C.
Murphy Store in Blairsville.
She is survived by her son, Edward Negley and wife Betty of Salem, W.Va., and
grandchildren Betsy and James Negley.
In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by her brother Russell.
Services were held Thursday at Ferguson Funeral Home, Blairsville, Rev. Bruce J.
Theakston officiating. Interment was in Blairsville Cemetery.
RUSSELL F. CLAWSON (son of John Runyan and Lucille H. Clawson)137. He died
before 2004137.
CORA5 MOORHEAD (Phoebe E.4 Clawson, Ephriam3 Clawson, Daniel2 Clawson, Josiah1 Clawson,
Fergus S.)420. She married WESTLEY BUTERBAUGH.
Westley Buterbaugh and Cora Moorhead had the following children:
Generation 5 (con't)
BUTERBAUGH457 (daughter of Westley Buterbaugh and Cora
Moorhead) was born on August 29, 1917 in Indiana, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania457. She died on January 30, 2012 in Decatur, De Kalb County,
Georgia457. She married S. Kenneth Elrick in 1946457. He died about 1996457.
Notes for Erma Elizabeth Buterbaugh:
Erma E. Elrick
Decatur, Ga.
Erma Elizabeth Elrick, 94, of Decatur, Ga., passed away Monday, Jan. 30, 2012, at
Emory University Hospital in Atlanta, Ga., after a short illness. The daughter of
Westley and Cora Buterbaugh, she was born Aug. 29, 1917, in Indiana, Pa. She
graduated from Indiana High School in 1935 and worked in Indiana, Pa., until her
marriage in 1946. She lived most of her life in Blairsville until joining her son and
family in Georgia in 2006. She is survived by her son, Kenneth W. Elrick and his
wife, Dorothy Abel Elrick, of Lilburn, Ga.; and two granddaughters, Tamara Lynn
Elrick and Cynthia Ann Elrick, of Lilburn, Ga. She is also survived by five nieces
and one nephew and several great-nieces and nephews. She was preceded in
death by her husband of 50 years, S. Kenneth Elrick; two sisters, Dorothy
Berenbrok and Gaynelle Cipollini; and one brother, Clarence Buterbaugh. Her body
was cremated and there will be a private burial at Blairsville Cemetery at a later
DOROTHY BUTERBAUGH (daughter of Westley Buterbaugh and Cora Moorhead)457.
She died before 2012457. She married ? BERENBROK.
GAYNELLE BUTERBAUGH (daughter of Westley Buterbaugh and Cora Moorhead)457.
She died before 2012457. She married ? CIPOLLINI.
CLARENCE BUTERBAUGH (son of Westley Buterbaugh and Cora Moorhead)457. He
died before 2012457.
ELIZABETH5 COCHRAN (Ida Bell4 Clawson, Ephriam3 Clawson, Daniel2 Clawson, Josiah1 Clawson,
John C.)137. She died in 1962178. She married JEREMIAH CAMPBELL. He died in 1973178.
Jeremiah Campbell and Elizabeth Cochran had the following child:
STEELE E.6 CAMPBELL (son of Jeremiah Campbell and Elizabeth Cochran)174. He
died on March 13, 1977178. He married KATHRAN GRATER.
WILLIAM J.5 COCHRAN (Ida Bell4 Clawson, Ephriam3 Clawson, Daniel2 Clawson, Josiah1
Clawson)174 was born in 1884421. He died in 1961421. He married BERTHA MATTHEWS. She was
born in 1904421. She died in 1981421.
William J. Cochran and Bertha Matthews had the following children:
IDA6 COCHRAN (daughter of William J. Cochran and Bertha Matthews)178.
HELEN COCHRAN (daughter of William J. Cochran and Bertha Matthews)178.
ARCHIE COCHRAN (son of William J. Cochran and Bertha Matthews)178.
VIRGINIA COCHRAN (daughter of William J. Cochran and Bertha Matthews)178.
RUBY COCHRAN (daughter of William J. Cochran and Bertha Matthews)178.
FRANCES COCHRAN (daughter of William J. Cochran and Bertha Matthews)178.
CAROLINE COCHRAN (daughter of William J. Cochran and Bertha Matthews)178.
viii. MARY COCHRAN (daughter of William J. Cochran and Bertha Matthews)178.
JOHN COCHRAN (son of William J. Cochran and Bertha Matthews)178.
JIM COCHRAN (son of William J. Cochran and Bertha Matthews)178.
BOB COCHRAN (son of William J. Cochran and Bertha Matthews)178.
BEN COCHRAN (son of William J. Cochran and Bertha Matthews)178.
xiii. BILL COCHRAN (son of William J. Cochran and Bertha Matthews)178.
VIRGINIA5 COCHRAN (Ida Bell4 Clawson, Ephriam3 Clawson, Daniel2 Clawson, Josiah1 Clawson,
John C.)174. She died before 1983137. She married JOHN L. BARKLEY.
Generation 5 (con't)
John L. Barkley and Virginia Cochran had the following children:
MARGARET6 BARKLEY (daughter of John L. Barkley and Virginia Cochran)174. She
JOHN W. BARKLEY (son of John L. Barkley and Virginia Cochran)174. He married
HELEN MARY5 COCHRAN (Ida Bell4 Clawson, Ephriam3 Clawson, Daniel2 Clawson, Josiah1
Clawson, John C.)137. She married MICHEL KAKOLIS.
Michel Kakolis and Helen Mary Cochran had the following child:
SARAH6 KAKOLIS (daughter of Michel Kakolis and Helen Mary Cochran)174. She
MARY MARGARET5 COCHRAN (Ida Bell4 Clawson, Ephriam3 Clawson, Daniel2 Clawson, Josiah1
Clawson, John C.)174. She died in 1965178. She married ELLIS HOLBY. He died in 1973178.
Ellis Holby and Mary Margaret Cochran had the following children:
THOMAS F.6 HOLBY (son of Ellis Holby and Mary Margaret Cochran)174. He married
MABLE C. HOLBY (daughter of Ellis Holby and Mary Margaret Cochran)269. She
EMERSON HOLBY (son of Ellis Holby and Mary Margaret Cochran)174. He married
MARGARET HOLBY (daughter of Ellis Holby and Mary Margaret Cochran)174. She
MILDRED HOLBY (daughter of Ellis Holby and Mary Margaret Cochran)174. She
married FREDDIE WALET. He died in 1972178.
GEORGE HOLBY (son of Ellis Holby and Mary Margaret Cochran)174. He died in
1956178. He married KATHRYN JONES. She died in 1970178.
CYNTHIA EMALINE5 MCCURDY (John M.4, Elizabeth3 Clawson, John2 Clawson, Josiah1 Clawson)179
was born in 1854 in Pennsylvania179. She died in 1915 in Pennsylvania179. She married WILLIAM A.
MILLER. He was born in 1852 in Pennsylvania179. He died in 1891 in Cambria County,
William A. Miller and Cynthia Emaline McCurdy had the following child:
JOHN WILMER6 MILLER179 (son of William A. Miller and Cynthia Emaline McCurdy)
was born in 1880 in Cambria County, Pennsylvania179. He married Rebecca
Permelia Lydic (daughter of William Johnston Lydick and Roxanna Lucretia
Furman) in 1904 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania179. She was born in 1879 in
Indiana County, Pennsylvania179. She died in 1951 in Indiana County,
EFFIE NORA5 FAILS (Elizabeth4 McCurdy, Elizabeth3 Clawson, John2 Clawson, Josiah1 Clawson)133,
181 was born on March 20, 1867 in Blairsville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She died on April 01,
1922 in Blairsville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. She married Frank Christopher Libengood (son
of Jacob Christopher Libengood and Mary Anderson) on November 26, 1891 in Blairsville, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania. He was born on February 23, 1867 in Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania.
He died on April 02, 1907 in Blairsville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
Notes for Effie Nora Fails:
According to the 1910 Census, Effie and her family were living in Blairsville, Indiana County,
Frank Christopher Libengood and Effie Nora Fails had the following children:
HELEN AXIA6 LIBENGOOD133, 181 (daughter of Frank Christopher Libengood and Effie
Nora Fails) was born on July 29, 1895 in Blairsville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
She died on July 30, 1895 in Blairsville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
ALICE ELIZABETH LIBENGOOD181 (daughter of Frank Christopher Libengood and Effie
Nora Fails) was born on November 03, 1896 in Blairsville, Indiana County,
Generation 5 (con't)
Nora Fails) was born on November 03, 1896 in Blairsville, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania. She died on October 26, 1966 in Indiana, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania. She married John Edward Hammill (son of Frank Hammill and
Margaret McCaffery) on November 24, 1914 in Blairsville, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania. He was born on November 16, 1889 in Blairsville, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania. He died on September 29, 1967 in Indiana, Indiana County,
FRANCES LOUISE LIBENGOOD181 (daughter of Frank Christopher Libengood and Effie
Nora Fails) was born on December 31, 1897 in Blairsville, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania. She died on January 14, 1964 in Latrobe, Westmoreland County,
Pennsylvania. She married Rutledge Range Pease (son of John Pease and
Elizabeth Beck) on November 25, 1915 in Blairsville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
He was born on September 28, 1891 in Blairsville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
He died on December 08, 1961 in Blairsville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
ANNA PERMILLA LIBENGOOD181 (daughter of Frank Christopher Libengood and Effie
Nora Fails) was born on March 11, 1900 in Blairsville, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania. She married Claude Calvin Hobaugh (son of Robert William
Hobaugh and Sara Margaret Adair) on January 11, 1919 in Cumberland, Allegany
County, Maryland. He was born on September 01, 1900 in Homer City, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania. He died on November 27, 1976 in Clearwater, Pinellas
County, Florida.
Notes for Anna Permilla Libengood:
In 1966, Permilla and Claude were living in Pittsburgh, Allegheny County,
In 1983, Anna was living New Port Richey, Florida.
CLARK LESLIE LIBENGOOD181 (son of Frank Christopher Libengood and Effie Nora
Fails) was born on November 10, 1903 in Blairsville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
He died on November 22, 1903 in Blairsville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
NORMAN LEWIS LIBENGOOD133, 181 (son of Frank Christopher Libengood and Effie
Nora Fails) was born on July 20, 1905 in Blairsville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
He died on June 27, 1969 in Indiana, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He married
Ruth Isabella Bennett (daughter of James Houston Bennett and Annie Viola
Donahue) on June 23, 1949 in Hagerstown, Washington County, Maryland. She
was born on October 30, 1910 in Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania. She
died on March 19, 1996133.
Notes for Norman Lewis Libengood:
In 1966, Norman was living in Blairsville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
SAMUEL CLARK5 MCCURDY (Sarah Jane4 Clawson, John B.3 Clawson, John2 Clawson, Josiah1
Clawson)57, 137 was born on January 28, 1884 in Blairsville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania1. He
married Edith Elizabeth Clawson (daughter of Humphrey Fullerton Clawson and Carrie Adelia
White) on September 21, 1909 in Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania. She was born on January
12, 1887 in Livermore, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania. She died on September 17, 1966.
Samuel Clark McCurdy and Edith Elizabeth Clawson had the following children:
MABEL MCCURDY (daughter of Samuel Clark McCurdy and Edith Elizabeth
Clawson)137. She died before 2005. She married RAY YANCY.
MARY MAE MCCURDY137 (daughter of Samuel Clark McCurdy and Edith Elizabeth
Clawson) was born on May 04, 1919 in Johnstown, Cambria County,
Pennsylvania137. She died on January 01, 2006 in Homer City, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania137. She married (1) MILFORD LAWSON. He died before 2005137. She
married (2) HARRY SPOHN. He died before 2005.
Notes for Mary Mae McCurdy:
Blairsville Dispatch
Mary Lawson
Mary Lawson
Homer City
Generation 5 (con't)
Mary Mae Lawson, 86, of Homer City, died Sunday Jan. 1, 2006 at Indiana
Regional Medical Center. Born May 4, 1919 in Josephine. She was the daughter of
the late Samuel McCurdy and Edith (Clawson) McCurdy.
She enjoyed crocheting.
Mrs. Lawson is survived by three daughters: Mary Jane Piccolini and husband Paul
of Homer City; Yvonne Webster of Josephine; Marlene McCullough of Graceton;
four sons: Harry Spohn and wife Barbara of Ellsworth; Milford Lawson and wife
Kathy of Blairsville; Marlin Lawson of Graceton; Richard Lawson and wife Vicki of
McIntire; 25 grandchildren and 34 great-grandchildren; sister Ramona Frederick of
Indiana; several nieces and nephews.
Besides her parents, she was preceded in death by her first husband, Harry Spohn;
her second husband, Milford Lawson; a son, Paul Lawson; two daughters: Donna
James and Patricia Nixon; two brothers: Raymond McCurdy and Walter McCurdy;
three sisters: Martha Schrock, Rose Fisher and Mabel Yancy; a granddaughter,
Antonia Jane Piccolini.
Friends were received Wednesday at James F. Ferguson Funeral Home, Blairsville,
where services were held Thursday, with Pastor Charles Harvey officiating.
Interment followed in Blairsville Cemetery.
MARTHA MCCURDY (daughter of Samuel Clark McCurdy and Edith Elizabeth
Clawson)137. She died before 2005137. She married BERNOR SCHROCK.
RAMONA MCCURDY (daughter of Samuel Clark McCurdy and Edith Elizabeth
Clawson)137. She married EDWARD FREDERICK.
RAYMOND L. MCCURDY137 (son of Samuel Clark McCurdy and Edith Elizabeth
Clawson) was born on April 29, 1914 in Blairsville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania137.
He died on April 12, 2005 in Homer City, Indiana County, Pennsylvania137. He
married Esther Marcella Greene (daughter of Calvin Greene and Katherine Afolder)
about 1937137. She was born on August 31, 1917 in Homer City, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania137. She died on July 20, 2005 in Homer City, Indiana County,
Notes for Raymond L. McCurdy:
Blairsville Dispatch (April 15, 2005)
Raymond L. McCurdy
Homer City
Raymond L. "Cotton" McCurdy, 90, of Homer City, died Tuesday, April 12, 2005, at
Indiana Regional Medical Center.
The son of Samuel C. and Elizabeth Clawson McCurdy, he was born April 29,
1914, in Blairsville. He lived in Homer City most of his life.
He retired from R & P Coal Co., where he was employed as a coal miner for 43
years. He attended Calvary Baptist Church in Clymer.
He was a member of UMWA Local 488, was a former member of the Tide
Sportsman Club and enjoyed hunting, fishing and camping.
Mr. McCurdy is survived by his wife of 68 years, Esther Marcella "Dod" (Greene)
Generation 5 (con't)
Also a daughter, RuthAnn Kelly, of Homer City; two sons: Ricky and wife Laura,
Brush Valley and Gary L. and wife, Richela, of Homer City;
Also three sisters: Mary Lawson, Indiana, Romona Frederick, Indiana and Martha
"Doll" Schrock, Maryland;
Also 12 grandchildren; 12 great-grandchildren; three great-great-grandchildren;
numerous nieces and nephews.
He was preceded in death by his parents; a son, Raymond Jr.; two brothers:
Samuel and Walter, and two sisters: Mabel Yancy and Rose Fisher.
Services will be held at 11 a.m. today at Robinson-Lytle, Indiana, Rev. George
Porter officiating. In-terment will be in Greenwood Cemetery.
Memorial contributions may be sent to VNA/Hospice, 850 Hospital Dr., Suite 3000,
Indiana, Pa. 15701, or to the charity of one's choice.
Notes for Esther Marcella Greene:
Blairsville Dispatch (July 29, 2005)
Esther Marcella McCurdy
Homer City
Esther Marcella "Dod" McCurdy, 87, of Homer City, died Wednesday, July 20, 2005,
at Indiana Regional Medical Center.
The daughter of Rev. Calvin and Katherine Afolder Greene, she was born Aug. 31,
1917, in Homer City. Mrs. McCurdy was a homemaker.
She lived her entire life in Indiana County, where she was a member of the Calvary
Baptist Church in Clymer. She enjoyed shopping, camping and spending time with
her family.
She is survived by three children: Ruth Ann Kelly, Homer City, Ricky and wife
Laura, Brush Valley and Gary L. and wife Richla, Homer City;
Also surviving are 12 grandchildren; 12 great-grandchildren; three
great-great-grandchildren and numerous nieces and nephews.
In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by her husband, Raymond L.
"Cotton" on April 12, 2005; a son, Raymond Jr.; four brothers: James, Ralph,
Russel and Louis, and two sisters: Vera Stormer and Ruth Quick.
Services were held in Indiana, with Rev. George E. Porter Jr. officiating.
Interment followed in Greenwood Cemetery.
The family suggests memorial donations be made to the charity of one's choice.
WALTER MCCURDY (son of Samuel Clark McCurdy and Edith Elizabeth Clawson)137.
He died before 2005.
ROSELLA MCCURDY137 (daughter of Samuel Clark McCurdy and Edith Elizabeth
Clawson) was born on November 13, 1916 in Josephine, Burrell Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania. She died on January 23, 1988 in Warren, Trumbull County,
Ohio. She married ? FISHER.
viii. SAMUEL MCCURDY (son of Samuel Clark McCurdy and Edith Elizabeth Clawson)137.
He died before 2005.
ADAM H.5 MCCURDY (Sarah Jane4 Clawson, John B.3 Clawson, John2 Clawson, Josiah1 Clawson)57
Generation 5 (con't)
ADAM H.5 MCCURDY (Sarah Jane4 Clawson, John B.3 Clawson, John2 Clawson, Josiah1 Clawson)57
was born on March 12, 1894 in Blairsville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania176. He died on May 22,
1963 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania176. He married MARY ANNE RENWICK (daughter of Geroge
Renwick and Annabelle Jackson). She was born in 1896176. She died in 1967176.
Adam H. McCurdy and Mary Anne Renwick had the following children:
WILBERT MCCURDY (son of Adam H. McCurdy and Mary Anne Renwick)57.
THOMAS E. MCCURDY (son of Adam H. McCurdy and Mary Anne Renwick)57.
HARRY H. MCCURDY (son of Adam H. McCurdy and Mary Anne Renwick)57.
CHARLES MCCURDY57 (son of Adam H. McCurdy and Mary Anne Renwick) was born
in 1926176. He died in 1972176.
ARTHUR LEROY MCCURDY57, 176 (son of Adam H. McCurdy and Mary Anne Renwick)
was born in 1926176. He died in 1976176.
EDNA GRACE MCCURDY (daughter of Adam H. McCurdy and Mary Anne Renwick)57.
She married HOWARD WOLFE.
JOHN M.5 SHAUL (Eveline Emma4 Clawson, John B.3 Clawson, John2 Clawson, Josiah1 Clawson)56,
187 was born on August 15, 1864 in Armstrong County, Pennsylvania187 .
John M. Shaul had the following child:
JOHN6 SHAUL JR. (son of John M. Shaul) was born on June 10, 1904187.
MARY ADDA5 SHAUL (Eveline Emma4 Clawson, John B.3 Clawson, John2 Clawson, Josiah1
Clawson)56, 186-187, 426 was born on November 09, 1866 in Armstrong County, Pennsylvania186-187.
She died on February 08, 1947 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania186. She married Jackson Clark
Felton (son of Samuel Felton and Mary Rebecca St. Clair) about February 1904427. He was born
on March 29, 1877 in Pennsylvania186. He died on December 13, 1926 in West Wheatfield
Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania186.
Notes for Mary Adda Shaul:
According to the 1940 Census, Adda was living in Robinson, West Wheatfield Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania. Her daughter, Mildred was living with her.
Jackson Clark Felton and Mary Adda Shaul had the following children:
SAMUEL SHANE6 FELTON426 (son of Jackson Clark Felton and Mary Adda Shaul) was
born on December 17, 1908 in Robinson, West Wheatfield Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania426. He died on April 02, 1917 in West Wheatfield Township,
Indiana County, Pennsylvania426.
MILDRED MAE FELTON496, 699 (daughter of Jackson Clark Felton and Mary Adda
Shaul) was born on May 17, 1909 in Robinson, West Wheatfield Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania187, 699. She died on March 09, 1952 in Windber, Somerset
County, Pennsylvania699.
LOUISA B.5 SHAUL (Eveline Emma4 Clawson, John B.3 Clawson, John2 Clawson, Josiah1
Clawson)56 was born on October 21, 1869 in Pennsylvania187. She married JOHN STEFFEY. He was
born about 1869 in Pennsylvania210.
Notes for John Steffey:
According to the 1910 census, John and his family were living in West Wheatfield Township,
Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
According to the 1920 Census, John and his family were living in West Wheatfield Township,
Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
John Steffey and Louisa B. Shaul had the following children:
DOLORES6 STEFFEY137 (daughter of John Steffey and Louisa B. Shaul) was born on
September 28, 1889187. She married ? SWANBERG.
WILLIAM JACOB STEFFEY187, 210 (son of John Steffey and Louisa B. Shaul) was born
on September 12, 1891 in Pennsylvania187.
JOHN ELLSWORTH STEFFEY187, 210 (son of John Steffey and Louisa B. Shaul) was
born on September 01, 1893 in Pennsylvania187. He married CELIA ?.
Generation 5 (con't)
born on September 01, 1893 in Pennsylvania187. He married CELIA ?.
Notes for John Ellsworth Steffey:
According to the 1920 Census, Ellsworth and his family were living in West
Wheatfield Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
EVA S. STEFFEY137, 210 (daughter of John Steffey and Louisa B. Shaul) was born on
October 09, 1895 in Robinson, West Wheatfield Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania137. She died on December 29, 1990 in Robinson, West Wheatfield
Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania137. She married CHARLES SPARLING
MILLER (son of William Alexander Miller and Annie Etta Thomas). He was born on
January 22, 1891 in Pennsylvania204. He died on February 17, 1936204.
Notes for Charles Sparling Miller:
According to the 1930 census, Charles and his family were living in Bolivar,
Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania.
HARRY C. STEFFEY210 (son of John Steffey and Louisa B. Shaul) was born on April
08, 1901 in Pennsylvania187.
ALVA E. STEFFEY210 (daughter of John Steffey and Louisa B. Shaul) was born on
March 01, 1908 in Pennsylvania187. She married ? KELLY.
LEROY STEFFEY453 (son of John Steffey and Louisa B. Shaul) was born on January
29, 1911 in Pennsylvania187.
viii. SARAH STEFFEY137, 453 (daughter of John Steffey and Louisa B. Shaul) was born
about 1914 in Pennsylvania453. She married ? MUIR.
? STEFFEY (child of John Steffey and Louisa B. Shaul)210.
? STEFFEY (child of John Steffey and Louisa B. Shaul)210.
? STEFFEY (child of John Steffey and Louisa B. Shaul)210.
JOHN R.5 CLAWSON (John4 II, John B.3, John2, Josiah1)56 was born in 1867 in Indiana County,
Pennsylvania428. He died in 1940429. He married Chrissie M. Thompson (daughter of James
Thompson and Nancy Catherine Boring) about 1895430. She was born in 1876429. She died in
Notes for John R. Clawson:
According to the 1930 census, John and his family were living in Swissvale, Allegheny County,
John R. Clawson and Chrissie M. Thompson had the following children:
PHYLLIS6 CLAWSON430 (daughter of John R. Clawson and Chrissie M. Thompson)
was born about 1898 in Pennsylvania430.
JOHN T. CLAWSON430 (son of John R. Clawson and Chrissie M. Thompson) was born
about 1906 in Pennsylvania430.
THOMAS S. CLAWSON362 (son of John R. Clawson and Chrissie M. Thompson) was
born on December 01, 1914 in Pennsylvania429. He died in October 1958362.
HARVEY C.5 CLAWSON (John4 II, John B.3, John2, Josiah1)38 was born in October 1881 in Indiana
County, Pennsylvania188. He married Jennie Hammill (daughter of Robert Hammill) on May 30,
1907 in North Huntingdon Township, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania434. She was born about
1887 in Larimer, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania3.
Notes for Harvey C. Clawson:
According to the 1930 census, Harvey and his family were living in New Huntingdon Township,
Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania.
Harvey C. Clawson and Jennie Hammill had the following children:
EVA6 CLAWSON700 (daughter of Harvey C. Clawson and Jennie Hammill) was born
about 1908 in Pennsylvania.
FRANK CLAWSON273 (son of Harvey C. Clawson and Jennie Hammill) was born about
1910 in Pennsylvania.
Generation 5 (con't)
(daughter of Harvey C. Clawson and Jennie Hammill) was born
about 1913 in Pennsylvania700.
HAZEL CLAWSON700 (daughter of Harvey C. Clawson and Jennie Hammill) was born
about 1915 in Pennsylvania700.
GEORGE CLAWSON700 (son of Harvey C. Clawson and Jennie Hammill) was born
about 1918 in Pennsylvania700.
MARGERY CLAWSON700 (daughter of Harvey C. Clawson and Jennie Hammill) was
born in 1925 in Pennsylvania700.
PATRICIA CLAWSON700 (daughter of Harvey C. Clawson and Jennie Hammill) was
born about 1928 in Pennsylvania700.
THOMAS ALLENBAUGH5 CLAWSON (John4 II, John B.3, John2, Josiah1)188, 280 was born on August 08,
1883 in West Wheatfield Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania1. He died on January 12, 1927
in New Florence, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania93. He married Daisy Weyant on August 29,
1906 in Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania435. She was born on September 01, 1882 in
Notes for Thomas Allenbaugh Clawson:
According to the 1900 census, Thomas was living with his brother George in West Wheatfield
Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
According to the 1910 census, Thomas and Daisy were living in West Wheatfield Township,
Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
In 1916, Thomas was living in Huff, Pennsylvania.
Thomas died on a Wednesday night.
Notes for Daisy Weyant:
According to the 1930 census, Daisy and Mildred were living in New Florence, Westmoreland
County, Pennsylvania.
Thomas Allenbaugh Clawson and Daisy Weyant had the following children:
?6 CLAWSON (child of Thomas Allenbaugh Clawson and Daisy Weyant)210. ? died
before 1910210.
? CLAWSON (child of Thomas Allenbaugh Clawson and Daisy Weyant)210. ? died
before 1910210.
MILDRED L. CLAWSON701-703 (daughter of Thomas Allenbaugh Clawson and Daisy
Weyant) was born on March 09, 1911 in Pennsylvania702-703. She died on February
22, 1998 in Youngstown, Mahoning County, Ohio702. She married ? BRANT.
Notes for Mildred L. Clawson:
According to the 1940 Census, Mary and her family were living in New Florence,
Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania.
STEELE ADOLPHUS5 CLAWSON (John4 II, John B.3, John2, Josiah1)188 was born on November 15,
1885 in West Wheatfield Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania362. He died on April 15, 1983 in
Leesburg, Florida93. He married (1) ELIZA M. DOMKA (daughter of Edward Domka and Matilda
Caroline ?) in 1921 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania19. She was born in July 1899 in
Pennsylvania188. She died before 1983. He married (2) GEORGIA OLDHAM after 1923. She died
before 1983. He married (3) MARIE SMITH after 1924. She died before 1983.
Notes for Steele Adolphus Clawson:
Steele and Georgia had no children.
Steele and Marie had no children.
According to the 1920 census, Steele was living in West Wheatfield Township, Indiana County,
Generation 5 (con't)
Steele Adolphus Clawson and Eliza M. Domka had the following child:
RAYMOND ADOLPHUS6 CLAWSON651 (son of Steele Adolphus Clawson and Eliza M.
Domka) was born on February 26, 1923 in West Wheatfield Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania93. He died on May 26, 1992 in New Florence R. D. 2,
Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania539. He married (1) JANET M. BORING (daughter
of James Thomas Boring and Lavina Jane Penrose) after 1950. She was born on
May 17, 1936539. He married (2) MARY LOUISE OTT (daughter of Clarence A. Ott and
Stella Buchanan) before 1950. She was born on August 02, 1924 in Hooversville,
Somerset County, Pennsylvania695. She died on August 19, 2012 in New Florence,
Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania695.
Notes for Mary Louise Ott:
Mary Louise Ott
New Florence
Mary Louise Ott, 88, went home to be with the Lord Sunday, Aug. 19, 2012. Born
Aug. 2, 1924, in Hooversville, she lived for the past 21 years in New Florence. She
was preceded in death by her parents, Clarence A. and Stella (Buchanan) Ott;
brother, Dean Ott; and grandson, Matthew George, of Erie, Kan. She is survived by
her son, Raymond Steele Clawson and his wife, Nicki, of Hooversville; and three
daughters, Carolyn Mynatt and her husband, Dwight, of LaHarpe, Kan., Joanie
Scarff and her husband, Dave, of New Florence, and Nancy Toma and husband,
Gary, of Windber. She is also survived by eight grandchildren, eight
great-grandchildren and one great-great-granddaughter. She was the sister of Paul
Ott and his wife, Maxine, of Stoystown, and Ray Ott, of Bluefield, W.Va. Mary
Louise worked as a practical nurse at Somerset State Hospital for 16 years. She
was also a sewing machine operator and an avid gardener. She was a hard-working
and devoted mother and grandmother and loved spending time with her family. She
was a member of St. Thomas Lutheran Church, Hooversville, but most recently
attended Pleasant Unity United Methodist Church in Pleasant Unity where her
daughter, the Rev. Joanie Scarff, is pastor. The family will receive friends from 2 to
4 and 6 to 8 p.m. Thursday at DEANER FUNERAL HOME, Stoystown, where a
service will be held at 11 a.m. Friday with the Rev. Brenda Shaffer officiating.
Interment at P.O.S. of A. Cemetery, Hooversville.
FRANK RAYMOND5 CLAWSON (John4 II, John B.3, John2, Josiah1)273, 280 was born on October 31,
1889 in West Wheatfield Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania280. He died on January 20, 1945
in New Florence, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania1. He married Lettie C. Liggett (daughter of
William Liggett and Arabella McKelvey) on June 14, 1919 in New Florence, Westmoreland County,
Pennsylvania. She was born on September 28, 1892 in West Wheatfield Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania. She died on September 19, 1969 in East Wheatfield Township, Indiana
County, Pennsylvania19.
Notes for Frank Raymond Clawson:
According to the 1910 census, Frank was living with his brother, Thomas, in West Wheatfield
Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
According to the 1930 census, Frank and his family were living in New Florence, Westmoreland
County, Pennsylvania.
Frank Raymond Clawson and Lettie C. Liggett had the following children:
THOMAS ALVAR6 CLAWSON (son of Frank Raymond Clawson and Lettie C. Liggett)
was born on February 12, 1921 in Huff, West Wheatfield Township, Indiana County,
Pennsylvania137. He died on September 23, 2004 in Buckhannon, Upshur County,
West Virginia. He married GRACE E. LARGE.
Notes for Thomas Alvar Clawson:
Blairsville Dispatch (October 1, 2004)
Generation 5 (con't)
Thomas A. Clawson
Buckhannon, W.Va.
Formerly of New Florence
Thomas A. Clawson, 83, Buckhannon, W.Va., and formerly of New Florence,
passed away Thursday, Sept. 23, 2004, at St. Joseph's Hospital in Buckhannon.
Mr. Clawson was born Feb. 12, 1921, in Huff, Pa, a son of the late Frank R. and
Lettie Liggett Clawson.
He came to Buckhannon in August of 1939 and graduated from West Virginia
Wesleyan College in 1943. While still a student in 1942, he began a lumber
brokerage business that grew into a wholesale, retail, manufacturing and
construction operation.
In 1980, Mr. Clawson retired from the lumber business, but continued as director
and appraiser for the Central National Bank.
He served on the board of directors of Key Centurion Bank, Bank One, and First
Central bakn of Buckhannon and Philippi.
Mr. Clawson was very active in community affairs, including the Buckhannon
Chamber of Commerce, Federal Housing Board, Buckhannon Lions Club and
Franklin Lodge 7 A.F.&A.M., as well as serving as director of Buckhannon's
Strawberry Festival in 1952. He was an active member of First United Methodist
Church, where he served on the board of trustees for 35 years.
In addition to his parents, he was preceded