School-work Alternation the voice of teacher-tutors/coordinators What is School-Work Alternation ? School-Work Alternation (SWA) is “[…] a way to realize training and educational pathways, implemented and evaluated by the schools in partnership with business- organizations,[…], guaranteeing young people, both the basic knowledge, and the acquisition of skills that they can use in the world of work [...]. (L.D. n.77-2005; L.107/2015) School-Work Alternation: the voice of teacher-tutors Concetta Tino Italy-Europe (Cedefop, 2014; Censis, 2011) • Drop out 17-18% ITALY EUROPE • Drop out 11% • Unemployment (20-34) 21.7% • Unemployment 15.1% • NEET (18-24) 22.1%- 29.3% • Gap between school-subjects content and real needs. • Fragmented SWAp • Compulsory system (L.n.107/2015) • NEET 17 % • Strategy of Lisbon 2000 • Strategy of Europe 2020 School-Work Alternation: the voice of teacher-tutors Concetta Tino Theoretical Framework Cultural-Historical Activity Theory (CHAT) (Engeström,Y., 1987;1999; 2001;2005; Engeström et al., 1995; Engeström 2014). School-Work Alternation: the voice of teacher-tutors Concetta Tino Purpose and Research Questions Purpose To investigate the key-role that teachers (tutors and coordinators) played within the Italian SWA programs. Research questions: 1) What are the real tasks of tutors and coordinators in Italian SWA programs? 2) In which way do they support School-Work partnership? School-Work Alternation: the voice of teacher-tutors Concetta Tino Research design v Context v Method&tools v Par1cipants v Results School-Work Alternation: the voice of teacher-tutors Concetta Tino RESEARCH CONTEXT TECHNICALschool SCORE:96 REGION:Lombardia City:Luino LICEOschool SCORE:94 REGION:Piemonte City:Casale Monferrato TECHNICALschool SCORE:94 REGION:Piemonte City:CasaleMonferrato TECHNICALschool SCORE:88 REGION:Veneto City:Treviso LICEOschool SCORE:96 REGION:Liguria City:LaSpezia VOCATIONAL school SCORE: 94 REGION: Friuli Venezia-Giulia City: Pordenone TECHNICALschool SCORE:96 REGION:Liguria City:LaSpezia School-Work Alternation: the voice of teacher-tutors Concetta Tino Method- Participants METHODANDTOOLS PARTICIPANTS QUALITATIVEAPPROACH Semistructuredinterviews focusedon: Tasks Partnership Students’trainingproject Learning Evalua1on Weaknesses/strengths Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø Tooloftextanalysis:Atlas.1.07 par1cipants: Ø 7teacher-tutorsofSWA programs Ø 7teacher-coodinatorsofSWA programs School-Work Alternation: the voice of teacher-tutors Concetta Tino Results (1) RQ1: What are the real tasks of tutors and coordinators in Italian SWA programs? Themes: 1. The concrete development of school-work partnership 2. The correct student-workplace matching 3. The organization of the SWA experience 4. The preparation of all the documents (mediating artifacts) 5. The monitoring and the evaluation of SWA experiences School-Work Alternation: the voice of teacher-tutors Concetta Tino Results (2) RQ2: In which way do they support School-Work partnership? Themes: 1. The internal and external communication is a way to support School-Work partnership. 2. The effort to to combine the different perspectives ( boundary zone) School-Work Alternation: the voice of teacher-tutors Concetta Tino Conclusions and implications Conclusions At the moment the two systems (school - work) are leaving within their boundaries. Teacher- tutors and teacher-coordinators are playing an important role within SWA programs. Implications: In order to promote a real partnership between School-Work the two systems need to find new forms of cooperation (reflection on mutual interest) In order to promote a stronger partnership between School-Work, teacher- tutors and teacher-coordinators need to develop new skills. School-Work Alternation: the voice of teacher-tutors Concetta Tino References (1) • Engeström Y. (1987). Expansive Learning at Work: toward an activity theoretical conceptualization. Journal of Education and Work,14, (1), 133156. • Engeström, Y. (1999). Innovative learning in work teams: analysing cycles of knowledge creation in practice. In Y. Engeström, R. Miettinen & R.L. Punamäki (eds.), Perspectives on Activity Theory (pp. 377-406). Cambridge, MA: Cambridge University Press. • Engestrom, Y. (2001). Expansive Learning at Work: toward an activity theoretical reconceptualization. Journal of Education and Work, 14(1), 133– 156. • Engeström, Y. (2005). Developmental work research: Expanding activity theory in practice (Vol. 12). Germany: Lehmanns Media. • Fabbri, L. (2007). Comunità di pratiche e apprendimento riflessivo: per una formazione situata. Carocci. School-Work Alternation: the voice of teacher-tutors Concetta Tino References (2) • Lave, J. (1988). Cognition in practice. Cambridge, MA: Cambridge University Press. • Lave, J., & Wenger, E. (1991). Situated learning: legitimate peripheral participation. Cambridge, MA: Cambridge University Press. • Tino, C., & Fedeli, M. (2015). L’Alternanza Scuola-Lavoro: uno studio qualitativo [School-Work Alternantion: a qualitative study]. Form@reOpen Journal per la formazione in rete, 3(15), 213-231. ISSN 1825-7321 - DOI: • Tuomi-Gröhn, T., & Engeström, Y. (Eds.). (2003). Between school and work: New perspectives on transfer and boundary-crossing. Taylor & Francis US. School-Work Alternation: the voice of teacher-tutors Concetta Tino Thank you ! conce&a.)[email protected] conce&a)[email protected] School-Work Alternation: the voice of teacher-tutors Concetta Tino
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