Guidelines to Check Clarity

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Guidelines to Define Tests/Categories
When the authors/editors frame/edit the tests/questions, they should clearly understand, define and
incorporate the following parameters. (Each stage of editing/acceptance should corroborate/modify the
Primary Exam Category (MBA/GRE/SAT/IELTS etc.) + two secondary categories
Stage of Exam Preparation (Beginners/Intermediate/Final):
What this really means is to define at what stage of preparation the student is expected to take the test.
Is the test part of his concept building, his intermediate practice or his final preparation?
Conceptual Level [DOK-1 (Recall Knowledge)/DOK-2 (Knowledge Application)/DOK-3 (Extended
When once the objectives have been defined, the author should frame the questions keeping the stage and
the level in mind. The difficulty level of the question will be defined in terms of Stage of Preparation and
Conceptual Level. The Beginners Stage should preferably have DOK-1:2:3 questions in the ratio 70:20:10.
The Final Stage should preferably have the ratio in the reverse.
Equivalence meter for Exams:
The authors/editors should be aware of the subjects/topics/question types/formats/level for the main exam
category (Please see brief outline below). They should also be aware of the equivalence level of questions in
each exam category with the level of general exams (up to Grade X/ Grade XII/Graduation/PG) as well as the
level of specific entrance exams. Let us say the level of RC questions in Bank PO Exam will be roughly
equivalent to RC level in Grade XII as well as with RC pattern in Law Entrance and MAT. Exams like
GRE/GMAT/SAT will have questions in specific formats only. Where formats are common, equivalence can be
defined. For example a DOK-3 RC question in GRE will be equivalent to DOK-3 in GMAT, but a DOK-3 SC
question in SAT will be equivalent to DOK-1 in GMAT.
Guidelines to Check Clarity
Is the question as concise as possible?
A convoluted question may make a problem unnecessarily difficult. Keep the wording short to help students
maintain focus and confidence.
Will students clearly understand the question?
Long and unfamiliar words and phrasing may be distracting or difficult for some students.
Does the question relate what is being asked as precisely as possible?
Questions should be phrased as precisely as possible to avoid any confusion about what is being asked.
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Common Errors in Style of Multiple-Choice Questions
Casual and Informal Style: The language used should be formal. Eliminate all contractions anywhere
in a document, like: That’s, don’t, can’t, it’s etc.
Use: That is, do not, cannot, it is etc.
Unfocused or directionless stems
The stem should direct students in a specific, focused direction. If it doesn’t, it must be rewritten.
Incorrect: In this experiment . . .
Correct: In this experiment, the manipulated variable was the . . .
Incorrect: Supporters of a command economy believe that . . .
Supporters of a command economy believe that one method of achieving economic
stability is . . .
Please also see Style Guide Item 3.
Use of you/we in questions
It is not recommended to use “you/we” in the stem of any questions.
Incorrect: Given the information in the chart above, you conclude that the activities at the
campsite caused the soil to become….
Correct: Given the information in the chart above, it can be concluded that the activities at
the campsite caused the soil to become….
Alternatives that do not match the topic named in the stem
If the stem names what the alternatives are, then all the alternatives have to be what the stem has
E.g., Which of the following motorized vehicles has the best fuel economy?
A. Car
B. Bus
C. Skateboard
D. Bicycle
Suggestion: Alternatives C and D must be replaced because they are not motorized vehicles.
“None of the above” / “All of the above” alternatives
Alternatives MUST NOT consist of statements such as “none of the above,” “all of the above,” “A and
C,” or “A and B,” etc.
Please also see Style Guide Items 13 and 27.
3/1 (or 4/1) splits
It is not recommended to use “3/1 splits,” which occur when one alternative stands out from the others;
for example, one alternative is much longer than the other three, one alternative requires the article the
but the other three do not, some words from the stem are repeated in one alternative but not in the
other three, one alternative is negative but the other three are positive or vice versa, etc. “3/1 splits”
should be avoided because they can either give away the answer or unfairly draw a student to a wrong
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Real-life context
Real-life concepts must be feasible and reflect reality. Authors often use dimensions that are too big or
too small, astronomical prices for ordinary objects, etc.
Please also see Style Guide Item 10.
Highly repetitive alternatives
Unnecessarily repetitive and lengthy alternatives should be avoided by ensuring that the beginning of
each alternative does not start with the same word(s).
Incorrect: Much of the left-wing international opposition to the World Trade Organization would cease
A. if the organization began to promote economic protectionism
B. if the organization stopped fostering international economic cooperation
C. if the organization stopped providing assistance to developing and transitional economies
D. if the organization began to enforce fair worldwide labour standards
Correct: Much of the left-wing international opposition to the World Trade Organization would cease if
the organization
began to promote economic protectionism
stopped fostering international economic cooperation
stopped providing assistance to developing and transitional economies
began to enforce fair worldwide labour standards
Please also see Style Guide Items 4 and 7.
Absolutes such as all, every, none, only, never, always (and especially, don’t have three alternatives
with absolutes and one without) should be avoided.
E.g. Stimulation of an individual’s sympathetic nervous system in response to imminent danger
never results in dilation of the pupils (don’t do this)
always leads to constriction of the bronchioles of the lungs (don’t do this)
can cause constriction of the arterioles of the intestines (this is good)
can cause dilation of the arterioles of the skeletal muscles (this is good)
Overlapping Questions: Every question should be independent in itself and should not use
information furnished/arrived at in another question.
Please also see Style Guide Item 19.
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Common Grammatical Errors in Multiple-Choice Questions
Capitalization of first letter in an option: Often authors are careless about the use of capital letters.
Capital letters can only be used to begin a sentence and or a proper noun. In case of MCQs, capital
letters can also be used to begin an option for a close-ended question, i.e. a question that ended with a
(?) or a (.). For an open ended question, the option must begin in small case unless it is a proper noun.
(Please see Style Guide, Items 1 and 16)
Use of Period: Related with the use of capital letters is the error in the use of period (full stop). We
should use a period at the end of all sentences (containing words). We do not use a period
if the option is not a complete sentence (word or phrase)
in case of options for open ended questions (Note that we did not use period for these bullet marked
clauses/phrases because they do not form complete sentences.)
• if the sentence contains only numbers and symbols
Please also see Style Guide Item 14.
“Which of the following…”: The construction “Which of the following…) is followed by a plural noun
but a singular verb. Ex: Which of the following countries is the largest exporter of…?
Use of hyphen and dash: Hyphen separates words; dash separates clauses. The former has no
space before or after; the latter leaves one space before and after.
Please also see Style Guide Item 31.
Subject Verb Agreement: The subject and verb must agree in number. If the subject is singular
(John), the verb should be singular (gives, is, has) and vice versa.
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Style Guide for Authors
Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) will normally fall under two categories as under:
Close-ended M-C Questions (Explanatory form or Question form)
The stem is a complete sentence ending either with a period (full stop), or with a question mark (?).
Each answer option is either in the form of a complete sentence ending with a period, or in the form of a
phrase (group of words), or even a number, which will not end with a period.
These answer options always begin with a capital letter.
Open-ended M-C Questions (Completion form)
The stem is an incomplete sentence that is completed by the answer options. Each answer option must
provide a grammatically sound completion to the sentence. These answer options always begin with
a small letter and never with a full stop.
All MCQs will have one correct or clearly the best answer option and three/four incorrect answer
options in the form of distracters. A distracter is false because it does not answer the question, not
because it gives false additional information. The distracters should also be plausible and strong,
though incorrect in the given context. The errors commonly committed by the test takers should
form part of the distracters, along with statements that are otherwise true, but do not answer the
The question-stem should be specific and focused, and should not leave any doubt in the mind of
the test taker what the question is leading up to. The main idea of the question should be in the
question stem, not in the answer options.
Avoid questions like
“What is ….. known as?” (Convert them into open-ended questions)
“For which…?” or “Due to which…?” (Better use “Which of the following…?”)
“Which one of the following…?” or “Which among the following…?” (Remove ‘one/among’).
“Which of the following… can explain ‘it’?” (Replace ‘it’ with a noun).
Except in the case of a language based question, simplify and minimize the reading in a
The question stem, the answer options, or the solutions should neither be too wordy, nor too
complicated, and should use simple vocabulary.
The test taker’s vocabulary is not on test, the skill level of the subject is.
The directions and the information provided should be complete and should not be presumptuous.
The question stem and the answer options should be as concise and direct as possible, taking
due consideration of the intellectual level (grade) of the test taker.
The questions should not be intimidating, unreasonably difficult, or unnecessarily time
The wording and the technical language used should be commensurate with the grade level.
Avoid terminology that may not form part of the text or the curriculum.
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Use of imperative:
Avoid usage of imperative verbs in the question-stem.
Incorrect: Find, calculate, solve, select, determine.
Use What, How, Which, or Open-ended questions.
The MCQs provide answer options and so, the questions can be open-ended or “which of the
following” type.
Use of personal pronouns:
Avoid usage of personal pronouns like “YOU”, “I”, “WE” etc.
Repetitive use of words and phrases:
There should be no repetitive use of words and phrases in the answer options. It is better to put the
common expression in the question-stem itself.
Active Voice:
It is always preferable to use active voice for framing question stems.
Incorrect: John is given an assignment by the teacher…
Correct: The teacher gives an assignment to John…
Singular definitions:
The form of expression used for a definition should invariably be singular.
Incorrect: The fungi are…
Correct: The fungus is….
Realistic and credible Information:
The information furnished from a real life situation should be realistic and believable. The answer
options (even the wrong ones) should look plausible and realistic.
Incorrect: Dimensions of Angela’s bedroom are 40 m x 25 m.
Incorrect: Price of a chocolate bar is $200.00
Source Box:
If it is desirable to provide the test takers with useful information in the form of statements, and/or graph
or table, such information should be put in a box above the question stem. The information provided
may be for one question only or for a number of questions. In any case, the direction above the box
should clearly indicate whether the information is to be used for one question only, or for more than one
[Example: Use the following information for the next/next three question(s)].
In no case, however, should information provided for one question only, or part of solution of
one question be used as available information for another question. Every question should be
independent in itself.
No Extraneous information
Information furnished in the box should be relevant to the question. Infructuous information, even if true,
needs not be added.
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Absolute and all encompassing words
Avoid using absolutes such as all, every, none, only; and sweeping words such as never, always.
Use of full stop (.)
Answer options end with a full stop ONLY if they are complete sentences.
Use a stop at the end of all sentences containing words, but do not use it if the sentence contains
only numbers and symbols.
Incorrect: $10 per kilogram.
Correct: $10 per kilogram
Incorrect: The cost is $10 per kilogram
Correct: The cost is $10 per kilogram.
However, questions ending with a stop need not be used very frequently. It is better to use open-ended
CQs, or questions ending with a sign of interrogation (?) like “Which of the following”).
Usage of the conjunction ‘and’:
Where certain nouns, verbs, adjectives, figures etc have been used in series, it is quite appropriate to
add conjunction ‘and’ to the last comma in the series. Likewise we can also use commas before but
and or, if used in a series.
Example: The students, teachers, parents, and other guests were all present.
But there should be no comma before and if there are only two things in a list
Use of capital letters:
The first letter of the first word may be capitalized. All other words should be in lower case unless they
are commonly capitalized (e.g., proper nouns).
The answer options to close-ended questions (questions ending with stop, sign of interrogation etc)
should begin with capital letters. The reverse is true of open-ended questions. If the answer options
are in the form of table or graph, instead of being in the form of words or figures, it is advisable to use
only the close-ended format (“Which of the following graphs…”).
Question: What is the cost of 5 kg of item X?
Incorrect answer: it is $ 50
Question: What is the cost of 5 kg of item X?
Correct answer: It is $ 50.
Question: The cost of 5 kg of item X is
Incorrect answer: It is $ 50.
Question: The cost of 5 kg of item X is
Correct answer: $ 50
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If the question-stem sets up a comparison between two substances, the answer options must carry
forward the comparison and should not talk about one substance only.
No information should be provided after the question stem; any information necessary to answer the
questions must be put before the stem.
Independent questions and non-overlapping answer options:
The question should be complete by itself and should not depend on the answer to another question.
Content of one question is independent of the content of the other.
Answer options should also be clear-cut and distinct.
Negative phrasing and words signifying emphasis:
Question stem should be worded positively. If the stem has to be negative, the negative word should
be highlighted. The answer options should normally also be worded positively. Where the negative
phrasing is deemed necessary, the negative word (‘not’, ‘except’ etc.) should be boldfaced. If
the right option involves a property missing, ‘except’ format (‘except’ in boldface) may be used.
(Example: “All of the following are true except”)
Similarly, words signifying emphasis should also be boldfaced.
(Example: “Which of the following phenomena most closely resembles?”)
An overly casual or informal style should be avoided.
There should be some sort of uniformity among the answer options. If an answer option is a number,
all the answer options should preferably be numbers. If an answer option is a whole number, all the
answer options should preferably be whole numbers. If the other options are fractional, but we have to
use a whole number as one of the options, we may put a zero after the decimal.
Likewise all answer options may be proper nouns, or common nouns. We cannot possibly compare
parts with a whole, or an individual with a group.
Even in the matter of language use or in the construction of the sentence, parallelism of the
answer options should normally be maintained.
“None of these” / “All of these”:
Options like “All of these”, “None of these”, “Both X and Y”, “X or Y”, “Cannot say” should be
avoided. There should always be four/five distinct choices for the test taker.
No easy clues:
Avoid absurd options or semantics that could act as clues to the test taker.
Grammatical construction of the question stem as well as the answer options should be such that
there are no easy clues for the test taker. If some of the answer options begin with a vowel sound
while the others do not, the stem should use the article in the form of a choice: a/an.
The construction of question stem involving some answer options in plural and others in singular
form should also be suitably phrased such as not to give easy clues.
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There should be no stand-out option, such as one relatively long option among the simple ones,
one positive option among negative ones etc. No choice should be conspicuous. This may give
easy clues to the test taker.
The answer options should be homogenous in content, length, and structure. Length of the answer
options should also be consistent. Unnecessarily long or short options might give easy clues to the
test takers.
No 3/1 splits, i.e. three positive options against one negative option and vice versa, or three
singular answer options against one plural option and vice versa.
Vary the location of the right answer:
The correct answer options to various questions should appear in a truly random order and it
should be ensured that there is no predominance of a particular sequential choice, or even a
system in allocating sequence to the choices.
Incorrect: Correct answer to question 1: (A); to question 2: (B); and to question 3: (C).
Conditional sentences:
The conditional part of a sentence (the “if” part) should normally be placed at the front of the
sentence to help reader to know what is coming.
Incorrect: What is the cost of 5 kg of item X, if the unit cost is $10 per kilogram?
Correct (i): If the cost of ‘X’ is $10 per kilogram, what is the total cost of 5 kg ‘X’?
Correct (ii): Given that the cost of ‘X’ is $10 per kilogram, what is the total cost of 5 kg ‘X’?
“Which of the following”:
Use Which of the following, when there could be answer options other than those listed.
Which of the following is not used when there is only one possible answer in the whole world!
Which of the following should always be followed by a noun (‘which of the following statements’).
Which of the following stems should always have answer options that are complete statements?
Sequencing of answer options:
If the answer options are in terms of numbers only, such numbers ought to be put in a numerical order
ascending or descending. Even in case of answer options using words it might be desirable to give
some sort of logical order to the answer options.
Abbreviations and contractions:
Terms should be written out in full when they are first used, followed by an abbreviation in parentheses.
It should not be assumed that the abbreviated version is known to the test taker. The only exception
could be very common abbreviations like i.e.; e.g. etc. If a relatively long term needs to be repeated
through the question, the answer options, and/or in the solution, it is better to put the abbreviated form
in parenthesis, the first time it is used, so that subsequently only the abbreviated form could be used.
However, no contractions like ‘that’s’, ‘doesn’t’, ‘can’t’ should ordinarily be used.
Due to:
“Due to” should not ordinarily begin a sentence, though it can be used in the latter part of the
sentence, only to mean “caused by”.
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Use of Hyphen and dash:
Hyphen is used between fractional words or joint words. Compounds formed with prefixes like non-,
pseudo-, or inter- are often written in a closed form with no hyphen. (EXAMPLE: nonlinear). Spelledout fractions are generally hyphenated. (EXAMPLE: one-half).
No space should be provided on either side of hyphen.
Dash is used to mark an explanatory note. Space should be allowed before and after dash.
Example: Ill-omened; 3 – 4.
Example: The boys are guilty of misdemeanor – they used derogatory words for the stranger.
Use of Apostrophe’s:
Apostrophe’s are to be used only in an exercise demonstrating the use of Apostrophe’s.
► Don’t
► Haven’t
► Couldn’t
Do not
Have not
Could not
► Wouldn’t
Would not
► Isn’t
► Didn’t to
Is not
Did not
That versus which ‘Which’ is generally preceded by a comma and indicates information that is either
superfluous or introduces a non-essential (parenthetical) clause. It appears in paired comma situations,
and whatever is between the commas could be deleted without changing the meaning of the basic
Example: The report, which I gave you last week, should be helpful.
Example: The dog, which is a black and white, is mine.
That is not preceded by a comma and indicates information that is crucial, so it cannot be omitted.
The solutions should
clarify the question, where necessary
refer to the information provided in the question
follow the prescribed steps
point out pitfalls to be avoided
provide a characteristic of the correct answer (wherever feasible), not available in the incorrect
Use of Units:
SI units should be used, wherever possible.
When a numeral precedes a unit, use the symbol for the unit (2 cm NOT 2 centimetre).
indicate the unit in singular (2 cm NOT 2 cms).
The unit of measurement should preferably be indicated in abbreviated form. It is preferable to use
“10 kg” in place of “10 kilogram”. Likewise it is better to use ‘$10/kg’ in place of ‘$10 per kilogram’.
Use one space between a number and its unit symbol (2 cm NOT 2cm). However, this does not
apply to the dollar sign ($10.00 NOT $ 10.00)
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It is preferable to use the unit in the answer options than in the question-stem, or in both. However,
where the test taker is required to convert one unit into another, it will be advisable to use the unit in
both the stem and the answer options.
Use of numbers:
Generally, use words for one through nine and numerals for 10 and above.
However, Arabic numerals should be used whenever units are given. (EXAMPLE: 7 cm), or when
numbers are used in a calculation or in a series.
Do not use numbers to begin a sentence. A sentence should always begin with a word (including a
number expressed in words).
Definite amounts of money should normally be indicated in figures (numerals).
Significant digits
The answer options should have the same number of significant digits, i.e. the digits that find mention
before and/or after the decimal (excluding the only zero placed before the decimal).
What is the acceleration with which the body moved from point C to point D?
A. 0.2 m/s2
B. 0.5 m/s
C. 0.75 m/s
D. 1.50 m/s2
What is the acceleration with which the body moved from point C to point D?
A. 0.20 m/s2
B. 0.50 m/s
C. 0.75 m/s
D. 1.5 m/s2
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