Name Standard Model Prc - Red Hook Central Schools

Name ______________
Standard Model Prc
1. Which particles are not affected by the strong force?
A) hadrons
C) neutrons
B) protons
D) electrons
Base your answers to questions 2 and 3 on the table
below, which shows data about various subatomic
5. What is the total number of quarks in a helium
nucleus consisting of 2 protons and 2 neutrons?
A) 16
B) 12
C) 8
D) 4
6. A top quark has an approximate charge of
A) –1.07 × 10 –19 C
C) +1.07 × 10 –19 C
B) –2.40 × 10 –19 C
D) +2.40 × 10 –19 C
7. According to the Standard Model of Particle Physics,
a meson is composed of
a quark and a muon neutrino
a quark and an antiquark
three quarks
a lepton and an antilepton
2. All the particles listed on the table are classified as
A) mesons
C) antimatter
B) hadrons
D) leptons
8. The tau neutrino, the muon neutrino, and the electron
neutrino are all
A) leptons
C) baryons
B) hadrons
D) mesons
3. Which particle listed on the table has the opposite
charge of, and is more massive than, a proton?
A) antiproton
C) lambda
B) neutron
D) omega
4. Baryons may have charges of
A) +1e and + e
C) –1e and +1e
B) +2e and +3e
D) –2e and – e
9. A meson may not have a charge of
A) +1e
B) +2e
C) 0e
D) –1e
10. An antibaryon composed of two antiup quarks and
one antidown quark would have a charge of
A) +1e
B) –1e
C) 0e
D) –3e
11. The composition of a meson with a charge of –1
elementary charge could be
B) cts
C) cdb
D) cdu
13. Which combination of quarks would produce a
neutral baryon?
14. A particle is known to only contain up and charm
quarks, what can be its charge?
A) +2 e B) +1 e C) 0 e
A) + e B) + e C) – e D) – e
12. Which combination of quarks could produce a
neutral baryon?
A) cdt
15. What is the charge on an anti-down quark?
D) –1 e
16. A tau lepton decays into an electron, an electron
antineutrino, and a tau neutrino, as represented in the
reaction below.
On the equation below, show how this reaction
obeys the Law of Conservation of Charge by
indicating the amount of charge on each particle.