The Unmerciful Servant - RiverTree Christian Church

November 6 – Week 1
Mission Is Possible
Theme: Heavenly Father
Bible Topic: The Lord’s Prayer can be an example for our prayers.
Focus: We should honor God’s name, pray for God’s will to be done on earth, pray for
our everyday needs, and pray for God to forgive us as we forgive others..
SUPPLIES: Pencils and activity sheets, Prayer request sheet, ABC cards, fact and fiction
LEADER: “Welcome to Let’s Talk Turkey…! Did everyone get a button? I want you to help me
out here. I am going to say Talk and you are going to say Turkey… Are you ready? Here we
go…Talk [turkey] Talk [turkey] Talk [turkey]. Great jog!
DIRECTIONS: Pair first graders up with an older child.
• Lord’s Prayer [NLT] Fill-In - Do this side first!
Have children fill in the blanks with the provided words to complete the Lord’s Prayer.
Word Search
2. CONNECT – While children are working on their activity sheets
Ask children if they have any prayer requests and fill out the prayer request sheet (be
sure to note if they request a silent prayer). Lead the group in prayer.
NOTE: Pair first graders up with an older child.
Explain the Bible Reference signs to the children, telling them that the first number is the chapter
number—it’s the big number on the page; the second number is the verse. Verse numbers are
the small numbers on the page. Ask children if Matthew is in the New or Old Testament. Guide
them to open their Bibles to Matthew 6:9-13. When everyone finds the verse, ask someone to
read it out loud.
LEADER: “This verse is called the Lord’s Prayer! Today, we are going to be learning all about
the Lord’s Prayer and what a great example it is for us and how we can use it as a guide when
we pray.”
November 6 – Week 1
Mission Is Possible
What does each word of the verse mean? [Defining the verse word by word ... Phrase by
(Review what the references on today’s banner mean as you point to them. Explain NLT.)
LEADER: “In Matthew 6:9-13 [NLT] it says Pray Like this:
‘Our father in heaven may your name be kept holy. May your Kingdom come soon. May your
will be done on earth, as it is in heaven. Give us today the food we need, and forgive us our
sins, as we forgive those who sin against us. And don’t let us yield to temptation, but rescue us
from the evil one.’
Today’s Phrase by Phrase will be a little different ... The Lord’s Prayer is called the Lord’s
prayer because it was given to the disciples. The Lord’s Prayer can be an example of how we
can pray to be sure we always praise God, pray for the world and what God is doing in the
world, pray for the battles we face daily and to pray for God to always be the one to provide for
all of our needs ... This prayer shows our dependence on God and our trust in God!
...So we will go over the Lord’s Prayer Phrase by Phrase once discussing the meaning of all the
phrases ... then we will say it together as a prayer ... Are you ready?
Okay Let’s go ... PHRASE by PHRASE.
Our Father in heaven, ... The first statement of the prayer is to show we honor God’s holy
name. He is our perfect parent who wants to hear everything for us. In Heaven, He is above all
the gloom and doom stuff down here, and from Heaven He can see what we can’t. And what He
sees will not look the same as what we see. He can see beauty when we see ugly, good when
we see bad.
may your name be kept holy. ... It says may your name be holy ... So it is talking about His
name ... which refers to God’s whole being, His Love, His forgiveness, His kindness, His
compassion, His anger, His discipline, His power and so on ... Just Like when someone hears
your name and thinks about what kind of person you are. It is the same for Him. It says may
your name be kept holy ... which is His name be kept holy ... So if we are keeping His name
holy what does that mean? It means we accept and respect His character and conduct and we
apply it by the way we talk and walk and the way we live. We can keep His name holy by the
way we Live!
May your Kingdom come soon. This refers to God’s spiritual control and how all will be
complete when all evil is destroyed and God makes a new heaven and new earth.
May your will be done on earth, as it is in heaven. This is where we are praying for Gods
intentions to be done in our Lives, in our world and in the new world to come.
Give us today the food we need, When we pray this... we are showing God that we rely on
Him to provide for our needs, not relying on ourselves for everything! We must believe God will
give us daily what we need.
and forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us. Forgive means to cancel,
or wipe out. When God forgives us He does not hold our sins against us. This is the part of the
prayer where we are asking God to forgive us for our sins and help us to forgive people who
November 6 – Week 1
Mission Is Possible
have hurt us or sinned against us. God wants us to forgive others who have sinned against us
or hurt us!
And don’t let us yield to temptation, To yield to temptation is to give into it! We are praying to
be brought out of our trouble and for God to rescue us from Satan. We all face hard situations
and temptations, and this is a prayer to God to help us resist temptation and choose Godly
choices instead.
but rescue us from the evil one. To rescue means to escape to get away and to stay away.
We want God to help us to escape, get away and to stay away from the evil one [Satan]. The
evil one is the devil. He is your enemy not your friend, who wants to hurt you not help you, who
does not like anything about you. DON’T HANG AROUND WITH HIM OR EXPERIMENT WITH
HIS ALLURING ATTRACTIONS! To do so is like jumping out of an airplane without a parachute
... falling might feel exciting at first, but when you hit the ground it kills. So it is important to pray
regularly for God to help rescue us from Satan and his ways.”
LEADER: “God help us to remember to pray. Thank you for teaching us to pray and helping us
to focus on others as well as ourselves. Help us to depend on you for all our answers. Please
give us wisdom to follow you wherever you may lead us. Thank you for loving us and for showing
us such a great example of how we can live our lives! We love you and ask you to be with us
5. GIVE THANKS [November Challenge]
Introduce this month’s challenge – Memorize the Lord’s Prayer. Explain that you are challenging
them to memorize the Lord’s Prayer. If they recite the prayer to you by the end of the month, they
will receive a coupon worth 15 tickets for the Prize Table. Give each child a sheet with the Lord’s
Prayer printed on it.
6. SLICE THE PIES – make this as fun as you want.
For example if they get the question
wrong they do 10 jumping jacks. Whatever you can do to get them moving
Through an interactive Q and A, kids will learn God’s perspective on the verse at hand, the
theme at play and the worldview on the table. This segment is designed to offer kids a Biblical
worldview. They will be challenged to think deeper, live differently, and love God with all they
Divide kids into groups of three with varying ages. Give each person in the group one of three
cards with the letters A, B, or C printed on it. The leader will use the “Q and A Question” sheet
to read a question and the multiple choice answers. The three kids in each group will decide
what they think is the correct answer and the child with the corresponding letter will hold up his
November 6 – Week 1
Mission Is Possible
Through a series of RELEVANT questions, kids will discover interesting facts about the culture
they are living in. NOTE: Use as many questions as you like/have time for.
LEADER: “It is time for Fact or Fiction! OK…we’re going to play a game. I need you to form two
teams (help kids divide into two teams trying to make the ages of kids on each team comparable).
This game is called Fact or Fiction…and it is kind of like true or false…Fact is true and Fiction is
false …I am going to ask you a question and you are going to tell me if you think it is Fact or
Fiction. Some of the answers you may know and others you may not…that is okay! Satan tries
to trick us and we really want to learn how to resist the devil and uncover all his tricks. When I
read a question, everyone on your team will get to tell me if they think it is Fact or Fiction. If you
think a question is Fact you will stand up. If you think a question is False you will sit down. For
every answer you get right, your team will get a point. We’ll keep score up here on the board.
Let’s try a sample question (Read the first question and instruct kids to either stand if they
believe it is Fact, or remain sitting if they believe it is False.) OK…I think you understand how to
play! In honor of Thanksgiving, this sessions Fact or Fiction is going to be all about
turkeys! Are you ready?”
Fact or Fiction Questions:
This segment is designed to be fun. This is a fast moving high energy segment ... when kids
answer correctly reiterate the Fact for example on the question Only male turkeys gobble? ...
kids vote and the consensus act! Your response should be, “Fact ...Only male turkeys Gobble!”
Or with the question, A large group of keys is called a heard? ... Your answer should be, “Fiction ..
A large group of turkeys are not called a heard...!” [In a fun affirming voice]
Kids should only eat turkey on Thanksgiving? [Fiction]
The best way to defrost a turkey is with a hair dryer? [Fiction]
Farm raised turkeys can not fly? [Fact]
Only male turkeys gobble? [Fact]
Ninety percent of American homes eat turkey on Thanksgiving Day? [Fact]
A large group of turkeys is called a heard? [Fiction]
Baby turkeys are called poults? [Fact]
The average weight of a turkey purchased at thanksgiving weighs about 15 pounds? [Fact]
Turkeys have great night vision? [Fiction]
The heaviest turkey ever raised was 86 pounds? [Fact]
Wild turkeys spend the night in trees? [Fact]
Turkeys will have 3,500 feathers at maturity? [Fact]
Eating turkey does not cause you to feel sleepy? [Fact]
The fleshy growth under a turkey’s neck is called a wattle? [Fact]
Wild turkeys can’t fly? [Fiction]
Wild turkeys can’t run? [Fiction]
A male turkey is called a Tom? [Fact]
Turkeys have a long, red, fleshy area called a snood that grows from the forehead? [Fact]
Female turkeys are called Hens? [Fact]
Turkey eggs hatch in 1 year? [Fiction]
November 13 – Week 2
Theme: Why Pray?
Bible Topic: A relationship with God through prayer is a Christian’s most powerful
Focus: God’s power is greater than ours and we can rely on Him.
Supplies: 6 plush turkeys labeled with different words; PRAYER…CHANGES…THINGS.
,Prayer request sheet, Pencils and activity sheets, abc cards, and question sheet, 3 buckets
labled prayer changes things
INTRODUCTIONNOTE: Make this a friendly competition between two groups or boys against girls.
LEADER: “Welcome to Let’s Talk Turkey…! Did everyone get a button? I want you to help me
out here. I am going to say Talk and you are going to say Turkey… Are you ready? Here we
go…Talk [turkey] Talk [turkey] Talk [turkey]. Great jog!
Today we are going to be learning all about prayer. We are going to talk about how important
prayer is and how prayer changes things. We are going to learn that God’s power is greater
than ours and we can rely on Him in every circumstance. Did you know a relationship with God
through prayer is a Christian’s most powerful tool? Today is going to be so fun…are you ready
to get started?
DIRECTIONS: Pair first graders up with an older child.
• Unscramble - Do this side first!
Have children unscramble the letters to form words, discover today’s Bible topic, and
then put them in order to create a sentence.
Three-In-One Activity Sheet
2. CONNECT – While children are working on their activity sheets
Ask children if they have any prayer requests and fill out the prayer request sheet (be
sure to note if they request a silent prayer). Save requests for use during large group.
November 13 – Week 2
NOTE: Pair first graders up with an older child.
Explain the Bible Reference signs to the children, telling them that the first number is the chapter
number—it’s the big number on the page; the second number is the verse. Verse numbers are
the small numbers on the page. Ask children if James is in the New or Old Testament. Guide
them to open their Bibles to James 5:16. When everyone finds the verse, ask someone to read
it out loud.
LEADER: “You might have guessed…today, we’re going to talk about prayer. Do you guys pray
regularly and trust God with your problems? Well, in large group we’re going to talk more about
what this Bible verse means and all about God’s power and how we can rely on Him in any
LEADER: “In James 5:16 [NLT] it says ‘...The earnest prayer of a righteous person has great
power and wonderful results.’ Okay let’s go ... PHRASE by PHRASE.
First let’s start with the word earnest ... earnest means to be serious in your effort or purpose.
So an earnest prayer would be a sincere one ... right?
How about the righteous person ... It says the earnest prayer of a righteous person. What
does righteous mean? Well righteous means living upright or in an upright way, honestly and
with good morals ... It means doing what is right! The great thing is, God is righteous and when
He lives inside our hearts we are righteous too. Christians can do unrighteous things even with
God living in them. The Bible is our guide for what is the right thing to do. And God’s Spirit
inside of us let’s our conscience know that something we are doing is wrong. He makes us
righteous. We are not made righteous by what we do ... we are made righteous by who we are
in Christ.
It says next great power and wonderful results ... what does that mean? The sincere prayer of
a Godly person has great power and can produce wonderful results. This prayer is in reference
to a man who prayed and his prayer actually changed the weather. The Bible tells us he was a
person “just Like us” so pray with faith. Wow, that means that our prayers have great power not
only does God hear them, but He works behind the scenes working on behalf and through our
prayers great things can and do happen.
Good ... now your getting it!”
LEADER: What does the verse mean to you? [Have kids tell what they think the verse is
LEADER: What does God mean by the verse?
LEADER: Okay so basically ... The sincere or honest prayer of a person who has accepted
Christ in their heart and life great power and can and does produce amazing results. We don’t
pray because we believe in prayer by itself, but because we believe in the one with whom we
are talking-God. Our prayers have great power! Prayer can and does change things!”
Divide the class evenly into two teams [try to make ages of kids equal].
November 13 – Week 2
Kids will compete to see which team can successfully pass three turkeys [Turkeys will be
labeled with the different words…PRAYER…CHANGES…THINGS] to three correlating trash
cans labeled with the same three words PRAYER…CHANGES…THINGS].
One child, from each team, will be in the back of the room with the three turkeys. Another child
will be at the front of the room in position to place the incoming turkeys in the correlating trash
cans. The remaining children will be in between the child in the front and the child in the back
[separated like an assembly line in position to pass the turkeys one at a time up the line].
Between the long tables might be a good place to set this up. When the leader shouts, “Go!” the
children will begin to pass each turkey to the end of the room where the trash cans are located.
Kids must pair and put the correct turkey in the correct trash can to win.
The first team to successfully get their three turkeys to the front and put them in the right trash
cans wins. When a team feels they have successfully placed the correct turkeys into the correct
trash cans, they signal to the leader and the leader blows the whistle to let both teams know
they must freeze.
The leader then checks to make sure all turkeys are in the correct trash can. If all turkeys are in
the correct trash can, then that team wins a prize.
SLICE THE PIES [Large Group Game Activity]
Through an interactive Q and A, kids will learn God’s perspective on the verse at hand, the
theme at play and the worldview on the table. This segment is designed to offer kids a Biblical
worldview. They will be challenged to think deeper, live differently, and love God with all they
Divide kids into groups of three with varying ages. Give each person in the group one of three
cards with the letters A, B, or C printed on it. The leader will use the “Q and A Question” sheet
to read a question and the multiple choice answers. The three kids in each group will decide
what they think is the correct answer and the child with the corresponding letter will hold up his
Through a series of RELEVANT questions, kids will discover interesting facts about the culture
they are living in. NOTE: Use as many questions as you like/have time for.
LEADER: “It is time for Fact or Fiction! OK…we’re going to play a game. I need you to form two
teams (help kids divide into two teams trying to make the ages of kids on each team comparable).
This game is called Fact or Fiction…and it is kind of like true or false…Fact is true and Fiction is
false …I am going to ask you a question and you are going to tell me if you think it is Fact or
Fiction. Some of the answers you may know and others you may not…that is okay! Satan tries
to trick us and we really want to learn how to resist the devil and uncover all his tricks. When I
read a question, everyone on your team will get to tell me if they think it is Fact or Fiction. If you
think a question is Fact you will stand up. If you think a question is False you will sit down. For
every answer you get right, your team will get a point. We’ll keep score up here on the board.
November 13 – Week 2
Let’s try a sample question (Read the first question and instruct kids to either stand if they
believe it is Fact, or remain sitting if they believe it is False.) OK…I think you understand how to
play! In honor of Thanksgiving, this sessions Fact or Fiction is going to be all about
turkeys! Are you ready?”
Fact or Fiction Questions:
This segment is designed to be fun. This is a fast moving high energy segment ... when kids
answer correctly reiterate the Fact for example on the question Only male turkeys gobble? ...
kids vote and the consensus act! Your response should be, “Fact ...Only male turkeys Gobble!”
Or with the question, A large group of keys is called a heard? ... Your answer should be, “Fiction ..
A large group of turkeys are not called a heard...!” [In a fun affirming voice]
Kids should only eat turkey on Thanksgiving? [Fiction]
The best way to defrost a turkey is with a hair dryer? [Fiction]
Farm raised turkeys can not fly? [Fact]
Only male turkeys gobble? [Fact]
Ninety percent of American homes eat turkey on Thanksgiving Day? [Fact]
A large group of turkeys is called a heard? [Fiction]
Baby turkeys are called poults? [Fact]
The average weight of a turkey purchased at thanksgiving weighs about 15 pounds? [Fact]
Turkeys have great night vision? [Fiction]
The heaviest turkey ever raised was 86 pounds? [Fact]
Wild turkeys spend the night in trees? [Fact]
Turkeys will have 3,500 feathers at maturity? [Fact]
Eating turkey does not cause you to feel sleepy? [Fact]
The fleshy growth under a turkey’s neck is called a wattle? [Fact]
Wild turkeys can’t fly? [Fiction]
Wild turkeys can’t run? [Fiction]
A male turkey is called a Tom? [Fact]
Turkeys have a long, red, fleshy area called a snood that grows from the forehead? [Fact]
Female turkeys are called Hens? [Fact]
Turkey eggs hatch in 1 year? [Fiction]
LEADER: “The key to unlocking today’s lesson is to remember prayer changes things. We can
trust and rely on God’s power in any circumstance or situation. God has given us this great thing
called prayer and through prayer we get closer to Him and spend time talking to Him. God
wants us to pray and our prayers are powerful! We can choose to honor God with our actions.
God loves us and we can rely on Him no matter what. God hears our prayers and wants us to
trust Him and lean on Him in our times of trouble. He wants us to pray for others and expect
great things to happen when we pray!
Okay kids…let’s say this together as loud as we can…repeat after me…
Our Father in heaven, [Our Father in heaven]
may your name be kept holy. [may your name be kept holy.]
May your Kingdom come soon. [May your Kingdom come soon.]
May your will be done on earth, [May your will be done on earth,]
as it is in heaven. [as it is in heaven.]
Give us today the food we need, [Give us today the food we need,]
November 13 – Week 2
and forgive us our sins, [and forgive us our sins,]
as we forgive those who sin against us. [as we forgive those who sin against us.]
And don’t let us yield to temptation, [And don’t let us yield to temptation,]
but rescue us from the evil one. [but rescue us from the evil one.]
 NOVEMBER CHALLENGE: Review the challenge of memorizing the Lord’s Prayer. If they
recite the prayer to you by the end of the month they’ll receive a coupon for 15 tickets!
Have the Lord’s Prayer sheets available for kids who have not yet received one.
November 20– Week 3
Theme: Talk to God
Bible Topic: Tell God what you need and thank Him for all He has done.
Focus: Let God’s peace guard your heart against worry.
SUPPLIES: Pencils and activity sheets,For each group - four worries written on a piece of paper
and “taked” to a foam core board, and four prayers written on four pieces of paper, FunTak,
prayer request sheets, q and A questions
DIRECTIONS: Pair first graders up with an older child.
• Crossword Puzzle - Do this side first!
Have children solve the crossword puzzle by looking up the Bible verses in their Bibles.
Mayflower Maze
2. CONNECT – While children are working on their activity sheets
Ask children if they have any prayer requests and fill out the prayer request sheet (be
sure to note if they request a silent prayer). Save requests for use during large group.
NOTE: Pair first graders up with an older child.
Explain the Bible Reference signs to the children, telling them that the first number is the chapter
number—it’s the big number on the page; the second number is the verse. Verse numbers are
the small numbers on the page. Ask children if Philippians is in the New or Old Testament.
Guide them to open their Bibles to Philippians 4:6. When everyone finds the verse, ask
someone to read it out loud.
LEADER: “WOW! God is telling us not to worry! Today we are going to be learning all about
worry and how we can turn our worries into prayers. We are going to talk about God’s peace
and how His peace can help us to guard our hearts against worry. We all worry sometimes…we
are going to learn that we can tell God what we need and have peace to know He will help us
through any circumstance. We can pray often and thank God for all He has done. We can really
pray about everything! Are you ready to get started?” What does each word of the verse mean?
[Defining the verse word by word ... Phrase by Phrase]
November 20– Week 3
(Review what the references on today’s banner mean as you point to them. Explain NLT.)
LEADER: “In Philippians 4:6 [NLT] it says ‘Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about
Okay let’s go ... PHRASE by PHRASE.
First let’s start with don’t worry about anything ... well that seems easy but what do you think
worry means? It means we are troubled or concerned ... we think about something over and
over again and often times are scared about what might happen as a result of what we are
worrying about ... sometimes we just don’t know what to do!
The verse says not to worry? When we worry it is like we don’t believe God knows what He is
doing and we forget that He is in control and cares about us. We worry about all kinds of things!
Like school, grades, friends, family, money, sickness, So ... don’t worry means to give our cares
to God and not to be concerned, troubled or afraid of anything ...?“
“How about the instead, pray about everything .... Well when we start to be troubled or
concerned something and begin to worry, God wants us to pray about it! It does not say just to
pray about everything, it says instead of worrying ... Which means in the place of worrying ... so
instead of worrying about something us r pray about it!”
“ your getting it!”
LEADER: “What does the verse mean to you?” [Have kids tell what they think the verse is
LEADER: “What does God mean by the verse?
Okay so basically ... God wants us to stop worrying about everything and pray about it instead!
If we CAN change it, why worry ... just change it! If we CAN’T change it, why worry ... We can’t
change it, so take it to God who can. So if we don’t worry about what we CAN change and we
don’t worry about what we CAN’T change then what is it to worry about? Nothing! But a Lot to
pray about, so when you become afraid or troubled about immediately start to pray! He wants
us to give all our concerns to Him and trust Him to work it out in His way a His timing.”
Divide the class evenly into two teams [try to make ages of kids equal].
Kids will compete to see which team can successfully match the worries with the prayers.
Place a board with the four worries on an easel in front of each team. Stick some FunTak below
each worry for the prayers to be attached to. Place the four papers with the prayers written on
them face down, near the easel on the floor.
Have the kids on each team select four people to read the prayers and place them on the worry
board. When the leader blows the whistle, one of the four players will take choose a prayer card,
November 20– Week 3
read it aloud to their team, select a worry that matches it, and place the prayer on the board
underneath the worry. Other kids on the team can shout out if they think the prayer is in the
wrong location. The other three players will take turns selecting a prayer card, reading it to their
team, and placing it under the matching worry.
Once the team feels they have matched all the prayers to the worries correctly, they can signal
the leader. The leader then blows the whistle to let both teams know they must freeze.
The leader then checks to make sure the prayers and worries are matched up correctly. If they
are matched up correctly, that team wins. If any of the sets are matched incorrectly, the leader
removes the incorrectly matched prayers and places them back on the floor. The teams then
continue working on matching the pairs until one team has them matched correctly.
1. I am afraid of a kid at school.
2. My grandma is sick.
3. I lied to my parents.
4. I lost my homework.
1. Lord, please watch over me at school.
2. Lord, please help my grandmother get well.
3. Heavenly father, please help me tell my parents
the truth and please forgive me for lying.
4. God, please help my teacher to understand.
Through an interactive Q and A, kids will learn God’s perspective on the verse at hand, the
theme at play and the worldview on the table. This segment is designed to offer kids a Biblical
worldview. They will be challenged to think deeper, live differently, and love God with all they
Divide kids into groups of three with varying ages. Give each person in the group one of three
cards with the letters A, B, or C printed on it. The leader will use the “Q and A Question” sheet
to read a question and the multiple choice answers. The three kids in each group will decide
what they think is the correct answer and the child with the corresponding letter will hold up his
Through a series of RELEVANT questions, kids will discover interesting facts about the culture
they are living in. NOTE: Use as many questions as you like/have time for.
LEADER: “It is time for Fact or Fiction! OK…we’re going to play a game. I need you to form two
teams (help kids divide into two teams trying to make the ages of kids on each team comparable).
This game is called Fact or Fiction…and it is kind of like true or false…Fact is true and Fiction is
false …I am going to ask you a question and you are going to tell me if you think it is Fact or
Fiction. Some of the answers you may know and others you may not…that is okay! Satan tries
to trick us and we really want to learn how to resist the devil and uncover all his tricks. When I
read a question, everyone on your team will get to tell me if they think it is Fact or Fiction. If you
November 20– Week 3
think a question is Fact you will stand up. If you think a question is False you will sit down. For
every answer you get right, your team will get a point. We’ll keep score up here on the board.
Let’s try a sample question (Read the first question and instruct kids to either stand if they
believe it is Fact, or remain sitting if they believe it is False.) OK…I think you understand how to
play! In honor of Thanksgiving, this sessions Fact or Fiction is going to be all about
turkeys! Are you ready?”
Fact or Fiction Questions:
This segment is designed to be fun. This is a fast moving high energy segment ... when kids
answer correctly reiterate the Fact. For example on the question “A turkeys head can change
color?”.., kids vote and the consensus is Fact! Your response should be, “’re right a
turkey’s head can change color ...!” Or with the question ... “Turkey eggs are pink with black
spots?” ... Your answer should be, “Fiction ... Turkey eggs don’t have pink and black spots.
[In a fun affirming voice]...
The most popular turkey Leftover is a turkey sandwich? [Fact]
A person who enjoys eating turkey is called a “dinosaur?” [Fiction]
The first meat eaten on the moon was roast turkey in a foil packet? [Fact]
The ballroom dance the “Turkey Trot” was named for the short, jerky steps that a turkey
makes? [Fact]
Turkey eggs are pink with black spots? [Fiction]
A sixteen year old turkey is called a flyer? [Fact]
A turkeys head can change color? [Fact]
A 15 pound turkey usually has 70 percent white meat? [Fact]
It takes 70 to 80 pounds of feed to raise a 30 pound turkey? [Fact]
Turkey has been around for only 5 years? [Fiction]
A turkey’s chest can grow so large that the turkey falls over? [Fact]
Turkeys puff their bodies and spread their tail feathers? [Fact]
Wild turkeys are covered with white feathers? [Fiction]
675 million pounds of turkey are consumed on Thanksgiving most every year? [Fact]
The turkey is one of the most famous birds? [Fact]
Turkey production in the United States has more than tripled since 1970? [Fact]
During a 25-week cycle, a hen normally lays 80-100 eggs? [Fact]
Turkey is only for thanksgiving? [Fiction]
There once was a three headed turkey? [Fiction]
LEADER: “The key to unlocking today’s lesson is to turn our worries into prayers. When you
begin to feel troubled, afraid, or concerned about any situation, immediately pray! God can give
you peace that will guard your heart against worry. We can choose to honor God with our actions.
And most of all, remember God loves you and we can rely on Him no matter what. God hears
our prayers and wants us to trust Him and lean on Him in our times of trouble.
Okay kids…let’s say this together as loud as we can…repeat after me…
Our Father in heaven, [Our Father in heaven]
may your name be kept holy. [may your name be kept holy.]
May your Kingdom come soon. [May your Kingdom come soon.]
May your will be done on earth, [May your will be done on earth,]
as it is in heaven. [as it is in heaven.]
November 20– Week 3
Give us today the food we need, [Give us today the food we need,]
and forgive us our sins, [and forgive us our sins,]
as we forgive those who sin against us. [as we forgive those who sin against us.]
And don’t let us yield to temptation, [And don’t let us yield to temptation,]
but rescue us from the evil one. [but rescue us from the evil one.]
 NOVEMBER CHALLENGE: Review the challenge of memorizing the Lord’s Prayer. If they
recite the prayer to you by the end of the month, they’ll receive a coupon for 15 tickets!
November 27 – Week 4
Theme: Bow your head.
Bible Topic: Give thanks in all circumstances.
Focus: We can obey God’s word and be thankful even when we don’t feel like it.
SUPPLIES: Crayons, pencils, and activity sheets, Prayer request sheet, For each team – a
table, and a bucket full of four place settings [tablecloth, plates, forks, spoons, knives, glasses,
napkins, and a center piece].
OPENINGNOTE: Make this a friendly competition between two groups or boys against girls.
LEADER: “Welcome to Let’s Talk Turkey…! Did everyone get a button? I want you to help me
out here. I am going to say Talk and you are going to say Turkey… Are you ready? Here we
go…Talk [turkey] Talk [turkey] Talk [turkey]. Great jog!
DIRECTIONS: Pair first graders up with an older child.
• Connect the Dots - Do this side first!
Have children connect the dots, color the picture, and write this week’s Bible verse on
the line..
Thanksgiving Words
Have children write prayers in the conversation blocks. They should include prayers of
thanks and requests for needs.
2. CONNECT – While children are working on their activity sheets
Ask children if they have any prayer requests and fill out the prayer request sheet (be
sure to note if they request a silent prayer). Save requests for use during large group.
NOTE: Pair first graders up with an older child.
Explain the Bible Reference signs to the children, telling them that the first number is the chapter
number—it’s the big number on the page; the second number is the verse. Verse numbers are
the small numbers on the page. Ask children if Philippians is in the New or Old Testament.
November 27 – Week 4
Guide them to open their Bibles to Philippians 4:6. When everyone finds the verse, ask
someone to read it out loud.
LEADER: “God is telling us how He wants us to be happy and thankful.! Today we are going to
be learning all about being thankful. We are going to talk about how it can be hard sometimes to
be thankful. We will be discussing how we can be thankful even when we don’t feel like it! Are
you ready to get started?”
What does each word of the verse mean? [Defining the verse word by word ... Phrase by
(Review what the references on today’s banner mean as you point to them. Explain NLT.)
LEADER: “In 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 it says: ‘Always be joyful. Never stop praying. Be
thankful in all circumstances...’
Okay let’s go ... PHRASE by PHRASE.
First let’s start with Always be joyful... well be joyful means to be cheerful, glad, or content and
to show it with our actions. God can give us joy even when things may not be so good. Joy is
something we can have on the inside of us because we know God is with us and God is in
control no matter what the circumstance.”
“How about Never stop praying? Well this just means God wants us to continue to pray about
everything in our lives. Don’t ever give up on praying, and don’t just have one time and place to
pray. Use any opportunity to pray, such as when walking, getting ready to go somewhere, when
waiting in line, when riding in the car, during commercials on TV, as soon as you get up, before
you fall asleep, and when doing chores. He wants to know how we feel, what we need, and
everything about us. He wants us to pray constantly, not just once in a awhile.
Lastly the verse says ... Be thankful in all circumstances ... This means to be thankful no
matter what. It can be hard to be thankful no matter what happens, but with Christ’s help we can
do it. Even if you receive a bad grade, you can be thankful that God does not look down on you
because of that. He cares, loves, and hurts with you. But what can you learn from that bad
grade? To be thankful that God can suggest what you can learn. For example ... perhaps to
take better notes, to study you notes with another person, to set study goals higher ... Even
when things in our lives seem awful, or even super difficult, we can still find reasons to be
thankful, we can lean on God and actually get closer to Him. So even when we do not feel like
being thankful, we can always know that God is with us, and even though sometimes we do not
understand why certain things happen, we can rest and know that God does understand and we
can trust Him and be thankful for our relationship with Him.
Good ... now your getting it!”
“What does the verse mean to you?” [Have kids tell what they think the verse is saying
“What does God mean by the verse?
Okay so basically... God wants us to focus on Him ...not on our problems, He wants us to pray
constantly and when bad things happen... He wants us to use those times as opportunities to
get closer to Him... He wants us to be thankful no matter what!”
November 27 – Week 4
Divide the class evenly into two teams [try to make ages of kids equal].
Each team will choose two children to participate in the game/activity challenge. One child will
be the “table setter” and the other child will be the “verse finder.”
Each team will have a table and a bucket full of four table settings [tablecloth, plates, forks,
spoons, knives, glasses, napkins, and a center piece]. Each item in each bucket will have a
small piece of tape with a diffei phrase written on it. Three of the phrases will be taken from this
sessions verse and be written on three of the pieces of tape stuck to some of the items in the
bucket. For example ... one plate will have the words “be jo written on the bottom ... The cup will
have the words “pray continually” ... and the knife will say “give thanks.” The other pieces of the
place settings will have other words which are similar to the ones from the verse. example ... be
happy, pray on Monday and be thankful.
Place the buckets with the place settings in front of each team. When the whistle blows the table
setter will gather the place settings and set the table as quickly and as neatly as possible. When
the table setter is finished setting the table they tag the “verse finder” who will then race to the
table and start turning the pieces of the place settings over, one at a time trying to find the
correct words to the verse.
Once the “verse finder” feels as if they have found the correct words to the verse, they can ring
the dinner bell, signaling the leader that they have completed the task. The leader blows the
whistle to let both teams know they must freeze.
The Leader then checks to make sure all the phrases from the verse match. If all the words are
matched correctly then that team wins. If any of the words are matched incorrectly then that
“verse finder” must return to the table and start again. The whistle blows again and the process
starts over. This process continues until one team successfully chooses the three correct pieces
of the place setting that have the three correct phrases stuck to the bottom.
Phrases Listed Below
Be joyful always
Be happy
Pray forever
Be joyous
Keep praying
Be grateful
Be pleased
Pray continually
Be cheerful
Pray on Mondays
Be thankful
Pray today
Pray for 10 mm.
Pray endlessly
Pray when it rains
Give thanks
Happy day
Pray at night
Always be thankful
Have joy
Be jolly
Be wonderful
Give thankfulness
5. SLICE THE PIES [Large Group Game Activity]
Through an interactive Q and A, kids will learn God’s perspective on the verse at hand, the
theme at play and the worldview on the table. This segment is designed to offer kids a Biblical
worldview. They will be challenged to think deeper, live differently, and love God with all they
November 27 – Week 4
Divide kids into groups of three with varying ages. Give each person in the group one of three
cards with the letters A, B, or C printed on it. The leader will use the “Q and A Question” sheet
to read a question and the multiple choice answers. The three kids in each group will decide
what they think is the correct answer and the child with the corresponding letter will hold up his
Through a series of RELEVANT questions, kids will discover interesting facts about the culture
they are living in. NOTE: Use as many questions as you like/have time for.
LEADER: “It is time for Fact or Fiction! OK…we’re going to play a game. I need you to form two
teams (help kids divide into two teams trying to make the ages of kids on each team comparable).
This game is called Fact or Fiction…and it is kind of like true or false…Fact is true and Fiction is
false …I am going to ask you a question and you are going to tell me if you think it is Fact or
Fiction. Some of the answers you may know and others you may not…that is okay! Are you
Fact or Fiction Questions:
This segment is designed to be fun. This is a fast moving high energy segment ... when kids
answer correctly reiterate the Fact. For example on the question “The first Thanksgiving was
called an “Autumn Harvest”? ... kids vote and the consensus is Fact! Your response should be,
“Fact... the first Thanksgiving was called an Autumn Harvest!” Or with the question...”
Pilgrims only wore black and white?” ...Your answer should be, “Fiction...Pilgrims didn’t just
wear black and white.” [In a fun affirming voice]...
The first Thanksgiving was called an “Autumn Harvest”? [Fact]
The first feast was celebrated in 1621? [Fact]
The first thanksgiving was celebrated on the fourth Thursday in November? [Fiction
The Pilgrims were not real. They are just a story? [Fiction]
The Pilgrims and Indians ate the first feast together? [Fact]
Pilgrims only wore black and white? [Fiction]
The Pilgrims did not eat pumpkin pie at the first Thanksgiving? [Fact]
The Pilgrims set ground at Plymouth Rock? [Fact]
Everyone celebrates thanksgiving? [Fiction]
The “Horn of Plenty” is a symbol of great quantity? [Fact]
The “Horn of Plenty” is also called a cornucopia? [Fact]
The first Thanksgiving lasted for three days? [Fact]
The Pilgrims were the first to celebrate Thanksgiving? [Fact]
Turkey was not a part of the first Thanksgiving? [Fact]
Thanksgiving Day was founded by John Miller? [Fiction]
On the first Thanksgiving the Pilgrims ate clams? [Fiction]
Thanksgiving is a time for families to gather together? [Fact]
Many families like to watch football on Thanksgiving? [Fact]
Lots of people overeat on Thanksgiving? [Fact]
Pilgrims wore big buckles on their shoes? [Fiction]
November 27 – Week 4
LEADER: “The key to unlocking today’s lesson is to be thankful in every situation. To remember
God loves us and wants the best for us. We can be joyful even when we don’t feel like it and
when bad things happen we can turn to God and get closer to Him as He helps us though our
struggles. We can trust and rely on God’s power in any circumstance or situation. God has
given us this great thing called prayer and through prayer we get closer to Him and spend time
talking to Him. God wants us to pray constantly and He wants us to remember our prayers are
powerful! We can choose to honor God with our actions. God loves us and we can rely on Him
no matter what!
Okay kids…let’s say this together as loud as we can…repeat after me…
Our Father in heaven, [Our Father in heaven]
may your name be kept holy. [may your name be kept holy.]
May your Kingdom come soon. [May your Kingdom come soon.]
May your will be done on earth, [May your will be done on earth,]
as it is in heaven. [as it is in heaven.]
Give us today the food we need, [Give us today the food we need,]
and forgive us our sins, [and forgive us our sins,]
as we forgive those who sin against us. [as we forgive those who sin against us.]
And don’t let us yield to temptation, [And don’t let us yield to temptation,]
but rescue us from the evil one. [but rescue us from the evil one.]