April 16 - St. Paul`s UMC

No Sunday School Today
Sunday, April 16
Sunrise Service
Continental Breakfast
Worship Service with Communion
Traditional Worship Service
Contemporary Style Worship Service
6:30 am
7:15 am
8:00 am
9:15 am
10:45 am
Monday, April 17
Staff Meeting (Asbury Room)
Holy Yoga (Wesley 204)
Women of Purpose (Ed. Center 308)
Prayer Strands Group (Ed. Center 3rd floor)
Kappa Phi (Wesley 301)
Troop 31 Meeting (Gym)
10:45 9:15
10:00 am
12:00 pm
12:30 pm
1:00 pm
6:00 pm
7:00 pm
Education Center
1st & 2nd floors
Facilities Closed for the Easter Holiday
Tuesday, April 18
Children’s Sunday School
Seekers & Servants
Wesley 202
Adult Bible Study (ABS)
Wesley 204
The 10:45 Forum
Asbury Room/ Library
Wednesday, April 19
9:30 am
Women of Faith, Hope & Love
(Ed. Center 3rd floor)
11:00 pm Bread Basket (Social Room)
5:00 pm Finance Committee Meeting (Wesley 204)
5:30 pm Wednesday Prayer Gathering (Frank Chapel)
6:00 pm Pack 31 Meeting (Gym, Social Room)
6:30 pm The Bear Den (Wesley 303)
Thursday, April 20
7:00 pm
Mt. T.O.P. Core Team Meeting (Ed. Center 308)
Friday, April 21
6:30 am
Accountable Disciples (Social Room)
Saturday, April 22
9:00 am
Shoe Bank (Wesley 203)
Contact Russell Bloom at [email protected]
Wellspring Praise Team
9:00 am
6:30 pm
5:30 pm
Wesley 204
Chancel Choir
7:00 pm
Carillon Handbell Choir
6:00 pm
Asbury Room
Cherub Choir (grades K-2)
10:10 am
Ed. Center 103
Angelus Choir (grades 3-6)
10:10 am
Ed. Center 208
Music Ministry at St. Paul’s
Everyone is invited to Coffee Fellowship in the Social Room following 9:15 am Worship
Easter Flowers
The beautiful flowers in our Worship Service and the many contributions to our Benevolent Homes Easter Offering are given by
friends and relatives in honor, appreciation and memory of their loved ones.
Presented in loving memory of:
Jean and Harold Albert; Erma and James Miller, by Louise and Glenn Albert
Connie McChesney; Jane McDowell; Marilyn Dolce, by Joanna, Evan and Lewis Bell
Glen (Bing) Bengtson, by Miriam Bengtson
Our Parents and our granddaughter, Allie Bickle, by Wayne and Kay Bickle
Bob and Marion Briscoe, Frances Fairchild, Mary Ann Frazier, Natalie Gedon, Jane Murphy, Kay Sefchick, Ed
and Peach Stevens, Isabel Stout, Dave Wilson, Marilyn Young, Sue Ziegler and Paul Hill, by Peggy Hoover
Tina Czajkowski; Mr. and Mrs. William Murphy, by Thomas Czajkowski
Linda Kay Coleman, by Janet M. Coleman
Lynn Culp, by Bill Culp
Our parents, DeWalt and Vogelsong and deceased loved ones, by Shirley and Jim Vogelsong
Our parents, Robert and Lillian Donaldson; Katherine Rinehart, by Bob and Jan Donaldson
Robert H. Fleck and Marty Adams, by Heather F. Fleck
Laura Forbes, by Robert Forbes
Evelyn Haigh, Mabel Frankenstein and Michael Pfau, by Michel M. Haigh
Anita Hatch and Laura Rayman, our daughters, by Cordell and Nancy Hatch
Parents, James and Sarah Hopkins; Harold and Myrtle Shirey, by Fred and Nancy Hopkins
Parents and grandparents, Ernie and Emma Neil, by Dana Neil, Van and Cole Arvin
Philip Nelson, by his family
Fielder Newton, my husband, by Marge Newton
Our baby girl, Elizabeth Ann and Gary’s dad, Robert, by Marcia and Gary Perdew
Larry C. Pharo, by Betty and Jim Irwin
Art and Evie Sandusky; Martin and Evelyn Gross, by the Sandusky Family
Jocelyn Scholz, by the Nelsons
Our parents, Ed and Bea Simco; Mike and Arlene Bloom, by Diane and Barry Bloom
Our Parents, by William and Ruth Smith
Fred Spannuth, by Nancy Spannuth and family
Their parents, Warren and Martha Stewart; Edward and Margaret Jackson, by Al and Karen Stewart
Isabelle Stout, Natalie Gedon; Bob & Marion Briscoe, by their ChristCare Friends
Joan Summers, our Mom and Grandma, by Michelle and Jeff Helffrich; Scott, Tracy, Kayla, Taylor and Kendall Binkley
Dick Stuby, by Phyllis and family
Our Grandparents, by the Teel Family
Herb and Wilhelmina Tiffany, by Everett and Mary Linn Tiffany
Her mother, Dot Wian, by Tammy Jones and family
Dot Wian, by Hubert Wian and family
Our Parents, by Bob and Pat Yoder
Paul and Carolyn Volle, by the Royse Family
Husband and father, Jim Winck, by the Winck Family
Our Parents, by John and Jane Ziegler
Richard Zindler and my parents, Frank and Vivian Hench, by Leanne Zindler and family
Calvin and Alma Zimmerman; Robert Thomas, by Cal and Pam Zimmerman
Presented in honor of:
Our Children and Grandchildren, by Louise and Glenn Albert
Norma Hatch, daughter-in-law, by Cordell and Nancy Hatch
Ken McMillan, by his family
Our Children, by Jane and Louis Moore
Myron “Micki” Pharo, by Betty and Jim Irwin
Her father, Hubert Wian and Bonnie Wolf, by Tammy Jones and family
Terry and Kelly; Tam, and Bill; Tina and Bill; Bonnie and grandchildren, by Hubie Wian
Sue Winck, by Tim and Heather; Kim and Brian
Tim, Heather, Kim and Brian, by Susan Winck
Norine Thomas, our children and grandchildren, by Cal and Pam Zimmerman
The church building will be closed
on Monday, April 17, for the Easter
holiday. Happy Easter!
You’re invited to be a part of our
new photo directory! Sign up for a
photography session between
services today at the College Avenue
entrance, or online through the link
on the home page at stpaulsc.org
Various afternoon and evening time
slots are available May 15-18, June 4
-6 and June 11-12.
St. Paul’s has two openings for an
evening/weekend custodian: 18
hours/week within the following
times: M-F, 4 pm-10:30 pm,
Saturday 8 am-1:30 pm. Duties
include cleaning, restocking, locking,
ability to lift heavy objects, such as
8ft tables. Contact Ken Musser (2372163, ext. 142).
Pianist/keyboardist wanted for the
10:45 Contemporary Style Worship.
Looking for someone with a heart
for contemporary Christian music
and a willingness to learn. Ability to
play from chord sheets or written
piano parts preferred. We practice
on Wednesday evenings and play
Sundays, 9-11:45 am. Contact Steve
Linnes ([email protected];
777-6174) if interested.
Men’s Bible Study. Join the
Accountable Disciples for weekly
Bible study. Every Friday morning in
the Social Room. Gather with coffee
and singing at 6:30 am and Bible
study from 7:00 am to 8:00 am. All
men are invited.
Mary and
Martha Circle: Wednesday, April 19
at 10:30 at Hoss's. Business meeting
and lunch followed by program at
12:15 pm. Speaker is Michael Jinbo,
Maestro of the Nittany Valley
Symphony. All ladies are invited to
join us. Please RSVP Nancy Guild
([email protected]).
UMW Spring Banquet:
May 1, 6-8 pm, Potluck Dinner in the
Social Room. “Taking Care of our
Planet” sustainability program by
Lydia Bodman Vandenbergh.
Register April 23 or 30 at church
entrances, through your Circle or
contact Sue Rubba
([email protected], 360-5264).
The afternoon knit/crochet group
will meet on Tuesday, April 18 at
1 pm in Room 301 of the Education
Center. We will be assembling
prayer strands for our Church
Conference. Anyone interested in
helping is welcome. Questions:
Contact Sue Rubba at (360-5264;
[email protected]).
Finals care packages: We will
assemble Finals Care Packages on
Saturday, April 29 at 9 am in Abba
Java. Please plan to come and
help! Donations of cookies, snacks,
candy, etc. greatly appreciated.
Contact Jean Chirpas (571-0603)
with questions.
Usher Training is scheduled for
Sunday, May 7, 2-4 pm in the
Sanctuary. All current and want-tobe ushers need to be in attendance.
Lots of important information to
enhance your experience is going to
be covered. Questions: Contact Lee
Pressler (360-0229).
Help Organize our Historical
Records: Looking for folks
interested in helping our archivist
with organizing St. Paul’s United
Methodist Church & Wesley
Foundation historical documents.
No special knowledge required, just
a willingness to delve into our
common history. Contact Lou
Geschwindner ([email protected]).
Help Wanted for Musical Camp:
To offer this faith-building
experience to St. Paul's and
community kids June 26-30 we need
adult and teen helpers with crafts,
snacks, drama, and simple set
design. Please contact Joanna
Carlson ([email protected]).
The TOMS club of Penn State is
holding a raffle in the HUB April 1921. This raffle will benefit the St.
Paul’s Shoe Bank, so if you are in
the vicinity please stop by and see
what they have. Help support THEIR
efforts to support OUR efforts.
Downsizing? De-cluttering?
Yard/garage sale donations would
be greatly appreciated by UMW. On
August 26, UMW is holding a yard/
garage sale in our Social Room and
Gym. For information please see the
flyers available at the welcome desks
at each entranceway.
Tori Von Leer, 237-2163 ext. 148
[email protected]
Summer opportunities for kids!
Here at St. Paul’s, Vacation Bible
School will be held June 19-23 from
6-8:30 pm and Summer Musical
Camp returns June 26-30, 8:4511:45 am. Visit www.stpaulsc.org for
info and to register for both events.
Interested in summer camp for your
child? Visit www.susumcamps.org!
Contact Tori with questions.
All volunteers in children’s classes/
activities are required to have Safe
Sanctuary clearances. Contact Tori
for information.
Dave Fisher, 237-2163 ext. 137
[email protected]
SPYF will not meet this evening.
Sundays April 23 and 30: SPYF
meetings 5:30-8 pm at Glenn &
Louise Albert’s house! Visit
www.stpaulsc.org/SPYNFO for more
Check out the information for our
trip to this summer’s Impact
Festival on the SPYNFO page too!
Jen Gruendler, 238.6739 ext. 139
[email protected]
Abba Java Hours
Join us for free coffee, snacks,
Wi-Fi, and community!
Monday-Thursday: 9 am-9 pm
Friday: 9 am-5 pm
Sunday: 12 pm-5 pm
Calling all graduates! If
you’re graduating this
semester or summer please
let Jen know, so we can
celebrate with you.
If you’re interested in
being a student leader in
2017-2018 contact Jen about
Renae Schunk, 237-2163 ext. 152
[email protected]
The Walk to Jerusalem:
After outstanding
participation, we have
travelled miles over our goal!
Great work! We will update
with a final mileage in the
weeks to come.
What’s Happening? email
updates: This weekly email
blast highlights a few of the
many activities taking place at
St. Paul’s. Please send your
email address to Virginia at
[email protected], if you
would like to receive these
email updates.
Prayer Requests and
Praises: Place a prayer/praise
request card in the offering
plate or contact
Shannon McChesneyBrungart( smcchesney
[email protected];
Hospital Visitation: Due to
privacy regulations, we must
depend on our members to
inform the church of the
hospitalization of their family
members or neighbors who
desire spiritual care. Please
call the church office at
Visit the Library located in
the Asbury Room on the 3rd
floor. Checkout/return books
any time the church is open.
Alive Now ($1.75) & Upper
Room ($.80 reg. print; $1.25
large print) for May/June are
available in racks outside
Sanctuary entrances.
Senior Pastor …………………..…….……. Greg Milinovich
Associate Pastor …………………………..… Becky McGee
Director of the Wesley Foundation….Jen Gruendler
8:00 am Traditional Worship with Communion
9:15 am Traditional Worship
10:45 am Contemporary Style Worship
9:15 am Children and Youth
10:45 am Adult Christian Education
10:15 am (Social Room)
Church Office:
Monday-Friday 9 am-4 pm
Custodian Scheduled:
Sunday 7 am-3 pm
Monday-Friday 9 am-10 pm
Saturday 8 am-12:30 pm
The church parking lot (corner of Locust Lane &
Calder Way) is reserved for renters & staff
Monday-Friday from 7 am-5 pm. All others will be
towed at the owner’s expense. Parking is available
on the street or in a nearby parking facility. After 5
pm the parking lot is available to those attending
church functions.
Pat Moyer (Calder)
Diane Gustine (College)
Tami Mistrick (Calder)
Phyllis Stuby (College)
Oliver & Sandy Goodman (Calder)
Sue Kutz (College)
Lou & Judy Geschwindner (Calder)
Bob & Bonnie Johnson (College)
April 9
8:00 am
9:15 am
10:45 am
Submitting an article? The St. Paul’s Weekly deadline is Monday at 4 pm. Announcements must be 50 words or less and
may run no longer than 3 weeks. The Messenger deadline is the second Wednesday of each month at noon
(announcements 200 words or less.) Email articles to [email protected].
Please note when submitting articles, both publications appear on our church website. If you prefer to keep your address/
phone number private, and a contact is necessary, you may refer people to the church office to get your contact information.
St. Paul’s United Methodist Church & Wesley Foundation
250 E College Ave, State College, PA 16801
814-237-2163 • [email protected] • www.stpaulsc.org