Development 100, 471-477 (1987) Printed in Great Britain © The Company of Biologists Limited 19S7 471 Production of fertile salamanders by transfer of germ cell nuclei into eggs M. LESIMPLE, C. DOURNON, M. LABROUSSE and Ch. HOUILLON Laboratoire de Biologic animate, University Pierre et Marie Curie, 9 quai Saint-Bernard, 75252 Pans Cedex 05, France Summary In amphibians, the ability of somatic cell nuclei to give rise to embryos in nuclear transplantation experiments has been thoroughly investigated and shown to be limited, except in Xenopus laevis. Similar experiments have been performed with primordial germ cells from genital ridges and spermatogonia. In the present paper, we have studied the capacity of germ cell nuclei to promote development of complete and fertile adults in the urodele amphibian Pleurodeles wait I. Germ cell nuclei were taken from larvae at progressive stages of larval development up to metamorphosis and transplanted into enucleated eggs. Two nonlethal chromosomal mutations were used as nuclear markers in two control series. Nuclei from all developmental stages tested were able to initiate larval development. Furthermore, nine individuals underwent metamorphosis (representing 3 % of normal blastulae) and six of these animals are now adults. When two of these six animals, a male and a female, were mated to each other, the offspring were normal. These results show conclusively, for the first time in amphibians, that germ cell nuclei remain totipotent at least during the larval period. Introduction and showed chromosomal aberrations (Di Berardino & Hoffner, 1971). Recently, the pluripotency of primordial germ cells has been shown in Xenopus laevis using another experimental method. Some PGCs were removed from early swimming tadpoles (10-day-old) and introduced into the blastocoel of host blastulae: they differentiated into some different lineages (Wylie et al. 1985). The present work is a study of the potencies of germ cell nuclei during a large part of larval period up to metamorphosis, in the urodele amphibian Pleuro- Previous experiments on Rana pipiens (Briggs & King, 1952, 1954, 1960), Xenopus laevis (Fischberg, Gurdon & Elsdale, 1958), Ambystoma mexicanum (Signoret, Briggs & Humphrey, 1962) and Pleurodeles waltl (Picheral, 1962) have shown that the potencies of somatic cell nuclei to initiate normal development decrease very early in development and become more and more limited from the tail-bud stage onwards. However, later nuclear transplantations have been successful in Xenopus laevis (Gurdon, 1962). Some fertile individuals have been obtained using nuclei from epidermal cells of hatching tadpoles 2-3 days old (Brun & Kobel, 1972) and from intestinal epithelium of larvae 4 days old (Gurdon & Uehlinger, 1966). Similar experiments have been performed with germ cell nuclei in Rana pipiens: nuclei from primordial germ cells (PGC) from 11-day-old tadpoles promoted the development of larvae which can undergo metamorphosis (Smith, 1965), but nuclei from spermatogonia produced only nonviable larvae Key words: germ cell nuclei, totipotency, urodele amphibian, transplantation. deles waltl. Materials and methods Recipient eggs Eggs were obtained from virgin females following an intramuscular injection of gonadotropin (500 i.u.). After spawning, the eggs were dejellied and washed in 10 % Steinberg's solution (Steinberg, 1957). The female pronucleus was destroyed by ultraviolet irradiation of the animal pole. This treatment prevents spontaneous gynogenesis in 472 M. Lesimple, C. Dournon, M. Labrousse and Ch. Houillon urodeles (Signoret, David, Lefresne & Houillon, 1983); it is 100% effective in Pleurodeles waltl (Signoret et al. 1962; Signoret & Picheral, 1962). The eggs were then artificially B activated by an electric discharge (Signoret & Fagnier, 1962). They were then transferred to full-strength Steinberg's medium for the nuclear transplantation. A- i Fig. 1. Histological observations of germ cells in situ in gonads of Pleurodeles waltl larvae. (A) Transverse section through the undifferentiated gonads and the mesonephnc region at stage 49. Germs cells are voluminous and display an interphasic multilobed nucleus. (B) Detail of a gonad at stage 47 showing a germ cell, tangentially sectionned, with cytoplasmic pigment granules, gc, germ cell; g, gonad; m, mesonephros; pg, pigment granules. Bar, 50fim. Transfer of germ cell nuclei into eggs in Pleurodeles Nuclei donor cells Nuclei donor cells were diploid germ cells isolated from larvae at stages 41 to 55 (Gallien & Durocher, 1957). The gonads were either at the genital crest stage, the undifferentiated stage or at the differentiated stage. Control nuclei were taken from mesonephric cells of larvae at stage 41. Cell donor larvae were anaesthetized in 0002 % MS222 prior to dissection. As shown in Fig. 1A, gonads are located on the dorsal side and extend along the mesonephros. They append in the general cavity by a very short mesenter, which was sectioned with a pair of fine forceps. The gonads were placed into Steinberg's medium containing EDTA (10~ 3 M), without calcium and magnesium (at pH7-4 for about lOmin) to dissociate the cells. Among the dissociated cells, germ cells were easily recognizable since they are larger (30-40 um in diameter) than somatic cells (10-15 um in diameter) and appear brighter in artificial light (Fig. 2A). Examination of these cells under a photonic microscope shows that only the largest refringent ones present a multilobed nucleus (phase contrast, Fig. 2C) and cytoplasmic pigment granules (transmitted light, Fig. 2B) which are specific histological characteristics for the identification of germ cells (Fig. 1A,B). Mesonephros were removed and dissociated by the same technique to obtain isolated mesonephric cells. Nuclear transplantation The nuclear transplantation was done by the classical technique developed for the embryonic nuclei of Rana pipiens by Briggs & King (1952) and adapted to Pleurodeles waltl by Signoret & Picheral (1962). Since the germ cells, at stages 41 to 55, are different (much smaller and without vitellus) from the cells of early embryonic stages, the operations were carried out using two binocular microscopes (removal of the nucleus at a magnification of x80 and implantation into the eggs at x25) and working manually without a micromanipulator. The germ cell implantations are 'single transfer' types, nuclei taken directly from the donor larvae. Control experiments for the transfers In order to confirm by cytological methods that development was directed by implanted nuclei, two experimental series were performed using nonlethal chromosomal mutations as markers. A pericentric inversion of chromosome 6 (Jaylet, 1971) served as a marker for the recipient egg nuclei and a reciprocal heterozygotic translocation between chromosomes 6 and 11 (Labrousse, 1984) marked the donor germinal nuclei. In each series, a caryotypic examination was conducted on a larva killed at the feeding larval stage. In Pleurodeles waltl, there are few viable strains with chromosomal mutations and the mutant fertility is very low. For these reasons, chromosomal markers could only be used in two control series. Moreover, in order to exclude the hypothesis of experimental gynogenetic development in adults obtained from the transplantation of nuclei without marker, sexual genotype was identified by analysis of the expression of peptidase-1, a polymorphic sex-linked enzyme. This enzyme is dimeric and depends on a pair of codominant alleles, Pep- 473 1A situated on the Z sex chromosome and Pep-1B located on the W sex chromosome (Ferrier, Gasser, Jaylet & Cayrol, 1983). Results After nuclear transplantation, the development of recipient eggs was observed. Table 1 summarizes the fate of eggs up to the blastula stage as related to the origin of donor nuclei (germ cells or mesonephric cells) and the larval stage of the donor. Table 2 gives the number of individuals surviving the successive developmental stages after cleavage. As shown in these tables, 35 % of the recipient eggs with implanted germ cell nuclei cleaved and 9 % reached the blastula stage. Similar percentages were obtained for eggs that received mesonephric nuclei of larval stage 41 (29 % cleaved, 8 % reached blastula stage), but none of these embryos showed any development beyond the blastula stage. Thus, mesonephric nuclei from larval stages later than stage 41 were not tested. In marked contrast, embryos from eggs receiving germ cell nuclei developed beyond the blastula stage; 3 % of complete blastulae (0-3 % of total transfers) reached metamorphosis. Six adults are presently being reared in the laboratory. All are diploids. Three are genotypic ZZ males and three are genotypic ZW females. Previously, it has been established that, in Pleurodeles, gynogenesis results in 50% ZZ males and 50% WW females (Ferrier et al. 1983; Jaylet & Ferrier, 1978). Therefore, since we have obtained the same number of ZZ males and ZW females but no WW females, our results demonstrate that each individual developed from a single grafted germ cell nucleus. Actually, four adults are 15 months old and the other two 21 and 29 months old, respectively. In February 1986, two adults, obtained from the transplantation of nuclei without marker, were mated to test their fertility. Out of the 439 eggs spawned, 350 reached feeding larval stage, a percentage of surviving animals comparable to that obtained in standard spawning. The caryotype of ten of these larvae was examined and found to be normal, showing that the parents were diploid. The offspring were normally metamorphosed. After metamorphosis, 50 animals, taken at random, were reared in the laboratory. They are now 11 months old. 23 are phenotypic males and 27 are phenotypic females. The male/female ratio confirms the ZW heterogamety of the mother (Dournon & Houillon, 1984, 1985), because a WW mother would 474 M. Lesimple, C. Dournon, M. Labrousse and Ch. Houillon have given unisexual progeny (Collenot, 1973; Jaylet & Ferrier, 1978; Dournon & Houillon, 1984). Concerning the two control series made with chromosomal markers, the first larva killed was obtained from a germ cell nucleus derived from a standard larval donor and transplanted into an egg from a female with a caryotype showing the pericentric inversion of chromosome 6. None of the mitoses analysed showed this marker chromosome or any other abnormality. The second larva killed came from the transplantation of a germ cell nucleus carrying the reciprocal translocation into an egg from a standard female. The only chromosomal aberration observed in all of the examined mitoses was the translocation. In both cases, the caryotype of the larva was, as expected, that of the transplanted nucleus. Fig. 2. In vivo observations of dissociated germ cells and somatic cells from a gonad of Pleurodeles waltl. (A) Cells under the operating stereomicroscope before nuclear transplantation. (B) Cells under the phase-contrast microscope. Germ cells are much larger than somatic cells and display a multilobed nucleus. (C) Cells under the light photonic microscope. Pigment granules are visiblein the cytoplasm of germ cells, gc, germ cell; sc, somatic cell of the gonad; mn, multilobed nucleus; pg, pigment granules. Bar, 50jum. Transfer of germ cell nuclei into eggs in Pleurodeles 475 Table 1. Cleavage of eggs following nuclear transplantation Segmentations Cellular origin of the donor nuclei Developmental stage of the donor nuclei (age and length of larval donor) Number of transplantations Number of aborted cleavages* 61 (71 %) Number of abnormal segmentations! 18 (21 %) Number of blastulae Mesonephric cells 41 (25 days, 14 mm) Germ cells 41 (25 days, 14 mm) 237 161 26 50 45 123 96 21 6 148 93 36 19 117 41 66 10 31 25 4 2 78 68 3 7 460 320 102 38 271 192 57 22 431 321 71 39 354 268 66 20 658 308 307 43 78 48 23 7 86 (100 %) 7 (8 %) (40 days, 18 mm) 46 (43 days, 18 mm) 47 (46 days, 19 mm) 48 (50 days, 20 mm) 49 (53 days, 21 mm) 50 (57 days, 23 mm) 51 (61 days, 24 mm) 52 (68 days, 27 mm) 53 (72 days, 30 mm) 54 (79 days, 38 mm) 55 (99 days, 60 mm) Total: 2986 (100 %) 1941 (65 %) 782 (26 %) 263 (9 %) * Decaying eggs that did not cleave or that extruded the transplanted nucleus. t Irregular cleavage or regular cleavage that was limited to part of the egg (partial segmentation). These results provide cytological evidence that the development of the experimental animals was actually directed by the grafted germinal nuclei. Discussion The nuclear transplantation experiments performed with different types of anuran and urodele amphibians have shown that, except in some cases in Xenopus laevis (Gurdon & Uehlinger, 1966; Brun & Kobel, 1972), somatic nuclei lose their ability to support development during the embryonic period (see Gallien, 1966 and Gurdon, 1986 for review). Our experiments with mesonephric nuclei corroborate these findings. Study of the morphogenetic potencies of germ cell nuclei in Rana pipiens has shown that nuclei of primordial germ cells isolated from young tadpoles are totipotent (Smith, 1965), but nuclei of spermatogonia isolated from juveniles and adults have lost potencies to give normal animals (Di Berardino & Hoffner, 1971). We have examined the modifications of the morphogenetic potencies of germ cells during the larval period in Pleurodeles waltl. Our results show, for the first time, that, at least up to metamorphosis, some germ cell nuclei are able to support larval development and also the development into adult and fertile animals. Therefore, these nuclei are totipotent. Nevertheless, we noted a decrease in the number of hatching larvae obtained from the transplantation of germinal nuclei taken from stage 50. This decrease could be due, in a part of the germ cell population from stage 50, to modifications in the structural organization of nuclei. These modifications could prevent the expression of the totipotency in nuclear transplantation experiments. Another possibility is 476 M. Lesimple, C. Dournon, M. Labrousse and Ch. Houillon Table 2. Development of blastulae arising from transplantation of nuclei Number of surviving animals at: Cellular origin of the donor nuclei Developmental stage of the donor nuclei Viesonephric cells 41 Germ cells 41 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 Number of blastulae (st. 5 to 7) 7 100% Total: Number Gastrula st. (st. 8 to 13) Neurula st. Tail-bud st. Hatching st. (st. 14 to 21) (st. 22 to 32) (st. 33) Feeding st. Metamorphosis st. (st. 38) (st. 56) 0 0 0 0 0% 0 50 6 19 10 2 7 38 22 39 20 43 7 43 4 9 8 2 6 24 13 14 14 19 4 19 3 5 5 2 6 8 9 10 7 7 3 10 2 2 3 1 3 6 3 4 5 4 3 6 12% 2 33% 2 11% 2 20% 1 50% 1 14% 1 3% 2 9% 2 5% 1 5% 2 5% 0 0% 1 2* 2* 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 2 0 263 (9 %) 100% 160 (5 %) 84 (3 %) 46(1-5%) 61% 32% 17% 22 (0-7 %) 8% 12 (0-4%) 5% of adults 0 0 It 1 It 1 0 1 0 1 0 9 (0-3 %) 1 1 6 (0-2 %) 3% Percentages in brackets were calculated from the total number of transfers. Percentages in bold were calculated from the original number of blastulae obtained for each stage. * One larva was sacrificed for caryotypic examination (control series). t Mating animals which reproduced at 18 months for the female and 10 months for the male. that modifications could occur at the level of the genome itself and, therefore, lead to a restriction of morphogenetic potencies of the nuclei. From stage 50 onwards, a modification of the rate of the germ cell proliferation appears and the proliferation becomes different in male and in female larvae (Dournon, unpublished data). A differentiation of germ cells into spermatogonia or oogonia could explain these phenomena. However, gonocytes remained in the gonads of young and adult animals and our successful experiments at the later larval stages were perhaps due to the transplantation of nuclei from these stem germ cells, which lead us to suspect that a totipotent germ cell population is maintained throughout the entire lifetime of these amphibians. We thank Drs C. Aimar, J. Lefresne and C. Pieau for their help during the course of this work. We are particularly grateful to Dr J. Signoret for his valuable discussions and constructive suggestions. We are obliged to Dr J. B. Gurdon for the critical reading of the manuscript. We thank J. Desrosiers for the illustration. The only support was provided by University Pierre et Marie Curie. References BRIGGS, R. & KING, T. J. (1952). Transplantation of living nuclei from blastula cells into enucleated frogs' eggs. Proc. natn. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 38, 455-463. BRIGGS, R. & KING, T. J. (1954). 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