Board meeting 1- 2012 - BELMONT COUNTY 9-1-1

Belmont County 9-1-1 Enhanced Board
Meeting Minutes
Call To Order- The Belmont County Enhanced 9-1-1 Board was called to order at 5:30 p.m., January 10, 2012,
in the Belmont County Communications Center by Chairman Zdanski.
Pledge of Allegiance
Roll Call: Present were: Tim Zdanski, Belmont County Law Enforcement; Bob Smith, Belmont County Fire
Chiefs; Jack Regis Jr., Belmont County Fire Chiefs; Mike Bianconi, Belmont County Trustees Association; Greg
Bizzarri, Belmont County Trustees Association; Jeff Gazdik, Belmont County Emergency Personnel; Patty
Phillips, Belmont County Emergency Personnel; Dave Ivan, Belmont County E.M.A. Director; Allan Ketzell
III, Belmont County Fire & Squad Officers Association; Sue Pelkowski, Belmont County Mayor; Vince
DiFabrizio, Belmont County Mayor; Dr. Robert Cross, Belmont County Medical Society; Ed Gorence, Belmont
County Lay Person; as Board members and Director Marshall.
Reading of Minutes- Minutes for the December meeting were distributed via e-mail and printed copies passed
out prior to the meeting. Motion to accept minutes by Ketzell, seconded by Bianconi (Ayes- All, Nays- None)
Motion carried. Ketzell still working on October 2011 minutes.
Election of OfficersChairman-
Allan Ketzell. Motion made by Regis, seconded by Smith.
Tim Zdanski. Motion made by Bianconi, seconded by Bizzarri.
Vote was answered by roll call, with Ketzell receiving the majority vote.
Allan Ketzell is the New Chairman.
Vice Chairman- Jeff Gazdik. Motion made by DiFabrizio, seconded by Regis.
Jack Regis declined a nomination. Motion made to close nominations by Ivan.
(Ayes- All Nays- None) Jeff Gazdik is the New Vice Chairman.
SecretaryPatty Phillips. Motion made by Smith, seconded by Ketzell. Motion to
Close nominations by Regis. (Ayes-All Nays- None)
Patty Phillips is the New Secretary.
Chairman Elect Ketzell replaced outgoing Chairman Zdanski at this point.
Equipment Committee Appointees- Ketzell, Smith, Phillips and Ivan.
New Members- Director Marshall welcomed new members to the Board:
Patty Phillips, Jack Regis Jr., and Sue Pelkowski.
Director’s Report Statistical Report for 2011 was distributed to Board Members for their review.
 Phase I & Phase II – State 911 Wireless has distributed $15,084.49 for December 2011.
 Board Members introduced themselves.
Unfinished Business- Mike Bianconi asked the status of the radios from Glencoe. Robyn has talked with the
County Commissioners and it is now up to them on how to proceed.
The secretary needs to prepare minutes and get them to Missy for distribution to the Board Members, prior to
the next meeting.
Copies of the Final Plan are available from Director Marshall.
Discussion was held concerning the S.O.P.’s. Discussion was held as to making sure time checks are
happening. Director Marshall stated that the time checks are in the S.O.P.’s. Chief Zdanski feels there is still a
long way to go for law enforcement. A discussion was held in regards to having a meeting with Police Chiefs.
The Chiefs would be asked to send in questions in advance in preparation for a meeting with Director
Marshall. It was decided to send a letter and schedule a meeting with the Chiefs. The hopes are to be able to
come to an agreement about how the time checks should be handled. Is a meeting also necessary with the Fire
Chiefs? Dave Ivan reported that E.M.A. is good and that no meeting was needed for his office.
Mr. Kinter was unable to make tonight’s meeting.
New Business- Director Marshall has met with Commissioner Favede about the 911 levy and how to proceed.
They will be taking another look at the situation with the radios to see what is actually needed to be appointed
to handle the 911 levy. No decision was made. The levy should appear on the November ballot. Director
Marshall will contact Commissioner Favede about attending the next board meeting. Director Marshall will be
meeting with Staley’s representative to discuss the needs of the backbone system. Director Marshall had
$80,000.00 carry over from the 2011 budget and will be purchasing 20 portables in February 2012. Older
radios will be pulled and replaced with new. Director Marshall has a meeting with Sgt. Forro from the Belmont
County Sheriff’s Department about radios. Some radios will be switched out and repaired as they are covered
under the maintenance contract. The Sheriff’s Department is still having some issues with their new radios
regarding dead spots. Sgt. Moore was asked to compile a list of all issues both good and bad . Director
Marshall was unaware of these issues. Ivan asked if the old radios will work with the new backbone system.
Director Marshall stated they will. Director Marshall compiled a list of several radios that have not been turned
on or used in the last year. She is working on locating them and getting them back. Discussion was held as to
why some have not been turned on in the last year. Gazdik questioned if by having the levy on the November
2012 ballot there would be sufficient time to get things running by the first of the year. Board members were
told there should not be a problem.
Director Marshall has had meetings with Sheriff Thompson as well as Sgt. Forro. The Board seat of
Couch was again questioned. He is not employed by the Sheriff’s Department, but he is commissioned
through them. According to the Final Plan, after (3) three unexcused absences from the meeting; a Board
member can be replaced.
Chairman Ketzell expressed concern that not enough appreciation is being given to the 911 administration and
Bianconi questioned as to whether anything needed done pertaining to negotiations for the radio towers.
Director Marshall stated that nothing needed done until 2015.
Good of the Order
Motion to adjourn by Bianconi, seconded by Ivan (Ayes- All: Nays- None) Motion Carried.
The next meeting will be Tuesday, February 14, 2012, at 5:30 p.m. in the E.C.C.
Patty Phillips, Secretary