The Link 875 - Charles Darwin School

Ski Trip
Despite a couple of injuries this
year’s ski trip was a great success.
Providing an opportunity for our
students to experience enriching
activities of this sort is a vitally
important ingredient in their all-round
education and staff giving up their
valuable personal time to facilitate
this is very much appreciated by all.
Organising such a trip is an onerous
task - the administrative and
bureaucratic work required is
considerable as is the responsibility
associated with taking a group
abroad. The students thoroughly
enjoyed themselves and were an
absolute credit to the school.
Easter School
A good number of students attended
the holiday revision sessions. The
feedback from pupils that I spoke to
appreciate the time that staff give up
to support their revision. Students
spoke highly of the material staff
provided to support revision and
about the style that staff adopted
during the sessions.
Your Choice, Your Voice
On Thursday Year 10 students
attended Your Choice, Your Voice
sessions which focused on the
issues of sexual consent. The
feedback from the staff taking the
sessions was very positive with
some students asking excellent
questions about sensitive issues.
Sunil Chotai
on Wednesday, 26 April 2017
3:15pm – 6:15pm
is an opportunity for pupils and their
families to discuss pupil progress.
Oz Schoolwear will be present
selling school uniform and PE kit.
Governors will be conducting parent
consultation so please respond to
the questionnaire if you can, either
on the night or later by email.
Refreshments will also be available
courtesy of the Friends.
Students remain calm in a crisis
Whilst academic study is clearly a pivotal element of school life, here at
Charles Darwin School we also aim to develop personal qualities and the
confidence and self-reliance to make a positive contribution to society.
George Kitchener, Taner Djelal, David Slade and George Elsey
demonstrated their community spirit recently and I was very pleased to
receive the following letter of commendation. I should also like to thank
them all for their conscientious and compassionate actions.
Mr Chotai
Dear Head Teacher,
Stagecoach operates the 664 bus route and on 30 March, at about
16:00pm, one of our drivers was taken ill on the bus. She was unable to
breathe properly and so unable to call for assistance. From the reports I
have been given, your students acted extremely well and called for an
ambulance and stayed with her, whilst the driver was waiting for it to arrive.
Our controllers called the bus to see how the driver was and one of the
students answered the radio and relayed all the information we needed.
The controller was very impressed with the young man who answered the
radio as he was calm and clear in his responses to questions and helped
us to locate the driver.
The driver has been released by the paramedics and is on the mend
thanks to the quick thinking and positive actions taken by your students.
The young man on the radio was David Slade, I do not know how old he is
or which class he is in, I hope you can find him. Could you please pass on
both ours and the driver's thanks to David and all the students who helped?
Many thanks and kind regards.
Chris Morris
Assistant Operations Manager, Bromley Garage, Stagecoach
Ski trip—30 March to 7 April 2018
Places are available on next year’s ski trip to Austria
over Easter 2018. The trip is open to Years 7, 8, 9
and 11 and costs £940. A £150 deposit is required
and can be paid via ParentPay once a student is
accepted onto the trip and the balance is payable by
17 November 2017.
Please see Mr Doig in Sc5 for further details.
The Link
Issue number: 875
Events, Fixtures and Educational Visits
Monday 24 to Friday 28 April
24 April 2017 — Bromley Sharing dance performances
26 April 2017 — Year 10 Parents evening
27 April 2017 — Junior maths challenge
27 April 2017 — Year 13 PE BTEC trip to Aqua Sports
Forthcoming events
1 May 2017 — Bank Holiday
3 May 2017 — Year 7 Parents evening
8 May 2017 — Friends meeting at 7:00pm in the Sixth Form hub
500 Words
Seven years ago, DJ Chris Evans had a dream: to get all children, no matter
what their ability, excited about reading and writing. 500 Words is now one
of the most successful story-writing competitions for children in the world.
Winning stories will be read live on the radio by a celebrity…such as Julie
Walters, Tom Hiddleston, Sir Kenneth Branagh, Jeremy Irons, or Sherlock
himself – Benedict Cumberbatch. Each year, ten million Radio 2 listeners
hear, read and love these stories.
Year 7 students have been taking part and some of their 500 Words short
stories will be reproduced in the Link over the coming weeks.
Friend or Foe
Tommie was a normal boy, living a normal life with his parents.
Every night he walked up his boring stairs like he did every day, went into
the same boring room he did every day and got into the same boring bed he
did every night. Tommie always managed to get to sleep very easily every
night. But what he didn't know was that this night wasn't the same. Yawning,
he clambered into his blue bed and sat up with a puzzled look across his
face. “Why can't I get to sleep, this is strange.” he murmured to himself.
A creak came from his wardrobe placed in the very corner of his room.
Tommie always said he would never get scared but he couldn't keep that
promise, not tonight anyway, Tommie was scared, very scared! “What are
you? Please come out!” he said hiding beneath his duvet trembling.
A small opening appeared in his wardrobe where a purple spotted, green
fluffy hand popped out, finger by finger. Next his foot and then his head and
Tommie didn't feel quite as afraid anymore. As this strange creature
stepped out Tommie opened his mouth and… “Hello, where have you come
from?” he whispered. “Well I'm here because in my normal land nobody
would bother to accept me as their own so I ran away and ended up here”
the monster whimpered. Tommie reached his arms out and gave the
monster a massive hug. Both Tommie and the monster fell asleep in
minutes. “Tommie! Come here now!” his mother yelled.
Tommie made his way downstairs to see his mother standing there with a
stern look spread across her face. “Who were you talking to last night, I
heard another voice.”
“Oh nobody, nobody at all, well I better get off to school or I'll be late.”
Tommy made his way off to school his heart pounding like lightning.
After school
“Hello sweetie, how’s your day been? I have some news and it's not so
good at all.”
“Oh what is it mum?”
“Well you know who you were talking to last night, he came downstairs
and… well he ran away… you could put it that way I guess.”
Tommie’s heart sunk and his eyes were welling up with tears. “Well we
better go and find him”
But what they did not know was that he was right behind them huddled up in
a corner, crying. “I'm so sorry I shouldn’t have come here it was a big
mistake, what was I thinking?” said the monster.
Before he could run away Tommie grabbed him, he knew he could never let
him go.
“Please don't ever go you have made my life, well, not so boring at all so
thank you for that.”
Michaela Bell
Pupils for Praise
Duty pupils of the week ending
Tania Tsanova, Alex Roffey,
Haydon Wood and Mia Kirby
from 8RMa
Mrs Mills
Geography Star of the Week
is awarded to Geena Wood.
Geena consistently works to
the best of her abilities in geography
producing work of a high quality and
standard of the work continues to
improve. Well done and keep it up.
Mr Goss
thank you to all
our pupils who
daffodils to take
home to family
Sunday before
the Easter
break. One hundred
percent of your child's donation will
be passed to Cancer Research UK.
For those of you that were handed
flowers please thank your child from
us. So far, at the time of going to
print, we had raised a fantastic
We would also like to say a huge
thank you to Waitrose in Biggin Hill
for their wonderful community spirit
by kindly donating a large number of
the daffodils.
Mrs Ash, Mrs Newall,
Miss Turner and Mrs Walker
Sainsbury’s Active Kids
A reminder that if you shop in
Sainsbury’s anytime before Tuesday
2 May please take the vouchers
offered and send them into our
collection box in main reception.
We have been able to buy a range
of equipment for the school in the
past and we hope to be able to do
the same again this year.
Please help us to collect. Thank you.
Miss Case